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The Twelfth Annual Behavioral Health Information Management Conference and Exposition

Addressing the Needs of Mental Health, Alcohol, and Other Drug Programs

Conference Program

April 4 - 5, 2012Hollywood Renaissance Hotel1755 North Highland AvenueHollywood, CA 90028

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2012 Conference Planning CommitteeStephen Bright, PhD

Office of Applied Research and Analysis,California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

Mark E. Bryan, MSWExecutive Committee, CADPAAC and Yolo County Department of Alcohol, Drug and Mental Health Services

Keith Clausen, PhDCalifornia Quality Improvement Committee San Mateo County Mental Health Services

Monica Davis, MBACA Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies

Mental Health America of Los Angeles

Richard DeLiberty, MSWConference Co-Organizer

John de Miranda, EdM Faces and Voices of Recovery

National Association on Alcohol, Drugs and Disability, Inc.

William Dombrowski, PhDExecutive Committee, CAADPE and

Substance Abuse Services Division, Didi Hirsch CMHC

Rick Doucet, MAColorado Behavioral Health Council

Community Reach Center

Patrick J. Fleming, MPA, LSACNational Association of County Behavioral Health

and Disability DirectorsDivision of Behavioral Health ServicesSalt Lake County Government Center

Jennifer GabalesCalifornia Alliance of Child and Family Services

Michael Gorodezky, MSW, PhDBehavioral Health Informatics Consultant

Karen HartUnited Advocates for Children and Families

Michele PetersonCalifornia Council of Community Mental Health Agencies

Michael R. Lardiere, LCSWThe National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare

Robert MayerSAMHSA

James McNulty, AB, ScBNAMI

DSM-V Task Force

Keris Jän Myrick, MBA, PhDNAMI

Project Return Peer Support Network

Stephanie Oprendek, PhDCalifornia Institute for Mental Health

Rendell RequiroCMHDA IT Committee

County of Monterey - Health Department

Madelyn Schlaepfer, PhD CADPAAC

Stanislaus County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services

Vicki L. Staples, MEd, CPRPPacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center and

Clinical Initiatives, Center for Applied Behavioral Health Policy Arizona State University

Gigi Smith, DMInformation Technology Division

California Department of Alcohol and Drug Programs

Sean TracyOffice of Community Services

California Department of Mental Health

William UllomAPS Healthcare

Becky VaughnState Associations of Addiction Services

Joseph VigerSoftware and Technology Vendors Association and

The Echo Group

Dan WaltersCMHDA IT Committee

Kern County Mental Health

Chris WyreInformatics Committee, Mental Health Corporations of America

Volunteer Behavioral Health Care System2

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Program at-a-Glance

Wednesday, April 4, 20127:30 AM – 5:15 PM RegistRation

7:30 AM – 10:00 AM Continental BReakfast and exhiBit hall open

8:00 AM – 8:45 AM pRoduCt demonstRation

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM pRoduCt demonstRation

10:00 AM – 10:25 AM ConfeRenCe oveRview

10:25 AM – 11:20 AM

new models of moRe Closely CooRdinating physiCal health, mental health and suBstanCe use seRviCes: impliCations foR health infoRmation management systems

11:20 AM – 12:15 PM

the Continuity of CaRe doCument (CCd): stRuCtuRing the CliniCal Content of BehavioRal health ReCoRds to enaBle inteRopeRaBility aCRoss diveRse ehR systems

12:15 PM – 2:00 PM lunCh, exhiBit hall open

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM pRoduCt demonstRation

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM

a panel of expeRts Respond: emeRging ehR pRivaCy and seCuRity issues foR mental health and suBstanCe use tReatment pRogRams

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM BReak and exhiBit hall open

4:00 PM – 5:15 PM

ConCuRRent sessionsIntroduction to Behavioral Health Information Technology (HIT) and Health Information Exchange (HIE): A Non-technical Primer for Executives

Show Me the Money – A Step by Step Guide to Mean-ingful Use Incentives

Interconnect-ing EHRs Throughout Provider Organizations within a Single System of Care: County Solutions to Addressing Potentially Disparate Technologies

Increasing Client Access to Their Elec-tronic Records and to Informa-tion and Com-munication Technologies (ICTs) to Prevent Relapse and Promote Recovery

5:15 PM – 6:45 PM exhiBitoR ReCeption and exhiBit hall open

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM pRoduCt demonstRation

Thursday, April 5, 20127:30 AM – 4:30 PM RegistRation

7:30 AM – 8:15 AM Continental BReakfast and exhiBit hall open

8:30 AM – 9:40 AM

suCCessful examples of health infoRmation oRganizations (hios) exChanging Client BehavioRal health infoRmation

9:45 AM – 10:45 AM

the CliniCians’ peRspeCtive: how the use of ehRs impaCt theiR deliveRy of seRviCes

10:45 AM – 11:15 AM BReak and exhiBit hall open

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM

ConCuRRent sessionsBest Practices for Selecting an EHR and EHR Vendor: Saving Time and Money by Doing it Right

Protecting Privacy in an In-teroperable World

How to Select the Most Useful Performance and Outcome Measures for Evaluation and Quality Improvement

Harnessing the Power of EHRs for Treatment Plan Documentation and Decision Support

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM lunCh and exhiBit hall open

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM pRoduCt demonstRation

2:00 PM – 3:15 PM

ConCuRRent sessionsCase Studies in Best Practices for Implementing an EHR

Improving Your Revenue Cycles with an EHR: Reducing Billing Problems and Preparing for ICD-10

The Bridge to Health Care Reform: How Public Systems of Care Are Piloting HIT Support for Closer Coordination of Behavioral Health and Primary Care Services

Nationwide Survey Results: Trends in EHR Adoption by Behavioral Health Providers

3:15 PM – 3:30 PM BReak

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

Closing geneRal sessionhow to fix the healthCaRe system: the Role of infoRmation management in the safety net

4:30 PM ConfeRenCe adjouRns


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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Wednesday, A pril 4, 2012

7:30 AM – 5:15 PM RegistRation gRand BallRoom foyeR

7:30 AM – 10:00 AM Continental BReakfast and gRand BallRoom salons 1 & 2 exhiBit hall open

8:00 AM – 8:45 AM pRoduCt demonstRation salon 5

9:00 AM – 9:45 AM pRoduCt demonstRation salon 4

10:00 AM – 10:25 AM ConfeRenCe oveRview salon 3 Tom Trabin, PhD, MSM, Conference Chair, Behavioral Health Informatics and Executive Consultant Sandra Naylor Goodwin, PhD, MSW, President and CEO, California Institute for Mental Health (CiMH)

10:25 AM – 11:20 AM geneRal session keynote salon 3

NeW MoDelS of More cloSely coorDiNaTiNG PhySical healTh, MeNTal healTh aND SubSTaNce uSe ServiceS: iMPlicaTioNS for healTh iNforMaTioN MaNaGeMeNT SySTeMSMichael lardiere, lcSW, Vice President, Health Information Technology and Strategic Development, The

National Council for Community Behavioral HealthcareHistorically the fields of physical health, mental health and substance use services have been ambivalent about how closely they should work together. With the encouragement nationwide for closer coordination of all health care services, creative new models have emerged for how this can be accomplished. The presenter will review several examples of integrated care programs and the progress made towards the adoption of such models. They will discuss the information management implications of evidence based integrated care programs, such as whether client information from these types of services should be kept separately protected or be integrated into one client record. They will review functional elements such as tracking key indicators, providing alerts for regular screens, and facilitating outcomes reporting. They will also discuss challenges related to acquiring “best of breed” specialty software for each type of health care service, contracting with a single electronic health record (EHR) vendor to address the information management needs of all the services, or working to develop interfaces between existing electronic record systems.

11:20 AM – 12:15 PM geneRal session keynote salon 3

The coNTiNuiTy of care DocuMeNT (ccD): STrucTuriNG The cliNical coNTeNT of behavioral healTh recorDS To eNable iNTeroPerabiliTy acroSS DiverSe ehr SySTeMSJohn leipold, Dba, Mba, Chair, Software and Technology Vendors Association (SATVA); Executive Vice

President / COO, Valley Hope AssociationMike Morris, Board Member, Software and Technology Vendors’ Association (SATVA); President/CEO,

Anasazi Softwarechris Wyre, (Moderator), Chair, Informatics Committee, Mental Health Corporations of America (MHCA);

President/CEO, Volunteer Behavioral Health Care SystemHealth information exchange requires a foundation in various types of interoperability standards. Among the standards needed is a content structure for the client record. Presenters for this session will be representatives from a national trade association of behavioral health providers and a national association of behavioral health software vendors. They will describe a successfully completed pilot project to develop a CCD for widespread use as a content structure for the behavioral health client record. They will demonstrate how the CCD can be used to facilitate electronic communication of client data across diverse EHR software systems, and how it can be accompanied by appropriate consent forms in electronic formats. They will convey in compelling visuals how these cutting edge approaches can replace faxes and dramatically enhance the coordination of care.

12:15 PM – 2:00 PM lunCh, exhiBit hall open the annex

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM pRoduCt demonstRation salon 4


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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Wednesday, A pril 4, 2012

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM geneRal session panel salon 3

a PaNel of exPerTS reSPoND: eMerGiNG ehr Privacy aND SecuriTy iSSueS for MeNTal healTh aND SubSTaNce uSe TreaTMeNT ProGraMSlinda Garrett, JD, Partner, Risk Management Services (RMS), Medical-Legal Consultant and TrainerDavid Minch, Chair, HIMSS National HIE Committee; Co-Chair, California OHII Security Committee;

HIPAA/HIE Project Manager, John Muir Healthrenée Popovits, JD, Principal Attorney, Popovits & Robinson, Attorneys at Law and Co-Chair of Substance

Abuse Legal Committee for the Illinois Office of Health Information Technology (OHIT)Tom Trabin, PhD, MSM, (Moderator), Conference Chair, Behavioral Health Informatics and Executive ConsultantEach advancing step in widespread implementation of health information technologies introduces new and more complex privacy and security concerns. The panel of county, state and national experts for this perennial session will highlight these concerns, particularly as they pertain to the exchange of mental health and substance use treatment information. They will introduce the latest policy thinking regarding how best to address these concerns. The session will also include time for broad-ranging audience questions for the panel.

3:30 PM – 4:00 PM BReak and exhiBit hall open


4:00 PM – 5:15 PM ConCuRRent sessions

iNTroDucTioN To behavioral healTh iNforMaTioN TechNoloGy (hiT) aND healTh iNforMaTioN exchaNGe (hie): a NoN-TechNical PriMer for execuTiveS salon 6lisa farrell, Senior Analyst, APS HealthcareDan Walters, Technology Services Manager, Kern County Mental HealthDelving into the world of behavioral HIT and HIE and finding one’s way can seem daunting, and trying to understand all the terms and acronyms can feel overwhelming. Presenters will clarify some of the fundamental concepts and acronyms of HIT, such as EHRs, EMRs, PHRs, HIEs, 42CFR.2, HIPAA, Meaningful Use and the HiTech Act, etc. They will overview the major policy and practice concerns, and explain how to get the most out of the vendor product demonstrations and exhibit booths. They will also provide non-technical explanations of several types of standards intended to facilitate electronic HIE between organizations with disparate information systems, such as CCD, XML and HL7.

ShoW Me The MoNey – a STeP by STeP GuiDe To MeaNiNGful uSe iNceNTiveS salon 5Gordon bunch, Ma, Project Manager, Chief Information Office Bureau, County of Los Angeles,

Department of Mental Health Dorian Seamster, MPh, Chief of Health Information Services, California Health Information Partnership

and Services Organizations (CalHIPSO)Many organizations are interested in pursuing meaningful use EHR incentive dollars but are unsure how to proceed or aren’t clear if they are eligible. The presenters will begin with a brief overview of the intent behind Meaningful Use measures as standards and incentives for EHRs through the HITECH section of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. They will then describe some of the specific measures included. The presenters will explain in practical terms the steps to meeting the criteria from the initial application process to meeting the requirements. They will also address the types of situations in which the costs of meeting meaningful use requirements outweigh the benefits.

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Wednesday, A pril 4, 2012


iNTercoNNecTiNG ehrs ThrouGhouT ProviDer orGaNizaTioNS WiThiN a SiNGle SySTeM of care: couNTy SoluTioNS To aDDreSSiNG PoTeNTially DiSParaTe TechNoloGieS salon 3Michael alonso, Director, Information Technology, Seneca Family of Agenciesbrian Davidson, BHEHR Implementation Program Manager, Behavioral Health Department, County of

San Luis Obispo Health AgencyDan MacKirdy, Technology Supervisor, County of San Luis Obispo Health Agencyrendell i. requiro, Business Technology Analyst, County of Monterey - Health DepartmentCounties developing their EHR solutions must consider how to interconnect with both county-operated and contracted provider organizations throughout multiple sites, many of which may be using technology solutions other than the one the county selected. Presenters will describe different strategies counties are using to facilitate electronic data interchange for multiple functions including coordination of care, billing and reports.

iNcreaSiNG clieNT acceSS To Their elecTroNic recorDS aND To iNforMaTioN aND coMMuNicaTioN TechNoloGieS (icTs) To PreveNT relaPSe aND ProMoTe recovery salon 4Keris Jän Myrick, Mba, PhD, Executive Director, Project Return Peer Support NetworkJames McNulty, ab, Scb, President Emeritus, NAMI, Member, DSM-V Task ForceHealth information technology can potentiate clients’ access to their records, improve their connectedness to their treatment providers, and help prevent relapse and promote recovery. Presenters will overview how clients are using behavioral health-oriented personal health records (PHRs) and accessing their own EHRs for these purposes, and suggest what approaches seem to work best as user-friendly and value-added ways to increase use. In addition, presenters will review some of the creative uses of such ICTs as smart phones, PDAs, notepads, tablets, signature pads, and other digitalplatforms to transform treatment and self care, prevent relapse and promote recovery. They will also explain some of theprivacy and security challenges these technologies pose, and how they are being addressed.

5:15 PM – 6:45 PM exhiBitoR ReCeption and exhiBit hall open salon 1 & 2

5:30 PM – 6:15 PM pRoduCt demonstRation salon 4

7:30 AM – 4:30 PM RegistRation gRand BallRoom foyeR

7:30 AM – 8:15 AM Continental BReakfast and exhiBit hall open salon 1 & 2

Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thursday, A pril 5, 2012

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thursday, A pril 5, 2012


8:30 AM – 9:40 AM geneRal session keynote salon 3 SucceSSful exaMPleS of healTh iNforMaTioN orGaNizaTioNS (hios) exchaNGiNG clieNT behavioral healTh iNforMaTioNWende baker, Med, Network Director, Electronic Behavioral Health Information Network (eBHIN)Paul Mathews, Chief Technology Officer, OCHIN, Inc.richard Deliberty, MSW, (Moderator), Conference Co-organizer, Behavioral Health Informatics and

Executive ConsultantHIOs vary in their practices regarding protection and exchange of behavioral health information. Presenters representing HIOs known for their effective practices in this regard will describe their related policies and procedures, how they came to develop them, and how effectively the implementation of them is working. They will explain how their services support coordination of care between behavioral health and general medical treatment service providers, and how they also protect against the unwarranted sharing of sensitive behavioral health information. They will report on lessons learned and offer suggestions on health information exchange practices for other HIOs.

9:45 AM – 10:45 AM geneRal session panel

The cliNiciaNS’ PerSPecTive: hoW The uSe of ehrs iMPacT salon 3Their Delivery of ServiceSSalvador Delrosario, MD, Child Psychiatrist / Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA-Kern Residency

Program, Kern County Mental Health System of CarePam royer, Clinician, Telecare: Yolo StridesShirley Summers, MSW, Chief Operating Officer, Behavioral Health Services, Inc.lamar J. Kerley, MS, MfT, (Moderator), Senior EHR Analyst, Kern County Mental Health System of CareAs implementations of the full capabilities of EHRs increase, the clinical functionality is more extensively deployed in behavioral health services and clinicians are experiencing the impact. This panel of clinician presenters will describe the impact of EHRs on such aspects of their workflow as treatment documentation, relationship with clients they serve, and coordination of care with other clinician providers. They will also discuss from experience how the downsides of EHRs can be minimized, how the advantages can be maximized, and how training in EHR use can be improved.

10:45 AM – 11:15 AM BReak and exhiBit hall open

11:15 AM – 12:30 PM ConCuRRent sessions

beST PracTiceS for SelecTiNG aN ehr aND ehr veNDor: SaviNG TiMe aND salon 3MoNey by DoiNG iT riGhTDon blake, Director of Information Technology, Mental Health Systems, Inc.colleen Marshall, lMfT, Senior Vice President Professional Development, Mental Health Systems, Inc.Phyllis Persinger, Chief Information Officer, Volunteer Behavioral Health Care Systemchris Wyre, President/CEO, Volunteer Behavioral Health Care SystemSelecting an EHR can be a confusing, time-consuming and expensive process. Presenters for this session will provide the attendees with a specific, usable framework for finding, assessing and selecting an electronic health records information system. Specific topics to be covered will include the various types of technologies available in the market, functionality required and certifications to check, managing the RFP process, and evaluating the vendor. The presenters will review common mistakes and explain how to avoid them.

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thursday, A pril 5, 2012


ProTecTiNG Privacy iN aN iNTeroPerable WorlD salon 6Paul litwak, Attorney & Counselor at LawDan Walters (Moderator), Technology Services Manager, Kern County Mental HealthHealth information exchange (HIE) is expanding throughout our healthcare delivery system, intensifying the challenges of protecting the privacy and security of behavioral health clients. Presenters in this session will describe and explain many of these challenges, including how they apply to the laws and regulations for both mental health and substance use treatment services. They will also provide recommendations for how these challenges can be addressed effectively, and will provide examples of how electronic consent forms for disclosure and re-disclosure might be standardized that help providers comply with 42CFR.2, HIPAA and California state regulations.

hoW To SelecT The MoST uSeful PerforMaNce aND ouTcoMe MeaSureS for evaluaTioN aND qualiTy iMProveMeNT salon 5Patrick Miles, PhD, Assistant Director, San Mateo County BHRSNubia Torres, Senior Data Analyst, Santa Clara County, Data Analysis & Evaluation, Department of Alcohol

and Drug ServicesBecause usage of BH software is so often concentrated around the actual service providers, executive and quality assurance staff are often unsure how to make use of the treasure trove of data available to them through their EHR. Presenters will provide an overview of some of the data elements most widely used for performance measure dashboards and outcome measures, some of the approaches to analyzing and reporting data that can support decision making and promote quality improvement, and some of the reporting features common to many EHRs that can make data analysis and reporting more efficient.

harNeSSiNG The PoWer of ehrs for TreaTMeNT PlaN DocuMeNTaTioN aND DeciSioN SuPPorT salon 4edward cohen, PhD, Lead Clinical Consultant, County Treatment Plan Coalition; Associate Professor and

Graduate Program Coordinator, School of Social Work, San Jose State UniversityDebbie innes-Gomberg, PhD, Steering Committee Member, County Treatment Plan Coalition; District

Chief - MHSA Implementation Unit, Los Angeles County - Department of Mental HealthTom Trabin, PhD, MSM, Chair, County Treatment Plan Coalition; Associate Director of Adult Services,

Alameda County Behavioral Health Care ServicesEHRs can provide documentation and decision support for treatment planning through lists of extensive sample items that would not be feasible to sift through on paper. A coalition of 26 California counties selected, added to and customized a comprehensive list of over 5,000 items during a two-year period that is now ready for installation. Presenters will describe a historic process of broadly representative and diverse stakeholder groups reaching consensus on a new set of behavioral health content standards for wide usage. They will show excerpts from the content that demonstrate how wording can be consumer friendly in everyday English and still meet Medi-Cal documentation requirements. They will explain how keywords and drop-down boxes that incorporate the organizing headings can serve to make extensive lists of items easily searchable.

12:30 PM – 2:00 PM lunCh and exhiBit hall open salon 1 & 2

1:00 PM – 1:45 PM pRoduCt demonstRation salon 4

2:00 PM – 3:15 PM ConCuRRent sessions

caSe STuDieS iN beST PracTiceS for iMPleMeNTiNG aN ehr salon 4Paul Gibson, Manager, Data Management Services & Performance Measurement, Stanislaus CountyTim Wafa, JD, Director of Information Services, Enterprise Solutions, Telecare CorporationThe implementation of a new EHR is a huge and often daunting task that requires substantial time and resources from the implementing organization. Fortunately, much is already known about best practices that can save on expenses and maximize the road to success. Presenters will use their organizations’ case examples to provide insight and tools for guiding attendees through an implementation, from the early planning stages through training all staff. It will also include discussion of decisions that impact the roll out of an EHR such as the pros and cons of implementing all functions at once vs. a phased in approach, and deciding to accept the vendor’s design of workflow vs. requesting a reconfiguration to fit the varieties of workflow within one’s own organization.

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thursday, A pril 5, 2012


iMProviNG your reveNue cycleS WiTh aN ehr: reDuciNG billiNG salon 6ProbleMS aND PrePariNG for icD-10Joseph viger, Board Member, Software and Technology Vendors’ Association (SATVA), Vice President of

Business Development, The Echo GroupPeter zucker, PhD, President & CEO, Stars Behavioral Health GroupThe advantages of the EHR aren’t limited to clinical care. The presenters for this session will provide valuable insights into how an EHR can improve revenue cycle management in order to improve an organization’s bottom line. They will explain how an EHR can help reduce the number and magnitude of billing problems that result from erroneous data, poor documentation, and inefficient processes. The presenters will also highlight the magnitude of the changeover from ICD9 to ICD10 diagnostic and facility codes required by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services in 2013 for claims to be approved and paid. They will overview how software can streamline the changeover.

The briDGe To healTh care reforM: hoW Public SySTeMS of care salon 3are PiloTiNG hiT SuPPorT for cloSer coorDiNaTioN of behavioral healTh aND PriMary care ServiceSMarc avery, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Valley Cities Counseling and Consultation Patrick Miles, PhD, Assistant Director, San Mateo County BHRSSeveral public systems of care are conducting demonstration projects to integrate behavioral health with primary care services in preparation for health care reform. Presenters from two of these systems will overview their projects and how they are using HIT to help support them. Their presentations will include explanations of how they are interfacing behavioral health and primary care EHRs, how they are working out privacy and security protocols, and how they are implementing electronic exchange of referrals and ongoing care information.

NaTioNWiDe Survey reSulTS: TreNDS iN ehr aDoPTioN by salon 5behavioral healTh ProviDerSMichael lardiere, lcSW, Vice President, Health Information Technology and Strategic Development, The

National Council for Community Behavioral HealthcareThe National Council of Behavioral Health Care conducted an extensive nationwide survey in 2011 of the adoption by behavioral health providers of health information technology (HIT). The leader of the survey project from the National Council will present an overview and discussion of the results, including the extent of HIT that providers are adopting, their ability to meet Meaningful Use Criteria, their use of telemedicine, the readiness of their workforce to use HIT, and other vital elements for behavioral health providers.

3:15 PM – 3:30 PM BReak

3:30 PM – 4:30 PM hoW To fix The healThcare SySTeM: The role of iNforMaTioN salon 3 MaNaGeMeNT iN The SafeTy NeT

Dale Jarvis, cPa, Dale Jarvis and Associates, LLCMany wheels of change are continuing to turn as healthcare reform unfolds – Medicaid expansion, health insurance exchanges, the development of person-centered healthcare homes and accountable care organizations, a new focus on prevention and early intervention that paves the way for the realization of healthy communities, and new payment reform strategies. But change does not always lead to improvement and change in a “data free” environment can be a recipe for trouble. To succeed in this new environment, Clinical Managers, CFOs, and IT managers will need to understand how the healthcare system itself is being “rewired” in order to align their IT infrastructure, software platforms and information management systems with this brave new world. During this session, a nationally recognized expert will explain how the spread of health homes, accountable systems of care, and payment reforms are changing the “wiring diagram”. He will examine the implications for the safety net delivery system’s infrastructure backbone and information management requirements, and brainstorm change initiatives that will be necessary to close behavioral healthcare’s infrastructure gaps.

4:30 PM ConfeRenCe adjouRns

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thank You to our Exhibiting Sponsors

exhibit Booth #300/302/304

anasazi software, inc. www.anasazisoftware.comAnasazi Software, Inc. has been providing superior software for behavioral healthcare since 1989. Anasazi software provides a sophisticated software solution to manage every aspect of your agency, from clinical to financial and everything in between.

exhibit Booth #200

Clinivate® www.clinivate.comClinivate offers a comprehensive, flexible and easy-to-use EHR system for behavioral healthcare treatment organizations. Clinitrak is the result of a balanced blend of extensive clinical knowledge coupled with superior technical expertise. Crafted as a web-based solution, Clinitrak’s modules provide you with a seamless integration of clinical documentation including Evidence Based Practice and Outcomes Reporting features together with EDI billing functionality and QA benchmarking. Clinivate’s consultative approach to providing customer solutions is the foundation for delivering on-time, error-free implementations, ongoing training and high-touch customer/user support.

exhibit Booth #105

exym, inc. www.exym.comExym provides web-based software for electronic billing (EDI) and behavioral health practice management. We are the most widely-used behavioral health EHR in Los Angeles County, with an increasing presence in other California counties. Our AOD and residential modules, combined with extensive reporting capability, provide a truly comprehensive solution.

exhibit Booth #205/304

netsmart technologies www.ntst.comNetsmart helps transform care with innovative clinical and hosting solutions that coordinate care, improve outcomes and reduce costs. Netsmart is the leading EHR partner for behavioral health and addiction rehabilitation organizations, helping them deliver Accountable Care. Netsmart solutions are used by more than 18,000 clients worldwide. (1800 472-5509)

exhibit Booth #200/202

the echo group www.echoman.comThe Echo Group’s enterprise applications have been used nationwide for over 30 years to address the needs of Behavioral Health organizations. Whether you take advantage of our clinical and fiscal software, workflow analysis, or our transaction management outsourcing, we have the tools you’ll need to help you maximize your revenue.

exhibit Booth #111/210

welligent www.welligent.comWelligent’s web-based EHR makes it EASY to implement or improve your clinical records, staff scheduling, electronic billing and reporting. As a certified ambulatory EHR, Welligent can help you achieve Meaningful Use incentive funds. Welligent’s active CA user community helps guide our software enhancements and includes monthly Lunch & Learns, quarterly on-site meetings and more.


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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thank You to our Other Exhibitors

exhibit Booth #301/304

askesis development group www.askesis.comAskesis Development Group, Inc. is a leader in software solutions for the behavioral health, addictions treatment, and social services markets. PsychConsult® Provider is designed to integrate organizations’ clinical workflow and revenue cycle. Its architecture ensures flexibility in configuration and customization to fit your organization’s needs. PsychConsult is ARRA ONC-ATCB (Meaningful Use) Certified for Complete EHR for Eligible Professional and Eligible Hospital.

exhibit Booth #215

Behavioral health services, inc. www.bhs-inc.orgBHS Caminar is designed from the counselor’s perspective making it easy to use. Owned and operated by a national healthcare provider, it has always been a priority to make BHS Caminar affordable to other CBOs. Certified for 5010 EDI Billing, HRSA HIV/AIDS, Med / Psych, Scheduling, AR, Outcomes, MHSA…

exhibit Booth #101

Berkeley training associates www.btatraining.comBerkeley Training Associates has provided quality training and consultation services for behavioral health services since 1977. Our Director, Stan Taubman, PhD, LCSW, is the author of the BTA Treatment Plan Library developed for use in EHR’s in collaboration with the 26 county Treatment Plan Coalition, focuses on the clinical documentation issues emphasized in today’s public behavioral healthcare services.

exhibit Booth #212

Celerity llC www.celerityllc.netCelerity is the nation’s fastest growing provider of behavioral healthcare management tools and electronic medical records (EMR) or chemical dependency and mental health treatment providers. Celerity’s CAM is compliant with HIPAA, JCAHO, CARF and State Agency Regulations. CAM was designed by CLINICIANS for CLINICIANS to improve Client treatment.

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thank You to our Other Exhibitors

exhibit Booth #204

Claimtrak systems, inc. www.claimtrak.comClaimTrak Systems, Inc. has provided software solutions to mental health & human service agencies for over 22 years, offering a complete Electronic Health Record (EHR)—Clinical, Billing, Scheduling, Reporting, Medication Management, etc.—for inpatient, outpatient and residential settings. While our customers utilize much functionality “straight from the box”, the ClaimTrak system has been designed to effectively accommodate customizations to not only clinical forms, but also operational processes, meeting the specific needs of each customer. Find out how your agency can take advantage of this flexibility while meeting Meaningful Use, County and State requirements.

exhibit Booth #201/203

Credible Behavioral health software www.credibleinc.comCredible’s CCHIT Complete EHR-Certified software provides a fully integrated clinical, e-prescribing, scheduling, billing, form management, advanced search, mobile, and management reporting functionality. A leading Software as a Service (SaaS) provider for over 11 years, Credible is committed to continuous innovation, an easy to use interface, and a long term partnership approach.

exhibit Booth #313

datis www.datis.comDATIS specializes in ensuring organizational compliance while improving labor productivity within Behavioral Health Agencies. Our extensive and functional Position Control component forms the foundation for Human Resources, Payroll, Time & Attendance, Applicant Tracking, Appraisals, Open Enrollment, Corrective Actions, Employee Self Service, Manager Participation, Workflow, Executive Metrics, Reporting and more.

exhibit Booth #305/307

defran systems www.defran.comDefran Systems is a leading developer of single solution case, clinical and financial management software for the Human and Social Services Industries. The company’s web-based, flexible and reliable enterprise-wide software supports more than 1100 human services facilities in nationwide including Behavioral Health, Mental Health, Foster Care, Child Welfare, Developmental Disabilities, Substance Abuse and other specialized programs. Their core product, Evolv-CS is a completely web-based integrated EHR/EMR and AR/AP sub-ledger system that includes a host of productivity aids that are unmatched in the industry. Evolv-CS was awarded ONC certification as a Complete Ambulatory EHR in 2011.

exhibit Booth #312

foothold technology www.footholdtechnology.comFoothold Technology: Foothold Technology offers an enterprise-wide web-based software developed specifically for behavioral healthcare providers and human service agencies. The software, AWARDS, is being used by more than 600 agencies in 22 states and is ideal for many types of services: Mental Health, Alcohol & Substance Abuse, Developmental Disability, Housing, Employment & Training, Youth & Family, and more. AWARDS is certified for Meaningful Use.


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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thank You to our Other Exhibitors

exhibit Booth #113

iBm transformation resulting from HITECH, PPACA, Katie A with DCFS, and Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care require robust tools to manage your systems interoperability. IBM will demonstrate one of our many tools to support CMS standards based HIT and EHR interoperability with clinical, lab, eRx, immunization and syndromic surveillance systems and analytics that you require today. Our tools are mature and in use at many of the providers, payers and federal and state departments that you interact with today.

exhibit Booth #213

infomC www.infomc.comInfoMC is a leading software company providing clinical and financial management solutions for Managed Behavioral Healthcare and Chronic Care Management organizations in the Public Sector. InfoMC’s Incedo™ system enables organizations to manage high risk populations, lower costs, improve efficiency, and provide better outcomes.

exhibit Booth #115

kings view www.kingsview.orgKings View has addressed the unique behavioral and social needs of the seriously mentally ill for the past 60 years and is recognized as the industry leader for innovation and collaboration. Kings View offers six service lines: Mental Health, TelePsychiatry, Substance Abuse, Developmentally Disabled Programs, Youth Empowerment, and Information Systems.

exhibit Booth #315

nextgen healthcare www.nextgen.comNextGen Healthcare is a leading provider of integrated electronic health record and practice management systems, connectivity solutions, and financial management/administrative services designed to serve the needs of ambulatory practices, health systems, and hospitals of all sizes. Our award-winning, certified solutions help improve care quality and increase operational efficiencies.

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Behavioral H ealth Information M anagement Conference and Exposition

Thank You to our Other Exhibitors

exhibit Booth #103

odyssey software www.tosg.comOdyssey Software is a full-service technology firm with years of experience providing information technology services for the administrative functions of behavioral health agencies. Our primary solution, Microsoft Dynamics GP for Behavioral Health Care includes integrated financial, human resources, and payroll solutions. Odyssey can integrate the GP software with your Electronic Health Record solution, and has also developed Dashboards and Business Intelligence for Behavioral Health. To find out more about our proven solutions please contact Odyssey today at 724.940.4411 or email [email protected].

exhibit Booth #314

Qualifacts systems inc. www.qualifacts.comQualifacts is the largest SaaS provider of EHR and billing systems for behavioral health and human services providers. Qualifacts’ CareLogic Enterprise includes comprehensive, integrated clinical, financial, reporting and administrative information management capabilities. On March 22, 2011, CareLogic Enterprise received ONC-ATCB certification as a Complete EHR supporting Meaningful Use criteria for Eligible Providers; further information available at

exhibit Booth #317

the Center for applied Research solutions Center for Applied Research Solutions (CARS) is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing research-based substance abuse tools and information to the prevention community. CARS follow the latest trends in the field and then assist clients to apply the most relevant research to their prevention needs. We have over 25 years of experience working with government agencies, school- and community-based providers and grassroots coalitions.

exhibit Booth #214

valley hope – imCss www.valleyhope.orgProviding software designed by chemical dependency professionals for chemical dependency and behavioral healthcare treatment centers. Also providing consulting, benefit verification and insurance claim filing services to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations.


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E xhibit H all M ap

anasazi software, inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . .300/302/304askesis development group . . . . . . . . . . 301/303Berkeley training associates . . . . . . . . . . . . .101Behavioral health services, inc. . . . . . . . . . . .215Celerity, llC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212Claimtrak systems, inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .204Clinivate® . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205Credible Behavioral health software. . . . 201/203datis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .313defran systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305/307exym, inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105foothold technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312

iBm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113infomC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213kings view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115netsmart technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211/310nextgen healthcare . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .315odyssey software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103Qualifacts systems, inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314the Center for applied Research solutions . . 317the echo group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200/202valley hope - imCss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .214welligent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111/210

Booth #115 Booth #214

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The California Institute for Mental Health is a non-profit public interest corporation established for the purpose to promote wellness and positive mental health and substance use disorder outcomes through improvements in California’s Health System. CiMH is dedicated to a vision of “a community and mental health services system which provides recovery and full social integration for persons with psychiatric disabilities; sustains and supports families and children; and promotes mental health wellness.”

California institute for mental health2125 19th Street, 2nd Floor

Sacramento, California

(916) 556-3480 • Fax: (916) 446-4519

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