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People migrated to the US & Canada from Europe for many reasons: Religion Economics: to make more $$ Jobs (in factories and building railroads) Land Economic growth and opportunity War

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US & Canadian Physical Geography

Human Environment Interaction• Movement westward altered the land in both the U.S. and Canada• Transportation networks helped develop the land and economy of the


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Rocky Mountains

Largest & youngest! mountain range in

North America.

Stretches from Alaska to Mexico.

Stretches from eastern Canada to western


Oldest mountain range on the continent.

Appalachian Mountains

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The Mississippi: America’s Great River Road

Longest River in North


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Grand Canyon•Carved out by the Colorado River over a 5 million year time span.

•Over 1 mile deep

•Recent estimates say that the canyon is over 17 m yrs old

Continental Divide: Separates the watersheds that drain into the Pacific from those that drain into the Atlantic .

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Great Salt Lake (Utah)

6 times saltier than the oceans!

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Death Valley, CA 3,000 sq miles

Lowest, hottest & driest place in N. America

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Population Patterns

Where has population shifted over time? East to West

Human-Environment InteractionRailroads and interstate highways

opened/connected new areasRivers, dams, bridges, canals, and irrigation made

water resources more usefulPeople live near key resources

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Politics & Economics

Political System in the US: Federal Republic

US gained freedom from England in 1776.

Economic System: Mixed/Free Enterprise

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Economics - Demographics

• How would you describe the level of development of the U.S.?– More developed

• Where does the U.S. rank in the Human Development Index?– NUMBER FOUR

– HDI is based on the data collected in the chart to the left


High Per Capita GDP 45,800

High Life Expectancy 78 years

Low Population Growth Rate .88%

Low Infant Mortality 6.3/1000

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The U.S. Urbanization centered

around rivers and ports Culturally diverse Midwest is agricultural

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How do you think the US influences culture around the world?

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What do you think a former Canadian Prime Minister meant by this statement aimed at the US: "Living next to you (the US) is in some ways like sleeping with an elephant. No matter how friendly or temperate the beast, one is affected

by every twitch and grunt.“

Cultural Protectionism: In response to American popular

culture, and its overreaching effect in Canada, Canada has imposed

“protectionism” policies to limit the effect of foreign culture on its

domestic audience.

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Canadian Colonization: • Beginning in the 14th & 15th century, British, French &

Spanish expeditions explored the Eastern Coast and Hudson Bay area & later settled in this region.

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Continental Expansion &

The Transcontinental RailRoad

Shortly after the transcontinental RR was completed (1869-1885) gold was found in Yukon which brought people from all over the world seeking their fortune.

Result: many towns developed along the RR route: Near the US Canadian border.

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Population Distribution

• Population is 31.6 million & growing (putting it in perspective: US population = 350 mill)

• Most of the population is centered near the US/Canadian border. Why??

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Canada is one of the top 10 wealthiest nations in the world.

Economic System: Mixed/Socialism

Canada is a member of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) along with the US & Mexico.

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Where do you see most of the economic activities (both Agriculture & Industry) in Canada? Why?

Along the US/Canada border, because this is where the climate is more mild, and where the natural resources are located.

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Governing CanadaCanada was recognized as

an independent nation by Britain in 1931.

Parliamentary GovernmentCanada is independent but

it’s symbolic head of state remains the British Monarch.

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Canadian Shield• A very thin layer of soil lying on

top of the bedrock, with many bare outcrops.

• Is a result of glaciation.• The CS is rich in mineral

deposits, scarcely populated.

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Canadian Provinces & Territories

• Canada = 10 Provinces & 3 Territories.

• Major Cities: Quebec, Toronto & Montreal

• Capital City: Ottawa• Quebec (province): former French

colony, that still has strong cultural ties to France.

Nunavut: territory given to Inuit population (Natives).

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