Page 1: The United States National Geologic Map Database: … · 2005-10-25 · Many fields are populated with 36 ASCII character GUIDs (globally unique identifiers, the unique identifier

Progress report on the implementation of a prototype National Geologic Map DatabaseStephen M. Richard, David R. Soller, Jon A. Craigue

The United States National Geologic Map Database: ngmdb.usgs.govThe United States National Geologic Map Database:

The National Geologic Mapping Act of 1992 and its Reau-thorizations contain provisions that mandate the estab-lishment of a National Geologic Map Database (NGMDB), distributed through links to Federal and State holdings, to include geologic maps and related geoscience data de-veloped under the auspices of the Mapping Act.

NGMDB design considerations:· database as an archive of geoscience information from

which geologic maps are a type of report. · depth of knowledge representation and flexibility, not

simplicity or performance. · provision to record alternative interpretations, evolving

terminology and science paradigm, uncertainty, incom-plete knowledge, and metadata pertaining to data ac-quisition, processing, and automation.

· integration of geologic data from published maps by different authors at different scales, as well as newly ac-quired field data.

NGMDB implementation provides a relatively abstract framework that may be customized for particular project applications. Software tools are designed against the abstract frame-work, and thus portable across different customized envi-ronments that follow the design pattern.

NGMDB implementation of the NADM-C1 conceptual model revolves around three logical elements: · Vocabulary-- collection of terms and text definitions that

enumerate things thought to exist in a domain or possi-ble values for properties.

· Data Schema-- explicit representation of the data model implemented in a particular repository, included as part of the data. It specifies kinds of data objects and their properties, relationships between objects, and rules that determine valid database conditions.

· Data instance-- collection of related database records conforming to the Data Schema, which together specify attribute values for some entity of interest.

ESRI Geodatabase implementation: Basic feature classes for spatial description

Surface traces lines in a GIS that represent intersection of 3-D surfaces with a map horizon. Thus a surface trace always has a defining map hori-zon, and a classifier that specifies the kind of surface that intersects the map horizon to form the trace. Surface traces have a location uncertainty property.

Surface traces that participate in topologic rules between polygons and the geologic surface traces that bound them. Subtypes:o GeneticSurfaceTrace. Represents intersection of genetic

boundary surface (intrusive contact, depositional contact, facies boundary, etc.) with a map horizon. Classified using terms from the science language vocabulary. Topologic constraints: no dan-gles; may not intersect OutcropBoundaryTrace; must be covered by the boundary of a geologic unit polygon; may be covered by DikeTrace or VeinTrace where the dike or vein is intruded along the contact.

o FaultTrace. Represents intersection of a fault surface with a map horizon. Classified (thrust fault, normal fault, strike slip fault, de-tachment fault, etc.) using terms from the science language vo-cabulary. Topologic constraints: dangles allowed; FaultTrace may not intersect OutcropBoundaryTrace; may be covered by Dike-Trace or VeinTrace where the dike or vein is intruded along the fault; may cover the boundaries of outcrop polygons.



GeologicSurfaceTrace GeologicUnitOutcrop









Surface traces that do not participate in topologic rules between polygons and the geologic surface traces that bound them. · DikeVeinMarkerTrace. Represents intersection of a dike,

vein, or marker bed, considered as a surface, with a map horizon. Concealed traces are depicted using the same feature class. Subtypes differentiate dike trace, vein trace, and marker trace.

· HingeSurfaceTrace. Represents intersection of a fold hinge surface with a map horizon. Concealed traces are depicted using the same feature class.

· EarthFissureTrace. Represents trace of a fissure in the map horizon.

ConcealedBoundaryTrace. Represents OutcropBoun-daryTraces that are not in the depicted map horizon and do not participate in geologic unit polygon topology on the map horizon depicted. 1. Trace of a boundary surface on a buried map hori-zon (e.g. top of bedrock beneath Quaternary cover). 2. Connect traces of surfaces that have been obliterated (e.g. intruded by igneous rocks) to indicate inferred continuity. 3. boundaries on a pre-existing but related map horizono Concealed GeneticSurfaceTraceo Concealed FaultTrace. o StructureContour. represents the trace of a geologic surface

on a horizontal surface of some given elevation; contour el-evation identified by the map horizon property of the trace.


Geologic property vocabularies• Genesis terms• Consolidation degree terms• Earth material constituent role terms• Particle geometry description

vocabulary• Stratigraphic age ranks• Geologic environment classification• Geologic time scale• Rock body morphology terms• Field metamorphic grade classification• Metamorphic facies classification• Geometric aspect terms• Geologic unit part role terms• Geologic structure defining element


• Outcrop description terms• Pervasiveness terms• Geologic unit rank classification• Fault slip terms• Earth material constituent type terms• Chemical composition terms• Bedding structure description

vocabulary• Geologic unit part type terms

Point represents collar location from which a borehole was drilled. Generally is intersection of borehole with EarthSurface. Has associated bore-hole object (not a geodatabase feature class).

GeomorphicFeatureTrace. Lines rep-resenting the trace of a linear feature de-fined by the morphology of the map horizon surface. Subtypes:o Escarpment. uphill edge of a geomorphic

escarpmento FaultScarp. Line representing the uphill

edge of a fault scarp. Topology rules: must be covered by FaultTrace or Con-cealed FaultTrace.

Polygons representing intersection between a geolog-ic unit and a map horizon, whether or not the geologic unit is exposed on that horizon. The term exposure is used to refer to places where the geologic unit is visi-ble on the map horizon. Subtypeso GeologicUnitOutcrop. outcrop of a geologic

unit. Topology rules: boundary must be covered by OutcropBoundaryTrace on same map horizon. Must not overlap other GeologicUnitOutcrop on same map horizon. Must not have gaps.

o SuperimposedUnitOutcrop. outcrop of a geo-logic unit superimposed on the principal mapped units, for example alteration zones, zones of crushing, metamorphic zones… No topology rules.

MappedOccurrence always has an explicit or implicit de-fining map horizon, and a classifier that specifies the geologic entity that intersects the map horizon to form the Occurrence.

NGMDB top-level class for standard prop-erties--DisplayName, TextDescription, Tracking, and system-maintenance fields.

ESRI top-level class for located data

Extents associated with observations in the sense of GML Observation and Measurement (Cox et al., 2004). They rep-resent features located based on where observations are made, and do not (inherently) represent the location of ob-servable phenomena.· Station. an observation location point. Has related struc-

tural measurements, text notes, images, samples…

Data Instance

Data Schema



Specificaton >

< Described Concept





Observation Properties


Logical framework for NGMDB implementation

All descriptions specify properties to distinguish normative and instance descriptions, by recognizing that the distinction is always context and purpose dependent:* Description purpose--makes the intended function of

a description explicit, e.g., default description, necessary property description, identifying property description, or instance description.

* Context-- specifies the domain within which the description is valid for the stated purpose. This domain may be spatial-(defined by a geodatabase feature), or it may be human-e.g., a particular project or person, some organization, or some published authority (e.g. the Glossary of Geology…).

In the database implementation, data instances must include a pointer to the DataSchema Description entity that the data instance instantiates

Database prototypes Implemented using standard relational (SQL) database technology (currently MS Access and Microsoft SQL Server) integrated into a geographic information system as an ESRI Geodatabase that links 'thematic' information with geologic map visualization.Test databases include: Northwest part of the Phoenix, AZ, metropolitan area. Full implemen-

tation; 1:24000-scale dataEastern Pima County. Level 1 implementation, 1:100,000 scale dataAz Oil and Gas wells: customized Level 1 to focus on borehole infor-

mationConodont paleontology: customized Level 1 for conodont sample

tracking and interpretation

Report from oil and gas well database

Report from Phoenix NW Geologic-Unit Description

Vocabulary tree view• Hierarchical representation of vocabularies

allows the visual construction and grouping of concepts.

• The nodes may be arranged using drag and drop

• Abstract nodes -- not selectable in a pick-list• Deprecated terms -- no longer used, but keep

in the hierarchy for previous references.

Tool development for data entry

Data Examples

Geologic unit maintenanceCatalog is the collection of defined geologic unitsEach unit has at least one description (default)Each unit may have many other descriptions

Different locations (quad, polygon, outcrop, borehole…)Different peopleDifferent focus (sedimentary structure, mineralogy..)

Geologic unit description editor

properties for selected description

Left side is basic Right side is tab control for geologic properties

Tracking recordDisplay Name

free text CommentLink to Activity, defines ‘Project’,

Person, Organization, Start/End, and -

Processing Method

Citations linked to this Tracking record (0..*)

Tracking Record Maintenance

Several versions of implementation with escalat-ing complexity and content:Level 0. Basic entities required for all geologic map databasesAll properties in Geologic unit and Earth material descriptions are specified with single values and

no observation-related metadata (No attribute relationships)Geologic units may be composed of materials identified in the standard lithology vocabularyGeologic units may have parts that are other geologic unitsGeologic unit descriptions may be associated with stations or outcropsStations have associated samples, structure observations, documents (images etc.), and text notesSimple representation of geologic ages with numeric bounds and free text named chronostrati-

graphic unitSimple free-text feature level metadata

Level 1. Standard level implementation Add BoreholeCollar, Borehole, SectionInterval, SectionInterceptSectionInterval has associated Geologic Unit description, sample, text notes, documents, structure

observationGeologic structure description. Attribute relationship. Multiple valued attributes, observation-related metadata (confidence, basis,

frequency, intensity, source)General semantic relationships between data objects (lineation in foliation, pluton intrudes fault)Multiple classification of mapped occurrencesFull representation of geologic time scale, and geologic ages as ranges, multiple possible values,

and multiple agesData schema tables allow customization of schema using base tables and attribute relationships

Full implementationIn-depth feature level metadata (person, project, organization, activity, citations)Database persistence of map views (map legends, symbolization schemes)Fault slip and separation; aggregation of fault segments into faults and faults into fault systems.Add Traverse, Flight line as observation sectionsAreaOfInterest, and SectionTrace feature classes as ObservationLocations

-DescribedLithologyTermGUID : dStandardLithology-DegreeOfCrystallinity : dDegreeOfCrystallinityTerm-ConsolidationDegree : dConsolidationDegreeTerm-GrainDiscernibility : dGrainDiscernibilityTerm-RepresentativeSize : esriFieldTypeSingle-GenesisType : dEMGenesisTerm-CompositionTerm : dEMCompositionTerm-Fabric : dFabricTerm-Protolith : dStandardLithology-MetamorphicGrade : dMetamorphicGrade-Color : esriFieldTypeString

EarthMaterialDescription-DescribedUnitTermGUID : dGeologicUnit-ExtentContextSysGUID : esriFieldTypeString-ExtentTypeEntityGUID : dDescriptionContextEntity-GeologicAgeSysGUID : dGeologicAge-OutcropColor : esriFieldTypeString-WeatheringCharacter : dGUWeatheringCharacterTerm-CompositionType : dGeologicUnitCompositionTerm-Genesis : dGUGenesisTerm-GeneticEnvironment : dGUGeneticEnvironmentTerm-GeneticProcess : dGUGeneticProcessType-OutcropCharacter : dGUOutcropCharacterTerm-InternalStructure : dGeologicUnitStructureType-UnitMorphology : dGUMorphologyTerm-MetamorphicGrade : dMetamorphicGrade-ThicknessMin : esriFieldTypeSingle-ThicknessMax : esriFieldTypeSingle-ThicknessTypical : esriFieldTypeSingle


Level 0 Geologic Unit and Earth Material DescriptionPrototyping workflow

Model database using Microsoft Visio UML with ESRI geodatabase template

Export design to XML interchange formatBuild database in ArcCatalog using ESRI CASE toolAdd tables required by NGMDB data entry toolLoad data using ESRI ArcCatalog data loader, or digitize line work

Many fields are populated with 36 ASCII character GUIDs (globally unique identifiers, the unique identifier used throughout). In order to present user with meaningful words in ArcMap, generate geodatabase domains to provide lookups to science language terms.

Domains are imported from tables generated by query from ScienceLanguage, and are exported as XML using ESRI Geodatabase Designer 2 extension (available free from ArcScripts site) to facilitate moving domains between databases.

Thematic data entry using NGMDB tool and Microsoft Access forms interface




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