  • 8/7/2019 The Urban Gardener No 29



    29 th Issue, Vol. 4, No. 2 ISSN 2094-1765 February 2011

    Growing the Colorful GloxiniaOne of the colorful plantsavailable in most garden shows isthe Gloxinia or scientifically knownas Sinningia, speciosa. It is alsopopularly called Florist's Gloxinia.It is a tuberous plant in the familyGeraniaceae, same family as theAfrican violet. The plant was firstfound in the forests of Brazil in1785. The name Gloxinia was

    assigned to it by English gardener Conrad Loddiges in 1817, inhonour of physician BenjaminPeter Gloxin of Colmar, Germany.In 1825, it was separated from thegenus Gloxinia into the newlynamed genus Sinningia, after thecurator of the Botanical Gardensin Bonn, Wilheim Sinning. Modernday gloxinia are hybrids from twospecies Sinningia speciosa andSinningia maxima.

    Gloxinia flowers are best knownas the symbol of love at first sight.Because of this, these blossomsare frequently given as gifts onromantic occasions such asValentines Day, first dates, or anniversaries. Although theseplants are often given in bouquetsand arrangements, they may alsobe presented in containers or indecorative pots. The GesneriadSociety was formed in Europe justto cater the needs of its numerousplant enthusiast.

    Gloxinia flowers come in variouscolors, ranging from pure white to pink, lavender, red, to deep purple. There are alsothose in two colors and those with white-bordered petals. The most popular cultivars are

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    those in deep red and purple. Cultivation of Gloxinia is similar to that of its cousin, theAfrican Violet.

    The plant thrives in diffused bright sunlight, however, do not expose the plant to directsunlight. Gloxinia likes warmth and high humidity.

    Water the plant every other day, enough to keep the soil moist but do not over water asit may cause rotting of its underground tuber. As much as possible, do not mist theleaves or get them wet.

    Gloxinia is a heavy feeder, thus it requires frequent fertilization. Use high-phosphorus,low-nitrogen fertilizers for it to flower continuously. This can be done by diluting ateaspoon of fertilizer in a gallon of water and add cup of this solution once every twoweeks. Use a potting mix which is well draining; usually an equal mixture of sand,garden soil and compost.

    Watch the plant for signs of disease or pests. Gloxinias are subject to forms of blight androt, as well as viruses. Mites, nematodes, spider mites and thrips are among the peststhat attack the plant. You may also apply fungicides if there is presence of fungaldiseases.

    Gloxinias are best propagated through leaf cuttings and offsets.

    Growing the Vinca Flowers

    Its summer time and one way of making your gardencolorful is to try planting Vinca or Periwinkle as a

    prolific heat and drought tolerant annual plant. It isperfect for hot and dry areas. Vinca is easy to grow andactually requires little or no attention. A local seedcompany is now selling seed packets of Vinca hybrids,and they come in flower colors of white, pink, purple,red and violet. It grows like a weed and couldsuccessfully reseed itself in your garden.

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    Vinca are propagated from seeds.Sow Vinca seeds outdoors in aplant box or pot, then, as theygerminate, transplant seedlingsinto pots or in areas you want togrow them. Some varieties canalso be grown through stemcuttings.

    Along with its relative, the Vincarosea or the common Chichirika,Vinca plants has medicinalpurposes and is used to lower blood pressure, lower sugar levelsfor diabetics, treat coughs, colds,sore throats, treating eye and lunginfections and also against cancer.

    There are now studies on how toprocess this very importantmedicinal plant against cancer. Itjust shows that aside as anornamental, our plants in thegarden could also be a source of medicine to preserve health andcure diseases.

    Growing Dianthus Flowers

    One of the popular and easyto cultivate flowering plantthis season is the DianthusChiba, which is a selectedcultivar of small carnationplants, distributed by theEast-West Seed company.They come in six differentcolors, namely: crimson,lavender-picotee, picotee,purple, red and rose.

    Dianthus Chiba is ideal for the small potted floweringplant industry as thesevarieties produce compactbasal branches and bearsclusters of well-rounded

    flowers that vary in single color to distinctly-eyed types. The early flowering plants aretolerant to heat, cold and rain.

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    Dianthus are commonly native in the Mediterranean region and to India. They are nowpopularly and widely cultivated in gardens around the Philippines. The large ones areproduced in cooler regions for cut-flower production, but these small ones are used for the potted flowering plant industry.

    Dianthus Chiba grows about 20-25 cm (8-10 in.) in height. The flowers are 3 cm (1.25

    in.) in diameter often supported by short and strong flower stems, usually in clusters.Because of its compactness these variety does well in high density planting in small potsand containers. They are suitable for production in 10-12 cm (4-5 in.) pots. They areideal choice plants for both flowerbeds and rock gardens.

    Dianthus thrive in full sun and will benefit from a regular watering daily regiment. It isrecommended to apply a dilute solution of foliar fertilizer mixed with a fungicide onceevery two weeks for their optimum growth. Use a fertilizer with high potassium contentto favor continuous flowering and the fungicide to minimize fungal diseases during therainy season.

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    Plants can be grown in a fertile potting mix composed of equal parts of coconut coir dust,compost or garden soil, and sand.

    Plants maybe attacked occasionally by downy mildew, mites, thrips or mealy bugs. Youmay control them by spraying a dilute insecticide.

    Dianthus are propagated from seeds. They can either be directly planted into your flower garden or sown on seedling trays and later trasplanted to the desired area or pot. Theycan also be propagated through stem cuttings or plant division.

    The Butterfly Pentas

    Butterfly Pentas or scientificallyknown as Pentas lanceolata is oneof the interesting summer flowering plants similar to thecommon Lantana. It is well suited

    for the dry summer heat.

    The plant is a member of thesubtropical madder family or Rubiaceae, to which coffee andquinine belong. In its native habitatin tropical east Africa and southernArabia Pentas grows as asubshrub with woody stems at thebase and herbaceous stemsabove.

    The plants have dark green, lance-shaped, somewhat furry anddeeply veined leaves providing abackdrop for prolific clusters of never-ending, five-petaled flowers.These may be red, white,lavender, purple, or shades of pink. Some are two-toned. All areextremely attractive to butterflies,and the red and dark pink varietiesdelight hummingbirds. Also Pentasis compatible with the dry soil and

    intense heat of the sun. Lastly itcan withstand full sunlight with littleto no care. They look great in pots,

    baskets, and borders.

    In the garden Pentas plants can grow to 24 inches tall with a spread of 16 inches. Plantshave opposite, lance shaped leaves to three inches long that are covered with shorthairs. The plant branches freely from the base with each branch terminating in a densecluster of flowers that can be three or four inches across.

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    Pentas flowers are tubular witheach bloom producing a star-shaped set of petals at the endof the tube. Flower colors are invivid shades of red, pink, blueand white and plants continue tobloom all summer. The bloomsare clustered together into adense flat topped cyme whichmakes an ideal perch for thebutterflies that can be seencircling around it like miniaturebuzzards awaiting their turn at adead armadillo.

    Pentas is one of those plants likecoleus and vinca that becameknown by their Latin namesinstead of some fanciful commonname. It is also known as"Egyptian Star Flower". Thename Pentas is the Greek wordfor five referring to the five lobeson the floral tube.

    Pentas can be used in thegarden in mass plantings or asspots of color in the border. Theyshould have full sun and areasonably fertile soil but are byno means picky about the site.

    Less than six hours of sun will reduce flowering. Once established they have good heatand drought tolerance.

    Plants can be propagated by cuttings or from seed. Growing plants from seed is slowand requires about 14 weeks to produce a blooming plant. Few insects or diseaseproblems are reported on this plant.

    Pentas are vigorous plants that produces uniform plants suitable in beds and container gardening. The large densely-packed flower heads are held above its leaves andcontinue to bloom even during warm conditions. Suitable varieties includes Petch IndiaBright Red, Dark Rose, Pink and Violet.

    The Urban Gardener is an official electronic publication (in PDF Format) of the Plant BiotechnologyProject, Research & Development Center, Rizal Technological University, Boni Avenue, MandaluyongCity, Philippines. It is published monthly. For more information, please inquire thru email:[email protected] or [email protected] and landline (+632) 534-8267 Local 135 or Fax(+632) 534-9710.

    Edited by N.R. Bautista February 2011The Plant Biotechnology Project Committee is composed of: Alexander B. Quilang,

    Norberto R. Bautista, & Jovita A. Anit.

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    Growing the Flamingo Feather

    Another interesting and easy to care plant for flower beds and produces everlastingflowers is the Celosia spicata or locally known as Celosia Flamingo Feather. It is abeautiful plant with soft, dense feathery spikes, produced in profusion. It offers freshshape and color for fresh or everlasting flower arrangements. Flower spikes are about10-13cm (4-5in) tall on 24 inch stems. It is excellent as a flowering pot plant and ideal for summer. Plant is about 60-75cm (24-30in) in height and can be propagated by seeds.

    Sow seeds in seedling beds or in a pot with fertile, well-drained soil. Cover the seeds

    with compost then water, and place in an area with diffused light until germination takesplace at about 14-21 days. Keep the soil damp but not soaking wet.

    When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant at the 2-3 leaf stage. Graduallyacclimatize to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting by gradually exposing tobrighter light and maybe fertilizing with a dilute solution of calcium nitrate. Transplantcarefully, making sure that the roots are not damaged, as the plant resent rootdisturbance.

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    The flower are also excellent for dry flower arrangements. To dry flowers, pick themwhen the leaves are dry and the flowers not quite fully open, tie in small bunches andhang upside down in a dry, well ventilated place until quite dry.

    Rose Flower ColorMeaning

    A rose, one of natures most beautiful flowers, can symbolizemany different things. Heres ashort check list of what rose colorsmean.

    The red rose, the most common

    rose gifted to loved ones,symbolizes love, courage, and respect. If you give this rose tosomeone, you are telling them you love them.

    Yellow roses represent joy. You can be telling someone for Valentines day that you are happy

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    they are in your life, or trying to bring some happiness to their life.

    White roses represent many things. Its most common and used meaning is to tell someone they are angelic. Or they are worthy of heaven. You are heavenly.

    If you give someone an Orange rose for Valentines day you are representing enthusiasm and desire. This is a good way to maybe hint to your crush that you have adesire to be with them.

    A pink rose represents grace and gentility. You would give this flower to someone you believe exhibits a timid presence full of care. Its a popular flower to gift to an elderly family member.

    The quantity of roses you gift and mixtures of colors can also come together to meanother things.

    For instance, a single rose means simplicity. Give someone a red rose and in a way you are saying, Simply put, I love you.

    If you mix a red rose and white rose for valentines day, You are creating unity. Twohearts as one. Unified.

    If you connect two roses together to form one stem, you are hinting at an upcoming engagement or marriage. Often timesthis is done with a red and white rose.A great gift to coincide with anengagement ring as you pop thequestion.

    And lastly, rose leaves are a symbol of

    hope. So in the days preceding Valentines day you should leave roseleaves laying around your loved onesdaily rounds. On the counter, near thecomputer, in their car. Unexplained rose petals.

    Hoping for a successful Valentinesday.

    The Flora Filipina Expo 3 for 2012is now being organized by thePhilippine Orchid Society. Theevent is tentatively on February 24 to March 5, 2012 at the QuezonMemorial Circle, in Diliman,Quezon City. The Conference will be in the Bureau of Soils, Elliptical Road corner Visayas Avenue, also inDiliman uezon Cit .

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