Page 1: the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, New Zealand and …...(AASP), and is the North American Representative for the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology (ENYSSP)

Preparing your athletes for the

2017 CanadaSummer games

Integrated support

team YEAR 4

Integratedsupport team


Alayne Hing403.619.3502

[email protected]

Matthew Bain 780.505.2590

[email protected]


EDMONTON & NORTHERN ALBERTAJessica Hess780.297.1233

[email protected]


780.265.1976 [email protected]


Dr. Tish Doyle-Baker403.921.4414

[email protected]

Caitlin Baker587.984.5165

[email protected]


Guy Napert-Frenette403.669.5015

[email protected]

Please note that cancellation of a session with less than 5 days notice will result in forfeit of time booked.


For many coaches and athletes, the 2017 Canada Summer Games may be the largest multi-sport event they experience, while these Games may prove to be a stepping-stone for many athletes as future World Cup, Olympic Games or other international event participants.

A well-rounded athlete has a strong foundation in technical and tactical skills, physical and mental skills, and lifestyle balance. When an athlete lacks one of these components, their chance of a peak performance decreases dramatically. Mental skills are often seen as one of the most important pillars of excellence in elite athletes.

Although many athletes and coaches have most likely faced pressures in the past, multi-sport games of this magnitude can create even greater pressures and distractions, which provide new challenges to their mental game. By introducing sport psychological services leading up to and during the Games, coaches and athletes can learn how to incorporate mental skills into their practices and training routines, which can dramatically increase their chances of confident and successful performances.

You can include sport psychology sessions as part of your regular practices, before and during competitions, during training camps, at selection camps, for coach development, or for private, one-on-one sessions with individual athletes. Teaching mental skill awareness and control strategies will help to prepare both coaches and athletes to reach their potential at the 2017 Canada Summer Games in Winnipeg, as well as continue to build their mental skills throughout their careers.

MedicalThe Medical Liaisons shall develop positive relationships with Team Alberta athletes and coaches. By building a trusting relationship the Medical Liaisons can act and advocate on behalf of each athlete to ensure that they receive the best possible treatment and care of their injury or health issue at the Games. The Medical Liaisons will be able to do this by: 1) acting as a link between the Game’s medical services/protocols and

Team Alberta and 2) providing contact information in advance so as to endure that all Team

Alberta members have the opportunity in a timely manner to bring any concerns to the attention of the Medical Liaisons.

Dr. Tish Doyle-Baker, CSEP-CEPDr. Tish Doyle-Baker is a dynamic and skilled sport scientist with many years of Games experiences provincially and nationally. During her career, she has travelled wi th many teams including the Women’s National Ice Hockey and Men’s National Rugby throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, New Zealand and Australia. Her management experience includes small to large medical teams (2013 Canada Summer Games and 2015 Western Canada Summer Games) as well as previously being a partner in a rehabilitation clinic.

Caitlin Baker, MSc-PTCaitlin is a Physiotherapist currently working in Grande Prairie. She began her post secondary education at Grande Prairie Regional College and was a member of the Wolves Women’s Basketball program where she won an ACAC championship. Caitlin has recently returned to the Wolves program as the Physiotherapist with the basketball and volleyball teams. Her passion for sport and desire to help athletes compete at an elite level has led her towards sports rehab. She is excited to be a part of the Canada Summer Games team.

MediaGet the winning edge. Create and showcase your brand! Alberta athletes will receive 6 hours of comprehensive media training, social media sessions, personal branding at the discretion and in full collaboration with the Provincial Sport Organizations. We can focus on group training or individual training with specific athletes. This program will provide a competitive advantage to Alberta athletes on their pathway to the international podium. The goal of this service is primarily to introduce Alberta athletes notably to media training, social media interactions and build personal branding. This knowledge and expertise can significantly help young athletes navigating the pathway to national and international competitions.Some information sessions and practical training available:

■■ Introduction to Media (mandatory)■■ Media Interview Techniques■■ Interview Video Analysis■■ Personal Branding: Get Noticed!■■ Navigating Social Media Platforms■■ PSO Communications Planning Framework

Guy Napert-FrenetteGuy is an established Communications professional based in Calgary. Throughout his 15-year career, he worked with a multitude of National Sport Organizations such as Alpine Canada Alpin, Canada Snowboard, Wrestling Canada and Cycling Canada Cyclisme. He attended a multitude of Olympic and Paralympic Games, World Championships, Pan American Games and Canada Games in the Media Liaison role, working closely with top-level athletes.

Page 2: the U.S., Canada, Europe, Japan, New Zealand and …...(AASP), and is the North American Representative for the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology (ENYSSP)

Workshops and individual sessions cover many of the fundamental mental skills training topics, such as, but certainly not limited to:

■■ Team-Specific Issues■■ Ideal Performance State■■ Confidence■■ Goal Setting■■ Games-Specific Challenges■■ Pre-Competition Preparation &

Post-Competition Debriefing■■ Focus/Refocus Strategies; Self-Talk■■ Team Building/Group Dynamics/

Effective Communication■■ Visualization/Imagery/Relaxation■■ Anxiety & Emotional Regulation

Sport NutritionHave you ever considered the impact that nutrition can have on your sport performance? Without the right fuel, an athlete’s true potential may never be reached. Here are some of the ways that Team Alberta Sport Nutritionists are able to assist your team in enhancing sport performance through the development of healthy eating habits:

One-on-One Nutrition CoachingAre there any athletes on your team that are interested in taking the next step towards better nutrition habits but need some additional guidance? Team Alberta Sport Nutritionists can work with individual athletes to set realistic nutrition goals that are suitable for their current sport performance objectives.

Team Nutrition EducationNutrition workshops or presentations can be designed to meet each sport and team’s needs. A few examples of key topics include: fueling for daily training, travel nutrition, review of Canada Games Menu, competition planning, hydration, optimal recovery nutrition, making weight, healthy body image, and vitamins, minerals & supplements. Formats may include: interactive presentations, sport nutrition games, nutrition brainstorming sessions & team nutrition goal setting sessions.

Navigating the Menu at Canada GamesAre you interested in knowing what foods will be available to you at Canada Games? You’re in luck because the menu is now final. Let the sport nutritionists guide you through the menu options and help you pre-plan healthy choices based on your sport schedule and performance needs.

Team Grocery Shopping TourFilling your cart is one of the first steps to fueling your body. Often athletes know what to eat but making it happen is a challenge. A team grocery shopping tour is a

Two sport psychology service providers are available to Team Alberta leading up to and during the Games. Each team is assigned a mental trainer and has been allocated up to 14 hours of session and observation time.

Alayne is based out of Calgary and Matt is based out of Grande Prairie, but both are available to travel to your location or competition as required. Please contact your designated Mental Performance Consultant as soon as possible to secure preferred dates, and to discuss your team’s needs and mental training regime.

great opportunity to learn how to shop on a budget, read labels, fill your cupboards with healthy foods to support your training and load up on nutritious foods for sport and a busy lifestyle. Parents are welcomed.

Travel and Training Camp Nutrition PlanningA Team Alberta Sport Nutritionist can help to plan travel nutrition logistics and details to optimize nutrition at training camps. Some components that a Sport Nutritionist can help with include: organize menu plans with catering, cafeterias and restaurants; tips for on the go snacks and meals; event specific food environments; coordinate and plan for athlete specific food requirements.

Team Nutrition AnalysisTeam Alberta Sport Nutritionists can help the coaching staff provide their athletes with a nutrition edge by giving them a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses in their team’s current nutrition habits. Coaches will receive valuable feedback that can help them develop a successful nutrition action plan for their team.

Performance Cooking WorkshopsThese fun and interactive cooking classes help bridge the gap between knowledge and making optimal nutrition happen in the daily training environment or away from home. This is a great team building session which allows for hands on experience with food preparation and an opportunity to try out new foods that can help with sport performance.

In Year 4, each team has been allocated up to four hours with a sport nutritionist. Jessica will provide nutrition sessions in Edmonton and Northern Alberta. Sarah will provide nutrition sessions in Calgary and Southern Alberta. Please contact them directly to schedule your sessions.

Matthew Bain, MEd., MA.

Matt is a certified Mental Performance Consultant with the Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA), member of the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), and a Registered Provisional Psychologist. Matt has worked at a provincial, national and international level with multiple individual and team sports.

Matt was a part of the sport science team in 2013 with the Canada Summer Games in Quebec and the 2015 Western Canada Summer Games team in Fort McMurray. Matt is affiliated with the Alberta Sport Development Center (ASDC) network and an instructor with the Physical Education and Kinesiology department with the Grande Prairie Regional College.  Matt is a practitioner whose interest is in assisting athletes by increasing performance to the highest level possible. 

WEEk one week two

Athletics Basketball – Male

Baseball Soccer – Male

Basketball – Female Swimming

Canoe/Kayak Volleyball – Male

Soccer – Female Wrestling


Alayne Hing, M.Sc.

Alayne from Elite Edge is a certified Mental Performance Consultant based out of Calgary who is a professional member of the Canadian Sport Psychology Association (CSPA), the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP), and is the North American Representative for the European Network of Young Specialists in Sport Psychology (ENYSSP). She has worked with many different teams and individual athletes at previous Canada Games.

Alayne currently works with the Canadian Sport Institute-Calgary (CSI-Calgary) with multiple national teams and athletes, as well as the Alberta Sport Development Center (ASDC) network. Alayne works with both national and international high performance athletes and coaches to help them reach their peak performance with confidence.

WEEk one week two

Cycling – Mountain Bike Cycling – Road

Diving Golf

Rowing Softball – Female

Sailing Tennis

Softball – Male Volleyball – Female

Volleyball – Beach

Jessica Hess, BSc, RD

Jessica is a registered dietitian and owner of Sherwood Park based Philosophy Nutrition and Fitness. She provides nutrition education to sport teams and empowers individual athletes to positive, long-term healthy changes that enhance sport performance.

Sarah Kendall, BSc, RD

Sarah is a registered dietitian with 25 years of experience, providing leadership in nutrition counselling. She has worked across Canada, developing expertise in specialized clinic nutrition and understanding nutrition’s impact on all we do. Sarah confidently delivers sound advice ranging from the nutrition needs of youth, to advising coaches on food strategy to help athletes with complex clinical conditions.

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