Page 1: THE USE OF SCHOOLOGY TO MOTIVATE THE SEVENTH … · Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Chia Clarissa Crisentia

Student Number: 131214053








Page 2: THE USE OF SCHOOLOGY TO MOTIVATE THE SEVENTH … · Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata






Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements

to Obtain the Sarjana Pendidikan Degree

in English Language Education


Chia Clarissa Crisentia

Student Number: 131214053








Page 3: THE USE OF SCHOOLOGY TO MOTIVATE THE SEVENTH … · Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata



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This thesis is dedicated to:

My parents, Beni Suryanto and Chatarina Sri Erna Kustanti

Father FX. Eko Wijayanto, Pr


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Crisentia, Chia Clarissa. (2017). The Use of Schoology to Motivate the Seventh

Grade Students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to Learn English. Yogyakarta: English

Language Education Study Program. Department of Language and Arts Education,

Faculty of Teachers Training and Education, Sanata Dharma University.

Motivation plays an important role in English language learning.

Motivation determines students’ success in learning English. One way to improve

students' motivation in learning English is to use Learning Management System

(LMS). One of LMS is Schoology. Schoology is able to influence students'

motivation in learning English. Students with high motivation in learning English

will tend to be more successful than the students with low motivation. This study

investigates the implementation of Schoology to motivate students in English

language learning. It also examines the types of motivation that the students have

during the implementation of Schoology. In this study, there are two formulated

research questions. The first research question is “to what extent does Schoology

motivate the seventh grade students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to learn English?”

The second research question is “what types of motivation do the students have in

learning English through Schoology?”

The researcher used mixed method to answer the research questions. The

participants of this study were 12 seventh grade students of SMP Kanisius

Wonogiri. The instruments used were observation checklist, questionnaire, and


The first findings revealed that Schoology could motivate the seventh

grade students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri. Schoology gave high motivation to the

students as it provided features that were interesting for the students to learn

English. The students actively accomplished English tasks on Schoology. They

kept on persisting in doing the tasks with various levels of difficulties.

Consequentially, the students gave more efforts in doing the tasks. By using the

application, they also felt motivated and engaged with English outside class.

Schoology application enabled the students to access the materials at any time and

any place. The second findings revealed that the students had two types of

motivation, namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The intrinsic

motivation was greater than the extrinsic motivation.

In conclusion, Schoology provides interesting features which motivate

students to learn English. The interesting features enhance students’ intrinsic

motivation because the students enjoy using the application.

Keywords: motivation, intrinsic motivation, Learning Management System

(LMS), Schoology, the seventh grade student of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri


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Crisentia, Chia Clarissa. (2017). The Use of Schoology to Motivate the Seventh

Grade Students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to Learn English. Yogyakarta: Program

Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni, Fakultas

Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sanata Dharma.

Motivasi berperan penting dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Motivasi

menentukan keberhasilan siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris. Salah satu cara

untuk meningkatkan motivasi siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris adalah dengan

menggunakan Learning Management System (LMS). Salah satu aplikasi LMS

adalah Schoology. Schoology dapat mempengaruhi motivasi siswa dalam belajar

Bahasa Inggris. Siswa yang memiliki motivasi tinggi dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris

akan cenderung lebih sukses daripada siswa yang memiliki motivasi rendah.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana Schoology memotivasi siswa

dalam pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris. Lebih lanjut lagi, penelitian ini juga meneliti

jenis motivasi yang dimiliki siswa selama penerapaan Schoology. Dalam

penelitian ini, penulis merumuskan dua rumusan masalah. Rumusan masalah yang

pertama adalah “sejauh mana Schoology memotivasi siswa kelas tujuh SMP

Kanisius Wonogiri untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris?” Rumusan masalah yang kedua

adalah “jenis motivasi apa yang dimiliki siswa dalam belajar Bahasa Inggris

melalui Schoology?”

Penulis menggunakan metode campuran untuk menjawab dua rumusan

masalah tersebut. Peserta penelitian ini adalah 12 siswa kelas tujuh SMP Kanisius

Wonogiri. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah observasi, kuesioner, dan wawancara.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan Schoology dapat

memotivasi siswa kelas tujuh SMP Kanisius Wonogiri. Schoology memberi

motivasi yang tinggi pada para siswa dengan menyediakan beberapa fitur yang

menarik bagi siswa untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Para murid dengan aktif

mengerjakan tugas-tugas Bahasa Inggris pada Schoology. Mereka menunjukkan

kemauan yang keras untuk tetap menyelesaikan tugas-tugas dengan tingkat

kesulitan yang bervariasi tersebut. Secara bersamaan, para murid menunjukkan

ketekunan yang lebih dalam mengerjakan tugas-tugas Bahasa Inggris. Tidak hanya

demikian, para murid juga menunjukkan motivasi untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris

diluar kelas dengan tekun dan giat. Penulis juga menemukan bahwa siswa

memiliki dua jenis motivasi, yaitu motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik.

Motivasi intrinsik lebih besar daripada motivasi ekstrinsik.

Kesimpulannya, Schoology menawarkan fitur-fitur yang menarik sehingga

memotivasi siswa untuk belajar Bahasa Inggris. Fitur-fitur yang menarik tersebut

dapat meningkatkan motivasi intrinsik siswa karena mereka senang menggunakan

applikasi tersebut.

Kata kunci: motivation, intrinsic motivation, Learning Management System

(LMS), Schoology, the seventh grade students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri


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My deepest gratitude goes to the one and only Jesus Christ, my Almighty

Lord, and Mother Mary, who have given an amazing life for me. Many thanks

will not be enough.

I am also really grateful for having my parents, Mama Chatarina Sri Erna

Kustanti and Papa, Beni Suryanto, who are never tired of being with me when I

need them. I thank them for being my super parents who always pray for me and

support me when I face difficulties. My thankfulness goes to Edwardus Gesang

Arum, A.Md., for always being very patient during my hardest time.

My gratitude also goes to my thesis advisor, Bapak Priyatno Ardi, S.Pd.,

M.Hum. His time, his advice, his patience and guidance helped me to a very great

extent to accomplish this thesis. I also want to apologize for all mistakes I have

made during the writing process of this thesis. I dedicated my appreciation to my

academic advisor Bapak Drs. Pius Nurwidasa Prihatin, M.Ed., Ed.D., who

always gives me advice. I would like to thank all of the lecturers and staff of the

English Language Education Study Program of Sanata Dharma University for their


My thankfulness goes for Ibu Dra. C. Anny Sri Setyawati, M.Pd., the

principal of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri, for allowing me to conduct this research in

her school. I thank Bapak Y. Aji Siswiyanto, S.Pd., the English teacher of SMP

Kanisius Wonogiri for his kindness during the data collection processes. It is an

honor for me to be allowed to conduct this research in his class. I thank the


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students of 7A Class in the school for their participation that was really helpful for

my research. I will never forget the chance to learn together with all of them.

I will never forget to express my gratitude to my friends, Chrysthania Yan

Prasetya, S.Pd., Febriani Suryaningrum, S.Pd., Gabriela Maria Pangesti

Wening, S.Pd., Gracia Vica Ade Nugraheni, S.Pd., Victoria Amadea

Prayuarsi, S.Pd., Widya Ayu Anindita, S.Pd., and Yohana Gabriela Nanda

Kristiani, S.Pd., who helped me finish this thesis. My gratitude also goes to Class

B students of PBI batch 2013.

Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to everyone, who always cares

about me, whose names cannot be mentioned one by one.

Chia Clarissa Crisentia


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TITLE PAGE ........................................................................................................... i

APPROVAL PAGES .............................................................................................. ii

DEDICATION PAGE ............................................................................................ iv

STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ....................................................... v

PERNYATAAN PERSETUJUAN PUBLIKASI ....................................................... vi

ABSTRACT .......................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ............................................................................................................. viii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..................................................................................... ix

TABLE OF CONTENTS ....................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES ............................................................................................. xiii

LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF APPENDICES ....................................................................................... xv


A. Research Background ................................................................. 1

B. Research Questions ..................................................................... 4

C. Research Significance ................................................................. 4

D. Definition of Terms..................................................................... 5


A. Theoretical Descriptions ............................................................. 8

1. Technology and Language Learning ...................................... 8

2. Learning Management System (LMS) ................................. 10

3. Schoology ............................................................................. 11

4. Motivation ............................................................................. 16

B. Theoretical Framework ............................................................. 20


A. Research Method ...................................................................... 22

B. Research Setting ........................................................................ 23

C. Research Participants ................................................................ 23


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D. Instrument and Data Gathering Technique ............................... 24

1. Observation Checklist ........................................................... 24

2. Questionnaire ........................................................................ 25

3. Interview ............................................................................... 26

E. Data Analysis Techniques ......................................................... 27


A. Research Results ....................................................................... 31

1. Students’ Motivation in Learning English

using Schoology ................................................................... 31

2. Students’ Types of Motivation ............................................. 38

B. Discussion ................................................................................. 43

1. Schoology could Motivate the Seventh Grade Students of

SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to Learn English ........................... 43

2. Types of Students’ Motivation in English Language

Learning using Schoology ................................................... 45


A. Conclusions ............................................................................... 48

B. Recommendations ..................................................................... 50

REFERENCES ...................................................................................................... 51

APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 54


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Figure Page

2. 1. Screenshot of Schoology Sign Up.................................................................. 12

2. 2. Screenshot of Schoology Sign In .................................................................. 13

2. 3. Screenshot of Courses Feature ...................................................................... 13

2. 4. Screenshot of Groups Feature ....................................................................... 14

2. 5. Screenshot of Resources Feature .................................................................. 14

2. 6. Screenshot of Schoology Course Code ......................................................... 15

2. 7. Screenshot of Schoology Features ................................................................ 16

2. 8. Taxonomy of Human Motivation.................................................................. 20

3. 1. Triangulation Technique ............................................................................... 30

4. 1. Index of Motivation: Choice of Task ............................................................ 32

4. 2. Index of Motivation: Persistence .................................................................. 33

4. 3. Index of Motivation: Effort ........................................................................... 34

4. 4. Index of Motivation: Continuing Motivation ................................................ 35

4. 5. Index of Motivation: Achievement ............................................................... 37

4. 6. Type of Motivation: Intrinsic Motivation ..................................................... 39

4. 7. Type of Motivation: Extrinsic Motivation .................................................... 42


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Table Page

3. 1. Participants’ Code ......................................................................................... 24


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Appendix 1: Permission Letter ............................................................................. 55

Appendix 2: Information Letter ............................................................................ 56

Appendix 3: Teacher’s Observation Checklist ..................................................... 57

Appendix 4: The Observation Result .................................................................... 58

Appendix 5: The Questionnaire Blueprint ............................................................ 61

Appendix 6: The Questionnaire Sheet .................................................................. 64

Appendix 7: The Questionnaire Results ............................................................... 66

Appendix 8: The Interview Blueprint and Results ................................................ 69

Appendix 9: The Students’ Participation .............................................................. 76


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This chapter consists of four parts, namely research background, research

questions, research significance, and definition of terms. The first part discusses

the reasons for conducting this study. The second part presents research questions

to be answered in Chapter IV. The third part explains the contribution of the study

to the parties that may make use of the research results. The fourth part defines

keywords or phrases used in the study in order to clarify and avoid

misinterpretation of the concepts.

A. Research Background

The rapid development of information technology has offered English

teachers with new teaching models. As a result, technology plays a very important

role in English language teaching. According to Stošić (2015), by using

educational technologies, students can independently master materials, choose the

pace of learning, repeat the materials that are not sufficiently clear and track their

learning progress. One of technologies used in English language teaching and

learning is Learning Management System (LMS). LMS is a software application

or web-based technology used to plan, implement, and assess a specific learning

process (Ayub, Tarmizi, Jaafar, Ali, & Luan 2010). It is designed to manage

learning process as well as to deliver learning content and resources to students.

Falvo and Johnson (2007) state that LMS can also refer to an application that is

used for tracking, managing learning, and administrating system, and is especially


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used in a learning environment. Web-based LMS allows instructors and students to

share instructional materials, to make class announcements, to submit and return

course assignments, and to communicate with each other online using "an

integrated set of web-based tools for learning and course management"

(Malikowski, Thompson, & Theis, 2007, p. 150).

The use of social networking-based LMS as an educational tool is

increasing every day. Many educators are now trying to integrate the online

teaching platforms, such as Google classroom, Edmodo, and Schoology, into the

learning environment. As a result, LMSs bring about great potentials that make

learning environment readily available at any time and at any place (Pilli, 2014, p.


Studies on the use of social networking-based LMS have been conducted

so far in Indonesia. First, Mulyono (2016) examined the use of Quipper as an

online platform for teaching and learning English as a foreign language (EFL) in

SMA Negeri 92 Jakarta. The researcher focused on the extent to which features

available in Quipper may correspond to the fundamental components of

Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) pedagogy. The results indicated

that Quipper was affordable for being used as an online teaching and learning EFL

platform. Quipper corresponded to the three conditions of CALL pedagogy. Thus,

it is a potential aid for activities used in teaching and learning EFL, namely L2-

input exposure, interaction, and linguistic production. Second, Ardi (2017)

examines Schoology m-learning platform used in an English for Academic

Purposes (EAP) Class. The researcher reported how Schoology m-learning


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platform facilitated the exercise of learner autonomy in an EAP class. The

researcher found that Schoology m-learning platform installed in mobile devices

provided the students with greater control over their EAP learning beyond the

classroom, both in terms of the process and content of their learning. Third,

Purnawarman, Susilawati, and Sundayana (2016) used Edmodo to teach English

for the eleventh grade students. The researchers investigated how Edmodo was

implemented in teaching writing. The researchers found that Edmodo facilitated

students’ engagement cognitively through Note menu. The students showed

various responses both positive and negative towards the use of Edmodo.

In the previous studies, the researchers examined the effectiveness of the

use of LMS and their studies are intended for senior high school students and

university students. Inspired by the previous studies, the researcher intends to

further examine the effects of Schoology to motivate junior high school students to

learn English. Stockwell (2013) argues that technology make English teachers and

learners easier to access a wide range of English resources around the world.

Technologies have benefit of interacting with others both in and out of the

classroom. It was linked to motivational increases through interacting with a real

audience. Furthermore, Atkinson and Raynor (1974) argue that interacting with

real people makes the students experience the use of the language. It can make

them feel a sense of achievement which can lead to higher motivation (as cited in

Stockwell, 2013, p. 164). Stockwell (2013) sates that language learning system

that tracks students’ progress and provides feedback enables the students to see


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what they have learned and what they still need to study. It can boost students’

motivation and sustain their efforts in studying the language.

This present study focuses on the use of Schoology. Steinberg and Riehl

(2013) argue that “Schoology is a social network based Learning Management

System (LMS) that makes creating and sharing academic contents easy” (p. 98).

Schoology provides some interesting features that can motivate students. The

features help students in learning process easily so that students enjoy their


B. Research Questions

Based on the background explained, the researcher has formulated two

research questions:

1. To what extent does Schoology motivate the seventh grade students of

SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to learn English?

2. What types of motivation do the students have in learning English through


C. Research Significance

The goal of this research is to find out how Schoology can motivate the

students in learning English. The researcher believes that when the research has

been completed, the finding of the research will be beneficial for English teachers

and other researchers. Further benefits of this study are explained as follows.


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1. English Teachers

This study is aimed to give English teachers a creative teaching media. The

teachers need to find a good teaching media for the teaching learning process to

make it effective, attractive, and interesting. The media is also able to develop the

creativity of both teachers and students. Schoology is expected to ease the teachers

in delivering English materials effectively and efficiently. Schoology facilitates the

teachers to share learning resources to the students easily so that the teachers do

not need to provide handouts.

2. Other Researchers

This study is aimed to motivate other researchers who are interested in

improving the English materials. The researcher hopes that other researchers can

conduct further research on Schoology because this LMS gives benefits. They may

conduct experimental research about the benefits of using Schoology. With an

experimental research, the other researchers can learn something new about the

benefit of using Schoology. It can maintain teachers and students’ perspective.

D. Definition of Terms

The terms explained below are the key terms frequently used in this

research. This part will explain the definition of the key terms to avoid

misinterpretation and to clarify the concepts used in this study. The definitions of

terms contain the definition and also the contextual concepts from some experts.


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1. Learning Management System (LMS)

Szabo and Flesher (2002) define “LMS as the infrastructure that delivers

and manages instructional content, identifies, and assesses individual and

organizational learning goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those goals, and

collects and presents data for monitoring the learning process of the establishment

as a whole” (as cited in Pilli, 2014, p. 90). Furthermore, Alias and Zainuddin

(2005) define that “LMS is a software application or web-based technology used

to design, implement, and assess a specific learning process” (as cited in Pilli,

2014, p. 92).

2. Schoology

Farmington (2014) explains that Schoology is a web-based social network

for K-12. It assists the users to create, manage, interact, and share academic

contents. The platform also provides the access to teachers and students for the

presence, collection tasks, exercises and media learning resources that can be

accessed anytime, anywhere, and also provides access to parents to monitor

students' progress in the school. It is accessible at

3. Motivation

Ryan and Deci (2000) define that motivation is the willingness to move to

do something. A person who feels no inspiration to act is unmotivated, whereas

someone who is energized to act is considered motivated. In addition, Parsons,

Hinson, and Brown (2001) say that motivation is an important component or factor

in the learning process. Learning and motivation have the same importance in

order to achieve something. Learning makes the students gain new knowledge and


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skills and motivation pushes the students or encourages them to go through the

learning process.

4. The Seventh Grade Students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri

SMP Kanisius Wonogiri is a school located in Jl. Durian No. 9, Giripurwo,

Wonogiri. The total classes are 6 classes. In this research, the researcher focuses

on the seventh grade students of Class A.


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This chapter discusses the theories used as the foundation for this research.

The first part is the theoretical description and the second part is the theoretical

framework. Theoretical description discusses the theories related to the limited

scope of the research. Theoretical framework presents the theories as the

framework to answer the research questions.

A. Theoretical Description

This theoretical description is concerned with theories that are related to

the topic of this research. This part deals with technology and language learning,

Learning Management System (LMS), Schoology, and motivation in language


1. Technology and Language Learning

Technology becomes the normal and expected means of communication

and education. It can be seen at schools. Every school has a set of computers, and

students spend some time to work using computers for their tasks. Of these tasks,

word processing is the most widely used computer software. Bruce and Hogan

(1998) point out that important change occur in expectations about the abilities

students have to acquire to be successful language users. Moreover, the bond

between technology and English use in the modern world should prompt all

language professionals to reflect on the ways in which technology is changing the


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profession of English language teaching in particular, and applied linguistics as a

whole (as cited in Chapelle, 2003, p. 1).

Chapelle (2003) states that there are three important constructs in English

language teaching, namely motivation, register of language use, and

communicative language ability. The students will be more motivated to learn

English using technology. It makes the students become interested and not bored.

Rather than requiring learners to meet in a single physical location, the Internet

provides new spaces in which learners communicate through chat room, e-mail,

and online discussion groups (p. 11). Moreover, according to Means and Olson

(1993), technology can motivate students to attempt harder tasks and to take more

care in crafting their work (as cited in Knapp and Roehrig, 1996, p 14).

One of technologies that is commonly used in language learning is

computer lab. Chapelle (2003) argues that “computer labs where learners are

physically present to participate in lab-speak represent only a small-proportion of

the speech communities that English Second Language (ESL) learners have access

to through the use of technology” (p. 15). Crystal (2001) argues that language

users have to acquire the right and proper rules about how to communicate well

via e-mail, chat groups, or web-page (as cited in Chapelle, 2003, p. 17).

Therefore, teachers need to learn to use computer technology for

constructing and implementing materials for teaching and assessing English, and

they need to engage in innovative teaching and assessments through the use of

technology. Stein (2000) suggests that the future ESL teachers have to learn how

to use technology effectively for teaching their students in the future. Limiting


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technology experiences to one course or to one area of teacher preparation is

insufficient for developing teachers who can use technology creatively and

flexibly (as cited in Chapelle, 2003, p. 31).

In addition, Knapp and Roehrig (1996) say that the effect of integrating

technology into classroom instruction effectively suggests the following direct

impact on the teacher. By teaching with technology teachers can feel more

professional because they spend less time dispensing information and more time

helping students learn (p. 17). Therefore, technology is very helpful in teaching

and learning process, especially in language learning.

2. Learning Management System (LMS)

Szabo and Flesher (2002) define “LMS as the infrastructure that delivers

and manages instructional content, identifies, and assesses individual and

organizational learning goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those goals, and

collects and presents data for monitoring the learning process of the establishment

as a whole” (as cited in Pilli, 2014, p. 90). According to Wahlstedt and Honkaranta

(2007), the LMS consists of pedagogical devices, human interactions, learning

contents and assessment supporting and advancing traditional learning in school or

in higher education. LMS is a useful content distribution system, in which

instructors can distribute course materials and interact with students at a distance

(as cited in Almarashdeh, Sahari, Zin, & Alsmadi, 2010, p. 80).

According to Adzharuddin and Ling (2013), a typical LMS enables an

instructor or moderator to prepare and deliver content, monitor students’

participation, as well as assess students’ performance online. The LMS provides


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interactive features for the students, such as threaded discussions, video

conferencing, and forums for discussion are the main features of an LMS. The goal

of an LMS is to keep track of students’ progress and performance. The LMS is not

just viewed as an instructional trend but as a tool that benefits the adopters as well.

As a web-based learning tool, the LMS facilitates “any time, any place, any pace”

access to learning content and management (p. 250).

Typically, a learning management system provides an instructor with a way

to create and deliver content, monitor students’ progress and participation, and

assess students’ performance. Students are also benefiting from interactive features

such as debates, video conferencing, and discussion forums. Commonly used

LMSs, such as Moodle, WebCT, Schoology, Edmodo, and Ning are emphasizing

on provision for teachers and administrators in generating, managing, and handling

of online courses. LMSs offer a great variety of features which can be included in

the courses such as learning material, quizzes, forums, chats, assignments, wikis,

and so on. Bailey (1993) states that the following general characteristics for an

LMS in education: (1) Instructional objectives are tied to individual lessons, (2)

Lessons are incorporated into the standardized curriculum, (3) Courseware extends

several grade levels in a consistent manner, (4) A management system collects the

results of student performance, and (5) Lessons are provided based on the

individual student’s learning progress (as cited in Pilli, 2014, p. 92).

3. Schoology

There are so many kinds of LMS. One of them is Schoology. Schoology is

one of the innovative platforms built on the inspiration of social media, that is


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Facebook, with the aim for the benefit of education. Schoology assists teachers to

enable broad communication opportunities for students to make it easier for

students to take part in discussions and teamwork. In addition, Schoology is also

supported by various forms of media, such as video, audio and images that can

attract students' interest. Schoology directs students to apply the use of technology

in learning. Ardi (2017) states that Schoology is an online social learning network

and interactive learning management system initiated by four college students

named Jeremy Friedman, Ryan Hwang, Tim Trinidad, and Bill Kindler in 2007.

Figure 2. 1. Screenshot of Schoology Sign Up

Schoology is a cloud-based LMS for schools, teachers, and students. It is a

social network used to create, manage, and share academic materials. This

program is similar to an online classroom which allows students to do their works

without having to enter a room.


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Figure 2. 2. Screenshot of Schoology Sign In

Schoology has a very supportive feature of learning activities. The features

owned by Schoology are as follows:

a. Courses

The “courses” feature is to create a class of subjects, for example English

lesson. This facility is also in Moodle. In the Course feature, teachers can also

create quizzes or questions (these are not owned by Facebook) with various types

of multiple choices, true or false, matching, essay, etc. In addition, teachers also do

not have to make question sheets for all classes that they have. With the import

feature teachers can import the files.

Figure 2. 3. Screenshot of Courses Feature


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b. Groups

The “groups” feature is to create groups in grouping a task done by groups

in different themes or class groupings. This facility also exists in Facebook.

Figure 2. 4. Screenshot of Groups Feature

c. Resources

The “resources” feature is to provide learning resources to individual and

groups. The teachers can provide the resources easily without printing the handout.

The students can access it everywhere and anytime.

Figure 2. 5. Screenshot of Resources Feature

One of the advantages of using Schoology is that the teachers do not have

to bring their students’ works or tasks at home. The students’ tasks can be done at

home, teachers stay controlled from the teachers’ home. Therefore, to include the

members (students), the teacher can give the access code to the students being


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taught. For example, the students who will enter the online class of “English:

Section 1” can join by entering N57WT-BTB5K access code.

Figure 2. 6. Screenshot of Schoology Course Code

Schoology also has other features, such as attendance list, analytic,

discussion boards, assignment drop box, gradebook, online quizzes, teacher

learning communities, and calendaring. Besides being easy to be used via PC,

Schoology can also be used via mobile phones. The students are easy to open the

lesson anywhere and anytime. The researcher provides students’ participation in

doing English tasks by using Schoology in Appendix 9.


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Figure 2. 7. Screenshot of Schoology Features

4. Motivation

a. Definition of Motivation

Motivation is one of the factors influencing success in second or foreign

language (L2) learning. Schunk, Meece and Pintrich (2014) explain that the

meaning of motivation is “the process whereby goal-directed activities are

instigated and sustained” (p. 5). Lightbown and Spada (1999) note that

“motivation in second language learning is a complex phenomenon which can be

defined in terms of two factors, namely learner’s communicative needs and their

attitudes towards the second language community” (p. 56). In other hand, Parsons,

Hinson and Brown (2001) state that motivation as an important factor in the

learning process. Learning and motivation have the same importance in order to

achieve something. Learning can make us gain new knowledge and skills, while

motivation encourages us to go through the learning process.


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Gardner (1985) notes that motivation is perceived composed of three

elements, namely effort, desire, and affect. Effort refers to the time spent studying

the language and the drive of the learner. Desire indicates how much the learner

wants to become proficient in the language and affect means the learner’s

emotional reactions related to language study.

Motivation is the process aroused by the stimulus to achieve desired

purposes, behaviors, or conditions. It can be said that motivation is a continuous

process based on a person’s desire. According to Keller (2010), motivation refers

broadly to what people desire, what they choose to do, and what they commit to


b. Types of Motivation

Harmer (1991) uses the word ‘goal’ to categorize the motivation in second

language learning into two types. The first one is short-term goal. It means when

students wish to succeed in doing something in the near future, such as, passing

their examination or getting good grades or high scores. The second one is long-

term goal. It refers to a wish of students or learners who want to get a better job in

the future or to be able to communicate with people who use the language that they

study or the target language.

Furthermore, according to self-determination theory, individuals’

motivation for engaging in activities can be distinguished between intrinsic and

extrinsic motivation. According to Schunk, et al. (2014), intrinsic motivation refers

to motivation to engage in an activity for its own sake. People who are intrinsically

motivated work on tasks because they find the tasks enjoyable. Task participation


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is its own reward and does not depend on explicit rewards or other external

constrains. In contrast, extrinsic motivation is motivation to engage in an activity

as a means to an end. Individuals who are extrinsically motivated work on tasks

because they believe that participation will result in desirable outcomes such as

reward, teacher’s praise, or avoiding punishment (p. 276).

Meanwhile, according to Deci (1985), intrinsically motivated behaviors are

performed because of the sense of personal satisfaction that they bring. The

students are in college because they enjoy learning new things and expanding their

knowledge, they are intrinsically motivated to be there. On the other hand,

extrinsically motivated behaviors are performed in order to receive something

from others or avoid certain negative outcomes (as cited in Ryan & Deci, 2000, p.

69). Deci (1985) defines extrinsic motivation as "engaging in an activity to obtain

an outcome that is separable from the activity itself" (as cited in Ryan & Deci,

2000, p. 70). Some examples of extrinsic motivators are rewards, such as a job

promotion, money, a sticker, or candy. Furthermore, social and emotional

incentives like praise and attention are also extrinsic motivators since they get

from another person (Ryan & Deci, 2000).

c. The Importance of Motivation in Second Language Learning

According to Schunk and Zimmerman (2008), motivation can influence

what, when, and how we learn (as cited in Schunk et al., 2014). Motivation has an

important role in success and failure in learning a second language. Spolsky (1990)

states that motivated students are likely to learn more quickly than the students

who are less motivated. In a particular learning situation, students who are less


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motivated are likely to lose their attention, misbehave, and cause discipline

problems. On the contrary, students who are more highly motivated will

participate actively and pay more attention to a certain learning task or activity.

d. Behavioral Indicators of Motivation

Maehr (1984) describes five behavioral patterns that can be used as indices

of motivation related to learning. First, motivation is related to individual’s

attention. Second, persistence is a kind of behavior related to motivation. Third,

the level of intensity is connected with the level of motivation. Fourth, someone

that can do a task individually is considered as high motivated (as cited in Stipek,

1993, p. 11).

Furthermore, Schunk, et al. (2014) describe that there are four indexes of

motivation, namely choice of task, effort, persistence, and achievement. The

learners should have high desire to achieve learning goals and need to overcome

their difficulties. Therefore, the researcher argues that it is important to know the

students’ behavioral to find whether the students have motivation in learning,

especially in second language learning.

e. Self-Determination Theory

Self-determination theory assumes that all individuals have a natural

constructive tendency towards developing the self and identifies specifiable factors

that both support and hinder intrinsic motivations. Self-determination theory

proposes that a person’s intrinsic motivation is driven by three psychological

needs, which are autonomy, competence, and relatedness (Fernandez, 2011).

According to Deci (1980), self-determination is “the process of utilizing one’s


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will”. Will is “the capacity of the human organism to choose how to satisfy its

needs” (as cited in Schunk et al., 2014, p.289). Deci (1980) argues that self-

determination is an ability to accept the strengths and weaknesses. People have to

consider how to act in their environment (as cited in Schunk et al., 2014, p.289).

Deci and Ryan (2000) develop a second sub-theory within the larger self-

determination theory; which they labeled Organismic Integration Theory (OIT), to

deal with extrinsically motivated behaviors (as cited in Schunk et al., 2014, pp.

291-292). Figure 2.8 displays the taxonomy of motivation according to this theory

and sub-theory.

Figure 2. 8. Taxonomy of Human Motivation

(Ryan & Deci, 2000, p. 61)

B. Theoretical Framework

In this part, the researcher tries to synthesize the relevant theories discussed

in the previous subchapters which become the grounds to support this research and


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to analyze the research data. There are two research questions in this research: 1)

to what extent does Schoology motivate the seventh grade students of SMP

Kanisius Wonogiri to learn English? and 2) what types of motivation do the

students have in learning English through Schoology? In this part, the researcher

also explains how the theories support the researcher to answer the research


In order to answer the first question, the researcher provides some indexes

of motivation by theory of Stipek (1993) which is supported by Maehr (1984) and

by theory of Schunk, Meece, and Pintrich (2014) which is also supported by

Schunk (1983). Maehr (1984) describes five behavioral indexes of motivation

related to learning, namely direction of an individual’s attention and activity,

persistence, activity level, continuing motivation, and performance. Moreover,

Schunk, et al. (2014) describe there are four indexes of motivation, namely choice

of tasks, effort, persistence, and achievement. To answer the second research

question, the researcher addresses the theory of Stipek (1993), Boggiano, Main,

and Katz (1988), Deci and Ryan (1985), DeCharms (1976) in order to define the

types of motivation. Stipek (1993), Boggiano, Main, and Katz (1988), Deci and

Ryan (1985), DeCharms (1976), explain the theory of intrinsic motivation and

extrinsic motivation. Those theories help the researcher to find the relation

between the students’ experiences in learning English using Schoology and their

types of motivation to learn English using Schoology.


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In this chapter, the research methodology is presented. The discussion

consists of five parts, namely research method, research setting, research

participants, instruments and data gathering technique, and data analysis

technique. This chapter explains how the researcher collected and analyzed the

data to answer the research questions.

A. Research Method

The researcher used mixed methods that consisted of quantitative and

qualitative approaches. According to Creswell (2003), in the mixed methods, the

researchers look for many approaches to collect and analyze data rather than using

only one way (e.g., quantitative or qualitative) (p.12). Creswell (2003) further

explains that “the researchers use both quantitative and qualitative data because

they work to provide the best understanding of a research problem” (p.12).

Therefore, the researcher used mixed methods in order to find the best

understanding of the research results. The purpose of using mixed methods was to

find out how Schoology motives the students in learning English and the types of

the motivation.

In the quantitative method, the researcher used questionnaires to collect the

data. Kumar (1999) argues that a questionnaire is a list of questions that is clear,

unambiguous and easy to understand (as cited in Grix, 2004, pp. 128-129).

Meanwhile, in the qualitative method, the researcher did the observation and


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interview to collect the data. From the observation, the researcher obtained some

information by observing the class and real situation in the class. From the

interview, the researcher obtained some information from the participants directly.

B. Research Setting

This research took place at SMP Kanisius Wonogiri which is located at Jl.

Durian No. 9, Giripurwo, Wonogiri. This school has in total of 6 classes; two

classes of seventh grader, two classes of eighth grader, and two classes of ninth

grader. The learning process started from 7.00 a.m. to 1.30 p.m. every Monday,

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, then from 7.00 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. every

Friday and Saturday. The research was conducted in Class 7A.

C. Research Participants

The participants were 12 students who belonged to the seventh grade

students of Class A of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri. They were all the members of

SMP Kanisius Wonogiri. The researcher used purposive sampling. In addition, the

researcher chose twelve students from Class A because they volunteered

themselves to join this class. The researcher conducted an interview with the

students to gather students’ perspectives. Therefore, the researcher made some

codes to define the participants. The researcher presented the students 1 to 12 as

S1 to S12, female as F, and male as M.


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Code S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S7 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12

Gender F F F F M F F F F M M M

Table 3. 1. Participants’ Code

D. Instruments and Data Gathering Technique

This part elaborates the instruments of the research in order to answer the

research questions. Then, in order to answer the questions, this research employed

three kinds of instruments. The researcher used observation checklist,

questionnaire, and interview.

1. Observation Checklist

Richards (2003) argues that observation is the conscious noticing and

detailed examination of participants’ behaviors in a naturalistic setting (as cited in

Heigham & Sakui, 2009, p. 97). Therefore, the researcher used observation to find

out the students’ behavior during English learning process before using Schoology

and the students’ behavior during English learning process by using Schoology. In

this research, the researcher used non-participant observation technique. Non-

participant observation usually involves a passive role for the researcher, who does

not directly influence events, but observers’ interaction, which is not affected by

the researcher’s presence (Grix, 2004).

In this research, the researcher took note about the classroom activity. The

researcher focused on the students’ responses to the English tasks given through

Schoology. The researcher looked at how the students acted after accomplishing

English tasks on Schoology. In this research, the researcher made an observation


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checklist to help the researcher analyze students’ activities in the class. Then, the

researcher checked the observation checklist after the students used Schoology in

learning English. The observation checklist is available in Appendix 3. The

researcher described the situation in the class and to summarize the data.

According to Geertz (1973), one fundamental aspect of participant observation is

that a researcher should engage in the thick description (as cited in Cowie, 2009, p.

171). Cowie (2009) state that writing about a research setting should be as detailed

and rich as possible.

2. Questionnaire

The researcher used questionnaires to answer the research question. It was

to identify the types of students’ motivation in English teaching learning process

by using Schoology and how it motivates the students to learn English. The

researcher chose closed-ended questionnaire, which provides responses to be

chosen by the respondents. The closed-ended-question makes the questionnaire

easier and quicker to fill in (Wallace, 1998, p.135).

There were 25 closed-ended questions. Moreover, the researcher provided

4 responses that could be chosen by the respondents. The researcher provided 4

degrees of agreement options to be selected for each item in the questionnaires.

The list of the questionnaire’s statements could be seen in Appendix 5. The

degrees of agreement used in the questionnaire were based on likert-scale with

four degrees of agreement (Brown & Rogers, 2002, p.120). The scales were four

(4) for strongly agree, three (3) for agree, two (2) for disagree, and one (1) for

strongly disagree. These scales were used to count the total score of closed-ended


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questions from each respondent. The researcher chose 4 scales so that there was no

undecided option in the questionnaires. The reason was that the researcher wanted

the respondents to directly express their answer whether they agreed or disagreed

with each statement.

The language used in the questionnaire was Bahasa Indonesia. The reason

was to make respondents easier to fill the questionnaire. The researcher distributed

the questionnaire on July 26, 2017.

3. Interview

In this research, the interview was also used by the researcher in order to

obtain more information to answer the research questions. Furthermore, by

interviewing the respondents, the researcher could do immediate follow-up and

clarification to responses given by the respondents (Ary et al., 2002). Then, in

order to obtain more information from the respondents, a semi-structured interview

was used by the researcher. Gall and Borg (2007) mention that semi-structured

interview involves questioning a series of structured questions to the interviewee

and then probing more deeply with open-form questions in order to obtain more

additional information from the interviewee. Furthermore, McDonough (1997)

also states that in a semi-structured interview, the interviewer may change the

order of questions and may ask for follow-up of responses even though the

framework of the interview has been prepared.

This interview is used to find out the students’ perceptions about the use of

Schoology in English learning process and their types of motivation in learning

English by using Schoology. The researcher did the interview on July 26, 2017.


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When interviewing the participants, the researcher decided to use Bahasa

Indonesia. It is because the researcher wanted to ensure that the participants

understand the meaning of each question in the interview so that the purpose of the

interview can be achieved. Besides, the participants were also allowed to answer

all questions of the interview using Bahasa Indonesia. The reason is that the

researcher wanted to ensure that the participants could give clear and deep answers

for all questions. The interview results can be seen in Appendix 8.

In order to record the information given orally by the participants, the

researcher used a voice recorder. Gall and Borg (2007) state that the researcher

could obtain a complete verbal record by using the audio recording and it can be

studied much more thoroughly than data in the form of interviewer notes. In

addition, a recorder also speeds up the interview process because the interviewer

did not need to write the information from the interviewee (Gall & Borg, 2007).

E. Data Analysis Technique

In gathering the data, the researcher used observation checklist,

questionnaire and interview. The main data collected from the questionnaire. The

observation and the interview were the supporting data.

1. Analyzing the Observation

The data from the observation checklists were used to improve researcher’s

teaching model. The information collected in the teacher observation checklists

was analyzed by paying attention to the behavior changes of the students. These

behavior changes were then categorized based on the specification. The data


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analyzed from the teacher observation checklists then presented in the qualitative

way in research results and discussion.

2. Analyzing the Questionnaire

After analyzing the teacher observation checklist, the researcher analyzed

the questionnaire. The researcher calculated the mean score. First, the researcher

counted how many times the students answered strongly agrees, agree, disagree,

and strongly disagree with every statement. Second, the researcher counted the

total score for every degree. Third, the researcher multiplied the total of every

degree answers to every degree’s scale that had been determined. According to

Brown & Rogers (2002, p.120), the scale were four (4) for strongly agree, three (3)

for agree, two (2) for disagree and one (1) for strongly disagree. After that, the

researcher counted the score (X score). Then, the total X score was divided to 12

as the amount of students who answered the questionnaire. The researcher used

following formula to calculate the results:

x = n

XXXX n )...( 321

Furthermore, the process of calculating the data was the number of the

students who chose the option from the questionnaire (n), divided by the total of

the number of the students in the class ( N), then multiplied by 100%. The result

of the data questionnaire will be provided in a percentage. The formulation is seen



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After calculating the raw data, the researcher tried to compare the result of

the data and the theories that the researcher have found.

3. Analyzing the Interview

In order to analyze the data from the interview, the researcher took these

steps. First, the researcher transcribed the oral information of the interview

recorded in the voice recorder. Second, the researcher analyzed the obtained

information from the data transcription based on the theories discussed in Chapter

II. Third, the researcher made the summary and drew some conclusions from the

data transcription of the interview about how Schoology can motivate students in

learning English.

The researcher used data triangulation to validate the data found from the

instruments. Denzin (1978) state, “triangulation is the combination of

methodologies in the study of the same phenomenon” (as cited in Jick, 1979, p.

602). Creswell (2003) explains that “from the original concept of triangulation

emerged additional reasons for mixing different types of data” (p. 15). The results

of the interview and the observation were combined with the result of

questionnaire. The researcher was cross-checking the data from the observation,

the interview, and the questionnaire. The researcher reinforced the data using

several theories that could support data validation. The theories used are compared

to see the similarity of the results obtained. After all of the data were collected, the

researcher found out the main results from those methods.


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Figure 3. 1. Triangulation Technique





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There were two parts in this chapter. Those parts were research results and

discussion. In the first part discusses how Schoology could motivate the students

to learn English and types of students’ motivation in an English language learning

using Schoology. The second part deals with the discussion about Schoology that

could motivate the students to learn English and types of students’ motivation in

English language learning using Schoology.

A. Research Results

This part was divided into two sections. The first section presented the

students’ motivation in learning English using Schoology. The second part

identified the students’ types of motivation.

1. Students’ Motivation in Learning English using Schoology

The observation was done to observe 12 students of 7A Class who used

Schoology in English learning process. The observation showed that the students

were focused and silent enough on doing their own tasks. Moreover, they did not

cheat other students’ work. The resulta of the observation could be seen in

Appendix 4. The finding was supported by the results from the questionnaire.

The questionnaire was distributed to the 12 students of Class 7A of SMP

Kanisius Wonogiri who used Schoology in their English learning process. The

questionnaire was divided into five categories. The first category was the students’

choice of task. The second category was the students’ persistence in doing the


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English tasks by using Schoology. The third category was the students’ effort in

doing the English tasks by using Schoology. The fourth category was the

continuation of the students’ motivation in learning English by using Schoology.

The fifth category was the students’ achievement in learning English by using


a. Students’ Choice of Task

Figure 4. 1. Index of Motivation: Choice of Task

Figure 4. 1. showed the results of the first four statements in order to find

out the students’ focus attention and activity. The first statement showed that 1

student (8%) choses “strongly agree” and 10 students (83%) chose “agree”. It

meant that the students encouraged to do English tasks in the Schoology. Then, in

the second statement there was 1 student (8%) who choses “strongly agree” and 6

students (50%) chose “agree”. It meant that the students had self-confidence when

did the English tasks in the Schoology. In the third statement, there was 1 student


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(8%) who choses “strongly agree” and 9 students (75%) chose “agree”. It meant

that they focused on their own English tasks. In the fourth statement there were 3

students (25%) who chose “strongly agree” and 5 students (42%) chose “agree”. It

meant the students were interested in doing the English tasks by using Schoology.

It proves with the next statements in Figure 4. 2. These statements were about the

students’ persistence in doing English tasks by using Schoology.

b. Students’ Persistence

Figure 4. 2. Index of Motivation: Persistence

In figure 4. 2., the first statement showed that there were 3 students (25%)

who chose “strongly agree” and 6 students (50%) chose “agree”. It meant that the

students persist in doing English tasks although the English tasks were difficult.

Therefore, the second statement there were 4 students (33%) who chose “strongly

agree” and 8 students (67%) chose “agree”. It meant that the students persist in


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doing English tasks although the Schoology was difficult to use. The finding was

supported by the result of the interview. S9 said:

Yes, I do. I like English. I want to be able to speak English well and master

it, but I am afraid to be wrong, so I learn it more. I can download the

resources from my teacher in the Schoology, so that it is easier to learn


It meant that she was encouraged to learn English. She was afraid to be

wrong when learning English. She wanted to learn English even though the student

had not mastered it yet. It was supported by S9 who said:

Yes, I do. I am interested using Schoology so that I master technology.

Therefore, I learn how to use Schoology.

It meant that she was interested to learn Schoology. She had an effort to

learn it so that the student could master technology especially Schoology. The

student’s efforts were shown in the next statements in Figure 4. 3.

c. Students’ Effort

Figure 4. 3. Index of Motivation: Effort


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From the results, the first statement showed that 3 students (25%) chose

“strongly agree” and 9 students (75%) chose “agree”. It meant that the students did

the English tasks because they were like English. Then, the second statement

showed that 7 students (58%) chose “strongly agree” and 3 students (25%) chose

“agree”. It meant that the students did the English tasks carefully. In the third

statement there were 3 students (25%) who chose “strongly agree” and 8 students

(67%) chose “agree”. It meant that the students did the English tasks with all their

hearts, but in the fourth statement there were 3 students (25%) who chose

“strongly agree” and 2 students (17%) chose “agree” who submitted the English

tasks on time. However, from Figure 4. 4. proves that the students had other efforts

to master English and Schoology.

d. Continuation of the Students’ Motivation

Figure 4. 4. Index of Motivation: Continuing Motivation

From Figure 4. 4., in the first statement, there were 2 students (17%) who

chose “strongly agree” and 6 students (50%) chose “agree”. They were interested


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in learning Schoology feature outside the school hours. Then, the second statement

showed that 3 students (25%) chose “strongly agree” and 7 students (58%) chose

“agree”. They liked to discuss online outside the school hours. On the other hand,

the third statement showed that only 1 student (8%) chose “strongly agree” and 4

students only (33%) chose “agree” to re-learn English by using Schoology at

home. However, it was supported by the result of the interview. S3 said:

Yes, I do. I am interested to learn English, but I cannot use Schoology

because there is no credit and wi-fi at my home. Yes, it makes me interested

to learn English because it makes me to not be boring. I still can open the

Schoology at school and my teacher can help me to use it.

It showed that she had an effort to learn English using Schoology. She

would learn how to use Schoology at the school. She would ask the teacher help to

learn it deeper. Moreover, there was another statement from S1 that showed the

student’s effort to learn English using Schoology.

I want to learn using Schoology so that I master technology. Then, I do not

need to bring stationery. It is easy to be opened and learned everywhere, so

I am interested. I can open the Schoology at home and explore the features

so that I can use it well.

It showed that she felt interested in learning English by using Schoology.

There were a lot of features in the Schoology so that the Schoology would easier

the students in learning English. She could master the modern technology

especially LMS through Schoology. These results proved that the students’

motivation was continuing.


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e. Students’ Achievement

Figure 4. 5. Index of Motivation: Achievement

In Figure 4. 5., the first statement showed that there was 1 student (8%)

who choses “strongly agree” and 7 students (58%) chose “agree”. They wanted to

study harder because of Schoology. In the second statement there was 1 student

only (8%) who choses “strongly agree” and 3 students only (33%) who wanted to

learn every day by using Schoology, but in the third statement there was 1 student

(8%) who choses “strongly agree” and 8 students (67%) chose “agree”. It meant

that the students wanted to learn the Schoology deeper. The data shows that the

students had motivation to learn English by using Schoology. It was supported by

the result of the interview. S1 said:

Yes, I do. I want to learn more, Miss, because I like English so that I can

master in all the skills. I can speak English well, I can understand the

meaning if I listening and reading. I also will be good in writing. I will

study harder at home and I will pay attention the teacher’s explanation in

the class.


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She stated that learning English could help her to achieve the student’s

goals. She wanted to study harder and payed attention the teacher’s explanation in

the class. It meant that she had intrinsic motivation in learning English. It will be

presented in Figure 4. 6.

2. Students’ Types of Motivation

The researcher distributed the questionnaire and conducted the interview to

find out the students’ types of motivation. The questionnaire was divided into two

categories. The first category was the students’ intrinsic motivation in learning

English by using Schoology. The second category was the students’ extrinsic

motivation in learning English by using Schoology.


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a. Students’ Intrinsic Motivation

Figure 4. 6. Type of Motivation: Intrinsic Motivation

Based on Figure 4. 6., in the first statement there were 2 students (17%)

who chose “strongly agree” and 9 students (75%) chose “agree”. It meant that the

students were challenged to do the English tasks by using Schoology. The second

statement showed that 2 students (17%) chose “strongly agree” and 6 students

(50%) chose “agree”. It meant that the students were curious to explore


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Schoology. Those two statements were supported by the result of the interview. S8


I like to use Schoology. It’s not boring. I want to know how to use it more.

Maybe, the features were good for teaching learning process, not only

English but also the other subjects.

She believed that the Schoology’s features were good for teaching learning

process. She would know more about how to use Schoology and its features. She

thought that Schoology could make her to not be boring in learning English.

The third statement showed that 3 students (25%) chose “strongly agree”

and 6 students (50%) chose “agree”. It showed that the students would be

disappointed if they did not do the English tasks. In the fourth statement there were

5 students (42%) who chose “strongly agree” and 5 students (42%) chose “agree”.

It meant that the students wanted to do the English in the Schoology to improve

their English skills. It was supported by the interview. S11 said:

Yes, I do. I like learning Schoology although it’s difficult. It is cool and I

can learn many subjects especially English. I think that Schoology can

improve my reading, writing skills and also my listening skill.

Moreover, in the fifth statement there were 3 students (25%) who chose

“strongly agree” and 8 students (67%) chose “agree”. It showed that the students

wanted to learn something new through did the English tasks in the Schoology. It

was supported by the interview. S7 said:

Yes, I do. I am interested because Schoology is an easy and modern

application. It is something new in our School, but I think that it is helpful

in teaching learning process, especially English. I want to learn it more

and explore the features.

The sixth statement showed that 2 students (17%) chose “strongly agree”

and 9 students (75%) chose “agree”. The students thought that did the English


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tasks in the Schoology was important. In the seventh statement there were 3

students (25%) who chose “strongly agree” and 8 students (67%) chose “agree”.

The students thought that did the English tasks in the Schoology was fun. It was

supported by the results of the interview. S8 and S11 said:

Yes, I do. I like it very much. English is fun, so it is important to study

harder because I want to master all the English skills.

Yes, I do. I like it, although I am not smart. English is fun, so that I will

study harder.

The data showed that the students had intrinsic motivation in learning

English used Schoology. They liked English and they wanted to learn English

deeper. They argued that English is important for their future. They stated that

English could help them to reach their dreams. The students wanted to be smart in

English and they could master English skills well. From the data, the students have

high intrinsic motivation to achieve their dreams. It was also showed that the

students’ intrinsic motivation was higher than the students’ extrinsic motivation. It

can be seen in Figure 4. 7.


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b. Students’ Extrinsic Motivation

Figure 4. 7. Type of Motivation: Extrinsic Motivation

Based on Figure 4. 7., in the first statement, there was 1 student (8%) who

choses “strongly agree” and 7 students (58%) chose “agree”. It shows that the

students liked to do English tasks because used Schoology. The second statement

showed that 3 students only (25%) who did the English tasks in order to others

students and their teacher consider them as smart students. The data showed that

only a few students had extrinsic motivation.

Based on the result, the researcher concluded that the students have

positive perspective about the use of Schoology to motivate students in learning

English. Most of the students enjoy the Schoology and they interested in the

Schoology, so the use of Schoology supports the English teaching and learning

process. The use of Schoology improves their writing and reading skills because

basically this Schoology is used to learn about writing and reading skills. The


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students feel motivated when doing the English tasks by using Schoology. Overall,

the students believed that Schoology is encouraging students in order to master the

English subject.

B. Discussion

In this part, the researcher focused to answer the research questions. There

were two research questions in this research: (1) To what extent does Schoology

motivate the seventh grade students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to learn English?

and (2) What types of motivation do the students have in learning English through


1. Schoology could Motivate the Seventh Grade Students of SMP Kanisius

Wonogiri to Learn English

To answer the first research question, namely “to what extent does

Schoology motivate the seventh grade students of SMP Kanisius Wonogiri to learn

English?”, the researcher made an observation, conducted an interview, and

distributed a questionnaire. From the observation, the interview, and the results

from the questionnaire, the researcher found five categories they obtain as the

indexes of the students’ motivation to learn English use Schoology, namely choice

of task, persistence, effort, continuing motivation, and achievement.

A choice of task is also important as an early stage of whether the students

were motivated by what they do. According to Schunk, et al. (2014), students

demonstrate their interest by what they do in and out of school when they have

free time and can choose among activities (p. 12). The students were observed

during their learning process. In the first observation, the students were busy


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talking rather than doing the English tasks. In the next observation, in the

computer laboratory, the students did the English tasks used Schoology. Those

who spent much time doing the English tasks on Schoology were motivated. It

meant that their motivation increased after they used Schoology in the learning

process. That was shown by the students’ statements in the interview that they

liked English and preferred to use Schoology as the learning medium.

However, choice of tasks is not a useful index of motivation in the school

because students typically have few choices. A second behavioral index is an

effort. Schunk (1983) accessed children’s perceptions of how hard they worked

during mathematics learning and found that providing children with feedback

linking their performance to effort expenditure raised their effort perceptions (as

cited in Schunk et al., 2014, p.13). In this research, the students had high efforts,

which were proved from the students’ statements on the questionnaire and the

interview. They kept trying to do English tasks even though the task was difficult.

The students also did the English tasks on Schoology although they had difficulty

in using Schoology.

Moreover, efforts will be more successful if it is balanced with the

students’ persistence. Schunk, et al. (2014) argued that persistence was commonly

used by the researcher as a measure of motivation. From the results of the

questionnaire, the students’ not only did the tasks carefully but they also did the

English tasks with all their hearts. By using Schoology, the students were

challenged to do English tasks.


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Furthermore, the results showed that by using Schoology, the students were

motivated in learning English. Stipek (1993) says that a student who works

intensely on a task, persists when the task is difficult and engages in a task without

external incentives will undoubtedly learn more and perform better than a student

who avoids the task, works half-heartedly, or gives up easily (p.11). By using

Schoology, the students’ motivation is continuing. The students wanted to study

harder and they would learn the Schoology deeper so that they can achieve their

goals. This research showed that the students had a good performance, so they

could get good achievements.

2. Types of Students’ Motivation in English Language Learning using


Students’ motivation is a basic desire that encourages the students to

achieve their own needs. To meet the students’ basic needs, teachers take

advantages of the students’ curiosity by providing materials that were suitable and

meaningful for the students. Based on the explanation, the students’ motivation

cannot be separated from the learning process. The students’ motivation can be

sourced from the students itself (intrinsic) or also from the outside (extrinsic). In

general, intrinsic motivation is stronger and better than extrinsic motivation.

Therefore, intrinsic motivation should be generated and activated within each

student. Stipek (1993) says that research has shown that under certain

circumstances, offering extrinsic rewards for engaging in tasks actually

undermines intrinsic motivation (p. 67).

The results from the questionnaire showed that the students had intrinsic

motivation in learning English by using Schoology. Stipek (1993) states that


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human beings were innately disposed to seek opportunities to develop

competencies; were naturally curious about novel event and activities that were

somewhat discrepant from their expectation; and have an innate need to feel that

they were autonomous and engaging in activities by their own volition (p.60). The

researcher finds that the students were challenged to do the English tasks by using

Schoology. The students also wanted to do the English tasks on Schoology to

improve their English skills. Moreover, they wanted to learn something new

through doing English tasks in the Schoology. It proves that the students want to

learn how to use the Schoology over and over until they master it. According to

Boggiano, Main, and Katz (1988), learning contexts that increase a sense of

competence will enhance intrinsic motivation, and situations that engender

feelings of incompetence will dampen intrinsic motivation. This relationship

between perceived competence and intrinsic interest is apparent in studies showing

that children who believe they were competence at a task enjoy it more; students

who believe they were competent academically were more intrinsically interested

in school tasks than those who have a low perception of their academic ability (as

cited in Stipek, 1993, p. 64).

One of the factors that the students were motivated is by the curiosity that

arises from within the students on the activities they do. The students were curious

to explore Schoology, they were curious about the features of Schoology. It made

the students interested to explore the Schoology more deeply. Thus, the students

become motivated to accomplish English tasks in the Schoology. Moreover, the

students would be disappointed if they did not do the English tasks. DeCharms


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(1976), Deci, and Ryan (1985) claim that in addition to a need to be competent,

human beings have a natural need to feel self-determining: they want to believe

they were engaging in activities by their own volition rather than to achieve some

external reward or avoid punishment (as cited in Stipek, 1993, p. 66). They have

thought that doing the English tasks is important and learned Schoology was fun.

The students also had extrinsic motivation in learning English. Students

were interested in learning English because of the external factors. The first factor

was the use of media as a medium of learning English. In this study the students

were motivated to do English tasks because the use of Schoology. The second

factor was the students’ reward in learning English. As described in Chapter 2,

Schunk, et al. (2014) argued that students who were extrinsically motivated work

on tasks because of reward, teacher’s praise, or avoiding punishment. However,

there were very few students who studied English in order to be seen as smart

students by their teachers and their friends. The results of the study showed that

the students had low extrinsic motivation.

Students’ intrinsic motivation was higher than students’ extrinsic

motivation because the students enjoy learning English by using Schoology. The

students were interested in doing the English tasks by using Schoology because the

application provides interesting features that can help the students do their tasks.

Moreover, the students enable to access the materials and discuss them with their

friend through Schoology at any time and any place.


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There are two parts in this chapter. The first part discusses the conclusions

of the research. The second part contains the recommendations for the future

researchers about the use of Schoology as a medium to improve students’

motivation in learning English.

A. Conclusions

There are two research questions in this research. The first one is “to what

extent does Schoology motivate the seventh grade students of SMP Kanisius

Wonogiri to learn English?” The second one is “what types of motivation do the

students have in learning English through Schoology?” To answer the two research

questions, the researcher did the observation, the interview, and distributed the

questionnaire. Most of the students have positive influence from Schoology. They

admit that Schoology encourage their motivation in learning English. Schoology

gives many benefits toward the students. The students can learn about writing and

reading skills. They do not need to bring stationery. The materials are easy to be

accessed and learn everywhere and anytime. Moreover, Schoology also provides

some features that are interesting for the students to learn English. It means that

Schoology can be used as one of the teaching media in the English class.

The researcher finds that the use of Schoology as the medium of learning

English is good. By using Schoology in the English learning process, the students’

have two types of motivation namely intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation.


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The intrinsic motivation is higher than the extrinsic motivation. The students’

intrinsic motivation can make them learn English maximally. It proved that the

students had intrinsic motivation in learning English by using Schoology. The

interviewed students liked English because they enjoyed it. They wanted to learn

English because they wanted to master it so that they could improve their

speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills. They also could reach their dreams.

The students also wanted to learn Schoology because they wanted to master

technology. They mentioned a good benefit of Schoology. It is easy to be opened

and learned everywhere. The use of media is assessed by the students more

effectively to help them understand the English materials and the English learning

process become more interesting. Schoology creates the positive atmosphere, so

that the students focus on the learning process only. It can reduce the students’

misbehaviors which are talking to each other and making a joke.

The final conclusion is that the students’ intrinsic motivation is very

important. The students’ intrinsic motivation that arises from within the students is

able to earnestly do all their activities. The students’ intrinsic motivation is able to

raise the students’ spirit in learning. In addition, the students’ intrinsic motivation

can produce something positive that can support the students’ own development.

Moreover, if the students’ intrinsic motivation can be applied, the students will get

other external rewards. The point is prioritizing the students’ intrinsic motivation

first, and then the students’ extrinsic motivation can be balanced.


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B. Recommendations

After the researcher conducted this research, the researcher wanted to give

recommendations that could be useful for the English teachers and the future


1. English Teachers

It is obvious from this research that the English teachers must become a

knowledgeable teacher. Learning about LMS is important. LMSs are not new

media in the educational field so that the English teachers have to master it. It can

help the English teachers become more creative. Creative teachers bring more to

class than just knowledge of teaching. The English teachers must make creativity a

daily goal. Being creative can help the teachers solve problems. Schools that have

not used LMS as a learning medium can use Schoology. By using Schoology,

teachers can easily solve problems in teaching. Moreover, Schoology helps the

teachers to make the English lesson more motivating, productive, and interesting

for the learners.

2. Future Researchers

For future researchers, this research can be expanded more. There are some

unexplored variables in this research. The future researchers can inquire further

into the topic such as students’ perception on Schoology features. The future

researcher can also choose different LMS types. It is important to be further

studied because the future of our education system have tendency to depend on

modern technology rather than traditional learning and teaching activities.


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definitions and new directions. Contemporary Educational Psychology, 25,


Schunk, D., Meece, J. & Pintrich, P. (2014). Motivation in education: Theory,

research, and applications. London: Pearson.

Spolsky, B. (1990). Conditions for second language learning. Hong Kong: Oxford

University Press. Retrieved from

Steinberg, S. & Riehl, J. (2013). Technology lessons by age group. In J. L. Tahnk

(Ed.), Teaching technology: High-tech education, safety and online learning

for teachers, kids and parents (pp. 91-99). New York: Read Me.

Stipek, D. J. (1993). Motivation to learn: From theory to practice. Boston: Allyn

and Bacon.

Stockwell, G. (2013). Technology and motivation in English-language teaching

and learning. In E. Ushioda (Ed.), International perspective on motivation:

Language learning and professional challenges (pp. 156-175). London:

Palgrave Macmillan.

Stošić, L. (2015). The importance of educational technology in teaching.

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and

Education, 3(1), 111-114.

Wallace, M. J. (1998). Action research for language teachers. Cambridge:

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Permission Letter


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Information Letter


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Teacher’s Observation Checklist


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The Observation Result

To know about the real situation between the teacher and the students, the

researcher did two times of observation. The observation was done in the Class A

that was subjected to the questionnaire and interview. In doing the observation, the

researcher also used the mentioned responses categories to help the researcher in

identifying the students’ responses in learning English.

The first observation was done on Friday, 31 March 2017 starting at 9.35

am until 11.00 am. When the researcher and the teacher went into the class, some

of the students were busy talking. Some were standing and walking around the

classroom. However, when they noticed that the teacher entered the classroom,

they went back to their seats and greeted the teacher used the Indonesian language.

Before they began the teaching and learning activities, they did the opening prayer

to start the day. Immediately after the prayer, the teacher started the day by asking

the student about their homework, it was about procedure text. The teacher asked

the students to read their procedure texts one by one in front of the class. The

teacher used the Indonesian language too when he commands his students. Most

were passive and apathetic. When the teacher asked the students to come in front,

there was no one wanted to go. Then the teacher called their names one by one.

Then the teacher asked the other students to pay attention while their friend read

the text. When a student was reading, most of the students were talking to each

other. After a student finished reading the text, the teacher gave the other students

some questions related to their friend’s text. Some of the students scrambled to


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answer the questions because they wanted to get some points from their teacher.

Sometimes, some students made mistake in pronunciations, the others started to

laugh. The teacher needed to calm and scold the students several times. Some

students asked the teacher to go home earlier even though the class was not over

yet. Overall, the students were obedient enough when the teacher gave instruction.

The second observation was done on Friday, 28 April 2017 starting at

10.30 am for 30 minutes. The class was crowded in the beginning. After the

researcher as the teacher entered the class, it became conducive. The teacher

taught the same material which was about procedure text. When the teacher asked

about the homework, some said that they did not do it. Therefore, the teacher gave

some times for the students to do their homework using Schoology. In doing the

homework, they were noisy. The teacher scolded them and they became quiet.

After they have done their homework, the teacher decided them into some groups

to do some assignments. The teacher gave two papers of question sheet and answer

sheet, and then gave a command to the students using the English language. A

student asked the teacher used the Indonesian language because he didn’t

understand what the teacher said. After the teacher explained again, the students

did the assignment one, they were quiet enough. After that the teacher asked them

to share their answer, sometimes they went a little bit noisy. Then the teacher

asked them to do assignment two, the teacher divided them into two classes. There

were 12 students did the assignment in the classroom using the answer sheet.

While 12 students did the assignment in the computer laboratory used Schoology.


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In the classroom, the students were noisy and they cheated the other

students’ work. Sometimes they joked but the jokes were still proper. Some

students went outside. However, they directly went in after seeing the teacher. In

the computer laboratory, the situation was different. The students were quiet

enough even though sometimes they went a little bit noisy. They focused on their

each computer and did the assignment seriously used Schoology. Moreover, they

did not cheat the other students’ work. They were also easier to be controlled.

From the observer’s perspective, this class was the easiest class to be managed.

The students were well aware that they were in the class to study. From those

observations, the researcher concluded that the frequent students’ responses when

learning English were talking to each other, making a joke, and the students tend

to speak the Indonesian language.


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The Questionnaire Blueprint

Theories No Statements

Direction of an

individual's attention

and activity

Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.


Choice of tasks

Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

1 I am encouraged when doing English task in the


2 I have self-confidence when doing English task in

the Schoology.

3 I tend not to cheat when doing English task in the


4 By using Schoology, I am interested to do English



Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.



Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

5 I persist in doing English task although it is


6 I persist in doing English task although the

Schoology is difficult to use.

Activity level

Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.



Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

7 I do English task because I like it.

8 I do English task carefully.

9 I do English task with all my heart.

10 I submit the English task on time.

Continuing motivation

Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.


11 I am interested to learn Schoology features

outside the school hours.

12 By using Schoology, I like to do online discussion

outside the school hours.


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13 I re-learn English at home by using Schoology.


Stipek, D. J. (1993, pp.



Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

14 I study harder because of Schoology.

15 I learn English everyday by using Schoology.

16 I will learn the Schoology features deeper.

Intrinsic motivation -

develop competencies

Stipek, D. J. (1993, pp.


17 I am challenged to do the English task by using


Intrinsic motivation -


Stipek, D. J. (1993, pp.


18 By using Schoology, I am curious to explore it.

Intrinsic motivation -


Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.


19 I will be disappointed if I do not do the English

task using Schoology given by the teacher.

Intrinsic motivation -

develop competencies

Stipek, D. J. (1993, pp.


20 I do the English task in the Schoology to improve

my English skills.

Intrinsic motivation -

develop competencies

Stipek, D. J. (1993, pp.


21 I do the English task using Schoology given by

the teacher to learn something new.

Intrinsic motivation -


22 I do the English task in the Schoology because I

think that it is an important thing.


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Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.


Intrinsic motivation -


Stipek, D. J. (1993, p.


23 I do the English task because I think that it is fun.

Extrinsic motivation

Stipek, D. J. (1993, pp.


24 I become more engaged in doing the English tasks

through Schoology.

25 I do the English tasks so that others students and

teacher consider me as a smart student.


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The Questionnaire Sheet


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The Questionnaire Results

No Statements Strongly


Agree Disagree Strongly


1 I am encouraged

when doing English

task in the


1 8% 10 83% 1 8% 0 0%

2 I have self-

confidence when

doing English task

in the Schoology.

1 8% 6 50% 5 42% 0 0%

3 I tend not to cheat

when doing English

task in the


1 8% 1 8% 9 75% 1 8%

4 By using

Schoology, I am

interested to do

English task.

3 25% 5 42% 4 33% 0 0%

5 I persist in doing

English task

although it is


3 25% 6 50% 3 25% 0 0%

6 I persist in doing

English task

although the

Schoology is

difficult to use.

4 33% 8 67% 0 0% 0 0%

7 I do English task

because I like it.

3 25% 9 75% 0 0% 0 0%

8 I do English task


1 8% 1 8% 3 25% 7 58%


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9 I do English task

with all my heart.

3 25% 8 67% 1 8% 0 0%

10 I submit the English

task on time.

3 25% 2 17% 5 42% 2 17%

11 I am interested to

learn Schoology

features outside the

school hours.

2 17% 6 50% 4 33% 0 0%

12 By using

Schoology, I like to

do online discussion

outside the school


3 25% 7 58% 1 8% 1 8%

13 I re-learn English at

home by using


1 8% 4 33% 6 50% 1 8%

14 I study harder

because of


1 8% 7 58% 4 33% 0 0%

15 I learn English

everyday by using


1 8% 3 25% 7 58% 1 8%

16 I will learn the

Schoology features


1 8% 8 67% 3 25% 0 0%

17 I am challenged to

do the English task

by using Schoology.

2 17% 9 75% 0 0% 1 8%

18 By using

Schoology, I am

curious to explore


2 17% 6 50% 4 33% 0 0%

19 I will be

disappointed if I do

3 25% 6 50% 3 25% 0 0%


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not do the English

task using

Schoology given by

the teacher.

20 I do the English task

in the Schoology to

improve my English


5 42% 5 42% 2 17% 0 0%

21 I do the English task

using Schoology

given by the teacher

to learn something


3 25% 8 67% 1 8% 0 0%

22 I do the English task

in the Schoology

because I think that

it is an important


2 17% 9 75% 1 8% 0 0%

23 I do the English task

because I think it is


3 25% 8 67% 1 8% 0 0%

24 I become more

engaged in doing

the English tasks

through Schoology.

1 8% 3 25% 7 58% 1 8%

25 I do the English

tasks so that others

students and teacher

consider me as a

smart student.

0 0% 3 25% 5 42% 4 33%


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The Interview Blueprint and Results

S1-12 : Student 1-12

Q1-5 : Students’ answers for question 1-5

1. Do you like English subject? Why?

Code Answer Categorize

S1-Q1 Yes, I do. I like English, but sometimes I do

not know the meaning. Therefore, I do not like

it very much.

Choice of tasks

Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

S2-Q1 Actually, I like it but I do not master English.

It is difficult. I do not know the meaning and I

cannot speak English too.

S3-Q1 I quite like, because it is difficult. It’s difficult

to translate.

S4-Q1 I quite like, but it’s difficult to arrange the


S5-Q1 No, I do not. I do not like it, Miss. I am afraid

to be wrong and bullied by other friends.

S6-Q1 I quite like. I cannot write and speak using


S7-Q1 Yes, I do. I like it because my Dad is teaching

for me. So, I can learn English with my Dad. I

want to be able to speak English, so that I can

sing some English songs.

S8-Q1 Yes, I do. I like it very much. English is fun,

so it is important to study harder because I

want to master all the English skills.


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S9-Q1 No, I do not. I do not like English, because it is

so difficult to speak and translate the language.



I like English but I am afraid to be wrong in

speaking or translating.



Yes, I do. I like it, although I am not smart.

English is fun, so that I will study harder.



I like it, but I cannot speak and translate

English. I want to learn English again and

again, so that I can speak English well.

2. Based on your opinion, what kind of English lesson in class that you like?

Does media really needed in the lessons? or only by using books/ text

books is enough?

Code Answer Categorize

S1-Q2 I prefer use laptop, Miss, because it is

comfortable to use, flexible, and portable.

Choice of tasks

Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

S2-Q2 I prefer to use electronic, Miss. Like mobile

phone, laptop, power point. In order to not be


S3-Q2 I prefer to use text books so I can read and

write it by myself.

S4-Q2 I like using textbook, but it’s better to use the

media. Moreover, if we use the game. So, it’s

easier to be understood and memorized.

S5-Q2 I prefer to use text books. It’s easier to open

and read.


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S6-Q2 I prefer to use text books, because I like


S7-Q2 I like using movie so that I can learn good and

correct pronunciation, so I can speak English

fluently. Moreover, movie entertains me.

S8-Q2 I like to use Schoology. It’s not boring. I want

to know how to use it more. Maybe, the

features are good for teaching learning

process, not only English but also the other


S9-Q2 I like but, I cannot use text books only or

media only. So, they must be balanced.



I prefer to use text books and media also, like

internet or video or movie, Miss.



I like using video, more interesting and not be




I like using internet, so I can find many

English videos. Using English videos can

make me guess the meaning because there are

pictures and sound.

3. Do you like learning English using Schoology? By using Schoology, do

you becoming more interested to learn English?

Code Answer Categorize

S1-Q3 Yes, I do. I like Schoology because it is

practical. The difficult is when there is no wi-fi

or credit, but I am interested to learn English

by using it.


Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

S2-Q3 Yes, I do. I am interested to use Schoology,

but I cannot use it well. It makes me faster

doing anything and I can click the answer


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directly. It makes me encouraged learning


S3-Q3 Yes, I do. I am interested to learn Engish, but I

cannot use Schoology because there is no

credit and wi-fi at my home. Yes, it makes me

interested to learn English because it makes

me to not be boring. I still can open the

Schoology at school and my teacher can help

me to use it.

S4-Q3 I am confused using Schoology, but it makes

me like to learn English. I can learn how to use

Schoology from my teacher or my friends


S5-Q3 I like it but it’s difficult. If there’s no wi-fi, my

credit is running out but I become interested to

learn English because it is modern.

S6-Q3 Yes, I do. I am interested to learn English by

using Schoology, because I can write the

answer directly in the answer sheet. Moreover,

there is chat column like in Facebook so I can

write there. It makes me enjoy learning


S7-Q3 Yes, I do. I like it so that I can master

technology and also master in English. I can

open it again at home and try to explore it


S8-Q3 Yes, I do. I like it very much, Miss, because

Schoology is a modern application so it easier

to learn English.

S9-Q3 Yes I do. I am interested to learn both of them.



I like using Schoology so that I can use

modern media. Yes, it makes me encouraged

to learn English.

S11- Yes, I do. I like learning Schoology although


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Q3 it’s difficult. It is cool and I can learn many

subjects especially English. I think that

Schoology can improve my reading, writing

skills and also my listening skill.



Not really, I like using Schoology although I

cannot use it. Maybe if I can use it, I will be

happier to learn English using it.

4. Based on your own self, do you really want to learn English? Why?

Code Answer Categorize

S1-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn more, Miss. Because

I like English so that I will be master in all the

skills. I can speak English well, I can

understand the meaning if I listening and

reading. I also will be good in writing. I will

study harder at home and I will pay attention

the teacher’s explanation in the class.

Persistence and


Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

S2-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn English so that I can

speak with foreigners. Then, it’s also used in

the national exam. Therefore, I can graduate.

S3-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn English so that I have

good score and I get a scholarship to go


S4-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn English, so I can be

smart and know how to translate.

S5-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn English, so I won’t

be bullied friends so that my score is good.

S6-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn, because I want to be

an English writer.

S7-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to speak English fluently so

that I can go abroad. It is because of my desire

and I can be smarter.


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S8-Q4 Yes, I do. I want to learn English because I

enjoy it. I like listening to the English songs. I

like reading the English novel. When I am

smart, I can know the meaning of the English

lyrics and know the meaning of the sentences

that I read. I want to be able to speak English

well too, so I will study harder.

S9-Q4 Yes, I do. I like English. I want to be able to

speak English well and master it, but I am

afraid to be wrong, so I learn it more. I can

download the resources from my teacher in the

Schoology, it is easier to learn English.



Yes, I do. I want to learn English more so that

I can speak English well.



Yes, I do. I want to learn English more so that

I can be smart and cool.



Yes, I do. I want to learn English so that I can

be smarter.

5. Based on your own self, do you really want to learn about Schoology?


Code Answer Categorize

S1-Q5 I want to learn using Schoology so that I

master technology. Then, I do not need to

bring stationery. It is easy to be opened and

learned everywhere, so I am interested. I can

open the Schoology at home and explore the

features so that I can use it well.

Effort and Persistence

Schunk, D., Meece, J.

& Pintrich, P. (2014,

pp. 11-13)

S2-Q5 Yes, I do. I am encouraged because it is


S3-Q5 I am not really interested with Schoology

because it’s hard to use it.


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S4-Q5 I am interested, if I am given a story to be

read. It’s easy to download via mobile phone.

S5-Q5 I am not interested, Miss. I prefer to use the

book because it’s easy.

S6-Q5 Yes, I do. I am interested, so that I can write

there. It is easy to be opened and learned


S7-Q5 Yes, I do. I am interested because Schoology

is an easy and modern application. It is

something new in our School, but I think that

it is helpful in teaching learning process,

especially English. I want to learn it more and

explore the features.

S8-Q5 Yes, I do. I am interested, because Schoology

is a modern and easy to be use.

S9-Q5 Yes, I do. I am interested using Schoology so

that I master technology. Therefore, I learn

how to use Schoology.



I am not interested, Miss, because using

Schoology is difficult.



Yes, I do. I like it because there’s an English

game there. So that I can use technology and

learn English too.



Yes, I do. I want to use Schoology, so that

learning will be easier. There is the video too,

so it will entertain.


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The Students’ Participation

Bahasa Inggris: Section 1

Bahasa Inggris: Section 2


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The Students’ Performance

The Students’ Attendance List


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