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The Village Link

Great Thurlow – Little Thurlow – Great Wratting

December 2014

January 2015

C a nd l e l i t C a r o l Se r v ic e

Friday 19th December 7pm


Ch r is t m a s Conc e r t

6.30 to 7.30 pm Saturday 20th December



Presentation of cheques from the proceeds of Thurlow Fayre and Bonfire Night to local groups by Councillor Mary Evans at the Quiz Night, see page 4

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Editorial co-ordinator Alison Coffey 783478 Administrative co-ordinator Kevin Crowson 783654 Senior Reporters Gt. Thurlow Margaret Ince 783117 Lt. Thurlow Iris Eley 783534 Junior Reporter Vacancy Please supply all adverts in either Jpeg or Bitmap format (not PDF)

Advertising Rates (per quarter page) Single advertisement - £10 Six months advertising - £40 Twelve months advertising - £65 Back Page Advertising Rates (per month) Full Page Colour - £50 Half Page Colour - £30 Quarter Page Colour - £20 To be supplied in Jpeg or Bitmap format



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To contact The Village Link Team please email TheVillageLink

View The Village Link Online at

Copy Deadline 15th Of Each Month

Welcome to the joint December and January edition of The Village Link. Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who contributes to The Village Link, especially the team of volunteer distributors who once again this year have delivered your copy in all weathers. You are all very much appreciated! I would also like to thank Chris for excellent proofreading! I would also like to thank the three Parish Councils and our regular advertisers for their financial support. A big thank you to our regular contributors of articles and news that fill the pages of the Village Link. We are still looking for a Junior Reporter - don’t be shy! There are many activities going on in and around the villages this coming month with several carol services and a Christmas concert to get you all in the festive spirit! All in aid of good causes so please come along and lend your support. All that remains is for me to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and best wishes for the New Year (and to apologise in advance for the jokes)! Alison

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This year the Great Thurlow Christmas Concert will be held on:

Saturday 20th December from 6.30 pm to 7.30 pm All Saints Church, Great Thurlow.

Afterwards we will go to the Thurlow Barn for sausage rolls, mince pies and mulled wine. Tickets are £10.00 each, under 16 free and students £5.00. All proceeds will be divided equally between Great Thurlow Church, The Children's Hospice at Milton and the Thurlow Hunt Supporters Club. Anyone who would like to sing and/or play a musical instrument please contact Jane Sheppard, 01440 783209. I look forward to hearing from you!

The Vicar and PCC of St Mary’s would like to invite you to the following…

Candlelit CAROL SERVICE Friday 19th December


To be followed by mince pies and mulled wine Please come and celebrate with your friends at St

Mary’s, Great Wratting Please note that during the service there will be a

collection in aid of Shelter.

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Little Thurlow Parish Council Li








LITTLE THURLOW PARISH COUNCIL Little Thurlow Parish Council met on 18th November. Also in attendance were CC Mary Evans, DC Robert Clifton-Brown and two members of the public. The following is a brief resume of the meeting but fuller details will appear on the village website and on the PC Notice Board at the Village Hall in due course. Crime in the Thurlows - It was noted that there had been five burglaries of outbuildings in the Thurlows and that the Police would be carrying out high visibility patrols in the villages. Parishioners are encouraged to keep a look out for people and vehicles that seem to be suspicious and if there is suspicious activity to call 101 (non-emergency) or 999 (emergency). It is also possible to join Rural South Watch (RSW), which is an information sharing service amongst mutual participants and is based on the contributions of participants. Past RSW successes have included the interception of suspicious vehicles, recovery of a stolen car with thief, registration numbers of vehicles used in crimes etc. If you would be interested in joining the growing list of RSW participants you should email Bob Steel on [email protected] , or call 01440 786303 for further information. The Thurlow Cock pub is for sale for £295,000 (recently reduced from £335,000). The owner, Charles Rowe, had told the PC that the pub may close in Mid-December if it doesn’t break even. The Environment - Councillors were advised that the leaves had been cleared from the footpath on Pound Green by St Edmundsbury BC, a new dog waste bin had been fitted on Little Thurlow Green and a Planning Application for the felling of two chestnut trees on Pound Green had been approved by St Edmundsbury BC. The Parish Council Budget for 2015/2016 – Council decided that, as there were sufficient reserves carried forward from previous years, it would be prudent to reduce the contingency fund from £1250 to £950. It was also agreed that spending on specific items would be maintained or increased. The PC will continue to pay for the hire of a marquee for the Thurlow Fayre and grass cutting on the Sports Field and at Little Thurlow Green. It was confirmed that £2000 in total would be saved towards the cost of the replacement play equipment; £650 had been saved this year and a further £850 would be set aside in 2015/16. The Budget for 2015/2016 is £41 lower than 2014/2015. There will be no meeting in December, the next meeting being on Wednesday 21st January 2015 immediately following the Joint Parish Council Meeting which commences at 8 pm. Molly Hawkins, Little Thurlow Parish Clerk

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Great Wratting Parish Council G




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GREAT WRATTING PARISH COUNCIL The following is a brief summary of the annual parish council meeting held on 06th Nov 2014. Minutes are available from the Parish Clerk. Local Authority Reports: Mary Evans, SCC Grit Bins All grit bins will be checked and if necessary topped up in the next few weeks. Broadband Meeting The postponed broadband public meeting will be at Stansfield Village Hall – CO10 8LP - Monday 17 November at 7 pm. Peter Ingram from BT will be presenting. Cllr Anthony Londrigan has confirmed his attendance. Robert Cliffton-Brown St Edmundsbury Borough Council No new planning applications for Great Wratting. PSCO Anthony Welford Police Report The new PCSO for rural south SNT Anthony Welford has taken over responsibility from the previous PCSO, Sophie Mitchell. PCSO Anthony did not attend, but prior to the meeting the clerk received a crime report. The crime report confirmed there have been no crimes reported between the period of 11/09/14 – 05/11/14. CO-OPTION OF NEW COUNCILLOR/S Diana Curtis was formally co-opted onto Great Wratting Parish Council. Diana will take over responsibility of the Village Link monthly updates and the Parish would like to welcome Diana. GREAT WRATTING PARISH WEBSITE Cllr Anthony Londrigan presented the PC with the draft design template of the new Great Wratting Parish Council website to replace the existing version. Once finalised, the PC will announce the ‘go-live’ date as soon as possible. PLANNING DCON(B)/12/1208 Wind Turbine Site Chilton Street Clare Suffolk - Application to discharge conditions 7 (construction management), 10 (survey of Well Street, Clare), 12 (television reception) & 16 (interference mitigation) – Comments and objections have been passed to the planning department. To view the associated documents please visit the St Edmundsbury planning section on their website.

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Great Thurlow Parish Council G








GREAT THURLOW PARISH COUNCIL Seven Parish Councillors met on November 12th at Thurlow Village Hall. The Council heard from Allan Loveday on the progress of the Playground Project, with a total of £11,000 having been granted and raised in fundraising to date. Further bids were in place and progress was very positive. The Parish Council discussed the Precept for 2015 and agreed this. They agreed to set aside £2000 of Council funds to support the Playground Project. Cheques payments were agreed for Gt Bradley PC for training, £100 for the Earl Haig Poppy Appeal and £25 as a donation for Magpas. The Council have agreed in principle to support the Inter-Village Sports during the summer 2015, further details to be released when available. Mary Evans advised that all grit bins should have been filled by the end of November and also reported on new machinery now being used by SCC to repair pot holes. Dates for meetings of Great Thurlow Parish Council for 2015: Jan 14th, Mar 18th, May 13th (Annual), July 8th, Sept 9th and Nov 11th Diana Allin – Parish Clerk


VILLAGE HALL Thursday 11th DECEMBER 2014

8pm in the Village Hall ALL WELCOME

AGENDA: Apologies for absence

Chair’s report Appointment of new committee members

Election of Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Bookings Secretary and Treasurer Acceptance of Constitution

Acceptance of accounts Confirmation of signatories for bank account

Any other business Date of next meeting

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Thurlow WI

THURLOW WI REPORT Thurlow WI met for their November meeting with Kate Griffiths in the chair. Kate gave notice of future events organised by the Federation which included the first mention of a chance to join a play reading session. Events during the past month included one member going to Denman College for an overnight stay to learn of Music in the Forties and Fifties and three members going to Lavenham to see the entries in various competitions. An invitation had been received from Kedington to join them at their Christmas Party and arrangements were made for the Christmas meal at Haverhill Golf Club where we shall also meet up with Kedington members. A WI team will compete in the quiz which is being held to raise money for the new playground equipment. Phyllis Baptie gave out invitations to her “At Home Jewellery Event” to be held on the 3rd and 4th of December. Our speaker was Sue Field who told of her work with the Donkey Sanctuary. She said that these animals were very hard working and that they are used badly in some countries. She has travelled around and she and her colleagues are trying to educate people in the care of their animals. She has nine donkeys herself and one of them performed in a production of Carmen and behaved perfectly much to her delight. Winners in the Raffle were Dawn, Iris, Lynsey, Karen Anne R, and Olive. We meet again on the 9th of December for a social evening with Christmas drinks and eats. We will exchange Christmas Gifts and make a collection in lieu of cards for the Hospice and meet later in the month for our Christmas meal. Iris Eley





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Thurlow Gardening Club

THURLOW GARDENING CLUB REPORT It was a fantastic meeting in November with quite a full attendance. We discussed how we would like the Gardening Club to run in 2015 and shared ideas and suggestions. There will be some exciting new things ahead and if you are interested in joining then 2015 should be the year for you. We plan to continue supporting the local community and visiting other gardens and garden centres as well as inviting speakers along to help us learn more. In March, we will be having an open evening at the Village Hall where you can see some of the things we have done, are planning to do, meet the members and hear from a speaker. More details will follow in the February edition of the Village Link. Our January meeting is on 9th Jan and we will be ordering our seeds for 2015 so please do let me know if you would like any seed orders combined with us to save on postage. Happy New Year to you all Dawn Abbey (783646)

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n Tales from our Garden

Tales From the Garden by Dawn Abbey

My poor hens, currently living in a mud bath, are now finally allowed out into my garden and they are so happy, they have stopped laying eggs! Well that was what I thought until I found nine of them under the hedge and six behind the black bin. I wonder where else I may find eggs now. The greenhouse has been scrubbed and is waiting patiently for the new seeds and sets but to be honest, I am quite enjoying a few weeks rest so I can do some sewing rather than some sowing. The allotment has a lovely warm blanket of soil conditioner which Chris Field tells me will keep the weeds at bay and I so hope he is right. (will let you know). The dark nights mean I am not getting out there much but when I do take a little stroll outside to find some eggs, I must admit I get a little excited about seeing the soil and what I could be planting there, particularly in the flower garden, for next year. I am going to try a cut flower bed next year after I saw it on Gardener’s World and am enjoying the planning of that right now. Meantime, wish me luck with the water bath that the bottom of my garden becomes in winter. Best wishes from a cold, wet, soggy but promising garden in Thurlow. Bring on 2015!

2014 POPPY APPEAL - ROYAL BRITISH LEGION The Bradleys and Thurlows responded magnificently to the Poppy Appeal 2014 - - - 100 years on from the outbreak of World War 1. House-to-house collections in Bradley were carried out by the Mrs. Spires, Sugg and Rodwell, whilst many parts of the Thurlows were covered by the Mrs. Hunt, Preston and Hilton. Static collection boxes were installed in The Cock and the Estate Office. The School raised funds from the children, parents and staff.

Special thanks to each and everyone of those involved in the collections, and to all those who gave so generously. The Parish Councils kindly made donations, and the collection taken at All Saints, Great Thurlow at the service following the two minute silence at the War Memorial, was also donated to the Appeal.

All in all, a total of £1,255.35 was collected - a significant increase on the 2013 figure of £976.96. Very many thanks to you all. Sam Sheppard Poppy Appeal Co-ordinator.

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Thurlow, Bradley and District Pre-school

Website: 01440 783688

The quality and standards of the early years’ provision for Thurlow,

Bradley and District Pre-school awarded GOOD!! by Ofsted.

We had a great inspection with Ofsted. They were full of praise for the pre-school as a whole, in particular highlighting the provision we offer to families and our supportive relationships with the children, their families and the local community. We're proud of our setting and it is wonderful to have this validated by Ofsted.

Here are some of the Highlights from the report: - Staff in the pre-school provide a warm and encouraging environment in which children can relax and feel at home. This boosts their developing confidence and self-esteem. In addition, positive interaction with the primary school also enables children to see their older siblings during the daily routines. These opportunities provide further positive environments to help the children settle and support their well-being. As a result, children are emotionally well prepared for the next stage in their learning. - Parents and careers talk competently about the early learning goals and enjoy being involved with the regular checks made in relation to the progress their children are making, in readiness for school. They would highly recommend the pre-school to other families and feel that their children make very good progress across all areas of learning. - Well planned daily opportunities to get out and about, in a variety of weather conditions, help the children to build their physical skills. The full Ofsted report can be found on the website After one of the Pre-school group leaders attended a recent course, we have introduced a mud kitchen in the gardens of the Pre-school. The mud kitchen is all about the children exploring different textures, e.g. mud, sand and pebbles. The children can then add water to form different consistencies. It opens up their imagination to pretend cooking. For example ‘I’m making a mud cake’ or ‘here is your magic soup’ ; this is great for exploration and language development. It is also great for physical development from storing, to carrying heavy pots and pans. They even wash up after, like you would at home when you have finished baking! The children have been making the most of the glorious autumn weather outside. Not only making full use of the ‘mud kitchen’ but lots of walks around Thurlow with a visit to the local church, running through the fields with their boots and playing with the leaves falling from the trees. We had the local photographer, Neal Laver to take some lovely photos of the children which will give the opportunity for parents/careers to purchase and we have a sponsored approx 12 mile walk on Saturday 22nd November at 9am raising money for the Pre-school. We are inviting all parents/careers/friends to join us (unfortunately no children). Please call the Pre-School for a sponsor form if you wish to take part or would like to sponsor us. We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who made yummy cakes for the Thurlow Fireworks cake stall. They must have been good as we didn’t have enough for everyone, but a good time was had by all!

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I consider myself very lucky to be able to enjoy the countryside around Thurlow. The outdoors has always held a tremendous appeal to me and prior to being a horse rider, I spent many happy hours walking my beloved – though now deceased- Labrador. It often strikes me how many things dog walkers, ramblers and indeed cyclists have in common with horse riders: We enjoy the fresh air

We like the exercise and health benefits that our leisure time activities afford us

We enjoy the ever changing scenery that we traverse on a regular basis

We share appreciation of the ever changing seasons in the countryside

We love the comfort of a well-trodden route or indeed the excitement of exploring pastures new We sometimes moan about the limited rights of way that we have or the fact that paths/ tracks have become overgrown We whinge when the weather is inclement and when mud and grime seem to engulf every orifice We smile and engage and sometimes have a good old moan with others who share our pastimes For these reasons we have every opportunity to get on and yet sometimes I see people getting frustrated and even angry with each other when pursuing their hobbies – why? I have a theory and indeed a belief that all behaviour has a positive intention…… I don’t need to know what the intention is!!!! If you think this belief of mine is not true... that’s fine. I just ask you to contemplate how much nicer life would be if we all behaved ‘as if’ it was true! Bearing in mind all of the above commonalities, I truly believe that any disagreements or misunderstandings between pursuants of our country pastimes are probably due to lack of understanding or lack of thought rather than down right nastiness or a desire to annoy! In order to help my fellow walkers, riders and cyclists I offer the following information from the perspective of a horse rider (I could also give the perspectives of the others but my intention here is to keep this article short………………..too late I hear you cry!!!!!):

A plea...

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The Joggers When you are jogging and you see a horse approaching- take a little rest- please slow down to walk until you are past. Horses are flight animals and something running towards them especially if it is fluorescent and staring them in the eye is bound to be out to kill them (from their limited perspective of course!) and therefore the horse’s best option is to turn and flee or leap uncontrollably sideways into oncoming traffic or other pedestrians.

The Walkers If you are walking in a large group this is perceived as “multi-legged

monster” by the 4-legged creature known as ‘horse’. It helps the horse enormously to understand your true nature, if you speak as you are approaching-no need for fancy soliloquy, a simple hello will be fine. This seems to help him differentiate friend from foe!

The Doggie Walkers For those of you who kindly grab hold of your excited dog and

crouch out of the way in the hedge-please reveal yourself-for those of you who have an over-active imagination, I do mean reveal and not expose…..Come out into the open where you are in full view. Horse thinks if you are hiding and we can only see part of you, you must be up to absolutely no good and in fact you may not even be “human being (domesticated primate) plus four legged friend” at all, rather a mean and hungry predator waiting to pounce.

The Cyclists If you are on a bicycle please inform us of your approach from a distance –

shout “hello”, “bike” or recite the alphabet backwards… or something similarly pleasant. Again this just informs us that you are “domesticated primate (human) plus two wheeled friend” and not trying to sneak up on us to eat us.

The Little Darlings If you are horse friendly and want a stroke or want to introduce your

‘little darlings’ to us, that’s fine-we love friendly people but please approach with a modicum of care and restraint. Excited children (who appear to have no volume control) tend to bounce a lot can be very scary (to me as well as the horse!)

The Umbrella (Wo)Man Umbrellas are potential flying predators, the horse’s oldest and

most primeval threat. It is a well known fiction that the person who invented the first umbrella was the first person to start a horse stampede (see Wikipedia for details). Please try not to put them up just as we are approaching. You may be hit by a flying rider rather than a few spots of rain if this simple piece of advice is ignored.

Finally, a heartfelt plea to all - if we can all get on and understand each others needs, work together and communicate, we increase our chances of not only keeping our current paths and tracks open to all but maybe in the future gaining greater access to more open land on which we can enjoy both our similarities and our differences. Zena Knight 25.11.14

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The Children's Society

Would box holders in Thurlow please contact me, the new coordinator, on 01440 783123 to arrange for collection in early December.

Thank you,

Judith Hardy

Thurlow School Th


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This year Thurlow School is giving their best shot for the work they do every day. This month we have got a lot of school trips coming up for class 3 and 4. Please read on to find out about what each class is doing. Class 1 This month class 1 are learning about a book called Hairy Mclarey by Lynley Dodd. They have also been using puppets to make their own Hairy Mclarey stories. Another activity they have been doing is practising phonics. Year 1 are phase 5 and reception are phase 2.They are also learning about fireworks.

Class 2 Class 2 are doing loads of thing based on Gambia. They are looking at comparisons on how we live how they live. They are looking at what our country has and what their country has.

Class 3 In class 3 they are learning about games that children play, they are going to a toy museum in London in December. They are also learning about the Victorians and Queen Victoria.

Class 4 Class 4 went on a school trip to Hedingham Keep on the 12th of November. They went there to get more information on castles and the Normans. When they got there they met a lady called Jane, who was a historian. They had 4 activities to do: sketching with Miss Illingworth; writing information with Miss Start, detective trail with Mrs Shipp and acting with Jane. Hedingham Keep had a spiral staircase with approximately 76 steps. Class 4 are also going to an athletics sports hall competition at Haverhill leisure centre.

Jess and Tia

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1. King Kong Merrily on High.. 2. He looks at his calen-deer… 3. The turkey - he is always stuffed… 4. Tinselitus… 5. A snowman on a zebra crossing… 6. With a hairdryer… 7. Spell - o - tape… 8. Horn - aments… 9. Red Nose Day… 10. Because he nose a lot and is very bright… 11. So he can ho, ho, ho... 12. Because it had the drumsticks… 13. They always drop their needles… 14. A Christmas Quacker… 15. Frostbite!...

The Funniest Chirstmas Jokes Ever…..

1. What is a monkey’s favourite carol? 2. How does Rudolph know when Christmas is coming? 3. Who is never hungry at Christmas? 4. What do you get if you eat Christmas decorations? 5. What says “Now you see me, now you don’t, Now you see me, now you don’t”? 6. How do you scare a snowman? 7. What do wizards use to wrap their presents? 8. What do reindeer hang on their Christmas trees? 9. What is Rudolph’s favourite day of the year? 10. Why is Rudolph so good at quizzes? 11. Why does Santa have three gardens? 12. Why did the turkey join the band? 13. Why are Christmas trees so bad at sewing? 14. What do you get if you cross Santa with a duck? 15. What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

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Thurlow Estate News Sh

oot Shoot

Since last writing the shoot has had its first few days which have gone very well, a great relief to the keeper!



Woods Our forestry subcontractors are now on the home straight in terms of this year’s work. They have two further compartments to complete: a thinning block near Weston Colville and an area of coppice work near Balsham. Immediately thereafter we will need to survey the areas of work designated for next year’s contract. As with all living entities the management of woodlands must be ongoing and unlike an arable crop which has a maximum life cycle of a year, woodlands can be viewed as permanent, so what we do now has far reaching consequences. We are now in full swing with this season’s log deliveries so please call the Estate Office on 01440 783661 or email [email protected] to order your load of seasoned hard or soft wood. We do recommend that you order soon to get your load of logs before Christmas.



Hunt The hunt drew a good crowd at the Opening Meet on the 3rd November and they are now hunting full days on the Estate and the surrounding area. Currently the ground conditions are still firm enough but this will deteriorate with the onset of winter.


Farm The recent rains have slowed the land work up a bit but we are still in a good position for this time of year. The Farms have prepared all the land for the spring bean crop and we have also lifted about half of our sugar beet crop. This land has also now been prepared for some winter wheat. Elsewhere on the farm we are tidying up farmyards and improving grass paddocks around the Estate. Hedge cutting around fields and woods is continuing and we hope to get the majority of this done before the ground turns too wet. We will then start concentrating on track and roadside hedges. It seems strange to be saying this but we could now do with a period of colder weather which helps to naturally control some of the insects and general diseases that are prevalent at this time of year – it is a very cheap form of crop protection!

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Property The 2015 external repairs contract has now gone out to tender and before Christmas we hope to appoint one or two contractors for this work. The complete refurbishment of Bridge Cottage, in Great Thurlow, is nearing completion and it is looking really smart. This property is Grade II listed and therefore requires us to work closely with the Conservation Officers and Planning Authority to ensure that our improvements comply with their policies. We have several other properties on the market to rent at the moment, for information on any of them please contact the Estate Office on 01440 783661.


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Other Events The Christmas Concert and Advent Raffle Draw will be at Great Thurlow Church on Saturday 20th December and starts at 6.30 pm. There will be refreshments afterwards at Hall Farm Barn. The concert tickets are £10 and can be purchased in advance from Jane Sheppard on 01440 783209 or on the day at the Church. The dates for the Point to Point meetings at Horseheath are as follows:

Sunday 1st February - The Cambridge and Enfield Chace Point to Point Saturday 28th February – Thurlow Hunt Point to Point. Saturday 28th March – Puckeridge Hunt Point to Point.


Copies of this unique history of the Thurlows are still available. It makes an ideal present for Christmas, birthdays etc and is a must for newcomers, amateur historians and anyone who might be interested in the typical Suffolk village. There is now a special offer of £10 per book to help clear the remaining stock. To purchase your copy contact Molly Hawkins on 01440 783259 or email: [email protected].

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Thurlow Fayre and Bonfire Night Report

The Fayre Committee was very fortunate with the weather when it held its Bonfire Night and Fireworks Display on Saturday 1st November. It drew a record attendance of 900 who were treated to a 45 minute display and as a result a profit of just over £1,500 was made on the evening. With profits from the Fayre it has enabled the committee to make total distributions of £6,350 to beneficiaries (see list below) which were handed out at the Village Quiz Night on Saturday 15th November by Suffolk County Councillor Mary Evans who represents Thurlow. The distributions included £1,000 to the Thurlow Play Area Renewal with the Quiz Night also raising funds for the project and thanks were extended to Cllr. Evans who has been instrumental in giving the project a great initial boost by awarding £2,000 from her Suffolk C.C Locality Budget and also submitting a successful application for matched funding from Suffolk Empowering Communities Fund of £8,000. Thurlow Fayre 2014 Donations: Recipients Amount Great Thurlow Church £700 Little Thurlow Church £700 Thurlow School £100 Thurlow Preschool £800 Thurlow Toddler Group £200 Thurlow W I £500 Thurlow Youth Football Club £500 Thurlow Tennis Club £600 Thurlow Sports Club £700 Thurlow Play Equipment £1,000 East Anglian Air Ambulance £100 Gt Chesterford Scouts £200 Gt Wratting Church £100 Haverhill Explorer Scouts £150 Total Donations £6,350

Allan Loveday



Don’t forget to check out the Thurlow website. Keep looking as the site is updated regularly.


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Thurlow School Th


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Christmas special By Poppy and Thomas

Christmas dinner: Rita is cooking a great Christmas dinner which includes roast turkey, stuffing, chipolata sausages, roast potatoes, peas, carrots, sprouts, gravy and ice cream for dessert.

Christmas Fair: on Friday the 28 of November Thurlow School is having a Christmas fair with fun and games as well as chances to win cool prizes.

Movie time: on the last day of school we are all going to watch the pantomime, which is Jack and The Beanstalk.

Thank you to the Village Fayre Committee for the £100 for play equipment.

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Thurlow Playground

On behalf of Thurlow Playground Committee

The playground equipment on Thurlow recreation field has sadly reached the end of its lifetime. The repairs are starting to cost more than is feasible to maintain so something needs to be done so that the children of our villages can continue to have fun and enjoy the use of the play equipment. In come the Thurlow Playground Committee made up of Chairman Andrew Dickson and committee members Allan Loveday, Chris Field, Peter Thomas, Will Griffifths and Dawn Abbey. Our fund raising target is £35,000, not just to replace but to enlarge & improve the playground. This team has over the last few weeks been very busy talking to suppliers and getting quotes for the complete replacement of the current playground equipment. They have spoken to the school, visitors to the Summer Fayre and families in the area to get a good understanding of what a great playground would look like for the children. The fantastic news is that a full grant has been approved by the council which has helped them get well on their way with fundraising. A few thank yous so far and they go to Mary Evans as Ward Councillor who awarded £2,000 from her Suffolk County Council Locality Budget and then submitted our application to Suffolk CC Suffolk Empowering Communities Fund who have awarded us £8000 – so in total £10,000!The Suffolk Empowering Communities Fund is a fresh initiative by Suffolk CC to recognize efforts by the community to improve local facilities. Thanks also go to Matthew Hancock for his letter of support; Thurlow School and Preschool for helping us to get the design of the new playground right ; the Youth Football club for letter of support and many signatures and to the many members of the public who signed the petition for the replacement of the existing equipment. So what’s next? The fundraising has only just started and there are still grants in the pipeline from local organisations that are being pursued. There are target milestones to achieve and so far they are on track. Community fundraising is also a key part of achieving the target amount to be raised and as the Thurlow Fireworks night had a record attendance, it has kick started the community fundraising together with Thurlow Fayre contributions, totalling £1000. This is where we need you. There will be several village events and activities over the coming few months and if you support these, you will be able to help ensure that your village achieves the goal of installing the new equipment by Summer 2015.

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Thurlow Playground

The community fundraising events include a Quiz Night, Christmas Turkey raffle and Xmas Booze raffle, a bike ride, Valentines disco, Bake off sale and an Easter crafting day. For more information see the Village Link and the Thurlow website ( for) both of which will have more details and updates on progress. If you have any other ideas for fundraising events, or would like to support the team, please do get in touch with one of the committee, all ideas and support are very welcome. Andrew Dickson 783385 Peter Thomas 783700 Dawn Abbey 783646 Chris Field 966966 Will Griffiths 783496

Here are some pictures of the design we are aiming to install (a zipwire will also be included):

A massive thank you in advance of your help and encouragement from all of the Playground committee and the children who visit our recreation field. Happy New Year!

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What’s On! D




r D



Month Date Day Time Event Location Information

Dec 3rd and 4th

Wed & Thur

10:00 to


Jewellery Event

1 Foundry Bungalows

Great Thurlow 01440 783010

Dec 9th Tue 19:30 WI meeting Thurlow Village Hall

Dec / Jan

10th / 7th Wed

11:45 to

12:10 Mobile library

109 Bury Road, Great

Thurlow 01473 263838

Dec / Jan

10th / 7th Wed

12.45 to

13:05 Mobile library

Thurlow Sports Club

Little Thurlow 01473 263838

Dec / Jan

10th / 7th Wed

14:00 to

14:20 Mobile library

Coronation Cottages,

Great Wrat-ting

01473 584563

Dec 11th Thur 20:00 Village Hall Annual Meeting

Thurlow Village Hall

Dec 12th Fri Thurlow Gardening Club

The Cock , Little Thurlow

Dec 19th Fri 19:00 Carol Service St Mary’s Church, GW

Dec 20th Sat 18:30 Christmas Concert All Saints, GT

Jan 9th Fri Thurlow Gardening Club Dawn Abbey

01440 783646

Jan 13th Tue 19:30 WI meeting Thurlow Village Hall

Jan 14th Wed 20:00 Great Thurlow PC Meeting

Thurlow Village Hall

Jan 21st Wed 20:00 Joint GT and LT PC Meeting

Thurlow Village Hall Molly Hawkins

Jan 21st Wed After

Joint PC Meeting

Little Thurlow PC Meeting

Thurlow Village Hall Molly Hawkins

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From Councillor Mary Evans: It was an honour to be invited to the Thurlow quiz to present the cheques from the Thurlow Fayre and bonfire night (see photo on the front page, Ed). Yet again the Fayre was a brilliant day - thanks to the tremendous organisation and hard work of Allan Loveday and his team. It is great that the proceeds from the Fayre go to help so many active clubs and groups in the Thurlows - long may they thrive. I am delighted we have secured grants from Suffolk County Council totalling £10,000 towards the playground refurbishment appeal. I made an award of £2,000 from my locality budget which, because of the strength of the brilliant business case prepared by Will Griffiths, unlocked a maximum award of £8,000 from our Empowering Communities Fund. All good luck to Allan the playground appeal working party in securing the rest of the funds. Best wishes Mary


The Joint Great and Little Thurlow Village Litter Pick that took place over the weekend of 16th/17th November was well supported by Councillors, parishioners and their families which meant that all the roads in both villages were covered. Many thanks to all those who took part.

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Thank you to all those who took part in the Thurlow Quiz and to all those who organised a very successful event especially to Heather and Allan. The evening was very enjoyable and raised £483 for the Playground Equipment Fund. Nine teams took part with first place going to “The Ditherers” with 89 points, closely followed by “Fork Candles” with 82 points and in joint third place for “Crime Scene” and “Poppy’s People” on 71 points. A return match is promised for March, plenty of time to brush up on your 70s TV themes! Ed

Big thank you to……...

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Our Rector Writes

OUR RECTOR WRITES Many years ago I was working at the Seamen’s Mission centre and English Church in Rotterdam, when suddenly the doorbell rang. I opened the door to a gentleman who said something that at first I didn’t understand. My knowledge of the Dutch language I could write on the back of a postage stamp. Fortunately he realised that I hadn’t understood, and repeated himself in English, “Royal Dutch Police”. Showing an identity card, he explained that he needed to search the building for security clearance. A V.I.P., Her Brittanic Majesty’s Ambassador, was due to attend a function there in the evening, and so the whole of the premises had to be thoroughly inspected and searched.

The Bible speaks about Ambassadors, and Saint Paul referred to himself as an “ambassador in chains” as he wrote his letters from prison. To Philemon he wrote of himself as “an ambassador and now also a prisoner for Christ”. In a letter to Christians at Corinth Saint Paul wrote “we are ambassadors for Christ, God making His appeal through us.” The word ‘ambassador’ was used at the time to refer to the Roman Emperor’s personal representative in the East of the Empire.

Another word used in the bible is the word ‘apostle’, a word which means “sent”. An apostle is someone who is sent to do a particular task. The ambassador, similarly, has a task, that of representing someone (a king, for example), and acting for him abroad. He is a representative, but also a messenger, commissioned to carry a message on behalf of the king. The ambassador acts as a channel for passing on what the king has to say. The message itself and the authority behind it are derived from the king himself. Ambassadors are to be treated with respect. I believe that in bible times an ambassador had to be accorded the same courtesy as would the person whom he represented. So the ambassador was addressed, and no doubt entertained, in the manner of the king who sent him.

The ambassador is always a foreigner in a land which is not his own, and so cannot always expect to be accepted and understood. I was reminded by this thought of the job of the prophet in bible times, who had to warn and to admonish the people, without fear or favour. Prophets had to be ready to criticise and to condemn. The messages the prophets carried were not always popular. As Christians we are never really at home here on earth. Saint Paul speaks of our true homeland as in heaven. Our message to the world too may not always be popular, if there are issues about which we feel we must speak out. At this time of year our minds are drawn to Bethlehem, to think again about the birth of Jesus Christ. The message of the angels was “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among men.” The letter of Saint Paul to the church in Corinth spoke of God having entrusted to Christians “the message of reconciliation”. Our message to the world should speak of peace and goodwill.

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Our Rector Writes

OUR RECTOR WRITES ctd… Some of you may know the story of Papa Panov, adapted by Tolstoy from the original French by Saillens. In the tale a sad and lonely old cobbler reads the story of the birth of Christ, and, moved by it, finds a small pair of shoes, the best he has ever made, which he thinks, he would have given to Jesus as a present. In a dream, Papa Panov is told that Jesus will come to him on Christmas Day. He waits for Jesus to appear. He asks an old roadsweeper to come in from the cold for a cup of coffee. Next, a woman with a baby arrives. Papa Panov gives the child some milk, warmed on his stove. Seeing that the child has no shoes, he gives him the ones he had found earlier. Many more people pass the shop door that Christmas Day, and are helped by him, yet the shoemaker is still waiting for Jesus to appear. Towards the end of the day he is very sad, because it was only a dream after all, and he had so wanted Jesus to visit him. Later he comes to realise, again as if in a dream, that in fact Jesus has been. He sees the different people he helped during the day passing by again and whispering “Did you not see me?” He hears the voice of Jesus saying “I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me water, I was cold and you took me in. Those people whom you have helped today – whilst you were helping them, you were helping me!” Words which we recognise from the parable Jesus told in Saint Matthew’s gospel about the sheep and the goats.

Derek Hollis

At Home Jewellery Sale December 3rd and 4th

10.00am to 9.30 pm each day

1 Foundry Bungalows, Wratting Road, Great Thurlow (bungalows opposite the recreation

ground) 01440 783010. I will be holding my annual open day event on the above date and would like to invite you to come along. If you wish to bring friends they are most welcome. A selection of handmade bead and gemstone jewellery will be available. Many of my designs are unique. Prices from: earrings £2, bracelets £3 - £5 and necklaces £5 to £6.50, silver plated earrings bracelets and necklaces pendants with chains £ 7 to £16, gemstone bead items £7 to £15, rings £10. Also 925 sterling silver rings with lovely gemstones £12 to £40 (blue topaz, amethyst, tanzanite, Malachite, cullinan topaz, white and yellow quartz. This is a great opportunity to buy your Christmas presents at great prices. Phyllis Baptie

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Dec—Jan 2014 –2015 Church Services

Date Day Time/Event Time/Event Time/Event Time/Event

7th Dec Sun 9:30 HC

Kedington 11:00 HC

Great Thurlow

14th Dec Sun

9:30 Christingle

Service Kedington

9:30 HC Barnardiston

11:00 HC Great Bradley

21stDec Sun 10:00 HC

Great Wratting

15:00 Carol Service Great Bradley

16:00 Carol Service


18:30 Carol Service

Little Wratting

24th Dec Wed

15:00 Crib Service Kedington

18:00 Carol Service Little Bradley

19:00 Carol Service Barnardiston

23:30 First

Communion of Christmas Kedington

25th Dec Thur 10:00 HC

Great Bradley

28th Dec Sun 10:00 HC

Little Thurlow

4th Jan Sun 9:30 HC

Kedington 11:00 HC

Great Thurlow

11th Jan Sun 9:30 HC

Barnardiston 9:30 SOTW Kedington

11:00 HC Little Thurlow

18th Jan Sun

10:00 Benefice HC

Great Bradley

25th Jan Sun 8:00 HC

Kedington 9:30 HC

Little Bradley 11:00 HC

Great Wratting 18:00 ES


1st Feb Sun 9:30 HC

Kedington 11:00 HC

Little Thurlow

8th Feb Sun 9:30 HC

Barnardiston 9:30 SOTW Kedington

11:00 HC Great Bradley

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Nature Note N


e N


NATURE NOTE This is a quiet time of year in the woods. You can sometimes ramble through the rides for quite a while before seeing or hearing a single bird. But sooner or later you are likely to hear a harsh cry, rather like the tearing of an old piece of linen; watch closely and you may see a plumpish, pinky-brown bird about the size of a jackdaw swoop on floppy wings from one side of the track to the other, displaying a conspicuous white rump. If you get a closer view you’ll see the bold black moustache and a splash of azure-blue on the wings. It’s a jay, a quite common but shy member of the crow family.

They have reason to be shy. Game-keepers have often regarded them as a threat, though jays are in fact vegetarian for much of the year. And those bright blue wing feathers were once greatly prized by the millinery trade as accessories for ladies’ hats, and they are still coveted by salmon fishermen, who fashion them into enticing anglers’ ‘flies’.

Jays are highly intelligent and versatile birds. That distinctive rasping call is only one of the sounds they can make and they are great chatterers and mimics, which can imitate not only other birds, but also cats and dogs – and even telephones. Their scientific name is Garrulus glandarius and while the first part of that refers (accurately) to their voices, the second part refers to their favourite food. They are particularly partial to acorns (Latin glandes) and they secrete large hoards of these every year to keep themselves going when food gets scarce. They pluck the acorns directly from the trees in autumn and cache them for uture use in little holes in the ground or under dead leaves. They later exhibit their amazing powers of memory in retrieving these gourmet snacks from their hiding-places. It has been estimated that a jay might secrete and relocate some 5,000 corns this way and can even dig through a layer of snow to exactly the right spot. If you have ever wondered where you last left your spectacles or your diary you will appreciate the feat of brain-power this implies! Of course, the jays do miss a few acorns and we then get a wonderful and unexpected harvest the next spring – new oak trees, planted in ideal conditions to foster their growth. And the jay gets another crop of acorns too, though perhaps not for a generation or so.

Which reminds me of a nice story I heard about the wonderful ancient Suffolk woodland called Staverton Thicks near Butley Priory. The ground there was farmed by monks up to the time of the Dissolution of the Monasteries in Henry the Eighth’s reign. The monks were then given notice to quit, but at their request they were granted the right to take just one more crop from the land. So they planted acorns … The magnificent oaks there today are testimony to their wisdom, as are the jays that frequent those woods. Jeremy Mynott, Lavender Cottage, 12 November 2014

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Winter Fuel Payment Don’t Need It? Donate


The message from Suffolk Community Foundation and legendary East Anglian broadcasters Helen McDermott and Christine Webber is absolutely clear: ‘‘If you received a Winter Fuel Payment and you don’t need it, please donate it to someone who does!’’

For older people in Suffolk, the need to stay warm at home is not a luxury, it’s a life saver.

That’s why this year’s appeal is challenging the people of Suffolk to join together and raise a

record breaking £100,000. You might be shocked to learn that in Suffolk alone an average of

353 vulnerable people die each year from causes directly attributed to the cold and poor living conditions.

Helen McDermott and Christine Webber have both donated their own Winter Fuel Payments for a number of years.

Christine says “I do hope everyone who is in a position to help,

whether they receive the Winter Fuel payment or not, will realise what a difference their contribution will make’’. Helen says

“Without the support of this appeal, Surviving Winter is likely to

be a real struggle for some of the most vulnerable older people in Suffolk.”

Tim Holder, Development Director at Suffolk Community Foundation added that: “It’s a really

simple idea that will make a huge difference to the lives of older people in our community who are vulnerable and most in need”. The money raised is distributed in partnership with Age UK Suffolk and last year went a long way in helping vulnerable older people in Suffolk keep warm throughout the winter. Suffolk Community Foundation is asking you to pledge your Winter Fuel Payment to help those desperately in need of extra support during the winter. You can do this online at or by calling 01473 602602. You can also visit your local branch of Ipswich Building Society or fill in the coupon which will be published in The East Anglian Daily Times.

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Anyone for Tennis? Thurlow Tennis club is seeking new members for 2014 – 2015

Annual family membership: £52.50

Single adult: £25 Junior (up to 18 yrs): £15

This is fantastic value compared to other options to play locally. The Club Coach, Michael Billson, is offering a free 30-min lesson/taster session for all members. Plus as we are now affiliated with the Lawn Tennis Association, membership of the Club gives you entitlement to free membership of British Tennis and entry into the ballot for discounted Wimbledon 2015 tickets.

For further information contact Andy Quick at [email protected]/783070 or Richard Shipp 07852187734

soil conditioner multipurpose potting compost

topsoil mixes barks

lawn dressings lawn seeds

freshly cut turf

available in bulk bags or loose

Come and see us at Sturmer Nurseries

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Remembering the Men of the Village Link Rod Gibson of Kedington is researching the names and backgrounds of the men on our local war memorials. In order to commemorate their memory the sounding of the Last Post and Reveille, together with the ringing of the relevant church bells will be organised on each of the 100th anniversaries of their deaths. If you have any information or memorabilia that would add to the stories, and particularly any family photos that might include any of the men please contact Alison at [email protected]. Thank you. Rod Gibson

Here is the third in our series:

WEBB, Fred Tilbrook, Pte. No. 27773

Formerly No. R/41802, London Regiment

6th Bn. Duke of Edinburgh’s (Wiltshire Regiment)

Born in the first quarter of 1883 and baptised on 11th February in Great Thurlow church. Son of Samuel, builder, and Catherine Webb, née Tilbrook, of Wheatsheaf Cottage, Thurlow. The eldest of seven children, all of whom survived to adulthood. He appears on the 1901 census working as a butcher and living with his employer’s family at 9 Queen Street, Haverhill. I was unable to find Fred on the 1911 census and although he stated that Thurlow was his place of residence when he enlisted, the National Probate Calendar states his address at the time of his death in Belgium as 222 Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush, Middlesex. He does not appear to have married, as probate, in the sum of £608-9s-5p, was granted to his Father Samuel. Fred enlisted in Hammersmith, London and stated that he lived in Great Thurlow.

He appears to have been conscripted sometime after 1915 and originally joined the 9th Bn. London Regiment, and at some stage was transferred into the 6th Bn. Wiltshire Regiment. At the time of his death the 6th Wiltshires were part of 2nd Army (Plumer), in 19th (Western) Division, 58th Brigade and he was killed during the Battle of Messines.

Fred was subsequently awarded the British and Victory Medals.

Killed in Action 10th April 1918 AGE 36 The Tyne Cot Memorial is one of four memorials to the missing in Belgian Flanders which cover the area known as the Ypres Salient. The memorial forms the north-eastern boundary of Tyne Cot Cemetery, located 9 kilometres north east of Ieper (Ypres) town center. The memorial now bears the names of almost 35,000 officers and men whose graves are not known. The memorial was designed by Sir Herbert Baker with sculpture by Joseph Armitage and F. V. Blundstone and was unveiled by Sir Gilbert Dyett on 20th June 1927

Commemorated: Tyne Cot Memorial. Panel 119 to 120

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Ian Wylie Park Cottage

Carlton 01223 290907 07769956533

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INFORMATION FOR RESIDENTS. This is a brief guide, intended especially for newcomers to the villages, with information about the facilities and services available locally and some useful telephone numbers and addresses.

Services and Societies in Thurlow Telephone Thurlow News – Naomi Sharrod 01440 783923 Thurlow Garage – Ray Sharrod 01440 783248 The Cock Inn 01440 783224 Plumbing Services – TKHeat – Kevin Crowson 07966 208794

01440 783654 Parish Clerk – Little Thurlow – Molly Hawkins 01440 783259 Parish Clerk – Great Thurlow – Diana Allin 01440 783560

Thurlow CEVC School – Head Teacher 01440 783281 Thurlow Pre-School – Helen Frost ([email protected].) 01440 783688 Thurlow Mother and Toddlers – Ond Zoe Wednesdays 10 am - 12 noon during term time

077872 92294 078911 46931

Thurlow Fayre – Janice Klimcke and Diana Allin 01440 783626 01440 783560

Thurlow Gardening Club – Dawn Abbey 01440 783646 Thurlow Sports Club Secretary – Allan Loveday 01440 707416 Thurlow Village Hall Committee – Janice Klimcke 01440 783626 Thurlow Village Hall Bookings – Diana Allin 01440 783560 Thurlow Womens Institute – President Iris Eley 01440 783534 Thurlow Tennis Club—Andy Quick 01440 783070

Services and Societies in Great Wratting Telephone Neighbourhood Watch —TBC Red Lion, Great Wratting – George and Linda Sykes 01440 783237 The Great Wratting Book Group – Jean Newlands 01440 783111 Great Wratting Email Tree — Dawn Fisk— [email protected] 01440 783993 The mobile library service stops at Coronation Cottages from 2.00 to 2.20 pm every 4 weeks, on Wednesday afternoons

01440 702638

Emergency Telephone Police Response – any officer, non emergency 101 Police Response – Emergency 999 Suffolk Fire Service 01284 558888 UK Network (Electricity) 24 hour Emergency helpline 0800 7838838 Anglian Water 24 hour Emergency Helpline (water/sewage) 08457 145145 British Telecom 24 hour fault reporting 0800 800151 Floodline 24 hour with recorded update 0845 9881188 In case of disaster or village is cut off, go to Thurlow Village Hall. Key Holder is Diana Allin – 89a Hill House, Great Thurlow

01440 783560

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Community Contacts Telephone Churches – Stourhead Benefice – Rev. Derek Hollis 01440 763066 Haverhill Social Services 01440 764949 Haverhill Citizens Advice Bureau 01440 704012 St Edmundsbury Borough Council Planning 01284 763233 District Councillor – Robert Clifton-Brown 01440 783562 St Edmundsbury Borough Council 01284 763233 St Edmundsbury Borough Council (Haverhill office) 01440 702271 County Councillor – Mary Evans 01284 789478 Suffolk County Council General Enquiries 08456 066067 Age Concern – Mary Hilton 01440 783649 Thurlow Estate – Tim Barling, Agent Thurlow Estate – Tom Duffin, Assistant to Agent

01440 783661

Libraries – Haverhill Libraries – Bury St Edmunds A mobile library visits the villages every 4 weeks on a Wednesday stopping at Sowley Green, 150 Bury Road from 11:30-11:40 am; Great Thurlow, 109 Bury Road from 11:45-12:10 pm; Little Thurlow, Thurlow Sports Club from 12:45-13:05 pm and Great Wratting, Coronation cottages from 14:00 –14:20 pm.

01440 702638 01284 352545 01473 263838

Suffolk Radio – BBC FM 103.9 or 104.6 01473 250000 Refuse Collection Every Friday early morning – Black bin on week one, blue and brown bin week two alternating

01284 757320

Environmental Health and Pest Control 01284 757084

Health and Wellbeing Telephone Doctors – The Christmas Maltings and Clements Practice Doctors – Selby Practice Doctors – Stourhead Medical Practice

01440 269366 01440 702010 01440 761177

Chemist – Boots, Haverhill Chemist – Sainsburys Pharmacy Chemist – The Co—operative Pharmacy

01440 702058 01440 708043 01440 702079

Hospital – West Suffolk (Bury St Edmunds) Hospital – West Suffolk Accident and Emergency Hospital – Addenbrookes (Cambridge)

01284 713000 01284 713333 01223 245151

Vets – Swayne and Partners (Haverhill) Vets – Lida Vets (Newmarket) Vets – Hawkedon Veterinary Surgery

01440 702007 01638 560000 01284 789428

Church Wardens Telephone St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting—Simon Corbett 01440 783698 St Mary’s Church, Great Wratting—Ben Stanton 01440 783103 St Peter’s Church, Little Thurlow—Robin Vestey T.B.A. St Peter’s Church, Little Thurlow—Iris Eley 01440 783534 All Saints Church, Great Thurlow—George Vestey 01440 783240 All Saints Church, Great Thulow—Tim Knappett 01440 783654

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Great Wratting Parish Council Contacts Telephone Chair – Gavin Acheson 01440 783515 Councillor – Anthony Lundrigan 01440 783817 Councillor – Dawn Fisk 01440 783993 Councillor – Petra Stephenson 01440 783384 Councillor – Steven Robinson 01440 783131 Councillor—Diana Curtis 01440 783898 Vacancy Parish Clerk – Emma White—[email protected] 07792455030 If you would like information about joining Great Wratting Parish Council, please contact the Parish Clerk.

Little Thurlow Parish Council Contacts Telephone Keith Bunting—Chairman 01440 783528 Chris Field—Vice Chairman 01440 783697 Will Griffiths 01440 783496 Heather Hunt 01440 783573 Chris Lowe 01440 783891 Andrew Dickson 01440 783385 Jessica Hale 01440 783190 Molly Hawkins—Parish Clerk 01440 783259

Great Thurlow Parish Council Contacts Telephone Peter Thomas—Chairman 01440 783700 Stan Cook—Vice Chairman 01440 783532 George Vestey 01440 783240 Conrad Hawkins 01440 783259 Naomi Sharrod 01440 783923 Rod Pass 01440 783610 Diana Allin—Parish Clerk 01440 783560

Parish Council Notice Board

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Happy Christmas!!

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