Download - The Visigoths

Page 1: The Visigoths
Page 2: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 3: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 4: The Visigoths

The sack of Rome in 410 (19th century interpretation)

Page 5: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 6: The Visigoths

Battle of the Catalaunic fieldsBetween the Romans and goths against Atilla(451)

Page 7: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 8: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 9: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 10: The Visigoths

Visigoths conquer Cordoba

Page 11: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 12: The Visigoths

“ La convresión de Recaredo”: 19th Romantic interpretation.

Page 13: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 14: The Visigoths

The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.

Page 15: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 16: The Visigoths

King Rodrigo

Page 17: The Visigoths

The Visigoths defeats Attila of the Huns at the Catalaunian Fields, together with Rome’s allies


Visigoths expand into Spain.


Visigoths conquer Cordoba

536 -562

The Byzantine Empire conquers Italy


The Visigoths, conquest of the last Byzantine domains and the Basque Country.


Reccared, launched a movement to unify the various religious doctrines that existed in Hispania.


Rodrigo, the last Visigoth king


Muslim Invasion of the Visigoths

Page 18: The Visigoths

Muslim Invasion

(The Battle of Guadalete)

Page 20: The Visigoths
Page 21: The Visigoths

Los reyes visigodos no Los reyes visigodos no trataron de imponer su fe trataron de imponer su fe cristiana a sus súbditos-, cristiana a sus súbditos-, sino que respetaron el sino que respetaron el cristianismo católico que cristianismo católico que profesaban la mayoría de profesaban la mayoría de ellos e interfirieron muy ellos e interfirieron muy poco en las actividades de poco en las actividades de su Iglesia.

La conversión al catolicismo de Recaredo se produjo en el 587 y tras él la nobleza goda del reino visigodo de Toledo también abjuró de su fe cristiana arriana anterior. La formalización de la conversión se produjo durante el III Concilio de Toledo celebrado en el 589.

Page 22: The Visigoths

Las reuniones visigodas conciliares

Las reuniones visigodas conciliares fueron de dos clases: provinciales, que

fueron de dos clases: provinciales, que

agrupaban el episcopado provincial; y

agrupaban el episcopado provincial; y

generales, que agrupando los obispos

generales, que agrupando los obispos

del reino, trataban temas de interés

del reino, trataban temas de interés


Estas asambleas político-religiosas de la monarquía Estas asambleas político-religiosas de la monarquía visigótica eran convocadas por el rey y presididas por visigótica eran convocadas por el rey y presididas por el arzobispo más antiguo (posteriormente por el de el arzobispo más antiguo (posteriormente por el de Toledo), donde la representación se reducía a las altas Toledo), donde la representación se reducía a las altas jerarquías eclesiásticas y a la nobleza.jerarquías eclesiásticas y a la nobleza.

Page 23: The Visigoths
Page 24: The Visigoths
Page 25: The Visigoths

Guarrazar treasure is a treasure of Guarrazar treasure is a treasure of Visigothic goldsmith composed of Visigothic goldsmith composed of crowns and crosses several kings of crowns and crosses several kings of the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo He the Visigoth kingdom of Toledo He was found between 1858 and 1861 was found between 1858 and 1861 in the archaeological site called in the archaeological site called Guarrazar orchard located in the Guarrazar orchard located in the town of Guadamur, near of Guadamur, near Toledo.

Page 26: The Visigoths

Un arco de herradura es un arco Un arco de herradura es un arco ultrasemicircular o ultrapasado (cuya ultrasemicircular o ultrapasado (cuya

curva es más amplia que un semicírculo) y curva es más amplia que un semicírculo) y que tiene forma de herradura. Es probable que tiene forma de herradura. Es probable

que se trate de una creación de los que se trate de una creación de los antiguos indígenas prerromanos de la antiguos indígenas prerromanos de la

península Ibérica, de ahí pasó, a través de península Ibérica, de ahí pasó, a través de los romanos, al arte visigodolos romanos, al arte visigodo

Page 27: The Visigoths

Fibulae in key metal parts to join or Fibulae in key metal parts to join or fasten garments dresses. These fasten garments dresses. These

objects were made up of bronze and objects were made up of bronze and colorful glass .colorful glass .

They were made by goldsmiths.They were made by goldsmiths.

Page 28: The Visigoths

Decoration with friezes roleos, Decoration with friezes roleos, swastikas and vegetables and swastikas and vegetables and animal themes. The geometric animal themes. The geometric decoration, carved bezel, decoration, carved bezel, reflects the fact that the reflects the fact that the Hispanic Church was counter Hispanic Church was counter to the storied the storied representation.

Page 29: The Visigoths

Now we are going to explain some of the monuments that

were so important for the arquitecture of the visigoths.

Like the churches, hermitages, crypts and


Page 30: The Visigoths

The Church of San Juan Bautista or San Juan Bautista de Baños de

Cerrato is an ancient stone Visigothic church.

It is one of the earliest and most complete survivals of Visigothic architecture, founded in the 7th


Page 31: The Visigoths

The crypt of San Antolín, beneath the The crypt of San Antolín, beneath the present cathedral of Palencia (Spain), is the present cathedral of Palencia (Spain), is the only remnant of the primitive Visigoth only remnant of the primitive Visigoth cathedral built in the second half of the cathedral built in the second half of the seventh century Romanesque elements seventh century Romanesque elements added subsequently. The crypt is dedicated added subsequently. The crypt is dedicated to San Antolín, martyr, patron saint of to San Antolín, martyr, patron saint of Palencia.Palencia.

Page 32: The Visigoths

The church of Santa Lucia del The church of Santa Lucia del Trampal, the eight century, Trampal, the eight century, located in the municipality of located in the municipality of Alcuéscar, is a unique example Alcuéscar, is a unique example of Moorish architecture, of Moorish architecture, ordering its head with three ordering its head with three rectangular chapels open a rectangular chapels open a transept.transept.

Page 33: The Visigoths
Page 34: The Visigoths

Santa Comba de Bande is a Visigoth temple possibly from the second half of the seventh century, located in the town of Bande in the province of Orense.

Page 35: The Visigoths

The temple of San Pedro de la The temple of San Pedro de la Mata in the hamlet of Mata in the hamlet of

Casalgordo, municipality of Casalgordo, municipality of Sonseca province of Toledo, Sonseca province of Toledo,

was built in the second half of was built in the second half of the seventh century, being a the seventh century, being a

representative of the Visigoth representative of the Visigoth art building.

Page 36: The Visigoths

The chapel of Santa Maria de Quintanilla The chapel of Santa Maria de Quintanilla of the Vines, in the old alfoz of Lara, in the of the Vines, in the old alfoz of Lara, in the

province of Burgos (Spain), is one of the province of Burgos (Spain), is one of the best examples of Visigoth architecture. best examples of Visigoth architecture.

Until 1927 it was used as a corral for cattle, Until 1927 it was used as a corral for cattle, but was declared a National Monument on but was declared a National Monument on 25 November 1929 and restored. And the 25 November 1929 and restored. And the

visigoths also used it like a church.visigoths also used it like a church.

Page 37: The Visigoths
Page 38: The Visigoths

We cand find We cand find different sectorsdifferent sectors




Artisans and peasants.


Isidoro de Sevilla

Page 39: The Visigoths

He ruled the kingdom He ruled the kingdom and their power and their power supposed to be supposed to be

absolute. However, he absolute. However, he was oftenly challenged was oftenly challenged

by aristocracy . by aristocracy .

Page 40: The Visigoths

It was formed by the It was formed by the Visigothic invaders Visigothic invaders and Romans noblesand Romans nobles..

First of all, aristocracy First of all, aristocracy was the controlling was the controlling social class. It was a social class. It was a minority and they minority and they were priviledged. They were priviledged. They were the landowners. were the landowners.

Page 41: The Visigoths

They were church They were church leaders, priests leaders, priests and monks.and monks.They were those They were those belonged to the belonged to the Church and prayed Church and prayed there. They had there. They had many lands.many lands.

Page 42: The Visigoths

Both groups were the Both groups were the descendants of the Roman descendants of the Roman “coloni” (ancient plebeians)“coloni” (ancient plebeians)

Peasants lived in the Peasants lived in the country and they worked in country and they worked in the lords and church’s lands.the lords and church’s lands.There were few artisans and There were few artisans and traders coming from the traders coming from the East (mainly Jews and East (mainly Jews and Easterners)Easterners)

Page 43: The Visigoths
Page 44: The Visigoths

There were also slaves in the Visigothic There were also slaves in the Visigothic society.society.

They obeyed their owner’s orders.They obeyed their owner’s orders.

However there were fewer slaves than However there were fewer slaves than in the Roman the Roman society.

They were really poor and suffered They were really poor and suffered from hunger and diseases. from hunger and diseases.

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