  • 1.

2. Positive well-beingis seen to be an important tool in helping people feel able and motivated to exercise choice and control and to adopt healthy lifestyles. National Institute for Mental Health in England (2005).Making it Possible 3. Mental health governs our quality of life, our relationships and our aspirations. Good mental health is fundamental to the resilience of individuals, families, communities and businesses. It decides, in short, whether a society is flourishing or floundering. 4. The recent Foresight Mental Capital and Wellbeing Project has drawn on state-of-the-art research about how to improve mental wellbeing. Working with the New Economics Foundation's Centre for Wellbeing, it recommends five simple actions that, if practised regularly, can improve our mental wellbeing. 1. Connect- With the people around you.2. Be active -Go for a walk or run. Step outside. Cycle. Play a game. 3. Take notice -Be curious. Catch sight of the beautiful.4. Keep learning -Try something new. Rediscover an old interest.5. Give -Do something nice for a friend, or a stranger. people around you. 5. "And in all of my experience,I've never seen lasting solutions to problems, lasting happiness and success,that came from the outside in." Stephen Covey 6. Changing Behaviour from the Inside Out

  • Beliefs, often unconscious, drive thoughts, feelings and behaviour
  • Beliefs and Behaviours not easily altered by information and education
  • Sustainable lifestyle change needs:
          • cognitive and emotional engagement
          • framework for goal setting and evaluation
          • support group

Beliefs Thoughts Behaviours 7. The Wellbeing Journey is a holistic development programme for building mental strength, resilience, health and happiness. It is an antidote to stress, anxiety, depression and low self confidence. The Wellbeing Journey is inspired and informed by a highly successful two-year personal transformation programme co-led in Austria, Germany, Denmark and UK over the last nine years. 8. The Wellbeing Journey is adaptable into short and longer term programmes where participants learn and practice pragmatic concepts, tools and exercises, that enable them to lead a more whole and balanced life. They overcome limiting beliefs, set new and interesting goals for themselves and benefit from a buddy and support group. All contributing to a positive, sustainable lifestyle change. 9. 10. Expressive I am learning that I am a unique and specialpart of the Universe

  • Key outcomes:
  • Expand your ability to freely express yourself
  • Access more of your creativity and imagination
  • Be more articulate and fluent
  • Build more authentic social relationships
  • Leading to greater self confidence to be yourself with family, friends and work colleagues and to seek out and participate in activities you enjoy.

11. Centred I am learning mindfulness amidst the busy-ness of life

  • Key outcomes:
  • Maintain a calm presence in the face of the
  • busyness of life
  • Develop a mindfulness practice
  • Be more appreciative and non-judgmental
  • Access and listen more to your inner voice
  • Leading to greater awareness of the present moment, noticing whats happening within and around you, and appreciating and curious about life.

12. Responsive I am learning to harness thepower of my emotions

  • Key outcomes:
  • Avoid stressful and hurtful reactions
  • Create more harmonious relationships
  • Respond creatively to change
  • Respond with emotional balance and flexibility
  • Leading to greater emotional strength and resilience, more optimism about life and better able to have meaningful and honest communication with others

13. Purposeful I am learning to remember who I amand what I am here for

  • Key outcomes:
  • Clear sense of direction and meaning for your life
  • Be able to learn from past experience
  • Stay focused amidst distractions
  • Sustained concentration to follow through
  • Leading to greater understanding of what is important to you, increased motivation to keep learning and expanding your ability to stay on track to achieve your goals.

14. Nurturing I am learning to balance thecare of myself

  • Key outcomes:
  • Focus on getting enough restful sleep, exercise and
  • nourishing food
  • Balance mind, body, spirit and emotions
  • Care for self as foundation for caring for others
  • Learn to value and maintain what supports you
  • Leading to greater activity, involvement and balance in all the territories of life and sustaining your health and wellbeing to give back to others.

15. Effective I am learning to lead my life

  • Key outcomes:
  • Consciously learning from all life experiences
  • Be at cause rather than at effect in your life
  • Understanding patterns and interconnections
  • Flow more with rhythms and timings of life
  • Leading to greater learning about yourself and what is influencing you on a day to day basis and, from this, being more proactive in responding to what is needed.

16. Resourceful I am learning to take right action for the benefit of all

  • Key outcomes:
  • Be more decisive
  • Create simple powerful strategies for your life
  • Set new and interesting goals
  • Know your resources both inner and outer and
  • how to access them
  • Leading to greater stature and confidence to plan out ahead, take action and connect with others. More able to take greater notice of and interest in wider issues.

17. Vital I am learning to keep my energyclear and bright

  • Key outcomes:
  • Be more enthusiastic about your life
  • Be interested and involved in all parts of your life
  • Change stuck moods with fluidity and agility
  • Keep your energy clear and bright
  • Leading to sustainable positive wellbeing, emotional
  • and physical health and happiness.

18. Evaluating the Wellbeing Journey Storytelling personal reflection and narrative about whats important to the participant in their development Key Outcomes the specific behaviour changes in relation to Connecting, Being Active, Taking Notice, Keeping Learning, and Giving Wellbeing Star a way for participants to set goals and measure progress using the aspects of the Wellbeing Wheel Expressive, Centred, Responsive, Purposeful, Nurturing, Effective, Resourceful and Vital. 19. How to Get Involved The Wellbeing Journey has been created by a team of four professionals with over 75 years combined experience of designing and teaching personal transformation programmes. This new and unique programme is now ready to pilot and we are seeking innovative partners and funding agencies to collaborate with us on the next step of the journey. To begin a conversation for possibility, please contact Mike [email protected] or call 0191 241 0236

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