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Confessio Fidei Westmonasteriensis.

[The English text is taken from the second edition which appeared under the title, 'The Humble | Advice |

of the | Assembly | of  | Divines, | now by Authority of Parliament  | sitting at Westminster, | concerning | aConfession of Faith: | with the uotations and Te!ts of  | "cri#ture anne!ed$ Presented by them lately to

both Houses of Parliament$ | Printed at %ondon& | and  | re#rinted at 'dinburgh by 'van Tyler, Printer to  |

the (ings most '!cellent )a*estie$ 1647' The spelling and punctuation are conformed to modern usage

The changes of the !merican re"ision, which occur chiefl# in $h %%&&&, relating to the $i"il agistrate,

and in $h %%%&, relating to (#nods and $ouncils, are inserted in their proper places, and marked )#italics inor changes are indicated in footnotes

The *atin translation of the +estminster $onfession and $atechisms )# - .see /reface0 appeared first

at $am)ridge, 166 .also 16203 at Edin)urgh, 1624, etc3 and at lasgow, 1660, under the title,

'$onfessio 5idei | in Conventu theologorum authoritate + Parliamenti Anglicani indicto + 'laborata& +

eidem Parliamento #ostmodum + '!hibita& + uin et ab eodem, deindeue ab 'cclesia "coticana +

Cognita et A##robata& + und cum | $atechismo | du#lici, aori, inoriue3 | ' "ermone Anglicano

 summa cum fide + in %itinum versa$ Cantabrigi-: e!cudebat .ohannes Field, celeberrim- Academi-


Confession of Fait. Confessio Fidei.

Ca!ter I. Ca!. I.

/f the Holy "cri#ture$ -e (criptura (acrosancta

& !lthough the light of nature, and

the works of creation and pro"idence,

do so far manifest the goodness,wisdom, and power of od, as to lea"e

men inexcusa)le3946 #et are the# not

sufficient to gi"e that knowledge of

od, and of his will, which is

necessar# unto sal"ation3947 therefore it

 pleased the *ord, at sundr# times, and

in di"ers manners, to re"eal himself,

and to declare that his will unto his

$hurch3949 and afterwards, for the

 )etter preser"ing and propagating of

the truth, and for the more sureesta)lishment and comfort of the

$hurch against the corruption of the

flesh, and the malice

& uanuam natur- lumen,

o#eraue Dei cum Creationis tum

 Providenti-, bonitatem e*us, sa#ientiam, #otentiamue eo usue

manifestant, ut homines vel inde

reddantur ine!cusabiles:942 eam tamen

 Dei, voluntatisue divin-

cognitionem, u- #orro est ad salutem

necessaria, neueunt nobis

ingenerare$9 uocirca Domino

com#lacitum est, variis uidem modis

vicibusue 'cclesi- su- semeti#sum

revelare, suamue hanc voluntatem


 sed et eandem omnem #ostea literis consignare, uo et

veritati su- tam conservand- uam

 #ro#agand- melius consuleret, nec

 'cclesia sua contra carnis

corru#telam, contra malitiam mundi


of (atan and of the world, to commit

the same wholl# unto writing39: which

maketh the hol# (cripture to )e most


 those former wa#s ofod's re"ealing his will unto his

"atan-ue, #r-sidio foret ac solatio

destituta$9 0nde factum est, ut,

 #ostuam #ristini illi modi, uibus

olim #o#ulo suo Deus voluntatem suam revelabat, *am desiverint  ,96 

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 people )eing now ceased94 "cri#tura "acra sit ma!ime


&& <nder the name of hol#

(cripture, or the +ord of od written,

are now contained all the =ooks of the>ld and ?ew Testament, which are


&& "acr- "cri#tur-, nomine, seu

1erbi Dei scri#ti continentur hodie

omnes illi libri tam 1eteris uam 2ovi 3nstrumenti,99nem#e uorum inferius

 subseuuntur nomina$

Of the Old Testament. "eteris Testamenti.

enesis Ecclesiastes 4enesis$ 'cclesiastes$

Exodus The (ong of (ongs  '!odus$Canticum


*e"iticus &saiah  %eviticus$ 3saias$

 ?um)ers Aeremiah  2umeri$ .eremias$

-euteronom# *amentations  Deuteronomium$ %amentationes$

Aoshua EBekiel  .osua$ '5echiel$

Audges -aniel  .udices$ Daniel$

Cuth Dosea  6uth$ Hosea$

& (amuel Aoel "amuelis 1  .oel$

&& (amuel !mos "amuelis : !mos

& ings >)adiah  6egum 1 /badias$

&& ings Aonah  6egum :  .onas$

& $hronicles icah Chronicorum 1  )icheas$

&& $hronicles ?ahum Chronicorum :  2ahum$

EBra Da)akkuk  '5ra$ Habucuc$

 ?ehemiah Fephaniah  2ehemias$ 7e#hanias$

Esther Daggai  'sther$ Hagg-us$

Ao) Fechariah  .ob$ 7acharias$

/salms alachi  Psalmi$ )alachias$

/ro"er)s  Proverbia$  

Of the New Testament. No#i a$tem.

The ospels according to  'vangelium secundem

atthew, *uke,  )atth-um,  %ucam,

ark, Aohn  )arcum,  .ohannem


The !cts of the To Timoth# &&  Acta a#ostolorum$  

!postles To Titus Titum$

/aul's Epistles to the To /hilemon  Pauli es#istol- ad Philemonem$

Comans The Epistle to the  6omanos$ '#ist$ ad Hebr-os$

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$orinthians & De)rews Corinthios 3$ 33$  

$orinthians && The Epistle of Aames  .acobi '#istola$

alatians The 5irst and (econd 4alatas$ Petri '#ist$ 3$ 33$

Ephesians Epistles of /eter  '#hesios$  

/hilippiansThe 5irst, (econd,and

 Phili##enses$ .ohan$ '#ist$ 3$ 33$

$olossians Third Epistles of   Collossenses$ 333$

Thessalonians & Aohn Thessalonicens 3$ 33$  

Thessalonians && The Epistle of Aude  .ud- '#istola$

To Timoth# & The Ce"elation Timotheum 3$ 33$ A#ocaly#sis$

!ll which are gi"en )# inspiration

of od, to )e the rule of faith and



ui omnes divina ins#iratione dati

 sunt in Fidei vit-ue regulam$96

&&& The )ooks commonl# called

!pocr#pha, not )eing of di"ine

inspiration, are no part of the $anon of

the (cripture3 and therefore are of no

authorit# in the $hurch of od, nor to

 )e an# otherwise appro"ed, or made

use of, than other human writings961

&&& %ibri A#ocry#hi, vulgo dicti,

uum non fuerint divinitus ins#irati,

Canonem "cri#tur- nullatenus

constituunt& #roindeue nullam aliam

authoritatem obtinere debent in

 'cclesia Dei, nec aliter uam alia

humana scri#ta, sunt aut a##robandi

aut adhibendi96:

&G The authorit# of the hol#

(cripture, for which it ought to )e )elie"ed and o)e#ed, dependeth not

upon the testimon# of an# man or

church, )ut wholl# upon od .who is

truth itself0, the !uthor thereof3 and

therefore it is to )e recei"ed, )ecause it

is the +ord of od96;

&G Authoritas "cri#tur- sacr-

 #ro#ter uam ei debetur fides etobservantia, non ab ullius aut hominis

aut 'cclesi- #endet testimonio, sed a

 solo e*us authore Deo, ui est i#sa

veritas: eoue est a nobis reci#ienda,

uoniam est 1erbum Dei964

G +e ma# )e mo"ed and induced

 )# the testimon# of the

G Testimonium 'cclesi- efficere

uidem #otest ut de "cri#tura sacra


$hurch to an high and re"erent esteemof 96 the hol# (cripture3966 and the

hea"enliness of the matter, the efficac#

of the doctrine, the maest# of the

st#le, the consent of all the parts, the

scope of the whole .which is to gi"e

all glor# to od0, the full disco"er# it

makes of the onl# wa# of man's

sal"ation, the man# other

incompara)le excellencies, and the

entire perfection thereof, arearguments where)# it doth a)undantl#

uam honorifice sentiamus&969 materies insu#er e*us c8lestis,

doctrin- vis et efficacia, styli

ma*estas, #artium omnium consensus,

totiusue sco#us .ut Deo nem#e omnis

 gloria tribuatur 0, #lena deniue uam

e!hibet unic- ad salutem vi-

commonstratio, #r-ter alias e*us

virtutes incom#arabiles, et

 #erfectionem summam, argumenta

 sunt uibus abunde se 1erbum Dei etluculenter #robat& nihilominus tamen

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e"idence itself to )e the +ord of od3

#et, notwithstanding, our full

 persuasion and assurance of the

infalli)le truth, and di"ine authorit#

thereof, is from the inward work of the

Dol# (pirit, )earing witness )# andwith the +ord in our hearts967

 #lena #ersuasio et certitudo de e*us

tam infallibili veritate, uam

authoritate divina non aliunde

nascitur uam ab interna o#eratione

"#iritus "ancti, #er verbum et cum

verbo i#so in cordibus nostristestificantis962

G& The whole counsel of od,

concerning all things necessar# for his

own glor#, man's sal"ation, faith, and

life, is either expressl# set down in

(cripture, or )# good and necessar#

conseuence ma# )e deduced from

(cripture@ unto which nothing at an#

time is to )e added, whether )# new

re"elations of the (pirit, or traditionsof men97 ?e"ertheless we

acknowledge the inward illumination

of the (pirit of od to )e necessar# for

the sa"ing

G& Consilium Dei universum de

omnibus u- ad suam i#sius gloriam,

u-ue ad hominum salutem, fidem,

vitamue sunt necessaria, aut e!#resse

in "cri#tura continetur, aut

conseuentia bona et necessaria

derivari #otest a "cri#tura& cui nihil

deince#s addendum est, seu novis a

 s#iritu revelationibus, sivetraditionibus hominum$971 3nternam

nihilominus illuminationem "#iritus

 Dei ad salutarem eorum

 #erce#tionem, u- in 1erbo Dei


understanding of such things as are

re"ealed in the +ord397: and that there

are some circumstances concerning the

worship of od, and go"ernment of

the $hurch, common to human actionsand societies, which are to )e ordered

 )# the light of nature and $hristian

 prudence, according to the general

rules of the +ord, which are alwa#s to

 )e o)ser"ed97;

revelantur, agnoscimus esse

necessariam:974 uin etiam nonnullas

esse circumstantias cultum -ei

spectantes et EcclesiH regimen, iis

cum humanis actioni)us et societati)uscommunes, uH naturali lumine ac

 prudentia $hristiana secundum

generales "er)i regulas .perpetuo

uidem illas o)ser"andas0 sunt


G&& !ll things in (cripture are not

alike plain in themsel"es, nor alike

clear unto all3976 #et those things which

are necessar# to )e known, )elie"ed,

and o)ser"ed, for sal"ation, are so

clearl# propounded and opened in

some place of (cripture or other, that

not onl# the learned, )ut the unlearned,

in a due use of the ordinar# means,

ma# attain unto a sufficient

understanding of them977

G&& u- in "cri#tura continentur

non sunt omnia -ue aut in se

 #ers#icua, aut omnibus hominibus

evidentia ,979 ea tamen omnia u- ad

 salutem necessaria sunt cognitu,

creditu, observatu, adeo #ers#icue,

alicubi saltem in "cri#tura,

 #ro#onuntur et e!#licantur, ut eorum

non docti solum, verum indocti etiam

ordinariorum debito usu mediorum,

 sufficientem asseui #ossint


G&&& The >ld Testament in De)rew

.which was the nati"e language of the

 people of od of old0, and the ?ew

Testament in reek .which at the timeof the writing of it was most generall#

G&&& 3nstrumentum 1etus Hebr-a

lingua 9antiua Dei #o#ulo nem#e

vernacula 2ovum autem 4r-ca .ut

u- a#ud 4entes ma!ime omniumtunc tem#oris, uum scriberetur illud,

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known to the nations0, )eing

immediatel# inspired )# od, and )#

his singular care and pro"idence kept

 pure in all ages, are therefore

authentical399 so as in all contro"ersies

obtinuerat 0, immediate a Deo

ins#irata, e*usue cura et Providentia

 singulari #er omnia huc usue secula

 #ura et intaminata custodita, ea

 #ro#ter sunt authentica$991 Adeo sane

ut ad


of religion the $hurch is finall# to

appeal unto them99: =ut )ecause these

original tongues are not known to all

the people of od who ha"e right

unto, and interest in the (criptures, and

are commanded, in the fear of od, to

read and search them,99; therefore the#

are to )e translated into the "ulgar

language of e"er# nation unto whichthe# come,994 that the +ord of od

dwelling plentifull# in all, the# ma#

worship him in an accepta)le

manner ,99 and, through patience and

comfort of the (criptures, ma# ha"e


illa ultimo in omnibus de religione

controversiis 'cclesia debeat

a##ellare$997 uoniam autem

/riginales ist- lingu- non sunt toti

 Dei #o#ulo intellect- .uorum tamen

et *us est ut scri#turas habeant, et

interest #lurimum, uiue eas in

timore Dei legere *ubentur et


 #roinde sunt invulgarem cu*usue 4entis, ad uam

 #ervenerint linguam transferend- ,992 

ut omnes, verbo Dei o#ulenter in i#sis

habitante, Deum grato acce#toue

modo colant,92 et #er #atientiam ac

consolationem "cri#turarum s#em


&% The infalli)le rule of

interpretation of (cripture is the

(cripture itself3 and therefore, whenthere is a uestion a)out the true and

full sense of an# (cripture .which is

not manifold, )ut one0, it must92:  )e

searched and known )# other places

that speak more clearl#92;

&% 3nfallibilis "cri#turam

inter#retandi regula est "cri#tura

i#sa$ uoties igitur cunue orituru-stio de$ vero #lenoue "cri#tur-

cu*usvis sensu .unicus ille est non

multi#le!0, e! aliis locis, ui a#ertius

louuntur, est indagandus et


% The (upreme Audge, )# which all

contro"ersies of religion are to )e

determined, and all decrees of

councils, opinions of ancient writers,

doctrines of men, and pri"ate spirits,

are to )e examined, and in whose

sentence we are to rest, can

% "u#remus *ude!, a uo omnes de

religione controversi- sunt

determinand-, omnia Conciliorum

decreta, o#iniones "cri#torum

1eterum, doctrin- deniue hominum,

et #rivati uicunue "#iritus sunt

e!aminandi, cu*usue sententia



 )e no other )ut the Dol# (pirit

speaking in the (cripture92

nemur acuiescere, nullus alius esse

 #otest, #r-ter "#iritum "anctum in

"cri#tura #ronunciantem$926

Ca!ter II. Ca!. II.

/f 4od, and of the Holy Trinity$ -e -eo et (acroIsancta Trinitate

& There is )ut one onl#927 li"ing and & 0nus est unicusue,212 vivens ille

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true od,929 who is infinite in )eing

and perfection,922 a most pure spirit,2 

in"isi)le,21 without )od#, parts,2: or

 passions,2; immuta)le,24 immense,2 

eternal,26 incomprehensi)le,27 

almight#,29 most wise,22 most hol#,21 most free,211 most a)solute,21: working

all things according to the counsel of

his own immuta)le and most righteous

will,21; for his own glor#3214 most

lo"ing,21 gracious, merciful,

longsuffering, a)undant in goodness

and truth, forgi"ing iniuit#,

transgression, and sin3216 the rewarder

of them that diligentl# seek him3217 and

withal most ust and terri)le in his


et verus Deus:2: ui idem est essentia

et #erfectione infinitus ,2:1 "#iritus

 #urissimus ,2:: invisibilis,2:; sine

cor#ore, sine #artibus,2:4 sine

 #assionibus,2: immutabilis,2:6 

immensus,2:7 Hternus,2:9 incom#rehensibilis,2:2 omni#otens,2; 

 summe sa#iens,2;1 summe sanctus,2;: 

liberrimus ,2;; ma!ime absolutus&2;4 

o#erans omnia secundum consilium

immutabilis su- ac *ustissim-

voluntatis,2; ad suam i#sius

 gloriam&2;6 idemue summa

benignitate ,2;7  gratia, misericordia, et

longanimitate& bonitate abundans et

veritate& condonans iniuitatem,

transgressionem et #eccatum&2;9 

 studiose u-rentium i#sum

remunerator&2;2 sed et in *udiciis suis

 *ustissimus idem ac tremendus



hating all sin,241 and who will )# no

means clear the guilt# 24:

 #eccatum omne #erosus,24; et ui

 sontem nullo unuam absolvet


&& od hath all life,24


 goodness,247 )lessedness,249 in and of

himself3 and is alone in and unto

himself allsufficient, not standing in

need of an# creatures which he hath

made,242 nor deri"ing an# glor# from

them,2 )ut onl# manifesting his own

glor# in, )#, unto, and upon them@ he

is the alone foundation of all )eing, of

whom, through whom, and to whom

are all things321 and hath most

so"ereign dominion o"er them, to do )# them, for them, or upon them

whatsoe"er himself pleaseth2: &n his

sight all things are open and

manifest32; his knowledge is infinite,

infalli)le, and independent upon the

creature324 so as nothing is to him

contingent or uncertain2 De is most

hol# in all his counsels, in all his

works, and in all his commands26 To

him is due from angels and men, and

e"er# other creature, whatsoe"erworship, ser"ice, or o)edience, he is

&& /mnem vitam ,29

 omnem gloriam ,22 bonitatem,26 

beatitudinemue261 omnem in sese

habet et a sei#so Deus& ui solus in se

 sibiue est ad omnia sufficiens&

creaturarum, uas i#se condidit,

nullius egens ,26: nec gloriam ab eis

derivans ullam,26; verum in iis, #er

eas, iis i#sis, ac su#er eas #ro#riam

i#sius gloriam tantummodo

manifestans$ 3s omnis entitatis fans est

unicus, a uo, #er uem et ad uemomnia&264 summumue in ea dominium

habet, ac #er illa, #ro illis, in illa #ro

 suo arbitrio uidlibet agendi

 #otestatem$26 3n cons#ectu e*us a#erta

 sunt omnia ac manifesta&266 scientia

e*us infinita est, infallibilis, atue a

creatura inde#endens,267 adeo ut illi

contingens incertumve nihil sit&269 in

omnibus e*us consiliis, o#eribus et

mandatis est sanctissimus$262 uicuid

cultus, uicuid officii, uicuidobseuii ab Angelis illi, ab hominibus,

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 pleased to reuire of them27 aut a uavis creatura e!igere #lacet,

id illi omne *ure o#timo debetur $27

&&& &n the unit# of the odhead &&& &n -eitatis unitate personH


head there )e three persons, of onesu)stance, power, and eternit#@ od

the 5ather, od the (on, and od the

Dol# host271 The 5ather is of none,

neither )egotten nor proceeding3 the

(on is eternall# )egotten of the

5ather327: the Dol# host eternall#

 proceeding from the 5ather and the


tres sunt unius e*usdemue essenti-, #otential ac -ternitatis& Deus Pater,

 Deus Filius, ac Deus "#iritus

"anctus$274 Pater uidem a nullo est,

nec genitus nem#e nec #rocedens:

 Filius autem a Patre est -terne

 genitus:27 "#iritus autem "anctus

-terne #rocedens a Patre Filioue$276

Ca!ter III. Ca!. III.

/f 4od;s 'ternal Decree$277 -e Hterno -ei -ecreto

& od from all eternit# did, )# the

most wise and hol# counsel of his own

will, freel# and unchangea)l# ordain

whatsoe"er comes to pass3279 #et so as

there)# neither is od the author of

sin,272 nor is "iolence offered to the

will of the creatures, nor is the li)ert#

or contingenc# of second causes taken

awa#, )ut rather esta)lished29

& Deus, e sa#ientissimo

 sanctissimoue consilio voluntatis

 su-, libere ac immutabiliter, uicuid

unuam evenit, ab omni -terno

ordinavit&291 ita tamen, id inde nec

author #eccati evadat Deus,29: nec

voluntati creaturarum sit vis illata,

neue libertas aut contingentia

causarum secundarum ablata sit,

verum #otius stabilita$29;

&& !lthough od knows whatsoe"er

ma# or can come to pass upon all

supposed conditions,294 #et hath he not

decreed an# thing )ecause he foresaw

it as future, or as that which would

come to pass upon such conditions29

&& uamvis omnia cognoscat Deus,

u- su##ositis uibusvis

conditionibus sunt eventu #ossibilia&296

non tamen ideo uicuam decrevit

uoniam illud #r-viderat aut futurum,

aut #ositis talibus conditionibus


&&& =# the decree of od, for the

manifestation of his glor#,

&&& Deus, uo gloriam suam

manifestaret, nonnullos hominum


some men and angels299 are

 predestinated unto e"erlasting life, and

others foreordained to e"erlasting


ac Angelorum22 decreto suo ad

-ternam vitam #r-destinavit, alios

autem ad mortem -ternam


&G These angels and men, thus

 predestinated and foreordained, are

 particularl# and unchangea)l#

designed3 and their num)er is so

certain and definite that it can not )eeither increased or diminished22:

&G #r-destinati illi et #r-ordinati

homines Angeliue, #articulariter sunt

ac immutabiliter designati, certusue

illorum est ac definitus numerus, adeo

ut nec augeri #ossit nec imminui$22;

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G Those of mankind that are

 predestinated unto life, od, )efore the

foundation of the world was laid,

according to his eternal and immuta)le

 purpose, and the secret counsel and

good pleasure of his will, hath chosenin $hrist, unto e"erlasting glor#,224 out

of his mere free grace and lo"e,

without an# foresight of faith or good

works, or perse"erance in either of

them, or an# other thing in the

creature, as conditions, or causes

mo"ing him thereunto322 and all to the

 praise of his glorious grace226

G ui e! humano genere sunt ad

vitam #r-destinati, illos Deus ante

 *acta mundi fundamenta, secundum

-ternum suum ac immutabile

 #ro#ositum, secretumue voluntatis

 su- consilium et bene#lacitum, elegitin Christo ad -ternam gloriam,227 

idue e! amore suo et gratia mere

 gratuita& nec fide, nec bonis o#eribus,

nec in his illave #erseverantia, sed

neue ulla alia re in creatura,

 #r-visis, i#sum tanuam causis aut

conditionibus ad id moventibus&229 uo

totum nem#e in laudem cederet

 glorios- su- grati-$222

G& !s od hath appointed the electunto glor#, so hath he, )# the eternal

and most free purpose of his will,

foreordained all the means

thereunto1 +herefore the# who are

elected, )eing fallen in

G& uemadmodum autem Deuselectos ad gloriam destinavit, sic

omnia etiam uibus illam

conseuantur media #r-ordinavit,

voluntatis su- #ro#osito -terno simul

et liberrimo$11 ua#ro#ter electi,



!dam, are redeemed )# $hrist,1: are

effectuall# called unto faith in $hrist

 )# his (pirit working in due season3are ustified, adopted, sanctified,1; 

and kept )# his power through faith

unto sal"ation14 ?either are an#

other redeemed )# $hrist, effectuall#

called, ustified, adopted, sanctified,

and sa"ed, )ut the elect onl#1

la#si essent in Adamo, a Christo sunt

redem#ti&16  #er "#iritum e*us

o##ortuno tem#ore o#erantem, ad fidem in Christum vocantur

efficaciter& *ustificantur,

 sanctificantur,17 et #otentia i#sius

 #er fidem custodiuntur ad salutem$19 

 2ec alii uivis a Christo redimuntur,

vocantur efficaciter *ustificantur,

ado#tantur, sanctificantur et

 salvantur, #r-ter electos solos$12

G&& The rest of mankind od was

 pleased, according to the unsearcha)le

counsel of his own will, where)# he

extendeth or withholdeth merc# as he

 pleaseth, for the glor# of his so"ereign

 power o"er his creatures, to pass )#,

and to ordain them to dishonor and

wrath for their sin, to the praise of his

glorious ustice11

G&& 6eliuos humani generis Deo

 #lacuit secundum consilium voluntatis

 su- inscrutabile Juo misericordiam

 #ro libitu e!hibet abstinetve0 in

 gloriam su#rem- su- in creaturas

 #otestatis, #r-terire& eosue ordinare

ad ignominiam et iram #ro #eccatis

 suis, ad laudem *ustiti- su-


G&&& The doctrine of this high

m#ster# of predestination is to )e

handled with special prudence and

care,11: that men attending the will ofod re"ealed in his +ord, and

G&&& Doctrina de sublimi hoc

 #r-destinationis mysterio non sine

 summa cura et #rudentia tractari

debet  ,11 uo nimirum homines, dumvoluntati Dei in verbo e*us revelat-

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#ielding o)edience thereunto, ma#,

from the certaint# of their effectual

"ocation, )e assured of their eternal

election11; (o shall this doctrine

afford matter of praise, re"erence, and

admiration of od3114 and of humilit#,diligence, and a)undant consolation

advertant animos, eiue debitam

e!hibeant obedientiam, de efficaci sua

vocatione certiores facti, ad -tern-

 su- electionis assurgere #ossint

certitudinem$116  3ta demum

 su##editabit h-c doctrina laudandi,reverendi, admirandiue Deum

argumentum,117uin etiam humilitatis,


to all that sincerel# o)e# the gospel119 diligenti- et consolationis co#ios-

omnibus sincere obedientibus


Ca!ter I". Ca!. I".

/f Creation$ -e $reatione

& &t pleased od the 5ather, (on,and Dol# host,1: for the

manifestation of the glor# of his

eternal power, wisdom, and

goodness,1:1 in the )eginning, to

create or make of nothing the world,

and all things therein, whether "isi)le

or in"isi)le, in the space of six da#s,

and all "er# good1::

& Deo, Patri, Filio et "#iritui sancto, com#lacitum est,1:; uo

-tern- su- cum #otenti- tum

 sa#ienti- bonitatisue gloriam

manifestaret  ,1:4 mundum hunc, et u-

in eo continentur universa tam

visibilla uam invisibilia, in #rinci#io

intra se! dierum s#atium creare, seu

e! nihilo condere, atue omnia uidem

bona valde$1:

&& !fter od had made all othercreatures, he created man, male and

female,1:6 with reasona)le and

immortal souls,1:7 endued with

knowledge, righteousness, and true

holiness, after his own image,1:9 

ha"ing the law of od written in their

hearts,1:2 and power to fulfill it31; 

and #et under a possi)ilit# of

transgressing, )eing left to the li)ert#

of their own will, which was su)ect

unto change1;1 =eside this law writtenin their hearts, the# recei"ed a

command not to eat of the tree of the

knowledge of good

&& Postuam omnes alias creaturascondidisset Deus, creavit hominem

marem et f8minam ,1;: animabus

inditis rationalibus ac

immortalibus ,1;; imbutos cognitione,

 *ustitia, veraue sanctitate, ad suam

i#sius imaginem,1;4 habentes in

cordibus suis inscri#tam Divinam

legem,1;  simul et eandem im#lendi

vires&1;6 non tamen sine uadam

violandi #ossibilitate& libertati

 siuidem #ermissi erant voluntatis su-haud immutabilis$1;7  Pr-ter autem

hanc in cordibus eorum inscri#tam

legem de non comedendo e! arbore

 scienti- boni maliue


and e"il3 which while the# kept the#

were happ# in their communion with

od,1;9 and had dominion o"er the


mandatum insu#er acce#erunt& uod

certe uam diu observabant,

communione Dei beati erant  ,14 

dominiumue habebant in


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Ca!ter ". Ca!. ".

>f /ro"idence -e /ro"identia

od, the great $reator of all things,

doth uphold,14: direct, dispose, and

go"ern all creatures, actions, andthings,14; from the greatest e"en to the

least,144 )# his most wise and hol#

 pro"idence,14 according to his

infalli)le foreknowledge146 and the

free and immuta)le counsel of his own

will,147 to the praise of the glor# of his

wisdom, power, ustice, goodness, and


& )agnus ille rerum omnium

creator Deus sa#ientissima sua et

 sanctissima simul #rovidentia142

 creaturas, actiones, resue1 a

ma!imis usue ad

minimas11universas sustentat,1: 

dirigit, ordinat, gubernatue

 secundum infallibilem suam

 #r-scientiam,1; et voluntatis su-

consilium liberum ac immutabile,14 

ad laudem glori- sa#ienti- su-,

 #otenti-, *ustiti-, bonitatis, ac


&& !lthough in relation to the

foreknowledge and decree of od, the

first cause, all things come to pass

immuta)l# and infalli)l#,16 #et )# the

same pro"idence he ordereth them to

fall out, according to the nature of

second causes, either necessaril#,

freel#, or contingentl#17

&& uamvis res#ectu #r-scienti-

ac decreti Dei .caus- #rim-0 omnia

immutabiliter atue infallibiliter

eveniant,19  #er eandem tamen ille

 #rovidentiam eadem ordinat evenire

necessario, libere, aut contingenter,

 #ro natura causarum secundarum$12

&&& od, in his ordinar# pro"idence,

maketh use of means,16 #et is free to

work without,161

&&& Deus in #rovidentia sua

ordinaria mediis utitur  ,16: iis tamen

non astringitur, uo minus absue



a)o"e,164 and against them, at his


 su#ra166 aut etiam contra ea #ro

arbitrio suo o#eretur$167

&G The almight# power,

unsearcha)le wisdom, and infinite

goodness of od so far manifest

themsel"es in his pro"idence that it

extendeth itself e"en to the first fall,and all other sins of angels and

men,169 and that not )# a )are

 permission,162 )ut such as hath oined

with it a most wise and powerful

 )ounding,17 and otherwise ordering

and go"erning of them, in a manifold

dispensation, to his own hol# ends3171 

#et so as the sinfulness thereof

 proceedeth onl# from the creature, and

not from od3 who, )eing most hol#

and righteous, neither is nor can )e theauthor or appro"er of sin17:

&G /mni#otentem Dei #otentiam,

 sa#ientiam inscrutabilem,

bonitatemue infinitam #rovidentia

e*us eo usue manifestat, ut vel ad

 #rimum la#sum, omniaue reliua #eccata, seu hominum sint sive

angelorum, se e!tendat&17; neue id

uidem #ermissione nuda,174 verum

cui con*uncta est sa#ientissima

 #otentissimaue eorum limitatio,17 ac

aliusmodi ad sanctos sibi #ro#ositos

 fines dis#ensatione multi#lici

ordinatio et gubernatio&176 ita tamen

ut omnis eorum vitiositas a sola

 #roveniat creatura, a Deo neutiuam,

ui sanctissimus uum sit *ustissimusue neue est, nec esse

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uidem #otest #eccati autor aut


G The most wise, righteous, and

gracious od doth oftentimes lea"e for

a season his own children to manifoldtemptations and the corruption of their

own hearts, to chastise them for their

former sins, or to disco"er unto them

the hidden strength of corruption and

deceitfulness of their hearts, that the#

ma# )e hum)led3179 and to raise them

to a more close and constant

G "a#ientissimus, *ustissimus, et

 gratiosissimus idem Deus,

 s-#enumero filios suos tentationibusmultifariis, suorumue cordium

corru#tioni ad tem#us #ermittit& uo

ob admissa #rius #eccata castiget eos,

vel corru#tionis iis detegat vim

occultam, cordiumue suorum

 fraudulentiam ut humilientur&172 

uoue eos e!citet ad strictam magis

et constantem a sei#so #roferendis



dependence for their support unto19 

himself, and to make them more

watchful against all future occasions of

sin, and for sundr# other ust and hol#


de#endentiam& uo deniue adversus

onmes occasiones #eccati de futuro

reddat cautiores$ "ed et ob alios etiam

varios fines, *ustos sanctosue sibi


G& !s for those wicked and

ungodl# men whom od, as a

righteous udge, for former sins, doth

 )lind and harden,19; from them he not

onl# withholdeth his grace, where)#

the# might ha"e )een enlightened intheir understandings and wrought upon

in their hearts,194 )ut sometimes also

withdraweth the gifts which the#

had,19 and exposeth them to such

o)ects as their corruption makes

occasion of sin3196 and withal, gi"es

them o"er to their own lusts, the

temptations of the world, and the

 power of (atan3197 where)# it comes

to pass that the# harden themsel"es,

e"en under those means which od

useth for the softening of others199

G& uod scelestos illos s#ectat

im#iosue homines, uos Deus, ut

 *ustus *ude!, ob #eccata #r-cedentia

e!c-cat induratue&192 eis ille non

 solum gratiam suam non im#ertit, ua

i#sis cum illuminari intellectus, tumaffici corda #otuissent&12 sed

interdum subtrahit eis uibus imbuti

erant dona,121 et i#sos e!#onit

illiusmodi ob*ectis, unde corru#tio

eorum arri#it sibi #eccandi

occasiones&12:  simulue tradit eos suis

i#sorum concu#iscentiis et

tentationibus mundi, et #otestati

"atan-&12; e! uo fit ut sei#sos i#si

indurent, et uidem sub iisdem mediis

uibus utitur Deus ad alios


G&& !s the pro"idence of od doth,

in general, reach to all creatures, so,

after a most special manner, it taketh

care of his $hurch, and disposeth all

things to the good thereof12

G&& Providentia Dei sicut ad omnes

creaturas universali modo se e!tendit&

ita modo #lane #eculiari 'cclesi- su-

curam gerit, ac in e*us bonum dis#onit



Ca!ter "I. Ca!. "I.

>f the 5all of an, of (in, and of the/unishment thereof

-e hominis lapsu, de peccato eusue pKna

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& >ur first parents, )eing seduced )#

the su)tilt# and temptation of (atan,

sinned in eating the for)idden fruit127 

This their sin od was pleased,

according to his wise and hol#

counsel, to permit, ha"ing purposed toorder it to his own glor#129

& Primi #arentes, "atan- subtilitate

ac tentatione seducti, fructus vetiti esu

 #eccaverunt$122  Hoc eorum #eccatum

 secundum sa#iens suum sanctumue

consilium Deo #lacuit #ermittere, non

 sine #ro#osito illud ad suam i#sius gloriam ordinandi$11

&& =# this sin the# fell from their

original righteousness and communion

with od,111 and so )ecame dead in

sin,11: and wholl# defiled in all the

faculties and parts of soul and )od#11;

&& Hoc illi #eccato, *ustitia sua

originali et communione cum Deo

e!ciderunt&114 itaue facti sunt in

 #eccato mortui,11 atue in omnibus

 facultatibus ac #artibus anim-

cor#orisue #enitus contaminati$116

&&& The# )eing the root of all

mankind,117 the guilt of this sin was

imputed, and the same death in sin and

corrupted nature con"e#ed to all their

 posterit# descending from them )#

ordinar# generation119

&&& uumue illi fuerint radi! totius

humani112 generis, hu*usce #eccati

reatus fuit im#utatus, eademue in

 #eccato mors ac natura corru#ta

 #ro#agata, omnibus illorum #osteris,

uotuot ab iis ordinaria uidem

 generatione #rocreantur$111

&G 5rom this original corruption,

where)# we are utterl# indisposed,

disa)led, and made opposite to all

good,1111 and wholl# inclined to all

e"il,111: do proceed all actual


&G Ab hac originali labe .ua ad

omne bonum facti sumus inhabiles

 #rorsus ac im#otentes, eiue #lane

o##ositi,1114 ad malum autem omne

 #roclives #enitus0111  #roveniunt

omnia #eccata actualia$1116

G This corruption of nature, G H-c natur- corru#tio durante


during this life, doth remain in those

that are regenerated31117 and although it

 )e through $hrist pardoned and

mortified, #et )oth itself and all the

motions thereof are trul# and properl#


hac vita manet etiam in regenitis&1112 et

uamvis #er Christum et condonata sit

et mortificata& nihilo minus tam i#sa,

uam e*us motus universi vere sunt ac

 #ro#rie #eccata$11:

G& E"er# sin, )oth original andactual, )eing a transgression of the

righteous law of od, and contrar#

thereunto,11:1 doth, in its own nature,

 )ring guilt upon the sinner,11:: where)#

he is )ound o"er to the wrath of

od11:; and curse of the law,11:4 and so

made su)ect to death,11: with all

miseries spiritual,11:6 temporal,11:7 and


G& Peccatum omne cum originaletum actuale, uum *ust- Dei legis

transgressio sit eiue contraria ,11:2 

 #eccatori sua#te natura reatum

infert  ,11; uo ad iram Dei ,11;1 ac

maledictionem legis11;: subeundam

obligatur, adeoue redditur obno!ius

mort i11;; simul et miseriis omnibus

 s#iritualibus,11;4 tem#oralibus ,11; ac


Ca!ter "II. Ca!. "II.

/f 4od;s Covenant with )an$ -e fKdere -ei cum nomine

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& The distance )etween od and the

creature is so great that although

reasona)le creatures do owe o)edience

unto him as their $reator, #et the#

could ne"er ha"e an# fruition of him

as their )lessedness and reward )ut )#some "oluntar# condescension on

od's part, which he hath )een pleased

to express )# wa# of co"enant11;7

& Tanta est inter deum et creaturam

distantia, ut licet creatur- rationales

obedientiam illi ut creatori suo

debeant, nullam tamen fruitionem e*us

tanuam su- beatitudinis ac #r-mii

habere unuam #otuissent, nivoluntaria fuisset aliua e! #arte Dei

condescentio& uam i#si e!#rimere

 #lacuit icto f8dere$11;9

&& The first co"enant made with && Primum f8dus cum hominibus


man was a co"enant of works,11;2 

wherein life was promised to !dam,

and in him to his posterit#,114 upon

condition of perfect and personal


initum erat f8dus o#erum,114: uo vita

 Adamo #romissa erat, e*usue in eo

 #osteris ,114; sub conditione obedienti-

 #erfect- ac #ersonalis$1144

&&& an )# his fall ha"ing made

himself incapa)le of life )# that

co"enant, the *ord was pleased to

make a second,114 commonl# called

the co"enant of grace@ wherein he

freel# offered unto sinners life and

sal"ation )# Aesus $hrist, reuiring of

them faith in him that the# ma# )e

sa"ed,1146 and promising to gi"e unto

all those that are ordained unto life hisDol# (pirit, to make them willing and

a)le to )elie"e1147

&&& uum autem homo la#su suo

omnem sibi #r-stru!isset ad vitam

aditum #er illud f8dus, com#lacuit

 Domino secundum inire,1149 uod

vulgo dicimus 5Kdus ratiH3 in uo

 #eccatoribus offert gratuito vitam ac

 salutem #er .esum Christum, fidem in

illum ab iis reuirens ut salventur&1142 

 #romittensue omnibus ui ad vitam

ordinantur se s#iritum suum sanctumdaturum, ui in illis o#eretur credendi

cum voluntatem tum #otentiam$11

&G This co"enant of grace is

freuentl# set forth in the (cripture )#

the name of a testament, in reference

to the death of Aesus $hrist the

testator, and to the e"erlasting

inheritance, with all things )elonging

to it, therein )eueathed111

&G Hoc f8dus 4rati- in "cri#tura

 s-#e nomine Testamenti indigitatur,

res#ectu nimirum mortis Testatoris

 .esu Christi, -tern-ue illius

h-reditatis, uam is una cum omnibus

eam s#ectantibus inibi legabat $11:

G This co"enant was differentl#

administered in the time of the law and

in the time of the gospel@11; under the

law it was administered )# promises,


G Hoc f8dus sub %ege atue sub

 'vangelio administratum est modo

alio atue alio$114 "ub %ege uidem

 #er #romissiones, #ro#hetias et

 sacrificia, #er circumcisionem, agnum


sacrifices, circumcision, the paschal

lam), and other t#pes and ordinances

deli"ered to the people of the Aews, all

foreIsignif#ing $hrist to come,11 

which were for that time sufficient and

 #ascalem, aliosue ty#os ac instituta

 #o#ulo .udaico tradita, u- omnia

1enturum Christum

 #r-significabant&119 erantue #ro

ratione illorum tem#orum sufficientia,

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efficacious, through the operation of

the (pirit, to instruct and )uild up the

elect in faith in the promised

essiah,116 )# whom the# had full

remission of sins and eternal sal"ation3

and is called the >ld Testament117

et #er o#erationem s#iritus efficacia

ad electos instruendum ac

-dificandum in fide in #romissum

 )essiam,112  #er uem #lenum

 #eccatorum remissionem et salutem

-ternam sunt consecuti& diciturue Getus Testamentum116

G& <nder the gospel, when $hrist

the su)stance1161 was exhi)ited, the

ordinances in which this co"enant is

dispensed are the preaching of the

word and the administration of the

sacraments of =aptism and the *ord's

(upper3116: which, though fewer in

num)er, and administered with more

simplicit# aud less outward glor#, #etin them it is held forth in more

fullness, e"idence, and spiritual

efficac#,116; to all nations, )oth Aews

and entiles31164 and is called the ?ew

Testament116 There are not, therefore,

two co"enants of grace differing in

su)stance, )ut one and the same under

"arious dispensations1166

G& "ub evangelio autem, e!hibito

 *am Christo, substantia1167 scilicet ac

antity#o, #r-scri#t- rationes in

uibus hoc f8dus dis#ensatur, sunt

 #r-dicatio verbi, et administratio

 sacramentorum, ba#tismi nem#e ac

c8n- Dominic-&1169 in uibus uidem

utut numero #aucioribus, iisue

 sim#licius ac minore cum e!terna gloria administratis, cum ma*ore

tamen #lenitudine, evidentia, et

efficacia s#irituali1162 #o#ulis cunctis

tam .ud-is uam 4entibus<<=> 

e!hibetur& Diciturue ?o"um

Testamentum1171 2on sunt ergo duo

 f8dera grati-, re atue natura

discre#antia& sed unum idemue, licet

non uno modo dis#ensatum$117: 


Ca!ter "III. Ca!. "III.

>f $hrist the ediator -e $hristo ediatore

& &t pleased od, in his eternal

 purpose, to choose and ordain the *ord

Aesus, his onl#I)egotten (on, to )e the

ediator )etween od and man,117; 

the /rophet,1174 /riest,117 and ing31176 

the Dead and (a"iour of his

$hurch,1177 the Deir of all things,1179 

and Audge of the world31172

 whom hedid, from all eternit#, gi"e a people to

 )e his seed,119 and to )e )# him in

time redeemed, called, ustified,

sanctified, and glorified1191

& Com#lacitum est Deo Filium e*us

unigenitum Dominum .esum in -terno

 suo #ro#osito eligere atue ordinare

ut )ediator esset inter Deum et

hominem ,119:  Pro#heta,119; 

"acerdos,1194 et 6e!,119 ca#ut idem et

 salvator 'cclesi- su-31196 rerum

omnium h-res,1197

  )undiue .ude!31199

cui ab -terno #o#ulum dedit futurum

illi in semen,1192 ac #er illum stato

tem#ore redimendum, vocandum,

 *ustificandum, sanctificandum ac


&& The (on of od, the second

 person in the Trinit#, )eing "er# and

eternal od, of one su)stance, and

eual with the 5ather did, when the

fullness of time was come, fake upon

him man's nature,1121 with all the

&& Filius Dei #ersona secunda in

Trinitate, verus nem#e idem

-ternusue Deus, substanti- cum

 Patre unius e*usdemue, eiue

co-ualis, cum advenerat tem#oris

 #lenitudo, assum#sit naturam

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essential properties and common

infirmities thereof, #et without sin@112: 

 )eing concei"ed )# the power of the

Dol# host in the wom) of the Girgin

ar#, of her su)stance112; (o that two

whole, perfect, and distinct natures,the odhead and the manhood, were

insepara)l# oined together

humanam,1124una cum omnibus e*us

 #ro#rietatibus essentialibus,

communibusue infirmitatibus,

immunem tamen a #eccato,112 

conce#tus scilicet in utero eue

 substantia )ari- 1irginis ,1126 virtute"#iritus "ancti$ Adeo sane ut natur-

du-, integr-, #erfect-, distinct-ue

 Deitas ac humanitas in una eademue


in one person, without con"ersion,

composition, or confusion1127 +hich

 person is "er# od and "er# man, #et

one $hrist, the onl# mediator )etween

od and man1129

 #ersona indissolubili ne!u con*unct-

 fuerint, sine conversione,

com#ositione, aut confusione$1122 u-

uidem #ersona vere Deus est ac vere

homo, unus tamen Christus, unicus

inter Deum et hominem )ediator$1:

&&& The *ord Aesus, in his human

nature thus united to the di"ine, was

sanctified and anointed with the Dol#

(pirit a)o"e measure31:1 ha"ing in him

all the treasures of wisdom and

knowledge,1:: in whom it pleased the

5ather that all fullness should

dwell31:; to the end that, )eing hol#,

harmless, undefiled, and full of grace

and truth,1:4

 he might )e thoroughl#furnished to execute the office of a

mediator and suret#1: +hich office

he took not unto himself, )ut was

thereunto called )# his 5ather,1:6 who

 put all power and udgment into his

hand, and ga"e him commandment to

execute the same1:7

&&& Dominus .esus in humana sua

natura divin- hunc modum con*uncta

 sanctificatus est, ac "#iritu sancto

 su#ra mensuram unctus,1:9 in se

habens omnes sa#ienti- notiti-um

thesauros&1:2 in uo Patri visum est ut

omnis #lenitudo inhabitaret,1:1 atue

eo uidem fine ut sanctus, innocuus,

intaminatus, #lenusue grati- ac

veritatis e!istens,1:11

 ad )ediatoris1adisue munus e!euendum #erfecte

esset instructus$1:1: uod ille officium

non arri#uit sibi, verum a Patre erat

ad id vocatus ,1:1; ui omnem ei

 #otestatem ac *udicium in manus

dedit, und cum mandato e!ercendi$1:14

&G This office the *ord Aesus did

most willingl# undertake,1:1 which,

that he might discharge, he was made

under the law,1:16 and did perfectl#

fulfill it31:17 endured most grie"ous

torments immediatel# in his soul,1:19

&G Hoc munus #romtissima

voluntate in se susce#it Dominus

 .esus ,1:12 uod ut e!#leret factus est

 sub %ege ,1:: eam #erfecte im#levit,1::1 

immediate in anima,1::: sua

 gravissimos subiit cruciatus, in



and most painful sufferings in his

 )od#31::4 was crucified, and died31::6 

was )uried, and remained under the

 power of death, #et saw no

corruption1::7 >n the third da# he

arose from the dead,1::9 with the same )od# in which he suffered31::2 with

vero #er#essiones uam ma!ime

dolorificas& crucifi!us est, ac

mortuus&1:;; se#ultus est, mansitue

 sub mortis #otestate& nec tamen ullam

vidit corru#tionem$1:;4 Tertio die

 surre!it a mortuis ,1:; cum eodem inuo #assus fuerat cor#ore,1:;6 cum uo

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which also he ascended into hea"en,

and there sitteth at the right hand of his

5ather,1:; making intercession31:;1 and

shall return to udge men and angels at

the end of the world1:;:

etiam ascendit in c8lum, ibiue sedens

ad de!tram Patris1:;7 intercedit,1:;9 

rediturus inde in consummatione

mundi, ad homines angelosue


G The *ord Aesus, )# his perfect

o)edience and sacrifice of himself,

which he through the eternal (pirit

once offered up unto od, hath full#

satisfied the ustice of his 5ather,1:4 

and purchased not onl# reconciliation,

 )ut an e"erlasting inheritance in the

kingdom of hea"en, for all those

whom the 5ather hath gi"en unto


G Dominus .esus obedientia sua

 #erfecta, suiue i#sius sacrificio& uod

 #er -ternum "#iritum Deo semel

obtulit, *ustiti- Patris #lene

 satisfecit,1:4: ac omnibus ei a Patre

datis non modo reconciliationem&

verum etiam -ternam h-reditatem in

regno c8lorum acuisivit$1:4;

G& !lthough the work of

redemption was not actuall# wrought

 )# $hrist till after his incarnation, #et

the "irtue, efficac#, and )enefits

thereof were communicated unto the

elect, in all ages successi"el# from the

 )eginning of the world, in and )#

those promises, t#pes,

G& uamvis redem#tionis o#us non

nisi #ost incarnationem e*us, a Christo

uidem actu effectum fuerit, vis tamen

e*us, efficacia, et beneficia #er omnia

iam inde a mundi #rimordiis ela#sa

 secula electis sunt communicata, in et

 #er #romissiones illas, ty#os, et



and sacrifices, wherein he was

re"ealed, and signified to )e the seedof the woman which should )ruise the

serpent's head, and the lam) slain from

the )eginning of the world, )eing

#esterda# and toda# the same and


uibus revelatum erat et significatum

hunc esse semen illud mulieris, uodcontriturum erat ser#entis ca#ut,

agnumue illum mactatum ab initio

mundi& ut ui heri ac hodie idem est et

in sem#iternum$1:4

G&& $hrist, in the work of

mediation, acteth according to )oth

natures3 )# each nature doing that

which is proper to itself31:46 #et, )#

reason of the unit# of the person, thatwhich is proper to one nature is

sometimes, in (cripture, attri)uted to

the person denominated )# the other


G&& Christus in o#ere )ediatorio

agit secundum utramue naturam, id

agens #er utramvis, uod eidem

 #ro#rium est,1:49 nonnunuam tamen

 fit #ro#ter #erson- unitatem ut uoduni natur- #ro#rium est, #erson- ab

altera natura denominat- in "cri#tura


G&&& To all those for whom $hrist

hath purchased redemption he doth

certainl# and effectuall# appl# and

communicate the same31: making

intercession for them,1:1 and re"ealing

unto them, in and )# the +ord, them#steries of sal"ation31:: effectuall#

G&&& Pro uibus Christus

redem#tionem acuisivit, iis omnibus

certo uidem ac efficaciter eam

a##licat im#ertitue,1:  #ro eis

intercedens,1:6 eisue in verbo et #er

verbum revelans mysterium salutis ,1:7

  #er "#iritum suum eis ut credere velint

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 persuading them )# his (pirit to

 )elie"e and o)e#3 and go"erning their

hearts )# his +ord and (pirit31:; 

o"ercoming all their enemies )# his

almight# power and wisdom, in such

manner and wa#s as are mostconsonant to his wonderful and

unsearcha)le dispensation1:4

ac obedire #ersuadens efficaciter,1:9 

eorumue gubernans corda verbo suo

 s#irituue& sed et vi sua omni#otenti,

ac sa#ientia debellans omnes eorum

hostes, iis autem modis mediisue u-

admirabili et inscrutabili e*usdis#ensationi sunt ma!ime



Ca!ter I%. Ca!. I%.

/f Free?will$ De libero arbitrio$

& od hath endued the will of man

with that natural li)ert#, that 1:6is

neither forced nor )# an# a)solute

necessit# of nature determined to goodor e"il1:61

& 'am human- voluntati naturalem

 Deus indidit libertatem, ut nec cogatur

unuam, neue absoluta ulla natur-

necessitate ad bonum aut malumdeterminetur $1:6:

&& an, in his state of innocenc#,

had freedom and power to will and to

do that which is good and wellI

 pleasing to od, )ut #et muta)l#, so

that he might fall from it1:6;

&& Homo in statu innocenti-

libertatem habuit ac #otentiam, uod

bonum erat Deoue gratum volendi

agendiue&1:64 mutabiliter tamen, ita

ut illa #otuerit e!cidere$1:6

&&& an, )# his fall into a state of

sin, hath wholl# lost all a)ilit# of will

to an# spiritual good accompan#ing

sal"ation31:66 so as a natural man, )eingaltogether a"erse from that good,1:67 

and dead in sin,1:69 is not a)le, )# his

own strength, to con"ert himself, or to

 prepare himself thereunto1:62

&&& Homo #er la#sum suum in

 statum #eccati, #otentiam omnem

uam habuerat voluntas e*us ad

bonum aliuod s#irituals et saluticontiguum amisit #enitus&1:7 adeo

 sane ut naturalis homo, ut#ote ab

e*usmodi bono abhorrens #rorsus,1:71 

ac in #eccato mortuus,1:7: non #ossit

unuam suis i#sius viribus convertere

 semet, sed ne uidem ad conversionem

 se vel #r-#arare$1:7;

&G +hen od con"erts a sinner,

and translates him into the state of

grace, he freeth him from his natural )ondage under sin,1:74 and )# his grace

alone ena)les him freel# to will and to

do that which is spirituall# good31:7 

#et so

&G uandocunue Deus convertit

ac in statum grati- transfert

 #eccatorem, eundem e!imit naturali sua sub #eccato servitute,1:76 solaue

 gratia sua #otentem reddit ad

 s#irituale bonum volendum

 #r-standumue&1:77 ita tamen ut



as that, )# reason of his remaining

corruption, he doth not perfectl#, nor

onl#, will that which is good, )ut doth

also will that which is e"il


manentem adhuc in eo corru#tionem,

bonum nec #erfecte velit& neue id

tantummodo, verum etiam uandoue



G The will of man is made G 1oluntas humana #erfecte ac

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 perfectl# and immuta)l# free to good

alone, in the state of glor# onl#1:9

immutabiliter libera ad bonum solum

redditur non nisi in statu glori-$1:91

Ca!ter %. Ca!. %.

/f 'ffectual Calling$ De vocatione efficaci

& !ll those whom od hath

 predestinated unto life, and those onl#,

he is pleased, in his appointed and

accepted time, effectuall# to call,1:9: )#

his +ord and (pirit,1:9; out of that state

of sin and death, in which the# are )#

nature, to grace and sal"ation )# Aesus

$hrist31:94 enlightening their minds,

spirituall# and sa"ingl#, to understand

the things of od31:9 taking awa# their

heart of stone, and gi"ing unto them anheart of flesh31:96 renewing their wills,

and )# his almight# power

determining them to that which is

good,1:97 and effectuall# drawing them

to Aesus $hrist31:99 #et so as the# come

most freel#, )eing made willing )# his


& Deus uos ad vitam #r-destinavit

omnes, eosue solos dignatur #er

verbum suum et s#iritum1:2 constituto

 suo acce#toue tem#ore vocare

efficaciter 1:21 e statu illo #eccati et

mortis in uo sunt natura constituti,

ad gratiam ac salutem #er .esum

Christum&1:2: idue mentes eorum

illuminando, ut modo s#irituali et

 salutari u- Dei sunt intelligant&1:2; 

tollendo eorum cor lapideum,donandoue eis cor carneum31:24 

voluntates eorum renovando ac #ro

 #otentia sua omni#otente ad bonum

determinando,1:2 et ad .esum

Christum trahendo efficaciter&1:26 ita

tamen ut illi nihilominus liberrime

veniant, volentes nem#e facti #er illius


&& This effectual call is of od's && 'ffica! h-c vocatio est a sola

6:free and special grace alone, not from

an# thing at all foreseen in man31:29 

who is altogether passi"e therein, until,

 )eing uickened and renewed )# the

Dol# (pirit,1:22 he is there)# ena)led to

answer this call, and to em)race the

grace offered and con"e#ed in it1;

 Dei gratia:, gratuita illa et s#eciali& a

nulla autem re in homine #r-visa&1;1 

ui in hoc negotio se habet omnino

 #assive, donec #er s#iritum sanctum

vivificatus ac renovatus ,1;: #otis inde

 factus sit vocationi huic res#ondere,

 gratiamue inibi oblatam et e!hibitam


&&& Elect infants, d#ing in infanc#,

are regenerated and sa"ed )# $hristthrough the (pirit,1;4 who worketh

when, and where, and how he

 pleaseth1; (o also are all other elect

 persons, who are incapa)le of )eing

outwardl# called )# the ministr# of the


&&& 'lecti infantes in infantia sua

morientes regenerantur salvanturuea Christo #er s#iritum1;7 Jui uando

et ubi, et uo sibi #lacuerit modo

o#erator 031;9 sicut et reliui electi

omnes, uotuot e!tern- vocationis

 #er ministerium verbi sunt


&G >thers, not elected, although

the# ma# )e called )# the ministr# of

the +ord,1;1 and ma# ha"e some

common operations of the (pirit,


 #et the# ne"er trul# come unto1;1: 

&G Alii autem, ui non electi sunt,

ut ut verbi ministerio vocari #ossint,1;1 

communesue nonnullas o#erationes

"#iritus e!#eriri,


 nunuam tamenvere ad Christum accedunt,

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$hrist, and therefore can not )e

sa"ed@1;1; much less can men, not

 professing the $hristian religion, )e

sa"ed in an# other wa# whatsoe"er, )e

the# ne"er so diligent to frame their

li"es according to the light of natureand the law of that religion the# do

 profess31;14 and to assert and maintain

that the# ma# is

 #roindeue nec salvari #ossunt$1;17 

 )ulto uidem minus #oterunt illi,

uotuot religionem Christianam non

 #rofitentur 9summam licet o#eram

navaverint moribus suis ad natur-

lumen, istiusue uam #rofitenturreligionis legem com#onendis, e!tra

hanc unicam viam salutem unuam

obtinere$1;19 Atue huic uidem



"er# pernicious, and to )e detested1;12  statuere ac defendere, #erniciosum

admodum est ac detestandum$1;:

Ca!ter %I. Ca!. %I.

/f .ustification  De .ustificatione

& Those whom od effectuall#

calleth he also freel# ustifieth31;:1 not

 )# infusing righteousness into them,

 )ut )# pardoning their sins, and )#

accounting and accepting their persons

as righteous@ not for an# thing wrought

in them, or done )# them, )ut for

$hrist's sake alone3 nor 1;::  )# imputing

faith itself, the act of )elie"ing, or an#

other e"angelical o)edience to them,

as their righteousness3 )ut )# imputing

the o)edience and satisfaction of

$hrist unto them,1;:; the# recei"ing

and resting on him and his

righteousness )# faith3 which faith

the# ha"e not of themsel"es, it is the

gift of od1;:4

& uos Deus vocat efficaciter,

eosdem etiam gratis *ustificat,1;: non

uidem *ustitiam iis infundendo, sed

eorum #eccata condonando,

 #ersonasue #ro *ustis re#utando

atue acce#tando& neue id certe

 #ro#ter uicuam aut in iis

 #roductum, aut ab iis #r-stitum,

verum Christi solius ergo& eisue ad

 *ustitiam non fidem i#sam, non

credendi actum, aut aliam

uamcunue obedientiam

evangelicam, verum obedientiam ac

 satisfactionem Christi im#utando ,1;:6 

eum nem#e reci#ientibus, eiue ac

 *ustiti- e*us #er fidem innitentibus&

uam illi fidem e! dono Dei, non a

 sei#sis, habent$1;:7

&& 5aith, thus recei"ing and resting

on $hrist and his righteousness, is the

alone instrument of ustification31;:9 #etis it not alone in the person ustified,

 )ut is e"er accompanied with all other

sa"ing graces, and is no dead faith, )ut

worketh )# lo"e1;:2

&& Fides hoc modo Christum

reci#iens, eiue innitens ac *ustiti-

e*us, est *ustificationis unicuminstrumentum&1;; in homine tamen

 *ustificato h-c non est solitaria, verum

 gratiis aliis omnibus salutaribus

 sem#er comitata& neue est h-c fides

mortua, sed u- #er charitatem

o#eratur $1;;1

&&& $hrist, )# his o)edience and &&& ui hunc in modum



death, did full# discharge the de)t of eorum omnium debita Christus #er

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all those that are thus ustified, and did

make a proper, real, and full

satisfaction to his 5ather's ustice in

their )ehalf 1;;: Let inasmuch as he

was gi"en )# the 5ather for them,1;;; 

and his o)edience and satisfactionaccepted in their stead,1;;4 and )oth

freel#, not for an# thing in them, their

 ustification is onl# of free grace31;; 

that )oth the exact ustice and rich

grace of od might )e glorified in the

 ustification of sinners1;;6

obedientiam suam mortemue #rorsus

dissolvit& eorumue vice *ustiti-

 Patris sui realem, #lenum, et #ro#rie

dictam satisfactionem #r-stitit $1;;7 

uum tamen non #ro#ter in iis

uicuam, verum gratuito Pater cumChristum i#sum #ro eis dederit,1;;9 tum

obedientiam e*us ac satisfactionem

tanuam eorum loco constituti1;;2 

acce#taverit& omnino a gratia gratuita

est eorum *ustificatio&1;4 uo nimirum

 Dei tum accurata *ustitia tum locu#les

 gratia glorificata foret in *ustificatione


&G od did, from all eternit#,

decree to ustif# all the elect,1;4:

 and$hrist did, in the fullness of time, die

for their sins, and rise again for their

 ustification@1;4; ne"ertheless, the# are

not ustified until the Dol# (pirit doth,

in due time, actuall# appl# $hrist unto


&G Ab -terno decrevit Deus electos

omnes *ustificare,1;4

 Christusue intem#oris #lenitudine mortuus est #ro

eorum #eccatis, et in *ustificationem

eorum resurre!it:1;46 nihilo minus

tamen *ustificati #rius non sunt, uam

Christum eis in tem#ore suo

o##ortuno "#iritus "anctus actu


G od doth continue to forgi"e the

sins of those that are ustified31;49 and

although the# can ne"er fall from thestate of ustification,1;42 #et the# ma#

 )# their sins fall under od's fatherl#

displeasure, and not ha"e the light of

his countenance restored unto them,

until the# hum)le themsel"es,

G Perseverat Deus eorum #eccata

condonare uos semel *ustificavit,1; 

uin et etiamsi e!cidere statu *ustificationis nunuam #ossint&1;1 

 fieri tamen #otest ut ir- Dei, #atern-

uidem illi, #er #eccata sua se

e!#onant, nec lumen #aterni vultus

 #rius sibi habeant restitutum, uam

 semet i#sos humiliaverint,


confess their sins, )eg pardon, and

renew their faith and repentance1;:

 #eccata agnoverint, im#loraverint

veniam, fidem deniue et #8nitentiam

 suam renovaverint$1;;

G& The ustification of )elie"ers

under the >ld Testament was, in all

these respects, one and the same with

the ustification of )elie"ers under the

 ?ew Testament1;4

G& .ustificatio fidelium sub 1etere

ac 2ovo1; Testamento uoad isth-c

omnia est una eademue$1;6

Ca!ter %II. Ca!. %II.

/f Ado#tion$ De Ado#tione$

!ll those that are ustified od

"ouchsafeth, in and for his onl# (onAesus $hrist, to make partakers of the

 Deus *ustificatos omnes dignatur in

 filio suo unigenito .esu Christo, et #ro#ter eundem #artici#es facere

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grace of adoption31;7 )# which the#

are taken into the num)er, and eno#

the li)erties and pri"ileges of the

children of od31;9 ha"e his name put

upon them31;2 recei"e the (pirit of

adoption31;6 ha"e access to the throneof grace with )oldness31;61 are ena)led

to cr#, !))a, 5ather31;6: are pitied,1;6; 

 protected,1;64 pro"ided for,1;6 and

chastened )# him as )# a father31;66 #et

ne"er cast off,1;67 )ut sealed to the da#

of redemption,1;69 and inherit the

 promises,1;62 as heirs of e"erlasting


 grati- Ado#tionis&1;71 #er uam in

numerum filiorum Dei assumuntur,

taliumue immunitatibus ac #rivilegiis

 #otiuntur,1;7: im#ositum sibi habent

nomen Dei,1;7; "#iritum ado#tionis

acci#iunt,1;74 aditum habent adthronum grati- cum confidentia ,1;7 

 #otestatem conseuuntur clamandi

 Abba Pater  ,1;76 commiserationem,1;77 

tutelam ,1;79 et #rovidentiam1;72 

 sortiuntur& uin et castigationem Dei

 #aternam e!#eriuntur&1;9 nunuam

tamen abdicantur  ,1;91 verum in diem

redem#tionis consignati1;9: 

 #romissiones obtinent h-reditario

 *ure,1;9; ut ui h-redes sunt -tern-



Ca!ter %III. Ca!. %III.

/f "anctification  De "anctificatione

& The# who are effectuall# called

and regenerated, ha"ing a new heart

and a new spirit created in them, are

further sanctified, reall# and

 personall#, through the "irtue of

$hrist's death and resurrection,1;9

  )#his +ord and (pirit dwelling in

them31;96 the dominion of the whole

 )od# of sin is destro#ed,1;97 and the

se"eral lusts thereof are more and

more weakened and mortified,1;99and

the# more and more uickened and

strengthened, in all sa"ing graces,1;92 

to the practice of true holiness, without

which no man shall see the *ord1;2

& uotuot efficaciter vocantur, ac

regenerantur, cor novum habentes

novumue s#iritum in se creatum, sunt

virtute mortis et resurrectionis

Christi1;21 #er verbum e*us

 s#iritumue in eis inhabitantem1;2:

 ulterius sandificati, realiter uidem ac

 #ersonaliter: totius cor#oris #eccati

dominium in eos destruitur,1;2; e*usue

vari- libidines debilitantur indies

magis magisue ac mortificantur&1;24 

illi interim magis magisue in omni

 gratia salutari vivificantur et

corroborantur indies ,1;2 ad #ra!im

ver- sanctimoni-, ua uidem

destitutus nemo unuam videbit


&& This sanctification is throughout

in the whole man,1;27 #et imperfect in

this life3 there a)ideth still some

remnants of corruption in e"er#

 part,1;29 whence ariseth a continual and

irreconcila)le war, the flesh lusting

against the spirit, and the spirit against

the flesh1;22

&& 0niversalis est h-c et #er totum

hominem diffusa sanctificatio ,14 

verum in hac vita est im#erfecta

nonnullis corru#tionis reliuiis adhuc

in omni #arte remanentibus ,141 unde

bellum e!oritur #er#etuum et

im#lacabile& hinc carne adversus

 s#iritum, illinc s#iritu adversus

carnem concu#iscente$14:

&&& &n which war, although the &&& 3n uo uidem bello licet

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remaining corruption for a time ma#

much pre"ail,14; #et, through the

continual suppl# of strength from the

sanctif#ing (pirit of

corru#tio residua #ossit aliuandiu

 #r-valere #lurimum,144 #ars tamen

regenita, sanctificante Christi s#iritu

 #er#etuas ferente su##etias,


$hrist, the regenerate part doth

o"ercome314 and so the saints grow in

grace,146 perfecting holiness in the fear

of od147

evadit victri!03149 adeoue sancti in

 gratia crescunt  ,142 sanctitatem in

timore Domini #erficientes$141

Ca!ter %I". Ca!. %I".

/f "aving Faith  De Fide salvifica

& The grace of faith, where)# the

elect are ena)led to )elie"e to the

sa"ing of their souls,1411 is the work of

the (pirit of $hrist in their hearts,141: and is ordinaril# wrought )# the

ministr# of the +ord3141; )# which

also, and )# the administration of the

sacraments and pra#er, it is increased

and strengthened1414

& 4ratia Fidei, ua electi credere

valent ad animarum suarum

 salutem,141 "#iritus Christi o#us est in

eorum cordibus o#erantis ,1416 effectum #lerumue verbi Dei ministerio ,1417 

uo eodem etiam, ut et

administratione "acramentorum atue

oratione robur ei accedit ac


&& =# this faith a $hristian )elie"eth

to )e true whatsoe"er is re"ealed in the

+ord, for the authorit# of od himself

speaking therein31412 and acteth

differentl# upon that which each particular passage thereof containeth3

#ielding o)edience to the

commands,14: trem)ling at the

threatenings,14:1 and em)racing the

 promises of od for this life and that

which is to come14:: =ut the principal

acts of sa"ing faith are accepting,

recei"ing, and resting upon $hrist


&& Hac Fide credit Christianus

verum esse uicuid in verbo

revelatur, #ro#ter authoritatem i#sius

inibi louentis Dei&14:; et varie uidem

in illud agit tum obseuendomandatis ,14:4 tum ad minas

contremiscens,14: tum etiam #romissa

 Dei, seu #r-sentem hanc vitam seu

 futuram s#ectent, am#le!ando ,14:6 #ro

varia nem#e ratione illarum rerum,

u- in singulis verbi #artibus

continentur$ 1erum fidei salvific-

actus illi sunt #r-ci#ui, Christi

acce#tatio et rece#tio, in eumue



for ustification, sanctification, and

eternal life, )# "irtue of the co"enant

of grace14:7

recumbentia #ro *ustificatione,

 sanctificatione, i#saue adeo vita

-terna, virtute f8deris grati-


&&& This faith is different in degrees,

weak or strong314:2 ma# )e often and

man# wa#s assailed and weakened, )ut

gets the "ictor#314; growing up in

man# to the attainment of a fullassurance through $hrist,14;1 who is

&&& Fides h-c #ro diversis e*us

 gradibus debilior est aut fortior&14;; 

im#ugnari uidem s-#enumero

multisue modis ac debilitari #otest,

non ita tamen uin victri! evadat&


 et uidem in multis ad #lenum usue

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 )oth the author and finisher of our


certitudinem #er Christum

adolescit,14; ui fidei nostr- idem

author est et consummator$14;6

Ca!ter %". Ca!. %".

/f 6e#entance unto %ife  De resi#iscentia ad vitam

& Cepentance unto life is an

e"angelical grace,14;7 the doctrine

whereof is to )e preached )# e"er#

minister of the gospel, as well as that

of faith in $hrist14;9

& 6esi#iscentia ad vitam est gratia

 'vangelica ,14;2 cuius uidem doctrina

 #ariter ac illa de fide in Christum est a

 singulis ministris 'vangelii


&& =# it a sinner, out of the sight

and sense, not onl# of the danger, )ut

also of the filthiness and odiousness of

his sins, as contrar# to the hol# nature

and righteous law of od, and uponthe apprehension of his merc# in

$hrist to such as are penitent, so

grie"es for and hates his sins as to turn

from them all unto od,144 purposing

and endea"oring

&& Per eam #eccator e! ins#ectu

 sensuue non solum #ericuli verum

etiam tur#itudinis, ac natur-

 #eccatorum suorum #rorsus

abominand-$1441 ut#ote sanct- Deinatur-, *ust-ue legi adversantium,

atue e #ers#ecta e*us erga #8nitentes

in Christo misericordia, ita #eccata

 sua deflet ac detestatur, ut ab eis

omnibus ad Deum convertatur 144: cum

 #ro#osito conatuue in cunctis



to walk with him in all the wa#s of his


e*us viis cum eodem ambulandi$1444

&&& !lthough repentance )e not to

 )e rested in as an# satisfaction for sin,

or an# cause of the pardon thereof,144 

which is the act of od's free grace in

$hrist31446 #et is it of such necessit# to

all sinners that none ma# expect

 pardon without it1447

&&& 'tsi resi#iscenti- nobis

 fidendum non sit, ac si ea esset ulla

aut #ro #eccatis satisfactio, aut causa

remissionis #eccatorum1449 .ui grati-

 Dei in Christo gratuit- actus est 0,1442 

est nihilominus cunctis #eccatoribus

usue adeo necessaria, ut sine ea

nulla cuivis unuam remissio sit


&G !s there is no sin so small )ut it

deser"es damnation,141 so there is no

sin so great that it can )ring damnation

upon those who trul# repent14:

&G uemadmodum nullum est

 #eccatum adeo e!iguum ut

damnationem non mereatur,14; ita

neue magnum adeo #eccatum ullum

est, ut damnationem inferre #ossit vere


G en ought not to content

themsel"es with a general repentance,

 )ut it is e"er# man's dut# to endea"or

to repent of his particular sins


G 3n resi#iscentia generali

acuiescendum non est, verum ad id

contendere tenetur uisue, ut

 singulorum suorum #eccatorum uam

 #articularem agat #8nitentiam$146

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G& !s e"er# man is )ound to make

 pri"ate confession of his sins to od,

 pra#ing for the pardon thereof,147 

upon which, and the forsaking of

them, he shall find merc#3149 so he that

scandaliBeth his )rother, or the $hurchof $hrist, ought to )e willing, )# a

 pri"ate or pu)lic confession and

sorrow for his sin, to declare his


G& uemadmodum autem tenetur

uivis #eccata sua Deo #rivatim

confiteri, et #ro remissione illorum

 #recibus contendere:142 .uod si

 #r-stiterit et #eccata simul

dereliuerit, misericordiamconseuetur 0146 ita ui fratri suo, aut

 'cclesi- Christi, scandalo fuerit,

 #rom#tus et #aratus esse debet ua

confessione sive #rivata, sive etiam

 #ublica, ua de #eccatis



works is not at all of themsel"es, )ut

wholl# from the (pirit of $hrist1497 

!nd that the# ma# )e ena)ledthereunto, )esides the graces the# ha"e

 sint #r-standis omnino id a s#iritu

Christi est, nullatenus autem e



 't uo eis #r-standis #ares fiant, #rater habitus grati- iam

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alread# recei"ed, there is reuired an

actual influence of the same Dol#

(pirit to work in them to will and to do

of his good pleasure31499 #et are the#

not hereupon to grow negligent, as if

the# were not )ound to perform an#dut# unless upon a special motion of

the (pirit3 )ut the# ought to )e diligent

in stirring up the grace of od that is

in them1492

infusos, e*usdem "#iritus sancti

actualis #orro reuiritur influentia,

ua nem#e in iis o#eretur tum velle

tum etiam efficere #ro suo i#sius

bene#lacito:1421 sed neue tamen iis

 #roinde socordi- sese licet #ermittere& ac si nisi s#ecialiter eos

e!citante "#iritu ad nulla #ietatis

officia #r-standa tenerentur& verum

 sedulam debent navare o#eram

 sustitand- illi u- in iis est divin-


&G The# who in their o)edience

attain to the greatest height which is

 possi)le in this life, are so far from

 )eing a)le to supererogate and to domore than od reuires, as142; that the#

fall short of much which in dut# the#

are )ound to do1424

&G ui gradum obedienti-

 summum uidem in hac vita

 #ossibilem asseuuntur, tantum abest

ut su#ererogare uicuam #ossint ac #lus #r-stare uam uod Deus

reuisiverit, ut multum sane subsidant

infra illud, uod e! officio #r-stare


G +e can not, )# our )est works,

merit pardon of sin, or eternal life at

the hand of od, )# reason of the great

disproportion that is )etween them and

the glor# to come, and the infinite

distance that is )etween us and od,whom )# them we can neither profit

nor satisf#

G Peccatorum veniam, aut vitam

-ternam de Deo mereri non valemus,

ne o#timis uidem o#eribus nostris&

cum #ro#ter summam illam inter ea et

 futuram gloriam dis#aritatem& tum

etiam #ro#ter infinitam distantiamu- inter nos ac Deum intercedit& cui

nos #er illa nec #rodesse


for the de)t of our former sins31426 )ut

when we ha"e done all we can, we

ha"e done )ut our dut#, and are

unprofita)le ser"ants31427 and )ecause,

as the# are good, the# proceed from

his (pirit31429 and as the# are wrought

 )# us, the# are defiled and mixed with

so much weakness and imperfection

that the# can not endure the se"erit# of

od's udgment1422

uicuam #ossumus, neue #ro

antecedentium #eccatorum nostrorum

debito satisfacere&1 verum cum

uantum #ossumus fecerimus, non nisi

uod debemus #r-stiterimus, ac servi

inutiles futuri sumus&11 tum deniue

uoniam a s#iritu Dei in uantum

bona sunt #roficiscuntur  ,1: ita vero

 sunt coinuinata, tantumue

im#erfectionis ac infirmitas admistum

habent, #rout a nobis efficiuntur, ut

 strictum Dei *udicium non sint


G& Let notwithstanding, the

 persons of )elie"ers )eing accepted

through $hrist, their good works also

are accepted in him,14 not as though

the# were in this life wholl#un)lama)le and unrepro"a)le in od's

G& 2ihilominus tamen acce#tis in

 gratiam #er Christum fidelium

 #ersonis, eorum etiam o#era bona #er

eundem acce#ta sunt&17 non uod in

hac vita sint omnis cul#- #rorsusimmunia, u-ue in cons#ectu Dei

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sight31 )ut that he, looking upon

them in his (on, is pleased to accept

and reward that which is sincere,

although accompanied with man#

weaknesses and imperfections16

nullam re#rehensionem mereantur&19 

verum uod illa res#iciens in filio suo

 Deus, uod sincerum est, utcunue

multis infirmitatibus ac

im#erfectionibus involutum, acce#tare

dignetur ac remunerari$12

G&& +orks done )# unregenerate

men, although for the matter of them

the# ma# )e things which od

commands, and of good use )oth to

themsel"es and others311

G&& /#era nondum regenitorum,

licet, uoad materiam #r-ce#to divino

conformia esse #ossint, sibiue i#sis et

aliis item utilia&111 cum tamen neue a

corde #rofluant #er fidem


#et )ecause the# proceed not from a

heart purified )# faith,11: nor are done

in a right manner, according to the

+ord,11; nor to a right end, the glor#

of od3114 the# are therefore sinful,

and can not please od, or make a

man meet to recei"e grace from

od11 !nd #et their neglect of them

is more sinful and displeasing unto


de#urato,117 nec secundum verbum eo

uo #ar est #r-stentur modo,119  sed

neue ad finem debitum, Dei nem#e

 gloriam, destinentur&112 sunt #roinde

 #eccata, nec Deo grata esse #ossunt,

nec reddere uenuam valent idoneum

ad gratiam a Deo reci#iendum$1: 

 '*usmodi tamen o#erum neglectu,

 gravius uidem illi #eccant Deumue

offendunt vehementius$1:1

Ca!ter %"II. Ca!. %"II.

/f the Perseverance of the "aints  De #erseverantia "anctorum

& The# whom od hath accepted inhis =elo"ed, effectuall# called and

sanctified )# his (pirit, can neither

totall# nor finall# fall awa# from the

state of grace3 )ut shall certainl#

 perse"ere therein to the end, and )e

eternall# sa"ed1::

& uotuot Deus in dilecto suoacce#tavit, vocavit efficaciter ac #er

"#iritum suum sanctificavit, non

 #ossunt illi statu grati- aut finaliter

e!cidere aut totaliter& verum in eo ad

 finem usue certo #erseverabunt, ac

 salutem -ternam conseuentur $1:;

&& This perse"erance of the saints

depends, not upon their own freewill,

 )ut upon the immuta)ilit# of the

decree of election, flowing from thefree and unchangea)le lo"e of od the

5ather31:4 upon the efficac# of the

merit and intercession of Aesus

$hrist31: the a)iding

&& h-c autem sanctorum

 #erseverantia, non #endet a libero

i#sorum arbitrio, verum a decreti

electionis immutabilitate .uod e!amore Dei Patris flu!it, gratuito illo

ac immutabili0,1:6 a meriti .esu

Christi ac intercessionis efficacia,1:7 a

"#iritus et seminis Dei in iis



of the (pirit and of the seed of od

within them31:2 and the nature of the

co"enant of grace@1; from all which

ariseth also the certaint# andinfalli)ilit# thereof 1;1

a natura deniue fKderis gratiH31;: e

ui)us omni)us etiam emergit

certitudo eusdem et infalli)ilitas1;;

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&&& ?e"ertheless the# ma#, through

the temptations of (atan and of the

world, the pre"alenc# of corruption

remaining in them, and the neglect of

the means of their preser"ation, fall

into grie"ous sins31;4 and for a timecontinue therein@1; where)# the#

incur od's displeasure,1;6 and grie"e

his Dol# (pirit31;7 come to )e depri"ed

of some measure of their graces and

comforts31;9 ha"e their hearts

hardened,1;2 and their consciences

wounded314 hurt and scandaliBe

others,141 and )ring temporal

 udgments upon themsel"es14:

&&& 2ihilo tamen minus fieri #otest

ut iidem illi, ua "atan- mundiue

tentatione, ua manentis adhuc in iis

corru#tionis #r-valentia, et neglectu

mediorum conservationis su-, in

 #eccata gravia incidant  ,14; in eisuead tem#us commorentur&144 unde iram

 Dei sibi i#sis contrahunt,14& e*usue

"#iritum "anctum contristant,146 

 gratias suas et consolationes

uadantenus et uoad gradus

nonnullos amittunt,147 corda sibi

habent indurata ,149 et vulneratas

conscientias&142 aliis nocumento sunt

et offendiculo,1  sibimet i#sis deniue

accersunt *udicia Dei tem#oralia$11

Ca!ter %"III. Ca!. %"III.

/f the Assurance of 4race and "alvation  De certitudine grati- et salutis

& !lthough h#pocrites and other

unregenerate men ma# "ainl# decei"e

themsel"es with false hopes and carnal

 presumptions of )eing in the fa"or of

od and estate of sal"ation,1: which

hope of theirs

& uamvis fieri #otest ut hy#ocrit-

aliiue homines non regeniti s#e vana

 falsisue 9#ro corru#t- natur- more

o#inionibus #r-sum#tis, se deci#iant,

 favorem Dei, statumue salutis sibi

 falso arrogantes&1; u- illorum


shall perish@14 #et such as trul#

 )elie"e in the *ord Aesus, and lo"e him

in sincerit#, endea"oring to walk in all

good conscience )efore him, ma# in

this life )e certainl# assured that the#

are in a state of grace,1 and ma#

reoice in the hope of the glor# of od,

which hope shall ne"er make them


 s#es #eribit:17 ui tamen in Dominum

 .esum vere credunt, eumue sincere

diligunt, studentes coram i#so in omni

bona conscientia ambulare& evadere

 #ossunt in hac vita certi se in statu

 grati- esse constitutos&19 uin etiam

l-tari #ossunt s#e glori- Dei, u-

uidem s#es nunuam eos

 #udefaciet $12

&& This certaint# is not a )are

conectural and pro)a)le persuasion,grounded upon a falli)le hope316 )ut

an infalli)le assurance of faith,

founded upon the di"ine truth of the

 promises of sal"ation,161 the inward

e"idence of those graces unto which

these promises are made,16: the

testimon# of the (pirit of adoption

witnessing with our spirits that we are

the children of od@16; which (pirit is

the earnest of our inheritance, where)#

we are sealed to the da# of

&& H-c certitudo non est #ersuasio

mere con*ecturalis et #robabilis,inni!a s#e fallaci&16 verum infallibilis

u-dam fidei certitudo, fundamentum

habens divinam #romissionum salutis

veritatem&166 gratiarum, uibus

 #romissiones ill- fiunt internam

evidentiam&167 testimonium deniue

 s#iritus ado#tionis una cum s#iritibus

nostris testificantis nos esse filios

 Dei&169 ui uidem s#iritus arrhabo

est h-reditatis nostr-, uo in diem

redemtionis sigillamur $162

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&&& This infalli)le assurance doth

not so )elong to the essence of faith,

 )ut that a true )elie"er ma# wait long,

and conflict with man# difficulties )efore he )e partaker of it@17 #et,

 )eing ena)led )# the (pirit to know

the things which are freel# gi"en him

of od, he

&&& H-c certitudo infallibilis, non

ita s#ectat essentiam fidei, uin vere

 fidelis e!#ectare uandoue diutius, et

cum variis difficultatibus confligere #rius #ossit, uam illius com#os

 fiat  ,171 verum #oterit idem

ordinariorum usu debito mediorum,

absue revelatione ulla e!traordinaria


ma#, without extraordinar# re"elation,

in the right use of ordinar# means,

attain thereunto17: !nd therefore it is

the dut# of e"er# one to gi"e all

diligence to make his calling and

election sure317; that there)# his heart

ma# )e enlarged in peace and o# in

the Dol# host, in lo"e and

thankfulness to od, and in strength

and cheerfulness in the duties of

o)edience, the proper fruits of this

assurance@174 so far is it from inclining

men to looseness17

eam adi#isci ,176 s#iritu nem#e u-

 Deus illi gratuito donaverit

cognoscendi facultatem

 subministrante$ Proindeue tenetur

uisue, uo vocationem suam sibi et

electionem certmn faciat, omnem

adhibere diligentiam,177 unde cor

 suum habeat #ace et gaudio in s#iritu

 sancto, in Deum amore et gratitudine,

in actibus observanti- robore et

alacritate dilatatum& ui certitudinus

huius fructus #ro#rii sunt ac

 genuini$179 Tantum abest ut homines

inde ad omnem neuitiam


&G True )elie"ers ma# ha"e theassurance of their sal"ation di"ers

wa#s shaken, diminished, and

intermitted3 as, )# negligence in

 preser"ing of it3 )# falling into some

special sin, which woundeth, the

conscience, and grie"eth the (pirit3 )#

some sudden or "ehement temptation3

 )# od's withdrawing the light of his

countenance, and suffering e"en such

as fear him to walk in darkness and to

ha"e no light@19 #et are the# ne"er

utterl# destitute of that seed of od,

and life of faith, that lo"e of $hrist and

the )rethren, that sincerit# of heart and

conscience of dut#, out

&G Certitudo salutis vere fidelibusmultifariam concuti #otest et imminui

imo et uandoue interrum#i&

conservandi scilicet eam incuria&

la#su in #eccatum aliuod insigne,

uod conscientiam vulnerat,

 s#iritumue contristat& tentatione

aliua vehementi ac subitanea& uti

etiam Deo vultus sui lumen

 subducente, ac #ermittente ut vel illi

ui i#sum timent in tenebris ambulent

omni #rorsus lumine viduati:191 

nunuam tamen destituuntur #enitus

illo Dei semine vitaue fidei$ Christi

illa fratrumue dilectione, ea

 sinceritate cordis et #ietatis officia

 #r-standi conscientia& unde #er


of which, )# the operation of the

(pirit, this assurance ma# in due time

 )e re"i"ed,19: and )# the which, in the

mean time, the# are supported fromutter despair19;

o#erationem s#iritus eadem illa

certitudo tem#estive #ossit

reviviscere:194 uibusue interim ne

 #rorsus in des#erationem ruant suffulciuntur$19

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Ca!ter %I%. Ca!. %I%.

/f the %aw of 4od   De %ege Dei

& od ga"e to !dam a law, as a

co"enant of works, )# which he )ound

him and all his posterit# to personal,entire, exact, and perpetual o)edience3

 promised life upon the fulfilling, and

threatened death upon the )reach of it3

and endued him with power and a)ilit#

to keep it196

& Deus Adamo legem dedit ut f8dus

o#erum, uo cum illum i#sum tum

 #osteros e*us omnes, ad obedientiam #ersonalem, integram, e!uisitam

 simul et #er#etuam obligavit,

 #ollicitus vitam si observarent,

violatoribus autem mortem

interminatus& eundemue #otentia et

viribus imbuit, uibus #ar esset illam


&& This law, after his fall, continued

to )e a perfect rule of righteousness3

and, as such, was deli"ered )# odupon mount (inai in ten

commandments, and written in two

ta)les3199 the first four commandments

containing our dut# towards od, and

the other six our dut# to man192

&& %e! ista #ost la#sum non desiit

esse *ustiti- regula #erfectissima& uo

etiam nomine a Deo est in monte "inaitradita, tabulis duabus descri#ta,

decem #r-ce#tis com#rehensa&12 

uorum uatuor #rima officium

nostrum erga Deum, se! autem reliua

nostrum erga homines officium


&&& =eside this law, commonl#

called moral, od was pleased to gi"e

to the people of &srael, as a $hurch

under age, ceremonial laws, containing

se"eral t#pical ordinances,

&&& Pr-ter autem hanc legem, u-

moralis vulgo audit, visum est Deo ut

 #o#ulo 3sraelitico tanuam 'cclesi-

minorenni leges daret ceremoniales

instituta ty#ica multifaria


 partl# of worship, prefiguring $hrist,

his graces, actions, sufferings, and

 )enefits312: and partl# holding forth

di"ers instructions of moral duties12; 

!ll which ceremonial laws are now

a)rogated under the ?ew


continentes& #artim de cultu, Christi

 gratias, actiones, #er#essiones ac

beneficia #r-figurantia&12  #artim

autem de moralibus officiis

institutiones varias e!hibentia$126 u-

leges ceremoniales omnes hodie sub

novo instrumento sunt abrogat-$127

&G To them also, as a )od# politic,he ga"e sundr# udicial laws, which

expired together with the state of that

 people, not o)liging an# other, now,

further than the general euit# thereof

ma# reuire129

&G 3isdem etiam tanuam cor#ori #olitico leges multas dedit *udiciales,

u- una cum istius #o#uli #oliteia

e!#irarunt, nullos hodie alios

obligantes su#ra uod generalis et

communis earum -uitas


G The moral law doth fore"er )ind

all, as well ustified persons as others,

to the o)edience thereof316 and that

not onl# in regard of the mattercontained in it, )ut also in respect of

G %e! moralis omnes tam

 *ustificatos uam alios uosvis

 #er#etuo ligat ad obedientiam illi



 neue id uidem solummodo vi materi- u- in illa

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the authorit# of od the $reator who

ga"e it161 ?either doth $hrist in the

gospel an# wa# dissol"e, )ut much

strengthen, this o)ligation16:

continetur, verum etiam virtute

authoritatis eandem constituentis

creatoris Dei&164 neue sane hoc e*us

vinculum in evangelio ulla ratione

dissolvit Christus, verum idem

 #lurimum confirmavit $16

G& !lthough true )elie"ers )e not

under the law as a co"enant of works,

to )e there)# ustified or

condemned3166 #et is it of great use to

them, as well as to others3 in that, as a

rule of life, informing them of the will

of od and their

G& uamvis vere fideles non sint

 sub lege tanuam sub o#erum f8dere,

unde aut *ustificari #ossint aut

condemnari:167 est tamen ea illis non

minus uam aliis vehementer utilis, ut

u- uum sit vit- norma, illos

voluntatem divinam suumue officium


dut#, it directs and )inds them to walk

accordingl#3169 disco"ering also the

sinful pollutions of their nature, hearts,

and li"es3162 so as, examining

themsel"es there)#, the# ma# come to

further con"iction of, humiliation for,

and hatred against sin3161 together with

a clearer sight of the need the# ha"e of

$hrist, and the perfection of his

o)edience1611 &t is likewise of use to

the regenerate, to restrain their

corruptions, in that it for)ids sin3161:

 and the threatenings of it ser"e to show

what e"en their sins deser"e, and what

afflictions in this life the# ma# expect

for them, although freed from the

curse thereof threatened in the law161; 

The promises of it, in like manner,

show them od's appro)ation of

o)edience, and what )lessings the#

ma# expect upon the performance

thereof31614 although not as due to them

 )# the law as a co"enant of words@161 so as a man's doing good, and

refraining from e"il, )ecause the law

encourageth to the one, and deterreth

from the other, is no e"idence of his

 )eing under the law, and not under


edocendo dirigit simul et obligat ad

consentanee ambulandum&1617 i#sisue

 #atere facit natur-, cordis, vit-ue

 su- nefaria inuinamenta:1619 adeo ut

ad illam semet e!igentes, cum #eccati

ulterius convinci, #ro eodem

humiliari, ac e*usdem odio inflammari

 #ossint&1612 tum vero etiam ut

 #ers#icere #ossint evidentius uam

 #lane necessarius eis Christus,

uamue #erfecta sit e*usdem


 1erum ulterius etiamregenitis ea utilis esse #ossit, in

uantum nem#e corru#tiones eorum

 #eccata #rohibendo co@rcet  ,16:1 

 graviter autem interminando indicat

tum uid vel eorum #eccata

commeruerint, tum etiam uas ea

 #ro#ter in hac vita afflictiones

e!#ectare #ossint, utcunue ab earum

maledictione, uam le! minatur,

liberentur $16:: uinetiam #romissiones

e*us demonstrant iis obedientia Deouam acce#ta sit et a##robata&

uasue illa #r-stita benedictiones16:; 

.licet non tanuam lege debitas e!

o#erum f8dere016:4 #ossint illi

e!#ectare$ Adeo ut uod uis bonum

 #r-stet invitante lege, a malo autem

abhorreat lege deterritus, nullo

 #rorsus argumento sit, eum sub lege

esse, non vero sub gratia



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G&& ?either are the forementioned

uses of the law contrar# to the grace of

the gospel, )ut do sweetl# compl# with

it@16:6 the (pirit of $hrist su)duing and

ena)ling the will of man to do that

freel# and cheerfull# which the will ofod, re"ealed in the law, reuireth to

 )e done16:7

G&& ?eue interim *egis usus isti

iam memorati, E"angelii gratiH

ad"ersantur, sed cum eadem

conspirant sua"iter ,16:9 "oluntatem

humanam ita su)ugante ac im)uente

$hristi (piritu, ut idem illud prHstare"aleat spontanee ac alacriter, uod a)

illa exigit "oluntas -ei in lege sua


Ca!ter %%. Ca!. %%.

/f Christian %iberty, and %iberty of


 De %ibertate Christiana deue %ibertate


& The li)ert# which $hrist hath

 purchased for )elie"ers under the

gospel consists in their freedom fromthe guilt of sin, the condemning wrath

of od, the curse of the moral law316; 

and in their )eing deli"ered from this

 present e"il world, )ondage to (atan,

and dominion of sin,16;1 from the e"il

of afflictions, the sting of death, the

"ictor# of the gra"e, and e"erlasting

damnation316;: as also in their free

access to od,16;; and their #ielding

o)edience unto him, not out of sla"ish

fear, )ut a childlike lo"e and16;4

 willingmind16; !ll which were common also

to )elie"ers under the law316;6 )ut

under the ?ew Testament the li)ert#

of $hristians is further enlarged in

& %ibertas uam Christus acuisivit

 fidelibus sub 'vangelio in eo sita est,

uod a reatu #eccati, ab ira Deicondemnante, a legis )oralis

maledictione immunes fiant,16;7 uod a

 #r-senti malo seculo, a dura "atan-

 servitute, dominioue #eccati:16;9 ab

afflictionum malo, ab aculeo mortis, a

 se#ulchri victoria ab -terna deniue

damnation16;2 liberentur& uodue

libere eis liceat ad Deum accedere:164

eiue non e metu servile, verum e

 filiali dilectione, #romtoue animo

 #r-bere valeant obedientiam$1641

  Atue h-c uidem omnia cum

 fidelibus sub lege habent

communia$164: 1erum sub 2ovo

Testamento ulterius adhuc se e!tendit

libertas Christiana& in uantum


their freedom from the #oke of the

ceremonial law, to which the Aewish

$hurch was su)ected3164; and in

greater )oldness of access to thethrone of grace,1644 and in fuller

communications of the free (pirit of

od, than )elie"ers under the law did

ordinaril# partake of164

nem#e %egis ceremonialis *ugo, cui

 sub*ecta erat 'cclesia .udaica,

e!imuntur&1646 ma*oremue

confidentiam ad thronum grati-accedendi,1647  sed et effusiorem

 gratuiti "#iritus Dei

communicationem sunt consecuti,

uam ordinarie sub %ege fideles

 #artici#arunt $1649

&& od alone is *ord of the

conscience,1642 and hath left it free

from the doctrines and commandments

of men which are in an# thing contrar#

to his +ord, or )eside it in matters of

faith or worship16 (o that to )elie"e

&& Deus solus Dominus est

conscienti-,16 uam certe e!emit

doctrinis et mandatis hominum, ubi

aut verbo e*us adversantur, aut in

rebus fidei et cultus uicuam ei

 su#eraddunt $166 0nde ui e*usmodi

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such doctrines, or to o)e# such

commands161 out of conscience, is to

 )etra# true li)ert# of conscience316: 

and the reuiring of 16; an implicit

faith, and an a)solute and )lind

o)edience, is to destro# li)ert# ofconscience, and reason also164

aut doctrinas credunt, aut mandatis

obtem#erant, uasi ad id e!

conscientia teneantur, veram ii

conscienti- libertatem #rodunt $167 

ui autem vel fidem im#licitam, vel

obedientiam absolutam c-camuee!igunt, n- illi id agunt, ut cum

conscienti-, tum rationis etiam

destruant libertatem$169

&&& The# who, upon pretense of

$hristian li)ert#, do practice an# sin,

or cherish an# lust, do there)# destro#

the end of $hristian li)ert#3 which is,

that, )eing deli"ered out of the hands

of our enemies, we might ser"e the

*ord without fear, in holiness andrighteousness )efore him, all the da#s

of our life162

&&& ui sub #r-te!tu Christian-

libertatis, cuivis aut cu#iditati

indulgent aut #eccato assuescunt, eo

i#so libertatis Christian- finem

corrum#unt& nem#e ut e manibus

inimicorum nostrorum liberati,

 Domino in sanctimonia et *ustitiacoram i#so omnibus diebus vit-

nostr- absue metu serviamus$166


&G !nd )ecause the power 1661 

which od hath ordained, and the

li)ert# which $hrist hath purchased,

are not intended )# od to destro#, )ut

mutuall# to uphold and preser"e one

another3 the# who, upon pretense of

$hristian li)ert#, shall oppose an#lawful power, or the lawful exercise of

it, whether it )e ci"il or ecclesiastical,

resist the ordinance of od166: !nd for

their pu)lishing of such opinions, or

maintaining of such practices, as are

contrar# to the light of nature, or to the

known principles of $hristianit#,

whether concerning faith, worship, or

con"ersation3 or to the power of

godliness3 or such erroneous opinions

or practices, as, either in their ownnature, or in the manner of pu)lishing

or maintaining them, are destructi"e to

the external peace and order which

$hrist hath esta)lished in the $hurch3

the# ma# lawfull# )e called to

account, and proceeded against )# the

censures of the $hurch,166; and )# the

 power of the $i"il agistrate1664166

&G uoniam vero #otestates uas

 Deus ordinavit, et libertas uam

acuisivit Christus non in eum finem a

 Deo destinat- sunt ut se mutuo

 #erimant, verum ut se sustentent ac

conservent invicem& ui itaue sub

libertatis Christian- #r-te!tu #otestati cuivis legitim- .civilis sit

 sive 'cclesiastica0 aut legitimo

e*usdem e!ercitio contraiverint,

ordinationi divin- resistere censendi

 sunt  ,1666 uiue vel e*usmodi

o#iniones #ublicaverint, #ra!esve

defenderint, u- lumini natur-, aut

religionis Christian- de fide, de cultu,

aut moribus #rinci#iis notis, aut

 #ietatis deniue vi ac efficaci-

adversantur& vel e*usmodi o#iniones #ra!esve erroneas, u- aut sua natura

aut #ublicationis defensionisve modo,

e!tern- #aci ac euta!i-, uas in

 'cclesia sua stabilivit Christus,

 #erniciem minitantur& omnino licitum

est tum ab iis facti rationem

re#oscere, tum in eos ua censuris

 'cclesiasticis,1667 ua civilis

magistratus #otestate



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Ca!ter %%I. Ca!. %%I.

>f Celigious +orship and the (a))athIda# -e cultu religioso et de (a))ato

& The light of nature showeth that

there is a od, who hath lordship and

so"ereignt# o"er all3 is good, anddoeth good unto all3 and is therefore to

 )e feared, lo"ed, praised, called upon,

trusted in, and ser"ed with all the

heart, and with all the soul, and with

all the might1662 =ut the accepta)le

wa# of worshiping the true od is

instituted )# himself, and so limited

to167 his own re"ealed will, that he

ma# not )e worshiped according to the

imaginations and de"ices of men, or

the suggestions of (atan, under an#"isi)le representations1671 or an# other

wa# not prescri)ed in the Dol#


& Constat uidem natur- lumine

esse Deum ui in universa Primatum

obtinet ac absolutum Dominium,eundemue bonum esse ac omnibus

beneficum, #roindeue toto corde, tota

anima, totisue viribus timendum esse

et diligendum, laudandum ac

invocandum, eiue fidendum esse ac

 serviendum$167; At rationem verum

 Deum colendi acce#tabilem i#se

instituit, itaue voluntate sua revelata

definivit, ut coli non debeat secundum

imaginationes ac inventa hominum,

aut suggestiones "atan-, sub s#ecieuavis visibili, aut alia via

uaviscunue uam scri#tura sacra

non #r-scri#sit $1674

&& Celigious worship is to )e gi"en

to od, the 5ather, (on, and Dol#

host3 and to him alone@167 not to

angels, saints, or an# other creature@1676

and since the fall, not without a

ediator3 nor in the mediation of an#

other )ut of $hrist alone1677

&& Cultus religiosus Deo Patri Filio

et "#iritui sancto, eiue soli est

e!hibendus ,1679 non angelis, non

 sanctis, neue alii cuivis creatur-,1672 

nec i#si Deo uidem #ost la#sum citra

 )ediatorem, aut uidem #er

 )ediatorem alium uam .esumChristum$169

&&& /ra#er with thanksgi"ing, )eing

one special part of religious

worship,1691 is )# od reuired of all

&&& "u##licationem cum gratiarum

actione, u- est inter #artes

 #r-ci#uas divini cultus ,169: Deus fieri


men3169; and that it ma# )e accepted, it

is to )e made in the name of the

(on,1694  )# the help of his (pirit,169 

according to his will,1696 with

understanding, re"erence, humilit#,fer"enc#, faith, lo"e, and

 perse"erance31697 and, if "ocal, in a

known tongue1699

iubet ab hominibus universis&1692 u-,

uo Deo grata sit et acce#ta, est in

nomine Filii ,<B> subsidio s#iritus

e*us,1621 et secundum i#sius

voluntatem,162: cum intellectu,reverentia, humilitate, fervore, fide,

amore, ac #erseverantia offerenda&162; 

et uidem, si vocalis sit, in lingua nota

est efferenda$1624

&G /ra#er is to )e made for things

lawful,162 and for all sorts of men

li"ing, or that shall li"e hereafter31626 

 )ut not for the dead,1627 nor for those of

whom it ma# )e known that the# ha"e

sinned the sin unto death1629

&G Preces #ro rebus non nisi licitis

 sunt faciend-,1622 #ro hominibus

autem cuiuscunue generis, vivis

 scilicet, aut etiam victuris

aliuando&17  #ro mortuis autem

neutiuam&171  sed neue #ro iis, deuibus constare #ossit eos #eccatum

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ad mortem #er#etrasse$17:

G The reading of the (criptures

with godl# fear317; the sound

 preaching3174 and consciona)le

hearing of the +ord, in o)edience untood with understanding, faith, and

re"erence317 singing of psalms with

grace in the heart3176 as, also, the dne

administration and worth# recei"ing of

the sacraments instituted )# $hrist3 are

all parts of the ordinar# religious

worship of od@177 )esides religious

oaths,179 "ows,172 solemn

G "cri#turarum lectio cum timore

 #io&171 verbi #r-dicatio solida,1711 

e*usdemue auditio religiosa e!

obedientia erga Deum, cum intellectu, fide et reverentia&171: Psalmorum cum

 gratia in corde cantatio,171; #rout

etiam "acramentorum, u- Christus

instituit, debita administratio, et

 #artici#atio digna, sunt divini cultus

reiigiosi #artes, et uidem

ordinarii1714 6eligiosa insu#er

 *uramenta,171 votaue&1716 solennia



fastings,1719 and thanksgi"ings upon

se"eral1712 occasions317: which are, in

their se"eral times and seasons, to )e

used in an hol# and religious

manner 17:1

 solennesue gratiarum actiones, #ro

varietate eventuum17::& suo u-ue

tem#ore ac o##ortunitate sancte

uidem ac religiose sunt adhibenda$17:;

G& ?either pra#er, nor an# other

 part of religious worship, is now,

under the gospel, either tied unto, or

made more accepta)le )# an# place in

which it is performed, or towards

which it is directed@17:4 )ut od is to )eworshiped e"er# where17: in spirit

and17:6 truth317:7 as in pri"ate

families17:9 dail#,17:2 and in secret each

one )# himself,17; so more solemnl#

in the pu)lic assem)lies, which are not

carelessl# or willfull# to )e neglected

or forsaken, when od, )# his +ord or

 pro"idence, calleth thereunto17;1

G& Hodie sub evangelio neue

 #reces, nec ulla #ars alia religiosi

cultus ita cuivis alligatur loco in uo

 #r-stetur aut versus uem

dirigatur,17;: ut inde gratior evadat et

acce#tior& verum ubiue Deuscolendus est 17;; in s#iritu ac

veritate&17;4 uotidie17; uidem inter

 #rivatos #arietes a uavis familia,17;6 

ut etiam a uolibet seorsim in

 secreto&17;7 at solenniter magis in

conventibus #ublicis, ui certe uoties

eo nos Deus vocat, seu verbo suo seu

 #rovidentia, non sunt vel e! incuria

vel obstinatione animi aut negligendi

aut deserendi$17;9

G&& !s it is of the law of nature,

that, in general, a due proportion of

time )e set apart for the worship of

od3 so, in his +ord, )# a positi"e,

moral, and perpetual commandment,

 )inding all men in all ages, he hath

 particularl# appointed one da# in

se"en for a (a))ath, to )e kept hol#

unto him@17;2 which, from the

G&& uemadmodum est de lege

natur- ut indefinite #ortio u-dam

tem#oris idonea divino cultui

celebrando se*uncta sit ac assignata&

ita in verbo suo Deus . #r-ce#to

morali, #ositivo ac #er#etuo, homines

omnes cu*uscunue fuerint seculi

obligante0 s#eciatim e se#tenis

uibusue diebus diem unum in

"abbatum designavit, sancte sibi

observandum$174 uod


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 )eginning of the world to the

resurrection of $hrist, was the last da#

of the week3 and, from the resurrection

of $hrist, was changed into the first

da# of the week,1741 which in (cripture

is called the *ord's da#,174: and is to )econtinued to the end of the world, as

the $hristian (a))ath174;

uidem ab orbe condito ad

resurrectionem usue Christi dies

ultimus erat in se#timana& deinde

autem a Christi resurrectione in

 se#timan- diem #rimum

transferebatur&1744 ui uidem in"cri#tura -ies -ominicus174 

nuncu#atur, estue #er#etuo ad finem

mundi tanuam "abbatum

Christianum celebrandus$1746

G&&& This (a))ath is then kept hol#

unto the *ord, when men, after a due

 preparing of their hearts, and ordering

of their common affairs )eforehand,

do not onl# o)ser"e an hol# rest all the

da# from their own works, words, andthoughts, a)out their worldl#

emplo#ments and recreations31747 )ut

also are taken up the whole time in the

 pu)lic and pri"ate exercises of his

worship, and in the duties of necessit#

and merc#1749

G&&& Tunc autem hoc "abbatum

 Deo sancte celebratur, uum #ost

corda rite #r-#arata, et com#ositas

 suas res mundanas, homines non

 solum a suis i#sorum o#eribus, dictis,

cogitatis& .u- circa illas e!erceri solent 0 a recreationibus etiam ludicris

uietem sanctam toto observant die&1742 

verum etiam in e!ercitiis divini cultus

 #ublicis #rivatisue, ac in officiis

necessitatis et misericordi- toto illo

tem#ore occu#antur $17

Ca!ter %%II. Ca!. %%II.

/f %awful /aths and 1ows  De .uramentis, votisue licitis

& ! lawful oath is a part of religious

worship,171 wherein, upon ust

occasion, the person swearing

solemnl# calleth od to witness what

he asserteth or promiseth3 and to udge

him according to the truth or falsehood

of what he sweareth17:

& .uramentum licitum est #ars

cultus religiosi,17; ua .occasione

 *usta oblata0 ui *urat, Deum, de eo

uod asserit aut #romittit, solenni

modo testatur& eundemue a##ellat se

 secundum illius uod *urat veritatem

aut falsitatem *udicaturum$174

&& The name of od onl# is that && Per solum Dei nomen *urare


 )# which, men ought to swear, and

therein it is to )e used with all hol#fear and re"erence317 therefore to

swear "ainl# or rashl# )# that glorious

and dreadful name, or to swear at all

 )# an# other thing, is sinful, and to )e

a)horred176 Let as, in matters of

weight and moment, an oath is

warranted )# the +ord of od, under

the ?ew Testament, as well as under

the >ld,177 so a lawful oath, )eing

imposed )# lawful authorit#, in such

matters ought to )e taken179

debent homines, uod uidem cum

omni timore sancto ac reverentia estinibi usur#andum$172 Proindeue #er

nomen illud gloriosum ac tremendum

 *urare leviter, aut temere, vel etiam

omnino *urare #er rem aliam

uamviscunue, sceleratum est et

uam ma!ime #erhorrescendum$176 

1eruntamen sicut in rebus ma*oris

 #onderis et momenti secundum

verbum Dei licitum est *us*urandum

non minus uidem sub 2ovo uam sub

1etere Testamento:1761 ita sane *us*urandum licitum, authoritate

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legitima si e!igatur, non est in rebus

e*usmodi declinandum$176:

&&& +hosoe"er taketh an oath ought

dul# to consider the weightiness of so

solemn an act, and therein to a"ouchnothing )ut what he is full# persuaded

is the truth176; ?either ma# an# man

 )ind himself )# oath to an# thing )ut

what is good and ust, and what he

 )elie"eth so to )e, and what he is a)le

and resol"ed to perform1764 Let it is a

sin to refuse an oath touching an#

thing that is good and ust, )eing

imposed )# lawful authorit#176

&&& uicunue *uramentum #r-stat

eum #ondus actionis tam solennis rite

 secum #er#endere o#ortet, atue *uratum de nullo asseverare uod

verum esse non habeat sibi

 #ersuasissimum$1766  2eue licet cuivis

ad agendum uicuam obstringere

 semet *ure*urando, nisi uod revera

bonum *ustumue est, uod ille

e*usmodi esse credit, uodue i#se

 #r-stare #otest statuitue$1767 

1eruntamen de re bona *ustaue

 *us*urandum, legitima authoritate si

e!igatur, #eccat ille ui detrectat$1769

&G !n oath is to )e taken in the

 plain and common sense of

&G .uramentum #r-standum est

 sensu verborum vulgari uidem ac


the words, without eui"ocation or

mental reser"ation1762 &t can not o)lige

to sin3 )ut in an# thing not sinful,

 )eing taken, it )inds to performance,

although to a man's own hurt@177 nor is

it to )e "iolated, although made to

heretics or infidels1771

manifesto, sine -uivocatione aut

reservatione mentali uaviscunue$177:

 Ad #eccandum uenuam obligare

neuit, verum in re ualibet cui abest

 #eccatum, ui semel illud #r-stitit,

adim#lere tenetur, vel etiam cum

damno suo&177; neue sane licet,uamvis h-reticis datum aut

infidelibus, violare$1774

G ! "ow is of the like nature with a

 promissor# oath, and ought to )e made

with the like religious care, and to )e

 performed with the like


G 1otum, natur- consimilis est

cum *uramento #romissorio, #ariue

debet tum religione nuncu#ari tum

 fide #ersolvi$1776

G& &t is not to )e made to an#

creature, )ut to od alone@


 and thatit ma# )e accepted, it is to )e made

"oluntaril#, out of faith and conscience

of dut#, in wa# of thankfulness for

merc# recei"ed, or for the1779 o)taining

of what we want3 where)# we more

strictl# )ind oursel"es to necessar#

duties, or to other things, so far and so

long as the# ma# fitl# conduce


G& 2on est ulli creatur-, sed Deo

 soli nuncu#andum,


 et uo gratumilli esse #ossit acce#tumue, est

uidem lubenter, e fide, officiiue

nostri conscientia susci#iendum, vel

 gratitudinis nostr- ob acce#ta

beneficia testand- causa, vel boni

alicu*us, uo indigemus, conseuendi&

 #er hoc autem nosmet ad officia

necessaria arctius obligamus& vel

etiam ad res alias uatenus uidem et

uamdiu istis subserviunt$1791

G&& ?o man ma# "ow to do an# G&& 2emini uicuam vovere licet

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thing for)idden in the +ord of od, or

what would hinder an# dut# therein

commanded, or which is not in his

own power, and for the performance

whereof he hath no promise

 se acturum, uod aut verbo Dei

 #rohibetur& aut officium aliuod inibi

 #r-ce#tum im#ediret, uodve non est

in voventis #otestate, et cui #r-stando

vires illi Deus non est #ollicitus$179:


or a)ilit# from od179; &n which

respect,1794 popish monastical "ows of

 perpetual single life, professed

 po"ert#, and regular o)edience, are so

far from )eing degrees of higher

 perfection, that the# are superstitions

and sinful snares, in which no

$hristian ma# entangle himself179

0nde Pontificiorum illa de #er#etuo

c8libatu, de #au#ertate, deue

obedientia regulari vota )onastica,

tantum abest ut #erfectionis gradus

 sint sublimiores, ut su#erstitionis

 #lane sint ac #eccati lauei, uibus

nulli unuam Christiano semeti#sum

licet im#licare$1796

Ca!ter %%III. Ca!. %%III.

/f the Civil )agistrate  De )agistratu Civili

& od, the (upreme *ord and ing

of all the world, hath ordained ci"il

magistrates to )e under him, o"er the

 people, for his own glor# and the

 pu)lic good, and to this end hath

armed them with the power of the

sword, for the defense and

encouragement of them that are good,

and for the punishment of e"ilI


& "u#remus totius )undi 6e! ac

 Dominus Deus, )agistratus Civiles

ordinavit ui vices e*us gerant su#ra

 #o#ulum ad suam i#sius gloriam, ac

bonum #ublicum& in uem finem

eosdem armavit #otestate gladii,

 #ro#ter bonorum uidem animationem

ac tutamen, animadversionem autem

in maleficos$1799

&& &t is lawful for $hristians to

accept and execute the office of a

magistrate when called thereunto31792 in

the managing whereof, as the# ought

especiall# to maintain piet#, ustice,

and peace, according to the

wholesome laws of each

commonwealth,172 so, for that end,

the# ma# lawfull#, now under the ?ew

Testament, wage war upon ust andnecessar# occasion1721M172:

&& Christianis, uoties ad id

vocantur, )agistratus munus et

 susci#ere licet et e!eui&172; in uo

uidem gerendo, ut #ietatem

 #r-ci#ue, *ustitiam, ac #acem

 secundum salubres cu*usue

 6ei#ublic- leges tueri debent,1724 ita

uo illum finem conseuantur, licitum

est iis vel hodie sub 2ovo Testamento

in causis *ustis ac necessariis bellum gerere$172


&&& The ci"il magistrate ma# not

assume to himself the administration

of the +ord and (acraments, or the

 power of the ke#s of the kingdom of

hea"en@1726 #et he hath authorit#, and it

is his dut# to take order, that unit# and

 peace )e preser"ed in the $hurch, that

the truth of od )e kept pure andentire, that all )lasphemies and

&&& )agistratui Civili verbi et

 sacramentorum administrationem, aut

clavium regni c8lorum #otestatem

assumere sibi non est licitum:1722 

nihilo tamen minus et *ure #otest ille,

eiue incumbit #rovidere ut 'cclesi-

unitas ac tranuillitas conservetur, ut

veritas Dei #ura et integracustodiatur, ut su##rimantur

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heresies )e suppressed, all corruptions

and a)uses in worship and discipline

 pre"ented or reformed, and all the

ordinances of od dul# settled,

administered, and o)ser"ed1727 5or the

 )etter effecting whereof he hath powerto call s#nods, to )e present at them,

and to pro"ide that whatsoe"er is

transacted in them )e according to the

mind of od1729

blas#hemi- omnes, h-resesue, ut in

cultu ac disci#lina omnes corru#tel-

ac abusus aut #r-caveantur aut

reformentur, omnia deniue instituta

divina, ut rite statuminentur,

administrentur, observentur$19 u-omnia uo melius #r-stare #ossit,

 #otestatem habet tum "ynodos

convocandi, tum ut i#sis intersit,

 #ros#iciatue, ut uicuid in iis

transigatur sit menti divin-


The a)o"e section is changed in the !merican re"ision, and adapted to the separation of $hurch and

(tate, as follows@

[&&& Civil magistrates may not assume to themselves the administration of the Word and"acraments .: $hron xx"i 190& or the #ower of the eys of the ingdom of heaven

.att x"i 123 1 $or i" 1, :0& or, in the least, interfere in matters of faith .Aohn x"iii

;63 al ii 73 !cts " :20$ et as nursing fathers, it is the duty of civil magistrates to

 #rotect the Church of our common %ord, without giving the #reference to any

denomination of Christians above the rest, in such a manner that all ecclesiastical

 #ersons whatever 64 shall en*oy the full, free, and unuestioned liberty of discharging

every #art of their sacred functions, without violence or danger .&sa xlix :;0$ And, as

 .esus Christ hath a##ointed a regular government and disci#line in his Church, no law

of any commonwealth should interfere with, let, or hinder, the due e!ercise thereof,

among the voluntary members of any denomination of Christians, according to their

own #rofession and belief ./sa c" 13 !cts x"iii 14N160$ 3t is the duty of civil

magistrates to #rotect the #erson and good name of all their #eo#le, in such an effectual

manner as that no #erson be suffered, either u#on #retence of religion or infidelity, to

offer any indignity, violence, abuse, or in*ury to any other #erson whatsoever: and to

tae order, that all religious and ecclesiastical assemblies be held without molestation

or disturbance .: (am xxiii ;3 1 Tim ii 13 Com xiii 408

&G &t is the dut# of people19: to

 pra# for magistrates,19; to honor their

 persons,194 to pa# them tri)ute and

other dues,19 to o)e# their lawfulcommands, and to )e su)ect to their

authorit#, for conscience' sake196 

&nfidelit# or difference in religion doth

not make "oid the magistrate's ust and

legal authorit#, nor free the people

from their due o)edience to him@197 

from which ecclesiastical persons are

not exempted3199 much less hath the

/ope an# power or urisdiction o"er

them in their dominions, or o"er an#

of their people3 and least of all todepri"e them of their dominions or

&G Debet #o#ulus #ro

 )agistratibus #reces fundere,192 

 #ersonas eorum honore #roseui ,191 

tributa aliaue eis debita #ersolvere,1911 obtem#erare licitis

eorum mandatis, ac #ro#ter

conscientiam sub*ici illorum

authoritati&191: u- si *usta sit ac

legitima, non eam illorum infidelitas,

non religio diversa cassam reddit,

neue #o#ulum liberat a debit-, illis

obedienti- #r-statione,191; ua viri

uidem 'cclesiastici non e!imuntur,1914 

multo minus in i#sos magistratus,

intra ditionem suam, ant e! eorum #o#ulo uemvis #otestatem ullam

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li"es, if he shall udge them to )e habet aut *urisdictionem Pa#a

 6omanus, minime vero omnium vita

illos aut #rinci#atu e!uendi, si i#se


heretics, or upon an# other pretensewhatsoe"er191  scilicet eos h-reticos esse *udicaverit,vel etiam alio #r-te!tu


Ca!ter %%I". Ca!. %%I".

/f )arriage and Divorce  De Con*ugio et Divortio

& arriage is to )e )etween one

man and one woman@ neither is it

lawful for an# man to ha"e more than

one wife, nor for an# woman to ha"e

more than one hus)and at the same


& Con*ugium inter unum virum ac

 f8minam unam contrahi debet& neue

viro ulli u!ores #lures, nec ulli

 f8min- ultra unum maritum eodem

tem#ore habere licet$1919

&& arriage was ordained for the

mutual help of hus)and and wife31912 

for the increase of mankind with a

legitimate issue, and of the $hurch

with an hol# seed319: and for

 pre"enting of uncleanness19:1

&& Con*ugium erat institutum, cum

 #ro#ter mariti u!orisue au!ilium

mutuum,19:: tum #ro#ter humani

 generis #role legitima, 'cclesi-eu

 sancto semine incrementum,19:; tum

vero etiam ad im#udicitiam


&&& &t is lawful for all sorts of people

to marr# who are a)le with udgmentto gi"e their consent19: Let it is the

dut# of $hristians to marr# onl# in the

*ord19:6 !nd, therefore, such as

 profess the true reformed religion

should not marr# with infidels, /apists,

or other idolaters@ neither should such

as are godl# )e uneuall# #oked, )#

marr#ing with such as are notoriousl#

wicked in their life, or maintain

damna)le heresies19:7

&&& )atrimonio *ungi cuivis

hominum generi licitum est, uiconsensum suum #r-bere valent cum

 *udicio&19:9 1eruntamen solum in

 Domino connubia inire debent

Christiani&19:2  #roindeue uotuot

religionem veram reformatamue

 #rofitentur, non debent 3nfidelibus,

 Pa#istis, aut aliis uibuscunue

idololatris connubio sociari& neue

 sane debent ui #ii sunt im#ari *ugo

co#ulari, con*ugium cum illis

contrahendo ui aut im#robitate vit- sunt notabiles, aut damnabiles tuentur



&G arriage ought not to )e within

the degrees of consanguinit# or

affinit# for)idden in the +ord319;1 nor

can such incestuous marriages e"er )e

made lawful )# an# law of man, or

consent of parties, so as those persons

ma# li"e together, as man and wife


 The man ma# not marr# an# of his

&G Connubia intra consanguinitatis

affinitatisue gradus in verbo Dei

vetitos iniri non est licitum&19;4 neue

 #ossunt e*usmodi incesta con*ugia

uavis aut humana lege, aut

consensione #artium fieri legitima,

adeo ut #ersonis illis ad instar maritiet u!oris liceat unuam cohabitare$19;

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wife's kindred nearer in )lood than he

ma# of his own, nor the woman of her

hus)and's kindred nearer in )lood than

of her own19;;

 2on licet viro e cognatione u!oris su-

ducere, uam si -ue sei#sum

attingeret sanguine, ducere non

liceret& sicuti nec f8min- licet viro

nubere a mariti sui sanguine minus,

uam a suo liceret, alieno$19;6

G !dulter# or fornication,

committed after a contract, )eing

detected )efore marriage, gi"eth ust

occasion to the innocent part# to

dissol"e that contract19;7 &n the case of

adulter# after marriage, it is lawful for

the innocent part# to sue out a

di"orce,19;9 and after the di"orce to

marr# another, as if the offending

 part# were dead19;2

G Adulterium aut scortatio si

admittatur #ost s#onsalia, ac ante

con*ugium detegatur, #erson-

innocenti *ustam #r-bet occasionem

contractum illum dissolvendi&194 uod

 si adulterium #ost con*ugium

admittatur, licebit #arti innocenti

divortium lege #ostulare ac

obtinere&1941 atue uidem #ost factum

divortium con*ugio alteri sociari, #erinde acsi mortua esset #ersona illa

u- con*ugii fidem violabat$194:

G& !lthough the corruption of man

 )e such as is apt to stud# arguments,

undul# to put asunder those whom

od hath oined together in marriage3

#et nothing )ut adulter#, or such

willful desertion as can no wa# )e

remedied )#

G& uamvis ea sit hominis

corru#tio ut #roclivis sit ad

e!cogitandum argumenta, indebite

illos uos Deus connubio *un!it

dissociandi& nihilominus tamen e!tra

adulterium ac desertionem ita

obstinatam, ut cui nullo remedio, nec

ab 'cclesia nec a67

the $hurch or ci"il magistrate, is cause

sufficient of dissol"ing the )ond of

marriage3194; wherein a pu)lic and

orderl# course of proceeding is to )e

o)ser"ed3 and the persons concerned

in it, not left to their own wills and

discretion in their own case1944

 )agistratu civili subveniri #ossit,

 sufficiens causa nulla esse #otest

con*ugii vinculum dissolvendi$194 

 Atue hac uidem in re #rocedendi

ordo #ublicus et regularis est

observandus, nec #erson- ill-,

uarum *us agitur, sunt suo arbitrio

 *udiciove in causa #ro#ria


Ca!ter %%". Ca!. %%".

/f the Church  De 'cclesia

& The catholic or uni"ersal $hurch,

which is in"isi)le, consists of the

whole num)er of the elect, that ha"e

 )een, are, or shall )e gathered into

one, under $hrist the head thereof3 and

is the spouse, the )od#, the fullness of

him that filleth all in all1947

& Catholica sive 0niversalis

 'cclesia ea u- est invisibilis constat

e toto electorum numero, uotuot

 fuerunt, sunt, aut erunt unuam in

unum collecti, sub Christo e*usdem

Ca#ite& estue s#onsa, cor#us ac

 #lenitudo e*us ui im#let omnia in


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&& The "isi)le $hurch, which is also

catholic or uni"ersal under the gospel

.not confined to one nation as )efore

under the law0 consists of all those,

throughout the world, that profess the

true religion,1942 and of 19 theirchildren3191 and is the kingdom of the

*ord Aesus $hrist,19: the house and

famil# of od,19; out of which there is

no ordinar# possi)ilit# of sal"ation194

&& 'cclesia visibilis .u- etiam sub

 'vangelio, Catholica est et

universalis, non autem unius gentis

 finibus, ut #ridem sub lege,

circumscri#ta0 e! iis omnibus constat,

undecunue terrarum sint, ui veramreligionem #rofitentur  ,19 una cum

eorundem liberis&196 estue 6egnum

 Domini .esu Christi,197  Domus et

 familla Dei,199 e!tra uam uidem

ordinarie fieri neuit ut uivis salutem



&&& <nto this catholic "isi)le

$hurch $hrist hath gi"en the ministr#,

oracles, and ordinances of od, for thegathering and perfecting of the saints,

in this life, to the end of the world@ and

doth )# his own presence and (pirit,

according to his promise, make them

effectual thereunto196

&&& Catholic- huic 'cclesi- visibili

dedit Christus ministrorum ordinem,

oracula, ac instituta Dei ad sanctosusue ad finem mundi in hac vita

colligendos simul et #erficiendos& in

uem finem #r-sentia sua, s#irituue

 secundum i#sius #romissionem, eadem

reddit efficacia$1961

&G This catholic $hurch hath )een

sometimes more, sometimes less

"isi)le196: !nd particular churches,

which are mem)ers thereof, are more

or less pure, according as the doctrineof the gospel is taught and em)raced,

ordinances administered, and pu)lic

worship performed more or less purel#

in them196;

&G 'cclesia h-c Catholica e!titit

uandoue magis uandoue minus

visibilis$1964 'cclesi- autem

 #articulares .u- sunt illius membra0 

eo magis minusve #ur- sunt, uima*ori aut minori cum #uritate in iis

docetur e!ci#iturue 'vangelii

doctrina, administrantur divina

instituta, cultusue #ublicus

celebratur $196

G The purest churches under

hea"en are su)ect )oth to mixture and

error31966 and some ha"e so

degenerated as to )ecome no churches

of $hrist, )ut s#nagogues of (atan1967 

 ?e"ertheless, there shall )e alwa#s a

$hurch on earth to worship od

according to his will1969

G Purissim- omnium u- in terris

 sunt 'cclesi-, cum mi!tur- tum etiam

errori sunt obno!i-,1962 eousue autem

nonnull- degenerarunt, ut e! 'cclesiis

Christi fact- demum sint i#sius

"atan- "ynagog-&197 nihilominus

tamen nunuam deerit in terris

 'cclesi-, u- Deum colat secundum

i#sius voluntatem$1971

G& There is no other head of the

$hurch )ut the *ord Aesus $hrist@197: 

nor can the /ope of Come, in an#

G& 'cclesi- ca#ut e!tra unum

 Dominum .esum Christum nullum

est&197; nec ullo sensu ca#ut e*us esse


sense )e head thereof3 )ut is that

!ntichrist, that man of sin and son of perdition, that exalteth himself in the

 #otest Pa#a 6omanus, ui est insignis

ille Antichristus, homo ille #eccati et #erditionis filius& in 'cclesia semet

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$hurch against $hrist, and all that is

called od1974

efferens adversus Christum, et su#ra

uicuid dicitur Deus$197

Ca!ter %%"I. Ca!. %%"I.

/f the Communion of "aints  De Communione "anctorum

& !ll saints that are united to Aesus

$hrist their head, )# his (pirit and )#

faith, ha"e fellowship with him in his

graces, sufferings, death, resurrection,

and glor#@1976 and )eing united to one

another in lo"e, the# ha"e communion

in each other's gifts and graces,1977 and

are o)liged to the performance of such

duties, pu)lic and pri"ate, as do

conduce to their mutual good, )oth in

the inward and outward man1979

& "ancti omnes, ui ca#iti suo .esu

Christo #er "#iritum e*us ac #er fidem

uniuntur, gratiarum e*us,

 #er#essionum, mortis, resurrectionis

ac glori- e*us habent

communionem&1972 atue inde etiam

amore con*uncti sibimet invicem

mutuam donorum suorum

 gratiarumue societatem uandam

ineunt  ,199 ac ad e*usmodi officia

 #r-standa #ublica et #rivataobligantur, u- ad mutuum eorum

bonum conducant, cum uoad

internum tum etiam uoad e!ternum


&& (aints, )# profession, are )ound

to maintain an hol# fellowship and

communion in the worship of od,

and in performing such other spiritual

ser"ices as tend to their mutual

edification3199: as also in relie"ing each

other in outward things, according to

their se"eral a)ilities and necessities

&& ui sanctos sese #rofitentur,

 sanctam illi societatem et

communionem inire tenentur et

conservare, cum in divino cultu, tum

alia officia s#iritualia #r-stando, u-

ad mutuam eorum -dificationem

conferre #ossint&199; uin etiam #orro

 sublevando se mutuo in rebus e!ternis,

 #ro ratione cu*usue vel facultatum


+hich communion, as od offereth

opportunit#, is to )e extended unto all

those who, in e"er# place, call upon

the name of the *ord Aesus1994

vel indigenti-$ u- uidem

communio, #rout o##ortunitatem Deus

obtulerit, est ad eos omnes, ui ubivis

locorum Domini .esu nomen invocant,


&&& This communion which thesaints ha"e with $hrist, doth not make

them in an#wise partakers of the

su)stance of his odhead, or to )e

eual with $hrist in an# respect@ either

of which to affirm is impious and

 )lasphemous1996 ?or doth their

communion one with another, as

saints, take awa# or infringe the title or

 propriet#1997 which each man hath in

his goods and possessions1999

&&& H-c autem communio ua sancti cum Christo #otiuntur, eos

 substanti- Deitatis e*us neutiuam

reddit #artici#es, nec ullo res#ectu

-uales Christo: uorum utrumvis

affirmare im#ium est ac

blas#hemum&1992 neue sane

communio illa, u- iis secum mutuo

uatenus sanctis intercedit&

cu*usuam ad bona et #ossessiones

 suas *us #rivatum vel tollit vel


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Ca!ter %%"II. Ca!. %%"II.

/f the "acraments  De "acramentis

& (acraments are hol# signs and

seals of the co"enant of grace,1921 

immediatel# instituted )# od,192:

 torepresent $hrist and his )enefits, and

to confirm our interest in him@192; as

also to put a "isi)le difference )etween

those that )elong unto the $hurch and

the rest of the world31924 and solemnl#

to engage them to the ser"ice of od

in $hrist, according to his +ord192

& "acramenta sunt f8deris grati-

 signa sacra et sigilla,1926 immediate a

 Deo instituta,1927

 ad Christum e*usuebeneficia re#r-sentandum, ad *us

nostrum in illo confirmandum,1929 

 #rout etiam ad illos ui 'cclesiam

 s#ectant a reliuis illis ui sunt e

mundo, visibili discrimine

 se#arandum,1922 utue ii solenniter

devinciantur ad obedientiam et cultum

 Deo in Christo *u!ta verbum e*us


&& There is in e"er# sacrament && 3n "acramento uolibet est inter661

a spiritual relation or sacramental

union, )etween the sign and the thing

signified3 whence it comes to pass that

the names and the121 effects of the one

are attri)uted to the other12:

 signum et rem significatam relatio

u-dam s#iritualis, sive

"acramentalis unio& unde fit ut

alterius nomina et effectus alteri

uandoue tribuantur$12;

&&& The grace which is exhi)ited in

or )# the sacraments, rightl# used, is

not conferred )# an# power in them3

neither doth the efficac# of asacrament depend upon the piet# or

intention of him that doth administer

it,124 )ut upon the work of the

(pirit,12 and the word of institution,

which contains, together with a

 precept authoriBing the use thereof, a

 promise of )enefit to worth#


&&& u- in "acramentis sive #er ea

rite adhibita e!hibetur gratia, #er vim

aliuam iis intrinsecam non confertur,

neue e! intentione vel #ietateadininistrantis #endent "acramenti vis

ac efficacia&127 verum e! o#eratione

"#iritus,129 ac verbo institutionis,

uod com#lectitur cum #r-ce#tum,

unde celebrandi "acramenti #otestas

 fit, tum etiam #romissionem de

beneficiis digne #erci#ientibus


&G There )e onl# two sacraments

ordained )# $hrist our *ord in thegospel, that is to sa#, =aptism and the

(upper of the *ord@ neither of which

ma# )e dispensed )# an# )ut )# a

minister of the +ord lawfull#


&G "acramenta duo tantum sunt a

Christo Domino nostro in 'vangelioinstituta, Ea#tismus scilicet, et c8na

 Domini& uorum neutrum de debet nisi

a ministro verbi legitime ordinato


G The sacraments of the >ld

Testament, in regard of the spiritual

things there)# signified and exhi)ited,

were, for su)stance, the same with

those of the ?ew


G "acramenta 1eteris Testamenti

 si res s#irituales #er ea significatas

e!hibitasue res#iciamus, uoad

 substantiam eadem fuere cum his sub



Ca!ter %%"III. Ca!. %%"III.

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/f Ea#tism  De Ea#tismo

& =aptism is a sacrament of the & Ea#tismus est sacramentum


 ?ew Testament, ordained )# Aesus

$hrist,1214 not onl# for the solemnadmission of the part# )aptiBed into

the "isi)le $hurch,121 )ut also to )e

unto him a sign and seal of the

co"enant of grace1216, of his ingrafting

into $hrist,1217 of regeneration,1219 of

remission of sins,1212 and of his gi"ing

up unto od, through Aesus $hrist, to

walk in newness of life@12: which

sacrament is, )# $hrist's own

appointment, to )e continued in his

$hurch until the end of the world12:1

 2ovi Testamenti, a .esu Christo

institutum ,12:: non solum #ro#ter solennem #erson- ba#ti5at- in

 'cclesiam visibilem admissionem,12:; 

verum etiam ut signum eidem sit, et

 sigillum cum f8deris grati-,12:4 tum

 su- in Christum insitionis,12: 

regenerationis ,12:6 remissionis

 #eccatorum,12:7 ac sui i#sius Deo #er

Christum dedicationis, ad

ambulandum in vit- novitate$12:9 uod

uidem "acramentum e Christi i#sius

mandato est in 'cclesia e*us ad finem

usue mundi retinendum$12:2

&& The outward element to )e used

in this sacrament is water, wherewith

the part# is to )e )aptiBed in the name

of the 5ather, and of the (on, and of

the Dol# host, )# a minister of the

gospel lawfull# called thereunto12;

&& 'lementum e!ternum in hoc

"acramento adhibendum est Aua&

ua ba#ti5ari debet admittendus, a

ministro 'vangelii legitime ad hoc

vocato, in nomine Patris et filii et

"#iritus "ancti$12;1

&&& -ipping of the person into the

water is not necessar#3 )ut )aptism isrightl# administered )# pouring or

sprinkling water upon the person12;:

&&& Ea#ti5andi in auam immersio

necessaria non est& verum ba#tismusrite administratur aua su#erfusa vel

etiam ins#ersa ba#ti5ando$12;;

&G ?ot onl# those that do actuall#

 profess faith in and o)edience unto

$hrist,12;4 )ut also the infants

&G 2on illi solum ui fidem in

Christum eiue se obedientes fore actu

uidem #rofitentur,12; verum


of one or )oth )elie"ing parents are to

 )e )aptiBed12;6

etiam infantes ui a Parente vel altero

vel utroue fideli #rocreantur, sunt


G !lthough it )e a great sin to

contemn or neglect this ordinance,12;9 

#et grace and sal"ation are not so

insepara)l# annexed unto it, as that no

 person can )e regenerated or sa"ed

without it,12;2 or that all that are

 )aptiBed are undou)tedl#


G uamvis grave #eccatum sit

institutum hoc des#icatui habere vel

negligere&1241 non tamen ei salus et

 gratia ita individue annectuntur, ut

absue illo nemo unuam regenerari

aut salvari #ossit,124: aut uasi

indubium omnino sit regenerari omnes

ui ba#ti5antur$124;

G& The efficac# of )aptism is not

tied to that moment of time wherein it

is administered31244 #et,notwithstanding, )# the right use of

G& Ea#tismi efficacia ei tem#oris

momento uo administratur non

adstringitur$1246 2ihilominus tamen,usu debito hu*us instituti non offertur

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this ordinance the grace promised is

not onl# offered, )ut reall# exhi)ited

and conferred )# the Dol# host, to

such .whether of age or infants0 as that

grace )elongeth unto, according to the

counsel of od's own will, in hisappointed time124

 solum #romissa gratia, verum etiam

omnibus .tam infantibus uam adultis0

ad uos gratia illa e consilio Divin-

voluntatis #ertinet, #er "#iritum

"anctum in tem#ore suo constituto

realiter confertur et e!hibetur$1247

G&& The sacrament of )aptism is )ut

once to )e administered to an#


G&& "acramentum Ea#tismi eidem

 #erson- non est nisi semel


Ca!ter %%I%. Ca!. %%I%.

/f the %ord;s "u##er   De C8na Domini

& >ur *ord Aesus, in the night

wherein he was )etra#ed, instituted

& Dominus noster .esus eadem ua

 #rodebatur nocte instituit cor#oris


the sacrament of his )od# and )lood,

called the *ord's (upper, to )e

o)ser"ed in his $hurch, unto the end

of the world, for the perpetual

remem)rance of the sacrifice of

himself in his death, the sealing all

 )enefits thereof unto true )elie"ers,

their spiritual nourishment and growth

in him, their further engagement in,

and to all duties which the# owe untohim3 and to )e a )ond and pledge of

their communion with him, and with

each other, as mem)ers of his m#stical


et sanguinis sui sacramentum, $Knam

-omini uam dicimus, in 'cclesia sua

ad finem usue mundi celebrandum, in

 #er#etuam memoriam sacrificii sui

i#sius in morte sua oblati, et ad

beneficia istius omnia vere fidelibus

obsignandum& in eorum item

alimentum ac incrementum in Christo

 s#irituale& uoue ad officia cuncta

 #r-standa, #rius uidem illi debita,arctiori adhuc nodo tenerentur& ut

vinculum deniue ac #ignus foret

communionis illius u- iis cum

Christo et secum i#sis mutuo, tanuam

cor#oris i#sius mystici membris,

intercedit $121

&& &n this sacrament $hrist is not

offered up to his 5ather, nor an# real

sacrifice made at all for remission of

sins of the uick or dead,12:

 )ut onl# acommemoration of that one offering

up of himself, )# himself, upon the

cross, once for all, and a spiritual

o)lation of all possi)le praise unto

od for the same312; so that the /opish

sacrifice of the mass, as the# call it, is

most a)omina)l# inurious to $hrist's

one onl# sacrifice, the alone

 propitiation for all the sins of the


&& 3n hoc "acramento non Patri suo

offertur Christus, sed neue inibi fit

reale aliuod sacrificium ad

 #eccatorum remissionem vivis autmortuis #rocurandam&12 verum

unic- istius oblationis, ua Christus

 semet i#sum i#se in cruce, et uidem

omnino semel obtulit, commemoratio

 solum& una cum s#irituali #ro#terea

laudis omnimod- Deo reddit-

oblatione$126 0nde Pontificiorum istud

 sacrificium )iss- .uti loui amant0 

 #lane detestandum sit o#ortet, ut#ote

ma!ime in*uriam uni illi unicoue

Christi sacrificio, uod uidem unicaest #ro #eccatis electorum universus

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&&& The *ord Aesus hath, in this

ordinance, appointed his ministers to

declare his word of institution to the people, to pra#, and )less the elements

of )read and wine, and there)# to set

them apart from a common to an hol#

use3 and to take and )reak the )read, to

take the cup, and .the# communicating

also themsel"es0 to gi"e )oth to the

communicants3129 )ut to none who are

not then present in the


&&& 3n hoc suo instituto #r-ce#it

 Dominus .esus )inistris suis, verbum

institutionis #o#ulo declarare, orare,ac elementis #ani scilicet ac vino

benedicere, eaue hac ratione a

communi ad sacrum usum se#arare,

uinetiam #anem acci#ere et frangere&

 #oculum item in manus acci#ere&

atue Jcommunicantibus una i#sis0 

utrumue communicantibus

e!hibere,126 nemini autem a

congregatione tunc absenti$1261

&G /ri"ate masses, or recei"ing this

sacrament )# a priest, or an# other,

alone3126: as likewise the denial of the

cup to the people3126; worshiping the

elements, the lifting them up, or

carr#ing them a)out for adoration, and

the reser"ing them for an# pretended

religious use, are all contrar# to the

nature of this sacrament, and to the

institution of $hrist1264

&G )iss- #rivat-, sive #erce#tio

hu*usce "acramenti a solo vel

"acerdote vel alio uovis&126 #rout

etiam #oculi a #o#ulo detensio ,1266 

elementorum adoratio, uoue

adorentur elevatio aut circumgestatio,

ut et #r-te!tu religiosi usus

cu*uscunue asservatio, sunt uidem

omnia tum hu*usce "acramenti natur-

tum Christi institutioni #lane


G The outward elements in thissacrament, dul# set apart to the uses

ordained )# $hrist, ha"e such relation

to him crucified, as that trul#, #et

sacramentall# onl#, the# are

sometimes called )# the name of the

things the# represent, to wit, the )od#

and )lood of $hrist31269 al)eit, in

su)stance and nature, the# still

G 3n hoc "acramento e!ternaelementa ad usus a Christo institutos

rite se#arata, ita ad eum crucifi!um

referuntur ut rerum uas re#r-sentat

nominibus .cor#oris nem#e ac

 sanguinis Christi0 vere uidem, at

"acramentaliter tantum, sint

nuncu#ata,1262 manent siuidem adhuc

uoad substantiam et naturam vere


666remain trul#, and onl#, )read and

wine, as the# were )efore127

 #anis ac vinum nihilo minus uam

antea fuerant$1271

G& That doctrine which maintains a

change of the su)stance of )read and

wine, into the su)stance of $hrist's

 )od# and )lood .commonl# called

transu)stantiation0 )# consecration of

a priest, or )# an# other wa#, is

repugnant, not to (cripture alone, )ut

e"en to commonIsense and reason3o"erthroweth the nature of the

G& Doctrina illa u- substanti-

 #anis ac vini in substantiam cor#oris

et sanguinis Christi conversionem

.transubstantiatio vulgo dicitur 0 sive

illam #er "acerdotis consecrationem,

 sive uomodocunue demum fieri

 statuit, non scri#tur- solum, verum

etiam communi omnium sensui acrationi adversatur, sacramenti

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sacrament3 and hath )een, and is the

cause of manifold superstitions, #ea, of

gross idolatries127:

naturam evertit, su#erstitionis

multifari- causa e!titit atue

etiamnum e!istit, imo vero et

crassissim- idololatri-$127;

G&& +orth# recei"ers, outwardl# partaking of the "isi)le elements in

this sacrament,1274 do then also

inwardl# )# faith, reall# and indeed,

#et not carnall# and corporall#, )ut

spirituall#, recei"e and feed upon

$hrist crucified, and all )enefits of his

death@ the )od# and )lood of $hrist

 )eing then not corporall# or carnall#

in, with, or under the )read and wine3

#et as reall#, )ut spirituall#, present to

the faith of )elie"ers in that ordinance,as the elements themsel"es are, to their

outward senses127

G&& Digne communicantes, 'lementa in hoc "acramento visibilia

dum #artici#ant  ,1276 una cum iis

interne Christum crucifi!um et

beneficia mortis e*us universa revera

et realiter .modo, non carnali uidem

aut cor#oreo, sed s#irituali0 #er fidem

reci#iunt eisue vescuntur$ Cor#us

 siuidem et sanguis Christi non

cor#oreo aut carnali modo in, cum,

vel sub #ane ac vino& realiter tamen,

ac s#iritualiter credentium fidei in hocinstituto, non minus uam e!ternis

 sensibus elementa i#sa, sunt


G&&& !lthough ignorant and wicked

men recei"e the outward elements in

this sacrament, #et

G&&& Homines im#robi et ignari

e!terna licet in hoc sacramento

 #erci#ere #ossint elementa, rem tamen


the# recei"e not the thing signified

there)#3 )ut )# their unworth# coming

thereunto are guilt# of the )od# and )lood of the *ord, to their own

damnation +herefore all ignorant and

ungodl# persons, as the# are unfit to

eno# communion with him, so are

the# unworth# of the *ord's ta)le, and

can not, without great sin against

$hrist, while the# remain such, partake

of these hol# m#steries,1279 or )e

admitted thereunto1272

 #er ea significatam non reci#iunt&

verum indigne illuc accedendo, rei

 fiunt cor#oris ac sanguinis Dominiciad sui i#sorum condemnationem$

ua#ro#ter homines im#ii et ignari

 #rout communioni cum Deo #otiund-

nullatenus sunt idonei, ita #rorsus

indigni sunt ui accedant ad mensam

 Domini& neue sine gravi in Christum

 #eccato, #ossunt .uamdiu tales esse

non destiterint "acra h-c mysteria

 #artici#are&129 vel ad ea

 #artici#andum admitti$1291

Ca!ter %%%. Ca!. %%%.

/f Church Censures  De Censuris 'cclesiasticis

& The *ord Aesus, as king and head

of his $hurch, hath therein appointed a

go"ernment in the hand of $hurch

officers, distinct from the ci"il


& Dominus .esus uatenus 6e! et

ca#ut 'cclesi- su- constituit in ea

regimen, uod in officiariorum

 'cclesiasticorum manu foret,

distinctum a civili )agistratu$129;

&& To these officers the ke#s of the

kingdom of hea"en are committed, )#"irtue whereof the# ha"e power

&& /fficiariis hisce claves regni

c8lorum sunt commiss-, uarumvirtute obtinent #otestatem #eccata vel

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respecti"el# to retain and remit sins, to

shut that kingdom against the

impenitent, )oth )# the +ord and

censures3 and to open it unto penitent

sinners, )# the ministr# of the gospel,

and )# a)solution from censures, asoccasion shall reuire1294

retinendi vel remittendi #ro varia

 #eccantium conditione&

im#8nitentibus uidem regnum illud

tam #er verbum uam #er censuras

occludendi, #eccatoribus vero

 #8nitentibus tam evangelii ministeriouam absolutione a censuris idem

a#eriendi, #rout occasio



&&& $hurch censures are necessar#

for the reclaiming and gaining of

offending )rethren3 for deterring of

others from the1296 like offenses3 for

 purging out of that lea"en which might

infect the whole lump3 for "indicatingthe honor of $hrist, and the hol#

 profession of the gospel3 and for

 pre"enting the wrath of od, which

might ustl# fall upon the $hurch, if

the# should suffer his co"enant, and

the seals thereof, to )e profaned )#

notorious and o)stinate offenders1297

&&& /mnino necessari- sunt

censur- 'cclesiastic-, lucrandis

 fratribus delinuentibus eisue in

viam reducendis, reliuis autem a

 similibus delictis deterrendis, fermento

illi malo, ne totam massam inficiat,e!#urgando& ad honorem Christi et

"anctam 'vangelii #rofessionem

vindicandum, ut #r-vertatur deniue

ira Dei, u- merito in 'cclesiam

accendi #osset, si i#sius f8dus,

hu*usue sigilla ab insigniter ac

 #ertinaciter delinuentibus im#une

 #rofanari #ateretur$1299

&G 5or the )etter attaining of these

ends, the officers of the $hurch are to proceed )# admonition, suspension

from the (acrament of the *ord's

(upper for a season, and )#

excommunication from the $hurch,

according to the nature of the crime

and demerit of the person1292

&G uo melius autem hosce fines

conseuantur, #rocedere debent 'cclesi- officiarii, admonendo, a

"acramento c8n- Dominic- ad

tem#us aliuod sus#endendo,

e!communicando deniue ab 'cclesia,

 #ro ratione criminis, atue #erson-

delinuentis merito$122

Ca!ter %%%I. Ca!. %%%I.

/f "ynods and Councils  De "ynodis et Conciliis

& 5or the )etter go"ernment and

further edification of the $hurch, thereought to )e such assem)lies as are

commonl# called s#nods or


& uo melius gubernari, ac ulterius

-dificari #ossit 'cclesia, conventuse*usmodi fieri debent, uales vulgo

"ynodi et Concilia nuncu#antur $122:


The !merican edition here adds the following@

[ And it belongeth to the overseers and other rulers of the #articular churches, by virtue

of their office, and the #ower which Christ hath given them for edification, and not for

destruction, to a##oint such assemblies .!cts x"0& and to convene together in them, as

often as they shall *udge it e!#edient for the good of the Church .!cts x" ::, :;, :08

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&& !s magistrates ma# lawfull# call

a s#nod of ministers and other fit

 persons to consult and ad"ise with

a)out matters of religion3122; so, if

magistrates )e open enemies to the

$hurch, the ministers of $hrist, ofthemsel"es, )# "irtue of their office, or

the#, with other fit persons, upon

delegation from their churches, ma#

meet together in such


&& uemadmodum licitum est

 )agistratibus "ynodum )inistrorum

aliorumue ui sunt idonei convocare,

uibuscum de religionis rebus

deliberent ac consultent:1226 3ta si

 )agistratus fuerint 'cclesi- hostesa#erti, licebit Christi ministris a

 sei#sis virtute officii, eisve cum aliis

idoneis, acce#ta #rius ab 'cclesiis

 suis delegatione, in istiusmodi

conventibus congregari$1227

&&& [&&8 &t )elongeth to s#nods and

councils, ministeriall#, to determine

contro"ersies of faith, and cases of

conscience3 to set down rules and

directions for the )etter ordering of the pu)lic worship of od, and

go"ernment of his $hurch3 to recei"e

complaints in cases of

maladministration, and authoritati"el#

to determine the same@ which decrees

and determinations, if consonant to the

+ord of od, are to )e recei"ed with

re"erence and su)mission, not onl# for

their agreement with the +ord, )ut

also for

&&& "ynodorum et Conciliorum est

controversias fidei et conscienti-

casus, ministerialiter uidem,

determinare& regulas ac #r-scri#ta

uo melius #ublicus Dei cultuse*usue 'cclesi- regimen ordinentur

constituere& uerelas de mala

administratione delatas admittere,

deue iis authoritative decernere$

u- uidem decreta et decisiones,

modo verbo Dei consenserint, cum

reverentia sunt ac summissione

e!ci#ienda& 2on uidem solum uod

verbo Dei sint consentanea, verum

etiam gratia #otestatis ea

constituentis, ut u-


the power where)# the# are made, as

 )eing an ordinance of od, appointed

thereunto in his +ord1229

 sit ordinatio Dei id ad in verbo suo


&G [&&&8 !ll s#nods or councils

since the apostles' times, whether

general or particular, ma# err, and

man# ha"e erred3 therefore the# are

not to )e made the rule of faith or

 practice, )ut to )e used as a help in


&G "ynodi omnes sive concilia #ost

 A#ostolorum tem#ora, seu generales

 sive #articulares, errori sunt obno!i-,

uin neue #auc- erraverunt$

 Proindeue fidei aut #ra!eos norma

constituend- non sunt, verum in

utrisue au!ilii loco adhibend-$:1

G [&G8 (#nods and councils are to

handle or conclude nothing )ut that

which is ecclesiastical@ and are not to

intermeddle with ci"il affairs which

concern the commonwealth, unless )#

wa# of hum)le petition in cases

extraordinar#3 or )# wa# of ad"ice for

satisfaction of conscience, if the# )e

thereunto reuired )# the ci"ilmagistrate::

G "ynodi et Concilia id solum uod

 'cclesiam s#ectat tractare debent et

concludere& neue civilibus negotiis,

u- rem #ublicam s#ectant ingerere

 se debent, nisi humiliter su##licando

in casibus, si ui acciderint,

e!traordinariis& aut consulendo,

uoties id ab eis #ostulat )agistratus

civilis, nem#e uo conscienti- illius satisfiat $:;

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Ca!ter %%%II. Ca!. %%%II.

/f the "tate of )en:4 after Death, and of the

 6esurrection of the Dead  De statu hominum #ost mortem, deue

resurrectione mortuorum

& The )odies of men, after death,

return to dust, and see corruption3:

  )ut their souls .which neither die nor

sleep0, ha"ing an immortal

su)sistence, immediatel# return to od

who ga"e them:6 The souls of the

righteous, )eing then made perfect in

holiness, are recei"ed into the highest

hea"ens, where the# )ehold

& Hominum cor#ora #ost mortem

ad #ulverem rediguntur, etcorru#tionem vident::7  At anim-

illorum .u- uidem nec morientur

nec obdormiunt 0 ut u- subsistentiam

habent immortalem, ad Deum

continuo earum datorem

revertuntur$:9  Anim- uidem

 .ustorum iam tum #erfecte

 sanctificat-, c8lis su#remis



the face of od in light and glor#,

waiting for the full redemption of their

 )odies@:2 and the souls of the wicked

are cast into hell, where the# remain in

torments and utter darkness, reser"ed

to the udgment of the great da#:1 

=esides these two places for souls

separated from their )odies, the

(cripture acknowledgeth none

ubi Dei faciem in lumine ac gloria

intuentur, cor#orum suorum #lenum

redemtionem e!#ectantes::11 Anim-

vero im#roborum con*iciuntur in

4ehennam, ubi inter diros cruciatus in

tenebris e!terioribus conclus-

manent, ad *udicium magni illius diei

asservat-$:1: %ocum autem animabus

a cor#ore solutis e!tra hosce duos

"cri#tura "acra non agnoscit ullum$

&& !t the last da#, such as are found

ali"e shall not die, )ut )e changed3:1; 

and all the dead shall )e raised up with

the selfIsame )odies, and none other,

although with different ualities,

which shall )e united again to their

souls fore"er:14

&& 2ovissimo illo die, ui

com#erientur in vivis non morientur

uidem sed mutabuntur&:1 ui mortui

 fuerint resuscitabuntur omnes,

i#sissimis iis cor#oribus uibus

viventes aliuando fungebantur, ac

non aliis, utut ualitate differentibus&

u- denuo animabus u-ue suis

-terno con*ugio unientur $:16

&&& The )odies of the unust shall,

 )# the power of $hrist, )e raised todishonor3 the )odies of the ust, )# his

(pirit, unto honor, and )e made

conforma)le to his own glorious


&&& 3n*ustorum cor#ora ad dedecus

 #er #otentiam Christi suscitabuntur& *ustorum autem cor#ora #er s#iritum

e*us ad honorem, fientue h-c

conformia cor#ori i#sius glorioso$:19

Ca!ter %%%III. Ca!. %%%III.

/f the %ast .udgment   De ultimo *udicio

& od hath appointed a da# wherein

he will udge the world in

righteousness )# Aesus $hrist,



& Diem Deus designavit uo

mundum in *ustitia *udicabit #er

 .esum Christum&


 cui a Patre dataest

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whom all power and udgment is gi"en

of the 5ather::1 &n which da#, not

onl# the apostate angels shall )e

 udged,::: )ut likewise all persons,

that ha"e li"ed upon earth, shall appear )efore the tri)unal of $hrist, to gi"e an

account of their thoughts, words, and

deeds3 and to recei"e according to

what the# ha"e done in the )od#,

whether good or e"il::;

omnis #otestas et *udicium$::4 uo

uidem die non solum *udicabuntur

 Angeli a#ostatici,:: verum etiam

omnes homines, uotuot us#iam in

orbe terrarum aliuando vi!erint,coram Christi tribunali com#arebunt,

ut cogitationum, dictorum,

 factorumue suorum rationem

reddant, reci#iantue simul *u!ta id

uod in cor#ore uisue fecerit, seu

bonum fuerit sive malum$::6

&& The end of od's appointing this

da#, is for the manifestation of the

glor# of his merc# in the eternal

sal"ation of the elect3::7

 and of his ustice in the damnation of the

repro)ate, who are wicked and

diso)edient::9 5or then shall the

righteous go into e"erlasting life, and

recei"e that fullness of o# and

refreshing which shall come from the

 presence of the *ord@::2 )ut the

wicked, who know not od, and o)e#

not the gospel of Aesus $hrist, shall )e

cast into eternal torments, and )e

 punished with e"erlasting destructionfrom the presence of the *ord, and

from the glor# of his power:;

&& 'o autem consilio Diem hum

 #r-stituit Deus, uo nem#e

misericordi- su- constaret gloria e!

-terna salute electorum, *ustiti-autem e damnatione re#roborum, ui

im#robi sunt et contumaces$ Tunc

enim *usti introibunt in vitam

-ternam, reci#ientue #lenitudinem

illam gaudii ac refrigerii, u- a

 #r-sentia Domini ventura sunt: 3m#ii

autem, ui Deum ignorant, uiue

 'vangelio .esu Christi non morem

 gerunt, in -ternos cruciatus

detrudentur, -ternaue #erditione

 #unientur a #r-sentia Domini et a #otenti- i#sius gloria #rofligati$:;1

&&& !s $hrist would ha"e us to )e

certainl# persuaded that there shall )e

a da# of udgment, )oth to deter all

men from sin, and for the

&&& uemadmodum Christus nobis,

 futurum esse aliuando diem *udicii,

esse velit #ersuasissimum& tum uo

omnes a #eccato absterreantur,


greater consolation of the godl# in

their ad"ersit#@:;: so will he ha"e that

da# unknown to men, that the# ma#

shake off all carnal securit#, and )e

alwa#s watchful, )ecause the# know

not at what hour the *ord will come3

and ma# )e e"er prepared to sa#,

$ome, *ord Aesus, come uickl#:;; 


tum ob ma*us #iorum solatium in

rebus adversis::;4 ita sane diem i#sum

vult ab hominibus ignorari, uo

 securitatem omnem carnalem

e!cutiant, et nunuam non sint

vigilantes .uum ua hora venturus sit

 Dominus ignorant 0 utue sem#er sint

 #arati ad dicendum 1eni Domine .esu,

etiam cito veni$:; !men

$harles Derle, Prolocutor 

$ornelius =urges,

Page 52: The Westminster Confession of Faith -- Latin

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Der)ert /almer, Assessor$

Denr# Co)roughe, "criba

!doniram =#field, "criba

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