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Coming Home To The  Sacred Center

Kim Bady

Page 2: THE WOMB JOURNAL€¦ · The womb journal is an initiatory journey into your wise, sacred, and often forgotten about expansive dimension within you. It’s dividedointo five parts

How to use this journal?

The womb journal is an initiatory journey into your wise, sacred, and often forgotten about expansive dimension within you. It’s divided into five parts. The first part will provide you with an overview of womb awareness. Part two will consist of womb practices such as meditation, blessings, rituals, and recipes. In part three you will find several womb mandalas that will serve as a map to help you discover what’s in your womb. The menstrual charts in part four will assist in menstrual cycle awareness, and will help you become more intimately acquainted with your innate rhythm. Lastly, part five consists of journal pages for you to record your dreams, visions, or any insights you are gaining from awakening this powerful portal, and intelligent inner cosmos of the womb.

The Womb Journal


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WOMB PRACTICES pg 8 Meditations Blessings Rituals Recipies




The Womb Journal



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The womb is not only a vital organ, it is an energetic space. It holds wisdom and is a cauldron of creativity, passion, healing, intuition, and a multitude of feminine gifts. As women, we’ve spent most of our lives detached from this very sacred center and power house. However, we are being called home to thisplace that not only births babies, but births ideas, visions, dreams, and new realities. Our “coming home” is a collective calling of the divine feminine energy to rise for global healing. The masculine has ruled for far too long without the balance of the feminine and our planet has suffered and so have women as a whole.

If you’ve had your womb removed, or are no longer in child bearing years, this journal is especially for you because you still have access to the powerful uterine and ovarian energy and you are still cyclical by nature. We are not linear beings. We are all cyclical and synching with our innate rhythm, brings more flow, harmony, and sustainability to our lives.

Womb Awareness


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This journal is a tool to help you connect to your own feminine flow whether you are still menstruating or not. I meet women all the time who ignore their bodies and push themselves to the point of exhaustion, and failing health. This way of being dishonors your sacred self. You are meant to rest, and not feel guilty and unaccomplished because of it. But rest in our culture is viewed as lazy and weak. Because we have embraced a more masculine way of being and find ourselves constantly pushing, we don’t leave room for our bodies to follow our own cycles and as a result, we are burned out and our health, well being, and relationships suffer.

Womb awareness begins when we bring our attention to the womb space. Most of us spend our waking moments going from thought to thought. It’s been said that we think 70,000 thoughts a day. I think it’s even more than that. We wake up and go to bed each day inundated with our thoughts. But what if you could spend a few moments with your attention focused on your womb?

Doing so, promotes a more integrated approach to living; laying the foundation for you to becoming fully embodied, present, and at home within your body temple.


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The first time I placed my hands on my womb with the intention to connect to my sacred center, I wept as a nostalgic feeling of returning home swept over me. I notice too, in groups of women I lead through womb healing exercises, a similar response happens as women are met with unprocessed emotions from past trauma and repressed wounds.

Let’s give it a try.

Go ahead and place your hands on your womb space. Without trying to conjure up any particular feelings, just be open and notice if sensations or emotions arise. It’s not necessary to force anything. All that’s needed at this moment is your full attention. To locate your womb, feel the space about two inches below your navel. With your hands there, take a few deep breaths and note in the journal pages what this experience was like for you.

There is no right or wrong way to do this and not all women feel anything initially. Over time, regular attention to your womb will cause you to flower, heal, and birth a new you.

For more support in the area of womb healing, visit and follow @kimbady on social media. 7

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There is no one way to meditate. In this section you will find various ways to meditate, from sitting meditation, to walking meditation, to mantra meditation, to dancing meditation. All that is required is your full presence.

Breathing Meditation

Find a comfortable place to sit. Do a body scan to ensure there is no tension in your face, neck, shoulders, chest, back and legs. Relax your body and place your hands on your womb space, two inches below your navel.

Drop your attention from your thoughts to your feminine center, your womb space. If thoughts arise, simply bring your awareness back down to your womb.

With your hands on your womb, focus on your breath. Feel your abdomen rise and fall as you inhale and exhale. Without manipulating your breath, notice as you breathe in and breathe out.



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Then take some deep breaths. On the inhale visualize a ball of light coming into your womb space. On the exhale, visualize the cares, worries, and stress from the day pouring out and let out a releasing sigh as you exhale. Do this for three to five minutes or until you feel you have completed thisexercise.

Mantra Meditation Whether you are sitting, standing, or walking, place your hands over your womb and repeat the following mantra for as long as you feel necessary. You can also create your own mantra or blessing to speak over your womb.

My womb is blessed, sacred, and whole. It is a wise and loving container of transformation and creativity.

Grounding Meditation

As you sit or stand, visualize roots under your feet connecting to the earth. As the roots spread deep into the ground it draws upon the earth’s richest resources just as a tree planted by a river.


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Take a few deep breaths and visualize those rich resources coming up from the ground through your feet and into you’re your womb space on the inhale. As you exhale, let go of anything that is not supporting or uplifting to you. Let it all go with a loud sigh of release.

Repeat as many times as you feel necessary and note your experience in the journal pages.

Protection Meditation

Get in a comfortable position of sitting or lying down. Drop your awareness to your womb space and visualize yourself in the middle of the womb’s expansiveness with a protective white light all around you, emanating outside of you as a force field. Repeat the mantra I am protected, my love ones are protected, I release fear and I receive peace. Now inhale peace and exhale fear. Make a releasing sound when you exhale.

Womb Heart Meditation

Place your right hand over your heart and you left hand over your womb space. First bring your attention to your heart.


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Then send the loving energy from your heart, to your womb space. Visualize love from your heart field healing your womb. Continue this practice as long as you feel necessary. Write about your experience in the journal pages.

Dancing Meditation

Put on your favorite mood music and bring your full attention to your pelvic area. Where your attention goes, your energy flows. As you move to the music, visualize a ball of energy in your pelvic space. Shift your hips from right to left, forward and backward. Go with your own flow and picture that energy moving through out your entire body. Do this exerciseas long as you feel necessary and note your experience in the journal pages.

Womb Blessings

Bless your womb daily by speaking healing words to her. Simply bring your attention to your womb. Place your hands there and speak a blessing. You may use the words below that resonate with you or create your own words. Then visualize your womb healed and whole.


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The more you speak blessings over you womb, the more you dismantle old beliefs that you may have carried around your entire life.

My womb is free from disease. My womb is free from the connections of past lovers. My womb radiates love. I recognize the magnificence of my sacred center. My womb is a loving fertile container that gives birth to life. My womb is an energetic creative space. My womb is wise and intelligent.


Womb RitualsThe Sacred Bath

Create a sacred bath space by lighting candles or playing meditative music. Fill your tub with water and add Epsom salts and a few drops of your desired essential oils. My favorite oil fora sacred bath is frankincense.

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Frankincense is considered the “holy anointing oil”. It has been used in religious ceremonies for thousands of years and has medicinal properties to help with depression, inflammation, and is immune stimulating. Soak for at least 20 minutes & speak healing to your womb and life

Womb Anointing

In the morning before you start your day and in the evening, before going to sleep, bring some loving attention to your sacred center. Using essential oils or any oil that has been blessed by you or someone else, place a small drop in your hands and rub your hands together. Be careful when using essential oils if you have sensitive skin. You may want to mix the essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, olive oil, or jojoba oil. With your hands on your womb speak womb blessings, say a prayer, or choose a womb meditation during this ritual practice.


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Crystal Healing

Crystals are formed in the womb of Mother Earth and have healing properties. They are living beings and carry within them the energy of the earth. We have been gifted by Mother Nature, the power to heal ourselves using the natural resources available to us. Crystals and gemstones have been used in biblical references to adorn Temples and Kings. Ancient civilizations used them for protection and therapeutic purposes. Crystal therapy is nothing new but more people are discovering their healing benefits from relieving pain, reducing stress, boosting energy or to restore inner balance.

So not only are they beautiful, they radiate their own vibrations that can positively impact your vibrations by emitting electromagnetic frequencies that create biochemical shifts.

Practice: Choose a crystal that speaks to you and place it on your womb


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space while lying down. As you inhale, send your womb energy to the chosen crystal. On the exhale, draw in the healing properties of the crystal. Continue this practice as long as you like. Journal your response.

If you’re new to using crystals try rose quartz, moonstone. They are both very nurturing and healing. The Rose Quartz is all about love. It amplifies your love for yourself and others. Moonstone has feminine energy and great for healing female issues.

Solar/Lunar Ritual

Connect with the energizing and healing benefits of the sun and moon in your womb space. In the morning face the sun and visualize the sun’s rays energizing your womb. Inhale the energy and exhale anything you’d like to release. You can do the same for the moon at night. The moon is also a powerful feminine force and amplifies your feminine energy. Write about your experience in your womb journal.


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Womb Recipes

Fibroids, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), endometriosis and other womb diseases plague women at alarming rates. With diet and lifestyle changes, many of these conditions can improve over time. Below are a few recipes that help to support a healthy womb and a vibrant life. Visualize these foods bringing health to your womb and to your entire body.

Womb Juice: 1 Beet including the stems and leaves ,1 Cucumber, 2 Apples, 1 Tbsp fresh ginger

Womb Smoothie: 1 Mango, 1 Cup Pineapples, 2 Cups Spinach

Womb Salad: Kale, Broccoli, Sprouts, Avocado, Strawberries, Blackberries, A sprinkling of cinnamon

Womb Tea : Red raspberry leaf, Water, Agave or honey, Steep red raspberry leaf in hot water for 10 minutes. Add a natural sweetener if desired. Red raspberry helps with PMS, and promotes uterine health. Be careful with taking herbs if you’re pregnant.


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A mandala is a sacred circle used in various spiritual traditionsfor meditation practice. In ancient times mandalas or sacred circles were associated with the womb. The following mandalas in this section represent your womb. In your quiet time of womb awareness and breathing, ask your womb what is present within you that should be removed?

Whatever comes up for you, a person’s name or a situation, write it in the empty space of your womb mandala. There is no wrong or right way to do this. You can write words or draw images. Feel free to use color pencils or highlighters to express what comes up within your womb. To cleanse your womb space, follow the breathing meditation exercise in part two. And as you exhale, visualize yourself letting go. Then follow up with the mantra meditation and speak blessings over your womb daily.

Additionally, may also ask your womb, what gifts are present that need to be cultivated. Use another mandala to write what gifts come up for you. Again, you may use words or images and colors to express your womb’s gifts. Nuture your sacred space and tend to your wombl ike garden.



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Feel free to revisit this activity on a regular basis, i.e. monthly or quarterly. If you need more space for this activity, try drawing your own mandala in the journal space in part five.


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The menstrual chart is a great way to learn more about your own personal flow. It helps you take a closer look at who you are and allows you to become more intimately acquainted with yourself whether you still have a menstrual flow or not.

Your menstrual health acts as a mirror to your overall health and vitality. Healing your relationship with your cycle will help you heal aspects of yourself.

If you are still menstruating, indicate the first day of your flow. Write the date on the chart and note things like heavy bleeding, irritable, cramps, calm, light flow, migraine, fatigued, vivid night dreams, sensual energy, creative ideas, etc. If you need more space to write, use the journal pages in the next section.

If you are no longer menstruating, find out when the next new moon is and that will be day one of your cycle. In early cultures the moon was the woman’s first calendar. It was used to track a woman’s fertility. The womb also mirrors the woman's cycle., cycling every 28 to 29 days.



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Use all three charts and track your cycle over the next 90 days.

The charts will also help you embrace your inner season. You will notice that each season is represented during your menstrual cycle. So no, you are not crazy; you are navigating your way through winter, spring, summer, and autumn all in one month’s time.

Winter is the time just before your menstrual flow and during your flow. This is the time that your energy may decline and a great time to go within and do some introspective work. You may also feel the need to clean or organize just before your flow starts, as your body prepares for the release. When your flow starts that is day one of your cycle. As you go within, find out what comes up for you that should be released as your body naturally releases toxins. This is also a great time to rest and rejuvenate. If you are unable to rest during this entire phase, most of us are not, carve out some time during the evenings or an hour or two for some special “me time” to honor your flow, to listen to your inner wisdom, ideas, and inspired creativity. This is how we reclaim the power and sacredness of our menstrual cycle.


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Once viewed as a curse, we are learning that our flow is magical, mysterious, and powerful. And understanding it empowers us to better support ourselves all month long.

The next season is spring, around day 7 of your cycle. This is the time just after your flow when you are starting to gain more energy and may be ready to work on the divine ideas you received during your flow. Your creativity is in full swing. Be gentle with yourself to avoid burn out during this season

Then there is summer, ovulation time, around day 14! Summer invites us to live full on. During this time you mayfirirng on all cylinders and find yourself very productive, outgoing, and in a creative flow. Its also a time when you are most magnetic and outgoing.

Autum is next, around day 21 and your energy may tend to wane. You may seem to slow down a bit. This is natural. You are not lazy. You were not meant to operate at the same speed and pace every day. Understanding this will help you to plan your life around what's happening with your inner calendar for better flow in your life.


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As you are charting your cycle, you will notice patterns that will help you make adjustments that benefit your well being. For instance, if you are usually fatigued during the winter season of your cycle, you may want to avoid eating too much sugar that will further drain your energy supply or avoid people who tend to drain you if possible.

Please note that this is only a guide and you may feel yourself at different places during your cycle, especially if you use contraception or are no longer menstruating.

What’s important is that you listen to your body and pay attention to your cycle. Getting to know yourself more intimately is key to bringing more harmony and flow to your life.

For more menstrual support, visit


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Menstrual Chart

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Womb Journaling requires openness and receptivity. As you listen to the voice of your womb, be sure to journal what you hear. You womb has a clear and distinct voice. The more you connect to this sacred space, the more you will hear the stirrings, messages, visions, ideas, and guidance of your womb. Use this space to journal your response from each section. You may also use the following guidance questions inspired by, A Course in Miracles, to help you connect to your womb.

Guidance Prayer:

Placing your hands over your womb, ask the following guidance questions:

What is it you’d have me know today?

What is it you’d have me do today?

Where is it you’d have me go today?

What is it you’d have me say today and to whom?

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