Page 1: The World of Advertising Teacher Guide Persuasive ... · The World of Advertising Persuasive advertising techniques,Q WKLV OHVVRQ ZH DQDO\VH D SXEOLF VHUYLFH DQQRXQFHPHQW E\ H[DPLQLQJ


Teacher Guide

English Lesson Notes

The World of Advertising

Persuasive advertising techniques

explore more ways in which advertisements manipulate viewers.

Lesson OutcomesBy the end of this lesson you should be able to:• analyse a public service announcement using the

• use advertising terminology in your analysis•

advertisers use to persuade people to buy products

Curriculum LinksLO2: Reading and Viewing•

and shape values and attitudes•

audio and multimedia texts

Lesson Notes

• Our interest is aroused because the advert tells a

makes us associate illiteracy with a real person and also because we feel sorry for Mandla and people

encourage viewers to think about how they can

parodied adverts are shown to illustrate other persuasive

Adverts for fast foods often give limited information.

told that it is high in fat or of poor nutritional value.

Adverts for beauty products play on our desire to be attractive and to be accepted by others.

that certain products will make us look attractive and desirable to others. Adverts for beauty products also

after’ photos which create a false or exaggerated impression of the effects of the product.

Adverts for some cleaning products play

we will be embarrassed and unable to act in a social environment. Such

adverts lead us to believe that the products can change





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