Page 1: The World’s Most Dangerous Doctrine

The World’s Most Dangerous The World’s Most Dangerous


Chastisement Part 2Chastisement Part 2

Page 2: The World’s Most Dangerous Doctrine

Last Week in ReviewLast Week in ReviewLast week we saw that there are two forms of Last week we saw that there are two forms of

chastening in the Word of God.chastening in the Word of God.

Psalm 94:10Psalm 94:10--1212——the first definition is that of the first definition is that of

correction. This form of correction takes the form correction. This form of correction takes the form

of instruction, the law provided correction which is of instruction, the law provided correction which is

a form of chastisement. Therefore, the first a form of chastisement. Therefore, the first a form of chastisement. Therefore, the first a form of chastisement. Therefore, the first

definition simply means to educate or inform with definition simply means to educate or inform with

the goal of correcting.the goal of correcting.

Proverbs 3:11Proverbs 3:11--1212——once again we see once again we see

chastisement associated with correction. This chastisement associated with correction. This

second definition deals with keeping the law and second definition deals with keeping the law and

fearing the punishment of God that is outlined in fearing the punishment of God that is outlined in

the Law.the Law.

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Last Week in ReviewLast Week in Review

We also learned in Deuteronomy 28:45We also learned in Deuteronomy 28:45--4646——the the God chastened Israel under the law according God chastened Israel under the law according to the second definition. We saw that God’s to the second definition. We saw that God’s design in Chastening was to destroy the nation design in Chastening was to destroy the nation of Israel and that Chastisement functioned as a of Israel and that Chastisement functioned as a sign to the nation regarding their relationship sign to the nation regarding their relationship sign to the nation regarding their relationship sign to the nation regarding their relationship with God.with God.

Lastly we looked at the following question, Lastly we looked at the following question, “upon what basis would God deal with the Body “upon what basis would God deal with the Body of Christ this fashion?”of Christ this fashion?”

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Last Week in ReviewLast Week in Review

Exodus 14:13Exodus 14:13——here we see the physical here we see the physical intervention of God to save his earthly people intervention of God to save his earthly people from a physical enemy.from a physical enemy.

II Corinthians 5:16II Corinthians 5:16——God does not deal with his God does not deal with his spiritual heavenly people after the flesh.spiritual heavenly people after the flesh.spiritual heavenly people after the flesh.spiritual heavenly people after the flesh.

II Corinthians 5:19II Corinthians 5:19——if God is not even imputing if God is not even imputing men’s trespass unto them’s trespass unto them today.

Colossians 2:13Colossians 2:13——believers have already been believers have already been forgiven all trespasses.forgiven all trespasses.

Romans 6:14Romans 6:14--1515——we are not under the Law we are not under the Law system.system.

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Last Week in ReviewLast Week in Review

Romans 5:1Romans 5:1——based on the cross work of Jesus based on the cross work of Jesus Christ God is at peace with us.Christ God is at peace with us.

We concluded last week that while God is not We concluded last week that while God is not chastening us today in the Dispensation of chastening us today in the Dispensation of Grace that same way he chastened Israel in Grace that same way he chastened Israel in Grace that same way he chastened Israel in Grace that same way he chastened Israel in time past under the law, believers still are in time past under the law, believers still are in need of correction.need of correction.

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What About SufferingWhat About Suffering

I Corinthians 10:13I Corinthians 10:13——there is nothing in your life there is nothing in your life that you will experience that is not common to that you will experience that is not common to man. No one today is given any type of special man. No one today is given any type of special temptation.temptation.

Job 5:6Job 5:6--77——suffering comes upon all men suffering comes upon all men Job 5:6Job 5:6--77——suffering comes upon all men suffering comes upon all men because of the curse of sin.because of the curse of sin.

Job 14:1Job 14:1——suffering and trouble are common to suffering and trouble are common to all men.all men.

Ecclesiastes 2:22Ecclesiastes 2:22--2323——we are part of a we are part of a suffering tradition it is called the human race.suffering tradition it is called the human race.

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The Privilege of SufferingThe Privilege of Suffering

Philippians 1:28Philippians 1:28--2929——suffering is a privilege part suffering is a privilege part of what God is doing. We can expect suffering of what God is doing. We can expect suffering as believes because we live in a world system as believes because we live in a world system that is antithat is anti--God.God.

Is this that same teaching that we saw in Duet. Is this that same teaching that we saw in Duet. Is this that same teaching that we saw in Duet. Is this that same teaching that we saw in Duet. 28? Did God tell Israel that they could rejoice in 28? Did God tell Israel that they could rejoice in their suffering?their suffering?

In the Dispensation of Grace suffering is a gift In the Dispensation of Grace suffering is a gift from heaven designed to conform us into the from heaven designed to conform us into the image of Jesus Christ.image of Jesus Christ.

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The Privilege of SufferingThe Privilege of Suffering

II Corinthians 1:4II Corinthians 1:4--55——God is not chastening us God is not chastening us the way Israel was in time past.the way Israel was in time past.

Romans 5:3Romans 5:3--55

II Corinthians 4:8II Corinthians 4:8--1111——our sufferings are not our sufferings are not designed to destroy us. Rather they are designed to destroy us. Rather they are designed to destroy us. Rather they are designed to destroy us. Rather they are opportunities for the life of Christ to be made opportunities for the life of Christ to be made manifest in our mortal flesh.manifest in our mortal flesh.

II Corinthians 4:16II Corinthians 4:16--1818——God is not working in God is not working in the realm of what can see but what we cannot the realm of what can see but what we cannot see.see.

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Chastening TodayChastening TodayI Corinthians 11:32I Corinthians 11:32——we need to judge we need to judge ourselves through the Word of God.ourselves through the Word of God.

I Corinthians 2:14I Corinthians 2:14--1616——we are all in possession we are all in possession of the mind of Christ. We need to use the mind of the mind of Christ. We need to use the mind we have been given and judge ourselves in we have been given and judge ourselves in light of the word of God.light of the word of God.light of the word of God.light of the word of God.

I Thessalonians 5:21I Thessalonians 5:21

Philippians 1:9Philippians 1:9--1010

I Corinthians 11:31I Corinthians 11:31--3232——if we don’t judge if we don’t judge ourselves other saints will. When believers are ourselves other saints will. When believers are judged Paul says that it is the chastening of the judged Paul says that it is the chastening of the Lord.Lord.

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How It WorksHow It Works

I Timothy 1:20I Timothy 1:20——“that they may learn”“that they may learn”

II Timothy 2:25II Timothy 2:25--2626——“instructing”“instructing”

Titus 2:12Titus 2:12——“teaching”“teaching”

II Timothy 3:15II Timothy 3:15--1616——“correction and instruction “correction and instruction in righteousness”in righteousness”in righteousness”in righteousness”

God is chastening believes today through the God is chastening believes today through the Word of God. Our chastening is according to Word of God. Our chastening is according to the first type, correction by instruction.the first type, correction by instruction.

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Concluding RemarksConcluding RemarksThree months ago we began this study by Three months ago we began this study by identifying three types of Dangerous Doctrine.identifying three types of Dangerous Doctrine.

1.1. Doctrine that rejects the Word of God and is Doctrine that rejects the Word of God and is total and complete human and complete human viewpoint.

2.2. Doctrine that uses the Bible but adds human Doctrine that uses the Bible but adds human 2.2. Doctrine that uses the Bible but adds human Doctrine that uses the Bible but adds human tradition to the Bible.tradition to the Bible.

3.3. Doctrine that is Scriptural but not Doctrine that is Scriptural but not Dispensational is the most dangerous form of Dispensational is the most dangerous form of doctrine you can teach.doctrine you can teach.

Numbers 14:34Numbers 14:34--4545——what a difference a day what a difference a day makes. makes.

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