  • 1. Their World Turned Upside Down A Rant In The Finest Tradition Of The English Revolutionary Spirit; a homage to Andrew Marr.

2. To St Georges Hill [EPIC] They defied the landlords [BBC/ITV] The defied the laws [HM Govt] They were the dispossessed reclaiming what was theirs A ragged band they called the Diggers [Thats you!] Came to show the peoples will In 1649 [2010] 3. We come in peace they said To dig and sow [@CyberDoyle] We come to work the lands in common And to make the waste ground grow [local] This earth divided We will make whole A common treasury for all [YouTube] So it will be 4. The sin of property We do disdain [Not-for-Profit/Loss] No man has any right to buy and sell The earth for private gain They took the land Now everywhere the walls Spring up at their command [Murdoch] By theft and murder 5. They make the laws [Jeremy] To chain us well The clergy dazzle us with heaven Or they damn us into hell The God they serve The God of greed who feed the rich Whilst poor men starve We will not worship 6. We work we eat together [The Lawyer 6pm] We need no swords We will not bow to the masters Or pay rent to the lords [Murdoch] Though we are poor [Start-ups] You Diggers all stand up for glory Stand up now [Sit still; only a song] We are free men 7. From the men of property [Parry, Shott] The orders came They sent the hired men and the troopers To wipe out the Diggers claim [YouView] Destroy their corn They were dispersed But still the vision lingers on [#1000flowers] Tear down their cottages 8. You poor take courage [Ben, Claire] You rich take care [Claire Enders, lol..] This earth was made a common treasury For everyone to share All people one We come in peace The orders came to cut them down All things in common 9. This book deals with the attempts of various groups of the common people to impose their own solutions to the problems of their time, in opposition to the wishes of the betters Christopher Hill, The World Turned Upside Down 10. We understand, that our digging upon that Common, is the talk of the whole land; some approving, some disowning. Some are friends, filled with love Others are enemies filled with fury, and falsely report of us Gerrard Winstanley to General Fairfax 11. There was inevitable pressure on all sects to seek some support from some men of propertyThe insidious pressures of the world bore down on the children of light even as they organised to turn the world upside down Christopher Hill, Conclusion 12. To seek some support from some men of property 1) Build networks. 2) Forge unlikely friendships 3) Cultivate HM Government 4) Chase and embrace brands 5) Just do it. 13. Think like a network 14. Forge unlikely friendships 15. MyDoorway.To/Loddon The coffee shop is working with Yahoo Inc. to create new website design which consists of six free channels: news, entertainment, wellness, business, career, and my neighborhood. MyDoorway.To/Loddon Ad Ad Ad News Fresh, relevant Visit Tourism, offers Live Parish Council Learn Schools news Play Sports clubs Market Classified ads 16. We can never underestimate the powerful pull of local identity; the historic connections, traditions and shared history which shaped communities long before regional government [er.. TV?] was even invented Cultivate HM Government 17. Chase and embrace brands Work with the men of property brand can be district councils, NHS Trusts not just Ford, Adnams SainsburysLocal theyre seeking you as much as youre seeking them 18. Just do it Talking and writing books is all nothing and must die. For action is the life of all, and if thou does not act, thou dost nothing Gerrard Winstanley 19. And, finally, Mr Marr The Ranters were the merriest of all devils for lascivious songs they took tobacco and drank ale at their meetings and were grown light and loose they were unattached and prepared to break with tradition..

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