Page 1: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics chips

Wang, Feifei; Liu, Lianqing; Li, Gongxin; Li, Pan; Wen, Yangdong; Zhang, Guanglie; Wang,Yuechao; Lee, Gwo-Bin; Li, Wen Jung

Published in:Microsystems & Nanoengineering

Published: 27/08/2018

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Published version (DOI):10.1038/s41378-018-0029-y

Publication details:Wang, F., Liu, L., Li, G., Li, P., Wen, Y., Zhang, G., Wang, Y., Lee, G-B., & Li, W. J. (2018). Thermometry ofphotosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics chips. Microsystems & Nanoengineering, 4, [26].

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Page 2: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

Wang et al. Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2018) 4:26 Microsystems & NanoengineeringDOI 10.1038/s41378-018-0029-y

ART ICLE Open Ac ce s s

Thermometry of photosensitive andoptically induced electrokinetics chipsFeifei Wang1,2,3, Lianqing Liu1, Gongxin Li4, Pan Li1,2, Yangdong Wen1, Guanglie Zhang3, Yuechao Wang1,Gwo-Bin Lee5 and Wen Jung Li 1,3,6

AbstractOptically induced electrokinetics (OEK)-based technologies, which integrate the high-resolution dynamicaddressability of optical tweezers and the high-throughput capability of electrokinetic forces, have been widely usedto manipulate, assemble, and separate biological and non-biological entities in parallel on scales ranging frommicrometers to nanometers. However, simultaneously introducing optical and electrical energy into an OEK chip mayinduce a problematic temperature increase, which poses the potential risk of exceeding physiological conditions andthus inducing variations in cell behavior or activity or even irreversible cell damage during bio-manipulation. Here, wesystematically measure the temperature distribution and changes in an OEK chip arising from the projected imagesand applied alternating current (AC) voltage using an infrared camera. We have found that the average temperature ofa projected area is influenced by the light color, total illumination area, ratio of lighted regions to the total controlledareas, and amplitude of the AC voltage. As an example, optically induced thermocapillary flow is triggered by the lightimage-induced temperature gradient on a photosensitive substrate to realize fluidic hydrogel patterning. Our studiesshow that the projected light pattern needs to be properly designed to satisfy specific application requirements,especially for applications related to cell manipulation and assembly.

IntroductionIn the past two decades, optically induced electro-

kinetics (OEK)-based technologies have rapidly extendedinto research fields such as manipulation, fabrication andassembly on the micro/nanoscale because of theirsuperior ability to provide flexible, dynamic, non-invasive,high-resolution, and high-throughput approaches com-pared to traditional modalities (e.g., electrophoresis, die-lectrophoresis, optical tweezers, magnetic tweezers, andacoustic traps)1. In 1995, Mizuno et al. used a focusedlaser beam to trigger a microvortex in liquid films towhich a high-frequency electric field was applied enablingDNA translation and stretching2,3. By adjusting the localconductivity of an indium tin oxide (ITO) electrode using

ultraviolet (UV) illumination to control electrophoreticdeposition, Hayward et al. achieved the assembly of col-loidal particles with diameters from submicrometers to 2μm in the lighted regions4. By replacing the focused laserbeam with a programmable illumination system andapplying a highly efficient photoconductive material,Chiou et al. demonstrated an optical image-driven die-lectrophoresis technique, usually referred to as optoelec-tronic tweezers (OETs) or optically induceddielectrophoresis (ODEP), for the parallel high-resolutionmanipulation of cells or microparticles5. ODEP retains thedynamic addressability of optical tweezers and high-throughput material selectivity of traditional dielec-trophoresis while requiring five orders of magnitude lessoptical intensity than optical tweezers6. In addition toODEP, a series of OEK-based phenomena have beenexplored, such as optoelectrowetting7, light-actuatedalternating current (AC) electroosmosis8, light-actuatedAC electrothermal flow9, optically induced

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Correspondence: Wen Jung. Li ([email protected]) ([email protected])1State Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, 110016 Shenyang, China2University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, 100049 Beijing, ChinaFull list of author information is available at the end of the article.











Page 3: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and opticallyinduced electrochemistry12,13. These methods have beenwidely used to manipulate single cells or DNA mole-cules14 in parallel5, concentrate and transport multipleEscherichia coli cells15, trap single-wall and multi-wallcarbon nanotubes16,17, manipulate and separate semi-conducting and metallic nanowires18, control local pH orchemical concentration19,20, and fabricate microlensarrays21 and semiconducting/metallic devices12,13.The realization of these methods depends on ingenious

applications of photosensitive electrodes that usuallycontain a photoconductive layer (e.g., hydrogenatedamorphous silicon (a-Si:H)5, single-crystalline bipolarjunction transistors22, or bulk-heterojunction poly-mers23) and a transparent ITO electrode. When inte-grated with another ITO counter electrode, thisphotosensitive electrode is usually referred to as an OEKchip21,24. Dynamic or programmable manipulation iscommonly triggered through the optical images gener-ated by a digital micromirror device (DMD)5,8,20, a pro-jector9,21,24, or a liquid-crystal-based spatial lightmodulator25,26. The constructed light images are usuallyfocused by objectives with different magnifications fordifferent applications by considering, e.g., the operationalfield of view, resolution, and required minimum virtualelectrodes5,13,21. The absorbance of incident photons inthe photoconductive layer induces the generation ofelectron-hole pairs and phonons, causing local con-ductivity and temperature increases, respectively27.Through the exploration of these temperature gradientsgenerated in OEK chips, optically controlled bubblemicrorobots have been shown to manipulate microbeadsand assemble microblocks and cell-encapsulatinghydrogel beads based on the optically induced thermo-capillary effect28,29. Additionally, the Joule heating drivenby the applied electric field increases the temperature inthe OEK chip further, similar to the conditions of die-lectrophoresis (DEP)-based manipulations27,30. For bio-logical applications, small temperature differences mayinduce significant variations in cell behavior and activityand protein reactivity30–32. Irreversible cell damage ordeath can arise from either a short, sharp increase or asustained moderate increase in temperature33,34. Thebuffer temperature needs to be controlled such thatit does not exceed physiological conditions by more than3 °C for prolonged amounts of time to avoid the gen-eration of any kind of hyperthermic stress in the cells30.Though OEK-based micro/nano manipulation and fab-rication have been widely studied, systematic spatial andtemporal temperature increases on OEK chips inducedby illumination color and pattern have not been reported.Studying the OEK chip thermal effect is essential tofacilitate further temperature control for variousapplications.

Here, we present systematic measurements of thetemperature distribution and changes over time in anOEK chip and a photoconductive substrate. The influ-ences of light color, projected image shape, image size,light distribution, and applied AC parameters on thetemperature increase have been explored using an infra-red (IR) camera that enables contactless transient tem-perature profile measurement without interfering with thethermal performance of the original system. To reveal thetemperature distribution inside the OEK chip, we performsimulations based on the experimental parameters withresults that are highly consistent with the experimentalobservations. The temperature distribution in cells dis-persed in different areas of the OEK chip is studied bysimulation. As a representative application of the lightimage-induced temperature gradient on a photosensitivesubstrate, fluidic hydrogel patterning driven by opticallyinduced thermocapillary flow is proposed.

Materials and methodsExperimental setupThe OEK chip photoconductive electrode used in our

experiments is comprised of a 120 nm ITO layer sputteredonto 600-μm-glass and a ~1 μm a-Si:H layer depositedonto the ITO layer through plasma-enhanced chemicalvapor deposition (PECVD). The thicknesses of the ITOand glass layers of the upper transparent ITO electrodeare ~ 120 nm and ~ 1mm, respectively. These two elec-trodes are separated by ~ 100-μm-thick double adhesivetape. The OEK chip is placed between a 50× objective(Nikon TU Plan EPI ELWD, Japan) focusing the lightimages generated by a commercial projector (VPL-F400X,Sony, Japan) and an optical microscope (Zoom 160,Optem, USA), as shown in Fig. 1a (schematic diagram)and Supplementary Figure S1 (actual photograph). Dif-ferent colors generated by the projector are created bymixing different ratios of filtered red, green and blue light,which means the colors (e.g., “cyan” and “yellow”) are real.The photoconductive layer is placed at the working planeof the lower and upper objectives (Fig. 1a). The position ofthe OEK chip is adjusted by a three-dimensional trans-lation platform (Leetro Automation Co. Ltd, China).When the chip temperature distribution is being mon-itored, the optical microscope is replaced by an IR camera(ImageIR4320, InfraTec GmbH, Germany), as shown inSupplementary Figure S1. The AC bias potential appliedon the two ITO layers of the OEK chip is supplied by afunction generator (Agilent 33522A, USA). For clarity, theOEK chip is called a photosensitive (PS) chip whenthe amplitude of AC potential is set to zero, i.e., a specialcase of OEK. Before the experiments, we first compare thehotplate temperature measured by the IR camera and athermocouple sensor (#6212158, #5120288, RS Compo-nents Ltd) at several set points. The results show that

Wang et al. Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2018) 4:26 Page 2 of 9

Page 4: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

these two methods are highly consistent (SupplementaryFigure S2).

Results and discussionObjective temperatureIn our experiments, the objective working distance

used to focus the projected images is ~10 mm, whichmay be close enough to heat the chip. The situation isworsened as the objective magnification increases or theworking distance decreases. Therefore, we first examinethe objective temperature increase upon illuminationwith projected light of different colors, such as red, blue,green, yellow and cyan with the spectrum shown in

Supplementary Figure S3a. The projected images fill therear objective aperture with single color light. Thetemperature distribution around the objective lens isshown in Fig. 1b. The average temperature in the middlearea of the front objective lens is used to represent theobjective temperature (the red region in Fig. 1b). Initi-ally, the light color is adjusted to black, corresponding tothe standby situation before manipulation, and theobjective temperature gradually increases to a steadytemperature of ~32 °C after illumination for ~1 h(Supplementary Figure S4a). The objective temperatureincreases as the light color is adjusted from black toother colors, and the rate of increase changes with the

40 : Mean (IR): Min (IR): TC









0 60 120

Time (s)

180 240 300















0 60 120 180 240 300

Time (s)


Fig. 2 a Temperature of the objective illuminated by light with different colors. b Temperature changes of photoconductive substrate with theillumination time and colors monitored by an infrared (IR) camera or a thermocouple (TC) sensor. Different line colors represent different illuminationcolors








Sample stage OEK chip

0 scb



5 s 33 s 67 s

233 s167 s100 s





OEK chip






Fig. 1 Temperature measurement of the OEK or PS chip. a Key experimental components used in the thermal imaging experiments. Temperaturedistribution on b the lower objective and c, d the OEK chip measured by an infrared camera. AC voltage with an amplitude of 20 Vpp and a frequencyof 50 kHz was applied to the OEK chip. The OEK chip was illuminated by cyan-color light

Wang et al. Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2018) 4:26 Page 3 of 9

Page 5: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

illumination color (Fig. 2a). When the projector isturned on and off with a switch duration of 150 or 60 s,the objective temperature shows evident thermal inertia(Supplementary Figure S4b, c).

Photoconductive substrate temperatureBefore studying the OEK chip, we first measured the

temperature distribution and changes in the a-Si:Hphotoconductive substrate. When the objective reachesa steady temperature (~32 °C) under black illumination,the photoconductive substrate is directly placed on thepre-adjusted three-dimensional translation platform,enabling it to be laid on the focal plane of the lowerobjective (Fig. 1c). When the rear objective aperture isfilled with light in our experimental setup, the focusedlight image on the photoconductive substrate is a solidcircle with a diameter of ~773 μm. The size of this areais denoted Sfull. The average temperature extracted fromthis area is used for further analysis. As the photo-conductive substrate is illuminated with light, the tem-perature increases quickly in the focus area (Fig. 2b)with a faster response than the objective (Fig. 2b andSupplementary Figure S4b). A net temperature increaseof up to 20 °C from an initial temperature of ~21 °C ismeasured when the photoconductive substrate is illu-minated with cyan light. The temperature measured by

the thermocouple sensor is smaller than the minimumtemperature detected by the IR camera (Fig. 2b), whichmay arise from the disruption of the thermal conditionby introducing the thermocouple sensor. The diameterof the thermocouple sensor sensing unit is ~600 μm,which matches the illumination area. The photo-conductive substrate optically induced thermal responseis faster than the objective (Supplementary Figure S4and S5), indicating that the temperature change in thesubstrate is mainly induced by the absorption of theprojected light and that this illumination setup repre-sents an efficient means of adjusting the temperature orestablishing a temperature gradient.When the photoconductive substrate is illuminated by

projected light patterns with the same size but differentshapes, the average temperature does not show anapparent reliance on the light pattern shapes (Supple-mentary Figure S6). However, the average temperaturedoes decrease as the light patterns shrink (SupplementaryFigures S6 and S7). When the total light size is the same,the light distribution in a certain area does not have aclear influence on the measured temperature; however,the steady temperature decreases as the total illuminationarea or the dark area increases (Supplementary Figure S8).In other words, the average temperature increases withthe ratio of lighted to total controlled areas.


PS chip


Symbol Fluid






















200 60 120 180 240 30

Time (s)

Fig. 3 The relationship between temperature change in the PS chip and illumination time and color as monitored by an IR camera.Different color symbols represent different illumination colors. Squares, circles and rectangles, respectively, represent air, water and isotonic solutionfilled in the PS chip

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Page 6: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

PS and OEK chip temperatureWhen the photoconductive electrode is encapsulated

in PS chips filled with different fluids (air, deionizedwater, or isotonic solution), the measured temperatureis less than the bare photoconductive electrode for eachlight color at the same detection time without applyingAC voltage (Figs. 2, 3). Conversely, the OEK chip tem-perature increases with the applied AC amplitude butdoes not show an apparent dependence on the fre-quency when there is no illumination, which is con-sistent with prior analyses related to Joule heating inDEP manipulations35 (Fig. 4a). Without illumination,the maximum temperature increase induced by Jouleheating in our experiments is ~2 °C when a 20 Vpp ACvoltage is applied to the OEK chip, which is smaller thanthe temperature increase induced by light illumination(5–11 °C for different colored light). When illuminationand AC voltage are applied to the OEK chip simulta-neously, the temperature increases quickly and farexceeds the cases when they are used separately(Fig. 4a). Under these conditions, the light patternincreases the local conductivity of the photoconductivelayer by triggering electron-hole pair generation, whichtransfers the AC voltage to the liquid layer and thusinduces more Joule heating there (q / σ ´U2

rms, where qis the heating power per volume element, σ is the liquid

conductivity, and Urms is the root-mean-squarevoltage35).Figure 4c shows that the maximum DEP force calcu-

lated by finite element method software (COMSOL)decreases with the optical wavelength increase accordingto the Fermi-Dirac function when the optical power is thesame, which indicates that the ODEP force arises fromelectron-hole carrier generation in the photoconductivesubstrate36. Since both the temperature increase and DEPforce rely on the wavelength, the optimized DEP forcemay not be best for biomanipulation, i.e., the best colorfor maximizing the DEP force may induce a serioustemperature increase (Fig. 4).The internal three-dimensional temperature distribu-

tion of the OEK chip is difficult to directly measure usingan IR camera. To map the temperature distribution in anOEK chip, we performed transient simulation by COM-SOL. Because the temperature increase induced by illu-mination is more apparent than Joule heating, thissimulation only considers illumination (Fig. 5). To matchthe experimental conditions, the temperature change inthe objective over time measured by the IR camera(Supplementary Figure S4b) is imported into the simula-tion model. The simulated temperature distribution at280 s (Fig. 5b, c) and the transient changes (Supplemen-tary Figure S9) in the PS chip and the photoconductive







27Cyan (C)Yellow (Y)Green (G)Blue (B)Red (R)50 kHz, 20 Vpp60 kHz, 20 Vpp70 kHz, 20 Vpp50 kHz, 15 Vpp60 kHz, 15 Vpp70 kHz, 15 Vpp50 kHz, 10 Vpp60 kHz, 10 Vpp70 kHz, 10 Vpp

C, 50 kHz, 20 VppY, 50 kHz, 20 VppG, 50 kHz, 20 VppB, 50 kHz, 20 VppR, 50 kHz, 20 Vpp


OEK chip



Numerical resultCurve-fit function




























450 500Wavelength (nm)

550 600 650 700








0 50 100 150Time (s)

200 250 300








re (





P fo







ght a

nd A


Fig. 4 a Influence of illumination color and AC voltage on the temperature of OEK chips filled with an isotonic solution consisting of 8.5% (w/v)sucrose and 0.3% (w/v) glucose with conductivity of 1.3 × 10−2 S/m. b Schematic showing the OEK chip in these experiments. c The influence ofillumination color on the DEP force applied to a 10 μm polystyrene bead

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Page 7: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

substrate are highly consistent with the experimentalresults. Based on these simulations, we can acquire anaccurate temperature distribution of the liquid inside thePS chip (Fig. 5d). When we add cell models to thissimulation, the temperature distribution in cells in dif-ferent areas of the PS chip can be determined. Supple-mentary Figure S10 shows that the maximumtemperature difference in cells with a diameter of 20 μmcan reach 0.7 °C for those around the illumination areaand decreases from the lighted middle area to the sur-rounding region. This temperature gradient will inducethermophoresis in the cell, influencing molecular move-ment across the cytoplasm37. The temperature gradientalong the PS chip will also influence the viability andactivity of cells located in different positions31. Therefore,for biological applications, the light pattern must beproperly designed to generate heat satisfying the cellrequirements, and the temperature gradient must bedecreased to minimize negative effects, e.g., thermo-phoresis. A heat sink or a stage temperature controllermay be required, in which case a reflective OEK systemwhere the projected light images for manipulation arefocused by the optical microscope objective is facilitatedto realize this function33,38.

Optically induced thermocapillary flowAlthough the temperature gradient can potentially

induce damage to biological samples, it can also play apositive role in non-biological manipulation, assemblyand fabrication. Temperature gradients can create surfacetension gradients, and therefore, thermocapillary effectshave been harnessed using prefabricated resistive heatingelements to manipulate liquid droplets39. However, thismethod lacks flexibility and shows low-resolutionaddressability. An optically absorbing liquid is requiredfor thermal gradients generated by the absorption of alaser in a liquid with greater flexibility to achieve theproposed thermocapillary-driven bubble or dropletmovement; however, the choice of liquid is confined byphysical and chemical properties40. When a photo-conductive substrate is illuminated with light, it generatesa local temperature increase (Fig. 1d), thereby providing aflexible approach to modulate a local temperature gra-dient field on the substrate and in the liquid media aboveit using arbitrary projected light images. The manipula-tion of gas bubbles in oil41 or water29 was demonstratedusing light-induced thermocapillary effects. The use of aphotosensitive substrate instead of absorbing liquidsimproves flexibility because it makes the optically induced




Experimental resut

Simulation resut



PS chip


Experimental resut

PS chip

Sample stage

Simulation resut









0 2 4

Position (mm)

6 8 10








Fig. 5 a Temperature distribution in the PS chip induced by illumination measured by an IR camera. The comparison between the experimental andsimulated b temperature distribution and c temperature along the bottom line in b, d. Simulated temperature distribution around the PS chipcorresponding to the marked area in a. Scale bars, 1 cm (a); 0.2 cm (b, d)

Wang et al. Microsystems & Nanoengineering (2018) 4:26 Page 6 of 9

Page 8: Thermometry of photosensitive and optically induced electrokinetics … · electrohydrodynamic instability10,11, and optically induced electrochemistry12,13.These methods have been

thermocapillary effect independent of the optical prop-erties of the manipulated liquids41.Here, we propose that the patterning of thin hydrogel

films can be realized by optically induced thermocapillaryflow on a photoconductive substrate, which also demon-strates the temperature difference in PS or OEK chips.Initially, an ~1 μm poly(ethylene) glycol diacrylate (PEGDA,Mw= 10 kDa, Mn= 575; Sigma Aldrich) film is spun ontothe photosensitive substrate. Optically induced thermo-capillary flow can be triggered when 6.8W/cm2 green lightimages illuminate the photosensitive substrate. A light gridimage with period of ~75 μm and light width of ~14 μm isused in this experiment. For optically induced thermo-capillary flow, external voltage is not applied. As shown inFig. 6a–d, the hydrogel is driven from warmer (lighted area)to cooler (dark area) regions under the effect of interfacialshear stress (TST) triggered by the light-induced tempera-ture gradient TST= dγ/dx= (dγ/dϑ) × (dϑ/dx), where γ isthe surface tension and ϑ is the temperature. As a result ofthis thermally induced liquid movement, the total surfaceenergy is minimized. A multiphysics simulation of ther-mocapillary flow on photosensitive substrates is conductedusing COMSOL. The simulated stationary solutions areshown in Fig. 6e. The shear stress at the interface betweenthe hydrogel film and air and the velocity of the hydrogelfluidic layer point toward the dark areas from the illumi-nated areas consistent with the experimental observations.

The patterned PEGDA can be further solidified by UVillumination, which has potential applications in the studyof cell behavior24.Optically induced thermocapillary flow can also be

used as pre-procedure to trigger other fluidic phenom-ena, e.g., electrohydrodynamic instability (EHDI) and tofabricate micro/nanostructures (Fig. 7). EHDI appearswhen an applied electric field overcomes surface tensionin thin films that are spun onto a lower electrode andseparated from an upper electrode by another medium(air, polymer or an ionic liquid)10,11,42. Initially, a poly-dimethylsiloxane (PDMS, Dow Corning, Sylgard-184)~1.7-μm-thick film is spun onto the photosensitivesubstrate of the OEK chip, in which two aluminum foilsare used to separate the two electrodes at a distance of~11 μm. After a 216-s illumination by a projected greenlight pattern with intensity of 6.8W/cm2 (Fig. 7a, b), apre-pattern appears under the action of opticallyinduced thermocapillary flow (Fig. 7c) in the PDMSlayer, which generates instability nucleation sites inthe dark areas. The illumination is turned off at 216 s,and electrohydrodynamic instability is triggered atthe instability nucleation sites when a 250-V directcurrent (DC) voltage is applied by a voltage source(Keithley 2410). After 96 s, a micropillar array can begenerated at the nucleation sites as the electricalforces (Nelec) overcome surface tension (Fig. 7e).

0 s

a61 s

135 s 135 s


Illuminated area

Velocity25 °C24

Dark area

2322 TST




Fig. 6 Optically induced thermocapillary flow for fluidic hydrogel patterning. a–d Experimental observation and e simulation study of opticallyinduced thermocapillary flow. The color table represents the temperature distribution in the liquid layer. Scale bars, 50 μm (d)

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(Nelec ¼ n �m � n ¼ εε0 E � nð Þ2�εε0 E � tð Þ2��

��=2, where n

and t are the local outer normal and tangent vectors onthe interface, E is the electric field, εε0 represents thedielectric permittivity, and ‖‖ denotes the jump ofoperand across the interface.). Separating the two elec-trodes or applying a pulse instead of continuous DCvoltage can facilitate the fabrication of a microlens array(Fig. 7f and Supplementary Figure S11). This processalso demonstrates the optically induced thermocapillaryfunction in the optically induced electrohydrodynamicinstability proposed previously by our group10,11,21.

ConclusionsSimilar to DEP chips, in which the Joule heating can be

minimized by optimizing the microelectrode geometry35,the projected light patterns must be properly designed tocontrol the temperature distribution in an OEK chip,especially in a parallel manipulation system5,6,8,26,43 wherecomplex light images cover a large chip surface area. Theaverage temperature in the projected area is influenced by

the light color, the total illumination area and the ratio oflighted regions to the total controlled areas. The situationis worsened when illumination and AC voltage are appliedsimultaneously because of the optically induced change inOEK chip electrical properties. The design of the lightpattern needs to satisfy different application require-ments. For biological applications, the temperature mustbe controlled to match physiological conditions, therebyrequiring the use of an adequate heat sink or a tempera-ture controller. However, cases involving, e.g., the poly-merase chain reaction44, temperature gradient focusing45,and optically induced thermocapillary flow require highaccuracy and resolution in temperature values or dis-tribution46. Objectives with larger magnification ornumerical aperture may be required to generate moreintensively focused light images with higher spatial reso-lution. However, as the magnification or numericalaperture increases, the objective working distancedecreases and, therefore, the objective thermal effect onOEK chip temperature will be more serious. We expectthat the experimental results presented in this paper willexpand the applications of OEK technology in differentfields, especially in bio-related applications.

AcknowledgementsThis study was partially supported by the NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme(Project Nos. 51461165501 and CityU132/14), the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Project Nos. 61522312, 61433017, and 61673278), theShenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission Municipality(Project Nos. JCYJ20170818105431734 and JCYJ20150828104330541), the CASFEA International Partnership Program for Creative Research Teams, and theHong Kong Research Grants Council (Project Nos. CityU 116912, and 9041928).

Author details1State Key Laboratory of Robotics, Shenyang Institute of Automation, ChineseAcademy of Sciences, 110016 Shenyang, China. 2University of ChineseAcademy of Sciences, 100049 Beijing, China. 3Shenzhen Academy of Robotics,518057 Shenzhen, China. 4Key Laboratory of Advanced Process Control forLight Industry of the Ministry of Education, Institute of Automation, JiangnanUniversity, 214122 Wuxi, China. 5Department of Power MechanicalEngineering, National Tsing Hua University, 30013 Hsinchu, Taiwan.6Department of Mechanical and Biomedical Engineering, , City University ofHong Kong, Kowloon Tong, Hong Kong, China

Author contributionsW.J.L., L.L., and F.W. conceived the basic idea and designed the experiments. F.W. carried out the experiments and simulations. F.W. and W.J.L. analyzed thedata and co-wrote the paper. W.J.L., L.L., G.Z., and Y.W. supervised the project.G.-B. L. provided OEK chips. G.L., P.L., and Y.W. assisted in the experimentalprocesses. All authors contributed to the general discussion and revision of themanuscript.

Conflict of interestThe authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Supplementary information accompanies this paper at

Received: 26 September 2017 Revised: 15 May 2018 Accepted: 24 May2018

0 s

a b216 s

216 s 235 s

310 s


e f

Fig. 7 Microstructures fabricated by optically induced thermocapillaryflow-assisted electrohydrodynamic instability. a, b A PDMS thick film(~1.7 μm) was illuminated by green light pattern. c After a 216-sillumination, a pre-pattern was observed when the projector was turnedoff. d, e Electrohydrodynamic instability was triggered at the nucleationsites generated by the thermocapillary flow. f Microlens array fabricatedby separating the two electrodes in d, e. Scale bars, 80 μm (f)

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