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Rice (Oryza sativa) is a vital food in the Philippines. Filipinos often include rice in

every meal. Philippines had been the leading exporter of rice in Southeast Asia in the late 1960’s

to 1970’s. Back then, representatives from different countries were sent to attend classes on how

to improve rice quality but now, countries like Vietnam and Thailand has surpassed the

Philippines in terms of producing and exporting rice. Ironically speaking, the leading exporter

before became the top rice importer today. Philippines have been experiencing rice shortage

from time to time; experts say that we now lack the ability to yield good quality rice plants.

One potential solution to help solve this crisis is the process called “Electro culture”.

This process is witnessed in the appearance of plants after thunderstorm and under the power

lines. Observations show that the plants look healthier under a thunderstorm because the dusts

and small particles in its leaves are washed by the rain. The proper reason for that is after a

thunderstorm, plants make use of the electric current produced by the lightning. After that, the

plants widely open its roots containing the guard cells which allow the passage of electric current

to increase the speed of production of their food.

In view of the fact that Philippines experiences a crisis regarding rice shortage, we

thought that electro culture maybe used to solve the problem by speeding up the production of

rice plants, therefore, improving the sector of agriculture of the Philippines.

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Statement of the Problem

This study focused on a new technique of rice production by applying small amount of

electricity for increase rice plant cultivation in less period of time. Primarily, the science research

intended at answering the following questions:

1. Do different amounts of electricity have significant effect on the growth of rice plants and

how does it affect these plants?

2. What is the specific range of the amount of electricity that should be applied to rice


3. How can we improve the cultivation and quality of rice plants using small amount of


4. Is the study applicable for various kinds of soil?

5. Was this technique efficient in stimulating the growth of rice plants?


1. There is no significant difference between the heights exhibited by rice plants exposed to

varying amounts of voltage.

2. There is no significant difference between the dry weights exhibited by rice plants

exposed to varying amounts of voltage.

3. There is no significant difference between the root nodulations exhibited by rice plants

exposed to varying amounts of voltage.

4. It is not applicable for all kinds of soil.

5. The electroculture technique was not efficient in stimulating the growth of rice plants.

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Significance of the Study

It is very important to look for alternative resources of cultivating rice plants. With less

or no damage to the environment and consumers, the process of electro culture shows a possible

strategy to increase rice plant production in a shorter period of time. With this method, it will be

possible to prevent the rice shortage and farmers can readily have available material to increase

their crop outputs.

This study is also significant to rice consumers because they can have a good quality of

rice without worrying in its increasing price and would benefit the following:

1. The Researchers. This study would enhance the researchers’ interest to learn and

develop new ideas that would provide an opportunity for young minds to understand the

different concepts and operations that is being used in the field of science.

2. The School. This study would give the school a name in the field of Science Reasearch

after the study has proven that electroculture can fasten the growth of rice plants.

3. The Farmers. This study presents a new technique of rice planting for agriculturists and

farmers. The modern method showed in this science reasearch study enables us to

provide easier and faster production of rice plants with good quality in a smaller period of

time that can be put into commerce.

4. The Readers. This study would provide ideas and knowledge to readers regarding the

research topic as well as the structure and format.

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Scope and Limitation

This study “Rapid Rice (Oryza Sativa) Plant Augmentation by means of Electroculture

Technique” aimed to produce rice with good quality by using electricity in a method called


In this research, the aspect looked into was the height (cm) of the various kinds of rice.

The main independent variable that would be investigated is the varying voltage from the

automatic voltage regulator connected to an electric source and volts from two batteries (each

batteries have 1.5 volts).

This science research was conducted to determine how fast rice plants can grow using the

electroculture process and to provide higher class expertise that can be relevant in agriculture,

chiefly in the rice production.

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Rice is an essential and staple food to almost all Filipinos. We eat rice for our every meal,

for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Having rice at the table is just as significant to Filipinos as it is

for Americans to have bread at the table.

Here in our country we usually prepare rice by steaming or cooking it in water. Rice can

be prepared in many different methods: frying, grinding used in stuffing and many other ways. It

is also used by many highland tribal here in the Philippines for their different kinds of ritual.

Rice was developed in the higher areas of the Philippines. The rice is grown on sculpted fields

that are known as terraces. These terraces are cut out of the mountains into flat areas that

resemble steps going up the mountain. Farmers then irrigate the land with water, as rice requires

careful and constant amounts of water. Special rice varieties were developed that were well-

suited to cooler, higher elevations. (Banzon, 2003)

As of 2006, according to the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization, 15

million metric tons of rice is exported by the Philippines, and our country is considered one of

the top exporters of rice. However, we still experience rice shortage at certain times. To prevent

this, a process called electro culture is being applied to improve the yield of rice.

Electro culture is the use of electricity of small power to improve plant germination,

growth, and yield. It is a field not yet fully explored by scientists, although it is as old as the

study of electricity itself. Moreover, electro culture is the study of the effects of electric fields on

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plants. A small voltage of electricity, whether directly or indirectly, can have some effects on a

plant’s behavior. A glint of electricity can increase the number of nitrogen-fixing bacteria on the

ground. These bacteria, which can be found in plants, speed up growth. To increase its

metabolism, small voltage is used to shock the whole system of the plant. (Deauna and Dorado -

Environmental Science for Philippine High School Science Book, 2008)

The application of electricity, magnetism, monochrome light, and sound can stimulate the

growth of plants to a great extent. This little-known technology, called Electro culture, can

accelerate growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop quality. Electro culture can protect

plants from diseases, insects and frost. These methods also can reduce the requirements for

fertilizer or pesticides. Farmers can grow bigger and better crops in less time, with less effort,

and at a lower cost.

The several approaches to Electroculture include: antennas, static electricity, direct and

alternating current, magnetism, radio frequencies, monochrome and intermittent lighting, and

sound. The energies are applied to the seeds, plants, soil or the water and nutrients.


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Method of Research

The experimental method of research was used in this study. As defined by Good,

experimental method of research is a method or procedure involving the control or manipulation

of conditions for the purpose of studying the relative effects of various treatments applied to

members of a sample, or of the same treatment applied to members of different samples. Its

purpose is to discover “what will be”. It depicts and analyzes variables in cautious conditions as

a basis for inferring. Since the present study was concerned with applying small amount of

electricity for speedy rice growth, the experimental method of research is the best method to


Devices, Materials and Tools

135 stalks of rice plants

27 pots of the same size

6 pieces of 1.5-volt battery

110-volt from 3 AVR each connected to an electrical source

10 meters of double wire

½ kilo of wire (no.18)

Meter stick

Magnifying glass

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General Procedures

The researchers divided the study into four major phases, and the procedures covered in

the study are as follows:


Figure 1. General Procedures used in the Conduct of the Study.

PHASE I: Collection of Data

Interview of professionals

Searching and analyzing data from books and web

PHASE II: Preparation of the Needed Materials

PHASE III: Actual Experimentation

Testing the technique to different set-ups

PHASE IV: Observations & Conclusions

Evaluation of the method in terms of effectiveness, quality and time span

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Figure 2.The different breeds of rice plants respectively RSC-75582, RSC-74975 & RSR-RC-


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Figure 3. Materials used for the process of Electroculture. (Top Left to Bottom: wires, 6pieces of

1.5 volts AAA Batteries, Various Breeds of Rice Plants) ; (Top Right to Bottom : U-Shaped

wires, 10 meters of Double Wire & 27 Clay Pots)

Research Paradigm

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Figure 4.The paradigm above shows the phases in using and testing the rice plant with the use of

electro culture

Utilization of the Expertise in Gathering Data and Materials Needed


Actual Experimentation & Observation on the Different Set-Ups


Effectiveness of the Electro culture Process in Rice Plant Cultivation

Monitor the aspects (height, dry weight and root nodulation)


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Figure 5.The illustration shown above is used to represent the set ups and the process of

cultivating the rice plants.

SET-UP AControlled Set-Up

SET-UP B3 volts of Electricity

SET-UP C110 Volts of Electricity

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Each pot (of the same size) contains 15 pieces of rice stalks. There are 3 replicates in

each breed. From what is shown above, 3 voltages from batteries will be applied to the set-up B;

110 voltages from AVR each connected to an electrical source will be applied to set-up C; and

lastly, no application of electro culture technique will be applied on the set-up C. The electrical

device to be used by the researchers in set-up A was constructed by coiling 12.5 cm of copper

wire in a nail affixed in a stick to be punctured in the soil nearest to the plant. The two ends of

the wire were then appended at the opposite terminals of two 1.5 volts batteries. Apparently, in

set-up C, the electrical device to be used was an AVR device with 110 voltages.


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A. Summary of the Findings

This study “Rapid Rice (Oryza Sativa) Plant Augmentation by means of Electroculture

Technique” aimed to produce rice with good quality by using electricity in a method called

Electroculture. The experimental method of research was utilized in this study and mechanical

devices such as meter stick, camera etc. served as the instrument for collecting data. The study

was conducted from October 27-December 11, 2010.

The application of electricity, magnetism, monochrome light, and sound can stimulate

the growth of plants to a great extent. This little-known technology, called Electro culture, can

accelerate growth rates, increase yields, and improve crop quality.

Based on the analysis of data, varying plant height was exhibited by the different

breeds of rice treated with varying amounts of electricity. Rice plants exposed to 3 volts grew

significantly taller and greener than rice plants not exposed to electricity and to those exposed to

110 volts.

B. Conclusions

Electroculture is the use of electricity of small power to improve plant germination,

growth, and yield. The important growth of rice plants in height was affected by the application

of low voltage electricity or Electroculture. Based on the findings, all breeds of rice plants grew

taller with the application of electricity of 3 volts than the application of electricity with 110

volts and the controlled set-up which had no application of electricity. Specific range of the

amount of electricity that should be applied to rice plants is 3-5 volts only.

C. Recommendations

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Based on the conclusion, the following suggestions are extended:

1. Apply electricity of 3 volts in the rice plants may also improve its dry weight.

2. Apply varying amount of volts between 3 volts and 110 volts for comparison and

further observations.

3. Conduct soil analysis for each clay soil sample that would be used.

4. Determine the effects of the same treatments investigated on the quality and quantity

of rice grains.

5. Use a nursery instead of pots for better electric circulation.

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A High School Thesis Presented to the Faculty and Staff of

Honorato C. Perez Sr. Memorial Science High School

Mabini Extension, Cabanatuan City

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement

Of the Subject Science Research II





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Rice is part of every meal for Filipinos and with that and a growing population; there

will come a time that lack of rice would be experienced. Though it had been televised that there

was indeed a shortage of rice, experts claimed that there hadn’t been a shortage at all, but only

hoarding and the like. Either reasons, we should be prepared for anything that might come and

that is why production of plants such as rice should be investigated.

Electroculture is devised by scientists to satisfy their curiosity regarding electricity and

its effects on the behavior of plants. Researches show that this process is only significant for root

crops. And this idea led to the researchers on curiosity.

This study revealed that rice plants grew taller and developed more root nodules when

exposed to diminutive and direct amount of electricity than those unexposed to electricity.

It is recommended that diminutive and direct amount of electricity be utilized to

improve agronomic characteristics of rice plants such as plant height, dry weight and root


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