Page 1: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006


The E


Spring 2006

Pikus Cup 2005Theta Zeta won their sec-ond consecutive Pikus Cup for the 2004-2005 year. Check out our photos and a recap of the sports year. Starts on page 6

AnchorBowl 2006The brotherhood partici-pated in Delta Gamma’s AnchorBowl competition in March, coming in third place overall. Congratula-tions to those involved

Welcome, Etas!Theta Zeta initiated the Eta Class of the fraternity on April 21, 2005. Congratula-tions to all the new broth-ers, as we reach initiate number 120

Chapter town-house secured for two years! Story

on page 3



I & F






of Th

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Page 2: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006









Marc AbantoAndrew Abdel-Malik

Larry AdlerRavi AlfredsKris Ansin

Andrew BacaDavid Balot

Christopher BarajasChris Burke

Noah CherryDrew CohenBobby CorpMike Costa

Mike CramerMike Dalesio

Barrett DemersChris DiBitetto

Jake DiGregorioMike DiNapoli

Kevin DiSabatinoSam Farber

Marco FattoriniMark Fisher

Andy FromknechtBrian GalloCory Gill

Ross GolbandJosh GordonSean Hallisey

Andrew HodesMatt Hudson

Rogers JacksonTodd JasperWes Johnson

Pat Kilmer-Lipinski

Pat KirbyDan Klionsky

Marc KnoxMark Loucas

Adam MarmorDrew McGurn

Chris McLaurinKevin Mead

Andrew MillerDarren Miller

Jimmy MorganAndrew MorrisMike NemerofMatt NocellaGeorge Olsen

Aaron PapermasterLincoln PatelRandy Perillo

Shervin RazavianNick Robin

Ernesto RodriguezMario SansaloneDustin Schiavi

Chris SingelJason Steblay

Matt SteinhelferJeff Stomel

Jordan TellerSlade ThorpeBen Vaughan

Ram VillivalamJohn Wainwright

Adam WallickMichael Wax

Dustin WrightTim Zirolnik

T h e B r o t h e r h o o d o f T h e t a Z e t a

Page 3: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

A House of Fraternal UnityTheta Zeta receives word on an extension to their house lease

On January 30, 2006, The George Washing-ton University informed the Theta Zeta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi that they had been granted a 2-year lease extension to their current townhouse on 607C 23rd St. Ever since the chapter moved into house 3 years ago, it has grown from strength to strength. It has served as a hub for not just the local chapter, but for the national frater-nity as well, with the Build America 2005 Team spending 2 nights in the house while doing area projects.

“I am extremely pleased that administration officials have seen our commitment not only to Pi Kapp and Greek Life, but also to this university community,” said an elated Ravi Alfreds, chair of the Housing Reapplication Committee. “How-ever the credit must go to my committee, all the Brothers who have displayed all the attributes of

CLASS, and our advisors, especially David Par-rish, our Housing Advisor,” he added further.

The house has been a key part to the success of the Theta Zeta Chapter. It has been the venue of brotherhood poker games, rush events, empa-thy dinners as well as chapter and associate meet-ings. “It definitely is an attraction for potential rushees,” said Andrew Miller, Vice Archon.

With the new 2-year lease, the chapter will have the house through August 2008. “Being among the three fraternities to be selected to live in Townhouse Row is a great honor,” added An-drew Morris, Archon. “The university has recog-nized us as a premier chapter on campus, which isn’t an easy feat for this campus. It encourages us to strive for greater things.”

Written & submitted by Ravi Alfreds


Home sweet homeTownhouse C on 23rd Street has been home to Theta Zeta since just a few months after their November 2002 chartering.

The Eagleof Theta ZetaS



G 2



Chapter Awards:Page 8


Page 4: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

A testament to the tenets of CLASS that we pride ourselves onThe Theta Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi took home the highest level

of recognition at the Order of Omega and Student Activities Center 2nd Annual Greek Night of Achievement.

Pi Kapp was one of only two Inter-Fraternity Council fraternities to win the Gold Level of Achievement; the other recipient was Sigma Nu. (The Alpha Delta Pi and Sigma Kappa sororities won Gold Level.) This

award ensures Pi Kappa Phi’s continued residence on the university’s townhouse row. Pi Kapp was also given the “Living the Ritual” award which recognizes a Greek organization’s commitment to holding them-selves to the ideals put forth by their ritual. Pi Kapp was recognized for its

unique adherence to the principle of Ultimate Respect which allows for problems to be addressed without allowing emotion to put rifts in the

brotherhood. In addition, Pi Kapp was given recognition for having a GPA above the all Greek average for all of 2005, and for participating in the Spring Dance Marathon, known this year as the “Hippothon”.

Pi Kapp was also nominated for several other awards in categories including Outstanding Risk Management, Programming Innovation, Scholarship Program, and New Member Program. In addition, Ravi Al-

freds, Kris Ansin, and Wes Johnson were all nominees for the Greek Man of the Year. The awards show could not have proceeded without several Pi Kapps including Master of Ceremonies Chris Singel, background designer Noah Cherry, photographer Jason Stebley, and presenter Chris DiBitetto.

Written & submitted by Noah Kai Cherry


The Gifts that Keep on Giving The clear Gold Level Achievement award sits in front of the rest of the chapter awards (left), while the Living the Ritual Award is already being hung up on the wall (below)


Award Rundown Gold Status GPA (Spring ‘05) GPA (Fall 2005) Living the Ritual

Highest level of rec-ognitionThis award is pre-sented to chapters who excel at all areas of chapter operations. For Pi Kappa Phi, this includes an extension on our house lease.

For GPA over All-Men’s AverageAwarded to chapters who have an overall GPA exceeding that of the All-Men’s Average at the University.

For GPA over All-Men’s AverageAwarded to chapters who have an overall GPA exceeding that of the All-Men’s Average at GW.

For adherence to ritual practicesThis award is given in recognition for a chap-ter’s standards of re-spect for the ritual and the ability to utilize the ritual as a part of chap-ter life

Page 5: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

S P R I N G R U S H ‘ 0 6What do you get when you put together 50 second-semester freshmen and sophomores with a bunch of Pi Kapps?

For one week at the end of January, the Theta Zeta chapter here at The George Washing-ton University spent every weekday evening “courting” prospective associate members from a group of men ranging from the quiet, more reserved students to students that fit the typical “frat-guy” mold. Five nights of activities, food and non-alcoholic beverage (seriously) culmi-nated in a vote that saw 11 associate members accept bids from the chapter. Unfortunately, the process leading to this vote was far from easy. Rush isn’t something that is simply thrown to-gether in a week. It takes weeks of planning, numerous meetings late into the night, and a lot of hard work from the rush chairman and Vice Archon. This year, Ben Vaughan and Lincoln Patel filled the roles of rush chairmen and of-fered unbelievable amounts of time and effort to the rush process. I thank them greatly. These two truly embody what it is to be a brother of Pi Kappa Phi. Thanks to their dedication, rush was creative and fun for everyone involved. Now, I’m sure you’re asking yourself, what did the 60 of us do during rush?

Our first night, Monday night, was an open house in our prestigious Townhouse Row unit C. Food and drinks were provided by The GW Deli, located about a block from the house. Brothers spent the evening explaining Greek Life at GW, Pi Kappa Phi, and just getting to know us as a chapter. One of the things that we try to explain in great detail is that, if the decision is made to join, a student would be joining the chapter first, fraternity second. Rather than focus on Pi Kappa Phi, it is our job to sell ourselves as gentlemen, scholars, and leaders on campus. We differ greatly from many of the other chapters of Pi Kappa Phi located at big state schools and we try to exhibit this “breaking of the mold” in our everyday lives and involvement on and off cam-pus. Most of us in the chapter weren’t looking to join a fraternity when we arrived on campus. We hope to continue the tradition of searching out well-rounded individuals to fill roles in our ever-growing chapter.

The second night introduced the rushees to Marjan’s of Georgetown; a middle-eastern res-taurant and hookah bar located just off of Wis-consin and M St. win Georgetown. The evening was spent enjoying hummus, pita bread, chicken and beef. Transportation was provided by our

brothers with cars. Special thanks go out to brothers Abdel-Malik and Hodes for the use of their cars throughout the week. Also, grati-tude goes out to John Wain-wright; a rushee whose car we usurped (don’t worry, we asked first) to help in transporting ourselves and the rushees to and from several locations. The use of his car was not in vain, as he is now a brother of the chapter.

Night three saw the chapter back at the house for barbeque provided by Rockland’s BBQ. We feasted on pulled pork, chicken, corn-bread, baked beans, chili, and grilled vegetables while continuing to sell Pi Kapp. At this point, we shifted gears and began to explain responsi-bilities of brotherhood, what the fraternity is and what we do to live by its principles. We also addressed many of the more detailed questions such as time commitment as an associate mem-ber, the member education process, and respon-sibilities of an associate member. As the week progressed, it was easy to see who we had suc-cessfully sold ourselves to and who needed work. For rushees that we felt we weren’t getting through to as much as we’d hoped, we organ-ized one-on-one or two-on two lunches with brothers at their convenience. These are meant to be more relaxed and informal and remove the rushee from the stressful situation of a room full of brothers trying to convince them to join.

The fourth night was somewhat of a deba-cle involving mixed communication between a venue and myself. However, when all was said and done, it was a fun and successful evening with our final destination being Koko’s Pool Hall. This invite night (we personally invited specific rushees to the event) was met with en-thusiasm and fun. The final touches were put on “sealing the deal” and we returned home with a solid list of guys to invite back for the second invite night the next evening.

Friday night invite night was done a little differently this year. Instead of utilizing Mt. Vernon Campus’ Post Hall, the decision was made to treat the rushees to dinner at Papa Razzi Restaurant in Georgetown. The second floor balcony was used for a three-course meal and personal interviews with me and several other

members of the chapter. The night was capped with a pleasant walk home along the

Georgetown waterfront, cigars included. Directly after we arrived home, bid voting ensued and we solidified our new Eta Class of the Theta Zeta chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. We handed out bids at midnight as the Inter-Fraternity Council re-quired and received acceptances/declinations by noon the next day.

The ensuing bid night party at one of Pi Kapp’s favorite watering holes, Hawk n’ Dove, was a great success thanks to the planning by our social chair, Ravi Alfreds. Our bid night party was also met with the biggest snow storm that the District received this past winter. At the time of our departure, it had just begun snow-ing. At last call, several inches of fresh powder blanketed the streets of our nation’s capital and only the bravest (or perhaps most insane) cab drivers were left to cart us back to Foggy Bottom (Hawk n’ Dove is located near the Capital in SE DC. We reside in NW).

Rush is looking good for next semester with planning already well under way. Events at the University Club located next to Thurston Hall, a return to Koko’s and events at the house will hopefully draw in an even bigger Theta Class. Ideally, the chapter looks to replace the twelve departing seniors with many more qualified gentlemen and leaders on campus. If you have questions about rush or if you know any incom-ing freshmen males that you feel would add to the chapter, please feel free to contact Andrew Miller at [email protected]. Please also visit our website at for a listing of all rush events and dates.

Written & Submitted by Andrew Miller


Andrew Miller,


Page 6: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

Pi Kapp Sports has Successful Spring SemesterThe second semester of the 2005-2006

school year started off with Pi Kappa Phi soundly in second place in Pikus Cup standings. Although this was a position that we have not been used to since the Pikus Cup began, the morale, effort and energy of the sports teams remained at a high level. As great success by the first place fraternity (Pike) in a number of sports, including an overall championship in floor hockey, put the top spot out of reach, our effort remained high, as to assure that second place be the lowest possible finish.

In 5-on-5 basketball, we finished at 2-3, shockingly missing the playoffs, despite a sizable positive point differential. Captain Brother Sam Farber led the team, at times carrying the team with his amazing 3 point shooting. Brother Bobby Corp was the second leading scoring, who at a quite undersized 6’0, 180 pounds was supposed to be considered the team’s center. Brother Corp provided effective inside scoring and rebounding, and a decent second option for Brother Farber. Mike Cramer provided some nice shooting, Brother Drew Cohen had high energy and ball handling, and Brother Andrew Baca gave some much needed strength inside. Off the bench, Brother Randy Perillo, Brother Jason Ste-blay, Brother Adam Marmor, Brother Andrew Abdel-Malik and Brother Dustin Wright all pro-vided effective minutes. The team’s lack of size and defensive ability led to their ultimate de-mise, but in the highlight of the season Brother Farber put in an outrageous display of 3s, pow-ering the team to a 72-41 blowout of TKE, in the highest scoring game of the entire intramural schedule.

Two of the most disappointing finishes in the history of Pi Kappa Phi intramural sports came in arena football and dodgeball. Our re-cord was 1-4 in football, largely due to schedul-ing conflicts that resulted in many key players missing games against our more challening op-ponents, and with 2 sets of double headers, hav-ing people unavailable on a couple of days was compounded into a larger problem. In dodge-ball, we lost our first two games in the double elimination tournament, ending the night much earlier than we would have liked.

Brother Farber gave an impressive individ-ual effort in the singles Racquetball league. He went 4-0 with a point differential of 52 points, winning the fraternity league easily. However, he drew a difficult first round matchup, and was bounced from the playoffs early. The playoffs in racquetball, a Division III sport according to intramural sports, do not count for points, so he brought home the most possible points from that sport.

Two other brothers performed tremen-dously in individual sports as well. Brother Christopher Burke and Brother Ravi Alfreds finished first and second respec-tively in the 5k run. Brother Burke finished in first place with a time of 19:16, with Brother Alfreds just a second behind at 19:17. The broth-ers were leading the race and broke out in a sprint for the finish, with the sophomore finishing just a tick ahead of the graduating senior.

Three sports are cur-rently in progress at the time of this publication. Our 7-on-7 soccer team is in the middle of an excellent season. After a loss in our first game, we have won twice and tied once, to finish the regular sea-son at 2-1-1. We are heading into the playoffs with momentum and confidence, and hopefully this can be the silver lining in a shaky sports season. Our goaltending from Brother Andrew Baca has been superb, Brother Kevin DiSabatino has anchored the de-fense effectively, and Brother Rogers Jackson, despite endurance issues, is a talented ball-handler who dictates play. Brother Farber, Brother Darren Miller, Brother Corp, and Brother Shervin Razavian all have played effective of-fense. Brother Jason Steblay, Brother Randy Per-illo, Brother Dustin Schiavi, Brother Alfreds all have given tremendous energy and effort from the midfield position.

In bowling, we have had to deal with the graduation of the entire team from last year. The captain of the team, Brother Andy Fromkneckt, has put together a young team that is getting better as they head into the play-offs with a 1-3 record. In volley-ball Brother Adam Marmor has captained a talented and young team who is 2-2 after a couple of heart-breaking defeats. We are one win away from making the playoffs in this sport as well.

All in all, it was indeed a down semester, and year, from the Pi Kappa Phi sports stand-point. We stand solidly in second place in the Pikus Cup standings, which, out of twelve eligible fraternities is still quite good. Our participation and organiza-tion remains top of the line, as

we have accumulated the maximum amount of points from meeting attendance that is possible and always have enough players and subs to

ensure that fatigue never works against us. The graduation of the seniors, particularly Brother Farber, Brother Wes Johnson, Brother Alfreds and Brother Marmor all will hurt particular sports. The Sports chair would like to thank and congratulate Brother Farber particularly, as his participation in individual sports, being the point guard of the basketball team and the quar-terback of the football team will leave a void difficult to replace. However, we have an ath-letic, spirited group of young brothers with great potential, and hopefully next year we will be able to regain the Pikus Cup.

Written & submitted by Bobby Corp


Bobby Corp,Sports Chair

Page 7: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

Repeat for Pikus Cup GloryMost people couldn’t believe that it came

down to team bowling. However, that was what happened at the end of an exciting season of Inter-Fraternity sports. Unlike the season be-fore, where the title was decided almost a month before the end of the competitive season, the 2004-2005 season was marked with a nail-biting race to the finish, with Pi Kappa Phi clinching the title on the very last day of compe-tition.

Packing the Hippodrome, the brothers of Pi Kappa Phi turned up in numbers to watch, cheer and show their support to the bowling team as they took the annual Pikus Cup for the second year in a row.

The Pikus Cup is an annual championship organized by the Recreational Sports & Fitness Services (RS&FS). It is named in honor of Ken Pikus, a member of the class of 1994 who was tragically killed in an automobile accident. Dur-ing his time as GW, Ken helped his fraternity win the then named Fraternity Cup three of his four years at the University.

According to Jon Broska, the Assistant Di-rector of Recreational Sports who runs the pro-gram, the aim of the competition is to promote friendly competition and sportsmanship among the Greek letter fraternities and to increase awareness and participation in the intramural sports program. Points are given for most intra-mural programs, and at the end of the academic year the fraternity with the most number of points is declared champion.

When asked on how he felt the competition went, Broska said, “The level of competition was very balanced and exciting this year, with 11 of the 12 registered fraternities actively participat-ing.” He further added that with the increased participation came an increase in interest in in-tramural sports and a higher level of competition and enjoyment from all the participants.

Pi Kappa Phi received the Pikus Cup award on the court of the Charles E. Smith Center on February 28, during the GW/Rhode Island bas-ketball game.

Written & submitted by Ravi Alfreds



Page 8: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

Rose Ball 2006One of the best highlights of a year at Pi

Kappa Phi is our annual Spring Formal. The one for 2006 was no different. Brother Andrew Abdel-Malik outdid many a predecessor with his significant touches and attention to detail at the Rose Ball, held on the evening of April 29, 2006, at the Key Bridge Mariott in Rosslyn, Virginia. The events took place at the View Ballroom, on the top floor of the hotel, overlooking the Georgetown area as well as the National Mall from the rooftop terrace.

The evening started out pretty early, as hors d’oeuvres were served at 7:30 with couples start-ing to get to their tables. Brother Abdel-Malik added a nice touch in the formal gift of picture frames, with table assignments for each attendee in the picture frame, bordered on the bottom with “Pi Kappa Phi Rose Ball 2006”. Ladies re-ceived a red rose at each table, and many were able to take pictures of one another as the sun began setting in the background. At about 8 o’clock, dinner was served; a choice of chicken, swordfish, or pasta was offered as the entree. As a delectable dessert of chocolate cappuccino cake was handed out, Brother Christopher Singel, the emcee of the evening, began the ceremonies. First off was the chapter awards, given out mostly by the Standards Board justices Samuel Farber, Ernesto Rodriguez, Robert Corp, and Ross Goldband. However, two awards to note were those not given out by Standards Board:

the Nu Phi Award and the Brother of the Year Award.

The Nu Phi Award is given by the Archon to a brother he believes epitomizes the effect of “nu phi,” that is, non-fraternity, and was given by Andrew Morris to Andrew Baca for his ex-emplification of qualities becoming of a Pi Kapp and not in the spirit of “frat”. Also, Wesley Johnson, one of Pi Kappa Phi’s founders, was called up to pass on the Brother of the Year Award which he received at the prior year’s Rose Ball. For a final year, a Founding Father was given the award: Ravindran Alfreds was the recipient of the Brother of the Year Award, representing an emotional appreciation for all of the hard work he has done for the chapter over his eight semesters at George Washington.

The event proceeded in a more light-hearted manner through Senior Superlatives, where some honorable (and not-so-honorable) mentions were given to brothers for their ac-tions over the past year. Then, Aaron Papermas-ter put on a wonderful slide show of pictures and senior recollections from the year. Finally, Rose Queen Ashley Quinn bestowed the honor of Rose Queen on the newly-chosen Cristina Rysz, as she was serenaded with the Rose Song.

Finally the party could start! Tables were moved, and the music got loud to let everyone finally get on their feet to enjoy the evening. Some special guests even arrived, including chapter alumni and our Leadership Consultant, Mike Harsono.

Written & submitted by Christopher Barajas




Character Award:Christopher Burke

Leadership Award:Andrew Abdel-Malik

Academics Award:Andrew Hodes

Sportsmanship Award:Samuel Farber

Service Award:Michael Costa

Athlete of the Year:Samuel Farber

Alumni Award:Evan Dean

Associate of the Year (Zeta):Lincoln Patel

Assocaite of the Year (Eta):Matthew Hudson

Nu Phi Award:Andrew Baca

Student’s Lamp Award:Christopher Singel

&Darren Miller

Star & Shield Award:Adam Marmor

Brother of the Year:Ravindran Alfreds

White Diamond Award:Michael Wax

Brother & Associate (Eta)

of the Year

Page 9: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

Unlike the fall semester, the spring social calendar has a tendency of being rather brief. However, despite these difficulties, the chapter was able to have three successful mixers with sororities, one with a sorority

from American University.This semester, the chapter pushed for some non-traditional mixers,

having a breakfast mixer early in the semester, and a dinner mixer just a

few weeks ago, in the houses of Delta Gamma and Alpha Delta Pi, re-spectively. This provided ample opportunity for the gentleman of Pi Kappa Phi to wow over the sororities with their classy behavior.

In addition to the non-traditional, the chapter did have two very well-attended parties. A bid party helped to welcome the addition of the Eta Class to the brotherhood, and the chapter held a crush party, invit-

ing numerous young women to enjoy the company of the brotherhood for the evening.

With the semester winding up, and planning for the fall already

taking place, the chapter hopes to continue this tradition, of both regular and non-traditional events as we continues to break the negative Greek stereotype and proves to be an example for other chapters to emulate.


Written & submitted by Ravi Alfreds

Social Report

Ravi Alfreds, Social Chair

Determination Tour 2006 Stops at The George Washington UniversityOn March 21, 2001, Theta Zeta hosted Chris Hendricks, an Elon University student, as part of his “Determination Tour” across numerous college cam-

puses. Chris was born with cerebral palsy, but he has never let that external disability to hold him back from success. This young man has bested some of the toughest student athletes at their own games. As he shares in his speech, Chris once dominated an Elon swimming competition, out-swimming every other contestant, even when one arm had given out from overuse.

Things were not always so cheerful for Chris. He speaks of his tough times in grade school, where ignorance and bullying darkened his days. Just when he had thought things could not get worse, his father was in a brutal car accident, and was on the brink of death. Chris promised his father, on what felt like their last night together, that if his father pulled through, he would never let his disability hold him back again. Miraculously, his father recovered, and Chris has kept his word every day since.

Chris came to GW to share his story in its entirety. Through all its ups and downs, Chris gave everyone present an intimate look at a man who has never let his disability get in his way. Each attendee took away an important, empathetic message from the event, which they will not soon forget.

Written & submitted by Andrew Morris

Page 10: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

Evan Dean is a 2005 graduate attending GW Law, and is the recipient of the Alumni Award.

Brother Evan Dean is a member of the Al-pha class, and was one of the first non-Founder initiates to the chapter following our November

15, 2002 chartering.Brother Dean pulled off a three-year

graduation at GW for his undergraduate studies,

and is currently attending GW Law, finishing up his first year. Regarding his early graduation, Dean understood the necessity of getting to his graduate work as quickly as possible. The inter-

vening period was tough, but, as he says, “From now on, my class will be gone so my is going to be more supervisory, to help things going


A rough road of academicsWhen asked about his current situation at

GW Law, Dean responded, “Well, it’s the hardest

thing I’ve ever done. But it’s very worth it: It’s nice to still be around campus to see the guys. It also allows me an interesting perspective in watching the chapter grow and evolve, since I’ll

be here for two more years.”

Dean has had a lot of interaction with the graduating seniors, as he was to be in their graduating class before going to law school early.

“It won’t be the same,” he remarked. “This batch of seniors are [the chapter’s] first freshmen; they’re the folks who’ve been around the whole


Looking forwardDean has a lot to be thankful for at the end

of this spring: not only is he well on his way to finishing his first year at law school, but he is

also the recent recipient of the Alumni Award, given out two whom the chapter recognizes as a special help to the furthering of the chapter’s

cause. “It’s second best to sticking around for my senior year, but I’m really honored I got it.

“Now that Theta Zeta finally has a full

alumni class, I feel we’re fully established,” Dean gave as a final thought.

If you’d like to keep in touch with Brother Dean, you can reach him by e-mail at

[email protected].

Written & submitted by Christopher Barajas


Early in the morning of Saturday April 22nd, just a few hours after the Eta class was initiated, 18 brothers set out to go paintballing in Leesburg, Virginia. Despite a lack of sleep, breakfast consisting of Red Bull, a few hangovers after some post-ROI celebration, and rain, we were not deterred. Though the rain stopped eventually, play-ing was a bit of a challenge since our protec-tive facemasks kept fogging up! We split up into two teams of nine, changing teams occasionally during the various courses we played on. The first was a game of Capture the Flag, in which Mario Sansalone deftly

bypassed the opposing team’s defenses to take and return their flag and claim victory. After the first couple games we moved to Attack and Defend, in which one team de-fended a flag and the other team had to take it. This field saw Andrew Baca bravely take a paintball to the neck at point-blank range care of Dan Klionsky. Finally we played a few games on a field dominated by wooden bunkers, a trench-like river and forest trails. The object of the games played here was simply Elimination: take out as many guys on the other team as you can. By the last game it became intense as everyone was shooting anything and everything to use up the last of their paintballs. Despite being only 18 guys we managed to use up 9,000

paintballs in 3 hours! (Although some lost more than their share by accidental spillage, ask Ravi Alfreds.) John Wainwright was the most feared since he had the most experi-ence, but was kind enough to allow Cheese to take a free shot at him firing-squad style from 50 feet away after our last game.

After a few hours of paintball and still on empty stomachs, some of us went to the famed International House of Pancakes for an amazing brunch with tons of food (that’s one ton for Chris Barajas, another ton for the rest of us). Needless to say, all the brothers who came out for this event had a good time.

Written & submitted by Adam Wallick

Brotherhood Event:



Mark Your Calendar!

Theta Zeta is having an Alumni & Family event as part of Graduation Week. Stop by the house before the Monumental Celebration to see what the chapter is doing. Congratulate the new graduates, learn about our Cam-paign for Theta Zeta, and stay up-to-date with Pi Kappa Phi’s Second Century Vision. Or just have the free refreshments!

May 20, 20064:00 - 7:00 p.m.

Page 11: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

As a chapter, we have made a number of enhancements to our house and brotherhood activities. Our financial flexibility is always put

to the test when we launch new initiatives and budget for a more improved experience in our house and for our brotherhood.

To enjoy a greater level of financial security for the chapter, we are looking to our Pi Kappa Phi family, both friends and alumni, for as much assistance as they feel comfortable giving in

order to promulgate our chapter’s goals. The following is a listing of just part of what the chapter is currently looking to improve upon as

we move into the summer and enhance our house and brotherhood for fall recruitment:

• Trophy case for recent awards ($150)

• Steam cleaner for common areas ($200)

• Outdoor bench for the back alley ($75)

• 20’x10’ chapter recruitment banner ($400)Your gift can be given in one of two ways:

either by helping the chapter directly as part of

our Alumni & Family Chapter Fund, to be used for immediate chapter improvements, or as part of what we are calling our Campaign for Theta Zeta,

made possible through the Pi Kappa Phi Foun-dation and the Chapter Investment Fund.

Pi Kappa Phi Foundation has formed a

fundraising initiative known as the Chapter Investment Fund, or the CIF. What the CIF is designed to do is provide alumni and families the opportunity to direct donations to the Pi

Kappa Phi chapter of their choice, but to do so in a manner that will enable more educational op-portunities for the brotherhood and the future as

an endowment. Some examples of how Chapter Investment Funds may be used are:

• Local academic scholarships

• Participation at Pi Kappa Phi’s national leadership events: Mid-Year Leadership Con-ference, Pi Kapp College, Supreme Academy

• Local educational programming

• A dedicated study area of the house

• Computers, desks and chairsA donation to the Chapter Investment Fund

for Theta Zeta will be held in an interest-bearing

account to be used for these educational oppor-tunities, and is tax-deductible, as Pi Kappa Phi Foundation is the tax-exempt educational foun-

dation of the fraternity.Whether you choose to donate to the chap-

ter on a direct basis for an immediate gift to the chapter, or through the CIF for a supportive and

extended gift, know that your donations are being used to help further the goals of the Theta Zeta Chapter of Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity at The

George Washington University.


Christopher Barajas, Historian



How to give to Theta Zeta: For The Campaign for Theta Zeta:• online (credit card):

•• Designated Donation: Theta Zeta CIF

• by postal mail (check):• Pi Kappa Phi Foundation, P.O. Box 240526, Charlotte NC 28224

• by phone (check):• (800) 929-1904 ext. 103 - Betsie Fehr• Make sure to mention Theta Zeta CIF

For The Alumni & Family Chapter Fund:• by postal mail (check):

• Pi Kappa Phi - Theta Zeta Chapter, 800 21st Street NW Suite 427, Washington DC 20052

• in person (check): give to Christopher Barajas, Historian (House Room 302)

Page 12: Theta Zeta - Spring 2006

Letter from the ArchonI would like to congratulate Theta

Zeta on another excellent year in Pi Kappa Phi. We have cemented ourselves as one of this campus’ top fraternities, and have earned the respect of the whole of GW Greek Life. In successfully earning a place on Townhouse Row for the next two years and taking the Gold Award in the 2006 Greek Excellence Awards, we have shown this campus that we are here to stay.

With all the successes of this year, I would like to thank the seniors and the last of our Founding Fathers, who put Theta Zeta on the path to greatness. Thank you for the wisdom and guid-

ance you have shown to me, to the Ex-ecutive Council, and to the entire Broth-erhood. Keeping your words in mind, we will work to maintain the ideals upon which you founded this chapter. While we will miss you, we wish you nothing but good fortune and happiness wherever your paths lead you.

It has certainly been a year of transition and learning for our all-sophomore Executive Council. Things were difficult at first, as filling the shoes of our predecessors turned out to be tougher than we had expected. With the help of the outgoing EC and

with the support of the chapter, we have grown into our

roles. The learning process is never over, but bolstered by the successes of this year, we look to shoot even higher next semester.

Congratulations seniors! Theta Zeta would like to congratulate the Class of

2006 on their upcoming graduation from The George Washington University.

We are looking forward to your success stories as new alumni of the chapter.



Addressee Name4321 First StreetAnytown, State 54321








PI KAPPA PHI FRATERNITYT h e t a Z e t a C h a p t e r

607C 23rd Street NW #204 • Washington, DC 20052-0001

Andrew Morris, Archon

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