  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    , Lesson 5: The Core of the Mission: Only Savior,

    (I)Missions in the New

    Testament (I)

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Is there one central problem for all mankind? What is it?

    Is Gods answer toevery cultures deepest problems REALLY only to be found in


    I. Identify

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Q: Howmany other proposed solutions to the

    problems various cultures face can you name?

    Politics Strong Economic health Good education Environmentalism Nationalism Marxism Buddhism / Humanism/AtheismHedonism


    II. -


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Rom 5:18-19 Rom 1:16; 2:9-10 Heb 2:14-15 1 John 5 Acts 4:8-12 Heb 9:22-28 John 1:29 1 Tim 2:3-6 Acts 4:12 John 14:6 Psalm 2:10-12 Dan 7:13-14 Rom 1:4

    II. -


    Q: From these passages,how does Christ relateto the topic of World


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    ( 1:18-23)1.

    1:21-23 2. ( 1:20)Certain truths to take note of:

    6. The lost were not entirely lost to begin with.They became lost when they deliberately gaveup their knowledge of God. (Ro 1:21-23).

    7. The lost always retained a knowledge of Godseternal power and deity which reached them

    through creation (Ro 1:20).

    What about those in the remote area have never heardthe gospel?

    II. -


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    3. 14:17 4. - / 2:14-15 Certain truths to take note of:

    3. The revelation of God through creation issupplemented by another revelation throughnature or providence. (Acts 14:17).

    4. There is still another form of revelation given tothe lost the human conscience. (Ro 2:14-15).

    What about those in the remote area have never heardthe gospel?

    II. -


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    1. 10:11-17- 2. 16:19-31 3. 13:10-16

    - 4. 2:6-7- 5. 18:25 16:7- Verses to consider:1. Rom 10:11-17- Those who call upon the name of Lord shall be

    saved2. Matt 13:10-16 Gods response to the obedience is always giving

    more light3. Rom 2:6-7- Hope for the good without Christ?4. Gen 18:25 & Rev 16:7 The ultimate Judge will do what is right &


    What about those in the remote area have never heardthe gospel?

    II. -


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    The Christ of the Mission is the one and only Saviorprovided for all of humanitys sin, (the secondAdam), to redeem us all from the guilt andcorruption we all obtained from the first Adam.

    III. -


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    , The next time someone tells you that There aremany roads to the top of the mountain, orcriticizes you as a Christian for being narrow-minded, how will you respond?

    IV. - Apply

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Discovery1. 5 - 5:12-14 15-21

    o o - /

    1. Romans 5Read Rom 5:12-14; 15-21

    o What do you observe man and Christ?

    o SumChrist/second Adam delivers us from guilt and

    corruption of first Adam by grace

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave



    Q: What must be done for humanity to be delivered from sin and death?

    Q: Is there a way provided by God? And is this way only through JesusChrist?

    Q: What about those in the remote areas who have never heard the gospel?

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Discovery1. 5 - 5:12-14 15-21

    o 2. 13 - 13:26-41

    o 3. - 4:8-12 2:5-6 9:22-28o

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    1. 13 - 13:26-41o

    o -

    2. Acts 13 Read Acts 13:26-41

    o What do you observe about who Jesus is and

    what He can do?

    o SumThe Son of God, Son of David, is the

    vindicated authority who can redeem

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    1. - 4:8-12 2:5-6 9:22-28

    o o -

    3. NT EpistlesActs 4:8-12; 1 Tim 2: 5-6; Heb 9:22-28

    o What do you observe about Jesus Christ?

    o SumSalvation only by this authoritative Lord and

    adequate Savior

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave




    Sum #1The God of the Mission recognizes that we have no hope toredeem ourselves from our dreadful, fallen state apart from His

    gracious action on our behalf. Sum #2The Christ of the Mission is the rovided Savior for our sin a

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Some Theories:

    8. Universalism all men will ultimately be saved

    9. New Universalism Christ died for all men and God purposes for all men to be saved. Therefore, all will be saved

    because of the merits of Christ, for Christ died for all so that all will be saved.10. Wider Hope Theory Many who have not heard the gospel will be saved because God is just and God would notcondemn the sincere seeker after the truth

    What about those in the remote area who have never heard the gospel?

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave



    Q: What are the implications for our own activities of

    evangelism and discipleship?

    Q: What are the implications of this truth about Christconcerning Mission?

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Applicationo o

    10:13-15 In light of what we have learned, what should our respond be?o It may seem like it is not fair. But life is too short to figure everything out. Our job is get

    on with life and do what God told us to do and tell those people about Jesuso Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved. How, then, can they call on

    the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom theyhave not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And howcan they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet ofthose who bring good news! (Rom 10:13-15)

  • 8/14/2019 They Became Lost When They Deliberately Gave


    Gods love for the whole world is manifested in Jesus, the sufficient way for

    ALL the world.

    To be freed from the sin problem. Only by someone outside of

    ourselves can we be saved.Broad way for all to trust

    The only God. God is one. Him to get ALL glory.

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