





200 200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

From the Delta to the


Little man in the Orange


Good Morning Vietnam

This Agent Ain’t


Hanging with Bob from Artillery

Born on the 4th of July

Born in 1890 and demanded Independence For Vietnam

A 200

A 200

Ho Chi Minh

The theory that if VietnamBecame communist so would

Other countries in Southeast Asia

A 400

Domino Theory

A 400

Mountain town where FrenchAre defeated and thrown out

Of Vietnam.

A 600

Dien Bien Phu

A 600

Also known as the National Liberation Front

A 800


A 800

Document which congress gaveTheir war powers to the


A 1000

Gulf of Tonkin Resolution

A 1000

Plan Designed by Kennedy To create Special Forces


B 100

Flexible Response

B 200

Created to investigate Death of President Kennedy

B 400

Warren Commission

B 400

Name of Kennedy’s domestic policies.

B 600

New Frontier

B 600

Name of Johnson’s Domestic Policies.

B 800

Great Society

B 800

Failed American invasion of Cuba.

B 1000

Bay of Pigs

B 1000

Jellied Gasoline Substance dropped on jungles of Vietnam.

C 200


C 200

Chemical defoliant used to strip away the jungle canopy that the Vietcong used to hide

from American Planes

C 400

Agent Orange

C 400

First bombing campaign against North Vietnam.

C 600

Operation Rolling Thunder

C 600


C 400


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This area of Southeast Asia that encompasses Vietnam, Laos, and


C 800

French Indochina

C 800

Planned assault on over 20 cities in South Vietnam.


C 1000

Tet Offensive.

C 500

This developed when Johnson told America that the war was going well, then Americans

saw dead soldiers every night on the news.

D 200

Credibility Gap

D 200

1968 Presidential candidate that was gunned down in Los

Angeles hotel.

D 400

Bobby Kennedy

D 400

Village where American Soldiers gunned down over

50 civilians.

D 600

My Lai

D 600

Documents that exposed the secret history of Vietnam.

D 800

Pentagon Papers

D 400

The process of removing troops gradually from Vietnam

D 1000


D 1000

City where Kennedy was shot

E 200


E 200

Man convicted of killing President Kennedy

E 400

Lee Harvey Oswald

E 400

Treaty that ended the Vietnam War.

E 600

Paris Peace Accords

E 600

Document that gave congress their war powers back.

E 800

War Powers Act

E 800

Nixon’s leading consultant on Vietnam

E 1000

Henry Kissinger

E 1000

College Campus where 4 students were shot.

F 200

Kent State University

F 200

Supply lines used by the North Vietnamese to get

weapons and supplies to the Vietcong.

F 400

Ho Chi Minh Trail

F 400

Democratic Leader of South Vietnam.

F 600

Ngo Dinh Diem

F 600

City in South Vietnam that the Vietcong laid siege to during the Tet Offensive

F 800

Khe Sahn

F 800

City where riots took place during the 1968 democratic


F 1000


F 1000

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General in charge of American Forces in Vietnam

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