Page 1: This Life Progression · Other ‘This Life’ uses 28 Simple Techniques 28 Case Study - Straightforward Progression 29. The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression

Lesson Three

TThhiiss LLiiffee PPrrooggrreessssiioonn

Present Life Progression Work Relationships Money Health Future Choice Progression

Page 2: This Life Progression · Other ‘This Life’ uses 28 Simple Techniques 28 Case Study - Straightforward Progression 29. The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression

The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3



Futu re Li f e P ro gress ion with in a P resent Li f et ime 3

Wo rk 3

Relat io n sh ips 3 Case S tu dy - Relat io n sh ip 4

Mo n ey 6 In v est men t s 7 Wo rk in g Back wards 8

Heal t h 8 A Lit t le Kno wledge 8 Case S tu dy - Health 9 Eat in g Diso rders 11

Futu re Cho ice P ro gress io n 11 Cho ices 12 P ro s an d Con s 12 Th e Fu tu re Cho ice P ro gress io n Jou rn ey 12 Opt ion al Ext ras 14 Weigh t Man agement Appl icat io n 18 Alt ern at iv e P at h Techn iqu e 23 Case S tu dy - J ef f an d S al ly ’ s Ret irement 24 J ef f ’ s S ess io n 25 S al ly ’ s S ess io n 27

Ot h er ‘ Th is Li f e ’ u ses 28

S imple Tech n iqu es 28 Case S tu dy - St ra igh tf o rward P ro gress io n 29

Page 3: This Life Progression · Other ‘This Life’ uses 28 Simple Techniques 28 Case Study - Straightforward Progression 29. The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression

The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


Future Life Progression within a Present Lifetime

This is the area of Fu tu re Li fe Progression where the majority of ou r therapeu tic work wi ll be done. People have a need for fu tu re exploration with in their present l ives because they want to make the best possible choices . There can be very many areas of concern that need to be looked at. Let u s consider some of the main ones:

Work As we have seen with Chloe’s case study Fu tu re Li fe Progression can be very helpfu l with career choices . Moving jobs can be frau ght with indecis ion and the worry that a qu antu m leap into a new job cou ld end in disaster. A familiar workplace where you know exactly what you are doing can be comforting and reassu ring. It can also be mind nu mbingly boring and eventu ally th is wi ll lead to i tchy feet. However, the majority of people will never do anything abou t their work s i tu ation because they have families to support and bi l ls to pay. Fu tu re Li fe Progress ion provides a wonderfu l opportunity to answer the qu estion ‘What i f? ’ .

Relationships I have been happi ly married for th irty-eight years bu t I feel I am in a minority these days as many relationships are a lot less

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Lesson 3


stable. Qu ite often people get stu ck in a s i tu ation where th ings have become unsteady, du ll or ev en abu sive. With families involved; along with other commitments , there seems no way ou t. Perhaps there is the consideration of age and will there be time to start again, how cou ld one go about starting something new? A glance into the fu tu re wou ld show how a relationship might progress throu gh the coming years , it may go from bad to worse, i t may improve bu t I dou bt i t . A wake u p call may ga lvanise an unhappy partner or spou se to take action. In another scenario there cou ld be someone, having been single for rather a long time, who feels he or she is being ‘ left on the shelf ’ . A look at their fu tu re may show them in a wonderfu l relationship a few years down the l ine and i f they do not they can pu t a plan into action to change th ings.

Case Study - Relationship Crina, a Romanian born and very attractive young woman rang me to talk abou t relationship issu es and wondered i f a Past Li fe Regression session wou ld help to assist her with the s i tu ation in which she fou nd herself . She was married and was reasonably happy bu t her relationship had lost some i f i ts zest in recent years . She was by no means looking for someone new bu t she was stru ggling with a very strong attraction to someone she had met at evening c lasses . Crina was taking English to improve her communication ski l ls . She had moved from Romania only two years ago and personally I thou ght her English was good although there was qu ite a strong accent, which took a l i tt le tu ning in to bu t certainly good enou gh to communicate under hypnosis . This can sometimes be a problem when an individual’s f irst langu age is not English as there is a tendency to ‘translate’ so that they can th ink in their

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Lesson 3


own tongu e, then translate back to speak to me. This causes a small problem because i t engages the conscious mind to do the translation and we all know that th is gatecrasher is never welcome at the party . I always admire how people can grasp ou r most complicated langu age; I certai nly wou ld not want to learn English! The man she met at her evening c lass had an immediate effect on Crina, he gave her goosebu mps and the mu tu al attraction was incredibly strong. A great amount of f l i rting went on. Althou gh she was qu ite besotted with h im she also felt u neasy in h is presence, almost intimidated bu t she cou ld see no reason why th is shou ld be. She thou ght that perhaps she had met h im before in a previous l i fetime and maybe they were sou l mates . I explained that th is cou ld be the case and a session of Past Li fe Regression may help her to understand her connection with this individu al. I thou ght that in the back of her mind she wou ld actu ally l ike to take th is relationship fu rther, even have an af fair or leave her hu sband bu t again there was th is subtle u nderlying ‘vibe’ of cau tion. Du ring her past l i fe session sh e did discover a l i fetime spent with th is man, they were married and deeply in love bu t her heart was broken when he had an affair. This other f l ing was over very quickly and althou gh Crina's past l i fe self s tayed with him i t was never the same and the tru st was gone. Then i t happened again, her past l i fe hu sband just cou ld not help h imself and this t ime he left her for the other woman. Crina's past l i fe self spent the rest of her l i fe alone and unhappy. The qu estion was has he mended his ways or was he sti l l going to be a womaniser in h is present l i fetime, wou ld they have the same karmic lesson in this l i fe and wou ld he get i t right and stay fai thfu l. Crina wou ld be taking qu ite a gamble here, as i t wou ld mean leaving her husband so i t wou ld have to work.

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Lesson 3


I su ggested a l i tt le look into her fu tu re based on the scenario of th is new relationship taking place. She l iked the idea of being forewarned and she started to explore the next few years . At two years into the fu tu re all was wel l; i t was a loving and passionate time. Moving fu rther on to the five year point things had changed dramatically . He was nowhere to be seen and once more, she was l iving alone in a small f lat and felt th orou ghly miserable. It did not take a genius to work o u t what had happened, th is person was c learly u nreliable and Crina had a very strong feeling that he had once again run off with someone else. At ou r f inal chat at the end of the session, Crina was very aware of the wake-up call she had been given and realised what a c lose shave she had had. She decided to stop going to the evening c lasses and find an on line langu age cou rse instead. Good call , we all know that distance learning is absolu tely bri l l iant. Crina's case is a good example of how i t is sometimes important to understand the sequ ences of events in previous l i fetimes, and compare them to fu tu re ones.

Money In ou r younger years , we have few er concerns abou t f inancial secu rity and stabi li ty , we l ive fo r the moment. As we become older and wiser, ou r f inancial s tatu s becomes mu ch more focussed. We have families to support and a roof to keep over ou r heads. Retirement planning also becomes an issu e. A c lient cou ld see us for Fu tu re Li fe Progression because they have money worries and wonder i f i t wi ll ever end. Seeing their fu tu re self better off wou ld give them the focu s to sort th ings ou t and aim for that aspirational goal . If they see that th ings do not show any positive changes in their near fu tu re, they can take other steps to address th is . Of cou rse,

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Lesson 3


f inancial p lanning strategies l ink in with career choices so very often you wi ll be dealing with more complex ‘hybrid ’ sessions.

Investments Fu tu re Li fe Progression is sometimes employed to help individu als invest their money wisely on the stock market and su ch like. What does not seem possible is a l i tt le jau nt into next week to check the lottery nu mbers. If that did work I wou ld not be here writing th is cou rse, I wou ld retire and be somewhere else. In addition, the su n wou ld be shining. Su ch events wou ld be very rare given the hu ge volu me of alternative path s and i t wou ld certainly interfere with one's l i fe plan. What cou ld be done however is taking a look at the most l ikely scenario of s tock market t rends in general, perhaps to hedge you r bets . Some events seem more fixed than others do so certain global trends su ch as stock market crashes and recessions are qu ite l ikely to occu r. The rise and fall of global economy does seem to follow a cycle, something l ike seventeen years . The larger pu blic l imited type of companies wi ll have more stable and consistent evolu tion in many of their other alternative fu tu re paths so we cou ld explore these and be able to get a general idea of growth or demise in the short to mediu m term. To be perfectly honest, I have not dealt with a case involving financial investments so I cannot present a case stu dy. I gu ess in some ways I am not that comfortable with this particu lar u se of my ski l ls so I therefore do not a ttrac t these sorts of c lients . This plus the fact that I do not want to feel responsible i f someone buys the wrong shares based on their progression and they plu mmet rather than blossom. The choice is you rs .

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Lesson 3


Working Backwards Another way to approach a c lient’s interest in becoming weal thy, and let 's face i t that is most of us , is to choose a path in a Fu tu re Li fe Progression that shows the most rewards. Find an afflu ent ou tcome u sing the tenth year into the fu tu re as a starting point then work you r way back to the present to see how th is has been achieved. There is always qu ite a lot of work to be done in one of these sessions so ei ther allow enou gh time or book you r c lient in for a few goes.

Health It is no good getting a better job with more money or embarking on an exciting new relationship i f you become unwell . This area can be a bit tricky i f a c lient ’s fu tu re self ’s health has deteriorated . The good news is that with th is knowledge, s teps can be taken to prevent that happening. With foresight, one cou ld embark on a new regime of healthy eating and regu lar exercise and prevent disease before i t happens. We are always shown the most likely scenario based on ou r present c ircu mstances so i f you s lu mp on the sofa and scoff beige colou red food then you r fu tu re self wi ll be overweight and general ly u nhealthy. If you don't l ike what you see, change what you do.

A Little Knowledge Not only do we gu ide ou r su bjects into the fu tu re to see what wi ll happen, on occasions, we have to wear other hats . Counselling ski l ls are very usefu l to help ou r c lients come u p with a plan. I am not saying that we have to know a l i tt le abou t everything, we

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are not all f inancial advisers or nu trition experts bu t we can help to let ou r paying gu est decide the best option going forward. Sometimes when people are in a s i tu ation they cannot seem to see the wood for the trees , a mechanic never mends h is own car su ccessfu lly . A popu lar phrase used in America at the moment is ‘you are in you r own way’. Standing on the ou tside looking in can be very helpfu l and with a l i tt le common sense and a di fferent approach we can genera lly assist ou r c lients to gain c lari ty , we can general ly coach them to th ink ‘ou tside the box’ and then they wi ll be able to steer themselves on to a di fferent path and enjoy the ou tcome that th is brings.

Case Study - Health Here is a straightforward case stu dy to i l lustrate how we can help ou r c lients make these important changes. James actu ally came for Weight Management Therapy to help h im take charge o f h is eating habits , which were spirall ing ou t of control. He was grossly overweight and really just wanted me to ‘hypnotise him thin ’. In other words he was one of those character types who played the ‘poor me’ card and always expected someone else to sort h is issu es ou t rather than taking on board the responsibi li ty for h is own li fe and where i t wi ll lead. We discu ssed h is eating habits covering mealtime patterns, the types of food and the portion sizes bu t throu gh th is entire process , he appeared qu ite apathetical. He did not want to take control, i t was too mu ch effort. I asked him the qu estion ‘If we don't take control of th is now what wi ll happen to you in another f ive years or so? ’ This answer was a shru g of h is shou lders . I decided that James needed a good kick up his particu larly large and flabby backside and thou ght

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that a l i tt le shock therapy was in order to wake h im u p. I told h im all abou t Fu tu re Li fe Progression and how i t wou ld show him exactly what wou ld be happening in a few years down the l ine. To my su rprise, James found the whole idea qu ite exciting and i t was the first t ime I observed any spark of enthu siasm. We were off to the garden anyway for my standard w eight management regime so with the initial induction and retu rn already done we had a look at James 's s i tu ation five years into the fu tu re. This is what he said: “I am stuck at home lying on my sofa watching the TV. I feel a lot heavier now. Wow, the place is really u ntidy, why hasn't Jenny tidied up? Where is Jenny? Oh, I th ink she's gone, I have a strong feeling she's left me. I feel rea lly depressed, fat and depressed. No , I don't want th is . I love my Jenny so much bu t I 've taken her fo r granted and I gu ess she cou ldn't take any more.” After re tu rning to normal conscious awareness, we had a chat and I explained that i t does not have to get to that point in his fu tu re. We can change the fu tu re i f we take action. James now had the stimu lu s he needed to make th ings better - Jenny h is wife was the key motivator. I do not th ink that he ever considered the fact that h is s lovenly ways cou ld cause h is marriage to break u p. We continu ed on with in the rest of the normal weight management therapy and now with h is new positive atti tu de I cou ld see that he was taking on board the guidance I was giving h im. Part of my Weight Management session uses a gentle form of Fu tu re Li fe Progression, I have my clients imagining themselves having reached their target weight and date, enjoying what the benefi ts of being s limmer wou ld bring. I elabo rated on th is part of the session to really show a better a lternative fu tu re for James. At the end of the session he was a changed man, motivated and

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Lesson 3


focused, determined to make this work and do the best for h imself and his marriage.

Eating Disorders Sti l l on the issu es of health , Fu tu re Li fe Progression can be very helpfu l with eating disorders such as anorexia and bu limia. It gives the su fferers an opportu nity to see themselves from a di fferent angle , which in tu rn can deal with the unusu al concept of Body Dysmorphic Disorder, the w ay someone sees himself or herself . Tread carefu lly with this area and try not to go too far into the fu tu re, maybe ju st a cou ple of years and make su re you allow you r c lient to see alternative fu tu res that show them to be fi t and healthy.

Future Choice Progression Fu tu re Choice Progression is a techniqu e I developed for Past Li fe work and i t is again featu red in my Advanced Past Li fe Regression cou rse. There, i t was re ferred to as Fu tu re Choice Meditation becau se of i ts highly visu al, symbolic and guided natu re. It is s imilar to the Alternative Path Techniqu e, featu red in lesson two bu t with a s impler format based on a present day decis ion; presenting a choice. With a certain amou nt of therapist ’s inpu t, i t can sometimes take on a more symbolic stance.

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Choices Fu tu re Choice Progression is abou t helping an individu al to make a s ingle decis ion, when presented with two distinct alternative paths, choices . Perhaps, for instance one choice is ru led by the head, the other by the heart. By alternative paths, I am talking abou t those l i fe-changing decisions, and an example wou ld be Chloe’s case presented earlier with an opportu nity to work overseas or to stay where she is and take the promotion offered in her cu rrent job.

Pros and Cons Each of the two alternatives ou r c lient may be faced with wi ll have their merits and downsides, so many in fact, that i t ju st makes the final decis ion almost impossible. This is where the spiri tu al understanding of certain individu als comes into play. People who are on some sort of spiri tu al path also believe in l i fe plans, karmic balance and the l ike, so they believe one of these directions might be their destiny, the right path that they shou ld be taking. Therefore, they may want to understand their fu tu re to see how events are influ enced by their cu rrent decis ions. Previou s l i fetimes may also have a bearing, i t pu ts them where they are now so you r c lient may have explored some past lives and perhaps c leared some blocks which may have been holding them back. Now you can then take them on the Fu tu re Choice Progression jou rney to help with their decis ions.

The Future Choice Progression Journey

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This is a jou rney, which wi ll al low the greater part of ou r being – the su bconscious, sou l, Higher Self or sou l angel – whatever i t is , to commu nicate and show the right path . You can u se very profound symbolism to show you r c lient the ou tcome of both the choices . More l ike a pathway meditation, the symbolism will be much more prevalent, th is is not a straightforward look into the fu tu re. Every case wi ll be u niqu e. This is where i t wi ll d i ffer from Chloe’s progression; her version is referred to as The Alternative Path Techniqu e, a tru e presentation of what cou ld actu ally happen. Fu tu re Choice Progression takes on a more su rreal role. Having just rattled on abou t symbolism, th is can of cou rse be adapted for a straightforward alternative fu tu re exploration where you actu ally explore fu tu re l ives . Fu tu re Choice Progression u ses s ignposts instead of a choice of doors . You start th is jou rney from the safe place – the chair in the garden or wherever. You then have you r su bject f ind a path (not the one with all the doors) which leads off , perhaps throu gh a wood or another landscape of some sort. You can have them choose the format i f you wish or i f you feel more comfo rtable, su ggest a theme. I a lways u se a forestry type woodland scene with a wide gravel path . At the end of this pathway there is a T-ju nction with a s ignpost.

Choice 2 Choice 1

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Have you r jou rney taker imagine on the s ignpost a word that represents each of the two choices as discussed earlier. Using ou r earlier example , one way cou ld point to overseas ’ and the other direction cou ld be marked ‘promotion’. Now direct you r subject to choose a direction and get them to tu rn down that pathway and describe everything they come across . When they have done that, have them retu rn to the s ignpost at the T-junction and then go the other way and do the same th ing. The contrast between the two experiences is u su ally quite profound and that leaves you r c lient in no dou bt which path th ey shou ld take. One way wi ll be bri ght and positive, the other darker with negative symbolism. Once the decis ion has been made, have them retu rn back down the main path to the safe place.

Optional Extras As Fu tu re Choice Progression has a more su bconsciou s symbolic edge, to help with the message you can have you r traveller look for certain th ings. These additional symbols wi ll give their su bconsciou s the opportunity to drive home the message. For instance, you cou ld have them look for some small token or gi ft , some object that symbolises everyth ing abou t the natu re of the direction they are explo ring. They may find a chalice perhaps, a golden goblet representing wealth and stabi li ty . If they are exploring the path that is less suited, then something more s inister may present i tself su ch as a pair of handcu ffs or a ball

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and chain symbolis ing being restricted and trapped. You ju st gu ide letting them do the observation. Another good one is to have them fi nd something speci fic which you can actu ally su ggest l ike an old leather bou nd book, which they open to display a message abou t their qu est. They may even meet their spiri t gu ide or a gu ardian angel who has a message for them. The easiest way to demonstrate th is techniqu e is to have a look at the script. It is followed by one I have written fo r Weight Management therapy so you can see an example of a practical application rather than something too generic , the reason to show this is to emphasize the scope that you have at you r control with regard to creating bespoke journeys . In other words, i t is very adaptable. This is all to do with allowing the subconscious to help the c lient make the right choice. Start from the safe place. Once again, i t is best to choose a garden or something s imilar with an ou tdoor theme: I want you to leave the chair now and walk behind i t , and on the other s ide of the garden, you can see a wide pathway. This pathway leads you ou t of the garden and into woodland. This is a pleasant wide, open pathway throu gh the woods . . . the sun is shining down on you and you feel comfortable, calm and relaxed . As you walk along th is pathway, I want you to th ink abou t the choices that you have, and of the decisions that you wish to make. The pathway now leads you to a T-junction and as you approach the T-junction . . . you see a s ignpost there, and the s ignpost points to the left and to the right. Tell me when you see the s ignpost in front of you .

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Wait for a response. The two directions here represent you r two choices and you can explore each direction to allow you r mind to symbolically show you which feels the right way to go. As you look at the signpost, you see words on the s ignpost symbolis ing the choices that you have. So look at the s ignpost now and tell me what the two directions are called. Wait for a response. Now choose which direction you wou ld l ike to go in . . . which choice. Wait for a response. Thank you . . . now make you r way down in this direction . . . in the direction indicated (c lient ’s first choice) . And as you go down th is pathway, you become aware of how th is feels and what you see. Please describe you r su rrou ndings to me as you go down the direction indicated (c lient ’s first choice) . Wait for a response. Now tell me how i t feels in th is direction. Be aware of a ll feelings, emotions and the energies that you find in th is direction. Wait for a response. Thank you . I want you now to look for something special . . . a symbol of some sort. Something that you r mind will show you now .. . that wi ll help you u nderstand whether th is i s the right direction for you or not. Look for th is symbol now .. . i t cou ld be anything. Tell me when you have fou nd i t .

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Wait for a response. P lease describe the symbol . . . th is object. Tell me what i t means to you . Wait for a response. Thank you . You may now tu rn around and walk back along th is path , back to the T-junction where you find the s ignpost. Make you r way up the path and tell me when you have reached the s ignpost. Wait for a response. And now i t is t ime to walk in the other direction, in th e direction of (c lient ’s second choice) . Make you r way now down in this direction . . . in the direction of (c lient ’s second choice) . Become aware of how i t feels walking in th is direction . . . you r feelings and emotions. Be aware of what you see arou nd you . Please describe you r su rrou ndings to me. Wait for a response. Thank you . And now once again look for a symbol . . . a symbol, which represents th is direction. Something . . . an object that wi ll help you u nderstand the natu re of th is direction . . . th is choice. Tell me when you have fou nd i t and then please describe i t to me. Wait for a response. Thank you . And now i t is t ime to return once again . . . and you are retu rning now back to the T-junction with all the knowledge that you need for the choices that you can now make. Tell me when you have reached the T-junction and are by the s ignpost once again.

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Wait for a response. Now that you have explored the two choices . . . you can make a decision. Tell me what the decis ion is. Wait for a response. And now i t is t ime to retu rn up the main path throu gh the woods towards the garden and the comfortable reclining garden chair . . . you r safe place. Make you r way back down the pathway . . . approaching the garden .. . into the garden now and back to the comfortable reclining garden chair.

Weight Management Application Just to i l lu strate another practical application of Fu tu re Choice Progression here is a script used within my Virtu al Hypno Gastric Band therapy. I have included i t here to i l lu strate the versati l i ty of th is very usefu l procedu re. Here i t is u ti l ised to gain a commitment from the c lient’s subconscious to accept change and agree to i t: I want you to leave the chair now and walk behind i t and on the other s ide of the garden you can see a wide pathway . . . This pathway leads you ou t of the gard en and into a woodland .. . p lease make you r way to the path now … This is a pleasant wide open pathway throu gh the woods . . . the su n is sh ining down on you and you feel warm, comfortable , calm and relaxed . . . As you walk along th is pathway now I want you to th ink abou t the choices that you have and of the decis ions that you need to make . . . Think abou t you r commitment to make changes to you r l i festyle and eating habits . . . The pathway now leads you to a T-junction and as you approach the T-junction, you see a signpost here … and the signpost points

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Lesson 3


to the left and to the right . . . Tell me when you see the s ignpost in front of you . . . Wait for a response. The two directions here represent you r two choices and you can explore each direction to allow you r mind to symbolically show you which feels the right way to go . . . As you look at the s ignpost you see words on the s ignpost symbolis ing the choices that you have . . . One direction is marked ‘obese’ and i t is representative of the path that you wi ll continu e on i f you do nothing to take control of you r weight issu es . . . The other direction is marked ‘s l im’ and is symbolically representative of the change of direction you can make to become the person you now wish to be, the new (Client ’s Name) . . . Tell me w hen you are c lear which way is which . Wait for a response. And now please choose the direction marked ‘obese ’ so that you can see where you r present path wi ll lead . . . And as you go down th is pathway you become aware of how th is feels and what you see . . . There are shops on the side of the pathway and as you draw closer you can see that these are food shops, bakeries and take-away establishments . . . There are other people here as well , heavy people, fat people and some are so big that they are having di ff icu lty moving abou t … you see them shu ffl ing into the shops and there are others emerging with pasties , f ish and chips and cakes . . . They f lop down onto benches ou tside the shops and eat their disgusting food . . . The s ight of th is makes you feel rea lly u ncomfortable . . . P lease describe what else you see as you go down th is direction marked ‘obese’ . Wait for a response.

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


Now tell me how i t feels here . . . Be aware of all feelings, emotions and the energies that you f ind in th is direction. Wait for a response. Okay, thank you … Please walk fu rther down this pathway now and as you do you see that i t goes s lightly downhill showing you that this is quite an easy direction to take . . . The shops are plenti fu l and easy to go into and you can move qu ite easi ly with the downward s lope to help you . Now look fu rther down the pathway into the distance bu t at the same time notic ing that th is is not actu ally very far down the path . . . This path is really qu ite short … a short jou rney for you to take . . . Now you can see a hospital and beyond the hospital, you see just one more th ing . . . A cemetery . Tell me what you find you rself th inking abou t as you see the hospital and the cemetery. Wait for a response. Thank you . I want you now to look for something important . . . a symbol of some sort. Something that you r mind will show you now .. . something that wi ll help you understand whether this is the right direction for you or not. Look for th is symbol now .. . i t cou ld be anything. Tell me when you have found i t . Wait for a response. P lease describe the symbol . . . th is object. Tell me what i t means to you .

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Lesson 3


Wait for a response. Thank you . You may now tu rn around and walk back along th is path … back to the T-junction where you find the signpost … Make you r way up the path and tell me when you have reached the s ignpost. Wait for a response. And now i t is t ime to walk in the other direction … in the direction marked ‘s l im’. Make your way now along in th is direction . . . in the direction of ‘s l im’. Become aware of how i t feels walk ing in this direction . . . be aware of you r feelings and emotions. This path is s l ightly inclined so you find you rself walking u phi ll … so i t is actu ally a harder path to take. Beside the path , you find more shops, greengrocers , health food shops … and then there is a gym. There are people here as well … s lim people, happy and smiling as they move effortless ly arou nd. Be aware of what you see arou nd you and tell me what else you observe. Wait for a response. Thank you . As you move along th is path you can see that th is path goes on for a very long time … gently c limbing into the h i l ls beyond. Althou gh this is harder than the other direction becau se of the incline, you find you rself making good progress as you r commitment to take th is path strengthens. Keep c limbing now to see where th is pathway takes you and as

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Lesson 3


you reach the top of the hi l l , you are presented with a beau ti fu l view and in the far distance the path sti l l winds on. This is a mu ch longer path to take bu t is i t a mu ch more rewarding path to take? What do you th ink? Wait for a response. Thank you . And now once again look for a symbol . . . a s ign, which represents th is direction. Something . . . an object that wi ll help you u nderstand the natu re of th is direction . . . th is choice. Tell me when you have fou nd i t and then please describe i t to me and what i t means to you . Wait for a response. Thank you . And now i t is t ime to return once again . . . and you are retu rning now back to the T-junction with all the knowledge that you need for the choices that you now need to make. Tell me when you have reached the T-ju nction and are standing by the signpost once again. Wait for a response. Now that you have explored the two choices . . . you can make you r decision . . . which path you choose. Tell me what you r decis ion is . Wait for a response. Thank you . And now i t is t ime to retu rn u p the main path throu gh the woods towards the garden and the comfortable reclining garden chair . . . you r safe place. Make you r way back down the pathway . . . approaching the garden . . . into the garden now and back to the comfortable reclining garden chair.

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


Alternative Path Technique We have already seen an example of th is procedu re in Chloe’s case stu dy bu t I th ink i t wi ll be u seful to present i t again here in order to compare i t with the Fu tu re Choice Techniqu e. Here is the script: From the foot of the steps: You need not go to the chair now. Just know that i t is there as a place of safety to retu rn to, shou ld you get lost or confu sed when exploring you r alternative fu tu res . Ju st f ind you rself on the pathway to the right, seeing you r fu tu re that now stretches away into the distance as far as you can see. As you look down the path you wi ll see that i t spli ts into two (or three, four) . . . on one s ide of each path you wi ll see a row of t rees and on the other s ide you wi ll see a h igh wall … each wall has a s ign on i t representing each of you r choices . All along each wall you can see many, many doors . Each door represents a year . . . As you go down the path . . . the fu rther you go . . . the fu rther forward in time you go. Each door has a nu mber written above i t . . . showing you the year. Now I want you to chose one of the alternative paths and make you r way along i t . . . forward in time . . . tel l me, which option have you chosen? Wait for a response Look at the nu mbers above the doors, cou nting as you go fu rther along the path . . . the f irst (number) doors are all you wi ll see, representing the next (number) of years into you r fu tu re … you will be restricted f rom seeing beyond them. (This may vary depending on the c lient ’s objectives)

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


Now I want you to look fo r the doo r that represents th is path , th is choice, just (number) years from the present time .. . Give them a short while to home in on the door. If they go quiet for more than a couple of minutes , prompt them by repeating the above section. Once they indicate they have found it: To help you focu s on this t ime, this particu lar option … please describe th is door to me, i ts shape, colou r, type of handle. Wait for a description. Now I want you to enter th is door and once on the other side . . . c lose i t behind you . . . bu t know i t wi ll be right behind you at any time shou ld you wish to leave and retu rn to the pathway. Now you find you rself in you r fu tu re having made the (choice, as written on the wall at the beginning of this path) choice. Tell me where you find you rself .

Case Study - Jeff and Sally’s Retirement Here is a small extract from a case where I u sed this techniqu e. Like all case stu dies , permission has been granted and the names have been changed. This has been featu red in the Advanced cou rse so i f you have already done that one then I apologise for repeating myself . It ’s not all doom and gloom. Not every Fu tu re Li fe Progression session has to involve travell ing to negative experiences showing what may happen unless changes are made. Some clients may just have choices to make abou t where they are going to l ive for example. They may have a couple of ideas in the pipeline creating di fferent choices . All a bi t ‘P lace In T he Su n’ th is one - nice.

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


Jeff was approaching retirement albe it an early one as h is long-standing company pension scheme allowed h im to take the benefi ts at age fi f ty-five. He had heard abou t Fu tu re Li fe Progression from a friend who had experienced i t and thou ght i t wou ld be perfect to help h im and his wife Sally to decide where to l ive. The couple had the opportu nity to downsize their large fou r-bedroom property and really fancied the idea of moving overseas to enjoy sunshine and wine, the expat l i fe. Sally always l iked the Tuscany region of Italy whi le Jeff preferred Sou th West France. They had holidayed in both areas many times. There were pros and cons for both cou ntries bu t whatever they finally decided to settle on wou ld be great, no rea l conflict here, ju st indecis ion. Whatever looked best, they wou ld both agree with . As we know, in their mu lti -dimensional fu tu re reali t ies di fferent aspects of their fu tu re selves have l ived in both places . Did I lose you there? Sorry. Sally came along to the session with Jeff so I wondered i f i t wou ld be benefic ial for her to have a Fu tu re Li fe Progression as well ju st to make su re that i f Jeff s ti l l favou red France then th is was genuine and shenanigan free. I did not tell them that thou gh. She agreed and the resu lts of both progressions were very interesting. Given the infinite number of fu tu re scenarios they cou ld experience i t was too mu ch to expect that each of their separate progressions wou ld show them exactly the same th ing. Althou gh th is is u nlikely there cou ld sti l l be many s imilari ties given the probabi li ty of their qu est.

Jeff’s Session A straightforward task then, go down the steps, a l i tt le more deepening at the safe place , basking in the warm sunshine in the reclining garden chair to get h im into ‘sunny’ mode then off to ju st two pathways, one marked Italy and other France. I made i t

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


clear that he mu st remain a natu rally u nbiased partic ipating observer in whatever presented to h im, which he agreed to. We had a look along the France path first, three years on from the present. Here is what he saw. “We have a small farmhou se type bu i lding ou t in the sticks , qu ite h igh up so the views are beau ti fu l. There is a lot of work to be done and quite frankly , i t looks dau nting. I fee l that mu ch of the work is beyond my capabi li t ies . I am coming here to retire, not to work l ike a mad man. My French is pretty poor, more so than I realised and am trying to improve i t by mixing with the locals . I am talking to a French bui lder from the vi l lage a few ki lometres away. The locals seem to talk so qu ickly and I am having a job keeping up. Sally is s tru ggling with the langu age too; I see her poring over bu i lding plans in u tter fru stration. It is a beau ti fu l day thou gh, really warm, I ju st wish I were s i tting ou t there with a nice glass of wine. This wasn't real ly what I p lanned and i f I ’m honest something feels very uncomfortable” . I asked Jeff to rea lly concentrate on the whole ‘v ibe’ of th is experience and remember i t . I asked him to consider all of th is on a scale of one to ten, one being total disaster and ten being fantastic , where this feeling of h is fu tu re l i fe scenario fell . It was abou t a s ix, the area was lovely bu t he cou ld not shake off an uncomfortable fee ling. We then retraced ou r steps and took the path to explore the Italy option, in Jeff ’s case this was the second choice. We found h imself in a wonderfu l traditionally bu i lt Tuscan home on the edge of a pictu resqu e vi l lage and described how he felt . The problems experienced in France path were not present here and the main thing he focussed on was Sally , seeing how content she was. It real ly made him think abou t what was the most important th ing here and i t was really the happiness of h is wife. Any good su ccessfu l marriage is based on the understanding that i f the wife is happy then the husband will be too. Perhaps that is a personal opinion, I do not know bu t I am su re that most wives ou t there

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will agree with me. Jeff rea lised that yearning for France was not so much a great love o f the place bu t more abou t making a stand and being stu bborn abou t i t . On the ‘good vibe’ scale, he declared a ten. Everything here was perfect. A wonderfu l, lovely l i tt le vi l lage with u sefu l shops ju st a ten minu te stroll away and above all a very happy and settled Sally .

Sally’s Session It was then sally ’s tu rn. Previou sly I had asked her to remain downstairs in the waiting room as I d id not th ink i t wou ld be the right thing to allow her to si t in on Jeff ’s session or vice versa for that matter . Her jou rney along the Italy path was also very positive, as one wou ld expect given that th is was her preferred option. The description of their home was not exactly the same as Jeff ’s vis ion bu t there were certainly s imilari ties . There was sti l l a local hu b not far away and the whole feeling was s imilar. Given the mu lti tu de of alternatives you only have to blow you r nose to change an ou tcome, Fu tu re Li fe Progression presents scenarios of probabi li ty and i t is the overall feeling and the associated emotions that are important. Thu mbs u p for Italy again then. Her voyage into a fu tu re France was less positive, qu elle su rprise! She found herself there on a very rainy day, dark c lou ds and a rea l dank atmosphere. The dw elling she saw was less cosy and wou ld need something done to pu t her stamp on i t . Jeff was not present in th is particu lar scene and she took this as some sort of omen. As far as she was concerned - no contest. After a l i tt le mo re viewing and getting her to connect with her feelings and emotions, I brou ght the session to an end. I then called in Jeff fo r a f inal discussion with the both of them.

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


He entered the therapy room with a smile on his face and said “Tu scany” . Sally looked up at him and smiled. She also said ju st one word: “Tuscany” . The couple promised to let me know how their plans worked ou t and I received an email from them a few months later tell ing me that they had moved to Tuscany and were both very happy. As you can see, Fu tu re Li fe Progression is very often abou t choices and decisions. This case study also shows that there is nothing that can be c learly defined between one techniqu e and the next, even with Jeff and Sally there was a s light symbolic feel to the proceedings.

Other ‘This Life’ uses Other applications of Fu tu re Li fe Progression can be as diverse as the many people on this planet; no two clients wi ll be the same. Some sessions wi ll be complex and acquire qu ite a mechanical s tru ctu re with notes and perhaps even drawings wi ll need to be made to stop you , the therapist, from losing you r way. Some of ou r paying gu ests wi ll have the qu estion ‘How can I do i t? ’ Or ‘What can I do to make that happen?’ You can move forward ten years and they can see what they have achieved bu t quite often, they have no idea how they have progressed from where they are now to where they are th en. All we need to do is vis i t the interim years to see how i t all evolves .

Simple Techniques Others sessions wi ll be qu ite straightforward as some clients wi ll ju st want see how their l ives go, no agenda, no choices , one path .

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Lesson 3


Sometimes there is ju st one single qu estion seeking a s imple answer. ‘Will I pass my Fu tu re Li fe Progression exam?’ ‘Will I ever get that car I 've a lways wanted?’ ‘What shall I have for my tea?’ Simplic i ty is a wonderfu l th ing. It is l ike tell ing the t ru th , you do not have to remember what you have said. Sometimes a short-term progression can be uncomplicated.

Case Study - Straightforward Progression Lizzy came for Past Li fe Regression. She had embarked on a spiri tu al jou rney, had joined a meditation circ le, researched Past Li fe Regression and had even read my book. (The Many Faces of You - avai lable at all good book shops and in all E-formats . Ha! - got the plu g in) Her session was just for cu riosi ty , there was not really an agenda. She was quite excited when she arrived, bu zzing with enthu siasm. Du ring ou r initial chat, she talked abou t sou l groups and wondered i f she had been with her boyfriend before. She also felt that she needed to be doing something di fferent, she just did not know what this was. There was a very strong feeling she hoped that maybe a regression cou ld shed some light. Lizzy was a real ly good su bject and fou nd a cou ple of previous l i fetimes to explore . She also fou nd a l i fe spent with her boyfriend. A solu tion to the qu estion of what shou ld she be doing as she trave lled a long her spiri tu al path was not revealed. I su ggested that a l i tt le g lance in to her immediate fu tu re might answer th is . I presented her with three doors representing the next three years and she chose the last one, three years on. She saw herself in a di fferent home with her boyfriend and she had her own healing room for Reiki and Spiri tu al Healing. She vis i ted another room and fou nd a nu rsery with a very you ng baby.

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The Past Life Therapists Association Future Life Progression Diploma Course

Lesson 3


She cou ld see that th is was her vocation to learn to do Spiri tu al Healing and then be free of her boring office job.

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