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Fellowship is one church with three locations united by teaching and vision to make disciples for Jesus. | fellowshipar

BENTON5724 Alcoa RoadBenton, AR 72015


LITTLE ROCK1401 Kirk Road

Little Rock, AR 72223501.224.7171

CABOT2895 Bill Foster Highway

Cabot, AR 72023501.605.8400


Page 4: This Month, March & April 2016

After several years of marriage, there was nothing we wanted more than to start a family. I encountered years of heartbreak and tears and even a sense of failure as a wife and woman. I watched all my friends have their first babies ... and then seconds ... and some, even their thirds. My husband watched me struggle and tried everything to keep me positive. Even during the hardest times, I knew in my heart God was going to do something with all my tears and heartbreak. My trial was going to become His glory.

After a while, we decided maybe we should put the “Bolton plan” (have a baby and then adopt one of the opposite sex) on hold and be more attentive to God’s plan and timing. So we decided to start the process of becoming adoptive parents through The C.A.L.L.

When we started we planned to only adopt one child with minimal health issues who was under the age of three. We were still trying to be in control. Once we realized what we were doing, Brian and I slowly started letting go of our control and letting God work through us and this process. It wasn’t long until we were willing to open as a foster home and a respite home and accept any child He had planned for us.

It started with our daughter we brought home on her seventh birthday. She was older than we had planned. There are always going to be some sort of health needs that children in care have. And she was technically placed as a foster child. However, we soon realized she was a perfect fit for our family!

We fostered for two years. We had as many as six at once and as few as three. We turned our home into our mission field and we were making little people disciples. As we grew, so did our stuff. Bigger vehicles, bigger table, bigger everything! Most importantly, as our family grew, so did our opportunity for ministry. We started volunteering with The C.A.L.L. as much as possible. We took on the task of creating a friendly, fun, safe visitation room at the Lonoke County DCFS office. We cleaned and fundraised to make it happen. We even started a Foster and Adoption Care Group. At this point, God kept growing our hearts and passion.

We have now adopted two more precious kiddos (Bolton plan said two and God said three!) and have become the County Coordinators for The C.A.L.L. in Lonoke and Prairie Counties. We loved all the children that came through our home. However, God gave us an unexpected passion for those that love these children. We wanted to recruit, train, equip, and encourage those who sacrifice so much to love these children. They selflessly do this without hesitation or reservation. They give of their time, money, resources, love and everything else.

God has turned our years of tears and heartache into a passion that gives Him the glory that only He deserves. He has shown me that my trials are trials of joy. We weren’t ready and neither were our kids. My heart is no longer broken—it is overwhelmed by love, joy, peace and passion. What unexpected passion does God have planned for you?

Heeding the C.A.L.L. by Niki Bolton



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If I had to sum up my life in one word it would be pursued. He has passionately pursued me from my creation all the way through the hardest times in my life and even now as I enter a new joyful season, He is still pursuing me.

I was raped when I was 14 years old. It was August 11 to be exact. I struggled for so long with so many emotions: anger, fear, guilt, and most of all disgust. I was disgusted with everything, and everyone, but especially me. If you had asked me at that time, “Is God pursuing you?,” I wouldn’t have been able to see it.

I met a wonderful man who took this broken woman and loved me anyway. It didn’t matter that I came with extra baggage, or I may always be that scared 14 year old. John pursued me. God pursued both of us through our marriage. We had two wonderful kids. Life couldn’t have gotten any better.

Then I heard the words that no one wants to hear: “It’s cancer.” In the midst of treatments if you would’ve asked me, “Is God pursuing you?,” I would have probably laughed it off if I had the energy. During some of the radiation treatments I got involved in a Precept upon Precept class on the Benton Campus. I had always studied the Word, but never did I have to do so much work for it! I loved every minute of it! I began to develop a love for Jesus stronger than ever. My last chemo was in August of 2011, a recurring significant month. Cool huh? … but it gets better.

We decided at Christmas three years ago that we were going to adopt. We put in the paperwork and got the ball rolling. I was so happy and ready to welcome a new addition to our family. At first, we were denied, but after a discussion with my State Representative we were correctly evaluated and open for adoption on August 11! We may be expecting a couple little ones soon.

The last two years I spent searching for my “meaning in life.” I prayed about where the Spirit would lead and felt that He was calling me to lead a Core group. We had a great bond with a wide variety of ages, interests, and

spiritual backgrounds. We started the New Testament, and I loved to see the looks on their faces when they learned something new or something touched them in the lesson. I loved spreading my excitement and passion for the Lord with anyone I can get still long enough to listen.

There was still something missing. I couldn’t put my finger on it until the IF: Gathering last year. They challenged us to take a step in faith in whatever area God was leading. We made a commitment that we would make a remembrance stone so “When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?’

then you shall tell them the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord. When it passed over the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off. So these stones shall be to the people of Israel a memorial forever.” (Joshua 4:6-7)

I took a huge risk that day because I knew if I did what God wanted me to do, my life would have to be different. My beautiful rock, no bigger than my fist, simply says, “See who He says I am.” That simple statement changed my world. I realized then that He put me in situations in life when I had

nothing but Him. When no one else was there, He was. He showed me, in little glimpses, who He is making me out to be. I could’ve had this freedom to share years ago, but I was on a journey to finding happiness that only He gives. See, I looked at myself and saw a broken, bruised, shattered, ugly, tired, abused thrift shop piece. But God looked at me and said, “You will be perfect. You are shattered so my light can shine through you. You are broken, bruised, tired, and abused, but so was I! Baby Girl, I did it for you! I took all that from you. You are whole, righteous, redeemed, and bought with a great price.”

I look at my story and now I see it. I see the pursuit on His part to reach out, and I want to have this intense relationship with Him. My favorite part of the story is when I reciprocate to His pursuit—there is nothing like it! I see things with new eyes all the time when I pursue Him while He pursues me.

Pursuit of a Relentless God by Colleen Huthmaker




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God’s word leaves us with no doubt that He has created each of us in His image. He wonderfully weaves together every little detail, according to His purpose and plan, so that we would know Him and glorify Him!

One of the most beautiful ways we glorify God as the body of Christ is by loving and serving one another according to how He has uniquely created us.

Imagine for a moment … it’s Sunday morning. Your family sleeps as you lay awake and wonder how refreshing and encouraging it would be to attend church again. You feel isolated. You miss the fellowship time with friends, worshipping and growing spiritually with a church family, and having the opportunity to serve. God has taken your family into unfamiliar waters. So many new things to navigate and situations to overcome. Your family needs support and encouragement. You desperately want to go to church, but what if? What if they don’t understand your precious child? What if they aren’t equipped to handle his struggles or needs? What if they only see what he can’t do, instead of what he can do? What if they just don’t have a place for him? What then?

This is how many parents of children with special needs or disabilities feel. It was in response to this need, and out of a deep love and a passion to serve these families, that FellowshipKids began its ministry in the early 1990s. What an amazingly wonderful journey this began for our children’s ministry and church family!

Over the years as the ministry has grown, we created additional ways to love and serve our families. In addition to keeping the goal of integrating children into traditional classrooms with a volunteer buddy, a time came when we saw the need to open a specialized classroom for children that needed a non traditional

environment. Soon after that, volunteers and D Groups began getting more involved and helped develop an outreach partnership with Easter Seals. Some even hosted a yearly Christmas Party and dinners to give parents a place to connect with each other.

Imagine what a blessing it has been for families to wake up on Sunday morning knowing that their child has a church home where he or she can belong and learn about Jesus! How it ministers to their souls knowing that a team of people understand

their needs and are relying on God to guide them in caring for their child! What joy it brings them knowing that a loving staff is taking great care to train volunteers as buddies so they can assist children in any way needed as they attend FSK classes.

Fellowship continues to partner with A-Camp (for children who have autism) and I Can! Arkansas (an organization that provides the arts and sports for children who have special needs) again this year through our Imagine Campaign gifts. This past fall we also launched a much anticipated outreach program called “rEcess” Parent’s Night Out by partnering with a volunteer-led team from Fellowship.

From the beginning until now, it has been the heart of the FSK team to provide a welcoming, loving, and safe place for all children to hear about Jesus and make new friends! The relationship shared between a volunteer buddy and child is life-changing for both and a huge blessing for the family.

It has brought, and continues to bring, such great joy to all of us who have the honor and privilege of serving these families! May we always be a beautiful picture of God’s amazing love for every child as we help them discover His plan for them!

Special Needs Ministryby Lora Mesker







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During a period of waiting after our second miscarriage, God taught my husband and I a lot about the way we’d been parenting. For us, loving our babies meant getting ready for them to be born. We got excited about planning the nursery, getting those “first trimester necessities,” thinking about when the baby would be born, when the baby would take its first steps, when the baby would say its first words.

Through our loss, the Spirit helped us realize that the way we were showing love to our babies wasn’t actually loving our babies. Don’t get me wrong, Austin and I love all of our children wholeheartedly! But, the way we thought that should look was wrong. We were loving a future—a future that wasn’t guaranteed. We were getting attached to the child we hoped our babies would become, not who our babies were.

We decided, if God gifted us another child, we would do things differently. We would not get attached to the future. We would live and love in the present. We’d love the teensy tiny poppy seed sized baby with all our hearts. We’d be the best parents in the world to our little seedling before it even had a heartbeat.

In late May, when we found out we were pregnant again, that’s exactly what we did. The very first thing we did was buy a Jesus Storybook Bible. Every single night Austin read a Bible story to our little one. We prayed and prayed for our bitty baby. We treasured every second. We were intentional with every moment not knowing how many little moments we would have.

The first blood test didn’t look good, but we had hope. The second blood test was worse, but still not definite.

As I lay in bed, waiting for the doctor to call with the results from the third, I knew these could be the last moments I had with that baby. In the next few hours the doctor would call and tell me whether the baby was dying or still alive. I wanted to soak in every last little second. We picked up our Storybook Bible and I read. I started when Jesus was born. Mary was scared but she trusted God. I turned the page and read about the man whose daughter was sick and ran to Jesus to save her. He was afraid, but He trusted Jesus. Then I read about the woman who had been sick for years and touched Jesus’s cloak and was healed. She was afraid, but she trusted Jesus. I read about when the disciples were in

the boat and the storm came. They were afraid, but Jesus reminded them they needed to trust Him. It felt like the whole Bible had been written just for me ... for that very moment. Baby and I decided we were going to trust Jesus.

The doctor called and confirmed we’d lost our third child. We grieved deeply, but this time we had no regrets. We’d been the parents God called us to be. While we mourned the loss, we felt no guilt. We trusted Jesus. In the midst of the storm, when those familiar sea billows of sorrow came back, we trusted Jesus. We knew He would get us through the storm.

Losing our three children has been the hardest thing we’ve ever experienced. I don’t think my heart will ever really feel whole again until I reach heaven. While I wish we didn’t have to suffer these losses, I’m in awe that God, in His abundant grace, saw fit to give us all of our children. I have to remind myself daily that we will get to spend all of eternity with our kids. This life is not mine. I am not on this Earth to have everything I want. I am on this Earth to DO everything HE wants. He knew my heart’s desire and gave it to me, just not in the way I wanted. He gave me children. I just don’t get to hold those three today.

Thankfully, the Lord has blessed us with a beautiful baby girl who we’ve gotten to love and snuggle for over a year now. She was born on May 24, almost exactly one year after we lost our third child. I’d like to say having Maisy erased all of our sorrow and pain, but she has not. Having her erased the fear of never having biological children, but Maisy isn’t the same person that our first baby was ... or our second baby ... or our third. Maisy is Maisy. She is sweet and bubbly. She has her daddy’s eyes and her mommy’s nose. But as I watch her grow and fall deeper in love with her, every sweet moment comes with a tiny hint of longing. I long for our other three and think I will until the day I’m with them again. I long to know what they look like, what they sound like, who they are. I long to have the special moments with them like I get with Maisy.

We’ll forever be different parents, different people, because of the children we’ve lost. We’ll love and cherish our children more, making the most of each moment we have. I pray we never take the moments we get with them for granted.

It Is Well by Austin & Emma Walker

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BENTON CAMPUSFellowship NextSUNDAY, APRIL 17 AFTER 2ND SERVICEHave you ever found yourself looking for a place to belong? Why not take the next step to see if Fellowship is the place you have been looking for? Make no mistake, we’re not a perfect church, but we are a family who cares. It’s easy and we will do all we can to help you find your place to plug in, grow, and feel a part of our family. Lunch and child care are provided. Register at the Connection Center.

Baptism CelebrationSUNDAY, APRIL 17 9 & 11 AM Baptism is an important and exciting step for every follower of Christ! Visit the Connection Center for more details or email [email protected].


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EASTERCommunity Egg Hunt

SATURDAY, MARCH 19 10 AM-NOONGather up your kiddos and bring them to our campus for some good ol’ Easter fun! We’ll have inflatables, worship, and tell the Easter story. Then we’ll hunt eggs with lots of candy for kids up to sixth grade. This is a community wide event, so our hope and prayer is that you and your families would come and bring your friends, too! If you’d like help volunteer for this event, please contact Amber Twigger at [email protected].

Good FridayMARCH 25

6 PM

Easter Services MARCH 27

9 & 11 AM

ADULT DISCIPLESHIPOur small groups are called Discipleship Group (D Groups). These groups live out the values of our church together and make disciples who live out the mission of Jesus Christ. If you want to meet others who are also seeking to grow together in God’s grace, join a D Group! We have Connect groups, Core groups and Care groups. Stop by the Connection Center today or visit to find the group for you.

CONNECTConnect groups help you grow as disciples within the context of life and relationships. Groups have 5-15 members, are coed, and usually meet on Sunday afternoons at various times.

COREIn a Core group you’ll work through a defined framework of curriculum, practices and experiences that teach the in-depth truths of following Jesus Christ. These groups are made up of 4-5 men or women who meet together weekly and grow in faith and discipleship for 14-16 months.

CARECare groups are gatherings that focus on a specific topic of Christian discipleship. They meet Wednesday nights. Beginning in March we will work through the topic of parenthood with Getting to the Heart of Parenting by Paul Tripp.

God has chosen parents to be primary instruments in the shaping of a human soul. So often we get it wrong by using power to get our children to behave in certain ways. We establish laws and then play the role of police officer and judge.

Join us for this 10-week study. Our time together will show parenting is so much deeper than rules and regulations. A biblical view teaches that parenting is all about the exposure and change of a child’s heart.Child care available with registration at

Getting To The Heart of Parenting with Paul David Tripp


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Volunteer Appreciation SUNDAY, APRIL 24 ADULT CLASSROOMIf you volunteer Sundays we want to thank you for your dedication to our ministries here at Fellowship! Words cannot convey our gratitude for your tremendous contribution each and every week. If you serve in FSK, FSM, the Café, Tech or Guest Experience Teams, join us for breakfast treats and give us an opportunity to show you some love!

Fellowship Kids SUNDAYS 9 & 11 AMFSK is a place where kids learn to know the character of God, grow in understanding of who Jesus is and what He accomplished, and show the world around us the joy within us. Our goal is to make each moment we have with our kiddos count and to disciple and lead them well.


Echo WEDNESDAYS 6:30-8 PM | THE BARNEcho is our midweek gathering for 7-12th grade students to connect with God, leaders and other students. We want to help your student grow in their faith and in their knowledge of the Bible. By complimenting what parents are teaching at home, FSM assists with students’ spiritual development.

Easter Break MARCH 20-27FSM will not meet due to spring break and Easter.

Fellowship Sunday SUNDAY, MARCH 13Parents, check your email. More details to come.

Secret Church FRIDAY, APRIL 29 5:30 PM | THE BARNThe Secret Church theme points to a global Gospel in a world of religions. This will be a great opportunity to look at why Christianity is the only true religion.

Benton Campus

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MISSIONSCity Serve SATURDAY, APRIL 16 VARIOUS LOCATIONSAs the church, we are called to serve and love our community! Join us for a day dedicated to reaching out to our neighbors and loving them. Sign up at the Connection Center to be a part of our work projects!

Mission Trip JULY 16-21 GUATEMALAVisit the Connection Center for more details or email [email protected].


Graduation CelebrationSUNDAY, MAY 1

9 & 11 AMJoin us as we recognize graduating students in our church family and celebrate them as they take

their next steps towards God’s plan for their lives.

Child Dedication SUNDAY, MAY 8

9 & 11 AM (MOTHER’S DAY)Child Dedication is a way to publicly affirm your desire to raise your child in a

godly way. For more information, visit the Connection Center or email us at [email protected].

March & April

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CABOT CAMPUS Fellowship NextSUNDAY, APRIL 10 10:45 AM Whether you are new or have been around a while, pull up a chair and learn more about Fellowship. You’ll hear about our story, vision and ministries. You’ll also get to meet our leaders, ask questions, and learn about next steps to be a part of what God is doing here. Register by emailing [email protected].

Baptism Celebration Baptism is an important and exciting step for every follower of Christ. If you’d like to learn about baptism or be baptized, email [email protected] to register for our upcoming class and baptism services.

D Café & Dinner SUNDAY, APRIL 24 5-7 PM Be equipped as a disciple with in-depth teaching from our pastors. Come with your D Group or if you are not a part of D Group, learn more about them this evening.

Night of WorshipSUNDAY, MARCH 13 5-6:30 PM | WORSHIP CENTER We’re spending an evening to focus on God and humble ourselves before Him. Join us for a powerful evening of worship and prayer together. Pizza dinner in the lobby at 5 pm. Child care provided.

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EASTERGood Friday


Easter Services MARCH 27 8, 9:30 & 11 AM

ADULT DISCIPLESHIPWe talk a lot about small groups because that’s where we believe God does His best work in our lives. Discipleship Groups meet weekly at various times and places around Cabot to grow together as followers of Jesus. To learn more about our different small groups and how you can jump in, visit

CONNECTConnect Groups are made up of about 5-15 people who study scripture, pray and encourage one another.

CORE Core groups, a one year discipleship journey, takes you through scripture with 4-5 other men or women so that you can disciple others.

CARE Care groups focus on following Jesus through a particular need in life, such as finances, marriage, foster care/adoption support, and military spouses.

If you serve on ANY of our ministry teams—FSK, FSM, worship, tech, X-Team, cafe or D Groups, drop by the multipurpose room for a special breakfast in your honor. If you aren’t serving, go online to find a team to serve with at


Marriage ConferenceAPRIL 8-9 BRANSON, MOTake a weekend to strengthen your marriage at Family Life’s Weekend to Remember. To learn more, email [email protected].

Fellowship WomenFRIDAY, APRIL 22 PINTEREST NIGHTJoin other women for a Girls Night Out with recipes, crafts and great gift ideas. Register by emailing [email protected].

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MISSIONSCity ServeThis April we’re hitting the streets of Cabot to serve our community. Stay tuned for dates and locations.

Local MissionsTo find out about upcoming events and opportunities to serve with our local ministry partners: The CALL and CASA (foster and adoption care), Options Pregnancy Center, Lonoke County Christian Clinic, or First Care and Hope’s Closet (food and clothing pantries), visit

Cabot Campus

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FELLOWSHIP KIDSFSK invites all children (infants - 6th grade) to join us for either service, 9 or 11 am, to experience what it means to

become a disciple who lives by God’s grace at home and across the world.

Milestone Class: Child DedicationSUNDAY, APRIL 24 5 PM | MULTIPURPOSE ROOMWhether you’re a new parent or have just added to your family, Child Dedication is a special opportunity to publicly affirm your desire to raise your child in a godly way. This class will prepare you for the dedication ceremony by helping you think about what matters most in the years ahead for your child. To register for our upcoming dedication class and services, email [email protected].

Serve in FSKIt’s a great time to jump in to serve in FSK. We need your help loving children, hosting families, and lifting Jesus high in Fellowship Kids. Serve at 9 or 11 am every other week. Email [email protected].

Fifty6 ClassSUNDAYS 9 & 11 AM Fifty6 is for all 4th-6th graders. In March, Fifty6 is studying the final week of Jesus’s life and His resurrection though a series called Uprising. The lessons in this series will help preteens see how Jesus—the resurrected Savior—flipped the world upside down! In April, we will be studying about spiritual warfare in a series called The Masquerade. Preteens will be learning about how to put on the Armor of God and do battle with Satan, the father of lies who masquerades himself as an angel of light.

FELLOWSHIP STUDENTSEchoWEDNESDAYS 6:30-7:45 PMOur weekly time of worship, teaching, and community for 7-12th grade students. Join us in March for a series on dating, The Talk and in April for a series on struggles we all share, Paper Monsters.

FSM D GroupsEmail [email protected] to sign up or learn more about our grade and gender-specific discipleship groups for students.

Shrimp Boil & BarbecueSUNDAY, MAY 1 AFTER 2ND SERVICEThe whole church is invited to a lunch celebrating our graduating seniors. We’re serving up boiled shrimp and barbecue ribs in the lobby after church. Pick up your tickets in April in the lobby or by emailing [email protected].

March & April

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LITTLE ROCK CAMPUSFellowship NextSUNDAY, APRIL 10 10:45 AM | THE STATION Want to learn more about Fellowship? We invite you to attend our Fellowship Next gathering to meet other people checking out Fellowship and hear from pastors about connection opportunities. Register at

Membership ClassSUNDAYS, APR 24-MAY 15 10:45 AM | THE STATION If you’re interested in becoming a member of Fellowship, we invite you to attend our four-week class and hear about our values, heart and mission. Attendance is required to become a member. Register at

Baptism CelebrationSUNDAY, APRIL 24 9 & 11 AM | IN ALL VENUES

Baptism MeetingSUNDAYS, MAR 6, APR 3 11 AM | THE STATION

D Café: The GospelSUNDAY, APRIL 24 6 PM | WAREHOUSE Each D Café we’ll focus on Fellowship’s Confession of Faith, which outlines what we believe as followers of Jesus Christ. During our April D Café we’ll discuss what we believe about the Gospel, including why Jesus’s death on the cross was necessary for our salvation; and will answer questions like, “Can we lose our salvation?” This D Café will include a Q&A time and would be a great resource for someone exploring Christianity, as well as for someone mature in the faith. Register at

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Easter ServicesSATURDAY, MARCH 26


9 & 11 AM | ALL VENUES

FELLOWSHIP KIDSFSK invites all children (infants - 6th grade) to join us for either service, 9 or 11 am, to experience what it means to

become a disciple who lives by God’s grace at home and across the world.

Milestone Class: Child DedicationSUNDAY, APRIL 24 8:45-10:15 AM | THE STATIONThis class is preparation for the next dedication, May 8. Deadline to register is April 18. To register, email [email protected].

Fifty6 ClassIn March, we are studying the final week of Jesus’s life and His resurrection though a series called Uprising. The lessons will help preteens see how Jesus—the resurrected Savior—flipped the world upside down! In April, we’ll be studying about spiritual warfare in a series called The Masquerade. Students will be learning how to put on the Armor of God and do battle with Satan, the father of lies who masquerades himself as an angel of light.

Pajama Day SUNDAY, MARCH 13 9 & 11 AM Daylight Saving Time begins on March 13, and we know this is a difficult Sunday to get everyone up and ready for church. To make it easier for you, we’re inviting everyone in Fellowship Kids to wear their pajamas to church! Your kids may be a little sleepy on that Sunday, but it will still be a great day to worship together!

Summer CampJUNE 13-17 CAMP SILOAM, SILOAM SPRINGSCamp will be for completed second through completed sixth grade. Cost is $260 per camper. Children will spend the week engaged in fun recreation, worship, and Bible study. Register at

First Grade Fishin’ at the PondFRIDAY, APRIL 29 5-8 PM | CONNER PARKFirst graders and families, come to the pond and cast your lure in the water! Join us for a great time of fun and fellowship with other first grade families as we see who can bring in the biggest catch! Email [email protected] for more information.

Second Grade Color RunSUNDAY, APRIL 10 9 & 11 AM During the service your second grader attends they’ll head to the Fellowship Fields for colorful fun! Kids will be given an oversized t-shirt to put over their clothes.

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Little Rock Campus

Discipleship Groups D Groups are small groups that live out the values of our church and the mission of Jesus Christ. We have three types of D Groups: Connect, Core, Care. Go to or the Connection Center to find a group.

Core Groups Core Groups are four to six people, in gender specific groups, going through an overview of the Bible in about one year. As you go through the overview, you’ll discover how scripture points us to Jesus. You’ll also be able to share about your life with the group, and how the Bible is shaping you as you read it. The goal would be transformation in your life and motivation for you to share what God has done in your life with others. Women sign up at or men visit

Stephen Ministry Do you need one-to-one care? We have gifted people that are extensively trained to support and encourage you in your time need. For more information, email [email protected].

Home Repair TeamThis team works repairing fences, sink faucets, steps, installing lighting, and a number of other small projects. They also serve as an advocate for our widows and single women when meeting contractors about large projects. If you have a need or would like to volunteer, contact Donna at [email protected].

Visitation Team Twice a month members encourage, talk and pray with those who can no longer attend church because of health reasons. If you know some who needs to be visited or to join the team, contact Donna at [email protected].

New TestamentOverview for Men WEDNESDAY, MARCH 9 6:15-7:45 AM | THE STATIONWe want to equip you with an understanding of the important themes, the overarching story, and fulfillment of the Old Testament we see in the New Testament. Bring your Core group and join us!

ReNewTUESDAYS 6:30-8:30 PMBe equipped through studies for the ups and downs of life. Topics include: Financial Peace University; Marriage study-Paul David Tripp’s What Did You Expect?; Griefshare; DivorceCare; How We Change? including gender specific D Groups. Child care is available. Get info at

Fellowship WomenJoin a women’s small group anytime. We have groups Tuesday and Thursday mornings, and Wednesday nights. Sign up at


Join us for worship and prayer. Together we’ll seek God’s direction for our church and lives. Child care is available by registration; email [email protected].


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ONE CHURCHWEEKEND OF SERVICE AND CELEBRATION City Serve SATURDAY, APRIL 16MEET AT FELLOWSHIP AT 8 AMGrab your work gloves and get excited to serve alongside our friends at Saint Mark! We are praying with anticipation that God would use this simple day of service to bless those in our community and show them how great His love is! We will start the day with coffee, breakfast, and prayer at the west entrance of the Little Rock campus. Visit for more information and to register with your D Group or your family and friends.

One Church SUNDAY, APRIL 1710 AM FIRST SECURITY AMPHITHEATERThis will be a powerful time of worship, prayer, teaching and community as we come together with Saint Mark for a Sunday morning service. We are excited to see what God does for His glory as we come together as One Church! Be on the look out for more details on parking and seating at There will be no services at the Little Rock campus.

Becoming a ContagiousChristianSATURDAY, MARCH 12 9 AM-1 PM | WAREHOUSESharing your faith becomes so much easier when you discover your own natural evangelism style, build spiritually strategic relationships and learn how to direct conversations toward matters of faith. Join Bill Parkinson as we unpack these three simple strategies and equip you to spiritually connect with people you care about. Register for child care at

Extreme Grandparenting SATURDAY, APRIL 9 8:30 AM-12:30 PM | WAREHOUSETim Kimmell, author of Grace Based Parenting and Extreme Grandparenting, will challenge and equip grandparents to grow the next generation for greatness.

Young AdultsThere are always things going on through our small group communities. To connect to a Young Adult community today, email Rory at [email protected].

Young AdultsSaturday Seminar SATURDAY, MAY 14 9 AM-NOON | FSM Our upcoming Saturday seminar topic will be romance. We will look at how God has designed romance to work, and how the church and the gospel empower God’s plan for romantic love. Roll out in your sweats, grab a bagel when you arrive, and join the discussion. With several scheduling conflicts, we have pushed the date to May.

March & April

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The Exodus ProjectThe Exodus Project’s goal is to return paroled offenders as fully restored citizens, ready and equipped to strengthen the social, economic, moral and spiritual fabric of their communities. If you’re interested in partnering with us visit

Love Our CityInterested in exploring ways you can love our city as we make disciples who live by God’s grace and for His glory “at home?” Visit to see specific opportunities to serve in our school partnerships, family support ministries, health and hospitality and many more.


ESL & Life Skills We need coaches to come alongside adult students. Some will be learning English and others will be learning how to bridge out of poverty. This is a great opportunity for one-on-one discipleship with other adults.

ESL GraduationFRIDAY, APRIL 157 PM | TYLER ST OPP CENTERWe will celebrate with an informal graduation ceremony and dessert for our students. This is a very special time for the students and their families. You’re welcome to join us! Email Pam at [email protected].

Community of Grace Health Center 1ST & 3RD MON & TUESCOGHC provides holistic ministry–physical and spiritual nurturing–to our south midtown neighbors at Tyler Street Opportunity Center. Medical and non-medical volunteers are needed.

Passport to Success 2ND TUES, WED & THURSThis cross-cultural family ministry connects families in our church with families in the Franklin Elementary School neighborhood. Volunteers are needed for our after-school program. Families are also needed to meet with midtown families once a month as part of our family connection dinners.

To serve at Tyler Street Opportunity Center, visit fellowshiponlinecom/golocal.



At Home Parent MeetingSUNDAY, MARCH 6 9-10:15 AM | FSMParents of 7-12th graders, this will be a great morning of discussions on topics related to discipling your students throughout their junior high and high school career.

College ReadyWEDNESDAYS, MARCH 9 & APRIL 13 6-7:30 PM | THE STATIONHey Seniors! This one’s for you! Come on for our study of how to respond to the challenges that await you after high school graduation.

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Ninth Grade Milestone MeetingMARCH 16 6 PM Parents of ninth graders, mark your calendar. We’ll take you through steps to create a meaningful time for your student in their transition to adulthood.

Guys WeekendMARCH 18-19 Come on 7-12th grade dudes! We’ll be camping out at the church and there may or may not be nerf guns, Popeye’s Chicken and good times involved. Register by March 3 for this awesome weekend at

Easter BreakMARCH 20-27 Echo and D Groups will not meet due to Spring Break and Easter.

Citywide Worship NightAPRIL 6 6:30-8:15 PM CHURCH AT ROCK CREEKThis will be a meaningful time for all students to join us as we worship together at Church at Rock Creek with other students all around the Central Arkansas area.

Global TripsWe’ve strategically partnered with ministries across the world to spread God’s love and make disciples of all nations. For information about our global mission trips and to sign up, go to

Thrive Mom’s Breakfast MARCH 3 & APRIL 79 AM | GRANDMA’S GARDENAdoptive and foster moms are invited for fellowship, prayer, and breakfast. Register for yourself and child care at

Thrive Book Club TUESDAYS, APRIL 5-266:30-8:30 PM | FSM We will walk through the book No-Drama Discipline by Tina Bryson. A total of 13 CEU’s offered: 5 for reading the book; 2 for each night attended. Author Tina Bryson will join us on the last night via Skype. Child care provided.

Kingdom QuiltersFIRST MON & THIRD SATWe make lap quilts for individuals who are very ill or dying. We need your help to do this as we challenge ourselves to make more each year. If you are a quilter or would like to become one, call 501-224-7171.

Little Rock Campus

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B I B L E C H U R C Hfellowship

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