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Are Teachers Professionals?I've heard a lot of talk about teachers as

professionals, or at least the desire for teachers to be professionals. I'm not sure many people would disagree that, in an ideal system, teachers would be at least close to on-par with doctors, lawyers,

engineers, etc.

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The government is not treating teachers as professionals Doctors wouldn't let the

government tell them how to treat patients, so why do teachers let the government

dictate what is best for pupils? If the government suggested to doctors which

treatment they should prescribe to their patients, there would be an outcry. If politicians tried to tell lawyers how to handle individual clients' cases, they would face fierce resistance.

So why is it that when ministers recommended a particular choice of school subjects at age 14 – covering maths, English, science, a language and a humanity – over half of English schools jumped straight to it and changed their curriculum offer?

Don't teachers have the same level of professional expertise as doctors and lawyers?

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Teacher Professional Development: It’s Not an Event, It’s a Process

INDIA: A Nation at Risk, our education system has been fixated on raising student performance. Over the decade, we have witnessed the coming and going of many initiatives designed to achieve that end—through the restructuring of schools and programs and the development of standards, curricula, teaching materials, and, yes, standardized assessments.

Yet, in spite of the billions of dollars spent, student performance has been affected very little.

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The main reason for that failure is that too little attention has been paid to what actually goes on in the classroom. As an old adage puts it, “If you do what you’ve always done, you will get the results you’ve always gotten.”

In addition, professional development should (1) deepen teachers’ knowledge of the subjects being

taught; (2) sharpen teaching skills in the classroom; (3) keep up with developments in the individual fields, and

in education generally; (4) increase the ability to monitor students’ work, in order

to provide constructive feedback to students and appropriately redirect teaching

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Is teaching a profession? It is one of the controversial questions in the modern society of India. Most teachers in public and private schools are college graduates with years training in teaching.

However, many people are thinking that if "everybody boil water and coach basketball, then they kind of feel the same way about teaching

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Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it.

When the teachers are to be professionalized, the practitioner-client relationships should be changed, too. As the patients choose the best medical doctors, the students (and their parents) should have a mechanism to choose the best teachers for a successful education at school. Because of the changing needs of the teachers will have to be professionals, much like doctors.

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SUCCESS or FAILURE of an institution depends on

how we are and what we do…

Why Teachers are So Stressed...check it out!When in School we always wondered why

teachers always seemed so mad I know the reason….because they are so stressed out by kids Why??????? 

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 children to make teachers world upside down 

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I achieve with ease.

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The alphabets in “Cheating” & “Teaching” are same in spelling;

thus who ‘cheats’ you always teaches you something in life.

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Redefining Teaching as a Profession

Waiting for 'Superman': Are Teachers the Problem?

like teachers reading newspapers in class; Doing correction, register work Sitting means passive and expect active

participation of class (students) like students are playing in ground and physical teachers are talking.

Use your skills to help kids get on track — and stay on track

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Students often feel as though teachers are speaking a different language and not much else. It's really hard to learn anything when you can't understand a single word the teacher says.

How among are you getting in my lecture and following sincerely

JUST Same is happening in your class.....

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While the phrase "Go to the principal's office" has always conjured fear, school is being haunted by a ghost.

Critics of zero tolerance policies frequently refer to cases where minor offenses have resulted in severe punishments and instead make schools more like a jail or a prison

Research shows that school suspension and expulsion result in a number of negative outcomes for both schools and students.

No Child Left Behind, we can now track how well individual students are doing from year to year

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successful schools are altering fundamentals that were for so long untouchable, by insisting on great teachers, more class time and higher standards. We now know that it is possible to teach every kid, even poor kids with wretched home lives, to read, write and do math and science at respectable levels.

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Zero tolerance is a policy of punishing any infraction of a rule, regardless of accidental mistakes, ignorance, or extenuating


Be on time in school and class room Sit only in staff rooms or in labs or library Don’t sit anywhere in any empty classroom Copy correction on time and with proper remarks Should take attendance regularly in both meeting Don’t feel jealous with others if they have given

extra work or duties, better try to learn from them so you can be next….

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GOOD School –”Guarantee Of Overall Development” of your child

Its foundation is built upon Four Building Blocks of Education as promoted by the Council for Global Education, USA:

Universal Values: the spirit ‘to be’ Global Understanding: the heart ‘to love’ Excellence in All Things: the mind ‘to discover’ Service to Humanity: the skills to ‘serve and make

a difference’

Would you board a flight which only gives 80% guarantee of reaching you safely to your

destination? No not at all. We teach children, not subjects.

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