Page 1: Thoughts - XXXII [Kurdistan, Islamism, Israel, Iran, Temple Mount, US Double-Standard]

The issues caused by rampant Islamism are so unnerving that they have been distributed separately. Addressing the issue as to whether Islam is Violent were Atheist Sam Harris and Islamism Apologist Cenk Uygur; I concur with an Expert Panel that concluded the Islamic State is Attempting to Return to 'the Purest Islam' of Mohammed Era. That’s why Cruz said it’s Time to Drop the ‘Illusion’ That Latest Terror Attacks in Jerusalem and Canada Are “Random Acts of senseless violence unrelated to our national security.”

The Domestic component is captured in multiple venues: Rogers: Can't rule out boots on the ground in Syria, a Massachusetts Father is Mad Because Public School Teaches ‘There Is No God But Allah’ and CAIR Hosted San Diego Candidates at Islamic Center Debate and Spinning a Terrorist Into a Victim, Part 1: Who is Rasmieh Odeh? This is ignored by MSNBC which, on Monday’s “Morning Briefing,” aired the conclusion that the perpetrators of such terror are crazies and are, specifically, not manifesting their perception of Islam.

Regarding Kurdistan, SYRIA ACTIVISTS SAID KOBANe DEATH TOLL PASSED 800, although Kurds Thwarted a New Islamic State Bid to Cut off Syria's Kobane before Iraqi Kurdish reinforcements can deploy; sadly, the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) Captured and Beheaded a famous Kurdish Female Fighter 'Rehana' in Kobane [aligned with The Women Protection Units (YPG)]. Turmoil continued throughout Syria [Syrian Rebels Clash with Government Troops, 19 Die] and Iraq [Suicide Attack Kills 24 People South of Baghdad and Germany's BND federal Intelligence found that the Islamic State in northern Iraq Has Anti-Aircraft Weapons (shoulder-mounted rocket launchers—MANPADS—of Russian design captured from Syrian army stocks that could take down passenger jets)], while Turkey was not a safe refuge [Syrian Refugee Women Forced into Marriages and Prostitution in Turkey]. More profoundly, involvement of The Kurds in Turkey in the Fight for Kobanê has undermined a historical process, the reconciliation of the Turkish State with the Kurds living in Turkey; Turkish guns point in every direction but that of Kobani, and the Turkish air force continues bombing the Kurdish PKK, not the Islamic State. Many Kurds believe that the Turkish state considers it acceptable for the "Islamic State" to murder Kurds, and would rather bomb the Kurds than help them against the Islamic State.

Pro- and Anti-Islamists are beginning to become delineated. Nigeria is OK [Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, while in Jerusalem on a Private Christian Pilgrimage, Met Netanyahu, noting that Nigeria is rocked by the Islamic terrorism of Boko Haram and is a member of the UN Security Council; Boko Haram Victims Tell of Rape, Torture and Abuse; and Nigerian Women Describe Boko Haram Abductions]. India is OK [India Picked Israel's Spike Anti-Tank Missile over U.S. Javelin and Israel to Deliver 49 Drones to India to Keep an Eye on China and Pakistan]. Pakistan is problematic [Israeli Cultural Display was Removed in Islamabad and Islamic University Dean and Student Adviser were Suspended over Model UN Fiasco.

Islamists are infesting the Arab world:ISIS Hostages, For months, Endured routine Torture [starved, beaten, subjected to water-boarding and threatened with execution] before Beheadings Secular Party Looks to Win Tunisia ElectionsTunisian Islamists Concede Election Defeat to Secular PartySunni vs Shia Sectarian Clashes Grow in Northern LebanonTurkish PM Condemned Terrorist Attack on Turkish SoldiersTurkish Opposition MHP Asked for Normalization in Relations with Israel

Page 2: Thoughts - XXXII [Kurdistan, Islamism, Israel, Iran, Temple Mount, US Double-Standard]

Last U.S. Marines, British Combat Forces End Afghan Operations

Islamism is also ravaging Europe:Canada Gunman Prepared Video of Himself, Authorities Decline to Release RecordingFront National Councillor Suspended For Recruiting Colleagues to IslamTeacher Admits Syria-Linked Terror ChargesRiot Police Clash With 4,000 Strong Anti-Islam ProtestJIHADIS 'INFILTRATING UK PARLIAMENT TOURS'[SEGREGATED BUS LINE FOR GYPSIES IN TORINO CAUSES UPROAR]

Egypt’s struggle against Islamists was dramatized after 31 Egyptian Soldiers were Killed in Sinai by Palestinian Militants; that’s why Egypt is to Set Up a 1.5 and 3 km. Buffer Zone with Gaza and Egypt Requested Support in War against Jihadi Groups [such as Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis] and Banned Hamas; Egypt also Postponed Talks indirect talks between Israel and Hamas on Gaza in Wake of Sinai Attack, yielding a continued delay in the flow of construction materials into Gaza. The following explains why:

Gaza Functions as Logistic Hub for Sinai Jihadis - Ansar Bayt al-Maqdis is at the forefront of jihadi groups determined to throw Egypt into chaos. The army is making an all-out effort to eliminate all Islamist terrorist movements, but the terrorists are securely entrenched among the population in northern Sinai and they can depend on the extensive networks of Bedouin in the area. Furthermore, they are being reinforced by a steady stream of men and material coming through all of Egypt's borders. To a certain extent, Egypt is under siege, with Gaza functioning as the logistic hub. Gaza has the capacity to develop and produce weapons, to package explosives, and to train terrorists before infiltrating them into Sinai. At the same time, an ever-growing number of fighters and ammunition are coming in through the borders with Libya and Sudan. During the Mubarak era, extensive smuggling networks were left to grow in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula, in the mistaken belief that it was a problem for Israel alone. It was a costly mistake, for which Egypt is paying dearly.

A “guest-recipient” of these “Blast” e-mails remains the Chair of the MontCo Dems’ Party, attorney Marcel Groen; we live in the same voting-precinct and, semi-annually, he has been confronted with my claim that BHO is an anti-Semite. Specifically noting what is occurring with Iran, I have told him flat-out that any nuking will place Jewish Blood onto HIS hands, for his reticence to speak-out against BHO’s appeasement is c/w his sense of party-loyalty. This behavior was manifest when the Dems Killed a Key Pro-Israel bill to Appease White House on Iran; Sen. Menendez Pulled a pro-Israel bill over Iran oversight language , even as the Beating of an American Pastor in Iran was Linked to Nuke Talks .

Years ago, I hosted a quiet meeting between an Israeli-Intelligence expert and Josh Shapiro, during which he was “1-on-1” told of what was portending, and he said he had an internal-contact @ the White-House whom he’d call; nothing emerged since [even after I wrote a letter detailing what had occurred, which was published in the Times Chronicle, and even after I referred to this event during public-comment @ a MontCo meeting of the Commissioners (after he gently advised all statements should refer to government-business)],while the issue has risen to beyond-“crisis” levels…and Jewish-Dems are mute…and the world is silent.

Page 3: Thoughts - XXXII [Kurdistan, Islamism, Israel, Iran, Temple Mount, US Double-Standard]

It has become tiresome to have to keep pointing-out the obvious [that has been repeatedly proven, particularly when rejectionist-Arafat failed to propose a counter-idea during Camp David II], but it is important to note that Recognizing a Palestinian State Now Will Thwart Hopes for Peace; the Friends of Israel Initiative has always claimed that peace can only be reached through negotiations. Recognizing Palestine as a state will reward Palestinian unwillingness to negotiate a true peace with Israel and will encourage unilateral moves and a break with the Oslo Accords. Recognizing now an entity that is far from democratic, free, peaceful and prosperous will only thwart any possibility that any such state will exist in the future. {Also, note that BB is Again Facing Showdown with Critics in His Own Party.}

Similarly, it has been repeatedly shown that Israeli Territorial Concessions don’t Bring Peace, as is again illustrated by an interview of Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon:

Q: Secretary Kerry recently said the lack of resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian issue is leading to street anger and recruitment for the Islamic State.

Ya'alon: Unfortunately, we find the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is dominated by too many misconceptions. We don't find any linkage between the uprising in Tunisia, the revolution in Egypt, the sectarian conflict in Iraq and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Mainly, these come from the Sunni-Shia conflict, without any connection to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The core of the conflict is their reluctance to recognize our right to exist as a nation state of the Jewish people - whether it is Abu Mazen [Abbas] or his predecessor Arafat. There are many who believe that just having some territorial concessions will conclude it. But I don't think this is right.

Q: Will territorial concessions bring peace?

Ya'alon: No, they would be another stage of the Palestinian conflict, as we experienced in the Gaza Strip. We disengaged from the Gaza Strip to address their territorial grievances. They went on attacking us. The conflict is about the existence of the Jewish state and not about the creation of the Palestinian one. Any territory that was delivered to them after Oslo became a safe haven for terrorists. Bearing that in mind, to conclude that after the [recent] military operation in Gaza this is a time for another withdrawal from Judea and Samaria [the West Bank] is irrational.

Illustrating the crisis in Israeli-US relations, U.S. Officials Refused Some Requests by Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon for Meetings with several top national security aides, still miffed over negative comments that he made about Secretary of State John Kerry's Mideast peace efforts and nuclear negotiations with Iran. While Defense Minister did see Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel and U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power, the officials said the White House and State Department rejected Israeli proposals for meetings with Vice President Joe Biden, national security adviser Susan Rice and Kerry.

Page 4: Thoughts - XXXII [Kurdistan, Islamism, Israel, Iran, Temple Mount, US Double-Standard]

Of great strategic import is what’s occurring on the Temple Mount, noting that there was a Second Fatality from the nearby Jerusalem light-rail Terror Attack:

The Role of Hamas and Fatah in the Jerusalem Disturbances - The deterioration of the security situation in Jerusalem is connected to the struggle between the moderate Sunni regimes and the Muslim Brotherhood, which seeks to make the Jerusalem issue a rallying cry. The Brotherhood's strategy hopes to unite all of the region's Islamic movements around the idea of the Muslim Caliphate with the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem as its hub. The head of Hamas' Political Bureau, Khaled Mashal, published a special announcement calling "on our people to hasten immediately to defend Jerusalem and Al-Aqsa, and on the Muslim nation to send a painful message of rage to the world." In Hamas' view, it is the Jerusalem issue that can place the Palestinians at the forefront of the revolution unfolding in the Arab world.

How Islamists Support Conflict on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem – Funds from Qatar and Islamic foundations are transferred to the Northern Branch of the Islamic Movement in Israel, which pays thousands of shekels per month to hundreds of men and women, allegedly members of an innocent study group dedicated to learning Islamic scripture on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. Any Jew who has visited the mount has encountered them. They are bands of agitators who bombard Jewish groups that ascend the mount with chants of "Allahu Akhbar" (God is great), yelling and cursing them. Al-Aqsa Mosque has become a haven for rioters and a warehouse for rocks, wooden beams, firebombs, metal rods, and fireworks - purchased with subsidies provided by Hamas and Fatah. Muslims shoot fireworks directly at policemen and Jewish visitors. The fireworks are smuggled into the Temple Mount compound by Muslim women, who conceal them under their clothes and are not inspected.

The IDF Killed a Palestinian Throwing a Firebomb at Israeli Motorists in West Bank, prompting the U.S. to Express Condolences to his Family; the Palestinian-Arab teenager was a U.S. citizen. This reflected The State Dept.'s (Im)moral Equivalence Between Innocent Jew and Violent Arab when, contrasting with this week’s statement, last week, the U.S. State Department offered its "deepest condolences" to the family of 3-month-old Chaya Zissel Braun [killed by a Palestinian terrorist in Jerusalem], who was also a U.S. citizen.

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