
Master head: As the ‘Stover’ is big and bold which makes it the first object that the reader looks at and will immediately know that the magazine is by the Stover school.

Tagline: The tagline ‘ Achieve Your Aspirations’ tells the audience that this school is the place to go to reach your peak and so it audiences such as students will be interested to see what they do at this school. To see what the school is like they will have to read the magazine which is what the school is trying to get people to do.

The Images: The images show the variety of activities being done by students at the school which shows how great the school is and that the students there are having a great time. The denotation is that the students are clearly having fun but the conation is that the school is very respectful place.

Graphics: The graphics of the magazine are clearly high quality as the images are clear and the text is using a very modern look. In addition, the colour scheme is very modern which shows that the magazine is serious about presenting itself as a respectful school which is a great place for education.

Headline: there is no headline as the aim of the magazine is to show the school as respectful and of high quality teaching which is done by showing images rather than headlines on the side of cover.

Bar Code: There is no price because the magazine is aimed at students who attend at the school and students don’t want to pay for a school magazine so there is no price as they made the magazine free. There is no bar code because that would imply that that the magazine is a product being sold outside of the school which is not the purpose of the magazine.

Headline: The headline is in large text size so that the reader can easily know that the page has the information on what is included in the magazine. The contents page headline is trying to get people to read the contents and then hopefully the rest of the magazine.

The Sub-Headline: The sub-headline ‘Editorial Team’ is telling the reader who built the magazine including the designers from a company. This shows that the school cares a lot about it’s appearance but that they also care so about there school, they are willing to spend money on objects such as this magazine.

Colour Scheme: The colour is green and white which is very simplistic for a magazine. This can only mean tat the magazine is more about the school and what the school is like rather than the design looking good and highly entertaining.

Language: It is clear from the text and language used in the magazine that the target audience of the magazine is older students who are interested in sophisicated things rather than bright colours and large images.

Layout: The layout of the magazine is very simple but draws attention to the information rather than the design. This targets the intended audience and conveys the information effectively which entices the target audience to read the articles in the magazine.

Main Image: The main image is of the school but formatted to have a black and white to reflect how old the school is and how long they have been teaching. This emphasise in age is to convey the experience the school has in teaching and dealing with young students.

Graphics: The colour scheme is very simple with light and dark green to make the information the focus of article rather than the design . The image that are used beside or above the articles are of high quality so that the reader can associate the text with a visual so that the magazine has more to offer the reader. Quote: “Our X-Factor

candidate” presents the schools as quite laid to the audience as the magazine has mentioned the candidate which is being used to emphasise the support the school can give any student that attend there for their studies.

The main focus of the double page spread is the classic image on the right which signifies that the students are the topic of this article. The laid back attitude of the students image show the reader that Stover is a great place to learn as the atmosphere is relaxed. The article is the important to the magazine as the aim of the magazine is to

relay information not images and fancy colours. The text uses a dark colour on light background and light on dark. These text colours enhance the text on the page and attracts the eye of the reader who will look upon on the text and want to read the text.

Main Image: The main image is of many students gathered at some sort of cathedral with an hat appears to be an army office holding the school banner. This presents the school as open minded and respectful as they are gathered at a cathedral which most schools don’t do anymore plus the army officer emphasises their respect for the military and those who are fighting for us abroad. Overall the main image emphasises the school being respectful and open minded to many things such as religion.

Images: Whilst the main image’s purpose is to show how respectful the school is as a whole, the images below show the school during the day and students having fun and talents. The left image shows students laughing which presents the school as an exciting place to learn and the middle image is of a drama play which presents the school as believing in performing art and students having talents which the school can improve upon with the students.

Tagline: The tagline is “An Education For Life” which tells the reader that this school does not just educate to pass exams but educates children so that they know more in life rather than their youth. The tagline will make external students think that is an interesting and want to read on to see what kind of school the place is.

Master Head: The master head “the caterhamian” is very effective and eye catching because such a title is not common with school magazines so the reader is immediately engaged. As it engages the reader, they will want to read the magazine but the title itself emphasises that the school cares about such things.

Graphics: The graphics are spectacular as the images are of high quality and standard which is obvious to the reader. In addition, the master head text is very clear and modern in design which the reader can take as the school caring lot about the way they appear. This could also indicate to readers that the school cares so much about everything that goes in their school.

Main Image: The main image is of Obama and the American flag behind him which shows the school is well involved with politics which is a rare thing. This shows that the school is into politics and very intellectual by the sound of it so the reader will be impressed by the school and will want to read on because the magazine will have other interesting things install for him/her.

Sub-Image: The sub-image is of a student in a box covered in many colours of paint which is very odd to say the least. The contents page gives no explanation on the image which makes the reader want to read on out of curiosity.

Graphics: The graphics are once again spectacular as the images and text are of high quality and the colour scheme is good because it engages and entertains the reader to an extent. The different coloured numbers engages the reader whilst the images are intriguing and entertaining as they are not what most school magazines would use

Layout: The layout is not made to inform the reader but entertain as the images are the main focus of the page whilst the page numbers and names are located at the bottom in small text .

Language: The language of the magazine is very formal which is indicated by the topics noted on the contents page as one topic is politics and nobody would use slang whilst talking about politics.

Graphics: The graphics once again are fantastic as the images are of high quality but on this double page spread they have included graphs and tables. These graphs and tables are good because it entertains the reader to an extent but gets the message across with few words which is good because exam results is not the most exciting.

Main Image: The main image on the top of the left page is of a group of students who have their exam results. They look happy which means they must have passed their exams which shows that the they are clever but also that the school is good because they have taught these students.

The Article: The article is equally important as the presentation on this page because the magazine is not only saying that they have had god exam results but they are showing that they happy students who have tried their best to get the grades they want. The tables ad graphs in the presentation of the page does not only convey the message of good results but also entertains the reader as it is a change from just text after more text which can be quite boring if it goes on for awhile.

Quote: The quote “pupils achieve a record number of top grades in GCSE results” shows the reader that the school has had very good results and that they are pleased. It also shows that the school cares deeply about their students which can taken by the reader that the schools cares a lot abut their students and will help them in any way that they possibly can.

Main Image: The main image is of a group of students at an awards evening for maths challenge success. This shows that the school has very intelligent students that can reach very high goals but it also shows that the school has excellent teachers. The fact that the school has great teachers that can hep students reach their best, shows that the school is a very good place to study.

Tagline: There is no tagline on the magazine because it would get mixed in with all the different images and text on the front cover.

Left Third: The left third rule has been applied to this magazine as the logo, name and topics of the magazine has been include in bold text on the left third.

Master head: The master head “UK Champions” is very effective and eye catching because such a title is not common with school magazines so the reader is immediately engaged. As it engages the reader, they will want to read the magazine but the title itself emphasises that the school cares about such things.

Graphics: The graphics are good as the text is stylish and not commonly used so it will engage the audience and the images are clear and precise. As the image and text are stylish and clear to the reader, they will want to read further in the magazine as it will peak their interest.

Main Image: The main image on the top of the page is of a group of students who have their exam results. They look happy which means they must have passed their exams which shows that the they are clever but also that the school is good because they have taught these students. The school is shown in an even better light as the students have had Cambridge offers which boosts the school’s appearance as they have taught these students.

The main focus of the article is to show the reader the success the school has had with it’s students rather than telling the reader, The magazine does this by having fancy colours and big images that show students who have achieved a lot and are moving on to greater things.

Photography: The photography is realistic as the photos have not been altered in any way what so ever. This shows the reader that the school is genuine and gets real results that they don’t have to fake to appear a good school.

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