  • 8/8/2019 Three Takbeers to End Your Salaah is Bidah


    Three Takbeers to end your Salaah = bid`ah

    My whole life, I thought that when you end your salaah, you MUST do three takbeers. Later, I

    found out that it is just a mustaHab act to end your salaah. What we are going to do is examine this

    practice of three takbeers to end your salaah.

    Is this an act of finishing your salaah or part of something else? Is there ANY SaHeeH hadeeth that

    alludes to this? And what actions are we suppose to do when we end our salaah?

    Here is the section that alludes to this practice. (taken from my personal copy of Wasaail Al-Shee`ah)

    Wasaail Al-Shee`ah, vol. 4, pg. 10301031, hadeeth # 8419 & 8420

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    14 Chapter on the desirability of raising the hands over the head at the finishing of thesalaah, and takbeer thrice, and du`aa by what has been handed down.

    1 Muhammad b. `Ali b. al-Husayn by his isnad from Safwan b. Mihran the camel driver. He said: I sawAboo `Abdillaah when he prayed and ended his salaah (that he would) raise his hands above hishead.

    And the Shaykh narrated it by his isnaad from al-Husayn b. Sa`eed from Ibn Abee Najran from Safwaanlikewise.Source:

    1. Al-Sadooq, Man Laa YaHDuruh Al-Faqeeh, vol. 1, pg. 325, hadeeth # 952 2. Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb Al-aHkaam, vol. 2, pg. 106, hadeeth # 1713. Al-`Aamilee, Wasaail Al-Shee`ah, vol. 6, pg. 452, hadeeth # 8419


    1. Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is SaHeeHMilaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 3, pg. 613

    2. Al-Majlisi I (Majlisis Father) said this hadeeth is SaHeeH

    RawDah Al-Muttaqoon, vol. 2, pg. 369

    - - -


    2 And in al-`Ilal from `Ali b. Ahmad b. Muhammad from Hamza b. al-Qasim al-`Alawi from Ja`far b.

    Muhammad b. Malik from Muhammad b. al-Husayn b. Zayd the oil seller from Muhammad b. Sinan from

    al-Mufaddal b. `Umar. He said: I said to Aboo `Abdillaah : For which reason does the person doing salaah do takbeer thrice after the tasleem, raising his hands with it? So he said: (It is) because when

    the Prophet conquered Makka, he prayed the dhuhr with his companions at the Black Stone,

    and when he had done tasleem he raised his hands and did takbeer thrice. And he said: There is no god

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    but Allah, He alone, He alone. His fulfilled His promise, and helped His servant, and supported His army,

    and defeated the confederates He alone. So for Him is the kingdom and for Him is the praise. He gives

    life and He makes die, (and He makes die and He gives life, in al-`Ilal) and He is powerful over

    everything. Then he turned to him companions, and he said: Do not leave this takbeer and this saying at

    the end of every written salaah, for verily whoever does that after the tasleem and says this saying has

    fulfilled what was obligatory upon him of thanks to Allah ta`ala upon (i.e. for) the strengthening of Islam

    and its army.


    1. Al-Sadooq, `Ilal Al-Sharaai`, vol. 2, ch. 78, pg. 360, hadeeth # 12. Al-`Aamilee, Wasaail Al-Shee`ah, vol. 6, pg. 452 453, hadeeth # 84203. Al-Kashaanee, Al-Waafee, vol. 8, pg. 7914. Muhaddith Al-Noori, Mustadarak Al-Wasaail, vol. 5, ch. 12, pg. 52, hadeeth # 5342

    As you can see only 1 of the 2 aHaadeeth that are presented as the source for doing three takbeers

    after salaah is actually talking about doing three takbeers. The first Haadeeth, which is SaHeeH, doesnt

    talk about doing three takbeers at all, but it is talking about raising your hands (most likely your hands

    together with the palms facing towards the ceiling) above your head (fawqa ras).

    Now, we move on to the second hadeeth that discusses the three takbeers. First, we will break down the

    isnaad provided, and then we will break down the actual hadeeth to see what it is really saying.

    The isnaad provided has 4 weak points (in red), and here are the weak links in the chain.

    is Majhool (Unknown) according to:

    1. Al-Khoei, Mu`jam Rijaal Al-Hadeeth, vol. 11, pg. 252, person # 7897 is Da`eef Jiddan(Very Weak) according to:

    1. Al-Najaashee, Rijaal, pg. 122, person # 3132. Ibn Al-GhaDaairee, Kitaab Al-Du`afaa, pg. 483. Al-Toosi, Rijaal, pg. 418, person # 6037 (Toosi said he is thiqah, but the people of Qum said he is


    4. Al-Hillee, Al-KhulaaSah, pg. 210, person # 3 (Hillee said you should NOT act upon hisnarrations)

    is Da`eef (Weak) according to:

    1. Al-Toosi, Fihrist, pg. 407, person # 6202. Al-Toosi, Rijaal, pg. 364, person # 53943. Al-Najaashee, Rijaal, pg. 328, person # 8884. Al-GhaDaairee, pg. 92, person # 130

    is Da`eef (Weak) according to:

    1. Ibn GhaDaairee, Kitaab Al-Du`afaa, pg. 88, person # 1172. Al-Najaashee, Rijaal, pg. 416, person # 1112

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    3. Al-Hillee, Al-KhulaaSah, pg. 258, person # 1Based off of this isnaad, this hadeeth can be graded as Da`eef Jiddan (Very Weak). Usually in fiqhi

    matters, that is when the isnaad of aHaadeeth are looked at VERY closely.

    Some people might argue that this is a mustaHab (recommended) act, so no need to go through this

    strenuous process of looking at the isnaad (chain of narrators). Thats okay, lets look at the matn(content) of the hadeeth, and see what is the hadeeth saying.Even if you want to follow that hadeeth, the three takbeers are done as a ta`qeeb (acts done AFTER salaah

    is done). If you notice the scanned image of Wasaail, on the top of the second image provided, it says that

    it is in the section of Ta`qeeb, which are things done after salaah, such as tasbeeH, du`aa, etc.

    If you read the hadeeth carefully, this is how the procedure is supposed to be.

    1. Finish your salaah with a ONE tasleem (or two depending on if it is a jamaa`ah or a furada(individual))

    This will be discussed a little later2. After your salaah is done, raise your hand above your head (fawqa al-ra's) This is based off of the previous narration which says to put your hands above your head

    3. THEN, you recite three takbeers

    4. After that, you recite the du`aa mentioned in the hadeethHere is what Al-Toosi has said concerning the 3 takbeers, this is found in the section of

    Ta`qeeb (things done AFTER salaah)


    "One is recommended to say before standing up to leave the place of prayer. Raise his hands up to the

    earlobes and say 'Allaahu Akbar' three times"


    Al-Toosi,Al-Nihaayah fee Mujarrad Al-Fiqh wa Al-Fataawa, pg. 84

    As you can see, this action (three takbeers) in NO WAY ends your salaah, thinking that this action is

    INDEED ending your salaah is abid`ah. Also, you can see that this hadeeth provided does not talk about

    the up and down motion of your hands three times, as you see some of our shee`ahs do.

    Now, the question arises, if this (three takbeers) doesnt end your salaah, then what action(s) end your


    Here are narrations that show that the ENDING of your salaah is the tasleem.

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    He said: I heard Aboo `Abdillaah (as) saying regarding a man who prayed as-subh (fajr), and when he sat

    in the two rak`at before he did tashahhud he had a nosebleed. He said: So he is to leave and wash his

    nose, then he is to return and complete his salaah, for the end of salaah is the tasleem.


    1. Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb Al-aHkaam, vol. 2, ch. 15, pg. 320, hadeeth # 163Grading:

    1. Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is Muwaththaq (Reliable)Milaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 4, pg. 481

    - He said: Aboo `Abdillaah (as) said to me: Whenever you mention (or, remember) Allah by it and the

    Prophet (pbuh), then it is from salaah. And if you say as-salam `alayna wa `ala `ibadillahi s-saliheen

    then you have departed (i.e. youve completed your salaah).


    1. Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 3, pg. 337-338, hadeeth # 6Grading:

    1. Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is SaHeeHMiraat Al-`Uqool, vol. 15, pg. 162

    Another question that arises is, what type of action / motion should we do our tasleem in?

    If you are the leader of the prayer or if you are praying alone then you do tasleem ONCE. And if

    you are follower (mamoon) in the jamaa`ah, then you do tasleem TWICE. Here are the aHaadeeth thattalk about this.

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    He said: Aboo `Abdillaah (as) said: If you are in a row, then do a tasleem from to your right and a tasleem

    to your left, for to your left is someone who is doing tasleem upon you. And if you are an imam, then do a

    tasleem while you are facing qibla.


    1. Al-Kulayni, Al-Kaafi, vol. 3, pg. 338, hadeeth # 7Grading:

    1. Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is SaHeeHMiraat Al-`Uqool, vol. 15, pg. 163

    From this hadeeth, you can see that you do two tasleems if you are in a row and one if you are an

    Imaam or reading alone. Now, when you do your tasleem, DO NOT move your head SO MUCH to the

    right and to the left as if you are looking over your shoulder, but you slightly move it to the right and to the

    left. (NOTE: You are always doing tasleem to the right)

    One FINAL question arises, what should you do if you are in jamaa`ah, and you are at the VERY left end

    of the row, and NO ONE is to the left of you, just people to the right. The answer can be found from thishadeeth.

    He said: Aboo `Abdillaah (as) said: The imam does tasleem once and whoso is behind him does tasleem

    twice. So if there is there no one to his left, he does tasleem once.


    1. Al-Toosi, Tahdheeb Al-aHkaam, vol. 2, ch. 8, pg. 93, hadeeth # 1142. Al-Toosi, Al-IstibSaar, vol. 1, ch. 199, pg. 346, hadeeth # 2


    1. Al-Majlisi said this hadeeth is SaHeeHMilaadh Al-Akhyaar, vol. 3, pg. 573

    From this hadeeth, the final question is answered, if there is NO ONE to the left of you in a row (i.e. you

    are at the left end of a row), then you will only do ONE tasleem (to your right).

    In conclusion, thinking that the three takbeers end your salaah, you are introducing abid`ah, because

    the three takbeers do not in ANY way end your salaah, because your salaah is complete / ended whenyou do tasleem (either once or twice depending on which type of salaah you are doing and where you are

    in the jamaa`ah).

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