Page 1: Thursday 3rd · Butterfly Hunter’. We have drawn mini-beasts which we collected from our school garden. We have researched

Dear Parent/carer,

Thank you to all parents for supporting our morning routine. It is lovely to see our nursery

pupils coming into school confidently without any congestion in the corridors. Our end of day

routines are still causing some concerns for staff at the junior end of our school. At the end of

the day staff call out club lists to send pupils to wait for their club in the hall, then pupils with

permission to leave the yard are dismissed. Pupils waiting for parents are asked to line up in the

yard before walking to parents. Please can we ask that all parents / carers come into the yard and

do not call children from the ramp as they exit the school as teachers dismissing need to ensure

that children have gone directly to an adult. This is especially important when pupils are dismissed

by our music and drama teachers on a Tuesday afternoon.

Thank you to everyone for the tremendous support shown last Friday for our Macmillan

afternoon tea. Together you helped raise an amazing £234. Well done everyone!

Mrs. M. Teague (Head Teacher)


Meithrinfa: Meredith Amos Noah Davies

Dosbarth 1: Megun Slocombe Dexter Allen

Dosbarth 2: Amelia Higgins Ellie May Scott

Dosbarth 3: Ioan Lewis Cayden Holloway

Dosbarth 4: Ava Faith Williams Lucas Girling

Thursday 3rd October2019

Meithrinfa: Imogen Davies

Dosbarth 1: Eliot Thomas

Dosbarth 2: Zak Sanford

Dosbarth 3: Abi Stephenson

Dosbarth 4: Lucy Jones

Tel: 01638 750224

We need your junk!

As you know, this year we have turned our demountable into a creative studio. The children are

enjoying creating models and collages using household junk. Please recycle and send in your junk to

keep our supplies topped up. We need:-

Kitchen roll/tinfoil tubes tissue paper wool / string / thread ribbon

card cereal boxes corks pine cones yoghurt pots

plastic tubs egg boxes

Page 2: Thursday 3rd · Butterfly Hunter’. We have drawn mini-beasts which we collected from our school garden. We have researched

Class 1 – Mrs. Catherine Thomas

The children have been finding out about coins. Reception have been

exploring 1p and 2p coins and the Year 1 children have been finding

different ways to make 10p and 20p using coins and Numicon plates.

The Reception children have been practicing their fine motor skills by

threading beads etc. They have also learned 5 new RWI sounds. Your

child will come home with these 5 sounds at the end of each

week. Please practice these sounds at home with your child and find

them in the environment. Year 1 children have been sharing their

earliest memories with their friends and had a go at typing up their

memory on HWB write. Reception children have been practicing typing

their name on the computer keyboard using HWB write.

Class 1 helped to support the MacMillan Event by creating their own

bunting for the occasion and wrote their own invitations for their

families. They also performed magnificently in front of an audience

during the event singing 5 nursery rhymes. Reception children will be

bringing home their 'Pori Drwy Stori' certificates soon.

Class 3 – Mrs. Abigail Williams

Another busy week in class 3. We have looked at features of a

recount, connectives and adjectives in English. In maths we have

been recapping column addition & subtraction with carrying &

borrowing. We then used these skills to carry out an investigation

on who stole the cupcakes from the fridge - we all loved this

activity! In topic we have been investigating and creating a time

line on the life of Alfred Russel Wallace & we have looked at the

harvest festival. In PE we have been practising our balancing &

ball skills. Everyone has worked really hard this week – let’s

keep it up!

Just a few reminders: remember to read your book every night &

you need your PE kit every Thursday.

Class 2 – Mrs. Donna Davies

Another very busy week in Class 2. We have all

written and edited our recounts from our school

trip to the Dylan Thomas Theatre, to see ‘The

Butterfly Hunter’. We have drawn mini-beasts

which we collected from our school garden. We

have researched features such as number of

wings, legs and antennae. We have looked at what

they eat (diet), where they live (habitat) and

camouflage. In Maths we have continued with

tables, days of the week (ordering before, after,

tomorrow and yesterday), 2D shape and fractions

(halves and quarters). We all wrote a lovely

‘Harvest’ prayer, which some of us read in our

MacMillan coffee afternoon. Thank you for those

who could join us and shared our ‘Harvest’ poetry.

Class 4 – Mr. David Allen

Class 4 have been working hard practicing their

number skills & practicing their methods. They are

continuing to practice times tables daily. I have been

impressed with the amount of reading pupils are

doing and have enjoyed reading in groups and

individually during our morning sessions. Please keep

up the practice at home! We are already working

hard studying our topic ‘Inventors & Explorers’. Pupils

have decided to create inventions and present these

in a dragons den style performance after half term.

Reminders – Homework is given on a Friday & due

the following Friday. Spelling words to be learnt and

practiced in the back of homework books. Test on a


Criw Cymraeg

When making things at home or doing homework, please

use these sentence patterns:

Ga i …? May I have …?

bensiliau lliwio? colouring pencils?

siswrn? scissors?

rwber? rubber?

bensil? pencil?

glud? glue?

riwler? ruler?

snac? snack?

Os gwelwch yn dda Please

Remember: Use English for unknown Welsh words.

Nursery – Mrs. Dawn Jones

We have been learning about ourselves; drawing

our portraits on the interactive white board and

discussing our facial features. Our drawings have

been displayed in class and in the cloakroom.

We have learned 2 new sounds- “a” and “s”; the

children have enjoyed mark making activities for

these sounds and learning words beginning with

theses letter sounds.

The children have enjoyed our fine motor skills

area, using large tweezers to pick up small

coloured pom poms and using their fingers with

nuts and bolts.

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