Page 1: Til' - University of Hawaii...A advurtue in the Daily Bui.i.khn. FI11E, LIFE, AKD MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, 15,055,600 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and

r- -




Holiday Goods. IIoliday Goods.RARE CHANCE FOR INVESTMENT


Equitable Life Assurance GoOF THK l.'XfTEl) TATES.

ANNKTM OVKlt .... tHO,000.M)0.At Cost Price !'

!iniMiui1 wilh the Invrstm-- IMnnlplcsefr KnHnit rnnnt I'nli, v r ,r in lliui i..L-.-.


PopularTHK protfclion ot 1,'fo Iom i mi ii

K'llik Ktl.liiiilMil il JO

Aniuinl Tulul I'li inl n, C.i.liPremium. Paid in 2 1 yrx. Then


--AT THE- -

illineryFntiil Equivalent Paid Annuitydue. UpPolipy for Life. uu fai Life

$1,310HitVitrn vm KliMpfnlU Protect.j iiiniiuiM tiiiu.

$487 $9,740 $18,110 $43,800KtilliU'O for (ISff. IVilt Hill mttli anH

your family from future wanr. iir provide for your own old age. Policies Krt,

104 Fort Street. Honolulu,J. Cartwright,

Oeucral Ajjiut, Hawaiian Islands.N. S. SACHS,

Just received, per steamer Australia, a fine selection of goods suitable forChristinas Gifts 1

Manicure Sets, in Amber and Ivory,Plush Jewel Cases, Plush and Leather Toilet Cases,

Handkerchief and Glove .Boxes, Fancy Work Boxes,Fancy Odor Cases, Fancy Gilt Easals, Fine Toilet Mirrors,

Infant's Toilet Sets, Hand Mirrors, Fancy Match Safes,Fancy Cups and Saucers, Whisk Broom Holders,

Smokers' Companion, Gent's Shaving Sets,Piush Collar and Cuff Boxes, &c, &c.

K3r These goods are of the newest designs, and of best quality, but onaccount of the late arrival we have decided to offer

The Entire Holiday Stock at Cost Price!Besides the above we will institute a Special Bargain Sale commenc-

ing to-da-y, Dec. 15th, for the holiday season only, and willoffer the following special bargains :

83 Our Prices will Discount all others. "SBSatins, all colors, 25 cts a yard ; Fine Victoria Lawn, f1 a piece :

Kid Gloves, 5 and 4 button, light shades, 35 cts a pair ;Colored Borded Handkerchiefs, J5 cts doz. ; Silk Handkerchiefs, 25 cts e. :

Ladies' Merino Vests, 50 cts each.05 lm




8 laalmaiii Street.




opposite Spreckels & Co.'s Bank. -

M. THOMPSON,A.t torneyt'Law.

Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &Merchant t., Honolulu, a. J.


f3f When desire d, will give the law ina written opinion, as to the probable re-

sult of the contention upon the factsstated. loesiy


and Notarv Public. Keal Estate in anypart of the Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans negotiated. Legal Documents Drawn. No. ?

Merchant iL U alette Block). Honolulu,Hawaiian Islands ivrtsoiL Brown.J Attorner and Counsellor at Law

Notary Public and Agent for taking Acknowledgraents of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono- -ulu. l

T Alfred Maqoon.0 ATTORNEY AT LAW.

178 43 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

TOHN A. HASSINQKR.O Agent to take Acknowledgmentsto Contract for Labor, Interior 3 nice,Honolulu

HI AX HAEDICKE. M. DAM. PhvmKlMiiind Hurirnon.

f 8 to 10 a. m.Office Hours 1 to 3 p. m.

( 7 to o p. m.Office and residence: Cor. of Adams'

Lane and Union Street.S8 Hatnai Telephone 4SM. (lm


Office, first door west of Library Building. Heurs, from W to 11 a.m., snd 3 to 4and 7 to b p.m. Sundays, y to 11 a.m.

Hf Hesidence. No. 40 Alakea. nearuotei street.


Physician and Surgeon.taking the place of Dr. Guto,

Will treat Leprosy after Dr. Qoto's Method.

Will viBit patients at their request.

All other diseases treated at his offleecorner of Punchbowl and Burelaniastreets.

office hours 1 to 5 d. m. : On Sundayso to i a. m.

Bell Telephone No. 887. 09 6m


Consulting Physician and Surgeon.S. W. Comer Sixth and Market streets.opposite Hawaii Net Millinery Estab- -usnment, Ban francisco. zi

a. m. bknson. a. w. SMITH.


Manufacturing and Dispensing

Pharmacists, 1

118 & 116 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerioka & Sceohlk's

HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES,8 sckscckcr's Perfumes and Toilet

Requisites, iSy


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

1 0.9 Fon Street, William's Block, Hono- -

216 Honolulu. H. I.

WENNER & CO.Kaanflacturlac Jewellffra,

NO. OS PORT STREET,Constantly on hand a large assortmsn

or every description or jewelry. Watchesuoia ana silver riatea wars, &c.

858 ly


CARRIAGE CO.Carriaces at all hours, day and nleht.

Saddle Horses. Bureies. Waifonettss andVillage Carts wiu stylish and gentlenorses to let.

FOB SALE.A few Horses, guaranteed. Becond

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,iaris ana Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.Ring up Telephone 33, or apply to


1874 It

PolM Alps Stock

FOB SALE.Bull Calves from 10 to 13 months old.

Hollar Calves Irom 1 0 to 13 months old,


J. I. D0WSETT.Honolulu, June 24, 1867. 70

i printed and published at the office,

ueen Street, Honolulu, II. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, 60 osnts par Month.

Address all Communlcstleus DailyBulletin.

AdvertlBeraenis, tc eniure Insertion,should be handed In before one o'clockr. u.WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

W.A.S.Bsals Shipping Reporter k Collector

IAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Msnsgar.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of

all kinds dono on the most favorable

terms.Bell Telcphono No. 25fl

Mutual Telephone No. 256

Dally Bulletin SonnyPublished twioe a Month,

An interesting and comprehensivepublication, and contains from 40 to 60

columns of reading matter on local top

ics, and a complete resume of Honolulu1 T.I 1 XT ...... I ft I. 4 1i ii float MtUf,BU.,,"U""- - -""'77.uuuiinucu iu ma ..ubu.

Tlenas stiroaa.Subscription (mailed) a year.

Commission Meronants.

XT HACIIT12I-.- 1 & Co,General Commission Agents.

76 lv Hoholulu




Oueen street. - Honolulu. H. I." . 1648


Gknbkal Mkbcamtilb andCommission Agents.


P. C. Jonas, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Cautkb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary


Hon. C. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen,H. Watbkhousb.

aaa ly

IOHN T. WATEBHOTJBB.0 Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen St., Honolulu.

S. N. Castle.-- J. B. Atherton-- G. P. Castle

SASTLB & OOOKE.J ShiDpins and Commission

Merchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 00 King St.,Honolulu.

Glaus Sureckels. Wm. G. Irwin.

a. irwin & Company.w. Sugar Factors and CommissionAgents. Honolulu. l

U r S. GBINBAUM At CO..ill. Importers of General Merchandise and commission aiercnams,Honolulu, and

124 California street.1 Ban Francisco, Cal.

ATTILDER A CO..YY Dealers in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Sal', and BuUding Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.fHonolul u .

R. Lewers. F. J. Lowrey, O. M. (Joske.

LBWER3 Cooke,to Lewers & Dickson.)

Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building materials, i on street,Honolulu I

Gonsalves 5c Co.,

Wholesale Grocers & Wine Merchants

289 Beaver Block, Honolulu.

Notice of Removal!


Kanufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Has removed to one of the NewStores in the

Thomas Block, Kins Street,Three doors from Castle & Cookes',

Where he is prepared to manufactureall kinds I Jewelry. uo


On the Islands isWM. TUENEE, No. 82 King Street.

If vou want vour watch Well repaired,or your clock put in order, go and seeblm. 7

GERTZ, fVCHB. No. SO Fort street, Honolul, VCI nporier and DepJer in Gent's, Ladies'a id Children's boots, shoes and slippers.




luuiiiuuiuir, i.uii-- r ui iciiiiuiu. ivi;.. (xll.

For full particulars, apply to

Alexanderimo ly

flEORGE LUCAS,v (Jontractnr Wirtand Builder.

Houolulu Steam Planing Mills, Espla-nade, Honolulu.

Manufactures all kinds of Moulding,Brackets, Window Frames. Blinds.

Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-wor- k

llmsu. Turning, Scroll and BundSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plan-ing, Morticing and Tenanting.

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is- -amts solicited

r. aioisiEivziE,Contractor nnd Iluilder.

Scores nnd offices fitted ip, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of hriok and woo-!f-

tmildlnira. PlnnH Hnrl KiMitic.ttnn.nislied. tlT Office, 110 Bcrctanfa St.jMutual Telephone, 35i: Postoflice Box.inn.



Alakea, m-n-r uecn St. ITelephone 83.

F. RUPPRECHT,Fresco I?n,iiiter.

126 Nnuanu St., Honolulu, H L60 3m

JOHN MAGOON,Office 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector & Real Estate Agent.

18 ly

Steam enirines. suirar niill l.nil.urn, coolers j iron, bruss and lead cast-UlL'-

nianhlnnrv nf ,1.iiiudo to order. Particular attention nit idto shin's black smith 111 IT. T rt irrrcutcd at short notice. i

NEW- -

Merchant Tailoring Establishm't

The undersigned having opened a first.ciass siercnani Xailoilng JSslab.

li.-il-i merit at the

Cor. King and Bethel Streets,(Damon Building) under the firm

namo of

F.Haberrnacher&Co.Begs have to solicit ti e patronage of

mn menu nnu puuuc geuerully.CO Cm F. HABESMACHEB,

LAINE 6l CO.Have a Large Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.GS-rnix- i, jto.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPacific Mutual Life Insurance Co- -


Agents for the Hoover Telephone.

CommissionerofDeedefor CaliforniaTolephono No. 147. 706

Wolfe & Company,urocery and Feed Store,

07 and CO Hotel street.Fresh Groceries and Provisions reseived

by every Steamer.P. O. Box 130, Bell Telephone No.

oiv .mutual Telephone Mo. Ja4.i(lt flm

. NOTICE."rESSRS J. E. BROWN d CO.i'a. Ar huIIioiimiI 10 collect for I lieiiL'l.l.hTI!)

Honolulu Juno Hth, lss7. 67,

IF YOU WANT A SITUATIONA advurtue in the Daily Bui.i.khn.


MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

Assets, 15,055,600

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Fire and Marine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation

(Firs and Marine)

Capital paid np, $2,000,000

South British Fire and Marine Ins. Co

Capital $10,000,00New York Life Insurance



General Agent", Uaw'n Islands.

1053 ly

CASTLE & COOKE1,Life, Fire i Marine Insur'ce Agents.



of Bcstos.

The Itna Fire Insnraiice Co,of Hartford, Cons.

The talon Fire andMarine Insurance Co.

of ban Kiancisco, Cala.m ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Cap"' 9.000.000 Rsichtmarks.

rpHE undersigned, having beea apX pointed agent of the above Companyfor the Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Build ins..Kiimiltii--... M..r..l......ll... l i.UL,auuiTC, ITIUUUCO, DllgalMills etc., on the most J'avornble Terras

Losses Promptly Adjusted snd Payable isHonolulu.

H. RIEMENSCHNIIDIR,670 IJ at Wilder & Co's.

Hustace& Robertson,

DltAYMKK.A LL orders for CarUge promptly at-X-

tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to the other Islasds.

Also, Black and White Sandin quantities to suit at lowest prices

Office, adjoining E. P. Adams & Cs.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Telephone No. 1.


HIGH CLAgS AEKATZD WATERS.Lemon Soda and Ginger Ale of all

qualily, In Hiiail bottles, asby Cliinanien at Five ceuls a hot.

tie, are not and will not bo made at thisestaLilitlimeiit, . . i7;o

The Inter Island HI imNavigation Co., Liniltod,

Keep constantly on bnnJ for salu

Steam Family and Slacktmith Cotaud a general sssortnieut of

Dar Iron.


Granite, Iron and Tin Ware I

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSE

House Keeping Goods,PLUMBING, TIN,

W1I. MeCANOLENS,No. S Queen street, Fish Market,

Dealer in choicestBeef; Veal. Hntton, risk, ., e

Family and BhiDDins Orders carefullyattended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at shtnl notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 8411 ly


Meat Company81 Kins Street,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager.Wholesale & Betail Batchers




AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. --WOT Telephsne 74

J. HOPP & CO.74 King Street.

Manufacturers and Importers of allkinds of .

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

IimS KEDDIKG A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobbing promptly sltended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Parties in small or large

89 quantities. ly.

Now offers to improve the breed ofIsland Poultry I

Two Hundred Fine Hens and Roosters

ox Australia, now on view at the


OIV ICEAlso a variety of VtaAi Venn, Aj'plcr,

urapes, quinces, etc.

Mutual Toloplion art.05tf


GEO. EMELHARDT,(Formerly ith Samuel Nott).

Importer unci Dealer InSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Agent Hall's Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

IT 8tore formerly occupied by 8. NOTT,10G


WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER,Can be found at J. Huliash's, Fort Street, next "to Hliooiirg Gallery, until

Mcluerny's building is eomptetcd.

Til JO STOCK OF JKWKLKY,Will be ofTored for Hie nxt ninety days at 10 per ecu!. 1cm than cost.

KUKUI JEWELRY of new dosigns consuully 011 lisnd ami mude to order.All kinds of repairing neatly and promptly done. ALw, Waltbss repslrtd

aud work guarinteed.INURAV1NU of all kluds done In firsUlass style. UU lot

f I

Page 2: Til' - University of Hawaii...A advurtue in the Daily Bui.i.khn. FI11E, LIFE, AKD MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, 15,055,600 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and

Til JBY AUTHORITY. Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

Choice StockWANTED.

rV.VO or T11R1K OIKLH Lr dres.X making. Only fOU hands mcd

apply to MILS. OAMJuYXE, King Si.27 at

bounded delight with the luxurianttropical vegetation which met theeye, while the Kiog entertained thegentlemen at his boat house, to wit-

ness the boat race between theVaudalia people and the unlives. Inthe evening, the party entertained afew friends at dinner at the Ha-

waiian Hotel.Early yesterday morning, the

gentlemen took a drive up NuuacuValley. At 10 o'clock the entireparty visited the Palace, and werepresented at Court by Mr. G. W.Merrill, U. S. Minister Resident,after which they made an inspectionof tbe Palace, and were shown theRoyal Feather Cloaks by Cil.Iaukea, lli Majesty's Chamberl-

ain.- They were then all drivenout to Waikiki, and around ni

Park. On returning, theypaid a visit, by Invitation, to theprivate residence of Hon. C. II.Bishop, where they were shownmany ancient Iluwiiiian relics, withwhich they expressed themselvesgreatly pleased.

Mr. Garrett also visited the bank-ing houses of Messrs. C. B. Bishop& Co., and Messrs. Spreekcls & Co.and the steamship Agencies ofMessrs. Irwin & Co. and Messrs.Hackfeld & Co.

At noon, yesterday, they weredriven to the steamer in a wagon-

ette, accompanied by Mr. G. W.Macfarlanc, bedecked with floralwreaths and laden with bouquets.The Hawaiian Band was on thewharf, to give the party a compli-

mentary "send off," mid playedseveral musical selections. A littlepast noon, the steamer loosened hermoorings, and proceeded on her wayto China and Japan.

The visit of the party, althoughshort and the weather wet and dis-

agreeable, was thoroughly enjoyedby them, and they expressed manyregrets that it could not be pro-

longed. The tender of a receptionand dinner by the King was reluc-tantly declined, owing to the short-ness of the stay, the steamer havingher orders from the company in SanFrancisco to sail at noon, Thursday.

NOTICE.rpnE urdurslg erl are parmers in tho

Hilling beef, th- - Arm namo ofclone Co., in Mlnki Mui


'n 0


On Monday, January 2nd,J7 At 14 Beretania Street. at

NOTICE.ITU1E nuniml meeting of the f?ailor'X. Home Society will bo held oo y

the 81st Decemher. 1687, at 10 t.m. rn'iho room of the Chamber of Com-


F. A. SCHAEFER, Seo.Honolulu, Dec. 30, 187. 7 It



Volcano Trip !

Leaving Honolulu,

Oi hilar, January M,At. 4 p. m. ."

n 3t WILDKR'S S. S. Co.

WING WO TAI & CO.4 Xnuauu Htreet,

Have just received ex stinr 'Alameda,"a choice lot of

Embroidorcd Silk Table Covert,

" " Pillow Casos," Shawls,' " Handkerchiefs,

Silk Saihes, Sandal Wood Fani, &c, &e.

Also a large line of .

China Hatting, China & Japan Tea,Camphor Trunks, RulUn Chairs,

Japanese Screens, Provisions, &c.25 1 in

The Cosmopolitan Restaurant

New House, 3 Bct!lcl strect

(Next Cattle & Cooke's)

Board, $50 per week, 35 ct per meal.$4.50 " 25 eta "

Tho tables arc supplied with everydelicacy obtainable ia the market.31 Putronngc solicited, lm

n7)tTce.A NYONE linving claimsngainstJ. P.

1. Bowen fc Co., or J. I', liowen, arerequested to present them at tho KeyStone taloon oa or I oforc the 1st day ofJanuary, Wti. and they' will be paid.The Zealand hi leaves on Jan-13- .

25 lw J. P. BQWEN.


ALL persons having claims agninstunderaigued will please pre.

sent. I he same at tho olfice of A. ,1. Cart-wrigh- t

for settlement before Dec. 31st,Instiiut.20 at BRUCE CARTWR1GHT.



Mutual 338



Department ok Fomckin Akkairs,)December 2!, 1H87. (

The following notice bun been for-

warded to the President of the Boardof Health.

Sir: I have the honor to forwardfor the information of the HonoluluBoard of Health the following extractfrom a letter received by thin De-

partment from 11. M. Acting Charged'AfTairi in Yulparaiso, Chile, datedNov. 30, 1887.

" I bed to inform you of theof the cholera epidemic At

Santiago and other places in Chile,but up to the present (lute there in noofficial information of it existenceat this port.

"It ha been officially declared bythe proper local authorities that San-

tiago is infected. The number ofcages in that city on the 2!Uh hist.(November) was 72, daily wan ubout60."

"Peru and other countries of SouthAmerica will not permit the entry ofvessels sailing from Chilian ports un-

less they subject themselves toquarantine."

In recommending this import outmatter to your attention,

I have the honor to be, Sir,Your most obedient servant,

II. W. MIST,Secretary.

Dr. N. 13. E.mkkhon,President hoard of Health, etc.,

Honolulu. 27 It

It has pleased His Majesty theKing to make the following appoint-ments :

JONATHAN AUSTIN,Minister of Foreign Affairs, vice tiod-fre- y


Fourth Associate Justice of the Sup-

reme Court, vice Abraham Fornan-de- r,


GEORGE JAMES ROSS,Auditor General, vice John S. Wal-

ker, resigned.SAMUEL MILLS DAMON,

Member of the Board of Health.Iolani Palace,

December 28, 1K87. 2i 3t

Office of the Board of Health,Honolulu, Dec. 27, 1887.

At a meeting of the Board of

Health, held this day, His ExcellencyL. A. Thurston was appointed VicePresident of the Board of Health toact during the temporary nbsenee of

the President of the Board on the Is-

land of Molokai, and until his returnto Honolulu.25 3t W. G. ASHLEY, Sec.

WATER RATES.All persons holding water privi-

leges, or those paying water wates,are hereby notified that the WaterRates for the term ending Juno 30,1888, will be due and payable at theoffice of the Honolulu Water Workson the 1st of January, 1888.

All such rates remaining unpaidfor fifteen days, after they are due,will be subject to an additional 10

per cent. Parties paying rates will

please present their last receipt.CHAS. B. WILSON,

Sup'r Water Works.Honolulu, Dec. 17, 1887. 17eoy

BISHOP & Co., BANKERSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands.

Draw Exchange on the

Bank ot California, M. F.And their agents in


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & Bon, LondonThe Commercial Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bank Co., of Bydney,

Sydney,The Bank of New Zealand : Auckland,

Christchurch, and Wellington,The Bank of Britisli Columbia, Vic-

toria, B. Ci and Portland, Or.and

Transact a General Banking Business.6fi9 lv



'The funniest thing I ever ranacross in the ten years I have heldthis position happened yesterday,'said my friend, the ticket-agen- t.

'A young man came to the windowand bought a ten-rid- e family subur-ban ticket. After paying for it heasked me to punch out seven rides.I didn't exactly understand what hewanted, and told him the conductorwould attend to that all right enough.He then explained to me that thiswife had given him a ticket thatmorning containing four rides; hehad use one coming in and lost theticket during the day, and ratherthan admit having lost it be boughtthe new ticket and had the samenumber of rides punched out.


ATTENTION CO. "D".On account of the aftermath of tho

"Arion" gathering last night Co. "D"will not meet

Attention of all tho members is drawnto tbe fact thnt next Friday night Jim.6th. will be the reelection of our otllcer.-i-.


BEEvery Day

ffippp NEflLYEAR'S EVE

' Ice Craam Parlor.

Call for Thein AVhile Hot !

1,0 cy.


An invoice of


CIGARS,To be had only at H. J. Notle's

15 1 leaver Hnloon. coy

New Freight BoatsFOR SALK.

We take pleasure in recommendingour bouts, as their construction U lliuresul of years of study and labor inbuilding. aud handling boats aroundour viirious Island landings. We claimtlieso lionw to he superior fur isliin I useto others (either built here or Imported)in 1 essential points, and we aresuppur e tin this opinion by those whohave iiscdtlieni, us well as by others w hoa.equulilled to judge. They are built foruse and durability, and not with theview of having the benefit of future re-

pairs. We use no cross grained anduseless Monkey I'od knees, timbers, orHonrs, nor straight wood stems Ourframes are all () k bent across withouta joint on the keel, and of a size, largerthan usual In other boats they me alsodosser together, and double rlvited tothe keel, with additional floors between.We have applied both strain and blowsto these steam bent timbers mid findthat they are equivalent to the so calledsolid Moors of twice the size, and areconsequently less liable to he severelybilged, and are easier repaired w hen itoccurs. Tlie gunwale lire of Oak. andwith tlie outside planking nie invariablyin one plank from stern to stem. Thehoisting strap does not go through thekeel, cutting it away tit a vital point,but toggled under a screw-bo- lt fasteneddead wood, uud hinged above so as toaccommodate, the span of hoist. Thetimbers are not cut away for wafer runs,our limbers are in the keel. We havealso a solid wide Iron plate on the keeland stems of the boat which have secur-ed for these boats their well deservedreputation for superior build. Themodel also compares favorably withour best Imported boats, carryingtheir width on the thwart, andnot on the gunwale as crank boats do.Ukitig all the chafe and ' poundingagainst vessels and wharf, when dis-

charging. Our bent Oak knees alsocurry out the requirements of the oldestand most experienced association knownwho for 70 years have spared neithertime nor money to procuiv. the best surfmid life boats, wherever found. Duringtins test of 1881, flexibility in boats, wasfound to be most essential. Lean readilybe seen that the relation that our joint-le- ss

section timbers bear to flexibilityare sure to prevent a damaging concus-sion w hen strixV, which cannot befound lu boats stiflly held in one place,and lose hi another. Several naval Cap-tains and Olllcers who have inspectedthis system pronounce it a great im-provement over the old. ns a preventivefrom being stove in or bilged ulongsidcwhen being lowered at sea, as manyhave been known to do the short floorsand timber ends lifting from the keel.

An other improvement, is that we sellthese boats for $80 less than was form-erly paid for this size boat here, andit pays the builder and buyer better.

We have on hand two 24 feet freightboats, price to $2j0.

On stocks two 18 feet freight boats,iJlllOto 150

A correct model of the 26 feet Kinanboat, $2110 to $250.

Two 15 feet pleosuie, piue copperfastened clinker, weight 80 lbs., oars,etc., ."5 to !0.

Three various sized skiffs all kinds,$15 to $30

Also our model yacht center boardsloop "Reform" all complete for pleas-ure or fishing, with hooks, lines, waterkegs, oars uud rowlocks, anchor andchains, extra sails, an oil stove, and alittle flat boat, that can bt carried, ondeck. This is a speedy little craft, andworks second to noue in our waters.Hie was built for pleasure with safety,to sail on her bottom, without packingaround tons of ballast. . Can be riggedand sail made in 15 minutes, and unrig-ged in five. Price $275.

We are also prepared to give plansand estimates of all kinds of scows,rowing surf or sail boats, steam laun-ches, or schooners, in solid, bent frame,or diagonal building. Our experiencein the latter mode dates from 1854, w henthe celebrated yachts "Fox" and otherswere built in that way, tills vessel wasseverely tried iu the arctic for 3- yearsunder Kir J. SIcClinroek, whcii instarch of Sir John Franklin. This modeof building is highly recommendedwhere inside finish and capacity is anobject. We invite inspection of ourboats at the Kulerprise. Planing Mill,where samples may be found.

J. A. DOWER.Mutual Telephone, No. !!25. 24

TO LliTm A Mr- - f. Mendouca'it house

Kii53 l'"uo Valley, well fn-- 't--f mH-- nished and ready for house-kccpjiii-

At reasonable, lent to aparly. Apply lo C llolle.

18 lw

TO LIST.A commodloiiH dwelling lotwlih lli roe. Uoiigud on Mine,kituatu on iionli liisi side of

i'.inina street. Apply to A. C. Hiuiili,Attorney ul Law, No. U K iitliuiiiunu t.


VUU HUNT.' pill'! tailoring .hop now laruphd bv

1 Mr. Wu. Ituh-- i li 1'Vt Ueil willbe fur rent on Jan. Ii ; Kor pHitl 'olmKapply lo II. K. Mi JN'I'YUK At HJUW.

M l

Dntlu gjulfrtinPlii to neither 8ot nor Pirty,But tabllihl I r tha ot ill.

FRIDAY. DEC. 30, 1887.


The Bulletin has no Intention of"gracefully subsidm,," at the in-

stigation of the "Gazette." Wehave called upon our contemporaryto trot out his "demonstration." Hehas tailed to respond. Perhaps anextension of time is wauled. Intbe meanwhile we shall be compelledto believe that he cannot produceany demonstration whatever. Wepositively assert that the ' 'Gazette's"assertion of yesterday, so far as theBulletin i concerned, was a falsi-

fication, either designed or uninten-

tional. Let that paper come out,:ind"demonstrate" to the contrary.The Billetin does not resort to"bluff," but tho "Gazette" does,and that of the most transparentnature. Its issues have been one

scries of "bluffs" for several weekspast. It is apparently unable totreat of any local matter without"bluff" or "blackguardism." Wehave parsed In silence innumerableof its wild vagaries, knowing thatit was surely working out its own

ruin. Perhaps our contemporaryimagines that his assertion of thismorning, that a Bllletiv corres-

pondent "whose motives were self-evide-

gave his authorship deadaway in advance of the publicationof his letter," is suflicient. It is

not. Name the correspondent andthe correspondence. As to thosepictures being intended to promote"sinister designs," none but the"Gazetio's" "marines" believe it.It did not, ns averred, suit thispaper's "partisan policy" to "con-

ceal the facts from the public" re-

specting the "nature of the recentmovement among native reaction-

aries." The "facts" are vastlydifferent from the intimations of the"Gazette" and the positive asser-

tions of one, at least, of its corres-

pondents. The natives arc, andhave been all along, perfectly quietand peaceable. They have beenshamefully wronged by the insinua-

tions and assertions to the contrary.The "Gazette" is badly astray, andneeds reforming.


One of the first innovations intro-

duced by the present Inspector-Gener- al

of Schools was the examin-

ation of teachers and those wishingto become teachers. This was notintroduced any too soon as thepapers resulting from the examina-

tions testify. If there is one thingthat the schools of the Islands needmore than any other, it is a compe-

tent corps of teachers. In order toobtain such a corps of teachers it is

necessary to convince the public andthe teachers that those now in theemploy of the Board are not as awhole competent. In saying thiswe de not wish to reflect upon thoseearnest, honest, working teacherswho spare no efforts to keep them-

selves thoroughly competent andefficient in their profession. But we

suspect that the Inspector-Gener- al

is in possession of facts to show thatthe teachers of tbe Islands do notall belong to this class.

The results of the first examina-

tions were surprising to many as

showing a lower standing on the partof many teachers than was expected.And the examination of teachersheld this week at the Fort StreetSchool furnished another surprise,but of a very different kind. Ifsimilar progress can be made amongthe teachers in other districts we

shall soon have a class of teachersof whom we may be proud. Muchof the improvement shown here' is

due to the untiring and unrequitedefforts of Mr. M. M. Scott, who hasconducted a normal class out ofschool hours. Similar classes in

other districts are very desirable.

DISTINGUISHED VISITORS.The Garrett party, who arrived

by the San Pablo on Wednesdaymorning and left by the same vesselyesterday at noon, made good useof their brief stay in Honolulu to seeand learn as much as possible in thelimited time. The party consists ofMr. Kobert Garrett, wife, and sister,Mr. Garrett's brother-in-la- andwife, the family physician, and aprivate secretary. They brought a

letter of introduction to Mr, G, W.Mucfurlune, from tho President ofthe Nevada think, Senator Fair,Mr, Mat Iui'Iudu took charge of theparty, and nrrunged for "doing"the town.

On tha afternoon of their in i i ul,the ladies of the party puiit lliulime In driving about lliu ciiymid ubmbs, mid expressed un

A Chance for

Homesteads !

I l ave boin lusireced to sell at Pubi cAuction,

On.Saturday, ..December.3ist,

At 12 o'clock noon,At my sales room, (Jneen street, (if not

prcvlouly of at private ale),iho,e detiirable Ill'lOINQ LOTS atPunahou, situated betwetn the s

of Mr. A. Marques and Mr. G.H. Kohettton, and bounded by Beck,with. Dole and Metcalf streets, at thefollowing figure:Lot A Dei wee Dole and Metcalf

strreis eiuiuiuit,g about 2UO00 sq. ft.Price Oo. '

U Uciween Do n Mini Metcalf streetcnniainlug a limit IH200h. f'. $700

of Dulo unit New rtreetacontain 'nif aliout '.2,.00 -i Ii, 1,0. 0

1! On Dole st, sine MlOxVit-- ft, t)9ilO.H On D..lo si, l(Ox.' S ft, 1 1)00.F On Dole st, size 100xV3J It, JuiCO,0 Oa Hock with si, size IOOiU'SS ft.

$000.H-- Oa Reckwith st, size 100xi;t5 ft.

$!ioa.1 On Beckwlih at, ilz 100x335 ft.

(lifO.J Cor of Beckwlih and News sU,

size l(M)x2:i: ft, 1,000.K-- On XI tea If uud Dole sts, contir

ttbt 23,23 sq It, S1.100.I On Metcalf and New sts, eonlg

abt 20.500 sq ft, t8.10.M Cor of .Metcalf and Beckwith sts

abt 11,000 sq ft, 300.N Oil Metcalf st abt 10.400 sq ft,


The above Lots are all level ground,with good rich soil and offer a desir-able chance to procure a homestead.

Lots A and I) will bo furnished waterfrom tho Artesian well of Mr. O. Rob-ertson at Government rates.

O to N Inclusive, will obtainwater from the Pioneer Artesian well,situated on Beckwith st opposite LotNo. 1, at Government rates,

ALSOAt the same time and place, I will sell

1 Lot at Sea View,West of Mr. Miller's residence, size

. 300x1 60 ft.

Price, S500.BaTTenns of Sale:One-ha- lf Cash, Balance In I and 2

years nt 7 per cent. Plans can be seenand further information given on appli-cation lo

JAS. P. MORGAN,14 td Auctioneer.

's Sale.By order "f Hon. W O. Smith, aslgnee

of tlie banktunt Estatate of A F.Cooke, I will sell at Public


On Saturday, December 31, 1887,

At 12 o'clock noon,At tbe Fish Market wharf, tho Ha.


BABK m LILIAN840 tons register

As she now lies la the Harbor togetherwith sa Is, spars, boa s, iikcIioi-- andchains, etc. The ve-s- has a completeset of sails, and an extra set nearly completo.

Tlie Lilian has lately been thoroughlyoverhauled as per the following Cerij.ficate.

This Is to certify that Edward Burnie,the i ndertlgned surveyor, did at the re-quest of Captain Holland, atteodvarii us times, since the 2Qth April, onboard the Hawaiian Bark Lilian, 840tons register, while under repair to thisport.

The vessel has bem in dry dock, allmetal sheatlng stripped off and the keeland bottom examined and found sound.

The following repairs have now b endone, viz.: New Fore Hatches, andHatch comings, lilted new Hoot y Hatch,new Pins Rails fore and aft, new foiemain and mizzen Channels, new RoyalBackatav, Chain Plates and Bolts, newMizzen Trestle Trees and Cros Treti,new fore and main Tip Gallant MaMv,and fore Top Tallant Yard.standirgriij.ging lifted and retiited th'oughout, newIan ya,rds, new tunning rk'i'ing, vesclcaulked from keel o wno rw ay seams,dccksstanciiionsand a cr Any included.Bottom slieaihed i b 1 V"Z yellow metalon tarred bit up lo tie lti feet watermark. The Li I in is n iw in a good seaworthy condition, foi insurance agocdrisk. E. BUKNIE, M rine Suiveyor.Hongkong, 18th May, 1887. . '

Also at the same time und place willbe so sold the

Steam Lunch Montague.TJElliHH CASH.

JAS. F. MORGAN,21 9t Auctioneer.



Al Quality,Just received ex Mariposa, by

J. E. BROWN & CO.,

17 28 Merchant Htreet.



Now oa I iurd Bark CulUilim,

Cau b dflivtii j at imy moment.

Apply to

castj.i; & ( ooju:,Kojw

JUST RECEIVEDTor Slaripesn, from New Zealand,


A Choice Collectioo of ...

'r u h e h n e r -

Bulls and Heifers,

These animals ran be seen at anytime lu a pnddock near the CithollcCemetery, and are oftered at.reasnn-- .

able rate by21 2 W. 0. IRWIN & CO.


'a it

V 2 CD


P 5

Jm 9

w --i S4

3 So CD

7 fi A"i

5 CD C

a ZlZ B oa2 5

s C--r-o

s s- - BCD

Holiday Goods


Those new styles, of waste piper haskeis are elegant and can be cee atSOI'EU'S bok stoie. .

Diaries in all sizes, shapes, prices, forim, at SUPER'S

ent'i Smoking onlv a few left. at.

SOl'EK S Go liko hot cakes.

Fairchild's Pens and Pencils, a fewnew enameled inlaid, veryelegant, at SUPER'S.

Revolving easel, Plush Photo Albums,iekel Frame, very pretty, at


Music Rolls, und Millie Folio, in leatheruud plush, at SUPER'S.

Novelties, in Autotrraph, Card andSciap Albums, at SOi'ER'S.

Ladies' Writing Folios, in Plush, Leatherai.d Canvass, very useful, atSOPER'.J.

Those Fine Bias r.nd Cut Gla's InkStands, at tOPEK S Are the finestever seen.

Ladies' Inlaid Card Cases, very rich indesign. Fine Russia and Alii'ntoCar.l Cases, iu all sizes, at SoPER'd

Sickle A Walnut GraphiKsnpcs, Stireostopes, and a lot of New AmericanViews, just received, at SOl'r R'SSuitable for XmaF.

A Lot of New Rooks, for Old andYoung, just received, at tOPER'8.

Elegant Xmas Cards, the Latest 6 cents lo 5.00 dollars, ,atSUPER'S. 18

At itS PUM9M 'IiaMH 1 "

'Srtp jCjoao iu d 6 l!un uado 8J0igipooS eteqi euiuauxa pan u0-f- f

08 ' $39 'Saxon

WAX 'sS Mttoitreji "sopw

-- T9H ,aiP1 'sratiqtv 'sjS9(i suiiualjo 83)s Aisu y tid u( osuduioo pay

sqi joj ssojdxs jCq

ps; pus 'iCijo voitiBft aj U8S jno $i paiappjs

spooS Bsatix uiopauiJlSM o;u psDnpoj?u ejojaq j.)Aau

Stitl3ino8 'rpooa jo BUji mou ojpno uv

sAcpnoH eii joj


Make your Boys Happy by a Presentwhich will increase in value- -

SHEETS OF STAMPS by everyat prices In no case higher

than Eastern dealers,iKiy iluwuilitii htumpn taken at

goi d rales in ii:iaiigt) tor oilier.This nriaiigciiieiit invrs postage and

di'iay in Idling jour stamps.A It iu l oMerlioii of slainpa for

mle W. F. HKYttOLIMII lw H Uuiou St., next licll Tower.

DOLTOU WKIWI.OIlii BMiid ItDHiilenei next door lo the

Ann I H ml MiiiU'it' on Al iki u,linl cell JIjIiI Slid 1 entuliiu HILi,

(Jltieu Hours tiiiin 1 lo V a. m. Iroin1 lo ii p. iu, siid 7 lu If p iu.

Tiriupbou . VI

Sweets of the Season !


OOOOI 100000000000

85 Hold St.,

(Niar Foil)

Honolulu, ii. I.

00001 10OOOOOO0O0O

Christmas is approaching, and if you wish to see your family and friendshappy, make the holidays cheerful for young and old, and

Order some of our Delicions Ice Cream,

which is pronounced by all to be the " Best."

We have always a great variety of Pound, "Fruit, Citron, Jelly, and SpongeCakes; also Lady Fingers, Maccaroon, Kisses, Jumbles, Drop Cakes,

Cocoudips, &e., Ac, on hand, and bake uny kind of cakes

Ornamented isi u tunic and tasty ricMigim.

CHRISTMAS CAKES AND MINCE PIES.We arc baking, of an extra tine quality this season, and tho bublic

can rely on an article that will please tbe eye and tickle the palate.By this steamer wo have received a lot of Hplendid Choice candies, in

great variety ; also an elegant assortment of Fancy Candy and Bon-Bo- n

Boxes, some of the most comic and surprising "Get-ups,- " just tho thing fora Christmas present. fjBT Our stock and store are now in complete order,and you are cordially invited to call. 11 18t


Choice French Home - Made Candiesor jjvjoiiv ij;M;iiii,rriN.

J'ichIi Candy Mailt Every Day.lion-lio- n, Fancy Koxch,

NovcUIck, Ac, lor lliu Jlayn.Candle i iiri fiilly parked for hliipuiuiit to the oilier LUmU. Cuttnua-ii- i uru

Witilrd oil promptly and eoui'li oiibly ul

IVUI W ICjJNI SJV V OI 1 1 IV.Fiiiali J'l-- Corn lull, and Htriiitf I'op Curii Every lu'.

17 (10 Hotel Street, nest to C. E. William',


To Mrs. Sarah J. Hale, late edi-

tor of "Godey's Lady's Book," isnleasantly attributed the credit ofthe establishment of a nationalThanksgiving day. Before the war,as far back as 1841, she beganwriting letters to the Governors ofthe States urging upon them thegoodness and propriety of issuingThanksgiving proclamation, until in1859 the day was observed in all theStates but two. At the full of Vicks-Imi- g

Mrs. Hale wrote to PresidentLincoln on the subject, the resultbeing the appointment of Thursday,August 6, 1&G3, "as a day of na-

tional thanksgiving, praise andprajer." Since the war the lutThursday tit .November has been anational Thanksgiving day. appoint-ed by Hie l'rebideul uud secondedby tbe liorernnrs of the States.

I'lutliinuti Couiromiul (iuzetto.liisniR it' i ;


Page 3: Til' - University of Hawaii...A advurtue in the Daily Bui.i.khn. FI11E, LIFE, AKD MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, 15,055,600 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and

OilPThe Arcade EG AN & CO.The Arcade EG AN & CO. The Arcade EGAN & CO.

Dry Goods

KewMtor.k. Latent Mlylrn to suit theJHomI I'antidloua.

Tho Arcade EG AN &, CO.

Gents' Furnishing Goods

Finest CnHtom MttSe 1'lotblng;,Ladle' et' Fine kthoea.

The Arcade EGAN & CO.

Will Open their New Store

With the 'inrt IMxpUy or liuudever Known In thia Kingdom.


63 & 65 Fort Street.Til Best Mmas Gift

1TICE!i a POLICY m 'riiE

New York Life Insurance Co.,On the it Limited Tontine Plun.

HSrAmmetH over --- HO.OOO.OOO.-Si- a

The actual iwt estimated) results exceed tliooe of any other Companyisiulng similar policies.' For full particulars apply to I respectfully inform the general public

that itO.

06 1m

mm cle! i;G SALE

place onM. Goldber

will takeCampbell Block, - - Corner of Fort and Merchant Sfr.

Tuesday, January 2nd, 1888The entire stock will be offered at an im-

mense reduction.Jnt Deceived, Snltablefor Xmnn rrenentn.

Hold aid Silver Headed Ifaltii Gaaes

Japanese Silk Handkerchiefs,

Japanese Handkerchief Holders,


Look out for Bargains!0

. 13 II JtLIC II,7tf No. ;: & G5 Fort Street.

Elegant Silk Plush Toilet and Shaving Cases.


A2F11II Line of Custom Made ClothingGents' Furnishing Goods,

Having just opened and exposed for snlu the most beautiful and desirableline of Koods for the Holidays, consisting of

Christmas, New Year, Easter, Birthday, and other Cards,

IX OltKAT VAHIIJTY.Picture of ull kinds and of the very latest subjects.

04 Ira Hats

$5,000 worth ofHIL.VJEI :

For 30 Days-- -- 2.50-

Albums in plush nnd leal her, in great variety.Plush Toilet Sets of all kinds.

Smokers' Out-Fit- s, in brass, Match Safes, wisk Hroom Holders, tc.

Banuu Ware, sii New and BeaaliMBrackets, Toilet and Large Mirrors, Bronze Statuary.

A fine assortment of Cabinet Photo Frames, EaBles largo and small

Latest Novelties in Leather Goods,Portfolios, Tablets, Ladies' and Gent's Purses, Hand Bags, Ac.

Paper flower Materials, Fancy Baskets,LazeU'a Colognes, the very best made, for which we are

agents. Ask for a sample bottle of it.

A cordial invitation is extended to the public to calland inspect our stock, which will bo shown with pleasure, whether yon wiskto purchase or not.


Our Grand Silver Gift Salo will eoinmonce

On-Monda- y, December 5th, 1887,During thin wile every cimtomer purchiiBinK tltn amount of $2.50 worth will

receive a Handsome Silver Present.

Look in Hotel street Window and see the Fine Displayof Silver Ware.

The Display of Fancy Goods

For l.aillm A Vent.ComprlMe all the moat popular ntylcn

into very small space. The carditself is an art gem, printed incolors, the illustrations showingHonolulu with its back ground ofmountains, the palace, DiamondHead, and a sketch of surf bathingSydney harbor, with its numerouscaves and bays is pictured iu onecorner, the tropical vegetation ofTutuila and Auckland formingcharming pictures elsewhere. "Oceantravel in Winter" to Europe andto Australia is an illustration whichsuggests a whole volume in favor ofthe bunny track of the Australianroute over the icy track of winterAtlantic travel. The Oceanio Corapany's card is the work of thoSchmidt Label and Lithograph Co.San Francisco.


In the Supreme Court this morn-

ing filial hearing in the Habeas Cor-

pus case of the four Chinese womentaken from the steamer San Pablowas had. The Judge ordered theprisoners released from custody andto go where they pleased.


w will be the fifty-seco-

birthday anniversary of Her MajestyQueen Kapiolani, and will be ob-

served with the usual public demon-strations. A royal salute will befired from the shore battery, thewarships in harbor responding. Theflags of tho foreign legations andconsulates will also be displayed.


A special service for children andyoung people will be conducted byAir. Theo. II. Davies on Sundayafternoon at the Y. M. C. A. Hali,at half-pa- st 2 o'clock. Those whowish to receive Scripture UnionCards, are requested to bring theirapplication papers signed.


The long promised lighthouse forBarbers Point will shortly be erectedthere. Hon. Jas. Campbell offeredto deed to the Government suff-icient land at the Point for the bouse.The deed has been accepted. Thematerial for the lighthouse has, asis well known, been here in store,for some time. Mr. Rowell, Super-intendent of Public Works, has takensteps to pick out a site and to ar-

range the plans. The light, a fixedone of the 4th magnitude, is a sisterlight to the one on Molokai.


The Royal Hawaiian Band will

give a Concert afternoon at 4:30 0 clock at bmmaSquare. Following is the pro-

gramme :

March Queen's Birthday BereerOverture Festival BackGavotte Queen's Own Amillion( horus hannhauser WagnerWaltz My Queen '. ooteMarce Queen Kapiolani Michielt

Hawaii Ponot.


Next Sunday, Circumcision Day,January 1, 1888, an English sermonwill be delivered at the 7 a. m. mass.10 a. h. high pontifical ma98, on theoccasion of the Pope's priesthoodjubilee. Pope Leo XIII was bornMarch 2, 1810, ordained priest De-

cember 24, 1837, and elected PopeFebruary 20, 1878. It was on January 1, 1838, that he celebrated hisvery first mass.

To-da- y a week, January 6, 1888,is the Epiphany, a holy dav of obligation, kept by the Eoman Catholicchurch in remembrance 01 toe manifestation of the Infant Jesus to thethree wise men of the East, calledMagi. Low masses with holy com-

munion at 6 and 7 a. h., high pon-

tifical mass at 10 a. m., confirma-tion at 3 p. si., followed by rosaryand benediction of the M. B. Sacrament.


A North Texas Baptist deacon,anticipating the prohibition in Au- -

;ust, sent a ten-gall- jug down toliouor man to beiilled. The dea

con slipped around next day anda8ked for his bill. 'Thirty dollars,'said the liquor man. "What! threedollars a gallon r, gasped the deacon.No only two dollars, i tinea tneug fifteen dollars. , 'But, my deariir, vou know that was not fifteengallons,' said the deacon. 'Now,I , 'O, very well, I'll put it in tnohands of a lawyer to collect.' 'Nno, don t do that. It would be ail

over town. It was not the thirtydbllars I kicked on: I was onlythinking what a terrible strain it wason my ten-gall- demijohn, as hepaid the bill.

00RNER L0T87"

Stranger (to Kansas City citizen)'Those three corner lots of your

are line property, Captain.' Citizen(enthusiastically)-'Fin- e property ?

Why, great Scott, man, there ain'tnothing like em west of tho Illinoyriver 1 Two year from now they'llbe in the heart of the city, ait' peo-

ple will fairly howl for 'em. Theyought to com under the lifad ofJewellery, not real tmlatu, If youwant lo buy that property, Granger,you've )ol to buy it by tit iiirb.'htraiiKtr Tim not buying propertytliin luoililiijf. I'ut the m-- tunaecsur,' Tiitt fulls iu 1 fit,

Will RemoYe

T thrlr Slew Mtorit, Mrlnrrny Dlrka r about Dm. ttMth.


FRIDAY. PEC. 30. 187.


Stun J A Cummins from KoolnuSehr Kautknoiill front Kobala


Stmr W G Hull lor Lalmlna. Maaltea,Kona and Kuu at 10 a inHtmr Kuala for Walanae nnd Walalaa


btmr Iwalanl for Lahulna and Hamakuaat 8 a in


For Maul and Hawaii, yirr steamer V

O Hall, lco 30 Geo McLean, O HBailey, II P Baldwin, BUhop Willis andboy, Mrs Knilit-liui- l and tlaii liter, GeoMeDoiitfall, Miss parrot, Mrs W IIJohnson and children, Sam Parker, T isKay, Kev S L Dosha and wife, Miss BKottlcsou, Mr Horner and wife, andabout 75 deck.


Tlie palling of the Bryant has beenpostponed until Sunday morning.

VESSELS IN PORT.U 8 8 Vandalla. Hear Admiral KlmberlyUS8 Mohican, DayUSS Junuitu, Davislik Frederick, KroffBk Forest Queen, WindingBkCD Jiyrant, Jack LeaBk Ceylon, CalhounBk Hazard, GoodmanBk Caiburicn, PerkinsBk Lilian, HollandBktne W H Dlinond, SwiftBktno Ella, Hansen


Thkub will be no meeting of Co. D

tMbb. Gascoyno advertises "for two

or three good dressmakers.

Tiik stoumers Kinuu, Likelike andMokolii will be duo heremorning.

Mrs. Hubbard's school willon Monday, January 2, 1888, at 124Beretania street.

Miss Thicle's Kindergarten schoolwill open on Tuesduy, January 3rd,at 1224 Beretania street.

The Hawaiian Mission Children'sSociety will meet eveningat the residence of Mr. P. C. Jones.

The sale of cloths, etc., will be con-

tinued by Mr. Lewis J. Levey to-

morrow morning, at 10 a. m., at hissalesrooms.

The Hawaiian Band will play atthe Palace morning, inhonor of Queen Kapiolani's birthdayanniversary.

The steamer W. G. Hall will re-

turn to Honolulu next Thursdaymorning; her schedule time wouldbe Friday afternoon.

The usual Saturday afternoonband concert will be givent Emma Square, if nothing turns

up to prevent it.

The annual meeting of the Sailors'Home Society will be heldat 10 A. m., at the room of the Cham-

ber of Commerce.

Messrs. Chas. Wilcox and Sam'lStone of Wailuku, Maui, have formeda partnership for the purpose of carry-ing on the butcher business at theabove named place.

The Chinese woman on whose oaththe Chinese women were landed fromthe 8. S. San Pablo on a writ ofHabeas Corpus, is being tried in thePolice Court this afternoon on acharge of perjury.

Wildek's S. S. Co. have in theirpossession, the Hawaiian ?50 certifi-

cate number one, signed by Carterand Kaai. Hawaiian $50 certificatesrun higher than 6,000 in number,and of courso No. 1 must be some-

what of a curio.

When one of the members of theArion Society was asked last even-

ing, why no Hawaiian flag was hungin the armory, he replied that theeleCtric Jight having been takenaway, the Hawaiian flag could notbe found.

In the Police Court record pub-

lished in a morning contemporaryyesterday, appeared the name ofCapt. Nelson, who was lined $0 forbeing drunk. Capt. Charles Nilsson,late master of the schooner Mana,wishes it to be understood that he isnot the Captain there referred.,

Jas. F. Morgan will sell at 12 noonat his sales room a

number ot building lots situatedat Punuhou. This will be a rarechance for persons to purchase linehomesteads in a desirable locality.Also at the same time and place willbe sold one lot ut eu view,- on easy

terms. Ami at the Fish Market wharfat 12 mum will be sold the barkLilian, u she now lies in the harbor,Him bus complete nU of sails, spurs,boats, 1 limns, tic.


8. S. CO.

Tliu Oei-uiil- Stemiulilp Companym ..iK'd an illntruli'J timu-Ul'l- tf

MvU wtnu route ttii'l U'ttiiilii)eoiiiitrlioii, ahull eoiiij)rii!

lluwul of ust-fu-l information

for imr Wife ui cita !

O. BERGER,(Jetieral Agent HuwuiUn Islands.

and Caps, &c., &c.

Silver Given Away!HILVEK !

For 30 Days


NOTICE.rptIE 11 nd rsiirned Imve.fjliy DiC'lof

JL Trust, diitcd Nov. 2lsl, 1887, leenar punted Trusses of His Slajosty'sEstate.


Honolulu, Nov. 80. 1887. Oi lm


ALL pirtic having claims axiiiiiHtU M ijoiiy's Kinte re rtqutsteti

10 luivu ilii lr account m lo out In de-

tail, iwoiii to as to rntriTtiioH, anil re.MMll till-Il- l tO fill. J. P. Illllkcil, HI till!iiIII'-- of II. M' t I11111I eiliiin, Hi nolulit,within t!ui'(! mouiliR from diiteof this1101 ire.

H. M, DAMON,.1. 0 I'AUTKII,C I'. Ul.KKA.

TruHi'iii of Mujuily' Klie.irmolulu, Nov. SI, I8"7. It. iliu

to w:t.HUM IK Kit I I. V miNIKII

f'r-"'- "I "oiil. U lii 11 K lU I1011I

iwiii-- , mm a io r.Mii.nn iiniii. iii-- n

ijcii.iiiiJ. Apply ktAo, 1 tlinpiiiln


The Arion concert and Hop oi theRides' armory last evening was athoroughly enjoyable affair.


The sido nearest Fort street wasartistically arranged with a series ofpalm leaves, shaped liko huge fansand encircled with fantastic festoonsof evergreens. . Opposite, each postwas covered with entwining palmleaves intermingled with flags nndconnected with scallops of ever-greens. The Beretania street endot the building was ornamented withflags and palms alternately placed.The other end towards Waikiki wasthe concert platform, which stoodabout two and a half feet above themain floor, and was almost com-pletely encircled with pots of grow-ing ferns and grown palm trees.Back of the stage were large flngs ofvarious nations, conspicuously thePrussian and American flags. Longstrings of interwoven green leavesdecorated tho ceiling, while bunchesof fragrant flowers were placed heroand there.


Chairs for several hundred per-sons were placed in semi-circl- e

fashion on the main floor, facing thestage. The ladies' dressing roomwas conveniently arranged and badmirrors and other necessaries forfeminine art. The gentlemen's hatroom was also cared for.


The refreshment department, incharge of Mr. II. Barber, was behind a screen. The edibles, enoughfor a thousand persons, were indeedtempting. Salads made by thewives and sisters of the Anon members, ice cream and cake from theElite, coffee and tea from theBeaver, with many other goodthings, were abundantly served toall by the members of the Society.


The concert was a novel treat.Not a single hitch occurred and eachpiece was received with loud ap-

plause and an encore. The chorussinging by the Arion songsters,about twenty, was good, while thesongs by Mrs. liowler and JMiss t.Nolte were excellent. Miss Noltehas a surprisingly flue voice, andhas full control of it. In her sing-ing last evening, being the first inpublic here, she was apparently alittle timid, but sang beautifullynevertheless.


After the concert was over, theChristmas Tree, lighted with numer-ous wax candles and prettily fixedup, was wheeled out onto the mainfloor, in full view of the audience.

Now the chairs were cleared awayand dancing to Berger's music wasbegun. There were many dancersthere, and careful steering was re-

quired to prevent bumping in awaltz. After four dances were overthe ladies with their escorts formeda line of, and in passing acertain point each lady drew anumbered slip of paper from out afish globe. As the march continuedthe ladies each received a presentcontaining a number correspondingwith those on the slips. The drawing of presents was very interesting,as it brought out more curiositiesthan the ladies would acknowledge.Some got jumping jacks, bottles ofperfumery, silk handkerchiefs,purses, fancy flower pots, and somepresents costing as much as (15.Merriment was great throughout theprize drawing, peals of laughterechoing through the hall, on the un-

covering of some simple toy.Dancing was resumed after re-

freshments were served, nnd waskept up until 2 :30 o'clock thismorning

The attendance was very good,notwithstanding the unfavorableweather. Many notables were thereand the whole affair passed off asmerry as a marriage bell.


THE NEW TERM OF MISSKindergarten, will open

on Tuesday, Jan. 8rJ, at 122 Beretaniaabove Alakea. 27

CHILDREN'S Plush, I'olo andBed, Blue & Brown

at Sachs' Store, 101 Fort Bt.

Silk and Embroidered FucGENTS' Fine Keck Wear. Cheupat tiuclis' S ore, 104 Kort st.

THE TWO-ROO- M COTTAGEJ at No. 7 Chaplain Hired is row va-

cant. Apply on the piemhes. 10 lw

ONE OF THE ATTRACTIONSHonolulu is Sii lm' hinre. Go

there, ariU see what you will sec ! ! !

I F YOU LOSE ANYTHING,advertise It in Hie IU11.T Itui.l.RTiN,

assortment of Fine KmIMMENSEand Colored Border Lin nhikI Silk Handkerchiefs, at low price,at Kadis' bloro, 104 Furl si

171 NEST BRANDS OF CALIi. liirniH I'm I, Madeira Mild Malagafur sale in Keg and chi by

OO.NKaLVK 4 CO.HI Queen slree.1

YAN'8 BOAT BUILD INOR tJHOP. Hear i f Lucas' Mill.

i)NICE LARGE FURNISHEDmums, fto, 4 tiauluu imiiv, Urn

kucuiitl riuir I'niM Unii'O !''. Applyon (lie pii'iiiia"'. I itfM'HE PEOPLES' PAPER -- '

X 711 Jjuiiuu-- &J iii tf lit aia.

are now prepared to fill orders with the very lateHt etylcH at short notice.1M0 aw CirOpen feiiliiKft.&l 02SILVERWARE!


HOLIDAY TRADE! HOLIDAY TRADE!An idea of which can best be obtained by giving the undersigned an

early call.

JVo rJEVoullo to Sliow Goods !77 WEST, DOW & CO. 2m

Come and visit our store and get your Holiday Presents Gratis. Conicand examine our New Goods, and you will find our goods much newer andlower in price than elsewhere. It is our unalterable determination to haveno recourse to misleading or misrepresentation. Our Advertisement trulyrepresents the goods we offer for sale. The near approach of the Holidays,and overstock of goods, make it imperative that we make the most radicaland sweeping changes in our prices, and we feel fully justified in publiclyasserting that in the coming week our patrons can securo advantages inFancy and Dry Goods, Millinery ,'Gent's Furnishing Goods, which havenever been equalled in Honolulu.

Hosiery the lowest cut in prices ever attempted.

75 doz. of ladies' fine fancy stripe hose, fast color, Regular Price C5 cents,marked down to 25 cents.

37 doz. ot Ladies' Black Lislie Thread Hose, Regular Price 75 cents,murked down to 50 cents.

120 doz. of Misses and Children's fancy and solid colored hose, liegulurPrice 374 and 40 cents, marked down to 15 cents.

84 doz. of Gents' Balbriggan silk clocked hose, Regular Price 4) to 50cents, marked down to 25 cents, etc., etc.

The following lots have been marked down to close out:

A Gooi Gtianne to Get Bargains of M MiWe Will Make Reductions in all of Our Departments.

0Read our Advertisement next week, it will interest you.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,03 lm The Leading Millinery Store.



A Fine Line of Holiday Goods



I . n i .nil. r . . . ijust Keceivea ai tioinsier & uo. s

A large assortment of


Comprising the well-kno- brands of




i BulletinSummaryDec. 23. No. 28.

60 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now issued and will he found to

be an interesting and comprehensivenumber, containing CO columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland news. There is 110 better puperpublished iu the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription 82.50per annum, includinir mt:igo loforeign countries. To be bud from

J. II. hoper, Merchant inil,A. M. Jlewett, iff reliant struct,ami Hi i.i.i.iih Olllce,

CLEAN RAGS ' I"""'win li inatrfully

Ilil fill' lliu U of ill" ill'llttlia III lliU

lli mil li flo'iiiil f ir lper at Kukuttii,or ill lliti Ji'pr Nlllinriil mi Mu',if h it Ui J ' , tVaitrbou, p., ui Urn

iiltwu Juul tfuirt, 111 IfJi Niilo fit JitMoiiiillo I'ritiett.I'' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL

Page 4: Til' - University of Hawaii...A advurtue in the Daily Bui.i.khn. FI11E, LIFE, AKD MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Assets, 15,055,600 Commercial Insurance Co. (Fire and



"After wWle the jury said they--wanted to deliberate, and the'Squire with an exprewive glance atSergeant, ordered the crowd out,put Hainea in charge of the Con-stable, who was on liaml by thistime, locked the door, appointed aDeputy Constable to guard it, and

Bell Tel. 172. Mutual Tel. 891.P. 0. Box 409.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,42 Merchant Street.

HEAL ESTATE,Inenraoee. Shipping,

' VonTejanrlDB, General AgencyBurlington and Chicago Ball Bo4

Aeroaa America, connecting at" Boatna with Aaorea

and llaaerla

E. 0. HALL & SON

Have just received snd placed on suloPro La Lly lit ei





Grass Seeds

Grass Seeds

The.--s goodt were selected spe-

cially tor this maiket at theManufactory of

Messrs, Reed & Barton,Taunton, Macs.,

And comprif e a great variety of


EiWlew ii Design !

Both Ornamental and Useful.

These beautiful presents have coma ingood time

For Christmasany of the articles fire particu-

larly appropriate for

Wedding Presents I

and cau be had at prices vary-ing from

$U.OO to 50.00.C3J"Como and see them for yourself. .

ui im


G. II. I1TJDDY,(Successor to V. B. McAlister),

DENTIST,Has removed his Dental Rooms to Fort

Blreet, above'g Marble Works.04 2w

The Best Lunch in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 11 Hours

The lne-- t Biaod oi

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on band.

H. J NOLTE. Proprietor.

X II 12


UaaoJa Blusk, King Mtreet,Will repocn for business on SATU R

DAY, August 87th.

The upstairs pnitlon of th House willbe conducted as a PRIVATE DIN-ING ROOM, w here a nio.--t attractiveDili oi taie win ue served up.Bate per week, ... ao.OOMingle Jlenlm 83 Cents

Down Stairs will be provided withtue nest value in town.Hate pir week. 4.S0Mlngla Mealx. US Ceat.t

TKItMM ('AMU,A Mm re of ii public, patronage is

respeciiiiny mil lieu.0 AU IIEEN, .

221 f Manager,

Richard Cayford,Laio F.irricr to II. It. II. Prince of

Wales' 12th ltoyul Lancers.



Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

It evidence: 31 Alakea Street,P. O. XI OX 408. 20tf

BellTelephoaeja 858.

Horse Clipping I"1VTEATLY DOWE and with itnnntrli1 at the HAWAIIAN HOTEL 8TA--13LES. Hand Clippers.. 82tf

TOB PRINTING of all kinds exe(' cuted at tho Daily Bulletin Office

rEdinburgh & Queen Streets.

Mince Meat, in 5 lb tubsNuts, Raisins,Oxford SausagesOnions, Wheat, Corn,Paragon BaconPlum PuddingRussian CaviarSaloon & Medium BreadSmoked BeefSalt Pork, 5 lb tinsSmoked HalibutWorld's Breakfast FoodWhittaker Hams

of Groceries, for sale by

- Iiinr Street.P. O. Box 297.

& CO.


O. 8. S. Co's Steamers. Goods deliveredHonolulu.aud shipped to any' part of the Kingdom





Fossil human remains bare beenfound in the Diablo Mountain Rangejust north of tho station of Carrizo,K19 miles east of El Paso on tbeTexas-Pacifi- c Railroad. The distriet was very little visited untillately, when rich silver depositswere found in the range which Itto a large influx of prospectors. Thesummit where tbe fossils were dicovered is of limestone formationhoneycombed in many places bycaves. bile digging over thesedeposits stone implements, boneneedles, pieces of pottery and otherevidences of human habitation havebeen found. Further investigationunearthed the bones of estinctspecies of nniinals and finally thecrowning discovery was made in theCud i nir of a Dortion of a manskeleton of gigantic size, consistingof the skull and a portion of thevertebra'. I he teeth are enormouand are in a perfect state of preserv'ation. X be remains are in tho possession of N. A. Osner of CarrizoStation.


AX- L-

Birthday CardsA Large Quantity, covering

W 363 Different Varieties

Nothing Like them in this town

A large assortment of

Christmas PresentsFor Ssle by

A. M. HEWETT,Merchant Street.

Music from 7 to 9.All instruments for sale.

Open Evenings from 7 to 9 o'clock.05 ilw


SamoanViews !

At J. J. IIams85 tf

Sara mumJapanese Merchants,

Thomas Block - - Kin? Street.Have just received a large stock of

HOLIDAY GOODSConsisting, partly of,

Bronze Ware !Silk Screens. Lacquered Boxes.

Hanging Pictures, Fancy Umbrcl'as

Colored Lanterns,Silk Handkerchiefs,

Silk and Paper Fans !Bamboo Window Blinds,

Wicker Ware of all kinds,Curios ot every description,

Toys and Fancy Goods in an endless varietyAll grades and all pi ices

tW An inspection is invited. 01 lm


rPHE LONGBKANCH BATHX. House, at Waikiki, is a fuvorueresort and should be visited bv all. especially ty those who nave not jet seenthe place. The route is picturesque allthe way.

A Japanese and wife are now in attendance at the Bath House. Thewoman will attend to Ladies who mayfavor us with a call.

Busses leave tbe Pantheon Slables forthe Baths four time!) daily.

Jtt. JJAJKU.&H, ITOprictor.

JNOTICE.II AVE been in business at KalihiwatI fur many years, and I have had no

Double until now. loo many peivonscome to my place, and I do not knowwhich of them are bad and which aregood Some come to my house to sleepand steal. Now afier 8 o'clock at night1 will let no person tome in my yard.If some ( lie wants business wild me, li thim cali from without my premises. Ifhe is all right I will let him come in,but if I do not know him I will havehim arrested. LAI BANG

November 21. 1887. 87

FOR RENT OR LEASE..The premises now occupiedI by 8. K. Mauoe, at Kapalama.(Entrance through Austin Lane

'Ihu house consists of parlor. 5 bedrooms, kitchen, pantry and dining room.Possession given immediately.

01 Apply to J. V. COLBURN.

O LUSO HAWAJIANO.ALL persons who want to common!

with the Poitueueiie, eitherfor business, or for procuring workmen.servants or any other helps, will find itdie most prolilablu way to advertise inthe Luto 1mwaiiano, the new organ ofthe Portuguena colony, which is pub.lUlied on More limit street, Uuttitt Build.log, (PoaLOIllce Letter Box JS.), andonly charges reasonable rates for adverlinemen ts.

Arrive at Honolulu Irom San Francisco,

Alameda December 23

Leavs Honolulu for San Francisco.

Zealandia (1888) January 13



Mauufuuturer.Book Binding of - all description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11, Mer.722 chant street. ly

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

Merchant Street, Honolulu, H.

Mutual Tel. 71. - Bell Tel. 80.Law Books I Lawyers' Stationery a Specially

Order? taken for Newspapers, Priodlcals, Be ok 9, Music, etc., Irom any partot the world, having made all arrungemcnts therctor whilst in Bun t iancitco,

lied Jlubber Nininpa to Order.71

For Sale! To Let! For Lease

FOR SALE t Lot of Land. 115108 ftHealthy Location Good view, $960.

t Lot of Land, ir!ixl08 ft. Healthy Lo,cation, etc., $850.

TO LET 1 Dwelling House, 4 rooms,f 1 o per month.

1 House with Store, $40 per month.Rooms, en suite or single, from $2 to $5

per weea.FOR LEASE Lots, euck 50x70 fet,

for building. Good Location; waterlaid on; terms euxy and the right par.ties assisted in building.


FRANK GODFREY,Copyiat and t.eneral llunineita Agent

No. 84 King Street.'

P. O. Box 345. Burgess' Express Office,(ill


The Wsikikl residence of Mr. Fred HHujselden situated at Kapiolani Parknetween the resuleuces-o- i lion. W. O,Irwin, and Mr. Frank Brown, It olfuredfor rent, lease, or sale. For terms applyto too unaersignca.92 tf FRED IL IIAYSELDEX.

Desirable Building Lots!

Situate on Fort Street, below School


Either on short or long leases at optionof the lessee.

T 12 II MM lti:A.HOVAliI13.Enquire of HENRY SMITH,

40 lm f&m on tho Premises.


3 WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedWhale Boat, 30 feet long, S feet

deepi 8 feet wide; 2 22 feet Surf Boats;1 18 feet Burf Boat; 2 Decked Hunger,10 leet lone, o feet ti inches wide. 2 feet6 inches deep, with mast and sails allcomplete; 1 23 feet Soiling Scow, withmast and salts all complete. Apply to.

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 61 If

FOR SALE.300 CORDS Algnroba orKiawe Firewood, in quanti

ties to suit purchasers.Anolv to



ONE LARGE LOT, corner PeneacolaLunalilo tts., which can be

dividea into two or more building lots.Enquire of G. WEST,

1554 Of West. Dow & Co.


residence of W. ft. Parkp.Apply on the premises to

CHAN. KEUTTER,613m No. 8 Kukui Street.

RUPTUREOuifklr and Permanently( mrd hv (lAlohrutjiADB. PlEItCEMPATKNTj iati melius Magnetic elastic truss

Original and Only Genttikb

I Ml EauyElAfttrlnTriiRa.

towear. lnBtantlrPnrfnrt.KntjiinAr

relieve. everyBe. HuHflured t hntiHAnriw. Katnh. 1H7S.

r worm ror f reeiiiustrMnrattTir ci ss304 NORTH 8IXTH STREET. BT. L0UI8, m6'.?Q4 SAC'MENTO ST.. BAN FRANCISCO. CAL.

Feb. 28, '87. 1571 ly

DELIVERY ITFrom August 1st.

MR. J. F. NOBLE,Will have churgo of the

of tho Bulletin to the

City subscribers, and ho earn-

estly requests that said sub-

scribers will notify him attho time, of any rnrelcsnoss

on tho part of the carriers in

not promptly delivering their


TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,X advertise in the Pail livu-mx- ,

Largest Stocks,

went over to illiamb' to bet on'Cocked Hat.' The Constable tookHaines to the old Capitol buildingand locked him in the janitor'sroom. I hung about the 'Squire'soffice, waiting for tbe door to open.It was 9 o'clock and very dark whenI saw Bob Hillman, the presecutingattorney pro tern, approach thedeputy at the tloor. He bad a gallon demijohn in his hand, and I, not5 feet away, saw him give the deputy a bottle and whisper to biro.Then he set the demijohn before thedoor and walked away. Then thedeputy took a pull at tbe bottle andwalked away. Then I rushed to thedemijohn and pulled out the cork.The purest Kentucky bourbon itwas and smelted rich. There was aslip of paper on the handle. I guess-ed what it was, tore it off, pulledout a piece of yellow wrapping pa-per 1 had in my pocket, and with apencil wrote : 'Compliments of de-

fense.' I fastened it to the handleand got out of sight. A secondlater Bob Hillman approached thedoor and tapped gently. It wasopened, the demijohn was carried inand the door was shut. Hillmanwalked off, the deputy returned andI crossed to Williams' saloon toread my stolen slip of paper. I wasright. 'Compliment of the prosecution it read.

"Half an hour later a verdict wasarrived at. The 'Squire took hisplace, the prisoner was brought fromtbe Capitol, the crowd surged in,and, while both Hillman and I looked smilingly and confident, 'SquireHuncle asked :

"What is your verdict, gentleman,guntv or not guilty r

"Not guilty," returned Sergeant."Hillman was going to ask for a

poll of the jury, but the 'Squire'sgun bore on him, the crowd left,aad Haines got out of town as quickas be could. Ibat case made me inVallejo, and although I left Califor-nia a few years afterward, I'vebeen making money ever since.Philadelphia News.

Cnnstmas Presents !

H. J. NOLTEHas just received an elegant assortment


Superb Meerschaum Pipes,

Cigarette Holders, &c,


Also, a large stock of all the meat popular ana cnoicc uranas oi

Cigars and GigareitesMyall, Briar, and other fancy pipes,

of the newest designs, and

Smokers' Eeqnisites of every kind.

H. J. NOLTE, Beaier Saloon, Fort st.03 lm



Mince Pies!ALSO- -;-

Fruit, Citron, Pound & Sponge Cakes

AU OrnamentedOf 26 years reputation, guaranteed to he

FAR HUPKRIOIIBoth in quality and quantity than sold

at any other establishment inHonolulu, at the

Honolulu Pioneer Steam Candy Factory

Bakery and Ice Cream Parlor,Hotel street, between Fort and Xuuami.

F. HORN,Practical Confectioner & Pastry Cook.

is coy



A splendid assortment of Fans.Among which are Feather Fans Red,

winie, uiue, anu oilier colors,Gauze Fans, Lace, Fain,

Gilt Fans, Monrnine Fun.and many other styles that must be seento be appreciated, comptising us line avariety as ever seen in Honolulu. ..

Also, a splendid collection ofChristmas and New Year's Cards!

and many other things suitable forUu Christmas Presents lm

JSOTJCE.T HEREBY forbid all persons from en- -X tenng my premises at KaliMwai,except on business, after 8 o'clock In theevenlnir. Any one huvinir business withmo after that hour, must ilrt call me byname before entering the premises. Anyone found trutpasi-iii- on my premises orauoui uitm aiur mat Hour, who haveno Illiniums there, will be dealt with ac-

cording to law.A. AKANA.

OS Kalihlwal, Kauai.

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.


To Let-S- hop on King StrtetIn new brickbuilding near Nuuanu, next door tothe Chinese News Co.'s Office, at reduced rates.

To Let 2 cottages on King street nearPunchbowl.

For Sale or Lease the Nuuanu ValleyRanch, head of Nuuaou Valley, easvterms.

To Punchbowl andKing btreeUj nut very moderate.

Collection DepartmentMR. THOMAS ISCOVESCO U

authorized to collt-t- t moiilei and signreceipts in our name.

J. E. BROWN A CO,43 Heichant Street.

Bell Tel. Mutual Tel. 18

P.O. Bax41C.

Oillce . . 38 Merchaut St., Honolulu

CULICK'SGeneral Business Jigeucy--


Conveyanclnj a Specialty Records tearch- -ed and abstracts of title furnished oashort notice.

Copying, Translating, and engrossing In slllanguages in general us in the King.dom.

Custom Houft brokerage Fire and LifeInsurance receive prompt attention.


MR. JOHN GOOD JR. AuthorisedCollector.

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

REAL ESTATE,bought, sold and rented.

taviml vnlnnltla nrnnnrtlna In milaround the city now for sale on tinvterms.

Convenient Cottages in desirable healthylocations in ana near the city to let orlease at reasonable rates.

Employment Wanted by several men andooys, who will make themselves use.ful in performing the various officesand chores required by private fami-lies.

Full naitienlars riven on annlicationat the agency.

Orders Irom tho other Islnnds prompt--,ly attended to. '

Yosemite Skating

Open every afternoon andevening.

Music every Saturday Night.

THOMAS E. WALL,1601 Proprietor. lyr




Your wives and children will rejoice,

Having found tho Sampler Cigar your choice.


21 First Streets, F. e

Grass Seeds

Now is lie Time to Flai




The undersigned have Just received.

fresh, from the Colonic?,

Pasture Grass Seeds

lu great vuiiety, and which

they ofler

In Lots to Suit.

As the rainy season is now com-

ing on, Planters and Graziers

are particularly nailed on to

Gifc ita Grasses a trial

WH. G. IRWIN & Co.

07 lm25

Australian fail Service

FOR SAX FKAXCISCO,The new and fine Al steel steamship

"Zealandia,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Compaay, will

oe aue ai iionoiuiu noin Sydneyand Auckland on r about

January' 13th, 1888,And will leave for the above Dort- with

.11 jin uos auu passengers on or about thatuaie.

For freieht or passage, havinir fill.PEKIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, anolv' 'to

WM. G. LWDr & CO, Agents.

For Sydney and Auckland,

The new and tine Al steel steamship

it Mariposa,"Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, will

no uue m Honolulu I ro in SuaFrancisco on or about

January 19, 1888,And will have prompt withmails and passengers for iheal.ove ports.

PEMOK ACCOMMODATIONS, ar.nlvto37 WM. 0. IRWIN & CO., Afjents.

D. mm & co.

ommisrsion Jgfll Merchants


IVitvnl Htores&GrocerlesBricks, Iiime A Cement.

Families and Ships supplied on mostreasonable terms.

War ISLAND ORDERS SOLICITED.Mutual Tele, 212. P. O. Box. 479.

No. 20 Fort st., op. O. S. S. Co's Wharf!1800 tf

LOVEJOY & CO.,Importers and Jobbers of Fine


m Ntnuanu Mt., Iionoiuiu.GJ TKi.ti'uoKi t'08. i s

'PHE DAILY BULLETIN -- TheA luoki.nojmlarnMiwr publl.lied.

Telephones 175. Corner

iew Goods per late ArrivalsApples, Honey,Boned Chicken cVTurkeyBreakfast GemBran, Oats,Citron, Lemon & Orange PeelCala Prunes, Dates, .

Cape Cod CranberriesEastern CodfishFrench Peas, . Rolled OatsGermea, Crackers,Jersey Blue PotatoesKegs Family BeefLunch Tongue

And a general assortment

CIhiss, Hustace, -Telephone Both Companies 240.


ojT A complete line of "ao, STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES,

Fresh Goods on Ice by each arrival of theto all parts of

Island order solicited and packed with care,una


Groceries, Provisions and Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received bv everv Packet from the Eastern States and FnrrmnFresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended to.and Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. Island orders poli-cite-

Satisfaction guaranteed. Post Otlice Box 145. Telephone No. 88. 168 ly

A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work ; - Carriage Building,

Painting and "(0 Trimming.

79 & 81 King Street, - Old Hose PremisesJOiit riiuctuw Irons JLlutg and Merolmut N(m.

Every description of work In the above Hues performed In a flrsUclasa manner.

Also, Horse Shoeing a Specialty.HT lloll Telephone, 187. (SIT ly) UT Hell Telepliono, 10T. --W

For sale

Top Related