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2. Time Ois a systematic passing of a specific duration. One day is equivalent to 24 hrs no more, no less. It is universal & constant. Time stays, we go. If we waste time, the waste accumulates. 3. Time Management O is the ability to handle one's time in such a way that time leaks are minimized and time utilization is optimized. Some people become slaves to these actualities. 4. Age of Convenience O transformations are happening everywhere. These changes are adapted to make living easy & comfortable. 5. The Human Chain to Technology Otoday living is synonymous to technology. It means using different advance gadgets & machines in businesses. 6. The Commercial Paradigm & Restlessness Odealing with the complexities of life without difficulties or a hassle-free and relaxed existence. 7. Children's Playtime O more and more parents are spending less and less time to their children. Some are just to busy earning a living to the point of neglecting them. 8. KINDS OF TIME WASTER RATS 9. TURTLES O they are perennially late individuals, they never seem to be on time. They are sluggish & lethargic. 10. DOGS Othey are incessant volunteers who continually offer their services to people. Their work priorities are misidentified or miscalculated. 11. OSTRICHES Othey are characteristically "lazy people" in other words "last minute" performers. 12. SNAKES O They love to pry on others. They are unhealthy time wasters. 13. Time Bandits O someone who wastes your time by telling long winded stories, isn't punctual, makes you wait for various reasons, plans boring outings, etc. it's a retro reference to an brit-comedy movie from the early eighties of the same name. 14. What are the Reasons? 15. PROCRASTINATION O is postponing the performance of certain tasks. 16. Forms of Procrastination delaying suspending shelving/not doing the expected errands responsibilities and tasks 17. UNCLEAR GOALS Oambiguity in direction and performance. 18. MANY INTERRUPTIONS O engaging in long and not work related conversation. 19. AIMLESS DAYDREAMING O becomes counterproductive if it is inane and pointless. It is clearly passing time and dissipating it. 20. TIME MANAGEMENT TIPS 1. Make an accounting of your time in terms of your activities 2. Set your priorities and manage multiple priorities 3. Understand the importance of honouring one's time. 4. Diagnose and treat the lazy attitude of procrastinating 5. Plan your activities 6. Make your schedule 7. Organize your space 8. Use an array of time management tools 21. END

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