Page 1: Time series forecasting:Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing maps

1Intelligent Database Systems Lab

國立雲林科技大學National Yunlin University of Science and Technology

Time series forecasting:Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing


Advisor : Dr. Hsu

Presenter : Yu-San Hsieh

Author :G.Simon , A.Lendasse , M.Cottrell, J-C.Fort , M.Verleysen

Page 2: Time series forecasting:Obtaining long term trends with self-organizing maps


Intelligent Database Systems Lab


I. M.

Motivation Objective Kohonen self-organizing maps The double quantization method Experimental results Conclusions


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I. M.

Motivation Kohonen self-organisation maps are a well kno

w classification tool, commonly used in a wide variety of problems,but with limited applications in time series forecasting context.

Many methods designed for time series forecasting perform well on a rather short-term horizon but are rather poor on a longer-term one.

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Intelligent Database Systems Lab


I. M.

Objective we propose a forecasting method specifically d

esigned for multi-dimensional long-term trends prediction, with a double application of the Kohonen algorithm.

The proposed method is not designed to obtain accurate forecast of the next values of a series, but rather aims to determine long-term trends.

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I. M.

Kohonen self-organizing maps SOM have been commonly used since their

first description in a wide variety of problems ─ Classification─ feature extraction─ pattern recognition─ other related applications.

An unsupervised classification algorithm from the artificial neural network paradigm.

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I. M.

Kohonen self-organizing maps(cont.) After the learning stage each prototype

represents a subset of the initial input set in which the inputs share some similar features.

Property─ a vector quantization of the input space that respects

the original distribution of the inputs.─ prototypes are ordered according to their location in the

input space.─ does not hold for other standard vector quantization

methods like competitive learning.

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I. M.

The double quantization method The method described here aims to forecast lo

ng-term trends for a time series evolution Base on the SOM algorithm and can be divide

d into two stages─ the characterization: as the learning─ the forecasting: as the use of a model in a generalizat

ion procedure.

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I. M.

Method description: characterization Define the prediction of a vector

─ d is the size of the vector to be predicted─ f is the data generating process─ p is the number of past values that influence the future values ─ εt is a centred noise vector.

The past values are gathered in a p-dimensional vector called regressor.

tt-p+1 t+dt+1

P d

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I. M.

Method description: characterization(cont.) Inputs into regressors leads to n-p+1 vectors in

a p-dimensional space, the resulting regressors are denoted:

─ p ≤ t ≤ n, p is the regressor size, n the number of value at our disposal in the time series.

─ x(t) is the original time series at our disposal with 1≤t ≤ n.

─ the subscript index denotes the first temporal value. ─ the superscript index denotes its last temporal value.


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I. M.

Method description: characterization(cont.) Deformation are created according:

─ Each is associated to one of the

tt-p+1 t+1t-p+2

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I. M.

Method description: characterization(cont.) The SOM algorithm can then be applied to each one o

f these two spaces, quantizing both the original regressors and the deformations respectively.

All of the original space, n1 p-dimensional prototypes xi are obtained (1 ≤ i ≤n1), the clusters associated to xi are denoted ci.

All deformations in the deformation space results in n2 p-dimensional prototypes yj, 1 ≤ j ≤ n2, Similarly the associated clusters are denoted c’j.

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I. M.

Method description: characterization(cont.) Define transition matrix f(ij):

─ The row fij for a fixed i and 1 ≤ j ≤ n2 is the conditional probability

─ belongs to c’j─ belongs to ci.

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I. M.

Method description: forecasting The prediction for time t+1 is obtain according

to relation (3):

─ is the estimate of the true given by our time series prediction model.

─ look at row k in the transition matrix and randomly choose a deformation prototype among the according to the conditional probability distribution defined by fkj, 1 ≤ j ≤ n2

t-p+2 t+1

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I. M.

Method description: forecasting(cont.) we extract the scalar prediction from the p-di

mensional vector to compute by (5) and tracting .W

e then do the same for

This ends the run of the algorithm to obtain a single simulation of the series at horizon h.

Monte-Carlo procedure is used to repeat many times the whole long-term simulation procedure at horizon h, as detailed above.

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I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting is a vector defined as:

─ d is determined according to a priori knowledge about the series.

─ Example: when forecasting an electrical consumption, it could be advantageous to predict all hourly values for one day in a single step instead of predicting iteratively each value separately.

t+1 t+dt

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I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting(cont.) regressors of this kind of time series can be co


─ The regressor is thus constructed as the concatenation of d-dimensional vectors from the past of the time series.

─ p: for the sake of simplicity, is supposed to be a multiple of d though this is not compulsory.

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I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting(cont.) Deformation can be formed here according to:

tt-p+1 t+dt-p+d+1

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I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting(cont.) Here again,the SOM algorithm can then be applied to

each one of these two spaces, quantizing both the original regressors and the deformations respectively.

All of the original space, n1 prototypes are obtained (1 ≤ i ≤n1), the clusters associated to xi are denoted ci.

All deformations in the deformation space results in n2 prototypes , 1 ≤ j ≤ n2, Similarly the associated clusters are denoted c’j.

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I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting(cont.) Define transition matrix as a vector generalisat

ion of relation(4):

─ The row fij for a fixed i and 1 ≤ j ≤ n2 is the conditional probability

─ belongs to c’j─ belongs to ci.

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Intelligent Database Systems Lab


I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting(cont.) The simulation forecasting procedure can also

be generalised:─ consider the vector input for time t.

The corresponding regressor is─ find the corresponding prototype ─ choose a deformation prototypey among the accord

ing to the conditional distribution given by elements fkj of row k

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Intelligent Database Systems Lab


I. M.

Method description: vector forecasting(cont.) The simulation forecasting procedure can also

be generalised:─ forecast as

─ extract the vector

from the d first columns of ^xttd tptdt1;─ repeat until horizon h.

For this vector case ,Monte-Carlo procedure

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I. M.Experimental result

This section is devoted to the application of the method on two times series.─ Santa Fe A : scalar time series.─ Polish electrical consumption form 1989 to 1996 : the

prediction of a vector of 24 hourly values.

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A─ The completed data set contains 10,000 data. This set h

as been divided here as follows the learning set contains 6000 data the validation set 2000 data test set 100 data

─ the regressors have been constructed according to

d = 1, p = 6 , value x(t+4) is omitted , and h = 100.

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A─ Kohonen strings of 1 up to 200 prototypes in each spac

e have been used.─ All the 40,000 possible models have been tested on the

validation set.─ The best model among them has 179 prototypes in the r

egressor space and 161 prototypes in the deformation space.

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A

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Intelligent Database Systems Lab


I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Scalar forecasting : Santa Fe A

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption─ The whole dataset contains about 72,000 hourly data

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Intelligent Database Systems Lab


I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption─ our disposal 3000 data of dimension 24─ use 2000 of them for the learning─ 800 for a simple validation─ 200 for the test

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption─ the optimal regressor is unknown, many different regre

ssors were tried, using intuitive understanding of the process. The final regressor is:

─ p=5 data of dimension d=24 and Contain 2000+800 data

─ The forecasting obtained from this model is repeated 1000 times.

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption

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I. M.Experimental result(cont.)

Vector forecasting : the polish electrical consumption

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I. M.Conclusions

The use of SOMs makes it possible to apply the method both on scalar and vector time series and determine long-term trends.

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I. M.My opinion

Advantage: Obtain long term trends Apply

─ in the financial context─ For the estimation of volatilities.

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