Page 1: Time to Renovate SCR

Time to Renovate SCR

One of the best committee which has done so much of good work for the society is now a faded glory. SCR cell of XIMB has to change its functionality to re-position itself for the betterment of the society and XIMB as a whole. I want to suggest the following adaptation:

1. SRC committee provides membership for free, so that students are encouraged to be a part of it. Now, let us analyse: Is providing free membership is a fruitful idea.Student applying for shadow membership for Sports-com, X-seed and SRC are compared. The participation shows the swing of mood of the Nation as a whole.

Sports-Com: 60 participation in a batch of 700+ students.

Analysis: Very less people take sports as a medium of interest due to the changing time and workload. Moreover, Sports-com charges Rs 500(compulsory). Total amount collected can light a village for a month.!!

X-seed: 92 participation in a batch of 700+ students. Analysis: People want to be entrepreneur or atleast have an inclination to build a new Flipkart brand. Charging Rs350 for all general members. A good amount is collected to try out different avenues.

SRC: It is free, still 215 people posted their interest for the shadow membership.Analysis: It shows that the people want to do something for the society.Funding: I want that SRC to charge for membership because people want to contribute. A fund to do things swiftly with more impact.

2. Suggestions to Implement the change: Adopting a village to solve their problems creatively, effectively and in a

timely manner.(Example: Great lakes B-school ). Contacting and tying up with the CSR cells across corporates in Orissa to

strategically solve the problems of the village within a time frame. Introduction of a new vertical, Aashayein, under SCR to manage the

proceedings of building a smart village. Aashayein Vertical will work in collaboration with all committees to achieve

the dream of smart village.

3. SCR has no social media presence. I would recommend an active social media presence.

To lift the society, we need to provide, the needy, with the resources, just providing them with free food and essentials, will not be a fruitful solution in present times.

To build India we have to first build A Smart Village. Moreover, when we, XIMBians, can solve business problems in a matter of days, we can definitely find a way to solve real problems that matters.

Finally, I believe that SRC of XIMB, has immense potential to achieve this and bring back the glory days.

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