  • P4 modelPurpose,People, Planet,Probity The four cornerstones of sustainable success in any modern business venture & a maxim for todays management & organisational philosphy.This model is not a process or technique its the character or personality of a good manager

  • Probity,Purpose,People,PlanetProbity means honesty, uprightness,-its from the Latin word Probus , meaning good.Purpose is an apt replacement for profit & thus makes the acronym appropriate for use in not-for-profit organizations. Profit-focused corporations can of course substitute 'Profit' for 'Purpose' People staff,customers,suppliers,e.t.cPlanet the environment we live in

  • P4 ModelTraditional inward-looking management and managerial skills (which historically considered only the purpose - typically profit - and the methods for achieving it) are no longer sufficient for sustainable organizational success. Organizations have a far wider agenda today. Moreover, performance, behaviour and standards are transparent globally - the whole world can see and judge how managers and organizations behave - and the modern manager must now lead with this global accountability.

  • Love the Difficult PeopleYou should have the heart to love the difficult people.This is again a learnable skill .Learn to understand & help people with different personalities.Be responsible in the way you treat others.You cannot choose how people treat you ,but you can choose how you respond to them.

  • Understanding Different Personalities :-The Sherman tank :- These people intimidate others because of their I am right ,you are wrong attitude.They are hostile & aggressive & people are ready to fight with them because tanks are insensitive & hard to reason with.To deal with them first consider this persons influence & the issue at hand.If the issue is not worth fighting over , do not confront them about it. Neverthless, if a confrontation is unavoidable , be direct & meet the specific issues head-on

  • The Space CadetThese people live in their own world.They do not respond to motivations & frustation is the normal feeling which you get when working with these people.While working with them, do not evaluate your leadership by their response.Infact do not ask their opinion about something because chances are that you will just get an off-the-wall answer.Similarly do not place them in teams or positions of leadership because they are incapable of determining the heartbeat of others.Nonetheless do not consider them a lost cause.They are often extremely intelligent & creative & they usually work best alone.Just find the key to their uniqueness and capitalize on it.

  • The VolcanoThese people tend to be unapproachable because of their explosive ,unpredictable personality types.In dealing with Volcanos, calmness is the key.Try to get the facts straight & minimize exaggrerations or eliminate hearsays from the conservation.Then give them a soft, clear answer & hold them accountable for the things they say and the people they hurt

  • The Thumb SuckersThis people are full of self pity.These people are moody & manupulating.make them aware that moodness is a choice & they can change all that if they choose to do so.It may also help if you can expose them to people who have real problems.Never give them the opportunity to exhibit their negative attitude publicly.Ignore them when they are pouting.

  • The Wet BlanketThese people are the classic negative thinkers.They are always down and find problems in everything.they are excuse makers.To deal with such people ,it is important that you do not provide them the opportunity to make excuses.Kindly ,yet firmly tell them that their attitude is a hinderance in the groups progress.

  • The Garbage CollectorThese people have totally surrendered their lives to negative emotions.In handling them confront them about the way they try to represent other people.When they tell you about the many people who feel that way too,ask them to name names.This one question takes out the Stink in their declarations because it usually boils down to one or two individuals who share their affinity for garbage.This makes them realize that their statements are mere generalizations & exaggreration.

  • A Strict No No Activities :-Yelling on someone :-Yelling at your team members is a strict no no for any manager

  • Pass the BuckDont pass the buck to your team members.Try to take responsibility if something failed instead of imposing it on others

  • Dont be jack of all tradesDelegate work. Your employees will welcome the chance to show what they are capable of.

  • LearnRemember, management is not rocket science. management skill is a learning technique.

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