Page 1: tjs s^^r*»v* · •nsyng&S&srX* ^mmm&m tssss^s^eww^*^ THE Mi#i )Ai.i i* ::" A'-^E^ift^ep^i^i-^^fllTOly game * $9s»K-


^mmm&m tssss^s^eww^*^

THE Mi#i


i * ::" A'-^E^ift^ep^i^i-^^fllTOly game

* $9s»K- aSrMSjSiss We^&W; iHfclftloit at ^Mwjf'JBS^ Tt, :-,M*f >%4ts' to-

/^ jm&ra^^^l^i^K^^lpUj ana

•-;!•. •^.„-1 iljb:u%lne§s? ca|J«fe J P ^ o ^ w o o d ; Awda-y* \

.. -\ ;e%|a%J; ;/"..'..,,,-•.' T: •'•-«. PM-V •' .-.. .,- • • Jf|wi$u^ :c?»ffi,ta-|aa .iOf 'Norfolk Js. a

~*& - , i -

' •r * iiestW §fpla -4% l&sleji1 was in," towit* ' ^'a^a'gys^jfee^iitly c$flfi%''aa'bid'

V"! J^talfSao^sTwHO haC^eei'm" dalf-iotata; % i nftw jbf tfi6? ' of&rofeSt, call-

^Vd-on M r , , S ^ _ ' % . ' 1 A '^.i!Bar»Sa last " Satu^£a^V;TSsiisV;hiC'^ * 3ie4tet"i£#e\|fejTt|'-^SI^yeSiis'rigo.'

~"~*m<sihm^ '.yii',y "."V''.t"."" >*; " ".

".' day y i t k ISjgUJ.. ~%a-I§er' ah-ft- ThijFs-1-day j?isite4- 'Mis;:-Sarah.* Jessiner arid " "4&-B. M a S e l ' ^ s t e b ^ ; ' ' . ' " , = ' ' .•.;; _".,, • •; Toni; 7 ,tlnilb^ , ' ,ff!Bs'';.a.^^pfi^">c^-'

. er- in" Norfolk j a e . past 'wjt^k.'. V -f.;':.*, ' • Marshall'Grstham i-ks rested, the H. S. Clark house on Olark1 street and ia moving his household 'goods there-

Frank: Sands was in Norfolk one day 1

-•Several young people-from t'his vil­lage :;a,£|ended the ice cream social at ^pakms^NeisnlJoriood last Tuesday 'evenijng. A very joHy time was renort-

!^*jEi|jg-.all. , . ' t. ~~°^ ...William Wastag transacted business °o,iit of town-a "fey, jlays last week. ' MriliiHd^Jir,^ . ^ e o ^ ^ W i ^ s g n anjd" jaaughteir- )Ki$th fwere at- X&intarop one 'aifehtiiaBt, week. , \ f i , >' , $ m i s ; of WTintai'op spent a"

;8ky "last Week; with his. father, J . S. ~&$&i of this image*. . .. ,^aynard ' . -ffibhp.Isj and- two sia-tersi Leora and I^jriSi of Knapps Sla-

Iffioa' spent one av.ening of last week •with. Misses Mildred •Belle and^Thylma Brothers.

Mrs. •Gordon Murray and daughter of. NoFwab§ 3pent a £ew days of last week -Mre- wit-It her parents, Mr. aai Mrs. B.dOi'Curtiis. . ©rainara Carsan, wlio has been working for the past few months in the factory at Buck's Bridge, is spend­ing 4I&TSS days here with., his parents, ' » . aM Mrs. James -EsdeB.

A baseball game was played hare •m$t, Satnrday between Knapps and [BSookdale. y.SPke, W. M. W. "B, class of this >Iaee will hold ait ice cream social Wednes-3&? je-vening, June &8. 'All ace invited. It.iyHl. 'be held on Silas Heath's lawn. -..alissi Tlielmai, Brothel's spent last fVTFeskV with lr.ietit(s! -at 'WiHthroD and ;Bra©ihBa., * • -

Olasenee Lacomb of Lost Nation sjaeafc last. Saturday here, with his un-flj'^^oiej-liaeomb, i •. - \ _,v^AlEle,vfroai-this yillage who-AookJ?q-j ^ g l i : - jajt...J^Biiliro»; arss^afti fallows;. ~ v .' . ^ ^ f e ^ ? # - .^lielaia, Brpikersi

. | C b ^ i ^ | , ^'erflice Cyrtice,. aiar-

jtr^aelj and^lffilji'ara.aad- Piatt dacomb. Mrs. Orlo 'i^afe and son of Skinner-

ville *we*'e-in town last week. Sev.eraJ young,people from this place

attended the fee cream ^ social at 'Kflapps last Saturday eivening/ '

Man^.^attended the Ice cream social a t Jenkins. Neighborhood last Tues- Ljast returned, from ParUersburg, Fla., dayfevening.,_ •"*" " *-1— — -^ -* *»•- -.»-*—

^feXeSal. .frcijn. bere^ are planning to 'attela' tkes.^io{i|e. July third, at Jen-fc|^,i|%ig|i^fi^ca,, whils^ arg 3t^iining |o;s^efid the fourth' at Nor­folk and Nbrwoojd.

Ji|is4--|^.Ja;5.t^ule^.Ti?asEthe g$e|fc of ifl&4- Fnitoii- at^Potsdism-thetiBagt

week/ '.x -; - . ,• I * *'jN'tfSl \s _-5$rsj*.?;enas/ 'Smitii a|i.d,,'Miss Lina fiiohards speai last IFednesday visit' ing 3ERS.. Bert Haverstockl

•Mrs. A'bbie Haverstock and son Ira find Miss Minnie; Brewer were i


(E 29, 1915


Canadian Is Deported. Wlilliam Eupert, who has 'been wopk-

iflg 'for Leslie Porteous was deported to Canada on Saturday. Toting Ru­pert, whose .home is" Westjaf^-'©t'ta!waK" enlisted and then regelating, .slippedT away'to the Statesiwjiere,h^lia,s si^ce..] been working. R^ea.nQ^ somfe^e, r.e, ported him to ijmnUgiiant .Xn|pT^ei^lgj Robinson of OgdensbBrg' wJo> oamef-j down 'with Deauty Sheriff .Dad ,itkto and took $he young manu The cjina-, dian authorities .will doubtless deal-rather severely with faim.

Many Attend JSxeiajises. v

The •Cfeildi'en's Bay excises, at the chapel last Sunday evening were of a very high order and called forth -hear­ty expressions of appreciation from the large audience which filled the; church. The desolations were very elaborate and highly artistic. The wonderful 'beauty and fragrance of the flowers made a fitting setting for the childrea, who with their fresh young voices' in, the singing and their easfr and correctness- in speaking, made up a very pleasing program. Misses Han-na and 'Martin are to be congratulated &P9& their, care ia-the training of the 'Children..

Taken to Hospital, Tai'ttle Margaret Martin, the four-

year-old" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ev-eisett Martin, was taken by Dr. Qle-lacd to tke City Bos&itakjQgdensburg; on Thursday "and operated upon by J>r, Madill for appendicitis, and she is doing, aioely so far. Her another is with her constantly. This is the sec­ond one' iE the family to be operated u#on for !tjhe"' same disease.

' ITijfB 7fn Jrfefi,, Jte. ang, Sfrs, JfkaBk (Jrenies . ha..\?e

a young sori».SIraak Leonard, bora on Thursday, (Junek 04th- . '

Miss. Bessie Moore of Waddington igj bpending a few days with her friend, Miss, Lulu Driscoll. . _

Mrs. Jaae Wheeler of Redwood is visiting her dajughter, Mrs. Leland Hanna and family. Mrs, Wheeler lias



%e!»5yei|I '-•asWS^Wf


ani^a'Bfff §ate;?*if


even^fg " | v f a t | ^ J 5

•tBea OHenS few??'"" '"

. -£&. iajid«^#_ 'fo$tSy?j^

o%i} F l ike'-^S

- Ii,« .sftendjiji

snotifcttt 3%%dp

daufW M ; e r ; t . j ^ ,


Making Good in West, in a clipping from a Minnesota

paper we notice the name of John A. Gilmore, as one of the directors of the Cass County Development Associ­ation. The object of the association is to foster arid develop to agricul-udtal, «ocial and educational interest

THi-e is °* C a B 8 c o u n t y > ' C a s s county is io-&?41S> •« fl? e a t e d n o r t h o f t h e c e n t r a l Part .of the R i f • 'J^J?~ -state and is somewhat newly settled f "^tSi -5 1 tot is fast coming to the front along b4";,jgi§nas, who . . . jmliSuhi' among

E|S3& IcS'Swken.irying T ^ S h t -excite-"Bj6ns.aears. ^Imlst-own, N. '0a& of hjs j llflp'-JlaytRr,


GET YOUR OBDSBS in eai'ly, sp as to teefehre «he". best stock at the lowest price | -_ > ; '

(.arvy 1-2 T>int jars, .pint) jars, quart ?ai^- 4:-Call us wh\?n in Beed-

®m l ( » e for their

i tP 1 8* Mable illfg^nal, Edith

:|®g^rDm -Mas-EsiSinoB- Whalen p i p from Col-

f^^^Mott of


eaft'Jo; ©Mens-^ftft-^feeenre

with her 83 sister ounlies of the state, Louisville Paragraphs.

Mrs. John Wilson spent Thursday with friends in the vilalge.

Bjiss Margaret Morgan is visiting in Canada.

Mrs. Minnie Wilson and daughter Gale, spent Friday with relatives at Chase Mills.

Misses Maude and Augusta Beck-sted of Chase Mills were guests Sun­day o£ their sister, Mrs. W. M. Alex­ander.

_ jgSjytlUPi-Massena and Miss iMary Carsaw were guests, Sunday of Hugh Smith and family*.

John Hadley, of Nevada City, Col., is. visiting relatives and

We alpo quart jars. Ehone 83

0,eB$e|;;S*r t>-

^:~«^ fe^5r

,,,,,.__,, friends in li'iBoijitai for ?* this vicinity, r Mrs. Hadley went west

«&$:H;i -,' 'from, hepe several years ago.

If 'J4^t^- re-fe*mfi®? .ttork-

^ i n ^ ^ iii the' " 'nine

|i#£^!f!Xchip I MS|k^;KMi|>*astsi


petof^lpp^^aad f&'_gjalfiapa^ents, ^ulillr' ' ' '

where she spent, the winter. 0

Miss Anna Smith has finished her yeajc'jst teaching at Florence, itoss., and ift. imns for '.Qi,e summer Vacation. , (Msr. and Mrs,. Herbert Baker and family of Morristown spent Sunday at E. J t B-rown's.

Misses Fannie and- Xora Fusee of Monckland, Ont., who have been vis­i n g th&ix aunt, Mrs. James Dixon, returned home last Thwr.sday. . Mr. and Mrs. William Wood .and

daughter, Miss Bessie Wood, have | ^ d b a f e ^ gone to California to attend the Esno-1 ^ ^ a b ^ sitiosE and wilt also visit their son, j r ' e B t e ( j a n ; WSlIJam Wood and wife of Piedmont, f i^ ra i far

kett iffiKe$ '• Ouvj^ragi

Mrl na.' tertalned;

W.|ek>i"^. j


Cal. The Y. M. W. at the.hgg^

tt"i|a$|nan and dI4 Mchojs and

latsliflay in Ma-r*a%r^ther, Reu-

_^f^fa«kJs.vis-^aSa^iar-SsSder at jpihgri-oa, Croil's:

fsicoak'-of Rac-

==Mi ®a>rgan en-

ttfs '#a# sai.1*"' ,;'1 '.-V.

giaaM: Carton ^ttrsdar p- °S-

tl RasseM kafve Bossession of the t-vacated by Frank

,'tfoha Hamlin of Helena, called on friends la this vicinity Friday.

Samuel Thompson and Fred Mul-hQllaad were recent guests of p . D. Powers and family at Auburn.

i James Gtayaor has a 'force of men CQa^rfteting, concrete sluices on the

^-...MisssMary-JIodge or Massena, spent | Sa te^ay of lasfe.week; with bis Broth-'' er..lfeary and fannly. '••

•<Mra. Wv M. Alexander • and son Hjanry spent Friday v/itb relatives at

j Chase Mills. • J.oha Elliott a former, t'Ouisville

man, who is employed a£ the State hospital is recovering from injuries received by Tailing from a stagrrfg.

Born to Mr. and Mrs. Miaard Power a daughter, Irene, Jstne 20. _ W. L, Smith of Massena, \Vas called

^ere. tj^ business Thursday. x.<lB,n$s'l), &8atKord"ajaa csaain, Miss Mary. it. Bradford of the River »oad were guests at M. Becksted's, Wednes­day.' . • .

, William Prenio of Fairshaven,' Vt, easae 'Saturday to spend a -few ttays %iUt hife parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mase Presto/.. ' - . - . . .

- MrSi-HeeKJr Skeea and. ©hfldrea, .of Norwood returned taane Friday after a weeks visit at Orson Shoen's.


train. antrcal; by

The wonder builder for the children. They can' build* the following: Merry-go-Round, Gi­ant Tops, Mammoth Swings, Ferris Wheels, Wind Jffittis, Air -Ships, .Saxon Automobiles, •Syroseopes, Towers, Bridges, Derricks, Rail­ways, Signals, Turbin es, -Motors, Conveyors, iMaiChiB.ery houses, ^Let ters, 'Numbers, Ani­mal^ 3©tct ' .. > ,

10C A at

w lift mM Windows i

STORESi *¥ ->


The RexaiJand Nyal Stores Phones 41-J and 212-W

' • '* i . -nf ' r niiJii i l l n ' i i i r'ltitifl I T I I ' I I M I I I T . Jf i t VTi ' - ' " r r - in , J i ' - _ ' - •'• • - • '

/ '. r jome. j^or §u)iimei»_'. • .. . - J.ThejVf^iio^fh;g|!fea'e]^rs;',aiid.'',pupils - ate hoiiee- •ft?r,th'eirlsnmmer Vi'c'atio*ns: tT&eresa. Daffy! ^araoK-Fofsyt^e, B)gs-gi^ Mia^tty,, 3'erthj.' SaU,-. Margaret

.MpntgJHaery* .'.LVnisp ,?iurply^.'Char-rk>ite-^fiftei ,-^arl qnigi&ferjr,', Helen


- \ -" yi6rssce>Ma^if l iy > - 'Blanehe ' MacDon-""•"•':-:f/0s6fi"iiwSt MSs*; 'T&&.51-ciSee -aadf!so!i.

] "-^ift'";towa' .W«aaes*ay. i They will .''•V'u.' fppdt iihX-mrm-er ydth., relatives in "- ''.\;>WartliBaafor. ' ' ' :

--.>•-.';-*'-"'>','•J ,' %d|{insftini-.*BMi5f ---' v '; x<:^,: .^.If^vVh, 'iGeoEge Moore, and • !»,' "^"liebry' " # # d e n ; of 'the' St.' Lawreaoe . ' ' , 0tate: 'hosSrila,! "spent Snaday' iDu-foVn

'i>^:i^M"%!eT&dft'"-..' .- ' . >"'*' ' -~ 'iatils'Nellie "'Eekett - of ,;3fforrish*g, . '•"' '""-T&^'^Srjsitins'fier cousin, Mrs. -Soy '•• '- ' tWitso^ ;>*'J ;T'V" ' -' " " . ' '

-•'J",,,''.k-'&tesi^finle-Sted,.is- .Visiting ia.Al--%:;/>-'; iy,'-"th ''gaMs;t:'of Mrs. 'Jane .Curtis. '.:;->''. ''v'Tko^f^"Dantt'''sp^tit- the week end -:'V:\#rt6"-re&|i"¥eB:in Sitsbon. . «

' ; ' :7 '.»' Mr<"; :44f >|^S'. ®$WS® -Chainberlaih' ; ' ; .^ . i - imd?^i^^ ' '<^*D^in i of Buf-

• *~0 : ;'4aiisx"^mt a f&w days' Msi week with »*'•'" ffieir'aiflther^-'.Si's. Jitiia'caiamTjerlaih. :;',.-'. -I ~M?s/j$m&&-Wp£m of 'Gbase Mills

' * w A ' ^ n f c ' F M | ^ t « l t b ; ^ t . arid &H Ira-% -Taylor•^ - ^'.--'-" i - v

-"' '..]. - "Wa -Haa'n'a-;SPeat J;he week "end ih-" ' x 7 : tOT^'wA'ipil^inily,'. '" . ' '* -"" '' '\'Mrs^*ka''M%^|y,andMrs. William

:"'.'"fevfr&Zs&ti^.Tkurfelay and' Friday C s#Mii3efnds In .Ubirfepur^ Ont-- '".^iewart ' 'B^^of Wateftown is vis-

r:-:v|iB^is>®raalaidthefs Mrs.' Isabelle

Dalzaftf - • • ., --Lorraine Rutherford is visiting in

SnglewoBd, N.'rJ., guest of her sister, JSirs. il tK.. Clalrke. . ©drcflhy- Cirei^hton left town Satur-

|-dla3|'-fo^ J>ale Beach, where she will spend the sumimer- with her parents. I t and NMrs. -jGharles Creightqn, ' ill's'. -A.-T. Carter is visiting' friends

$i Toreatd. •' . . ^ ; •Mrp.',Jaha Clips! spent Friday with

friends'', in-' Nor^doa. /'ftrs.j-'W^.Sj .Rutherford of "Ogdens-burf i'siienj ;Snkd y in town with Efteadsl! '-C ';. ' i *

t" "Master 'Robert TKomosoa-is visiting 'Selattves fc. .''^afelo and- Raymond T am'psl&a,- VUl; spend a month with i'rtefl'd' ia^ Canton."

Miss" Hutchinson of Massena spfent tlf& town with Mabel Griffin. , '-••

Mfas. <'C|ar"a„%Ma^tin. left last week for'- Saranae^ where she will spend the. summer. ; . •

MJ?& priscoiliof O&wego spent last j week in'' town. with, her parents, Mr. a i d ' Mrs, •'p Oshier.

aid and .Em^a Die son.,. , J. K. (Sutiert'ord spent Sunday in

town, With hjis fanlily. Mr., and- Mrs, J. M. Howard, Mrs.

Louise, -Shav^. t Misses ' Wright and Martan^ttgnded! the exercises in' Pots-daih. Tkey -tnafe .the ffcrip by auto.

Miss Anna'Calhon'of Canton is vis­iting hei- sis|ei',! Mrs. William. Hanna.

Mr. and Mrs./ James MoKenna of Potsdak visited,Mr. and Mrs. John I>''-last w^ek.

i^iss Trfiv4r,|§tura6d to her ho»e in E4wa,rds ja^ Wednesday.

'A ' •••-"=-•

. . . . of ,*'HW -"PMp» ,«» f» chool left Massena a t the close of the

school year for their respective homes. ' Among the residcncefr^i^«^ttr<tv-

cd in the village t&ip year; tfllP- are none which have . beett made more handsome than the home of Mr.' and Mrs. H. B. Russell on Phillips street, A large new veranda has been added which extends across the front and half way across the west end of.the house. Around the house the lawn has been newljn graded and a coat of white paint has- added the finishing touches. This is one of the few homes in the *village that has window shut­ters and these have - been painted a green'and the effect is very pleasing. Inside there has been installed a new. hot water heating plant and the Rus­sell home is now one of the finest in tows.

Reports from Hamilton, 5 . ¥., where |Fraak Demo, of this village, has re-i cently purchased a drug store a ie to the effect that Mr. Demo has been showing the people of Hamilton some things in the drug store liae that have made them sit up arid'take notice. IB" the soda fctfctain eorner of his store he has introduced the modern serving of ice cream with fresh fruit sundaes, which was an entirely new feature, and in addition fte gave the citizens of the college town a "free" day whea the fouatain was~ opeaed, which was another unhear-d of thing. , He has bad the interior of the store newly painted in white and the oak fixtures polished, and with a large addition,to the stock purchased is showing that he really understands his business. Mr. Deniq'is a son of Mr. and Mrs:'B. J. Demo, of this village and his many | friends here are pleased to hear of the good start he has made in Ms new business.1-- ' • • . ^,' '"*',

M is said by t&ose Mrilfai1 with d%~ d i t t o s teethe local stock yards a t * | e | Springs that t-here is desperate need of some- actfoa by the authorities to see that ©revision is made for wat^r Sor the stock shipped from this deleft from week to week. There Is only, a tub o r two for drinking places for tfie cattle, where there should-tie a dozen troughs, and the oaly -way to All theie tuns is with a hose -that' has to rifa. across four or five tracks. It has he&a understood that the railroad h t s promised for «fte!« a year to put 4a the water • connections at the yards and supply the troughs, but they do trot do it and as a' result the catife i have to start on their long trip to -tie [ city without a drink. If the Humahe

feSociety oaanot have any-influence ia getting .the railroad to go this work. it ought to ;be brought-to the atten­tion'of the Health OfBcer-'or some one who will see to it that'it is done, ft is one of the worst forms of cruelty to animals to be .deprived of water and • whoever is responsibile for-the lack of proper watering places therb •should be made to look after it righi away.


. * •



Mieses Isalfel cock were..-m to day visiting t h | aun t / Mrs, E« K-Wl1 Sumn

-Porawalli -Wj •tendfeg! sciko on Tuesday' borne in? E fc I meTVaeatfoni

MmJ.-&£tkg R a t h , of'JBiioil a few daysf$ Jjary A /Wa

Miss.. ffiF^el1 few daya^i t t l son alrfd/famU

•Mfc' ^n.dP» daughter w$ '.Fatsdajay;^^ home of m?-,., 'the Town-^iass

Mr/'fe 'have^-riijj'; three yearsy -id rton, JJelaa^e,! make |he|r|hoB

Miss ]&zati home Erldal-'frol where ktte;ia»f public T3ch.q;|fj31 she has maa^go work wMkhitf

j fact that S | | i s r a salary of.m>S, over las tyefc t

m§. ^ ^ | i f ; R e i | speadins^ a.feifr-'^1

her son^ -A: Be . Miss ifAai^-a-e

teafeherti^ tl|fe3p^b field, #"%t^p5Bfe^ to sf te^ia^he i eats, ^Hnk-MtsM North-M$ifcsi^e'efel ' -,01-are,|i^''^pioa

f-en^, iMft^nlMM*? couple.'dft^Be 'tefcateE tt& ae-jj

Tae-fb-Il^r^M member^ oi-r%e"!* Bstsdaat'i'iSoli&l: Miss Sari atosv M i s s i ^ ^ . l M e ^ d i l M j ^ i ^ •** Miss'ifari®:11. ._.„_

Mss S€#%e|!3 |fw-B^a^eISffe#! :

I- ca te - j^k ' j t ipa^ .She- -w§g !atiSintp

! Harry 'Setoidi1:^'-5!

from Deirotfv^a-Of VeeM"- tnf! '" Mrs. Guy <#ai fVat ;

Miss linq|'e%>Fa ville, 4sM|(ettd^f sister, M^s. '~C&i street : s ; ~'::"i4'---;;i

• Mr. 3nd/3I#viA.; drea acebkhpaillea»i burn, wh'or i s f c f e l Montreat^M''oii3# %\ turned home-"||u%ai daughter,'1 Julikiferp; •ia-a 'eon^mgMml

I * *


' . ' 1307 . 1604 . 1491 . 6014

w. 1685

w' W$

&; 1S95-;

^ ' 1 3 © i £


ries to WWST'eounts of how in~l?B6, or thereabouts, Aus­tria let go of Venice, which the Ital* Sans seemed to think they wanted. , A vaSp^pi organ grinders, whose hearts V«a£ in the' Italian War theatre, eanie across to this side, filled with the^airs [^ "Sweet liana of Liberty" and they ?coEffiae»iiy dug their feet into Ameri­can soil Hptil after their coafereaee with" the' Immigration authorities. f.hen they* discovered that-there is a little' matter of capita} required, suf-

['^efe'n'tat least to lead the officers t«; believe, such tdurlsts.-would be able to j finapee' themselves tp their destina-l .^ioitj^andt&en^sonie. The cash, re­sources of thus pair would lead t#the eiisp^dion that-they would be nublic '•efarffesas; soon as they reached Mpr-rlstoWn 'on their way to New York, so they, were refused admittance. It was | t this juncture that they spotted the Austrian, who had not yet fully re-

i cqyered from the effects of ,his turn-;jdqwa.* That treaty pfj alliance with Germany was forgotten in a minute 'and was declared by the, men of Italy, afchaBehge which the Austrian seem-

ijeft |icliaed to' aecept. The allied iai-, "^igrat&Ja • men had to interfere and |..§qoa~ pointed to another of almost Moldy, achievements of diplomacy,

..The Italian-Austrian reel was Quick-. \y followed by a GermantCanadian "siefure, though developing into a Ntoteehilig drama before the Miss;. Van-'denberg had smarted again for the Britisa colony. A German, no.mis­taking his Teutonic lineage, appeared ft'the! dock He had come from New

rprk.! With him were two ladies, to Ivoie-of whom he paid particular at-tentibi. Trto had planned to go to i^tawk': *nie'y -had come as far as the & Lawrence river without apy mar-l^pgliicidents in their jaunt, but again jMja&n'e ia that inexorable regulatiQn '%§ Win alien enemy. The German had , |aqnir.e3 ol Officer Robinson j»3 to h is

uont to

Beautiful When Closed



.™'i »».u i ifPPP IT JW THE PARLOR, SO PES-

tjs s^^r*»v* THM OTH' • ER SEWING MACHINE.

The FREK is guaraateed for 3 years against fire, flood, breakage or cyclone. .We re­place even a broken nced'o. Make your iujme cncrr.v ond ir>-

at flrteen other markets the prices were as lows: Little Valley, 15 l-S cents, Sal-amaaaca and .Cuba, 13 1-S cents and Brpckville, 11. cents.

Make your consented.

The surest ic to trade ing machine machine.

Wife "happy

viay to flo this your oM sew-for Th^ FREE


^ " , 5^|',^^ahces. 'TJie immigration ofilcer said iSft^f'^vl.we matter was up to the Canadian

-jaffleialsi 'but he commented as quoted ia .the. opening of this story of race recognition and discrimination. The

(German was also told^that he was' all .;.rjgfit where he stood, but thj,t the Lbbat at the dock was somewhat dan-l| ^erou& ground, if he wished to.'dodge

ftlrejchance of/being interned in a f'Caifadlan camp until the ^close/of the pwiri dad he was- advised to have aa ^imder^taading with .the Canadian of-yeer""|n advance. The German was psp. ?afttjous that he would' n.ot even ?leah |gaijist the" ferry boat or, allow ^fe , toes to creep over the edge .of the l ^ c k ^ ' a s he argued his "admittance f'Sase. fBe said the two women with] 0}p. were al l wool Canadians and that fte-."WQuH like very 'much to go to >£)"£tawa • on a' little visit ."with them. Again -came the "nothing doing^'ver-

I'dict, And what .seemed worse to the !*)Bran;wlth the Rhine complexion, hi» i'ltwo lady companions were hustled

-S^oMfe^oard the' aoat while the "throw-off-* W.:0^nii0iA&'' whistle, :was blowing.' i^lsf^^^^f: v T *- '• . '• ' • S ' t ' - i w ^ - " ' , t



jjs.iaj.1 t e r m e d •' "' -G^af:

a"§; S,«ft|(3|»'|



EIWTiWJS BiTHglf flf

Plans to Spenj Smonter sjhHake 'Gnat-eangay Near Majorie,' ITftless;:

' Briven Out By Process' : ! , --' ..Servers, ' v

Evelyn Thaw is in Northern Njew York: la aa effort to escape subpoeaa in the trial of Harry Thaw's sanitjr ia New York'<3ty. ' \ : . "I will hbtfgb back to New York, to testify against Harry under any cir­cumstances-/' is,, the statement • she made through her maaager aad dane-iag partner Jack Clifford, from h er. retreat at the Narrows, Ghateaugky Lake. .. ..,, •

"If necessary to ay^id going oa ,tjbe standi' Clifford quoted her as saying, "I will go oyer the border into Cap^ .ada. T gave up a $3,000 .engagement in New York just to avoid this, thipg, and I am not going back there now'if I can avoid it," •"» { . Flight to Canada would be, easy for

the border is but a few miles distaat. According to Clifford, -Mss! Thaw to­

wn the edge of a nervous breakdown and in need of a rest. * • ,

''She positively will not see report­ers," he said. "She is tired out, and, besides,, she has, nothing more to "say than ,1 have said for her. She is not taking any chances on having a paper, slipped to her by somebody posing" as a reporter. Such things have 'been

j done, you know. , j "Unless we are forced to quit'the

country' by the. process servers—and we can flee hj a very few minutes—we are going to* stay here in the .cottage we have ijaken for the summer, ^th^ erwise, good night..

"Of course," Mrs: Thaw, is interested in the outcome' of the trial. WSiy should she not be? Yes, that is the reasop she sent ia an order for the New York papers to be seW; her dar­ing tb,e, trial. They will be rather old before they get in, but they will be fresh to her." ' , \ '.

With Mrs. Thaw in her cottage are her'little son and .members of her, company.

Striker Arrested ajt Carthage. , Michael Yocoviile, an Italian who has been employed M the West End paper mill was arrested by Patrolman Peters last Saturday on a warrant feworn out by Edward B; Sterling of the West End Paper Company: It is alleged that the Italian made threat^ against several of his fellow country; men, of a serious nature and said .that he would kill them if they returned, to work in the West End mill while fpe

on cepted

a is of prominent MefflWBP'S^ftd by the. Carraaza and VlUa adherents, "Bluer- ' tistas'' and] CiBnMficQSj," lave been. maintaining <m active Junta i n , El. Fast>» ip constant, c'oaiaiunlcatioa with , '

! "General Btuferta and otfter membera -of C^e.e^le-cploay'in -New; =.York and atalat^iaed f ainqng ^e'mselVes^ , tne; form of privfejfiBal j^yefcnmen*;, with* • a'presideatjaaa nMmberfijOtja.iJftbinet, , Advices to.Mejsickas h.eri have coatin-jially ]-indicated-that /tnie junta wasr' plamaing some 'definite rojove,;

SecretaryJ Lansing-, disclosed today" •that % initiative fad h^ea .takea by the department ,«f 3'usticB, It is knowffi authoritatively that the United "States intenda .&£ t no mors Teyolnthjaary elements stall he-introdiieedvinto the Mexican situation and"'> as far aa ^assiblej tii-sre-will-be orqns-'p1*ose-'eirfjba "f<al( other Mexicans •frko^m ty'/ be planain|r to-set'^oDtjmili^ry' «*!-'• peditions fl* m the ©Hited; States'. -Details of the arrest of iGeaeral Tic- '.'

ioriano-.Hajrta ap^ Gen^f-at Pasoual, '• Grozcp at El Faso pp. tble charge, of j conspMpg. to folate *At^erleaa neu.-« { -trality laws in attemptfng tb s4t afoot ' new revolutionary movement TO, aieadr co tht territory -of the:tJnited States were received Monday- 3>y the ;

department of,justice. -* . - • ' , ' • Although, eenerals Hueipta aad Gr-

bzco were j eleased on bojid' they will "J he kept am er surveiltoce by %order * agents of i lie* department "of justice; Just what eridettce>has haeh #a.thBred, -h

against the: lormer dictstpi «a4 Tote jab* ^ociates has not been dis^OSedVbut ib '.' i&. uadergtOf d to relate mostly tp al­leged recruitaag of Me>cjcans. oa Am­erican- territory, , .. , ;5 .;•.•• .• '•' .' };

Newji of t i e deleat:of 1fae GarraiiJia ' army adY$n Jin.g on' vMe*ico.. Cit^ -Was received Monday f£ tbe^tate -depart­ment..- .- • -•-' ...' • '-' ', .

The-dlspaeh saifl G^aeral ®arr4aza> was rushfnj»trobp trains trppi Vera',' Cruz to .-She "capital that''flgkting « f ' the hour that cqarier S^attpd," SHH"was going- -on,, in the. ou||(kirte x>f iMfeJcfe* City and-that's.'repef^ioa of-aifi ^tra­gic tea-daw' "Bfhtck. preceded the ov-

'^rthrow^f ^aderoT.jwittt'j)foSaflls-aad- ' ed -hprjrorsi was feared.; '; ^ , •

Iiteludea a the state departstenea dispatch - frdm yeja'-.Orug was 'thiar

''Zapata fdrces defeated'Carraptsa, '.-forces' tail|exi<;0'!jJitjf,.-,<kjwtaiepv.'• tirelyciat offl from the-iVQWd. iGatraa- -za rushing ml available men-id Mext-' * co City. .^oj-fpedln'Mejdco -City/' -- . '

i • ' N

kid: strike wag in progress. . Mf


- . r j? ,--.;•.

:;-smm&&:+'r ^aS^^iiiii ms&SMSsMi

fo Enterijin |re"sn A^r Ota^ea^' The I big,.; 'ipey. farm** near'' :-3S aps- •

Mills; the oldjJsomestead pf -Mr,' pdV -Mrs, George <S !Piper> .Is^fo beturaEsd intq';a chjldr. sns' Moio$. on. the •Week oj July l^th,, this' generous couple •h^v*. ing' offered't t> t^ke tifmty! "fresh -atp W J ° •'*» 1% vv,eek.and passpg-ibeetf

feed-lO-byithe committee. -'/• '••"-;*-1 £ ' - : ' « ;>->*- ; ' . . • V - - . - - - . ' i # " ( ? V - - ' " . ' - " ' ' ' - " .'" ' * - ' - < • • ; . ' . - . - "i ',


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