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2020-21 BUDGET

Page 2: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL BUDGET - FY 2021 PART I - PRIMARY BUDGETSchedule A Summary of Educational and General Expenditures by Activity/FunctionSchedule B Summary of Educational and General Expenditures by ObjectSchedule C Report of Educational and General Revenue, Expenditures, and Unobligated ReserveSchedule C-2 Cash Flow Requirements and Use of Reserves

EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL BUDGET - FY 2021 PART II - SPONSORED BUDGETSchedule A Summary of Educational and General Sponsored Expenditures by Activity/FunctionSchedule B Summary of Educational and General Sponsored Expenditures by ObjectSchedule C Report of Educational and General Revenue, Expenditures, and Unobligated Reserve

EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL BUDGET - PART I - FISCAL YEAR 2021 PRIMARY BUDGETSchedule E1 Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object (Position Detail)Schedule E2 Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object (Position Summary)Schedule F & G Summary of Expenditures by Function and ObjectSchedule H Consolidated Capital BudgetsSchedule K AuxiliarySchedule L Student Activity Fund

EDUCATIONAL AND GENERAL BUDGET - BACKGROUND DATA - FISCAL YEAR 2021Schedule I Faculty and Staff Salary DataSchedule II Changes In Budgeted Faculty and Staff PositionsSchedule III Course Section and Enrollment DataSchedule IV Changes in Mandatory Costs - UpdateSchedule V Tuition WaiversSchedule VI Institutional Response to Budget RequestSchedule XI Legislative Response to Budget Need Request

University of Central Oklahoma #120Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationPatti Neuhold - Ravikumar, President June 10, 2020



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Schedule ASummary of Educational and General Expenditures by Function

120Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY/FUNCTIONActivity Number Activity/Function FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

Educational & General Budget - Part I:11 Instruction 102,780,527 58.9%12 Research 1,693,363 1.0%13 Public Service 1,424,313 0.8%14 Academic Support 12,885,672 7.4%15 Student Services 13,561,823 7.8%16 Institutional Support 14,261,128 8.2%17 Operation and Maintenance of Plant 16,076,188 9.2%18 Scholarships and Fellowships 11,866,448 6.8%

Total Expenditures by Activity/Function: 174,549,462 100.0%

FUNDINGFund Number Fund Name FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

E&G Operating Revolving Fund:290 Revolving Funds 127,728,868 73.2%290 State Appropriated Funds - Operations Budget 40,339,098 23.1%290 State Appropriated Funds - Grants, Contracts and Reimbursements 1,479,977 0.8%490 Federal Stimulus Funds - CARES 5,001,519 2.9%

Total Expenditures by Fund: 174,549,462 100.0%

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Agency #Institution Name: University of Central OklahomaPresident: Patti Neuhold Ravikumar

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Schedule A-1Summary of Educational and General Expenditures by Function

EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY/FUNCTIONActivity Number Activity/Function FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

Educational & General Budget - Part I:11 Instruction

General Academic Instruction 89,799,366 Vocational/Technical Instruction - Community Education 2,086,654 Preparatory/Remedial Instruction 454,046 Instructional Information Technology 10,440,461 Total Instruction: 102,780,527 58.9%

12 ResearchInstitutes and Research Centers - Individual and Project Research 1,693,363 Research Information Technology - Total Research: 1,693,363 1.0%

13 Public ServiceCommunity Service 516,317 Cooperative Extension Service 707,054 Public Broadcasting Services 200,942 Public Service Information Technology - Total Public Service: 1,424,313 0.8%

14 Academic SupportLibraries 5,020,191 Museums and Galleries 7,015 Educational Media Services - Ancillary Support/Organized Activities 1,625,063 Academic Administration 5,490,755 Academic Personnel Development 245,987 Course and Curriculum Development 496,661 Academic Support Information Technology - Total Academic Support: 12,885,672 7.4%

Institution Name: University of Central Oklahoma

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Schedule A-1 (continued) - Summary of Educational and General Expenditures by FunctionInstitution Name:

EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY/FUNCTIONActivity Number Activity/Function FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

15 Student ServicesStudent Services Administration 4,326,687 Social and Cultural Development 4,079,411 Counseling and Career Guidance 928,419 Financial Aid Administration 1,531,621 Student Admissions 619,943 Student Records 1,110,731 Student Health Services 965,011 Student Services Information Technology - Total Student Services: 13,561,823 7.8%

16 Institutional SupportExecutive Management 3,893,237 Fiscal Operations 1,691,275 General Administration 5,047,123 Public Relations/Development 2,265,481 Administrative Information Technology 1,364,012 Total Institutional Support: 14,261,128 8.2%

17 Operation and Maintenance of PlantPhysical Plant Administration 2,982,580 Building Maintenance 3,032,608 Custodial Services 1,782,229 Utilities 2,771,018 Landscape and Grounds Maintenance 575,796 Major Repairs and Renovations 1,777,307 Safety & Security 1,497,046 Logistical Services 1,657,604 Operation & Maintenance Information Technology - Total Operation and Maintenance of Plant: 16,076,188 9.2%

18 Scholarships and FellowshipsScholarships 512,400 Fellowships - Resident Tuition Waivers 8,507,287 Nonresident Tuition Waivers 2,846,761 Total Scholarships and Fellowships: 11,866,448 6.8%

Total Expenditures by Activity/Function: 174,549,462 100.0%

University of Central Oklahoma

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education


Schedule BSummary of Educational and General Expenditures by Object

Institution: University of Central Oklahoma

EXPENDITURES BY OBJECTObject Number Object of Expenditure FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

1 Personnel Services:1a Teaching Salaries 42,676,575 24.4%1b Professional Salaries 28,466,212 16.3%1c Other Salaries and Wages 13,373,138 7.7%1d Fringe Benefits 28,192,726 16.2%1e Professional Services 4,402,963 2.5%

Total Personnel Service 117,111,614 67.1%2 Travel 2,510,990 1.4%3 Utilities 2,771,018 1.6%4 Supplies and Other Operating Expenses * 30,449,270 17.4%5 Property, Furniture and Equipment 7,491,979 4.3%6 Library Books and Periodicals 1,921,768 1.1%7 Scholarships and Other Assistance 11,866,448 6.8%8 Transfer and Other Disbursements ** 426,375 0.2%

Total Expenditures by Object 174,549,462 100.0%

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education



Institution Name: University of Central Oklahoma

Revenue Description FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total1. Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000

3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line 2) 26,695,000 <--Formula

4. Projected FY2021 Receipts: State Appropriated Funds - For Operations 40,339,098 25.3% State Appropriated Funds - For Grants, Contracts and Reimbursements 1,479,977 0.9% Federal Appropriations - 0.0% Local Appropriations - 0.0% Resident Tuition (includes tuition waivers) 74,851,413 47.0% Nonresident Tuition (includes tuition waivers) 7,189,103 4.5% Student Fees - Mandatory and Academic Service Fees 23,637,843 14.8% Gifts, Endowments and Bequests - 0.0% Other Grants, Contracts and Reimbursements 91,903 0.1% Sales and Services of Educational Departments 158,200 0.1% Organized Activities Related to Educational Departments 21,500 0.0% Technical Education Funds - 0.0% Other Sources 6,560,025 4.1% Federal Stimulus Funds - CARES 5,001,519 3.1%5. Total Projected FY2021 Receipts 159,330,581 100.0%6. Total Available (line 3 + line 5) 186,025,581 <--Formula

7. Less Budgeted Expenditures for FY2021 Operations 174,549,462 <--Link to Sch A

8. Projected Unobligated Reserve Balance June 30, 2020 (line 6 - line 7) 11,476,119 <--Formula

Schedule C-1Student Fees Fund 290 Fund 700 TotalsMandatory Fees - 12,309,993 12,309,993 Academic Service Fees 23,637,843 - 23,637,843 Total Student Fees 23,637,843 12,309,993 35,947,836 Difference Between Student Fees in cells B23 and C40 - N/A N/A

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Created: April 23, 2014: Printed: 6/9/2020 3:18 PM \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\1 - FY2021 SRA3 Forms (Schedules A - H) Schedule C2



Schedule C - 2Cash Flow Requirements and the Use of Reserves

Institution Name: University of Central Oklahoma Percentage

Requirements Amount Percentage

1 Amount of Cash Flow Reserves Used in the FY2021 Budget Request 15,218,881

2 Budgeted Amounts from Schedule C:A. Budgeted expenditures for FY2021 174,549,462 100.00%B. Projected Reserves at June 30, 2021 11,476,119 6.57%

3 Cash Flow Requirements - State Regents and Accreditation Agencies:%

Requirement $ Requirements

% of Total Requirement

A. State Regents Cash Flow Target at 8.3% (1/12th) 8.3% 14,545,207 100.00%B. Additional Cash Flow Requirements in Addition to the 8.3%

Total Additional Cash Flow Required by Accreditation Agencies (beyond the 8.3%) - 0.00%

C. Total Cash Flow Requirements for OSRHE and Other Accrediting Agencies 14,545,207 100.00%

D. Amount of Projected Reserves After Cash Flow Requirements are Met (3,069,087)


B. 11,476,119

Amounts Classification:

1 14,545,207 OSRHE 1/12th

2 - Accreditation

3 Campus Safety

4 Renovation

5 Capitol Projects

6 Equip &Technology


8 Other Purposes

14,545,207 (3,069,087.47)

Note: Add and expand rows as necessary to provide narrative to the above reserve priorities.

Provide narrative to describe how the institutional reserve will be used in the future. Each use must be classified in one of the following 8 classifications; OSRHE 1/12th, Accreditation, Campus Safety, Renovation, Capitol Projects, Equipment and Technology, Complete College America, or Other Purposes. See example worksheet.

Institution's Priorities for the Use of the Projected Reserves

Amount of Reserves

Uses of Reserve:

Total Priorities for Use of Reserves

Funds needed to provide adequate cash flow for operations at the beginning of the fiscal year and to provide for emergency funding related to unexpected revenue shortfalls or expenses.

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education


Schedule ASummary of Educational and General Sponsored Expenditures by Function

University of Central Oklahoma

EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY/FUNCTIONActivity Number Activity/Function FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

Educational & General Budget - Part II:Instruction 1,489,789$ 8.5%Research 1,397,242 8.0%Public Service 1,235,625 7.0%Academic Support 0.0%Student Services 13,348,444 76.1%Institutional Support 0.0%Operation and Maintenance of Plant 0.0%Scholarships and Fellowships 65,000 0.4%

21 Total E&G Part II: 17,536,100$ 100.0%

FUNDINGFund Number Fund Name FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

430 Agency Relationship Fund 17,536,100$ 100.0%

Total Expenditures by Fund: 17,536,100$ 100.0%

Institution Name:

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Revised: 19 April 2011 \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\1 - FY2021 SRA3 Forms (Schedules A - H) Schedule B - II

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education


Schedule BSummary of Educational and General Sponsored Expenditures by Object

Institution: University of Central Oklahoma

EXPENDITURES BY OBJECTObject Number Object of Expenditure FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total

1 Personnel Services:1a Teaching Salaries 97,681 0.6%1b Professional Salaries 1,340,674 7.6%1c Other Salaries and Wages 879,124 5.0%1d Fringe Benefits 821,496 4.7%1e Professional Services 117,217 0.7%

Total Personnel Services 3,256,192.00$ 18.6%2 Travel 859,590 4.9%3 Utilities - 0.0%4 Supplies and Other Operating Expenses 4,377,328 25.0%5 Property, Furniture and Equipment 937,733 5.3%6 Library Books and Periodicals - 0.0%7 Scholarships and Other Assistance 840,051 4.8%8 Transfer and Other Disbursements 7,265,206 41.4%

Total Expenditures by Object 17,536,100.00$ 100.0%

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education



Institution: University of Central Oklahoma

Receipt Description FY2020-2021 Amount Percent of Total1. Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) -$ 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations -$ 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line 2) -$ 4. Projected Receipts FY2021: Department of Agriculture 15,357 0.1% Department of Commerce 0.0% Department of Defense 0.0% Department of Education 15,052,336 85.8% Department of Energy 0.0% Department of Health and Human Services 40,423 0.2% Department of Homeland Security 0.0% Department of Justice 0.0% Department of Transportation 0.0% National Aeronautics and Space Administration 0.0% National Institutes of Health 536,360 3.1% National Science Foundation 438,899 2.5% Other Federal Agencies 293,672 1.7% City and County Government 0.0% Commercial and Commercial Related 0.0% Foundations 42,085 0.2% Other Non-Federal Sources 949,829 5.4% Other Universities and Colleges 24,842 0.1% State of Oklahoma 142,297 0.8%

5. Total Projected FY2021 Receipts 17,536,100$ 100.0%6. Total Available (line 3 + line 5) 17,536,100$ 7. Less Budgeted Expenditures for FY2021 Operations 17,536,100$ 8. Projected Unobligated Reserve Balance June 30, 2021 (line 6 - line 7) (0)$

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Activity PageNumber Number

11 10

12 69

13 70

14 72

15 80

16 95

17 103

18 n/a



Public Service

Academic Support

Student Services

UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL OKLAHOMAProposed Educational and General Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Schedule E1 (Salaries) - Table of Contents


Institutional Support

Operation & Maintenance of Plant

Scholarships & Fellowships

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010005Organization: Photo Lab

57,500Dir Photographic Srvcs-PHOTO



135,584010005Organization Total:

010036Organization: Academic Broadcasting Services

21,010Administrative Spec II-ACDTV *

21,010010036Organization Total:

010042Organization: Special Academic Support

52,498Mgr Budget-SACSP *

37,747Asst to Provost-SACSP *

21,703Mgr Finance & Operations-AARO *

7,947Exec Dir OK A+ Schools-OKA+S *

119,895010042Organization Total:

010059Organization: Accounting

119,025Associate Professor-ACCTG

108,129Professor-ACCTG *

107,141Professor/Chairperson-ACCTG *

106,342Associate Professor-ACCTG *

106,079Professor-ACCTG *

105,061Assistant Professor-ACCTG *

103,541Associate Professor-ACCTG *

103,541Associate Professor-ACCTG *


Page 10

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

103,471Professor-FRSCI *

102,123Associate Professor-ACCTG *

98,540Assistant Professor-ACCTG *


57,393Instructor-ACCTG *

1,282,487010059Organization Total:

010060Organization: Information Systems & Op Mgmt

107,241Professor/Chair-ISOM *

103,900Assistant Professor-ISOM

102,901Professor/Asst Dean-ISOM *

102,000Assistant Professor-ISOM

101,637Assistant Professor-ISOM

99,453Professor-ISOM *

99,016Assistant Professor-ISOM *

96,138Assistant Professor-ISOM *

95,890Assistant Professor-ISOM *

95,220Assistant Professor-ISOM

90,657Associate Professor-ISOM *

1,094,054010060Organization Total:

010061Organization: Economics

92,300Professor-ECON *

90,740Professor/Chair-ECON *

90,441Professor-ECON *

89,224Professor/Chairperson-ECON *


Page 11

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

85,491Assistant Professor-ECON

85,491Assistant Professor-ECON

82,800Associate Professor-ECON

81,041Assistant Professor-ECON

73,265Assoc Prof/Interim Chr - ECON *

69,602Associate Professor-ECON *

69,602Associate Professor-ECON *

909,995010061Organization Total:

010062Organization: Finance

115,920Associate Professor-FIN

110,984Assistant Professor-FIN *

107,782Professor-FIN *

105,982Professor-FIN *

105,728Professor-FIN *

102,962Professor-FIN *

100,005Associate Professor-FIN *




96,167Associate Professor-FIN *

96,165Associate Professor-FIN *

95,542Professor-FIN *

74,624Assistant Professor-FIN


1,452,727010062Organization Total:


Page 12

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010064Organization: Management

103,500Assistant Professor-MNGMT

102,392Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

102,181Professor-MNGMT *

101,392Associate Professor-MNGMT *

101,000Assistant Professor-MNGMT

98,793Professor-MNGMT *

98,521Associate Prof/Chair - MNGMT *

97,855Professor-MNGMT *

97,146Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

94,719Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

92,978Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

86,819Prof/Asst Dean/Dir Grad-MNGMT *

51,749Instructor-MNGMT *

18,322Instructor -CENTP *

1,247,368010064Organization Total:

010065Organization: Marketing

106,444Professor-MRKTG *

105,818Asst Professor-ISOM *

105,618Professor-MRKTG *

105,618Professor-MRKTG *

103,546Associate Professor-MRKTG *

102,159Professor/Chairperson-MRKTG *

101,900Assistant Professor-MRKTG

101,269Associate Professor-MRKTG *


Page 13

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

101,269Associate Professor-MRKTG *

96,099Assistant Professor-MRKTG *


59,025Associate Professor-MRKTG *

1,150,598010065Organization Total:

010067Organization: Barnabus Endowed Chair

10,003Professor-FIN *

10,003010067Organization Total:

010077Organization: English

80,844Professor/Interim Chair - ENG *



75,003Professor-ENG *

74,317Professor-ENG *

74,317Professor-ENG *

73,748Professor-ENG *

73,748Professor-ENG *

73,748Professor-ENG *

73,748Professor-ENG *

73,746Professor-ENG *

59,129Associate Professor-ENG

58,933Associate Professor-ENG *

57,644Associate Professor-ENG *

57,644Associate Professor-ENG *


Page 14

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

55,770Associate Professor-ENG *

53,843Assistant Professor-ENG

53,625Asst Professor-ENG

53,625Assistant Professor-ENG


53,625Assistant Professor-ENG

50,092Assistant Professor-ENG

50,082Prof/Coord Camp Internt'l-ENG


41,575Artist in Residence (Temp)-ENG



36,225Lecturer- ENG


29,640Administrative Asst III-ENG

12,222Lecturer-ENG *

10,795Admin Secretary II-ENG

1,770,625010077Organization Total:

010078Organization: Modern Languages, Lit, Cultural Std

78,317Professor/Chair-MLNG *

73,486Professor/Asst Dean-MLNG *

73,482Professor-MLNG *

73,482Professor-MLNG *

59,146Associate Professor-MLNG

57,035Associate Professor-MLNG *


Page 15

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

52,900Assistant Professor-MLNG

52,900Assistant Professor-MLNG






27,851Administrative Asst II-MLNG

736,140010078Organization Total:

010079Organization: History and Geography


78,854Professor-HIST *

77,582Professor/Dir OHIP-HIST *

77,302Professor-HIST *

77,294Professor-HIST *

76,974Professor-HIST *

73,926Professor-HIST *

67,321Associate Professor/Chair-HIST *

66,738Associate Professor-HIST

63,915Associate Professor-HIST *

63,793Associate Professor-HIST *

62,484Associate Professor-HIST *

54,000Assistant Professor-HIST


49,953Assistant Professor-HIST


Page 16

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

29,640Administrative Asst III-HIST

20,700Lecturer-HIST *

10,350Lecturer-HIST *

1,084,818010079Organization Total:

010080Organization: Humanities and Philosophy

88,439Professor/Chairperson-HUM *



77,517Professor-HUM *

77,183Professor-HUM *

77,176Professor-HUM *

77,176Professor-HUM *

77,176Professor-HUM *


55,992Assistant Professor-HUM

55,992Assistant Professor-HUM









29,016Administrative Asst III-HUM


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Page 21: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line


2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

1,153,389010080Organization Total:

010081Organization: Mass Communication

81,815Professor-MSCOM *

81,786Professor-MSCOM *

80,206Professor-MSCOM *

76,623Professor/Asst Dean-MSCOM *

76,458Professor-MSCOM *

76,458Professor-MSCOM *

76,458Professor-MSCOM *

73,728Professor-MSCOM *

67,022Associate Prof/Chair-MSCOM *

65,809Associate Professor-MSCOM *

63,955Associate Professor-MSCOM *

55,976Assistant Professor-MSCOM

53,186Assistant Professor-MSCOM

53,186Asst Professor-MSCOM

52,198Professor-MSCOM *






42,192Art in Res/Endow Ch Temp-MSCOM *




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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021



31,637Administrative Asst III-MSCOM

25,875Administrative Asst II-MSCOM

23,754Marketing/Comm Asst I-MSCOM

22,224Lecturer-MSCOM *

1,399Lecturer-LIARF *

1,546,471010081Organization Total:

010082Organization: Music


78,340Professor/Dir-MUSIC *





74,451Professor-MUSIC *

74,255Professor-MUSIC *

74,217Associate Professor-MUSIC *

73,776Professor-MUSIC *

73,494Professor-MUSIC *

72,095Professor-MUSIC *

71,883Professor-MUSIC *

71,822Professor-MUSIC *

71,822Professor-MUSIC *

71,814Professor-MUSIC *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

71,814Professor-MUSIC *

71,814Professor-MUSIC *

71,814Professor-MUSIC *

71,814Professor-MUSIC *

70,332Professor-MUSIC *

62,110Artist in Residence-MUSIC

57,131Associate Professor-MUSIC *

57,131Associate Professor-MUSIC *

55,881Associate Professor-MUSIC *

55,881Associate Professor-MUSIC *

55,793Associate Professor-MUSIC *

54,595Instructor-MUSIC *

49,451Assistant Professor-MUSIC


48,088Asst Dir Jazz/Trombone-MUSIC *

47,972Lecturer/Assoc Dir Bands-MUSIC








34,195Administrative Spec II-MUSIC

28,468Administrative Spec II-MUSIC *

13,873Administrative Asst II-MUSIC *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

13,852Piano Tuner/Technician-CEVPG *

12,272Marketing Asst II-MUSIC *

10,350Lecturer - CMS *

2,527,992010082Organization Total:

010084Organization: Political Science


90,489Professor/Chair-PLTSC *

82,873Professor-PLTSC *

78,748Professor/Chairperson-PLTSC *

78,748Professor-PLTSC *

78,748Professor-PLTSC *

78,748Professor-PLTSC *

78,748Professor-PLTSC *

78,748Professor-PLTSC *

68,753Associate Professor-PLTSC

45,221Lecturer -PHY


27,643Administrative Asst III-PLTSC

22,224Lecturer-PLTSC *

943,169010084Organization Total:

010085Organization: Sociology, Gerntolgy, & Subst Abuse

85,409Professor/Chairperson-SOCIO *

79,238Professor-SOCIO *

62,461Associate Professor-SOCIO


Page 21

Page 25: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line


2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

62,461Associate Professor-SOCIO

60,338Associate Professor-SOCIO *

58,533Associate Professor-SOCIO *


51,871Assistant Professor-SOCIO *



29,224Administrative Asst III-SOCIO

618,975010085Organization Total:

010086Organization: Theatre, Dance & Media Arts


70,740Professor-THART *

62,305Associate Prof/Chair-THART *

56,925Associate Professor-THART

53,000Assistant Professor-THART

51,596Assistant Professor-THART

51,066Assistant Professor-THART *


34,818Sound Designer/Engineer-THART *


26,146Administrative Asst II-THART

4,625Asst Tech Dir Univ Prod-CAMDC *

562,145010086Organization Total:

010087Organization: Art


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

78,459Professor/Chair-ART *


74,790Professor-ART *

64,454Asst Professor-ART *

64,028Associate Professor-ART

56,247Associate Professor-ART *

56,247Associate Professor-ART *

54,140Assistant Professor-ART

53,086Assistant Professor-ART

26,146Administrative Asst II-ART

18,008Studio Technician-ART *

621,372010087Organization Total:

010111Organization: Biology

95,390Professor/Chair-BIO *

91,334Professor-BIO *

88,861Professor-BIO *

87,517Professor-BIO *

86,652Professor-BIO *

82,327Professor-BIO *

82,327Professor-BIO *

82,327Professor-BIO *

82,327Professor-BIO *

82,327Professor-BIO *




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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

65,602Associate Professor-BIO *

65,602Associate Professor-BIO *

65,602Associate Professor-BIO *

62,793Assistant Professor-BIO

62,792Assistant Professor-BIO

58,742Assistant Professor-BIO *

52,356Assistant Professor-BIO *

48,878Professor-FRSCI *







31,512Mgr Biology Laboratories-BIO *

27,430Administrative Asst III-BIO *

21,053Coord Gen Biology Lab-BIO *

19,804Administrative Asst I-BIO *

19,139Coord Microbiology Lab-BIO *

18,113Lecturer - BIO *

18,113Lecturer - BIO *

18,113Lecturer - BIO *

18,026Dir Natural Hist Museum-MASCF *

15,820Mgr Selman Living Lab-MASCF *

9,056Lecturer - BIO *

1,944,942010111Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010112Organization: Chemistry

84,889Professor/Chairperson-CHEM *

84,342Professor-CHEM *

80,053Professor-CHEM *

80,053Professor-CHEM *

80,053Professor-CHEM *

80,053Professor-CHEM *

80,053Professor-CHEM *

80,053Professor-CHEM *

60,033Assistant Professor-CHEM


60,033Assistant Professor-CHEM

60,033Assistant Professor-CHEM

52,710Assistant Professor-CHEM *



30,910Mgr Chemistry Labs-CHEM *

29,224Administrative Asst II-CHEM

24,935Professor/Asst Dir-FRSCI *

20,700Lecturer - CHEM *

8,466Laboratory Associate-MASCF *

1,134,910010112Organization Total:

010113Organization: Computer Science

96,574Professor/Chair-COMSC *

92,903Professor-COMSC *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

92,903Professor-COMSC *

92,903Professor-COMSC *

92,903Professor-COMSC *

92,903Professor-COMSC *

84,399Associate Professor-COMSC *

79,695Assistant Professor-COMSC

36,883Asst Professor-COMSC

24,835Administrative Asst II-COMSC

786,902010113Organization Total:

010114Organization: Funeral Sciences

68,673Associate Prof/Chair-FUNRL *

66,973Associate Professor-FUNRL *

62,500Assistant Professor-FUNRL


41,534Lecturer-FUNRL *

27,918Administrative Asst II-FUNRL *

317,715010114Organization Total:

010115Organization: Mathematics & Statistics

87,984Professor/Asst Dean/Chair-MATH *

83,884Professor-MATH *

83,884Professor-MATH *

83,884Professor-MATH *

83,884Professor-MATH *

82,888Professor-MATH *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

81,453Professor-MATH *

81,453Professor-MATH *

81,453Professor-MATH *

81,453Professor-MATH *

81,453Professor-MATH *

63,128Associate Professor-MATH

63,128Associate Professor-MATH

63,128Associate Professor-MATH

61,417Assistant Professor-MATH *

61,065Assistant Professor-MATH

60,742Associate Professor-MATH *

60,259Asst Professor-MATH

55,759Assistant Professor-MATH

55,759Assistant Professor-MATH




36,399Lecturer-MATH *





29,224Administrative Asst III-MATH

18,113Lecturer - MATH *

18,113Lecturer - MATH *

13,226Lecturer-MATH *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

1,834,054010115Organization Total:

010116Organization: Nursing

84,705Professor-NURSG *

75,867Assoc. Professor/Chair-NURSG *

74,356Professor-NURSG *

64,067Associate Professor-NURSG *

60,481Assistant Professor-NURSG *

60,481Assistant Professor-NURSG *

60,481Assistant Professor-NURSG *

60,481Asst Professor-NURSG *

60,481Assistant Professor-NURSG *

59,085Assistant Professor-NURSG *

58,625Asst Professor-NURSG *

57,663Assistant Professor-NURSG *

57,663Asst Professor-NURSG *

55,911Assistant Professor-NURSG *

46,870Instructor-NURSG *

46,279Instructor-NURSG *

46,251Instructor-NURSG *

46,251Instructor-NURSG *

36,225Lecturer-NURSG *


30,763Administrative Asst III-NURSG

18,113Lecturer-NURSG *

1,197,322010116Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010117Organization: Engineering & Physics





102,507Professor/Chair-PHY *

98,980Prof/Asst Dean-PHY *

98,834Professor-PHY *

80,840Associate Professor-PHY

80,840Associate Professor-PHY

80,840Associate Professor-PHY


75,450Assistant Professor-PHY

75,450Assistant Professor-PHY

37,707Lecturer-PHY *



32,220Mgr Engineering/Phy Lab-PHY *

27,456Administrative Asst II-PHY

20,700Lecturer - NURSG *

16,575Instructor - MASCI *

11,887Administrative Asst I-PHY

10,350Lecturer - PHY *

9,056Lecturer - PHY *

1,425,759010117Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010123Organization: Inez Miller Endowed Chair

2,002Assoc.Professor/Chair-APS *

2,002010123Organization Total:

010124Organization: Curriculum and Instruction

84,528Professor/Chair-CIED *


78,977Professor-CIED *

74,520Professor-CIED *

73,344Professor-CIED *

58,740Associate Professor-CIED *

58,740Associate Professor-CIED *

58,734Associate Professor-CIED *

55,698Assistant Professor-CIED

55,698Assistant Professor-CIED

54,855Assistant Professor-CIED

41,141Assistant Professor-CIED *

41,141Assistant Professor-CIED *

35,145Professor-CIED *

28,434Administrative Asst III-CIED

881,924010124Organization Total:

010125Organization: Kinesiology & Health Studies

87,027Professor-KINES *

79,363Professor-KINES *

79,242Professor/Chair-KINES *


Page 30

Page 34: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line


2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

78,364Professor-KINES *

77,942Professor-KINES *

77,067Professor-KINES *

72,709Professor-KINES *

72,621Assistant Dean/Professor-KINES *

62,625Assistant Professor-KINES

62,625Assistant Professor-KINES

62,158Associate Professor-KINES *

61,512Associate Professor-KINES *


54,403Instructor/Program Dir-KINES

53,447Assistant Professor-KINES

53,447Assistant Professor-KINES

53,336Assistant Professor-KINES

53,336Associate Professor-KINES

52,785Assistant Professor-KINES



32,240Administrative Spec II-KINES

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

16,536Administrative Asst II-KINES *

1,436,630010125Organization Total:

010126Organization: Human Environmental Sciences


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

79,194Professor/Chairperson-HESCI *


78,359Professor-HESCI *


71,129Professor-HESCI *

70,942Professor-HESCI *

63,108Associate Professor-HESCI


59,721Associate Professor-HESCI *

28,434Administrative Asst III-HESCI

665,840010126Organization Total:

010127Organization: Adult Education & Safety Sciences

95,722Professor/Chair-OCTED *

76,599Professor-OCTED *

75,885Professor-OCTED *


62,625Assistant Professor-OCTED

61,268Associate Professor-OCTED *

60,916Associate Professor-Ed Sci Fou *

55,698Assistant Professor-OCTED

55,698Assistant Professor-OCTED

55,696Assistant Professor-OCTED *

28,434Administrative Asst III-OCTED

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

9,056Lecturer - OCTED *


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Page 36: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line


2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

719,784010127Organization Total:

010128Organization: Ed Sciences, Foundations & Research



77,795Professor-PTE *

77,728Asst Dean/Chair-PTE *

76,358Professor-PTE *

74,712Professor-PTE *

74,583Professor-HES *

74,065Professor-PTE *

64,494Associate Professor-PTE

64,494Associate Professor-PTE

55,202Assistant Professor-PTE

55,202Assistant Professor-PTE

28,434Administrative Asst III-PTE

882,827010128Organization Total:

010129Organization: Psychology


87,350Professor-PSYCH *


82,553Professor/Asst Dean-PSYCH *

82,190Professor-PSYCH *

79,078Professor-PSYCH *

79,078Professor-PSYCH *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

79,078Professor-PSYCH *

78,947Professor-PSYCH *

78,947Professor-PSYCH *

60,255Associate Professor-PSYCH *

59,745Associate Professor-PSYCH *

59,714Associate Professor-PSYCH *

58,995Asst Professor-PSYCH

57,981Assistant Professor-PSYCH

57,204Assistant Professor-PSYCH *

56,208Assistant Professor-PSYCH

27,040Administrative Asst III-PSYCH

20,700Lecturer-EDUCF *

9,056Lecturer -CEPS *

9,056Lecturer - CEPS *

9,056Lecturer - CEPS *

1,306,424010129Organization Total:

010131Organization: Teacher Education Development

50,632Mgr Technology Svcs-TEDEV *

1,519Tech Support Spec II-CTCEX *

52,151010131Organization Total:

010133Organization: Adv Professional and Spec Services

85,933Professor-APS *

85,919Professor-APS *

85,915Professor-APS *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

85,586Professor-APS *


78,437Professor-APS *

75,668Professor-APS *

67,742Assoc. Professor/Chair-DNAPSS

67,505Assoc.Professor/Chair-APS *

65,016Associate Professor-APS *

63,887Associate Professor-APS *


53,447Assistant Professor-APS

53,412Assistant Professor-APS *

51,935Professor-APS *



32,552Administrative Asst III-APS

31,200Administrative Asst III-APS

15,830Administrative Asst II-APS

11,250Instructor-APS *

10,000Staff Audiologist-SPLNG *

1,255,351010133Organization Total:

010134Organization: Teacher Education Services

61,921Coord Clinical Experncs-TEDSV

53,265Coord Teach Cert/Field-TEDSV

39,374Administrative Spec III-TEDSV

7,727Coord Edu Prep Assess-EDUCF *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

162,287010134Organization Total:

010135Organization: Child Development Center

47,018Coord Child Study Center-CHILD

33,768Curr Coord/Teacher Asst-CHILD

80,786010135Organization Total:

010136Organization: Dietetics Program

44,463Dir Dietetic Internship-DIETP *

44,463010136Organization Total:

010141Organization: Dance Productions

79,790Professor-DANCP *

78,350Professor/Chair-DANCP *

65,140Associate Prof/Chair-DANCP

57,467Lecturer/Artistic Dir-DANCP


24,586Administrative Asst II-DANCP

342,644010141Organization Total:

010271Organization: Jazz Lab

51,511Dir Jazz Lab-JZLB

38,293Mgr Jazz Lab-JZLB

6,501Instructor-MUSIC *

2,998Asst Dir Jazz/Trombone-MUSIC *

99,302010271Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010273Organization: CFAD Projects

24,250Development Officer-UCOFN *

13,728Marketing Asst II-MUSIC *

37,978010273Organization Total:

010276Organization: School of Design




61,774Assoc Pro/Dir Evans Std-DESGN

61,774Associate Professor-DESGN

57,450Associate Professor-DESGN *

53,000Assistant Professor-DESGN

53,000Assistant Professor-DESGN

53,000Assistant Professor-DESGN

52,449Assistant Professor-DESGN

52,449Assistant Professor-DESGN


26,146Administrative Asst II-DESGN

752,475010276Organization Total:

010333Organization: Barnabus Emerging Technologies

2,501Instructor-MNGMT *

2,501010333Organization Total:

010346Organization: CEPS Technology & Special Projects


Page 37

Page 41: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line


2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

24,878Tech Support Spec II-CTCEX *

24,878010346Organization Total:

010432Organization: CEPS Operations

45,351Coord Comm & Public Rel-COEO

24,250Development Officer-UCOFN *

18,245Asst Dir CEPS Grd Enroll-EDUCF *

12,800Administrative Asst II-EDUCF *

100,646010432Organization Total:

010434Organization: College of LIberal Arts Operations

44,329Budget Officer-COLAO

40,019Grants Writer-COLAO

37,498Coord Development-COLAO *

34,778Administrative Spec III-COLAO

4,707Business Manager-LIART *

161,331010434Organization Total:

010436Organization: College of Business Operations

40,603Coord Marketing & Develop-COBO *

40,269Coord Technical Services-COBO *

33,087Administrative Spec III-COBO *

29,224Administrative Asst II-COBO

27,903Administrative Asst II-COBO *

24,255Development Officert-UCOFN *

23,899Administrative Asst I-COBO


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

5,826Dir Stud Success & Ret-BCCFE *

4,745Tech Support Spec II-BCCFE *

1,932Research Analyst III-BCCFE *

231,743010436Organization Total:

010511Organization: CFAD Course Fee Spec Instruction

37,026Record Eng/Prod Svcs Dir-MUSIC

35,690Student Success Advisor-CAMDC

32,011Graphic Designer-CAMDC

31,666Accompanist-CAMDC *

29,372Asst Tech Dir Univ Prod-CAMDC *

28,284Mgr Costume Shop-CAMDC *

25,633Resident Scenic Designer-CAMDC *

25,597Resident Costume Design-CAMDC *

12,273Administrative Asst II-MUSIC *

11,312Asst Professor-ART *

11,197Front of House Manager-UPRO *

9,489Studio Technician-ART *


8,503Professor-MUSIC *

6,698Professor-THART *

5,694Professor-MUSIC *

5,247Mstr Electricn/Light Des-CEVPG *

4,859Professor-DANCP *

4,811Supv Stdnt Success Advsr-ADVCT *

4,604Professor/Chair-DANCP *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

4,324Associate Professor-DESGN *

4,212Professor-MUSIC *

4,212Professor-MUSIC *

4,212Professor-MUSIC *

4,212Professor-MUSIC *

4,212Professor-MUSIC *

4,210Professor/Dir-MUSIC *

4,204Professor-MUSIC *

4,204Professor-MUSIC *

4,143Professor-MUSIC *

3,931Professor-MUSIC *

3,147Associate Professor-MUSIC *

3,059Associate Professor-MUSIC *

3,059Associate Professor-MUSIC *

2,532Professor-MUSIC *

2,490Associate Professor-ART *

2,490Associate Professor-ART *

2,250Professor-MUSIC *

1,935Assistant Professor-THART *

1,809Associate Professor-MUSIC *

1,809Associate Professor-MUSIC *

1,809Associate Professor-MUSIC *

1,787Asst Dir Jazz/Trombone-MUSIC *

1,771Professor-MUSIC *

977Professor-ART *

977Professor/Chair-ART *


Page 40

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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

623Associate Prof/Chair-THART *

493Student Success Advisor-CAMDA *

418,304010511Organization Total:

010532Organization: Bus Adm Coll Course Fee Spec Instru

65,273Dir PGM-BCCFE

54,174Dir Stud Success & Ret-BCCFE *

51,065Dir Bus Career & Trnsfr-BCCFE

44,750Coord PGM Internship-BCCFE

43,938Student Success Adviser - COB

38,017Student Success Advisor-BCCFE

37,999Tech Support Spec II-BCCFE *

35,690Student Success Advisor-BCCFE

31,634Asst Coordinator PGA-BCCFE

20,554Research Analyst III-BCCFE *

13,675Coord Technical Services-COBO *

8,205Dir Bus Grad Enrollment-CBAMP *

5,569Academic Advisor II-ADVCT *

3,056Coord Marketing & Develop-COBO *

453,600010532Organization Total:

010562Organization: Educ Coll Based Course Fee Spec Ins

50,504Coord Technical Services-COEO

43,988Coord Central Station-EDUCF

40,820Asst Dir CEPS Grd Enroll-EDUCF *

34,798Coord Edu Prep Assess-EDUCF *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

27,646Clinical Coordinator-SPNHC *

25,769Professor-OCTED *

20,713Staff Audiologist-SPLNG *

20,700Lecturer-EDUCF *

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

18,113Lecturer-EDUCF *

17,886Tech Support Spec II-CTCEX *

16,178Professor-HESCI *

14,628Professor-KINES *

14,057Mgr Technology Svcs-TEDEV *

12,784Administrative Asst II-EDUCF *

10,766Professor/Chair-OCTED *

10,245Professor-KINES *

10,236Professor/Chair-KINES *

9,575Professor-PSYCH *

9,575Professor-PSYCH *

9,575Professor-PSYCH *

9,105Professor-APS *

8,889Professor-CIED *

7,886Professor-HESCI *

7,713Professor-CIED *

7,664Assistant Dean/Professor-KINES *

7,404Associate Professor-HESCI *

7,124Assistant Professor-OCTED *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

5,821Asst Dean/Chair-PTE *

5,815Professor-PTE *

5,733Professor-PSYCH *

5,733Professor-PSYCH *

5,666Professor-HES *

5,168Professor-PTE *

4,654Professor/Chairperson-HESCI *

4,306Associate Professor-PSYCH *

4,097Professor-CIED *

3,572Professor-KINES *

3,523Professor-PTE *

3,489Associate Professor-PSYCH *

3,457Associate Professor-PSYCH *

3,390Professor-APS *

3,320Associate Professor-HES *

3,256Professor-CIED *

3,219Professor-KINES *

3,091Associate Professor-CIED *

3,085Associate Professor-CIED *

3,085Associate Professor-CIED *

3,061Professor-APS *

3,043Professor-APS *

3,031Professor-APS *

3,029Professor-APS *

2,516Associate Professor-KINES *

2,495Professor/Asst Dean-PSYCH *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

2,491Associate Professor-APS *

2,490Professor-PSYCH *

2,344Professor-KINES *

2,085Professor-PTE *

1,555Dir Dietetic Internship-DIETP *

1,374Professor/Chair-CIED *

1,303Professor-PSYCH *

1,133Associate Professor-KINES *

1,017Professor-OCTED *

972Assistant Professor-PSYCH *

923Professor-KINES *

909Associate Professor-Ed Sci Fou *

656Professor-HESCI *

556Associate Professor-OCTED *

474Assistant Professor-APS *

141Associate Professor-APS *

649,756010562Organization Total:

010590Organization: Lib Arts Based Course Fees Spec Ins

51,750Dir Lab History Museum-LIARF

50,948Head Debate Coach-LIARF

45,042Coord Graphic Design-LIARF

44,616Tech Support Spec II-LIARF

40,001Lecturer-LIARF *

37,490Tech Support Spec III-LIARF *

36,845Coord Assessment-LIARF


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

35,855Asst Debate Coach-LIARF

35,693Student Success Advisor-LIARF

35,690Student Success Advisor-LIARF

35,690Student Success Advisor-LIARF

35,690Student Success Advisor-LIARF

35,689Student Success Advisor-LIARF

31,604Coord Technical Services-LIARF *

21,424Debate Judge (Travel)-DBATE

16,153Lecturer-ENG *

16,150Lecturer-ENG *

14,001Lecturer-PLTSC *

14,001Lecturer-MSCOM *

13,333Professor-PLTSC *

13,333Professor-PLTSC *

13,333Professor-PLTSC *

13,333Professor-PLTSC *

13,333Professor-PLTSC *

13,333Professor/Chairperson-PLTSC *

9,208Professor-PLTSC *

8,922Professor-MSCOM *

8,922Professor-MSCOM *

8,922Professor-MSCOM *

8,760Professor/Asst Dean-MSCOM *

7,895Professor-HUM *

7,895Professor-HUM *

7,895Professor-HUM *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

7,887Professor-HUM *

7,848Professor-MSCOM *

7,554Professor-HUM *

6,746Professor/Chairperson-SOCIO *

6,425Professor/Chair-PLTSC *

6,072Professor-HIST *

5,448Professor/Asst Dean-MLNG *

5,446Professor-MLNG *

5,446Professor-MLNG *

5,444Professor/Chair-MLNG *

5,251Professor-MSCOM *

5,176Professor-MSCOM *

5,174Professor-MSCOM *

5,100Professor-ENG *

4,160Professor-ENG *

4,160Professor-ENG *

4,160Professor-ENG *

4,160Professor-ENG *

4,070Coord Development-COLAO *

3,929Associate Professor-SOCIO *

3,627Lecturer-ENG *

3,612Professor-SOCIO *

3,595Professor-MSCOM *

3,592Professor-ENG *

3,592Professor-ENG *

3,588Professor/Interim Chair - ENG *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

3,359Associate Professor-ENG *

3,130Associate Professor-MSCOM *

3,127Professor-CRJU *

3,127Professor-CRJU *

3,024Professor-HIST *

2,906Professor-ENG *

2,704Professor-HIST *

2,696Professor-HIST *

2,416Professor/Dir OHIP-HIST *

2,124Associate Professor-SOCIO *

2,112Associate Professor-MLNG *

1,832Associate Prof/Chair-MSCOM *

1,681Associate Professor-HIST *

1,677Associate Professor/Chair-HIST *

1,599Assistant Professor-SOCIO *

1,484Associate Professor-ENG *

1,484Associate Professor-ENG *

1,465Professor/Chairperson-HUM *

1,412Associate Professor-MSCOM *

1,144Professor-HIST *

372Associate Professor-HIST *

250Associate Professor-HIST *

195Associate Professor-ENG *

959,329010590Organization Total:

010620Organization: Math/Sci Coll Course Fees Spec Inst


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

55,000STEM Building Lab Mgr-MASCF

52,000Clinical Placement Coord-MASCF

47,903Mgr Technical Services-MASCF *

44,262Tech Support Spec II-MASCF

41,016Coord Human Physio Lab-MASCF

39,001Assistant Professor-MASCF *

36,462Laboratory Associate-MASCF

34,320Budget Assistant-MASCF

33,495Laboratory Technician-MASCF

31,267Dir Natural Hist Museum-MASCF *

26,280Mgr Nursing Labs-MASCF *

25,196Mgr Selman Living Lab-MASCF *

23,156Operations Manager-MASCI *

22,526Coord Gen Biology Lab-BIO *

21,806Event Coordinator II-MASCF *

20,700Lecturer - CHEM *

20,478Coord Microbiology Lab-BIO *

19,833Laboratory Associate-MASCF *

18,113Lecturer - NURSG *

18,113Lecturer - MATH *

18,113Lecturer - MATH *

18,113Lecturer - NURSG *

18,113Lecturer - NURSG *

18,113Lecturer - BIO *

18,113Lecturer - BIO *

16,444Mgr Biology Laboratories-BIO *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

11,686Professor-BIO *

11,686Professor-BIO *

11,686Professor-BIO *

11,686Professor-BIO *

11,686Professor-BIO *

10,529Professor-COMSC *

10,529Professor-COMSC *

10,529Professor-COMSC *

10,529Professor-COMSC *

10,529Professor-COMSC *

10,528Professor/Chair-COMSC *

10,436Assistant Professor-BIO *

10,350Lecturer - PHY *

10,040Lecturer - PHY *

9,056Lecturer - PHY *

7,475Professor-CHEM *

7,475Professor-CHEM *

7,475Professor-CHEM *

7,475Professor-CHEM *

7,475Professor-CHEM *

7,472Professor/Chairperson-CHEM *

7,383Mgr Chemistry Labs-CHEM *

7,361Professor-BIO *

6,869Professor/Chair-PHY *

6,496Professor-BIO *

6,073Mgr Engineering/Phy Lab-PHY *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

5,708Professor-PHY *

5,558Prof/Asst Dean-PHY *

5,152Professor-BIO *

5,150Business Manager-MASCI *

5,148Professor/Chair-BIO *

5,001Lecturer-MATH *

4,050Assistant Professor-BIO *

4,047Associate Professor-BIO *

4,047Associate Professor-BIO *

4,047Associate Professor-BIO *

3,970Administrative Asst I-BIO *

3,863Lecturer-FUNRL *

3,693Lecturer-PHY *

3,630Associate Prof/Chair-FUNRL *

3,186Professor-CHEM *

2,954Professor-MATH *

2,954Professor-MATH *

2,954Professor-MATH *

2,954Professor-MATH *

2,954Professor-MATH *

2,952Professor/Asst Dean/Chair-MATH *

2,679Professor-BIO *

2,646Assistant Professor-CHEM *

2,386Associate Professor-MATH *

1,661Associate Professor-FUNRL *

1,544Administrative Asst III-BIO *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

1,519Professor-MATH *

1,314Administrative Asst III-MASCI *

1,306Administrative Asst II-FUNRL *

1,225Dir Sponsored Programs-MASCI *

698Associate Professor-COMSC *

523Professor-MATH *

523Professor-MATH *

523Professor-MATH *

523Professor-MATH *

1,081,495010620Organization Total:

010739Organization: Dr Michael Metzger Endow Professors

9,999Professor/Chairperson-ECON *

9,999010739Organization Total:

010743Organization: UNIV Special Instruction Fee

8,184Dir Student Success-STSUC

5,046Supv Stdnt Success Advsr-ADVCT *

3,209Academic Advisor II-ADVCT *

16,439010743Organization Total:

010770Organization: Cultural Competency

53,626Dir OKC Cult Outrch/Dvrs-CULCO *

53,626010770Organization Total:

010776Organization: CBA Masters Program Differential


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

54,193Dir Bus Grad Enrollment-CBAMP *

2,710Administrative Spec III-COBO *

1,321Administrative Asst II-COBO *

58,223010776Organization Total:

010788Organization: Edith Gaylord Endowed Chair

9,558Art in Res/Endow Ch Temp-MSCOM *

9,558010788Organization Total:

010791Organization: ACM Course Fee Spec Instruction

61,337Dir Academic Operations-COMUS

50,947Dir Academic Stud Svcs-COMUS

25,448Coord Academic Oper-COMUS *

18,113Lecturer - ACM *

13,732Venue Consultant-ACMEG *

11,660Tech Support Spec I-ACMEG *

11,660Tech Support Spec I-ACMEG *

1,602Mgr Business Develop Ctr-ACMEG *

194,498010791Organization Total:

010794Organization: ACM E&G

82,400Chief Executive Officer-ACMEG

55,832Asst Dir ACM-ACMEG *

50,982Facilities Project Mngr- ACMEG

48,000Business Manager-ACMEG

36,999Acad Prog Spec II - ACMEG


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021





35,298Coord PR & Marketing-ACMEG


32,704Mgr Business Develop Ctr-ACMEG *





23,622Coord Academic Oper-COMUS *

22,462Venue Consultant-ACMEG *

18,113Lecturer - ACM *

16,950Tech Support Spec I-ACMEG *

16,950Tech Support Spec I-ACMEG *

10,997Lecturer - ACM *

755,255010794Organization Total:

010797Organization: FSI Course Fee Spec Instruction

10,189Operations Manager-FRSCI *

10,116Program Coordinator-FRSCI *

8,155Office Manager - FRSCI *

7,443Assistant Professor-MASCF *

35,903010797Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010911Organization: Faculty Full-time Part-time Summer




262,008010911Organization Total:

010922Organization: Criminal Justice


81,608Professor-CRJU *

81,608Professor-CRJU *

67,396Assoc Prof/Director CRJU-CRJU

63,727Associate Professor-CRJU

58,679Asst Professor-CRJU *

56,787Asst Prof FT 12-month-CRJU

55,435Assistant Professor-CRJU

55,435Asst Professor-CRJU

55,435Assistant Professor-CRJU

40,529Coord Ctr Innovative Sol-CRJU



30,763Administrative Asst III-CRJU

25,168Administrative Asst II-CRJU

12,222Professor-FRSCI *

12,222Professor-FRSCI *

854,197010922Organization Total:


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Page 58: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line


2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010939Organization: AA Assessment Other Special Fee

46,032Research Analyst II-ASSMT *

32,549Dir Instit Research-INRES *

32,547Proj & Publications Spec-INRES *

30,196Accred Research Spec - ASSMT *

19,498Research Analyst-INRES *

13,996Dir of Instit Assess-ASMN *

9,711Research Analyst-ASMN *

7,380Focus Group Facilitator-ASSMT

191,910010939Organization Total:

010940Organization: AA Retention Other Special Fee

34,247Mgr Finance & Operations-AARO *

26,520BELL Coordinator-AARO

12,774Mgr Budget-SACSP *

9,374Dir OKC Cult Outrch/Dvrs-CULCO *

7,249Communication & Oper Mngr-GRAD *

4,899Mgr Marketing-GRAD *

95,063010940Organization Total:

010941Organization: AA Transform.Lrnng Other Special Fe

63,000Dir Education Abroad-TRLNF

47,059Asst Dir OHIP-TRLNF

45,033Coord Grant Development-TRLNF

26,500Asst Dir STLR-TRLNF *

12,701Grad Admissions Spclst II-GRAD *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

6,543Exec Dir Transform Learn-FPRDC *

5,147Dir 21CPI-FPRDC *

2,416Asst to Provost-SACSP *

1,581Lead Techceptionist-CENTP *

209,981010941Organization Total:

010952Organization: AA Trsformative Lrng.Other Spec Fee

59,000Mgr Research Compliance-TRLNF

25,470Grants Writer-TLCTL *

4,211Administrative Asst III-SPRSG *

88,681010952Organization Total:

010970Organization: Beresford Chair in Math&Statistics

9,998Assistant Professor-MATH *

9,998010970Organization Total:

010997Organization: Distance Ed Crse Fee Special Instr.

73,100Dir eLearning-CENTP

68,059Asst VP Academic Affairs-CENTP *

67,811Sr Learng Innov Archtct-CENTP

65,235Asst Dir Ops/Compliance-CENTP

65,235Asst Dir Learn Desgn Svc-CENTP

65,235Asst Dir Research & Dev-CENTP

64,113Dir Business Development-CENTP

61,467eLearning Web Develpr II-CENTP

61,000Mgr Instructional Design-CENTP


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

58,000Digital Access Conslt - CENTP

55,939Instructional Design III-CENTP

55,354Learning Data Scientist-CENTP

55,000eLearning Prog Manager-CENTP

54,967Instructor -CENTP *

54,944Mgr Finance & Operations-CENTP

54,944Mgr Learner Experience-CENTP

54,396Instruct Technologist I-CENTP

51,250Instruct Technologst I-CENTP

50,170Instructional Design II-CENTP

50,003eLearning Supp Spec III-CENTP

49,725Instructor - MASCI *

49,054Instruct Technologist I-CENTP

48,162Instructional Design I-CENTP

48,162Instructional Design I - CENTP

45,161Instruct Technologist I-CENTP

42,161Learn Innovat Architect-CENTP

41,088eLearn Quality Supp Spec-CENTP

36,816Instruct Technologist II-CENTP

33,750Lecturer - APS *

32,991Lecturer - ACM *

31,636Lead Techceptionist-CENTP *

31,200Administrative Asst II-APS

31,050Lecturer - APS *

31,050Lecturer - CMS *

27,169Lecturer - BIO *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

27,169Lecturer - CEPS *

27,169Lecturer -CEPS *

27,169Lecturer - OCTED *

27,169Lecturer - CEPS *

25,646Administrative Specialis-CENTP *

20,700Lecturer - PHY *

19,773Tech Support Spec I-CENTP

18,113Lecturer - PHY *

1,415Production Assistant-CENTP *

1,959,719010997Organization Total:

010999Organization: MCOM Special Instruction Fee

50,000Mgr Media Operations-MCOMS

39,624Mgr Photo Labs-MCOMS

9,004Administrative Spec II-ACDTV

98,628010999Organization Total:

011009Organization: Spch/Lang/Path Tuition Differential

34,731Staff Audiologist-SPLNG *

34,731011009Organization Total:

011012Organization: Nursing Tuition Differential

24,220Mgr Nursing Labs-MASCF *

14,035Associate Professor-NURSG *

14,026Professor-NURSG *

13,329Assistant Professor-NURSG *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

11,577Asst Professor-NURSG *

11,577Assistant Professor-NURSG *

10,614Asst Professor-NURSG *

9,007Instructor-NURSG *

8,759Assistant Professor-NURSG *

8,759Assistant Professor-NURSG *

8,759Assoc. Professor/Chair-NURSG *

8,759Assistant Professor-NURSG *

8,759Asst Professor-NURSG *

8,759Assistant Professor-NURSG *

7,711Instructor-NURSG *

7,711Instructor-NURSG *

7,709Instructor-NURSG *

6,910Assistant Professor-NURSG *

3,677Professor-NURSG *

194,656011012Organization Total:

012035Organization: ISOM UG Tuition Differential

12,295Professor/Asst Dean-ISOM *

11,647Assistant Professor-ISOM *

9,740Professor-ISOM *

9,738Associate Professor-ISOM *

5,621Professor/Chair-ISOM *

5,499Assistant Professor-ISOM *

2,884Assistant Professor-ISOM *

57,424012035Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

012036Organization: Finance UG Tuition Differential

19,757Associate Professor-FIN *

19,753Associate Professor-FIN *

19,020Associate Professor-FIN *

18,146Professor-FIN *

18,130Professor-FIN *

17,418Professor-FIN *

15,367Professor-FIN *

15,113Professor-FIN *

10,111Assistant Professor-FIN *

152,816012036Organization Total:

012037Organization: Accounting UG Tuition Differential

22,729Associate Professor-ACCTG *

22,729Associate Professor-ACCTG *

20,729Professor-FRSCI *

20,728Professor/Chairperson-ACCTG *

19,139Assistant Professor-ACCTG *

18,121Professor-ACCTG *

17,658Associate Professor-ACCTG *

17,277Assistant Professor-ACCTG *

16,902Associate Professor-ACCTG *

16,071Professor-ACCTG *

5,607Instructor-ACCTG *

197,689012037Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

012038Organization: Economics UG Tuition Differential

17,307Professor-ECON *

13,204Assoc Prof/Interim Chr - ECON *

13,198Associate Professor-ECON *

13,198Associate Professor-ECON *

6,804Professor-ECON *

5,814Professor-ECON *

5,515Professor/Chair-ECON *

75,041012038Organization Total:

012039Organization: Management UG Tuition Differential

32,881Prof/Asst Dean/Dir Grad-MNGMT *

14,333Professor-MNGMT *

12,840Associate Prof/Chair - MNGMT *

8,424Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

8,232Professor-MNGMT *

8,201Professor-MNGMT *

6,300Associate Professor-MNGMT *

4,822Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

4,095Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

3,081Assistant Professor-MNGMT *

103,209012039Organization Total:

012040Organization: Marketing UG Tuition Differential

18,497Associate Professor-MRKTG *

12,151Professor/Chairperson-MRKTG *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 10000 General Academic Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

5,023Professor-MRKTG *

5,023Professor-MRKTG *

4,198Professor-MRKTG *

4,198Associate Professor-MRKTG *

4,198Associate Professor-MRKTG *

4,192Assistant Professor-MRKTG *

4,146Associate Professor-MRKTG *

61,626012040Organization Total:

012061Organization: Grad Studies Spec Instr Fee

8,664Grad Admissions Spclst II-GRAD *

5,369Grad Admissions Spclst II-GRAD *

901Academic Prgrms Asst I-GRAD *

688CRM & Intl Admis Spclt-GRAD *

15,622012061Organization Total:

012091Organization: Swansea PhD UCO Only Account

404Communication & Oper Mngr-GRAD *

404012091Organization Total:

012099Organization: Midfirst Bank Endowed Chair

9,998Associate Professor-FIN *

9,998012099Organization Total:

46,243,774General Academic InstructionProgram Total:

010038Organization: Carnegie Center Metro


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 13000 Community Education

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

6,021Asst Dir Continuing Ed-CONED *

6,021010038Organization Total:

010072Organization: Customized Education - 1SFP

9,694Administrative Specialis-CENTP *

9,694010072Organization Total:

010204Organization: Talent Development

76,229Dir Talent Development-EMPRL

46,000Pro Development Spec-PROED

46,000Training & Dev Spec-PROED

168,229010204Organization Total:

010437Organization: Forensic Science Institute

140,851Dir Forensic Sci Inst-FRSCI

93,150Associate Professor-BIO

88,953Professor-FRSCI *

88,953Professor-FRSCI *


78,316Professor/Asst Dir-FRSCI *



52,297Professor-FRSCI *

44,574Operations Manager-FRSCI *

34,286Assistant Professor-MASCF *

30,743Office Manager - FRSCI *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 13000 Community Education

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

23,768Program Coordinator-FRSCI *

885,479010437Organization Total:

010669Organization: Cntr for eLearning & Continuing Ed

39,680Asst VP Academic Affairs-CENTP *

39,680010669Organization Total:

010736Organization: Distance Education

26,893Production Assistant-CENTP *

26,893010736Organization Total:

011004Organization: Customized Education

53,829Asst Dir Continuing Ed-CONED *

53,496Mgr Sales & Promotion-CONED

107,325011004Organization Total:

1,243,321Community EducationProgram Total:

010950Organization: Math Remediation Fee

52,731Program Director Dev Math-MRF

44,774Coord Develop Math Curr-MRF

22,999Lecturer-MATH *

120,504010950Organization Total:

010956Organization: First Yr Exper Placemt Testing FY12

11,792Mgr Testing Services-TESTS *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 14000 Preparatory/Remedial Instruction

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

11,792010956Organization Total:

010993Organization: CLA English Remediation Fee

7,850Lecturer-ENG *

7,850010993Organization Total:

140,146Preparatory/Remedial InstructionProgram Total:

010022Organization: IT - Education Support Svc

82,051Mgr Web Strat & IT Comm-EDCSS

69,818Apps Admin III Web-EDCSS

60,000CRM Strategist-EDCSS

53,313Content Administrator-EDCSS

34,798Service Desk Team Lead-EDCSS

20,982Coord Technical Services-LIARF *

12,650Tech Support Spec III-LIARF *

333,613010022Organization Total:

010026Organization: IT - Academic Support

135,120Chief Information Officr-ITACD

130,000Dir IT Entrprs Solutions-ITACD

120,000Dir IT Planning & Engage-ITACD

120,000Dir IT Infrastructure-ITACD

115,000Dir IT Client Exp & TRC-ITACD

103,893Mgr Analytics & BI-ITACD

103,893Mgr IT Enterprise Srvcs-ITACD

99,489Mgr Network Services-ITACD


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 15000 Instruction Information Technolo

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

99,000Mgr Media Services-ITACD

97,472Mgr Application Services-ITACD

93,500Mgr Project Mgmt PMO-ITACD

92,000Cloud Engineer lII-ITACD

85,000Info Security Engineer-ITACD

85,000Database Admin II-ITACD

84,000Project Manager PMO-ITACD

84,000Project Manager PMO-ITACD

82,000Mgr Technology Support-ITACD

78,000Data Analyst-ITACD

76,109Mgr Acad Tech & Train-ITACD

74,000Apps Admin III ERP-ITACD

73,392Systems Engineer II - ITACD

72,000Apps Admin III CRM-ITACD

71,868Business Analyst-ITACD

69,818Apps Admin III eLearning-ITACD

68,914Network Engineer II-ITACD

68,914Network Engineer II-ITACD

68,899Systems Engineer II-ITACD

61,646Software Engineer II-ITACD

61,000Apps Admin II-ITACD

61,000Apps Admin II-ITACD

61,000Apps Admin II ITSM-ITACD

61,000Apps Admin II eLearning-ITACD

60,399Systems Admin II Deploy-ITACD

60,399System Admin II-ITACD


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 15000 Instruction Information Technolo

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

57,794Programmer Analyst II-ITACD

57,457Coord Multimedia Svcs-ITACD

57,457AV Design Engineer-ITACD

54,941Business Manager-ITACD

54,000IT Service Desk Analyst- ITACD

53,944Coord Technical Services-ITACD

53,944Coord Technical Services-ITACD

51,073Tech Support Spec II -ITACD

50,909Tech Support Spec III-ITACD

50,140Media Specialist II-ITACD

50,140Tech Support Spec III-ITACD

48,476Executive Asst to CIO -ITACD

48,274Technology Trainer II-ITACD

47,438Systems Administrator I-ITACD

47,175Technology Trainer II-ITACD

46,642Tech Support Spec II-ITACD

46,642Tech Support Spec II-ITACD

46,642Tech Support Spec II-ITACD

40,743Media Specialist I-ITACD

38,783Supv Software Develop-ITACD- 9 *

30,704Programmer Analyst II-ITACD *

26,738Programmer Analyst I-ITACD

3,937,779010026Organization Total:

010177Organization: CFAD Technology

42,682Tech Support Spec III-CAMDT


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Instruction11Activity: 15000 Instruction Information Technolo

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

42,682010177Organization Total:

4,314,074Instruction Information TechnologyProgram Total:

51,941,31511Activity Total: Instruction


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Research12Activity: 21000 Individual and Project Research

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010144Organization: Sponsored Research and Grants

107,739Asst VP Research/Grants-SPRSG

47,059Business Manager-TLCTL

45,048Coord Grants-SPRSG *

34,570Coord Research Complianc-SACSP

23,786Administrative Asst III-SPRSG *

9,862Grants Writer-TLCTL *

268,064010144Organization Total:

010145Organization: OSR & Grants Research Fund

9,804Grants Writer-TLCTL *

2,251Coord Grants-SPRSG *

12,055010145Organization Total:

280,119Individual and Project ResearchProgram Total:

280,11912Activity Total: Research


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Public Service13Activity: 30000 Community Service

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010089Organization: CFAD Galleries & Museums

42,302Curator CFAD Gall/Collec-DNART

42,302010089Organization Total:

42,302Community ServiceProgram Total:

010280Organization: Oklahoma Center for Arts Education

50,905Program Director-OCAE

35,568Event Coordinator-OCAE

86,473010280Organization Total:

010412Organization: Oklahoma A+ Schools

82,053Exec Dir OK A+ Schools-OKA+S *

69,944Program Director-OKA+S

44,133Regional Coordinator-OKA+S

41,746Project Specialist-OKA+S

41,500Regional Coordinator-OKA+S

41,500Regional Coordinator-OKA+S

30,014Administrative Spec I-OKA+S *

20,800Regional Coordinator-OKA+S

371,691010412Organization Total:

012100Organization: Nigh Leadership Academy

4,002Asst VP Stdnt Ldrshp-LEADA *

4,002012100Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Public Service13Activity: 31000 Cooperative Extension Service

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

462,165Cooperative Extension ServiceProgram Total:

010223Organization: KUCO

42,104Music/Traffic Director-KCSC *

40,402Dir KCSC Radio Station-KCSC *

26,935Dir KCSC Radio Station-KCSC *

109,441010223Organization Total:

109,441Public Broadcasting ServicesProgram Total:

613,90813Activity Total: Public Service


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 40000 Libraries

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010152Organization: Chambers Library Admin

91,000Exec Dir Univ Library-LIBRY

73,000Asst Dir Univ Library-LIBRY

70,000Dir Lib Tech & Data Mgmt-LIBRY

70,000Dir Learng & User Exper-LIBRY

69,600Dir Access & Operations-LIBRY

58,803Web Developer-LIBRY

57,680Mgr Metadata & Catalog-LIBRY

57,500Apps Admin-LIBRY

53,000Systems Administrator-LIBRY

49,655Librarian II Met/Catalog-LIBRY

47,550Librarian II Undergrad-LIBRY

47,550Librarian II Online Stud-LIBRY

47,550Librarian II Grad Rsrch-LIBRY

45,242Office Manager-LIBRY

45,000Librarian Resource Acqui-LIBRY

44,550Librarian Meta/Catalog-LIBRY

44,350Librarian First Year Exp-LIBRY

40,141Tech Support Spec-LIBRY

37,378Library Specialist II-LIBRY

35,776Library Specialist II-LIBRY

35,776Library Specialist-LIBRY

35,152Library Specialist-LIBRY

34,424Lib Speclst-Adv & Comm-LIBRY

34,216Library Specialist II-LIBRY

33,509Library Specialist-LIBRY


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 40000 Libraries

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

33,010Library Specialist-LIBRY

32,781Marketing Asst I - LIBRY

32,760Library Specialist-LIBRY

32,760Lib Archives Specialist-LIBRY

32,760Library Specialist-LIBRY

32,614Graphic Designer I-LIBRY

32,302Library Technician III-LIBRY

32,219Library Specialist-LIBRY

32,011Library Technician III-LIBRY

32,011Library Technician III-LIBRY

32,011Library Technician III-LIBRY

31,762Library Technician III-LIBRY

31,262Library Technician III-LIBRY

31,013Library Technician III-LIBRY

30,704Programmer Analyst II-ITACD *

30,680Library Technician III-LIBRY

30,514Library Technician III-LIBRY

29,162Library Technician II-LIBRY

17,368Library Technician I-LIBRY

14,768Library Technician I-LIBRY

14,768Library Technician I-LIBRY

14,768Library Technician I-LIBRY

14,768Library Technician I-LIBRY

14,768Library Technician I-LIBRY

11,814Library Technician I-LIBRY

1,933,760010152Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 40000 Libraries

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

1,933,760LibrariesProgram Total:

010101Organization: University Productions

56,042Dir University Production-UPRO

38,000Technical Dir Univ Prod-UPRO

35,629Mgr University Production-UPRO *

24,621Front of House Manager-UPRO *

1,797Mgr Costume Shop-CAMDC *

1,299Asst Tech Dir Univ Prod-CAMDC *

516Resident Costume Design-CAMDC *

157,904010101Organization Total:

010138Organization: Speech and Hearing Clinic

33,886Clinical Coordinator-SPNHC *

33,886010138Organization Total:

010277Organization: Cntr Excellence in Trans. Teach & L

84,457Exec Dir Transform Learn-FPRDC *

56,499Dir 21CPI-FPRDC *

55,995Dir ELA/Faculty Lead Dev-FPRDC

26,146Administrative Asst III-FPRDC

223,096010277Organization Total:

414,886Ancillary SupportProgram Total:

010031Organization: Academic Support Administration

74,592Exec Dir Acad Curr/Pol-ACSPA


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 44000 Academic Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

59,263Dir Acad Publications-ACSPA

42,203Publishing & Web Spec-ACSPA

176,059010031Organization Total:

010054Organization: College of Business - Admin

149,955Interim Dean-BUS

138,400Associate Dean-BUS

54,734Operation Manager-BUS

10,522Prof/Asst Dean/Dir Grad-MNGMT *

10,522Prof/Asst Dean-ISOM *

364,133010054Organization Total:

010073Organization: Liberal Arts Administration


110,122Associate Dean-LIART

39,201Business Manager-LIART *

24,255Major Gifts Officer-UCOFN *

10,525Professor-HUM *

10,520Professor/Asst Dean-MLNG *

314,623010073Organization Total:

010088Organization: CFAD Marketing & Promotions

50,947Mgr Market & Communicat-CAMD

41,046Graphic Designer III-CAMD

91,993010088Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 44000 Academic Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010107Organization: Mathematics & Science Admin


121,803Associate Dean-MASCI

61,283Dir Sponsored Programs-MASCI *

38,758Business Manager-MASCI *

31,639Operations Manager-MASCI *

26,288Administrative Asst III-MASCI *

24,256Major Gifts Officer-UCOFN *

15,967Event Coordinator II-MASCF *

12,277Mgr Technical Services-MASCF *

10,529Prof/Asst Dean-PHY *

10,521Professor/Asst Dean/Chair-MATH *

483,255010107Organization Total:

010119Organization: Education Administration


111,184Associate Dean-EDUC

48,500Operations Manager-EDUC

32,552Administrative Spec I-EDUC

30,826Administrative Spec I-EDUC

10,525Assistant Dean/Professor-KINES *

10,524Asst Dean/Chair-PTE *

366,871010119Organization Total:

010143Organization: Graduate College



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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 44000 Academic Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

109,622Associate Dean-GRAD

39,849Communication & Oper Mngr-GRAD *

36,295CRM & Intl Admis Spclt-GRAD *

35,818Academic Programs Spec-GRAD

32,104Mgr Marketing-GRAD *

31,637Graduate Online Spec-GRAD

30,449Grad Admissions Spclst II-GRAD *

22,499Academic Prgrms Asst I-GRAD *

14,453Grad Admissions Spclst II-GRAD *

10,524Professor/Asst Dean-PSYCH *

10,524Professor/Asst Dean-ISOM *

493,273010143Organization Total:

010165Organization: Academic Advisement Center

69,000Dir Acad Advisement-ADVCT

60,003Exec Dir Student Srvcs-ADVCT *

48,815Asst Dir Aca Advis Ops-ADVCT

48,257Asst Dir Acad Suc/St Svc-ADVCT

44,000Academic Advisor III-ADVCT

37,700Academic Advisor II-ADVCT

35,825Academic Advisor II-ADVCT *

35,690Academic Advisor II-ADVCT

35,690Academic Advisor II-ADVCT

35,690Academic Advisor-ADVCT

35,690Academic Advisor II-ADVCT

32,447Academic Advisor III-ADVCT *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 44000 Academic Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

32,445Academic Advisor I-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor-ADVCT

32,445Academic Advisor I-ADVCT

30,642Supv Stdnt Success Advsr-ADVCT *

5,000Dir Acad Suc/St Svc-ADVCT *

846,455010165Organization Total:

010268Organization: CFAD Administration


111,184Associate Dean-CAMDA

49,200Operations Manager-CAMDA

43,000Business Manager-CAMDA

39,000Project Coordinator-CAMDA

35,198Student Success Advisor-CAMDA *

30,014Administrative Asst III-CAMDA

433,060010268Organization Total:

010713Organization: Enrollment Central

34,798Coord Student Engagement-ENCEN

14,540Admissions Counselor II-APERF *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Academic Support14Activity: 44000 Academic Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

8,002Asst Dir Stdnt Enmt Ornt-CMAEO *

57,340010713Organization Total:

3,627,060Academic AdministrationProgram Total:

010942Organization: Assessment

50,354Dir of Instit Assess-ASMN *

40,500Research Analyst - ASMN

32,639Research Analyst-ASMN *

4,867Asst Director,IR-PLAN *

3,665Accred Research Spec - ASSMT *

851Research Analyst I - PLAN *

132,876010942Organization Total:

010957Organization: Planning & Analysis

127,667Assoc VP Inst Effective-PLAN

46,030Asst Director,IR-PLAN *

41,499Research Analyst I - PLAN *

215,196010957Organization Total:

348,072Course and Curriculum DevelopmenProgram Total:

6,323,77814Activity Total: Academic Support


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 50000 Student Services Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010010Organization: Student Success

80,000Sr Dir for Retn and Comp-STSUC

57,042Dir Public Rel/Market-WELMK

53,816Dir Student Success-STSUC *

35,960Academic Advisor II-STSUC

35,690Learner Concierge-STSUC

35,690Student Success Advisor-STSUC

28,314Student Success Advisor-STSUC

326,512010010Organization Total:

010160Organization: Veterans Affairs

34,174Coord Veterans Affairs-CERT

5,001Retention Coordinator - SSSV *

39,175010160Organization Total:

010166Organization: Enrollment Mngt/Registrar

105,351Assoc VP/Enrollment Mngt-EMREG

80,000Sr Dir Enroll & Fin Serv-EMREG


46,315Assistant Registrar-EMREG

46,315Assistant Registrar-EMREG

44,781Coord Student Records-EMREG *

22,878Service Representative-STAID *

22,876Student Success Advocate-EMREG *

11,440Data Entry Processor-EMREG *

8,579Service Representative-EMREG *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 50000 Student Services Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

468,534010166Organization Total:

010210Organization: Disability Support Services

53,944Dir Disability Supp Svcs-DISSV

38,002Coord Disability Supp-DISSV

38,002Coord Disability Supp-DISSV

28,808Administrative Asst III-DISSV

16,640Adapt Techny Train/Tech-DISSV

175,395010210Organization Total:

010215Organization: Office of Diversity and Inclusion

55,000Dir of Divrsty & Inclusn-MCULT

31,121Coord Diversity Educ-MCULT *

8,997AVP Student Affairs-SLIFE *

2,692Administrative Asst I-MCULT *

97,810010215Organization Total:

010653Organization: Graduation Support Services

64,598Associate Registrar-DARS

35,173Degree Certification Spec-DARS

31,637Degree Certif Spec I-DARS

28,766Coord Graduation Supp Srv-DARS

160,174010653Organization Total:

010657Organization: Student Conduct

79,800Dir Stud Conduct/Titl IX-STCON


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 50000 Student Services Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

36,000Admin Investigator- STCON

27,685Administrative Spec I-STSUC

7,701Asst Dir Student Conduct-SLEAD *

151,186010657Organization Total:

010779Organization: Communications Center

25,757Service Rep II-TRCTR *

25,675Manager One Stop -TRCTR *

22,893Service Representative I-TRCTR *

22,877Service Representative-TRCTR *

22,876Student Success Advocate-TRCTR *

120,078010779Organization Total:

012071Organization: Sponsored Student Services

10,614Administrative Asst III-OOGAO *

10,614012071Organization Total:

012072Organization: International Recruitment/Retention

4,169Operations Manager-VP/SA *

4,001Asst Reg Dir Asia Spec-VP/SA *

8,170012072Organization Total:

012108Organization: Office of Global Affairs Operations

88,760Sr Dir Internatl Svcs-OOGAO

65,932Dir Int'l Admiss/Comm-OOGAO

50,000Asst Dir Retention-OOGAO


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 50000 Student Services Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

49,500Asst Dir Intnl Recrutmnt-OOGAO

41,000Asst Reg Dir Asia Spec-VP/SA *

36,754Coord Immigration-OOGAO

34,819Intnl Admissions Coord-OOGAO

34,819Coord Intnl Admissions-OOGAO

21,023Administrative Asst III-OOGAO *

422,607012108Organization Total:

1,980,256Student Services AdministrationProgram Total:

010016Organization: Intercollegiate Athletics

120,000Dir Athletics-INATH

58,000Asst Athletic Dir/SWA-INATH

58,000Asst Athletic Dir-INATH

48,000Asst Athletic Dir Media-INATH

41,703Asst Athletic Dir-INATH

33,842Administrative Spec II-INATH

31,637Charter Driver-INATH

391,181010016Organization Total:

010140Organization: WC Intramurals

33,010Intramural Rec Spec-WCIS

33,010010140Organization Total:

010344Organization: CFAD Cultural Events Programming

30,570Mstr Electricn/Light Des-CEVPG *

26,416Piano Tuner/Technician-CEVPG *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 51000 Social and Cultural Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

5,717Mgr Costume Shop-CAMDC *

3,132Accompanist-CAMDC *

1,000Mgr University Production-UPRO *

999Sound Designer/Engineer-THART *

750Resident Costume Design-CAMDC *

750Resident Scenic Designer-CAMDC *

500Asst Tech Dir-CAMDC *

69,835010344Organization Total:

010439Organization: Leadership Central

66,948Asst VP Stdnt Ldrshp-LEADA *

41,000Coord Stud Leadrshp Train-LEAD

107,948010439Organization Total:

010441Organization: Baseball

65,000Head Baseball Coach-BASEB

34,000Asst Baseball Coach-BASEB

99,000010441Organization Total:

010442Organization: Basketball (Mens)

100,000Head Bsktball Coach Men-BBALM

45,000Asst Bsktball Coach Men-BBALM

145,000010442Organization Total:

010443Organization: Basketball (Womens)

84,000Head Bsktball Coach Wmn-BBALW


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 51000 Social and Cultural Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

45,000Asst Bsktball Coach Wmn-BBALW

129,000010443Organization Total:

010444Organization: Cross Country

32,136Asst Track&Fld/CC Coach-CROSS

32,136010444Organization Total:

010445Organization: Men's Golf

50,000Head Golf Coach Men-GOLFM

50,000010445Organization Total:

010446Organization: Women's Golf

51,500Head Golf Coach Wmn-GOLFW

51,500010446Organization Total:

010447Organization: Football

106,000Head Football Coach-FBALL

65,000Defensive Coord - FBALL

55,000Asst FB Defnse/S&C Coach-FBALL

45,000Asst FB Coach Spec Teams-FBALL

40,000Asst. Football Coach - FBALL

30,000Asst FB Coach/Def Asst-FBALL

30,000Asst FB Coach Offense-FBALL

25,007Ops & Recruiting Asst-FBALL

396,007010447Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 51000 Social and Cultural Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010448Organization: Soccer

58,013Head Soccer Coach Wmn-SOCCR

31,635Asst Soccer Coach-SOCCR

89,648010448Organization Total:

010449Organization: Softball

51,500Head Softball Coach-SBALL

34,593Asst Softball Coach-SBALL

86,093010449Organization Total:

010450Organization: Strength & Conditioning

44,856Dir Ath Strength/Cond-SCOND

44,856010450Organization Total:

010452Organization: Women's Tennis

45,000Head Tennis Coach Wmn-TENNW

45,000010452Organization Total:

010453Organization: Volleyball

65,000Head Volleyball Coach-VBALL

65,000010453Organization Total:

010454Organization: Wrestling

85,000Head Wrestling Coach-WREST

85,000010454Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 51000 Social and Cultural Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010455Organization: Athletic Training

52,530Head Athletic Trainer-ATRNG

47,500Asst Athletic Trainer-ATRNG

36,520Asst Athletic Trainer-ATRNG

136,550010455Organization Total:

010712Organization: Women's Rowing

61,677Head Rowing Coach Wmn-WMROW

31,634Asst Rowing Coach Wmn-WMROW

93,311010712Organization Total:

010740Organization: Women's Track

55,947Head Track/CC Coach Wmn-WTRAK

55,947010740Organization Total:

010772Organization: Volunteer and Service Learning

55,000Dir Comm Engagement -VLTRS

55,000010772Organization Total:

012044Organization: WC Outdoor Recreation

37,814Mgr Outdoor Recreation-WLOUT

37,814012044Organization Total:

012067Organization: CHK Central Boathouse Operating

55,000Dir Central Boathouse-BOATH

33,509Event Consultant-BOATH


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 51000 Social and Cultural Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

33,509Event Consultant-BOATH

122,018012067Organization Total:

2,420,855Social and Cultural DevelopmentProgram Total:

010209Organization: Career Services

57,498Dir Career Services-PLCMT *

34,797Asst Dir Career Services-PLCMT *

34,797Career Develpmt Spec I-PLCMT *

33,495Outreach Specialist-PLCMT *

21,426Career Develpmnt Spec I-PLCMT *

182,013010209Organization Total:

010211Organization: Center for Counseling & Well-Being

80,000Sr Dir Counseling Ctr-CTEST

45,500Asst Dir Clinical Trng-CTEST

44,000Counselor Mental Health-CTEST

44,000Counselor Mental Health-CTEST

33,000Counselor Mental Health-CTEST

33,000Counselor Mental Health-CTEST

33,000Counselor Mental Health-CTEST

14,287Administrative Asst I-CTEST

326,787010211Organization Total:

010212Organization: Testing Services

34,798Mgr Testing Services-TESTS *

32,263Testing Technician II-TESTS *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 52000 Counseling and Career Guidanc

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

14,222Testing Technician II-AMSP *

81,283010212Organization Total:

012063Organization: Project SPEAK

27,050Prevention/Outreach Spec-VIOL

27,050012063Organization Total:

617,134Counseling and Career GuidanceProgram Total:

010162Organization: Student Financial Services

75,000Dir Stud Financial Svs-STAID


52,366Asst Dir WS/Scholarships-STAID

50,000Asst Dir Compliance/Trn-STAID

42,246Dir Ops Enroll & Fin Svc-STAID *

40,019Accountant I-STAID

39,562Financial Aid Counslr II-STAID

39,400Coord Sclrshp/Stdnt Acct-STAID

37,794Finacial Aid Counslr III-STAID

34,798Financial Aid Counslr II-STAID

34,798Financial Aid Counslr II-STAID

34,798Financial Aid Counslr II-STAID

34,798Financial Aid Counslr I-STAID

34,798Financial Aid Counslr II-STAID

33,509Accounting Specialist-STAID

32,635Administrative Asst III-STAID

31,595Loan Processor III-STAID


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 53000 Financial Aid Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

30,002Mgr of Oper, Enrol Mngmt-STAID *

26,146Loan Processor-STAID

26,146Scholarship Assistant-STAID

26,146Scholarship Assistant-STAID

25,002Cashier I-STAID

25,002Cashier I-STAID

22,880Data Entry Processor-STAID

21,757Cashier I-STAID

3,001Student Success Advocate-TRCTR *

3,001Student Success Advocate-EMREG *

1,010Student Success Advocate -SFSF *

916,208010162Organization Total:

011019Organization: Student Financial Services Fees

47,000Asst Dir eCommerce & Com-SFSF

38,002Fin Aid Counselor III-SFSF

32,000Student Success Advocate -SFSF *

17,754Dir Ops Enroll & Fin Svc-STAID *

14,999Mgr of Oper, Enrol Mngmt-STAID *

7,133Student Success Advocate-TRCTR *

7,133Student Success Advocate-EMREG *

4,126Service Representative I-TRCTR *

4,126Service Representative-STAID *

4,123Service Representative-TRCTR *

1,262Service Rep II-TRCTR *

177,657011019Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 53000 Financial Aid Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

1,093,865Financial Aid AdministrationProgram Total:

010163Organization: Enrollment Services

33,509Articulation Analyst-ADMRC

21,611Records Processing Asst-ADMRC *

21,611Records Processing Asst-ADMRC *

21,424Processing Assistant-ADMRC

98,154010163Organization Total:

010431Organization: Application & Enrollment Fee

40,260Asst Dir Camp Tour/Event-APERF *

34,944Admissions Counselor I-APERF

34,174Articulation Analyst-APERF

32,445Academic Advisor-APERF

20,411Admissions Counselor II-APERF *

20,037Coord Group Tours-APERF *

16,557Asst Dir Fresh Recruit-UNADM *

4,098Admissions Counselor II-UNADM *

4,075Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

2,305Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

2,305Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

2,305Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

2,261Information Spec I-UNADM *

2,196Admissions Counselor II-UNADM *

2,001Coord CRM Services-UNADM *

1,326Coord Applications Proc-UNADM *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 54000 Student Admissions

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

221,698010431Organization Total:

010495Organization: Enrollment Management

45,989Research Analyst III-EMMGT

38,397Administrative Spec II-EMMGT

19,999Dir Ath Acad Supp Svcs-ATHAD *

104,385010495Organization Total:

424,237Student AdmissionsProgram Total:

010216Organization: Office of Undergraduate Admissions

89,000Exec Dir Admissions-UNADM *

70,000SrDir Recruit/Admissions-UNADM *

59,150Dir Undergrad Admissions-UNADM *

44,000Asst Dir Trnsf Stud Supp-UNADM *

42,000Asst Dir Admissions-UNADM *

38,018Coord CRM Services-UNADM *

36,638Asst Dir Fresh Recruit-UNADM *

34,805Information Spec I-UNADM *

32,769Admissions Counselor II-UNADM *

31,537Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

31,537Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

31,537Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

30,867Admissions Counselor II-UNADM *

29,767Admissions Counselor I-UNADM *

26,359Coord Applications Proc-UNADM *

13,181Coord Group Tours-APERF *


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 55000 Student Records

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

11,502Data Entry Processor-UNADM

10,511Business Manager-UPBCP *

3,740Asst Dir Camp Tour/Event-APERF *

1,200Admissions Counselor II-APERF *

668,118010216Organization Total:

012089Organization: Degree Verificat & eTranscript Fees

20,056Testing Technician II-AMSP *

16,325Manager One Stop -TRCTR *

2,016Testing Technician II-TESTS *

1,394Records Processing Asst-ADMRC *

1,394Records Processing Asst-ADMRC *

1,220Coord Student Records-EMREG *

560Data Entry Processor-EMREG *

421Service Representative-EMREG *

43,386012089Organization Total:

711,504Student RecordsProgram Total:

010337Organization: Wellness Center Operating

72,911Asst VP Well & Sport-WLCOP *

54,435Dir Sport & Recreation-WLCOP

48,776Asst Dir Bldg Operations-WLCOP

45,330Asst Dir Bus Operations-WLCOP

44,369Budget Officer III-WLCOP

35,636Asst Dir Partner/Events-WLCOP *

28,288Membership Specialist-WLCOP


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Student Services15Activity: 56000 Student Health Services

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

27,695Coord of Adapt S & E-WLCOP *

24,315Administrative Asst I-WLCOP

24,009General Maintenance I-WLCOP

405,765010337Organization Total:

010931Organization: Wellness Ctr Fitness Prog & Service

41,200Mgr Fitness-WELL

41,200010931Organization Total:

010932Organization: Wellness Ctr Health Promotion

44,000Asst Dir Hlth Prom/Outrch-HLTH

44,000010932Organization Total:

012014Organization: WC Employee Wellness

24,009Wellness Spec & Fit Coord-WCEW

24,009012014Organization Total:

514,975Student Health ServicesProgram Total:

7,762,82515Activity Total: Student Services


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 60000 Executive Management

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010001Organization: President's Office


60,000Exec Asst to President-PRES

53,536Executive Office Asst III-PRES

372,286010001Organization Total:

010028Organization: Academic Affairs Administration

200,000Provost/VP Acad Affairs-ACADM

127,667Assoc VP Acad Affairs-ACADM

107,739Chief Learng Innov Offcr-ACADM

50,735Executive Asst to Prov-ACADM

18,775UCO-NSA IPA *

10,000Coord Prog Trans Articul-ACADM

514,915010028Organization Total:

010167Organization: Institutional Research

35,659Dir Instit Research-INRES *

34,053Proj & Publications Spec-INRES *

22,852Research Analyst-INRES *

3,002Asst Director,IR-PLAN *

3,001Research Analyst II-ASSMT *

98,567010167Organization Total:

010173Organization: VP Finance

107,508VP Finance & Operations-ADMIN *

90,000Asst VP Admin Svcs-ADMIN


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 60000 Executive Management

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

85,860Asst VP Financial Oper-ADMIN *

47,500Executive Asst III-VPOP

33,890Asst VP Operations-CHH *

364,758010173Organization Total:

010176Organization: Budget Office

64,770Mgr Budget-BUDGT

51,000Budget Analyst III-BUDGT

115,770010176Organization Total:

010208Organization: Student Affairs Administration

161,000VP Enrollment Stdnt Exp-VP/SA

102,349Assoc VP Student Affairs-VP/SA *

50,831Operations Manager-VP/SA *

48,000Business Manager-VP/SA

45,948Asst Dir Divers Retent-VP/SA

45,000Exec Office Asst III-VP/SA

38,971Business Manager-VP/SA *

29,224Administrative Asst III-VP/SA

521,323010208Organization Total:

010982Organization: Public Affairs

97,000Legislative Liaison-GOV

44,439Dir Pub Affa/Lead Central-LEAD

35,000PA Specialist - GOV

176,439010982Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 60000 Executive Management

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

2,164,058Executive ManagementProgram Total:

010179Organization: Financial Services

82,203Dir Financial Services-FINAC

66,714Asst Dir Paymt Svcs-FINAC

50,500Accountant III-FINAC

50,500Accountant III-FINAC

50,500Accountant III-FINAC

44,208Accountant II-FINAC

36,670Accounts Payable Spec II-FINAC

34,008Payment Svcs Spec II-FINAC

31,782Accounting Clerk II-FINAC

29,702Accounting Clerk II-FINAC

476,788010179Organization Total:

010348Organization: Payroll Services

73,000Dir Payroll Operations -PAYRL

45,018Payroll Specialist -PAYRL

41,000Payroll Specialist-PAYRL

12,095Payroll Coordinator-PAYRL

171,113010348Organization Total:

010933Organization: Grants and Contracts

45,033Grant Accountant II-GRAN

45,033Grant Accountant II-GRAN

42,065Grant Accountant I-GRAN


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 61000 Fiscal Operations

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

132,131010933Organization Total:

780,032Fiscal OperationsProgram Total:

010020Organization: Mailroom

24,960Clerk I-MAIL

24,960010020Organization Total:

010181Organization: Office of General Counsel

45,110Legal Assistant I-LEGAL

34,216Administrative Spec II-LEGAL

79,326010181Organization Total:

010183Organization: Procurement Services

75,000Dir Procure & Paymnt Svc-PURPA

50,947Asst Dir Procure Svs-PURPA

44,300Buyer III-PURPA

44,300Buyer III-PURPA

31,158Procurement Clerk-PURPA

25,168Administrative Asst II-PURPA

270,874010183Organization Total:

010350Organization: Inventory and Receiving

47,000Mgr Inventory/Receiving-INVRC

36,608Cntrl Recvng III Lead-INVRC

27,643Receiving Technician-INVRC


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 62000 General Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

111,251010350Organization Total:

010351Organization: Administrative Support Services

21,424Web App Developer-ADS&T

21,424010351Organization Total:

010352Organization: Human Resources

77,144Dir Comp & Talent Acqstn-EMPSV

76,793Dir Employee Relations-EMPSV

76,092Dir Benefits-EMPSV

75,650HRIS & Ops Strategist-EMPSV

49,500Employee Relations Spec-EMPSV

47,915Sr HR Generalist-EMPSV

44,000Compensation Analyst -EMPSV

42,954Employee Experience Spec-EMPSV

42,954Recruitment Specialist-EMPSV

42,900Benefits Specialist-EMPSV

42,500HR Data Coordinator-EMPSV

34,000Administrative Spec II-RECMN

34,000HR Admin Specialist-EMPSV

32,214Benefits Specialist-EMPSV

31,200HR Assistant-EMPSV

13,125Benefits Specialist - EMPSV

762,941010352Organization Total:

010711Organization: Forensic Science Training & Seminar


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 62000 General Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

8,114Program Coordinator-FRSCI *

6,087Office Manager - FRSCI *

2,228Operations Manager-FRSCI *

16,429010711Organization Total:

010811Organization: Senior Legal Staff/NCAA Compliance

140,000General Counsel-SLSNC

58,000Asst Athletic Dir Compl-SLSNC

52,000Compliance Coordinator - SLSNC

250,000010811Organization Total:

012117Organization: Inclusive Community

75,000Incl Community Advocate - PAC

21,465Incl Community Coord-PAC

96,465012117Organization Total:

012119Organization: VP People & Culture-Operating

130,000VP for People and Culture

130,000012119Organization Total:

1,763,670General AdministrationProgram Total:

010017Organization: University Communications

118,000VP for Comm and Pub Affr-UNREL

88,000Asst VP Univ Commun-UNREL

57,000Business Manager-UNREL

57,000Dir Art-UNREL


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 65000 Public Relations/Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

53,500Publications Manager-UNREL

46,963Graphic Designer-UNREL

40,602Coord Digital Media/Web-UNREL

40,602Coord Commun & Market-UNREL

40,019Graphic Designer-UNREL

39,062Graphic Designer-UNREL

38,002Coord Video Services-UNREL

31,491Comm & Mktng Spec-WELMK

27,040Admin/Marketing Asst-UNREL

677,281010017Organization Total:

010225Organization: UCO Advancement

140,000VP Development-UCOFN

85,051Assoc VP Development-UCOFN *

60,000Dir Mktg and PR - UCOFN

59,000Dir Alumni Relations-UCOFN

52,316Dir Advancement Svcs-UCOFN

38,332Office Manager-UCOFN

38,147Information Spec I-UCOFN

37,497Coord Annual Giving Prog-UCOFN *

35,229Events Coordinator-UCOFN *

33,023Assoc VP Dev/PR & Mrktg-UCOFN

30,285Administrative Spec I-UCOFN

27,893Administrative Asst II-UCOFN

25,397Data Entry Processor-UCOFN

25,168Administrative Asst II-UCOFN


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Institutional Support16Activity: 65000 Public Relations/Development

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

24,256Major Gifts Officer-UCOFN *

24,255Major Gifts Officer-UCOFN *

24,255Development Officer-UCOFN *

24,250Development Officer-UCOFN *

24,250Development Officer-UCOFN *

16,180Prospect Rsrch Analyst-UCOFN

824,784010225Organization Total:

1,502,065Public Relations/DevelopmentProgram Total:

010027Organization: IT - Institutional Support

125,000Dir IT Info Security-ITINS

74,680Mgr Service Desk-ITINS

70,000Software Engineer II-ITINS

57,794Programmer Analyst II-ITINS

38,783Supv Software Develop-ITACD- 9 *

36,754Service Desk Team Lead-EDCSS

403,011010027Organization Total:

403,011Administrative Info. TechnologyProgram Total:

6,612,83616Activity Total: Institutional Support


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 70000 Physical Plant Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010184Organization: A&E Services

84,000Dir Archtctrl & Engr Srv-ARTEC

61,646Project Manager III-ARTEC

61,646Project Manager III-ARTEC

53,300Construction Admin-ARTEC

50,336Project Manager-ARTEC

310,929010184Organization Total:

010186Organization: Physical Plant Administration

78,750Dir Physical Plant-FMGMT

61,082Asst Dir Physical Plant-FMGMT *

43,000Supv Mater Svcs/Sur Prop-FMGMT

40,080Information Spec II-FMGMT *

34,798Contract Manager-FMGMT

29,557Coord Surplus Property-FMGMT

27,685Material Contrl Tech III-FMGMT

24,960Material Control Tech-FMGMT

339,911010186Organization Total:

010205Organization: Safety Management

70,000Dir Envir Health Safety-SAFMG

60,000Risk Mgmt Manager-SAFMG

53,087Coord Safety Operations-SAFMG

27,685Administrative Spec I-SAFMG

210,772010205Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 70000 Physical Plant Administration

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010659Organization: Facility Management

90,640Asst VP Facilities-FMGSP

55,000Facilities Business Mngr-FMGSP

45,000Budget Officer-FMGSP

33,987Budget Assistant III-FMGSP

28,766Work Order Tech III-FMGSP

253,394010659Organization Total:

010757Organization: Sustainability

20,250Mgr Sustain/Alt Trans-SUSTA *

20,250010757Organization Total:

010807Organization: Emergency Management

61,646Dir Emergency Mgmt-EMMAN

61,646010807Organization Total:

1,196,902Physical Plant AdministrationProgram Total:

010187Organization: Carpentry

44,029Supv Carpentry-CARPT *

33,509Carpenter III Lead-CARPT

31,637Carpenter II-CARPT

31,637Carpenter II-CARPT

31,637Carpenter II-CARPT

31,637Carpenter II-CARPT

204,085010187Organization Total:


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 71000 Building Maintenance

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

010188Organization: Electrical Shop

52,500Supv Electrical-ELECT

41,600Electrician II-ELECT

32,739Electrician I-ELECT

32,739Electrician I-ELECT

159,578010188Organization Total:

010189Organization: Paint Shop

43,530Supv Paint Shop-PAINT

32,510Painter III Lead-PAINT

29,349Painter II-PAINT

27,040Painter I-PAINT

24,960Painter I-PAINT

24,960Painter I-PAINT

182,349010189Organization Total:

010190Organization: Plumbing Shop

49,219Supv Plumbing/Irrigation-PLUMB

41,059Plumber III Lead-PLUMB

32,906Plumber II-PLUMB

28,683Irrigation Technician I-PLUMB

24,960Plumber Helper-PLUMB

176,827010190Organization Total:

010457Organization: Public Safety - Life Safety

52,000Fire/Life Safty Sys Tech-EHSDV


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 71000 Building Maintenance

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

52,000010457Organization Total:

010673Organization: Recycling and Setup

43,530Supv Events Mgmt-RECY

26,146Setup/Recycling Lead-RECY

21,608Setup/Recycling I-RECY *

21,608Setup/Recycling I-RECY *

20,310Setup/Recycling I-RECY *

133,202010673Organization Total:

010786Organization: General Maintenance

4,649Setup/Recycling I-RECY *

3,352Setup/Recycling I-RECY *

3,352Setup/Recycling I-RECY *

11,353010786Organization Total:

919,395Building MaintenanceProgram Total:

010195Organization: Maintenance of Grounds

50,000Mgr Land Serv/Turf Mgmt-GRNDS

31,824Land/Turf Maint III Lead-GRNDS

30,430Landscape Tech I-GRNDS

26,000Landscpng Maintenance II-GRNDS

24,960Landscpe & Turf Maint II-GRNDS

24,960Landscpe & Turf Maint II-GRNDS

24,960Landscpe & Turf Maint II-GRNDS

24,960Landscpe & Turf Maint II-GRNDS


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 74000 Landscape and Grounds Mainte

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

24,960Landscpe & Turf Maint II-GRNDS

24,960Landscpng Maintenance II-GRNDS

24,960Landscpng Maintenance I-GRNDS

21,424Landscpng Maintenance I-GRNDS

334,398010195Organization Total:

334,398Landscape and Grounds MaintenanProgram Total:

010196Organization: Police Services

83,364Exec Dir Public Safety-PSFTY

73,000Deputy Chief-PSFTY




42,702Police Detective-PSFTY

39,707Patrol Officer II-PSFTY

39,707Patrol Officer II-PSFTY

39,707Patrol Officer II-PSFTY

39,250Supv Comm/Records-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY

36,525Patrol Officer I-PSFTY


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 76000 Security and Safety

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

29,411Communications Officer-PSFTY

29,411Communications Officer-PSFTY

29,411Communications Officer-PSFTY

29,411Communications Officer-PSFTY

29,390Communications Officer-PSFTY

29,390Communications Officer-PSFTY

973,347010196Organization Total:

010197Organization: Key Control

45,011Coord Security Tech-EMMAN *

33,842Access Control Spec II-PBKEY

78,853010197Organization Total:

1,052,200Security and SafetyProgram Total:

010353Organization: Motor Pool

48,200Supv Motor Pool-MOTOR

36,858Master Mechanic-MOTOR

30,430Automotive Tech II-MOTOR

115,488010353Organization Total:

115,488Logistical ServicesProgram Total:

3,618,38317Activity Total: Physical Plant


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2020 - 2021

Part I - Primary Budget

Schedule E1 (Salaries)

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Physical Plant17Activity: 77000 Logistical Services

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma President - Patti Neuhold Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Educational and General Budget - Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021



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Activity PageNumber Number

11 110

12 156

13 159

14 163

15 174

16 192

17 205

18 214

Student Services

Institutional Support

Scholarships & Fellowships

Operation & Maintenance of Plant


Schedule E2 - Table of Contents




Public Service

Academic Support

Proposed Educational and General BudgetFiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Page 114: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010005 Photo Lab

57,500Professional Positions

78,084Non-Professional Positions

6,660Student & Overtime Wages


118Professional Services


9,750Furniture & Equipment

16,445Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $212,404

Organization: 010009 Piano Competition

1,485Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,485

Organization: 010034 Med Tech Student Charges

9,290Professional Services

Organization Total $9,290

Organization: 010036 Academic Broadcasting Services

21,010Non-Professional Positions


197Professional Services

4,570Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $32,500

Organization: 010039 UCO Audio Operations

100Professional Services


Page 110

Page 115: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

500Furniture & Equipment

4,002Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $4,602

Organization: 010042 Special Academic Support

119,896Professional Positions

26,616Student & Overtime Wages


4,000Professional Services

104,679Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $293,558

Organization: 010048 Accreditation Expenses


Organization Total $17,466

Organization: 010049 Intersession Salaries



Organization Total $175,484

Organization: 010059 Accounting

1,282,503Teaching Positions

30,296Student & Overtime Wages


1,550Professional Services


100Furniture & Equipment

3,550Other Operating Expenses


Page 111

Page 116: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $1,739,200

Organization: 010060 Information Systems & Op Mgmt

1,094,051Teaching Positions


1,400Professional Services


1,000Furniture & Equipment

3,600Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,460,047

Organization: 010061 Economics

909,997Teaching Positions


1,600Professional Services


4,400Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,216,196

Organization: 010062 Finance

1,452,721Teaching Positions


900Professional Services


1,900Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,932,992

Organization: 010064 Management

1,247,378Teaching Positions


Page 112

Page 117: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


1,700Professional Services


2,965Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,663,904

Organization: 010065 Marketing

1,150,582Teaching Positions


1,600Professional Services


4,600Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,536,168

Organization: 010066 UCO Army ROTC (Broncho Battalion)

1,861Professional Services

600Furniture & Equipment

6,500Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $8,961

Organization: 010067 Barnabus Endowed Chair

10,000Teaching Positions


65,421Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $78,621

Organization: 010077 English

1,730,188Teaching Positions

40,435Non-Professional Positions


Page 113

Page 118: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

5,021Student & Overtime Wages


6,200Professional Services


1,000Furniture & Equipment

7,199Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,358,643

Organization: 010078 Modern Languages, Lit, Cultural Std

708,286Teaching Positions

27,851Non-Professional Positions

2,912Student & Overtime Wages


1,250Professional Services


375Furniture & Equipment

6,946Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $984,084

Organization: 010079 History and Geography

1,055,172Teaching Positions

29,640Non-Professional Positions

6,631Student & Overtime Wages


2,100Professional Services


549Furniture & Equipment

4,562Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,446,194


Page 114

Page 119: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010080 Humanities and Philosophy

1,124,389Teaching Positions

29,015Non-Professional Positions

6,463Student & Overtime Wages


2,400Professional Services

4,622Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,535,978

Organization: 010081 Mass Communication

1,465,187Teaching Positions

81,266Non-Professional Positions

5,002Student & Overtime Wages


3,248Professional Services


1,200Furniture & Equipment

11,041Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,062,809

Organization: 010082 Music

2,301,700Teaching Positions

123,658Professional Positions

102,659Non-Professional Positions

5,376Student & Overtime Wages


11,650Professional Services


1,486Furniture & Equipment


Page 115

Page 120: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

36,257Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,395,751

Organization: 010084 Political Science

915,521Teaching Positions

27,664Non-Professional Positions

3,240Student & Overtime Wages


1,700Professional Services


2,125Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,252,370

Organization: 010085 Sociology, Gerntolgy, & Subst Abuse

589,751Teaching Positions

29,224Non-Professional Positions

7,072Student & Overtime Wages


1,500Professional Services


6,385Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $833,004

Organization: 010086 Theatre, Dance & Media Arts

496,563Teaching Positions

4,624Professional Positions

60,965Non-Professional Positions


3,500Professional Services


Page 116

Page 121: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


7,324Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $754,865

Organization: 010087 Art

577,216Teaching Positions

44,154Non-Professional Positions


3,207Professional Services


12,361Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $837,649

Organization: 010092 LA Multimedia Center

4,503Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $4,503

Organization: 010094 New Plains Review

6,855Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $6,855

Organization: 010111 Biology

1,792,133Teaching Positions

105,550Professional Positions

47,233Non-Professional Positions


4,027Professional Services

22,321Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,593,637


Page 117

Page 122: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010112 Chemistry

1,066,305Teaching Positions

8,466Professional Positions

60,134Non-Professional Positions

2,500Student & Overtime Wages


2,900Professional Services

32,250Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,535,724

Organization: 010113 Computer Science

762,093Teaching Positions

24,835Non-Professional Positions


2,171Professional Services

23,387Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,064,303

Organization: 010114 Funeral Sciences

289,800Teaching Positions

27,917Non-Professional Positions


816Professional Services

14,938Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $435,140

Organization: 010115 Mathematics & Statistics

1,804,842Teaching Positions

29,224Non-Professional Positions


Page 118

Page 123: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


3,026Professional Services

17,787Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,441,781

Organization: 010116 Nursing

1,166,568Teaching Positions

30,763Non-Professional Positions

54,543Student & Overtime Wages


2,869Professional Services

66,495Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,704,384

Organization: 010117 Engineering & Physics

1,354,204Teaching Positions

71,561Non-Professional Positions


2,869Professional Services

34,854Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,919,733

Organization: 010123 Inez Miller Endowed Chair

2,000Teaching Positions


6,045Student & Overtime Wages


3,975Professional Services



Page 119

Page 124: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

1,740Furniture & Equipment

4,100Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $26,100

Organization: 010124 Curriculum and Instruction

853,484Teaching Positions

28,434Non-Professional Positions

7,200Student & Overtime Wages


2,400Professional Services


9,689Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,198,976

Organization: 010125 Kinesiology & Health Studies

1,387,864Teaching Positions

48,776Non-Professional Positions

50,734Student & Overtime Wages


2,908Professional Services


39,028Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,020,035

Organization: 010126 Human Environmental Sciences

637,406Teaching Positions

28,434Non-Professional Positions

14,600Student & Overtime Wages



Page 120

Page 125: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

500Professional Services


2,172Furniture & Equipment

12,686Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $918,317

Organization: 010127 Adult Education & Safety Sciences

691,345Teaching Positions

28,434Non-Professional Positions

7,393Student & Overtime Wages


5,371Professional Services


24,214Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $994,586

Organization: 010128 Ed Sciences, Foundations & Research

854,384Teaching Positions

28,434Non-Professional Positions

8,992Student & Overtime Wages


1,500Professional Services


8,046Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,189,988

Organization: 010129 Psychology

1,279,377Teaching Positions

27,040Non-Professional Positions


Page 121

Page 126: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

3,610Student & Overtime Wages


2,100Professional Services


10,944Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,746,424

Organization: 010131 Teacher Education Development

50,629Professional Positions

1,520Non-Professional Positions


Organization Total $68,837

Organization: 010133 Adv Professional and Spec Services

1,165,776Teaching Positions

10,000Professional Positions

79,582Non-Professional Positions

9,303Student & Overtime Wages


24,416Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,690,792

Organization: 010134 Teacher Education Services

162,288Professional Positions

5,500Student & Overtime Wages


696Professional Services


4,362Other Operating Expenses


Page 122

Page 127: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $237,259

Organization: 010135 Child Development Center

80,786Professional Positions

4,634Student & Overtime Wages


100Professional Services


200Furniture & Equipment

1,245Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $113,731

Organization: 010136 Dietetics Program

44,462Professional Positions

1,400Student & Overtime Wages


950Professional Services


13,100Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $99,690

Organization: 010137 Reading Clinic

497Professional Services

3,003Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,500

Organization: 010141 Dance Productions

318,055Teaching Positions

24,586Non-Professional Positions


Page 123

Page 128: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

2,382Student & Overtime Wages


4,000Professional Services


4,019Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $464,687

Organization: 010171 UCO Continuous Improvement


Organization Total $9,958

Organization: 010226 General Instruction

300,199Teaching Positions


485,180Retirement Benefits

22,706Professional Services

200,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,625,849

Organization: 010233 Function Control - Instruction

-745,535Student & Overtime Wages

25,000Professional Services


20,000Furniture & Equipment

300,704Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total ($199,831)

Organization: 010271 Jazz Lab

6,499Teaching Positions


Page 124

Page 129: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

54,510Professional Positions

38,293Non-Professional Positions

49,830Student & Overtime Wages


50,250Professional Services

3,500Furniture & Equipment

88,478Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $323,137

Organization: 010273 CFAD Projects

24,250Professional Positions

13,728Non-Professional Positions


8,050Professional Services


16,670Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $75,851

Organization: 010276 School of Design

726,327Teaching Positions

26,146Non-Professional Positions


2,736Professional Services


16,353Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,013,353

Organization: 010333 Barnabus Emerging Technologies

2,500Teaching Positions


Page 125

Page 130: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


9,854Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $13,154

Organization: 010334 Swigeart Endowment

56,006Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $56,006

Organization: 010335 Management - PGM

150Professional Services


8,630Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $16,780

Organization: 010341 Education Control Account

3,800Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $3,800

Organization: 010346 CEPS Technology & Special Projects

24,877Non-Professional Positions


1,240Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $34,078

Organization: 010359 Dance Course Fees

500Professional Services


839Other Operating Expenses


Page 126

Page 131: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $2,089

Organization: 010375 Kines/Health Stds Dept Course Fees

6,068Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $6,068

Organization: 010430 Academic Program Enhancements

1,500Student & Overtime Wages

76,702Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $78,202

Organization: 010432 CEPS Operations

87,846Professional Positions

12,798Non-Professional Positions


1,800Student & Overtime Wages


4,110Professional Services

21,229Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $198,171

Organization: 010433 Interpreters

58,265Professional Services

Organization Total $58,265

Organization: 010434 College of LIberal Arts Operations

86,535Professional Positions

74,797Non-Professional Positions

18,674Student & Overtime Wages


Page 127

Page 132: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


Organization Total $231,632

Organization: 010436 College of Business Operations

110,953Professional Positions

120,789Non-Professional Positions

43,622Student & Overtime Wages


2,800Professional Services

36,200Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $388,522

Organization: 010509 CFAD Course Fee Supply/Materials

203,667Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $203,667

Organization: 010510 CFAD Course Fee Fac/Equip

536,722Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $536,722

Organization: 010511 CFAD Course Fee Spec Instruction

118,458Teaching Positions

180,331Professional Positions

119,492Non-Professional Positions


13,150Professional Services

420,990Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $986,271


Page 128

Page 133: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010528 CFAD Technology Course Fees Fac/Equ

36,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $36,000

Organization: 010530 Bus Adm Coll Course Fee Supply/Mat

380,332Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $380,332

Organization: 010531 Bus Adm Coll Course Fee Fac/Equip

1,000Professional Services

-89,742Furniture & Equipment

638,066Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $549,324

Organization: 010532 Bus Adm Coll Course Fee Spec Instru

363,412Professional Positions

90,188Non-Professional Positions

100,234Student & Overtime Wages


1,000Professional Services


534,979Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,560,362

Organization: 010560 Educ Coll Based Course Fee Sup/Mat

126,380Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $126,380

Organization: 010561 Educ Coll Based Course Fee Fac/Equi


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Page 134: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

11,528Furniture & Equipment

647,940Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $659,468

Organization: 010562 Educ Coll Based Course Fee Spec Ins

385,005Teaching Positions

234,083Professional Positions

30,678Non-Professional Positions


150,000Student & Overtime Wages


3,512Professional Services


722,871Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,330,074

Organization: 010575 Golf Course Fees Supply/Mat

600Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $600

Organization: 010588 Lib Arts Based Course Fees Sup/Mat

70,051Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $70,051

Organization: 010589 Lib Arts Based Course Fees Fac/Equi

1,750Professional Services

410,091Furniture & Equipment

848,422Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,260,263


Page 130

Page 135: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010590 Lib Arts Based Course Fees Spec Ins

421,244Teaching Positions

516,670Professional Positions

21,424Non-Professional Positions

3,023Student & Overtime Wages


Organization Total $1,269,349

Organization: 010618 Math/Sci CollCourse Fees Supply/Mat

357,605Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $357,605

Organization: 010619 Math/Sci CollCourse Fees Fac/Equip

500Professional Services

-55,408Furniture & Equipment

1,655,400Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,600,492

Organization: 010620 Math/Sci Coll Course Fees Spec Inst

502,083Teaching Positions

387,479Professional Positions

191,933Non-Professional Positions


352,260Student & Overtime Wages


5,000Professional Services


665,150Other Operating Expenses


Page 131

Page 136: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $2,579,333

Organization: 010665 Success Central


11,250Student & Overtime Wages



3,750Furniture & Equipment

44,515Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $199,320

Organization: 010739 Dr Michael Metzger Endow Professors

10,000Teaching Positions


119Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $13,319

Organization: 010742 Leadership Course Fees Spec Instruc

19,188Professional Services

14,115Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $33,303

Organization: 010743 UNIV Special Instruction Fee

16,442Professional Positions

1,933Student & Overtime Wages


9,247Furniture & Equipment

43,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $75,883


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Page 137: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010749 Selman Living Lab E & G

25,184Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $25,184

Organization: 010770 Cultural Competency

53,624Professional Positions


141,020Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $211,804

Organization: 010776 CBA Masters Program Differential

54,193Professional Positions

4,031Non-Professional Positions


136,656Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $213,512

Organization: 010777 MBA Operations

100Professional Services

12,450Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $12,550

Organization: 010788 Edith Gaylord Endowed Chair

9,560Teaching Positions



Organization Total $126,463

Organization: 010791 ACM Course Fee Spec Instruction


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Page 138: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

18,113Teaching Positions

153,068Professional Positions

23,320Non-Professional Positions


74,326Professional Services


5Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $357,024

Organization: 010793 ACM Course Fee Fac/Equip

96,008Furniture & Equipment

185,588Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $281,596

Organization: 010794 ACM E&G

333,057Teaching Positions

352,999Professional Positions

69,198Non-Professional Positions



30,000Student & Overtime Wages


-158,241Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,243,261

Organization: 010797 FSI Course Fee Spec Instruction

7,444Teaching Positions

28,460Professional Positions

73,102Student & Overtime Wages


Page 134

Page 139: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


8,000Professional Services


192,451Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $368,376

Organization: 010798 FSI Course Fee Supply/Materials

45,000Furniture & Equipment

256,034Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $301,034

Organization: 010799 FSI Course Fee Facility/Equip

50,000Furniture & Equipment

367,887Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $417,887

Organization: 010801 Sarkey's Endowed Chair-Nursing

63,328Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $63,328

Organization: 010810 CFAD Perf Art Coal Crse Fee Sup/Mat

18,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $18,000

Organization: 010815 LA Assessment-Other Special Fee

2,000Professional Services

6,023Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $8,023


Page 135

Page 140: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010817 CLA Mass Comm Facility/Equip Fee

23,322Furniture & Equipment

Organization Total $23,322

Organization: 010821 Tutoring Cntrl Reten-Other Spec Fee

3,101Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,101

Organization: 010824 CMS Summer Pilot Project Revenues




404,676Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $417,299

Organization: 010825 CLA Summer Pilot Project Revenues

57,623Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $57,623

Organization: 010828 CMS Indirect Costs

369,254Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $369,254

Organization: 010831 Learning & Behavior Clinic

2,100Student & Overtime Wages

150Professional Services

1,220Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,470


Page 136

Page 141: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010833 Andalucia Study Tour


Organization Total $6,529

Organization: 010834 Travel Photography Study Tour


Organization Total $12,795

Organization: 010836 Paris Study Tour


Organization Total $16,156

Organization: 010841 CLA-HIS-Washington D.C.


Organization Total $12,555

Organization: 010842 Humanities Study Tour- Musgrove CLA


Organization Total $38,639

Organization: 010847 Geography Study Tour LA


Organization Total $56

Organization: 010849 APS New Zealand Study Tour CEPS


Organization Total $93


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Page 142: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010851 German Study Tours-LA


Organization Total $1,076

Organization: 010853 Canadian Natl Parks Study Tour-CEPS


Organization Total $1,021

Organization: 010856 FSI Study Tour


2,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $39,500

Organization: 010860 Leadership Study Tour


Organization Total $39,477

Organization: 010866 CLA-ENG England


Organization Total $9,124

Organization: 010868 CLA-MOD France


Organization Total $250

Organization: 010869 CLA-MOD Madrid


Organization Total $22,084


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Page 143: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010870 CFD-ADM Scotland


Organization Total $14,499

Organization: 010871 CEP-CI-Early Childhood Study Tour

45,000Professional Services


Organization Total $97,857

Organization: 010873 CEP-AES-Italy


Organization Total $6,636

Organization: 010874 MBA Global Immersion Study Tour


Organization Total $165,766

Organization: 010878 CLA-MOD-Cuba


Organization Total $1

Organization: 010879 CLA-MOD-Morocco


Organization Total $25,614

Organization: 010881 CLA-ENG Ireland


Organization Total $30,723


Page 139

Page 144: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010882 CBA-MBA Russia

8,605Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $8,605

Organization: 010883 CFD-ART NYC

495Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $495

Organization: 010911 Faculty Full-time Part-time Summer

262,008Teaching Positions


1,000,000Summer Teaching

142,033Student & Overtime Wages


Organization Total $3,151,921

Organization: 010916 CMS CUR STEM

12,500Student & Overtime Wages


20,975Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $40,975

Organization: 010922 Criminal Justice

757,730Teaching Positions

40,529Professional Positions

55,931Non-Professional Positions

12,000Student & Overtime Wages



Page 140

Page 145: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

1,917Professional Services


4,169Furniture & Equipment

48,012Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,208,710

Organization: 010939 AA Assessment Other Special Fee

184,537Professional Positions

7,380Non-Professional Positions


31,890Professional Services

168,178Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $453,398

Organization: 010940 AA Retention Other Special Fee

63,646Professional Positions

31,421Non-Professional Positions

416,149Student & Overtime Wages


157,973Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $699,611

Organization: 010941 AA Transform.Lrnng Other Special Fe

195,693Professional Positions

14,283Non-Professional Positions


15,000Professional Services

1,124,179Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,416,348


Page 141

Page 146: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010951 AAF Competition Spec InstCourse Fee


Organization Total $6,273

Organization: 010952 AA Trsformative Lrng.Other Spec Fee

59,000Professional Positions

29,681Non-Professional Positions


Organization Total $117,059

Organization: 010953 Roy & Marjorie Crews Profess in Edu

1,500Student & Overtime Wages

24,398Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $25,898

Organization: 010954 Beresford Chair in Computer Science

24,223Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $24,223

Organization: 010955 CEPS Indirect Costs

19,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $19,000

Organization: 010959 Swansea PhD Collaberation Project

275,063Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $275,063

Organization: 010970 Beresford Chair in Math&Statistics


Page 142

Page 147: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

10,000Teaching Positions


25,259Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $38,459

Organization: 010976 CLA Other Special Fees

3,598Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $3,598

Organization: 010977 CBA Other Special Fee

5,955Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $5,955

Organization: 010979 CFAD Other Special Fee

6,000Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $6,000

Organization: 010994 Flex Ed Course Fee Special Inst.


113,757Student & Overtime Wages


31,820Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $195,577

Organization: 010995 Flex Ed Course Fee Fac/Equip

38,084Furniture & Equipment

2,100Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $40,184


Page 143

Page 148: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010996 IVE Course Fee Fac/Equip

21,439Furniture & Equipment

48,602Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $70,041

Organization: 010997 Distance Ed Crse Fee Special Instr.

408,191Teaching Positions

1,441,859Professional Positions

109,675Non-Professional Positions


1,200,000Student & Overtime Wages


592,854Professional Services


400,280Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $5,643,215

Organization: 010998 Distance Ed Course Fee Fac/Equip

20,000Professional Services

377,557Furniture & Equipment

258,524Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $656,081

Organization: 010999 MCOM Special Instruction Fee

50,000Professional Positions

48,628Non-Professional Positions

82,555Student & Overtime Wages


67,412Other Operating Expenses


Page 144

Page 149: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $280,156

Organization: 011000 MCOM Course Fee Fac/Equip

64,738Furniture & Equipment

17,112Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $81,850

Organization: 011002 IVE Course Fee Special Instruction

130,374Student & Overtime Wages

70,917Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $201,291

Organization: 011008 CBA Tuition Differential


321,860Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $324,668

Organization: 011009 Spch/Lang/Path Tuition Differential

34,734Professional Positions


Organization Total $45,849

Organization: 011012 Nursing Tuition Differential

170,423Teaching Positions

24,221Professional Positions


142,582Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $399,512


Page 145

Page 150: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 011492 CFAD Scene Shop

38,435Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $38,435

Organization: 012011 COB International Partnerships


900Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $6,300

Organization: 012012 COB Communications

13,500Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $13,500

Organization: 012035 ISOM UG Tuition Differential

57,427Teaching Positions


17,557Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $93,361

Organization: 012036 Finance UG Tuition Differential

152,824Teaching Positions


43,412Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $244,373

Organization: 012037 Accounting UG Tuition Differential

197,673Teaching Positions



Page 146

Page 151: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

14,139Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $275,067

Organization: 012038 Economics UG Tuition Differential

75,041Teaching Positions


8,789Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $107,843

Organization: 012039 Management UG Tuition Differential

103,199Teaching Positions


26,720Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $162,943

Organization: 012040 Marketing UG Tuition Differential

61,639Teaching Positions


30Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $81,081

Organization: 012047 Debate Course Fees Sup/Mat

139Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $139

Organization: 012048 Debate Course Fees Fac/Equip

5,061Furniture & Equipment

Organization Total $5,061


Page 147

Page 152: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 012061 Grad Studies Spec Instr Fee

15,619Non-Professional Positions


101,031Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $121,648

Organization: 012066 CEPS Tuition Differential

2,262Student & Overtime Wages

6,000Professional Services


31,004Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $39,766

Organization: 012079 ACM Other Special Fees-Downtown Fee

311,923Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $311,923

Organization: 012081 Center for Active Living & Learning

6,600Student & Overtime Wages

2,708Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $9,308

Organization: 012083 Self-Paced Online Courses

142,436Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $142,436

Organization: 012086 ACM Course Fee Supply/Material

5,442Furniture & Equipment


Page 148

Page 153: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

30,019Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $35,461

Organization: 012091 Swansea PhD UCO Only Account

403Professional Positions


20,968Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $21,500

Organization: 012092 FSI Other Special Fee FY18

12,700Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $12,700

Organization: 012099 Midfirst Bank Endowed Chair

10,000Teaching Positions


3,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $16,200

Organization: 012115 CBA Masters Bus Analytics-Tuit Diff

66,120Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $66,120

Organization: 012120 Univ. College Special Instruct. Fee

2,665Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,665

Organization: 012122 LX Studio Distance Ed Fee

402,550Other Operating Expenses


Page 149

Page 154: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 10000 General Academic Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $402,550

Total $89,799,366General Academic Instruction

Organization: 010038 Carnegie Center Metro

6,022Professional Positions



33,987Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $61,936

Organization: 010072 Customized Education - 1SFP

9,695Non-Professional Positions


150Professional Services

68,466Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $81,413

Organization: 010204 Talent Development

168,229Professional Positions

1,800Student & Overtime Wages


20,661Professional Services


20,424Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $267,747

Organization: 010437 Forensic Science Institute


Page 150

Page 155: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 13000 Community Education

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

645,545Teaching Positions

239,960Professional Positions

4,800Student & Overtime Wages


1,650Professional Services


10,505Furniture & Equipment

30,751Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,220,653

Organization: 010669 Cntr for eLearning & Continuing Ed

39,680Professional Positions

398Student & Overtime Wages


2,908Professional Services


31,791Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $100,475

Organization: 010736 Distance Education

26,894Non-Professional Positions

203Student & Overtime Wages


900Professional Services


5,000Furniture & Equipment

110,002Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $205,605

Organization: 010910 ATT Digital Evidence Laboratory


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Page 156: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 13000 Community Education

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

1,100Professional Services

2,658Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,758

Organization: 011004 Customized Education

107,324Professional Positions

1,029Student & Overtime Wages


Organization Total $142,697

Organization: 012065 Summer Photography Day Camp HS


Organization Total $2,370

Total $2,086,654Community Education

Organization: 010950 Math Remediation Fee

23,000Teaching Positions

97,505Professional Positions



239,720Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $406,075

Organization: 010956 First Yr Exper Placemt Testing FY12

11,792Professional Positions

16,731Student & Overtime Wages



Page 152

Page 157: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 14000 Preparatory/Remedial Instruction

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

24Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $32,320

Organization: 010993 CLA English Remediation Fee

7,850Teaching Positions



Organization Total $15,651

Total $454,046Preparatory/Remedial Instruction

Organization: 010022 IT - Education Support Svc

298,816Professional Positions

34,798Non-Professional Positions

294,032Student & Overtime Wages


388,428Professional Services

84,885Furniture & Equipment

18,438Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,226,153

Organization: 010026 IT - Academic Support

3,911,041Professional Positions

26,738Non-Professional Positions

617Student & Overtime Wages


147,843Professional Services



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Page 158: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 15000 Instruction Information Technology

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

934,943Furniture & Equipment

2,753,751Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $9,053,207

Organization: 010043 Faculty Technology

82,500Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $82,500

Organization: 010102 Liberal Arts Technologies

1,219Professional Services

2,500Furniture & Equipment

Organization Total $3,719

Organization: 010177 CFAD Technology

42,682Non-Professional Positions


100Professional Services

11,442Furniture & Equipment

7,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $74,882

Total $10,440,461Instruction Information Technology


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 11 Instruction 15000 Instruction Information Technology

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $102,780,527

Activity Total: Instruction

39,319,880Teaching Positions

10,447,705Professional Positions

2,473,991Non-Professional Positions



1,000,000Summer Teaching

2,869,091Student & Overtime Wages

485,180Retirement Benefits



1,686,609Professional Services


19,490,683Other Operating Expenses

2,113,733Furniture & Equipment



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 12 Research 21000 Individual and Project Research

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010144 Sponsored Research and Grants

154,798Professional Positions

113,266Non-Professional Positions

5,461Student & Overtime Wages


237Professional Services


4,046Furniture & Equipment

3,356Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $369,242

Organization: 010145 OSR & Grants Research Fund

12,055Non-Professional Positions

4,893Student & Overtime Wages


12,500Professional Services


176,472Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $226,735

Organization: 010146 Sponsored Research and Grants Match

3,778Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $3,778

Organization: 010227 General Research


20,750Retirement Benefits

971Professional Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 12 Research 21000 Individual and Project Research

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $34,356

Organization: 010234 Function Control - Research

-31,874Student & Overtime Wages

6,236Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total ($25,638)

Organization: 010469 Faculty Grants Indirect Cost Share

80,000Professional Services

412,542Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $492,542

Organization: 010925 OR&G Grant Incentive Fund

489,520Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $489,520

Organization: 012077 OHIP Research - Other Spec Fee

3,699Student & Overtime Wages


97,429Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $102,828

Total $1,693,363Individual and Project Research


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 12 Research 21000 Individual and Project Research

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $1,693,363

Activity Total: Research

154,798Professional Positions

125,321Non-Professional Positions

-14,043Student & Overtime Wages

20,750Retirement Benefits



93,708Professional Services


1,185,555Other Operating Expenses

4,046Furniture & Equipment



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 13 Public Service 30000 Community Service

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010002 UCO Art Series

78,209Professional Services


14,463Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $100,197

Organization: 010007 UCO Summerstock Productions

3,797Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,797

Organization: 010071 Cntr for Leadership & Business Res.

16,450Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $16,450

Organization: 010089 CFAD Galleries & Museums

42,301Professional Positions

2,000Student & Overtime Wages


2,000Professional Services

9,942Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $69,779

Organization: 010202 Comm. Service Learning Prog.

13,350Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $13,350

Organization: 010228 General Public Service



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 13 Public Service 30000 Community Service

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

8,310Retirement Benefits

389Professional Services

Organization Total $13,758

Organization: 010235 Function Control - Public Service

-12,760Student & Overtime Wages

8,135Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total ($4,625)

Organization: 012080 NCUR 2018

302,918Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $302,918

Organization: 012109 French Studies Colloquium

693Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $693

Total $516,317Community Service

Organization: 010280 Oklahoma Center for Arts Education

86,473Professional Positions


1,150Professional Services


15,298Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $146,092

Organization: 010412 Oklahoma A+ Schools


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 13 Public Service 31000 Cooperative Extension Service

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

320,875Professional Positions

50,814Non-Professional Positions


Organization Total $490,629

Organization: 012100 Nigh Leadership Academy

4,000Professional Positions


9,275Professional Services


47,778Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $70,333

Total $707,054Cooperative Extension Service

Organization: 010223 KUCO

109,441Professional Positions


34,196Professional Services

22,284Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $200,942

Total $200,942Public Broadcasting Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 13 Public Service 32000 Public Broadcasting Services

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $1,424,313

Activity Total: Public Service

563,090Professional Positions

50,814Non-Professional Positions

2,590Student & Overtime Wages

8,310Retirement Benefits



125,219Professional Services


441,758Other Operating Expenses



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 40000 Libraries

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010152 Chambers Library Admin

1,042,875Professional Positions

890,883Non-Professional Positions

126,922Student & Overtime Wages


15,000Professional Services

7,000Furniture & Equipment

237,620Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,939,102

Organization: 010155 Archives Administration

13,448Student & Overtime Wages


2,100Furniture & Equipment

2,991Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $19,719

Organization: 010157 Library Books and Multimedia

109,946Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $109,946

Organization: 010158 Library Periodicals

1,076,602Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,076,602

Organization: 010159 Archives Books

2,050Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,050


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 40000 Libraries

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010345 Library Automation & Materials Fee


109,720Furniture & Equipment

753,052Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $872,772

Total $5,020,191Libraries

Organization: 010090 Laboratory of History

1,822Student & Overtime Wages

39Professional Services

5,154Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $7,015

Total $7,015Museums and Galleries

Organization: 010040 Graduation Ceremonies

21,620Student & Overtime Wages

30,000Professional Services

72,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $123,620

Organization: 010101 University Productions

157,390Professional Positions

516Non-Professional Positions

21,524Student & Overtime Wages


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 43000 Ancillary Support

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


4,000Professional Services

1,000Furniture & Equipment

28,159Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $263,118

Organization: 010138 Speech and Hearing Clinic

33,887Professional Positions


1,573Professional Services

3,893Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $50,197

Organization: 010229 General Academic Support


52,300Retirement Benefits

2,448Professional Services

500,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $651,500

Organization: 010236 Function Control - Academic Support

-80,362Student & Overtime Wages

91,195Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $10,833

Organization: 010277 Cntr Excellence in Trans. Teach & L

196,951Professional Positions

26,146Non-Professional Positions

5,312Student & Overtime Wages


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Page 170: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 43000 Ancillary Support

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


12,039Professional Services


50,210Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $368,249

Organization: 010319 Jazz Lab Facilities

92,355Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $92,355

Organization: 012005 Transformative Learning Conference

3,110Student & Overtime Wages


8,000Professional Services


16,781Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $65,191

Total $1,625,063Ancillary Support

Organization: 010031 Academic Support Administration

133,855Professional Positions

42,203Non-Professional Positions


6,712Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $239,109

Organization: 010044 Faculty Development


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 44000 Academic Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

28,636Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $28,636

Organization: 010047 Academic Advertising

500Professional Services

52,330Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $52,830

Organization: 010054 College of Business - Admin

364,137Professional Positions


3,000Professional Services


500Furniture & Equipment

6,800Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $498,961

Organization: 010073 Liberal Arts Administration

314,626Professional Positions

1,497Student & Overtime Wages


75Professional Services


1,000Furniture & Equipment

7,849Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $426,127

Organization: 010088 CFAD Marketing & Promotions

91,993Professional Positions


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Page 172: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 44000 Academic Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


3,595Professional Services


59,377Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $187,403

Organization: 010106 Liberal Arts Projects

500Professional Services


14,392Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $21,512

Organization: 010107 Mathematics & Science Admin

440,996Professional Positions

42,256Non-Professional Positions

12,372Student & Overtime Wages


2,671Professional Services

64,801Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $717,736

Organization: 010119 Education Administration

303,492Professional Positions

63,378Non-Professional Positions

1,674Student & Overtime Wages



2,000Furniture & Equipment

14,800Other Operating Expenses


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 44000 Academic Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $512,821

Organization: 010143 Graduate College

290,018Professional Positions

203,257Non-Professional Positions

81,939Student & Overtime Wages


316Professional Services


2,468Furniture & Equipment

53,188Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $790,409

Organization: 010165 Academic Advisement Center

846,452Professional Positions

305Student & Overtime Wages


2,770Professional Services

22,072Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,142,464

Organization: 010268 CFAD Administration

364,045Professional Positions

69,014Non-Professional Positions


4,100Professional Services


31,915Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $613,453


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Page 174: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 44000 Academic Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010713 Enrollment Central

8,000Professional Positions

49,338Non-Professional Positions

12,089Student & Overtime Wages


5,000Professional Services


9,000Furniture & Equipment

152,519Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $255,294

Organization: 010715 Reach Higher

4,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $4,000

Total $5,490,755Academic Administration

Organization: 010055 Business Travel & Equipment


8,000Furniture & Equipment

Organization Total $21,000

Organization: 010108 Math & Science Travel & Equipment


31,083Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $73,484


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 45000 Personnel Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010122 Education Travel and Equipment


3,000Furniture & Equipment

10,059Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $18,609

Organization: 010269 CFAD Travel and Equipment


Organization Total $25,000

Organization: 010275 Liberal Arts Travel and Equipment


7,000Furniture & Equipment

Organization Total $107,894

Total $245,987Personnel Development

Organization: 010942 Assessment

132,873Professional Positions


8,261Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $183,654

Organization: 010957 Planning & Analysis

215,200Professional Positions


3,000Professional Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 46000 Course and Curriculum Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


4,082Furniture & Equipment

16,861Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $313,007

Total $496,661Course and Curriculum Developme


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 14 Academic Support 46000 Course and Curriculum Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $12,885,672

Activity Total: Academic Support

4,936,790Professional Positions

1,386,991Non-Professional Positions

223,272Student & Overtime Wages

52,300Retirement Benefits



98,626Professional Services


3,627,663Other Operating Expenses

156,870Furniture & Equipment



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Page 178: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 50000 Student Services Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010010 Student Success

298,194Professional Positions

28,314Non-Professional Positions


6,325Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $437,316

Organization: 010011 Orientation

33,000Student & Overtime Wages

Organization Total $33,000

Organization: 010160 Veterans Affairs

5,000Professional Positions

34,174Non-Professional Positions


658Professional Services

2,705Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $55,073

Organization: 010166 Enrollment Mngt/Registrar

357,981Professional Positions

110,556Non-Professional Positions

18,572Student & Overtime Wages


418Professional Services

1,942Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $639,400

Organization: 010210 Disability Support Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 50000 Student Services Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

129,948Professional Positions

45,448Non-Professional Positions

3,083Student & Overtime Wages


1,216Professional Services


4,493Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $241,940

Organization: 010213 OGA International Student Insurance

498,150Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $498,150

Organization: 010214 Office of Global Affairs

15,165Student & Overtime Wages


93,973Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $121,178

Organization: 010215 Office of Diversity and Inclusion

64,000Professional Positions

33,815Non-Professional Positions


Organization Total $129,115

Organization: 010219 Campus Activities Support Services

2,587Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,587


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 50000 Student Services Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010230 General Student Services


92,890Retirement Benefits

4,347Professional Services

100,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $289,953

Organization: 010237 Function Control - Student Services

-142,742Student & Overtime Wages

96,210Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total ($46,532)

Organization: 010241 Bank Charges/Collections Costs

188,000Professional Services

70,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $258,000

Organization: 010409 Student Affairs Division

400Professional Services

9,601Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $10,001

Organization: 010653 Graduation Support Services

64,598Professional Positions

95,576Non-Professional Positions


3,370Professional Services

6,258Other Operating Expenses


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Page 181: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 50000 Student Services Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $221,058

Organization: 010657 Student Conduct

87,502Professional Positions

63,685Non-Professional Positions

4,150Student & Overtime Wages


21,026Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $224,743

Organization: 010779 Communications Center

25,675Professional Positions

94,406Non-Professional Positions

23,582Student & Overtime Wages


2,100Professional Services


1,308Furniture & Equipment

237Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $187,234

Organization: 010902 Enrollment Management Travel Budget


Organization Total $2,000

Organization: 012050 Enroll Mgt Admin Svcs

13,527Student & Overtime Wages

2,841Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $16,368


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 50000 Student Services Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 012054 International Recruitment

209,475Professional Services

Organization Total $209,475

Organization: 012059 Wellness Center Administration

2,375Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,375

Organization: 012071 Sponsored Student Services

10,614Non-Professional Positions

12,000Student & Overtime Wages



480Furniture & Equipment

40,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $81,490

Organization: 012072 International Recruitment/Retention

8,167Professional Positions

8,410Student & Overtime Wages


24,500Professional Services


7,510Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $68,554

Organization: 012090 Int'l Student Insurance- Admin Fee

12,869Student & Overtime Wages

11,867Professional Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 50000 Student Services Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


3,000Furniture & Equipment

42,631Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $86,367

Organization: 012108 Office of Global Affairs Operations

295,192Professional Positions

127,415Non-Professional Positions


Organization Total $557,842

Total $4,326,687Student Services Administration

Organization: 010016 Intercollegiate Athletics

325,703Professional Positions

65,479Non-Professional Positions

99,436Student & Overtime Wages



1,581Furniture & Equipment

2,975Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $625,353

Organization: 010095 Journalism Hall of Fame

10,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $10,000

Organization: 010140 WC Intramurals


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 51000 Social and Cultural Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

33,010Non-Professional Positions

5,750Student & Overtime Wages


100Professional Services

4,319Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $53,742

Organization: 010344 CFAD Cultural Events Programming

10,347Professional Positions

59,486Non-Professional Positions

791Student & Overtime Wages


4,339Professional Services

4,021Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $101,331

Organization: 010439 Leadership Central

107,948Professional Positions


56,276Professional Services


4,425Furniture & Equipment

17,740Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $227,633

Organization: 010441 Baseball

99,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $130,680


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 51000 Social and Cultural Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010442 Basketball (Mens)

145,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $191,400

Organization: 010443 Basketball (Womens)

129,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $170,280

Organization: 010444 Cross Country

32,136Professional Positions


Organization Total $42,420

Organization: 010445 Men's Golf

50,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $66,000

Organization: 010446 Women's Golf

51,500Professional Positions


Organization Total $67,980

Organization: 010447 Football

371,000Professional Positions

25,007Non-Professional Positions


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Page 186: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 51000 Social and Cultural Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


Organization Total $522,729

Organization: 010448 Soccer

89,647Professional Positions


Organization Total $118,334

Organization: 010449 Softball

86,093Professional Positions


Organization Total $113,643

Organization: 010450 Strength & Conditioning

44,855Professional Positions


Organization Total $59,209

Organization: 010452 Women's Tennis

45,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $59,400

Organization: 010453 Volleyball

65,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $85,800

Organization: 010454 Wrestling


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 51000 Social and Cultural Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

85,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $112,200

Organization: 010455 Athletic Training

136,550Professional Positions


Organization Total $180,246

Organization: 010462 Athletic Medical Expenses

426,297Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $426,297

Organization: 010712 Women's Rowing

93,311Professional Positions


Organization Total $123,171

Organization: 010718 UCO Urban League Partnership

2,375Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,375

Organization: 010733 NCAA Compliance

15,000Student & Overtime Wages

7,500Professional Services


3,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $28,350


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 51000 Social and Cultural Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010740 Women's Track

55,947Professional Positions


Organization Total $73,850

Organization: 010772 Volunteer and Service Learning

55,000Professional Positions


Organization Total $72,600

Organization: 012044 WC Outdoor Recreation

37,814Professional Positions

20,500Student & Overtime Wages


22,000Furniture & Equipment

29,271Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $121,685

Organization: 012067 CHK Central Boathouse Operating

55,000Professional Positions

67,018Non-Professional Positions

5,000Student & Overtime Wages


5,000Professional Services

13,643Furniture & Equipment

106,076Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $290,783

Organization: 012074 TEDxUCO Events


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 51000 Social and Cultural Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

1,920Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,920

Total $4,079,411Social and Cultural Development

Organization: 010209 Career Services

148,519Professional Positions

33,495Non-Professional Positions

8,937Student & Overtime Wages


1,509Professional Services

400Furniture & Equipment

17,207Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $268,308

Organization: 010211 Center for Counseling & Well-Being

312,500Professional Positions

14,287Non-Professional Positions

600Student & Overtime Wages


2,000Professional Services


15,761Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $450,957

Organization: 010212 Testing Services

34,798Professional Positions

46,483Non-Professional Positions


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Page 190: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 52000 Counseling and Career Guidance

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

15,271Student & Overtime Wages


1,333Professional Services

1,500Furniture & Equipment

45,188Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $170,583

Organization: 012063 Project SPEAK

27,061Non-Professional Positions


2,850Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $38,571

Total $928,419Counseling and Career Guidance

Organization: 010162 Student Financial Services

347,012Professional Positions

569,192Non-Professional Positions

19,979Student & Overtime Wages


27,563Professional Services

29,207Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,286,138

Organization: 011019 Student Financial Services Fees

79,755Professional Positions

97,897Non-Professional Positions



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Page 191: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 53000 Financial Aid Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

10,982Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $245,483

Total $1,531,621Financial Aid Administration

Organization: 010163 Enrollment Services

98,155Non-Professional Positions

6,501Student & Overtime Wages


11,300Professional Services

22,343Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $169,708

Organization: 010431 Application & Enrollment Fee

89,262Professional Positions

132,425Non-Professional Positions


2,573Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $295,200

Organization: 010438 Student Affairs Retention

1,000Professional Services

2,195Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,195

Organization: 010495 Enrollment Management

20,000Professional Positions

84,386Non-Professional Positions


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Page 192: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 54000 Student Admissions

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


1,276Professional Services

3,160Furniture & Equipment

9,614Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $151,840

Total $619,943Student Admissions

Organization: 010216 Office of Undergraduate Admissions

355,037Professional Positions

313,074Non-Professional Positions

26,417Student & Overtime Wages


5,000Professional Services


113,408Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,034,731

Organization: 012089 Degree Verificat & eTranscript Fees

16,325Professional Positions

27,062Non-Professional Positions


13,000Furniture & Equipment

5,729Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $76,000


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 55000 Student Records

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $1,110,731Student Records

Organization: 010337 Wellness Center Operating

301,458Professional Positions

104,307Non-Professional Positions

85,438Student & Overtime Wages


3,000Professional Services

3,548Furniture & Equipment

51,595Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $679,191

Organization: 010930 Administration-Recreation Services

100Professional Services

18,558Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $18,658

Organization: 010931 Wellness Ctr Fitness Prog & Service

41,200Professional Positions

70,500Student & Overtime Wages


29,397Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $154,281

Organization: 010932 Wellness Ctr Health Promotion

44,000Professional Positions

5,480Student & Overtime Wages


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Page 194: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 56000 Student Health Services

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020


11,459Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $75,019

Organization: 010934 Wellness Center Sports Clubs Admin

3,320Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,320

Organization: 012014 WC Employee Wellness

24,009Non-Professional Positions


2,850Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $34,542

Total $965,011Student Health Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 15 Student Services 56000 Student Health Services

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $13,561,823

Activity Total: Student Services

5,296,974Professional Positions

2,465,836Non-Professional Positions

387,216Student & Overtime Wages

92,890Retirement Benefits



573,647Professional Services


2,011,094Other Operating Expenses

68,045Furniture & Equipment



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 60000 Executive Management

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010001 President's Office

372,286Professional Positions

48,727Student & Overtime Wages


1,500Professional Services


5,552Furniture & Equipment

43,808Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $603,976

Organization: 010028 Academic Affairs Administration

504,916Professional Positions

10,000Non-Professional Positions

5,444Student & Overtime Wages


829Professional Services

20,631Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $706,593

Organization: 010045 Faculty Senate

5,396Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $5,396

Organization: 010167 Institutional Research

98,558Professional Positions


6,960Furniture & Equipment

12,169Other Operating Expenses


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 60000 Executive Management

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $149,226

Organization: 010173 VP Finance

364,751Professional Positions


5,316Professional Services


2,000Furniture & Equipment

9,751Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $518,727

Organization: 010176 Budget Office

115,770Professional Positions

20,741Student & Overtime Wages


458Professional Services


11,446Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $187,087

Organization: 010208 Student Affairs Administration

492,101Professional Positions

29,224Non-Professional Positions


5,130Professional Services

1,000Furniture & Equipment

11,910Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $706,189


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Page 198: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 60000 Executive Management

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010256 Regents' Expense

505,921Professional Services

255,406Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $761,327

Organization: 010982 Public Affairs

141,439Professional Positions

35,000Non-Professional Positions


100Professional Services


1,000Furniture & Equipment

14,717Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $254,716

Total $3,893,237Executive Management

Organization: 010179 Financial Services

344,631Professional Positions

132,162Non-Professional Positions

8,480Student & Overtime Wages


5,000Professional Services


1,000Furniture & Equipment

3,147Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $651,028


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Page 199: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 61000 Fiscal Operations

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010348 Payroll Services

73,000Professional Positions

98,113Non-Professional Positions


466,181Professional Services

341Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $692,391

Organization: 010787 Employee Recognition Awards

6,900Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $6,900

Organization: 010933 Grants and Contracts

132,131Professional Positions

1,500Student & Overtime Wages


518Professional Services


3,375Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $183,720

Organization: 012102 HR Wellness Funds

6,061Furniture & Equipment

10,311Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $16,372

Organization: 012107 Benefits Carrier Subsidies

140,864Professional Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 61000 Fiscal Operations

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $140,864

Total $1,691,275Fiscal Operations

Organization: 010015 Leadership Development


22,321Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $55,821

Organization: 010020 Mailroom

24,960Non-Professional Positions

1,103Student & Overtime Wages


604Professional Services

11,456Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $46,110

Organization: 010181 Office of General Counsel

79,326Non-Professional Positions


269Professional Services


5,633Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $118,203

Organization: 010183 Procurement Services

214,547Professional Positions

56,326Non-Professional Positions


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Page 201: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 62000 General Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

6,129Student & Overtime Wages


592Professional Services


13,495Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $385,770

Organization: 010203 Employee Assistance Program

25,294Professional Services

Organization Total $25,294

Organization: 010231 General Institutional Support

100,000Professional Positions



53,890Retirement Benefits

32,522Professional Services

896,250Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,594,111

Organization: 010238 Function Control - Inst Support

-82,813Student & Overtime Wages

235,000Furniture & Equipment

186,127Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $338,314

Organization: 010257 General Institutional Operations

67,090Professional Services

126,405Other Operating Expenses


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Page 202: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 62000 General Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $193,495

Organization: 010349 Administrative Services

1,500Professional Services


1,315Furniture & Equipment

1,620Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $12,035

Organization: 010350 Inventory and Receiving

47,000Professional Positions

64,251Non-Professional Positions

2,000Student & Overtime Wages


1,237Professional Services

8,848Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $158,941

Organization: 010351 Administrative Support Services

21,424Non-Professional Positions

-94Student & Overtime Wages



500Furniture & Equipment

9,045Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $41,068

Organization: 010352 Human Resources

575,902Professional Positions


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 62000 General Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

187,039Non-Professional Positions

21,196Student & Overtime Wages


31,844Professional Services


1,000Furniture & Equipment

12,516Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,077,639

Organization: 010491 Records Management

13,101Professional Services

500Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $13,601

Organization: 010710 Process Improvement Center

3,343Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,343

Organization: 010711 Forensic Science Training & Seminar

16,431Professional Positions

1,000Student & Overtime Wages



1,549Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $38,807

Organization: 010803 External Attorney Fees

75,000Professional Services

Organization Total $75,000


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Page 204: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 62000 General Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010811 Senior Legal Staff/NCAA Compliance

250,000Professional Positions



3,304Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $335,743

Organization: 012111 Staff Senate Operations

6,000Student & Overtime Wages


2,000Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $8,972

Organization: 012112 Benefits Department

79,290Professional Services

4,250Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $83,540

Organization: 012113 Employee Relations Department

5,000Professional Services

27,575Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $32,575

Organization: 012114 Talent Acquisition and Comp Dept

26,000Professional Services

33,190Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $59,190

Organization: 012117 Inclusive Community


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 62000 General Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

75,000Professional Positions

21,465Non-Professional Positions


5,000Professional Services


11,962Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $149,296

Organization: 012119 VP People & Culture-Operating

130,000Professional Positions


1,000Professional Services


20,255Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $200,255

Total $5,047,123General Administration

Organization: 010017 University Communications

501,667Professional Positions

175,619Non-Professional Positions

9,936Student & Overtime Wages


44,913Professional Services


12,125Furniture & Equipment

67,345Other Operating Expenses


Page 201

Page 206: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 65000 Public Relations/Development

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $1,035,561

Organization: 010224 Alumni Relations

9,110Student & Overtime Wages

26,580Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $35,690

Organization: 010225 UCO Advancement

661,712Professional Positions

163,070Non-Professional Positions

4,000Student & Overtime Wages


5,948Professional Services

5,809Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,104,470

Organization: 010716 Brand-Aid

89,760Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $89,760

Total $2,265,481Public Relations/Development

Organization: 010027 IT - Institutional Support

366,257Professional Positions

36,754Non-Professional Positions


115,165Professional Services



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 66000 Administrative Info. Technology

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

184,753Furniture & Equipment

519,800Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,364,012

Total $1,364,012Administrative Info. Technology


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 16 Institutional Support 66000 Administrative Info. Technology

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $14,261,128

Activity Total: Institutional Support

5,578,099Professional Positions

1,134,733Non-Professional Positions


62,459Student & Overtime Wages

53,890Retirement Benefits



1,663,186Professional Services


2,520,246Other Operating Expenses

458,266Furniture & Equipment



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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 70000 Physical Plant Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010184 A&E Services

310,928Professional Positions

8,329Student & Overtime Wages


26,781Professional Services


5,302Furniture & Equipment

9,207Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $460,520

Organization: 010186 Physical Plant Administration

182,832Professional Positions

157,078Non-Professional Positions

5,821Student & Overtime Wages


5,764Professional Services


65Furniture & Equipment

45,386Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $507,717

Organization: 010205 Safety Management

183,087Professional Positions

27,685Non-Professional Positions

6,186Student & Overtime Wages


40,270Professional Services


111,449Other Operating Expenses


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 70000 Physical Plant Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $445,534

Organization: 010232 General O&M of Plant


30,180Retirement Benefits

1,413Professional Services

Organization Total $67,197

Organization: 010258 Risk Management

629,764Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $629,764

Organization: 010659 Facility Management

190,640Professional Positions

62,753Non-Professional Positions

2,000Student & Overtime Wages


24,720Professional Services


22,103Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $383,902

Organization: 010757 Sustainability

20,250Professional Positions

7,125Student & Overtime Wages


7,762Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $41,617


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 70000 Physical Plant Administration

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010807 Emergency Management

61,646Professional Positions


8,618Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $89,991

Organization: 012085 ROI JCI Performance Contract

356,338Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $356,338

Total $2,982,580Physical Plant Administration

Organization: 010012 President's House on Boulevard

3,240Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $3,240

Organization: 010187 Carpentry

44,030Professional Positions

160,057Non-Professional Positions

3,000Student & Overtime Wages


2,300Professional Services

113,592Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $388,287

Organization: 010188 Electrical Shop

52,500Professional Positions


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 71000 Building Maintenance

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

107,058Non-Professional Positions

6,258Student & Overtime Wages


10,003Professional Services

160,979Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $387,857

Organization: 010189 Paint Shop

43,530Professional Positions

138,818Non-Professional Positions

4,500Student & Overtime Wages


37,638Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $282,837

Organization: 010190 Plumbing Shop

49,219Professional Positions

127,608Non-Professional Positions

4,250Student & Overtime Wages


2,000Professional Services

61,854Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $301,516

Organization: 010191 Refrigeration Shop

489,710Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $489,710

Organization: 010192 Repair & Maintenance


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 71000 Building Maintenance

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

4,449Professional Services

166,811Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $171,260

Organization: 010239 Function Control - O&M of Plant

-46,400Student & Overtime Wages

193,893Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $147,493

Organization: 010407 Physical Plant Common Supply

3,628Furniture & Equipment

120,172Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $123,800

Organization: 010457 Public Safety - Life Safety

52,000Professional Positions

7,000Student & Overtime Wages


25,000Professional Services

262,171Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $362,811

Organization: 010673 Recycling and Setup

43,530Professional Positions

89,671Non-Professional Positions

5,600Student & Overtime Wages


5,297Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $186,722


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 71000 Building Maintenance

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010786 General Maintenance

11,355Non-Professional Positions


86,349Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $101,338

Organization: 012070 CHK Boathouse Maintenance

85,737Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $85,737

Total $3,032,608Building Maintenance

Organization: 010193 Custodial Services

1,782,229Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,782,229

Total $1,782,229Custodial Service

Organization: 010265 Utilities

2,771,018Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $2,771,018

Total $2,771,018Utilities


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 74000 Landscape and Grounds Maintenance

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010195 Maintenance of Grounds

50,000Professional Positions

284,398Non-Professional Positions

6,157Student & Overtime Wages


15,571Professional Services

112,663Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $575,796

Total $575,796Landscape and Grounds Maintenan

Organization: 012123 Facility and Equipment Fee

1,777,307Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $1,777,307

Total $1,777,307Major Repairs and Renovations

Organization: 010196 Police Services

156,364Professional Positions

816,982Non-Professional Positions

54,437Student & Overtime Wages


3,429Professional Services


1,568Furniture & Equipment

40,388Other Operating Expenses


Page 211

Page 216: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 76000 Security and Safety

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization Total $1,386,639

Organization: 010197 Key Control

78,853Non-Professional Positions


268Professional Services

450Furniture & Equipment

5,603Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $110,407

Total $1,497,046Security and Safety

Organization: 010259 Space Rental - Central

833,332Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $833,332

Organization: 010262 Space Rental - Academic

194,954Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $194,954

Organization: 010264 VP Room Rental Accounts

277,556Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $277,556

Organization: 010353 Motor Pool

48,200Professional Positions

67,288Non-Professional Positions


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 77000 Logistical Services

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

1,000Student & Overtime Wages


28,019Furniture & Equipment

170,299Other Operating Expenses

Organization Total $351,762

Total $1,657,604Logistical Services


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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 17 Physical Plant 77000 Logistical Services

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Total $16,076,188

Activity Total: Physical Plant

1,488,756Professional Positions

2,129,604Non-Professional Positions

75,263Student & Overtime Wages

30,180Retirement Benefits



161,968Professional Services


10,587,081Other Operating Expenses

39,032Furniture & Equipment

356,338Other Operating Expenses



Page 214

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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 18 Scholarships & Fellowships 80000 Scholarships & Fellowships

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Organization: 010266 Tuition Waivers


Organization Total $11,693,756

Organization: 010745 OGA Global Educational Award


Organization Total $105,692

Organization: 012020 CBA Spec Instr Fee - Scholarship


Organization Total $67,000

Total $11,866,448Scholarships & Fellowships

Total $11,866,448

Activity Total: Scholarships & Fellowships




Page 215

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University of Central Oklahoma Educational and General Budget, Part I


2020 - 2021

Schedule E2, Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Expenditures by Activity/Function, Department, Position and Object

Institution Number and Name: 120 - University of Central Oklahoma

Activity/Function by Department, Position, and Object

Activity: 18 Scholarships & Fellowships 80000 Scholarships & Fellowships

President - Patti Neuhold-Ravikumar Date Submitted: June 10, 2020

Grand Total $174,549,462

Total Educational and General

Teaching Salaries 39,319,880

Professional Salaries 28,466,212

Non-Professional Salaries 9,767,290

Adjuncts 2,356,695

Summer Teaching 1,000,000

Student & Overtime Wages 3,605,848

Benefits 27,449,226

Retirement Benefits 743,500

Professional Services 4,402,963

Sub Total $117,111,614

Travel 2,510,990

Other Operating Expenses 40,220,418

Furniture & Equipment 2,839,992

Scholarship 11,866,448

Sub Total $57,437,848


Page 216

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Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education655 Research Parkway, Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73104

Created: May 8,2012 Printed: 6/9/2020 3:18 PM \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\1 - FY2021 SRA3 Forms (Schedules A - H) Schedule F and G


Schedule F and GSTATEWIDE PROGRAM CODE: Higher Education (Input)

SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES BY FUNCTION AND OBJECTAgency #: 120 Date Submitted: June 10, 2020Institution Name: University of Central Oklahoma Presidents Name Patti Neuhold Ravikumar

Object Codes 10 20 31 30 40 42 50 60

ObjectPersonnel Services Travel Utilities

Supplies & Other Operating Expenses

Property, Furniture, & Equipment

Library Books and Periodicals

Scholarships & Other Assistance Net of Waivers

Transfers & Other Disbursements TOTALS

Activity & Sub-Activity/Function:11 Instruction 79,264,209 1,911,902 16,972,341 4,632,075 102,780,527 12 Research 482,807 20,955 1,185,555 4,046 1,693,363 13 Public Service 951,530 31,025 441,758 1,424,313 14 Academic Support 8,819,140 281,999 1,705,895 156,870 1,921,768 12,885,672 15 Student Services 11,393,378 89,306 2,011,094 68,045 13,561,823 16 Institutional Support 11,121,300 161,316 2,093,871 458,266 426,375 14,261,128 17 Operation. & Maintenance. of Plant 5,079,250 14,487 2,771,018 6,038,756 2,172,677 16,076,188 18 Scholarships (Net of Tuition Waivers) - - - - 512,400 512,400 11 Total E&G Part I - Fund 290 117,111,614 2,510,990 2,771,018 30,449,270 7,491,979 1,921,768 512,400 426,375 163,195,414

Hyperion Account Code 511130 521110 531160 541110 552110 562130

Entry into CORE E&G Part I - Fund 290 117,111,614 2,510,990 512,400 426,375 163,195,414

49 Total E&G Part I - Fund 490 - - - - - - - 7,213,086 7,213,086

Entry into CORE E&G Part I - Fund 490 - - - 7,213,086 7,213,086

21 Total E&G Part I I Cells linked to Sch. B-II---> 3,256,192 859,590 - 4,377,328 937,733 - 840,051 7,265,206 17,536,100

Hyperion Account Code 511130 521110 531160 541110 552110 562130

Entry into CORE E&G Part I I 3,256,192 859,590 840,051 7,265,206 17,536,100

Total Allotment 120,367,806 3,370,580 2,771,018 34,826,598 8,429,712 1,921,768 1,352,451 14,904,667 187,944,600

Schedule GHyperion Account Code 511130 521110 531160 541110 552110 562130

700 Fund No. Activity No. Sub-Activity No. Personnel Services Travel Utilities

Supplies & Other Operating Expenses

Property, Furniture, & Equipment

Library Books and Periodicals

Scholarships & Other Assistance

Transfers & Other Disbursements

Total Budgeted Amount

Fund 702 10 0001 10,500,000 2,000,000 1,400,000 8,600,000 18,950,000 50,000 15,000,000 2,000,000 58,500,000 Fund 704 - Benefits 10 0001 14,500,000 - - - - - - - 14,500,000

Fund 789 Payroll 89 0001 126,500,000 - - - - - - - 126,500,000 - - - - - - - - -

11 Entry into CORE E&G Part I - Fund 290 163,195,414 49 Entry into CORE E&G Part I - Fund 490 7,213,086 21 Entry into CORE E&G Part I I 17,536,100 G Entry into CORE Fund 700 58,500,000 G Entry into CORE Fund 789 126,500,000 G Entry into CORE Fund 790 - Total Allotment 372,944,600

4,377,328 937,733

33,220,288 9,413,747

Page 222: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Consolidated Capital BudgetsFISCAL YEAR 2020-2021

Schedule HVarious Funds by Institution

Institution Agency # and Name: 120 University of Central OklahomaDate Submitted: June 10, 2020 President: ----> Patti Neuhold Ravikumar

Fund No. Activity No. Sub-Activity No. Total Budgeted Amount -- Account 5400000

295 90 00001 13,023,000.00$

340 90 00001 $

450 90 00001 $

600 90 00001 5,580,000.00$

650 90 00001 1,415,000.00$ Other Funds -- Please List:

90 00001 $

90 00001 $

90 00001 $

90 00001 $

90 00001 $

TOTAL 20,018,000$

Page 223: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Regional University System of OklahomaOklahoma City, OK

Schedule K

Comparative Statements - Auxiliary OperationsInstitution Agency # and Name:Date Submitted: June 10, 2020 President: ---->

Estimated Estimated Estimated EstimatedRevenue Revenue Expenditures Expenditures

ACTIVITY 2020-2021 2019-2020 2020-2021 2019-2020

Bookstore 601,000.00$ 525,000$ $678,172.90 $433,000.00

Food Service 6,403,500.00$ 6,975,181 6,576,062 6,982,505

Housing 13,375,987.00$ 13,387,202 12,870,862 13,398,974

University Center 2,980,944.00$ 2,624,968 2,170,210 2,683,464

Parking Services 2,790,175.00$ 2,366,500 2,017,911 2,120,978

Other Auxiliary Services 126,000.00$ - 142,976 -

Totals 26,277,606$ 25,878,851$ 24,456,192$ 25,618,921$

Funding 2020-2021 2019-2020Estimated Beginning Cash Balance 5,695,655$ 5,435,725$ Estimated Revenue 26,277,606 25,878,851

Total Available 31,973,261$ 31,314,576$ Estimated Expenditures 24,456,192 25,618,921 Estimated Ending Cash Balance 7,517,069$ 5,695,655$

Patti Neuhold - Ravikumar120 University of Central Oklahoma

Page 224: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget BudgetSTUDENT ORGANIZATIONSACM 2,105 400Accidentals 1,403 0Actuary and Insurance Club 4,210 7,000AIGA Student Group 0 1,000Alpha Psi Omega 0 500American Chemical Society 562 350American Choral Directors Association 0 1,200American Marketing Association 319 0American Sign Language Club 936 2,300American Society of Mechanical Engineer 936 600American Society of Safety Engineers 842 550APICS 0 3,500ASEAN 1,638 0Asian American Student Association 13,787 17,000Association of Computing Machinery 467 0Association of Information Technology Professionals 0 1,000Biomedical Engineering Society 429 700Black Male Initiative Program 17,892 0Black Student Association 9,849 13,000Breaking BarrierZ 748 600Broncho Bass 8,667 10,000Broncho Robotics Club 1,590 0Bronchothon Dance Marathon 18,417 21,197Bronchos for Bronchos 5,000 5,000Business Professionals of America 0 350CARE Central Assoc. for Responsive Educ 3,411 250Career Development Ambassadors 655 0

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

Page 225: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONSCampus Council on Family Relations 2,057 1,900Central Oklahoma Hockey Club 16,741 18,405Central Improv 0 5,500Central Veterans 6,129 7,500Chess and Games Club 514 440Chi Alpha 5,146 0Criminal Justice Club 328 0Delight Ministries 631 0Delta Delta Epsilon 795 3,200Delta Mu Delta 0 2,800Diversity Round Table 24,015 22,262Early Childhood Association 3,088 1,500EDM@UCO 10,292 4,200English Graduate Organizations 0 750English Society 0 180eSPORTS 1,871 0Expresso Rotaract 0 150Fandoms Anonymous 0 2,600Fashion Troupe 1,544 1,900Finance Club 374 1,500Figure Skating 5,220 0Flute Association 617 0Food Recovery Network 0 1,150Fraternity & Sorority Life Council 17,925 23,000French Club 608 0Student Engagement Programming 12,656 15,600German Klub 0 500

Page 226: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS Golden Ponies Writers Guild 0 100Global Leadership Ambassadors 1,637 200Hispanic Success Initiative 362 607Hispanic American Student Association 11,819 12,000Homecoming Activities Board 25,113 28,000Horticultural Club 0 450Human Resource Society 234 150Inst of Electrical & Electronic Eng 0 1,500Institute of Food Technologist 842 1,500Intra Fraternity Council 3,259 2,500Kappa Delta Pi 1,778 400Language Society 0 100Mathematics Club 374 1,372Medieval Society 1,639 400Muslim Student Association 0 1,500National Panhellenic Council 2,462 1,000National Association SLH Association 936 1,500National Society of Black Engineers 936 800Native American Student Association 10,834 11,000Native American Success Initiative 2,000 0National Organization for Women 981 0Omega Beta Chi (Ol' Blue Crew) 1,263 900Opera 4,905 6,500Panhellenic 3,053 3,500Phi Alpha Theta 374 250Phi Upsilon Omicron 2,058 3,500Pi Alpha Alpha 1,497 1,000

Page 227: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONSPi Sigma Alpha 468 200Praxis 748 600Pre Law Club 0 1,000Pre Med/Health Club 917 1,730Presidents Club 10,489 10,000Psi Chi 234 330Public Health Club 1,310 500Public Relations Club 0 100Sigma Tau Delta (English Honor) 0 1,350Society of Women Engineers 2,479 0Spanish Club 0 350Student Academy of Forensic Science 281 3,500SAFE (Student Alliance for Equality) 2,462 5,000STLR Ambassadors 889 0Student Athlete Advisory Committee 0 250Student Athletic Trainers Assoc 2,124 1,050Student Counseling Center ADAP/SCC 15,470 2,578Food and Nutrition Club 1,951 1,700Student Interior Design 328 4,500Student Nursing Association 4,772 11,100Student Programming Board 70,907 85,000Student School Psychology Assoc 665 400Supply Chain 2,460 0Students for Sustainability 3,555 1,750

Page 228: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ORGANIZATIONSSymposium of Philosophy 1,310 650Tomorrow's Alcohol and Drug Counselors (TADCA) 0 50Tri-Beta Biology Club 1,638 3,200Ultimate Frisbee 140 0UCO ARMY ROTC (Broncho Battalion) 1,058 4,000UCO Catholic Student Center 1,732 2,800UCO Competitive Bowling Club 0 250UCO Horn Studio 0 1,400UCO NAACP College Division 5,910 5,200UCO Peer Health Leaders 1,638 0UCO Pre-Dental 562 1,350UCO Real Estate Club 1,105 1,700UCO Sailing Club 12,114 16,590UCO Student Association (UCOSA) 102,892 116,906UCO Track & Field Assoc 492 4,600UCOSA Student Leadership Funding 2,906 3,345UCOSA Ways & Means Committee 113,624 135,560American Association of University W.O.M.E.N. 4,924 5,500Women's Outreach Center 2,385 2,670 TOTAL-STUDENT ORGANIZATIONS 659,709 721,022

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Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ENTERTAINMENT & EDUCATION ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMSAmerican Democracy Project 0 450Asian Moon Festival 869 1,000Band Travel 3,773 5,000Basketball Band 754 1,000Big 12 Conference 0 502Black History Month 2,607 3,000Broncho Buddies 4,491 0Budo Societ 5,614 0CA&E Spec Events & Speakers 64,119 161,518Campus Act & Events Operations 204,823 117,069Campus Activities Programming 0 2,032Campus Rental 65,000 65,000Career Services Student Support 53,933 45,759Spirit Team Post Season Travel 8,269 9,690Cheer Team 11,557 13,300Clavinorchestra 754 1,000Club Model United Nations 0 2,200Collegiate Music Educators Conference 795 500Commuter Student Operations 3,865 19,757Commuter Student Services Programs 4,084 7,986Dance Productions 2,264 3,000Debate Activities 27,906 36,975Destination UCO 425 425Fraternity & Sorority Affairs (Greek Life Operations) 59,630 49,618Heritage Months 1,955 3,000Historical Performance 2,807 8,650Integrity Week 1,716 1,975

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Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ENTERTAINMENT & EDUCATION ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMS International House 0 45,809International Student Activities 55,440 46,662International Student Association 45,015 50,595Jazz Club Activities 16,226 21,500Kaleidoscope 7,887 10,450LeaderShape 30,415 35,000Liberal Arts Symposium 3,004 3,980Marching Band General 3,019 4,000Miss Asian Operations 0 3,175Miss Black Operations 0 4,375Miss Latina Operations 0 3,800Miss Native American Operations 0 3,175Miss UCO Operations 0 9,500Model UN 9,812 13,000STARS (Multicultural Achievement Program) 0 3,000Multicultural Greek Council 0 1,500Multicultural Operations 44,116 13,824Music Festival 2,263 3,000Music Theatre 10,326 13,682Native American History Month 1,738 2,000New Plains Review 754 1,000NCLR Conference 0 607Office of Global Affairs 0 11,835Outdoor and Community Recreation 0 800Parents Program 1,524 1,524Pom Pon Squad 11,384 13,100Soccer Club 1,781 1,000

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Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ENTERTAINMENT & EDUCATION ACTIVITIES/PROGRAMSSpirit Supplies 3,089 3,555Spirit Team Nationals 3,089 3,555New Broncho Orientation 66,821 68,190Student Activity One Time/ Budget Manager 45,000 45,000Student Life 184,528 178,579Student Life Activities 2,954 3,400Student Life Operations 2,488 3,523Student Organization Academy 0 2,641Student Organization Support 53,008 52,835Student Organizations Operations 40,606 20,993Symphony Orchestra and Chambers Players 5,282 7,000Theatre Festivals 5,282 7,000Theatre Productions 2,566 3,400University Choirs 7,113 9,425UW Programs & Events 0 6,620UWC-Campus Activities 1,738 4,000UWC-International Student Services 9,037 10,400UWC-Volunteer Services & LC Programming 12,627 16,231VetHERO 2,987 3,438Volunteer Center 20,846 25,395Vol/Service Learning Operations 52,773 171,769Wesley Foundation 748 0Winter Glow 16,743 19,000Winter Glow Lights 8,342 8,600Women's History Month 1,911 2,200 TOTAL-STUDENT ENTERTAIN/EDUC. 1,326,292 1,559,048

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Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

ATHLETICS, TICKETS, AND EVENTSAthletics Administration 995,342 1,004,460Athletic Officials 80,000 75,000Baseball (Men) 18,550 18,500Basketball (Men) 11,000 14,000Basketball (Women) 12,000 14,000Cross Country (Women) 0 3,500Football (Men) 90,000 123,000General Athletic 0 4,020Golf (Men) 10,000 13,000Golf (Women) 11,300 14,000Rowing (Women) 22,500 25,000Softball (Women) 14,400 16,000Tennis (Women) 5,000 5,000Track (Women) 20,000 19,750Volleyball (Women) 5,175 5,750Wrestling (Men) 14,700 17,000Soccer (Women) 7,000 9,000Basketball (Men) Recruiting 3,000 6,000Basketball (Men) Travel 18,250 28,000Basketball (Women) Recruiting 500 6,000Basketball (Women) Travel 19,750 28,000Cross Country (Women) Recruiting 0 500Cross Country (Women) Travel 0 4,000Football (Men) Recruiting 25,000 40,000Football (Men) Travel 60,000 70,000Golf (Men) Travel 20,750 22,000Golf (Men) Recruiting 0 2,000

Page 233: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

ATHLETICS, TICKETS, AND EVENTSGolf (Women) Recruiting 0 2,000Golf (Women) Travel 17,000 21,000Post Season Travel 25,000 30,000Rowing Operations Recruiting 1,800 2,000Rowing Operations Travel 64,800 72,000Soccer (Women) Recruiting 0 1,500Soccer (Women) Travel 17,250 22,000Softball (Women) Recruiting 900 1,000Softball (Women) Travel 22,500 25,000Tennis (Women) Recruiting 1,000 1,000Tennis (Women) Travel 5,100 13,000Volleyball (Women) Recruiting 1,800 2,000Volleyball (Women) Travel 13,500 15,000Wrestling (Men) Recruiting 1,000 2,000Wrestling (Men) Travel 19,600 28,000Track (Women) Recruiting 1,500 2,000Track (Women) Travel 15,775 17,000Baseball (Men) Recruiting 1,000 2,500Baseball (Men) Travel 25,000 28,500 TOTAL-ATHLETICS, TICKETS & EVENTS 1,698,742 1,874,980

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Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS (MEN)Wrestling Scholarships 70,000 55,000Golf Scholarships 25,500 17,500Football Scholarships 424,400 388,000Basketball Scholarships 109,500 95,000Baseball Scholarships 60,300 50,000Athletics Trainers Scholarships 0 10,000 SUBTOTAL-ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS(MEN) 689,700 615,500ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS (WOMEN)Basketball Scholarships 109,500 95,000Rowing Scholarships 46,800 40,000Softball Scholarships 69,300 65,000Volleyball Scholarships 77,500 72,500Tennis Scholarships 60,000 50,000Track Scholarships 48,000 27,500Soccer Scholarships 50,000 42,500Cross Country 0 7,500Golf Scholarships 50,000 35,000 SUBTOTAL-ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS(WOMEN) 511,100 435,000 TOTAL-ATHLETIC SCHOLARSHIPS 1,200,800 1,050,500

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Organization FY2020 - 2021 FY2019 - 2020Name Budget Budget

University of Central OklahomaStudent Activity Fund Budget

Fiscal Year 2020 - 2021

STUDENT ORGANIZATION & OTHER SCHOLARSHIPSBasketball Band Scholarship 5,400 5,400Choral Scholarships 9,000 9,000Cheer Team 16,500 16,500Debate Scholarships 26,000 25,000Diversity Peer Educator 3,000 3,000Drama Scholarships 20,000 20,000Integrity Week Scholarship 500 500International Leadership Pageant 10,000 10,000International Pageant 5,900 5,900Jazz Band 14,000 13,000Kaleidoscope Dance 3,500 3,500Marching Band Scholarship 6,600 6,600Miss Asian UCO 1,475 2,650Miss Black UCO 2,650 2,650Miss Latina Scholarships 2,950 2,950Miss Native American Scholarships 1,325 2,650Mister Central Scholarship 2,950 2,950Music Theatre Scholarships 1,500 1,500Opera Scholarship 1,000 1,000Pom Pon 12,200 12,200Symphony Orchestra 5,000 5,000UCO Student Association (UCOSA) 15,000 15,000School of Music 4,500 3,700Student Leadership Development 4,345 5,000Women's History Month Scholarship 300 300 SUBTOTAL-STUDENT ORG. SCHOLARSHIPS 175,595 175,950 TOTAL-SCHOLARSHIPS 1,376,395 1,226,450

GRAND TOTAL 5,061,138 5,381,500

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6/9/2020 3:38 PM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Schedule I

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule 1 - Continuing Full-Time Faculty and Full-Time Staff Salary Changes

Institution Name: University of Central Oklahoma Contact Person's Name and Phone #:

1. Percentage Salary Changes For Continuing Filled Positions

Percentage Salary Changes for Continuing Filled Positions President

Number of Faculty (1)

Number of Administrative

and Professional Staff (Exempt) (2)

Number of Other Staff (Non-exempt) (3) Total

-% (Number receiving a salary decrease) - - - - - 0% (Number receiving no salary change) - 454 413 258 1,125 0.1% to 2.9% - - 8 1 9 3.0% to 4.9% 1 - 37 8 46 5.0% to 6.9% - - 14 11 25 7.0% to 9.9% - - 19 11 30 10.0% to 14.9% - - 20 12 32 15% or more - 3 32 24 59 Total Number of Continuing Employees 1 457 543 325 1,326

Range of Percentage Changes: For Pres - Use same %

Lowest Percentage Change 3.50% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%Highest Percentage Change 3.50% 33.20% 102.43% 62.70% 102.43%Average Percentage Change 3.50% 0.07% 0.19% 0.19% 0.08%

Average Salary Change - For All Continuing EmployeesPresident Faculty Professional Other Staff Total

Total Number of Continuing Employees 1 457 543 325 1,326 Amount of Salary Change 8,750 207,718 763,577 115,628 1,095,673 Average Salary Change 8,750 455 1,406 356 826

Average Salary Change - For All Continuing Employees Receiving a Salary IncreaseTotal Number of Employees With Salary Inc. 1 3 130 67 201 Amount of Salary Change 8,750 207,718 763,577 115,628 1,095,673 Average Salary Change 8,750 69,239 5,874 1,726 5,451

Approval Date: -->

Starting Date: -->Consider Date: -->

No Date: ------>

<-----Yes or No

# of Employees Receiving Increases due to Promotions and Changes in Rank - 21 60 24 105

Amount of Salary Increases provided due to Promotions and Changes in Rank - 239,761.00 620,974.00 115,628.00 976,363.00

Average of Salary Increases Based on Promotions and Changes in Rank - 11,417.19 10,349.57 4,817.83 9,298.70

# of Employees Receiving Increases due to Other Salary Adjustments

- - - - -

Amount of Salary Adjustments - - - - -

Average of Salary Adjustments - - - - -

4. Stipend Program# of Employees Receiving a Stipend - - - - - Amt of One-time Stipends - - - - - Average Stipend Increase - - - - - Average Stipend Percentage Increase 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

Starting Date: ----->

5. Comments About Salaries, Promotions and/or Stipend Program:

Kevin Freeman (405) 974-2470

Will your institution considering an employee salary or stipend program later in the fiscal year? If yes, explain in comment section below.

Date President's Salary will be ConsideredEffective Start Date of Salary ProgramBoard Approval date for Budget June 18, 2020

July 1, 2020To be determined

2. Faculty and Employee Promotions

Write in the effective dates of the FY2021 stipend program:

3. Other Salary Adjustments - Such as Cell Phones, Etc.


Salary increases reflect our obligation to honor faculty promotion agreements based on professional and educational accomplishments. When funding is available, operating budget is reallocated to better align salaries with market benchmarks and job responsibilities.

Page 237: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

6/9/2020 3:38 PM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch I-a

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationSchedule 1-A - Methodology for Changes in Compensation - FY2021

Institution Name:


What methodology is used for compensation changes? For FacultyFor Administrative and

Professional Staff For Other Staff

1 Performance-based merit evaluation

Tenure and promotion guidelines.

Merit-Based: In the event that an employee has achieved exceptional performance relating to a significant assignment or over a significant period of time, their salary can be increased by 1-5% at the discretion of their supervisor. Only one merit-based increase is permitted in a 12-month period. Only employees with a minimum of 12 months of employment are eligible. A merit-based increase cannot cause an employee’s salary to exceed 100% of the market rate.

Merit-Based: In the event that an employee has achieved exceptional performance relating to a significant assignment or over a significant period of time, their salary can be increased by 1-5% at the discretion of their supervisor. Only one merit-based increase is permitted in a 12-month period. Only employees with a minimum of 12 months of employment are eligible. A merit-based increase cannot cause an employee’s salary to exceed 100% of the market rate.

2 Across-the-board

May be implemented if budget allows to increase all positions to a set % of market

May be implemented if budget allows to increase all positions to a set % of market

May be implemented if budget allows to increase all positions to a set % of market

3 Combination of performance-based and across-the-board

Not a system in place for an increase that incorporates both factors at the same time.

Not a system in place for an increase that incorporates both factors at the same time.

Not a system in place for an increase that incorporates both factors at the same time.

List criteria for performance-based merit evaluation: (Add rows if needed )For Faculty For Administrative and

Professional StaffFor Other Staff


1)Doctorate or terminal degree iscompleted 2)Departmental andCollege Promotion Committeerecommends individual faculty members for promotion to Associateor Full Professor levels every 5 years. If recommended, a pay increase isbased on CUPA, with the exceptionof Nursing and Business where weuse their accrediting body's averagesalaries.

In the event that an employee has achieved exceptional performance relating to a significant assignment or over a significant period of time, their salary can be increased by 1-5% at the discretion of their supervisor.

In the event that an employee has achieved exceptional performance relating to a significant assignment or over a significant period of time, their salary can be increased by 1-5% at the discretion of their supervisor.

2Only one merit-based increase is permitted in a 12-month period

Only one merit-based increase is permitted in a 12-month period

3Only employees with a minimum of 12 months of employment are eligible.

Only employees with a minimum of 12 months of employment are eligible.

University of Central Oklahoma

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6/9/2020 3:38 PM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch I-a

4A merit-based increase cannot cause an employee’s salary to exceed 100% of the market rate.

A merit-based increase cannot cause an employee’s salary to exceed 100% of the market rate.

56Elaborate if compensation changes are based on combination of performance-based and across-the-board changes:

For Faculty For Administrative and Professional Staff

For Other Staff


Page 239: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

6/9/2020 3:38 PM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch I-b

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule 1-b - Salaries of Chief Administrative, Dean's and Professional Positions

Institution Name:President's Name

Principal Position Actual FY2020

Budgeted FY2021 Dollar Change Percentage

IncreasePresident (Salary Only - Exclude Allowances) 258,750 258,750 - 0.00%Vice Presidents: Chief Administrative Officer 170,000 170,000 - 0.00% Chief Academic Officer 185,000 200,000 15,000 8.11% Chief Business Officer - - - Chief Development Officer 140,000 140,000 - 0.00% Chief Student Affairs Officer 136,000 161,000 25,000 18.38% List Other Vice Presidents in Rows 69 through 75 -

Instruction:Deans (List): (Insert rows if needed) Arts and Sciences 125,464 125,464 - 0.00% Business 149,955 149,955 - 0.00% Education 122,760 122,760 - 0.00% Liberal Arts/Humanities 120,000 120,000 - 0.00% Math & Science 129,936 129,936 - 0.00% Graduate College 119,500 119,500 - 0.00% List Other Deans in Rows 59 to 69. -

- Academic Support:Academic Dean 127,667 127,667 - 0.00%Director/Dean of Library 91,000 91,000 - 0.00%Student Services:Dean/Director of Student Services 105,351 105,351 - 0.00%Chief Admissions Officer 105,351 105,351 - 0.00%Registrar 80,000 80,000 - 0.00%Director of Financial Aid 75,000 75,000 - 0.00%Institutional Support:Chief Legal Counsel 125,000 140,000 15,000 12.00%Controller or Accounting Professional 93,590 93,590 - 0.00%Chief Public Relations Officer 97,000 97,000 - 0.00%Director of Institutional Research 68,208 68,208 - 0.00%Director of Development 91,051 91,051 - 0.00%Physical Plant:Director of Physical Plant 78,750 78,750 - 0.00%Technology:Chief Information Systems Officer 135,120 135,120 - 0.00%

Other Vice Presidents:Communication & Public Affairs 118,000 118,000 - 0.00%People & Culture - 130,000 130,000 100.00%Comments: Exclude all allowances from reported salaries.

University of Central Oklahoma

NOTE: Schedules I, I-a and I-b must be resubmitted to this office when there is a change in your institution's salary program and anytime the president's salary amount is changed.

Institution Comments:

Patti Neuhold Ravikumar

Page 240: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

6/9/2020 3:38 PM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch II & II-1

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule II - Changes in Full-Time Faculty PositionsInstitution Name:--------------------------->

Rank (specify Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Instructor, Lecturer) Department

CIP 2010 -Primary Field of StudyUDS Record 8 - Element 51 FTE Budgeted Salaries

Assistant Prof SCJ 43 1.0 58,679 Instructor APSS 13 1.0 45,000 Instructor MGMT 52 1.0 73,289 Instructor ACM 50 1.0 43,988 Instructor ENGR 14 1.0 66,300 Lecturer AESS 13 1.0 36,225 Lecturer AESS 13 1.0 36,225 Lecturer KHS 51 1.0 36,225 Lecturer KHS 51 1.0 36,225 Lecturer KHS 51 1.0 36,225 Lecturer PSY 42 1.0 36,225 Lecturer PSY 42 1.0 36,225 Lecturer PSY 42 1.0 36,225 Lecturer PSY 42 1.0 41,400 Lecturer ACM 50 1.0 36,225 Lecturer SOM 50 1.0 41,400 Lecturer HIST/GEO 54 1.0 41,400 Lecturer HIST/GEO 54 1.0 41,400 Lecturer BIO 26 1.0 36,225 Lecturer BIO 26 1.0 36,225 Lecturer BIO 26 1.0 36,225 Lecturer BIO 26 1.0 36,225 Lecturer CHEM 40 1.0 41,400 Lecturer MATH 27 1.0 36,225 Lecturer MATH 27 1.0 36,225 Lecturer NURS 51 1.0 36,225 Lecturer ENGR 14 1.0 41,400 Lecturer ENGR 14 1.0 41,400 Lecturer ENGR 14 1.0 36,225 TOTAL New Faculty Positions: 29.0 1,192,881 Note: Use additional pages or insert rows as needed.

Rank (specify Professor, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Instructor, Lecturer) Department

CIP 2010 -Primary Field of StudyUDS Record 8 - Element 51 FTE Budgeted Salaries

TOTAL Reduction in Faculty Positions for FY2021 0.0 - Note: The changes in faculty positions will automatically update Schedule I I -b.

New Full-Time Faculty Positions For FY2021

Reduction in Full-Time Faculty Positions for FY2021:

University of Central Oklahoma

Comments: The CIP Description should be reported at the 2 digit level. This is the primary Field of Study reported on UDS Record 8, Element 51.

Report the full-time faculty positions that will increase or decrease the number of teaching faculty from that of the previous year. I f a faculty member in a department has retired or resigned and is to be replaced by a new hire, do not report below.

Page 241: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

6/9/2020 3:38 PM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch II & II-1

Schedule I I -1 - Number of Part-Time & Adjunct Faculty, Teaching & Research Graduate Assistantsand Part-Time Professional and Other Staff

FY2020 - Number of Adjunct Faculty(Use Unduplicated Headcount)

FY2021 - Projected Number of Adjunct Faculty (Use Unduplicated Headcount)

Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount


* Avg. credit hours taught per Adjunct

* Maximum Credit Hours Taught

per Adjunct344 344 0

FY2020 - Number of Part-Time Faculty(Use Unduplicated Headcount)

FY2021 - Projected Number of Part-Time Faculty (Use Unduplicated Headcount)

Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount


* Avg. credit hours taught

per Part-Time Faculty

* Maximum Credit Hours Taught per Part-Time Faculty

0 0 0

** FY2020 Number of Teaching Graduate Assistants(Use Unduplicated Headcount)

FY2021 - Projected Numberof Graduate Teaching

Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount)

Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount


* Avg. credit hours taught

per GA

* Maximum Credit Hours Taught

per GA81 40 -41

** FY2020 Number of Research Graduate Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount)

FY2021 - Projected Number of Graduate Teaching

Assistants (Use Unduplicated Headcount)

Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount N-A N-A

182 40 -142 N-A N-A

FY2020 - Number of Part-Time Professional Staff (Use Unduplicated Headcount)

FY2021 - Projected Number of Professional Staff

Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount

(Formula) N-A N-A35 16 -19 N-A N-A

FY2020 - Number of Part-Time Other Staff(Use Unduplicated Headcount)

FY2021 - Projected Number of Other Staff

Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount

(Formula) N-A N-A33 76 43 N-A N-A

FY2020 - Total Part-Time Employees(This is a formula)

FY2021 Projected # of Part-Time Employees


Change in Budgeted Number of Headcount

(Formula) N-A N-A675 516 -159 N-A N-A

* Report the average and maximum credit hours based on the fall semester.

Page 242: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

6/16/2020 12:53 AM 2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch II-a

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule II-a - Changes in Professional and Classified PositionsInstitution Name: University of Central Oklahoma

Increase in New Full-Time Professional Positions for FY2021Position Title E&G Activity/Function Budgeted Number Salary

Example: Recruitment Specialist Student Services 1 36,000 VP People & Culture Institutional Support 1 130,000 Compensation Analyst Institutional Support 1 46,000 System Administrator Technical 1 60,398 Instructional Designer Academic Support 1 48,162 IT Service Desk Analyst Student Services 1 27,000 Manager IT Enterprises Technical 1 103,893 EEO Coordinator Student Services 1 45,138 Inclusive Community Advocate Student Services 1 75,000 Administrative Investigator Student Services 1 36,000 TOTAL New Professional Positions: 9 571,591 Note: Insert additional rows or use additional pages if needed.

Reduction in Full-Time Professional Positions for FY2021: Position Title E&G Activity/Function Budgeted Number Salary

Asst to VP of Public Affairs Institutional Support 1 128,000 Asst Director Student Engagement Student Services 1 41,000 Asst Registrar Student Services 1 46,316 Manager Student Publications Academic Support 1 47,937 Assoc VP Dev/PR Institutional Support 1 77,885 Admissions Counselor Student Services 1 42,000 Academic Advisor Student Services 1 32,446

TOTAL Reduction in Professional Positions for FY2021 7 415,584

Note: The changes in professional and classified positions will automatically update Schedule I I -b.

Changes in Full-Time Classified Positions for FY2021: Increase Decrease Net Change

Changes in Full-Time Classified Staff Example: Change in Number of Positions: 3 2 1 Example: Change in Salary of Positions: $60,000 $40,000 $20,000Actual Changes in Number of Positions 3 8 -5Actual Changes in Salary of Positions $90,118 $174,862 -$84,744

Number of Continuing Unfilled Positions Not Reported on Schedule I , I I , or I IaNumber of Full-Time and Part-Time Positions Comments (if any) Number Budgeted SalaryPresident 0 - Faculty Positions 69 5,775,560 Professional Positions 44 2,651,689 Classified Positions 36 1,129,832 Totals 149 9,557,081 Note 1: This section excludes any positions previously reported on Schedule I, II, and Rows 10 through 43 on Schedule IIA


List below the full-time professional and classified positions that will increase and/or decrease the number of professional and classified positions above that of the previous year's original budget. I f an employee has retired or resigned and is to be replaced by a new hire, do not report below.


Page 243: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Revised: March 26, 2007: Printed 6/16/2020 12:53 AM \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch II-b

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule II-b - Summary of Changes in Budgeted Faculty, Professional and Classified PositionsNOTE: THIS WORKSHEET IS LINKED TO SCHEDULES I, II & II-1 AND II-A. DO NOT INPUT DATA INTO THIS FORM.

Institution Name: University of Central Oklahoma


Employee Classifications: New Positions Salary Positions Salary Net ChangesNet Change in Salary

Faculty 29 1,192,881 0 0 29 1,192,881

Professional Staff 9 571,591 7 415,584 2 156,007

Classified Staff 3 90,118 8 174,862 (5) (84,744)

TOTAL 41 1,854,590 15 590,446 26 1,264,144

Crossfoot ---> 26 1,264,144

Number of Full-Time and Part-Time Employees Paid or Partially Paid from E&G I Funds:From Sch I From Sch II-b From Sch II-b Formula From Sch II From Sch II Formula


Continuing Employees from

Schedule INew

PositionsEliminated Positions

Total Full-TimeEmployees

# of Part-Time Faculty, Adjunct,

and Grad Assistants

# of Part-Time Professionals, Research

Assistants and Other Staff

Total Full-Time and Part-Time Employees

Add Unfilled Positions on July 1,


Total Budgeted Positions for


President 1 1 1 0 1

Faculty 457 29 0 486 384 870 69 939

Professional 543 9 7 545 56 601 44 645

Classified or Other Employees 325 3 8 320 76 396 36 432

Totals 1,326 41 15 1,352 384 132 1,868 149 2,017

Added Positions Eliminated Positions Net Changes

Page 244: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Date Prepared: April 27, 2005 - Date Revised: May 18, 2009 - Date Printed; 6/9/2020 3:38 PM

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule III - Course Section and Enrollment Data

Institution Name:


Location (2)

Fall Semester 2019 (FY2020) FTE

Fall Semester 2019 (FY2020) Headcount

Fall Semester 2020 (FY2021) Projected


Fall Semester 2020 (FY2021) Projected


Number of Course Sections Offered, Fall

2019 (FY2020)

Projected Number ofCourse Sections Offered,

Fall 2020 (FY2021)Main Campus 11,442 14,832 11,145 14,306 2826 2,800 Branch Campus - List enrollment for each branch

Total Branch Campuses - - - - - - CentersOff-Campus 79 81Total 11,442 14,832 11,145 14,306 2,905 2,881

(1) Organized classes, excluding individual instruction and lab classes(2) Do not duplicate enrollment counts. A student enrolled on Main Campus and A branch campus should be reported in only one location.

CHANGES IN ENROLLMENT DATA:Changes in Student FTE - Fall Semesters (297) <--- FormulaChanges in Student Headcount - Fall Semesters (526) <--- FormulaChanges in Course Sections - Fall Semesters (24) <--- Formula

STUDENT/FACULTY RATIOS:Please indicate your institution's student-to-faculty ratio: 16 <--- FY2020 Example: For a 18:1 ratio, report 18 (Calculation: FTE Student Enrollment divided by FTE Faculty) 16 <--- FY2021 Example: For a 19.5:1 ratio, report 20ANNUALIZED STUDENT FTE (SUMMER, FALL & SPRING)Actual Student FTE - Annualized 11,633 <--- FY2020Projected Student FTE - Annualized 10,761 <--- FY2021Change in Student FTE (872) <--- FormulaPercent Change in Student FTE -7.5% <--- Formula

University of Central Oklahoma

Page 245: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Date Revised: May 18, 2009 - Date Printed: 6/9/2020 3:38 PM \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch IV Mand Costs

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education

Institution Name

Description of Mandatory Costs:

FY2021 Mandatory Costs Per Budget

Needs Survey

Updated Projections to FY2021

Mandatory Costs

Changes from Original


(If additional space is needed insert at bottom of form)

A. Costs to Annualize FY2020 Salary Program N/A N/A Not Reported for the SRA3 1. Salaries N/A N/A Not Reported for the SRA3 2. Benefits and Payroll Taxes applicable to Salary Annualization N/A N/A Not Reported for the SRA3

B. Changes in Costs of Fringe Benefits and Payroll Taxes:(Exclude benefits & taxes based on salary increases)

FY2021 Mandatory Costs Per Budget

Needs Survey

Updated Projections to FY2021

Mandatory Costs

Changes from Original


Report Continuing Employees only - Do not report benefits & taxes for New Positions

Budgeted in FY20211. Social Security 199,127 - (199,127)2. MQFE 41,621 - (41,621)3. Health Insurance 185,000 500,731 315,731 4. Dental Insurance - 5. Life Insurance - 6. Long and Short Term Disability - 7. Oklahoma Teachers Retirement - Employee - 8. Oklahoma Teachers Retirement - Employer Share -

T 8a. Optional Retirement Plans - OU and OSU - 9. Workers Compensation 5,000 13,000 8,000 10. Unemployment Compensation Payments - 11. Other Insurance and Payroll Taxes - From List Below 418,240 372,247 (45,993) <--Column D is Linked to Cell D72 below Total Cost of Fringe Benefits and Payroll Taxes 848,988 885,978 36,990 <--Formulas

C. Changes in Costs of Non-Compensation Requirements: Sub-Total Each Object of Expenditure

1. Professional Services: Accounting and Auditing Services - Legal Services - Engineer Services - Other Professional Services - From List Below 1,240 1,240 - <--Column D is Linked to Cell D95 below

Total Professional Services 1,240 1,240 - <--Formulas

2. Utilities: Natural Gas 1,517 - (1,517) Electricity 215,084 215,084 - Water, Sewage, Etc. 2,962 - (2,962) Other Utilities: - - Total Utilities 219,563 215,084 (4,479) <--Formulas

3. Travel: - <--Formulas4. Supplies and Other Current Expenses:

Equipment Maintenance/Service Contracts: 27,325 13,685 (13,640) Privatization Contracts (Housekeeping, Maintenance, etc.) 274,991 117,691 (157,300) Mandatory Institutional Memberships 5,425 5,425 - Gasoline - - - Risk Management: Property Insurance - Vehicles - Aircraft - Tort Liability - Director and Officers Liability - Other Insurance - Telephone/Communications - Other Supplies and Other Current Expenses - From List Below 83,011 281,345 198,334 <--Column D is Linked to Cell D80 below Total Supplies and Other Current Expenses: 390,752 418,146 27,394 <--Formulas

5. Equipment, Property and Furniture:Information Technology Software and Equipment 868,611 928,716 60,105

Paycom - 13,438 13,438 Other Equipment, Property and Furniture - From List Below 125 125 - <--Column D is Linked to Cell D86 below Total Mandatory Equipment, Property and Furniture 868,736 942,279 73,543 <--Formulas6. Mandatory Library Periodicals and Subscriptions - <--Formulas7. Scholarships - <--Formulas8. Transfers and Other Disbursements - <--Formulas9. Total Non-Compensation Mandatory Costs 1,480,291 1,576,749 96,458 <--Formulas10. Total Mandatory Cost Changes 2,329,279 2,462,727 133,448 <--Formulas

B.11. List other Benefits and Payroll Taxes: (Enter total in B11(Cell C23 and D23) above)1. Faculty Tenure & Promotions 418,240 372,247 (45,993)2. - 3. - 4. - Other Benefits and Payroll Taxes (From M69) - - Cell D71 is linked to Cell M69 Total Other Benefits and Payroll Taxes: (Insert rows if needed) 418,240 372,247 (45,993) <--Formulas (Linked to section B. 11 Above)

C.4. Report Other Supplies & OCE Costs: (Enter total in Cell C53 and D53 above)OMES Processing Fee 74,500 149,940 75,440 RUSO Admin Cost 7,311 7,311 - PayFactor 1,200 1,200 - Governing Board Assessment - Other Supplies & OCE Costs (From M78) 122,894 122,894 Cell D79 is linked to Cell M78 Total Other Supplies & OCE Costs: (Insert rows if needed) 83,011 281,345 198,334 <--Formulas (Linked to section C. 4 Above)

C.5. Report Other Equip, Property and Furniture Costs: (Enter total in Cell C58 and D58 above)Telvent Weather Software 125 125 -

- Other Equipment, Property and Furniture ( From M87) - - Cell D85 is linked to Cell M87 Other Equipment, Property and Furniture: (Insert rows if needed) 125 125 - <--Formulas (Linked to section C. 5 Above)

C.1. Report Other Professional Services: (Enter total in Cell C30 and D30 above)Paycom (COBRA) 790 790 - USI 450 450 -

- - -

Other Professional Services (From M95) - - Cell D94 is linked to Cell M95 Total Other Professional Services: (Insert rows if needed) 1,240 1,240 - <--Formulas (Linked to Cell C27 Above)

University of Central Oklahoma

FY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background DataSchedule IV - Changes in Mandatory Costs - Update

Page 246: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Date Printed: 6/10/2020 8:14 AM - Date Revised: May 18, 2009 - \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms (Internal Notes).xlsx Sch V Waivers

Institution Name:


Resident Tuition Waivers - 3.5% $ 6,121,942 $ 5,787,614 $ (334,328) -5.5%Resident Tuition Waivers - (outside the 3.5% limitation) $ 1,940,042 $ 2,719,673 $ 779,631 40.2%

Nonresident Tuition Waivers $ 3,294,912 $ 2,846,761 $ (448,151) -13.6%

Total Tuition Waivers $ 11,356,896 $ 11,354,048 $ (2,848) 0.0%

Scholarships (paid from E&G I funds) $ 512,400 $ 512,400 $ - 0.0%

Total Tuition Waivers and Scholarships 11,869,296$ 11,866,448$ (2,848)$ 0.0%

Report the amount of resident and nonresident tuition waivers and scholarships granted to Graduate Teaching and Research Assistants that are included in the above totals. $ 314,750 $ 314,750 $ - 0.0%

Report the amount of tuition waivers granted to Concurrently Enroll High School Seniors. See worksheet named "Changes in FY2021". $ 1,042,000 $ 1,245,570 $ 203,570 19.5%

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule V - Tuition Waivers and Scholarships

University of Central Oklahoma


Note: The total for the FY2020 and FY2021 column (Cell C14) should be the same number reported on Schedule A, A-1, B and Schedule E of the SRA3.

Page 247: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Date Prepared: April 27, 2005 - Date Revised: May 18, 2009 - Printed: 6/9/2020 3:38 PM

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule VI - Institutional Response to the FY2021 Budget Request

University of Central Oklahoma

Comments:The FY21 budget has been impacted significantly in several areas. While still very uncertain at this time, we are projecting a 7.5% enrollment decline almost entirely due to the disruption associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Next, state appropriations have been reduced by 3.95%. In addition to these decreases in revenue, we must also absorb increased mandatory costs in areas such as employee benefits, faculty tenure and promotion, and technology requirements. Despite these challenges, we are not increasing tuition and are only requesting a small increase to the mandatory technology fee. We are forced to offset these impacts in a variety of ways, both temporary and permanent. Temporary stop gap measures include utilizing a portion of the Federal relief funds we have been awarded and some reallocation of capital reserves. More permanent steps involve a reduction of total expense budgets across all areas of the institution. It is our hope that much of the impact of the pandemic will be short-lived and enrollment will rebound relatively quickly. As always, the primary goal of our budget will be to ensure that resources are allocated appropriately to generate the greatest positive impact on the advancement of our students to graduation.

Note: Schedule VI-A provides specific budget actions taken to develop the FY2021 budget request. This schedule allows the President or Vice President to provide additional narrative about the impact of this budget request.

Page 248: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Printed: 6/16/2020 12:25 AM \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms (Internal Notes) Sch VI-A

FY2021 Educational and General Budget - SRA3 Background DataSchedule VI-A - Specific Budget Actions Taken in the Development of the FY2021 Budget

Institution Name:

Budget Actions:Actions Affecting Income: Yes or No

# ofEmployees

Projected Dollar Impact on Budget Comments - Describe Actions Taken - See Note Below

Decrease Tuition and Mandatory Fees Y N/A (8,329,873)

No tuition increases are budgeted, Declines in enrollment are projected due to continued decline in students and the impact of COVID 19. Operating budgets have mainly been reduced to offset the loss of revenue.

Increase Academic Service fees Y N/A 826,770 A slight Increase of fees are needed to maintain some core functions and services for instruction.

Use of Reserves Y N/A 1,551,819 Planned use of reservesActions Affecting Expenditures:1. Furloughs N2. Faculty Layoffs and/or Buyouts N3. Staff Layoffs and/or Buyouts N4. Reductions in Fringe Benefit Programs N5. Eliminating Instructional Programs N6. Eliminating other non-instructional Programs N7. Other plans effecting employees N8. Professional Services9. Contracts8. Other Operating Expenditures Y 6,438,215 Reduction in operations to offset projected enrollment declines9. Other Operating Expenditures Y 24 (800,000) Permatized 11 lecturer positions10. Other Operating Expenditures Y N/A (760,000) Investment in Connected Campus - Online delivery1112 Total Projected Dollar Impact on Budget (1,073,069)You may insert additional rows if needed.Report expenditure reductions as a positive amount.

Comment Box:

University of Central Oklahoma

Note: If you addressed any of these issues in other schedules, you may reference the schedule in the comment block above.

Page 249: TM...Beginning Fund Balance July 1, 2020 (Cash Basis) 30,395,000 2. Expenditures for Prior Year Obligations 3,700,000 3. Unobligated Reserve Balance July 1, 2020 (line 1 - line

Date Prepared: May 5, 2008 - Date Printed: 6/9/2020 3:38 PM \\ucofs\Central\Fin\Budget\Ext-Budget\BudgetShared\BUDGET\Budget FY2021\SRA3 Forms\2 - FY2021 SRA3 Budget Background Forms Sch XI Legislative Support

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher EducationFY2021 Educational and General Budget Part I - SRA3 Background Data

Schedule XI - Legislative Response to FY2021 Budget Needs RequestInstitution Name: University of Central Oklahoma

The FY2021 Budget Needs Survey included a worksheet named "Summary-Priorities Funding Form". In the last column, each institution was asked if they would seek "Direct Proposal Legislature" for each funding change. If your institution sought legislative support for your

FY2021 budget needs, please provide a summary of the outcome of that request.

If your institution did not seek Legislative Support indicate "No Legislative Support Requested".

Legislative Request for Priority #________


Drag row downward if additional space is needed.

Legislative Request for Priority #________


Drag row downward if additional space is needed.

Legislative Request for Priority #________


Drag row downward if additional space is needed.

Legislative Request for Priority #________


Drag row downward if additional space is needed. If additional legislative requests were made, please copy the above formats to the area below this row.

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