
TME 10 ADE Master Index

Version 3.2

July 31, 1997

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TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–1

TME 10 ADEMaster Index

Symbols$I directive ASM1 6-5$M directive ASM1 6-6, ASM1 6-10$t directive ASM1 6-6.imp file

creating for IDL definitionASM2 3-21

/etc/hosts fileadding entries for new interfaces

ASM1 9-6removing interface entries ASM1 9-7

@Arch@ symbol ASM2 9-5@Hostname@ symbol ASM2 9-5_create macros ASM1 2-9_get_validation_enabled operation

Wkbk 5-11_new macros ASM1 2-10, ASM1 2-25_set_label operation ASM2 10-9

Aabstract class objects FSM 4-3abstract classes Wkbk 3-13abstract keyword FSM 4-24Accelerator gadget attribute REF2 7-1access control list. See ACLaccess control lists Wkbk 2-14,

Wkbk 3-28, FSM 4-44access control lists (ACLs)

described ASM1 11-2access control specification

TEIDL example of FSM 4-20

access keyword FSM 4-26accessor functions FSM 2-25,

FSM 4-29, FSM 4-32,FSM 4-65

ACLdefined FSM 4-20specifying FSM 4-40

acl keyword FSM 4-44acldefault keyword FSM 4-44,

FSM 4-46Action implementation

(see MethodStore::Actionimplementation) REF6 5-7

Action installation(see MethodStore ::Action installation)

REF6 5-9Action interface

(see MethodStore::Action interface)REF6 5-5

action operation ASM2 2-3, ASM2 2-16Activate gadget attribute REF2 7-1active gadgets DSM 1-7ActiveDesktopList implementation

(see TMF_UI::ActiveDesktopListimplementation) REF8 2-11

ActiveDesktopList installation(see TMF_UI::ActiveDesktopList

installation) REF8 2-13ActiveDesktopList interface

(see TMF_UI::ActiveDesktopListinterface) REF8 2-8

add operation ASM1 8-3, REF8 1-54add_action

operation REF5 1-144add_alias operation ASM1 12-2add_attribute

operation REF5 1-146add_attributes

operation REF5 1-25add_backref operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-6


Index–2 Version 3.2

add_default operation ASM2 1-4,ASM2 1-7

add_entry operation REF8 2-15add_instance_manager operation

ASM2 3-6add_ip_interface operation ASM1 9-6,

ASM1 9-10add_job operation ASM1 10-11add_n_objects operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-5add_nested_value operation REF8 1-35add_object operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-5add_parent operation REF8 2-63add_record

operation REF5 1-28add_record operation Wkbk 4-6,

Wkbk 4-17, ASM2 5-20add_record_with_object

operation REF5 1-31add_records

operation REF5 1-34add_records operation Wkbk 6-5add_state operation REF8 2-45add_supported_role operation ASM1 12-6add_validation operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-7add_value operation ASM1 8-3,

ASM1 8-7, REF8 1-55add_values operation ASM1 8-7adding behavior to existing TEIDL method

implementations FSM 4-65adl_prog1 program

(see TMF_UI::ActiveDesktopListadl_prog1 program) REF8 2-90

admin authorization role ASM1 11-2,ASM1 12-3, ASM2 3-22

administrator collectionscreating ASM1 12-4defining new authorization roles

ASM1 12-6described ASM1 12-4

administratorsassigned authorization roles

ASM1 12-3associated aliases ASM1 12-1getting notice group subscriptions

ASM1 7-13IDL definitions ASM1 12-6listing read notices ASM1 7-13

ADR routines LCF 4-22adrgen LCF 3-2, LCF 4-23Agent

interface REF5 1-17aliases

associated with administrators ASM1 12-1

Alignment gadget attribute REF2 7-2ANSI C Wkbk 3-17ANSI C function signatures FSM 4-72–

FSM 4-74ansi C keyword FSM 4-26ANSI C language binding

supported by TEIDLFSM 4-68– FSM 4-74

any data type Wkbk 3-5, Wkbk 4-21,FSM 3-11

APIgadget library DSM 5-5, DSM 5-48

type safety DSM 5-15gadget library functions DSM 5-19

APIsavailable in TME FSM 6-12– FSM

6-26AppendText gadget attribute REF2 7-3AppInstall interface

(see TMF_ManagedNode::AppInstallinterface) REF7 1-8


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–3

described ASM1 9-12files_transfer operation ASM1 9-29make_directory operation ASM1 9-26managed nodes ASM1 9-1privileged_files_transfer operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_make_directory operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_read_dir operation

ASM1 9-32privileged_read_from_file operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_receive_files operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_remove_files operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_set_file operation

ASM1 9-32privileged_stat_file operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_transmit_files operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_write_to_file operation

ASM1 9-31read_dir operation ASM1 9-24read_from_file operation ASM1 9-13receive_files operation ASM1 9-27,

ASM1 9-28remove_file operation ASM1 9-25set_file operation ASM1 9-22stat_file operation ASM1 9-20system operation ASM1 9-30transmit_files operation ASM1 9-27,

ASM1 9-28write_to_file operation ASM1 9-16xterm operation ASM1 9-29

application customization Intro 3-9application design

data flow diagrams Wkbk 2-5exceptions Wkbk 2-17extensibility Wkbk 2-20identifying classes Wkbk 2-7

identifying operations Wkbk 2-6internationalization Wkbk 2-20scalability Wkbk 2-18security considerations Wkbk 2-14using transactions Wkbk 2-14

application development LCF 3-1application development cycle Wkbk 2-3application development for LCF LCF 2-1application ID

defined ASM2 9-13application scalability Wkbk 6-1application services

advanced Intro 3-11introduction Intro 3-1

applicationscreating distribution versions

ASM2 9-1defining file categories ASM2 9-4defining install packets ASM2 9-6defining installation images ASM2 9-1getting information about ASM2 9-15handling changes to a managed node

name ASM2 10-6handling removal of a managed node

ASM2 10-7installation images ASM2 9-1installing within the TME framework

ASM1 9-1licensing of ASM2 9-12managing resources ASM2 1-1organizing resources ASM2 2-1overriding _set_label operation

ASM2 10-9policy in profile-based ASM2 5-51redirecting method implementations

ASM2 10-4, ASM2 10-6,ASM2 10-9

security ASM1 11-1supporting the remove operation

ASM2 10-9architecture operation ASM1 9-2


Index–4 Version 3.2

array data type FSM 3-13attribute keyword FSM 4-26attribute specification

example DSM 3-7in DSL DSM 3-6

AttributeDef interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces) REF1

12-2attributes DSM 3-7

defined FSM 1-2dialog and gadget

changing using DEL DSM 8-11encapsulating in classes FSM 1-13examples FSM 1-2– FSM 1-3fixed flags ASM2 5-41getting values ASM2 5-24IDL declarations FSM 3-24– FSM

3-26IDL mapping FSM 3-25– FSM 3-26inheritance of FSM 1-6– FSM 1-9keywords

list of DSM 3-19-DSM 3-23local flags ASM2 5-41of TME objects FSM 5-4– FSM 5-5persistent storage of FSM 2-24– FSM

2-25redefining inherited FSM 3-17removing ASM2 5-26setting values for records ASM2 5-25specifying implementations of

FSM 4-26specifying in TEIDL FSM 4-27

authentication Wkbk 6-2, Intro 2-17described ASM1 11-1

authorization Intro 2-17described ASM1 11-1TEIDL FSM 4-44

authorization roles Wkbk 2-14assigned to administrators ASM1 12-3defined ASM1 12-3

defining for administrator collectionsASM1 12-6


avail_space operation ASM1 9-3

BBackground gadget attribute REF2 7-4base class

defined FSM 1-14Base implementation

(see TMF_TNR::Baseimplementation) REF8 1-8,REF8 1-10

base implementation FSM 4-10Base interface

(see TMF_TNR::Base interface)REF8 1-8

base interfacesdefined FSM 3-6

base Tivoli exception Wkbk 3-4basic interfaces

Icon class DSM 4-4MultiStateIcon class DSM 4-5

state-dependent icons DSM 4-5basic object adapter. See BOAbehaviors

in TME objects FSM 5-4– FSM 5-5binary catalog files

creating ASM1 6-15binary catalogfiles

creating REF1 1-3binary tree search routines LCF 4-2binding

defined FSM 5-5described FSM 5-5

binding keyword FSM 4-26bitmap

as title DSM 4-8


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–5

Bitmap gadget attribute REF2 7-5BitmapTitle gadget attribute REF2 7-6block specification

purpose of DSM 3-16block specifications

omitting DSM 3-16BNF grammar description


defined FSM 2-4described FSM 2-13– FSM 2-14interface to pseudo-objects FSM 6-19request delivery FSM 2-7

BOA_create_subobject functionREF1 12-4

BOA_get_principal operation ASM1 11-6BOA_get_subobject_id function

REF1 12-5BOA_set_exception function FSM 6-19,

REF1 12-6Boolean data type

in message catalogs ASM1 6-4Border gadget attribute REF2 7-7Bourne shell binding

basic data types FSM 4-75– FSM4-76

method implementation exampleFSM 4-80– FSM 4-82

method implementationsFSM 4-78– FSM 4-82

supported by TEIDLFSM 4-74– FSM 4-82

browser REF2 7-63build rules

general defaults Wkbk A-6implicit Wkbk A-10pattern Wkbk A-10platform-specific Wkbk A-7 file Wkbk A-3bulletin board objects

defined ASM1 7-11

Button gadget REF2 7-7

CC data types LCF 4-23C locale

creating defaults ASM1 6-13, REF1 1-4

described ASM1 6-2C preprocessor FSM 4-83C_EX_CONTINUE ASM1 2-16C_EX_RETURN ASM1 2-16caches

of name registry ASM1 8-2callback

IDL methodsyntax DSM 2-17

callbacksbuilt-in DSM 5-66

glBase DSM 5-66glButton DSM 5-69glChooser DSM 5-69glCollection DSM 5-69glDialog DSM 5-70glGadget DSM 5-68GLGroup DSM 5-70GLSwitch DSM 5-71GLTable DSM 5-71GLTableHdr DSM 5-72

connection-oriented methodand the gadget library DSM 2-26asynchronous desktop command

transmission DSM 2-23connection termination DSM 2-23example DSM 2-24multiple connections DSM 2-23protocol DSM 2-20protocol initiation DSM 2-21receiving DSM 2-21


Index–6 Version 3.2

returning desktop commandsDSM 2-22

syntax DSM 2-23desktop command

example DSM 2-28introduction DSM 2-27syntax DSM 2-27vs external methods DSM 2-28

explained Wkbk 8-11gadget library Wkbk 8-11,

Wkbk 8-14,Wkbk 8-14–Wkbk 8-18,DSM 5-5

advantages DSM 5-5example DSM 2-29identification of DSM 2-29introduction DSM 2-28performance DSM 5-6

IDL methodintroduction DSM 2-17signature DSM 2-17

IDL-style Wkbk 8-11introduction DSM 2-16legacy method

error management DSM 2-31protocol DSM 2-27

managing errors DSM 2-29-DSM2-32

legacy method DSM 2-31TME 10 ADE Methods DSM 2-29

methodand debugging DSM 4-53and DEL DSM 8-1and DTC functions DSM 7-2connection-oriented DSM 2-19error management DSM 2-29legacy DSM 2-26specification of

DSM 2-17–DSM 2-27

types of DSM 2-17specification of DSM 2-16

connection-oriented method DSM 2-19

desktop commandDSM 2-27– DSM 2-28

gadget library DSM 2-28-DSM2-29

IDL method DSM 2-17legacy method DSM 2-26

standard input to DSM 2-41TEIDL use DSM 4-10types DSM 2-16

Capability data type ASM1 11-7,ASM1 12-3

cascaded calls FSM 2-18– FSM 2-22catalog sets ASM1 6-2Catch LCF 4-4catch

defined ASM1 2-1Catch blocks. See Try/Catch blocksCatch macro REF1 9-48Catch statement Wkbk 3-5CatchAll LCF 4-4CatchAll macro REF1 9-48CatchAll statement ASM1 2-14,

ASM1 2-19CCMS LCF 7-1

differences between LCF and fullframework LCF 7-3

header files LCF 7-10LCF applications LCF 7-1profile managers LCF 7-4

CCMS functions LCF 7-2CCMS in LCF LCF 7-3CCMS library LCF 7-10CCMS. See Configuration and Change

Management Systemccms_find_record_item LCF 7-2ccms_init_callbacks function Wkbk 8-43


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–7

ccms_read_next_record LCF 7-2ccms_read_next_record function

ASM2 5-70ccms_read_pushed_records LCF 7-2ccms_read_pushed_records function

Wkbk 7-17, ASM2 5-69ccms_read_some_records LCF 7-3ccms_read_update_parameters LCF 7-2ccms_read_update_parameters function

Wkbk 7-17, ASM2 5-69ccms_register_table function Wkbk 8-43cell text function Wkbk 8-38CellBorderStyle gadget attribute REF2 7-8CFG directory ASM2 9-11change_job operation ASM2 6-11change_key

operation REF5 1-36, REF5 1-167change_key operation ASM2 5-10,

ASM2 5-28change_label operation ASM1 8-9,

REF8 1-57change_task operation ASM2 6-6Changed gadget attribute REF2 7-9changing a record key Wkbk 4-30changing validation status Wkbk 5-8check_db operation ASM2 10-2,

ASM2 10-3check_operation ASM2 9-14check_policy operation ASM2 3-17,

ASM2 3-18, ASM2 5-59,ASM2 10-15

ChildColumnAlignment gadget attributeDSM 4-46, DSM 4-49,REF2 7-10

ChildRowAlignment gadget attributeDSM 4-46, DSM 4-49,REF2 7-11

Choice gadget DSM 4-35, REF2 7-12choice lists. See lists

Choices gadget attribute REF2 7-14class declarations Wkbk 3-12class inheritance Wkbk 3-15class install scripts Wkbk 3-41class keyword FSM 4-24classes

abstract FSM 4-3classless FSM 4-2– FSM 4-3creating in TEIDL

FSM 4-7– FSM 4-8encapsulating attributes and methods

FSM 1-13encapsulating behavior of FSM 4-4hierarchy of FSM 5-8identifying Wkbk 2-7implementing FSM 4-2inheriting FSM 1-14, FSM 4-6instances of FSM 1-12, FSM 5-8instantiable FSM 4-3metaclass FSM 4-4– FSM 4-7of objects FSM 1-12– FSM 1-14specifying additional behavior in object

implementation FSM 4-4supported interfaces Wkbk 2-8TME FSM 4-2– FSM 4-8,

FSM 5-8classes. See resource typesclassless objects

described FSM 4-2– FSM 4-3specifying FSM 4-24

cleanup_entries operation REF8 2-17clear_caller_key operation ASM1 11-9,

REF8 3-5clear_capabilities operation ASM1 11-8,

REF8 3-6clear_delegate_credentials operation

ASM1 11-11, REF8 3-8CLI

using to initiate client requestsFSM 6-9– FSM 6-10

CLI commands Wkbk 9-1, Wkbk 9-3


Index–8 Version 3.2

idlattr FSM 6-11idlcall FSM 6-9wdebug REF1 1-11wputstate REF1 1-17

CLI functionscli_find_administrator REF1 1-2cli_get_home_collection REF1 1-4cli_get_principal REF1 1-6cli_get_working_collection REF1 1-8cli_lookup_object REF1 1-10cli_path_to_object REF1 1-12cli_relative_to_absolute REF1 1-14cli_set_working_collection

REF1 1-16cli_find_administrator function REF1 1-2cli_get_home_collection function

REF1 1-4cli_get_principal function REF1 1-6cli_get_working_collection function

REF1 1-8cli_lookup_object function REF1 1-10cli_path_to_object function REF1 1-12cli_relative_to_absolute function

REF1 1-14cli_set_working_collection function

REF1 1-16client programs

explained Wkbk 9-1client requests FSM 2-6– FSM 2-7client stub files FSM 4-22client stubs Wkbk 2-19, Wkbk 3-2,

Wkbk 3-39defined FSM 2-4described FSM 2-9–FSM 2-10environment paramenter FSM 6-2object reference paramenter FSM 6-2using to initiate client requests

FSM 6-2–FSM 6-3clients

communicating with objectimplementations FSM 2-16

defined FSM 1-15described FSM 2-3in CORBA environment FSM 3-3relationship to implementations

FSM 2-4– FSM 2-9close_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-31CMsg dialog variable

restrictions on use of DSM 4-57Collection gadget REF2 7-15Collection implementation

(see TMF_SysAdmin::Collectionimplementation) REF6 2-13

Collection installation(see TMF_SysAdmin::Collection

installation) REF6 2-15Collection interface

(see SysAdmin::Collection interface)REF6 1-10

(see TMF_Administrator::Collectioninterface) REF6 6-6

(see TMF_SysAdmin::Collectioninterface) REF6 2-10

add_backref operation ASM2 2-6add_n_objects operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-5and the administrator collection

ASM1 12-4associated object type ASM2 2-2operations ASM2 2-3

collection membersdefinition of Intro 3-2

collection objectsdefined FSM 5-12

collection services Intro 3-2Collection_prog1 program

(see TMF_SysAdmin implementationprograms) REF6 2-37

CollectionIterator interfacenext parameter ASM2 2-19


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–9

operations ASM2 2-3CollectionLabelIterator interface

(see CollectionLabelIterator interface)REF6 1-33

CollectionMember implementation(see SysAdmin::CollectionMember

implementation) REF6 1-43(see

TMF_SysAdmin::CollectionMember implementation) REF62-29

CollectionMember installation(see TMF_SysAdmin::ActionMember

installation) REF6 2-31,REF6 2-33

CollectionMember interface(see SysAdmin::CollectionMember

interface) REF6 1-41(see

TMF_SysAdmin::CollectionMember interface) REF6 2-26

add_backref operation ASM2 2-3and PolicyDrivenBase interface

ASM2 1-9associated object type ASM2 2-2operations ASM2 2-3

collectionsadding members ASM2 2-5basic ASM2 2-1containment relationships ASM2 2-4creating ASM2 2-4described ASM2 2-1filtered. See filtered collectionsgeneric. See nested collectionsgetting membership lists ASM2 2-8getting resources memberships

ASM2 2-9heterogenous ASM2 2-1IDL definitions ASM2 2-23iterator interfaces ASM2 2-17removing members ASM2 2-6supported IDL interfaces ASM2 2-2

types of ASM2 2-1color names

specification in DSL DSM 3-38color values DSM 3-37

specification in DSL DSM 3-38by name DSM 3-38intensity values DSM 3-38

Columns gadget attribute REF2 7-18ColumnSelection gadget attribute

REF2 7-17ColumnWidth gadget attribute REF2 7-18command keyword FSM 4-26,

FSM 4-30command method binding

supported by TEIDL FSM 4-82command methods Wkbk 3-19CommandButton gadget REF2 7-19commands

idlcall REF1 1-5Commands gadget attribute REF2 7-22comment characters

in DSL DSM 3-13comments

in DSL DSM 3-13common keyword FSM 4-41, FSM 4-52common object request broker architecture.

See CORBAcommon porting layer LCF 4-1compiler output Wkbk 3-39compiling an IDL description Wkbk 3-38compound messages

creating LCF 4-6concurrent interaction

defined FSM 5-7concurrent multiple threads

critical section locks Intro 2-15introduction Intro 2-14transaction duration locks Intro 2-15

config directory Wkbk A-6config_file_splice function ASM1 5-13


Index–10 Version 3.2

Configuration and Change ManagementSystem

checking validation policyASM2 3-14

components of ASM2 5-3described ASM2 5-1policy in ASM2 3-1, ASM2 3-14processing data sent to endpoint

methods ASM2 5-69ProfileEndpoint interface ASM1 9-1using IOM channels to pass data

ASM2 5-68Configuration interface

(see TMF_Administrator::Configurationinterface) REF6 6-10

add_alias operation ASM1 12-2get_aliases operation ASM1 12-2get_capabilities operation ASM1 12-3remove_alias operation ASM1 12-3

configuration profiles. See profilesconfirm operation REF8 2-27conflict policy

setting or getting for profile databasesASM2 5-51

Connection implementation(see TMF_InterRegion::Connection

implementation) REF7 2-9Connection installation

(see TMF_InterRegion::Connectioninstallation) REF7 2-12

Connection interface(see TMF_InterRegion::Connection

interface) REF7 2-4connection-oriented callbacks

asynchronous desktop commandtransmission DSM 2-23

callback syntax DSM 2-23connection termination DSM 2-23example connection DSM 2-24multiple connections DSM 2-23protocol

initiation DSM 2-21

receiving callbacks DSM 2-21returning desktop commands

DSM 2-22connection-oriented method callbacks

introduction DSM 2-19protocol DSM 2-20

ConstantDef interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces)

REF1 12-8constants

declaring in IDL FSM 3-14specifying in TEIDL FSM 4-26

contact_host operation ASM1 9-11Contained describe operation REF1 12-12Contained interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF1 12-10

Contained interface operationsdescribe REF1 12-12

Container interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces)

REF1 12-14ContextThrow statement Wkbk 4-4,

Wkbk 4-20, ASM1 2-18controls Wkbk 8-6copy_all_actions

operation REF5 1-148copy_file_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-32copy_records

operation REF5 1-109copy_records operation Wkbk 5-21,

ASM2 5-30CopyIn gadget attribute REF2 7-23CORBA DSM 4-1

and gadget library DSM 5-9application compatibility FSM 1-16bindings and transaction objects

ASM1 4-3compatible interfaces

FSM 3-5– FSM 3-7components FSM 2-4


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–11

creating request object ASM1 10-4described FSM 1-15,

FSM 2-2–FSM 2-4exception hierarchy ASM1 2-2interface inheritance FSM 3-5– FSM

3-6memory management FSM 6-11,

FSM 6-26object identification FSM 1-16object model FSM 1-16operation semantics

FSM 1-16– FSM 1-17output from compiler FSM 4-58programming environment

FSM 3-3– FSM 3-4required files for building clients

FSM 4-67required files for building servers

FSM 4-67supported language bindings FSM 3-5TME ORB implementation

FSM 2-15– FSM 2-16CORBA files

generated by TEIDLFSM 4-58– FSM 4-59

method template FSM 4-58private header FSM 4-58private source FSM 4-59public header FSM 4-59skeleton source FSM 4-59stub source FSM 4-59

CORBA specification Wkbk 2-3,Intro 1-8

compliance Intro 1-4Tivoli Extended IDL Intro 2-5Tivoli implementation Intro 2-2

CORBA templates Wkbk 3-41CORBA-defined interfaces

AttributeDef REF1 12-2ConstantDef REF1 12-8Contained REF1 12-10

Container REF1 12-14ExceptionDef REF1 12-16ImplementationDef REF1 12-18InterfaceDef REF1 12-20ModuleDef REF1 12-24Object REF1 12-32OperationDef REF1 12-34ParameterDef REF1 12-50Principal REF8 3-1Related_transaction REF8 4-1Repository REF1 12-52transaction REF8 4-8TypeCode REF8 5-1TypeDef REF8 5-9

cpl_correct_path LCF 4-2cpl_fclose LCF 4-7cpl_fflush LCF 4-3cpl_fopen LCF 4-7cpl_fprintf LCF 4-7cpl_get_current_location LCF 4-3cpl_getc LCF 4-8cpl_getcwd LCF 4-4cpl_gethostname LCF 4-6cpl_getopt LCF 4-5cpl_getpass LCF 4-5cpl_gettimeofday LCF 4-5cpl_ltoa LCF 4-6cpl_putenv LCF 4-4cpl_register_print_callback LCF 4-8cpl_register_thread_yield_callback

LCF 4-8, LCF 4-9cpl_THREADyield LCF 4-11cpl_tmpdir LCF 4-11cpl_tmpfile LCF 4-10cpl_tmpnam LCF 4-10create method FSM 4-3create_administrator operation ASM1 12-4create_caller_key operation ASM1 11-9,

REF8 3-9create_collection operation ASM2 2-3,


Index–12 Version 3.2

ASM2 2-4create_db

operation REF5 1-39create_db operation Wkbk 4-2,

ASM2 5-15, ASM2 5-71create_delegate_credentials operation

ASM1 11-10, REF8 3-11create_entries operation Wkbk 6-4create_instance method FSM 4-3,

FSM 4-8, FSM 4-22create_instance operation ASM2 1-9,

ASM2 2-4, ASM2 3-5,ASM2 3-9

create_job operation ASM2 6-11create_notice_group operation ASM1 7-3create_phone_entries operation

Wkbk 4-16, Wkbk 5-22create_phone_entry operation Wkbk 4-16,

Wkbk 4-17create_pr operation ASM2 3-5create_profile

operation REF5 1-245create_profile operation ASM2 5-14create_profile_manager

operation REF5 1-205create_profile_manager operation

ASM2 5-66create_scheduled_job operation

ASM2 6-13create_task operation ASM2 6-5creating a notice group Wkbk 3-33creating data types LCF 4-23creating internationalized dialogs

DSM 4-55using CMsg dialog variables

DSM 4-56using Msg directives DSM 4-55using the gadget library DSM 4-58

creating profile records Wkbk 4-16

critical section locksavoiding deadlocks FSM 5-52defined FSM 5-36friendly mutexes FSM 5-39in TME FSM 5-37mutexes FSM 5-37read/write locks FSM 5-41semaphores FSM 5-43

Cursor interfacenext_job operation ASM1 10-14next_n_jobs operation ASM1 10-14

cursorsgadget types

extended operations DSM 5-65functions supported DSM 5-61operations DSM 5-61use DSM 5-63

custom roles Wkbk 3-28

Dd_list_t data type ASM1 1-16daemon keyword FSM 4-35, FSM 4-36daemon servers Wkbk 3-22,

Wkbk 3-25, Wkbk 6-15,Wkbk 8-20

advantages FSM 5-16avoiding deadlocks in

FSM 5-17– FSM 5-20avoiding queuing delays in FSM 5-17execution style FSM 5-14implementing FSM 5-16–FSM 5-20object contexts FSM 5-20special considerations

FSM 5-17–FSM 5-20data

decoding FSM 1-15encoding FSM 1-15marshaling FSM 1-15presenting to method


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–13

FSM 2-11–FSM 2-12requesting with client stubs

FSM 2-9–FSM 2-10requesting with DII FSM 2-10specifying types in TEIDL FSM 4-26supplying types to the ORB

FSM 4-75–FSM 4-76type mapping in IDL

FSM 3-13–FSM 3-14unmarshaling FSM 1-15

data abstraction Wkbk 4-13data encryption Intro 3-27data flow diagrams Wkbk 2-5, Wkbk 2-9data manipulation Intro 3-27data marshaling Intro 1-6data marshaling. See marshalingdata types

creating LCF 4-23Task Library LCF 7-1X Window DSM 6-18

atoms DSM 6-18ClientMessage events DSM 6-19properties DSM 6-19

data types in libmrt LCF 4-23data unmarshaling. See unmarshalingDatabase

interface REF5 1-18database

connecting to ASM2 7-9connections ASM2 7-5IOM connection ASM2 7-5making changes to ASM2 7-17types of connections ASM2 7-5

database access ASM2 7-4Database interface

add_record Wkbk 4-6, Wkbk 4-17add_record operation ASM2 5-20add_records Wkbk 6-5and profile organizers ASM2 5-14change_key operation ASM2 5-28create_db operation ASM2 5-71

db_list attribute ASM2 5-15delete_db operation ASM2 5-16delete_record Wkbk 4-27delete_record operation ASM2 5-21described ASM2 5-6dump_db operation ASM2 5-23dump_some_db Wkbk 6-22generate_defaults operation

ASM2 5-58get_default_policies Wkbk 4-6get_record Wkbk 4-22, Wkbk 4-32,

Wkbk 5-3, Wkbk 5-12get_record operation ASM2 5-22get_record_obj operation ASM2 5-27get_record_source operation

ASM2 5-29get_validation_policies Wkbk 4-6get_value operation ASM2 5-24possible exceptions ASM2 5-20remove_attributes operation

ASM2 5-26script data type ASM2 5-56set_record_flags Wkbk 5-10set_record_obj operation ASM2 5-28set_record_parent operation

ASM2 5-57set_record_validation operation

ASM2 5-62set_records operation ASM2 5-25set_values Wkbk 4-32, Wkbk 5-6set_values operation ASM2 5-25touch operation ASM2 5-30validate operation ASM2 5-63

DatabaseCheck interface ASM2 10-1check_db operation ASM2 10-2,

ASM2 10-3db_list attribute ASM2 5-15db_name attribute Wkbk 4-8, Wkbk 4-9ddc_add function REF2 4-1ddc_addv function REF2 4-3ddc_change function REF2 4-5


Index–14 Version 3.2

ddc_changev function REF2 4-7ddc_delete function REF2 4-10ddc_end function REF2 4-11ddc_load function REF2 4-12ddc_new function REF2 4-13ddc_newv function REF2 4-15ddc_variable function REF2 4-17deadlocks

avoiding FSM 5-50–FSM 5-55causes of FSM 5-18defined FSM 5-17described FSM 5-24in daemon servers FSM 5-17–FSM

5-20in parallel servers FSM 5-21

debugging LCF 3-3lcfd LCF 3-3wdebug LCF 3-3

decrypt_data LCF 4-27deep copies Wkbk 5-4Default dialog attribute REF2 7-25default keyword FSM 4-52default policy ASM2 3-7

and profile objects ASM2 5-58defined ASM2 1-6, ASM2 3-2setting ASM2 3-12using parent records ASM2 5-53

default_execution_managed_nodesoperation ASM2 6-16

default_execution_profile_managersoperation ASM2 6-16

default_pulloperation REF5 1-111

default_pull operation ASM2 5-50default_push

operation REF5 1-113default_push operation ASM2 5-47default_push_params attribute Wkbk 4-8,

Wkbk 4-10default_pull operation ASM2 5-50

default_push operation ASM2 5-47default_set_gid operation ASM2 6-16default_set_uid operation ASM2 6-16define_tme_ip_interface operation

ASM1 9-10defining method roles Wkbk 3-29DEH functions

Endtry REF1 9-48ex_mutex_lock REF1 8-2ex_mutex_release REF1 8-3

DEH macrosCatch REF1 9-48CatchAll REF1 9-48Try REF1 9-48

DELadding new gadgets DSM 8-8and dialog descriptors

DSM 8-4–DSM 8-6and DTC functions DSM 8-6and method callbacks DSM 8-1changing dialog and gadget attributes

DSM 8-11defining and changing dialog variables

DSM 8-9deleting gadgets from dialogs

DSM 8-11dialog-editing buffer DSM 8-4finishing up DSM 8-12functions

calling DSM 8-1ddc_add DSM 8-8ddc_change DSM 8-8,

DSM 8-11ddc_delete DSM 8-11ddc_end DSM 8-12ddc_variable DSM 8-9

library DSM 8-1sample dialogs DSM 8-2starting a new dialog DSM 8-8use DSM 8-1


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–15

DEL functionsddc_add REF2 4-1ddc_addv REF2 4-3ddc_change REF2 4-5ddc_changev REF2 4-7ddc_delete REF2 4-10ddc_end REF2 4-11ddc_load REF2 4-12ddc_new REF2 4-13ddc_newv REF2 4-15ddc_variable REF2 4-17introduction DSM 1-13

del_ip_interface operation ASM1 9-7delete_all_jobs operation ASM1 10-16delete_db

operation REF5 1-41delete_db operation ASM2 5-16delete_job operation ASM2 6-12delete_jobs operation ASM1 10-16delete_jobs_after operation ASM1 10-16delete_jobs_before operation ASM1 10-16delete_jobs_between operation

ASM1 10-16delete_phone_entries operation Wkbk 4-26delete_phone_entry operation Wkbk 4-26delete_record

operation REF5 1-43delete_record operation Wkbk 4-27,

ASM2 5-21delete_task operation ASM2 6-6deleting profile records Wkbk 4-26dependencies

creating LCF 6-3defined LCF 6-1deleting LCF 6-4DependencyMgr object LCF 6-2endpoint LCF 6-1examples LCF 6-7implementing LCF 6-2introduction LCF 6-1

out-of-cache LCF 6-5resolve tags LCF 6-2resolving LCF 6-4specifying LCF 6-2viewing LCF 6-4

derived implementation FSM 4-10derived interfaces FSM 3-17–FSM 3-18describe operation REF1 12-12describe_interface operation REF1 12-22desktop

communication with applicationsDSM 5-1

variables DSM 2-32dialog type DSM 2-33types DSM 2-32

desktop command buffer DSM 7-3desktop command callbacks

introduction DSM 2-27syntax DSM 2-27

desktop commands DSM 7-8and DSL DSM 7-1as internal commands DSM 2-16dtc_add DSM 7-8, DSM 7-25,

REF2 6-1dtc_add_choices DSM 7-9dtc_add_icon DSM 7-9dtc_add_icons DSM 7-9dtc_bind_post DSM 7-9, DSM 8-12dtc_bind_postv DSM 7-10dtc_busy DSM 7-10dtc_change DSM 7-11, DSM 7-26,

REF2 6-2dtc_change_icon DSM 7-11dtc_clear DSM 7-11dtc_clipboard DSM 7-12dtc_delete DSM 7-12, DSM 7-27,

REF2 6-3dtc_deselect DSM 7-12, REF2 6-4dtc_dismiss DSM 7-12, DSM 7-28,

REF2 6-5dtc_dismiss_all DSM 7-13,


Index–16 Version 3.2

REF2 6-6dtc_display_confirm DSM 7-13dtc_display_confirm_cb DSM 7-13dtc_display_error DSM 7-14dtc_display_message DSM 7-14dtc_display_status DSM 7-14dtc_end DSM 7-14dtc_flush_icon_cache DSM 7-15dtc_free DSM 7-15, DSM 7-28,

REF2 6-7dtc_get_instance_id DSM 7-15dtc_handle_t DSM 7-21dtc_instance_t DSM 7-15dtc_move_gadget DSM 7-15dtc_nop DSM 7-16, REF2 6-8dtc_play DSM 7-16dtc_populate DSM 7-16dtc_post DSM 7-17, DSM 8-12,

REF2 6-9dtc_present DSM 7-17, DSM 7-28,

REF2 6-10dtc_present_all DSM 7-17,

REF2 6-11dtc_quit DSM 7-17, REF2 6-11dtc_remove_choices DSM 7-18dtc_remove_icon_list DSM 7-18dtc_remove_icons DSM 7-18dtc_return DSM 7-19, REF2 6-12dtc_rowcol_set_cells DSM 7-19dtc_rowcol_set_emphasis DSM 7-19dtc_rowcol_set_glyph DSM 7-20dtc_rowcol_set_sensitive DSM 7-20dtc_rowcol_set_visible DSM 7-20dtc_select DSM 7-21, REF2 6-13dtc_start DSM 7-21dtc_table_add_column DSM 7-21dtc_table_add_row DSM 7-21dtc_table_delete_column DSM 7-22dtc_table_delete_row DSM 7-22dtc_table_move_column DSM 7-22dtc_table_move_row DSM 7-23dtc_table_select_axis DSM 7-23

dtc_table_select_column DSM 7-24dtc_table_select_row DSM 7-24dtc_unbusy DSM 7-24dtc_update_icon_label DSM 7-24dtc_update_view_title DSM 7-25generating groups of DSM 7-3introduction DSM 1-12list DSM 3-25using DSM 7-25

Desktop implementation(see TMF_UI::Desktop

implementation) REF8 2-23Desktop installation

(see TMF_UI::Desktop installation)REF8 2-25

Desktop interface(see TMF_UI::Desktop interface)

REF8 2-20desktop services Wkbk 8-1

and DSL DSM 3-2and RGB DSM 3-37available libraries

DSM 1-11–DSM 1-16components DSM 1-6DEL functions

introduction DSM 1-13desktop commands Intro 4-7

introduction DSM 1-12desktop services library Intro 4-7Dialog Editing Library (DEL)

Intro 4-8DSL language and compiler DSM 1-6DTC functions

introduction DSM 1-12gadget library

introduction DSM 1-15introduction Intro 4-1miscellaneous functions Intro 4-9TDS functions

introduction DSM 1-14the desktop Intro 4-6


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–17

desktop variables DSM 2-32–DSM 2-41dialog type

componentsDSM 2-34–DSM 2-36

data types DSM 2-34definition of DSM 2-34dialog variable binding

DSM 2-36–DSM 2-38disallowed name characters

DSM 2-35indentifying in DSL DSM 2-33introduction DSM 2-33method return valued variables

DSM 2-37object attribute variables

DSM 2-37parameter valued variables

DSM 2-36variable names DSM 2-35

gadget type DSM 2-38–DSM 2-39introduction DSM 2-32special type DSM 2-39–DSM 2-41

list of names DSM 2-40list-valued variables

DSM 2-40–DSM 2-41types DSM 2-32types of DSM 2-32

desktop_idretrieving DSM 2-30, DSM 7-2

desktop_prog1 program(see TMF_UI::Desktop desktop_prog1

program) REF8 2-91desktop_prog2 program

(see TMF_UI::Desktop desktop_prog2program) REF8 2-92

destroy operation ASM1 8-14,ASM1 8-16, REF8 1-17

as a component of an iterator interfaceASM2 2-18

ColletionIterator interface ASM2 2-3

MemberIterator interface ASM2 2-3MemberLabelIterator interface

ASM2 2-3using to release iterators ASM2 2-20

destroy_iterator operation Wkbk 3-25,Wkbk 6-17, ASM1 7-8

Dialog Specification Language (DSL)features Intro 4-5introduction Intro 4-3

dialogs Wkbk 8-6accessing using paths DSM 5-18and color DSM 3-37and desktop variables DSM 2-32and OMG IDL DSM 4-1asynchronous DSM 5-30basic interfaces

icon class DSM 4-4MultiStateIcon interface DSM 4-5presentation interface DSM 4-5UserInterfaceBase class DSM 4-3

bindingin DTC DSM 7-7

children DSM 5-49spawning DSM 5-49

Command REF2 7-20component types DSM 2-6controls Wkbk 8-6creating DSM 4-1

and CORBA DSM 4-1internationalized DSM 4-55

defining a help menu REF2 7-35defining help text REF2 7-35descriptors Wkbk 8-7

and DTC functions DSM 7-2and presentation objects

DSM 4-6–DSM 4-10as presentation objects DSM 4-6generating DSM 2-7interacting with DSM 2-7



Index–18 Version 3.2

assimilating a partial dialogDSM 3-10

attribute specification techniqueDSM 3-6

gadget specification techniqueDSM 3-7

partial assimilation exampleDSM 3-8

partial dialog assimilationspecification techniqueDSM 3-8

specification of DSM 3-6specification techniques DSM 3-6variable specification syntax

DSM 3-6variable specification technique

DSM 3-6example specification DSM 4-34generating

tools DSM 2-7installing DSM 4-51internationalized DSM 2-8

creating DSM 4-55launching Wkbk 8-18message catalogs DSM 2-8name REF2 7-49parent classes DSM 4-2posting secondary DSM 4-28previewing DSM 4-51

example DSM 4-52purpose REF2 7-54retrieving from presentation objects

DSM 4-8reverse compiled

differences DSM 4-53reverse compiling DSM 4-53scoping DSM 3-45setting default action REF2 7-25setting default font REF2 7-28states Wkbk 8-8

status field REF2 7-65, REF2 7-66style REF2 7-25synchronous DSM 5-27synchronous and asynchronous

DSM 5-27and gadget library DSM 5-27

title REF2 7-75title bitmap REF2 7-6Tivoli DSM 4-1top-level

behaviour DSM 5-49variables DSM 2-8

CMsg DSM 4-56defining and changing using DEL

DSM 8-9DialogStyle dialog attribute REF2 7-25DII

described FSM 2-4,FSM 2-10–FSM 2-11

interface repository FSM 2-11,FSM 2-22–FSM 2-23

using to initiate client requestsFSM 6-3–FSM 6-9

DII. See Dynamic Invocation Interfacedir_get_administrators function

ASM1 1-51, REF2 1-1dir_get_all_instances function REF2 1-2dir_get_class function ASM1 1-52,

REF2 1-3dir_get_instances function ASM1 1-55dir_get_library function ASM1 1-51,

ASM2 1-12, REF2 1-4dir_get_name_registry function

ASM1 1-50, ASM1 8-3dir_get_registry function ASM1 1-51,

REF2 1-5dir_get_resources function ASM1 1-54dir_get_scheduler function ASM1 1-52,

REF2 1-6dir_get_server function ASM1 1-52,


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–19

REF2 1-7dir_get_task_library function ASM1 1-51dir_lookup_instance function ASM1 1-53,

REF2 1-9dir_lookup_instances function

ASM1 1-53, REF2 1-10directory services Intro 3-28dirent functions LCF 4-4disable_all_jobs operation ASM1 10-17disable_jobs operation ASM1 10-17disable_jobs_after operation ASM1 10-17disable_jobs_before operation

ASM1 10-17disable_jobs_between operation

ASM1 10-17disable_validation

operation REF5 1-115disable_validation operation Wkbk 5-9,

ASM2 5-65discover_phonelist operation Wkbk 3-27,

Wkbk 5-17, Wkbk 7-4display flag Wkbk 4-7distinguished cache ASM1 8-2distinguished objects Intro 1-13

and security groups ASM1 11-6defined ASM1 8-2

distributed exception handling Intro 3-22distribution

interfaces ASM2 5-44one-step and recursive ASM2 5-43operation implementation ASM2 5-47pulling from a profile organizer

ASM2 5-48pushing from a profile object

ASM2 5-46record conflicts ASM2 5-42results ASM2 5-44

distribution of profiles. See profiles,distributing

dl_ functionsdata type used with ASM1 1-16

dl_append function ASM1 1-18,REF1 10-2

dl_argv_to_list function ASM1 1-34,REF1 10-4

dl_buffer_to_list function REF1 10-6dl_connect function ASM1 1-28,

REF1 10-8dl_delete_all function ASM1 1-24,

REF1 10-10dl_difference function ASM1 1-28dl_dup function ASM1 1-27,

REF1 10-18dl_filter function ASM1 1-26,

REF1 10-20dl_find function ASM1 1-22,

REF1 10-22dl_getdata function ASM1 1-20,

REF1 10-24dl_head_of function ASM1 1-21,

REF1 10-26dl_init function ASM1 1-18,

REF1 10-27dl_insert function ASM1 1-18,

REF1 10-29dl_insert_sorted function ASM1 1-19,

REF1 10-31dl_intersection function ASM1 1-28,

REF1 10-34dl_length function ASM1 1-21,

REF1 10-36dl_list_to_argv function ASM1 1-33dl_list_to_buffer function ASM1 1-30dl_next function ASM1 1-21,

REF1 10-42dl_prev function ASM1 1-22,

REF1 10-44dl_read_strings function ASM1 1-31,


Index–20 Version 3.2

REF1 10-46dl_read_strings_sep function ASM1 1-32dl_remove function ASM1 1-23,

REF1 10-50dl_sort function ASM1 1-25,

REF1 10-52dl_strcmp function ASM1 1-17dl_sum function ASM1 1-21,

REF1 10-56dl_write_strings function ASM1 1-33,

REF1 10-58DLL functions

dl_append REF1 10-2dl_argv_to_list REF1 10-4dl_buffer_to_list REF1 10-6dl_connect REF1 10-8dl_delete_all REF1 10-10dl_difference REF1 10-15dl_dup%FM REF1 10-18dl_filter REF1 10-20dl_find REF1 10-22dl_getdata REF1 10-24dl_head_of REF1 10-26dl_init REF1 10-27dl_insert REF1 10-29dl_intersection REF1 10-34dl_length REF1 10-36dl_list_to_argv REF1 10-38dl_list_to_buffer REF1 10-40dl_next REF1 10-42dl_prev REF1 10-44dl_read_strings REF1 10-46dl_read_strings_sep REF1 10-48dl_remove REF1 10-50dl_sort REF1 10-52dl_sum REF1 10-56dl_write_strings REF1 10-58

does_file_exist LCF 4-10, LCF A-33dont_care flag Wkbk 4-11DoubleClick gadget attribute REF2 7-26doubly linked lists

adding a node ASM1 1-18adding a node in sorted order

ASM1 1-19computing data size ASM1 1-21connecting ASM1 1-28counting the nodes in ASM1 1-21creating ASM1 1-18creating an array of arguments

ASM1 1-33creating, from an array of arguments

ASM1 1-34creating, from standard input

ASM1 1-31creating, from standard input with special

separators ASM1 1-32creating, using buffer contents

ASM1 1-30data types ASM1 1-16described ASM1 1-16duplicating ASM1 1-27filtering ASM1 1-26finding differences and intersections

ASM1 1-28finding the head of ASM1 1-21freeing ASM1 1-24getting a node’s data element

ASM1 1-20getting the next element in ASM1 1-21getting the previous element in

ASM1 1-22moving contents to a buffer

ASM1 1-30removing a node from ASM1 1-23searching for elements in ASM1 1-22sorting ASM1 1-25writing to standard output ASM1 1-33

drag rulescollections and icons DSM 6-8

adding icons DSM 6-15changing icon labels DSM 6-16icon states DSM 6-15


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–21

member list DSM 6-9member list entries DSM 6-9populating collections

DSM 6-9–DSM 6-10removing icons DSM 6-15

copy operations DSM 6-3–DSM 6-5icons to represent sub-objects

DSM 6-11implementing DSM 6-2introduction DSM 6-1move and copy DSM 6-2move operations DSM 6-5–DSM 6-7move vs copy DSM 6-2specifying DSM 6-2subject-destination agreement

DSM 6-2syntax DSM 6-7

callback bracket fields DSM 6-7CopyIn and MoveIn DSM 6-7MoveOut DSM 6-7

TME 10 protocol DSM 6-20types DSM 6-3what they specify DSM 6-2

drag-and-dropdrag rules DSM 6-1, DSM 6-2

collections and icons DSM 6-8implementing DSM 6-2move and copy DSM 6-2move and copy operations

DSM 6-2see also drag rulesspecifying DSM 6-2subject-destination agreement

DSM 6-2syntax DSM 6-7types DSM 6-3

for TME 10 applications DSM 6-1introduction DSM 6-1TME 10 convenience functions

DSM 6-26

data types DSM 6-26,DSM 6-27

X applications to TME 10 DSM 6-16client message events DSM 6-21drag-and-drop transactions

DSM 6-22example applications DSM 6-29feedback DSM 6-17feedback during drag DSM 6-17GUI interaction DSM 6-16,

DSM 6-17TME 10 protocol DSM 6-20TME drag-and-drop events

DSM 6-21X client registration DSM 6-21X Window Atoms DSM 6-18X Window ClientMessage Events

DSM 6-19X Window data types DSM 6-18X Window Properties DSM 6-19

drag-and-drop rules REF2 7-23,REF2 7-45, REF2 7-47,REF2 7-78

DS functionsdir_get_administrators REF2 1-1dir_get_all_instances REF2 1-2dir_get_class REF2 1-3dir_get_library REF2 1-4dir_get_registry REF2 1-5dir_get_scheduler REF2 1-6dir_get_server REF2 1-7dir_lookup_instance REF2 1-9dir_lookup_instances REF2 1-10

DSL Wkbk 8-7and multiple presentation systems

DSM 3-1attributes blocks DSM 3-7BITMAP_FILE directive

DSM 3-34–DSM 3-37and X Pixmap Format DSM 3-34


Index–22 Version 3.2

bitmap filters DSM 3-36converting bitmaps to XPM format

DSM 3-35example DSM 3-34supported formats DSM 3-34syntax DSM 3-34

blocksexample DSM 3-4–DSM 3-6

BNF grammar DSM 3-45–DSM 3-56Button gadget REF2 7-7Choice gadget REF2 7-12Collection gadget REF2 7-15color DSM 3-37

attributes DSM 3-37Background attribute DSM 3-37Foreground attribute DSM 3-37support for DSM 3-37

color specificationDSM 3-37–DSM 3-45

color namesDSM 3-38–DSM 3-45

hexadecimal values DSM 3-37value specification DSM 3-38

color support REF2 7-4, REF2 7-29Command dialogs REF2 7-20CommandButton gadget REF2 7-19commands

initipres DSM 4-9inituiattrs DSM 4-10rdsl DSM 4-53

compiler DSM 3-26command line switches

DSM 3-26–DSM 3-27syntax DSM 3-26

desktop commands DSM 3-25dialog previewer DSM 4-51dialog specification techniques

attribute specification DSM 3-6gadget specification DSM 3-7partial dialog assimilation

DSM 3-8variable specification DSM 3-6

dialog types DSM 3-14dialogs DSM 3-2, DSM 3-6

example DSM 3-2,DSM 3-3–DSM 3-6

specification techniquesDSM 3-6–DSM 3-12

features DSM 1-8–DSM 1-9gadgets REF2 7-90grammar DSM 3-47Group gadget REF2 7-33Icon gadget REF2 7-36identifiers DSM 3-24introduction DSM 3-1keywords

attribute DSM 3-19block DSM 3-15dialog DSM 3-14gadget DSM 3-17

language and compiler IntroductionDSM 1-6

lexical componentsDSM 3-12–DSM 3-26

comments DSM 3-13keywords (see also keywords)

DSM 3-14special characters DSM 3-13

List gadget REF2 7-40load directive DSM 3-28

parameters DSM 3-29syntax DSM 3-28syntax variables DSM 3-28

Menu gadget REF2 7-42Message gadget REF2 7-44msg directive DSM 3-31–DSM 3-34

example DSM 3-32example message DSM 3-33message catalogs DSM 3-33messages DSM 3-33


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–23

syntax DSM 3-32syntax variables DSM 3-32

Page gadget REF2 7-52preprocessing directives

supported directives DSM 3-28preprocessor directives DSM 3-27reverse compiler DSM 4-53RGB color model DSM 3-37scoping dialogs DSM 3-45Separator gadget REF2 7-61strings DSM 3-24supported color names DSM 3-39Switch gadget REF2 7-66syntax DSM 3-45Table gadget REF2 7-68TableColumn gadget REF2 7-70TableRow gadget REF2 7-71tables

composition of DSM 5-52Text gadget REF2 7-74TME 10 DSM 3-12variable specification

similarities to C variablespecification DSM 3-6

DSL strings ASM1 6-13DTC

adding gadgets to posted dialogsDSM 7-25

and desktop commands DSM 7-8binding dialogs DSM 7-7

overriding variable definitionsDSM 7-8

posting dialogs more quicklyDSM 7-7

changing gadgets in posted dialogsDSM 7-26

deleting gadgets from a posted dialogDSM 7-27

dismissing a posted dialog DSM 7-28displaying a new dialog DSM 7-4functions

calling DSM 7-2descriptions

DSM 7-8–DSM 7-25using DSM 7-25

initializing and completing groups ofcommands DSM 7-3

library DSM 7-1and CMsg dialog variables

DSM 4-57calls DSM 4-10

library functions DSM 7-1posting and presenting dialogs

DSM 7-3presenting a posted dialog DSM 7-28sample dialogs DSM 7-2using desktop commands DSM 7-25

freeing a posted dialog DSM 7-28using library functions DSM 7-25

DTC functionsintroduction DSM 1-12tds_admin_active_desktops REF2 3-1tds_all_active_desktops REF2 3-2tds_construct_choice REF2 3-7tds_construct_choice_list REF2 3-8tds_construct_kvpair REF2 3-10tds_construct_name REF2 3-11tds_construct_path REF2 3-13tds_convert_choices REF2 3-14tds_format REF2 3-15tds_get_key REF2 3-17tds_get_value REF2 3-18tds_host_active_desktops REF2 3-20tds_stringlist_to_admin REF2 3-21tds_stringlist_to_env REF2 3-22

dtc_add command REF2 6-1dtc_add function REF2 5-1dtc_add_choices function REF2 5-3dtc_add_icon function REF2 5-4dtc_bind_post function REF2 5-6dtc_bind_postv function REF2 5-7


Index–24 Version 3.2

dtc_cell_set_emphasis function REF2 5-9dtc_change command REF2 6-2dtc_change function REF2 5-10dtc_change_icon function REF2 5-12dtc_clear function REF2 5-13dtc_clipboard function REF2 5-15dtc_delete command REF2 6-3dtc_delete function REF2 5-17dtc_deselect command REF2 6-4dtc_deselect function REF2 5-18dtc_dismiss command REF2 6-5dtc_dismiss function REF2 5-20dtc_dismiss_all command REF2 6-6dtc_dismiss_all function REF2 5-21dtc_display_confirm function REF2 5-22dtc_display_confirm_cb function

REF2 5-24dtc_display_error DSM 2-29dtc_display_error function REF2 5-26dtc_display_message function REF2 5-28dtc_display_status function REF2 5-30dtc_end function REF2 5-32dtc_execute_operations function

REF2 5-33dtc_flush_icon_cache function REF2 5-34dtc_free command REF2 6-7dtc_free function REF2 5-36dtc_get_instance_id function REF2 5-37dtc_nop command REF2 6-8dtc_nop function REF2 5-38dtc_populate function REF2 5-40dtc_post command REF2 6-9dtc_post function REF2 5-42dtc_present command REF2 6-10dtc_present function REF2 5-44dtc_present_all command REF2 6-11dtc_present_all function REF2 5-45dtc_quit command REF2 6-11

dtc_quit function REF2 5-46dtc_remove_choices function REF2 5-48dtc_remove_icons function REF2 5-49dtc_return command REF2 6-12dtc_return function REF2 5-51dtc_rowcol_set_emphasis function

REF2 5-52dtc_rowcol_set_glyph function REF2 5-53dtc_rowcol_set_sensitive function

REF2 5-54dtc_rowcol_set_visible function

REF2 5-55dtc_select command REF2 6-13dtc_select function REF2 5-56dtc_start function REF2 5-58dtc_table_add_column function REF2 5-59dtc_table_add_row function REF2 5-60dtc_table_delete_column function

REF2 5-61dtc_table_delete_row function REF2 5-63dtc_table_select_column function

REF2 5-64dtc_table_select_row function REF2 5-65dtc_update_icon_label function REF2 5-66dtc_update_icon_labels function

REF2 5-67dtc_update_view_title function REF2 5-69dump_db ASM2 5-22

operation REF5 1-45dump_db operation ASM2 5-23dump_some_db ASM2 5-22

operation REF5 1-48dump_some_db operation Wkbk 6-22dumpmsg command REF1 1-2dynamic binding

defined FSM 5-6Dynamic Invocation Interface (DII)

ASM1 10-4dynamic invocation interface. See DII


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–25

dynamic objects FSM 5-5– FSM 5-6dynamic programming

supported features FSM 5-6

Eedit_job operation ASM1 10-12EIDL compiler

defining new classes ASM2 1-5empty interfaces FSM 3-18enable_all_jobs operation ASM1 10-18enable_jobs operation ASM1 10-18enable_jobs_after operation ASM1 10-18enable_jobs_before operation

ASM1 10-18enable_jobs_between operation

ASM1 10-18enable_validation

operation REF5 1-117enable_validation operation Wkbk 5-9,

ASM2 5-65enabling services Intro 3-2encapsulation

defined FSM 1-2of objects FSM 2-2

encrypt command ASM1 1-57Encrypt gadget attribute REF2 7-27encrypt_data LCF 4-27encryption REF2 7-27

described ASM1 1-55of ASCII strings ASM1 1-57passing keys ASM1 11-9TMF ASM1 1-55

endpoint LCF 1-2endpoint class Wkbk 2-12endpoint gateway LCF 1-2endpoint manager LCF 1-2endpoint method LCF 2-3, Wkbk 4-10,

Wkbk 7-14

endpoints Wkbk 2-7, Wkbk 7-1EndTry LCF 4-4Endtry function REF1 9-48EndTry statement. See Try/Catch blocksEngine interface ASM1 10-1

(see TMF_Scheduler Engine interface)REF7 5-8

add_job operation ASM1 10-11delete_all_jobs operation

ASM1 10-16delete_jobs operation ASM1 10-16delete_jobs_after operation

ASM1 10-16delete_jobs_before operation

ASM1 10-16delete_jobs_between operation

ASM1 10-16disable_all_jobs operation

ASM1 10-17disable_jobs operation ASM1 10-17disable_jobs_after operation

ASM1 10-17disable_jobs_before operation

ASM1 10-17disable_jobs_between operation

ASM1 10-17enable_all_jobs operation

ASM1 10-18enable_jobs operation ASM1 10-18enable_jobs_after operation

ASM1 10-18enable_jobs_before operation

ASM1 10-18enable_jobs_between operation

ASM1 10-18get_all_jobs operation ASM1 10-13get_jobs operation ASM1 10-12get_jobs_after operation ASM1 10-15get_jobs_before operation

ASM1 10-15get_jobs_between operation


Index–26 Version 3.2

ASM1 10-15Enginer interface

edit_job operation ASM1 10-12enumerated data type FSM 3-12

in message catalogs ASM1 6-4environment parameter FSM 6-2ep_stream_read LCF 4-10, LCF 4-27,

LCF 4-29, LCF A-49equal operation REF8 5-3errors

callback DSM 2-29legacy method DSM 2-31management of DSM 2-29non-zero error codes DSM 2-31TME 10 ADE Method DSM 2-29

run-timeand gadget library DSM 5-15

TME error dialog DSM 2-31ev_to_exception LCF 4-4ex_delegate function ASM1 3-24ex_mutex_lock function ASM1 2-21,

REF1 8-2ex_mutex_release function ASM1 2-21,

REF1 8-3ex_undelegate function ASM1 3-24Except data type ASM2 10-3Exception class ASM1 2-2exception_free function FSM 6-14,

FSM 6-17, REF1 8-4exception_id function FSM 6-14,

REF1 8-5exception_to_ev LCF 4-4exception_value function FSM 6-14,

REF1 8-6ExceptionDef interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF1 12-16

exceptions LCF 4-4_create macros ASM1 2-9,

ASM2 10-3_new macros ASM1 2-10,

ASM2 10-3adding context to throws ASM1 2-18and locks ASM1 2-20and message catalogs ASM1 2-10,

ASM1 2-17and the check_db operation

ASM2 10-3Catch LCF 4-4CatchAll LCF 4-4catching ASM1 2-11catching any type Wkbk 3-5catching families of ASM1 2-13catching multiple ASM1 2-13classes of ASM1 2-2CORBA hierarchy ASM1 2-2creating custom classes of ASM1 2-21creating message catalog entries

ASM1 2-22declaring in IDL FSM 3-14defining ASM1 2-22defining in IDL Wkbk 3-4design considerations Wkbk 2-17EndTry LCF 4-4ev_to_exception LCF 4-4exception_to_ev LCF 4-4ExCorruption REF1 9-4ExEntryNotFound REF1 9-6ExException REF1 9-8ExExists REF1 9-10ExExit REF1 9-12ExExitStderr REF1 9-14ExFailed REF1 9-16ExFileIO REF1 9-18ExFileRDenied REF1 9-20ExFileWDenied REF1 9-22ExFileXDenied REF1 9-24ExInvalid REF1 9-26exiting from within a Try block

ASM1 2-15ExLicense REF1 9-28


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–27

ExNoMoreMemory REF1 9-30ExNotFound REF1 9-32ExNotImplemented REF1 9-34ExObjNotFound REF1 9-36ExPermission REF1 9-38ExPolicy REF1 9-40ExStdlib REF1 9-42ExSyntax REF1 9-44ExSystem REF1 9-46families of Wkbk 3-5generating helper files ASM1 2-24IDL system FSM 3-23inheritance Wkbk 3-4managing error conditions ASM1 2-1managing memory ASM1 2-19message catalogs ASM1 2-22raising in IDL FSM 3-21– FSM 3-24ReThrow LCF 4-4rethrowing ASM1 2-15returning FSM 6-2RIM ASM2 7-7run-time FSM 2-12, FSM 6-14shorthand for names ASM1 2-6syntax summary ASM1 2-26SysAdminException REF6 3-1Throw LCF 4-4throwing ASM1 2-9, ASM1 2-25Tivoli hierarchy ASM1 2-4TME FSM 4-56– FSM 4-57Try LCF 4-4Try/Catch macros LCF 4-4variable argument LCF 4-4

ExCorruption exception REF1 9-4executable files

locating FSM 4-51execute operation REF8 2-29execute_actions

operation REF5 1-258execute_job operation ASM2 6-12execute_query ASM2 8-2execute_scoped_query ASM2 8-2

execute_task operation ASM2 6-6executes keyword FSM 4-34execution privileges Wkbk 3-28execution style

defined FSM 4-15ExEntryNotFound exception ASM2 5-20,

ASM2 5-31, ASM2 5-32,REF1 9-6

ExException class ASM1 2-4,ASM2 3-16

ExException exception Wkbk 3-4,Wkbk 3-5, Wkbk 4-20,REF1 9-8

ExExists exception Wkbk 4-4,Wkbk 4-20, ASM2 5-31,REF1 9-10

ExExit exception REF1 9-12ExExitStderr exception REF1 9-14ExFailed exception REF1 9-16ExFileDenied exception ASM2 5-24ExFileIO exception REF1 9-18ExFileRDenied exception ASM2 5-31,

ASM2 5-32, REF1 9-20ExFileWDenied exception Wkbk 4-4,

ASM2 5-20, ASM2 5-31,REF1 9-22

ExFileXDenied exception REF1 9-24exgenmacros utility ASM1 2-24ExInvalid exception Wkbk 3-7,

REF1 9-26ExLicense exception REF1 9-28ExNoMoreMemory exception REF1 9-30ExNotFound exception ASM2 5-20,

ASM2 5-24, ASM2 5-31,REF1 9-32

ExNotImplemented exception REF1 9-34ExObjNotFound exception REF1 9-36ExPermission exception REF1 9-38ExpertOptions data type ASM1 10-7


Index–28 Version 3.2

ExPhone exception Wkbk 2-18ExPhoneError exception Wkbk 3-4expiration attribute ASM1 7-10expire operation ASM1 7-10expire_all operation ASM1 7-10ExPolicy exception ASM2 3-16,

ASM2 5-31, REF1 9-40expose mechanism Wkbk 8-38ExRIMConnectFail2 exception

ASM2 7-8, ASM2 7-11ExRIMDBMSCallFailed exception

ASM2 7-23, ASM2 7-25ExRIMError exception ASM2 7-8,

ASM2 7-18, ASM2 7-20,ASM2 7-21, ASM2 7-23,ASM2 7-24, ASM2 7-26

ExRIMRDBMSCallFailed exceptionASM2 7-8

ExRIMSQLParseFailed exception ASM2 7-8

ExStdLib exception ASM2 7-8,ASM2 7-11

ExStdlib exception REF1 9-42ExSyntax exception REF1 9-44ExSystem exception REF1 9-46external daemon keyword FSM 4-35,

FSM 4-36external keyword FSM 4-51external path

described FSM 4-21

Ffcmplen_t data type ASM1 1-17file categories

defined ASM2 9-1, ASM2 9-4defining ASM2 9-4

file I/O Intro 3-24

file input and output LCF 4-10file rollback

described ASM1 5-1file status

setting ASM1 9-22file versioning

described ASM1 5-1file_settings data type ASM1 9-22,

ASM1 9-26files

inserting data ASM1 5-8moving within ASM1 5-4opening ASM1 5-1reading data ASM1 5-10reading lines of data ASM1 5-12reading logical lines ASM1 5-3,

ASM1 5-12removing data ASM1 5-8replacing data ASM1 5-8transferring ASM1 9-27, ASM1

9-29truncating ASM1 5-8writing data ASM1 5-6

files_transfer operation ASM1 9-29Filter implementation

(see MethodStore::Filterimplementation) REF6 5-18

Filter installation(see MethodStore::Filter installation)

REF6 5-20Filter interface

(see MethodStore::Filter interface)REF6 5-16

filter operationdescribed ASM2 2-14FilteredCollection interface ASM2 2-3

filtered collectionsdefined ASM2 1-12described ASM2 2-1, ASM2 2-9getting membership lists ASM2 2-11,

ASM2 2-13


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–29

looking up members ASM2 2-10operating on members ASM2 2-15

FilteredCollection implementation(see TMF_SysAdmi::FilteredCollection

implementation) REF6 2-42FilteredCollection installation

(see TMF_SysAdmin::FilteredCollectioninstallation) REF6 2-44

FilteredCollection interface(see SysAdmin::FilteredCollection

interface) REF6 1-50(see TMF_SysAdmin::FilteredCollection

interface) REF6 2-40associated object type ASM2 2-2operations ASM2 2-3

find_by_name operation Wkbk 3-25,Wkbk 6-16

find_members operationdescribed ASM2 2-11FilteredCollection interface ASM2 2-3iterator interface ASM2 2-18

fixed flags ASM2 5-41fixed records Wkbk 4-24, Wkbk 4-31,

Wkbk 4-33Font gadget attribute REF2 7-28for keyword FSM 4-39, FSM 4-40force levels Wkbk 4-10, Wkbk 7-18Foreground gadget attribute REF2 7-29foreign languages

developing applicatons in ASM1 6-1framework services

introduction Intro 2-1friendly class name Wkbk 3-18friendly mutexes

deadlock mechanisms FSM 5-50using FSM 5-39

fstream_create function ASM1 5-3,REF1 6-2

fstream_new function REF1 6-4func function FSM 5-28functions

BOA_create_subobject REF1 12-4BOA_get_subobject_id REF1 12-5BOA_set_exception REF1 12-6cli_find_administrator REF1 1-2cli_get_home_collection REF1 1-4cli_get_principal REF1 1-6cli_get_working_collection REF1 1-8cli_lookup_object REF1 1-10cli_path_to_object REF1 1-12cli_relative_to_absolute REF1 1-14cli_set_working_collection

REF1 1-16convenience DSM 6-26

TMEFreeDDItems() DSM 6-27TMEGetDDContext() DSM 6-26TMEGetDDItems() DSM 6-27TMESendDropDone() DSM 6-27TMEUnregisterDDWindow()

DSM 6-27ddc_add REF2 4-1ddc_addv REF2 4-3ddc_change REF2 4-5ddc_changev REF2 4-7ddc_delete REF2 4-10ddc_end REF2 4-11ddc_load REF2 4-12ddc_new REF2 4-13ddc_newv REF2 4-15ddc_variable REF2 4-17DEL DSM 8-7dir_get_administrators REF2 1-1dir_get_all_instances REF2 1-2dir_get_class REF2 1-3dir_get_library REF2 1-4dir_get_registry REF2 1-5dir_get_scheduler REF2 1-6dir_get_server REF2 1-7dir_lookup_instance REF2 1-9dir_lookup_instances REF2 1-10dl_append REF1 10-2dl_argv_to_list REF1 10-4


Index–30 Version 3.2

dl_buffer_to_list REF1 10-6dl_connect REF1 10-8dl_delete_all REF1 10-10dl_difference REF1 10-15dl_dup REF1 10-18dl_filter REF1 10-20dl_find REF1 10-22dl_getdata REF1 10-24dl_head_of REF1 10-26dl_init REF1 10-27dl_insert REF1 10-29dl_insert_sorted REF1 10-31dl_intersection REF1 10-34dl_length REF1 10-36dl_list_to_argv REF1 10-38dl_next REF1 10-42dl_prev REF1 10-44dl_read_strings REF1 10-46dl_read_strings_sep REF1 10-48dl_remove REF1 10-50dl_sort REF1 10-52dl_sum REF1 10-56dl_write_strings REF1 10-58DSL see desktop commandsdtc_add REF2 5-1dtc_add_choices REF2 5-3dtc_add_icon REF2 5-4dtc_bind_post REF2 5-6dtc_bind_postv REF2 5-7dtc_cell_set_emphasis REF2 5-9dtc_change REF2 5-10dtc_change_icon REF2 5-12dtc_clear REF2 5-13dtc_clipboard REF2 5-15dtc_delete REF2 5-17dtc_deselect REF2 5-18dtc_dismiss REF2 5-20dtc_dismiss_all REF2 5-21dtc_display_confirm REF2 5-22dtc_display_confirm_cb REF2 5-24dtc_display_error REF2 5-26dtc_display_message REF2 5-28

dtc_display_status REF2 5-30dtc_end REF2 5-32dtc_execute_operations REF2 5-33dtc_flush_icon_cache REF2 5-34dtc_free REF2 5-36dtc_get_instance_id REF2 5-37dtc_nop REF2 5-38dtc_populate REF2 5-40dtc_post REF2 5-42dtc_present REF2 5-44dtc_present_all REF2 5-45dtc_quit REF2 5-46dtc_remove_choices REF2 5-48dtc_remove_icons REF2 5-49dtc_return REF2 5-51dtc_rowcol_set_emphasis REF2 5-52dtc_rowcol_set_glyph REF2 5-53dtc_rowcol_set_sensitive REF2 5-54dtc_rowcol_set_visible REF2 5-55dtc_select REF2 5-56dtc_start REF2 5-58dtc_table_add_column REF2 5-59dtc_table_add_row REF2 5-60dtc_table_delete_column REF2 5-61dtc_table_delete_row REF2 5-63dtc_table_select_column REF2 5-64dtc_table_select_row REF2 5-65dtc_update_icon_label REF2 5-66dtc_update_icon_labels REF2 5-67dtc_update_view_title REF2 5-69Endtry REF1 9-48ex_mutex_lock REF1 8-2ex_mutex_release REF1 8-3exception_free REF1 8-4exception_id REF1 8-5exception_value REF1 8-6fstream_create REF1 6-2fstream_new REF1 6-4gadget library DSM 5-19

glDialog_find_dialog DSM 5-19glDialog_find_gadget DSM 5-21


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–31

glGadget_find_gadget DSM 5-20gl_flush_cache REF4 1-183gl_init REF4 1-184gl_locate_dialog REF4 1-185gl_locate_dialog_env REF4 1-185gl_value_to_StringList REF4 1-186glBase_assign REF3 3-4glBase_destroy REF3 3-12glBase_display_status REF3 3-15glBase_find_gadget REF3 3-18glBase_get_background REF3 3-21glBase_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glBase_get_dialog REF3 3-28glBase_get_foreground REF3 3-30glBase_get_help_message REF3 3-34glBase_get_name REF3 3-37glBase_get_parent REF3 3-39glBase_get_path REF3 3-42glBase_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glBase_get_title REF3 3-48glBase_get_user_data REF3 3-51glBase_has_parent REF3 3-54glBase_help_cbs REF3 3-57glBase_is_presented REF3 3-60glBase_set_background REF3 3-63glBase_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glBase_set_foreground REF3 3-70glBase_set_help_message REF3 3-73glBase_set_title REF3 3-76glBase_set_user_data REF3 3-79glButton_assign REF3 3-4glButton_commands REF3 3-84glButton_create REF3 3-85glButton_destroy REF3 3-12glButton_display_status REF3 3-15glButton_find_gadget REF3 3-18glButton_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glButton_get_background REF3 3-21glButton_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glButton_get_border REF4 1-14glButton_get_col_align REF4 1-16glButton_get_dialog REF3 3-28

glButton_get_foreground REF3 3-30glButton_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glButton_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glButton_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glButton_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glButton_get_name REF3 3-37glButton_get_parent REF3 3-39glButton_get_path REF3 3-42glButton_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glButton_get_row_align REF4 1-23glButton_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glButton_get_title REF3 3-48glButton_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glButton_get_user_data REF3 3-51glButton_get_visible REF4 1-32glButton_has_parent REF3 3-54glButton_help_cbs REF3 3-57glButton_is_presented REF3 3-60glButton_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glButton_set_background REF3 3-63glButton_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glButton_set_border REF4 1-34glButton_set_col_align REF4 1-36glButton_set_foreground REF3 3-70glButton_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glButton_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glButton_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glButton_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glButton_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glButton_set_row_align REF4 1-48glButton_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glButton_set_title REF3 3-76glButton_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glButton_set_user_data REF3 3-79glButton_set_visible REF4 1-58glCB_apply REF3 3-95glCB_assign REF3 3-96glCB_create REF3 3-97glCB_create_ap REF3 3-97


Index–32 Version 3.2

glCB_createv REF3 3-97glCB_destroy REF3 3-99glCB_get_name REF3 3-99glCBCsr_clone REF3 3-176glCBCsr_contains REF3 3-178glCBCsr_create REF3 3-180glCBCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glCBCsr_done REF3 3-184glCBCsr_end REF3 3-186glCBCsr_insert REF3 3-188glCBCsr_last REF3 3-192glCBCsr_next REF3 3-194glCBCsr_prev REF3 3-196glCBCsr_remove REF3 3-198glCBCsr_reset REF3 3-200glCBCsr_seek REF3 3-202glCBCsr_value REF3 3-203glCBList_assign REF3 3-206glCBList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glCell_assign REF3 3-109glCell_create REF3 3-110glCell_destroy REF3 3-111glCell_title REF3 3-111glCellArray_assign REF3 3-102glCellArray_clone REF3 3-103glCellArray_contains REF3 3-104glCellArray_create REF3 3-105glCellArray_destroy REF3 3-106glCellArray_insert REF3 3-106glCellArray_remove REF3 3-107glCellArray_value REF3 3-108glChoice_assign REF3 3-4glChoice_changed REF3 3-137glChoice_choices REF3 3-138glChoice_create REF3 3-85glChoice_destroy REF3 3-12glChoice_display_status REF3 3-15glChoice_double_click REF3 3-139glChoice_find_gadget REF3 3-18glChoice_get_alignment REF3 3-141glChoice_get_background REF3 3-21

glChoice_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glChoice_get_border REF4 1-14glChoice_get_col_align REF4 1-16glChoice_get_columns REF3 3-142glChoice_get_dialog REF3 3-28glChoice_get_foreground REF3 3-30glChoice_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glChoice_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glChoice_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glChoice_get_layout REF3 3-143glChoice_get_name REF3 3-37glChoice_get_parent REF3 3-39glChoice_get_path REF3 3-42glChoice_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glChoice_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glChoice_get_row_align REF4 1-23glChoice_get_rows REF3 3-146glChoice_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glChoice_get_show REF3 3-147glChoice_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148glChoice_get_sort REF3 3-150glChoice_get_title REF3 3-48glChoice_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glChoice_get_user_data REF3 3-51glChoice_get_visible REF4 1-32glChoice_has_parent REF3 3-54glChoice_help_cbs REF3 3-57glChoice_is_presented REF3 3-60glChoice_set_alignment REF3 3-151glChoice_set_background REF3 3-63glChoice_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glChoice_set_border REF4 1-34glChoice_set_col_align REF4 1-36glChoice_set_columns REF3 3-152glChoice_set_foreground REF3 3-70glChoice_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glChoice_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glChoice_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–33

glChoice_set_help_messageREF3 3-73

glChoice_set_layout REF3 3-153glChoice_set_row_align REF4 1-48glChoice_set_rows REF3 3-156glChoice_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glChoice_set_show REF3 3-157glChoice_set_show_browser

REF3 3-158glChoice_set_sort REF3 3-159glChoice_set_title REF3 3-76glChoice_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glChoice_set_user_data REF3 3-79glChoice_set_visible REF4 1-58glChoiceCsr_clone REF3 3-176glChoiceCsr_contains REF3 3-178glChoiceCsr_create REF3 3-180glChoiceCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glChoiceCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glChoiceCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glChoiceCsr_done REF3 3-184glChoiceCsr_end REF3 3-186glChoiceCsr_first_selection

REF3 3-115glChoiceCsr_insert REF3 3-188glChoiceCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glChoiceCsr_last REF3 3-192glChoiceCsr_last_selection

REF3 3-117glChoiceCsr_next REF3 3-194glChoiceCsr_next_selection

REF3 3-118glChoiceCsr_prev REF3 3-196glChoiceCsr_prev_selection

REF3 3-119glChoiceCsr_remove REF3 3-198glChoiceCsr_reset REF3 3-200glChoiceCsr_select REF3 3-120glChoiceCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glChoiceCsr_value REF3 3-203glChoiceEntry_create REF3 3-124glChoiceEntry_destroy REF3 3-125

glChoiceEntry_get_key REF3 3-125glChoiceEntry_get_label REF3 3-126glChoiceEntry_is_selected

REF3 3-127glChoiceList_add REF3 3-131glChoiceList_assign REF3 3-206glChoiceList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glChoiceList_get_format REF3 3-132glChoiceList_get_value_format

REF3 3-133, REF3 3-134glChoiceList_subtract REF3 3-134glChooser_assign REF3 3-4glChooser_changed REF3 3-137glChooser_choices REF3 3-138glChooser_destroy REF3 3-12glChooser_display_status REF3 3-15glChooser_double_click REF3 3-139glChooser_find_gadget REF3 3-18glChooser_get_alignment

REF3 3-141glChooser_get_background

REF3 3-21glChooser_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glChooser_get_border REF4 1-14glChooser_get_col_align REF4 1-16glChooser_get_columns REF3 3-142glChooser_get_dialog REF3 3-28glChooser_get_foreground REF3 3-30glChooser_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glChooser_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glChooser_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glChooser_get_layout REF3 3-143glChooser_get_name REF3 3-37glChooser_get_parent REF3 3-39glChooser_get_path REF3 3-42glChooser_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glChooser_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45


Index–34 Version 3.2

glChooser_get_row_align REF4 1-23glChooser_get_rows REF3 3-146glChooser_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glChooser_get_show REF3 3-147glChooser_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148glChooser_get_sort REF3 3-150glChooser_get_title REF3 3-48glChooser_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glChooser_get_user_data REF3 3-51glChooser_get_visible REF4 1-32glChooser_has_parent REF3 3-54glChooser_help_cbs REF3 3-57glChooser_is_presented REF3 3-60glChooser_set_alignment REF3 3-151glChooser_set_background

REF3 3-63glChooser_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glChooser_set_border REF4 1-34glChooser_set_col_align REF4 1-36glChooser_set_columns REF3 3-152glChooser_set_foreground REF3 3-70glChooser_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glChooser_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glChooser_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glChooser_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glChooser_set_layout REF3 3-153glChooser_set_row_align REF4 1-48glChooser_set_rows REF3 3-156glChooser_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glChooser_set_show REF3 3-157glChooser_set_show_browser

REF3 3-158glChooser_set_sort REF3 3-159glChooser_set_title REF3 3-76glChooser_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glChooser_set_user_data REF3 3-79glChooser_set_visible REF4 1-58glCmdButton_assign REF3 3-4

glCmdButton_commands REF3 3-84glCmdButton_create REF3 3-85glCmdButton_destroy REF3 3-12glCmdButton_display_status

REF3 3-15glCmdButton_find_gadget REF3 3-18glCmdButton_get_accelerator

REF3 3-87glCmdButton_get_background

REF3 3-21glCmdButton_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glCmdButton_get_border REF4 1-14glCmdButton_get_col_align

REF4 1-16glCmdButton_get_dialog REF3 3-28glCmdButton_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glCmdButton_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glCmdButton_get_grid_vert

REF4 1-21glCmdButton_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glCmdButton_get_mnemonic

REF3 3-88glCmdButton_get_name REF3 3-37glCmdButton_get_parent REF3 3-39glCmdButton_get_path REF3 3-42glCmdButton_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glCmdButton_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glCmdButton_get_sensitive

REF4 1-26glCmdButton_get_title REF3 3-48glCmdButton_get_title_pos

REF4 1-28glCmdButton_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glCmdButton_get_visible REF4 1-32glCmdButton_has_parent REF3 3-54


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–35

glCmdButton_help_cbs REF3 3-57glCmdButton_is_presented

REF3 3-60glCmdButton_set_accelerator

REF3 3-90glCmdButton_set_background

REF3 3-63glCmdButton_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glCmdButton_set_border REF4 1-34glCmdButton_set_col_align

REF4 1-36glCmdButton_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glCmdButton_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glCmdButton_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glCmdButton_set_grid_vert

REF4 1-45glCmdButton_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glCmdButton_set_mnemonic

REF3 3-91glCmdButton_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glCmdButton_set_sensitive

REF4 1-52glCmdButton_set_title

REF3 3-76glCmdButton_set_title_pos

REF4 1-54glCmdButton_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glCmdButton_set_visible REF4 1-58glCollection_assign REF3 3-4glCollection_copy_in REF3 3-163glCollection_create REF3 3-85glCollection_destroy REF3 3-12glCollection_display_status

REF3 3-15glCollection_drops REF3 3-164

glCollection_find_gadget REF3 3-18glCollection_get_background

REF3 3-21glCollection_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glCollection_get_border REF4 1-14glCollection_get_col_align

REF4 1-16glCollection_get_dialog REF3 3-28glCollection_get_exclusive_selection

REF3 3-165glCollection_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glCollection_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glCollection_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glCollection_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glCollection_get_name REF3 3-37glCollection_get_parent REF3 3-39glCollection_get_path REF3 3-42glCollection_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glCollection_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glCollection_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glCollection_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glCollection_get_title REF3 3-48glCollection_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glCollection_get_type REF3 3-166glCollection_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glCollection_get_view_by

REF3 3-167glCollection_get_visible REF4 1-32glCollection_has_parent REF3 3-54glCollection_help_cbs REF3 3-57glCollection_icons REF3 3-168glCollection_is_presented REF3 3-60glCollection_move_in REF3 3-169glCollection_move_out REF3 3-170


Index–36 Version 3.2

glCollection_set_background REF3 3-63

glCollection_set_bitmap_titleREF3 3-67

glCollection_set_border REF4 1-34glCollection_set_col_align REF4 1-36glCollection_set_exclusive_selection

REF3 3-171glCollection_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glCollection_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glCollection_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glCollection_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glCollection_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glCollection_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glCollection_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glCollection_set_title REF3 3-76glCollection_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glCollection_set_type REF3 3-172glCollection_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glCollection_set_view_by

REF3 3-172glCollection_set_visible REF4 1-58glDialog_assign REF3 3-4glDialog_create REF3 3-85glDialog_delayed_destroy

REF3 3-212glDialog_destroy REF3 3-12glDialog_dialogs REF3 3-213glDialog_display_status REF3 3-15glDialog_find_gadget REF3 3-18glDialog_flush REF3 3-214glDialog_gadgets REF3 3-215glDialog_get_alignment REF3 3-216glDialog_get_background REF3 3-21glDialog_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glDialog_get_default_button

REF3 3-217glDialog_get_dialog REF3 3-28glDialog_get_dtc_handle REF3 3-219glDialog_get_env REF3 3-220glDialog_get_foreground REF3 3-30glDialog_get_help_menu REF3 3-221glDialog_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glDialog_get_instance_id REF3 3-222glDialog_get_layout REF3 3-223glDialog_get_name REF3 3-37glDialog_get_owner REF3 3-224glDialog_get_parent REF3 3-39glDialog_get_path REF3 3-42glDialog_get_purpose REF3 3-225glDialog_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glDialog_get_style REF3 3-218,

REF3 3-226glDialog_get_title REF3 3-48glDialog_get_user_data REF3 3-51glDialog_has_parent REF3 3-54glDialog_help_cbs REF3 3-57glDialog_iconify REF3 3-227glDialog_is_presented REF3 3-60glDialog_load REF3 3-228glDialog_load_env REF3 3-228glDialog_perform REF3 3-230glDialog_popdown REF3 3-230glDialog_present REF3 3-231glDialog_quit REF3 3-232glDialog_run REF3 3-233glDialog_set_alignment REF3 3-234glDialog_set_background REF3 3-63glDialog_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glDialog_set_default_button

REF3 3-235glDialog_set_env REF3 3-236glDialog_set_foreground REF3 3-70glDialog_set_help_menu REF3 3-237glDialog_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glDialog_set_layout REF3 3-237


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–37

glDialog_set_purpose REF3 3-238glDialog_set_style REF3 3-240glDialog_set_title REF3 3-76glDialog_set_user_data REF3 3-79glDialog_wait REF3 3-241glDialogCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDialogCsr_contains REF3 3-178glDialogCsr_create REF3 3-180glDialogCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDialogCsr_dismiss REF3 3-183glDialogCsr_done REF3 3-184glDialogCsr_end REF3 3-186glDialogCsr_insert REF3 3-188glDialogCsr_last REF3 3-192glDialogCsr_next REF3 3-194glDialogCsr_present REF3 3-196glDialogCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDialogCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDialogCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDialogCsr_seek REF3 3-202glDialogCsr_value REF3 3-203glDialogList_assign REF3 3-206glDialogList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glDlgGadgetCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDlgGadgetCsr_contains

REF3 3-178glDlgGadgetCsr_create REF3 3-180glDlgGadgetCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDlgGadgetCsr_done REF3 3-184glDlgGadgetCsr_end REF3 3-186glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_button

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_choice

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_group

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_list

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_menu

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_message

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_page

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_last REF3 3-192glDlgGadgetCsr_next REF3 3-194glDlgGadgetCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDlgGadgetCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDlgGadgetCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDlgGadgetCsr_seek REF3 3-202glDlgGadgetCsr_value REF3 3-203glDlgGadgetList_assign REF3 3-206glDlgGadgetList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glDrag_assign REF4 1-6glDrag_clone REF4 1-7glDrag_create REF4 1-8glDrag_destroy REF4 1-9glDrag_get_actions REF4 1-10glDrag_get_source REF4 1-11glDrag_make REF4 1-8glDragCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDragCsr_create REF3 3-180glDragCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDragCsr_done REF3 3-184glDragCsr_end REF3 3-186glDragCsr_insert REF3 3-188glDragCsr_last REF3 3-192glDragCsr_next REF3 3-194glDragCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDragCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDragCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDragCsr_value REF3 3-203glDragList_assign REF3 3-206glDragList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glGadget_assign REF3 3-4glGadget_destroy REF3 3-12glGadget_display_status REF3 3-15glGadget_find_gadget REF3 3-18glGadget_get_background REF3 3-21


Index–38 Version 3.2

glGadget_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glGadget_get_border REF4 1-14glGadget_get_col_align REF4 1-16glGadget_get_dialog REF3 3-28glGadget_get_foreground REF3 3-30glGadget_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glGadget_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glGadget_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glGadget_get_name REF3 3-37glGadget_get_parent REF3 3-39glGadget_get_path REF3 3-42glGadget_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glGadget_get_row_align REF4 1-23glGadget_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glGadget_get_title REF3 3-48glGadget_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glGadget_get_user_data REF3 3-51glGadget_get_visible REF4 1-32glGadget_has_parent REF3 3-54glGadget_help_cbs REF3 3-57glGadget_is_presented REF3 3-60glGadget_set_background REF3 3-63glGadget_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glGadget_set_border REF4 1-34glGadget_set_col_align REF4 1-36glGadget_set_foreground REF3 3-70glGadget_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glGadget_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glGadget_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glGadget_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glGadget_set_row_align REF4 1-48glGadget_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glGadget_set_title REF3 3-76glGadget_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glGadget_set_user_data REF3 3-79glGadget_set_visible REF4 1-58glGroup_assign REF3 3-4glGroup_create REF3 3-85glGroup_destroy REF3 3-12

glGroup_display_status REF3 3-15glGroup_find_gadget REF3 3-18glGroup_gadgets REF4 1-62glGroup_get_alignment REF4 1-63glGroup_get_background REF3 3-21glGroup_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glGroup_get_border REF4 1-14glGroup_get_col_align REF4 1-16glGroup_get_dialog REF3 3-28glGroup_get_foreground REF3 3-30glGroup_get_grid_height REF4 1-64glGroup_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glGroup_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glGroup_get_grid_width REF4 1-65glGroup_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glGroup_get_layout REF4 1-66glGroup_get_name REF3 3-37glGroup_get_parent REF3 3-39glGroup_get_path REF3 3-42glGroup_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glGroup_get_row_align REF4 1-23glGroup_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glGroup_get_title REF3 3-48glGroup_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glGroup_get_user_data REF3 3-51glGroup_get_visible REF4 1-32glGroup_has_parent REF3 3-54glGroup_help_cbs REF3 3-57glGroup_is_presented REF3 3-60glGroup_set_alignment REF4 1-67glGroup_set_background REF3 3-63glGroup_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glGroup_set_border REF4 1-34glGroup_set_col_align REF4 1-36glGroup_set_foreground REF3 3-70glGroup_set_grid_height REF4 1-68glGroup_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glGroup_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glGroup_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glGroup_set_grid_width REF4 1-69glGroup_set_help_message


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–39

REF3 3-73glGroup_set_layout REF4 1-70glGroup_set_row_align REF4 1-48glGroup_set_row_height REF4 1-172glGroup_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glGroup_set_title REF3 3-76glGroup_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glGroup_set_user_data REF3 3-79glGroup_set_visible REF4 1-58glGrpGadgetCsr_clone REF3 3-176glGrpGadgetCsr_contains

REF3 3-178glGrpGadgetCsr_create REF3 3-180glGrpGadgetCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glGrpGadgetCsr_done REF3 3-184glGrpGadgetCsr_end REF3 3-186glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_button

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_choice

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_group

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_list

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_message

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_page

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_text

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_last REF3 3-192glGrpGadgetCsr_next REF3 3-194glGrpGadgetCsr_prev REF3 3-196glGrpGadgetCsr_remove REF3 3-198glGrpGadgetCsr_reset REF3 3-200glGrpGadgetCsr_seek REF3 3-202glGrpGadgetCsr_value REF3 3-203glGrpGadgetList_assign REF3 3-206glGrpGadgetList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211

glIcon_assign REF4 1-80glIcon_clone REF4 1-81glIcon_create REF4 1-82glIcon_destroy REF4 1-83glIcon_from_view_item REF4 1-83glIcon_get_icon_id REF4 1-84glIcon_get_instance_id REF4 1-85glIcon_get_label REF4 1-86glIcon_get_sort_key REF4 1-87glIcon_get_state REF4 1-88glIconCsr_clone REF3 3-176glIconCsr_contains REF3 3-178glIconCsr_create REF3 3-180glIconCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glIconCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glIconCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glIconCsr_done REF3 3-184glIconCsr_end REF3 3-186glIconCsr_insert REF3 3-188glIconCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glIconCsr_last REF3 3-192glIconCsr_next REF3 3-194glIconCsr_prev REF3 3-196glIconCsr_remove REF3 3-198glIconCsr_reset REF3 3-200glIconCsr_seek REF3 3-202glIconCsr_seek_icon REF4 1-74glIconCsr_seek_instance_id

REF4 1-74glIconCsr_seek_item REF4 1-74glIconCsr_select REF3 3-120glIconCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glIconCsr_value REF3 3-203glIconList_add REF4 1-78glIconList_assign REF3 3-206glIconList_clone REF4 1-78glIconList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glIconList_subtract REF4 1-79glList_assign REF3 3-4glList_changed REF3 3-137glList_choices REF3 3-138


Index–40 Version 3.2

glList_create REF3 3-85glList_destroy REF3 3-12glList_display_status REF3 3-15glList_double_click REF3 3-139glList_find_gadget REF3 3-18glList_get_alignment REF3 3-141glList_get_background REF3 3-21glList_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glList_get_border REF4 1-14glList_get_col_align REF4 1-16glList_get_columns REF3 3-142glList_get_dialog REF3 3-28glList_get_foreground REF3 3-30glList_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glList_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glList_get_help_message REF3 3-34glList_get_layout REF3 3-143glList_get_name REF3 3-37glList_get_parent REF3 3-39glList_get_path REF3 3-42glList_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glList_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glList_get_row_align REF4 1-23glList_get_rows REF3 3-146glList_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glList_get_show REF3 3-147glList_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148glList_get_sort REF3 3-150glList_get_title REF3 3-48glList_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glList_get_user_data REF3 3-51glList_get_visible REF4 1-32glList_has_parent REF3 3-54glList_help_cbs REF3 3-57glList_is_presented REF3 3-60glList_set_alignment REF3 3-151glList_set_background REF3 3-63glList_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glList_set_border REF4 1-34glList_set_col_align REF4 1-36

glList_set_columns REF3 3-152glList_set_foreground REF3 3-70glList_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glList_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glList_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glList_set_help_message REF3 3-73glList_set_layout REF3 3-153glList_set_row_align REF4 1-48glList_set_rows REF3 3-156glList_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glList_set_show REF3 3-157glList_set_show_browser REF3 3-158glList_set_sort REF3 3-159glList_set_title REF3 3-76glList_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glList_set_user_data REF3 3-79glList_set_visible REF4 1-58glMenu_assign REF3 3-4glMenu_create REF3 3-85glMenu_destroy REF3 3-12glMenu_display_status REF3 3-15glMenu_find_gadget REF3 3-18glMenu_gadgets REF4 1-93glMenu_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glMenu_get_background REF3 3-21glMenu_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glMenu_get_border REF4 1-14glMenu_get_col_align REF4 1-16glMenu_get_dialog REF3 3-28glMenu_get_foreground REF3 3-30glMenu_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glMenu_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glMenu_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glMenu_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glMenu_get_name REF3 3-37glMenu_get_parent REF3 3-39glMenu_get_path REF3 3-42glMenu_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glMenu_get_row_align REF4 1-23glMenu_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glMenu_get_tear_off REF4 1-94


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–41

glMenu_get_title REF3 3-48glMenu_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glMenu_get_user_data REF3 3-51glMenu_get_visible REF4 1-32glMenu_has_parent REF3 3-54glMenu_help_cbs REF3 3-57glMenu_is_presented REF3 3-60glMenu_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glMenu_set_background REF3 3-63glMenu_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glMenu_set_border REF4 1-34glMenu_set_col_align REF4 1-36glMenu_set_foreground REF3 3-70glMenu_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glMenu_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glMenu_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glMenu_set_help_message REF3 3-73glMenu_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glMenu_set_row_align REF4 1-48glMenu_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glMenu_set_tear_off REF4 1-94glMenu_set_title REF3 3-76glMenu_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glMenu_set_user_data REF3 3-79glMenu_set_visible REF4 1-58glMenuCsr_clone REF3 3-176glMenuCsr_contains REF3 3-178glMenuCsr_create REF3 3-180glMenuCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glMenuCsr_done REF3 3-184glMenuCsr_end REF3 3-186glMenuCsr_insert_button REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_menu REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_separator

REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_last REF3 3-192glMenuCsr_next REF3 3-194glMenuCsr_prev REF3 3-196glMenuCsr_remove REF3 3-198glMenuCsr_reset REF3 3-200

glMenuCsr_seek REF3 3-202glMenuCsr_value REF3 3-203glMenuList_assign REF3 3-206glMenuList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glMessage_assign REF3 3-4glMessage_create REF3 3-85glMessage_destroy REF3 3-12glMessage_display_status REF3 3-15glMessage_find_gadget REF3 3-18glMessage_get_alignment REF4 1-97glMessage_get_background

REF3 3-21glMessage_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glMessage_get_border REF4 1-14glMessage_get_col_align REF4 1-16glMessage_get_dialog REF3 3-28glMessage_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glMessage_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glMessage_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glMessage_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glMessage_get_name REF3 3-37glMessage_get_old_value REF4 1-98glMessage_get_parent REF3 3-39glMessage_get_path REF3 3-42glMessage_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glMessage_get_row_align REF4 1-23glMessage_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glMessage_get_title REF3 3-48glMessage_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glMessage_get_user_data REF3 3-51glMessage_get_value REF4 1-99glMessage_get_visible REF4 1-32glMessage_has_parent REF3 3-54glMessage_help_cbs REF3 3-57glMessage_is_presented REF3 3-60glMessage_set_alignment

REF4 1-100


Index–42 Version 3.2

glMessage_set_backgroundREF3 3-63

glMessage_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67

glMessage_set_border REF4 1-34glMessage_set_col_align REF4 1-36glMessage_set_foreground REF3 3-70glMessage_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glMessage_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glMessage_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glMessage_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glMessage_set_old_value

REF4 1-101glMessage_set_row_align REF4 1-48glMessage_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glMessage_set_title REF3 3-76glMessage_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glMessage_set_user_data REF3 3-79glMessage_set_value REF4 1-102glMessage_set_visible REF4 1-58glMsg_assign REF4 1-104glMsg_destroy REF4 1-106glMsg_format REF4 1-107glMsg_get_default_text REF4 1-108glPage_append_text REF4 1-110glPage_assign REF3 3-4glPage_create REF3 3-85glPage_destroy REF3 3-12glPage_display_status REF3 3-15glPage_find_gadget REF3 3-18glPage_get_background REF3 3-21glPage_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glPage_get_border REF4 1-14glPage_get_col_align REF4 1-16glPage_get_dialog REF3 3-28glPage_get_foreground REF3 3-30glPage_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glPage_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glPage_get_help_message REF3 3-34glPage_get_name REF3 3-37

glPage_get_old_value REF4 1-112glPage_get_parent REF3 3-39glPage_get_path REF3 3-42glPage_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glPage_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glPage_get_row_align REF4 1-23glPage_get_rows REF4 1-113glPage_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glPage_get_title REF3 3-48glPage_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glPage_get_user_data REF3 3-51glPage_get_value REF4 1-114glPage_get_visible REF4 1-32glPage_get_wrap REF4 1-115glPage_has_parent REF3 3-54glPage_help_cbs REF3 3-57glPage_is_presented REF3 3-60glPage_set_background REF3 3-63glPage_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glPage_set_border REF4 1-34glPage_set_col_align REF4 1-36glPage_set_columns REF4 1-116glPage_set_foreground REF3 3-70glPage_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glPage_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glPage_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glPage_set_help_message REF3 3-73glPage_set_old_value REF4 1-117glPage_set_row_align REF4 1-48glPage_set_rows REF4 1-118glPage_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glPage_set_title REF3 3-76glPage_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glPage_set_user_data REF3 3-79glPage_set_value REF4 1-119glPage_set_visible REF4 1-58glPage_set_wrap REF4 1-120glSeparator_assign REF3 3-4glSeparator_create REF3 3-85glSeparator_destroy REF3 3-12glSeparator_display_status REF3 3-15


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–43

glSeparator_find_gadget REF3 3-18glSeparator_get_background

REF3 3-21glSeparator_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glSeparator_get_border REF4 1-14glSeparator_get_col_align REF4 1-16glSeparator_get_dialog REF3 3-28glSeparator_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glSeparator_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glSeparator_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glSeparator_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glSeparator_get_name REF3 3-37glSeparator_get_parent REF3 3-39glSeparator_get_path REF3 3-42glSeparator_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glSeparator_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glSeparator_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glSeparator_get_title REF3 3-48glSeparator_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glSeparator_get_user_data REF3 3-51glSeparator_get_visible REF4 1-32glSeparator_has_parent REF3 3-54glSeparator_help_cbs REF3 3-57glSeparator_is_presented REF3 3-60glSeparator_set_background

REF3 3-63glSeparator_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glSeparator_set_border REF4 1-34glSeparator_set_col_align REF4 1-36glSeparator_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glSeparator_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glSeparator_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42

glSeparator_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glSeparator_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glSeparator_set_row_align REF4 1-48glSeparator_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glSeparator_set_title REF3 3-76glSeparator_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glSeparator_set_user_data REF3 3-79glSeparator_set_visible REF4 1-58glSwitch_assign REF3 3-4glSwitch_changed REF4 1-124glSwitch_create REF3 3-85glSwitch_destroy REF3 3-12glSwitch_display_status REF3 3-15glSwitch_find_gadget REF3 3-18glSwitch_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glSwitch_get_background REF3 3-21glSwitch_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glSwitch_get_border REF4 1-14glSwitch_get_col_align REF4 1-16glSwitch_get_dialog REF3 3-28glSwitch_get_foreground REF3 3-30glSwitch_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glSwitch_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glSwitch_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glSwitch_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glSwitch_get_name REF3 3-37glSwitch_get_off REF4 1-125glSwitch_get_old_value REF4 1-126glSwitch_get_on REF4 1-127glSwitch_get_parent REF3 3-39glSwitch_get_path REF3 3-42glSwitch_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glSwitch_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glSwitch_get_row_align REF4 1-23glSwitch_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glSwitch_get_title REF3 3-48glSwitch_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glSwitch_get_user_data REF3 3-51glSwitch_get_value REF4 1-128


Index–44 Version 3.2

glSwitch_get_visible REF4 1-32glSwitch_has_parent REF3 3-54glSwitch_help_cbs REF3 3-57glSwitch_is_presented REF3 3-60glSwitch_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glSwitch_set_background REF3 3-63glSwitch_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glSwitch_set_border REF4 1-34glSwitch_set_col_align REF4 1-36glSwitch_set_foreground REF3 3-70glSwitch_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glSwitch_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glSwitch_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glSwitch_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glSwitch_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glSwitch_set_off REF4 1-129glSwitch_set_old_value REF4 1-129glSwitch_set_on REF4 1-130glSwitch_set_row_align REF4 1-48glSwitch_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glSwitch_set_title REF3 3-76glSwitch_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glSwitch_set_user_data REF3 3-79glSwitch_set_value REF4 1-131glSwitch_set_visible REF4 1-58glTable_assign REF3 3-4glTable_cells REF4 1-154glTable_changed REF4 1-155glTable_column_headers REF4 1-156glTable_create REF3 3-85glTable_destroy REF3 3-12glTable_display_status REF3 3-15glTable_double_click REF4 1-156glTable_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTable_get_background REF3 3-21glTable_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glTable_get_border REF4 1-14glTable_get_cell_border_style

REF4 1-157glTable_get_col_align REF4 1-16

glTable_get_column_selectionREF4 1-159

glTable_get_columns REF4 1-160glTable_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTable_get_foreground REF3 3-30glTable_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glTable_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTable_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTable_get_layout_policy

REF4 1-161glTable_get_name REF3 3-37glTable_get_parent REF3 3-39glTable_get_path REF3 3-42glTable_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glTable_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glTable_get_row_align REF4 1-23glTable_get_row_height REF4 1-162glTable_get_row_selection

REF4 1-163glTable_get_rows REF4 1-164glTable_get_selection_mode

REF4 1-165glTable_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTable_get_title REF3 3-48glTable_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTable_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTable_get_visible REF4 1-32glTable_has_parent REF3 3-54glTable_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTable_is_presented REF3 3-60glTable_row_headers REF4 1-166glTable_set_background REF3 3-63glTable_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glTable_set_border REF4 1-34glTable_set_cell_border_style

REF4 1-167glTable_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTable_set_column_selection

REF4 1-168glTable_set_columns REF4 1-169


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–45

glTable_set_foreground REF3 3-70glTable_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glTable_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glTable_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTable_set_help_message REF3 3-73glTable_set_layout_policy

REF4 1-170glTable_set_left_column REF4 1-171glTable_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTable_set_row_selection

REF4 1-173glTable_set_rows REF4 1-174glTable_set_selection_mode

REF4 1-175glTable_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTable_set_title REF3 3-76glTable_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTable_set_top_row REF4 1-176glTable_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTable_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableColumn_activate REF4 1-140glTableColumn_assign REF3 3-4glTableColumn_create REF3 3-85glTableColumn_destroy REF3 3-12glTableColumn_display_status

REF3 3-15glTableColumn_find_gadget

REF3 3-18glTableColumn_get_alignment

REF4 1-141glTableColumn_get_background

REF3 3-21glTableColumn_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glTableColumn_get_border

REF4 1-14glTableColumn_get_col_align

REF4 1-16glTableColumn_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableColumn_get_dialog

REF3 3-28

glTableColumn_get_emphasisREF4 1-144

glTableColumn_get_foreground REF3 3-30

glTableColumn_get_glyphREF4 1-145

glTableColumn_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19

glTableColumn_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21

glTableColumn_get_help_messageREF3 3-34

glTableColumn_get_name REF3 3-37glTableColumn_get_parent

REF3 3-39glTableColumn_get_path REF3 3-42glTableColumn_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTableColumn_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glTableColumn_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glTableColumn_get_scrolling

REF4 1-146glTableColumn_get_sensitive

REF4 1-26glTableColumn_get_title REF3 3-48glTableColumn_get_title_pos

REF4 1-28glTableColumn_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glTableColumn_get_visible

REF4 1-32glTableColumn_has_parent

REF3 3-54glTableColumn_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableColumn_is_presented

REF3 3-60glTableColumn_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableColumn_set_background

REF3 3-63


Index–46 Version 3.2

glTableColumn_set_bitmap_titleREF3 3-67

glTableColumn_set_borderREF4 1-34

glTableColumn_set_col_alignREF4 1-36

glTableColumn_set_column_widthREF4 1-148

glTableColumn_set_emphasisREF4 1-149

glTableColumn_set_foregroundREF3 3-70

glTableColumn_set_glyphREF4 1-151

glTableColumn_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40

glTableColumn_set_grid_positionREF4 1-42

glTableColumn_set_grid_vertREF4 1-45

glTableColumn_set_help_messageREF3 3-73

glTableColumn_set_row_alignREF4 1-48

glTableColumn_set_scrollingREF4 1-152

glTableColumn_set_sensitiveREF4 1-52

glTableColumn_set_title REF3 3-76glTableColumn_set_title_pos

REF4 1-54glTableColumn_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glTableColumn_set_visible

REF4 1-58glTableHdr_activate REF4 1-140glTableHdr_assign REF3 3-4glTableHdr_destroy REF3 3-12glTableHdr_display_status REF3 3-15glTableHdr_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableHdr_get_alignment

REF4 1-141

glTableHdr_get_backgroundREF3 3-21

glTableHdr_get_bitmap_titleREF3 3-25

glTableHdr_get_border REF4 1-14glTableHdr_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTableHdr_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableHdr_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableHdr_get_emphasis

REF4 1-144glTableHdr_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glTableHdr_get_glyph REF4 1-145glTableHdr_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glTableHdr_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableHdr_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTableHdr_get_name REF3 3-37glTableHdr_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableHdr_get_path REF3 3-42glTableHdr_get_read_only REF3

3-144, REF3 3-154glTableHdr_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glTableHdr_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glTableHdr_get_scrolling

REF4 1-146glTableHdr_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableHdr_get_title REF3 3-48glTableHdr_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableHdr_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTableHdr_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableHdr_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableHdr_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableHdr_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableHdr_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableHdr_set_background

REF3 3-63


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–47

glTableHdr_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67

glTableHdr_set_border REF4 1-34glTableHdr_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableHdr_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableHdr_set_emphasis REF4


REF3 3-70glTableHdr_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableHdr_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glTableHdr_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glTableHdr_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45Hdr_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableHdr_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTableHdr_set_scrolling REF4 1-152glTableHdr_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableHdr_set_title REF3 3-76glTableHdr_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableHdr_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTableHdr_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableHdrCsr_clone REF3 3-176glTableHdrCsr_contains REF3 3-178glTableHdrCsr_create REF3 3-180glTableHdrCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glTableHdrCsr_deselect_all

REF3 3-114glTableHdrCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glTableHdrCsr_done REF3 3-184glTableHdrCsr_end REF3 3-186glTableHdrCsr_first_selection

REF3 3-115glTableHdrCsr_insert_column

REF3 3-188glTableHdrCsr_insert_row

REF3 3-188glTableHdrCsr_is_selected

REF3 3-116

glTableHdrCsr_last REF3 3-192glTableHdrCsr_last_selection

REF3 3-117glTableHdrCsr_next REF3 3-194glTableHdrCsr_next_selection

REF3 3-118glTableHdrCsr_prev REF3 3-196glTableHdrCsr_prev_selection

REF3 3-119glTableHdrCsr_remove REF3 3-198glTableHdrCsr_reset REF3 3-200glTableHdrCsr_seek REF3 3-202glTableHdrCsr_select REF3 3-120glTableHdrCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glTableHdrCsr_value REF3 3-203glTableHdrList_assign REF3 3-206glTableHdrList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glTableRow_activate REF4 1-140glTableRow_assign REF3 3-4glTableRow_create REF3 3-85glTableRow_destroy REF3 3-12glTableRow_display_status REF3

3-15glTableRow_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableRow_get_alignment

REF4 1-141glTableRow_get_background

REF3 3-21glTableRow_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glTableRow_get_border REF4 1-14glTableRow_get_col_align REF4


REF4 1-143glTableRow_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableRow_get_emphasis

REF4 1-144glTableRow_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glTableRow_get_glyph REF4 1-145


Index–48 Version 3.2

glTableRow_get_grid_horizREF4 1-19

glTableRow_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableRow_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTableRow_get_name REF3 3-37glTableRow_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableRow_get_path REF3 3-42glTableRow_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTableRow_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glTableRow_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glTableRow_get_scrolling

REF4 1-146glTableRow_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableRow_get_title REF3 3-48glTableRow_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableRow_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glTableRow_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableRow_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableRow_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableRow_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableRow_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableRow_set_background

REF3 3-63glTableRow_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glTableRow_set_border REF4 1-34glTableRow_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableRow_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableRow_set_emphasis

REF4 1-149glTableRow_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glTableRow_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableRow_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40

glTableRow_set_grid_positionREF4 1-42

glTableRow_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTableRow_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableRow_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glTableRow_set_scrolling

REF4 1-152glTableRow_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableRow_set_title REF3 3-76glTableRow_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableRow_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glTableRow_set_visible REF4 1-58glText_assign REF3 3-4glText_changed REF4 1-178glText_create REF3 3-85glText_destroy REF3 3-12glText_display_status REF3 3-15glText_find_gadget REF3 3-18glText_get_background REF3 3-21glText_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glText_get_border REF4 1-14glText_get_col_align REF4 1-16glText_get_columns REF4 1-179glText_get_dialog REF3 3-28glText_get_encrypt REF4 1-180glText_get_foreground REF3 3-30glText_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glText_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glText_get_help_message REF3 3-34glText_get_name REF3 3-37glText_get_old_value REF4 1-98glText_get_parent REF3 3-39glText_get_path REF3 3-42glText_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glText_get_row_align REF4 1-23glText_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glText_get_title REF3 3-48glText_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glText_get_user_data REF3 3-51


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–49

glText_get_value REF4 1-99glText_get_visible REF4 1-32glText_has_parent REF3 3-54glText_help_cbs REF3 3-57glText_is_presented REF3 3-60glText_set_background REF3 3-63glText_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glText_set_border REF4 1-34glText_set_col_align REF4 1-36glText_set_columns REF4 1-181glText_set_encrypt REF4 1-182glText_set_foreground REF3 3-70glText_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glText_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glText_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glText_set_help_message REF3 3-73glText_set_old_value REF4 1-101glText_set_row_align REF4 1-48glText_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glText_set_title REF3 3-76glText_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glText_set_user_data REF3 3-79glText_set_value REF4 1-102glText_set_visible REF4 1-58ifstream_create REF1 6-6ifstream_new REF1 6-8ifstream_seek REF1 6-10in CORBA environment FSM 3-3iom_close REF1 4-2iom_close_input REF1 4-3iom_close_output REF1 4-4iom_create REF1 4-5iom_destroy REF1 4-6iom_finish_spool REF1 4-7iom_key_compare REF1 4-9iom_key_size REF1 4-11iom_open REF1 4-12iom_receive REF1 4-14iom_send REF1 4-16iom_spool_input REF1 4-18iom_spool_output REF1 4-21iom_timed_open REF1 4-24

ios_destroy REF1 6-11istream_eof REF1 6-12istream_get_line REF1 6-15istream_get_line_count REF1 6-16istream_getc REF1 6-17istream_peek REF1 6-18istream_putback REF1 6-19mg_calloc REF3 1-1mg_free REF3 1-2mg_malloc REF3 1-3mg_realloc REF3 1-4mg_set_free REF3 1-5mg_set_malloc REF3 1-6mg_set_realloc REF3 1-7mg_strchg REF3 1-9mg_strdup REF3 1-10ml_attach_addr REF3 1-17ml_attach_malloc REF3 1-18ml_attach_Object_reference

REF3 1-15ml_attach_ORB_generic REF3 1-11ml_attach_ORB_output REF3 1-12ml_attach_ORB_result REF3 1-14ml_attach_struct REF3 1-20ml_attach_struct_malloc REF3 1-22ml_calloc REF3 1-23ml_create REF3 1-25ml_delegate_destroy_to_ORB

REF3 1-26ml_destroy REF3 1-28ml_detach REF3 1-29ml_malloc REF3 1-30ml_realloc REF3 1-32ml_strchg REF3 1-33ml_strdup REF3 1-35NVList_add_item REF1 12-26NVList_free REF1 12-28NVList_free_memory REF1 12-29NVList_get_count REF1 12-31Object_create_request REF1 12-43Object_duplicate REF1 12-45Object_get_interface REF1 12-47


Index–50 Version 3.2

Object_is_nil REF1 12-48Object_release REF1 12-49ofstream_create REF1 6-20ofstream_insert REF1 6-22ofstream_new REF1 6-23ofstream_remove_bytes REF1 6-25ofstream_replace_bytes REF1 6-26ofstream_seek REF1 6-27ofstream_trunc REF1 6-29ORB_object_to_string REF1 12-37ORB_string_to_object REF1 12-39ORBfree REF1 12-41ORBfree_result REF1 12-42pol_default_name REF1 3-2pol_same_regions REF1 3-4pol_validation_enabled REF1 3-6pol_validation_name REF1 3-8pthread_attr_destroy REF1 11-2pthread_attr_getstacksize REF1 11-4pthread_attr_init REF1 11-6pthread_attr_setstacksize REF1 11-8pthread_cond_broadcast REF1 11-10pthread_cond_destroy REF1 11-12pthread_cond_init REF1 11-14pthread_cond_signal REF1 11-16pthread_cond_timedwait REF1 11-18pthread_cond_wait REF1 11-20pthread_condattr_destroy REF1 11-22pthread_condattr_init REF1 11-24pthread_create REF1 11-26pthread_detach REF1 11-28pthread_exit REF1 11-30pthread_getspecific REF1 11-32pthread_key_create REF1 11-36pthread_mutex_destroy REF1 11-38pthread_mutex_init REF1 11-40pthread_mutex_lock REF1 11-42pthread_mutex_trylock REF1 11-44pthread_mutex_unlock REF1 11-46pthread_mutexattr_destroy

REF1 11-48pthread_mutexattr_init REF1 11-50

pthread_once REF1 11-52pthread_self REF1 11-54pthread_setspecific REF1 11-56pthread_yield REF1 11-58re_create REF1 7-2re_new REF1 7-2re_search_string REF1 7-5re_substitute REF1 7-7re_substitute_global REF1 7-7Request_add_arg REF1 12-56Request_delete REF1 12-58Request_invoke REF1 12-59seq_add REF1 5-2seq_cmp REF1 5-6seq_combine REF1 5-8seq_copy REF1 5-10seq_diff REF1 5-12seq_find REF1 5-14seq_find_sorted REF1 5-16seq_free REF1 5-18seq_free_buffer REF1 5-19seq_get REF1 5-21seq_init REF1 5-23seq_insert_sorted REF1 5-26seq_intersection REF1 5-28seq_len REF1 5-30seq_new REF1 5-31seq_remove REF1 5-33seq_replace REF1 5-35seq_strcmp REF1 5-37seq_union REF1 5-39seq_unique REF1 5-41tas_decrypt REF3 2-1tas_encrypt REF3 2-3tas_system_encrypt REF3 2-5tds_admin_active_desktops REF2 3-1tds_all_active_desktops REF2 3-2tds_bind REF2 3-3tds_bindv REF2 3-5tds_construct_choice REF2 3-7tds_construct_choice_list REF2 3-8tds_construct_kvpair REF2 3-10


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–51

tds_construct_name REF2 3-11tds_construct_path REF2 3-13tds_convert_choices REF2 3-14tds_format REF2 3-15tds_get_key REF2 3-17tds_get_value REF2 3-18tds_host_active_desktops REF2 3-20tds_stringlist_to_admin REF2 3-21tds_stringlist_to_env REF2 3-22tmf_activate_simple_impl REF2 2-11tmf_add_callback REF2 2-12tmf_free_generic REF2 2-13tmf_friendly_mutex_destroy

REF2 2-14tmf_friendly_mutex_init REF2 2-15tmf_friendly_mutex_lock REF2 2-16tmf_friendly_mutex_trylock

REF2 2-17tmf_friendly_mutex_unlock

REF2 2-18tmf_get_fdsets REF2 2-19tmf_impl_ready REF2 2-20tmf_init REF2 2-22tmf_locate_boa REF2 2-23tmf_locate_orb REF2 2-24tmf_msg_bind REF2 2-24tmf_msg_bind_terse REF2 2-25tmf_msg_create REF2 2-26tmf_msg_new REF2 2-27tmf_objref_add_private REF2 2-28tmf_objref_cmp REF2 2-29tmf_objref_cpy REF2 2-30tmf_objref_dup REF2 2-31tmf_objref_get_private REF2 2-32tmf_objref_release REF2 2-33tmf_objref_size REF2 2-34tmf_P REF2 2-1tmf_Pa REF2 2-4tmf_Patry REF2 2-5tmf_Ptry REF2 2-6tmf_PVinit REF2 2-3tmf_register_impl REF2 2-35

tmf_register_impl_activate_funcREF2 2-37

tmf_register_impl_free REF2 2-38tmf_remove_callback REF2 2-40tmf_request_dispatch REF2 2-41tmf_run REF2 2-42tmf_run_callbacks REF2 2-43tmf_rwl_lockalloc REF2 2-45tmf_rwl_lockfree REF2 2-44tmf_rwl_lockinit REF2 2-45tmf_rwl_readlock REF2 2-46tmf_rwl_try_readlock REF2 2-47tmf_rwl_try_writelock REF2 2-48tmf_rwl_unlock REF2 2-49tmf_rwl_writelock REF2 2-50tmf_server_exit REF2 2-51tmf_thread_create REF2 2-52tmf_thread_delay REF2 2-53tmf_thread_exit REF2 2-54tmf_thread_signal REF2 2-55tmf_thread_sleep REF2 2-57tmf_timeout REF2 2-57tmf_timers_rel2abs REF2 2-59tmf_trans_abort REF2 2-60tmf_trans_begin REF2 2-61tmf_trans_end REF2 2-62tmf_unregister_impl REF2 2-63tmf_unregister_impl_activate_func

REF2 2-64tmf_untimeout REF2 2-65tmf_untimeout_arg REF2 2-66tmf_untimeout_arg_free REF2 2-67tmf_untimeout_free REF2 2-68tmf_V REF2 2-7tmf_Va REF2 2-8tmf_Vtry REF2 2-10TypeCode_convert_to_ascii

REF1 12-64TypeCode_convert_to_c REF1 12-66TypeCode_decode REF1 12-68TypeCode_encode REF1 12-72TypeCode_encode_ascii REF1 12-74


Index–52 Version 3.2

TypeCode_equal REF1 12-76TypeCode_isa REF1 12-78TypeCode_kind REF1 12-80TypeCode_length REF1 12-81TypeCode_orb_free REF1 12-83TypeCode_parameter REF1 12-87TypeCode_size REF1 12-89TypeCode_value REF1 12-91TypeCode_value_count REF1 12-93

GGadget Library REF3 3-1gadget library Intro 4-10

adding or removing gadgets DSM 5-23and application architecture DSM 5-2and applications DSM 1-16and DSL dialogs DSM 1-15and DSL gadgets DSM 1-16and GUI development DSM 5-1API DSM 5-48application components DSM 5-2

behavior DSM 5-3control mechanism DSM 5-4display state DSM 5-2

asynchronous dialogs DSM 5-30example DSM 5-30

built-in callbacks DSM 5-66glBase DSM 5-66glButton DSM 5-69glChooser DSM 5-69glCollection DSM 5-69glDialog DSM 5-70glGadget DSM 5-68GLGroup DSM 5-70GLSwitch DSM 5-71GLTable DSM 5-71GLTableHdr DSM 5-72

callbacks DSM 5-5

advantages DSM 5-5performance DSM 5-6

class hierarchy DSM 5-50common cursor operations DSM 5-61defined DSM 5-1, DSM 5-2dialog paths DSM 5-18dynamically creating gadgets

DSM 5-23example DSM 5-23

dynamically manipulating gadgetsDSM 5-23

dynamically removing gadgetsexample DSM 5-25example of DSM 5-25

example applicationDSM 5-31–DSM 5-48

extended cursor operations DSM 5-65gadget paths DSM 5-18glDialog_load() DSM 5-50

syntax DSM 5-50glDialog_load_env() DSM 5-49

syntax DSM 5-49syntax components DSM 5-49

hierarchy Wkbk 8-13, DSM 5-49naming conventions DSM 5-52table of DSM 5-50

improved dialog and gadget name-spaceDSM 5-10

introduction DSM 1-15lists and cursors DSM 5-22

example dialog DSM 5-22object-oriented approach DSM 5-14

error safety DSM 5-15inheritence DSM 5-14

operations Wkbk 8-12path functions

glDialog_find_dialog()DSM 5-19

glDialog_find_gadget()DSM 5-21


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–53

glgadget_find_gadget()DSM 5-20

list of DSM 5-19reduced execution expense DSM 5-12reduced function calls DSM 5-10reduced source code DSM 5-9,

DSM 5-12reduced TEIDL source code DSM 5-9supporting types DSM 5-56

classifications DSM 5-56list and cursor DSM 5-59miscellaneous DSM 5-65simple and enumerated DSM 5-56

synchronous and asynchronous dialogsDSM 5-27

synchronous dialogs DSM 5-27example DSM 5-27

Table gadget DSM 5-52example DSM 5-53

type safety DSM 5-15compile-time DSM 5-15run-time DSM 5-16

using lists and cursors DSM 5-63well-defined callback semantics

DSM 5-11writing applications using DSM 5-5

gadget library callbacksexample DSM 2-29indentification of DSM 2-29introduction DSM 2-28

gadget specificationexample DSM 3-7in DSL DSM 3-7

gadgetsaccessing using paths DSM 5-18active DSM 1-7, DSM 3-17

command DSM 3-17lists DSM 3-17set supported by DSL DSM 1-7value DSM 3-18

active gadgets Intro 4-4adding or removing DSM 5-23alignment DSM 4-35, REF2 7-2and color DSM 3-37and functions supported DSM 5-52and Motif widgets DSM 2-9as objects DSM 5-14attributes DSM 3-19– DSM 3-23

grid alignment DSM 2-15Group DSM 2-15introduction DSM 2-11Layout DSM 2-15Name DSM 2-12, DSM 3-7Title DSM 3-7Value DSM 3-7

borders on REF2 7-7button DSM 3-17choice DSM 3-18collections

populating DSM 6-9creating DSM 5-23

example DSM 5-23defining help REF2 7-35definition of DSM 1-7DSL

composition of DSM 3-7DSL keywords DSM 3-17DSL specification technique DSM 3-7grid alignment DSM 4-46groups DSM 4-35, REF2 7-33icon DSM 3-17

introductionDSM 2-9–DSM 2-11

inactive DSM 1-8, DSM 3-18list DSM 3-18set supported by DSL DSM 1-8

inactive gadgets DSM 3-18,Intro 4-5

introduction DSM 1-7– DSM 1-8,DSM 2-9



Index–54 Version 3.2

and internationalized dialogsDSM 4-58

libraryand GUI development DSM 5-1built-in callbacks DSM 5-66glDialog_present() DSM 5-27glDialog_run() DSM 5-27

library types DSM 5-56– DSM 5-66list and cursor DSM 5-59miscellaneous DSM 5-65simple and enummerated

DSM 5-56list DSM 3-18lists and cursors DSM 5-22name REF2 7-49page DSM 3-18paths DSM 5-18

and references in dialogsDSM 2-13

defined DSM 2-12introduction DSM 2-12syntax DSM 2-12use of DSM 2-13

positioningDSL code nesting DSM 2-14introduction DSM 2-14

removing DSM 5-25example DSM 5-25

sensitivity REF2 7-60setting background color REF2 7-4setting default font REF2 7-28setting foreground color REF2 7-29setting gadget height REF2 7-58setting width REF2 7-18switch DSM 3-18Table DSM 5-52text DSM 3-18title REF2 7-75title bitmap REF2 7-6title position REF2 7-76

value REF2 7-78gateway repository LCF 6-1gencat command REF1 1-3gencat utility ASM1 6-15gencmsg command REF1 1-4gencmsg utility ASM1 2-22, ASM1 6-13generate_defaults

operation REF5 1-50generate_defaults operation ASM2 5-58get operation ASM1 8-5, REF8 1-59get_action

operation REF5 1-150get_aliases operation ASM1 12-2get_all operation ASM1 8-11,

REF8 1-61get_all_entries operation Wkbk 3-25,

Wkbk 6-16, Wkbk 8-29get_all_jobs operation ASM1 10-13get_all_notices operation ASM1 7-7get_backrefs operation

CollectionMember interfaceASM2 2-3

described ASM2 2-9iterator interface ASM2 2-18

get_bitmap operation REF8 2-65get_caller_key operation ASM1 11-9,

REF8 3-13get_capabilities operation ASM1 11-8,

ASM1 12-3, REF8 3-15get_cell_data function Wkbk 8-39get_conflict_policy

operation REF5 1-260get_conflict_policy operation ASM2 5-51get_db_members

operation REF5 1-91get_default operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-8get_default_policies

operation REF5 1-119get_default_policies operatio ASM2 1-4


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–55

get_default_policies operation Wkbk 4-6,Wkbk 5-3, ASM2 1-7

get_defaults_policies operationASM2 5-59

get_dialog operation REF8 2-67get_file_length LCF 4-10get_file_length_ex LCF A-34get_file_size LCF 4-10get_icon_info operation REF8 2-36get_id operation REF8 4-3get_instance_manager_list operation

ASM2 3-7get_instances_interface operation

ASM2 1-4, ASM2 1-5get_ip_interface operation

and set_ip_interface operationASM1 9-8

described ASM1 9-6get_jobs operation ASM1 10-12get_jobs_after operation ASM1 10-15get_jobs_before operation ASM1 10-15get_jobs_between operation ASM1 10-15get_last_update_time

operation REF5 1-53get_manager operation ASM2 1-11get_manager operations ASM2 1-4get_members operation

Collection interface ASM2 2-3desribed ASM2 2-8iterator interface ASM2 2-18

get_name operation ASM1 11-7,REF8 3-16, REF8 1-63

get_notice operation ASM1 7-6get_notice_range operation ASM1 7-5get_notices operation ASM1 7-6get_open_file_length_ex LCF A-35get_original_capabilities operation

ASM1 11-8, REF8 3-18get_parent operation ASM1 4-11,

REF8 4-4get_phone_entries operation Wkbk 4-22,

Wkbk 5-22get_phone_entry operation Wkbk 4-22get_policy_default operation ASM2 3-11get_policy_region operation ASM2 3-9get_policy_region_name operation

ASM2 3-9get_read_list operation ASM1 7-13get_record

operation REF5 1-55get_record operation Wkbk 4-22,

Wkbk 4-32, Wkbk 5-3,Wkbk 5-12, ASM2 5-22

get_record_objoperation REF5 1-58

get_record_obj operation ASM2 5-27get_record_source

operation REF5 1-60get_record_source operation ASM2 5-29get_registered_app

operation REF5 1-279get_registered_app operation ASM2 5-71get_resource_host operation ASM2 1-11get_resources operation ASM1 8-5,

REF8 1-65get_state operation REF8 2-47get_subscription_endpoints

operation REF5 1-289get_subscription_tree

operation REF5 1-291get_subscription_tree operation

ASM2 5-39get_subscriptions operation ASM1 7-13get_topAncestor operation ASM1 4-11,

REF8 4-6get_type operation ASM1 4-11,

REF8 4-9get_type_name operation ASM2 1-4,


Index–56 Version 3.2

ASM2 1-11get_validation operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-8get_validation_default operation

ASM2 3-11get_validation_policies

operation REF5 1-121get_validation_policies operation

Wkbk 4-6, Wkbk 5-5, ASM2 1-4,ASM2 1-7, ASM2 5-64

get_value operation ASM2 5-24getenv LCF 4-4gl REF3 3-1GL functions

gl_flush_cache REF4 1-183gl_init REF4 1-184gl_locate_dialog REF4 1-185gl_locate_dialog_env REF4 1-185gl_value_to_StringList REF4 1-186glBase_assign REF3 3-4glBase_destroy REF3 3-12glBase_display_status REF3 3-15glBase_find_gadget REF3 3-18glBase_get_background REF3 3-21glBase_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glBase_get_dialog REF3 3-28glBase_get_foreground REF3 3-30glBase_get_help_message REF3 3-34glBase_get_name REF3 3-37glBase_get_parent REF3 3-39glBase_get_path REF3 3-42glBase_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glBase_get_title REF3 3-48glBase_get_user_data REF3 3-51glBase_has_parent REF3 3-54glBase_help_cbs REF3 3-57glBase_is_presented REF3 3-60glBase_set_background REF3 3-63glBase_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glBase_set_foreground REF3 3-70glBase_set_help_message REF3 3-73

glBase_set_title REF3 3-76glBase_set_user_data REF3 3-79glButton_assign REF3 3-4glButton_commands REF3 3-84glButton_create REF3 3-85glButton_destroy REF3 3-12glButton_display_status REF3 3-15glButton_find_gadget REF3 3-18glButton_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glButton_get_background REF3 3-21glButton_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glButton_get_border REF4 1-14glButton_get_col_align REF4 1-16glButton_get_dialog REF3 3-28glButton_get_foreground REF3 3-30glButton_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glButton_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glButton_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glButton_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glButton_get_name REF3 3-37glButton_get_parent REF3 3-39glButton_get_path REF3 3-42glButton_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glButton_get_row_align REF4 1-23glButton_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glButton_get_title REF3 3-48glButton_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glButton_get_user_data REF3 3-51glButton_get_visible REF4 1-32glButton_has_parent REF3 3-54glButton_help_cbs REF3 3-57glButton_is_presented REF3 3-60glButton_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glButton_set_background REF3 3-63glButton_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glButton_set_border REF4 1-34glButton_set_col_align REF4 1-36glButton_set_foreground REF3 3-70glButton_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glButton_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–57

glButton_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glButton_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glButton_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glButton_set_row_align REF4 1-48glButton_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glButton_set_title REF3 3-76glButton_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glButton_set_user_data REF3 3-79glButton_set_visible REF4 1-58glCB_apply REF3 3-95glCB_assign REF3 3-96glCB_create REF3 3-97glCB_create_ap REF3 3-97glCB_createv REF3 3-97glCB_destroy REF3 3-99glCB_get_name REF3 3-99glCBCsr_clone REF3 3-176glCBCsr_contains REF3 3-178glCBCsr_create REF3 3-180glCBCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glCBCsr_done REF3 3-184glCBCsr_end REF3 3-186glCBCsr_insert REF3 3-188glCBCsr_last REF3 3-192glCBCsr_next REF3 3-194glCBCsr_prev REF3 3-196glCBCsr_remove REF3 3-198glCBCsr_reset REF3 3-200glCBCsr_seek REF3 3-202glCBCsr_value REF3 3-203glCBList_assign REF3 3-206glCBList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glCell_assign REF3 3-109glCell_create REF3 3-110glCell_destroy REF3 3-111glCell_title REF3 3-111glCellArray_assign REF3 3-102glCellArray_clone REF3 3-103glCellArray_contains REF3 3-104glCellArray_create REF3 3-105

glCellArray_destroy REF3 3-106glCellArray_insert REF3 3-106glCellArray_remove REF3 3-107glCellArray_value REF3 3-108glChoice_assign REF3 3-4glChoice_changed REF3 3-137glChoice_choices REF3 3-138glChoice_create REF3 3-85glChoice_destroy REF3 3-12glChoice_display_status REF3 3-15glChoice_double_click REF3 3-139glChoice_find_gadget REF3 3-18glChoice_get_alignment REF3 3-141glChoice_get_background REF3 3-21glChoice_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glChoice_get_border REF4 1-14glChoice_get_col_align REF4 1-16glChoice_get_columns REF3 3-142glChoice_get_dialog REF3 3-28glChoice_get_foreground REF3 3-30glChoice_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glChoice_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glChoice_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glChoice_get_layout REF3 3-143glChoice_get_name REF3 3-37glChoice_get_parent REF3 3-39glChoice_get_path REF3 3-42glChoice_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glChoice_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glChoice_get_row_align REF4 1-23glChoice_get_rows REF3 3-146glChoice_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glChoice_get_show REF3 3-147glChoice_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148glChoice_get_sort REF3 3-150glChoice_get_title REF3 3-48glChoice_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glChoice_get_user_data REF3 3-51glChoice_get_visible REF4 1-32


Index–58 Version 3.2

glChoice_has_parent REF3 3-54glChoice_help_cbs REF3 3-57glChoice_is_presented REF3 3-60glChoice_set_alignment REF3 3-151glChoice_set_background REF3 3-63glChoice_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glChoice_set_border REF4 1-34glChoice_set_col_align REF4 1-36glChoice_set_columns REF3 3-152glChoice_set_foreground REF3 3-70glChoice_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glChoice_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glChoice_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glChoice_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glChoice_set_layout REF3 3-153glChoice_set_row_align REF4 1-48glChoice_set_rows REF3 3-156glChoice_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glChoice_set_show REF3 3-157glChoice_set_show_browser

REF3 3-158glChoice_set_sort REF3 3-159glChoice_set_title REF3 3-76glChoice_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glChoice_set_user_data REF3 3-79glChoice_set_visible REF4 1-58glChoiceCsr_clone REF3 3-176glChoiceCsr_contains REF3 3-178glChoiceCsr_create REF3 3-180glChoiceCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glChoiceCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glChoiceCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glChoiceCsr_done REF3 3-184glChoiceCsr_end REF3 3-186glChoiceCsr_first_selection

REF3 3-115glChoiceCsr_insert REF3 3-188glChoiceCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glChoiceCsr_last REF3 3-192glChoiceCsr_last_selection

REF3 3-117glChoiceCsr_next REF3 3-194glChoiceCsr_next_selection

REF3 3-118glChoiceCsr_prev REF3 3-196glChoiceCsr_prev_selection

REF3 3-119glChoiceCsr_remove REF3 3-198glChoiceCsr_reset REF3 3-200glChoiceCsr_select REF3 3-120glChoiceCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glChoiceCsr_value REF3 3-203glChoiceEntry_create REF3 3-124glChoiceEntry_destroy REF3 3-125glChoiceEntry_get_key REF3 3-125glChoiceEntry_get_label REF3 3-126glChoiceEntry_is_selected

REF3 3-127glChoiceList_add REF3 3-131glChoiceList_assign REF3 3-206glChoiceList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glChoiceList_get_format REF3 3-132glChoiceList_get_value_format

REF3 3-133, REF3 3-134glChoiceList_subtract REF3 3-134glChooser_assign REF3 3-4glChooser_changed REF3 3-137glChooser_choices REF3 3-138glChooser_destroy REF3 3-12glChooser_display_status REF3 3-15glChooser_double_click REF3 3-139glChooser_find_gadget REF3 3-18glChooser_get_alignment

REF3 3-141glChooser_get_background

REF3 3-21glChooser_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glChooser_get_border REF4 1-14glChooser_get_col_align REF4 1-16glChooser_get_columns REF3 3-142


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–59

glChooser_get_dialog REF3 3-28glChooser_get_foreground REF3 3-30glChooser_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glChooser_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glChooser_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glChooser_get_layout REF3 3-143glChooser_get_name REF3 3-37glChooser_get_parent REF3 3-39glChooser_get_path REF3 3-42glChooser_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glChooser_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glChooser_get_row_align REF4 1-23glChooser_get_rows REF3 3-146glChooser_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glChooser_get_show REF3 3-147glChooser_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148glChooser_get_sort REF3 3-150glChooser_get_title REF3 3-48glChooser_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glChooser_get_user_data REF3 3-51glChooser_get_visible REF4 1-32glChooser_has_parent REF3 3-54glChooser_help_cbs REF3 3-57glChooser_is_presented REF3 3-60glChooser_set_alignment REF3 3-151glChooser_set_background

REF3 3-63glChooser_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glChooser_set_border REF4 1-34glChooser_set_col_align REF4 1-36glChooser_set_columns REF3 3-152glChooser_set_foreground REF3 3-70glChooser_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glChooser_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glChooser_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glChooser_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glChooser_set_layout REF3 3-153glChooser_set_row_align REF4 1-48glChooser_set_rows REF3 3-156glChooser_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glChooser_set_show REF3 3-157glChooser_set_show_browser

REF3 3-158glChooser_set_sort REF3 3-159glChooser_set_title REF3 3-76glChooser_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glChooser_set_user_data REF3 3-79glChooser_set_visible REF4 1-58glCmdButton_assign REF3 3-4glCmdButton_commands REF3 3-84glCmdButton_create REF3 3-85glCmdButton_destroy REF3 3-12glCmdButton_display_status

REF3 3-15glCmdButton_find_gadget REF3 3-18glCmdButton_get_accelerator

REF3 3-87glCmdButton_get_background

REF3 3-21glCmdButton_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glCmdButton_get_border REF4 1-14glCmdButton_get_col_align

REF4 1-16glCmdButton_get_dialog REF3 3-28glCmdButton_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glCmdButton_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glCmdButton_get_grid_vert

REF4 1-21glCmdButton_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glCmdButton_get_mnemonic

REF3 3-88glCmdButton_get_name REF3 3-37glCmdButton_get_parent REF3 3-39


Index–60 Version 3.2

glCmdButton_get_path REF3 3-42glCmdButton_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glCmdButton_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glCmdButton_get_sensitive

REF4 1-26glCmdButton_get_title REF3 3-48glCmdButton_get_title_pos

REF4 1-28glCmdButton_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glCmdButton_get_visible REF4 1-32glCmdButton_has_parent REF3 3-54glCmdButton_help_cbs REF3 3-57glCmdButton_is_presented

REF3 3-60glCmdButton_set_accelerator

REF3 3-90glCmdButton_set_background

REF3 3-63glCmdButton_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glCmdButton_set_border REF4 1-34glCmdButton_set_col_align

REF4 1-36glCmdButton_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glCmdButton_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glCmdButton_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glCmdButton_set_grid_vert

REF4 1-45glCmdButton_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glCmdButton_set_mnemonic

REF3 3-91glCmdButton_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glCmdButton_set_sensitive

REF4 1-52

glCmdButton_set_title REF3 3-76glCmdButton_set_title_pos REF4


REF3 3-79glCmdButton_set_visible REF4 1-58glCollection_assign REF3 3-4glCollection_copy_in REF3 3-163glCollection_create REF3 3-85glCollection_destroy REF3 3-12glCollection_display_status

REF3 3-15glCollection_drops REF3 3-164glCollection_find_gadget REF3 3-18glCollection_get_background

REF3 3-21glCollection_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glCollection_get_border REF4 1-14glCollection_get_col_align

REF4 1-16glCollection_get_dialog REF3 3-28glCollection_get_exclusive_selection

REF3 3-165glCollection_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glCollection_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glCollection_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glCollection_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glCollection_get_name REF3 3-37glCollection_get_parent REF3 3-39glCollection_get_path REF3 3-42glCollection_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glCollection_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glCollection_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glCollection_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glCollection_get_title REF3 3-48


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–61

glCollection_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glCollection_get_type REF3 3-166glCollection_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glCollection_get_view_by

REF3 3-167glCollection_get_visible REF4 1-32glCollection_has_parent REF3 3-54glCollection_help_cbs REF3 3-57glCollection_icons REF3 3-168glCollection_is_presented REF3 3-60glCollection_move_in REF3 3-169glCollection_move_out REF3 3-170glCollection_set_background

REF3 3-63glCollection_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glCollection_set_border REF4 1-34glCollection_set_col_align REF4 1-36glCollection_set_exclusive_selection

REF3 3-171glCollection_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glCollection_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glCollection_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glCollection_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glCollection_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glCollection_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glCollection_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glCollection_set_title REF3 3-76glCollection_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glCollection_set_type REF3 3-172glCollection_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glCollection_set_view_by

REF3 3-172glCollection_set_visible REF4 1-58glDialog_assign REF3 3-4

glDialog_create REF3 3-85glDialog_delayed_destroy

REF3 3-212glDialog_destroy REF3 3-12glDialog_dialogs REF3 3-213glDialog_display_status REF3 3-15glDialog_find_gadget REF3 3-18glDialog_flush REF3 3-214glDialog_gadgets REF3 3-215glDialog_get_alignment REF3 3-216glDialog_get_background REF3 3-21glDialog_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glDialog_get_default_button

REF3 3-217glDialog_get_dialog REF3 3-28glDialog_get_dtc_handle REF3 3-219glDialog_get_env REF3 3-220glDialog_get_foreground REF3 3-30glDialog_get_help_menu REF3 3-221glDialog_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glDialog_get_instance_id REF3 3-222glDialog_get_layout REF3 3-223glDialog_get_name REF3 3-37glDialog_get_owner REF3 3-224glDialog_get_parent REF3 3-39glDialog_get_path REF3 3-42glDialog_get_purpose REF3 3-225glDialog_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glDialog_get_style REF3 3-218,

REF3 3-226glDialog_get_title REF3 3-48glDialog_get_user_data REF3 3-51glDialog_has_parent REF3 3-54glDialog_help_cbs REF3 3-57glDialog_iconify REF3 3-227glDialog_is_presented REF3 3-60glDialog_load REF3 3-228glDialog_load_env REF3 3-228glDialog_perform REF3 3-230glDialog_popdown REF3 3-230glDialog_present REF3 3-231


Index–62 Version 3.2

glDialog_quit REF3 3-232glDialog_run REF3 3-233glDialog_set_alignment REF3 3-234glDialog_set_background REF3 3-63glDialog_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glDialog_set_default_button

REF3 3-235glDialog_set_env REF3 3-236glDialog_set_foreground REF3 3-70glDialog_set_help_menu REF3 3-237glDialog_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glDialog_set_layout REF3 3-237glDialog_set_purpose REF3 3-238glDialog_set_style REF3 3-240glDialog_set_title REF3 3-76glDialog_set_user_data REF3 3-79glDialog_wait REF3 3-241glDialogCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDialogCsr_contains REF3 3-178glDialogCsr_create REF3 3-180glDialogCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDialogCsr_dismiss REF3 3-183glDialogCsr_done REF3 3-184glDialogCsr_end REF3 3-186glDialogCsr_insert REF3 3-188glDialogCsr_last REF3 3-192glDialogCsr_next REF3 3-194glDialogCsr_present REF3 3-196glDialogCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDialogCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDialogCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDialogCsr_seek REF3 3-202glDialogCsr_value REF3 3-203glDialogList_assign REF3 3-206glDialogList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glDlgGadgetCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDlgGadgetCsr_contains

REF3 3-178glDlgGadgetCsr_create REF3 3-180glDlgGadgetCsr_destroy REF3 3-182

glDlgGadgetCsr_done REF3 3-184glDlgGadgetCsr_end REF3 3-186glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_button

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_choice

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_group

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_list

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_menu

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_message

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_page

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_last REF3 3-192glDlgGadgetCsr_next REF3 3-194glDlgGadgetCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDlgGadgetCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDlgGadgetCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDlgGadgetCsr_seek REF3 3-202glDlgGadgetCsr_value REF3 3-203glDlgGadgetList_assign REF3 3-206glDlgGadgetList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glDrag_assign REF4 1-6glDrag_clone REF4 1-7glDrag_create REF4 1-8glDrag_destroy REF4 1-9glDrag_get_actions REF4 1-10glDrag_get_source REF4 1-11glDrag_make REF4 1-8glDragCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDragCsr_create REF3 3-180glDragCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDragCsr_done REF3 3-184glDragCsr_end REF3 3-186glDragCsr_insert REF3 3-188glDragCsr_last REF3 3-192


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–63

glDragCsr_next REF3 3-194glDragCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDragCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDragCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDragCsr_value REF3 3-203glDragList_assign REF3 3-206glDragList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glGadget_assign REF3 3-4glGadget_destroy REF3 3-12glGadget_display_status REF3 3-15glGadget_find_gadget REF3 3-18glGadget_get_background REF3 3-21glGadget_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glGadget_get_border REF4 1-14glGadget_get_col_align REF4 1-16glGadget_get_dialog REF3 3-28glGadget_get_foreground REF3 3-30glGadget_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glGadget_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glGadget_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glGadget_get_name REF3 3-37glGadget_get_parent REF3 3-39glGadget_get_path REF3 3-42glGadget_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glGadget_get_row_align REF4 1-23glGadget_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glGadget_get_title REF3 3-48glGadget_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glGadget_get_user_data REF3 3-51glGadget_get_visible REF4 1-32glGadget_has_parent REF3 3-54glGadget_help_cbs REF3 3-57glGadget_is_presented REF3 3-60glGadget_set_background REF3 3-63glGadget_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glGadget_set_border REF4 1-34glGadget_set_col_align REF4 1-36glGadget_set_foreground REF3 3-70glGadget_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glGadget_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glGadget_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glGadget_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glGadget_set_row_align REF4 1-48glGadget_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glGadget_set_title REF3 3-76glGadget_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glGadget_set_user_data REF3 3-79glGadget_set_visible REF4 1-58glGroup_assign REF3 3-4glGroup_create REF3 3-85glGroup_destroy REF3 3-12glGroup_display_status REF3 3-15glGroup_find_gadget REF3 3-18glGroup_gadgets REF4 1-62glGroup_get_alignment REF4 1-63glGroup_get_background REF3 3-21glGroup_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glGroup_get_border REF4 1-14glGroup_get_col_align REF4 1-16glGroup_get_dialog REF3 3-28glGroup_get_foreground REF3 3-30glGroup_get_grid_height REF4 1-64glGroup_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glGroup_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glGroup_get_grid_width REF4 1-65glGroup_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glGroup_get_layout REF4 1-66glGroup_get_name REF3 3-37glGroup_get_parent REF3 3-39glGroup_get_path REF3 3-42glGroup_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glGroup_get_row_align REF4 1-23glGroup_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glGroup_get_title REF3 3-48glGroup_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glGroup_get_user_data REF3 3-51glGroup_get_visible REF4 1-32glGroup_has_parent REF3 3-54glGroup_help_cbs REF3 3-57


Index–64 Version 3.2

glGroup_is_presented REF3 3-60glGroup_set_alignment REF4 1-67glGroup_set_background REF3 3-63glGroup_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glGroup_set_border REF4 1-34glGroup_set_col_align REF4 1-36glGroup_set_foreground REF3 3-70glGroup_set_grid_height REF4 1-68glGroup_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glGroup_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glGroup_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glGroup_set_grid_width REF4 1-69glGroup_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glGroup_set_layout REF4 1-70glGroup_set_row_align REF4 1-48glGroup_set_row_height REF4 1-172glGroup_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glGroup_set_title REF3 3-76glGroup_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glGroup_set_user_data REF3 3-79glGroup_set_visible REF4 1-58glGrpGadgetCsr_clone REF3 3-176glGrpGadgetCsr_contains

REF3 3-178glGrpGadgetCsr_create REF3 3-180glGrpGadgetCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glGrpGadgetCsr_done REF3 3-184glGrpGadgetCsr_end REF3 3-186glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_button

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_choice

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_group

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_list

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_message

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_page

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_text

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_last REF3 3-192glGrpGadgetCsr_next REF3 3-194glGrpGadgetCsr_prev REF3 3-196glGrpGadgetCsr_remove REF3 3-198glGrpGadgetCsr_reset REF3 3-200glGrpGadgetCsr_seek REF3 3-202glGrpGadgetCsr_value REF3 3-203glGrpGadgetList_assign REF3 3-206glGrpGadgetList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glIcon_assign REF4 1-80glIcon_clone REF4 1-81glIcon_create REF4 1-82glIcon_destroy REF4 1-83glIcon_from_view_item REF4 1-83glIcon_get_icon_id REF4 1-84glIcon_get_instance_id REF4 1-85glIcon_get_label REF4 1-86glIcon_get_sort_key REF4 1-87glIcon_get_state REF4 1-88glIconCsr_clone REF3 3-176glIconCsr_contains REF3 3-178glIconCsr_create REF3 3-180glIconCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glIconCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glIconCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glIconCsr_done REF3 3-184glIconCsr_end REF3 3-186glIconCsr_insert REF3 3-188glIconCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glIconCsr_last REF3 3-192glIconCsr_next REF3 3-194glIconCsr_prev REF3 3-196glIconCsr_remove REF3 3-198glIconCsr_reset REF3 3-200glIconCsr_seek REF3 3-202glIconCsr_seek_icon REF4 1-74glIconCsr_seek_instance_id

REF4 1-74


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–65

glIconCsr_seek_item REF4 1-74glIconCsr_select REF3 3-120glIconCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glIconCsr_value REF3 3-203glIconList_add REF4 1-78glIconList_assign REF3 3-206glIconList_clone REF4 1-78glIconList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glIconList_subtract REF4 1-79glList_assign REF3 3-4glList_changed REF3 3-137glList_choices REF3 3-138glList_create REF3 3-85glList_destroy REF3 3-12glList_display_status REF3 3-15glList_double_click REF3 3-139glList_find_gadget REF3 3-18glList_get_alignment REF3 3-141glList_get_background REF3 3-21glList_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glList_get_border REF4 1-14glList_get_col_align REF4 1-16glList_get_columns REF3 3-142glList_get_dialog REF3 3-28glList_get_foreground REF3 3-30glList_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glList_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glList_get_help_message REF3 3-34glList_get_layout REF3 3-143glList_get_name REF3 3-37glList_get_parent REF3 3-39glList_get_path REF3 3-42glList_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glList_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glList_get_row_align REF4 1-23glList_get_rows REF3 3-146glList_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glList_get_show REF3 3-147glList_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148

glList_get_sort REF3 3-150glList_get_title REF3 3-48glList_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glList_get_user_data REF3 3-51glList_get_visible REF4 1-32glList_has_parent REF3 3-54glList_help_cbs REF3 3-57glList_is_presented REF3 3-60glList_set_alignment REF3 3-151glList_set_background REF3 3-63glList_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glList_set_border REF4 1-34glList_set_col_align REF4 1-36glList_set_columns REF3 3-152glList_set_foreground REF3 3-70glList_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glList_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glList_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glList_set_help_message REF3 3-73glList_set_layout REF3 3-153glList_set_row_align REF4 1-48glList_set_rows REF3 3-156glList_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glList_set_show REF3 3-157glList_set_show_browser REF3 3-158glList_set_sort REF3 3-159glList_set_title REF3 3-76glList_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glList_set_user_data REF3 3-79glList_set_visible REF4 1-58glMenu_assign REF3 3-4glMenu_create REF3 3-85glMenu_destroy REF3 3-12glMenu_display_status REF3 3-15glMenu_find_gadget REF3 3-18glMenu_gadgets REF4 1-93glMenu_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glMenu_get_background REF3 3-21glMenu_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glMenu_get_border REF4 1-14glMenu_get_col_align REF4 1-16glMenu_get_dialog REF3 3-28


Index–66 Version 3.2

glMenu_get_foreground REF3 3-30glMenu_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glMenu_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glMenu_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glMenu_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glMenu_get_name REF3 3-37glMenu_get_parent REF3 3-39glMenu_get_path REF3 3-42glMenu_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glMenu_get_row_align REF4 1-23glMenu_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glMenu_get_tear_off REF4 1-94glMenu_get_title REF3 3-48glMenu_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glMenu_get_user_data REF3 3-51glMenu_get_visible REF4 1-32glMenu_has_parent REF3 3-54glMenu_help_cbs REF3 3-57glMenu_is_presented REF3 3-60glMenu_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glMenu_set_background REF3 3-63glMenu_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glMenu_set_border REF4 1-34glMenu_set_col_align REF4 1-36glMenu_set_foreground REF3 3-70glMenu_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glMenu_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glMenu_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glMenu_set_help_message REF3 3-73glMenu_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glMenu_set_row_align REF4 1-48glMenu_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glMenu_set_tear_off REF4 1-94glMenu_set_title REF3 3-76glMenu_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glMenu_set_user_data REF3 3-79glMenu_set_visible REF4 1-58glMenuCsr_clone REF3 3-176glMenuCsr_contains REF3 3-178glMenuCsr_create REF3 3-180glMenuCsr_destroy REF3 3-182

glMenuCsr_done REF3 3-184glMenuCsr_end REF3 3-186glMenuCsr_insert_button REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_menu REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_separator

REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_last REF3 3-192glMenuCsr_next REF3 3-194glMenuCsr_prev REF3 3-196glMenuCsr_remove REF3 3-198glMenuCsr_reset REF3 3-200glMenuCsr_seek REF3 3-202glMenuCsr_value REF3 3-203glMenuList_assign REF3 3-206glMenuList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glMessage_assign REF3 3-4glMessage_create REF3 3-85glMessage_destroy REF3 3-12glMessage_display_status REF3 3-15glMessage_find_gadget REF3 3-18glMessage_get_alignment REF4 1-97glMessage_get_background

REF3 3-21glMessage_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glMessage_get_border REF4 1-14glMessage_get_col_align REF4 1-16glMessage_get_dialog REF3 3-28glMessage_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glMessage_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glMessage_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glMessage_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glMessage_get_name REF3 3-37glMessage_get_old_value REF4 1-98glMessage_get_parent REF3 3-39glMessage_get_path REF3 3-42glMessage_get_root_dialog


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–67

REF3 3-45glMessage_get_row_align REF4 1-23glMessage_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glMessage_get_title REF3 3-48glMessage_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glMessage_get_user_data REF3 3-51glMessage_get_value REF4 1-99glMessage_get_visible REF4 1-32glMessage_has_parent REF3 3-54glMessage_help_cbs REF3 3-57glMessage_is_presented REF3 3-60glMessage_set_alignment

REF4 1-100glMessage_set_background

REF3 3-63glMessage_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glMessage_set_border REF4 1-34glMessage_set_col_align REF4 1-36glMessage_set_foreground REF3 3-70glMessage_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glMessage_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glMessage_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glMessage_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glMessage_set_old_value

REF4 1-101glMessage_set_row_align REF4 1-48glMessage_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glMessage_set_title REF3 3-76glMessage_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glMessage_set_user_data REF3 3-79glMessage_set_value REF4 1-102glMessage_set_visible REF4 1-58glMsg_assign REF4 1-104glMsg_create REF4 1-105glMsg_create_from_tmf_msg

REF4 1-105glMsg_destroy REF4 1-106glMsg_format REF4 1-107glMsg_get_default_text REF4 1-108

glPage_append_text REF4 1-110glPage_assign REF3 3-4glPage_create REF3 3-85glPage_destroy REF3 3-12glPage_display_status REF3 3-15glPage_find_gadget REF3 3-18glPage_get_background REF3 3-21glPage_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glPage_get_border REF4 1-14glPage_get_col_align REF4 1-16glPage_get_dialog REF3 3-28glPage_get_foreground REF3 3-30glPage_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glPage_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glPage_get_help_message REF3 3-34glPage_get_name REF3 3-37glPage_get_old_value REF4 1-112glPage_get_parent REF3 3-39glPage_get_path REF3 3-42glPage_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glPage_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glPage_get_row_align REF4 1-23glPage_get_rows REF4 1-113glPage_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glPage_get_title REF3 3-48glPage_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glPage_get_user_data REF3 3-51glPage_get_value REF4 1-114glPage_get_visible REF4 1-32glPage_get_wrap REF4 1-115glPage_has_parent REF3 3-54glPage_help_cbs REF3 3-57glPage_is_presented REF3 3-60glPage_set_background REF3 3-63glPage_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glPage_set_border REF4 1-34glPage_set_col_align REF4 1-36glPage_set_columns REF4 1-116glPage_set_foreground REF3 3-70glPage_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glPage_set_grid_position REF4 1-42


Index–68 Version 3.2

glPage_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glPage_set_help_message REF3 3-73glPage_set_old_value REF4 1-117glPage_set_row_align REF4 1-48glPage_set_rows REF4 1-118glPage_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glPage_set_title REF3 3-76glPage_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glPage_set_user_data REF3 3-79glPage_set_value REF4 1-119glPage_set_visible REF4 1-58glPage_set_wrap REF4 1-120glSeparator_assign REF3 3-4glSeparator_create REF3 3-85glSeparator_destroy REF3 3-12glSeparator_display_status REF3 3-15glSeparator_find_gadget REF3 3-18glSeparator_get_background

REF3 3-21glSeparator_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glSeparator_get_border REF4 1-14glSeparator_get_col_align REF4 1-16glSeparator_get_dialog REF3 3-28glSeparator_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glSeparator_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glSeparator_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glSeparator_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glSeparator_get_name REF3 3-37glSeparator_get_parent REF3 3-39glSeparator_get_path REF3 3-42glSeparator_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glSeparator_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glSeparator_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glSeparator_get_title REF3 3-48glSeparator_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glSeparator_get_user_data REF3 3-51

glSeparator_get_visible REF4 1-32glSeparator_has_parent REF3 3-54glSeparator_help_cbs REF3 3-57glSeparator_is_presented REF3 3-60glSeparator_set_background

REF3 3-63glSeparator_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glSeparator_set_border REF4 1-34glSeparator_set_col_align REF4 1-36glSeparator_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glSeparator_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glSeparator_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glSeparator_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glSeparator_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glSeparator_set_row_align REF4 1-48glSeparator_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glSeparator_set_title REF3 3-76glSeparator_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glSeparator_set_user_data REF3 3-79glSeparator_set_visible REF4 1-58glSwitch_assign REF3 3-4glSwitch_changed REF4 1-124glSwitch_create REF3 3-85glSwitch_destroy REF3 3-12glSwitch_display_status REF3 3-15glSwitch_find_gadget REF3 3-18glSwitch_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glSwitch_get_background REF3 3-21glSwitch_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glSwitch_get_border REF4 1-14glSwitch_get_col_align REF4 1-16glSwitch_get_dialog REF3 3-28glSwitch_get_foreground REF3 3-30glSwitch_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glSwitch_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glSwitch_get_help_message

REF3 3-34


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–69

glSwitch_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glSwitch_get_name REF3 3-37glSwitch_get_off REF4 1-125glSwitch_get_old_value REF4 1-126glSwitch_get_on REF4 1-127glSwitch_get_parent REF3 3-39glSwitch_get_path REF3 3-42glSwitch_get_read_only REF3

3-144, REF3 3-154glSwitch_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glSwitch_get_row_align REF4 1-23glSwitch_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glSwitch_get_title REF3 3-48glSwitch_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glSwitch_get_user_data REF3 3-51glSwitch_get_value REF4 1-128glSwitch_get_visible REF4 1-32glSwitch_has_parent REF3 3-54glSwitch_help_cbs REF3 3-57glSwitch_is_presented REF3 3-60glSwitch_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glSwitch_set_background REF3 3-63glSwitch_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glSwitch_set_border REF4 1-34glSwitch_set_col_align REF4 1-36glSwitch_set_foreground REF3 3-70glSwitch_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glSwitch_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glSwitch_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glSwitch_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glSwitch_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glSwitch_set_off REF4 1-129glSwitch_set_old_value REF4 1-129glSwitch_set_on REF4 1-130glSwitch_set_row_align REF4 1-48glSwitch_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glSwitch_set_title REF3 3-76glSwitch_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glSwitch_set_user_data REF3 3-79glSwitch_set_value REF4 1-131

glSwitch_set_visible REF4 1-58glTable_assign REF3 3-4glTable_cells REF4 1-154glTable_changed REF4 1-155glTable_column_headers REF4 1-156glTable_create REF3 3-85glTable_destroy REF3 3-12glTable_display_status REF3 3-15glTable_double_click REF4 1-156glTable_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTable_get_background REF3 3-21glTable_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glTable_get_border REF4 1-14glTable_get_cell_border_style

REF4 1-157glTable_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTable_get_column_selection

REF4 1-159glTable_get_columns REF4 1-160glTable_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTable_get_foreground REF3 3-30glTable_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glTable_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTable_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTable_get_layout_policy

REF4 1-161glTable_get_name REF3 3-37glTable_get_parent REF3 3-39glTable_get_path REF3 3-42glTable_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glTable_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glTable_get_row_align REF4 1-23glTable_get_row_height REF4 1-162glTable_get_row_selection

REF4 1-163glTable_get_rows REF4 1-164glTable_get_selection_mode

REF4 1-165glTable_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTable_get_title REF3 3-48


Index–70 Version 3.2

glTable_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTable_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTable_get_visible REF4 1-32glTable_has_parent REF3 3-54glTable_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTable_is_presented REF3 3-60glTable_row_headers REF4 1-166glTable_set_background REF3 3-63glTable_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glTable_set_border REF4 1-34glTable_set_cell_border_style

REF4 1-167glTable_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTable_set_column_selection

REF4 1-168glTable_set_columns REF4 1-169glTable_set_foreground REF3 3-70glTable_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glTable_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glTable_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTable_set_help_message REF3 3-73glTable_set_layout_policy

REF4 1-170glTable_set_left_column REF4 1-171glTable_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTable_set_row_selection

REF4 1-173glTable_set_rows REF4 1-174glTable_set_selection_mode

REF4 1-175glTable_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTable_set_title REF3 3-76glTable_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTable_set_top_row REF4 1-176glTable_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTable_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableColumn_activate REF4 1-140glTableColumn_assign REF3 3-4glTableColumn_create REF3 3-85glTableColumn_destroy REF3 3-12glTableColumn_display_status

REF3 3-15

glTableColumn_find_gadget REF3 3-18

glTableColumn_get_alignmentREF4 1-141

glTableColumn_get_backgroundREF3 3-21

glTableColumn_get_bitmap_titleREF3 3-25

glTableColumn_get_borderREF4 1-14

glTableColumn_get_col_alignREF4 1-16

glTableColumn_get_column_widthREF4 1-143

glTableColumn_get_dialogREF3 3-28

glTableColumn_get_emphasisREF4 1-144

glTableColumn_get_foregroundREF3 3-30

glTableColumn_get_glyphREF4 1-145

glTableColumn_get_grid_horizREF4 1-19

glTableColumn_get_grid_vertREF4 1-21

glTableColumn_get_help_messageREF3 3-34

glTableColumn_get_name REF3 3-37glTableColumn_get_parent

REF3 3-39glTableColumn_get_path REF3 3-42glTableColumn_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTableColumn_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glTableColumn_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glTableColumn_get_scrolling

REF4 1-146glTableColumn_get_sensitive

REF4 1-26


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–71

glTableColumn_get_title REF3 3-48glTableColumn_get_title_pos

REF4 1-28glTableColumn_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glTableColumn_get_visible

REF4 1-32glTableColumn_has_parent

REF3 3-54glTableColumn_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableColumn_is_presented

REF3 3-60glTableColumn_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableColumn_set_background

REF3 3-63glTableColumn_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glTableColumn_set_border

REF4 1-34glTableColumn_set_col_align

REF4 1-36glTableColumn_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableColumn_set_emphasis

REF4 1-149glTableColumn_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glTableColumn_set_glyph

REF4 1-151glTableColumn_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glTableColumn_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glTableColumn_set_grid_vert

REF4 1-45glTableColumn_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableColumn_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glTableColumn_set_scrolling

REF4 1-152

glTableColumn_set_sensitiveREF4 1-52

glTableColumn_set_title REF3 3-76glTableColumn_set_title_pos

REF4 1-54glTableColumn_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glTableColumn_set_visible

REF4 1-58glTableHdr_activate REF4 1-140glTableHdr_assign REF3 3-4glTableHdr_destroy REF3 3-12glTableHdr_display_status REF3 3-15glTableHdr_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableHdr_get_alignment

REF4 1-141glTableHdr_get_background

REF3 3-21glTableHdr_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glTableHdr_get_border REF4 1-14glTableHdr_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTableHdr_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableHdr_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableHdr_get_emphasis

REF4 1-144glTableHdr_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glTableHdr_get_glyph REF4 1-145glTableHdr_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glTableHdr_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableHdr_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTableHdr_get_name REF3 3-37glTableHdr_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableHdr_get_path REF3 3-42glTableHdr_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTableHdr_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45


Index–72 Version 3.2

glTableHdr_get_row_alignREF4 1-23

glTableHdr_get_scrolling REF4 1-146

glTableHdr_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableHdr_get_title REF3 3-48glTableHdr_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableHdr_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTableHdr_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableHdr_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableHdr_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableHdr_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableHdr_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableHdr_set_background

REF3 3-63glTableHdr_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glTableHdr_set_border REF4 1-34glTableHdr_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableHdr_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableHdr_set_emphasis

REF4 1-149glTableHdr_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glTableHdr_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableHdr_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glTableHdr_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glTableHdr_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTableHdr_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableHdr_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTableHdr_set_scrolling REF4 1-152glTableHdr_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableHdr_set_title REF3 3-76glTableHdr_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableHdr_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTableHdr_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableHdrCsr_clone REF3 3-176

glTableHdrCsr_contains REF3 3-178glTableHdrCsr_create REF3 3-180glTableHdrCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glTableHdrCsr_deselect_all

REF3 3-114glTableHdrCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glTableHdrCsr_done REF3 3-184glTableHdrCsr_end REF3 3-186glTableHdrCsr_first_selection

REF3 3-115glTableHdrCsr_insert_column

REF3 3-188glTableHdrCsr_insert_row

REF3 3-188glTableHdrCsr_is_selected

REF3 3-116glTableHdrCsr_last REF3 3-192glTableHdrCsr_last_selection

REF3 3-117glTableHdrCsr_next REF3 3-194glTableHdrCsr_next_selection

REF3 3-118glTableHdrCsr_prev REF3 3-196glTableHdrCsr_prev_selection

REF3 3-119glTableHdrCsr_remove REF3 3-198glTableHdrCsr_reset REF3 3-200glTableHdrCsr_seek REF3 3-202glTableHdrCsr_select REF3 3-120glTableHdrCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glTableHdrCsr_value REF3 3-203glTableHdrList_assign REF3 3-206glTableHdrList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glTableRow_activate REF4 1-140glTableRow_assign REF3 3-4glTableRow_create REF3 3-85glTableRow_destroy REF3 3-12glTableRow_display_status

REF3 3-15glTableRow_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableRow_get_alignment


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–73

REF4 1-141glTableRow_get_background

REF3 3-21glTableRow_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glTableRow_get_border REF4 1-14glTableRow_get_col_align

REF4 1-16glTableRow_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableRow_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableRow_get_emphasis

REF4 1-144glTableRow_get_foreground

REF3 3-30glTableRow_get_glyph REF4 1-145glTableRow_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glTableRow_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableRow_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTableRow_get_name REF3 3-37glTableRow_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableRow_get_path REF3 3-42glTableRow_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTableRow_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glTableRow_get_row_align

REF4 1-23glTableRow_get_scrolling

REF4 1-146glTableRow_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableRow_get_title REF3 3-48glTableRow_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableRow_get_user_data

REF3 3-51glTableRow_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableRow_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableRow_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableRow_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableRow_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableRow_set_background

REF3 3-63glTableRow_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glTableRow_set_border REF4 1-34glTableRow_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableRow_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableRow_set_emphasis

REF4 1-149glTableRow_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glTableRow_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableRow_set_grid_horiz

REF4 1-40glTableRow_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glTableRow_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTableRow_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableRow_set_row_align

REF4 1-48glTableRow_set_scrolling

REF4 1-152glTableRow_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableRow_set_title REF3 3-76glTableRow_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableRow_set_user_data

REF3 3-79glTableRow_set_visible REF4 1-58glText_assign REF3 3-4glText_changed REF4 1-178glText_create REF3 3-85glText_destroy REF3 3-12glText_display_status REF3 3-15glText_find_gadget REF3 3-18glText_get_background REF3 3-21glText_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glText_get_border REF4 1-14glText_get_col_align REF4 1-16glText_get_columns REF4 1-179


Index–74 Version 3.2

glText_get_dialog REF3 3-28glText_get_encrypt REF4 1-180glText_get_foreground REF3 3-30glText_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glText_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glText_get_help_message REF3 3-34glText_get_name REF3 3-37glText_get_old_value REF4 1-98glText_get_parent REF3 3-39glText_get_path REF3 3-42glText_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glText_get_row_align REF4 1-23glText_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glText_get_title REF3 3-48glText_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glText_get_user_data REF3 3-51glText_get_value REF4 1-99glText_get_visible REF4 1-32glText_has_parent REF3 3-54glText_help_cbs REF3 3-57glText_is_presented REF3 3-60glText_set_background REF3 3-63glText_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glText_set_border REF4 1-34glText_set_col_align REF4 1-36glText_set_columns REF4 1-181glText_set_encrypt REF4 1-182glText_set_foreground REF3 3-70glText_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glText_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glText_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glText_set_help_message REF3 3-73glText_set_old_value REF4 1-101glText_set_row_align REF4 1-48glText_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glText_set_title REF3 3-76glText_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glText_set_user_data REF3 3-79glText_set_value REF4 1-102glText_set_visible REF4 1-58

GL typesglBase REF3 3-1

glButton REF3 3-83glCB REF3 3-92glCBCsr REF3 3-93glCBList REF3 3-93glCell REF3 3-100glCellArray REF3 3-101glChoice REF3 3-112glChoiceCsr REF3 3-128glChoiceEntry REF3 3-122glChoiceList REF3 3-128glChooser REF3 3-135glCmdButton REF3 3-160glCollection REF3 3-161glDialog REF3 3-173glDialogCsr REF3 3-205glDialogList REF3 3-205glDlgGadgetCsr REF3 3-241glDlgGadgetList REF3 3-241glDrag REF4 1-4glDragCsr REF4 1-5glDragList REF4 1-5glGadget REF4 1-12glGroup REF4 1-60glGrpGadgetCsr REF4 1-71glGrpGadgetList REF4 1-71glIcon REF4 1-73glIconCsr REF4 1-76glIconList REF4 1-76glList REF4 1-88glMenu REF4 1-89glMenuCsr REF4 1-91glMenuList REF4 1-91glMessage REF4 1-95glMsg REF4 1-103glPage REF4 1-109glSeparator REF4 1-121glSwitch REF4 1-122glTable REF4 1-132glTableColumn REF4 1-135glTableHdr REF4 1-136glTableHdrCsr REF4 1-137glTableHdrList REF4 1-137


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–75

glTableRow REF4 1-153glText REF4 1-177

gl_flush_cache REF4 1-183gl_init REF4 1-184gl_locate_dialog REF4 1-185gl_locate_dialog_env REF4 1-185gl_value_to_StringList REF4 1-186glBase REF3 3-1glBase_assign REF3 3-4glBase_destroy REF3 3-12glBase_display_status REF3 3-15glBase_find_gadget REF3 3-18glBase_get_background REF3 3-21glBase_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glBase_get_dialog REF3 3-28glBase_get_foreground REF3 3-30glBase_get_help_message REF3 3-34glBase_get_name REF3 3-37glBase_get_parent REF3 3-39glBase_get_path REF3 3-42glBase_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glBase_get_title REF3 3-48glBase_get_user_data REF3 3-51glBase_has_parent REF3 3-54glBase_help_cbs REF3 3-57glBase_is_presented REF3 3-60glBase_set_background REF3 3-63glBase_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glBase_set_foreground REF3 3-70glBase_set_help_message REF3 3-73glBase_set_title REF3 3-76glBase_set_user_data REF3 3-79glButton REF3 3-83glButton_assign REF3 3-4glButton_commands REF3 3-84glButton_create REF3 3-85glButton_destroy REF3 3-12glButton_display_status REF3 3-15glButton_find_gadget REF3 3-18

glButton_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glButton_get_background REF3 3-21glButton_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glButton_get_border REF4 1-14glButton_get_col_align REF4 1-16glButton_get_dialog REF3 3-28glButton_get_foreground REF3 3-30glButton_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glButton_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glButton_get_help_message REF3 3-34glButton_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glButton_get_name REF3 3-37glButton_get_parent REF3 3-39glButton_get_path REF3 3-42glButton_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glButton_get_row_align REF4 1-23glButton_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glButton_get_title REF3 3-48glButton_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glButton_get_user_data REF3 3-51glButton_get_visible REF4 1-32glButton_has_parent REF3 3-54glButton_help_cbs REF3 3-57glButton_is_presented REF3 3-60glButton_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glButton_set_background REF3 3-63glButton_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glButton_set_border REF4 1-34glButton_set_col_align REF4 1-36glButton_set_foreground REF3 3-70glButton_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glButton_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glButton_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glButton_set_help_message REF3 3-73glButton_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glButton_set_row_align REF4 1-48glButton_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glButton_set_title REF3 3-76


Index–76 Version 3.2

glButton_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glButton_set_user_data REF3 3-79glButton_set_visible REF4 1-58glCB REF3 3-92glCB_apply REF3 3-95glCB_assign REF3 3-96glCB_create REF3 3-97glCB_create_ap REF3 3-97glCB_createv REF3 3-97glCB_destroy REF3 3-99glCB_get_name REF3 3-99glCBCsr REF3 3-93glCBCsr_clone REF3 3-176glCBCsr_contains REF3 3-178glCBCsr_create REF3 3-180glCBCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glCBCsr_done REF3 3-184glCBCsr_end REF3 3-186glCBCsr_insert REF3 3-188glCBCsr_last REF3 3-192glCBCsr_next REF3 3-194glCBCsr_prev REF3 3-196glCBCsr_remove REF3 3-198glCBCsr_reset REF3 3-200glCBCsr_seek REF3 3-202glCBCsr_value REF3 3-203glCBList REF3 3-93glCBList_assign REF3 3-206glCBList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glCell REF3 3-100glCell_assign REF3 3-109glCell_create REF3 3-110glCell_destroy REF3 3-111glCell_title REF3 3-111glCellArray REF3 3-101glCellArray_assign REF3 3-102glCellArray_clone REF3 3-103

glCellArray_contains REF3 3-104glCellArray_create REF3 3-105glCellArray_destroy REF3 3-106glCellArray_insert REF3 3-106glCellArray_remove REF3 3-107glCellArray_value REF3 3-108glChoice REF3 3-112glChoice_assign REF3 3-4glChoice_changed REF3 3-137glChoice_choices REF3 3-138glChoice_create REF3 3-85glChoice_destroy REF3 3-12glChoice_display_status REF3 3-15glChoice_double_click REF3 3-139glChoice_find_gadget REF3 3-18glChoice_get_alignment REF3 3-141glChoice_get_background REF3 3-21glChoice_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glChoice_get_border REF4 1-14glChoice_get_col_align REF4 1-16glChoice_get_columns REF3 3-142glChoice_get_dialog REF3 3-28glChoice_get_foreground REF3 3-30glChoice_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glChoice_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glChoice_get_help_message REF3 3-34glChoice_get_layout REF3 3-143glChoice_get_name REF3 3-37glChoice_get_parent REF3 3-39glChoice_get_path REF3 3-42glChoice_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glChoice_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glChoice_get_row_align REF4 1-23glChoice_get_rows REF3 3-146glChoice_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glChoice_get_show REF3 3-147glChoice_get_show_browser REF3 3-148


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–77

glChoice_get_sort REF3 3-150glChoice_get_title REF3 3-48glChoice_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glChoice_get_user_data REF3 3-51glChoice_get_visible REF4 1-32glChoice_has_parent REF3 3-54glChoice_help_cbs REF3 3-57glChoice_is_presented REF3 3-60glChoice_set_alignment REF3 3-151glChoice_set_background REF3 3-63glChoice_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glChoice_set_border REF4 1-34glChoice_set_col_align REF4 1-36glChoice_set_columns REF3 3-152glChoice_set_foreground REF3 3-70glChoice_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glChoice_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glChoice_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glChoice_set_help_message REF3 3-73glChoice_set_layout REF3 3-153glChoice_set_row_align REF4 1-48glChoice_set_rows REF3 3-156glChoice_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glChoice_set_show REF3 3-157glChoice_set_show_browser REF3 3-158glChoice_set_sort REF3 3-159glChoice_set_title REF3 3-76glChoice_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glChoice_set_user_data REF3 3-79glChoice_set_visible REF4 1-58glChoiceCsr REF3 3-128glChoiceCsr_clone REF3 3-176glChoiceCsr_contains REF3 3-178glChoiceCsr_create REF3 3-180glChoiceCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glChoiceCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glChoiceCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glChoiceCsr_done REF3 3-184

glChoiceCsr_end REF3 3-186glChoiceCsr_first_selection REF3 3-115glChoiceCsr_insert REF3 3-188glChoiceCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glChoiceCsr_last REF3 3-192glChoiceCsr_last_selection REF3 3-117glChoiceCsr_next REF3 3-194glChoiceCsr_next_selection REF3 3-118glChoiceCsr_prev REF3 3-196glChoiceCsr_prev_selection REF3 3-119glChoiceCsr_remove REF3 3-198glChoiceCsr_reset REF3 3-200glChoiceCsr_select REF3 3-120glChoiceCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glChoiceCsr_value REF3 3-203glChoiceEntry REF3 3-122glChoiceEntry_create REF3 3-124glChoiceEntry_destroy REF3 3-125glChoiceEntry_get_key REF3 3-125glChoiceEntry_get_label REF3 3-126glChoiceEntry_is_selected REF3 3-127glChoiceList REF3 3-128glChoiceList_add REF3 3-131glChoiceList_assign REF3 3-206glChoiceList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glChoiceList_get_format REF3 3-132glChoiceList_get_value_format

REF3 3-133, REF3 3-134glChoiceList_subtract REF3 3-134glChooser REF3 3-135glChooser_assign REF3 3-4glChooser_changed REF3 3-137glChooser_choices REF3 3-138glChooser_destroy REF3 3-12glChooser_display_status REF3 3-15glChooser_double_click REF3 3-139glChooser_find_gadget REF3 3-18


Index–78 Version 3.2

glChooser_get_alignment REF3 3-141glChooser_get_background REF3 3-21glChooser_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glChooser_get_border REF4 1-14glChooser_get_col_align REF4 1-16glChooser_get_columns REF3 3-142glChooser_get_dialog REF3 3-28glChooser_get_foreground REF3 3-30glChooser_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glChooser_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glChooser_get_help_message REF3 3-34glChooser_get_layout REF3 3-143glChooser_get_name REF3 3-37glChooser_get_parent REF3 3-39glChooser_get_path REF3 3-42glChooser_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glChooser_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glChooser_get_row_align REF4 1-23glChooser_get_rows REF3 3-146glChooser_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glChooser_get_show REF3 3-147glChooser_get_show_browser

REF3 3-148glChooser_get_sort REF3 3-150glChooser_get_title REF3 3-48glChooser_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glChooser_get_user_data REF3 3-51glChooser_get_visible REF4 1-32glChooser_has_parent REF3 3-54glChooser_help_cbs REF3 3-57glChooser_is_presented REF3 3-60glChooser_set_alignment REF3 3-151glChooser_set_background REF3 3-63glChooser_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glChooser_set_border REF4 1-34glChooser_set_col_align REF4 1-36glChooser_set_columns REF3 3-152

glChooser_set_foreground REF3 3-70glChooser_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glChooser_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glChooser_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glChooser_set_help_message REF3 3-73glChooser_set_layout REF3 3-153glChooser_set_row_align REF4 1-48glChooser_set_rows REF3 3-156glChooser_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glChooser_set_show REF3 3-157glChooser_set_show_browser REF3 3-158glChooser_set_sort REF3 3-159glChooser_set_title REF3 3-76glChooser_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glChooser_set_user_data REF3 3-79glChooser_set_visible REF4 1-58glCmdButton REF3 3-160glCmdButton_assign REF3 3-4glCmdButton_commands REF3 3-84glCmdButton_create REF3 3-85glCmdButton_destroy REF3 3-12glCmdButton_display_status REF3 3-15glCmdButton_find_gadget REF3 3-18glCmdButton_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glCmdButton_get_background REF3 3-21glCmdButton_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glCmdButton_get_border REF4 1-14glCmdButton_get_col_align REF4 1-16glCmdButton_get_dialog REF3 3-28glCmdButton_get_foreground REF3 3-30glCmdButton_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glCmdButton_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glCmdButton_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glCmdButton_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glCmdButton_get_name REF3 3-37glCmdButton_get_parent REF3 3-39glCmdButton_get_path REF3 3-42


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–79

glCmdButton_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glCmdButton_get_row_align REF4 1-23glCmdButton_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glCmdButton_get_title REF3 3-48glCmdButton_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glCmdButton_get_user_data REF3 3-51glCmdButton_get_visible REF4 1-32glCmdButton_has_parent REF3 3-54glCmdButton_help_cbs REF3 3-57glCmdButton_is_presented REF3 3-60glCmdButton_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glCmdButton_set_background REF3 3-63glCmdButton_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glCmdButton_set_border REF4 1-34glCmdButton_set_col_align REF4 1-36glCmdButton_set_foreground REF3 3-70glCmdButton_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glCmdButton_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glCmdButton_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glCmdButton_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glCmdButton_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glCmdButton_set_row_align REF4 1-48glCmdButton_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glCmdButton_set_title REF3 3-76glCmdButton_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glCmdButton_set_user_data REF3 3-79glCmdButton_set_visible REF4 1-58glCollection REF3 3-161glCollection_assign REF3 3-4glCollection_copy_in REF3 3-163glCollection_create REF3 3-85glCollection_destroy REF3 3-12glCollection_display_status REF3 3-15glCollection_drops REF3 3-164glCollection_find_gadget REF3 3-18glCollection_get_background REF3 3-21

glCollection_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glCollection_get_border REF4 1-14glCollection_get_col_align REF4 1-16glCollection_get_dialog REF3 3-28glCollection_get_exclusive_selection

REF3 3-165glCollection_get_foreground REF3 3-30glCollection_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glCollection_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glCollection_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glCollection_get_name REF3 3-37glCollection_get_parent REF3 3-39glCollection_get_path REF3 3-42glCollection_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glCollection_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glCollection_get_row_align REF4 1-23glCollection_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glCollection_get_title REF3 3-48glCollection_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glCollection_get_type REF3 3-166glCollection_get_user_data REF3 3-51glCollection_get_view_by REF3 3-167glCollection_get_visible REF4 1-32glCollection_has_parent REF3 3-54glCollection_help_cbs REF3 3-57glCollection_icons REF3 3-168glCollection_is_presented REF3 3-60glCollection_move_in REF3 3-169glCollection_set_background REF3 3-63glCollection_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glCollection_set_border REF4 1-34glCollection_set_col_align REF4 1-36glCollection_set_exclusive_selection

REF3 3-171glCollection_set_foreground REF3 3-70glCollection_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40


Index–80 Version 3.2

glCollection_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glCollection_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glCollection_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glCollection_set_row_align REF4 1-48glCollection_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glCollection_set_title REF3 3-76glCollection_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glCollection_set_type REF3 3-172glCollection_set_user_data REF3 3-79glCollection_set_view_by REF3 3-172glCollection_set_visible REF4 1-58glDialog REF3 3-173glDialog object Wkbk 8-14glDialog_assign REF3 3-4glDialog_create REF3 3-85glDialog_delayed_destroy REF3 3-212glDialog_destroy REF3 3-12glDialog_dialogs REF3 3-213glDialog_display_status REF3 3-15glDialog_find_gadget REF3 3-18glDialog_flush REF3 3-214glDialog_gadgets REF3 3-215glDialog_get_alignment REF3 3-216glDialog_get_background REF3 3-21glDialog_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glDialog_get_default_button REF3 3-217glDialog_get_dialog REF3 3-28glDialog_get_dtc_handle REF3 3-219glDialog_get_env REF3 3-220glDialog_get_foreground REF3 3-30glDialog_get_help_menu REF3 3-221glDialog_get_help_message REF3 3-34glDialog_get_instance_id REF3 3-222glDialog_get_layout REF3 3-223glDialog_get_name REF3 3-37glDialog_get_owner REF3 3-224glDialog_get_parent REF3 3-39

glDialog_get_path REF3 3-42glDialog_get_purpose REF3 3-225glDialog_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glDialog_get_style REF3 3-218,

REF3 3-226glDialog_get_title REF3 3-48glDialog_get_user_data REF3 3-51glDialog_has_parent REF3 3-54glDialog_help_cbs REF3 3-57glDialog_iconify REF3 3-227glDialog_is_presented REF3 3-60glDialog_load REF3 3-228glDialog_load_env REF3 3-228glDialog_perform REF3 3-230glDialog_popdown REF3 3-230glDialog_present REF3 3-231glDialog_present operation Wkbk 8-24glDialog_quit REF3 3-232glDialog_run REF3 3-233glDialog_run operation Wkbk 8-24glDialog_set_alignment REF3 3-234glDialog_set_background REF3 3-63glDialog_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glDialog_set_default_button REF3 3-235glDialog_set_env REF3 3-236glDialog_set_foreground REF3 3-70glDialog_set_help_menu REF3 3-237glDialog_set_help_message REF3 3-73glDialog_set_layout REF3 3-237glDialog_set_purpose REF3 3-238glDialog_set_style REF3 3-240glDialog_set_title REF3 3-76glDialog_set_user_data REF3 3-79glDialog_wait REF3 3-241glDialogCsr REF3 3-205glDialogCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDialogCsr_contains REF3 3-178glDialogCsr_create REF3 3-180


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–81

glDialogCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDialogCsr_dismiss REF3 3-183glDialogCsr_done REF3 3-184glDialogCsr_end REF3 3-186glDialogCsr_insert REF3 3-188glDialogCsr_last REF3 3-192glDialogCsr_next REF3 3-194glDialogCsr_present REF3 3-196glDialogCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDialogCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDialogCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDialogCsr_seek REF3 3-202glDialogCsr_value REF3 3-203glDialogList REF3 3-205glDialogList_assign REF3 3-206glDialogList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glDlgGadgetCsr REF3 3-241glDlgGadgetCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDlgGadgetCsr_contains REF3 3-178glDlgGadgetCsr_create REF3 3-180glDlgGadgetCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDlgGadgetCsr_done REF3 3-184glDlgGadgetCsr_end REF3 3-186glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_button

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_choice

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_group

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_list REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_menu REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_message

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_page REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glDlgGadgetCsr_last REF3 3-192

glDlgGadgetCsr_next REF3 3-194glDlgGadgetCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDlgGadgetCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDlgGadgetCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDlgGadgetCsr_seek REF3 3-202glDlgGadgetCsr_value REF3 3-203glDlgGadgetList REF3 3-241glDlgGadgetList_assign REF3 3-206glDlgGadgetList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glDrag REF4 1-4glDrag_assign REF4 1-6glDrag_clone REF4 1-7glDrag_create REF4 1-8glDrag_destroy REF4 1-9glDrag_get_actions REF4 1-10glDrag_get_source REF4 1-11glDrag_make REF4 1-8glDragCsr REF4 1-5glDragCsr_clone REF3 3-176glDragCsr_create REF3 3-180glDragCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glDragCsr_done REF3 3-184glDragCsr_end REF3 3-186glDragCsr_insert REF3 3-188glDragCsr_last REF3 3-192glDragCsr_next REF3 3-194glDragCsr_prev REF3 3-196glDragCsr_remove REF3 3-198glDragCsr_reset REF3 3-200glDragCsr_value REF3 3-203glDragList REF4 1-5glDragList_assign REF3 3-206glDragList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glGadget REF4 1-12glGadget_assign REF3 3-4glGadget_destroy REF3 3-12


Index–82 Version 3.2

glGadget_display_status REF3 3-15glGadget_find_gadget REF3 3-18glGadget_get_background REF3 3-21glGadget_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glGadget_get_border REF4 1-14glGadget_get_col_align REF4 1-16glGadget_get_dialog REF3 3-28glGadget_get_foreground REF3 3-30glGadget_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glGadget_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glGadget_get_help_message REF3 3-34glGadget_get_name REF3 3-37glGadget_get_parent REF3 3-39glGadget_get_path REF3 3-42glGadget_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glGadget_get_row_align REF4 1-23glGadget_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glGadget_get_title REF3 3-48glGadget_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glGadget_get_user_data REF3 3-51glGadget_get_visible REF4 1-32glGadget_has_parent REF3 3-54glGadget_help_cbs REF3 3-57glGadget_is_presented REF3 3-60glGadget_set_background REF3 3-63glGadget_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glGadget_set_border REF4 1-34glGadget_set_col_align REF4 1-36glGadget_set_foreground REF3 3-70glGadget_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glGadget_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glGadget_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glGadget_set_help_message REF3 3-73glGadget_set_row_align REF4 1-48glGadget_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glGadget_set_title REF3 3-76glGadget_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glGadget_set_user_data REF3 3-79

glGadget_set_visible REF4 1-58glGroup REF4 1-60glGroup_assign REF3 3-4glGroup_create REF3 3-85glGroup_destroy REF3 3-12glGroup_display_status REF3 3-15glGroup_find_gadget REF3 3-18glGroup_gadgets REF4 1-62glGroup_get_alignment REF4 1-63glGroup_get_background REF3 3-21glGroup_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glGroup_get_border REF4 1-14glGroup_get_col_align REF4 1-16glGroup_get_dialog REF3 3-28glGroup_get_foreground REF3 3-30glGroup_get_grid_height REF4 1-64glGroup_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glGroup_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glGroup_get_grid_width REF4 1-65glGroup_get_help_message REF3 3-34glGroup_get_layout REF4 1-66glGroup_get_name REF3 3-37glGroup_get_parent REF3 3-39glGroup_get_path REF3 3-42glGroup_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glGroup_get_row_align REF4 1-23glGroup_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glGroup_get_title REF3 3-48glGroup_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glGroup_get_user_data REF3 3-51glGroup_get_visible REF4 1-32glGroup_has_parent REF3 3-54glGroup_help_cbs REF3 3-57glGroup_is_presented REF3 3-60glGroup_set_alignment REF4 1-67glGroup_set_background REF3 3-63glGroup_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glGroup_set_border REF4 1-34


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–83

glGroup_set_col_align REF4 1-36glGroup_set_foreground REF3 3-70glGroup_set_grid_height REF4 1-68glGroup_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glGroup_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glGroup_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glGroup_set_grid_width REF4 1-69glGroup_set_help_message REF3 3-73glGroup_set_layout REF4 1-70glGroup_set_row_align REF4 1-48glGroup_set_row_height REF4 1-172glGroup_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glGroup_set_title REF3 3-76glGroup_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glGroup_set_user_data REF3 3-79glGroup_set_visible REF4 1-58glGrpGadgetCsr REF4 1-71glGrpGadgetCsr_clone REF3 3-176glGrpGadgetCsr_contains REF3 3-178glGrpGadgetCsr_create REF3 3-180glGrpGadgetCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glGrpGadgetCsr_done REF3 3-184glGrpGadgetCsr_end REF3 3-186glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_button

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_choice

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_group

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_list REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_message

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_page REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_switch

REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_insert_text REF3 3-188glGrpGadgetCsr_last REF3 3-192glGrpGadgetCsr_next REF3 3-194

glGrpGadgetCsr_prev REF3 3-196glGrpGadgetCsr_remove REF3 3-198glGrpGadgetCsr_reset REF3 3-200glGrpGadgetCsr_seek REF3 3-202glGrpGadgetCsr_value REF3 3-203glGrpGadgetList REF4 1-71glGrpGadgetList_assign REF3 3-206glGrpGadgetList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glIcon REF4 1-73glIcon_assign REF4 1-80glIcon_clone REF4 1-81glIcon_create REF4 1-82glIcon_destroy REF4 1-83glIcon_from_view_item REF4 1-83glIcon_get_icon_id REF4 1-84glIcon_get_instance_id REF4 1-85glIcon_get_label REF4 1-86glIcon_get_sort_key REF4 1-87glIcon_get_state REF4 1-88glIconCsr REF4 1-76glIconCsr_clone REF3 3-176glIconCsr_contains REF3 3-178glIconCsr_create REF3 3-180glIconCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glIconCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glIconCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glIconCsr_done REF3 3-184glIconCsr_end REF3 3-186glIconCsr_insert REF3 3-188glIconCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glIconCsr_last REF3 3-192glIconCsr_next REF3 3-194glIconCsr_prev REF3 3-196glIconCsr_remove REF3 3-198glIconCsr_reset REF3 3-200glIconCsr_seek REF3 3-202glIconCsr_seek_icon REF4 1-74


Index–84 Version 3.2

glIconCsr_seek_instance_id REF4 1-74glIconCsr_seek_item REF4 1-74glIconCsr_select REF3 3-120glIconCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glIconCsr_value REF3 3-203glIconList REF4 1-76glIconList_add REF4 1-78glIconList_assign REF3 3-206glIconList_clone REF4 1-78glIconList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glIconList_subtract REF4 1-79glList REF4 1-88glList_assign REF3 3-4glList_changed REF3 3-137glList_choices REF3 3-138glList_create REF3 3-85glList_destroy REF3 3-12glList_display_status REF3 3-15glList_double_click REF3 3-139glList_find_gadget REF3 3-18glList_get_alignment REF3 3-141glList_get_background REF3 3-21glList_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glList_get_border REF4 1-14glList_get_col_align REF4 1-16glList_get_columns REF3 3-142glList_get_dialog REF3 3-28glList_get_foreground REF3 3-30glList_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glList_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glList_get_help_message REF3 3-34glList_get_layout REF3 3-143glList_get_name REF3 3-37glList_get_parent REF3 3-39glList_get_path REF3 3-42glList_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154

glList_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glList_get_row_align REF4 1-23glList_get_rows REF3 3-146glList_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glList_get_show REF3 3-147glList_get_show_browser REF3 3-148glList_get_sort REF3 3-150glList_get_title REF3 3-48glList_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glList_get_user_data REF3 3-51glList_get_visible REF4 1-32glList_has_parent REF3 3-54glList_help_cbs REF3 3-57glList_is_presented REF3 3-60glList_set_alignment REF3 3-151glList_set_background REF3 3-63glList_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glList_set_border REF4 1-34glList_set_col_align REF4 1-36glList_set_columns REF3 3-152glList_set_foreground REF3 3-70glList_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glList_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glList_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glList_set_help_message REF3 3-73glList_set_layout REF3 3-153glList_set_row_align REF4 1-48glList_set_rows REF3 3-156glList_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glList_set_show REF3 3-157glList_set_show_browser REF3 3-158glList_set_sort REF3 3-159glList_set_title REF3 3-76glList_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glList_set_user_data REF3 3-79glList_set_visible REF4 1-58glMenu REF4 1-89glMenu_assign REF3 3-4


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–85

glMenu_create REF3 3-85glMenu_destroy REF3 3-12glMenu_display_status REF3 3-15glMenu_find_gadget REF3 3-18glMenu_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glMenu_get_background REF3 3-21glMenu_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glMenu_get_border REF4 1-14glMenu_get_col_align REF4 1-16glMenu_get_dialog REF3 3-28glMenu_get_foreground REF3 3-30glMenu_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glMenu_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glMenu_get_help_message REF3 3-34glMenu_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glMenu_get_name REF3 3-37glMenu_get_parent REF3 3-39glMenu_get_path REF3 3-42glMenu_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glMenu_get_row_align REF4 1-23glMenu_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glMenu_get_tear_off REF4 1-94glMenu_get_title REF3 3-48glMenu_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glMenu_get_user_data REF3 3-51glMenu_get_visible REF4 1-32glMenu_has_parent REF3 3-54glMenu_help_cbs REF3 3-57glMenu_is_presented REF3 3-60glMenu_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glMenu_set_background REF3 3-63glMenu_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glMenu_set_border REF4 1-34glMenu_set_col_align REF4 1-36glMenu_set_foreground REF3 3-70glMenu_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glMenu_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glMenu_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45

glMenu_set_help_message REF3 3-73glMenu_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glMenu_set_row_align REF4 1-48glMenu_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glMenu_set_tear_off REF4 1-94glMenu_set_title REF3 3-76glMenu_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glMenu_set_user_data REF3 3-79glMenu_set_visible REF4 1-58glMenuCsr REF4 1-91glMenuCsr_clone REF3 3-176glMenuCsr_contains REF3 3-178glMenuCsr_create REF3 3-180glMenuCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glMenuCsr_done REF3 3-184glMenuCsr_end REF3 3-186glMenuCsr_insert_button REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_menu REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_separator REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_insert_switch REF3 3-188glMenuCsr_last REF3 3-192glMenuCsr_next REF3 3-194glMenuCsr_prev REF3 3-196glMenuCsr_remove REF3 3-198glMenuCsr_reset REF3 3-200glMenuCsr_seek REF3 3-202glMenuCsr_value REF3 3-203glMenuList REF4 1-91glMenuList_assign REF3 3-206glMenuList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glMessage REF4 1-95glMessage_assign REF3 3-4glMessage_create REF3 3-85glMessage_destroy REF3 3-12glMessage_display_status REF3 3-15glMessage_find_gadget REF3 3-18glMessage_get_alignment REF4 1-97


Index–86 Version 3.2

glMessage_get_background REF3 3-21glMessage_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glMessage_get_border REF4 1-14glMessage_get_col_align REF4 1-16glMessage_get_dialog REF3 3-28glMessage_get_foreground REF3 3-30glMessage_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glMessage_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glMessage_get_help_message REF3 3-34glMessage_get_name REF3 3-37glMessage_get_old_value REF4 1-98glMessage_get_parent REF3 3-39glMessage_get_path REF3 3-42glMessage_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glMessage_get_row_align REF4 1-23glMessage_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glMessage_get_title REF3 3-48glMessage_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glMessage_get_user_data REF3 3-51glMessage_get_value REF4 1-99glMessage_get_visible REF4 1-32glMessage_has_parent REF3 3-54glMessage_help_cbs REF3 3-57glMessage_is_presented REF3 3-60glMessage_set_alignment REF4 1-100glMessage_set_background REF3 3-63glMessage_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glMessage_set_border REF4 1-34glMessage_set_col_align REF4 1-36glMessage_set_foreground REF3 3-70glMessage_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glMessage_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glMessage_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glMessage_set_help_message REF3 3-73glMessage_set_old_value REF4 1-101glMessage_set_row_align REF4 1-48glMessage_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glMessage_set_title REF3 3-76

glMessage_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glMessage_set_user_data REF3 3-79glMessage_set_value REF4 1-102glMessage_set_visible REF4 1-58glMsg REF4 1-103glMsg_assign REF4 1-104glMsg_create REF4 1-105glMsg_destroy REF4 1-106glMsg_format REF4 1-107glMsg_get_default_text REF4 1-108global memory

allocating ASM1 3-2, ASM1 3-3allocating an array ASM1 3-2changing block size ASM1 3-3custom allocation functions ASM1 3-4example of interaction with local

memory ASM1 3-15managing ASM1 3-1releasing ASM1 3-3using with local memory ASM1 3-10

glPage REF4 1-109glPage_append_text REF4 1-110glPage_assign REF3 3-4glPage_create REF3 3-85glPage_destroy REF3 3-12glPage_display_status REF3 3-15glPage_find_gadget REF3 3-18glPage_get_background REF3 3-21glPage_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glPage_get_border REF4 1-14glPage_get_col_align REF4 1-16glPage_get_dialog REF3 3-28glPage_get_foreground REF3 3-30glPage_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glPage_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glPage_get_help_message REF3 3-34glPage_get_name REF3 3-37glPage_get_old_value REF4 1-112glPage_get_parent REF3 3-39


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–87

glPage_get_path REF3 3-42glPage_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glPage_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glPage_get_row_align REF4 1-23glPage_get_rows REF4 1-113glPage_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glPage_get_title REF3 3-48glPage_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glPage_get_user_data REF3 3-51glPage_get_value REF4 1-114glPage_get_visible REF4 1-32glPage_get_wrap REF4 1-115glPage_has_parent REF3 3-54glPage_help_cbs REF3 3-57glPage_is_presented REF3 3-60glPage_set_background REF3 3-63glPage_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glPage_set_border REF4 1-34glPage_set_col_align REF4 1-36glPage_set_columns REF4 1-116glPage_set_foreground REF3 3-70glPage_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glPage_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glPage_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glPage_set_help_message REF3 3-73glPage_set_old_value REF4 1-117glPage_set_row_align REF4 1-48glPage_set_rows REF4 1-118glPage_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glPage_set_title REF3 3-76glPage_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glPage_set_user_data REF3 3-79glPage_set_value REF4 1-119glPage_set_visible REF4 1-58glPage_set_wrap REF4 1-120glSeparator REF4 1-121glSeparator_assign REF3 3-4

glSeparator_create REF3 3-85glSeparator_destroy REF3 3-12glSeparator_display_status REF3 3-15glSeparator_find_gadget REF3 3-18glSeparator_get_background REF3 3-21glSeparator_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glSeparator_get_border REF4 1-14glSeparator_get_col_align REF4 1-16glSeparator_get_dialog REF3 3-28glSeparator_get_foreground REF3 3-30glSeparator_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glSeparator_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glSeparator_get_help_message REF3 3-34glSeparator_get_name REF3 3-37glSeparator_get_parent REF3 3-39glSeparator_get_path REF3 3-42glSeparator_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glSeparator_get_row_align REF4 1-23glSeparator_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glSeparator_get_title REF3 3-48glSeparator_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glSeparator_get_user_data REF3 3-51glSeparator_get_visible REF4 1-32glSeparator_has_parent REF3 3-54glSeparator_help_cbs REF3 3-57glSeparator_is_presented REF3 3-60glSeparator_set_background REF3 3-63glSeparator_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glSeparator_set_border REF4 1-34glSeparator_set_col_align REF4 1-36glSeparator_set_foreground REF3 3-70glSeparator_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glSeparator_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glSeparator_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glSeparator_set_help_message REF3 3-73glSeparator_set_row_align REF4 1-48glSeparator_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glSeparator_set_title REF3 3-76


Index–88 Version 3.2

glSeparator_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glSeparator_set_user_data REF3 3-79glSeparator_set_visible REF4 1-58glSwitch REF4 1-122glSwitch_assign REF3 3-4glSwitch_changed REF4 1-124glSwitch_create REF3 3-85glSwitch_destroy REF3 3-12glSwitch_display_status REF3 3-15glSwitch_find_gadget REF3 3-18glSwitch_get_accelerator REF3 3-87glSwitch_get_background REF3 3-21glSwitch_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glSwitch_get_border REF4 1-14glSwitch_get_col_align REF4 1-16glSwitch_get_dialog REF3 3-28glSwitch_get_foreground REF3 3-30glSwitch_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glSwitch_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glSwitch_get_help_message REF3 3-34glSwitch_get_mnemonic REF3 3-88glSwitch_get_name REF3 3-37glSwitch_get_off REF4 1-125glSwitch_get_old_value REF4 1-126glSwitch_get_on REF4 1-127glSwitch_get_parent REF3 3-39glSwitch_get_path REF3 3-42glSwitch_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glSwitch_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glSwitch_get_row_align REF4 1-23glSwitch_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glSwitch_get_title REF3 3-48glSwitch_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glSwitch_get_user_data REF3 3-51glSwitch_get_value REF4 1-128glSwitch_get_visible REF4 1-32glSwitch_has_parent REF3 3-54

glSwitch_help_cbs REF3 3-57glSwitch_is_presented REF3 3-60glSwitch_set_accelerator REF3 3-90glSwitch_set_background REF3 3-63glSwitch_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glSwitch_set_border REF4 1-34glSwitch_set_col_align REF4 1-36glSwitch_set_foreground REF3 3-70glSwitch_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glSwitch_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glSwitch_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glSwitch_set_help_message REF3 3-73glSwitch_set_mnemonic REF3 3-91glSwitch_set_off REF4 1-129glSwitch_set_old_value REF4 1-129glSwitch_set_on REF4 1-130glSwitch_set_row_align REF4 1-48glSwitch_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glSwitch_set_title REF3 3-76glSwitch_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glSwitch_set_user_data REF3 3-79glSwitch_set_value REF4 1-131glSwitch_set_visible REF4 1-58glTable REF4 1-132glTable_assign REF3 3-4glTable_cells REF4 1-154glTable_changed REF4 1-155glTable_column_headers REF4 1-156glTable_create REF3 3-85glTable_destroy REF3 3-12glTable_display_status REF3 3-15glTable_double_click REF4 1-156glTable_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTable_get_background REF3 3-21glTable_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glTable_get_border REF4 1-14glTable_get_cell_border_style

REF4 1-157


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–89

glTable_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTable_get_column_selection

REF4 1-159glTable_get_columns REF4 1-160glTable_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTable_get_foreground REF3 3-30glTable_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glTable_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTable_get_help_message REF3 3-34glTable_get_layout_policy REF4 1-161glTable_get_name REF3 3-37glTable_get_parent REF3 3-39glTable_get_path REF3 3-42glTable_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTable_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glTable_get_row_align REF4 1-23glTable_get_row_height REF4 1-162glTable_get_row_selection REF4 1-163glTable_get_rows REF4 1-164glTable_get_selection_mode REF4 1-165glTable_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTable_get_title REF3 3-48glTable_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTable_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTable_get_visible REF4 1-32glTable_has_parent REF3 3-54glTable_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTable_is_presented REF3 3-60glTable_row_headers REF4 1-166glTable_set_background REF3 3-63glTable_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glTable_set_border REF4 1-34glTable_set_cell_border_style

REF4 1-167glTable_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTable_set_column_selection

REF4 1-168

glTable_set_columns REF4 1-169glTable_set_foreground REF3 3-70glTable_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glTable_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glTable_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTable_set_help_message REF3 3-73glTable_set_layout_policy REF4 1-170glTable_set_left_column REF4 1-171glTable_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTable_set_row_selection REF4 1-173glTable_set_rows REF4 1-174glTable_set_selection_mode REF4 1-175glTable_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTable_set_title REF3 3-76glTable_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTable_set_top_row REF4 1-176glTable_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTable_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableColumn REF4 1-135glTableColumn_activate REF4 1-140glTableColumn_assign REF3 3-4glTableColumn_create REF3 3-85glTableColumn_destroy REF3 3-12glTableColumn_display_status REF3 3-15glTableColumn_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableColumn_get_alignment

REF4 1-141glTableColumn_get_background

REF3 3-21glTableColumn_get_bitmap_title

REF3 3-25glTableColumn_get_border REF4 1-14glTableColumn_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTableColumn_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableColumn_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableColumn_get_emphasis

REF4 1-144


Index–90 Version 3.2

glTableColumn_get_foregroundREF3 3-30

glTableColumn_get_glyph REF4 1-145glTableColumn_get_grid_horiz

REF4 1-19glTableColumn_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableColumn_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTableColumn_get_name REF3 3-37glTableColumn_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableColumn_get_path REF3 3-42glTableColumn_get_read_only

REF3 3-144, REF3 3-154glTableColumn_get_root_dialog

REF3 3-45glTableColumn_get_row_align REF4 1-23glTableColumn_get_scrolling REF4 1-146glTableColumn_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableColumn_get_title REF3 3-48glTableColumn_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableColumn_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTableColumn_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableColumn_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableColumn_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableColumn_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableColumn_set_alignment

REF4 1-147glTableColumn_set_background

REF3 3-63glTableColumn_set_bitmap_title

REF3 3-67glTableColumn_set_border REF4 1-34glTableColumn_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableColumn_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableColumn_set_emphasis

REF4 1-149glTableColumn_set_foreground

REF3 3-70glTableColumn_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableColumn_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glTableColumn_set_grid_position

REF4 1-42glTableColumn_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTableColumn_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableColumn_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTableColumn_set_scrolling REF4 1-152glTableColumn_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableColumn_set_title REF3 3-76glTableColumn_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableColumn_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTableColumn_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableHdr REF4 1-136glTableHdr_activate REF4 1-140glTableHdr_assign REF3 3-4glTableHdr_destroy REF3 3-12glTableHdr_display_status REF3 3-15glTableHdr_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableHdr_get_alignment REF4 1-141glTableHdr_get_background REF3 3-21glTableHdr_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glTableHdr_get_border REF4 1-14glTableHdr_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTableHdr_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableHdr_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableHdr_get_emphasis REF4 1-144glTableHdr_get_foreground REF3 3-30glTableHdr_get_glyph REF4 1-145glTableHdr_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glTableHdr_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableHdr_get_help_message REF3 3-34glTableHdr_get_name REF3 3-37glTableHdr_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableHdr_get_path REF3 3-42


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–91

glTableHdr_get_read_only REF3 3-144,REF3 3-154

glTableHdr_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glTableHdr_get_row_align REF4 1-23glTableHdr_get_scrolling REF4 1-146glTableHdr_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableHdr_get_title REF3 3-48glTableHdr_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableHdr_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTableHdr_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableHdr_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableHdr_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableHdr_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableHdr_set_alignment REF4 1-147glTableHdr_set_background REF3 3-63glTableHdr_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glTableHdr_set_border REF4 1-34glTableHdr_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableHdr_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableHdr_set_emphasis REF4 1-149glTableHdr_set_foreground REF3 3-70glTableHdr_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableHdr_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glTableHdr_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glTableHdr_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTableHdr_set_help_message REF3 3-73glTableHdr_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTableHdr_set_scrolling REF4 1-152glTableHdr_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableHdr_set_title REF3 3-76glTableHdr_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableHdr_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTableHdr_set_visible REF4 1-58glTableHdrCsr REF4 1-137glTableHdrCsr_clone REF3 3-176glTableHdrCsr_contains REF3 3-178glTableHdrCsr_create REF3 3-180

glTableHdrCsr_deselect REF3 3-113glTableHdrCsr_deselect_all REF3 3-114glTableHdrCsr_destroy REF3 3-182glTableHdrCsr_done REF3 3-184glTableHdrCsr_end REF3 3-186glTableHdrCsr_first_selection

REF3 3-115glTableHdrCsr_insert_column

REF3 3-188glTableHdrCsr_insert_row REF3 3-188glTableHdrCsr_is_selected REF3 3-116glTableHdrCsr_last REF3 3-192glTableHdrCsr_last_selection REF3 3-117glTableHdrCsr_next REF3 3-194glTableHdrCsr_next_selection

REF3 3-118glTableHdrCsr_prev REF3 3-196glTableHdrCsr_prev_selection

REF3 3-119glTableHdrCsr_remove REF3 3-198glTableHdrCsr_reset REF3 3-200glTableHdrCsr_seek REF3 3-202glTableHdrCsr_select REF3 3-120glTableHdrCsr_select_all REF3 3-121glTableHdrCsr_value REF3 3-203glTableHdrList REF4 1-137glTableHdrList_assign REF3 3-206glTableHdrList_create REF3 3-208,

REF3 3-210, REF3 3-211glTableRow REF4 1-153glTableRow_activate REF4 1-140glTableRow_assign REF3 3-4glTableRow_create REF3 3-85glTableRow_destroy REF3 3-12glTableRow_display_status REF3 3-15glTableRow_find_gadget REF3 3-18glTableRow_get_alignment REF4 1-141glTableRow_get_background REF3 3-21


Index–92 Version 3.2

glTableRow_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glTableRow_get_border REF4 1-14glTableRow_get_col_align REF4 1-16glTableRow_get_column_width

REF4 1-143glTableRow_get_dialog REF3 3-28glTableRow_get_emphasis REF4 1-144glTableRow_get_foreground REF3 3-30glTableRow_get_glyph REF4 1-145glTableRow_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glTableRow_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glTableRow_get_help_message

REF3 3-34glTableRow_get_name REF3 3-37glTableRow_get_parent REF3 3-39glTableRow_get_path REF3 3-42glTableRow_get_read_only REF3 3-144,

REF3 3-154glTableRow_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glTableRow_get_row_align REF4 1-23glTableRow_get_scrolling REF4 1-146glTableRow_get_sensitive REF4 1-26glTableRow_get_title REF3 3-48glTableRow_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glTableRow_get_user_data REF3 3-51glTableRow_get_visible REF4 1-32glTableRow_has_parent REF3 3-54glTableRow_help_cbs REF3 3-57glTableRow_is_presented REF3 3-60glTableRow_set_alignment REF4 1-147glTableRow_set_background REF3 3-63glTableRow_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glTableRow_set_border REF4 1-34glTableRow_set_col_align REF4 1-36glTableRow_set_column_width

REF4 1-148glTableRow_set_emphasis REF4 1-149glTableRow_set_foreground REF3 3-70

glTableRow_set_glyph REF4 1-151glTableRow_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glTableRow_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glTableRow_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glTableRow_set_help_message

REF3 3-73glTableRow_set_row_align REF4 1-48glTableRow_set_scrolling REF4 1-152glTableRow_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glTableRow_set_title REF3 3-76glTableRow_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glTableRow_set_user_data REF3 3-79glTableRow_set_visible REF4 1-58glText REF4 1-177glText_assign REF3 3-4glText_changed REF4 1-178glText_create REF3 3-85glText_destroy REF3 3-12glText_display_status REF3 3-15glText_find_gadget REF3 3-18glText_get_background REF3 3-21glText_get_bitmap_title REF3 3-25glText_get_border REF4 1-14glText_get_col_align REF4 1-16glText_get_columns REF4 1-179glText_get_dialog REF3 3-28glText_get_encrypt REF4 1-180glText_get_foreground REF3 3-30glText_get_grid_horiz REF4 1-19glText_get_grid_vert REF4 1-21glText_get_help_message REF3 3-34glText_get_name REF3 3-37glText_get_old_value REF4 1-98glText_get_parent REF3 3-39glText_get_path REF3 3-42glText_get_root_dialog REF3 3-45glText_get_row_align REF4 1-23glText_get_sensitive REF4 1-26


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–93

glText_get_title REF3 3-48glText_get_title_pos REF4 1-28glText_get_user_data REF3 3-51glText_get_value REF4 1-99glText_get_visible REF4 1-32glText_has_parent REF3 3-54glText_help_cbs REF3 3-57glText_is_presented REF3 3-60glText_set_background REF3 3-63glText_set_bitmap_title REF3 3-67glText_set_border REF4 1-34glText_set_col_align REF4 1-36glText_set_columns REF4 1-181glText_set_encrypt REF4 1-182glText_set_foreground REF3 3-70glText_set_grid_horiz REF4 1-40glText_set_grid_position REF4 1-42glText_set_grid_vert REF4 1-45glText_set_help_message REF3 3-73glText_set_old_value REF4 1-101glText_set_row_align REF4 1-48glText_set_sensitive REF4 1-52glText_set_title REF3 3-76glText_set_title_pos REF4 1-54glText_set_user_data REF3 3-79glText_set_value REF4 1-102glText_set_visible REF4 1-58Glyph gadget attribute REF2 7-30glyphs Wkbk 8-32GNU C compiler Wkbk A-1GNU make Wkbk A-1gotolink gl.doc

glH REF4 1-93gotolink gl2.doc

glMenuListH REF3 3-183gotolink glCBCsrH REF3 3-138gotolink glGroupH REF4 1-67graphical interface

callbacks Wkbk 8-11

components Wkbk 8-5dialogs Wkbk 8-6icons Wkbk 8-5presentation object Wkbk 8-9

grid alignment DSM 4-46, DSM 4-47horizontal alignment REF2 7-10horizontal position REF2 7-31Layout gadget attribute REF2 7-38setting grid height REF2 7-30setting grid width REF2 7-32vertical alignment REF2 7-11vertical position REF2 7-32

GridHeight gadget attribute DSM 4-46,DSM 4-49, REF2 7-30

GridHorizontal gadget alignmentREF2 7-31

GridHorizontal gadget attributeDSM 4-46, DSM 4-49

GridVertical gadget attribute DSM 4-46,DSM 4-49, REF2 7-32

GridWidth gadget attribute DSM 4-46,DSM 4-49, REF2 7-32

Group gadget REF2 7-33Group implementation

(see TMF_Notice::Groupimplementation) REF7 3-13

Group installation(see TMF_Notice::Group installation)

REF7 3-15Group interface

(see TMF_Notice::Group interface)REF7 3-9

and notice group objects ASM1 7-4get_all_notices operation ASM1 7-7get_notice operation ASM1 7-6get_notice_range operation ASM1 7-5get_notices operation ASM1 7-6

GuiDaemon program(see TMF_Scheduler::scheduler

implementation programs)REF7 5-57


Index–94 Version 3.2

Hhas_action operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-12has_filter operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-12has_policy_default operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-12headers

in TEIDL implementations FSM 4-23in TEIDL programs FSM 4-34

helper process FSM 4-30HelpMenu dialog attribute REF2 7-35HelpMessage gadget attribute REF2 7-35heterogeneity Intro 1-5heterogeneous networks

described FSM 2-2heterogenous collections

described ASM2 2-1home region

defined ASM2 3-8honors keyword FSM 4-24host cache ASM1 8-2host_name_change operation ASM2 10-6hostid operation ASM1 9-2HostLocation implementation

(see SysAdminLifeCycle::HostLocationimplementation) REF6 4-5

HostLocation interface(see SysAdminLifeCycle::HostLocation

interface) REF6 4-3

Iicon collections

in resource example DSM 4-11Icon gadget REF2 7-36Icon interface DSM 4-4

(see TMF_UI::Icon interface) REF8 2-34

icon state listentries DSM 4-7

icon states Wkbk 8-10and the presentation objects bitmap list

DSM 4-8icons Wkbk 8-5

as objects DSM 2-10as sub-objects DSM 6-11–DSM 6-15associated bitmap REF2 7-5associated object REF2 7-49basic interface class DSM 4-4changing resource states REF1 1-17collections

and command menus DSM 2-4and drag-and-drop DSM 2-3introduction DSM 2-3

grouping objects DSM 2-11Icon gadget REF2 7-36identifying individual objects

DSM 2-10identifying object states DSM 2-11identifying object types DSM 2-10in example resource DSM 4-11introduction DSM 2-9–DSM 2-11

identifying objects DSM 2-10resource object DSM 4-7type name REF2 7-78use in drag and drop DSM 2-3uses DSM 2-10

identifying classes Wkbk 2-7IDL

attribute declarationsFSM 3-24–FSM 3-26

compiler FSM 3-4, Intro 2-6compiler output Intro 2-8compiling Wkbk 3-38components Wkbk 3-1constant declarations FSM 3-14context expression FSM 3-24data type mapping

FSM 3-13–FSM 3-14


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–95

declarations FSM 3-9–FSM 3-14defined FSM 3-1derived interfaces

FSM 3-17–FSM 3-18described FSM 3-4– FSM 3-5exception declarations FSM 3-14forward declarations FSM 3-19header files Wkbk 3-40installation specification Wkbk 3-27interface definition

FSM 3-16–FSM 3-19, FSM4-22

introduction Wkbk 2-3module definition

FSM 3-14–FSM 3-16modules REF5 1-1name resolution operator FSM 3-17name scoping resolution FSM 3-29naming scopes FSM 3-27–FSM 3-30operation declarations

FSM 3-19–FSM 3-24operation parameters

FSM 3-19–FSM 3-20parameter mapping FSM 3-20–FSM

3-21preprocessor directives

FSM 3-26–FSM 3-27program specifiction Wkbk 3-18raising exceptions FSM 3-21,

FSM 3-21–FSM 3-24signatures FSM 6-11source code example FSM 3-7specification FSM 3-7–FSM 3-27Tivoli Extended IDL Intro 2-5Tivoli extended IDL Wkbk 3-1TME 10 ADE extensions FSM 4-11type declarations FSM 3-10–FSM

3-14IDL compiler Wkbk 3-1IDL data types Wkbk 3-2IDL interfaces

inheriting ASM2 1-3

IDL method callbacks DSM 2-17IDL modules

MethodStore REF6 5-1SysAdmin REF6 1-1SysAdminException REF6 3-1SysAdminLifeCycle REF6 4-1TMF_Administrator REF6 6-1TMF_InterRegion REF7 2-1TMF_ManagedNode REF7 1-1TMF_Notice REF7 3-1TMF_Policy REF6 7-1TMF_Root REF7 4-1TMF_Scheduler REF7 5-1TMF_SysAdmin REF6 2-1TMF_TNR REF8 1-1TMF_UI REF8 2-1

IDL sequencesusing, with TAS ASM1 1-3

idlarg utility FSM 4-78idlattr FSM 6-11idlcall FSM 6-9idlcall command REF1 1-5idlexception utility FSM 4-79idlinput utility FSM 4-78idlresult utility FSM 4-79ifstream_create function ASM1 5-2,

REF1 6-6ifstream_new function REF1 6-8ifstream_seek function ASM1 5-5,

REF1 6-10implementation

(see implementation) REF6 1-25implementation keyword FSM 4-24implementation models Wkbk 3-19implementation specification

contents Wkbk 3-1defined Wkbk 3-12inheritance Wkbk 3-13method overides Wkbk 5-14Tivoli/Phone Wkbk 3-14


Index–96 Version 3.2

ImplementationDef interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces)

REF1 12-18implementations

and interface inheritance FSM 4-11associating with interfaces FSM 4-24defined FSM 4-8inheritance FSM 4-9–FSM 4-11multiple, of an interface FSM 4-9of classes FSM 4-2of methods FSM 1-11of objects FSM 4-8– FSM 4-9of objects in TEIDL

FSM 4-21–FSM 4-22relationship to clients

FSM 2-4–FSM 2-9separating from interfaces FSM 2-3,

FSM 3-2– FSM 3-31TEIDL body FSM 4-25TEIDL header FSM 4-23TEIDL inheritance FSM 4-24TEIDL preprocessor directive example

FSM 4-14TEIDL specification FSM 4-12,

FSM 4-23TME models FSM 5-13–FSM 5-15

implicit build rules Wkbk A-6import file Wkbk 7-5importing profile records Wkbk 7-4inactive gadgets DSM 1-8, DSM 3-18Info structure ASM1 8-4inheritance

defined FSM 1-6of classes FSM 1-14of implementations

FSM 4-9–FSM 4-11of interfaces FSM 3-5– FSM 3-6of properties FSM 1-6– FSM 1-9of TEIDL implementations FSM 4-24operator FSM 4-10order of TME objects FSM 5-10

inheritance orderingdefined FSM 1-9

initializoperation REF5 1-123

initializ operation Wkbk 4-2,ASM2 5-14

initialize keyword FSM 4-41,FSM 4-53, FSM 4-54

initializing client services Wkbk 9-5initpres DSM 4-6

and inituiattrs DSM 4-10syntax DSM 4-9typical use DSM 4-9use in example resource DSM 4-19

initpres command Wkbk 8-9, Wkbk 8-45inituiattrs DSM 4-10

and initpres DSM 4-10syntax DSM 4-10syntax components DSM 4-10use in example resource DSM 4-20

install packetsdefined ASM2 9-1, ASM2 9-4defining ASM2 9-6

install_directory operation ASM1 9-11installation ASM2 7-30

(see installation) REF6 1-26script FSM 4-22specifying a program FSM 4-39specifying an implementation

FSM 4-39TEIDL preprocessor directive example

FSM 4-19TEIDL specification

FSM 4-16– FSM 4-21,FSM 4-39

installation imagescreating ASM2 9-12defining ASM2 9-1of applications ASM2 9-1

installation keyword FSM 4-39,FSM 4-40


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–97

installation servicesAppInstall interface ASM1 9-12executing system commands

ASM1 9-30making directories ASM1 9-26opening an Xterm session ASM1 9-29privileged file I/O ASM1 9-31reading remote files ASM1 9-13setting file status ASM1 9-22transferring files ASM1 9-27,

ASM1 9-29writing remote files ASM1 9-16

installation specificationcontents Wkbk 3-1defined Wkbk 3-27

install-time commands Wkbk 3-32Instance interface

(see SysAdmin::Instance interface)REF6 1-66

get_manager operation ASM2 1-11get_type_name operation ASM2 1-4inheritance ASM2 1-9operations ASM2 1-4

instance librariesinherited interfaces ASM2 1-3

instance management Intro 3-5Instance Manager interface

get_instances_interface operationASM2 1-4

set_type_name operation ASM2 1-4instance manager library ASM2 1-1,

ASM2 1-11instance managers

adding supported policy ASM2 1-7and policy objects ASM2 1-6changing library entries ASM2 1-12creating ASM2 1-5creating instances ASM2 1-9creating new resource types ASM2 1-5described ASM2 1-1getting default policy ASM2 1-8

getting supported policy objectsASM2 1-7

IDL interface definitions ASM2 1-13inherited interfaces ASM2 1-3library of ASM2 1-11listing ASM2 1-13object references of notice groups

ASM1 7-3removing supported policy ASM2 1-7setting default policy ASM2 1-8Tivoli implementations ASM2 1-4

InstanceManager implementation(see TMF_SysAdmin::InstanceManager

implementation) REF6 2-49(see TMF_TNR::InstanceManager

implementation) REF8 1-13InstanceManager installation

(see TMF_SysAdmin::InstanceManagerinstallation) REF6 2-53

InstanceManager interface(see SysAdmin::InstanceManager

interface) REF6 1-71(see TMF_SysAdmin::InstanceManager

interface) REF6 2-46(see TMF_TNR ::InstanceManager

interface) REF8 1-12create_instance operation ASM2 1-9get_instances_interface operation

ASM2 1-5inherited interfaces ASM2 1-3operations ASM2 1-4set_type_name operation ASM2 1-5

InstanceMgr_prog1 program(see TMF_SysAdmin implementation

programs) REF6 2-62instances

defined FSM 1-12encapsulating behavior FSM 4-4inherited interfaces ASM2 1-3

instantiable class objects FSM 4-3instantiable classes Wkbk 3-13

specifying FSM 4-24


Index–98 Version 3.2

instantiationdefined FSM 4-8

interface(see interface) REF6 1-23

interface definitionattributes Wkbk 3-7contents Wkbk 3-1data types Wkbk 3-2exception declarations Wkbk 3-4operation signatures Wkbk 3-6specifying interfaces Wkbk 3-6

Interface Definition Languagesee IDL

interface repository Wkbk 9-5,ASM2 1-6

defined FSM 2-10InterfaceDef describe_interface operation

REF1 12-22InterfaceDef interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces) REF1 12-20

InterfaceDef interface operationsdescribe_interface REF1 12-22

interfaces Wkbk 2-8and implementation inheritance

FSM 4-11associating with implementations

FSM 4-24class implementation of FSM 4-2CORBA-compatible

FSM 3-5–FSM 3-7defined Wkbk 2-2, FSM 1-10defining CORBA-compliant FSM 3-3defining in IDL

FSM 3-16–FSM 3-19derived FSM 3-17– FSM 3-18empty FSM 3-18forward declarations FSM 3-19IDL-defined FSM 3-6–FSM 3-7implementing CORBA-compliant

FSM 3-4

inheritance Wkbk 2-8,FSM 3-5–FSM 3-6

multiple implementations FSM 4-9separating from implementations

FSM 2-3,FSM 3-2–FSM 3-31

supported by resource types ASM2 1-5to objects FSM 1-10–FSM 1-11

internal keyword FSM 4-51internal path

described FSM 4-21internationalization Wkbk 2-20internationalizing

dialogscreating DSM 4-55

inter-object message (IOM) servicebulk data transfer ASM1 1-44creating message keys ASM1 1-36data types ASM1 1-35described ASM1 1-35ending communication ASM1 1-41example ASM1 1-41handles ASM1 1-35opening a channel ASM1 7-18opening a channel between methods

ASM1 1-37processing data sent to endpoint

methods ASM2 5-69sending and receiving messages

ASM1 1-38using channels to pass data

ASM2 5-68inter-object message service Wkbk 2-19,

Intro 3-25interpreter operation ASM1 9-12InterRegion_prog1 program

(see TMF_InterRegion::Connectionimplementation programs)REF7 2-14

intrinsic methoddefined FSM 4-26


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–99

intrinsic methods Wkbk 3-20intrinsics keyword FSM 4-26ioch_recv LCF 4-27, LCF A-50IOM ASM2 7-5IOM channel

diagram Wkbk 6-3IOM functions

iom_close REF1 4-2iom_close_input REF1 4-3iom_close_output REF1 4-4iom_create REF1 4-5iom_destroy REF1 4-6iom_finish_spool REF1 4-7iom_key_compare REF1 4-9iom_key_size REF1 4-11iom_open REF1 4-12iom_receive REF1 4-14iom_send REF1 4-16iom_spool_input REF1 4-18iom_spool_output REF1 4-21iom_timed_open REF1 4-24

IOM service Wkbk 2-19, Wkbk 3-22,Wkbk 6-2

IOM service. See inter-object message (IOM)service

iom_close function ASM1 1-41,REF1 4-2

iom_close_input function REF1 4-3iom_close_output function REF1 4-4iom_create function ASM1 1-36,

REF1 4-5iom_destroy function ASM1 1-41,

REF1 4-6iom_finish_spool function REF1 4-7iom_handle_t data type ASM1 1-36iom_key_compare function ASM1 1-36,

REF1 4-9iom_key_size function ASM1 1-37,

REF1 4-11iom_key_t data type ASM1 1-36

iom_open function ASM1 1-37,REF1 4-12

iom_receive function ASM1 1-39,REF1 4-14

iom_send function ASM1 1-38,REF1 4-16

iom_spool_input function ASM1 1-45,REF1 4-18

iom_spool_output function ASM1 1-47,REF1 4-21

iom_timed_open function ASM1 1-38,REF1 4-24

IOS functionsfstream_create REF1 6-2fstream_new REF1 6-4ifstream_create REF1 6-6ifstream_new REF1 6-8ifstream_seek REF1 6-10ios_destroy REF1 6-11istream_eof REF1 6-12istream_get REF1 6-13istream_getc REF1 6-17ofstream_create REF1 6-20ofstream_insert REF1 6-22ofstream_new REF1 6-23ofstream_remove_bytes REF1 6-25ofstream_replace_bytes REF1 6-26ofstream_seek REF1 6-27ofstream_trunc REF1 6-29

ios_destroy function REF1 6-11IP interfaces

adding ASM1 9-6changing definition of ASM1 9-8changing TME database ASM1 9-10described ASM1 9-4getting by device name ASM1 9-6getting lists of ASM1 9-5lookback interface ASM1 9-7loopback interface ASM1 9-7,

ASM1 9-9notification of changes ASM1 9-9


Index–100 Version 3.2

primary interface ASM1 9-9removing ASM1 9-7

is_alive operation REF8 2-31is_validation_enabled operation

ASM2 3-13istream_eof function ASM1 5-14,

REF1 6-12istream_get functions REF1 6-13istream_get_char function ASM1 5-10,

ASM1 5-11istream_get_double function ASM1 5-10,

ASM1 5-11istream_get_float function ASM1 5-10,

ASM1 5-11istream_get_int function ASM1 5-10,

ASM1 5-11istream_get_line function ASM1 5-3,

ASM1 5-4, ASM1 5-12,REF1 6-15

istream_get_line_count functionASM1 5-14, REF1 6-16

istream_get_long function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_short function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_string function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_u_char function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_u_int function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_u_long function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_u_short function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_get_valist function ASM1 5-10,ASM1 5-11

istream_getc function REF1 6-17istream_peek function ASM1 5-14,

ASM1 5-15, REF1 6-18istream_putback function ASM1 5-14,

ASM1 5-15, REF1 6-19iteration Wkbk 2-19, Wkbk 6-2,

Wkbk 6-13iterator implementation Wkbk 6-20Iterator interface

(see TMF_TNR::Iterator interface)REF8 1-15

destroy operation ASM1 8-16example ASM1 8-16next_n operation ASM1 8-15next_one operation ASM1 8-15retrieving remaining instances

ASM1 8-12, ASM1 8-14iterator interface

for collections ASM2 2-17iterator objects

destroying ASM1 8-16getting multiple collection members

ASM2 2-19getting multiple items from

ASM1 8-15getting next collection member

ASM2 2-18getting next item from ASM1 8-15name registry ASM1 8-14releasing ASM2 2-20

iterator server Wkbk 6-14, Wkbk 6-18Iterator_prog1 program

(see SysAdmin implementationprograms) REF6 1-78

iterator-based operations Wkbk 3-25

JJob data type ASM1 10-3, ASM1 10-5,

ASM1 10-7job_call field

defining ASM1 10-5


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–101

job_t data type ASM2 6-10JobCompletion data type ASM1 10-8JobCursor interface

(see TMF_Scheduler::JobCursorinterface) REF7 5-58

jobscancelling automatically ASM1 10-6creating ASM2 6-11creating scheduled, from task job

ASM2 6-13defining the associated method

ASM1 10-4deleting ASM1 10-16, ASM2 6-12described ASM2 6-9disabling ASM1 10-17disabling, based on execution time

ASM1 10-17editing ASM1 10-12, ASM2 6-11enabling ASM1 10-18executing ASM2 6-12finding in the scheduler ASM1 10-12finding, using execution time

ASM1 10-15notification ASM1 10-7removing, based on execution time

ASM1 10-16repeating ASM1 10-5retrying on failure ASM1 10-6scheduling ASM1 10-11structure of ASM1 10-3


authentication system ASM1 11-2principals ASM1 12-1, Intro 2-17realm Intro 2-18services Intro 2-17

keywordcontents DSM 3-16gadgets DSM 3-16

keywordsAttribute DSM 3-16attribute DSM 3-19

list of DSM 3-19–DSM 3-23DSL DSM 3-14

block DSM 3-15, DSM 3-16dialog DSM 3-14

gadget DSM 3-17TEIDL implementation body

FSM 4-25TEIDL implementation header

FSM 4-23TEIDL program body FSM 4-34TEIDL program header FSM 4-34Variables DSM 3-16

kind operation REF8 5-5

Llabel attribute ASM2 1-10LANG environment variable ASM1 6-2language bindings Wkbk 3-17,

Wkbk 3-41language environment

described ASM1 6-2launch operation REF8 2-88launching a dialog Wkbk 8-18launching processes LCF 4-25Layout gadget attribute DSM 4-47, REF2

7-10, REF2 7-12, REF2 7-38LayoutPolicy gadget attribute REF2 7-39LCF

application development LCF 2-1CCMS LCF 7-1CCMS functions LCF 7-2file input and output LCF 4-10IDL files LCF 3-1methods LCF 2-3overview LCF 1-1programming environment LCF 2-1,


Index–102 Version 3.2

LCF 3-1sequence routines LCF 4-8Task library LCF 7-1

LCF application development LCF 2-15,LCF 3-1

LCF applicationsdependencies LCF 6-1

LCF Architecture LCF 1-2LCF debugging

lcfd LCF 3-3wdebug LCF 3-3

LCF methods LCF 2-5debugging LCF 3-3linking LCF 3-2

LCF objects LCF 2-4LeftColumn gadget attribute REF2 7-39legacy method callbacks

introduction DSM 2-26libccms_gui library Wkbk 8-45,

Wkbk 8-46libcpl LCF 4-1

callback registration functionsLCF 4-8

cpl_correct_path LCF 4-2cpl_fclose LCF 4-7cpl_fopen LCF 4-7cpl_fprintf LCF 4-7cpl_get_current_location LCF 4-3cpl_getc LCF 4-8cpl_getcwd LCF 4-4cpl_gethostname LCF 4-6cpl_getopt LCF 4-5cpl_gettimeofday LCF 4-5cpl_insque LCF 4-13cpl_ltoa LCF 4-6cpl_putenv LCF 4-4cpl_remque LCF 4-13cpl_THREADyield LCF 4-11cpl_tmpdir LCF 4-11cpl_tmpfile LCF 4-10cpl_tmpnam LCF 4-10

dirent functions LCF 4-4getenv LCF 4-4MSVC runtime LCF 4-6removing and inserting elements in a

queue LCF 4-13systhread LCF 4-11temporary file functions LCF 4-10UCB compatibility functions

LCF 4-11uname LCF 4-11wstat macros LCF 4-12

libmrt LCF 2-4C data types LCF 4-23exception LCF 4-4memory management LCF 4-2

libpclcpl_getpass LCF 4-5

librariesDEL DSM 8-1DEL functions

introduction DSM 1-13desktop commands

introduction DSM 1-12desktop services DSM 1-11dialog services and DEL DSM 8-1DTC DSM 7-1

and CMsg dialog variablesDSM 4-57

use DSM 4-10DTC functions

introduction DSM 1-12gadget DSM 5-1

and applications DSM 1-16and connection-oriented method

callbacks DSM 2-26and DSL dialogs DSM 1-15and DSL gadgets DSM 1-16and internationalized dialogs

DSM 4-58API DSM 5-5, DSM 5-48


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–103

built-in callbacks DSM 5-66callbacks DSM 5-5class hierarchy DSM 5-50components of applications using

DSM 5-2hierarchy DSM 5-49,

DSM 5-50introduction DSM 1-15see also gadget librarytype safety DSM 5-15types DSM 5-56

TDS functionsintroduction DSM 1-14

TME 10 ADE DSM 5-1Library implementation

(see TMF_SysAdmin::Libraryimplementation) REF6 2-67

Library installation(see TMF_SysAdmin::Library

installation) REF6 2-70Library interface

(see SysAdmin::Library interface)REF6 1-80

(see TMF_SysAdmin::Libraryinterface) REF6 2-64

has_action operation ASM2 1-4has_filter operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-12has_option operation ASM2 1-12has_policy_default operation

ASM2 1-4, ASM2 1-12inherited interfaces ASM2 1-3operations ASM2 1-4select_instance_managers operation

ASM2 1-4Library_prog1 program

(see TMF_SysAdmin implementationprograms) REF6 2-88

libtable library Wkbk 8-25libtask_lcf.a LCF 7-2License interface ASM2 9-15

license key ASM2 9-13license keys

creating REF1 1-10licensing

of applications ASM2 9-12lightweight client framework

overview LCF 1-1linking LCF methods LCF 3-2List gadget REF2 7-40list_actions

operation REF5 1-152list_bitmaps operation REF8 2-69list_dialogs operation REF8 2-71list_ip_interfaces operation ASM1 9-5list_jobs operation ASM2 6-14list_states operation REF8 2-49list_tasks operation ASM2 6-14lists

browser REF2 7-63Choice gadget REF2 7-12example of DSM 4-35gadget types DSM 5-59

cursor types for DSM 5-60structures contained DSM 5-59use DSM 5-63

List gadget REF2 7-40populating REF2 7-14sorting elements REF2 7-64specifying format REF2 7-62

literalsexpressing in Bourne shell binding

FSM 4-74local flags ASM2 5-41local memory

allocating ASM1 3-7allocating an array ASM1 3-8allocating and attaching global memory

ASM1 3-11and global memory ASM1 3-10attaching global memory ASM1 3-12changing block size ASM1 3-8


Index–104 Version 3.2

destroying a handle ASM1 3-7detaching global blocks ASM1 3-14detaching ORB memory ASM1 3-21example of interaction with global

memory ASM1 3-15in method implementations ASM1

3-21managing ASM1 3-6ORB-allocated ASM1 3-17string manipulation functions ASM1

3-9local memory handle

defined ASM1 3-6local memory handles Wkbk 4-23local_lookup operation ASM1 8-10locales Wkbk 2-21

described ASM1 6-1setting ASM1 6-2

Location implementation(see SysAdminLifeCycle::Location

implementation) REF6 4-8Location interface

(see SysAdminLifeCycle Locationinterface) REF6 4-6

lock method FSM 5-51lock operation ASM1 4-6, ASM1 4-7,

REF8 4-11lock promotion Wkbk 7-22log

default LCF 4-12lcfd.log LCF 4-12

log file LCF 4-12display threshold LCF 4-12,

LCF A-29setting display threshold LCF 4-12,

LCF A-29LogData LCF 4-13, LCF 4-22,

LCF A-8LogDeinit LCF 4-11, LCF 4-13,

LCF 4-14, LCF A-9LogGetAppName LCF 4-13, LCF 4-20,

LCF A-10LogGetDefault LCF 4-13, LCF 4-17,

LCF A-11LogGetOutputStdout LCF 4-13,

LCF 4-19, LCF A-12LogGetThreshold LCF 4-13, LCF 4-18,

LCF A-13logging a notice Wkbk 4-21,

Wkbk 4-29, Wkbk 5-16logging routines

LogData LCF 4-13LogDeinit LCF 4-13LogGetAppName LCF 4-13LogGetDefault LCF 4-13LogGetOutputStdout LCF 4-13LogGetThreshold LCF 4-13LogInit LCF 4-13LogMsg LCF 4-13LogQ LCF 4-13LogQGetBuffer LCF 4-13LogQueueAlloc LCF 4-13LogQueueDealloc LCF 4-13LogQueueGetSize LCF 4-13LogSetAppName LCF 4-13LogSetDefault LCF 4-13LogSetThreshold LCF 4-13

logging utility LCF 4-10, LCF 4-11LogInit LCF 4-12, LCF 4-13,

LCF 4-17, LCF A-15LogMsg LCF 4-13, LCF 4-15,

LCF 4-20, LCF 4-22,LCF A-17, LCF A-18

LogQ LCF 4-13, LCF 4-20,LCF 4-22, LCF A-20

LogQGetBuffer LCF 4-13, LCF 4-21,LCF A-25

LogQueueAlloc LCF 4-13, LCF A-22LogQueueDealloc LCF 4-13, LCF A-23LogQueueGetSize LCF 4-13, LCF A-24LogSetAppName LCF 4-13, LCF 4-19,


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–105

LCF A-26LogSetDefault LCF 4-12, LCF 4-13,

LCF 4-16, LCF A-27LogSetOutputStdout LCF 4-13,

LCF 4-18, LCF A-28LogSetThreshold LCF 4-13, LCF 4-17,

LCF A-29Lookup

interface REF5 1-90Lookup interface

described ASM2 5-6exceptions ASM2 5-31get_db_members operation

get_db_members operationASM2 5-34

inheritance ASM2 5-31lookup_keys operation ASM2 5-32lookup_objects operation ASM2 5-33

lookup operation ASM1 3-20,ASM1 8-10, REF8 1-66

lookup_id operation REF1 12-54lookup_job operation ASM2 6-14lookup_keys

operation REF5 1-94lookup_keys operation ASM2 5-32lookup_labels operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-10lookup_nested_value operation,

REF8 1-37lookup_object operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-10lookup_objects

operation REF5 1-96lookup_objects operation ASM2 5-33lookup_task operation ASM2 6-14lseek_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-36ltid LCF 3-2

Mm_icon_prog1 program

(see TMF_UI::MultiStateIconm_icon_prog1 program)REF8 2-94

macrosCatch REF1 9-48CatchAll REF1 9-48Throw REF1 9-48Try REF1 9-48

make_directory operation ASM1 9-26make_path LCF 4-10, LCF A-38make_record_key function Wkbk 8-41makedir_ex LCF 4-10managed nodes Intro 3-11

AppInstall interface ASM1 9-1described ASM1 9-1IDL definitions ASM1 9-32installation services ASM1 9-12SysInfo interface ASM1 9-1,

ASM1 9-2, ASM1 9-5,ASM1 9-11

system informationbasic configuration ASM1 9-2described ASM1 9-2IP interfaces ASM1 9-4memory size ASM1 9-3system date ASM1 9-3

system information,disk sizeASM1 9-3

TME configurationdescribed ASM1 9-11installation directory ASM1 9-11interpreter type ASM1 9-12ORB status ASM1 9-11

managed objectsdescribed ASM2 3-6direct ASM2 3-6indirect ASM2 3-6types of ASM2 3-6


Index–106 Version 3.2

Managed_Node interfaceand managed node objects ASM1 9-1inheritance ASM1 9-1

Managed_NodePD implementation(see

TMF_ManagedNode::Managed_NodePD implementation)REF7 1-39

Managed_NodePD installation(see

TMF_ManagedNode::Managed_NodePD installation) REF71-41

Managed_NodePD interface(see

TMF_ManagedNode::Managed_NodePD interface) REF71-36

Managed_NodePD program(see TMF_ManagedNode

implementation programs)REF7 1-43

Managed_NodePV implementation(see

TMF_ManagedNode::Managed_NodePV implementation)REF7 1-48

Managed_NodePV installation(see

TMF_ManagedNode::Managed_NodePV installation) REF71-50

Managed_NodePV interface(see

TMF_ManagedNode::Managed_NodePV interface) REF71-47

ManagedNode class Wkbk 7-2ManagedNode module

Managed_Node interface ASM1 9-1net_drop data type ASM1 9-4

managing tabular data Wkbk 8-24

managing TMRs Intro 1-15marshaling FSM 2-8– FSM 2-9marshalling routines LCF 4-22MDist service Wkbk 7-17MemberIterator implementation

(see SysAdmin::MemberIteratorimplementation) REF6 1-92

MemberIterator installation(see SysAdmin::MemberIterator

installation) REF6 1-93MemberIterator interface

(see SysAdmin::MemberIteratorinterface) REF6 1-90

next parameter ASM2 2-19next paramters ASM2 2-20operations ASM2 2-3

MemberLabelIterator interfacenext parameter ASM2 2-19,

ASM2 2-20operations ASM2 2-3

MemberLabelIteratorF implementation(see SysAdmin::MemberLabelIteratorF

implementation) REF6 1-102MemberLabelIteratorF installation

(see SysAdmin::MemberLabelIteratorFinstallation) REF6 1-104

MemberLabelIteratorF interface(see SysAdmin::MemberLabelIteratorF

interface) REF6 1-100memory corruption

avoiding FSM 6-11memory leaks

avoiding FSM 6-11memory management Intro 3-23

and exceptions Wkbk 4-23,ASM1 3-22

CORBA and TME ASM1 3-1global. See global memory, managingin CORBA environment FSM 6-11local. See local memory, managingusing exceptions ASM1 2-19


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–107

with TAS library functionsASM1 1-62

memory management routines LCF 4-2memory_size operation ASM1 9-3Menu gadget REF2 7-42menus

accelerators REF2 7-1, REF2 7-45choices REF2 7-7Menu gadget REF2 7-42tear-off REF2 7-72

message catalog LCF 4-5managing messages DSM 3-32

message catalog objectusing to access catalog ASM1 6-17

message catalogs LCF 4-5, LCF 4-6,Wkbk 2-21, DSM 2-8,Intro 3-25

and _new macros ASM1 2-10binding messages ASM1 6-6,

ASM1 6-8Boolean data in ASM1 6-4creating ASM1 6-12creating binary versions ASM1 6-15,

REF1 1-3creating entries for exceptions

ASM1 2-22creating source files ASM1 6-13default messages ASM1 6-13,

REF1 1-4described ASM1 6-1destroying message handles

ASM1 6-12directives ASM1 6-3DSL DSM 3-33dumping messages REF1 1-2embedded message directives

ASM1 6-6embedded messages ASM1 6-10enumerated data in ASM1 6-4format of ASM1 6-2installing binaries ASM1 6-16

iterator directives ASM1 6-5message bodies ASM1 6-3message chains ASM1 6-10retrieving messages ASM1 6-6sets ASM1 6-2supported by exceptions ASM1 2-1supported by Tivoli exception types

ASM1 6-8time directives ASM1 6-6translating ASM1 6-13using in exceptions ASM1 2-17variables ASM1 6-3X/Open model ASM1 6-2,

ASM1 6-8Message data type ASM1 7-4Message gadget REF2 7-44message handles

creating ASM1 6-6destroying ASM1 6-7, ASM1 6-12

message keyscomparing ASM1 1-36described ASM1 1-35, ASM1 1-36getting the size of ASM1 1-37

message semaphores FSM 5-44message variables ASM1 6-3MessageIterator implementation

(see TMF_Notice::MessageIteratorimplementation) REF7 3-30

MessageIterator installation(see TMF_Notice::MessageIterator

installation) REF7 3-32MessageIterator interface ASM1 7-7,

ASM1 7-14(see TMF_Notice:MessageIterator

interface) REF7 3-28destroy_iterator operation ASM1 7-8next_messages operation ASM1 7-8

messagesbinding ASM1 6-6, ASM1 6-8binding exceptions ASM1 6-8compound LCF 4-6


Index–108 Version 3.2

default ASM1 6-13, REF1 1-4DSL DSM 3-33identifying FSM 1-10polymorphic FSM 1-9–FSM 1-10

MetaBase implementation(see TMF_Root::MetaBase

implementation) REF7 4-7MetaBase installation

(see TMF_Root::MetaBase installation)REF7 4-10

MetaBase interface(see TMF_Root::MetaBase interface)

REF7 4-4MetaBase_prog1 program

(see TMF_Root implementationprograms) REF7 4-20

metaclass keyword FSM 4-24metaclasses Wkbk 3-13

described FSM 4-4–FSM 4-7specifying FSM 4-24

method activation Intro 2-22server execution Intro 2-24server types Intro 2-23

method binaries Wkbk 3-28method dependencies. See dependenciesmethod execution styles Wkbk 3-20method implementation

defined FSM 1-11method template files FSM 4-22method templates Wkbk 3-41METHODPATH variable Wkbk 3-33methods

and dependencies LCF 6-1and operations FSM 1-11ANSI C signatures FSM 4-72–FSM

4-74as external programs DSM 2-16components of FSM 5-5defined FSM 1-2defining for jobs ASM1 10-4encapsulating in classes FSM 1-13

example FSM 1-3full framework LCF 2-2helperless FSM 4-30identifying as object attributes

FSM 4-51IDL files LCF 3-1implementing FSM 1-11, FSM 5-5implementing group as a program

FSM 4-34in CORBA environment FSM 3-3of TME objects FSM 5-5parameters FSM 1-11programming techniques for

multi-threadedFSM 5-24–FSM 5-26

signatures FSM 5-5specifying FSM 4-26specifying as a C function FSM 4-26specifying as a C program FSM 4-26specifying as a command FSM 4-26specifying as a shell script FSM 4-26specifying functions to execute on

invocation FSM 4-35specifying in TEIDL FSM 4-29specifying intrinsic FSM 4-26specifying names in TEIDL FSM 4-35specifying special execution

environment FSM 4-26specifying, to retrieve attribute FSM

4-26specifying, to set attribute FSM 4-26TEIDL implementation-defined

FSM 4-30TEIDL intrinsic FSM 4-31with helper process FSM 4-30

methods in LCF LCF 2-3methods keyword FSM 4-26MethodStore Action

add_actions operation REF6 5-10get_actions operation REF6 5-12remove_actions operation


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–109

REF6 5-14Action implementation REF6 5-7Action implementations

Action REF6 5-7Action installation REF6 5-9Action installations

Action REF6 5-9Action interface REF6 5-5Action interface operations

add_actions REF6 5-10get_actions REF6 5-12remove_actions REF6 5-14

Filteradd_filters operation

REF6 5-22get_filters operation

REF6 5-24remove_filters operation

REF6 5-25Filter implementation REF6 5-18Filter implementations

Filter REF6 5-18Filter installation REF6 5-20Filter installations

Filter REF6 5-20Filter interface REF6 5-16Filter interface operations

add_filters REF6 5-22get_filters REF6 5-24remove_filters REF6 5-25

prog1 program REF6 5-27MethodStore module REF6 5-1MethodStore module interfaces

Action REF6 5-5Filter REF6 5-16

MethodStore module programsprog1 REF6 5-27

mg_calloc LCF 4-3mg_calloc function ASM1 3-2,

REF3 1-1

mg_cleanup LCF 4-3mg_free LCF 4-3mg_free function ASM1 3-3,

ASM1 3-11, REF3 1-2mg_malloc LCF 4-3mg_malloc function ASM1 3-2,

REF3 1-3mg_realloc LCF 4-3mg_realloc function ASM1 3-3,

REF3 1-4mg_set_free function ASM1 3-6,

REF3 1-5mg_set_malloc function ASM1 3-5,

REF3 1-6mg_set_realloc function ASM1 3-5,

REF3 1-7mg_strchg function ASM1 3-4,

REF3 1-9mg_strdup LCF 4-3mg_strdup function ASM1 3-4,

REF3 1-10mkdir_ex LCF A-39ml_attach_addr function ASM1 3-12,

REF3 1-17ml_attach_malloc function ASM1 3-11,

REF3 1-18ml_attach_Object_reference function

ASM1 3-20, REF3 1-15ml_attach_ORB_* functions ASM1 3-21ml_attach_ORB_generic function

ASM1 3-20, REF3 1-11ml_attach_ORB_output function

ASM1 3-18, REF3 1-12ml_attach_ORB_result function

ASM1 3-18, REF3 1-14ml_attach_struct function ASM1 3-13,

REF3 1-20ml_attach_struct_malloc function


Index–110 Version 3.2

ASM1 3-11, REF3 1-22ml_calloc LCF 4-3ml_calloc function ASM1 3-8,

REF3 1-23ml_create LCF 4-3ml_create function ASM1 3-7,

REF3 1-25ml_delegate_destroy_to_ORB function

ASM1 3-21, REF3 1-26ml_destroy LCF 4-3ml_destroy function Wkbk 4-23,

ASM1 3-7, ASM1 3-11,ASM1 3-13, ASM1 3-14,REF3 1-28

ml_detach function ASM1 3-11,ASM1 3-13, ASM1 3-14,ASM1 3-20, REF3 1-29

ml_ex_attach_addr function ASM1 3-23,ASM1 3-24, REF3 1-17

ml_ex_attach_malloc functionASM1 3-23, REF3 1-18

ml_ex_attach_Object_reference functionASM1 3-23, REF3 1-15

ml_ex_attach_ORB_generic functionASM1 3-23, REF3 1-11

ml_ex_attach_ORB_output functionASM1 3-23, REF3 1-12

ml_ex_attach_ORB_result functionASM1 3-23, REF3 1-14

ml_ex_attach_struct function ASM1 3-23,ASM1 3-24, REF3 1-20

ml_ex_attach_struct_malloc functionASM1 3-23

ml_ex_calloc LCF 4-3ml_ex_calloc function ASM1 3-23,

REF3 1-23ml_ex_delegate_destroy_to_ORB function

ASM1 3-23, REF3 1-26

ml_ex_detach function ASM1 3-23,REF3 1-29

ml_ex_functions ASM1 2-20ml_ex_malloc LCF 4-3ml_ex_malloc function ASM1 3-23,

REF3 1-30ml_ex_realloc LCF 4-3ml_ex_realloc function ASM1 3-23,

REF3 1-32ml_ex_strchg function ASM1 3-23,

REF3 1-33ml_ex_strdup LCF 4-3ml_ex_strdup function ASM1 3-23,

REF3 1-35ml_free LCF 4-3ml_functions ASM1 2-20ml_malloc LCF 4-3ml_malloc function ASM1 3-7,

REF3 1-30ml_realloc LCF 4-3ml_realloc function ASM1 3-8,

REF3 1-32ml_strchg function ASM1 3-10,

REF3 1-33ml_strdup LCF 4-3ml_strdup function ASM1 3-9,

REF3 1-35ml_t data type ASM1 3-6ml_to_mg LCF 4-3MM functions

mg_calloc REF3 1-1mg_free REF3 1-2mg_malloc REF3 1-3mg_realloc REF3 1-4mg_set_free REF3 1-5mg_set_malloc REF3 1-6mg_set_realloc REF3 1-7mg_strchg REF3 1-9mg_strdup REF3 1-10


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–111

ml_attach_addr REF3 1-17ml_attach_malloc REF3 1-18ml_attach_Object_reference

REF3 1-15ml_attach_ORB_generic REF3 1-11ml_attach_ORB_output REF3 1-12ml_attach_ORB_result REF3 1-14ml_attach_struct REF3 1-20ml_attach_struct_malloc REF3 1-22ml_calloc REF3 1-23ml_create REF3 1-25ml_delegate_destroy_to_ORB

REF3 1-26ml_destroy REF3 1-28ml_detach REF3 1-29ml_malloc REF3 1-30ml_realloc REF3 1-32ml_strchg REF3 1-33ml_strdup REF3 1-35

Mnemonic gadget attribute REF2 7-45modality Wkbk 8-24modelling

entities FSM 1-5–FSM 1-11modify_phone_entry operation

Wkbk 4-30, Wkbk 8-41modifying profile records Wkbk 4-30module definitions

in IDL FSM 3-14–FSM 3-16module interfaces REF6 1-23

CollectionLabelIterator REF6 1-33ModuleDef interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF1 12-24

modulesMethodStore REF6 5-1StExcep REF1 12-61SysAdmin REF6 1-1SysAdminException REF6 3-1SysAdminLifeCycle REF6 4-1TMF_Administrator REF6 6-1TMF_CCMS REF5 1-1

TMF_InterRegion REF7 2-1TMF_ManagedNode REF7 1-1TMF_Notice REF7 3-1TMF_Policy REF6 7-1TMF_Root REF7 4-1TMF_Scheduler REF7 5-1TMF_SysAdmin REF6 2-1TMF_TNR REF8 1-1TMF_UI REF8 2-1

move_recordsoperation REF5 1-126

move_records operation Wkbk 5-21,ASM2 5-30

move_to_policy_region operationASM2 3-10

MoveIn gadget attribute REF2 7-45MoveOut gadget attribute REF2 7-47mrt_check_dependency LCF A-54mrt_machine_id LCF 4-27, LCF A-53mrt_set_method_exit_mode LCF 4-27,

LCF A-51mrt_test_dependency LCF 4-27Msg directive DSM 2-8MSG functions

tmf_msg_bind REF2 2-24tmf_msg_bind_terse REF2 2-25tmf_msg_create REF2 2-26tmf_msg_new REF2 2-27

msg_add function ASM1 6-10,ASM1 7-15

msg_cat directory ASM1 6-16msg_destroy function ASM1 6-12msg_new function ASM1 7-15msvc_stat_macros LCF 4-6multiple inheritance FSM 5-10

defined FSM 1-8MultiStateIcon implementation

(see TMF_UI::MultiStateIconimplementation) REF8 2-41

MultiStateIcon installation


Index–112 Version 3.2

(see TMF_UI::MultiStateIconinstallation) REF8 2-43

MultiStateIcon interface DSM 4-5(see TMF_UI::MultiStateIcon interface)

REF8 2-38and Presentation interface DSM 4-6state-dependent icons DSM 4-5

mutate keyword FSM 4-26mutator functions FSM 2-25, FSM 4-29,

FSM 4-32, FSM 4-65mutexes

deadlock mechanisms FSM 5-50defined FSM 5-21described FSM 5-23friendly FSM 5-39using FSM 5-37

mutual exclusion semaphores FSM 5-45

NName gadget attribute DSM 4-34,

REF2 7-49name operation ASM1 9-2name registry

and create_notice_group operationASM1 7-3

and TAS library ASM1 8-17and Tivoli Management Region (TMR)

ASM1 8-2changing an entry ASM1 8-8described ASM1 8-1getting all instances of a type

ASM1 8-11getting object reference of ASM1 8-3IDL definition of interfaces

ASM1 8-17iterator interface ASM1 8-14iterator interface example ASM1 8-16list of resource types ASM1 8-5looking up an instance ASM1 8-10

object aliases ASM1 8-13organization of ASM1 8-2registering instance manager libraries

ASM2 1-12registering instances ASM1 8-6registering new instances ASM2 1-10registering new resource types

ASM2 1-5registering resource types ASM1 8-3removing an instance ASM1 8-9removing resource types ASM1 8-5

name resolution operator FSM 3-17name space

locking FSM 5-48NameRegBase_prog1 program

(see TMF_TNR implementationprograms) REF8 1-22

naming scopesin IDL FSM 3-27– FSM 3-30

nested collections ASM2 2-1, ASM2 2-4nested_get_all operation

, REF8 1-39NestedBase implementation

(see TMF_TNR::NestedBaseimplementation) REF8 1-26

NestedBase interface(see TMF_TNR::NestedBase

interface) REF8 1-24NestedBase_prog1 program

(see TMF_TNR implementationprograms) REF8 1-28

NestedCollection implementation(see TMF_SysAdmin::NestedCollection

implementation) REF6 2-92NestedCollection installation

(see TMF_SysAdmin::NestedColllectioninstallation) REF6 2-94

NestedCollection interface(see SysAdmin::NestedCollection

interface) REF6 1-111(see TMF_SysAdmin::NestedCollection

interface) REF6 2-89


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–113

associated object type ASM2 2-2described ASM2 2-4, ASM2 3-5operations ASM2 2-3provided by TME 10 ADE ASM2 2-4

NestedInstanceManager implementation(see TMF_TNR::NestedInstanceManager

implementation) REF8 1-31NestedInstanceManager interface

(see TMF_TNR::NestedInstanceManagerinterface) REF8 1-29

NestedResource interface(see TMF_TNR::NestedResource

interface) REF8 1-33net_drop data type ASM1 9-4network

one-way and two-way connectionsIntro 1-10

network scalabilitydefinition Intro 1-10

newlink SysAdminExceptionH REF6 3-1next_entries operation Wkbk 3-25,

Wkbk 6-17next_job operation ASM1 10-14next_messages operation ASM1 7-8next_n operation ASM1 8-14,

ASM1 8-15, REF8 1-19CollectionIterator interface ASM2 2-3described ASM2 2-19MemberIterator interface ASM2 2-3MemberLabelIterator interface

ASM2 2-3next_n_jobs operation ASM1 10-14next_one operation, REF8 1-21

as a component of an iterator interfaceASM2 2-18

as a component of the name registryiterator interface ASM1 8-14

CollectionIterator interface ASM2 2-3described ASM1 8-15, ASM2 2-18MemberIterator interface ASM2 2-3MemberLabelIterator interface

ASM2 2-3NL_MSGMAX constant ASM1 6-3NL_TEXTMAX constant ASM1 6-10NLSPATH variable ASM1 6-17nmval data type Wkbk 4-11, ASM2 5-19nmval_list data type Wkbk 4-19,

Wkbk 5-4NO_ARGUMENT_CHECK flag FSM 6-4nobody account Wkbk 2-17NodeConfiguration interface

host_name_change operationASM2 10-6

remove_host operation ASM2 10-8non-instantiable classes

specifying FSM 4-24non-parallel servers FSM 5-15non-XPM bitmap editors

and creating TME 10 bitmapsDSM 3-35

conversion to XPM DSM 3-35example XPM conversion DSM 3-37TME 10 filters DSM 3-36

notice groupscancelling subscriptions ASM1 7-12creating ASM1 7-3example of getting all notices

ASM1 7-8expiration of ASM1 7-10getting IDs ASM1 7-5logging notices ASM1 7-15retrieving all notices ASM1 7-7subscribing to ASM1 7-11,

ASM1 7-12notice_select attribute ASM1 7-19notice_stream attribute ASM1 7-18notice_sync attribute ASM1 7-18NoticeManager implementation

(see TMF_Notice::NoticeManagerimplementation) REF7 3-40

NoticeManager installation(see TMF_Notice::NoticeManager


Index–114 Version 3.2

installation) REF7 3-42NoticeManager interface ASM1 7-3

(see TMF_Notice::NoticeManagerinterface) REF7 3-38

notices Wkbk 4-21retrieving ASM1 7-6retrieving ranges of ASM1 7-6

notificationbulletin boards ASM1 7-11cancelling subscriptions ASM1 7-12choosing transmission style based on

method activationASM1 7-19

creating notice groups ASM1 7-3getting subscription lists ASM1 7-13IDL definitions ASM1 7-19illustrated ASM1 7-2listing read notices ASM1 7-13logging notices ASM1 7-15managing notice groups ASM1 7-4notice expiration ASM1 7-10notice groups ASM1 7-1notice priority ASM1 7-4,

ASM1 7-16pre-defined groups ASM1 7-2querying notice groups ASM1 7-5retrieving all notices ASM1 7-7retrieving notices ASM1 7-6retrieving ranges of notices ASM1 7-6subscribing to groups ASM1 7-12subscriptions ASM1 7-1transmission types ASM1 7-18using an IOM channel ASM1 7-18using the normal mechanism

ASM1 7-18with TAS library functions

ASM1 1-62notification services Intro 3-17notify_ip_change operation ASM1 9-9NtfServer program

(see TMF_Notice::NtfServer program)

REF7 3-46NtfView program

(see TMF_Notice::NtfView program)REF7 3-49

NVList_add_item function REF1 12-26NVList_free function REF1 12-28NVList_free_memory function

REF1 12-29NVList_get_count function REF1 12-31nw_echo_command_to_console

LCF 4-27, LCF A-55

OObject gadget attribute REF2 7-49object implementations

communicating with clients FSM 2-16defined FSM 2-3in CORBA environment FSM 3-3relationship to TME clients

FSM 2-5–FSM 2-6returning data FSM 2-8

object instantiationdefined FSM 4-3

Object interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces)

REF1 12-32object interface FSM 6-15–FSM 6-16object keyword FSM 4-24Object Management Group

CORBA specification Intro 1-8introduction Intro 1-7

object oriented analysis Wkbk 2-4object reference

defined FSM 2-3, FSM 2-7object reference parameter FSM 6-2object references

all instances of resouce typesASM1 1-55

all registered instances of resources


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–115

ASM1 1-54associating names with ASM1 8-1finding distinguished objects

ASM1 1-50finding, using TAS library functions

ASM1 1-50of administrators ASM1 1-51of instances of resources ASM1 1-53of multiple instances of resources

ASM1 1-53of name registries ASM1 1-50of named classes ASM1 1-52of notice group registries ASM1 1-51of object/class libraries ASM1 1-51of schedulers ASM1 1-52of task Libraries ASM1 1-51of TME servers ASM1 1-52

Object Request Broker (ORB)communication Intro 2-3

object request broker. See ORBobject request broker. See ORBObject_create_request function

REF1 12-43Object_duplicate function FSM 6-16,

REF1 12-45object_get_all operation ASM1 8-13

, REF8 1-68Object_get_interface function REF1 12-47Object_is_nil function FSM 6-16,

REF1 12-48OBJECT_NIL Wkbk 4-19, Wkbk 6-14Object_release function FSM 6-16,

REF1 12-49ObjectInfo data type ASM1 8-6ObjectLabel data type Wkbk 4-18object-oriented systems

programming concepts FSM 1-2programming on distributed systems

FSM 1-14–FSM 1-17objects

abstract class FSM 4-3

and CORBA DSM 4-1and gadget library DSM 5-14and policy regions ASM2 3-4as models FSM 1-5–FSM 1-11attributes FSM 5-5classes of FSM 1-12–FSM 1-14classless FSM 4-2–FSM 4-3communicating with FSM 1-4creating from a class in TEIDL

FSM 4-8defined FSM 1-2described FSM 1-2–FSM 1-4encapsulating FSM 2-2grouping DSM 2-11grouping as icon collections

DSM 2-11icons as DSM 2-10identifying DSM 2-10

individual DSM 2-10types DSM 2-10

identifying for client service requestsFSM 6-2

identifying methods as attributesFSM 4-51

implementing FSM 4-8–FSM 4-9implementing in TEIDL

FSM 4-21–FSM 4-22inheriting attributes

FSM 1-6–FSM 1-9initializing in TEIDL FSM 4-53instantiable class FSM 4-3interacting with TME objects

FSM 5-7–FSM 5-8interfaces to FSM 1-10–FSM 1-11metaclass FSM 4-4–FSM 4-7MultiStateIcon DSM 4-5

methods contained DSM 4-5MultiStateIcons

attributes DSM 4-5organizing for security ASM1 11-3policy-driven ASM2 1-8


Index–116 Version 3.2

presentation DSM 4-6and initpres DSM 4-9and storing dialog descriptors

DSM 4-6attributes DSM 4-6initialization DSM 4-9methods contained DSM 4-6retrieving dialogs from DSM 4-8

pseudo-objects FSM 6-18resource

as icons DSM 4-7specifying implemenation and

installation details FSM 4-1specifying program to initialize

FSM 4-41TME implementations of

FSM 5-1–FSM 5-13Off gadget attribute REF2 7-50ofstream_create function ASM1 5-2,

REF1 6-20ofstream_insert function ASM1 5-8,

REF1 6-22ofstream_new function REF1 6-23ofstream_remove_bytes function

ASM1 5-9, REF1 6-25ofstream_replace_bytes function

ASM1 5-9, REF1 6-26ofstream_seek function ASM1 5-4,

ASM1 5-5, REF1 6-27ofstream_trunc function ASM1 5-8,

REF1 6-29OMG

CORBA specification Intro 1-8introduction Intro 1-7

OMG IDLdefined DSM 4-1

On gadget attribute REF2 7-51one-way connections Intro 1-10Open gadget attribute REF2 7-51open_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-40

operation bindings Wkbk 3-17operation name

defined FSM 2-2operation privileges Wkbk 2-16

operation signaturedefined FSM 1-11

operation signatures Wkbk 3-6OperationDef interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF1 12-34

operationsand methods FSM 1-11CORBA semantics

FSM 1-16–FSM 1-17defined FSM 1-11IDL declarations

FSM 3-19–FSM 3-24IDL parameters

FSM 3-19–FSM 3-20IDL parameters mapping

FSM 3-20–FSM 3-21in CORBA environment FSM 3-3redefining inherited FSM 3-6,

FSM 3-17redirecting implementations

ASM2 10-5storing FSM 5-4

operations. See also methodsORB

allocated memory and local handlesASM1 3-17

cascaded calls FSM 2-18–FSM 2-22crossing process boundaries

FSM 2-16–FSM 2-17defined DSM 4-1, FSM 1-15,

FSM 2-3delivering requests FSM 2-7determining transaction type

ASM1 4-4interface to pseudo objects FSM 6-18


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–117

interfaces FSM 2-4,FSM 2-9–FSM 2-13

performance issues FSM 2-20–FSM2-22

security issues FSM 2-20–FSM 2-22see TME ORBTME implementation

FSM 2-15–FSM 2-26transmitting notification ASM1 7-18

ORB_object_to_string functionFSM 6-18, REF1 12-37

ORB_string_to_object functionFSM 6-19, REF1 12-39

ORBfree function REF1 12-41ORBfree_result function REF1 12-42os_name operation ASM1 9-2os_release operation ASM1 9-3os_version operation ASM1 9-2ostream_put_char function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_double function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_float function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_int function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_long function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_short function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_string function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_u_char function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_u_int function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7ostream_put_u_long function ASM1 5-7ostream_put_u_short function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7

ostream_put_ulong function ASM1 5-6ostream_put_valist function ASM1 5-6,

ASM1 5-7out-of-cache dependency LCF 6-5overiding implementations Wkbk 3-15overriding method implementations

Wkbk 5-14

PPage gadget REF2 7-52parallel daemons Wkbk 3-22parallel servers

advantages FSM 5-21–FSM 5-22available semaphores FSM 5-26available timer services FSM 5-27calling POSIX signals FSM 5-28controlling data access FSM 5-21deadlocks FSM 5-24defined FSM 4-36described FSM 5-15disadvantages FSM 5-22–FSM 5-23implementing FSM 5-20–FSM 5-31mutexes FSM 5-23POSIX thread routines

FSM 5-28–FSM 5-31programming with FSM 5-26race conditions FSM 5-21,

FSM 5-23–FSM 5-24safe programming techniques

FSM 5-24spawning new threads FSM 5-26thread deadlocks FSM 5-21TME concurrence

FSM 5-31–FSM 5-55param_count operation REF8 5-6parameter operation REF8 5-7ParameterDef interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF1 12-50


Index–118 Version 3.2

parameterspassing to and from clients FSM 3-20

parent recordsattributes ASM2 5-55default policy ASM2 5-53described ASM2 5-52dynamic inheritance ASM2 5-53generating default values ASM2 5-58getting and setting default policy

ASM2 5-58setting ASM2 5-57

parent stubs Wkbk 5-14partial dialog assimilation

example DSM 3-10specification in DSL DSM 3-8using small code fragments DSM 3-8

partial push operations ASM2 5-40partial_pull

operation REF5 1-262partial_pull operation ASM2 5-49partial_push

operation REF5 1-265partial_push operation ASM2 5-46partition attribute Wkbk 4-8, Wkbk 4-9partitions

defined ASM2 5-6path keyword FSM 4-50paths

special symbols for specifyinginstallation ASM2 9-5

specifying single method for allplatforms FSM 4-41

TEIDL specification exampleFSM 4-21

pattern rules Wkbk A-10PBM bitmap editors

conversion to XPM DSM 3-36pe_classname field Wkbk 4-7per method keyword FSM 4-35,

FSM 4-36per method servers

execution style FSM 5-14implementing FSM 5-15– FSM 5-16

Perl regular expression notationASM1 1-57

per-method servers Wkbk 3-21,Wkbk 3-27

persistencedefined FSM 5-13

persistent attribute storageFSM 2-24–FSM 2-25

persistent objects FSM 5-13persistent state data Wkbk 6-18persistent transaction storage

FSM 2-25–FSM 2-26phone list import file Wkbk 7-5phone.init script Wkbk 3-32phone_core method binary Wkbk 3-31Phone_prog1 server program Wkbk 3-25Phone_prog2 server program Wkbk 3-26phone_query method binary Wkbk 3-31phone_ui method binary Wkbk 3-31Phone_ui_prog1 server program

Wkbk 3-27PhoneEndpoint class

implementation specificationWkbk 3-17

installation specification Wkbk 3-34program specification Wkbk 3-27

PhoneEntryGUI interfaceinheritance Wkbk 3-8ui_phone_props Wkbk 2-12,

Wkbk 3-27PhoneEntryInfo data type Wkbk 4-13,

Wkbk 4-16, Wkbk 4-17,Wkbk 4-25, Wkbk 4-32,Wkbk 4-33, Wkbk 7-5,Wkbk 7-18, Wkbk 8-26,Wkbk 8-39

PhoneEntryInfo type Wkbk 3-2,


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–119

Wkbk 3-3PhoneEntryInfoList data type Wkbk 8-31PhoneListGUI interface

ui_phone_props Wkbk 8-19

PhoneListIterator interfacedefined Wkbk 3-8destroy_iterator Wkbk 3-25,

Wkbk 6-17next_entries Wkbk 3-25,

Wkbk 6-17PhoneListProfile

find_by_name Wkbk 3-25get_all_entries Wkbk 6-16,

Wkbk 8-29modify_phone_entry Wkbk 8-41PhoneEntryInfo data type Wkbk 8-26,

Wkbk 8-39ui_phone_props Wkbk 8-43

PhoneListProfile classdesign Wkbk 2-8implementation specification

Wkbk 3-14installation specification Wkbk 3-28method binaries Wkbk 3-31program specification Wkbk 3-24

PhoneListProfile interfaceauthorization map Wkbk 2-16characteristics Wkbk 2-8create_phone_entries Wkbk 4-16,

Wkbk 5-22create_phone_entry Wkbk 4-16,

Wkbk 4-17delete_phone_entries Wkbk 4-26delete_phone_entry Wkbk 4-26exceptions Wkbk 2-18find_by_name Wkbk 6-16get_all_entries Wkbk 3-25get_phone_entries Wkbk 4-22,

Wkbk 5-22get_phone_entry Wkbk 4-22inheritance Wkbk 2-12, Wkbk 3-8

modify_phone_entry Wkbk 4-30PhoneEntryInfo data type Wkbk 3-2,

Wkbk 3-3, Wkbk 4-25,Wkbk 4-32, Wkbk 4-33,Wkbk 7-5, Wkbk 7-18

PhoneEntryInfoList Wkbk 8-31supported operations Wkbk 2-10

platformscreating install packets for multiple

ASM2 9-2platform-specific build rules Wkbk A-7plbo interface

characteristics Wkbk 2-13definition Wkbk 3-11discover_phonelist Wkbk 3-27,

Wkbk 5-17, Wkbk 7-4implementation of Wkbk 3-17,

Wkbk 7-2inheritance Wkbk 3-11update_phone Wkbk 3-27,

Wkbk 7-15plbo_prog1 server program Wkbk 3-27pm_classname field Wkbk 4-7pm_def_subscribers

operation REF5 1-207pm_val_remove_subscribers

operation REF5 1-217pm_val_remove_subscribers operation

ASM2 5-66pm_val_remove_subscription

operation REF5 1-219pm_val_remove_subscription operation

ASM2 5-66pm_val_subscribers

operation REF5 1-222pm_val_subscribers operation ASM2 5-66pm_val_subscription

operation REF5 1-224pm_val_subscription operation

ASM2 5-66pol_default_name function ASM2 3-11,


Index–120 Version 3.2

REF1 3-2pol_same_regions function ASM2 3-9,

REF1 3-4pol_validation_enabled function

ASM2 3-14, REF1 3-6pol_validation_name function

ASM2 3-11, REF1 3-8policy Intro 3-7

defining for a new class ASM2 3-19described ASM2 3-1fetching policy records Wkbk 5-3getting the current ASM2 3-11IDL definitions ASM2 3-19in CCMS applications ASM2 3-1,

ASM2 3-14in profile-based applications

ASM2 5-51initial profile policy Wkbk 4-10policy records Wkbk 4-4script-valued policy Wkbk 4-12setting Wkbk 5-6setting default policy ASM2 3-12setting validation policy ASM2 3-12supporting check_policy ASM2 10-15throwing exceptions ASM2 3-16types ASM2 1-6validatation with TAS library functions

ASM1 1-61validating in profiles ASM2 5-59

policy object interfacecreating implementation definitions

ASM2 3-21installation specification ASM2 3-22

policy objects ASM2 3-7and instance managers ASM2 1-6creating ASM2 3-19defined ASM2 3-2initializing ASM2 3-23validation policy ASM2 3-7

policy records Wkbk 4-4, Wkbk 4-10,Wkbk 5-3

policy regionsand other objects ASM2 3-4and security groups ASM1 11-5creating instances of ASM2 3-5defined ASM2 3-2described ASM2 3-4getting default policy ASM2 3-10getting lists of managed objects

ASM2 3-7managed resources ASM2 3-6moving objects between ASM2 3-10PolicyRegion interface ASM2 3-5removing managed objects ASM2 3-7setting default policy ASM2 3-12setting policy ASM2 3-10setting validation policy ASM2 3-12subregions ASM2 3-5

policy validation Wkbk 5-12Policy_prog1 program

(see TMF_SysAdmin implementationprograms) REF6 2-116

policy_validation operation ASM2 3-13policy-driven objects

comparing home regions of ASM2 3-9creating instances of ASM2 1-9,

ASM2 3-8described ASM2 1-8finding ASM2 1-11finding home regions of ASM2 3-8getting instance manager of

ASM2 1-11getting types of ASM2 1-11in a policy region ASM2 3-8inheriting CollectionMember interface

ASM2 2-2moving, between policy regions

ASM2 3-10setting labels of ASM2 1-10

policy-driven resourcesdefined ASM2 3-1

PolicyDrivenBase interface Wkbk 3-11


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–121

_set_label operation ASM2 10-9described ASM2 1-9

get_resource_host operationASM2 1-11

inheritance ASM2 1-3, ASM2 1-9,ASM2 2-2, ASM2 3-8

label attribute ASM2 1-10PolicyDrivenBaseF implementation

(seeTMF_SysAdmin::PolicyDrivenBaseF implementation) REF6 2-101

PolicyDrivenBaseF installation(see

TMF_SysAdmin::PolicyDrivenBaseF installation) REF62-104

PolicyDrivenBaseF interface(see SysAdmin::PolicyDrivenBaseF

interface) REF6 1-113(see

TMF_SysAdmin::PolicyDrivenBaseF interface) REF6 2-99

PolicyObject interface(see SysAdmin PolicyObject interface)

REF6 1-119get_default operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-8get_default_policies operation

ASM2 1-4, ASM2 1-7get_validation operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-8get_validation_policies operation

ASM2 1-4, ASM2 1-7operation ASM2 1-4

PolicyObjectAdminadd_validation operation ASM2 1-4remove_default operation ASM2 1-4set_default operation ASM2 1-4set_validation operation ASM2 1-4


remove_validation operationASM2 1-4

PolicyObjectAdmin interface(see SysAdmin::PolicyObjectAdmin

interface) REF6 1-128add_default operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-7add_validation operation ASM2 1-7operations ASM2 1-4remove_default operation ASM2 1-7remove_validation operation

ASM2 1-7set_default operation ASM2 1-8set_validation operation ASM2 1-8

PolicyRegion installation(see TMF_SysAdmin::PolicyRegion

installation) REF6 2-112PolicyRegion interface ASM2 10-15

add_instance_manager operationASM2 3-6

and policy regions ASM2 3-5check_policy operation ASM2 3-18,

ASM2 5-59create_pr operation ASM2 3-5get_instance_manager_list operation

ASM2 3-7get_policy_default operation

ASM2 3-11get_validation_default operation

ASM2 3-11inheritance ASM2 3-5is_validation_enabled operation

ASM2 3-13operations ASM2 3-6policy_validation operation

ASM2 3-13remove_instance_manager operation

ASM2 3-7set_policy_default operation

ASM2 3-12set_policy_validation operation

ASM2 3-12


Index–122 Version 3.2

PolicyRegion operationcheck_policy operation ASM2 3-17

PolicyRegionAdmin implementation(see SysAdmin::PolicyRegionAdmin

implementation) REF6 1-143PolicyRegionAdmin installation

(see SysAdmin::PolicyRegionAdmininstallation) REF6 2-114

PolicyRegionAdmin interface(see SysAdmin::PolicyRegionAdmin

interface) REF6 1-141described ASM2 1-9, ASM2 3-5move_to_policy_region operation

ASM2 3-10PolicyRegionInfo interface

(see SysAdmin::PolicyRegionInfointerface) REF6 1-146

described ASM2 1-9get_policy_region operation

ASM2 3-9get_policy_region_name operation

ASM2 3-9operations ASM2 3-9

polymorphic messagesFSM 1-9–FSM 1-10

polymorphism Wkbk 3-12defined FSM 1-9support of multiple implementations

FSM 4-9PopDown dialog attribute REF2 7-53populate

operation REF5 1-128populate operation Wkbk 4-16,

Wkbk 5-16, Wkbk 7-4POSIX signals

calling FSM 5-28POSIX thread routines

FSM 5-28–FSM 5-31post-distribution processing Wkbk 7-14PPM bitmap editors

conversion to XPM DSM 3-36

preprocessor directivesdefine FSM 3-26IDL FSM 3-26– FSM 3-27include FSM 3-26pragma generate FSM 3-27sample program FSM 4-15TEIDL implementation FSM 4-54

pres_prog1 program(see TMF_UI::Presentation pres_prog1

program) REF8 2-95Presentation implementation

(see TMF_UI::Presentationimplementation) REF8 2-59

Presentation installation(see TMF_UI::Presentation installation)

REF8 2-62Presentation interface Wkbk 8-9

(see TMF_UI::Presentation interface)REF8 2-55

and MultiStateIcon interface DSM 4-6lists maintained DSM 4-6

and initpres DSM 4-6bitmap DSM 4-8dialog DSM 4-8dialog and icon state DSM 4-8icon state DSM 4-7parent list DSM 4-8

presentation interface DSM 4-5presentation objects Wkbk 8-9

and initpres DSM 4-9bitmap list DSM 4-8dialog list DSM 4-8icon state list DSM 4-7

components of entries DSM 4-7entries DSM 4-7example DSM 4-7

initialization DSM 4-9, DSM 4-9–DSM 4-10

introduction DSM 4-6parent list DSM 4-8retrieving dialogs from DSM 4-8


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–123

Principalclear_caller_key operation

REF8 3-5clear_capabilities operation

REF8 3-6clear_delegate_credentials

operation REF8 3-8create_caller_key operation

REF8 3-9create_delegate_credentials

operation REF8 3-11get_caller_key operation

REF8 3-13get_capabilities operation

REF8 3-15get_name operation REF8 1-63,

REF8 3-16get_original_capabilities

operation REF8 3-18set_caller_key operation

REF8 3-20set_capabilities operation

REF8 3-21set_delegate_credentials operation

REF8 3-23principal Intro 2-21Principal interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF8 3-1

and the principal pseudo-objectASM1 11-6

Capability data type ASM1 11-7clear_caller_key operation

ASM1 11-9clear_capabilities operation

ASM1 11-8clear_delegate_credentials operation

ASM1 11-11create_caller_key operation

ASM1 11-9

create_delegate_credentials operationASM1 11-10

get_caller_key operation ASM1 11-9get_capabilities operation ASM1 11-8get_name operation ASM1 11-7get_original_capabilities operation

ASM1 11-8set_caller_key operation ASM1 11-9set_capabilities operation ASM1 11-8set_delegate_credentials operation

ASM1 11-11Principal interface operations REF8 3-5,

REF8 3-6, REF8 3-8,REF8 3-9, REF8 3-11,REF8 3-13, REF8 3-15,REF8 3-16, REF8 3-18,REF8 3-20, REF8 3-21,REF8 3-23, REF8 1-63

principal name Intro 2-17principal objects

and security ASM1 11-6getting and setting capabilities

ASM1 11-7getting the names of ASM1 11-7passing encryption keys ASM1 11-9saving and reusing credentials

ASM1 11-10principals

defined ASM1 11-2private keys

checking ASM2 9-14creating ASM2 9-13defined ASM2 9-13

privdefault keyword FSM 4-44,FSM 4-50

PRIVELEGED_FILEIO role ASM1 9-32privilege

verifying for users ASM1 11-1privilege keyword FSM 4-44,

FSM 4-46, FSM 4-50privileged_files_transfer operation


Index–124 Version 3.2

ASM1 9-31privileged_make_directory operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_read_dir operation ASM1 9-32privileged_read_from_file operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_receive_files operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_remove_files operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_set_file operation ASM1 9-32privileged_stat_file operation ASM1 9-31privileged_transmit_files operation

ASM1 9-31privileged_write_to_file operation

ASM1 9-31privileges Wkbk 2-16processes

launching LCF 4-25product information REF1 1-18Profile

implementation REF5 1-99installation REF5 1-106interface REF5 1-102,

REF5 1-123, REF5 1-130,REF5 1-132

profile databasesadding records ASM2 5-20as a component of CCMS ASM2 5-3attribute format ASM2 5-19changing associated objects

ASM2 5-27changing record keys ASM2 5-28creating ASM2 5-15deleting ASM2 5-16deleting records ASM2 5-21described ASM2 5-4finding profile objects ASM2 5-33finding sources of records ASM2 5-29getting all records ASM2 5-34

getting and setting validation policyASM2 5-64

getting associated profile endpointmethods ASM2 5-71

getting information about recordsASM2 5-22

getting records ASM2 5-22getting single attributes ASM2 5-24logging changes to records

ASM2 5-30merging ASM2 5-40operations ASM2 5-14parent records ASM2 5-52partitions ASM2 5-6, ASM2 5-34r_local flag ASM2 5-29r_readonly flag ASM2 5-29record conflicts ASM2 5-42record format ASM2 5-16removing attributes ASM2 5-26searching ASM2 5-31searching for keys ASM2 5-32setting attribute values ASM2 5-25setting or getting conflict policy for

ASM2 5-51setting validation policy for records

ASM2 5-62transferring records between

ASM2 5-30validating manually ASM2 5-62validating records ASM2 5-61validation records ASM2 5-52

profile endpoint methodsapplication-specific ASM2 5-67getting, associated with profile database

ASM2 5-71processing data sent through IOM

channels ASM2 5-69registering ASM2 5-70signature ASM2 5-67using IOM channels to pass data to

ASM2 5-68


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–125

writing ASM2 5-67profile endpoints Wkbk 2-7, Wkbk 7-1

as a component of CCMS ASM2 5-3described ASM2 5-2, ASM2 5-12pushing from ASM2 5-44

Profile interface_get_validation_enabled Wkbk 5-11and profile objects ASM2 5-9attributes Wkbk 3-7, ASM2 5-9controlling validation through profile

objects ASM2 5-63copy_records Wkbk 5-21copy_records operation ASM2 5-30db_name attribute Wkbk 4-8,

Wkbk 4-9default_pull operation ASM2 5-50default_push operation ASM2 5-47default_push_params Wkbk 4-10default_push_params attribute

Wkbk 4-8, ASM2 5-47disable_validation Wkbk 5-9disable_validation operation

ASM2 5-65enable_validation Wkbk 5-9enable_validation operation

ASM2 5-65get_default_policies Wkbk 5-3get_defaults_policies operation

ASM2 5-59get_validation_policies Wkbk 5-5get_validation_policies operation

ASM2 5-64initializ operation ASM2 5-14move_records Wkbk 5-21move_records operation ASM2 5-30partition attribute Wkbk 4-8,

Wkbk 4-9populate Wkbk 4-16, Wkbk 5-16,

Wkbk 7-4profile_organizer attribute Wkbk 4-9pull operation ASM2 5-49push operation ASM2 5-46

record_key attribute Wkbk 4-8remove Wkbk 5-14set_default_policies Wkbk 5-6set_defaults_policies operation

ASM2 5-59set_validation_policies Wkbk 5-6set_validation_policies operation

ASM2 5-64setting policy through profile objects

ASM2 5-58standard implementations Wkbk 5-1the_context attribute Wkbk 4-8,

Wkbk 4-9validate operation Wkbk 5-12,

ASM2 5-63Profile interface profile_organizer attribute

Wkbk 4-8profile managers LCF 7-3

as a component of CCMS ASM2 5-3cancelling subscriptions ASM2 5-38creating ASM2 5-65dataless mode LCF 7-4described ASM2 5-1, ASM2 5-10getting subsription hierarchy

ASM2 5-39policy in ASM2 5-65pushing from ASM2 5-44subscribers ASM2 5-35subscribing to ASM2 5-37validating policy ASM2 5-66

profile objectsand default policy ASM2 5-58described ASM2 5-7enabling and disabling validation

ASM2 5-65finding ASM2 5-33pushing from ASM2 5-46setting associated records ASM2 5-27using to control validation ASM2 5-63

profile organizers ASM2 5-3described ASM2 5-6


Index–126 Version 3.2

Lookup interface ASM2 5-31pulling from ASM2 5-48

profile records Wkbk 4-12profile_organizer attribute Wkbk 4-8,

Wkbk 4-9ProfileAEF

interface REF5 1-141ProfileBase

implementation REF5 1-158installation REF5 1-163interface REF5 1-161program REF5 1-165

ProfileBase interface ASM2 5-10profile-based applications. See Configuration

and Change Management SystemProfileEndpoint

implementation REF5 1-169installation REF5 1-172interface REF5 1-171

ProfileEndpoint class Wkbk 2-12ProfileEndpoint interface

Configuration and Change ManagementSystem module ASM1 9-1

inherited interfaces ASM2 5-13ProfileManager

implementation REF5 1-174installation REF5 1-178interface REF5 1-176

ProfileManager class ASM2 5-66ProfileManager interface

inherited interfaces ASM2 5-12ProfileManager_get_create_dialog

operation REF5 1-188ProfileManager_validate_all

operation REF5 1-215ProfileManagerGUI

implementation REF5 1-180installation REF5 1-183interface REF5 1-181,

REF5 1-188, REF5 1-190,REF5 1-192, REF5 1-194,

REF5 1-196program REF5 1-186

ProfileManagerPolDefimplementation REF5 1-198interface REF5 1-199program REF5 1-203

ProfileManagerPolDef interfaceand the default object ASM2 5-65create_profile_manager operation

ASM2 5-66described ASM2 5-65

ProfileManagerPolValimplementation REF5 1-209installation REF5 1-213interface REF5 1-210program REF5 1-214

ProfileManagerPolVal interfaceand the validation policy object

ASM2 5-65validation policies ASM2 5-66

ProfileMemberimplementation REF5 1-226installation REF5 1-229interface REF5 1-227

ProfileOrganizerimplementation REF5 1-230installation REF5 1-238interface REF5 1-234program REF5 1-242

ProfileOrganizer interfacecreate_db Wkbk 4-2create_profile operation ASM2 5-14described ASM2 5-12, ASM2 5-13inherited interfaces ASM2 5-6validate Wkbk 5-13

ProfileOrganizerGUIimplementation REF5 1-247installation REF5 1-253interface REF5 1-248

profilesattributes ASM2 5-5creating ASM2 5-14


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–127

described ASM2 5-1, ASM2 5-3,ASM2 5-4

design criteria Wkbk 2-7distributing ASM2 5-16distribution operations ASM2 5-40IDL definitions ASM2 5-72policy validation in profiles

ASM2 5-59relationship to profile organizers

ASM2 5-7prog1 program

(see MethodStore::prog1 program)REF6 5-27

program(see TMF_UI::UserInterfaceBase

program) REF8 2-97program keyword FSM 4-34program methods Wkbk 3-19program specification Wkbk 3-18

contents Wkbk 3-1programming environment LCF 2-1,

LCF 3-1CORBA-compliant FSM 3-3–FSM

3-4programming techniques

for multi-threaded methodsFSM 5-24–FSM 5-26

programsspecifying to be multi-threaded

FSM 4-34TEIDL body FSM 4-34TEIDL header FSM 4-34TEIDL specification

FSM 4-15–FSM 4-16Propagation

interface REF5 1-254,REF5 1-258, REF5 1-260,REF5 1-262, REF5 1-265,REF5 1-269, REF5 1-272,REF5 1-276

Propagation interface

described ASM2 5-6get_conflict_policy operation

ASM2 5-51partial_pull operation ASM2 5-49partial_push operation ASM2 5-46pull operation ASM2 5-48push operation ASM2 5-44set_conflict_policy operation

ASM2 5-51protection domains

described FSM 5-34pseudo-objects

BOA interface FSM 6-19defined FSM 6-18interfaces FSM 6-18–FSM 6-26ORB interface FSM 6-18principal objects ASM1 11-6TypeCode interface FSM 6-20

PT functionspthread_attr_destroy REF1 11-2pthread_attr_getstacksize REF1 11-4pthread_attr_init REF1 11-6pthread_attr_setstacksize REF1 11-8pthread_cond_broadcast REF1 11-10pthread_cond_destroy REF1 11-12pthread_cond_init REF1 11-14pthread_cond_signal REF1 11-16pthread_cond_timedwait REF1 11-18pthread_cond_wait REF1 11-20pthread_condattr_destroy REF1 11-22pthread_condattr_init REF1 11-24pthread_create REF1 11-26pthread_detach REF1 11-28pthread_exit REF1 11-30pthread_getspecific REF1 11-32pthread_join REF1 11-34pthread_key_create REF1 11-36pthread_mutex_destroy REF1 11-38pthread_mutex_init REF1 11-40pthread_mutex_lock REF1 11-42pthread_mutex_trylock REF1 11-44pthread_mutex_unlock REF1 11-46


Index–128 Version 3.2

pthread_mutexattr_destroyREF1 11-48

pthread_mutexattr_init REF1 11-50pthread_once REF1 11-52pthread_self REF1 11-54pthread_setspecific REF1 11-56pthread_yield REF1 11-58

pthread_attr_destroy function REF1 11-2pthread_attr_getstacksize function

REF1 11-4pthread_attr_init function REF1 11-6pthread_attr_setstacksize function

REF1 11-8pthread_cond_broadcast function

REF1 11-10pthread_cond_destroy function

REF1 11-12pthread_cond_init function REF1 11-14pthread_cond_signal function REF1 11-16pthread_cond_timedwait function

REF1 11-18pthread_cond_wait function REF1 11-20pthread_condattr_destroy function

REF1 11-22pthread_condattr_init function

REF1 11-24pthread_create function REF1 11-26pthread_detach function REF1 11-28pthread_exit function REF1 11-30pthread_getspecific function REF1 11-32pthread_key_create function REF1 11-36pthread_mutex_destroy function

REF1 11-38pthread_mutex_init function REF1 11-40pthread_mutex_lock function REF1 11-42pthread_mutex_trylock function

REF1 11-44pthread_mutex_unlock function

REF1 11-46

pthread_mutexattr_destroy functionREF1 11-48

pthread_mutexattr_init functionREF1 11-50

pthread_once function REF1 11-52pthread_self function REF1 11-54pthread_setspecific function REF1 11-56pthread_yield function REF1 11-58pull

operation REF5 1-130, REF5 1-269pull operations ASM2 5-48

data types ASM2 5-44one-step ASM2 5-43Profile operation ASM2 5-49Propagation interface ASM2 5-48recursive ASM2 5-43validating ASM2 5-61

pull_icon_popupoperation REF5 1-190

Purpose dialog attribute REF2 7-54push

operation REF5 1-132, REF5 1-272push operations

data types ASM2 5-44force levels ASM2 5-40in profile distribution ASM2 5-40one-step ASM2 5-43Profile interface ASM2 5-46Propagation interface ASM2 5-44recursive ASM2 5-43validating ASM2 5-61

push_icon_popupoperation REF5 1-192

push_params data type Wkbk 4-10put_bitmap operation REF8 2-72put_dialog operation REF8 2-74



TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–129

IDL listing ASM2 8-3introduction ASM2 8-1

Query Interface ASM2 8-2queuing delays

in daemon servers FSM 5-17

Rr_fixed flag Wkbk 4-33r_readonly flag Wkbk 4-32race conditions

described FSM 5-23–FSM 5-24on parallel servers FSM 5-21

Range data type ASM1 7-5, ASM1 7-13RCS ASM1 5-1RDBMS Interface Module. See RIMRDBMS_Interface ASM2 7-4,

ASM2 7-5IDL listing ASM2 7-36

RE functionsre_create REF1 7-2re_new REF1 7-2re_search_string REF1 7-5re_substitute REF1 7-7re_substitute_global REF1 7-7

RE_ABS_FILENAME constantASM1 1-58

re_after_match function ASM1 1-59RE_ARGS_DELIM constant ASM1 1-58RE_ASSIGN constant ASM1 1-58re_before_match function ASM1 1-59re_create function ASM1 1-58,

REF1 7-2RE_FILENAME constant ASM1 1-58re_get_all operation ASM1 8-12

, REF8 1-70RE_GID constant ASM1 1-58RE_HOSTNAME constant ASM1 1-58re_match function ASM1 1-59

re_new function REF1 7-2RE_REL_FILENAME constant

ASM1 1-58re_search_string function ASM1 1-59,

REF1 7-5re_substitute function ASM1 1-61,

REF1 7-7re_substitute_global function ASM1 1-61,

REF1 7-7re_t data type ASM1 1-58RE_UID constant ASM1 1-58RE_USERNAME constant ASM1 1-58RE_WS constant ASM1 1-58RE_WS_OPT constant ASM1 1-57read/write locks FSM 5-41read_all_notices operation ASM1 7-14read_dir operation ASM1 9-24read_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-42read_from_file operation ASM1 9-13read_notice operation ASM1 7-14ReadOnly gadget attribute REF2 7-55read-only records Wkbk 4-24receive_files operation

and transmit_files operationASM1 9-28

using ASM1 9-27record keys

changing ASM2 5-28record_key attribute Wkbk 4-7,

Wkbk 4-8records

adding ASM2 5-20changing associated profile objects

ASM2 5-27conflict flags ASM2 5-43finding sources ASM2 5-29getting ASM2 5-22getting single attributes ASM2 5-24removing attributes ASM2 5-26setting attributes ASM2 5-25


Index–130 Version 3.2

setting validation policy ASM2 5-62reference relationships

FSM 5-12–FSM 5-13Refresh dialog attribute REF2 7-56Region implementation

(see TMF_Policy::Regionimplementation) REF6 7-6

Region interface(see TMF_Policy::Region interface)

REF6 7-4region_get_all operation ASM1 8-131,

REF8 1-72register_app

operation REF5 1-282register_app operation ASM2 5-70register_event operation ASM1 4-10,

REF8 4-12registering as a client Wkbk 9-2Registration

interface REF5 1-278, REF5 1-279Registration interface ASM2 5-13

get_registered_app operationASM2 5-71

register_app operation ASM2 5-70regular expressions Intro 3-26

accessing a match ASM1 1-59creating ASM1 1-58data type ASM1 1-58in find_member operation ASM2 2-13matching ASM1 1-59processing with TAS ASM1 1-57replacing matches in strings

ASM1 1-61using with input streams ASM1 5-17

related methods Wkbk 5-2Related_transaction interface

get_id operation REF8 4-3get_parent operation REF8 4-4get_topAncestor operation REF8 4-6

remove operation Wkbk 5-14,ASM1 8-5, ASM2 10-9,

REF8 1-75remove_action

operation REF5 1-154remove_alias operation ASM1 12-3remove_attribute

operation REF5 1-156remove_attributes

operation REF5 1-65remove_attributes operation ASM2 5-26remove_backref operation ASM2 2-3remove_bitmap operation REF8 2-77remove_default operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-7remove_dialog operation REF8 2-78remove_entry operation REF8 2-18remove_file operation ASM1 9-25remove_host operation ASM2 10-8remove_instance_manager operation

ASM2 3-7remove_ip_interface operation ASM1 9-10remove_n_objects operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-7remove_nested_value operation REF8

1-41remove_object operation ASM2 2-3,

ASM2 2-6remove_parent operation REF8 2-80remove_state operation REF8 2-51remove_validation operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-7remove_values operation ASM1 8-9,

REF8 1-76removing a profile Wkbk 5-14rename_file_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-46RepeatRetryData data type ASM1 10-5,

ASM1 10-7Repository interface

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF1 12-52


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–131

lookup_id operation REF1 12-54repository name Wkbk 9-6Request_add_arg function REF1 12-56Request_delete function REF1 12-58Request_invoke function REF1 12-59resource

example DSM 4-10–DSM 4-32files DSM 4-11installing DSM 4-19–DSM 4-22interaction with dialogs

DSM 4-25–DSM 4-32node object attributes DSM 4-11starting DSM 4-22–DSM 4-25

Resource implementation(see TMF_TNR::Resource

implementation) REF8 1-48Resource installation

(see TMF_TNR::Resource installation)REF8 1-51

Resource interface ASM1 8-2(see TMF_TNR::Resource interface)

REF8 1-43add operation ASM1 8-3add_value operation ASM1 8-3,

ASM1 8-7add_values operation ASM1 8-7change_label operation ASM1 8-9get operation ASM1 8-5get_all operation ASM1 8-11get_resources operation ASM1 8-5Info structure ASM1 8-4local_lookup operation ASM1 8-10lookup operation ASM1 3-20,

ASM1 8-10object_get_all operation ASM1 8-13re_get_all operation ASM1 8-12region_get_all operation ASM1 8-13remove operation ASM1 8-5remove_values operation ASM1 8-9set operation ASM1 8-5set_values operation ASM1 8-8

Resource Roles dialogof the TMF user interface ASM1 11-5

resource stateschanging REF1 1-17

resource typeschanging name registry information

ASM1 8-5creating ASM2 1-5creating instances of ASM2 1-9getting default policy ASM2 1-8Info structure ASM1 8-4interfaces supported by ASM2 1-5list of instances ASM1 8-11listing ASM1 8-5policy-driven objects ASM2 1-8registering instances of ASM1 8-6registering with the name registry

ASM1 8-3removing ASM1 8-5setting default policy ASM2 1-8

resourcesgetting collection memberships

ASM2 2-9getting configuration information

ASM2 5-1managing ASM2 1-1managing with policies ASM2 3-1organizing within applications

ASM2 2-1registering new types ASM2 1-5setting type names ASM2 1-5

ReThrow LCF 4-4Rethrow statement ASM1 2-15retrieving records Wkbk 4-22reusable objects FSM 5-6–FSM 5-7RGB

in TME 10 desktop service DSM 3-37RIM ASM2 7-1

architecture ASM2 7-3changing rows in the database

ASM2 7-17


Index–132 Version 3.2

connecting to a database ASM2 7-9creating a RIM object ASM2 7-6error logging ASM2 7-7example code ASM2 7-30exceptions ASM2 7-7, ASM2 7-8header files ASM2 7-6IDL definition ASM2 7-36implementation classes ASM2 7-6installation ASM2 7-30link libraries ASM2 7-6log file ASM2 7-8services ASM2 7-5structures ASM2 7-7transactions ASM2 7-15

RIM APIs ASM2 7-4RIM commands

wcrtrim ASM2 7-2, ASM2 7-6,ASM2 7-31

RIM host ASM2 7-2connecting to ASM2 7-9setting ASM2 7-2

RIM log ASM2 7-8RIM module ASM2 7-6RIM object

creating ASM2 7-6RIM objects ASM2 7-5RIM operations

RIM_commit ASM2 7-16RIM_connect ASM2 7-9,

ASM2 7-10RIM_convert_describe_output

ASM2 7-27, ASM2 7-29RIM_create_table ASM2 7-12RIM_delete_rows ASM2 7-25RIM_delete_table ASM2 7-12,

ASM2 7-15RIM_describe_table ASM2 7-27RIM_execute_sql ASM2 7-26RIM_insert_rows ASM2 7-17RIM_release ASM2 7-9,

ASM2 7-11

RIM_retrieve_rows ASM2 7-21RIM_retrieve_rows2 ASM2 7-23RIM_rollback ASM2 7-16RIM_update_rows ASM2 7-18RIM_update_rows2 ASM2 7-20

RIM_commit ASM2 7-15, ASM2 7-16RIM_connect ASM2 7-9, ASM2 7-10

exceptions ASM2 7-11RIM_convert_describe_output

ASM2 7-27, ASM2 7-29RIM_create_table ASM2 7-12

exceptions ASM2 7-15RIM_delete_rows ASM2 7-25RIM_delete_table ASM2 7-12,

ASM2 7-15exceptions ASM2 7-15

RIM_describe_table ASM2 7-27RIM_execute_sql ASM2 7-26RIM_insert_rows ASM2 7-17

exceptions ASM2 7-18, ASM2 7-26RIM_objects module ASM2 7-6RIM_release ASM2 7-9, ASM2 7-11RIM_retrieve_rows ASM2 7-21

exceptions ASM2 7-23RIM_retrieve_rows2 ASM2 7-23

exceptions ASM2 7-24, ASM2 7-25RIM_rollback ASM2 7-15, ASM2 7-16RIM_update_rows ASM2 7-18

exceptions ASM2 7-20RIM_update_rows2 ASM2 7-20

exceptions ASM2 7-21roles Wkbk 2-14, FSM 4-44

defined ASM1 11-2hierarchy of ASM1 11-2

roles keyword FSM 4-44, FSM 4-49RowHeight gadget attribute REF2 7-57Rows gadget attribute REF2 7-58RowSelection gadget attribute REF2 file Wkbk A-10run_display_query ASM2 8-3


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–133

run-time exceptions FSM 2-12,FSM 6-14

run-time functionsTME FSM 6-12– FSM 6-15

run-time libraries FSM 2-12

Sscalability Wkbk 6-1

network—definition Intro 1-10scalable input Wkbk 6-2, Wkbk 7-17scheduler

cancelling and retrying jobsASM1 10-6

defining methods ASM1 10-4deleting jobs ASM1 10-16disabling jobs ASM1 10-17editing jobs ASM1 10-12enabling jobs ASM1 10-18example ASM1 10-9finding jobs ASM1 10-12IDL definitions ASM1 10-19job structure ASM1 10-3notifying user when jobs are executed

ASM1 10-7repeating jobs ASM1 10-5scheduling jobs ASM1 10-11

scheduler implementation(see TMF_Scheduler::scheduler

implementation) REF7 5-77scheduler interface

(see TMF_Scheduler::schedulerinterface) REF7 5-75

SchedulerDaemon program(see TMF_Scheduler::scheduler

implementation programs)REF7 5-64

scheduling servicesfrequency-based scheduling Intro 3-13introduction Intro 3-12

job scheduling Intro 3-13job status notification Intro 3-15multiple TMRS Intro 3-16retry on failure Intro 3-14schedule management Intro 3-14time-based scheduling Intro 3-13

script data type ASM2 5-55Scrolling gadget attribute REF2 7-59security Intro 2-16

authentication ASM1 11-1, Intro 2-17

introduction Intro 2-16Kerberos Intro 2-17

authorization Wkbk 2-14,ASM1 11-1, FSM 4-44,Intro 2-17

introduction Intro 2-16system privilege Intro 2-18

cascaded operations Intro 2-19IDL definitions ASM1 11-11in the TME ASM1 11-2machine boundaries Intro 2-19method invocation Intro 2-21object groups Intro 2-19of applications ASM1 11-1privileges Wkbk 2-16

security groupsassigning roles to administrators

ASM1 11-5creating ASM1 11-5described ASM1 11-3example ASM1 11-4

security issuesin TEIDL FSM 4-44

segmentation errorsavoiding FSM 6-11

select_instance_managers operationASM2 1-4, ASM2 1-13

SelectionMode gadget attribute REF2 7-59semaphores

attempting to get FSM 5-27


Index–134 Version 3.2

attempting to get, with data FSM 5-27attempting to signal FSM 5-27described FSM 5-43destroying FSM 5-27enhancements FSM 5-26initializing FSM 5-27message FSM 5-44mutual exclusion FSM 5-45signalling FSM 5-27signalling, with data FSM 5-27synchronization FSM 5-46waiting for FSM 5-27waiting for, with data FSM 5-27

senior authorization role ASM1 11-2,ASM1 12-3, ASM2 3-22

Sensitive gadget attribute REF2 7-60Separator gadget REF2 7-61SEQ functions

seq_add REF1 5-2seq_append REF1 5-4seq_cmp REF1 5-6seq_combine REF1 5-8seq_copy REF1 5-10seq_diff REF1 5-12seq_find REF1 5-14seq_find_sorted REF1 5-16seq_free REF1 5-18seq_free_buffer REF1 5-19seq_get REF1 5-21seq_init REF1 5-23seq_insert_sorted REF1 5-26seq_intersection REF1 5-28seq_len REF1 5-30seq_new REF1 5-31seq_remove REF1 5-33seq_replace REF1 5-35seq_strcmp REF1 5-37seq_union REF1 5-39seq_unique REF1 5-41

seq.h LCF 4-8seq_add function ASM1 1-5, REF1 5-2

seq_append function ASM1 1-9,REF1 5-4

seq_cmp function ASM1 1-11, REF1 5-6seq_combine function ASM1 1-9,

REF1 5-8seq_copy function ASM1 1-10,

REF1 5-10seq_diff function ASM1 1-14,

REF1 5-12seq_find function ASM1 1-8, REF1 5-14seq_find_sorted function REF1 5-16seq_free function ASM1 1-3, REF1 5-18seq_free_buffer function ASM1 1-11,

REF1 5-19seq_get function ASM1 1-4, REF1 5-21seq_init function ASM1 1-4, REF1 5-23seq_insert function ASM1 1-6seq_insert_sorted function REF1 5-26seq_intersection function ASM1 1-14seq_len function ASM1 1-4, REF1 5-30seq_new function ASM1 1-3, REF1 5-31seq_remove function ASM1 1-7,

REF1 5-33seq_replace function ASM1 1-7,

REF1 5-35seq_strcmp function REF1 5-37seq_union function ASM1 1-13,

REF1 5-39seq_unique function ASM1 1-15,

REF1 5-41sequence data type ASM1 1-3, FSM 3-12sequence elements

adding and removing ASM1 1-5appending ASM1 1-5finding the number of ASM1 1-4inserting ASM1 1-6removing ASM1 1-7replacing ASM1 1-7retrieving a data element ASM1 1-4


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–135

searching for ASM1 1-8sequence_t data type ASM1 1-2sequence_t type LCF 4-9sequences LCF 4-8, Wkbk 3-3

adding and removing elementsASM1 1-5

allocating on the heap ASM1 1-3allocating on the stack ASM1 1-4and the TAS library ASM1 1-2appending ASM1 1-9combining ASM1 1-9comparing ASM1 1-11copying ASM1 1-10creating ASM1 1-3finding intersection of two ASM1 1-14finding the difference between two sets

ASM1 1-14finding the number of elements

ASM1 1-4finding union of two ASM1 1-13freeing ASM1 1-11removing duplicate elements from a set

ASM1 1-15searching for an element ASM1 1-8sequence_t type LCF 4-9treating as sets ASM1 1-12using IDL, with TAS ASM1 1-3

server execution stylesin TME FSM 5-14– FSM 5-15specifying in TEIDL FSM 4-36

Server implementation(see TMF_Notice::Server

implementation) REF7 3-53Server installation

(see TMF_Notice::Server installation)REF7 3-55

Server interface(see TMF_Notice::Server interface)

REF7 3-50server processes

accomodating different objects

FSM 4-34executing only one method FSM 4-35specifying as daemons FSM 4-35specifying as non-ORB-activated

daemons FSM 4-35server programs Wkbk 3-20server skeletons Wkbk 2-19, Wkbk 3-2,

Wkbk 3-40, ASM1 4-4described FSM 2-4,

FSM 2-11–FSM 2-12server types

specifying in TEIDL FSM 4-36TME FSM 5-13–FSM 5-14

serversdefined FSM 1-15implementing daemon

FSM 5-16–FSM 5-20implementing per method

FSM 5-15–FSM 5-16service providers

isolating from requestors FSM 2-2service requestors

isolating from providers FSM 2-2set operation ASM1 8-5, REF8 1-79set_caller_key operation ASM1 11-9,

REF8 3-20set_capabilities operation ASM1 11-8,

REF8 3-21set_capability operation ASM1 12-4set_conflict_policy

operation REF5 1-276set_conflict_policy operation ASM2 5-51set_current_credentials LCF 4-27,

LCF 4-28set_default operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-8set_default_policies

operation REF5 1-135set_default_policies operation Wkbk 5-6set_defaults_policies operation


Index–136 Version 3.2

ASM2 5-59set_delegate_credentials operation

ASM1 11-11, REF8 3-23set_file operation ASM1 9-22set_imp_free function ASM1 3-21set_ip_interface operation

and get_ip_interface operationASM1 9-8

notification ASM1 9-10restrictions ASM1 9-9using ASM1 9-8

set_lang LCF 4-27, LCF 4-28,LCF A-56

set_locale LCF 4-28set_policy_default operation ASM2 3-12set_policy_validation operation

ASM2 3-12set_read_list operation ASM1 7-13set_record_flags

operation REF5 1-68set_record_flags operation Wkbk 5-10set_record_obj

operation REF5 1-70set_record_obj operation ASM2 5-28set_record_parent

operation REF5 1-73set_record_parent operation ASM2 5-57set_record_validation

operation REF5 1-75set_record_validation operation

ASM2 5-62set_records

operation REF5 1-77set_records operation ASM2 5-25set_sensitive operation Wkbk 8-12set_type_name operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-5set_validation operation ASM2 1-4,

ASM2 1-8set_validation_policies

operation REF5 1-137set_validation_policies operation

Wkbk 5-6, ASM2 5-64set_values

operation REF5 1-80set_values operation Wkbk 4-32,

Wkbk 5-6, ASM1 8-8,ASM2 5-25, REF8 1-80

setgid function ASM1 11-2setting policy records Wkbk 5-6setuid function ASM1 11-2shared daemons Wkbk 3-23shared keyword FSM 4-34, FSM 4-36shared servers FSM 4-36,

FSM 5-14–FSM 5-15shell keyword FSM 4-26Show gadget attribute DSM 4-35,

REF2 7-62ShowBrowser gadget attribute REF2 7-63ShowIndicator gadget attribute REF2 7-63signature

defined FSM 3-2single inheritance

defined FSM 5-10sleep functions

replacement for FSM 5-28Sort gadget attribute REF2 7-64spawning a thread Wkbk 6-11special characters

in DSL DSM 3-13list of DSM 3-13–DSM 3-14

including in Bourne shell bindingFSM 4-74

specializationdefined FSM 1-7

splicer functions ASM1 5-3, ASM1 5-4,ASM1 5-12, ASM1 5-14

spool_data function ASM1 1-46starting a transaction Wkbk 9-2startup keyword FSM 4-35, FSM 4-37


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–137

static bindingdefined FSM 5-6

StatusField dialog attribute REF2 7-65StatusMessage dialog attribute REF2 7-66StExcep module REF1 12-61still_alive LCF 4-27, LCF 4-28,

LCF A-57strftime function ASM1 6-6string data type FSM 3-12string manipulation functions

described ASM1 3-3local memory ASM1 3-9

stub names Wkbk 3-39subregions ASM2 3-5subscribe

operation REF5 1-292subscribe operation ASM2 5-37subscribe_group operation ASM1 7-12subscribe_groups operation ASM1 7-12Subscribee

interface REF5 1-287Subscribee interface ASM2 5-12,

ASM2 5-35subscribe operation ASM2 5-37unsubscribe operation ASM2 5-38

Subscriberinterface REF5 1-298

Subscriber interfacedescribed ASM2 5-6, ASM2 5-35get_subscription_tree operation

ASM2 5-39subscriptions attribute ASM2 5-36

subscribers_icon_popupoperation REF5 1-194

Subscriptioninterface REF5 1-299

subscriptionscancelling ASM2 5-38hierarchy ASM2 5-39types ASM2 5-36


operation REF5 1-196super authorization role ASM1 11-2,

ASM1 12-3, ASM2 3-22supply_data function ASM1 1-49Switch gadget REF2 7-66synchronization semaphores FSM 5-46SysAdmin::

Collection::add_n_objects operation

REF6 1-13add_object operation

REF6 1-15get_membersF operation

REF6 1-16remove_n_objects

operation REF61-18

remove_object operationREF6 1-21

Collection interface REF6 1-10Collection interface operations

add_n_objects REF6 1-13add_object REF6 1-15get_membersF REF6 1-16remove_n_objects

REF6 1-18remove_object REF6 1-21

CollectionIterator::destroy operation

REF6 1-28next_n operation

REF6 1-30next_one operation

REF6 1-32CollectionIterator interface

operationsdestroy REF6 1-28next_n REF6 1-30next_one REF6 1-32



Index–138 Version 3.2

destroy operationREF6 1-35

next_n operationREF6 1-37

next_one operationREF6 1-39

CollectionLabelIterator interfaceoperations

destroy REF6 1-35next_n REF6 1-37next_one REF6 1-39

CollectionMember::add_backref operation

REF6 1-45get_backrefs operation

REF6 1-46remove_backref operation

REF6 1-48CollectionMember implementation

REF6 1-43CollectionMember implementations

CollectionMemberREF6 1-43

CollectionMember interfaceREF6 1-41

CollectionMember interfaceoperations

add_backref REF6 1-45get_backrefs REF6 1-46remove_backref REF6 1-48

FilteredCollection::action operation

REF6 1-53filter operation

REF6 1-56find_members operation

REF6 1-60lookup_labels operation

REF6 1-62

lookup_object operation

REF6 1-64FilteredCollection interface

REF6 1-50FilteredCollection interface

operationsaction REF6 1-53filter REF6 1-56find_members REF6 1-60lookup_labels REF6 1-62lookup_object REF6 1-64

Instance::get_manager operation

REF6 1-68get_type_name operation

REF6 1-70Instance interface REF6 1-66Instance interface operations

get_filters REF6 1-70get_manager REF6 1-68


operationREF6 1-74

set_type_name operationREF6 1-76

InstanceManager interfaceREF6 1-71

InstanceManager interfaceoperations

get_instances_interfaceREF6 1-74

set_type_name REF6 1-76Library::

has_action operationREF6 1-82

has_filter operationREF6 1-84

has_policy_defaultoperationREF6 1-86



TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–139

operationREF6 1-88

Library interface REF6 1-80Library interface operations

has_action REF6 1-82has_filter REF6 1-84has_policy_default

REF6 1-86select_instance_managers

REF6 1-88MemberIterator::

destroy operationREF6 1-95

next_n operationREF6 1-97

next_one operationREF6 1-99

MemberIterator implementationREF6 1-92

MemberIterator implementationsMemberIterator REF6 1-92

MemberIterator installationREF6 1-93

MemberIterator installationsMemberIterator REF6 1-93

MemberIterator interfaceREF6 1-90

MemberIterator interface operationsdestroy REF6 1-95next_n REF6 1-97next_one REF6 1-99

MemberLabelIterator::destroy operation

REF6 1-106next_n operation

REF6 1-107next_one operation

REF6 1-109MemberLabelIterator interface


destroy REF6 1-106next_n REF6 1-107next_one REF6 1-109

MemberLabelIteratorFimplementationREF6 1-102


MemberLabelIteratorFREF6 1-102

MemberLabelIteratorF installationREF6 1-104

MemberLabelIteratorF installationsMemberLabelIteratorF

REF6 1-104MemberLabelIteratorF interface

REF6 1-100NestedCollection interface

REF6 1-111PolicyDrivenBase::

get_resource_hostoperationREF6 1-115

remove operationREF6 1-117

PolicyDrivenBase interfaceoperations

get_resource_hostREF6 1-115

remove REF6 1-117PolicyDrivenBaseF interface

REF6 1-113PolicyObject::

get_default operationREF6 1-121

get_default_policiesoperationREF6 1-123

get_validation operationREF6 1-124


Index–140 Version 3.2

get_validation_policiesoperationREF6 1-126

PolicyObject interfaceREF6 1-119

PolicyObject interface operationsget_default REF6 1-121get_default_policies

REF6 1-123get_validation REF6 1-124get_validation_policies

REF6 1-126PolicyObjectAdmin::

add_default operationREF6 1-130

add_validation operationREF6 1-132

remove_default operation REF6 1-134

remove_validationoperationREF6 1-136

set_default operationREF6 1-137

set_validation operationREF6 1-139

PolicyObjectAdmin interfaceREF6 1-128

PolicyObjectAdmin interfaceoperations

add_default REF6 1-130add_validation REF6 1-132remove_default REF6 1-134remove_validation

REF6 1-136set_default REF6 1-137set_validation REF6 1-139



REF6 1-144PolicyRegionAdmin

implementationREF6 1-143


PolicyRegionAdminREF6 1-143

PolicyRegionAdmin installationREF6 2-114

PolicyRegionAdmin installationsPolicyRegionAdmin

REF6 2-114PolicyRegionAdmin interface

REF6 1-141PolicyRegionAdmin interface


REF6 1-144PolicyRegionInfo::

get_policy_regionoperationREF6 1-148

get_policy_region_nameoperationREF6 1-150

PolicyRegionInfo interfaceREF6 1-146

PolicyRegionInfo interfaceoperations

get_policy_regionREF6 1-148

get_policy_region_nameREF6 1-150

SysAdmin implementation programsIterator_prog1 REF6 1-78

SysAdmin module REF6 1-1IDL definition ASM2 3-24inheriting from SysAdmin module

ASM2 2-4


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–141

Instance interface ASM2 1-3InstanceManager interface ASM2 1-3Library interface ASM2 1-3PolicyDrivenBase interface ASM2 1-9PolicyObject interface ASM2 1-3PolicyObjectAdmin interface

ASM2 1-3SysAdmin module interfaces

Collection REF6 1-10CollectionMember REF6 1-41FilteredCollection REF6 1-50Instance REF6 1-66InstanceManager REF6 1-71Library REF6 1-80MemberIterator REF6 1-90MemberLabelIteratorF REF6 1-100NestedCollection REF6 1-111PolicyDrivenBaseF REF6 1-113PolicyObject REF6 1-119PolicyObjectAdmin REF6 1-128PolicyRegionAdmin REF6 1-141PolicyRegionInfo REF6 1-146

SysAdminException module REF6 3-1SysAdminLifeCycle::

HostLocation implementationREF6 4-5

HostLocation implementationsHostLocation REF6 4-5

HostLocation interface REF6 4-3Location implementation

REF6 4-8Location implementations

Location REF6 4-8Location interface REF6 4-6

SysAdminLifeCycle module REF6 4-1SysAdminLifeCycle module interfaces

HostLocation REF6 4-3Location REF6 4-6

SysInfo interface(see TMF_ManagedNode::SysInfo

interface) REF7 1-52

add_ip_interface operationnASM1 9-6

avail_space operation ASM1 9-3contact_host operation ASM1 9-11del_ip_interface operation ASM1 9-7described ASM1 9-2get_ip_interface operation ASM1 9-6install_directory operation

ASM1 9-11interpreter operation ASM1 9-12list_ip_interfaces operation ASM1 9-5memory_size operation ASM1 9-3notify_ip_change operation ASM1 9-9operations ASM1 9-2set_ip_interface operation ASM1 9-8system_time operation ASM1 9-3system_timezone operation ASM1 9-3

system commandsexecuting ASM1 9-30privileged file I/O ASM1 9-31

system managementwith managed nodes ASM1 9-1

system operation ASM1 9-30system_time operation ASM1 9-3system_timezone operation ASM1 9-3SystemException class ASM1 2-2systhread LCF 4-11

Tt_NVList_add_item function REF1 12-26t_NVList_free function REF1 12-28t_NVList_free_memory function

REF1 12-29t_NVList_get_count function REF1 12-31t_Object_create_request function

REF1 12-43t_Object_get_interface function

REF1 12-47


Index–142 Version 3.2

t_Object_is_duplicate functionREF1 12-45

t_Object_is_nil function REF1 12-48t_Object_release function REF1 12-49t_ORB_object_to_string function

REF1 12-37t_ORB_string_to_object function

REF1 12-39t_Request_add_arg function REF1 12-56t_Request_delete function REF1 12-58t_Request_invoke function REF1 12-59t_stat data type ASM1 9-21, ASM1 9-24t_TypeCode_convert_to_ascii function

REF1 12-64t_TypeCode_convert_to_c function

REF1 12-66t_TypeCode_decode function Wkbk 6-8,

REF1 12-68t_TypeCode_encode function REF1 12-72t_TypeCode_encode_ascii function

REF1 12-74t_TypeCode_equal function REF1 12-76t_TypeCode_isa function REF1 12-78t_TypeCode_kind function REF1 12-80t_TypeCode_length function REF1 12-81t_TypeCode_orb_free function

REF1 12-83t_TypeCode_parameter function

REF1 12-87t_TypeCode_size function REF1 12-89t_TypeCode_value function REF1 12-91t_TypeCode_value_count function

REF1 12-93Table controls Wkbk 8-24Table gadget REF2 7-68table manager library

cell text function Wkbk 8-38defined Wkbk 8-25defining columns Wkbk 8-34

display cache Wkbk 8-25expose mechanism Wkbk 8-38manipulating rows Wkbk 8-40registering with Wkbk 8-32requirements Wkbk 8-25sorting records Wkbk 8-37TME support dialogs Wkbk 8-43

TableColumn gadget REF2 7-70TableMgrGuiDlgs presentation object

Wkbk 8-10, Wkbk 8-45TableRow gadget REF2 7-71tables

cell border style REF2 7-8column width REF2 7-18glyphs REF2 7-30populating REF2 7-39restricting selections REF2 7-57,

REF2 7-59row height REF2 7-57setting leftmost column REF2 7-39setting number of rows REF2 7-58setting top row REF2 7-77Table gadget REF2 7-68TableColumn gadget REF2 7-70TableRow gadget REF2 7-71

tar file ASM1 9-27TAS exceptions

ExCorruption REF1 9-4ExEntryNotFound REF1 9-6ExException REF1 9-8ExExists REF1 9-10ExExit REF1 9-12ExExitStderr REF1 9-14ExFailed REF1 9-16ExFileIO REF1 9-18ExFileRDenied REF1 9-20ExFileWDenied REF1 9-22ExFileXDenied REF1 9-24ExInvalid REF1 9-26ExLicense REF1 9-28ExNoMoreMemory REF1 9-30


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–143

ExNotFound REF1 9-32ExNotImplemented REF1 9-34ExObjNotFound REF1 9-36ExPermission REF1 9-38ExPolicy REF1 9-40ExStdlib REF1 9-42ExSyntax REF1 9-44ExSystem REF1 9-46

TAS functionscli_find_administrator REF1 1-2cli_get_home_collection REF1 1-4cli_get_principal REF1 1-6cli_get_working_collection REF1 1-8cli_lookup_object REF1 1-10cli_path_to_object REF1 1-12cli_relative_to_absolute REF1 1-14cli_set_working_collection

REF1 1-16dir_get_administrators REF2 1-1dir_get_all_instances REF2 1-2dir_get_class REF2 1-3dir_get_library REF2 1-4dir_get_registry REF2 1-5dir_get_scheduler REF2 1-6dir_get_server REF2 1-7dir_lookup_instance REF2 1-9dir_lookup_instances REF2 1-10dl_append REF1 10-2dl_argv_to_list REF1 10-4dl_buffer_to_list REF1 10-6dl_connect REF1 10-8dl_delete_all REF1 10-10dl_diff REF1 10-12dl_difference REF1 10-15dl_dup REF1 10-18dl_filter REF1 10-20dl_find REF1 10-22dl_getdata REF1 10-24dl_head_of REF1 10-26dl_init REF1 10-27dl_insert REF1 10-29dl_insert_sorted REF1 10-31

dl_intersection REF1 10-34dl_length REF1 10-36dl_list_to_argv REF1 10-38dl_list_to_buffer REF1 10-40dl_next REF1 10-42dl_prev REF1 10-44dl_read_strings REF1 10-46dl_read_strings_sep REF1 10-48dl_remove REF1 10-50dl_sort REF1 10-52dl_strcmp REF1 10-54dl_sum REF1 10-56dl_write_strings REF1 10-58Endtry REF1 9-48ex_mutex_lock REF1 8-2ex_mutex_release REF1 8-3fstream_create REF1 6-2fstream_new REF1 6-4ifstream_create REF1 6-6ifstream_new REF1 6-8ifstream_seek REF1 6-10iom_close REF1 4-2iom_close_input REF1 4-3iom_close_output REF1 4-4iom_create REF1 4-5iom_destroy REF1 4-6iom_finish_spool REF1 4-7iom_key_compare REF1 4-9iom_key_size REF1 4-11iom_open REF1 4-12iom_receive REF1 4-14iom_send REF1 4-16iom_spool_input REF1 4-18iom_spool_output REF1 4-21ios_destroy REF1 6-11istream_eof REF1 6-12istream_get REF1 6-13istream_get_line REF1 6-15istream_get_line_count REF1 6-16istream_getc REF1 6-17istream_peek REF1 6-18istream_putback REF1 6-19


Index–144 Version 3.2

mg_calloc REF3 1-1mg_free REF3 1-2mg_malloc REF3 1-3mg_realloc REF3 1-4mg_set_free REF3 1-5mg_set_malloc REF3 1-6mg_set_realloc REF3 1-7mg_strchg REF3 1-9mg_strdup REF3 1-10ml_attach_addr REF3 1-17ml_attach_malloc REF3 1-18ml_attach_Object_reference

REF3 1-15ml_attach_ORB_generic REF3 1-11ml_attach_ORB_output REF3 1-12ml_attach_ORB_result REF3 1-14ml_attach_struct REF3 1-20ml_attach_struct_malloc REF3 1-22ml_calloc REF3 1-23ml_create REF3 1-25ml_delegate_destroy_to_ORB

REF3 1-26ml_destroy REF3 1-28ml_detach REF3 1-29ml_malloc REF3 1-30ml_realloc REF3 1-32ml_strchg REF3 1-33ml_strdup REF3 1-35ofstream_create REF1 6-20ofstream_insert REF1 6-22ofstream_new REF1 6-23ofstream_remove_bytes REF1 6-25ofstream_replace_bytes REF1 6-26ofstream_seek REF1 6-27ofstream_trunc REF1 6-29pol_default_name REF1 3-2pol_same_regions REF1 3-4pol_validation_enabled REF1 3-6pol_validation_name REF1 3-8re_create REF1 7-2re_new REF1 7-2re_search_string REF1 7-5

re_substitute REF1 7-7re_substitute_global REF1 7-7seq_add REF1 5-2seq_append REF1 5-4seq_cmp REF1 5-6seq_combine REF1 5-8seq_copy REF1 5-10seq_diff REF1 5-12seq_find REF1 5-14seq_find_sorted REF1 5-16seq_free REF1 5-18seq_free_buffer REF1 5-19seq_get REF1 5-21seq_init REF1 5-23seq_insert REF1 5-24seq_insert_sorted REF1 5-26seq_intersection REF1 5-28seq_len REF1 5-30seq_new REF1 5-31seq_remove REF1 5-33seq_replace REF1 5-35seq_strcmp REF1 5-37seq_union REF1 5-39seq_unique REF1 5-41tas_decrypt REF3 2-1tas_encrypt REF3 2-3tas_system_encrypt REF3 2-5tds_admin_active_desktops REF2 3-1tds_all_active_desktops REF2 3-2tds_construct_choice REF2 3-7tds_construct_choice_list REF2 3-8tds_construct_kvpair REF2 3-10tds_construct_name REF2 3-11tds_construct_path REF2 3-13tds_convert_choices REF2 3-14tds_format REF2 3-15tds_get_key REF2 3-17tds_get_value REF2 3-18tds_host_active_desktops REF2 3-20tds_stringlist_to_admin REF2 3-21tds_stringlist_to_env REF2 3-22tmf_msg_bind REF2 2-24


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–145

tmf_msg_bind_terse REF2 2-25tmf_msg_create REF2 2-26tmf_msg_new REF2 2-27

TAS librarydirectory services ASM1 1-50directory services of name registry

ASM1 8-17encrypting and decrypting data

ASM1 1-55functions provided by ASM1 1-1handling doubly linked lists

ASM1 1-16initializing ASM1 1-1inter-object message service

ASM1 1-35, ASM1 7-18managing memory ASM1 1-62pol_same_regions function ASM2 3-9pol_validation_enabled function

ASM2 3-14processing regular expressions

ASM1 1-57using notification system ASM1 1-62validating policy ASM1 1-61working with sequences ASM1 1-2

TAS macrosCatch REF1 9-48CatchAll REF1 9-48Throw REF1 9-48Try REF1 9-48

TAS modulesStExcep REF1 12-61

TAS run-time library Intro 3-22tas_decrypt function ASM1 1-56,

REF3 2-1tas_encrypt function ASM1 1-55,

REF3 2-3tas_init function ASM1 1-1tas_system_encrypt function ASM1 1-57,

REF3 2-5task libraries

defaults policy in ASM2 6-15

described ASM2 6-2, ASM2 6-3policy in ASM2 6-15querying ASM2 6-14validation policy in ASM2 6-16

Task library LCF 7-1data types LCF 7-1header files LCF 7-2IDL types LCF 7-2initializing the type repository LCF 7-1libtask_lcf.a LCF 7-2

task library Intro 3-28Task Library class ASM2 6-15task repository ASM2 6-5task_t data type ASM2 6-4TaskExecute implementation

(see TMF_ManagedNode::TaskExecuteimplementation) REF7 1-96

TaskExecute installation(see TMF_ManagedNode::TaskExecute

installation) REF7 1-98TaskExecute interface

(see TMF_ManagedNode::TaskExecuteinterface) REF7 1-94

TaskLibrary interfacechange_job operation ASM2 6-11change_task operation ASM2 6-6create_job operation ASM2 6-11create_scheduled_job operation

ASM2 6-13create_task operation ASM2 6-5delete_job operation ASM2 6-12delete_task operation ASM2 6-6described ASM2 6-3execute_job operation ASM2 6-12execute_task operation ASM2 6-6list_jobs operation ASM2 6-14list_tasks operation ASM2 6-14lookup_job operation ASM2 6-14lookup_task operation ASM2 6-14

TaskLibraryPD interfaceand the defaults object ASM2 6-15


Index–146 Version 3.2

described ASM2 6-15operations ASM2 6-15

TaskLibraryPV interfaceand the validation policy object

ASM2 6-15operations ASM2 6-16

taskscreating ASM2 6-5deleting ASM2 6-6described ASM2 6-1, ASM2 6-4editing definitions of ASM2 6-6executing ASM2 6-6IDL definitions ASM2 6-17using jobs to define. See jobs

TDS functionsdtc_add REF2 5-1dtc_add_choices REF2 5-3dtc_add_icon REF2 5-4dtc_bind_post REF2 5-6dtc_bind_postv REF2 5-7dtc_cell_set_emphasis REF2 5-9dtc_change REF2 5-10dtc_change_icon REF2 5-12dtc_clear REF2 5-13dtc_clipboard REF2 5-15dtc_delete REF2 5-17dtc_deselect REF2 5-18dtc_dismiss REF2 5-20dtc_dismiss_all REF2 5-21dtc_display_confirm REF2 5-22dtc_display_confirm_cb REF2 5-24dtc_display_error REF2 5-26dtc_display_message REF2 5-28dtc_display_status REF2 5-30dtc_end REF2 5-32dtc_execute_operations REF2 5-33dtc_flush_icon_cache REF2 5-34dtc_free REF2 5-36dtc_get_instance_id REF2 5-37dtc_nop REF2 5-38dtc_populate REF2 5-40dtc_post REF2 5-42

dtc_present REF2 5-44dtc_present_all REF2 5-45dtc_quit REF2 5-46dtc_remove_choices REF2 5-48dtc_remove_icons REF2 5-49dtc_return REF2 5-51dtc_rowcol_set_emphasis REF2 5-52dtc_rowcol_set_glyph REF2 5-53dtc_rowcol_set_sensitive REF2 5-54dtc_rowcol_set_visible REF2 5-55dtc_select REF2 5-56dtc_start REF2 5-58dtc_table_add_column REF2 5-59dtc_table_add_row REF2 5-60dtc_table_delete_column REF2 5-61dtc_table_delete_row REF2 5-63dtc_table_select_column REF2 5-64dtc_table_select_row REF2 5-65dtc_update_icon_label REF2 5-66dtc_update_icon_labels REF2 5-67dtc_update_view_title REF2 5-69introduction DSM 1-14tds_bind REF2 3-3tds_bindv REF2 3-5

tds_admin_active_desktops functionREF2 3-1

tds_all_active_desktops function REF2 3-2tds_bind function REF2 3-3tds_bindv function REF2 3-5tds_construct_choice function REF2 3-7tds_construct_choice_list function

REF2 3-8tds_construct_kvpair function REF2 3-10tds_construct_name function REF2 3-11tds_construct_path function REF2 3-13tds_convert_choices function REF2 3-14tds_format function REF2 3-15tds_get_key function REF2 3-17tds_get_value function REF2 3-18tds_host_active_desktops function


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–147

REF2 3-20tds_stringlist_to_admin function

REF2 3-21tds_stringlist_to_env function REF2 3-22tds_table_add_column function

Wkbk 8-34, Wkbk 8-35tds_table_add_row function Wkbk 8-40tds_table_change_row function Wkbk 8-40tds_table_change_row_by_key function

Wkbk 8-40tds_table_expose_cb callback Wkbk 8-38tds_table_load_cache function Wkbk 8-27tds_table_register_table function

Wkbk 8-32tds_table_set_sort_column function

Wkbk 8-37TearOff gadget attribute REF2 7-72TEIDL

access control specification FSM 4-20accessor and mutator functions

FSM 4-32adding behavior to existing method

implementations FSM 4-65ANSI C language binding

FSM 4-68–FSM 4-74attribute specification FSM 4-27BNF grammar description

FSM 4-83–FSM 4-87Bourne shell binding

FSM 4-74–FSM 4-82class creation FSM 4-7– FSM 4-8command method binding FSM 4-82common output files FSM 4-59constant specification FSM 4-26CORBA files generated

FSM 4-58–FSM 4-59data type specification FSM 4-26defined DSM 4-1described FSM 3-4,

FSM 4-1–FSM 4-12

extensions to IDL FSM 4-11file including scheme FSM 4-83implementation-defined methods

FSM 4-30inheritance support FSM 4-11intrinsic methods FSM 4-31method name specification FSM 4-35method specification FSM 4-29object creation from classes FSM 4-8object implementation

FSM 4-2–FSM 4-22object initialization FSM 4-53path specification example FSM 4-21security issues FSM 4-44server execution style specification

FSM 4-36server type specification FSM 4-36specification components FSM 4-14specification keywords FSM 4-39start-up specification FSM 4-37TME files generated FSM 4-58TME output FSM 4-56–FSM 4-58

TEIDL compiler FSM 4-2, FSM 4-7,FSM 4-10

operation FSM 4-82–FSM 4-83output FSM 4-54–FSM 4-56output files FSM 4-54preprocessors FSM 4-83

TEIDL implementationbody FSM 4-25body keywords FSM 4-25header FSM 4-23header keywords FSM 4-23inheritance FSM 4-24location FSM 4-50preprocessor directives FSM 4-54scheme FSM 4-12specification FSM 4-12, FSM 4-23specification constructs FSM 4-22

TEIDL installationcomponents FSM 4-41constructs FSM 4-39


Index–148 Version 3.2

specification FSM 4-16–FSM 4-21,FSM 4-39

specification body FSM 4-40specification components FSM 4-19specification header FSM 4-39

TEIDL output filesauxiliary header FSM 4-59auxiliary source FSM 4-59configuration script FSM 4-59,

FSM 4-67CORBA method template FSM 4-62defines header FSM 4-60, FSM 4-66installation tar FSM 4-59main program FSM 4-60method templates FSM 4-61private header FSM 4-65public header FSM 4-63TME method template FSM 4-61TME skeleton liners FSM 4-60TME stub wrappers FSM 4-60

TEIDL programbody FSM 4-34body keywords FSM 4-34constructs FSM 4-33example of body FSM 4-37header FSM 4-34header keywords FSM 4-34specification FSM 4-15– FSM 4-16,

FSM 4-33TellModify gadget attribute REF2 7-73text fields

encrypting REF2 7-27multi-line REF2 7-52single line REF2 7-74Text gadget REF2 7-74wrapping REF2 7-81

Text gadget REF2 7-74text gadgets DSM 3-18the_context attribute Wkbk 4-8,

Wkbk 4-9thread_signal function FSM 5-28

threaded keyword FSM 4-34, FSM 4-36threads

concurrency FSM 5-31critical section locking FSM 5-37friendly mutexes FSM 5-39mutexes FSM 5-37protection domains FSM 5-34read/write locks FSM 5-41semaphores FSM 5-43spawning Wkbk 6-11spawning new FSM 5-26use with IOM Wkbk 6-3

threads critical section locking FSM 5-37Throw LCF 4-4throw

defined ASM1 2-1Throw macro REF1 9-48Throw statement ASM1 2-9, ASM1 2-25ThrowExErrorMsg LCF 4-5TIDL compiler Wkbk 3-33,

Wkbk 3-38, Wkbk 3-39tidlc command Wkbk 3-38, FSM 4-7timeout

cancelling FSM 5-28specifying FSM 4-34

timeout keyword FSM 4-34, FSM 4-36timeout/untimeout interface FSM 5-27timer services

enhancements to FSM 5-27Title gadget attribute REF2 7-75TitlePos gadget attribute DSM 4-37,

REF2 7-76tiv_io_create LCF 4-26, LCF A-58tiv_io_destroy LCF 4-26, LCF A-60tiv_spawn LCF 4-26, LCF A-61tiv_spawn_ui LCF 4-26, LCF A-63tiv_user_token_create LCF 4-26,

LCF A-65tiv_user_token_destroy LCF 4-26,

LCF A-67


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–149

tiv_wait LCF 4-26, LCF A-68Tivoli C-language bindings

and transactions ASM1 4-3Tivoli client

required files FSM 4-68Tivoli exception hierarchy ASM1 2-4Tivoli Extended IDL

compiler Intro 2-6compiler output Intro 2-8

Tivoli Management Environmentarchitecture overview Intro 1-4Object Request Broker (ORB)

Intro 2-3Tivoli Management Environment 10

introduction Intro 1-1Tivoli Management Platform

available architectures Intro 1-5CORBA compliance Intro 1-4introduction Intro 1-2

Tivoli Management Region (TMR)administrator collections ASM1 12-4and instance managers ASM2 1-1and name registry ASM1 8-2message catalog directory ASM1 6-16scheduling jobs ASM1 10-2

Tivoli Name Registry Wkbk 3-33introduction Intro 1-13

Tivoli Productivity Package Wkbk A-1Tivoli server

required files FSM 4-68Tivoli/Phone

authorization map Wkbk 2-15classes Wkbk 2-7database design Wkbk 2-5get_cell_data function Wkbk 8-39introduction Wkbk 2-4make_record_key Wkbk 8-41PhoneListProfile class behavior

Wkbk 2-8source code Wkbk A-1

Tivoli/Visual DSL Wkbk 8-8

tmcmd utility ASM1 4-12TME

administrator collections ASM1 12-4classes FSM 4-2– FSM 4-8,

FSM 5-8client-server programs

FSM 4-67– FSM 4-68concurrency FSM 5-31– FSM 5-55critical section locking FSM 5-37database of principals ASM1 11-2exceptions FSM 4-56–FSM 4-57friendly mutexes FSM 5-39licensing scheme ASM2 9-12mutexes FSM 5-37nested transactions FSM 4-56objects and instance objects FSM 4-4read/write locks FSM 5-41run-time functions FSM 6-12–FSM

6-15security ASM1 11-2semaphores FSM 5-43server execution styles

FSM 5-14–FSM 5-15server types FSM 5-13–FSM 5-14TEIDL output FSM 4-56–FSM 4-58transaction duration locks

threadstransaction duration locks

FSM 5-47TME 10

introduction Intro 1-1TME 10 ADE LCF 2-2, LCF 2-4,

LCF 2-6, LCF 3-1TME 10 ADE documentation library I

ntro 5-1Application Services Manual Intro 5-3Desktop Services Manual Intro 5-4Introduction to TME 10 ADE Intro 5-2TME 10 ADE Master Index Intro 5-9TME 10 Framework Services Manual

Intro 5-2


Index–150 Version 3.2

TME 10 Programmer’s ReferenceManual Intro 5-8

User Interface Style Guide Intro 5-8TME 10 ADE extended interface definition

language. See TEIDLTME 10 ADE installation

command line installation Intro 6-11hardware requirements Intro 6-2procedure Intro 6-3software requirements Intro 6-1

TME 10 AEF Wkbk 2-20TME 10 Desktop

features DSM 1-9GUI development

system advantages DSM 1-17introduction DSM 1-2operation DSM 1-3presentation independence DSM 1-9

TME 10 DSLintroduction DSM 3-12

TME 10 FrameworkAPI Intro 1-4introduction Intro 1-2

TME 10 ORB Wkbk 6-1TME clients

relationship to object implementationsFSM 2-5–FSM 2-6

requesting servicesFSM 6-1–FSM 6-10

TME concurrencyavoiding deadlocks

FSM 5-50–FSM 5-55protection domains FSM 5-34

TME databaseverifying and repairing problems in

ASM2 10-1TME desktop Wkbk 8-1TME dialogs

and desktop variables DSM 2-32command and method invocation

DSM 2-2

contents DSM 2-2description DSM 2-1descriptors

generating DSM 2-7interacting with DSM 2-7introduction DSM 2-6

drag and drop invocation DSM 2-3internationalized DSM 2-8message catalogs DSM 2-8Msg directive DSM 2-8states DSM 2-5– DSM 2-6

transitions DSM 2-5TME files

generated by TEIDL FSM 4-58method template FSM 4-58private header FSM 4-58private source FSM 4-58public header FSM 4-58skeleton liner FSM 4-58stub wrapper FSM 4-58

TME frameworkinstalling applications ASM1 9-1

TME implementation modelsFSM 5-13–FSM 5-15

daemon servers FSM 5-13external daemon servers FSM 5-13parallel servers FSM 4-36per method servers FSM 5-13server types and execution styles

FSM 4-38shared servers FSM 4-36, FSM 5-14

TME objectsadvantages of inheritance FSM 5-12and TME instance objects FSM 4-4attributes FSM 5-5attributes and behaviors

FSM 5-4–FSM 5-5characteristics FSM 5-1class relationships FSM 5-8concurrent interaction with other objects

FSM 5-7


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–151

data storage FSM 5-4dynamic FSM 5-5–FSM 5-6dynamic relationships FSM 5-8exhibiting multiple states FSM 5-34identifying FSM 5-2implementing FSM 5-–FSM 5-13inheritance FSM 5-8inheritance order FSM 5-10interaction with other objects

FSM 5-7–FSM 5-8methods FSM 5-5modularity of FSM 5-3–FSM 5-4persistency of FSM 5-13, FSM 5-34reference relationships

FSM 5-12–FSM 5-13reusability FSM 5-6– FSM 5-7serializing FSM 5-34–FSM 5-36states FSM 5-34– FSM 5-36

TME ORB Wkbk 3-2, Wkbk 3-20,Wkbk 3-22, Wkbk 8-31

described FSM 2-6supported flags FSM 6-4

TME principal Intro 2-21TME support dialogs Wkbk 8-10,

Wkbk 8-43, Wkbk 8-45TMF encryption ASM1 1-55TMF functions

BOA_create_subobject REF1 12-4BOA_get_subobject_id REF1 12-5BOA_set_exception REF1 12-6exception_free REF1 8-4exception_id REF1 8-5exception_value REF1 8-6NVList_add_item REF1 12-26NVList_free REF1 12-28NVList_free_memory REF1 12-29NVList_get_count REF1 12-31Object_create_request REF1 12-43Object_duplicate REF1 12-45Object_get_interface REF1 12-47Object_is_nil REF1 12-48

Object_release REF1 12-49ORB_object_to_string REF1 12-37ORB_string_to_object REF1 12-39ORBfree REF1 12-41ORBfree_result REF1 12-42Request_add_arg REF1 12-56Request_delete REF1 12-58Request_invoke REF1 12-59tmf_activate_simple_impl REF2 2-11tmf_add_callback REF2 2-12tmf_free_generic REF2 2-13tmf_friendly_mutex_destroy

REF2 2-14tmf_friendly_mutex_init REF2 2-15tmf_friendly_mutex_lock REF2 2-16tmf_friendly_mutex_trylock

REF2 2-17tmf_friendly_mutex_unlock

REF2 2-18tmf_get_fdsets REF2 2-19tmf_impl_ready REF2 2-20tmf_init REF2 2-22tmf_locate_boa REF2 2-23tmf_locate_orb REF2 2-24tmf_objref_add_private REF2 2-28tmf_objref_cmp REF2 2-29tmf_objref_cpy REF2 2-30tmf_objref_dup REF2 2-31tmf_objref_get_private REF2 2-32tmf_objref_release REF2 2-33tmf_objref_size REF2 2-34tmf_P REF2 2-1tmf_Pa REF2 2-4tmf_Patry REF2 2-5tmf_Ptry REF2 2-6tmf_PVinit REF2 2-3tmf_register_impl REF2 2-35tmf_register_impl_activate_func

REF2 2-37tmf_register_impl_free REF2 2-38tmf_remove_callback REF2 2-40tmf_request_dispatch REF2 2-41


Index–152 Version 3.2

tmf_run REF2 2-42tmf_run_callbacks REF2 2-43tmf_rwl_lockalloc REF2 2-45tmf_rwl_lockfree REF2 2-44tmf_rwl_lockinit REF2 2-45tmf_rwl_readlock REF2 2-46tmf_rwl_try_readlock REF2 2-47tmf_rwl_try_writelock REF2 2-48tmf_rwl_unlock REF2 2-49tmf_rwl_writelock REF2 2-50tmf_server_exit REF2 2-51tmf_thread_create REF2 2-52tmf_thread_delay REF2 2-53tmf_thread_exit REF2 2-54tmf_thread_signal REF2 2-55tmf_thread_sleep REF2 2-57tmf_timeout REF2 2-57tmf_timers_rel2abs REF2 2-59tmf_trans_abort REF2 2-60tmf_trans_begin REF2 2-61tmf_trans_end REF2 2-62tmf_unregister_impl REF2 2-63tmf_unregister_impl_activate_func

REF2 2-64tmf_untimeout REF2 2-65tmf_untimeout_arg REF2 2-66tmf_untimeout_arg_free REF2 2-67tmf_untimeout_free REF2 2-68tmf_V REF2 2-7tmf_Va REF2 2-8tmf_Vtry REF2 2-10TypeCode_convert_to_ascii

REF1 12-64TypeCode_convert_to_c REF1 12-66TypeCode_decode REF1 12-68TypeCode_encode REF1 12-72TypeCode_encode_ascii REF1 12-74TypeCode_equal REF1 12-76TypeCode_isa REF1 12-78TypeCode_kind REF1 12-80TypeCode_length REF1 12-81TypeCode_orb_free REF1 12-83

TypeCode_parameter REF1 12-87TypeCode_size REF1 12-89TypeCode_value REF1 12-91TypeCode_value_count REF1 12-93

tmf_activate_simple_impl functionREF2 2-11

tmf_add_callback function REF2 2-12TMF_Administrator::

Collection::add_supported_role operation

REF6 6-9Collection interface REF6 6-6Collection interface operations

add_supported_roleREF6 6-9

Configuration interfaceREF6 6-10

TMF_Administrator module ASM1 12-4,REF6 6-1

TMF_Administrator module interfacesCollection REF6 6-6Configuration REF6 6-10

TMF_Application module ASM2 10-1,ASM2 10-3

NodeConfiguration interfaceASM2 10-7

TMF_BOA environment variableFSM 4-80


interface REF5 1-17Database::

add_attributes operationREF5 1-25

add_record operationREF5 1-28

add_record_with_object operationREF5 1-31

add_records operationREF5 1-34


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–153

create_db operationREF5 1-39

delete_db operationREF5 1-41

delete_record operationREF5 1-43

get_record operationREF5 1-55

interface REF5 1-18,REF5 1-25,REF5 1-28,REF5 1-31,REF5 1-34,REF5 1-36,REF5 1-39,REF5 1-41,REF5 1-43,REF5 1-45,REF5 1-48,REF5 1-50,REF5 1-53,REF5 1-55,REF5 1-58,REF5 1-60,REF5 1-62,REF5 1-65,REF5 1-68,REF5 1-70,REF5 1-73,REF5 1-75,REF5 1-77,REF5 1-80,REF5 1-83,REF5 1-85,REF5 1-87

Lookupinterface REF5 1-90,

REF5 1-91,REF5 1-94,

REF5 1-96Profile

implementation REF5 1-99implementations REF5 1-99installation REF5 1-106installations REF5 1-106interface REF5 1-102,

REF5 1-109,REF5 1-111,REF5 1-113,REF5 1-115,REF5 1-117,REF5 1-119,REF5 1-121,REF5 1-126, REF5 1-128,REF5 1-135,REF5 1-137,REF5 1-139

ProfileAEFinterface REF5 1-141,

REF5 1-144,REF5 1-146,REF5 1-148,REF5 1-150,REF5 1-152,REF5 1-154,REF5 1-156

ProfileBaseimplementation REF5 1-158implementations,

REF5 1-158installation REF5 1-163installations, REF5 1-163interface REF5 1-161, REF5

1-167program REF5 1-165programs, REF5 1-165



Index–154 Version 3.2

implementation REF5 1-169implementations,

REF5 1-169installation REF5 1-172installations, REF5 1-172interface REF5 1-171

ProfileManagerimplementation REF5 1-174implementations,

REF5 1-174installation REF5 1-178installations, REF5 1-178interface REF5 1-176

ProfileManagerGUIimplementation REF5 1-180implementations,

REF5 1-180installation REF5 1-183installations, REF5 1-183interface REF5 1-181program REF5 1-186programs, REF5 1-186


REF5 1-205pm_def_subscribersoperation

REF5 1-207implementation REF5 1-198implementations,

REF5 1-198interface REF5 1-199, REF5

1-205, REF5 1-207program REF5 1-203programs, REF5 1-203

ProfileManagerPolVal::pm_val_remove_subscribersoperation REF5 1-217

pm_val_remove_subscriptionoperation REF5 1-219pm_val_subscribersoperation REF5 1-222pm_val_subscriptionoperation REF5 1-224ProfileManager_validate_alloperation REF5 1-215implementation REF5 1-209implementations,

REF5 1-209installation REF5 1-213installations, REF5 1-213interface REF5 1-210, REF5

1-215,REF5 1-217,REF5 1-219,REF5 1-222,REF5 1-224

program REF5 1-214programs, REF5 1-214

ProfileMemberimplementation REF5 1-226implementations,

REF5 1-226installation REF5 1-229installations, REF5 1-229interface REF5 1-227

ProfileOrganizer::create_profileoperation REF5 1-245implementation REF5 1-230implementations,

REF5 1-230installation REF5 1-238installations, REF5 1-238interface REF5 1-234,

REF5 1-245program REF5 1-242


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–155

programs, REF5 1-242ProfileOrganizerGUI

implementation REF5 1-247implementations,

REF5 1-247installation REF5 1-253installations, REF5 1-253interface REF5 1-248

Propagationinterface REF5 1-254

Registrationinterface REF5 1-278,

REF5 1-282Subscribee::

get_subscription_endpointsoperation REF5 1-289get_subscription_treeoperation REF5 1-291subscribeoperation REF5 1-292unsubscribeoperation REF5 1-295interface REF5 1-287, REF5

1-289,REF5 1-291,REF5 1-292,REF5 1-295

Subscriberinterface REF5 1-298

Subscriptioninterface REF5 1-299

module REF5 1-1, REF5 1-17,REF5 1-18, REF5 1-90,REF5 1-102, REF5 1-141,REF5 1-161, REF5 1-171,REF5 1-176, REF5 1-181,REF5 1-199, REF5 1-210,REF5 1-227, REF5 1-234,REF5 1-248, REF5 1-254,REF5 1-278, REF5 1-287,

REF5 1-298, REF5 1-299TMF_CCMS module ASM2 5-3

Database interface Wkbk 4-17,Wkbk 4-22, Wkbk 4-27,Wkbk 4-32

Profile interface Wkbk 2-9,Wkbk 3-7, Wkbk 3-14,Wkbk 3-24, Wkbk 4-2,Wkbk 5-1

ProfileOrganizer interface Wkbk 4-2tmf_client_init function Wkbk 9-2tmf_create_request operation FSM 6-5tmf_current_transaction function

ASM1 4-6tmf_decode LCF 4-24tmf_encode LCF 4-24tmf_ex_msg_bind function ASM1 2-17,

ASM1 6-8tmf_ex_msg_log function ASM1 7-17,

ASM1 7-18tmf_free_generic LCF 4-24tmf_free_generic function Wkbk 8-31,

REF2 2-13tmf_friendly_mutex_destroy function

REF2 2-14tmf_friendly_mutex_init function

REF2 2-15tmf_friendly_mutex_lock function

REF2 2-16tmf_friendly_mutex_trylock functiontmf_friendly_mutex_unlock function

REF2 2-18tmf_get_fdsets function REF2 2-19tmf_impl_ready function REF2 2-20tmf_init function Wkbk 9-2, FSM 6-12,

FSM 6-13, REF2 2-22TMF_InterRegion::

Connection implementation REF7 2-9Connection implementation programs


Index–156 Version 3.2

InterRegion_prog1 REF7 2-14Connection implementations

Connection REF7 2-9Connection installation REF7 2-12Connection installationsConnection REF7 2-12Connection interface REF7 2-4

connect operation REF7 2-16connect_undo operation

REF7 2-18disconnect operation REF7 2-20get_connections operation

REF7 2-22, REF7 2-23ok_tmr_name operation

REF7 2-25remote_connect operation

REF7 2-27remote_connect_undo operation

REF7 2-29remove_connection operation

REF7 2-31set_connection operation

REF7 2-33set_tmr_name operation

REF7 2-35update_connection operation

REF7 2-37update_resources operation

REF7 2-38TMF_InterRegion module REF7 2-1TMF_InterRegion module interfaces

Connection REF7 2-4TMF_License interface ASM2 9-14

check operation ASM2 9-14tmf_locate_boa function FSM 6-14,

REF2 2-23tmf_locate_orb function FSM 6-14,

REF2 2-24TMF_ManagedNode::

AppInstall::files_transfer operation

REF7 1-12make_directory operation

REF7 1-14read_dir operation REF7 1-16read_from_file operation

REF7 1-18receive_files operation

REF7 1-20remove_file operation REF7 1-22set_file operation REF7 1-24stat_file operation REF7 1-26system operation REF7 1-28transmit_files operation

REF7 1-30write_to_file operation

REF7 1-33xterm operation REF7 1-35

AppInstall interface REF7 1-8AppInstall interface operations

files_transfer REF7 1-12make_directory REF7 1-14read_dir REF7 1-16read_from_file REF7 1-18receive_files REF7 1-20remove_file REF7 1-22set_file REF7 1-24stat_file REF7 1-26system REF7 1-28transmit_files REF7 1-30write_to_file REF7 1-33xterm REF7 1-35


operation REF7 1-45Managed_NodePD implementation

REF7 1-39Managed_NodePD implementations


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–157

Managed_NodePDREF7 1-39

Managed_NodePD installationREF7 1-41

Managed_NodePD installationsManaged_NodePD

REF7 1-41Managed_NodePD interface

REF7 1-36Managed_NodePD interface operationsManagedNode_get_create_dialog

REF7 1-45Managed_NodePV implementation

REF7 1-48Managed_NodePV implementationsManaged_NodePV REF7 1-48Managed_NodePV installation

REF7 1-50Managed_NodePV installationsManaged_NodePV REF7 1-50Managed_NodePV interface

REF7 1-47SysInfo::

add_ip_interface operationREF7 1-56

architecture operation REF7 1-58avail_space operation REF7 1-60define_tme_ip_interface operation

REF7 1-63del_ip_interface operation

REF7 1-65

get_ip_interface operationREF7 1-67

hostid operation REF7 1-69install_directory operation REF7

1-70interpreter operation REF7 1-72list_ip_interfaces operation

REF7 1-74

memory_size operationREF7 1-75

name operation REF7 1-77os_name operation REF7 1-79os_release operation REF7 1-80os_version operation REF7 1-82reg_notify_ip_change operation

REF7 1-84set_ip_interface operation

REF7 1-85system_time operation REF7 1-87system_time_zone operation

REF7 1-89undefine_tme_ip_interface

operation REF7 1-91unreg_notify_ip_change operation

REF7 1-92SysInfo interface REF7 1-52SysInfo interface operations

add_ip_interface REF7 1-56architecture REF7 1-58avail_space REF7 1-60define_tme_ip_interface

REF7 1-63del_ip_interface REF7 1-65get_ip_interface REF7 1-67hostid REF7 1-69install_directory REF7 1-70interpreter REF7 1-72list_ip_interfaces REF7 1-74memory_size REF7 1-75name REF7 1-77os_name REF7 1-79os_release REF7 1-80os_version REF7 1-82reg_notify_ip_change REF7 1-84set_ip_interface REF7 1-85system_time REF7 1-87system_time_zone REF7 1-89


Index–158 Version 3.2

undefine_tme_ip_interfaceREF7 1-91

unreg_notify_ip_changeREF7 1-92

TaskExecute implementationREF7 1-96

TaskExecute implementationsTaskExecute REF7 1-96TaskExecute installation REF7 1-98TaskExecute installationsTaskExecute REF7 1-98TaskExecute interface REF7 1-94

TMF_ManagedNode implementationprograms

Managed_NodePD REF7 1-43TMF_ManagedNode module REF7 1-1TMF_ManagedNode module interfaces

AppInstall REF7 1-8Managed_NodePD REF7 1-36Managed_NodePV REF7 1-47SysInfo REF7 1-52TaskExecute REF7 1-94

tmf_msg_bind function ASM1 6-8,REF2 2-24

tmf_msg_bind_terse function ASM1 6-8,REF2 2-25

tmf_msg_control function ASM1 7-18tmf_msg_create function ASM1 6-7,

REF2 2-26tmf_msg_destroy function ASM1 7-15tmf_msg_log function ASM1 7-16,

ASM1 7-18tmf_msg_new function ASM1 6-7,

REF2 2-27tmf_msg_t data type ASM1 6-6,

ASM1 7-5, ASM1 7-15TMF_Notice::

Group::expire operation

REF7 3-18

expire_all operation REF7 3-19get_all_notices operation

REF7 3-21get_notice operation REF7 3-23get_notice_range operation

REF7 3-24get_notices operation REF7 3-26Group implementation REF7 3-13Group implementations

Group REF7 3-13Group installation REF7 3-15Group installations

Group REF7 3-15Group interface REF7 3-9

MessageIterator::destroy_iterator operation

REF7 3-34next_messages operation

REF7 3-36MessageIterator implementation

REF7 3-30MessageIterator implementationsMessageIterator REF7 3-30MessageIterator installation

REF7 3-32MessageIterator installationsMessageIterator REF7 3-32MessageIterator interface

REF7 3-28NoticeManager::

create_notice_group operationREF7 3-44

NoticeManager implementationREF7 3-40

NoticeManager implementationsNoticeManager REF7 3-40NoticeManager installation

REF7 3-42NoticeManager installationsNoticeManager REF7 3-42


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–159

NoticeManager interfaceREF7 3-38

NtfServer program REF7 3-46NtfView program REF7 3-49Server::

connect operationREF7 3-58

connect_push_events operationREF7 3-59

log_notice operation REF7 3-61shutdown operation REF7 3-63

Server implementationREF7 3-53

Server implementationsServer REF7 3-53Server installation REF7 3-55Server installationsServer REF7 3-55Server interface REF7 3-50ViewerAdmin::

get_read_list operationREF7 3-73

get_subscriptions operation REF7 3-74

read_all_notices operationREF7 3-76

read_notice operation REF7 3-78set_read_list operation REF7 3-79subscribe_group operation

REF7 3-81subscribe_groups operation

REF7 3-83unsubscribe_group operation

REF7 3-85unsubscribe_groups operation

REF7 3-87ViewerAdmin implementation

REF7 3-68ViewerAdmin implementationsViewerAdmin REF7 3-68

ViewerAdmin installation REF7 3-70ViewerAdmin installationsViewerAdmin REF7 3-70ViewerAdmin interface REF7 3-65

TMF_Notice data type ASM1 7-3TMF_Notice module REF7 3-1

Group interface ASM1 7-4instance manager ASM1 7-3MessageIterator interface ASM1 7-7NoticeManager interface ASM1 7-3ViewerAdmin interface ASM1 7-11

TMF_Notice module interfacesGroup REF7 3-9MessageIterator REF7 3-28NoticeManager REF7 3-38Server REF7 3-50ViewerAdmin REF7 3-65

TMF_Notice programsNtfServer REF7 3-46NtfView REF7 3-49

tmf_objref_add_private functionREF2 2-28

tmf_objref_cmp function REF2 2-29tmf_objref_cpy function REF2 2-30tmf_objref_dup function REF2 2-31tmf_objref_get_private function

REF2 2-32tmf_objref_release function REF2 2-33tmf_objref_size function REF2 2-34TMF_ORB environment variable

FSM 4-80tmf_P function REF2 2-1tmf_Pa function REF2 2-4tmf_Patry function REF2 2-5TMF_Policy::

Region::parent_add_object operation

REF6 7-9Region implementation REF6 7-6Region implementations


Index–160 Version 3.2

Region REF6 7-6Region interface REF6 7-4

TMF_Policy module REF6 7-1TMF_Policy module interfaces

Region REF6 7-4tmf_Ptry function REF2 2-6tmf_PVinit function REF2 2-3TMF_Query ASM2 8-1tmf_register_impl function REF2 2-35tmf_register_impl_activate_func function

REF2 2-37tmf_register_impl_free function

REF2 2-38tmf_remove_callback function REF2 2-40tmf_req_create function ASM1 10-4tmf_req_serialize function ASM1 10-5tmf_request_dispatch function REF2 2-41tmf_request_invoke operation FSM 6-5TMF_Root::

MetaBase implementation REF7 4-7MetaBase implementationsMetaBase REF7 4-7MetaBase installation REF7 4-10MetaBase installationsMetaBase REF7 4-10MetaBase interface REF7 4-4

get_behavior operationREF7 4-11

get_class_type operationREF7 4-13

get_extension operationREF7 4-15

get_prototype operationREF7 4-16

init operation REF7 4-18TMF_Root implementation programs

MetaBase_prog1 REF7 4-20TMF_Root module REF7 4-1TMF_Root module interfaces

MetaBase REF7 4-4

tmf_run function REF2 2-42tmf_run_callbacks function REF2 2-43tmf_rwl_lockalloc function REF2 2-45tmf_rwl_lockfree function REF2 2-44tmf_rwl_lockinit function REF2 2-45tmf_rwl_readlock function REF2 2-46tmf_rwl_try_readlock function REF2 2-47tmf_rwl_try_writelock function REF2 2-48tmf_rwl_unlock function REF2 2-49tmf_rwl_writelock function REF2 2-50TMF_Scheduler::

Engine::add_job operation REF7 5-13add_job_with_id operation

REF7 5-15delete_all_jobs operation

REF7 5-16delete_jobs operation REF7 5-18delete_jobs_after operation

REF7 5-19delete_jobs_before operation

REF7 5-21delete_jobs_between operation

REF7 5-22disable_all_jobs operation

REF7 5-24disable_jobs operation REF7 5-25disable_jobs_after operation

REF7 5-27disable_jobs_before operation

REF7 5-29disable_jobs_between operation

REF7 5-30edit_job operation REF7 5-32enable_all_jobs operation

REF7 5-34enable_jobs operation REF7 5-35enable_jobs_after operation

REF7 5-36


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–161

enable_jobs_before operationREF7 5-38

enable_jobs_between operationREF7 5-39

get_all_jobs operation REF7 5-41get_id operation REF7 5-43get_jobs operation REF7 5-45get_jobs_after operation

REF7 5-47get_jobs_before operation

REF7 5-48get_jobs_between operation

REF7 5-50print operation REF7 5-52start operation REF7 5-54stop operation REF7 5-55

Engine interface REF7 5-8Engine interface operations

add_job REF7 5-13add_job_with_id REF7 5-15delete_all_jobs REF7 5-16delete_jobs REF7 5-18delete_jobs_after REF7 5-19delete_jobs_before REF7 5-21delete_jobs_between REF7 5-22disable_all_jobs REF7 5-24disable_jobs REF7 5-25disable_jobs_after REF7 5-27disable_jobs_before REF7 5-29disable_jobs_between REF7 5-30edit_job REF7 5-32enable_all_jobs REF7 5-34enable_jobs REF7 5-35enable_jobs_after REF7 5-36enable_jobs_before REF7 5-38enable_jobs_between REF7 5-39get_all_jobs REF7 5-41get_id REF7 5-43get_jobs REF7 5-45

get_jobs_after REF7 5-47get_jobs_before REF7 5-48get_jobs_between REF7 5-50print REF7 5-52start REF7 5-54stop REF7 5-55

JobCursor::next_job operation REF7 5-60next_n_jobs operation REF7 5-62

JobCursor interface REF7 5-58JobCursor interface operations

next_job REF7 5-60next_n_jobs REF7 5-62

scheduler implementation REF7 5-77scheduler implementation programs

GuiDaemon REF7 5-57SchedulerDaemon REF7 5-64

scheduler implementationsscheduler REF7 5-77

scheduler interface REF7 5-75TMF_Scheduler installation

REF7 5-66TMF_Scheduler installations

TMF_Scheduler REF7 5-66UserInterface::

sched_add_interface operationREF7 5-72

sched_edit_interface operationREF7 5-74

UserInterface interface REF7 5-70UserInterface interface operationssched_add_interface REF7 5-72sched_edit_interface REF7 5-74

TMF_Scheduler installation(see TMF_Scheduler::TMF_Scheduler

installation) REF7 5-66TMF_Scheduler module ASM1 10-1,

REF7 5-1data types ASM1 10-3

TMF_Scheduler module interfaces


Index–162 Version 3.2

Engine REF7 5-8JobCursor REF7 5-58scheduler REF7 5-75UserInterface REF7 5-70

TMF_SecurityGroup moduleInstanceManager interface

ASM1 11-5NestedCollection interface

ASM1 11-5PolicyDrivenBase interface

ASM1 11-5VisibleGroup interface ASM1 11-5

TMF_SELF environment variableFSM 4-80

tmf_serialize_request operation FSM 6-6tmf_server_exit function REF2 2-51TMF_SysAdmin::

Collection::update_classoid operation

REF6 2-17update_label operation

REF6 2-19update_pres_object operation

REF6 2-21update_sort_name operation

REF6 2-23update_state operation REF6 2-24

Collection implementation REF6 2-13Collection implementationsCollection REF6 2-13Collection installation REF6 2-15Collection installations

Collection REF6 2-15Collection interface REF6 2-10Collection interface operations

update_classoid REF6 2-17update_label REF6 2-19update_pres_object REF6 2-21update_sort_name REF6 2-23update_state REF6 2-24

CollectionMember::get_cache_info operation

REF6 2-35CollectionMember implementation

REF6 2-29CollectionMember implementations

CollectionMemberREF6 2-29

CollectionMember installationREF6 2-31, REF6 2-33

CollectionMember installationsCollectionMember REF6 2-31,

REF6 2-33CollectionMember interface

REF6 2-26CollectionMember interface operations

get_cache_info REF6 2-35FilteredCollection implementation

REF6 2-42FilteredCollection implementations

FilteredCollection REF6 2-42FilteredCollection installation

REF6 2-44FilteredCollection installations

FilteredCollection REF6 2-44FilteredCollection interface

REF6 2-40InstanceManager::

add_interfaces operationREF6 2-55

create_instance operationREF6 2-56

indirectly_managed operationREF6 2-59

remove_interfaces operationREF6 2-60

InstanceManager implementationREF6 2-49

InstanceManager implementations


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–163

InstanceManager REF6 2-49InstanceManager installation

REF6 2-53InstanceManager installations

InstanceManager REF6 2-53InstanceManager interface REF6 2-46InstanceManager interface operations

add_interfaces REF6 2-55create_instance REF6 2-56indirectly_managed REF6 2-59remove_interfaces REF6 2-60

Library::add_supported operation

REF6 2-72create_instance_manager

operation REF6 2-74get_version operation REF6 2-77remove_supported operation

REF6 2-78select_indirectly_managed

operation REF6 2-80set_indirect_flag operation

REF6 2-82set_version operation REF6 2-84update_impl_name operation

REF6 2-86Library implementation REF6 2-67Library implementations

Library REF6 2-67Library installation REF6 2-70

Library installationsLibrary REF6 2-70

Library interface REF6 2-64Library interface operations

add_supported REF6 2-72create_instance_manager

REF6 2-74get_version REF6 2-77remove_supported REF6 2-78

select_indirectly_managedREF6 2-80

set_indirect_flag REF6 2-82set_version REF6 2-84update_impl_name REF6 2-86

NestedCollection::create_collection operation

REF6 2-96get_data operation REF6 2-97

NestedCollection implementationREF6 2-92

NestedCollection implementationsNestedCollection REF6 2-92

NestedCollection installationREF6 2-94

NestedCollection installationsNestedCollection REF6 2-94

NestedCollection interface REF6 2-89PolicyDrivenBaseF::is_supported_interface operation

REF6 2-107set_local_label operation

REF6 2-108set_policy_region_name operation

REF6 2-110PolicyDrivenBaseF implementation

REF6 2-101PolicyDrivenBaseF implementations

PolicyDrivenBaseF REF6 2-101PolicyDrivenBaseF installation

REF6 2-104PolicyDrivenBaseF installations

PolicyDrivenBaseF REF6 2-104PolicyDrivenBaseF interface

REF6 2-99PolicyDrivenBaseF interface operations

is_supported_interfaceREF6 2-107

set_local_label REF6 2-108set_policy_region_name


Index–164 Version 3.2

REF6 2-110PolicyRegion installation REF6 2-112PolicyRegion installations

PolicyRegion REF6 2-112interfaces ASM2 2-4

TMF_SysAdmin implementation programsCollection_prog1 REF6 2-37InstanceMgr_prog1 REF6 2-62Library_prog1 REF6 2-88Policy_prog1 REF6 2-116

TMF_SysAdmin module REF6 2-1Collection interface ASM2 2-4CollectionMember interface

ASM2 2-4FilteredCollection interface ASM2 2-4inheritance ASM2 3-3interfaces ASM2 3-3MemberIterator interface ASM2 2-4NestedCollection interface ASM2 2-4Tivoli extensions to instance managers

ASM2 1-4TMF_SysAdmin module interfaces

Collection REF6 2-10CollectionMember REF6 2-26FilteredCollection REF6 2-40InstanceManager REF6 2-46Library REF6 2-64NestedCollection REF6 2-89PolicyDrivenBaseF REF6 2-99

TMF_Task module ASM2 6-3header file ASM2 6-3

tmf_thread_create function REF2 2-52tmf_thread_delay function REF2 2-53tmf_thread_exit function REF2 2-54tmf_thread_signal function REF2 2-55tmf_thread_sleep function REF2 2-57tmf_timeout function REF2 2-57tmf_timers_rel2abs function REF2 2-59TMF_TNR::

Base implementation REF8 1-10Base implementations

Base REF8 1-8, REF8 1-10Base interface REF8 1-8InstanceManager implementation

REF8 1-13InstanceManager implementationsInstanceManager REF8 1-13InstanceManager interface REF8 1-12Iterator::

destroy operation REF8 1-17next_n operation REF8 1-19next_one operation REF8 1-21

Iterator interface REF8 1-15Iterator interface operations

destroy REF8 1-17next_n REF8 1-19next_one REF8 1-21

NestedBase implementationREF8 1-26

NestedBase implementationsNestedBase REF8 1-26

NestedBase interface REF8 1-24NestedInstanceManager

implementation REF8 1-31NestedInstanceManager implementations

NestedInstanceManagerREF8 1-31

NestedInstanceManager interfaceREF8 1-29

NestedResource::add_nested_value operation

REF8 1-35lookup_nested_value operation

REF8 1-37nested_get_all operation

REF8 1-39remove_nested_value operation

REF8 1-41NestedResource interface REF8 1-33NestedResource interface operations

add_nested_value REF8 1-35


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–165

lookup_nested_value REF8 1-37nested_get_all REF8 1-39remove_nested_value REF8 1-41

Resource::add operation REF8 1-54add_value operation REF8 1-55change_label operation

REF8 1-57get operation REF8 1-59get_all operation REF8 1-61get_resources operation

REF8 1-65lookup operation REF8 1-66object_get_all operation

REF8 1-68re_get_all operation REF8 1-70region_get_all operation

REF8 1-72remove operation REF8 1-75remove_values operation

REF8 1-76set operation REF8 1-79set_values operation REF8 1-80undo_add operation REF8 1-82undo_add_value operation

REF8 1-84Resource implementation REF8 1-48Resource implementations

Resource REF8 1-48Resource installation REF8 1-51Resource installations

Resource REF8 1-51Resource interface REF8 1-43Resource interface operations

add REF8 1-54add_value REF8 1-55change_label REF8 1-57get REF8 1-59get_all REF8 1-61

get_resources REF8 1-65lookup REF8 1-66object_get_all REF8 1-68re_get_all REF8 1-70region_get_all REF8 1-72remove REF8 1-75remove_values REF8 1-76set REF8 1-79set_values REF8 1-80undo_add REF8 1-82undo_add_value REF8 1-84

TNR_Base installation REF8 1-86TNR_Base installations

TNR_Base REF8 1-86TNR_InstanceManager installation

REF8 1-87TNR_InstanceManager installations

TNR_InstanceManagerREF8 1-87

TNR_NestedBase installationREF8 1-89

TNR_NestedBase installationsTNR_NestedBase REF8 1-89

TNR_NestedInstanceManagerinstallation REF8 1-91

TNR_NestedInstanceManagerREF8 1-91

TNR_prog1 program REF8 1-92TNR_prog1 programs

TNR_prog1 REF8 1-92

TMF_TNR implementation programsNameRegBase_prog1 REF8 1-22NestedBase_prog1 REF8 1-28

TMF_TNR module ASM1 8-2,REF8 1-1

TMF_TNR module interfacesInstanceManager REF8 1-12Iterator REF8 1-15NestedBase REF8 1-24


Index–166 Version 3.2

NestedInstanceManager REF8 1-29NestedResource REF8 1-33Resource REF8 1-43

tmf_trans_abort function ASM1 4-13,REF2 2-60

tmf_trans_begin function Wkbk 9-2,ASM1 4-12, REF2 2-61

tmf_trans_end function ASM1 4-13,REF2 2-62


add_entry operation REF8 2-15adl_prog1 program REF8 2-90cleanup_entries operation

REF8 2-17remove_entry operation

REF8 2-18ActiveDesktopList implementation

REF8 2-11ActiveDesktopList implementations

ActiveDesktopList REF8 2-11ActiveDesktopList installation

REF8 2-13ActiveDesktopList installations

ActiveDesktopList REF8 2-13ActiveDesktopList interface REF8 2-8ActiveDesktopList interface operations

add_entry REF8 2-15cleanup_entries REF8 2-17remove_entry REF8 2-18

ActiveDesktopList programsadl_prog1 REF8 2-90

Desktop::confirm operation REF8 2-27desktop_prog1 program

REF8 2-91desktop_prog2 program

REF8 2-92execute operation REF8 2-29is_alive operation REF8 2-31

uiserver operation REF8 2-33uiserver program REF8 2-98

Desktop implementation REF8 2-23Desktop implementations

Desktop REF8 2-23Desktop installation REF8 2-25Desktop installations

Desktop REF8 2-25Desktop interface REF8 2-20Desktop interface operations

confirm REF8 2-27execute REF8 2-29is_alive REF8 2-31

Desktop operationsuiserver REF8 2-33

Desktop programsdesktop_prog1 REF8 2-91desktop_prog2 REF8 2-92uiserver REF8 2-98

Icon::get_icon_info operation

REF8 2-36Icon interface REF8 2-34Icon interface operations

get_icon_info REF8 2-36MultiStateIcon::

add_state operation REF8 2-45get_state operation REF8 2-47list_states operation REF8 2-49m_icon_prog1 program

REF8 2-94remove_state operation

REF8 2-51update_state operation REF8 2-52

MultiStateIcon implementationREF8 2-41

MultiStateIcon implementationsMultiStateIcon REF8 2-41

MultiStateIcon installation REF8 2-43MultiStateIcon installations


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–167

MultiStateIcon REF8 2-43MultiStateIcon interface REF8 2-38MultiStateIcon interface operations

add_state REF8 2-45get_state REF8 2-47list_states REF8 2-49remove_state REF8 2-51update_state REF8 2-52

MultiStateIcon programsm_icon_prog1 REF8 2-94

Presentation::add_parent operation REF8 2-63get_bitmap operation REF8 2-65get_dialog operation REF8 2-67list_bitmaps operation REF8 2-69list_dialogs operation REF8 2-71pres_prog1 program REF8 2-95put_bitmap operation REF8 2-72put_dialog operation REF8 2-74remove_bitmap operation

REF8 2-77remove_dialog operation

REF8 2-78remove_parent operation

REF8 2-80Presentation implementation

REF8 2-59Presentation implementations

Presentation REF8 2-59Presentation installation REF8 2-62Presentation installations

Presentation REF8 2-62Presentation interface REF8 2-55Presentation interface operations

add_parent REF8 2-63get_bitmap REF8 2-65get_dialog REF8 2-67list_bitmaps REF8 2-69list_dialogs REF8 2-71

put_bitmap REF8 2-72put_dialog REF8 2-74remove_bitmap REF8 2-77remove_dialog REF8 2-78remove_parent REF8 2-80

Presentation programspres_prog1 REF8 2-95

UserInterfaceBase::launch operation REF8 2-88program REF8 2-97

UserInterfaceBase implementationREF8 2-84

UserInterfaceBase implementationsVersioned REF8 2-84

UserInterfaceBase installationREF8 2-86

UserInterfaceBase installationsUserInterfaceBase

REF8 2-86UserInterfaceBase interface

REF8 2-82UserInterfaceBase interface operations

launch REF8 2-88UserInterfaceBase programs

REF8 2-97TMF_UI module REF8 2-1

Presentation interface Wkbk 8-9UserInterfaceBase interface

Wkbk 3-8, Wkbk 3-14TMF_UI module interfaces

ActiveDesktopList REF8 2-8Desktop REF8 2-20Icon REF8 2-34MultiStateIcon REF8 2-38Presentation REF8 2-55UserInterfaceBase REF8 2-82

tmf_unregister_impl function REF2 2-63tmf_unregister_impl_activate_func

function REF2 2-64tmf_unserialize_request operation


Index–168 Version 3.2

FSM 6-6tmf_untimeout function REF2 2-65tmf_untimeout_arg function REF2 2-66tmf_untimeout_arg_free function

REF2 2-67tmf_untimeout_free function REF2 2-68tmf_V function REF2 2-7tmf_Va function REF2 2-8tmf_Vtry function REF2 2-10tmfMsgAdd macro Wkbk 4-30TMR

boundaries Intro 1-13connections and configurations

Intro 1-10inter-region resource exchange

Intro 1-15managent of Intro 1-15policy regions Intro 1-15remote TMR Intro 1-11unsupported configurations Intro 1-13

TMR. See Tivoli Management Regiontmstat utility ASM1 4-12TNR_Base installation

(see TMF_TNR::TNR_Baseinstallation) REF8 1-86

TNR_InstanceManager installation(see TMF_TNR::TNR_InstanceManager

installation) REF8 1-87TNR_NestedBase installation

(see TMF_TNR::TNR_NestedBaseinstallation) REF8 1-89

TNR_NestedInstanceManager installation(see

TMF_TNR::TNR_NestedInstanceManager installation)REF8 1-91

TNR_prog1 program(see TMF_TNR::TNR_prog1

program) REF8 1-92token separators

in Bourne shell binding FSM 4-74

TopRow gadget attribute REF2 7-77touch

operation REF5 1-83touch operation ASM2 5-30TPL_PhoneListProfile_CO variable

Wkbk 3-33trans_t data type ASM1 4-3transaction duration locks FSM 5-47

avoiding deadlocks FSM 5-51deadlock mechanisms FSM 5-50defined FSM 5-36lock duration FSM 5-48lock name space FSM 5-48rules FSM 5-50

transaction interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces)

REF8 4-1, REF8 4-8get_parent operation ASM1 4-11get_topAncestor operation

ASM1 4-11get_type operation ASM1 4-11,

REF8 4-9lock operation ASM1 4-6,

REF8 4-11register_event operation ASM1 4-10,

REF8 4-12unlock operation ASM1 4-8,

REF8 4-14transaction locks Wkbk 7-22transaction methods

defined ASM1 4-9types of ASM1 4-10

transaction object ASM1 4-6transaction.h header file ASM1 4-6transactions Wkbk 2-14

and CORBA method implementationsASM1 4-3

concurrency with ASM1 4-4concurrency without locks ASM1 4-8events Intro 2-12file rollback ASM1 5-1


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–169

freeing locks ASM1 4-8getting ancestry of ASM1 4-11getting locks ASM1 4-7getting type of ASM1 4-11hierarchies ASM1 4-1, ASM1 4-2hierarchy Intro 2-9interface ASM1 4-3introduction Intro 2-9locking ASM1 4-4locking access during FSM 5-48persistent storage of

FSM 2-25–FSM 2-26phases ASM1 4-8, ASM1 4-9pseudo objects ASM1 4-3registering custom methods ASM1 4-9revocable sub-transactions ASM1 4-1sub-transactions ASM1 4-1TME nested FSM 4-56two phase commit Intro 2-12type Intro 2-11types of ASM1 4-3utilities ASM1 4-12

transmit_files operationand receive_files operation

ASM1 9-28using ASM1 9-27

trust data type ASM2 10-2Try LCF 4-4Try block. See Try/Catch blocksTry macro REF1 9-48Try/Catch blocks ASM1 2-9,

ASM1 2-11, ASM1 3-22,ASM1 4-7

Try/Catch macros LCF 4-4two-way connections Intro 1-10type declarations

in IDL FSM 3-10–FSM 3-14Type gadget attribute REF2 7-78type repository

initializing LCF 7-1type safety DSM 5-15

compile-time DSM 5-15run-time DSM 5-16

TypeCode interface(see CORBA-defined interfaces)

REF8 5-1equal operation REF8 5-3extended FSM 6-21kind operation REF8 5-5param_count operation REF8 5-6parameter operation REF8 5-7to pseudo-objects FSM 6-20

TypeCode_convert_to_ascii functionFSM 6-23, REF1 12-64

TypeCode_convert_to_c functionFSM 6-23, REF1 12-66

TypeCode_decode function REF1 12-68TypeCode_encode function REF1 12-72TypeCode_encode_ascii function

REF1 12-74TypeCode_equal function FSM 6-20,

REF1 12-76TypeCode_isa function FSM 6-21,

REF1 12-78TypeCode_kind function FSM 6-20,

REF1 12-80TypeCode_length function

FSM 6-21, REF1 12-81TypeCode_orb_free function REF1 12-83TypeCode_param_count function

FSM 6-21TypeCode_parameter function FSM 6-21,

REF1 12-87TypeCode_size function FSM 6-21,

REF1 12-89TypeCode_value function FSM 6-22,

REF1 12-91TypeCode_value_count function

FSM 6-22, REF1 12-93TypeDef interface


Index–170 Version 3.2

(see CORBA-defined interfaces)REF8 5-9

Uui_phone_props operation Wkbk 2-12,

Wkbk 3-27, Wkbk 8-19,Wkbk 8-43

uiserver operation(see TMF_UI::Desktop::uiserver

operation) REF8 2-33uiserver program

(see TMF_UI::Desktop::uiserverprogram) REF8 2-98

uname LCF 4-11undefine_tme_ip_interface operation

ASM1 9-10undo_add operation, REF8 1-82undo_add_value operation, REF8 1-84unlock operation ASM1 4-8, REF8 4-14unmarshaling FSM 2-8– FSM 2-9unshared servers FSM 5-14–FSM 5-15unsubscribe

operation REF5 1-295unsubscribe operation ASM2 5-38unsubscribe_group operation ASM1 7-12unsubscribe_groups operation ASM1 7-12upcall LCF 2-3update_objects

operation REF5 1-85update_params data type ASM2 5-68update_phone operation Wkbk 3-27,

Wkbk 7-15update_state operation REF8 2-52user authorization role ASM1 11-2,

ASM1 12-3user cache ASM1 8-2user interface

daemon server Wkbk 3-26

UserException class ASM1 2-2,ASM1 2-4

UserInterface interface(see TMF_Scheduler::UserInterface

interface) REF7 5-70UserInterfaceBase DSM 4-3UserInterfaceBase implementation

(see TMF_UI::UserInterfaceBaseimplementation) REF8 2-84

UserInterfaceBase installation(see TMF_UI::UserInterfaceBase

installation) REF8 2-86UserInterfaceBase interface Wkbk 3-8,

Wkbk 3-14(see TMF_UI::UserInterfaceBase

interface) REF8 2-82users

verfying identity of ASM1 11-1verifying privilege of ASM1 11-1

VvaAddMsg LCF 4-5, LCF 4-6,

LCF 4-7val_disabled flag Wkbk 5-9,

Wkbk 5-10, Wkbk 5-11validate

operation REF5 1-87, REF5 1-139validate operation Wkbk 5-12,

ASM2 5-63validate_all ASM2 3-18validate_all operation ASM2 10-15validate_execution_managed_nodes

operation ASM2 6-16validate_execution_profile_managers

operation ASM2 6-17validate_set_gid operation ASM2 6-16validate_set_uid operation ASM2 6-16validating a profile Wkbk 5-12


TME 10 ADE Master Index Index–171

validation Wkbk 5-8disabling ASM2 5-65enabling ASM2 5-65through profile objects ASM2 5-63

validation policychecking status ASM2 3-14defined ASM2 1-6, ASM2 3-2enabling and disabling ASM2 3-13enforcing ASM2 3-14, ASM2 3-17getting and setting for profile databases

ASM2 5-64setting ASM2 3-12setting for records ASM2 5-62

validation recordsdescribed ASM2 5-52, ASM2 5-60

Value gadget attribute REF2 7-78vaMakeException LCF 4-4variable argument exceptions LCF 4-4variable data

storing FSM 5-4variable specification

binding DSM 3-6in DSL DSM 3-6syntax DSM 3-6


dialog type DSM 2-33introduction DSM 2-32types DSM 2-32

dialogdefining and changing using DEL

DSM 8-9vaThrow LCF 4-4, LCF 4-5, LCF 4-8vaThrowDerived LCF 4-4, LCF 4-8ViewBy gadget attribute REF2 7-80ViewerAdmin

get_subscriptions operationASM1 7-13

ViewerAdmin implementation(see TMF_Notice::ViewerAdmin

implementation) REF7 3-68ViewerAdmin installation

(see TMF_Notice::ViewerAdmininstallation) REF7 3-70

ViewerAdmin interface ASM1 7-11,ASM1 7-12

(see TMF_Notice::ViewerAdmininterface) REF7 3-65

get_read_list operation ASM1 7-13read_all_notices operation

ASM1 7-14read_notice operation ASM1 7-14set_read_list operation ASM1 7-13subscribe_group operation

ASM1 7-12subscribe_groups operation

ASM1 7-12unsubscribe_group operation

ASM1 7-12unsubscribe_groups operation

ASM1 7-12Visible gadget attribute REF2 7-80

Wwaddphn command Wkbk 9-3wchdep LCF A-3wchdep command LCF 6-3wchkdb utility ASM2 10-1wconbitmap command DSM 3-36

and output DSM 3-36syntax DSM 3-36syntax parameters DSM 3-36

wcrtimage utility ASM2 9-11,ASM2 9-12, REF1 1-7

wcrtindex utilitydefining additional install packets

ASM2 9-9


Index–172 Version 3.2

defining contents of file categoriesASM2 9-6

files ASM2 9-11using to define installation images

ASM2 9-2, REF1 1-8wcrtkey utility ASM2 9-13, REF1 1-10wcrtrim ASM2 7-31wcrtrim command ASM2 7-2,

ASM2 7-6WD_DESKTOP_OID variable Wkbk 8-20WD_DESKTOP_PID variable Wkbk 8-20WD_OCO_OID variable Wkbk 8-20wdchdep command LCF 6-4wdebug REF1 1-11wdelphn command Wkbk 9-3wdepset LCF A-4wdepset command LCF 6-2, LCF 6-3,

LCF 6-4weditphn command Wkbk 9-3wgetdeps LCF 6-5, LCF A-7wgetphn command Wkbk 9-3winstall Intro 6-11winstendpt command Wkbk 7-3with keyword FSM 4-39, FSM 4-40wlookup command ASM1 8-3wphone command Wkbk 9-3wpopphn command Wkbk 9-3wputstate command REF1 1-17Wrap gadget attribute REF2 7-81write_ex LCF 4-10, LCF A-44write_to_file operation ASM1 9-16wsetabout utility REF1 1-18

XX/Open message catalogs Wkbk 2-21X/Open message catalogs. See message


X/Open System Management GroupAPI Intro 1-4introduction Intro 1-6

XOpenMessage data type ASM1 7-5XPM

and the DSL BITMAP_FILE directiveDSM 3-34

filters DSM 3-36xterm operation ASM1 9-29Xterm sessions ASM1 9-29

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