Page 1: TMflAWAllAi HAWAIIAN GAZETTE.aba aaW aay.a W knmi i.u--: aajaT aaak, ak ha fcutft Vara:, J tsae AeaMu & i. klk; i' a, aailttW e--a. aasaac kW fckiaiT fc MaaaaaVaaJkaaaaHBaai aar aMavaa

. a p. ia.ii JBJ .mjlll gar.jvrA'lBB" adt--h ,taii! o.TMflAWAllAi GAZETTE Meaiand j-J pic ituStipoktlL

jr i I m S in anWtETS t 1 r e u.!i incb..,. ..., I co !?? 1N 09

ItUoM-Ii.- tb j.v.,. 1 w 4 pw wX. CRAWFORD ,vMACDOWELL, IHE HAWAIIAN GAZETTE. Slaebta.M... u. .J TOO ;sMUih-JliKbe- aii .; '1W SO :s n tiHrwjr !TWterdar Tlornlnc. 4LI. 4 l.tkek,., ,..,..... 4 00 t 00 i:o It CO

Qnt.rfIfUlin .,....., .... tCfl 11H is to woo

II riTI IiLLiRS ? ASSUM Third ofOlBBia . .......... ijce sto,towS00JAM

lUlfmfCVtWBB..., IW 1W,TwATMrJ noum II W U u ' ( '(.CO


iFim, v J0TJBS1L, i-- BIm Cird bB yrcMfJ Ar ea year, ntIkwe4 a 4InbbI frMn lkr ttXoUh ir tit ttinililtnil n .lT.tttoi,t., wba pMwtlnrtd M,tly.

X. a All Kmlcn adterlMMffeal V. werMl,d.US tb. piy V,b ordered In, alr will b tk er

OlMR- -1 tfct BK- - Pa I TirlMefbrgr.llTetlnUbeTrlidStrett,HKIsl,1L L OL. XIY.No. 23.; HONOLULU. AVEDXESDAT, JUNE 5, 1878. WHOLE No. 61)9. renltUiKM



b.Vailwknid. my

AMHtan bin., or l (Ml


TMrJl n a Ys-.- li in xb.e Crater ofUalraViiIa.

TME-- .

fc - nil iWllht - f af-t-r

ifcf fcir rut

VARIETY.mctiupifl nlk

a tree ate ef wire yrirtrr.

C aC k

iMI tftfii ihK M' wt i. gi rfi mi ifctiCf

( BeJa ft, tr rtfcn.Ml C & ifj fn ir ihH txit I

fcfclB p Vr j.Ac t ricE

imJiiiMt.ikii JIUM'irMt- -

HW ll ui te -:

w j j a tktiT Aacaae ifMMIIkS. FMt k MB kckl

mj. & tar si fifmfki iirti iifciiA. Sc iif tiu

nm kf fe aaMke .fuldrt pt c Vcr iiar.

1b .jHaj - , ita.iMl at S ld

taB . arfaVr nasi r JItmm( uyc ua.&ai bk ht!

Trc;!t vac anp k ke leaacimr

aba aaW aay.a W knmi i.u-- :

aajaT aaak, ak ha fcutft Vara:,


tsae AeaMu & i. klk; i' a, aailttW e

--a. aasaac kW fckiaiT fcMaaaaaVaaJkaaaaHBaai aar aMavaa SU4t

KHaiakWiBiaMc.a Ttrt eM2e

' Skaiku af CVaiili i . '

tk MeraetiIT,..hFarUH

-- av i att afr e p- -

iaa aaaaaaaaaL. AaaaaiM tz-- h. waa c , Jir.IlesfBe

ttaanaaa ? kaaaaaK : OaAezi Te a lii.

a wa afaakr six. i riiei fc. ajiiWaife ragg! atrastiy

afahkatiii Saaay ni sextaM it aaat as aet V

r aka fcai ait ic iai

t lkbei santalais awatt TjltlT1'M,

aniiiinirngla an. a kaat mAi. anhi laati iBat, wta. ica. farce

a. at stB-- W aassrre. jbjn sc a

res t yrtTaria--kya ii in L.ijiif

"2Bnra- - Irit Umte & tw iri73b ii t 3."

-!- -. axsk. avar fcr at su i-I- b-ii'i .lawrrunar.'ftaeat(Ba. oKr tarec aaas raaMAH

3bm. Mmm aaaa- - aliaf Jaal Veaare :ai-njB- i fenHrMrJii

a . Hn Tirhir aakcasxa ocei--ana a. afc a t. ii a

a ; 2,n' 5 c lasrijB".'r Cmt'SaaaBKr SbWssAbts.1 a e- - T T"I,

SiSS irni tu iTH g at & taiW 1.a ui X it Iir brail U

J5",S 3sHSliM- -. X yrtTTr ferrei.e rtc etjr ;

feae&Xe. Isxat ij'aaveaMtejaTa 8 mjsat Haafj- - c Se

f n a yc ecat a esc TreciMiT a'. xarifcin. it (at pas aes ' -- 1J-r l- -




TIHIO. II I .VVIKS.fLan J isms, tun 1 c.: tj..-- - . i"l : AiJ ItlJl.&ASSiU.'i JiAnJkA,

uiuinm- -lj?s-rft- s J.ilVwM.".iMa, J

.tnnn n)W c; iy

a. r 3i.vcrARL.os .t co..UE?oii3ss axd e&ainssiox kesceasts.


m tl i r i--ti stimlit U) afM.Assss Waj X Oe'i LiHi as T ialf IV-t-

Zk. nwMW

II. II.VCKFELD Ai CO..gesxsal coxrissrox AGISTS.

CM.iiMt.lMMt.IX i'PUjI


&enoriU. aroro'hnTirtiBei- aki t llkkllt $INlk.



- - - . Jk.w'.r r&rur oiiSaOinc Xfnkmtftt.BM4s.

C AJH:G.Ipsr:er. "VTiolejsle &s3 SetailDi!e

is Gseral Xerciadi$eJLWt C . C.fci. to IW SUM. mw M

". . ...... .--. ....... .w.. I


J- t- -.- . 9rr ." a- - - -


il rt, J- -. Vf 4. . Bftrrst. I


V SI . G . IUWI. At CO.,Sugar Factors.

Shipping xsd Crrussias Xerci&nU..grr fo ;

M atv H uxkm Me k:h .v . Eml jXT 8. A I. aw MHO- Bill.

SifiJ-Oik-alSeSS- SoI. L


R.j Onfa.rutt. ! j4 wtlMO i CarT'.rrerT.irfK-.akcSt- .

--mi r.ot:in. a: t:onC?SXESS AX3 Br.VT.T3t? IX EATaiirASECkn, ci BMfci. rk.LU ili 0&, A 6n )!

tku i. m. - Kbn SK. H.rtJ. "tmt ly

. s.Atrt.i. 3 .. ATity. i. r.cix. .'ini - I'nncr


Dealers in Ceneral Merchandise, j

yi 'Efcr.k-nT.TTnkTTTte- . TTm'i-- l Tt'"i- - '

.. A8E.VT5 TOE'nthUtlm mi Otrjf?. tteto, TVtXf

Esat Ivm. i, Iimhk, C.Miiy. BmiW.tkItl iUKkCJ ut ,

r.A sm'i OMMiAV HAt )If I UukiKiMiw.

vimkir 1 Wna. 5tSitu t&nblMt.wig

AX-LX- K iltOBISSOA.ZHiStzi Lii kii I iizii ef Enirc!s. ?Ki. SOI, 5iU, ic, ti,




TAixr ijemy,OICAXJl. i

tEAHI,Pt Skktikki. Btvrihx Iilikiu ly

BOLLH .V CO..Sii? i Cciicr Xi

Hi-n- ittisai. r:tij 1

A. ".V. PEIRCE A; CO.. j

;S9trManCl-Itii-ACo- .J . .. j

Siip Cirilri .i GtrxlCeUris Xertiaru. '

'S4 Kniek.Hieiiat Iif-il.- ly

F. A. SDLVEFKR Ac CO.."Importers A. Commission Merchants

Hnlrg.aiaijlieas4l fly i



Buicla.0aK.a.Z. 31y '


ts CuMtec&isk,E.I. ly

B. F. EULERli i CO.. .

t 'pfti ES TS 3ET G0335 A5D GE5EEAX


j. . ictjaj ssrr. ant! . c. x. coir, LETSUS AJIQKSO".

If02TSaS:DSALER5TFLH:3EH.A4 ill U4i afEsarrieinrUll.Trt Street. Hg




Snn RJ!jv4ITcrarj t Sellers iiTerti5.Svcii,SaticT,

-- J rr.t't- - t

J : i'mos.c.Tunra.a tAa-- Haalair 9IH tV.--, 3 i2aW as m.ww-- ,-

binder. 'XereAaat Street. TTf tulTri- - JAM -

rufccMnjtr it Csjfc,;-l- eieeatttTMy


Carrtr f Esc si Fart nreeir,HOM?IAT. Tly

rrtF-- .


TasHy Teei Stare "T !

: ly: otrtrtsseet.Be'cfaSa.I

BISHOP & CO., j!

3 --azsrisi bus,BOSOLrXC. t : t ZSLAXSS,. WA" rXTEASSE OS

IE SAH l ClUnaill. ::::ai FEAKSEO

SQiasis- -Sfew-iYerf-

il'J Bton.F. " "AnttOiBd.

is eanrxL em cafpssxrei. t : : vasaHas Kiwr, SydsT,xi .j ;.

Setboarne,1 . , tv-- if y- f rjfim tl ly


A. A. SOXTAXO,"'-- " --,.vt--Arsf, iSiS U( vtuvet iits.

wn Qarrf lttt$e u. Hweat. ilrwii is... - n

faweractt.. PewrettA C.Ccr Feet las tjea StreetT- - - Piim, Oil. Xsil. Silt s BiUiiip4.My XMrilefTtir"kIci.

SIW.VUI T. O'lIAIXOK-O- ,Attarser xri Sdieitsr.

Iistrt&oraaisaiee'rWwi $txti, a rs ikstu a rsin of later-- -.

JT" Areeat ta LeeA. sad ail put eg AnrlU.s5e Ftwt r t. fXiwe r. Ir Uiu't

CASTA, E A: HATCH.Attorneys x Xirvoc.

ST. R, tuSTLT-- N'wtr fit. aStA

rrdntw UtrBla.c tH W Ik iPMtt tl.- . .

X. CSAwfufiB JACIH) i.LL.ttornoy at Xj.ix'ccr,OHkr-T- mi uttrrr Knll.Hnr.

ij-f,- ,! ,nu in tWlinlMt (MelM. -- m. --at

CliClli RRtHO.ArroasxT axd cousselios at livt.

At Af:t ttt xrt A4.w.taHuf lulruMkU fcr

rtK &Skuutmt.BtMlit,t.I. 1J


tk. Sm. . V U. .r.!.a. .U. lYIlSO.".

rj 3mct Xmtt. R . HI. eMtJOHA II. PATY.



. sai. rrf; . cjv. itCHAS. T. GUI.ICK.

WotaryArtntto tfcr Ackm.wIcJrarntnrT.,r

latrrior Oilier. Honolulu.

IUS. T. I. .t C. L. TISDALK.Homeopathists,

OaSeeuMS Mkn tVivtua. ktmu Mwca J'ort SieC ke XKeri aiyb tmt lstkCKStis


kc ,: Air. i ly

J. 51. WHITNEY. 31. !.. 1.1.S.Itil S4 c Tjrt 5t,

S Si rt aiacX, tme Htm k rrt Seo.



AT T O H. r-- "ST - fT X. --5. "CTT.Iy Tiiitic. jiti. CT


Q Oki,.-- Frs is HxK 5mu, BMtrta. Oilx.C" Ewf. Try lnrlj-- Krjilec. 3y

E. I. AD-VT1-

izcoseer and Codssics ilerciast. j

C Scree. Ilorj.l te. S. 1. 'GS-i- y

C S. 1I.VKTOVV. Auctioneer.Mt . Stmt. ly

xrsi. JoiiAsoxm-- --i. - m j -

-. 3 JLA.JI.t xAJ-tJX- .aw Suinut , ly

llULLi.ilbll A. CO..So. 6J'nuinu Strwt. : : : : Honolulu,

UHsroiinuiiaiUChoice Cigars, Tobacco and Snuff. f

!CanMfactren of Xvstrol Tfalerf. ScSJlr


Trici! Artii-t- t i 2ler. J

nizj itntTi i fa l SmniUvt it mmri,eAllans) 1W tt. rTankrlr. K- - L (H ly

C V. HOIIMJIAA.(Liie fCi-.i.i- T Faedei3aay fsrrtyj


.Ci-o-i- l Elxii m GO I.,en



Machinist, Lock and Cun Smith 'AjtfcrtaCelecilSrUMLESCErKTSXACnSlS.

Oi-l- y


ipTrcuTfirc irr. bttt it iittica a. j a a. J ..1.1 ix..ii.X'o. 5 Xanana Street,''VSUt. S .

G--r-i Ires 1Ht.T-5- ?i '5ai.ilm in


S STEAM EXCISE. SUGAR MILLSZXO Boilers. faim.ln. bmiLnidtail (

Machinery of Every Description.3 Xai. U Orier. "a

?xriUr arc. ?iii M 5i:? i iiaun5 jf JVK --tzcxK3iiniaarfea.9aXe- l"J i


Manufacturing Jeweler I

Notice.rpJTE rXIEEICXEI. roEJICBLTWITHHoex:!. ptfc. rery -- tbtutiraUiKtnKircaScreec ppnzseii TeUowiKe. i meilj oecspaed bypolitest?. vere&eVBleTevrclareaaetoxesasrfacsrrtsr aod reparatc of aZ. k3iefJewelry .

ParaecSc xuegmiTTana.gaeaad etatajSfarr.r3-- Srtii.t.Tireti-'r'i.'iH-tsiat- Jj aA---g

es c wit 3C ttetses--

Real Estate for Sale or Lease.crvmii. xttt--t rfiTtinrr


Loaisd dijerrsi parts cf tie City.

serfsx crer. Xrireci'tf SVSO STAAUE3UAIJ. X. IT

Blocks and Oars.GOOD ASWRTXE5T OF BLOCKS,A a Kac Kxii.

Iae uae?ed Pauat 7-- a tiim, Ki i2i bran.Abn. KeialaebsiaeclEio i

gJt as tie Jsit xrzeSe Im se fcrfcaTyrcclL

Uarrsa ja E&ee Eociv a3 aea,YtfflfKjmiybT't'ri.mjiu;, err.Xcci cc" UTie, isni xea.

rSraely BOIiES t CO.

--; .idrfti.. . Ililililfe ..a- -




iTfcrwty. w lrCHRISTIAN CERTZ,

' r rtl.lMJllX JXi. f r"X f.rr4.

tt !. (U.UAIVtCH- - W

Ster.. ituUs (tanr. t& tsia iH bnrriJ l yfelm in t& .mb. vral.

C-- o. ( ilr Hint rf ik rcMk-- r:r.aMt 4

i. -

Ot ur Vrtw Kwt Slrrfurtrrtt n J . a 4 mte! tr

mM. Fki4. Aki vrt;.k cvrtt4. ctji. li. VlI.I.I?Ii,

XASCTiCTCKEK, ISPOSTES AXD T1TTTT!! rThw.TCT itot.. rtrlt.rr.Kc.Bt

wi H Sit t


Pioneer Mill. Lahaina.Tl TI'KTOV. IMIOPKIKTOK. CrTvf Srlli Xnrnwuatr.NxtwIcdiudlMu:- --l r -- ,..

PTTULOA RAXCHTANNERY,SoLKAxn snm.i: i.k.ituv.i;. taxxki- S. ka ik ak clVnil T

.UMlyrrrT4Wfc'bTly a KEEN. --VitrARLANH CO.




" cbop or.srttAii xow comxts ix.1 11 trT IkH ffT Mkl 1Tj kjSs ly GKEKX. SLICTAW-AS- E 1 CO.. Artl.




cfcxMn.u4tkfekaKUi t q.Uitj:Yellow soap. ofl o.p &l,ayt on DAntl.

CTt 11 Hyfltlt Ijal3U rrSvp Green-- ly


y?GREY & CO., ".i&i.

ilaiQf-c-t nxt r and Dealer InALL KINDS OF SOAPS,

Ltl.o. Kluy Street, llouolola.Biytiiui&IA,Tntui Orlf r i4 BOU

lift it In SxkiiHe-- t st isi ikM isjrt, U at witkjriisj i:ttt. (.4 ly


Yraimra Tnnfry. J. P, Prop'r.liilo riintry, r. s. l'poprlelor--It A. S. CLB3H0KX t CO., Atoits.

FA.XILY ilASKET,Junrtiou of lloKI and Cuion StrvU.

G. WAilXli, .... FBDPBIKTOR.

(5B5 Uiole-- t 3Iti& rroru tlie HnntXiJj Htrii. risk Ptoiltry, VerfjLbfc-.- . tic f- -

,' jfsr Biskfd u orir. ruins Txndirs lad Tkan- -11. t ell : Fzidiyj. fUb . S4irs. Lav. sal.- - oikr. I

vv orired. T Proorir himr Ika! rK. ..,, !

r -t-HS s Yriuf. Frart awSPwtatrrJtirset,So wE tk Fa4v Xs w b prfvui tom4uj usMauuKsj s oroers ir eTerytsimr re--

rfirt tk eoatry rii. ea- - frktppu; nrpiVdc. Hurt ocuc. Xaus, ActlebTircluuipiruof Ue.uu.w4r, c. iyi


C.WALLER, Proprietor.!Klnc street. ISM JyJ llonolatn.i


vt !






i BOLLES & Co., Agents, jsEosoma:.


3?- - Svvr. roNixovna tio"Waipuolo House,PtEASAXTtT LOCITEO IX 'WAIA- -

IXA. loaad af Oikx. RawiAia Ixluds, is opeakt tie TnTearff Patae.

Eraacntriiai fednitlibiyerptutsred.jaASeHoae im-jr-l xta&tn coSce. oa reuscable

TEEMS Bcurf l d Lodrl&r. per da-y- --J1C0&TKea!s - aIfrrnr, per aiiit . so

Boars pr wee aceu-s- to arreesest.Far firmer par3cUri tnT to tb udenirxied, cr

oa taepee.Oily . X. E1IEBS0S.

BOLL.ES & Co.,"

S2X3 c23.a.Ti c. 1 ersCommission Merchants,

ATE FOB SALE AT LOtTEST wEIVt:TH nter:TTr ? ad Vimfj Ctriare,

. euu, e , isC&CMaBccr.tsmrvd sscien. frel to 10,

CcasffCizTxl, Hesp Cacrxi,MerciiiSiry,aotn-i3c- . fcoa 1 to t,

Xiry Let! Flix Cxaras, asrvd 3foa. Znsa 1 to X,

Doty paid or in Bond.

Anchors.naex'M TOiioo it, r atixe assort.JL tzi. TBriEeoy EOtXXSAOO.

Tflot Bread.TEE TT. R. E0LLE3 4Ca



ABKXTS OK- - TllKTWKrXtlKIWlBXKl). ..HktIiM tjl.srrUUoa CrKsl'rlct nj Trtmiirt, tivm llol

X lj 11. UACRTKLtl X CvV

P. A. MJUAKVIilt.)KXTofHrmrn ofr.lrrllfr.,

A fn cf tr C.r4 tt CJrttr,' j(fil at TMn s.NHiiHimm,-- .s..v,,.R.l.rkl.r.ritt.'BHir.tV.c.

.iiiir,.ii ,,.,,,.,.FIRE INSURANfiK C0MP4NY.riMiK vxnKnciGMsn h.xii.R . -.. wa.ts Arl t Ik. aW CVmm.y.iMrrArv4ta liuor. rtV) ti. Stnnr.aJ llrlrk IlulM.lnp..M4 ?&trltulU. ktiv41bnt..ll.te4lfrM tffra. IVc tlKlni N t Id. o&t. .1

r r a.Tmu.uj KR jt co.



ixsvni'.n ox uriMUXi.'s, sir.K.RiKi uit ronltnt, ni ntm tHou, byir. H.vcKrctn . co., Amm.

My!,l.Ty. ni-i-r



ljwimsiis, nKKCiivxmsK. rimxi- -3 Tl RK a4 MKtia.rj' liuan4 .U"t fir. oa U".

taosi SkToth.e Ir9.A. JAECER,Att forth. IUwtJUo llnav



3VCfvx.ii.o.IKOOBPObTtED, 1803.

(X For the llrlln Iilandi. Iy


New England Mutual Life Insurance Co.orwsTO.v.JiAsa

IXConiMlllATEII, 1S33.7ke OMistPurebf .Uttnnl Life Insurance

ihi United Splits.

PcHtiei Iinei cs the cert fiTcnile Terru.lVxnmplr orXoii.rorfblttiro l'lnu.

IXSrXTD AGE. UrE TLAX1 Anaai prcaUam coaliev. r.)Ky S jMn S JijtS Aaavil preaHaa evattae.t Pttlley 4 yHn 13djiSABUlpr.taaio.rit!a4 PuUey ojMnSTiliyt4 Aa.ail fDHiti eEtlM IVJky SyM144iy5 Abbilp(BtBBCoaUBBPolKjlOrirMCiyi

AssotSi : $13,300,000 !

Zxsrs Paid IhroaU llouolulu Acucy,S49.Q00 !


SAIVl L. G VVlk-LfE-R.

Apeul for the Iarailau IsInuUi, ,

op niE

Mutual Life Insurance Go.


Largest, Safest and Most



Assets .(1S76)...S80,000,000ATiii

Now is a Good Time to InsureXsne but Firn-Ci- Riilii Talen,

esoJa orrirK mTii WILDER a-- Co

Truth is Mighty and will Prevail.

TOE X'XnEIl-SIGXE- IS XOT TIIESole Arat ef tht w altbun r any etber AmerkaLn

4g Watcb Co. bnl tl prerared to sWl all Watcbs.tbese of Acencxa mnrfictsre. ca tbe

lowest posble terms. To pmre this. b. only aski tbpcbBcuprioe bis lock before parrbxslfis dieabere.

V altlaain Warelies,A SPECIALTY.

Titthe,Cloi aid Jewelry deased and reialred. andraruled. Cbarcr reasosibte.

TTateh Crystal Inierted lor 35 Cent.BiTtoir cleared tbe serrfoe of a first-da- s Jeweler, Ias to BxaofACtare all alisdi of

Gold Jewelry, Setts, Chains. Locsets.BraccUit, Rings, Cufand CoSar Buttons,

Aloha and Stal Rings, Etc.. Etc.

Eiizi 5t Jewelry it y Decied Style.Sbelll taooaud fo Gold or cater to left Csitoaen.TJiimee-- &tar a ipec&lty.All ariers vlit recetTe proctpt aUestioa. BUtess car-l- et

price r old Gold or QTer.Office 17 Jlerehant .Street.



Merchant TailoriugESTABLISHMENT,

Corner Fort and Hotel Streets.

XCVLI. THE ATTEXnoX of the Citizenaad tb otter Inlands, to tb ft that I bar

OPKKEDalarxa i

First-Cla- ss Establishment,wbere ce&tSezaeo caa tad a

Well-seleGt-ed Stock of Goods,

Chows wfcb mat care, aa to rryle. asd adapted

attiic"-f- e,

EATlrt; bad as ezteailre ezperleoc In co3eet!o3 withaxse of tbelirrrn IsporSsz; bem In New Tcrt andFbadelobU. X raa asnre sny canocien tbat tbey wintot ooly teecre tbe

Very Best Materialsbet wgl 3 orrtiln aiisy place tbe


ta t--c ra ciUa,

English. Hunting Pantaloons 1


fWTdrfH's Sails, fa Eistera Styles.M 1 ly "W. TEEOIiOA X. noDoSo!.

Chain CablesA 3D IBB.T STOCfi AXCIIOBS, recelre!j ptrin'iri Tez tale byCM E0LLE3 &C0.

i5ssssfe- - :. .. .. A&


Insurance Notice.TllK AHKXT KOlt TI1K imrTl-.- ll

MlttB. IfttliriltC CVttinA.T. Limited!, ku I.rtvj ttotrctti la rttlur th rt. (ifimnnat.t.IM,I.IV,l. I, lb. I:: ,a I.V-- Vf, , lM rvtW. i ill. (,..! rt., wllh .rUlnliKtwa wit fVL)tt fc tlMmttfcT1IKIV It. tUYlR..

f fT4 .Vi.ul Dtlt. IVt. Mm. lit. 0v. UmIlltlTllK

Swiss Lloyd Marino InsuranooCo,P wnXTKHTIlVK.

rilltK ITXUKUSKlNKli r AirrilOlllZKlA totMMr.

On Cnrgo, Frolght and Tronsuroroa UfMitlu la.ll rwu .tt.tKt,

1XHIf Coiistrrs, ly Sjiooliil IVrniliilan J

Ob tU. tual f.M Unu.V. i). 1KW1X k CO.

;Vly Atiiliftlt. llto.ikut UHn4,

Rhonlsh Wostphnllnn LloydINSURANCE COMPANY,

or Jl. UUVIlllACIt. MliruUli lruln.Aaclionnnd Loipziglnsurunco Co.,


or A.vcnr.x.CLAIMS IHU lVUTIV'VUn AYIIK.V1.I. .uiUlnM t.T Dovt tntTtuc h.rr. ll lrfJa la bOT CuiuimiUm. b.t. U b mu. tlh m.-o- -

nujuic. of n4 ctntOeU la by lb. uaJcnunM. In cwrM.r wb. VmJiA K Ul 1. .. I1U.VUK. AlWt.

txaxrxora- -

Fire and Matins Insurance Companyor xmv zkalimk

CAIUTAL : : : : 810.000,OQO

r.vrAHLIMll'.U AX AUI'.XCY h(HAYl.MJ (r IM lliwttuut HlinJi, lb irtprt4 io.cctpi xt acilit

mci, ituret, ireooaio, a4 mtrcbiadUe, oa fbrblI rati.

Jlnrlur Klik. oa cirvo, ftrUbu, bottomiry, profit!kDvt comtutatoos.

Usm iruilty nOJuteHl nml pojrnbla here--.

(A4 ly wsr. o. mwix a c.

mn: max's fuxdINSURANCE COMPANY,


Plro ftiid nXariiio,Cakb CaplUil. Cold. 3300,000.

I)tfrllliiir Kliltiit .Siwrlnlllx. Deticbhl dwrtllnon.levotKiulo.urdfarairtoli)l ibreeytMti, fvtware- -

mlami la .June.By wtitiig uull linn oa cmtslly litsl rliil will

dUtrtbatl, ffrn1XDE3IX1TY SKCOXD TO XOXE.

Losses Promptly Adjustod.BISHOP A CO.,

C73 ly ActtU forth. Uiwillm IiIibJi.


INSURANCE CO.Assets. $26,740,10o,70rrAVr. r.sTAiii.isiiEr ax Atsr.xcT ixIT HOXOLTLC Jbr th HiwiIUn UiinJj, and tb.aadenlrnM are prepared townte rUiiaralnit


DWELLINGSOn frorcb!e terms. Dwell!..;. JlUk- - a SpoclnlIty. DttAchfrJ-WfjlliO-

ff. nJcwWi.U iDureJ for periodcf ihre- - jer, for two premiam m 4t-n- c. Iaahepromptlj" ntljutel and pajnble Iirr?.

U9-t- muor at Co.


BOOKS & STATIONERY.The Basis of Our Business.

FIRST To JUnoraeture ill lacb Book tsda cia b dose bere well a .Ueabcre, led

tbcrtby directly benefit our cnitnneri aod onrMlita.

SKCOXDTo liny and hell Dootl ind SUtlcneryju tomik.U to the (otret of deileri and coDiomen to

com to cf la preferesc to lenfiDc; Int.ff CT niDBbctare ir.1 lapert eTery deeerfption of Ptl

rioeery. earryins lirre ftock, of Piper EnT.lopei ind BUokBol of CHtr.wn niBBfictnr.. Inkit Slite. etc.

X3- - Ortr 1,500 Tirletlei cTBtiak frmi 1 ept Is f tot k.

A. L. BANCROFT & CO.,oS3-l- Sin TrandMO, Cil


Mission and Fremont Sts., San francisco,

IXniA BICE MILL IIATIXO tinder.TIIE lliterlal Improvtmeou, Is now In perfectcondition, for tbe

lulling and Dressing of Paddy

UNCLEANED RICEIn tlie Beat Possible Jlntiner. Tbe price forBsQlnB: and Dresslne Paddy baa bei Kedaccd 30 per cent


Faddy and Hulled Hice !

WTO recetr prompt and carefDl attention.VTU. it. OBEESW00D,

Ceneral Coraialavan Mercbant and Proprietor of IndiaBice M3L W tm

California ElasticIKUbben toodrniureaaaacllK7. CbmUuenerltoolau. ILeeosaed by tb Indies rhTdrlinialtheiaalefieleatfcfftbfta.Ilefiadccreof Ecptsra Writfor Catilocaa and Prlea litt.California ElasticTruss Co.

CJS SnrrfimntUt StSan .fVaneijco,Vm co sun Ketidn

RUPTUREi ' KotaoresirHoop or

Ecrinrj BOWESPATLXT ELASTIC TBliOo li worn wbb cut andcOEjortBifbAaaddiT.iad wQ and bai perloraMdridkalcsreiwbeaauctbcrifi&ed. 33.0COlnaie.JXrra grtatlf rtduced. SOLD BY

Kem 23atte Truis Cm.BEDKCTOX k CO, ABEAH3 t CAEBOLL,

CBAXE AEEIC1IAM. CI1AS. LASGLEY A CO.Vrm'eArtsti.eiarn-r'K- o

n iy


TBCKSES I Xo more SnSer-In- z;

from Iran Hoops or SteelBprlnffs!

PIEBCE--Patent Magnetic Elastic

Trusi,Ti worn with eaw and comfort XI GHT AXD DAT,and wpl perform radical core wnen all otbers faQ.

Etader. lfraptnred,TIlTOXE; yoawBJneTerrerritlt.tar fiend for JHcitrated2oolt and Price LUt to

Xacnetle Elastic Trtras Co--,

70. (03 Sacramento fcaa FraneUco, California.ff77beaeTrBua are entbyraa&to auypartaftba

worli-i- a MS ly



nAXaI5, BKATTel CO.,afactsre--

Engiaet, BoUers, and Machinery of entryDacription.

i PatdeSUr attention paid ta tbe mannfirtar of BCPABiQLUB, VACUCTt PASS, At

Bcfercas la Hosslsla "Z. V. Axaxs, Esq,Kllr.

- '. : Y- .kl -a &. lsS.iJa. . ....jvi.i.



Shipping and CoramlssleR Mfrchaalj,J 5l CiUf-.m- Jit.t,errMlK. ly


COMMISSION MRR0HANTS,. 1IH Chainher Mreel, Xew York.

XtArrKe Caitl A CVA.. and J. T. Wiuthouw.Ml ly a -

11. V. SUVHIt.VXCIJ.1XIXKHL aia tMHWniU St.,UAWA1IAS lUn mnelteA

Furchasinff and CommiuUn A pentit


A. P. EVERETT,Forwarding and CeMftbstoH Nerclianl,

4UA l'roiu klreel, Car lit r of Clay,MAX l'llAXOIKCO.

a IHtvUnUr ituitKw piU to (.VoiltaratMi.f Iil4IVxlv. 40j

CORfilTT &.MA0LEAY,Shipping aud Comakslon Merchants,

II tad 11 rrBI !U 10 0't 11 tint J I.. Tvnl4, 0.SUVN IUANC1MXU1FHCK, Wl iUCKAMKXTU otUKKT

itrti tolUnk ef lliltub CVlumWi INMlUoJ. Or tunlint NitKMiai 0M lu.a....... gmiKiMeun,!!. llwbfeldACu. M.u,lte4ulaMwa lrrlWp A CU. lliuieri .,.... ll") 0ts,o,MUtUinA CU.. ...........Uoa4il

or lUiml iTOdic. aitkluJ. w wbleUCASK AUYA.NCKS WILL UK MAUK. oOW ly

HENRY K. CUMMINCS & Co.,'wcox3aasvJCiin

Fruit and Produce Commission HouseESTABLISHED Hi.

Xo.43 Buttery NI , ror or WmlilnTtou.Xear tbe IV. I COlce. SAN llLVNClaCO, CAU

Special Attention liven to Frutta, non.y,IMSateea. Oniina, Touluy, Etc.

ALSO....California and Oregon Eggs and Bairy Pnxhcstar IV teipectfully solicit year Cbattirnni.nta, MirK

all Good! II. K. a A CO.. M. r." (U ly



AirriioRizEo CAi''l paid In nuil HerTt l'uudl S 130,000AU, Jrm'jr 1st. 1STT. f 8I.53S.000

E. a SESSIONS, JVuufeat. CBA8. E0UEBTS, ClliirrsxaicToast

E. C. Seulons, V. A. AMrlch.A. V. Bowman, IXtnry Itorer.,W. E. MUler, Wm. rower.AV. V Cameron. W. a. Olaecocfc.

Deposits from any portion of tb United State. Europeor tbe Hawaiian Tslandi. may be ent by mill orexpr.ii.In rota or currency, or by draft on aay boilnen or bankloc boose Apieibook with proper entries wLUb.Lm-tnedtate- ly

returned for tbe uroe. llrmlttance In curreney wHl be credited In rold at current rate. Tb ilcnarnreof tbo depositor ibould acrompany tbe Ant dpestt. Depoilts can be made by any one. but ran only be wltbdrawnby tbe slctature o( tbe Iarty In wboie name tbe acroontIs opened. Married womet, and minors can make deposlu In tbelr own names, sad may a Undraw tbs same, spontbelr own recelpti, upon tbe tame conditions as olb.r de-positors. No entrance fee or ebarz. for bant books.

The securities for sll loam msde by tbls bonk, ire sera,tinned with crest care by tb. Board of Directors, snd conslit almost ly of Urn class Beat Estate withlarge marrmi ; United Etltes, State. Conntr and Cityhoods, Ac AUltocfctorotbersecorllles of ascertain orfinclDAtloc Tslues sre crefolly excluded. Tbe polfry oftbe Usnk, being to obtain jlnt, abaolnt secnrtly for re-turn of tbe principal, Ounifltr a rata of interest consisttbertwlth. Our nnuraally lane and IncreailBt Capitaland reserre Fund, no portion of wblcb can be wltbdrawnby stockholders until all demands ol depositors base beenpaid In foil, taken In connection with a careful and

manarement, farulshes to depositors a eaarta-tee-safety as wetl a remuneratlT dlTidends.

Deposits can under ordinary circumstances bo withdrswo, ai a wboie or In pert, wltbolit notice (Instead ofsix montbsnotlce being required ss formerly) s. tpednedIn srtides 3d snd ftth printed conditions of sxreementwith depositors. Nou resident depcalUirs wbo wish towithdraw tbelr deposits, or a portion thereof, snd desiretobiTethe same sens to them by tbe Bank, may do sosubject to tb. By.Laws, by tending a proper order accom.panled by tb pass book, with instruction ss to Iks man-ner In which they desire tb money to be remitted. Saidremittance bswever wm be st the expense snd risk cf tbedepositor. Blank orders for Ihls purpose win be furnishedby tbe Cssbier.

Term deposits remaining three full cslandsr months.wtUberntltlrdtsdlTMendsorinterest. SsIddHldendsardeclared, and pajabi. la Jsaosry and July of each yesr,andjlf not called for In one month, will be credited to theaccount snd besr Interest ss a deposit from dale on whichthey were lectared.No dividend computed on frictions ofdollars or rorfractlont of months. DlTidends declared bythis Bank for the past and prerions term. baTe been sttberstecf S Per rent per sannmi for the at termand herester will pnbtbly not exceed 9 per cent.

Tor further particulars see printed cosdlirone'ersgree-men- twith depositors which will b eforwarded to any ad-

dress upon request, a copy of which Is also sppended toeach pass book- -

A Ueueral Banklnc Business Transacted.Our own exchsxee on Xew York, londoo, Frankfort on

tbe main, Berlin and Paris, for sale.Collection made aod proceeds remitted at current rat.

Mi ly



PCBLIC ABE CAUTIOTED ADAIJIUTTIIE usloasded statsnaenU freeseatly tolde, "lilt la.ccmposliloa of Cbiosostsi is ksswe to CbemUts sad thiMedical profession. Tb. fact Is. Cblorodyne was diKOttrsdand inteated by Dr. J. COLLIS BROWSE (uAray MedicalSufl; asd so nsmed by bio, sad It bis bsBed sll atltrsptat analysis by tb. Srst CbembU cf tb dsy. Tb a.etbssd secret of tb preparation bar nrrer been, psUUsbed. ItIs obeious, tbrrelore, tbit snytblor sold under tb aim.,sis. Dr. J. COLLIS BE0WXF8 CULOEODTSC, U a spuri-ous imitation.

CAmiON- - RrW. P. Wotd sUled thatDr.Collls Browns wa uadostudly tb. iaTsntarsf Calo- r-


Tbls InTSlssble remedy prodsce qslst, rtfrslblag slesp,relists pain, calms tb system, restore Udrsnged fonc-tio-

and itlmnlstes besltby action of tb secrstioel of tbbody, wltboot creatla-- : aay of thos onplesiaat resslt

tb nse ol optem. Old snd young may take It t illboors sad times wbta requisite-- Thousands of persons tes-tify to Its asrrellous goo rtTectt sod wosdtrfBl caret, wbiluedlcsl mu extU Its Ttrtsea twt eiteoiinly, aslsg It Ingreat qualities in lb ftitiwlac disease: Cholera, Dysen-tery, Disrrbos, CoTiic. Curb, Asthsos, slboo-ilIs-a, Xu-r-lr- ii,

ITbooplsg Ceagb, Cramp Ilysttris, AcEXTBACT3 JBOM MEDICAL, 0PI5J0XS. .

Tb El-- st Hon. Eirl Bussell csmnoslcsted to tb. Csltegsof Pbyslclici, &. J. T. Datcoport, tbit b. bid recelsed intbrmitloa to tbe effect tbitlbeosiv remedy ef snrIs Cholera wis CnLCEODTS E-- !e. Ltmttt, Dee. 31. W4.

Dr. Lows, Medical MiHleBiry la ladla, repcrU (Dec. I Kit)thai la nearly cscry cat of Cbolers is abkb Dr J COLUSBEOWNra CUL0K0D-- was sdmialsUrad, tb paUeattCCOTCfCa--

Extract from Ittdtmt TImo. Jin. 12. WA CblorodyneIs preseribed by sure f Betbodes tnedlcsl prielltleixwx. 01coun. it w4old sot tbes b sisgslsrty pepolsr did II not

supply a wsat and flllsplscai'Extrscf from tbe General Board tt Desllh, Loudon, ss ta

lu eBcscy Is Cholera 8 strongly ar w coatlnced of tbIsneuse rals of tbls remedy, that wa can sot toe forciblyaire tb aseesslty ef sdoptlag It la all eases."

CAUTI05'. Son granin witbout tb word "Dr. J.COLLIS 3R0W.NE" on tb Oorerament Sump. Oterwbslmiag medical tettlaony accompanies eb boltU.

Sol Usnulictorrr J. T. OAVE.VPORT,23. 0 real Bsmll a L. Bloomibvy', London.

Bcld In Btttles it Is. 1U1 "iL u. M.Atnls I New Tork, W. n. ft Co , mniJ. C.

Vztla. sa7---i

CITIZEXM AXD BESIBEXTS PTriends and gtrangersgeneraOyare

cordlsIIyiaTited to attend Public Worsklp st TOUT ST.CHUECH, where Service are held er try Jsbbslbst ItocJockA.lL.snd IiP.AC. Seals a'r prcrrUedfor allwoo may be pleased to attend. Zt-e- ie Is a Weinesdiyerening Prayer Meeting at 1H o'clorsr; In tbe LaetnrBooth, to which altars welcome.

Noon-IJa-y Xereseae Oil.CXntM AF-- THE CaXs-sHtATE-O500 Soon-Ba- y Kerosene Oil 'per Lark Martha

Darts. For sale byBOLLES A CO.

Preserved Meats and' VegctaHes.AKeHtTtrJ-r:I- T. H bT whrwt willA3fel low... Tkw jwkjjcs tnrlted to cast asj

tTi'rHrthem-eJi- s, . . .' 'For tale by , --WLU. A CO.

o. .

JiluiSu. . . . --- V - J

Page 2: TMflAWAllAi HAWAIIAN GAZETTE.aba aaW aay.a W knmi i.u--: aajaT aaak, ak ha fcutft Vara:, J tsae AeaMu & i. klk; i' a, aailttW e--a. aasaac kW fckiaiT fc MaaaaaVaaJkaaaaHBaai aar aMavaa








Br AcrnoRixY.

tifIJcTnir In Jnsr.Ok tin aUHMXt.


W Tl A vkM. KtK DIM.JJA"t OwAIkc mtt,sBsMsisrsjs ViwiliimH.I.HI. tauawxi.

JtA;.i-i-. Rat street.

aaV' asy- -i imiwulL2hBtlb()t.I!M3ISM3ft '! xwUh nmem,




I U lactase. VmtyaU. Xoha.w .

Jm.Afc--i-niir. XawascaeyKohala, Besa.

tnii tOntot IttfKrm. Sonalslc..rri iiitAOfc.iiaifStwttmss rniMiw ssseess.

V aces wa.iiinrwciTliiiii4at(imwiiim;' isuXasVssaae-AOs- Cares street,

! t Itm. Hwmwt, -XETAii. smsits.

2,.S.Css ,tialM. li hIiIl.""HocEatJ: SHEITS.

' m&Suiuiwilk.QMiU.'nIEistlslii.VKTsUUNS. ,

tsJViS.arsw, Oaac.SCKeTER.

rasucssow.i wfcaa.'lwewa-- . EmMs.

B3AT.SXaaatea-- BtS ay.

S8SS.EuOk t Kals

flMbMatiiiiLijtogr. . is. 8wtutHSB ) t Okas Una, 17,

m..cEm. ):w.i,ii.a,flBrfW. T. It 5 iltrmi Oterac H.sta., James atatxax. u,

. an. j.y. N.mj...-vt-, .ahM,ae. x Afasg. c.

asay breaajnl.trd treat to titeDOiKva IkUk. sb the district

drWaasttsvhssthUai, in piaceevr T.N. Birch. Eec,.J-- irnrr tsars, xssioa of interier.

2oase to Pru!y Scsrdisg Schools.

! a TessstaiaB of tie Board offiapttt oa the IT A ins; ; notice is

r giM, Jkil Jr sii papils owning viUs--WwnTs xegsiKiaBf, capiuaaa fees at

AiSts.mmAi me, U m xstsre be allowed

"Wl 'aVatar of trtMtre aooSts sect pcpilsAtBhave Wak nsgrfsir snead&ace dcriagAclM kdfTr f Their sslaissiaB at soch

&? Jlad 3k rate beretawere in operz- -Javit ptsfwU tkaJl itiTe bees

: Ike jarst see of tire firs: halfndaaee. t cautie tfrem to

fees Jar sIk: period, is hereby re-T- T.

Jas. Sxmx, SecteiirT.t OBm, May 17, 1 57s. S7 3t

VtKWl 5li(T.a2 fsshsac-gs- nifciTlani af the OdTci

iiTtrii sj scXirt T U , w be hud u


" Vsk u s t-- s. M n e( ttU ja Ttcuiaa n- -

. ArtES lii. ins. tra TWra iiU a

Ta&safSeias.3UFE.KK. tKl

sonrx.MeawUsa. H sssaii in vSteatVfc:v asd other H

inimai 10 UTest, are aereir BeSaed ttat1Si.r 11 ii n in Bm! ef OsscdEalkea ot ICO,

WH!HHto sg.earattatereefaUpereesa.Uil m. w be sou-J- ob mti ma. to a catted exteot.

AMU X. ktAPENA-- ,

VjonTef of rtsxsee.Aetsts.isrr. tie

XOTICE.. la deooalnacs cf tlGC

italSkfwluS.astiMb ceubciiuemtt aereoperICMUMIW. 9USM IB Mlna Ujlo Ml Tear. BU be

laaococ. bosk xcrzser swaco. on appjea- -JO&X JC KAFESA.

wfnuwcof rtiaace.JteaaaeSepansao&t. ABfrartrt. IfTT. coo

EVolnr ol the Ltriltmxre- -

TeraaSt to st$xrxcat oc Jieidsj, the le-Vt- fat: et ThcrsiaT at IS o'eloek: a. c, ta the

vtrilxaawr. 3t soot ipcrtxst bcsireisthe bBlreseii:;;

lioiratricflr-- s ci she xa of iatoxicitlti; Bijsirs toIxaseva.

c'iaUT. the rrreattr part of tie dar was taxec'Tresis bo Ssecsaioa of msictket, crlsperuiit istbeJTTttTarteT. aid set ixUrtstir the pcbBe fene- -

4c HceeaT- a zxsfcer ef petideas were pretested." tsotr e)wh was a ;thies frr the pecpie cf the

dfelneC otTSacaJei prajfcj that it be cade a lepa- -

3jaJoa Jeai eaa district ; also a pe3oa from the sizejtaie, astirc that the lepers frera that district bo

oeExratrd aad aBewed to bcBd their owx secses ;also a pexkisa Irs parties wherrpresect thcjaaelre

a sail, month,It is

aeoricasC3C s3ZZi HIWT. 0 a jserrcss ceioz; costrac.

1i.t. Bxd xiat tie fctrtn be ited Ins a. b. tojSjw s. aci day tdl of wtssi were appropriate! jr

eS2s were at foEevi :: ijtcii tie Board elXdzcatisa to fcr--

:asi abe Bobsc with iafersaties as to cow cutsboeb an awtd It tie Board. itr.lT.O.SEUli.

os that tie iaforcatio: caSed for by

tie roaateios bad Iocs farcisced in tie --

ipantir.Mri crEdsfHs, cored it be ro-- ,

fe-r- xa tie Cecitrtttw es Sdseatjos. whirh was soiraUsad. Kz. "E". 0. ixtrodseed a reoolstisa

; tia fpoeial Cocairteo bo appointed tocscSer irii tie CoSeeur Getetal relative tolir'-T- T Kt tiu jZiccs of Keroeese Oil

ciararter. He also stated that wititnSewwewasaereral rinses teootisrsed to death

Xrwm ti caw ofaroaeoo of an icfenor rade. aadtie muwiir ! uieieetar. by penal ezaet- - '

.tie lapmtataec cf aH tsedt caCeross oOs

liit AStxdos-- - i peitwa was reierred to a Sf- -fn-ir- w efla.. Onticai Aeu were th read. 1

eu iecti. t ef port. Aa Act to prohbit thefcpsaae T fcercseca li".Xicfioss. JJa an Act astionriEC tte Miciiter oftie burssra apposet o coatpocect person jfespes: toroeece & tsfoRoi Lato this Kirrdo. i

"Jlelerred a reelsi eocrsntee. Tbe Boa. tneicberir PsTtiVi asked as lean to read a bll

tTssrg Ctajitr ti ef Penai Code, TelatiTe to Dss- -cies Tafie Cocru. which was referred to therrMTrTr'os w TrrnHTrrt Order of tea Say beicc.iei. Aeb!y croeeeded to the cocsiderariccinTtifciBsi Jtttstatt ctssrs XiciaUra la make

crccst of the IaUsds at least ecce a year. la- -'

tiicielr ACtaed. Aa axt rrpealiss; aeedonejawsr-.e.- w. .u., u.scia7r CoaisiCoc. ae act aiitwrrr retail iptrit,

ealeflttseS ta a2 Perthes, was indeicUey post ieswi. Aa octTrpcaBar aecrka 1. r. 3. 4, and

Hajiior ST if Co Pesax Code, was ordered to be ex- -crasicd. As act rtrclaarr tie eqcxly jcrudjeacn

fab tnteat aad Caccit eoarts, was. ca xaotioe cf3&.Axxlo.sacaidered ia C&csuttM cf tie WbeU.I

CAJ2XaCh f .r rpft-it-? hy Tftrri.r.lrrtV.1st reaXiaivwaica was arreea to. ui 1

sasaua cf Ftai. the report cf the experts wasiwreVwi ta be rczctod aad Ensealed to tie Assosbly

" z3fizij'Ecxt.fW sr tlt- - cw cec acd bcrtor teadercd to

- Jlr.i P. Piatt. Parser ibe P. SL SteamahipTSTbs Kaica, for iW of pipers aad rt w trosa 6tnTxaaanso.


4ti-n- -isr 'j"wfiisr





irED.YJSSD.4r. JCYE h. 1S75.

Db. OAitrrn, of California, is creating agreat sessstiss in tlie East by wonderful

.th&etinf, wbft, with rifle, can brcaV OS ontof 1W glass balls. BntpreatasaretheachieTC-raent- s

of Dr. Carver with the rifle, there is aman in Massachusetts, who with the sameweapon, raaJe 20 coRsecntivc bull's-eye- s, and215 out of a possible of 225. This latter per-

formance, ahead of any rifle shooting uon

record ; and will be hard to beat.

Fboji recent accounts the silver mines ofAriawa are turning ont well, and vieldir.trrich return to their owners. The country isalso as favorable to gpring andthe growing of vegetables, for which latterproductions, there is great demand. Fiom themost reliable accounts, Arizona, is undoubt-

edly the richest silver producing country oathe American Continent. The finding of silverores that yield from Si ,000 to Si,500 per ton,is proof of the fact that such is the case'.

The crack racing mare of the Pacific coast,Molly McCarthy, has gone toLouivtHc, Ken-

tucky, to run against another crack racer, TenBroeck. The tine is not stated in the SanFrancisco papers, when the race is to takeplace ; but we infer it will come off about themiddle of the 'prcsent'Donth. Great interestis felt among sporting men on both tides ofthe Rocky mountains, about the result of thecoming contest of the West the East,and large sums will no doubt hands onthe result.

TVe the following statement ofthe Chief of the Bureau of Statistics at 'Wash-

ington, in which he shows the healthy work-

ing of the Reciprocity Treaty with these Is-

lands.The exhibit which we give below is for the

year 1577, ending June 3Btb of thatyear. Thetrade between the United and the Ha-

waiian Islands since that has steadilyincreased and the next exhibit will illustratestill further the beneficial effects of the treatyto both countries. The following statement, isauthentic, and comes from a source aboutwhich there can be do supposition, and is forthat reason, alike valuable to the people oftwin countries, it is source of measure thusto note these evidences of the growing pros-perity 6f the Islands, and speculate upon theirfuture prospects growing out of the treaty".

VisBijieTos. April 17. The CVitrofthe BcreiaSuiuues hxJ JTtfind detailed lUttataU iksw.

icg the trade between &e Uckted Sutef &fid theHaua IiUadi for the reir esded De-cember 21. 1577. xt vita the iitil Ttxresded JsseSC. 1S7S.

Tie iepcrtr dories ' iictl jrr acocsted to$1,376,631 cereb&adue. ud coin and bctliea.SJ.S11. Deri t the ealesdir jeir the icpem ofKercataaiM asesstea to ..i,t4a aad otcoiaacd fccllMtt. &7.S7S. Dcn&g lae area) ;car the

rdseitK coolt aovested S7M.SS7. andffeteijra t fit.W. cilac; k total fSM4i7.

Fr the calendar Tear the total raise of the exportsassented to J1.TW.ZJ1 an exeeaa oflcfjn oterexperu ol Tee ralcn f the ame.e)

free of dstj ssder the prari.wc! of the Ki-preeit- T

treatr, darisc the calendar Tear, were:Frcsi.iBclcdicc the sou, JIS7; brows iscar,SI.5,71S ; e4w. S1.7M r tallow. .6j; ; otherarticles, $&?; UUI, li.KI.Slt.

The ircrtate la the exports or the prtaeipal raass-fact- e

red articles, dnna; the calendar jearlSTT, oeerthe icai rear li7S( was as follows :Ireeaod xaaneftcteres of lro& ... aad auMtanuT tC WS.TAJW.nir aaearet ....Lataer aad leather saaso&ctcree .. isaiXateher ix.esTefc3oaad xsaacrtarce.. . ... nsApxxHaralisspieeats .. Il.tST

ptrns ehrjrM ..... e.rBrKs. . . s,:5tfcreare.iec and twine' . . e.EiBpnuUcsw. -- ... J.WJeUuware MISJ.wrfrr ..... s.Paper ad ilittoanj. ......... .. s.enLira and ...., i--

at cslcat tat msec t . .,. .. ... .. !ew,PX: narolof s.s

fried aad enaocfactar , .T... iv- - S.tMIrC .'... a.xQrdoaoee stTe..M......Mj iiiaaotetarM of wool.. s.aBfw aad e&aaafftCtoXM of....Broods aad brcinee. ......... --, i.ssr

Of cssaatfactsred products the increase wes asfallows :


erra aaddrled"".lU sst.t:.taFrertafcss .

Ctli.Oaal I.K1

Jaxes Gokoox Bexkett's Arctic Explor-ing Expedition, in search of an open Polar ea,is being fitted oat at 2"e w York with all possi-ble dispatch. Mr. B. has telegraphed fromEngland to Capt. Cole, one of his most trust- -t

. , .i j .1 -- .vi uu eii inces sailors woo nasheretofore done good service on board theyacht Dauntless to hoed himself in readinessto take a position on board the Pandora, in-

tended for the expedition. It is not thought,however, thit Capt. Cole will be chief incocamasd of the Pandora; but that the expe-dition will be placed tinder the control ofStanley, of African exploring fame. If suchshould be the case, and the expedition tarn onta success, both Bennett and Stanlev willachieve, new laurels and jrlorv. The Pandora

So locc as the North Prfe is ccdUcoTered, etawill Co in starch of lu Titre arediDvlcterrtiiDr;screctifeproMnaa to be toired. The Kare expe-dition (clH!) pasiet! uploratioci 50 milesnearer lee Pole ttin any otter expjortr erer went.There jet retsaics 400 miles to be traversed beforetie coil U reacted. Tbe Howcste expedition tsalrcadr departed. It cmbrsee a pjao of coloolrs-tio- n,

orttte establisbmeotof relsj depots eTeryfesrmUea, berir.nlrr;at a point where lie open waterisloau ThUplst islDdoraedbjcloyni tie

Deo and seosrapoers ot tbe country.Tie Bescett-ifcadc- ra cxpeeition probably

follow tie old rocte op Soand, bopinc to2nd open water, acd by ibeer rood Jact, poshen to a point cerer before attaiced. All tbe resioabeyoad 83 decreet, 2S Dlnctet, is iiractierilr

aoy Hticg cxa. Ttereis cosioollllecotbicf bet rxst paleocryttie tea of lee oyer

which no mortal man has ever made bis war. Csp.taic Jare exploded the theory, or tiickt bedid, of an open tea iboct the poleL It tbe latest sclhoritia. ctercilise. It was for-merly behered that Grceclacd was not an islsnd,bet that the land cxtccded qshe as to tbe Pole.tiosgb " .Sfl? "N?' .".?. . that

js now exploded, as It U well koown that tbe lacdterminate many handred mUea beiow the Pole.HaU a doxea expediUoc reprrMoUcf; a camber orratloealitlea sna lii year go In seareii or theSortb Pole. Tbe one which at present enlisU moreInterest tnotr cdesli: mea tila any other, is theHowgatc Expedition.

-- ,Trade TTitli Brazil.

The inpics riven to trade irith Brazfl. bT.... . , ." Tult Doa 2 the UnitedStates, has SO stimulated capitalist! and ran- n-

nfterwr. Jr. t.. !... ,r- .- .,..,Jr u .uu- -paar lsas been formed n Xetr York withcash capital of 5500,000, for the pnrpoae ofestablishing agencies, at different points in theBrxriliftii Empire, yhere all V"w of T3acH-Ee- ry

statable for the cocntrr trill be lepton hand. It is also contemplated to establishlike acendes all over South and CentralAmerica. This movement has been promptedby the intelligence "and enterprise of the Em-peror cf BraxU, who is one of the most en-

lightened and best riders on the globe.

u.hATixi; fceex lepen. aid were etred by persca 1

'will during the present on hera. rfXahsi. aaai that aa appro- - perion. possible that in the coarse

jriomi. saieTth LeriUr. U pay tim f m n ve learn the re-l- isj also a petfcier Icz x law ta "

. ,,v- - j. suits. An eastern exchange savs :e






cfa daxstrssaa iad







ud '

""" 2iv.i











f ctj





..-- ..










T JL JltxBly Coarse.

"iTe notice by the supplement to"the --rltiVfT- I

fitifrof the 1st instia commmucation from tliepen of Dr. Charles T. Rogers, of this city,under tlie title of " The Medical and Surgical ofmonopoly of the Queen's Hospital," in whichthe doctor makes his second bow to those hav-

ing the control and management of the hospital,in terms plain, manly and explicit. Withouttaking sides in this controversary, being per-

fectly neutral, we cannot withhold our admiration of the doctor for lus manly course, inwriting over his own proper signature ; whichis in honorable contrast with the cowardlycourse of others, who sneak behind anony-

mous signatures in order to fling their pettyspite at those whom they dare not attackover their proper names. While ou thesubject of the Queen's Hospital, we take occasion to say that we fully endorse, as eminently proper, the recommendations of theCommittee on Finance of the Legislative Assembly, wherein they recommend legislationto change the practice of charging all personsentering this Kingdom, the sum of $2.00 hos-

pital tax. without the possibility of their deriv-

ing any benefit therefrom. Such an impositionis not levied upon people in any other countrythat we know of, and should not be toleratedhere any longer. So far as the tax of twodollars per head is concerned, we take no ex-

ceptions to it, if coupled with the conditionthat tlie unfortunate strangers, who thus con-trib-

to the support of the institution, shallbe. entitled to the beneSts and privileges of thehospital, in case of indisposition requiringtreatment and christian care.

The "Storm JUird ' tit Port.The schooner "Storm Bird," purchased by

Captain Mist, the special agent of the Boardof Immigration of the Hawaiian Government,who was sent on a mission last Summer to thePolynesian Islands to ascertain the feasibilityof procuring people from those Islands tocome to Hawaii as immigrant laborers, arrivedin this port on the 29th ultimo, tinder com-

mand of Captain Jackson. Tho Storm Birdbrought to this port eighty-fiv- e natives fromthe Polynesian Group sixty-tw- o males andtwenty-thre- e females. A detailed statementof the cruise of the Storm Bird has been madeto the Board of Immigration, tkrough Capt.Mist, which was published in the Adrerliserotthis city onSarurday last. The account i toolong for in our columns, theleading points of which are as follows : TheStorm Bird sailed from Sydney on the 27th ofOctober. 1 577. Alter a run of nine days made

INorfolk Island, where provisions, fruit, water,etc., were procured. Remained there but oneday, when she left for the Island of Roturnah,which she made on the 25th of Xovember. AtRotumah, more provisions, water, fruit, etc.,were procured, and, in addition, succeeded inengaging thirty-on- e fine young natives (sexesnot given). Captain Jackson recommendsRotumah as a favorable point to inauguratethetmsiiiess of procuring native immigrants,as the "people there seem well disposed to-

wards the Hawaiians, and likely to immigratein large numbers if sufficient inducements areheld cr to them, such as wages, etc. Therate of wages paid to laborers at Rotumah is i

55 per month and found. Capt. Jackson left J

the latter Bland on the 4th December, andsteered for Ellis Islands, and made Funafuti(.the principal one) on the 23rd of the samemonth. After procuring water and provisions,remained among the Islands seven days, butdid not succeed in inducing any of the nativesto immigrate. On January 19th arrived osfthe Island of 2Cuitato, but could not anchor.The Captain gives it as his opinion that it willbe useless hereafter to visit these Islandwith a view to obtain emigrants. Left theseIslands on January 2Sth, and made for theKingsmill Group, arriving at the Island ofArarai on February 5 th. At Peru Islandengaged five emigrants ; at Sydendam Islandengaged twelve men and ten females. On the21st made for Drummond's Island, remaining.ten days, and engaged ten males and four

Captain Jackson thinks that Peru,Sydenham and Dramraoad's Island will be ex-cellent places to procure native laborers. Onilarch 14 th arrived at Jaluit Island, wherethere is a large German settlement. Sometime was spent here to refit the vessel andgive opportunity to the emigrants to have re-

creation on shore, having been up to that datefive months confined on board ship. Left

Jaluit on March 26th, and arrived at Maisnaon the 30:h, whore three native women whomthe Storm Bird had brought from Sydney aspassengers were landed aid restored to their

j people. The Storm Bird left the Island ofj Ponapi on the 19th of April, and arrived atI Hoooluln after a passage of 40 days. Captain

Jackson is particular in stating" that, in allj instances, the natives came on board and en- -

gaged themselves voluntarily: and he ex.presses the opinion that there is no doubt butthat an ample supply of the natives of EasternPolynesia can be obtained should the Ha-waiian Government think proper to send forthem. Altogether the mission of Capt. Mistand the cruise of the Storm Bird has been asuccess, according to Capf, Jackson's account,to which we give full faith and credit. Howmuch money this experiment has cost theGovernment we cannot say, inasmuch as wehave not seen the figures. It is gratifying toknow that that which was mere suppositionheretofore has been reduced to a demonstra-tion, namely, that emigrants can be had forthese Islands from tbe Polynesian Group.Capt. Jackson makes sundry suggestions inthe course of his narrative, and concludes withthe recommendation that the Storm Bird beihorocghlr overhauled before she is sent onanother voyage, all which, we presume, willreceive the proper attention from the Board cfof Immigration and the Government.

The Chinese "Vote.

A reporter cf the San Francisco Chronic! reeecUri called cpon Colonel F. A. Bee to ascertain who are) the Chinimea who desire to become eitiiecs of the

United States, and why. That gecllemau stated inall Califernia there are sot more than 3dt0 of the

t bet class of Chinamen wh desires to avail them.! selresofthe rizhts of eirixenfhlp, and the reasonsi these tire are that sicee they bare been edaeated in. , . ..t T. i;.t 1 lme ofiua iurSTi care aeqotrea real estate

and established theme!res in business here : as aresnltiox fact of their prosperity here tte ties which !

hied teem to tais coactry ar too strong for them toirep; they wish to lire and die here, and, as a

cataral esnseqnence. to become eitixens of the coon-tr- rwhich they hare adapted at their own. In re-

ference ta the political complexion cf this approxi-mate IfrM, in ease they should be admitted to

Celone! Bee rare as his opinion that theywiil diriie themielres between the Kepcblicas andDemocratic parties, with the preponderance hrrelyin faror of the former, as the Democrats hare atway been fiercest in their hostility to them, andthey always know when a Democratic Lerislatsr isabont to assemble at Saerarnecto. Colonel Rm also

! said the Chicese hardly hone to ret a farcrable de- -

cisica from the Conrt here, hot if an adrtrsone is rendered they will appeal to tie United StatesSapreme Court, and tra their fat tn the birhexttribunal of tie land." Prop &k above it appears the Chinese inCalifornia, are getting there eyes open' al lastto the fact, that if they wish tn enjoy theprivilege of citizenship in the United States,they cast become citizens by conforming to thenaturalization laws. In our judgment, this isthe right thing for Chinamen to do anywhere,in order to be protected from violence and in-


t "k: ErWfKT ssa wta- -3t ; K. 1 sjr;.r,itiiewisrSri Xaa.aa--

.- -' rr 1 of oar lfil mhimjjtis. rrmmmWr I theapprobalioa of

mJ i rrJ

jfT .3raWMiMBBiB5feiliSFS

The ITnr In the East.

Shotild England finallj accept tho situationsays the San Francisco Chronicle of the 12thinst., little will remain of Ottoman rule north

the Dardanelles. Even in the present con-

flict Greece made an unavailing effort' to cou-qu- er

a considerable extent of territory, imme-

diately to tho north of Jier, while tho bounda-

ries or Montenegro have been suitably roundedoff including tho acquisition of a seaport. Inthe event of an European Congress, now ap-

parently improbable, Austria would hardlyfail to demand a share of the spoils. That the

reader may be able to form an idea of the

natural resources and character of the regionsexciting so much sanguinary strife, the follow-

ing notes have been compiled, from tho bestobtainable authorities.


The general surface of Moldavia, consists ofundulating plains. Tho surface is ara-

ble, and in the hilly regions excellent pasturage abounds. The area of tho province in-

cluding 4720 square miles acquired from Rus-

sia in 1S56, and known as Bessarabia, ii 18,142

square miles," with a population of 1,400,000.The principal products are maize, millet, bar-

ley, wheat, tobacco and wine. Large numbersof cattle, sheep and horses ( tho latter greatlyprized for cavalry use ) are raised. Trailo ischiefly carried on with England. Turkey andFrance. Bessarabia includes tho mouth ofthe Danube.

TAIUCHUIs a vast slope from the Capathcans to the

Danube, broken up by hills and elevations.The soil is fertile, and tho whole country likea garden. Gold is found along many of the

streams, and iron, copper, lead, silver, rock-sa- lt

and bitumen abounds. Tho productionsate like those of Bessarabia. Tho area is27,500 square miles,and the population 2,400,-00- 0.

Bucharest the capital, has a populationof 221,000.


On the 12th of November 1S61, the two principalities of Vallachia and Moldavia wereunited, under the title of Roumania. It has apublic debt of 20,000,000. It has a largoand ivell appointed army, and a reserve forceof 40,000 men. TheRoumanians distinguishedthemselves during tho late war, displayinggreat courage and excellent discipline.


Has an area of 12,600 square miles, with apopulation of 1,104,000 ; including 2,000 Ger-

mans, 2,000 Jews, and 20,000 Gypsies. Grain,rice, maize, hemp.-flar- , tobacco and grapes aroextensively produced in the different districts.Stock raising is a leading occupation with thoinhabitants. Belgrade the principal city, sit-

uate on the banks of the Danube, lias a popu-

lation of 15,000 exclusive of the garrison. Itis a city abounding in manufacturing estab-


Is a rugged mountainous country, with hereand there beautiful fertile valleys. The cli-

mate is good, soil fertile and pasturage abun-

dant. The area is 1,552 square miles, andpopulation 122,000.


Has an area of 19,914 square mites and apopulation of a million and a half, with an ex--cess of males over females of 50,000. Although

........, cn:, .rr.rM,,..... ,-- ,ll-- ". nrlr.ri tn nrr,Vl-- .

ture, only about one half is under cultivation.the rest lies waste and neglected. Ihe prin-cipal crop is that of " papolonia," or currantswhich is largely exported. Tim merchantnavy of Greece consists of 6.000 vesselsmanned bv 35,000 sailors ; all trade is carriedon by sea, there being no roads in tho interior.Greece has 1,156 miles of telegraph construc-ted, and 129 post-ofiic-

Tho foregoing are the rich provinces somuch coveted from the Ottoman Empire bythe rest of Europe, and about which there isso much anxiety felt at present by Jlnssia andEngland, and it is but fair to presume thatEngland will exhaust all her diplomacy to se-

cure a portion of these rich territories, in thofinal distribution of the spoils ; and it may bewill go to war with Russia, unless the latterpower agrees to such terras in the division, asEngland deems essential to her interests butthen comes the question, will England bygoing to war with Russia be tbe gainer orlooser? It is that question that is now puz-

zling the best minds in England, and whichkeeps back the declaration of war by Englandagainst Bussia. If England can succeed ineffecting such an alliance with other powersas will enable her to not only cope with Rus-

sia, but overpower her. then war, will be de-

clared; if England fails to effect such an ar-- ,rangement, the chances are two to one, thattlie war cloud in England will give place tothe sunshine of peace.

CJAKU.Uer 2Is.'esrjr Qseen Vain!ini dealte to return her

thaacs to the ladles and gentlemen of these Islands andcf the dry of San FrancUca, who so generously contri-buted ta money, articles and personal serTtce ta theFair held In Uonotcu, oa Saturday, the 1st tcitant, whkhshe Is pleated to say was successful bejond her highesteapecurloes.

Chamberlain's OSce, Honolulu, June S. 1575. tn


Royal Hawaiian Theatre.THURSDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 6!



C3rirstiOL3. MattrieeFor tte wxomiat2Uoa of Ladies and CMldt ca.Admission, SO cts. For p&rtiaiUrs Nils

RACES ! SfiT"CnirE3 IXttL, 1878

KWTRIES FOR THE BACES MUSTALL made to the inderaruedpot later itulp. m.on the tu of June.6S W. C BCCHAXaX, Clerk of the Course.

Notice.CAtrrlOS ALL PERSO.VS XOTIITEltEBT husband. J. W. IOSIA. aa I will not hold

myself responsible for h!a dehtt afier this date.stay ZS, UTS. JS33 lm MBS. O PCS CI IOSIA.

Choice Summer Residence.TOR SALE. XT OUTAGE A2fDii LOT of one mere ; alw-rita- w.tooaiienc- - med cf three acres adloinicr, and

sprit, on ynsaca street, half a mU abore Cooadeoa.EsQitire of a. B Cote, cr fi. E. Bishop, 71 fcbuol street.


Hall To LetWITH COSTESIEXT AjrTK.KOOH,aad water laid on, fjrBalle, Par Ilea, Mee;.Intra, etc Encdre at the Famllur Wee- -

rooma etc. L WiOiaxa. U Fort street. -

Notice.PEKSOXS INDEBTED TO tbe LATEALL cf T. Xotsmaa A Son, are requested to mate

Immediate payment to the n&dersifned at tae CrockerySure, corner cf King and 2?nbanc streets.

til tf T. J. MOSSMAir.

Notice.m w cc;nr., tcnruPL1!! Pfc T1TP

J$L. WaEclraStcreoftheUtefirmofT.JloasmaaiSor,are requested to mate Tnrifills'e pajmeot to W. 1.Hxustnsn. WaCaks. Vsal.


Small Chains.tX'sjjt'AirnTiEs to scrr, sixes s-i-e,

1 1, I andCM For sale hy EOLLE! A Co.

Crackers, in cases.XXIX ASSOBTHEJrT.A FarSaUty E0IXE3 A CO.


For San Francisco!The) Am Clipper Sblp

gSjs."MYSTIC BELLE,"tub.. -- Master.

Will have Quick Dispatch for above port;for Freljnt or ranire. apptr to

tn CASTIK .t. COOKK. Acenis.

For Portland, Oregon.The llawnllna Baric

'Mattie Macleay.,VOIK. ninater.

Will have Quick Dispatch for above Fort,for frelcnt and paauf apply totSi IT. UACKFKLT) CO., Asenti.

New York and Honolulu Lino.

& Direct Vessels !

its. VT. It. CROSSMAX BROS..MESS Chamber Street. See Yora, expect tu have

Another Vessel in their New Line fromNew York to Honolulu,


Parties having freicht for tola port and desirous toaeail CiemselTeii of Uus favorite route, will plems notirythe abore parties as early as puAtlble the amount or roomliter will need m Insure laelt Mfiuenia. t



CITY of IEW YORKCOrtll, Commnniler.


On or about Tuesday. June 11th.



Will Leave Honolulu fur Shu Vrauclsco,

On Tuesday, June 18th, 1878.



AUSTEALIA,CAitGiLL. cojiiiam)i:k.

On or about Tuesday, June 18,For Freicht and Passage, apply to


GootXS fOr Shipment icr Stcnmer can nowbe Stored. Free of Cliarjre. In the FireproofWarehouw ou Qnecn Street, known as Dr.R. W. Wooil'a nnllU Ins;.



Monday. Jsne t. Sn ci- - -- Orcolt of HawaiiTnedsy, June 11. 5 D m- - .IIIloWednesday. June 13. S p m.. . -- lrcultoriCauaITuesday, June l,Sp m . -- CiicultofUawaU

cr No fre-il- lt ftr Pts;t Jloney. -- w

We poUrely dectne to open accounti for lassacrs.anf we particularly call the attention of the traTrtlncpublic to the necessity of harlnc Ttarcacr and Freicutplaialf marked; the Steamer will net be responsible forany unmarked hacnure or for any FreUht or Parcels un.less ltccclpled lor.

Freight Honey Has oa Demand.In all cases of Freicht for psrtles not reiponslble or ua.

known, tbe Freight Money will be required In advance.


For the party whom they are for. or plslnly stated la threceipt to whom they are cuns'cued.

All demands for Daroare or Loss, most be made with-I- none month.

Co" liter Drivers, Hois, and such like, will not be al-

lowed onboard tbe teamer upon arrival, until after thepasswicers have been landed.

el WILDEll A CO.

Regular Packet forjilo & Kaupakuea.

The Clipper Schooner

HALEAKALA!For Freicht or Passage, apply to6fr lm ALLUX A UOBIN'SOX, Attn Is.


GUISTARD LINE!Estabtishod 1840.

Two Sailings Every Week,FOIt LIVLUtPOOL.:

From Xeie York every Wednesday,

From Boston etery Saturday,

RATES OF PASSAGE:Cabin. --8!0, 8100 and 8130, Cold,

According to Accommodation.


Steeragg 828 Currency.Good accommodations can always be secured on appli-

cation toWILLIAMS, BLAXCn.tRD A Co .

tta Francisco.JAS. ALEXANDER,

Sale at., Boston,& O. FBANCKLTN,

t Bowling Green, yew York."

LostTlonolula. TheCunard Line adord more than nsaal fa--dllUes to through passengers from trans-Pacif- ports, thefrequency of lu Bailing precluding all possibility of delayIs Xew Tort.

Good accommodations alwaya referred.C. O FP.ANCKLY

tn ly a Ilowilor Green. New York.


C. Brewer A. Co. Agents fZT. FrorbIt rnuirmenti can alvari biVt

bb4 for toram and tJpntKtorOIU Bcr, Woal, Jlidiaod other Mercfaandiie tolScv Bdrord. BotDf NwTotkaaa .tberKMtcn. Porta. -- Ch Adtance made.

(7Mt C B&EWKR k CO.


C. Brewer A Co. Agents. 3tUercbaadlse received Storaee Free Vfclc

and liberal cash adrances made on iblpmeBtshy this line.TT-- & BREirF.K k CO.


CoTeriag Boilers, Steam PipesJTTtX, ETC

Saves 25 per Cent, of Fuel.


r--o Agent.

Notice.IS ITERCBT CIVE7T TsTAT' THENOTICE hitherto anhsirdns; between us, th

undersigned, tradmfi la Hosoloia and WaHukn, nnderlb came cr firm of T. Vcsszcaa A Son la hereby Blasolved by mntnal consent. The anderrlgaed. T. J. will contina the bsstness in his own name, aad bSi authorized ta receive 'l menies due to th Ule flrm.

Sated this ltth day tfJanuary. 1871.THOMAS iSOSSOLAZf,

tVO tf T. J. MCBSJfaif.

TAMARmm ..... -.--g ,


V .........l-O- Tt...- -

RELIEF AND CURE OF CONSTIPATION!And Its attendant Maladies, such as

Hemorrhoids, Cerebral,' Congostion, Headache, &o.

Prepared by E. Otlllon, Fbarmaolta de Iere Class. 27 Roe J IUmbaleaa,-Parts-, ind FOlt SALE BT'

A. McWAYNE, Honolulu Drugstore,& Corner of Fort and Merchant Streets,


CIKCUrrCUKT,3nlJVDICIALCIRCCTT,Kalabua.w, libelant. T. Mai Kahouanul k, llsele.

Libel fbr divorce.In tbe abort entitled libel for divorce. It Is now ordered

that a decree or divorce from tbe bond or matrimony heentered In fsvor or tbe ld Ralahua w, ror tne came ortbe to provide suitable uiolntnnr .if th M Mai KabnnannL to Le made absoluteafter the esplration of six months from Ihe dale ofthia decree, Upott compliance wita tnc terms tnei roi, ua-lr- f

sufficient cause hali appear to the cuntrary. Andthe llbellant Is ordernl to publish an attested copy or thlorder In the Hawaiian Gasette and (IiroVoa newspapersfor six successive weeks, tbe first publication to be with-I- n

one month from Ihe date of t,bis order, that all personsInter.sted may, within six months, show caus why saiddecree should notbo made absolute.

Hy the Court, D. II. IltTClICOCK, Clark.listed at Htto. May I, 1973.I hereby certify that the foregoing-- Is a true and faithful

copy of the original decree of divorce now on file In myoittce. .

6rt it D. lu HITCMCUVn.. uiera.

CO UKT.ltnl JUDICIAL CIRCUIT,' llllo, Hawaii, May Term. 1ST.

Malia w, libelant, vs. Kamaka k, libelee. Libel fordivorce.

In the above entitled libel for divorce. It Is now orderedthat a decre or divorce from tbo bond of matrimony beentered In favor or tbe said Malta w, lor the cause orthe desertion of the said Kamaka k, to be made absoluteafter the expiration or six months rrom the date or thisdecree, upon compliance with the terms thereof, unlesssufficient cause shall appear to the contrarr-- . And thellbellant la ordered to publish an attested copy or thiso rder In the Hawaiian Gasette and Knokoa newspapersror six s nccessire weeks, th drst publication to be withinone mouth rrom the date or this order, tbat all personaInterested may. wltulu eix mouths, show ennsa why saiddecree should nnt be made absolute.

Bv the Court.. D. II. HITCHCOCK. Clerk.Dated at HIIo.MayJ, 1S7.I hereby certify that the forreolng Is a true and faithful

copy of the original decree or divorce now on file In myoClce.

6f at P. II. HfrciICOCKr. Perk.

CO CUT. 3rd J I'DlCIALCIRCUIT May Term, ISM.John farter, libelant, vs. Kaumahalua, libelee. Libel

ror divorce.In tbe above entitled 1111 for Is now ordered

that a decree of divorce rrom the bond or matrimony beentered In 'avor or the aald John Parker, far tbe causeor the desertion uf the sold Kanmahalua to be madeabsolute after the expiration or six months rrom thedate or this decrre, upon comJUnce with the termsthtrcor, unless sufficient cause shall appear to the con-trary.

And tbs lhellant la ordered to publish an atteated copyof this order lu tlie Hawaiian Gasattn and Kuotoa news-papers for six aucresslve weeks, the first publication to !

within one month from the date of this order, tbat allpersons Interested may, wltnlo alx months, show causew by aald decree should not bo made absolute.

By the Court n. 1L HITCHCOCK, Clerk.Dated at llllo, Mir s, I'TS.1 hereby certify tnat the foregolog la a true and faith-

ful copy of the original decree of divorce now on file litray office.e; et i. n lirrciicocir, clerk.


Potti Tpoja.y J

Manufacturers and Importers

All Kinds of Sugar PlantOTHCU MACHINERY.

KXrENDED THUIR PIIEJIISKAand Introduced new and powerrul loots, are now

preparAl to undertake tbe construction or the most exten-slr-eugar Plant and General Machinery required upon

these Inlands. Thtlr Increased facilities euable them tooffer grrater Inducements lo Planters and others, by r.duced prices and greater dispatch In the execution of or.dsra, and wul supply


AIR PUniS-Klth- er horn mak or of th typknown as Illakes.,,

Mill Gearing of all Sizes,Wator Whools,

Slioot Xx-ox- x worls.,Of every description. Including Sorghum Pans, Smoke

stacks. Coolers, Tanks, Ac,At ConHitlerabl)' Louer. Hates- -

Having been appointed Solo Aireuta for the llnvrallnn Islauda for thNational Tubo Works Co.. of Boston, Man,,The Farrel Foundry and Machine, Co. Conn., andThe Putnam Machine Co., Fitcbbure.tMasi,,

lie shall keep on hand a much larger andmore campkte Stock of Bat Quality

Steam nutl Water lMpc tint! Fitting!,Black or Galvanised Knglish and American Thread,

Which we will furnish at prlcrs hitherto unknown In thismarket.

6team and Water ripe, rrom to it Inches In dlamtterwith all fittings fur same.

LIgbt Water ripe (or leading water lor Irrigating purposes.

To Planters Preferring Eastern MachineryWe desire to slate thstwe will furnish Koelnrs andSnrarPlant msde by the celebrated Foundries whom we represent, ana wui contract lr require ror tne erection or anyMachinery hy th abuve makers, when Imported by us.

An Assortment of Putnam lathes.Suitable for Plantations, always oa hand.


General Merchandise,Bar Ifou ol all sites. Brass Cocki, Valves, Qaogei,

Steam 'Whittles. Dnion Couplings, Olats flsujeTubes, Babbitt Meul. Belt Laces, Kubber 1'sckin c.Copper and Brass Wire Oaote. Cotton Waits,Galvanised Wire Clotb, Boiler and. Tank Bifets,Angle Iron, "Nor war Iron, Steer, 'Kats, Ws'lhen,te., etc., etc

COAL. FinE CL.lY.VaA Large Assortment of Best English and Amerlccas

OriU Tqniiedilcnther Renins.,

Houoluln Iron H'orks Company,--1

C90 Honolulu, II. I. m




-- BY-


SOANTLINQ- -2 x 3, 2 x 4, 2 x 0, 3 x 5, 3 x 4

3 x 0, 4 x 4, 4 r 0, 4 x 8, 6 x 0, 0 x 8,

B0ABD3- -1 in., IK u. 2 in., "3 in. in.

BATTENS- -1 x 3, I x 4, 1 x 5, l x 3, 1 x4, IK x 6.

T. AXD GJ- -1 x4, 1 x5,"l x6, Uix4,

White Cedar Shaved Shingles.

TIMBER 8 x.10, 0JJC12, 5x 10, 8 x 10, 8 x, l2r10x-12,Bix8- , 12"xJ2, UxTu .

Abe, per IelaBi,

G0BBU6ATD IRON6 7s 8 and 9 feetlecgrthif

For Sale in lots to suit.IT Isa LEWERtt A BICKS8S.



arilJt lllt'lALClRCtrT.CUKCUITCOl'ltr. lerm.lsTi.Awa MHta w, lihelant, w J. R. Mnis. libel. Uhet ror

divorceIn the above entitled libel ror dlTcrce It Is now ordered

that a decree ordlrorc rroni the hondormauimouy b.entered In fror of th said Awa Mill far the caase ordesertion and adultery of the aald J. U. MUla. u be madabsulut after tho expiration of six months frooi th dalool utis decree, upon compliance wttfi tne terms tnereor.unless sumclent cause sbaH appear to the contrary : Andthe libelant ti further ordered to publish an attested copyor this order In tb Hawaiian Gasette sod atuoao news-papers tor arx successive weeks, th first pnbucatlon tabe mad within on month from th dat of this order,tbat all persons Interested may. within six mooths. showcause why akl decree should uot be made absolute.

By th court. D. Ii. HITCHCOCK, Clerk.Dated at 11 Uo, May 10, UTS.I Jiereby certify that tho fjregolnc Is a true and faithful

copy or th original decre of dlvorcw now on HI In myUUILT,

m et n. it. nrrcncocK. ae.COURT, 3rU JUDICIAL CaKCUIT,

llllo, Hawaii, May Term, ta:.Kamaka w, libelant, vs. Kamohoalli k, libelee. Libel

f.r dlvurce.In the anqve entitled libel for divorce. It la now order,

ed tbat a decree of divorce from th bond of matrimonybe entered In ravor of the aald Kamaka w, for th causacf the adultery aod ntler desertion of tb aald Kamobnalll k. to be mad absolute after the expirationof six months rrom the dat or this decree, uponcompliance with the terms thereof, unless sufficientcause shalt appear to th contrary. And the Ubetaut laordered to publish an attested copy or this order lo thHawaiian Gasette and Knuloa newspapers for six Sucre.. ..... ... ... ........I... ..V. A... ....Kl!....!. K.. f.i.1..d.u -- . .r u.ii wiw.wn win ntuuauaruiwiiu' fmm f h.ilil. .rtt.l. nnt.. K.( .It n. ..... I.I.M.t.lmay. within alx month., show cause why said decreshould not be made absolute

Hy th Court, D. H. HITCHCOCS, Clerk.Bated llllo. May 10, 1K1.I hereby certify that the foregoing la a true and fallhfnt

copy of the original decree ot divorce now oa file la myorhce.

& 6t D. H. HITCHCOCK--.


CllURT. 3rd JUDICIAL CIRCUIT.UUo. Hawaii. May Trrm, lj:s.

Kaloua w. lebelanl, vs. Kawaha k. libelee. Libel fordivorce.

In the above entitled libel ror dlvorc. It I now order,ed that a decreo or divorce from th bond of matrimonybe entered In favor or the said Kaluna w, ror lhcUMor tbe utter drserton and adultery ot the Said Kawshak, to be made absulut after the expiration of six monthstrnra the datetr Ibis decre cpon compliance with tbeterms therror unlrss suoiclent caaso shall appear to thcontrary. And the libelant Is ordered to pobl'ah anattested copy vt this order In the Hawattan CSairtte an.tKnokoa newspapers ror alx. aoccvswve weefia, th firstpublication to be within one month (rum th date orthia order, that alt persons Interested mar, within sixmonths, show cause why said decree should not be tuadabsolute.

By tbe Court. D. II. HITCHCOCK, Clert.Dated llllo. May I. ISrS.I hereby certify that tho foregolur Is a true and faithful

copy of th orlgiual decree of dlvorc now oa. Hid la myoffice.

ens r u ii. nrrcncocK, ciert.

CI IICL'I F COURT. 3t-- a JUDICIAL CIRCUIT.IIUo, Hawaii, May Term. IsTs.

Moewal w, libelant, vs. Kahlca k, libelee. Libel forDivorce.

1 n the above entitled libel for divorce. It la sow ordered thai a decree or divorce frum th bond or matrimonyh entered lo favor of th said Mawal w, ror thecause or the adultery and utter desertion of th UKahipa k. to be made absolute after lb. expiration of sixmontns from the date cr this decree, upon compUaneowith the terms thereof, unless aurucitnt cause shall apper to the contrary. And the libelant Is ordered topublish an sttrsirtt copy or this order tn tb llawafiaaGasette and Kuotoa newspapers ror six surcrsstv weeks,the first publication to bewttalo one month treat tbdata of ibis order, that all perrons Interested may. with.In six months, show cause why sU decre stumM notbe made absolute.

uy the t.t)uii, d. it. nrrcucocr, cir.Dated at llllo. May 10, UTS,I hereby certify that the fur rolng-t- l atru and faithful

copy of the original de r or dlvotco now oa HI In myotnee. ...

t p. ii. iirrciicocic cierk.

CIRCniTCsiURT.arsIJUDICIALCIRCUir,Kawahle Karaana w, libelant, vs. Kamana, k, libelee.

Llbl ror divorceIn the aboveenlttled libel for dlvorre. It la now ordered

that a decree of dlvorc from th hoed or matrtniany torntrrrd In ravor f th sakt Kawahl Kamana ror tbcause or th desertion and adultery or th said Karaaua,to be mad absolute arten th expiration of alx mimthafrom th date or this drcree, upon compliance with theterms thereof, unless sufficient cease shall appear to thcontrary; and the libelant Is ordered to publish an at.lested cory or this order In the llawanan Gasett aodKuokoa newspapers ror alx luicraslve weeks, lb firstpublication to be within on month rrom th dat or thisorder, Ihut all persona tnlemted may, within six cans why th. said decree should not be madabsoluie.

By th Court, D. II, IIITCHCOCir, Cttrfc.Dated llllo. May 10, IJ7H.I hereby certify tbat lb. foregoing- - la a true aad faithful

copy or th orijtua! decree of dlvorc now oa file la myorac.

i t d. u. itrrcncocjc. aetk.

SUPREME COURT OF THE HAWAIIANProbate, Island ofOahu, Hawauaa Is-

lands, the matur nf the rsut nf Duncan ilcDryde.d.

ceased. Order appointing time fur probata of Villi aaddirecting publication of aotlce or tbe earn.

A document, patputtlng to be th last Will and Testa,men ror Duncan McHryde, deceased, havrnr on the Suthday o May, A ! 137a. beo presented lo aald ProbataCourt tend a petition fur tb probate tbereor, and fbr thIssuaca of letters testamentary to taiastwth AmeliaMcBryde, James W. Hmllh. and J. N Wright baring beenBird bv .sirred H llartwril: It Is hereby ordered thatThursday, tho lSUi ilsy ot Jane. A Oil's, at la o'clocka m or said day, at th Court Koom of aald Court, InHonolulu. InaaldOahu. be and the ammo la hereby ap-pointed tbe tlm. ror proving sakt will aod bearing saidapplication, when and where any person Interested mayappear and contiat tb said will, and th granting ofletiera testamentary. Itlaruilbtr ordered that noticetbereor be given by publication for thrr successive weeksln-t- Hawaiian Oaietra, a newspaper printed and puhUebrdia Honolulu: And It la rarther ordered that cita-tions be Issued to the sUbscrlblug'wttnrssM lo said Will,and to tbe heirs or the testator In this Kingdom, to ap-pear and contest the probate or said WUI, at the tlniappointed, and that meanwhile th said fcllzabetb. AmeliaMcUryde. Jsroes w. Smith and John N. Wjlght at ap-pointed temporary admlnUtrarors of said estate.

Dated ilooolulu II, I., ilsy , !;.CIIAS. a UAHItl.'. ChiefJusticeof tb onpiem Court.

Attest : A. Tlosa. Deputy Clerk. ml St

couitr. 3rd judicial circuit.Hllu, RawaU. May Term, ISTA.tplcaiu nr, libelant, vs. Koa k. Ubele. Liu I for

dlvorc.Jn tb above entitled libel for dlvorc. it la now orderedthat a decree of iftvoree rrom the bond or matrimony be

entered In ravor of the said ApikaUal w, for th cause ofthe oesvrllon of tb. said Kua k, to b mad. absolutafter lbuptruou of six rooolha rrom th dale of thisdecree, npou compliance with lb. Urma Uereor, unlessufbeient cause shall appear to the contrary. And lb.lnIUa( 1 ordered to publish an au rated copy oftalaorder lath HawaUau Caiett and Kuokosv newspaper

for sis aocctaslr weeks, tb first publication us b withinone month rrom the daw ot thia order, that all personmay, within six months; show cans why aald decreshould nut ba wada abselutc

By the Coon, u. H. UncUCOCE, Clerk.Dated at UUo, May la, I8TS.I hereby certify that the fotrgcJng Is a tru and faith,

fot copy or th original decree of dlvorc bow oa filin. xuy office,

. t n. u. iirrcHcocg. ark.court. 3i-i- j udicial circuit.llllo, Il.w.11, Hay Term. I.It Kamaka k. libelant, va. SaUipaU w, libelee. Libel

fbr th above entitled libel for dlvorc. It Is trtv ordered

that, a decree of dlvorc from th bond cf mattlmany haentered la tsvor of Ue said Camaca for tbe causa cf thwufal drsrrUua of the said sTstlipata ,u ba madeabaolote after th expirstloa or six mouths rrom th datsor this decree, upon compliance with the terms thereof,unless snaictent cans shall appear loth contrary. Andthe libeluvntta ordered to puullau aa attested e?y of thatorder lathe Hawalaa Osteite aod Xuokua newspaperifur six successive weeks, th first pubilculoa to b with-in one muothfrom thodautof thia order, thai aUperaoaInterested may, wllhla six months, show cans why aalddecre should not be tuad absolute.. Bru,s Cour. b. U, HITCilCOCJC. CUrk.

Dated nitu, Jliy 10. H7S.I hereby certify that the foregoing 4 a trn aad talus,

fill copy or th original decree of divorce now oa fllalu my office.w P. H. UlTCHCOCH. Clerk.

C0,1"". artl JUDICIAL CIRCUITHLo. Hawaii. May Term. IKi.KaaUaal k, libelant, vs. Kapoa r, Ubele. uhel fordlvorc.In the above entitled libel for divorce. It la Boar orderedthat a decre" of divorce rrom th hood of matrimony b

eniered la favor of th aald Kantian! k, for IX causeof th desenloa of th sold Kapoa w, to ba msdahacJut after tb exptrstioo f six mouths fromtne dat of this decre', upon compline with the termthereof, unless sudlclent cause shall appear to th con-trary.

Aod th Ilbeilaet tr ordered to publish aa attested copyof thia order la th UawsiUu QaietMand Knoiaa.e.s.pspera tit six suoeeaslvk week. th Erst publication to besrithin one month Horn the date cf tola HCtt, tbat allPersons Interested may, within six months, shew caurwhy sai.are should nofbe mad absdat. "

Lu",VSar'. " tt Atiraiwcssvaetitvat UDo, May f. 117.I hereby nrtlryihat th (ortgolac Isa true. and Cdih-r-

copy of th original deer. cf divorce sow ca III lamTolOca, . - ;

'" " D. Tt niTCJICOCK. Cerk.

TELEPHOHES1 EXPECT X SUPPLY sF THESE IXSTXCmenu soon and will be rradr to rent tneni to parliesdesiring them. I wUl gladly. furnJih tha seeassary lafot-mati-

la regard to potting up lines, etc.inaas address m at Haiku. Slaat.CM lm c. K. JUCKXT.

Page 3: TMflAWAllAi HAWAIIAN GAZETTE.aba aaW aay.a W knmi i.u--: aajaT aaak, ak ha fcutft Vara:, J tsae AeaMu & i. klk; i' a, aailttW e--a. aasaac kW fckiaiT fc MaaaaaVaaJkaaaaHBaai aar aMavaa


atajaaaawa. aw aat

XW.-.- I li Him '.aaBBwaaaat ixrwimnw

Asasi nrni

ttakkitMai..Spiii.iia'i.- -

tapfHta 4antas. i,iaaaaa.ja

tutrir. jrxrC ins.- -

b t. Mr ! twwv:.-- .

'twin ttt m ua"'l aadaM.aC;. hi. ltoeaaTlsU-- i

ii in i iiitiii i u 1


a? btwi j

.1 Ifc .VtaaWrau

aia. ah - W kS?jHr'ufciiOii'hi

aVCMeatwg, m '


MW VikAilM a iSat

ri '"i lS?lS&A-- 9- "

5fe- -iateItaNNC 11. !

f ii I MXsr'Mt B.



kaMaaaam aBaBTaaai tatr aaan

- a,. iitaaa iaaa-


lMMHbKUMPinn 'i liijl rm m Mum m yfce .

MNMfe iMtes for m MnUdnr4fc dfc. Jim - - matt mm 1

I riHfr . MttMVBH f MirtBi1 ii i 'a iini-ii- l ttttltHH Bt9mKmK mmb ftkV yer?-- v akv w Irk J- iW MMMkgM VriKkui IMS MM Waaaaif' aS'

OkBMMkL 4kJtopribai mnmwh s.rf'i

;Sr HwMatmiw nnim


wtw fceri i

wniimi- - -- win i M mi hctowt i fcw gar j

aaMBtatM. PlttM iterf fct mail gHlrt4ttBh. k Mwnwaw iHmriWi j

Jaaaatw J MLa aMakaaV. .aBaT'aaaeiaaiwajf



7aw,.te CMtar, j

mfaaa w- - mmA hs .r iTT , . I



ljMaWIt Cfc IW III fc II K

it olhrMait, ms - Ovraawu.iJSX Ikt. m Ktet: of

k a ! aa vadtt ami Hmku MCaMHHMHt I Jaa atfble krftMi W W J- - i

III ulli HliIff of

AiEuurmi. Yr nnrK nMw.'V:c;a.r SMnH.Kaiv.naiiaat . TJontw-lhi- c nmlii'l,

MfeiaataBvMraAeaaV ancnartp.l iTl r Jrar- Mi to ir ' Kto.Kta Hon. ismu .vJCta. Ha at-n-.

McaUVB. TJW 1 JaT.aauB a ov m aa oar M II Ll ptUa

im. Otlllial Nrfcaea. TbvTmor

atV null- -. IM u Hi . eaimia wj

(IVCta l- 1I.I!.1. j

ABIM3Iayn u :

iii iiiiiiI Tr n ii HMiinu.MrMXlbrHi. Hill.tK tlljp1 tiiiini . hi, arum lliM

KlMTM.Ut hatalTmMi!.

.Jk.tX.BB. - t

iVi i ii r i ur !: iitMtfcrUm l.lliiliill fi'Hi i

i Vrf

I j I il IUmpV f" i . iwc It.wwiai.1 a iiiii

'TT CaM ita Mi m v

tifcWLto li.fcilr Uto iimffciic I.T in IK Mm.

UM riwa MHIW - kaH ac aial

i i I

It llii ill Km!

Mk Ti Hk SXa. mm nyrtiMit yt.uloaBBBv mmt Uttf Hit ni lav. ajiUtt au

aaMikJwp ti. IMPOCTN '

--. - - Bwe 3' SMk 1

Mar - . - . wv H rlri rVMiK. j

mi il tiriiaaaa, Jo --TW jipT i rMwri, )Mta.1C

I l il' mi

K3Cioirx.. 3U 2 n-ft-f

hx ! Wlh rln, U. u.

ij.KX t;iic.av arLlKaj.JtJa tMittif

c aki awvw Mr xm

Tatjaa;aJ . ia.(Wwx6oMa. ShataSaiK a il lr. at Inaai, Jk. Bw.

a Sarwnn T- - mitaa. aaXra Maorlatfttat. ?wjaifiaiOL ! oi a. M- - EaL HCW-Ja- a

lanK aaCSOiim- -

ajN iaa .. . mi. u.iJ ..3 i3fai

i1Uk. - MrMt.V


( asv us XiaVuafcx bacB, tvre

. I. A. TfthiUav gixmi. Hit t aj.iJ, jweliW, aa

Ttie12n'irfat at VTaixnca. Kauai.

anaawajtm! i arnaa at 7ar paper as alts

aaWrii lull fa i. asa.snraaki aWatlwac general- - At I as

Jree ttoe rfertsjafthe draught.toae ateaae af x lata bsare ibe

aT4fe martin J areata ttarci, Iaawaastarwj war vaeaaVle paperajalla.naistii'i- - ahc ibn tii:itatf YaMcea

Maw SAulwXuaL. ah it W: rain HziMTe'hsajc warv Sawatssa. On fte laseef X- -

aMaaawSssr re iaoawy aaj- - eawaVVR. as est&etaqpi ska eatia Sana. wwtt atVassea rtrer. calde

taay is( sat keif, say It case. wO.

aanrafva hBse T tfcv saer. Ttb is tieiaw a Mt sfeaaapw tjarakat wtsi aeTche can t--i sate

BaarSIw wheal rass waa paznbed iias'Stai

ywaryawr asdwh7raSaasrs irafcr Taacxaa Xoaan- -

SSaiesarEBnc lUatiasa asietai.'aiii iiaa.ii aatcatg :1C ttaSU jaahia

.fBUaHn af SarsasT. a wbch

raara." satese wu nt tut theTbe Ltars-gle- ft

mnuxtBlBm e 9a4acv, far Japas. 5Te xntle-r-

tgaKu9pe4:SXhe rt sJnnsfiing waratasackfttaX tatyiiajec in Cersxar, thainig, i '"Urn j lv cThtydsfcg ecstvssrrlo

.teecjtc-aracsl- . Tt'asa-r-a. wiaih lartsira Ibe

ff.ii 0laaFa.ja brhas 3soaTd-Salds-

I2ec,w mtnscc Tiia vpyxcei order to d- t-

it Thecals nowbeins:a. tisler arartaitmr la the

mini hi itTir: ike Seataa. THf lanerTtssdStasf ajifisaeslxi sneZipr lid w3 besecton

irvwacffwds uat veK ooc at aav cjf- c-

a, jtaeK acaicst ax V- -i & socila Xroa


OTES OF THi: Tee anneal public exercise of the Kawaia--

hao Setaiaarr will be held at tbe KawaiahaoCfcsrch, Iron 10 to 12 o'clock Wednesday Ibrccooa,.!

JawieA.The Mossing Star. Tbe missionary picket

Hordes Star, now io.thetsrborof Haoolcla, willsal! oc tier atoail craH. araonr tbe Mrcronestsrr

taa, ia coetouod of Capum J. Bray, on tbe Sth

fib preset awtk.C3 A meedes; of tbe Malic Social CIsb will be

w (Tharsaty) evening, it tbe hill of

HiikC atTSOo'efttfcsherp, n bsilnntrUui to tbcpropofad finer drk balI.vUI be

meat.J5T" Tbe firel t turner tor Sn FriiiclMo ulll be.

the OHr C New Ysrfc, onTordj- next, tbe lllhhtt. Tbe nHU; ol tbe 1llmlni;toa bat been d-c-

n cnil ToetitT, tbe IStb Utt., and In falsreVi aMarsate Hh tbe Anjlrxllio itcaciu-gboao- d'

J?e7ttMfei. j . o .c.v

SFrosi Xr. John MajiMW. e! VTihUwa,, Oabn,wfeo ishedern&em ca Satsrdarrlat,.vcJtam'tbtt htt eijbbortiood baa be Tltitcd b.r copioas

thver f rata receMlf, wbkb bate crcallvto tspplv food lor cattle, wbicb wt much

keoded Id tbat toeaiit-- .. j

?"0 tke at ilaj lt, we learn Ibat a Hcbt

in bcemrrri ealhe pnslt of Mr. Hntcbletun,o the ItUed ( HavaH, daraarfsc some ten or

ivAresara of a&rar case. Tbe rc otirioaled.Irotertpertt from bxrrr breabftn-tb- e Tldaltj onthe cK SeM. The daraaced cane wa taken totbe ariil thea ie epentios, and tbst nill be pre-reo-tcd

a.toul lota.

Cazwbt ix tue ACT. On looklnc ont of onroffice mlsdow jralerdaj morning .e cansbt lr.

Cku, tb&pbotAcrapbeT. aHy utlcc a pbotograpb

oftteK'bBk. bolMURot Blibop.t Co. Gl4le hajkfwaed lo aee blm, became It fanmbed.i fz!m


opjonaaltT to ttj that It 111 be a first clan pic-to- re,

ad H t barn Iboncht, no matter ibocurBUrd iu

Tat Feij.ce' Ows Coceet. Da not forccttbe coacert, br tbe member of tbe above Corps,

be riven oe Slurdj eTcolscnext, at Kanma-LaB- ill

Cbaret, tbe object of tbe concert belns toaid tbeicad for tbe errctloa of anew cbnrcbonJtbe tile ol tbe present tlructnre, on BcrctanuHrreC Ve bope to a crj general attendanceroaMof lbl5jprtleortby cffjrt. ' ,- -

Tbe Fe:em. Tbit uclul and ncll condnctedUMte tbeet, coer tbe care and raanarement of tbeKev S. C Damon, If span onr table for tbe moctU

Jane. It it as ctnal fall of interetllni; matterboth oncliMl and (.elected. Tbe correspondencefrom abroad!; an lateretln; feature of Ibis raoatb-lv-,

and altocrtber, it Is a publication fall of merit,tad otril to seccre a liberal pilronagc. (

V.- - jXS Oa Fridaj afternoon Utt, tbe men from the

war-ib- lp Lelpnc of His Mtjestj Emperor Williamof Geraaar, Ittejr In onr harbor, come aaborelo tbeBBBberof seteralbandred and repaired to auiklplates for drill, where tber n ent tbronb a tboronzhdrill be tbe oScers In charge. Tbe men are a finebodr of stalwart Germans, wbo are ell disciplinedand look as If tbej could in tbelr Emperor andeoaatry cood service. If called npon.

JS lrofesor Yal Tose will give s matinee attbe liars! IHttiHsn Theater allemoon,-th- e

8th lot., commencios: at balfpast S o'clock.This performance Is given lor tbe entertainment

theTOBo loTkiaod Tf)l be a pleasure indeed.We hope the parrots of tbe children ofHonolclnwOl avail ibemsdres of ibis opportrnltr to lettalr,ciltren whaess an Innocent bpt bijblv cnlertalalac perfermaece. Tickets id cts. to all partsof the boase.

;CcT"Fria tbelfiWrrClorHimrtna, Hawaii, oaradesees are that a plcaUlnl snpplj ot rain has fallenin thai tocalHj, the cane and olbcr crops arc flour-kfcia- c

spJeodidlv. All tbe people v. ant, tbe..-- say,

h railroad faciUUea, to transport their prodnce toeenTcaicat petals for shipment to ratrketl- - TbecoBsrractioa of railroads on these Islands nill domore la eahaore their prosperity tban anytbln;dtr, asd heace sbacld.clala tbn lamedate alien,Uoc of the LeritlaSure,

-- TheDad4es,Stal'Ctr8, Friend Society, willbWHs S6th anneal meetlcrat Captain Hobron'a,ea (Thersday) afternoon and everjluj,V heh the fmbWc are cordially invited. This isthe aMeM. benevolent society on the Islands w bosecharities are dispeasedio the destitute of all nation-alilic- a

aadAbosld receive tbe patronage of tbeChristina asd faamane of these Islands id a likeCatholic spirit. Donations in moncr, etc, tbank-fa- Ve

Tecrlred. '

HPWefcel bond to state. In connection, withthe setter pabiisbed In this issue, of tbe loss of tbeSchooner Oaroiioe !IHs. that tbe disaster Is not tobe auriheted to the landing at Uonokaa, so muchas to olbcr castes. The fault of tbe loss of tbe vet- -

td m this iasUace cannot be charred to Captain

Bf, hoasd aHbeconM tosaveber, but nub-o- at

avail, lor tbe reasons contained in tbe letterallaeed to, Capt. Bepo. Is one of tbe best coasticcmasters oe these Is'lisds, and has b'id a large expe-rsea- ee.

The Carolloe Mills is tbe first vessel underhkeh4rre,!rta tins ta iostiluriegalong careeras eoasoaaaer ot coasters In these waters.

JehTajk. The Queen's Fair, (andcrthe patron-age of Their Ms)ttessDd Mrs. Bisbopi was open-

ed at 5 o'clock, oa Ssinrday evening last. Thetmatetatet and raungKacnt were fsnltless, Tbesttesdaace sarrv, the elite of the city lending theirprtteact. The rJrcshment department, quite a

frtere ef tbe fair, Rbvrally patronized. Tbe musicfarnisbed by lac Hawaiian band was, as is always

the case, eiceHeat. Tbe parcha&itu? pabliclwe.-- e

joiitelr waited opoo by yonta ladies or beamy

indorsee. The receipts we understood, amocnt-iaclct- ke

es?Kafe to iipwards of t?l,a. Thisliberal patroiage by the citizens of Honololn, of slair facM is. this ontgwas, or chsnubleapnrposes, is

proceeds are id be apfsropriated, so we are ialorraed,to sapplyiv the wants of tbe seedy and dotilnte.

Yisrr ottee LebuiatiteCoiohttieto Kala-wao la "lb7 notice of tbe above Committee inthe JafcervCssrof SAlcrdtv last, amoc;; other lhlii;tspoken of, raeotion U made as follow s : "The

of the cbariuble people of Bonolnln,pensiittap of cietblEC, etc, contained in nine cases,were dislricated, tieh--r with tbe asm of $100 atS frosB iseJXawager.Qaern Fnma,'j-W- e are

by a it the'CoamlttceTwho calledapoa ns oa Satarday last, to say, thai tbe ninecaseso! ttettiag Ac, cocsistedfor the mosl part,ef bVsef potatoes, which, owicj; to some ralsman-sreeae- at

os the part of somebody, were not fitt

forwoomlbey werelnleoded; butwere lost or taisapproprialed. It this statement Isexarrect, tbetr.-EW- t be screw loose somewhere.Who i explain ?

Boaolcis Fire Department held theireeeties as the Sd lest., which res cited as follows :Chief Ssfiseer, Georpe Lccaa; First Ais'ifjct,John Not:; Second AssUiant, S. B. Dsle. Thestore Ksl cesiprises the names of three (rood men,wtfa are be stf respects well qualified to discharge

the daties ef their respective positions, asd wbotree experience and zeal, will infese sew life andspar, lelo the department. Mr. Lemon the ief

of the Fire Department, made an efficientasd cooi oSccr; bat faiticc; health made H necca-aa- ry

for asm xa retire lrorn active duty. Mr. L.rettre wHh ibe best wisbct d the members of tbeDepartment, by wbom be was respected as x

u ocer. - - c

EotaX. HawaUas Tesatee. The HonolclaAsatenr Drarnttle Atsocistiari, EcderXhe patrocaxeof HU Jlsiesty, the Klnjr, bas tendered to Mr.qtixles Dcrbr, the Waoarr,- - lire,well co5!I-zsesta- ry

benefit, to come off Jcne 10th. Tbe aboveeompttnent la a jest tribnte to Mr. Derby, who foryears baa bees Indefatigable in hit efforts to caterto tbe tastes and desires of the 'Hawaiian people,by dramarie asd othcrrepreaeiitaUona at Ibe estab-liav,ra-eat

he has manured with skill axdabllitT.J Jir. Derby iroct East for bis bcti: b; and .V tco'ie

coes, will bear lib him the kindest wubea of tbectiie: trjf Hocolnrff. who wtilTrracly wucome himDck.tohispositioo.asllacageroftte Theater. We

wj.,..i...w.i.M4wMvii..I tvcrly thes presentee to par a snbatialial cccpli--I X2CZI to a wormy gxaucauaa asa oa uuch.

FOREIGN NEWS.B.v the arrivil of the P. SL Steamship Wll-rainj-

at this port from San Francisco, onthe afternoon of the 3d Inst., we are enabledto furnish our readers vrith dates down to the21th alto., on the subject of the war muddlein Europe. Up to the latest dates there hasbeen no declaration of vrar on cither side, andthe outlook bears upon its face the signs ofpeace. England and Austria were in confer-

ence at the time the steamer left Sau Francisco,and hopes vrere entertained that peace insteadof war would bo the result of the conference.But we are not disposed to take this for gran-

ted as jet, in view of the fact of the hostileattitude of England and Russia. England isEtillpUrinij-hergum- far an ally in the strug-

gle, and if she succeeds in inducing otherPowers to join her, war will bo the result,unless Russia backs down from her presentposition, which we do not believe she will.The stake for which Russia is playing is too

important for her to yield more than she hasgained in her late contest with Turkey. Di-

plomacy can and may do a great deal, butwhen diplomacy leaves off war is inevitable.

The following dispatches will give the de-

tails as far as woliave them:EaxiMX, May 1 1. The first vessels, two in num-

ber, of tbe scl carrying Indian troops, arri'sd atMalta

Tbe majority in tbe TToa.e of Comment ijiinitLord flartlaglon's resolution that no force! be raiieJor iept by the Crown In time ef peace, tire withinIodii. without the unction of 1'arliament. wasnearly doable the fignr etneeird by tbe Opposition,wbo estimated ike Governratnl'i majority at sixty orserenty.

A Oermin newspaper states that Great Britain hasordered fromfBerlin immediately 200 electric lightsfor tbe British fieet.

KfjirdiEc Austrian occupation of Antivari andSpiixa, a Vienna correspondent says Russia waslong ago informed of Austria's determination in thisrespect.

Tbe Bnsso Turkish Commission failed to agrcaupon tbe line of demarcation, the. Russians claimingseveral points which the Turks rtfased to concede.

Tbe St. Tetersburg Jyrsce ijoaar says thit so firall seems to augur well for tbe assembling of a Con-

gressThe Standard say I : The Cabinet Council sat three

boors, and will resume its deliberaticni Wecan renew with Considerable confidence tbesutemeutthat tbe diQeultles ire in a iiir way of being

The prospects of peiee are certainly brighterthey have been forsome time past. Tbe

Ciar is retoluto in regard to the retrocession of Besaribia, but he has made considerable adrinees inregard to the limits of Bulgaria. There need be nosurprise if Russia, under pressure, consents to reducetbe indemnity f or eTen more.

Montenegro bis assured Count Andressy that sheintends to keep tbe peace, and that her attitude willbe stnctlr defensive.

The fire am-in- the buildings of the Sublime Forteproved to bo tbe work of an incendiary. One and ahalf million dollars deposited there were lost.

A special from St. Petersburg reports that threeArmy Corps have been ordered to Finland, where aconsiderable force is concentrating. The Govern-ment has ordered that in tbe event of war all cruisersshall be manned by regular seamen and marines.

A Vienna dispatch says : The hopeful dispositionin political circles increases, especially in St. Petersburg and Berlin. There bis been an active inter-change of ideas between Austria and Great Britain,which there is every reason to believe has by thistimeleTto a pretty perfect understanding betweenthem, so thatBsssia, by joining in an understandingwith England, will also agree with Austria.

A despatch from bin sterano tiyt tbe statementsrelative to the insurrection are gross exaggerations.No reports of an engagement hive, been received forsome time past.

A special from Rome says that Austria, fearing intbe event of war a possible attempt on the pirtfofIuly to seise Trent and surrounding terril try, hasdoubled tbe garrison, and quartered 45,000 troops InAustrian Tyrol.

A- - Vienna despatch reports lsrge quantities ufstores going to Trieste for transport to Dalmatianports. Iron-dad- s wMleive immediately in the samedirection.

Aftpeciakfrem'Vienoa'sayst A'plan is underhere and at' tbe Forte for joint Austro-Turki-

acceptation of Bosnia and lleriegoviniaAustria units the saaction of tbe Frrte and tbePowers before taking any step. One object of theoccupation would be to check the ambitious designsof Scrvia and Montenegro.

Xew Yoax. May H. The falling of the secondfloor of a building on Mercer street, this afternoon,killed ene man and fatally injured another, and hurtthree others,

PBiLissXraia, May 31. Six accredited agents ofthe Russian Government reached this city from NewTors late on Thursday night. Tbey visited Crimp'sstip'rard v and inspected tl e preparations onthe State uf Cjtcmia and CWml,. It is saidthey will visit Roach's ship-yar- d at Chester to.morrow.

Ellsworth. Me., May Ii Small parties of Rus-sian o&eers are leaving the Cialria with alltheir fcaggate, which tbey pass formally through the

i.ustom noose. A lew leave by every boat goingWest. One of the oCcers, jn conversation, eonfirmsthe report that tbe Russian force is composed of threeships crews, each folly oScered. lie tays there IsrA Sara in now saying that tbey hive come to Amer-ica to man three fast vessels to be purchased andconverted into Russian cruisers. He thinks thit twobare already been purchased and are now in Phila-delphia. Such eCeers as have left the Ci'mlrta havegone to these vessels. When asked if aoy sailorshad been seat en. he answered that the sailors wouldbe taken directly in tbe Cnf-iV- i to the port of trans-fer. The oScer conversed with is of the rank ofBientenant, highly educated and apparently candidinnis siaiements. I

.MADIS8S. Wis., .May SI. Later details thow anappalling destruction of life and property from the i

.ornado. Twenty-fiv- e to thirty barns and fourbouses were brown down, soaebf them utterly

and the debris carried before the mightyavalanche of wind, tome of it fiUioc twelre and fif-teen miles away and one thctter of a bohie filling inLate Mendata, near The city or Madlton. Somatwelre or fourteen rertont are known to be killedaed a large number seriously injured. Graphicdescriptions are gives of tbe terrible effect of the tor-nado. Teamt and wagont are reported to bave beentil to from roait and carried In the airland dashedtotbe 'ground'. At 'Dr. GeorgeFox's houte, nearOregon, two valuable horses in a pasture were takenai hundred 'feet abate air, carried fifty rods, anddashed to the earth, kiilinr them iattantly. Thestorm came from tbe cUreetion of Mieenl Point,where it wrought tueh terrible damage, raited fromtbe ground sertaoreigbtjniletteuthwest of Madison,"aid again striking the earth near Fort Atkinson,cortheattif Madison. 2Cear Primrose and Paoli, thestorm teemed from balf a mile to anjfleia width,

nd'twept everything before it, mowing down trees,fences, barns, bouses and shrubbery as if with aseythe

Mr. William Ceates, aa eye witness of the MineralFiut disaster, gives a list of the kilted, as follows :'John Coleman, Mrs. Leonard, Mist Zimmerman andtwo children, two children of Mr. Beardsley.Mr. andil rs. Befcea, Win. Oaley and Mr. Cramer.

Mr. Ceates gives a graphic description of tbe scenewhich wat thrilling and distressing to tbe last e.

'lie stales that Mrs. "Waller wis carried by apowerful horrieaae four hundred feet into the air, andthea dashed to the ground a lifelett eorpte, with herlimbs broken, tboes torn from her feel; and herperson terribly bruised.

ArDtrxcE at Iolam Palace. On TVednesdtyltst,SSth olMsy, His Majesty the Kin; formallyreceived Mr. Glide tbeQermas Cocinl, and Cap-

tain "Pascben and ofScers of His Imperial tiermanMsjestv't Corvette llpii, which is en ronte forJapan. Oa belE presented to His Majesty, Cap-lai- n

Patches addressed Him at follows :Elkx. Tbe gracious reception which all Tessels

of His Majesty, mr sublime Monarch, bare metwith from Tonr Majesty, cad Dade it a double de-ti- re

to me to visit the hospitable shores of the Ha-waiian Kingdom on my passape to Japan ; and Ibe Tour Mijrsty'a gracious leave to express myhigh satisfaction to have seen a part ot these masnirJceut Islands, the Paradise of the Pacific Ocean.The vessels which have bees so fortunate as to vUittheseilslsnds. cannot prtlse enough the wealth andlncreasirf prosperity of the Kingdom seder TourMajesty's benecdent reign ; and I bejr Tonr Ma-

jesty to accept the expression of my own teeltngsin this direction, teeing wealth and prospeiiiy

--spread throEctost. and my cocotrvmen llTlusr Inthe happiest condition Toschaafed to them coderTonr Majesty's wise and Impartial Government.Eire, I reqeevt tbe honor to present to Tonr Ma-

jesty the officers of Bis Majesty's Ship Leipzig, atpresent ender my command.

The oSeers of the Lelprig were thes pretested.Hit Majesty then replied at folio wt :

Cattaix Pascben : I am happy on tblt occasion,to offer to yourself asd officers of His ImperialGerman Msjesty'a Ship Leirxiir. a hospitable wel-

come; and to express jay gratification at mikingrnescqcaiioiree of to many brave and accomplish-ed officers of yocr Emoerort Kavy.

The German yetldeuta In my Kingdom, bare always been and helpisl otthit Nation'sInterest. I can const them as friends.

I wish" yon, CtpUlo, a picatant Tort-- e to Jtpan.Cabinet "Mlslsters.Vhdtres of the Sspreme Court,

taiaay XoUa aixcadcd the auileccc.

Loss of the Scliooncr ' CurollneMills."

PAirnar;, IIoxokaa, Hawaii,May tSth. 1S7S.

To lis filter oie Jsavaisaa 6"ares.- -

Dear Sir: lam acrrytohave to Inform yon of

tho loss of Reed A Sisson's new tcbooner the Car-oli-

Mills," a short distance to windward ofthaold landing at Uonokaa. Captain Hopu stood inyesterday forenoon, to tee if he could land, anylight freight, and tried to tack when he was well off

shore. Captain Hopu was steering and a negro

tending the main-shee- t, and two boys the tackle,

hauling the boon to windward, tbe mate and a boyand a green-han- d forward. The schooner got mostaround, and some way tho two boys let go thotickle, and the boom flaw back and knocked thonegro over, and tbe schooner missed stays. Tbeyfilled awiy and tried to tack the second lime, andmlsed ttays'again. Captain Hopu called to haultbe jib dow, but it stock. He then eilled again,nevermind the jib, but to haul the tnain-sa- downand wear around, tho negro ran and lowered thoIniin-sa- Q but unfortunately lb mate biulod the jbdawn at the same time, leaving only the fore-sa- il set.The Captain then let go the anchor to bring tbe bowaroand and make tail and stand ofl" shore. Tbechain held a few minutes then let gothe teeend anchor with a large hawser fastened to itin addition to the chain. The chain parted at toonat the anchor struck bottom, and the vessel driftedright on to tho bank, and in a tbort time knockedher bottom out and ttove tho tides In. Tbe crewjumped on to tbe rocks, and Captain Hopu swamashore.

She went ashore at a plaee where It wat bard workto cet aboard, and no chance to get things ashoreand up the pall. The Captain, mitt and negro werethe only sesroen aboard ; two of the boys hid sailedin tbe tcbooner Fanny for a short time, and one enher with tbe mate when the went ashore at Punaluu.The ether tain and one of the boyt were makingtheir first trip. Two of the boys are about IS or 16years old.

Tbo vessel did not have a fit orew to handle herto work along the windward coast of Hawaii, as theCaptain and mate had to do most of the work, astbo green-han- could not be trusted to tteertbevessel, and tbe negro does not understand Bnglisbvery well, and Captain Hopu and tbe mile c.iuldnot tpeik moeh KngUh either. Captain Hopu say tthe chaint were too light. The tchooner had agood deal of freight on board for difiertct parties atUonokaa, which wat all lost, Yourt truly.



Boston Board of Uiulcrvrritcrs.GF.XTS for tlio Hawaiian lslauili,A CSJ-l- y C. BKEWKK4C0.

I'liiladelphla Board of Underwriters.GRXTS far tho Hawaiian Islands,A" a liRKWKR .b CO.

Notice,CSStr ,s "EllEUYOIVEXTO ALT. 1'ei-ioi- nTV having Cattle ronnloc; at force on my place at

ViiyiaTI Komalpo, Walaoae, mat thev must remove thesame and luy all cbarces for paslune on or before tbelath Instant, or else ibe ttaltl cattle and horses w 1U be dis-posed of according to law.t tl CATDKIUXK VTAURES

To Let,HAKEItY. IITING THE PREMISES OXHotel street, lately occupied by Mr. Horn.

Nnuinu V&Uey Itoad Two Cottares, t and 3 rooms,choice atiuatlon. Apply to

E.T. O'UALLOltAX.m U Jl Fort Street,

Pound Notice- -

jx : TUCnC AVIXT. BK SOLD AT THEGovernment round, at Koho&lo. Honololu, at

odoc: nooa..oa Sadty.June Sta. tbe foIlowtac described animals;

I sorrel ftUlliom not branded ; 1 bay horse, not brandeU 1 bay norse. Indescribable brand ; 1 sjrrrf horse, notbranded, There are four other burses Impounded.

CJ9 It A. B. KAAVKUD, Poundmaater.



Consignments receired and shlftmeats made, and thefullest lo formation given of produce and

699 manufacturing markets. ly



UXDEIt.Md.VKD HAVING 'W allTHEApparatus and Conveniences

for Traveling,Is prepared to Visit any part of tbe Islands, and do

either Portraits or Views loorder atshort notice,

t'irstclasH IVorsc only ""'ill be done.Terms Cash, or draft on Honololn, where the negatives

are made. AddressII. la. CHASE, Honolulu.

June 1th, ISTS. CM


IIKOTO .OTIIT IIIS 1'ltICXDSand the public generally, tnal he has I

yn me above business In i

Honolulu, to ur. C. E. IVUhims's flre-- ibuilding, Fort iimh

All Kinds of Jewelry ManufacturedAnd RepaireHl to Order.

Honolulu, March Sth, 1ST 5. C93 Sza

Administrator's Notice.L'MICKMCiMlIt IIAVIM! been dnly

appointed admlolstrator of tbe eaute of W. T.Cooper, late of Zlahawao, deceased : Notice Is herebyriven to all persons who are Indebted to said mate tomale immediate payment; and anr persons wbo marbave any property In their possession belonging to saidestate are requested to deliver the same to the under- -

aiiar. a. sate Ti il is kivlitit Ataalaaaaaa ari.liie - a ti4 a law

are notified to present the same, with proper vouchers,within three months from date, ortuy wot nefurvvvrnarree. J. u. uavesqst, Aamiotstraior

of the estate of W. T. Coop er. deceased.Mahiwio, June Itt. Irt!. M tt




CAPITAL. ,000,000Accumulated and Invested Fund. 3,S3S,I1S

rip HE TJSDERBIGMID HAVE I1EKX AP- -JL rOINTED AGENT; for the Sandwich Islands, and are

aottonxed to iosore igalnit Fire opoo favorable tenet.Klais taken lo any part of tbelalandsoa Wooden Bondings

and mercblndise stored tberelo. Dwelling Houses ind Furn-iture, Taxaler. Coals. Sfcl r. in harbor with r without cargoesor under repair. eW lyj HD. CO

Notice to Sugar Planters!The New American Sewing Machine

Is provided with an Orerseamlag Attachment


Call and examine. o. . F. WELLS 4 Ctx.or ly Xo. tf Tort SitreeL,

MISS VICT0EIA CK00KEETO IAFOBJC HER PATBOXS AXDBEGS public In general tnat she wia carry on tbe


TTnir TCorltAt 2."o- - M Fort Street, opposite Dtctsoa's rhotcgrsphleGallery, for a few weeks longer, prior to her departurefor bu Francisco In June next-- tar 1m

To Let.THE DRY AXD COMMODlors Cellarundtr the store of


Notice.aThrRrxG 5TT ABSEXK inojt the KingM.I dom Mr. W. 11. Reed wui attend to an twy bustneaa.

Oi nj V. S. LVU AN.

Onions and Potatoes,TjlOE SALE BY

sollxs a caPratt's and Bevoe's Kerosene Oil.YJ1UK SALE BY


Stockholm Tar.' barrels.

OH For sale by BOLUS 4 CO.

Wilmington Pitch.a A XSAALKrAJI.

est For sale by BOtXESACO.

SUGAE MACHINEEY.CNDERSIGXEI) nL0L COSTEICE,TnC to act as the Agents of Meaara. Mlrtres,

Tait A Watson. ofGtascoa, for the aa! ot IbeirSsgarMachinery of aU descriptlona, except Wesua'a FataatCeouifsgiZ Macsiso.


Dairy Salt.BOSTOV. IX 10 H. BAGS.FROM Foraalety BOlESahCO.

Oregon Pilot Bread.TTCST BECKIVEO per -- MaUle SfaclJ CM For sal by B01 LTfl t



GEO. F. WELLS & Co.,No. 6G Fort Stroot,

Importers & General AgentsFOR TItK CKLEBUATKD

Weber Piano,Decker Bros' Piano,

Esty & Mason & Hamblin OrgansAND SSVKRAL OP TUB

Best German and French Pianos!We would respectfully call your attention to our Sew

Stock ot




TAMB0UR2XES, .Vc, ifc,

Jual received by Steamer. M-- Call and see the tnlendU

Mannsfeldt & Notni Piano !

Just Received, if you wish any thing, la theMuslaltnowe can furnish It for you

s Cticnrirr than you enn tret tho nameeNenticre! -- a

N. B We keep nothing but drstclas goods, andguarantee satisfaction. If ytu want a cheap,

Piano, yon will not hud It at onr Music Store.



Tho Greatest Invention of tlio Age

A child can run HI

A XA tad person can thread tt t

A poor man can afford It 1

A good housekeeper wants It I

A dressmaker will baotttA tailor can sw ear by tt 1

If you wish to know more about it, call at tho MUSIC

STOUi:. or enquire of thoe who are using them.



its- - ob skips a sTrrcn i

This Is the only machine with

beirTlirenillng Mitiltlc 1

heir ltejjulnlinu: Tension t

And Sell Sctllng Xeetllo 1

Is the Lightest Running, and Is In every respect

C3-- THE-6- U

Best Family Sewing Machine !

P3RIOE9:From $18 to SI OO!

Send for Catalogue aud l'rice List-- Orders b7 mallpromptly attended to.

"Ve arc also A scuta Tor the

Miles' Double Lock Money Drawer !

Ami the TTorlil-Renount-

Fairbanks' Scales.GEO. F. WELLS & Co.,

68 TOUT STKEET.Honolulu. May II. ISTS. W 'y

Sale of Valuable Sugar andPasture Land.

I LtTIin.SESEAEIlAIaVAXUAlIIXTrnrtn. of land situated at Kohala. Hawaii, conipiislnf th

Abnpoaas of Kutnlpohu, HahuVona. Tnepa, HonolpaPukomoa, and several other tracts, containing abont

6,000 ACRES,Belonging to the estate of a. O. Padshen, will be offeredfor sale by public auction.

About the Eirst Week in July next,At the Government Building In Honolulu.

Said lands win be divided Iota soluble tracts to suitpurchasers having regard to the lands available for thecultivation of sugar, and those adapted to pasture.

There are some So9 acrea well adapted la the cultlva.lion of sogar cane, with a convenient harbor. Kohalalands are noted for the productiveness In sugar. A yieldof tons to the acre is no nneomnxoa thing

Sail sale will be made under the order and direction ofthe bopreme Coort, under a decree of foreclosure.

W. C JONEs and R.P. BICKKKTOX,Assignees af U. G. Padezen, bankrupt,

Honolulu. Mays. 1ST. t


Capital 1:00,00a. divided Into tr Shares or 1 2,000 each;one half paid np.

T A MEETING or the STOCKnOLTtERSSL In tbe above named Company, beld at Honolulu

this day. tbe undermentioned were elected as the firstOScers cf the Company :

F. A. Pcbaefer rresldent.Retnrich Rerjfi SecreUry.JcHus Holing ,., - ...Tteascrer,E.T. O'nolkran.. Andlnir.

IIEIXRICH ErSJES. ?ecDated tnla 10th daycf May, ISts. tst tt

Notice. .

rrnr-i- c are hereby notifiedTut. tvini: Sing A Cc, have this day ooU all tnelrright title and Interest In toe outness rice cuiuvauonaiPalama. Uenotula, to Won Slag (Vs.. who will carry onthe said business, under the name and style ef Woo Linga Co. WOSO MOKCHKE,

cheanotocb:.auyosq chow.nonoln1n,May IS. ttTs.

Notice.THE C.VnEBMfiXED MEMBERS OPWE th flrm of Woa sing & Co.. Hereby notify tbe

poDUe, that vroug Muckbte la only aathortsed to thetro nam of Woo blag Oo. WOXO LEOVO.


Honololn, May I1.1MT. tStm

J. M. DAICLE,1 T TOE CORXr.K OF FOKT ASTB KIXOA anreera. U onsarad to do all klaus cf wore In feta

hue at anort noCce and at raasonabla chsrgtt. such as

Grinding CutUry, Rtpairiiig Musical Instru-ments, Clocks, ttc, itc

He Is also prepared to furnish aBeUetom IVarta. Cold, or Sulphur Ballsesi at hit eriMltriTnent at all boors. lm

Just Received,BARIC II. W. ALMa.'PER Golden Gat Extra Flour,Golden Gale Bahtrs Eatra Flour,Eldorado Hour,cara Meal. On Meal, Gritam Flour.Crackers. Saloon, root and Mediant Bread,Eastern Hams,Easurm Lard, tn I and IB th tlca,Cases ot Cores.Cases Eastern Codzah,

And a faainvotc of Ships' Stares which wMb soldebeap BOLLES Co.

April a. Utt.

Nicely Furnished Boomseft TO X.ET IX A CKXTBAI. PART OP THE

-K otty. Apply as, th wanrooma ofJ CM C E WILLTAMS. Fort street

Notice.XOT BE KESPOSSIBI.EXaRAXTIWIla.contracted la my nam- - without my wrtwan

ordar from this data.C. ME1.NE1KE.

Walciai3,Hawan,Mys,lra. -- -


IRbM PIPES.' - Ex Hertfordshire, are ow offered

Lower than everheforein this sur.irr iii.

siiEirr zixe rr.urouAi.ED xixe,snuiir 1.1: in, Piri,

c 1 t KI0.5 Eci, Xa

PENCE WIRE!A few tone to arrive per Poveuby from Uvrpl.



We take pleasure la announcing to out friends and thepublic generally that wo bave

Received per "Mystic Bell,"Doe her from IS'ew York about May 1st,

.V Larue Aasorluicut f -

PLOWS,.. Horse Hoes,

Cultivators,Plantera'rLaloea') Hoes, ftbovela.

Spades, Do's, bcythea. Forts, Axes,llau-he- tlcK Mattocks, Crab Itoes,

Broad Axes, WhUHe-Tte-

Ox Bows, Ox Yokes,Canal Harrows, lick Axes,

Solid bhank (loote-nec- k Hoes,Rakes, etc., etc., etc., etc.

All of which will be oeTcrett nt"NIMBLE SIX PENCE " PRICES 1

NOTT & CO.,Copper Smith. Tin. Sheet Iron

niiit! llorkcra,H Jra SO. B KAAHUMASU KTUEKT.


OT tho Tine British



FOR SALE!By tbe undersigned, consisting of


ENGLISH DRY GOODS!Prtnta, Denims, Shirtings,

Umbrellas, bilk and Cotton,

, Baddlev Quilts, Ladles'. Bats, e.; .. j tu - u Ti- Moteakln. Taweta. Tjinr plAthi.--t;vcioiuing, aniria,

, ScarveVelc etc .

East India Rice, Iron Bedsteads,White Lead.'ZInc, Boiled Oil,

French Calfskins, Leather netting,

OILMEN'S STORES!,Corni?atel Iron, Bat Iron,

Fender Wire, Hollo war,HanlKAre, 01van UeJ wire, etc.




Ittapiolani Park !

"n''i - lTia. "ftc-p-i-- .B.

PRDGRAMInE-JO- NE llth, 1878.

Musie - . . Hawaiian BandOpeolngAddress By rresldent ofAssociationMusic...... Kamehameha Hymn Band


Ttottlng Race to narneu. Free to all tiorses. MIIoheats, best 3 In 3. Entrance ti.

KING'S PURSI-820- 0.Open to all horsev Two mbe dash. To carry 111 the.

Entrance (JO. Second bora uvea stakes. "Winners ofprevious races to carry it lbs. extra weight.

FOOT RACE 813.OptntoalL Sbtarvc SM yards.

THOTTIXa RACE,-$10- 0.

Toraniiorseibredln th Kingdom. Mil beats, besttwo lu three. Entrance f 10. Wennr A Irs., Jewellers,win present the winner with a Silver Cup, rained at I Si,In adJIUon to tne Purse -

MECHANICS' PERSE 8300.Open to all horses ; mile beats, best tins. Second

horse save stakes. Catch weights. Entrance po.ASSOCIATION l't'ILSr JI0O.

Open to all bones under tbreayears of aga. 'MQadash.aecona Lorse saves staaea. juiirance in.

TOUT HURDLE RACE-8I- 3.Open to all pedestrians. Soo yards. Fonr hurdles, tab

four reet high. Two tu enter.


Open to air borsest mite dash : catch welghta. En-trance 1 10. becond horse save t lakes.

MILE RACE 810.Mae dash ; Catch weight. Entrance It.

BOYS' PrJBSE-81- 3.Free to an ponies under tVi hands high.

PUBLIC PERSE 830.HackTace ; gwee)takea. Oottmltessih, Opn to all

borsr that have not roa In previoua race of th day, orthat bave ncrwonn prlt la any public race.' Foal art- -trance IS.

1ICRULE RACE. 8SO.Two mBedaaht CakJi weight. En trance la.

V- All ridera to appear la Jocley coatum. -

TheRuleaoftheBay IKitrlct Trotting Park. San TTan.c'jco, wul govern th Judges tn their dodatoni la cases ofCls putt.

Entrance th n made tolnl anylnformallon maylxv.,1 rnnHt Waller, ilirk ot lha Oowe.

Tna. &otaacrptk.a list Is open at th Ode of lha ataccaiiaov.

Floaao Osmmltte F. S-- Pratt, Henry Macfarlaoe,John.IL Waller, H. J. Aguew, Allan Herbert

JAMES MAEKE frtaidenl.

j Just Received, by City of New York,

Street from tbe Hannlaeturera,A SMALL IJTVOICK OF

Ladies', Misses' and Childrea's

boots7g1itTrs, TIES,SLH'Pr.RS, Jtc.

Ira Richardson.Honolulu, March VS, Wit. l


XIat "3Vrvar-tla.aa- . DTi.''SUPERIOR INSTRUMENTS!

fwces BAanra

From $125 to $2251- r , J?OR 8AEE BT



ta1J6t1T5n SAL-E-S:

Hy K. r. AIaaM.



At 10 A. M., nt Halearooru,

Dry Goods, , q tr tClothing, j f, f

Fancy Goods,ASD A LINK OF


' WhlttalerlSliT lfanis. Brnhfait nacoa,- Ilbfainion, tlbXobiters.

CVrn eltareh. CUndeaaed Milk, Preah Lard,tlasM Mlooa Bread, Medium Btrfus, tod Craclen,lUfornU craMae, ' 'lVuK-- AprKwt and siriwbstry Jams,AaortedJelie, HatiWiV Ivara,! and ntaw, llt'a lt, CMtned lteef.Head I bee, reacriM, rturoa, Aptlcoia,Assorted TatvVe Cub eiugar, lb botes.I and SIS Mc.Murra.ii Ojilera,Yarnwuth Irreen aellaah. Apnla8uc(ran X rowdtt. Caadivi.rtpMr, v 1.Mustard, lUas Sals, X tlm sardrnea.MUtd IVtlea. Chow ho J, Uoldea Date Flour,Sugar. Pras, Ktroaeue Oil,

. Jalacobdrara Japaa Tea, lb botes, vwy ohalca:CardMitchM, cuttle and Urown tvap, ,rertylMTU'lMnKklar, latv. Etc., Kiev'

C IV AU..M,JABel'r.







Surviving mtrabec of lbs- - Armor A font A Achnck, act.log under authority of tb Suprsme Court ot the

Hawaiian Islands, 1 shall kU atFutile Auction,

ON SATUEDAY, - - JUNEja9th,at 15 o'clock: noon, at my Sales Roosn,

ALL THAT PROPERTY!Uute4 ca the-- IUb0.oC II&vaU, ud

luiown u the


Lands, i"JBuildings.Machinery,Cattle,Carts, ..3S v. W IBUl

and property belongtug to, the same, as per Inventory,

which can b seen, at my oBca. ,

' ' E. P. ADAMS. Anct'r.


By Order of Cecil Brown, Esri.

On SATUEDAY, - - JUNE 22nd,at 12 o'clock, noun, at saiea room, will ha aold

That Certain Piece of Land:!, . a

OX aiEltClUXT STREET,(adjoining the property of Major Mihnki) and belongingto Xelupalna, and containing an area of 11100 of an acre,with lha ;

Buildings and Improvements thereonTitle, Koyal Patent Sill Dell at expeua of

purchaser.' E. P. ADAMS. Xuetlontor.

.. . . ms 3 "w .'CALIFORNIA


Coinpanj'.SAJf FIt.Vft"CISCO,


Ai-.--r. 333ElS03Ew THTIOKTS


Or other nana of the Islaads,


Orders Filled at Lowest RatesjBysppllcatloo loMr. EF ADAMS. Queeastrett, whohas r Oescrlptlv Catalogua wlUaFnc. IV -

oust l: jSl tv iAt Store of Li W. yopp, Kiast.,Black Walntit Bedroom Sets,

Black MTalnnt Sideboards, J"

ltlack WttlnufDinine'Cnalri' " ""

OaK Cane Seat Dining ChainCedar Bedroom Sett,

- inno llareant.jite., etc.


Wje hAye aECf ip aw a


Asd are ttreptartMl to carry sit Ul BraBalhs oar BaslBecalct amintfMHf

ravclarx to otarVatruBav.

owners oFimE STOCKWOl &o well to fjlTe TU a Call.

Horses sent to our King St. Shop

WEST & CHAYTER.Itooorala.AprOg.lBa.

IXerMliar'l lftrw -a IX PEwTOJrtMEBTtwawWAT,A of WUnan H-- Wrtgnt, tat at Koloa, laiaadof

KaoaLCMtd.ttatau, ar rujaealed to matataiia.dial, payment to th oedtrHjaod.

Att eredHors ar reaeaI to preaant thefr elalmacaloat aakl Ettat. with proper Tunchtra. tathrwadsralrnid or la ha atiorner. Alfreds, lltitwtll. la Heaotaht,

JOHRX. vnu8HT,JaiacaMr.rfihWWefWfa.K.ls4atijJ.XnWasI,ltay lW. Sff

Page 4: TMflAWAllAi HAWAIIAN GAZETTE.aba aaW aay.a W knmi i.u--: aajaT aaak, ak ha fcutft Vara:, J tsae AeaMu & i. klk; i' a, aailttW e--a. aasaac kW fckiaiT fc MaaaaaVaaJkaaaaHBaai aar aMavaa















By almost every arrival !


WIRE. WIRE. WIRE.3 dmafei sd (M FtwcSg TYire, os. 4, 5 and 6,

wvl Gaffes. AtHvafn'lSraiTafekfcO'Mlt, $k?m, VXis"W Ini, 'WW law, 1MM w X4 8,

afe'Bsislual Bsna, White sail

tOfiCar Joct: Aoiaitt Ktci.i,.l.,..,HSiwt&Mfchi&wfc AHk, DMih.'i SW S

x $ritow, ttexvx 1 t Sfco, KKtt JviSU,

FX.OYTS. MiOTTS.."Pt thtre r score of thos Cdebr&tsd r!3rin5xip l?lovst

3rs as jhx

IIFSQYED STEEL PARIS - tk rrswsiriss ,"y,.c

W-?!-. jaB5?X'4Xy'W

MJ. im)? MkM A UuMXm XX ? MX V

Tr"w xtct naa. ris k. , a i4k4 m mH xvt uuJavMOL1NE PLOWS,

JMES & GO'S LIGHT ONE-HOR- SE STEEL PLOWSISSCf PLOWS, irosx $6 to $32,50 eaclu

S ct,iMii lu. i. 3ligj 8m, "WirJ i &mH Hwrtw,llA&,fHeil3R8MeaiatMart; Mai,Xta4 Uw 0lUr4

ciMsikCtSUtXaVXkMtlia X4 Hftt tkUa,Saw. Sk (Mm, tMH( 4 Sk Ti.hS,

IHiifrro , XJk 4 Acmt ; S $KX.n GifJ Hc,

S&rrtfe, 5iri,r!., XT1. lta 1 Sl Mm,CASng E3JIVE5, BICE SICKLES,



iVw-fU- alkTv, Siirw-fJil- ti fUtTK. vk s TU Kutt), IVtll, Sfs, S,


A $$&$& Addition io onr Present Large Stock of Goods

Mcttos)ttiitci9Xnktacatt cf Nit aVM,aiJBoTight at Hard Pan" Prices ibr "Spot Cash."

l?SHl)eiold slor as the lowest atthe " Concrete Block," by



Ire at

Oi&ZKT-a- .


isswtsd Colore, MireS rsadj Usbj

Oil, Rexx4 Xb Kostoa.- VMx..WcV, w TVJM Wrt,

savs "'wakx ? $x

A0 - CX5 It w X. , a


Jk.Riax-a- -

Family Seeing Machini




VCM e--a teu-.--

Jlf rv.. r-.- .J tAxxJtircJkyHj;sci,

Opposite Ms Old StU3u1

I !EXTOatt3f rwwXawaeait f0ssigaSxM&caui5efCiks

I iTB,!a5rI tsrmaiTolcYk&kDiT,Uroa4K.

T. Street,B4w n 4 5CWoa Scti.


GASTLE & COOKE!iKHitf IVke, Galvanized and Annealed, Tos. 5 and 6.

Cast Steel, J, s, and Inch, Octagon and Square,Soop Iron, , , 3, and IJ Inch.

jM!glislDL Belting, S ancl 4 in.9oc Ifire Stages, ear and Jsck$x Klos,

Saacajxaas, Tea Ietdes, Galvanised Tulxs, Galvauixed buckets,Bnhacik B. L. 03, TThite Iad, Bed Lead,

TThite 32inc, Sardines, 1 asd 1 5 CurHe, iTustard,j l '" 5reasa "Tartar, Csrb. Soda, Jamaica Ginger.



"ZMTnrtUa- - Irrv-i$-5 fronx Bosstoix.JLEW OF TEE CFLEBS1.TED



Dne IBair of TTestotfs Patent Hanns: Centrifiiffals, complete,'wrxs is rxxaix a& sixes;

Blake's Steam Pxnnps5 ITos. 1,23S343 5 6.- j.x to




FASTIS & C00S2to Burnish the Snger

isi: t y iT Jv.ia rtoa vib, ? tmtv.

SlngwTaller Hanufacturln Machine, for $5533?Nttirxte35iRi7r4kSTs;&saXJiCEisS, iis- - o Mswsroas s xk c

!HMCTCTMtir14.:FmiI'uW- - Jua,tB.



13elabrated PeiiDe iand

031333 & COOKE.C'J

QlaStq zch Taxes jDok fcSre.8S2ia

Xht? Lights3SW&ERy-2E2gSKH-

ffpsl SOilXStOi.









HOR, Hbtel




rxiRusntax as sotrw byT. CRAWFORD MACBOVTSLL.

The tttK f China.

td j, W tf Krfii ipNiU- -

ear !o.

t x Wm. It fc my tfx

tMA Hg ipMrtM srxiH WW".


1 sxkfwoo.m.i xVky!V?- - ! .JTrv.r:. .L1-- . of C 4Xoai Mw. Xr liZ, rSJTkrrTkruto j u.. i xk J iTdjlrvSSrJSI

xwxT,xVoiskx tawojjof:?to"u? '?J?,wrf jwc f Xk CW!r3ftX MttKO ; XkiX Xt4TOtMX Xk k9C"SX .ma) f oTkoX tW.XX TkjwnwVcuf w7 m t. Tut ; Xk xw layfJxXtjow x cWx$. xn45r Bv5 xxr.yxt Xo xiow, Tk faxk4) of tkxt; ii xo hrtX Xk Ckm$o oikXHMi oftk kkk yotoi mrt jmx$$M k XkxrVx 4ixi. Tk (' of ("H4

otMwItt IS. Kxx x U2. W vhJ,t kati f? vano ioj ww4 X

UMm. A S. lr kwo oxIt ro:t4 bvtk Ckte?o UTorwx Xk ji ptXxkwxy,xacXofTXkiaaWUXk!rJWB M. . ,. . ,kst4o tune of tke Mijjtoa, I'kere ar tkottres tk e&kaW, a4 tkor s kJs4 tkchss tkat is f4X fr oxaawasxioa aal iajirst-- x

ia CkiWo sximR. For tkis pr?o tkepapri r diti4o4 iao tUrs ol akoat lwatr.oa coatiac as asotWr coes, ock styij: at tkMisjott lla$ two wifk ax tfw, A sKjMtx oatr of Xk wbote oaukor are txrsnaaeallr)ocat4 la Hartfor4. Most of tk are ia otkrrftseos, tka$k box far away, secrMj" twu to.Ktkr, axt3is school or receiving rjixrateia.sxra) ia UuMies.

TkT caax in jearir coaxiaies of tkirty. besria.iac witk ISVi J tk Un duekwBi is sullckieSf g4 ia Jearaia? oar Uasajre.

Tke pka is ta a9r4 tkesti bojs tk ajraata-j-jof oar best c4atoal ia$txat?oos r4esr. coVres, aad, to som extoat, professioaa)

sckoels to assica xkew aa4 tkej skBaevvkfi apxitaj, to rations spesiai eoarsos ofna.3r a4 traiua; in xk pkjU raeckaatctlaa4 imJiuit scccs. ta phcat kistarr aa4rcoJioexT. iateraatioaal Jaw. tke rciaapJes aa4Xr:t(c ol dril .oiiBistraXiM. an4 xa aH

aa4 branek of kao14g $kW xawkick is nsrfat far pakKe sevnaeBf serrtee iatkes rooJjra tiaies. Ax4 xkraifh tke wkoleprorossof tkis 4ji?wi, it istoi impress4ape xkoja tkax xkay b)oBcaa4 arc xo beioni; xoXkeir oatioB, far wbo sake tky are let4 xooajoy xkesa jroax a4 peafir opporxaaixi?.Tk resah il) r,if ail js wJt a4 xk ptaais rri4 oax aa4 tkerois appareailj coxltinj;xw to prtreax ix Xkax ia Xkejoar 1SST or xker.aboats Xkore wi)l pj front Xks caaatrr ta Cbiaaa bo3r of sawewkore Bear aa kan4r4 wkoW j?wwa op aa4r owee&Bctj fttrble oonAhk-ji- s Itobi ry Toaxk xo wh.w3 kra axaorarxs, stMi4 to kw plares of ixaportaac xa tkSrraraaX aa4 is xke omXj Xkei? xiatirIm4. bettor )$pp4 ia alt jt oxpenew ta3o for tkat 3 wkat xaest rte4s ta be 60,a4 xspiro4 for tkir worS: wk a xaore oa&kt.o4 sobs of patrtaxie xj-- a4 rposIrk5XTxkaa aay oxkor kasdrod f kr sbs of xkeir jea-orat- ia.

A4 w ea Joresaste or osxioiatexktoaso.jwsws Xkax Itivte rrTi4ji is tiasjcejumJ

Sork a kwfoaXRa isxk C3aBJa.tid Mbsioa Xe Xk Vto4 Statos. Tke k3a4 frooX cf Xk wkoi BBjTeVa atrrT,eaipaaWsrVakte. is Creaaswr Ycn AVxor,VTkit exkrs,wks no-ri- a es itwtepea.sab), ktr. as wflj preseatlr aprar, oaxrskax4to it, a4 stiH a4 ba: of xx, a4 Jastty skarstktr4xcif ixilkkia; xokist store xkaaxoaar oxker oa xaaa besM, probabhf jaw xkaaXaaXotkr8a bs3, iu xwtar is fla.ktorr,xkcs far.caaaox b tetxerxrWxkaa iacoaeoctba witk kxs porsoaal osstorj; ia fact, itcaasox be XoU ostopX ia tkax eoaaociioa, m

ar Xk two ktsxerie rrfatoi Bat ixliesosiea oa wko speaks of Yo4 ATiac to fcsrr xk pnatipJ xkax w xaen be iaa4sx fora rao3sX xaaa, tor so xaoSesx axaaaaskeixisTaretaa4. was 'bora ia 155$, of a wonkyfTBWT ia katdb We, ear Xk CSXr of Marao taSoaxkera Cbiaa. BXkTarlS39ebecaaiaTr1'' a rkhtf HkoaL opea4 by Mrs.GatxIUr, Xke wB of ta SacSsk asissieaarj kis'psroBts ooBsoaxiajr Xo ix in Xke idea xkX H wmiW

be a proSue xbiaj: far Xmoi rolearaxkelfiskUturac. r"rviBc a krifkt ckCar,ij was xbXioe prst3 xo xb Morasan SrkoaJ, aa xastj.xoxion feanBej brUnirRsk wierekaats ia Macao,ar3 imb4 Tr Jlsborx Jtomsoa. xk Srrt Solisk ProtosxacX xatsMiiT xo Cbiaa. baxx xkxs

Xnse Tracer tkaije of Xke JJer. S. 3i. Brows, ataxssioBary tXk Axaericaa BauvL AOeaUxerXkis ckooi was xrassferroi xo Hot Konjj kwest wHk xl, ax4 ?RMe4 xa ix xiD k aa xaxisfe eoDjixry. He B5riBoweTr.5ariB$: xkisXim a snsas iaxwrcpxioo by ik deaxk if Wsiaxktr. wkfck ?eqaire4 Wa Xa ro kom. asi a.

v; w v; --- Tt w wm v C

NTMxw fa'ij rorscswse av--kk .

3b 35"?. Mr. Brown, wka ti lesgNtoakasTlecl ar3ar ia sxaiv. Xk isarks: of biT k

I skowia3awnaai tncfeal vicwrt 41 rerxk of fiir xkx r ia km.Ncfcx

ca ir ev vt m wa ouw stlai.ajo Js fcp. . boX Xt $uac.xxk Uxt4 Sxaxes; Aeew .borxrea. a Iwp.k3 otr3aB.JoBo-.jrrtraao-

wao$ xu cfearri of isrsi. 1

as XJ aaxaor N xX)tb, i xoel, away," It waswbfle esarr Jsr

codiy Vekl XkaX Vxss ksa3- -

tT&exiaa ke33Tr.I Ixi8sttXrf aj fas xk of wkick wkralitrar.prax4.xkaxa4 xkoaoawkowasKva

x a istsWsssa Mornsws Brow aa a of!

?, oe. 'Woag was ky 'wasX! fcK,tOBraxaaaoa.XBBTxy,Tfeer. e Xke JH . ATail kJMis4kaHof pcictiar. Iroa 1552 or 1SS3 ,


of Itoadoa Alissioa a4rl)r. ?, nowtkeoit!Bx3Profss-- f tk Caxs lABgcar

2 "LitaXr ie OxTortl la 3S73 ;

rsiapMe4 tk aooad J Ckstxj58tsX8XktsoaBXryjaiXreX



O aff.-iL!-

aHHjwr" 'wyfttijiiwif

The oihr, Woisj Fan, oX lo Sco0n3 in1S50, .nd ttr Xwo"ytw pnw To3y poitrtJX)ie Me3at DprtniaX t KJiobtTk Umwr.5vr, i Wli k gr3oxi iJ rtj hxpi Vior.

RrtsreiJic xo C5n to 1S55 k bfgn xk

ta Xk Oxyol 0a.n3 U

sl kigWj "twsij oa )l xViU JX KA f.krt vx ircxr &d for Vw til-wi- t,

tte k)3 iy wny forest pnWbx Xk

HsX pkjwciw in xs ie) wja t Kxbvvo4 OkkaU.

XV YJOS vxsct.YMT Wlftf, h tw-- a jw ! kr !tX

x Mokms , ISM. xk$k bi )fvrty fiifvr wx oT Xta, Jmxtr3 Xo XJ FtYkm C)$ YJ Cj. H wr o s , im

l4hsax xwjrXk k 0W xix. xkk k

wJ Ur4.XV6 kktuni fcNstsrtlNiUr-kt-xx k x4 Xk 34niaMX l wmk--

"v -- " "r:r: " Vv. XJu rLrrr...T:':,s Kiimi r? W

xk vT '

wty o4xkv










mxk4 1 weUjikji.JW, J oXNXkX bjJ Xk oWpe H Vf krVJT XXJ T41 KSk MMftM,

TkrMkMk k xr otr niXmo) xxX

vt. Wv'iwuw xk nrttiitw(i t Wtfe. Wk kt k-- CkrtrtUn

X , k kMv, V) X vvc )Kvtsl kniw w, x .Ws-- Vw Vs x xk ijtmxu

k I k tXtd. 1X Xk !f if XkX .;kx k,iM tt V? Ykw wXt k k,

X. iv, X MkX Wi txx. t rwxjXk V4 d JT i k vNi XkX WVJviM k MWXf rf Xk Xv, 1UX XTlXXk 4 Xk!, Jtf fk w A m!fttXkXiw xk Xy ax, Xkvuk y fd

kif xk t t X.'VoX nxvMly xxncmj Xk $?X xsi, XkX k k.4ttvXkAtextt JtMX C4iXl MMMkfeJi k X xKKksl. k X 44

k 4rj ktXtHx T k vX XknX f. XtmX X feftXkAfrtktaXAk

ittMhXtXSCX, ,XJxtvM,xo4,KVxwUt wxy nw, 4 k sxx

of . umfxk

.v? irvj vm v.w ,. hkv, ,,r sw,w

.- "..- - -- ,,...- ... .- -,

lx S .,K ,. Xk nuuu.tku.l .

U mXkM . ftxa sscs ' Nras. a x.s vww w."' 'Ni,;v

kxH k4 x way Mwuii i,. Ji '

JoaXxr xorotx of ku , IX M Xtt CttHX I

OmtoU CaxWr. xw mJX of XX K. .

Xg, XWX k yoa4 MlteiMl Xk

,,.. ,W. '., .,W. .W ..W V?., ,MW J

vkoaax was takisj skape, bax tk way was ksxo x ttaxoa. )

Hi srdaxioa Ja 1?M wa Xke wax of Xk !

Costas(coaBX of xkxyr. Tkxwuaj,ax loax. ka $4 rtl4 it, a4 imr of xktwca o tk Coawaax rawpHy for xkaiteof Jenj Xk Catao enJMXo. Antmj

Xhiaxxrw Dr. IWhoriUoJ lUrxford. Uhar4 of bim, aa4 tvit Hroagtr iaxr4t(s,

accorJim: tu tk ms of hi? crX oinl aai) xk Chia wto,k desinsi tcuaelYoa;Wini:. An ac3at oi xkir iaeXiit on Xkal oc-io- b.

bi;k tke writer has kwrJ lr. BskaUxH. tU br xfxai:. Wkea xh v wr xnxro.ac4, xk D.scicr t ix as oa w fcw rMoa

tor jwtitu; xke iaxroJacttoa. thu k desired xo--crn wko k3 vrixtta certa nwsuirr

oa xk Chta3 qamioa, a it tk.a stood,wkick hi atlracxs tii axi&atfon 5 tiocibjmirks of liiaBkip, H thoakt Wxaj;rohxtaow. Vkroa(va, as lk Hoctor$j,XX'Snj: kun? hi kva4, aa3, Maskiw; Kk a prl.

b aiaca coafoioa or awaaw. roawsJXbl ,

hi was Xhesr aaxkor. It .is oalv fiir to a 34 xbaxMr. Wiag sys tkat k 1os box roeaMnWc thisiad4oau Bat ix h wiaaltr f1r Xo vM ario thatia a cs of xkis ta4. Dr. BarkaeH's raeonwj oraajbo" ol, tr xaora tronay to bo trtfeto4Xkaa Year WtaeV. '

AX tk time of kis radaatioa, Wng was asraark xrarx4 as it was possikJa Tor kiax to W,tock.aa lie pJn of kis Hf. H k4 bB iaXk ooaatry Joejj eaocjk to bowwae tksroaijklj-atarake-

ktr. He was, xb fact, a sxn," AHkis Ustos aa4 f$&S m3 aQatxi, xa4lcclaa4 TOanl, zaadfi ktax at kotna kero. Ioorrtkroack tk xiouce xeto wkick bis cradaaXxoaXvroajikX kio,iXcaB aWax Xkax a very xi- -I

rH)cppjrtoBHy was opeaeQ to tma xo rewuaaa4 kav OMer kor. if keckos xo. Oa Xk

oxkerkaad, OneawashkasuaagUa4xokxBt.lie baa erea aisiosx atwory forgottea tits oatxr

ta5oo. Aa4 tkr xras aotkwg xa Ckiea forkin xo sa xo. Bxcepx taatc kxs bamble Via4re4 ;

he h3 a friends Xkere aotkitig ta jin ki '

aay su4icc or 'Ooastaeraxxoa, bo plsr. $0 tospV, xo sex ks foox oa. 2oxoaiy3eXcos.

4riaj; wker k b3 bees. a4 waax ke ka4 e.

aa4 Xke parpss k ka4 in xxew. ke coakibox fail Xo OBOoaaXer. sg kis owa peopJo, j

pNjaiw, ssspscioa, kosxiKxy. A ckoerios. W j

XUa prosporx lay before kia ia xkax (Srectxoa. ;

Tk XkoaiX of sows Wk was Xk Xkoairkx ofxw. Jle waasoi xnieBSy xo sxit. BaX xker

ws ess Xtx of Holy Siripxar xkax, aSt xkiskkito. kys, kaat4 Ua aa4 fo0owe4 kua jtiirtxte tow oTXj, itwasxbts: "iraayprWe aox lor kis owa, aa4 peciHy tor Xkoseof ktsowBko5e,kkaxk Seated xk axxk,a4is worse Xkaa aa a4 by Xke woriiaowa."" ao4 "kis own koas," xx ooaax xa kwa xkaaxioa of wkck It was bora. Tk XMX carriedXk day. Tk beaeSxs wkick k k3 Xoa. as xx

wfe, staged oax lro a wko) pplxa rceiT.kis sBse"of jostxj a4 alike woaal noxlex Ua appropriate xo kis own Ao4sa, tboth k kbw sol wkat skoa)3 sifaK kte,ke exks far Xa retsra aa4 lie w&X to dowkaxkekas Ooae.

sooa after kis T3axtoa far Skaa.ku wtfk, alxer a tothj f 151 3ys,ke reackedia Xk noaxk of AprVlSJii. Vka xk Obiaesepilex cara oa board ke foaad xkax ke ooald. wnksoae liS:aHy, aodersUBd wbat ke said.'xkocskke coctd aax mat Xk pilot aaSorstaad 5m ;wktrk &kows xk cv3iioa of kis l:aow)edse fCbtao oa kis airiral ia xkeoaBXxy. ll xookkia aH xk xinxe k ws tX otkorwis oospJayedfor two years xo aoowre fanlixy ia xke cs of --it.


As Tor kis sraad orkeae. ke kai ett)4 is Bis

owa mod Xkax xk r$X step xa be takea tawr4carryfag xx oaVwas xo roaxnt a wy T$lXiti)t fer soate inSwaxhi yakRc xnaa or wmj axkicf itaeJt of itiSwte 4vSraHy. tVtxk xkis oa3

w xeoaa,t coors. ia xaatetus Hfwy;

, - to u Hoa, It lVic. xaOoaoisswaer ofxka Uat4 ux xa Ckla.bopjxigXkax iXw-os- kXk TOBI5r4wcia it n.-v-s V 3jmJ. Ka)&? srtbSni

i apoa a 5bx xnJxkax ftw ooiliVeXo? kH spats xa xk rd. k rosca- -

si Xl ivsr iflw & Jw HiAHli.

; Tkor w x llc Koac aa Kcffti breo. '! s;of kwr.dB? kjs

weseaxh- - ix eox oat awoar Xk tawrors who xkH iyoaaj; an ws-w- ass QorUoa b4 b-- a4 1

tkey saw at oa xkax.)aasnpxitxoa wxk xkKvxt 4gal pKx a XJas jtX3aasox ta boaHeweJ f ix coaM be yreToaxoi.AoJkisprtapU, pjoxjicy ta toanaacH ot'kts tefa! brttkrea, xafora4 kua, arixk aasycosrAacs cspressxoa of rcrrex. Xkax k esx

rir xo tsSr law xa. Aa4asxkor was s otier pJrt.kt'kad Tajt ixp.

. icrwg wkick k erp54 kitestOT wixkAjaiwe tw oxcer OTs, aixac rw oy

t& coensereai trao'iaxisc a li oaw aaa taiSaainJ farxk rfcx xkxB;Xo torawp.Hexbea, XBtk Maickopoxkat Wklaxokw

'preTioo xpsrtxaeaxs. XiVitapJaj xaxk CetoaaSemraatSkaasaai, BaxeeJtkerixaxkSs,oa XriaU prooi. xa kj2?BaV a jsou sa lorkis opraxioss.9d k naa ata4oa4.

Ixas now 3558. TPiw Jar aa4 tiotkxtj:areefft&k4?,TaVoSn! oalf-o- kt.

xwof 5T&tt?a A?CsbJat Hf koac. ; f u fcetae ooaariul koass xkax wxy.ocgactECXoairaaceXk roettJ xkelrepporx Wkx; JkotfU J&axkaxxk at!CB4 a.triwt)y. TkXkreb wr or4 x uuiaj rosalxxajr Itobx kts keoaMa xaoor-pexk- or

ax Xk ra3By ia Xosoa. Mas. as3 , Ne- cf bai b.. bmcbx work5y fcriac Xwwf rexiroS xo xk fay f Jir. Bwra j jj, owawxy k rx. AccardcsSy k

jOXkr,wko Sw.3 ax MM royal veoaa I Tero4 oeof Xk ors as a. s3sv Baxsa isoBioraM w



xs&x3ni xoka4xB5oaax

Skiaj. coape4,WSM

xk dexacktaeax





vxxk w4k.








iegaiiocsooatak taX3isl!4uWal.iiisxoo.Yeag"Wi8j "wooU appear to kaTkkoa'SJ


parsed n xrt4iB ixi ttilktf &ttt&M wst;bax ooi Jf k parxd his rt po5cy aJ Xk

pathos xkx rvf MX k krt; wtwar3!j MX it k ka..kX w Xo FtcxXkn

-- '"


ll Xkw ua X6 r m gonc nv b xaiog wtuxkr,a3 )fiag kun$Jf psor, k !

taag cfr tf pl.yX X rX ofnafXN XkX id k4i. long fmkr nrikraoJ VX, snl iixiU kx J faly.o J$SCs kovr. tXat r Yo3 k kf

of Xk Iwifia? 8k a4 x Vs of Shski X BXt XX rVN XtXftjt Ui. ?

kKk, fv xk x4M a jtx xkx xx o 4 4ktwxwins xk?jk x0xxax lfwXlyftjxvsw kirn kj kvXNa vTboI15

xkxk onn4iU kft?lxa ktfi.k1Xrmii Xd vvpX. Tt kMM kSJMwtst

f,M Jr, , Xk, PSBt cJA tkN tw XX,

X Tft ft kB4 kwMW kK;k 1WX4J) VMiXW XkX, k4 k iNXli4 tft X"X.

k ""IVNIlM X.1 fl HffK kT sWy V

tttk. A Sx v, k wnkl xiy xs!wiNk m of Wrtsntj

15X xxi x6S Xk s'iw f Xk ONvXiixXy kke kiht W? t,Xvy fw5 h !v xk .Uyk Hesk fci Ckxa. xst:Xiy Ojfi.t Xo Xk ifij Wkx Xk iXyt$k?lfkM k Wt3 Xk 0MX Of XX jWXN!W 1ftt .tA XXTA

roxx. x wW xk xvwv k k,t ilJ-1M!i- C.XN V1 Xt

A(X, M$kX JtMt iMXiv ki Xk V fxftxg wxxvsfrny xk kv t xytt x

W XkXWk )M Xk KXiiiK T

Mc4XXk J$Wft T? 4VXJtjf k. k4 NiWJl f JN NC

Vhx )i.xs of vv(J xk wx kii4K XvM kw k Xw. k)jk w ksf

4filK Xqs W !? XiM V !

xkx .. l"k nw Mt$ oJf ofXk jSOUX xVc Kok K, V,MS OJt X.MA? i

4 KtXn wwt I

I VA11 JA.'L iJ .MNA U 1 Jv V UfcA-4- VAHM

kS KStisras:, . ,w . ,v; SSKUxKVMfKxxuxooxkMi,XVw ,4j to? x xx

lx A T tsws Kok F xk

Noxa xlx. U Wx XV o.xmoxoUoko? w4xo iWitoj,4- .,,, n,, tM..n , jk..e& xk-- " 1"1" ,.,- - T

few ks iax!. iNMts. X VWwk k4 w Ws is X i kw MWMXk. tA Wi W Xv k X4,

kka k $w, ft xkwx ftvkol kiax m xxk '" ?o;X C8m.V oJ. k oaX.lui k SjkX IV 4 O. VUl 00.v3i . . v w, ..x ..w .

ww,u w WeM ky w WMl A m ks j

o.x a mX(n! ia tkx waax- x-... . .. .. . .K k.... I jK I..b. ..1 b b b

xVer--wko h4 fekx ia ki ko4 : wko tous4 k ra4 of cuar oj xk Ji4taalx

Cbtu nit oaXa4aj; iik ia xituj k? pioaotva? ia fiaity ot outKi ; ram of isarr.ooJylikrt 4 wstir waxwau.

(1 J miio'mM JWW .XfJ)

ITo Stich Word as "Pail I"


VSPSMfiaiB Va -


la xtao lalln KrmtHlyFor Diseasts, Injnnps, aad Horbtd Coa--

diuoas of the Skin,la xk cue of KlmS SntpXtwr sjs t xau

Ttr)s Dwrexaiw i l Xo oal5i dtiMuwa nT

xit t tn Kkj NfmKi at xSk ciar44vn,

KXSMtCKS TXXK tXMlI.X;XKN" FAIRr' 0) 54VTUSS. CWXanmlhm40AX t.v.rcaxXireminX4TnXJusf.'O..r RiaXiv Tu.0px'CVS:a4 14 Um, Rwm Ttwjrj4tw,"r"!S?,t?',4.',li'5

iDkbum. risijiiwsM' ''.! sue hy . :eiNiRXT.J

HAIR AND WHiSKER DYEas sxen an tixc ruxxc or a

ttOcua, vxa a xa 3 & vxhsivt. r Sr st4 3X.vm X9vwa tS43s

ItxwLTwcxeoK&Sa cf Xitat XfixaXMHciao4 xra&ir Xfii.

S4 aa C





TIES of XiJs Ixgit and degaat prfi.atkaxro rotaxae ia tie Kghcst Sogroo,

xiroagli xis graaxiJar fora, r3cag a

ooatjaxsoi SpaiUing "E52ttto d

jsptrriag xio 2vrsc a apala'taUaSalia


It is Tey T&lsibSe.Xcrra.Tolcrs,

fepscially in Tropical Clanstss,

As its ynsrxJos xre iaiad far say leagxi

j. -- ,! ;aTwujao.ISas rsaca stfosti adiigkj" vlair3

jrTxksa. 'triH xsot &3 to Scts


Or Iajestt05, 3i3kst Aoctaaa, H5- - I

.wi, HoArxVwa, Ac2ity if xb Siorxxea,

CosaTtcrtss, Xaa?ra, or "Vcaafiag, AJ5

tket of tie livtsr, , Jrcw

1 Xili. Iwt Xftcit AiriestKJRSALKBT

5 fca KnHiltt rS r.



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X TJ X 2V I T XJ It IS IIMmfec Ctxtrv XToM SmI Ctuln.


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An Asst. of Knowles' Steam Pumps


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CM 3m c nixKxvr.u co.

it Ko Haraii Tao Aina,"xxnrtt vxvaxx vx jtxvrxau narTxxk nUkCIBX Of Ik WldWMJ. WM IV Ik

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VX-x-O. 02ST XT.V1VX

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For SatinyH. HACKFELD A C,Batttt


Harsa ShHlnfi.sxsvtcnoPA

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V m rtl to Xxn4 to warM ta thtt Va& fjiajto ea xa atMM ta r rw ai2tia, awiata Xrtlrr wtc BitvtuMbncrn Sm. i. -... huu. SVTZi"Si

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