


dated 21 April 1800]

To all to whom these presents shall come We Thomas

Lawson of Kirkhouse James Boustead of Cumrenton and

John Norman of Kirkandrews all in the County of

Cumberland send Greeting. Whereas in and by an

Act of Parliament made and passed in the thirty-eighth

year of the Reign of His Majesty King George The Third

intituled “An Act for dividing and inclosing the Moor

Commons and Waste Grounds within the Manors of

Upperdenton and Netherdenton within and parcel of the

Barony of Gilsland in the County of Cumberland “ After

reciting that there then were within the said Manors of

Upperdenton and Netherdenton within and parcel of the Barony of

Gilsland in the County of Cumberland several Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds containing three thousand three hundred acres or

thereabouts which said Lands in their then state yielded but little

profit to the persons interested therein and that the Right Honourable


Frederick Earl of Carlisle then was chief Lord or Lord Paramount of

the Barony of Gilsland and of the said Manors of Upperdenton and

Netherdenton parcel thereof also as such seized or entitled to the Soil

and Royalties of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds being

parts and parcels of the said Barony and also was owner or

proprietor of a certain Messuage Demesne and other Lands and

Tenements within the said Manors and Also Reciting that the

said Frederick Earl of Carlisle then was Lay Rector or Impropriate

Rector of the Parish of Upperdenton and as such entitled to the great

and small Tythes of the said Parish of Upperdenton and that the

Reverend Thomas Ramshay then was Rector of the said Parish of

Netherdenton and also that the Right Reverend Father in God

Edward Lord Bishop of Carlisle then was patron of such Rectory And

after Reciting that the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle Thomas

Ramshay and the said Edward Lord Bishop of Carlisle and the several

and respective persons proprietors ...within the said Manors entitled

to rights of Common or otherwise interested in the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds were willing and desirous that the same

should be divided allotted and inclosed in the manner thereinafter

expressed But that such division allotment and inclosure could not be


effected without the Aid and Authority of Parliament also amongst

other things enacted that the whole of the Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds lying within the said Manors of Upperdenton and

Netherdenton should as conveniently as might be respectively set out

divided and allotted by us the said Thomas Lawson James Boustead

and John Norman the Commissioners appointed by the said Act or

our Successors to be appointed in such manner as therein is mentioned

or any two of us in such manner and under and subject to such Rules

Orders and Directions as in the said Act ordered established directed

appointed and prescribed and that we the said Commissioners in

dividing and allotting the same should have due regard to the quality

and usefulness? of such [land] and every of other matter or thing

relating thereto as well as to the quantity thereof and for preventing

all delays and obstructions in the said division and determining all

differences disputes and objections which might arise or be made

touching the boundaries of the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds intended to be divided making known ascertaining and

settling the same. It is by the said Act amongst other things further

enacted that we the said Commissioners should openly publish in the

daytime ride and perambulate or cause to be ridden or perambulated

the said boundaries of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds


intended to be divided and inclosed on some day or days one month or

more before the first meeting of the said Commissioners of which day

or days of riding and perambulating the boundaries of the said

Commons and Waste Grounds and of the hours and place of beginning

to ride and perambulate the same, such public notice should be given

as in the said Act is provided and set forth and that in case any

person or persons body or bodies politic or corporate should have or

make any claim or claims which might affect the boundaries of the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds or any of them or any part

thereof then such person or persons were thereby empowered and

required respectively to give and deliver to us the said Commissioners

at our said first or second meeting an account in writing subscribed

as therein mentioned of such his her or their claim or claims touching

the said boundaries and if the Manors for the time being or any one

or more of the persons having or claiming a right of Common on the

said Moor Commons and Waste Grounds or any of them by writing or

writings subscribed as therein mentioned to be given and delivered in

to us the said Commissioners at our said first or second or third

meeting and the person or persons body or bodies politic or corporate

making such claim or claims touching such boundaries as aforesaid

shall persist in such claim or claims then and in such case we the said


Commissioners should and were thereby authorized and required to

hear and finally determine all such claims as should be so given in

and the objections thereto which claim and objections all persons any

way interested in the said division or their respective agents should

and might at all reasonable times inspect and peruse and take copies

thereof without fee or reward and for the more just and regular

division and distribution of the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds so to be divided as aforesaid and for the better ascertaining

the same it is by the said Act amongst other things further enacted

that as soon as conveniently might be after the passing of the said Act

a survey should be made by us the said Commissioners of the said

Moor Commons and Waste Grounds and that the said Commissioners

should also set out mark and ascertain by proper stakes metes or land

marks the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds to be divided and

allotted by virtue of the said Act in the manner and pursuant to the

Rules Orders and Directions of the same Act and further that we the

said Commissioners should cause such previous notice of our first

second third and other subsequent meetings to be given [1] as is

directed in and by the said Act and for preventing all unnecessary

delays and expenses in the said intended division and for fixing and

ascertaining the Lands and Tenements entitled to right of Common on


the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and for settling and

determining all claims objections differences and disputes which

might be made or arise concerning such right of Common It is by the

said Act further enacted that all persons having or claiming to have

any right of Common upon the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds or any of them should and may and were thereby required

by themselves their agents or tenants respectively at the first or

second meeting of us the said Commissioners for putting the said

[...illegible..] execution to give and deliver in writing under their

hands respectively at the first or second meeting of the said

Commissioners present at such meeting a full true and just account of

the Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments (with the names

of the tenants in possession) for and in respect thereof they

respectively claimed such right of Common as aforesaid and that all

persons neglecting so to give and deliver or cause to be given and

delivered such accounts as aforesaid should be and were thereby

excluded and debarred of and from all Right Title Part Share and

Allotment of in to or out of the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds and also from all right of Common and other rights Estates

and Interests whatsoever of in or to the said Lands and Grounds to be

allotted to any person or persons by virtue of the said Act and that no


claim or claims whatsoever of right of Common upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds or any of them or any part or parcel

thereof should be made received or allowed save at the first or second

meeting of us the said Commissioners and that all and every claim or

claims of Right of Commons in or upon the said Moors Commons or

Waste Grounds which should be so given and delivered in writing to

us the said Commissioners at our first or second meeting us the said

Commissioners should be allowed and be fixed and conclusive to all

persons whomsoever and should never thereafter be suffered to be

litigated or disputed But that if such claim or claims of Right of

Common should at the first second or third meeting of the said

Commissioners be objected to by any two or more of the persons

having or claiming rights of Common on the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds or his her or their Attorney Solicitor Steward or

Agent by writing or writings under their respective hands therein

specifying and setting forth the causes or reasons of such objection or

objections to be given and delivered to us the said Commissioners at

our said first second or third meeting and the person or persons

making such claim or claims should persist therein then and in any of

the said cases We the said Commissioners were thereby authorized

directed and required to hear and determine such claims and


objections by such ways and means and in such manner and form as

under the said Act is prescribed And it is by the said Act further

enacted that we the said Commissioners should and we were thereby

required to set out and appoint such public roads and highways and

also such private roads and ways through and over the Lands and

Grounds thereby intended to be divided and inclosed as we in our

discretion should think requisite the public carriage roads to be and

remain of the breadth of forty feet at the least in every part thereof

and the same should be well and sufficiently fenced on both sides by

such of the owners and proprietors of the said Lands and Grounds

thereby intended to be divided and inclosed and within such time as

we the said Commissioners should by any writing under our hands

direct and appoint AND that all former roads and ways which should

be divided and allotted held and enjoyed as part of such Lands

accordingly and further that the Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

situate within and belonging to each of the aforesaid two parishes and

Manors should only be subject to and liable to answer the several uses

and purposes appertaining and belonging to the particular Manor in

which the same were and are respectively situate AND that we the

said Commissioners should and we were thereby authorized

empowered and required according to the best of our Skills and


Judgment to assign set out and appoint a proper part or parts of the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds for public Freestone

quarries clay pits for making bricks and common watering places for

Cattle AND also common wells for common use and benefit of the

Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the aforesaid Barony and Manors

respectively for the time being such Freestone and bricks to be used by

the Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the said Barony and Manors for

the time being and such Landowners and tenants respectively within

the said Barony and Manors but not to be sold or otherwise disposed

of AND should also set out and appropriate any other part or parts of

the said Manor Commons and Waste Grounds for the getting Sand

Gravel and other materials for making and repairing such public and

private roads as should be set out and appointed or contained within

the said Manors in pursuance of the said Ac tor for any other purpose

or purposes which to us the said Commissioners should seem necessary

or expedient and it is by the said Act further enacted that we the said

Commissioners should as soon as conveniently might be appropriate

mark and set out by proper stakes or land marks so much and such

part or parts of each of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

part of the said Manors respectively as to us should seem competent

and necessary by sale thereof to raise money sufficient for paying and


discharging the charges and expenses in and about the applying for

obtaining procuring and passing the said Act and for surveying

measuring mapping planning dividing and allotting the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds and setting out and marking public

roads and ways drains and watercourses and preparing marking

executing and inrolling the Award or Awards of the Commissioners

and of electing Commissioners from time to time and all expenses

attending the marking preparing executing and enrolling of Deeds

and Instruments whereby any new Commissioner or Commissioners

should be appointed and the Charges and expenses of the

Commissioners and every other person or persons employed by them

in and about the execution of the said Act and all other Charges [2]

and Expences incident to the obtaining and passing thereof and

carrying ...into execution and that we the said Commissioners should

in the next place set out allot and appoint unto and for the said

Frederick Earl of Carlisle said or Lord or Lords or Lady or Ladies of

the aforesaid Barony and Manors for the time being in the entire plot

or piece of land within each of the said Manors such quantity of the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as (quantity and quality

considered) should in the Judgment of us the said Commissioners be

equal to one full twelfth part or share of the remainder of the said


Moors Commons and waste Grounds as should remain after the

allotment and appropriation thereinbefore mentioned in lieu of and

for a full Compensation for the Right and Interest of the said

Frederick Earl of Carlisle as Lord of the said Barony of Gilsland and

Manors of Upperdenton and Netherdenton and of the Lord or Lords

or Lady or Ladies of the said Barony and Manors for the time being in

and to the Soil of the Residue of the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds (Except as thereinafter is mentioned) and as a Recompense

for the consent of the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle to the Division

and Inclosue of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as Lord

of the said Barony and Manors and should also set out allot and

appoint to and for the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle his Heirs and

Assigns so much of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

within the said Manor of Upperdenton as should in the Judgement of

the said Commissioners be deemed equivalent to and a full recompense

and Satisfaction as well for all Tythes Moduses and Compositions for

Tythes and for in respect of the several old Inclosures and other

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Upperdenton As Also for all the Ththes impropriate that might

thenceforth arise and grow due to him the said Frederick Earl of

Carlisle his Heirs or Assigns out of or for the said Moors Commons and


Waste Grounds of Upperdenton so to be divided and allotted And that

we the said Commissioners should also set out Allot and Appoint to the

said Thomas Ramshay and his Successor Rectors of Netherdenton so

much of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds within the said

Manor of Netherdenton as should in the Judgement of us the said

Commissioners be deemed equivalent to and a full recompense and

satisfaction as well for all Tythes Moduses and Compositions for

Tythes (Except Easter offerings Mortuaries and Surplice fees) upon for

or in respect of the several old Inclosures and other Messuages and

Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton As also for all

tythes Moduses and Compositions for tythes (except Easter Offerings

Mortuaries and Surplice fees) which might thenceforth arise or grow

due to the said Thomas Ramshay and his Successors Rectors of

Netherdenton aforesaid from and out of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds of Netherdenton so to be divided and allotted And

that we the said Commissioners from and out of the said Mors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton so to be divided and

allotted and that we the said Commissioners should set out by Metes

and bounds and allot in severalty the Residue of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds after the several allotments and

appropriations thereinbefore mentioned should be made unto and


amongst the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle for and on account of his

Messuages Tenements Lands and Hereditaments within the said

Manors and the several other persons bodies politic or corporate

entitled to right of Common upon the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds of any of them for and on account of their respective

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manors respectively

by and according to the rule or rate known within the said Manors by

the name of Purvey or by and according to the clear annual value of

such Tenements respectively as the said Commissioners should think

most proper such annual value to be settled and ascertained by hte

said Commissioners according to the best of their Judgement by and

according to the Rules Orders and Regulatons in the said Act

contained provided always and it is thereby enacted and declared

that the Coal Mines Minerals and Metals lying under any of the

Allotments to be made in pursuance of the said Act should not be

taken into the calculation of or be in any wise adding to contributing

to the value of such Allotments it being intended that all Coal Mines

Minerals and Metals within or under the whole of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds should be reserved to the said Frederick

Earl of Carlisle and the Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the said

Barony and Manors for the time being in the manner thereinafter


mentioned And it is by the said Act amongst other things further

enacted that all Inclosures or Encroachments taken or made from or

on any part or parts of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

respectively within thirty years before the passing of the said Act

should be deemed part and parcel of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds to be allotted to him her or them respectively

pursuant to the said Act according to the value of the Land or Ground

so enclosed or taken or encroached upon before any Improvement was

made thereof or therein and that when and so soon as we the said

Commissioners should have finished and completed the said intended

Division we should form or draw up and Award or Instrument in

writing which should express specify and contain the quantity in

statute measure of Acres Roods and Perches contained in every

respective Allotment and a description of the Situation and

boundaries thereof respectively with such orders and directions for

the hedging fencing and ditching the same and making keeping in

repair and maintaining such Hedges Ditches and Fences and for

making laying out and repairing public and private Roads Ways

passages Drains and watercourses in over and through the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds and the Allotments to be made therein

and which should contain [3] such Orders Regulations and


Determinations as should be necessary or proper to be inserted

therein in conformity to and according to the true intent and

meaning of the said Act And that we the said Commissioners should

cause the said Award to be fairly engrossed upon parchment and

should duly execute the engrossment thereof under our hands and

seals to which said Award should be annexed the survey thereinbefore

directed to be taken of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

signed by us the said Commissioners and whereon the said several

allotments public and private roads ways watercourses and other

matters and things proper to be described and delineated therein

should be fairly set out and marked and expressed And that

duplicates of the said Award and Survey annexed thereto should be

made and one thereof Enrolled and Recorded at the Court of the

General Quarter Sessions of the peace for the said County of

Cumberland in the manner and for the purposes of the said Act

mentioned And that immediately after the said Award and Survey

should be executed and deposited as aforesaid All and every

allotments and appropriations thereinbefore directed should and were

thereby declared to be Freehold to all Intents and purposes

whatsoever And that immediately the Execution and depositing of the

said Award and Survey as aforesaid All Rights of Common of every


kind upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds should cease

and be for ever extinguished and all and every person and persons

entitled to any of the said Allotments should and were thereby

required to accept his her and their respective Allotments within the

time thereby limited And it is by the said Act, amongst other things,

further enacted that any Allotment or Allotments to be made by

virtue of the said Act to any person or persons in Right of any Church

or Chapel should be inclosed and fenced round with walls and thick set

hedges or other proper bounds walls or fences at the expense of the

proprietors of the other allotments of the lands and grounds thereby

intended to be divided and inclosed and that the said hedges ditches or

other bounds walls or fences when made should thereafter for ever be

kept maintained supported and secured by and at the expense of the

person or persons to whom such allotment or allotments should be

made and that the hedges ditches and fences to be made for inclosing

separating and dividing the several other allotments of the said Lands

and Grounds should be made within such time and at all times

thereafter repaired by and at the expense of the several persons to or

for whom the same should be allotted in such manner as the said

Commissioners should by their said Award direct and appoint And it

is by the said Act amongst other things further enacted that it should


and might be lawful for the Owner or proprietor Owners or

proprietors of Allotments to be made in pursuance of the said Act

respectively to Exchange all or any part or parts of their respective

Allotments And also any slice of his her or their Lands or Grounds

Messuages Tenements or Ancient Inclosures lying within the said

Barony and Manors with any person or persons whomsoever for any

other Allotment or Allotments or any part or parts of any other

Allotment or Allotments And also any other of his her or their Lands

or Grounds Messuages Tenements or Ancient Inclosures lying within

the said Barony and Manors so as all and every such Exchange or

Exchanges should be made by and with the consent and approbation

of us the said Commissioners and should be ascertained and decided in

our said Award thereinbefore directed to be made And that all and

every such Exchange and Exchanges so to be made as aforesaid should

be good valid and effectual in the Law to all Intents and purposes

whatsoever in which said in part recited Act are also contained

divers other Rules Orders Regulations powers Directions Restrictions

and Limitations for the better compleating and carrying the said

intended Division into Execution as by the said Act relation being

thereunto had may more fully and at large appear And whereas we

the said Thomas Lawson Jams Boustead and John Norman the


Commissioners appointed in and by the said Act having taken upon

the Execution of the several power vested in us under and by virtue of

the said Act Andhaving first severally taken and subscribed the oath

thereby required to be takenand subscribed before we or any of us

acted as Commissioners in the Execution of the said Act did proceed to

ride and perambulate the boundaries of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds intended to be divided and enclosed on Wednesday

and Thursday the Thirteenth and Fourteenth day of June in the year

of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety eight of which

riding and perambulation such previous notice was given as is

directed in and by the said Act and we the said Commissioners did

hold our first second and third meetings under the said Act for the

purpose of carrying the same into Execution agreeable to the

Direction of the said Act (to wit) the First of such Meetings on the

twenty second day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand

seven hundred and ninety eight the Second of such meetings on the

fifteenth day of October in the year of our Lord One thousand seven

hundred and ninety eight and the third of such meetings on the

eleventh day of December then next following having first given such

previous notice of the said three several and respective meetings as by

the said Act is required And whereas at the said first and second


meetings of the said Commissioners held for the purpose of receiving

claims of right of commons and for in other respects putting the said

Act in Execution the following persons having or claiming to have

right of commons upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

[4] (that is to say) The Right Honourable Frederick Earl of Carlisle,

Thomas Ramshay Clerk Rector of Netherdenton, Thomas Ramshay

Esquire, Humble Lamb, Joseph Lamb, Thomas Waugh, John Hodgson,

Edward Bell, Joseph Richardson, John Bell of Low Lonning, Ann

Waugh, Thomas Lawson, and Hannah his wife, James Elliot, John

Boustead, Ann Hodgson, Andrew Irwin, John Irwin, George Calvert,

Joseph Addison, John Hull, Joseph Bell, William Payton and Mary his

Wife, Robert Mitchell and Isabella his wife, William Russell and Mary

his wife, Margaret Bell Spinster, Robert Gardhouse, Adam Thornburn,

George Barnfather, John Bell of Sandhill, William Hutton, John

Gardhou, William Richardson, John Bell of Banks, Mary Whitfield,

Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth, John Barnfather, Thomas

Tallentire, John Gill, Robert Warwick, John Richardson, John

Jameson, Philip Bell, John Elliot, William Leach, Joseph Leach and

Mary Thompson, did by themselves their agents or tenants

respectively in pursuance of the directions contained in the said Act

give and deliver in writing under their hands respectively to us the


said Commissioners present at such meetings an account of the said

Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with the names of

the tenants in possession for and in respect whereof they respectively

claimed such Right of Common as aforesaid and whereas at the said

third meeting of the said Commissioners held for the purpose of

receiving objections to the said claims of Right of Common so given

and delivered unto us as aforesaid at the said first and second

meetings the following claims of right of Common so given and

delivered to us as aforesaid were objected to by John Bell William

Richardson John Hodgson George Barnfather James Elliott and

William Hutton ...of the aforesaid persons having or claiming right of

Common on the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton under their respective hands therein specifying and

setting forth the causes and reasons of such objections agreeable to the

directions contained in the said Act that is to say the claim made by

the said John Barnfather of right of Common upon the Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds within the Manor of Netherdenton in

respect of his Messuage and Tenement at Crakestown was objected to

because the said Messuage and Tenement was not situate within the

said Manor or parish of Netherdenton and because the said Messuage

and Tenement paid no ...or poor rate whatever to the said parish of


Netherdenton nor had any right of Common upon the said waste or

any part thereof Also the several claims of the said Thomas Tallentire

in respect of his Messuage and Tenement at Tarnhills, of the said

Joseph Addison in respect of his Messuage and Tenement at

Crakestown, of the said Joseph Lamb Esquire and Alice Ashworth in

respect of their Messuages Lands and Tenements at Temmon, of the

said George Calvert in respect of his Messuage and Tenement at

Chapelburn and of the said John Gill in respect of his Messuage and

Tenement at Carnitty were severally objected to by the said John Bell

William Richardson John Hodgson George Barnfather James Elliott

and William Hutton for the same causes and reasons as above

specified and assigned in the objection made against the said John

Barnfather’s claim and whereas the said several persons making the

said several objected claims having persisted therein we the said

Commissioners in pursuance of the directions contained in teh said

recited Act, did with all convenient speed proceed to hear and

determine such claims and objections respectively by such ways and

means and in such manner and form as the said Act prescribed and

did make and eecute and award in writing under our hands and seals

touching and concerning the said claims and objections respectively

according to the directions contained in the said Act (as by such


Awards or the enrolment copies thereof Relation being thereunto

respectively had may more fully appear) Now we the said Thomas

Lawson, James Bousted, and John Norman the Commissioners

aforesaid having made a plan survey and admeasurement of the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds respectively which said survey is

hereunto annexed and declared by us to form a part of this our

Award and having finished and completed the said Division in

pursuance of the said recited Act Do make and publish this for and as

our Award in manner and form following that is to say And first we

do award order direct and appoint that there be a public highway

forty feet wide exclusive of ditches from the great military road

leading from the City of Carlisle to Newcastle upon Tyne near a place

called Scarrow Hill and extending from thence to Denton Hillin such

direction as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed from the

Letter A to the Letter B Also that there be one other public highway

forty feet wide exclusive of ditches from the aforesaid Military road

at a place called Rolomoor and extending from thence to Low houses

from thence to Dixon Gaugh Road and Cashen Claigh nd from Cithuen

Craugh across the said Military Road near Lodges to Denton Lonning

Head in such direction as the same is set out on the said Moors


Commons and Waste Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto

annexed from the Letter G to the Letter D Also that there be one

other public highway Forty feet wide exclusive of ditches from the

aforesaid Military road at Solo Rote and extending from thence to the

parting of the Bkrhust and Lore Broomstill roads at such direction as

the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

and described in the said plan hereunto annexed form the letter E to

the Letter F Also that there be one other public highway forty feet

wide exclusive of ditches from the last mentioned road near to Low

Row and extending from thence [end of skin no. 5] to Beckstone Gate in

such direction as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed from

the letter G to the letter H also that there be one other public

highway forty feet exclusive of ditches leading from a place called

Temmon Beck otherwise Polcross and extending from thence past the

Bush Stock Grounds to the entrance of Joseph Leach’s inclosed grounds

in such direction as is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed from the

letter I to the letter K Also that there be an occupation way twenty

seven feet wide exclusive of ditches from the said public highway


hereinafter set out at Cashen Clough and extending from thence to the

Allotment of Common hereinafter set out to the Right Honourable

Frederick Earl of Carlisle marked with the Number or Figure 2 in

such direction as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed from

the Letter L to the Letter M Also that there be one other Occupation

Way twenty four feet wide exclusive of ditches from the public

highroad hereinbefore set out leading and near to Lowhouses and

extending from thence to the parcel of Land sold and hereinafter

allotted to John Moses and from thence to Carnelley Gate in such

direction as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed from the

Letter N to the Letter O and from thence to the Letter Z Also that

there be one other Occupation Way twenty four feet wide exclusive of

ditches from the aforesaid public highroad hereinbefore set out

leading and near to Dixon Clough head and extending from thence to

the said parcel of Common sold and hereinafter allotted to John Moses

in such direction as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons

and Waste Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed

from the Letter P to the Letter Q Also that there be one other


occupation way twenty one feet wide exclusive of ditches from the

aforesaid Military Road to Highrow in such direction as is set out on

the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and described in the said

plan hereunto annexed from the Letter T to the Letter U Also that

there be one other occupation way twenty one feet wide exclusive of

ditches commencing from the parting of the Low Broomhill and

Birkhouses Road and extending from thence to Crakestown Gate Low

Broomhill Gate and the Gate upon Birkhurst Hill leading towards

Denton Hall in such direction as the same is set out on the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto

annexed from the aforesaid Letter F to the Letters V and W And

Also that there be one other occupation way nineteen feet wide

exclusive of ditches commencing from a Gate at the East Side of the

Earl of Carlisle’s enclosed lands at Denton Hall and extending from

thene to the aforesaid public highway leading to Birkhurst in such

direction as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds and described in the said plan hereunto annexed from the

Letter X to the Letter Y Also we do Award and Order that the said

Thomas Ramshay Clerk and his Successors Rectors of Netherdenton

shall for ever hereafter have an occupation road of the breadth of


fifteen feet for all husbandry purposes (the driving of Cattle and Stock

only excepted) from the said Road leading to Lonninghead across the

south and south east of the Allotments No 74 and 75 hereinafer set

out to the said John Gardhouse and William Richardson to and from

the Allotment No 11 hereinafter set out to the said Thomas Ramshay

Clerk Also that the said William Richardson his Heirs and Assigns

shall for ever hereafter have a like occupation road of the breadth

and for the purposes last mentioned from the said Road leading to

Lonninghead (across the south end of the said Allotments No 74

hereinafter st out to the said John Guardhouse to and from the

aforesaid Allotment No 75 hereinafter set out to him the said William

Richardon Also that Ann Stephenson and all future occupiers of the

tenement at or near Chapel burn shall for ever hereafter have an

occupation way (as heretofore) from Chapel Burn to and from the said

tenement And Also that the said James Elliot his Heirs and Assigns

shall ever hereafter during a certain part of each year that is to say

from Martinmas to Lady Day have an occupation way of the breadth

of fifteen feet across the south end of the Allotment No 48 hereinafter

set out to Ann Hodgson unto and from the aforesaid occupation road

hereinbefore set out leading towards Lowhouses Also we do award


order assign set out and appoint two certain plots or parcels of the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton towit one

parcel adjoining on the North side of the Military Road near to the

Lodges Tenement containing by mensuration four acres and two roods

as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the Figures

and Letter 12A And the other of such parcels lying on the South side

of the public highway hereinbefore set out leading from Lowhouses to

Dixon Clough Head containing by mensuration two acres and fifteen

perches as the same is also set out but on the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed

with the Figures and Letter 12B For and as Commons and Waste

Grounds and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the

Figures and Letter 12B for and as public freestone quarries to be for

ever hereafter appropriated to and for the Common use and benefit of

the Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the said Manor of Netherdenton

for the time being and the several Landowners and Tenants

respectively of and within the said Manor pursuant to the directions

of the said Act Also we do award order assign set out and appoint a

certain plot or parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

as the same is set out on the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds


of Netherdenton situate on the south east side of the aforesaid public

highway at Dixon Clough Head as the same is set out on the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and distinguished on the said

plan hereunto annexed with the figures and letter 12C for and as a

public watering place for Cattle to be for ever hereafter appropriated

to and for the Common use and benefit of the Lord and Tenants of the

said Manor of Netherdenton respectively for the time being pursuant

to the directions of the said Act and that the Lord and tenants of the

said Manor of Netherdenton for the time being respectively shall also

at all times hereafter have liberty to water his her and their Cattle at

a place adjoining the west end of an ancient Inclosure called Crows

Dykes the same being left out and laid to the adjoining Road for that

purpose Also we do award order assign set out and appoint a certain

plot or parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid situate on the south east side of the Road at

Hare Hill Hedge Corner containing by mensuration two roods and

thirty six perches as teh same is set out on the said Moors Commons

and Waste Grounds and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the figures and Leter 12D for and as a public Gravel Pit

to be for ever appropriated to the getting of Sand Gravel and other

materials for makingand repairing the public and private roads


hereinfbeofre set out in pursuance of the said Act Also we do hereby

furher award order and direct that the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle

his Heirs and Assigns shall for ever hereafter maintain and keep in

repair a certain portion of the aforesaid occupation way leading from

Cashen Clough (to wit) from a certain Runner or Syke on the said

Road at the South end of the Allotment of John Irving No 57 and

extending from thence to the Allotment of the said Earl No 2 Also a

certain other occupation way leading from the aforesaid Military

Road to Highrow and extending upon the said plan hereunto annexed

from the Letter R to the Letter S And Also a certain other occupation

way leading from the east side of Denton Hall Grounds to the public

road leading to Birkhurst and extending upon the said plan hereunto

annexed from the Letter X to the Letter Y Also that the remaining

part of the aforesaid occupation way at cashen Clough (to witn) that

part extending from Cashen Clough to the aforesaid Runner or Syke

at the South End of the John Irving’s Allotment shall for ever

hereafter be maintained and repaired by ttthe said Ann Waugh

Thomas Waugh Ann Hodgson John Hodges Edward Bell Andrew

Irwin and John Irwin their Heirs and Assigns respectively in

proportion to the quantities of their respective Allotments adjoining

to or to be occupied through the said Road or way and Also that John


Moses his Heirs and Assigns shall for eever hereafter maintain and

keep in repair the two aforesaid occupation ways leading from the

aforesaid public road near Lowhouses and Sixon Clough Head

respectively to the parcel of Common sold and hereinafter allotted to

him the said John Moses and extending upon the said plan hereunto

annexed from teh Letter N to the Letter O and from the Letter P to

the Letr R and whereas we the said Commisisoners did in pursuance

of the said Act appropriate Mark and Set out by proper stakes or land

marks divers parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

hereinafter mentioned in order by sale thereof to raise monies

sufficient for carrying the said Division into Execution and did on the

thirtieth day of October One thousand seven hundred and ninety eight

Sell buy public auction (such previous notice as is required by the said

Act having been first given) to the aforesaid John Moses one of such

parcels, to wit, a plot or parcel of ground upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds within the said Manor of Netherdentn

containing by mensuration two hundred and twenty acres or

thereabouts as thesame is marked and set out and distinguished in the

said plan hereunto annexed with the Letters A Aand bounded on the

east by theAllotment No 10 hereinafter set out to the Reverend

Thomas Ramshay on the west by a parcel of common sold and


hereinafter allotted to John Gil and also by the Inclosed Land of the

Earl of Carlisle and the said John Gill on the north by hte Allotments

No 25 29 33 39 42 and 13 hereinafter set out to Thomas Waugh John

Hodgson Edward Bell Ann Waugh Thomas Lawson and Hannah his

wife and Thomas Ramshay Esquire and on the south byhthe enclosed

lands of the said Earl of Carlisle and whereas the said John Moses

haivn paid the purchase money for the said plot or parcel of ground

within such time and in such manner as itsidirected butej said Act we

do therefore allot assign and award to said plot or parcel of ground

unto the said John Moses his Heirs and Assignsfor ever Subject to the

maintaining and repairing the two occupation ways hereinbefore

metneiond and to the making and repairing such hedges and fences as

are hereinafter ordered to be by such and them made and repaired

and whereas we did also on the thirtieth day of October one thousand

seven hundred and ninety eight sell by public auction unto Thomas

Ramshay Esquire one other of the said parcels so set out for sale and

aforesaid (to wit) a plot or parcel of ground upon the said moors

commons and waste grounds within the manor of Netherdenton

aforesaid situate at a place called Rowmoor and containing by

mensuration sixty acres two roods and twenty three perches or

thereabouts and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with


the letters BB and bounded on the east by the occupation road leading

to Lowhouses on the west by the public road hereinbefore set out

leading to Lowhouses and Clough Head and on the north by the

aforesaid Military Road and on the south by the enclosed lands of

Edward Bell and others and by an allotment hereinafter set out to the

said Edward Bell and whereas the said Thomas Ramshay having paid

the purchase money for the said first mentioned plot or parcel of

ground within the time and in the manner directed by the said Act

we do therefore allot assign and award the said plot or parcel of

ground to the said Thomas Ramshay his Heirs and Assigns for ever

Subject to the making and repairing of such hedges and fences as are

hereinafter ordered to be by him and them made and repaired and

whereas we did on the sixteenth day of July One thousand seven

hundred and ninety one sell by public auction (such previous notice

having been first given as is required by the said Act) to John Gill one

other of such plots or parcels of ground so set out for sale as aforesaid,

to wit, a plot or parcel of ground upon the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds within the said Manor of Netherdenton containing by

mensuration ten acres two roods and twenty one perches or

thereabouts as the same is marked and distinguished in the said plan

hereunto annexed with the Letters CC and bounded on the east by a


part of the said plot or parcel of ground sold to the said John Moses on

the west and north by the road hereinbefore set out leading to

Carnitley and on the south by the enclosed lands of the said John Gill

and whereas the said John Gill having paid the purchase money for

the said last mentioned plot or parcel of ground within the time and

in the manner directed by the said Act We do therefore allot assign

and award the said plot or parcel of ground unto the said John Gill his

Heirs and Assigns for ever And whereas we did on the said sixteenth

day of July one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine sell by public

auction until John Armstrong one other of the said parcels so set out

for sale as aforesaid, to wit, a plot or parcel of ground upon the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds situate at Netherdenton Rigg

within the Manor of Upperdenton aforesaid continainingby

mensuration thirty acres or thereabouts as the same is marked and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the letters DD

and bounded on the southeast by the enclosed lands of Joseph Lamb

and also by Temmon Beck on the east by the Allotments No 1 and 22

hereinafter set out to the Earl of Carlisle and Joseph Lamb and Alice

Ashworth, on the north by the said Allotment No 1 hereinafter set out

to the said Earl of Carlisle and by the public highway leading to

Upperdenton and on the south by the Allotments No 21 and 22


hereinafter set out to the said Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth

respectively and whereas the said John Armstrong having paid the

purchase money for the said last mentioned plot or parcel of ground

within the time and in the manner directed in and by the said Act we

do therefore allot assign and award the said plot or parcel of ground

unto the said Johnb Armstrong and his Heirs and Assigns for ever

subject to the making and repairing such hedges and fences as are

hereinafter ordered to be by him and them made and repaired and

whereas we having made such survey and admasureents as aforesaid

and having duly considered the quantity quality convenience and

situation of the said Moors Commons and waste grounds and of every

part and parcel thereof respectively do set out assign appoint award

and allot unto each and every of the several persons interested in the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and who are entitled to

shares or allotments therein under and by virtue of the said Act their

several shares portions or allotments as follows that is to say – unto

the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle the Lord of the aforesaid Barony

and Manors his Heirs and Assigns for ever as a full twelfth part or

share of so much of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

(Quantity and Quality considered) as remain after the making the

several Allotments and Appropriations aforesaid in lieu of and as a


full compensation for the Right and Interest of the said Frederick Earl

of Carlisle to the Division and Inclosure of the said Moors Commons

and Waste Grounds as Lord of the said Barony of Gilsland and

Manors of Upperdenton and Netherdenton in and to the Soil of the

Residue of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds (except as

hereinafter mentioned) and as a full recompense for the consent of the

said Frederick Earl of Carlisle to the Division and Inclosure of the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as Lord of the said Barony and

Manors and also in lieu of and as a full recompense and satisfaction

as well for all Tythes Moduses or Compositions for Tythes for and in

respect of the several old Inclosures and other Messuages Lands

Tenements and Hereditaments within the said Manor of Upperdenton

as also for all the tythes impropriate that shall or may or could or

might from henceforth arise or grow due to him the said Frederick

Earl of Carlisle his Heirs or Assigns outof or from the said Moors

Commons or Waste Grounds so to be allotted and divided as aforesaid

and also in lieu and full satisfaction of all his the said Frederick Earl

of Carlisle’s right upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

respectively for an account of his Messuages Lands Tenements and

Hereditaments within the said several manors of Upperdenton and

Netherdenton and also in lieu and satisfaction of all Right of Common


of the said Earl for and in respect of the Exchanges hereinafter

mentioned made by the said Earl with Joseph Bell and Andrew Irwin

respectively (Except such particular rights as are in the said Act and

hereinafter reserved unto the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle and the

Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the said Manor for the time being) All

those several parts shares or parcels of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds as the same are set out thereon respectively and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the several

numbers of figures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 containing in the whole by

mensuration (including certain Encroachments heretofore made by

the said Earl upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and

which said Encroachments are hereby confirmed and allotted unto

him) One thousand one hundred and sixty three Acres two Roods and

twenty Perches One of which said parcels – No. 1 – containing by

mensuration Seventy one acres one rood and twelve perches lyeth on

Upperdenton Common and is bounded on the East by the Shares or

Allotments hereinafter set out to Joseph Leach William Leach Robert

Warwick John Elliot and Philip Bell And Also by the parcel of

Common sold and hereinbefore allotted to John Armstrong and by the

Road leading to Upperdenton, on the west by the said Grounds

belonging to Frederick Earl of Carlisle called Stanirigg and on the


North by the Allotments hereinafter set out to John Richardson Mary

Thompson Joseph Leach John Jameson and Philip Bell, and on the

South by the said parcel of Common hereinbefore allotted to John

Armstrong And by the Allotment hereinafter set out to Joseph Lamb

and Alice Ashworth Another of which said parcels – No. 2 –

containing by mensuration one thousand and forty one Acres and

twelve perches lyeth on the East end of Netherdenton Common Andis

bounded on the East by certain unimproved Wastes called Hartley

burn Common and on the West by the Allotments hereinbefore

allotted to the Reverend Thomas Rawshay as Rector of Netherdenton

John Hodgson Ann Hodgson Edward Bell and Andrew Irwin On the

North by Thirlwale Common and the Allotment hereinafter set out to

Humble Lamb And on the South by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl

Another of which said parcels - No. 3 – containing by mensuration

Thirty Acres and twenty seven perches lyeth on Netherdenton

Common on the Soth side of the aforesaid Miliary Road at a place

called Rowmoor and is bounded on the East by the Allotment

hereinafter set out to Thomas Ramshay Esquire On the West and

South by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl, And on the North by the

aforesaid Military Road Another of which said parcels – No. 4 –

containing by Mensuration One Rood and thirty four perches lyeth on


Netherdenton Common aforesaid adjoining to Denton Mill Cottage

and is bounded on the East and South by the Allotment hereinafter set

out to John Boustead And on the West by the said Road leading from

thence to Denton Mill Three others of which said parcels – No. 5 –

containing together by measuraton One Rood and nine perches are

situate on Netherdenton Common aforesaid and are all adjoining

upon the said Earl’s enclosed Lands at Birkhurst Another of which

said parcels – No. 6 – containing by Mensuration Four Acres Two

Roods and ten perches lyeth on Netherdenton Common aforesaid, and

is bounded on the East by the said Road leading to Denton Mill and

on the West by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl Another of which

said parcels – No. 7 – containing by Mensuration three Acres two

Roods and ten perches lyeth on Netherdenton Common aforesaid And

is bounded on the East by the said Allotment hereinafter set out to

Ann Hodgson and on the West by the allotment hereinbefore set out to

John Bowstead Another of which said parcels – No. 8 - containing by

Mensuration two acres and twenty three perches lyeth on

Netherdenton Common aforesaid and is bounded on the East and

South by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl and on the West by the

said Allotment hereinafter set out to Ann Hodgson Another of which

said parcels – No. 9 – containing by Mensuration ten perches lyeth on


Netherdenton Common aforesaid at the East end of Birch Craig Field

and is bounded on the East by the Allotment hereinafter set out to

Jams Elliot and on the West by the Lands of the said Earl of Carlisle

And we do also award set out assign allot and appoint unto the said

Thomas Rawshay Clerk as Rector of Netherdenton aforesaid and his

Successors as an Equivalent and full Recompense and Satisfaction As

well for all Tythes Moduses and Compositions for tythes (Easter

Offerings, that is to say Communicants money only Mortuaries and

Surplice fees excepted) upon for or in respect of the several Old

Inclosures and other Messuages and Tenements within the said Manor

of Netherdenton As also for all Tythes Moduses and Compositions for

Tythes (Easter Offerings, that is to say, Communicants money only

Mortuaries and Surplice fees excepted), which can or may or could or

might from henceforth arise or grow due to the said Thomas Rawshay

Clerk or his successors Rectors of Netherdenton aforesaid from and

out of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton

so to be divided and allotted as aforesaid And also in lieu and full

satisfaction of all the Right of Common of him the said Thomas

Rawshay and his successors Rectors of Netherdenton aforesaid in and

upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as teh same are set

out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with


the several numbers o figures – 10, 11 – containing in the whole by

mensuration five hundred and seventy six acres one rood and

nineteen perches – One of which said parcels – No. 10 – containing by

mensuration five hundred acres thirty two roods and one perch lyeth

on Netherdenton Common aforesaid in a certain place there called

Clough Head Shaw and is bounded on the East by the said Allotment –

No. 2 – hereinbefore set out to the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle on

the West by the Allotment – No. 13 – hereinafter set out unto Thomas

Rawshay Esquire and the Common sold and hereinbefore allotted to

John Moses on the North by the said Allotment No 2 hereinbefore set

out to the said Earl of Carlisle and by the Allotments hereinafter set

out to John Hodgson Thomas Waugh and Joseph Richardson and on

the South by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl of Carlisle and the

other of which said parcels – No. 11 – containing by Mensuration

thirty six acres three roods and eighteen perches lyeth on the

Netherdenton Common aforesaid near to Chapelburn and is bounded

on the East by the Allotment hereinafter set out to Mary Whitfield on

the West by the Allotment hereinafter set out to William Richardson

on the North by the Enclosed Lands of Thomas Whitfield and by the

Allotment hereinafter set out to John Bell and on the South by the

Allotments hereinafter set out to George Barnfather and Humble


Lamb WE do also award set out assign allot and appoint unto the

several Landowners Tenants and others who are entitled to Shares or

Allotments upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

respectively and to their respective Heirs and Assigns such parts or

portions of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as are

hereinafter set out awarded assigned allotted or appointed unto them

severally in full of their respective rights and interests therein as

followeth, that is to say, unto the said Thomas Rawnshay Esquire his

Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and full satisfaction of all his right

of common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste of

Netherdenton as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Netherdenton All those five parts or parcels of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same

are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the numbers or figures – 12 – 13 – 14 – 15 and 16

containing together by mensuration including his encroachments two

hundred and six acres one rood and twenty perches one of which said

parcels – No. 12 – containing fifty eight acres one rood and two

perches is bounded on the East by the Road leading to Dixon Clough

Head On the West by the enclosed Lands of the said Thomas Ramshay


and by the Allotment hereinafter set out to James Elliot and on the

North by the said Military Road leading from Carlisle to Newcastle

Another of which said parcels – No. 13 – containing ninety three acres

one rood and nineteen perches is bounded on the East by the

Allotment hereinbefore set out unot the Reverend Thomas Ramshay

as Rector of Netherdenton On the West by the Allotment hereinafter

set out to Thomas Lawson and Hannah his Wife On the North by the

aforesaid road leading to Dixon Clough Head And on the South by the

aforesaid parcel of Common sold and hereinbefore allotted to John

Moses Another of which said parcels – No. 14 – containing fifteen

acres two roods and thirteen perches is bounded on the East by the

Allotment – No. 24 – hereinafter set out to Thomas Waugh on the West

and South by the enclosed Lands of the said Thomas Ramshay And on

the North by the aforesaid Road leading to Dixon Clough Head

Another of which said parcels – No. 15 – containing thirty eight acres

three roods and two perches is bounded on the East by the aforesaid

road leading to Dixon Clough Head On the West by the Allotment –

No. 3 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle on the North by the

aforesaid Military Road and on the South by the enclosed Lands of the

Earl of Carlisle and the said Thomas Ramshay And another of which

said parcels – No. 16 – containing thirty perches is bounded on teh


East and West by the aforesaid road leading to Dixon Clough Head

and on the North by the enclosed Lands of the said Thomas Ramshay

and also the pasturage grass and herbage annually hereafter to arise

and grow upon the aforesaid public gravel ground marked – 12-D –

hereinbefore set out – Unto the said Humble Lamb his Heirs and

Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of his right of Common in

and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manors All those

two parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds

of Netherdenton as teh same are set out thereon and distinguished in

the said plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or figures – 17 – 18 –

containing together by mensuration including his encroachments One

hundred and four acres and twenty five perches - One of which said

parcels – No. 17 – containing forty five acres two roods and thirty six

perches is bounded on the East by the enclosed Lands of Mary

Whitfield Alice Ashworth Joseph Lamb and the said Humble Lamb on

the West by the Allotments hereinafter set out to George Barnfather

William Hutton John Bell and Joseph Lamb on the North by the

Military Road And the other of which said parcels – No. 18 –

containing fifty six acres one rood and five perches is bounded on the


East by the enclosed Lands of Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth on the

West by the Allotment hereinafter set out to Joseph Addison and on

the North by the enclosed Lands of the said Joseph Lamb Alice

Ashworth and Humble Lamb and on the South by the Allotment – No.

2 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle And by the Allotment

hereinafter set out to Andrew Irwin – Unto the said Joseph Lamb his

Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and full satisfaction of all his right

of Common upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Netherdenton All those two parts or parcels of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same

are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the numbers or figures – 19- 20 – containing together by

mensuration including his encroachments Forty four acres one rood

and five perches One of which said parcels – No. 19 – containing

nineteen acres two roods and fifteen perches is bounded on the East by

the Road leading to Netherdenton Sonninghead and on the West by

the public quarry ground marked – 12 – A – hereinbefore set out and

by the ancient inclosed grounds of Joseph Lamb and the other of which

said parcels – No. 20 – containing twenty three acres and thirty one


perches is bounded on the North by the Allotment hereinafter set out

to John Bell and on the South by the aforesaid Military Road leading

from Carlisle to Newcastle unto the said Joseph Lamb his Heirs and

Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of

Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Upperdenton appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages

Lands and Tenements held by him in severalty within the said Manor

of Upperdenton All that part or parcel of the said Moors Commons

and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton as the same is set out thereon and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the number or

figures – 21 – containing by mensuration two roods and thirty eight

perches and bounded on the East by the enclosed Lands of the said

Joseph Lamb and on the West and South by the Allotment and

enclosed Lands of the said Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth and on

the North by the aforesaid parcel of ground sold and hereinbefore

allotted to John Armstrong – Unto the said Joseph Lamb and Alice

Ashworth their Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full

satisfaction of all their and each of their joint right of Common in and

upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton as

appendant and appurtenant or belonging to the Messuages Lands and

Tenements held by them as joint tenants in Common within the said


Manor of Upperdenton All that part or parcel of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton aforesaid as the same is

set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed

with the Number or figures – 22- containing by mensuration seven

acres two roods and twenty eight perches and bounded on the East by

the aforesaid parcel of Common sold and allotted to John Armstrong

and by the last mentioned Allotment hereinbefore set out to the said

Joseph Lamb on the West by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl of

Carlisle On the North by the Allotment – No 1 – herenbfore set out to

the said Earl and by the said parcel of Common sold and allotted to

John Armstrong and on the South by the enclosed Lands of the said

Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth – Unto the said Thomas Waugh his

Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right

of Common in and upon the said Moors Common and Waste Grounds

of Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant or belonging to

the said Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor All

those four parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out thereon

and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the

numbers of figures – 23 – 24 – 25 – 26 – containing by mensuration

including his encroachments sixty six acres three roods and eleven


perches One of which said parcels – No. 23 – containing one rood and

thirteen perches is bounded on the East by the enclosed Lands of the

said Thomas Waugh And on the west by the allotment – No. 27 –

hereinafter set out to John Hodgson Another of which said parcels –

No. 24 – containing twenty acres and three perches is bounded on the

east and south by the road hereinbefore set out leading to Carnetley

On the West by the Allotment – No. 14 – hereinbefore set out to

Thomas Ramshay Esquire and on the North by the aforesaid road

leading to Dixon Clough Head Another of which said parcels – No. 25

– containing eighteen acres three roods and thirty seven perches is

bounded on the east by the Allotment – No. 29 – hereinafter set out to

John Hodgson on the West by the aforesaid road leading to Carnethly

On the North by the said Road leading to Dixon Clough Head and on

the South by the parcel of Common sold and hereinbefore allotted to

John Moses and the other of which said parcels – No. 26 – containing

twenty four acres three roods and thirty one perches is bounded on

the east by the allotment – No. 30 – hereinafter set out to John

Hodgson On the west by the Allotments – Nos 43 and 36 – hereinafter

set out to Thomas Lawson and Hannah his Wife and Joseph

Richardson On the North by an Occupation Road hereinbefore set out

leading from Cashen Clough to the Allotment – No. 2 – hereinbefore set


out to the Earl of Carlisle And on the South by the Allotment – No. 10

– hereinbefore set out the Reverend Thomas Rawshay as Rector of

Netherdenton aforesaid – Unto the said John Hodgson his Heirs and

Asigns forever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of Common

in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant and belonging to

his Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Netherdenton All those four parts or parcels of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same

are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the Numbers or figures – 27,28,29, 30 containing

together by mensuration (including the herbage of certain quarry

Ground marked – 12.B – hereinafter mentioned) Seventy three Acres

one rood and twenty six perches One of which said parcels – No. 27 –

containing thirteen Acres two roods and eight perches is bounded on

the East by the Allotment – No. 23 – hereinbefore set out to Thomas

Waugh On the West by the Allotment – No. 31 – hereinafter set out to

Edward Bell On the North by the enclosed Lands of the said John

Hodgson and on the South by the aforesaid road leading to Dixon

Clough Head Another of which said parcels – No. 28 – containing

thirty seven perches is bounded on the North by the enclosed Lands of


the said John Hodgson and on the South by the said Road leading to

Dixon Clough Head Another of which said parcels – No. 29 –

containing twenty seven acres three roods and twenty six perches is

bounded on the East by hte Allotment – No. 33 – hereinafter set out to

Edward Bell, on the West by the Allotment – No. 25 – hereinbefore set

out to Thomas Waugh On the North by the aforesaid Road leading to

Dixon Clough Head and on the South by the said parcel hereinbefore

set out to Thomas Waugh ON the North by the aforesaid Road leading

to Dixon Clough Head and on the South by the said parcel of Common

sold and hereinbefore allotted to John Moses and the other of which

said parcels – No. 30 – containing twenty nine acres two roods and

twenty perches is bounded on the East by the Allotment – No. 2 –

hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle ON the West by the

Allotment – No. 26 – hereinbefore set out to Thomas Waugh on the

north by the road leading from Cashen Clough to the Allotment – No.

2 – hereinbefore st out to the said Earl and on the South by the

Allotment – No. 10 – hereinbefore set out to the Reverend Thomas

Ramshay as Rector of Netherdenton aforesaid and also the pasturage

grass and herbage annually hereafter to grow and arise on the

aforesaid public quarry ground marked 12 B hereinbefore set out Unto

the said Edward Bell his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full


satisfaction of all his Right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant and belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton All those four

parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out thereon and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the Numbers or

Figures 31,32,33,34, containing together by Mensuration Eight eight

Acres two Roods thirteen perches One of which said parcels – No. 31 –

containing Seven Acres one Rood and thirty four perches is bounded

on the East by the Enclosed Lands of the said Edward Bell and of John

Hodgson And by the Allotment – No. 27 – hereinbefore set out to the

said John Hodgson on the West and South by the aforesaid Road

leading to Dixon Clough Head And on the North by the parcel of

Common sold and hereinbefore allotted to Thomas Ramshay Esquire

Another of which said parcels – No. 32 – containing one Acres three

Roods and Nineteen perches is bounded on the East by the Allotment –

No. 38 – hereinafter set out to Ann Waugh And on the North by the

enclosed Lands of the said Edward Bell Another of which said parcels

– No, 33 – containing Forty nine Acres and thirty one perches is

bounded on the East by the Allotment – No. 35 – hereinafter set out to


Joseph Richardson and by the Allotment – No. 39 – hereinafter set out

to Ann Waugh On the West by the Allotment – No. 29 – hereinbefore

set out to John Hodgson and by the aforesaid public quarry marked -

12 B – On the North by the said Road leading to Dixon Clough Head

And on the South by the parcel of Common sold and hereinbefore

allotted to John Moses And the other of which said parcels – No. 34 –

containing by Mensuration Thirty Acres and nine perches is bounded

on the East by the Allotment – No. 2 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl

of Carlisle On the West and North by the Allotment – No. 33 –

hereinafter set out to Andrew Irwin And on the South by the

Allotment – No. 49 – hereinafter set out to Ann Hodgson and by an

Occupation Road leading to the Allotment No 2 – hereinbefore set out

to the Earl of Carlisle Unto the said Joseph Richardson his Heirs and

Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his Right of

Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant and belonging to

his Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Netherdenton All those two parts or parcels of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same

are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the numbers or figures 35 – 36 – containing together by


mensuration including his encroachments Five Acres two rood and

thirty six perches One of which – No. 35 – containing two acres one

rood and twenty six perches is bounded on the East by the Allotment –

No. 39 – hereinafter set out to Ann Waugh, on the West and South by

the Allotment – No. 33 – hereinbefore set out to Edward Bell and on

the North by the said Road leading to Dixon Clough Head And the

other of which said parcels – No. 36 – containing two acres two roods

and elelven perches is bounded on the East by the Allotment – No. 26 –

hereinbefore set out to Thomas Waugh On the West by the said Road

leading to Dixon Clough Head on the North by the Allotment = No.

43 – hereinafter set out to Thomas Lawson and Hannah his Wife And

on the South by the Allotment – No. 10 - hereinbefore set out to the

Reverend Thomas Ramshay as Rector of Netherdenton aforesaid

Unto John Bell of Low Lonning in the said Parish of Farlam in the

said County of Cumberland his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and

full satisfaction of his Right of Common in and upon the Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant and belonging to the said his Messuages

Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton All

that plot or parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as the same is set out thereon and


distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the number of

figures 37 – containing by Mensuration including his encroachments

three roods and five perches and bounded on the east by the

Allotment No 41 hereinbefore set out to Thomas Lawson and Hannah

his wife on the west by the enclosed grounds of Joseph Richardson on

the North by the enclosed lands of the said John Bell and on the South

by the said Road leading to Dixon Clough Head unto the said Ann

Waugh her Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of

all her right of Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant

or belonging to her Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said

Manor of Netherdenton All those three parts or parcels of the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the

same are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the number or figures - 38, 39, 40 – containing together

by mensuration seventeen acres and one rood One of which said

parcels – No. 38 – containing One acre One road and six perches is

bounded on the East by the enclosed Lands of Joseph Richardson on

the West by the Allotment – No. 32 – hereinbefore set out to Edward

Bell on the North by the enclosed Lands of the said Ann Waugh And

on the South by the said road leading to Dixon Clough Head Another


of which said parcels – No 39 – containing ten acres two roods and

twenty six perches, is bounded on the East by the Occupation Road

leading to the parcel of Common sold and hereinbefore set out to John

Moses On the West by the Allotments – Nos 33 and 35 – hereinbefore

set out to Edward Bell and Joseph Richardson On the North by the

aforesaid road leading to Dixon Clough Head and on the South by the

said parcel of Common sold and hereinbefore set out to John Moses

and the other of which said parcels – No. 40 – containing Five acres

One Rood and Eight perches is bounded on the East by the Allotment –

No. 57 – hereinafter set out to John Irwin On the West by the

Allotment – No. 67 – hereinafter set out to William Payton and others

On the North by the Allotment – No. 61 – hereinafter set out to Joseph

Addison And on the South by the an Occupation Road leading to the

Allotment – No. 2 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle – Unto

the said Thomas Lawson and Hannah his Wife and the Heirs of the

said Hannah for ever in lieu and full satisfaction of all their and each

of their Right of Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant

or belonging to their Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said

Manor of Netherdenton All those three parts or parcels of the said

Moors Commons and Waste grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the


same are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the Numbers of Figures – 41, 42, 43 containing together

by mensuration eighteen acres one rood and twenty five perches One

of which said parcels – No. 41 – containing two acres one rood and

seventeen perches is bounded on the East and South by the aforesaid

road leading to Dixon Clough Head On the North by the said Road

and by the enclosed Lands of the said Thomas Lawson and Wife and

Ann Waugh And on the West by the Allotment – No. 37 – hereinbefore

set out to John Bell - Another of which said parcels – No. 42 –

containing ten acres three roods and ten perches is bounded on the

east by the allotment – no 13 – hereinbefore set out to Thomas

Ramshay Esquire On the west by the occupation road leading to the

aforesaid parcel of common sold and hereinbefore allotted to John

Moses on the north by the said road leading to Dixon Clough Head

and on the South by the said parcel of Common sold and allotted to the

said John Moses And the other of which said parcels – no 43 –

containing five acres and thirty eight perches is bounded on the east

by the allotment – No 26 – hereinbefore set out to Thomas Waugh on

the west by the aforesaid road leading to Dixon Clough Head on the

north by the occupation road leading to the Allotment – No. 2 –

hereinbefore set out to the said Earl of Carlisle and on the south by the


allotment – no. 36 – hereinbefore set out to Joseph Richardson - Unto

the said James Elliot his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full

satisfaction of all his Right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid and

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements in the said Manor of Netherdenton All those two parts or

parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out thereon and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or

figures 44, 45 containing together by mensuration forty three acres

and twenty nine perches one of which said parcels – No. 44 –

containing thirteen acres one rood and nine perches is bounded on the

East by the Allotment No. 12 hereinbefore set out to Thomas Ramshay

Esquire, on the west by the Allotment No 9 hereinbefore set out to the

Earl of Carlisle on the North by the aforesaid Military Road and on

the south by the enclosed lands of the said James Elliot and the other

of which said parcels no 45 containing twenty nine acres three roods

and twenty perches is bounded on the east by the Allotment no 61

hereinafter set out to Joseph Addison on the west by the said road

leading to Dixon Clough Head on the north by the aforesaid Military

road and on the south by the Allotment No 67 hereinafter set out to


William Payton and others – Unto the said John Boustead his Heirs

and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of

Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Netherdenton All that part or parcel of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds as the same is set out thereon and distinguished in the

said plan hereunto annexed by the number or figures – 46 –

containing by mensuration twenty six acres and thirty six perches

and bounded on the east by the Allotment – No. 7 – hereinbefore set

out to the Earl of Carlisle and on the west by the road leading to

Denton Mill and by the Allotment No 4 hereinbefore set out to the

said Earl on the North by the enclosed Lands of the said Earl and the

said John Boustead and on the south by the said Military Road – Unto

the said Ann Hodgson her Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full

satisfaction of all her right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to her Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton All those three

parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out and distinguished in


the said plan hereunto annexed by the Numbers or Figures 47, 48, 49

– containing together by mensuration twenty four acres two roods

and thirteen perches One of which said parcels – No. 47 – containing

six acres and eight perches is bounded on the East and North by the

enclosed lands of the said Ann Hodgson, on the west by the allotment –

No. 7 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle and the enclosed

lands of the said Earl and on the south by the aforesaid Military Road

Another of which said parcels – No. 48 – containing eleven acres two

roods and thirty two perches, is bounded on the East by the Allotment

– No. 8 - hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle on the west by the

occupation road hereinbefore set out and leading to Lowhouses, on the

North by the aforesaid Military Road and on the South by the

enclosed Lands of Edward Bell, and the other of which said parcels –

No. 49 – containing six acres three roods and thirteen perches is

bounded on the east by the Allotment - No 2 - hereinbefore set out to

the Earl of Carlisle on the North by the Allotment - No. 34-

hereinbefore set out to Edward Bell and on the south by the

occupation road leading to the Allotment No. 2 hereinbefore set out to

the Earl of Carlisle – Unto the said Andrew Irwin his Heirs and

Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of

Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of


Netherdenton as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his

Messuages Lands and Tenements in the said Manor of Netherdenton

All those four parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed by the Number or

Figures – 50, 51, 52, 53 containing together by mensuration including

his encroachments 42a 2r 21p, one of which said parcels – No 50 –

containing 1a 4p, is bounded on the East by the public road leading to

Gilsland Wells on the North and West by the enclosed lands of the said

Andrew Irwin and on the South by the aforesaid Military Road,

Another of which said parcels – No 51 – containing 2a, 2r, & 35p is

bounded on the East by the aforesaid road leading to Birkhurst, on the

West by the enclosed lands of the Earl of Carlisle and the said

Andrew Irwin and on the N by the aforesaid road leading to Denton

Hall, Another of which said parcels – No. 52 – containing 12a 3r & 38p

is bounded on the E and N by the Allotment – No. 63 – hereinafter set

out to John Hull on the W by the sd road leading to Gilsland Wells and

the enclosed lands of the sd Andrew Irwin and on the S by the afsd

Military Rd and the other of which sd parcels – No. 53 – containing

25a and 20p is bounded on the E by the sd Allotment No. 2 hbfre set

out to the sd Earl of Carlisle on the W by the Allotment No 57 hbfre set


out to sd John Irwin on the N by the Allotment No 61 hbfre set out to

Joseph Addison and the Allotment No 40 hereinbfre set out to Joseph

Lamb and on the S by the Allotment No 34 hbre set out and allotted to

Edward Bell- Unto the sd John Irwin his Heirs and Assigns for ever

in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the

sd Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid

and appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the sd Manor of Netherdenton All those four parts

or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton afsd as the same are set out thereon and distinguished

in the said plan hereunto annexed by the Numbers or Figures – 54, 55,

56, 57 – containing together by mensuration including his

encroachments 33a 1r 34p, one of which said parcels – No. 54 –

containing one rood -- is bounded on the North by the said road

leading from Birkhurst and on the South by the Dwelling house and

enclosed lands of the said John Irwin, Another of which said parcels –

No. 55 – containing 12a is bounded on the East by the road leading

from Birkhurst to Denton Hall, on the West and South by the enclosed

Lands of the Earl of Carlisle and on the North by the Allotment – No.

59 – hereinafter set out to George Calvert, Another of which said

parcels – No. 56 – containing 5a 38p is bounded on the East by the


aforesaid road leading to Birkhurst on the West by the enclosed lands

of the Earl of Carlisle and the said John Irwin and on the S by the sd

road leading to Denton Hall and another of which sd parcels - No 57 –

containing 15a 3r 17p is bounded on the E by the Allotment No 53

hereinbefore set out the Andrew Irwin on the W by the Allotment -

No 40 - hereinbefore set out to Ann Waugh on the North by the

Allotment -No 61 - hereinbefore set out to Joseph Addison and on the

South by the said road leading to the Allotment - No 2 -hereinbefore

set out to the Earl of Carlisle - - Unto the said George Calvert his Heirs

and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of

Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant or belonging of all

his right of Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste

Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out thereon

and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed by the Numbers

or Figures – 58, 59, 60, - containing together by mensuration 17a 3r 38p

One of which said parcels – No. 58 – containing 2a 2p is bounded on

the East by the enclosed lands of the Earl of Carlisle On the North by

the enclosed Lands of the said George Calvert and on the South by the

road leading to Crakestown - Another of which said parcels – No 59 –

containing 8a 1r 2p is bounded on the East by the aforesaid road


leading from Birkhurst to Denton Hall on the West by the enclosed

lands of the Earl of Carlisle on the North by the said Road leading to

Crakestown and on the South by the Allotment - No 55 - hereinbefore

set out to John Irwin, And the other which said parcels - No 60 -

containing 7a 2r 34p is bounded onthe East by the Allotment - No 69 -

hereinafter set out to Adam Thornburn on the South by the Allotment

- No 63 - hereinafter set out to John Hull and on the North and West

by the said road leading to Gilsland Wells -- Unto the said Joseph

Addison his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of

all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds of Netherdenton afsd as appendant appurtenant or

belonging to his Messuages Lands and Tenements within the sd Manor

of Netherdenton as the same is set out and distinguished in the sd

plan hereunto annexed by the Numbers or Figures 61 containing by

mensuration 23a 2r 35p and bounded on the E by the Allotment – No

18 – hereinbefore set out to Humble Lamb, on the W by the Allotments

No 15 hbfre set out to Andrew Irwin John Irwin and Ann Waugh and

by the Allotment No 67 hbfre set out to Wm Payton and others – Unto

the sd John Hull his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full

satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the sd Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as


appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Neetherdenton, All those two

parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton afsd as the same are set out thereon and distinguished

in the said plan hereunto annexed with the Numbers or Figures – 62,

63 – containing together by mensuration 18a 31p One of which sd

parcels – No 62 – containing 12a 1r 6p is bounded on the S E by the

road leading to Gilsland Wells on the W by the sd road leading

Birkhust and on teh N by the Allotments Nos 65 and 68 hereinafter

set out to Joseph Bell and Robert Gardhouse And the other of which

said parcels No 63 containig 5a 3r and 25p is bounded on the E by the

Allotment No 69 hbre set out to Adam Thornburn on the W by the

Allotment No 52 hbre set out to Andrew Irwin on the N by the

Allotment No 60 hbre set out to George Calvert and on the S by the sd

Allotment No 52 hbre set out to sd Andrew Irwin and by the afsd

Military Rd – Unto the sd Joseph Bell his Heirs and Assigns for ever

in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the

sd Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton (Except as

hereinafter mentioned) All those two parts or parcels of the said


Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the

same are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the Numbers or figures – 64, 65, containing by

mensuration 6a. 3r. & 16p,, one of which said parcels – No. 64 –

containing 5 p. Is bounded on the E by the enclosed Lands of William

Payton and others on the W by hte enclosed Lands of Robert

Gardhouse, on the N by a close called Crow’s Dykes hereinafter

mentioned given in Exchange by the Earl of Carlisle to the said Joseph

Bell and on the S by the afsd public road leading to Gilsland Wells, and

the other of which sd parcels, No. 65 – containing 6a. 3r. 11p. Is

bounded on the E by the Allotment No 68 hafr set out to Robert

Gardhouse, on the W by the sd road leading to Birkhurst, on the N by

the sfst Close called Crow’s Dykes And on the S by the Allotment No

62 hbfre set out to John Hull – Unto the sd Wm Payton and Mary his

Wife Robert Mitchell and Isabella his Wife, William Russell and Mary

his Wife and Margaret Bell Spinster and to the Heirs and Assigns of

the sd Mary Payton, Isabella Mitchell, Mary Russell and Margaret

Bell for ever as tenants in Common and not as Jointenants in Lieu and

full satisfaction of all their and each and every of their right of

Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton afsd as appendant appurtenant or belonging to the


Messuages Lands and Tenements held by them as tenants in Common

other otherwise within the said Manor of Netherdenton All those two

parts or parcels of the sd Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as the same are set out thereon and

distinguished in the sd plan hereunto annexed with the numbers of

figures 66,67 containing together by mensuration 57a. 1r. & 23p. One of

which sd parcels – No. 66 – containing 39a. 3r. & 35p. is bounded on the

E by the public Quarry marked – 12A – hbre set out and, Also by the

Allotment No 19 hbre set out to Joseph Lamb, on the W by the

Allotment No 69 hereaftr set out to Adam Thornburn, on the N by

the enclosed Lands of the sd Adam Thornburn, Joseph Lamb, Wm

Payton and others And on the S by the afsd Military Road and by the

afsd public quarry marked – 12A- And the other of which parcels – No

67 – containing 17a. 1r. & 28p is bounded on the E by the Allotment No

40 hbre set out to Ann Waugh on the W by the Road leading from the

afsd Military Road to Dixon Clough Head on hte N by the Allotments

Nos 45 and 61 hbre set out to James Elliot and Joseph Addison and on

the S by the afsd occupation road leading to the Allotment No 2 hbfre

set out to the Earl of Carlisle and also the pasturage grass and herbage

annually hereafter to grow and arise on the afsd public quarry

ground marked 12A hbre set out – Unto the sd Robert Gardhouse his


Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction of all his right

of Common in and upon the sd Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton afsd as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his

Messuages Lands and Tenements within the sd Manor of

Netherdenton, All that part or parcel of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds in the sd Manor of Netherdenton afsd as the same is

set out thereon and distinguished in the sd plan hereunto annexed

with the number or figures – 68 – containing together by mensuration

including his encroachments 1 a. 1 r. And 31 p. And bounded on the E

by the sd road leading to Gilsland Wells, on the W by the Allotment –

No. 65 – hbfre set out to Joseph Bell, on the N by the enclosed Lands of

the said Robert Gardhouse and by the afsd close called Crow’s Dykes

And on the S by the Allotment – No. 62 – hereinbefore set out to John

Hull – Unto the said Adam Thornburn his Heirs and Assigns for ever

in Lieu and full satisfaction of all right of Common in and upon the sd

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton afsd as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the sd Manor of Netherdenton, All that part or

parcel of the sd Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton

afsd as the same is set out theron and distinguished in the sd plan

hereunto annexed with the number or figures – 69 - containing by


mensuration 2a. 2r. & 5p. and bounded on the East by the enclosed

Lands of the said Adam Thornburn and the Allotment - No 66 –

hereinbefore set out to William Payton and others And on the West by

the Allotments – Nos 60 and 63 – hereinbefore set out to George

Calvert and John Hull on the North by the said road leading to

Gilsland Wells and on the South by the aforesaid Military Road Unto

the said George Barnfather his Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and

full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands or

Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton, All that said part

or parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as the same is set out thereon and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or

figures – 70 – containing by mensuration 23 acres 3 roods and 21

perches and bounded on the East by the Allotment – No 17 –

hereinbefore set out to Humble Lamb and on the West by the road

leading to Denton Sonning Head, on the north by the allotments – nos

74 and 75 – hereinafter set out to John Gardhouse and William

Richardson and by the allotment – no. 11 – hereinbefore set out to The

Reverend Thomas Ramshay and on the South by the Allotment – No.


72 – hereinafter set out to William Hutton -----Unto John Bell of

Sandhill in the Parish of Brampton in the County of Cumberland

Gentleman his Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and full satisfaction

of all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant

or belonging to his Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said

Manor of Netherdenton All that part or parcel of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same

is set out and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with

the numbers or figures – 71 – containing by mensuration 36 acres two

roods and 32 perches and bounded on the East by the Allotment – No.

17 – hereinbefore set out to Humble Lamb on the West by the aforesaid

road leading to Denton Sonning head, on the North by the Allotment

– No. 72 – hereinbefore set out to William Hutton and on the South by

the Allotment – No. 20 – hereinbefore set out to Joseph Lamb – Unto

William Hutton his Heirs and Assigns for ever, in lieu and full

satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Netherdenton All that part or

parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as is set out


and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the figures

or numbers – 72 – containing by mensuration 43 acres 3 roods and 13

perches and bounded on the East by the said Allotment hereinbefore

set out to Humble Lamb, on the West by the said road leading to

Denton Sonning head, on the North by the Allotment hereinbefore set

out to George Barnfather, and on the South by the Allotment – No. 71 –

hereinbefore set out to John Bell unto the said George Gardener in lieu

and full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements in and upon the said Manor of Netherdenton All those

parts or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as are set out and distinguished in the said

plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or figures – 73, 74 –

containing by mensuration together by mensuration including his

encroachments 32 acres 2 roods and 3 perches – one of which said

parcels – No. 73 – is bounded on the South East by the Allotment – No.

19 – hereinbefore set out to Joseph Lamb, on the South West by the

enclosed lands of John Gardhouse and the other of which said parcels –

No. 74 – containing 31 acres 3 roods and 21 perches is bounded on the

East by the Allotment – No. 75 – hereinafter set out to William


Richardson, on the West by the said road leading to Denton Sonning

head, on the North by the enclosed Lands of the said John Gardhouse

and William Richardson and on the South by the Allotment – No. 70 –

hereinbefore set out to George Barnfather ---Unto the said William

Richardson his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and full satisfaction

of all his Right of Common in and upon the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant

or belonging to his Messuages Lands and Tenements in the said Manor

of Netherdenton All that part or parcel of the said Moors Commons

and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as the same is set out

thereon and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the

numbers or figures – No. 75 – containing by mensuration 20 acres 3

roods and 20 perches and bounded on the East by the Allotment – No.

11 – hereinbefore set out to the Reverend Thomas Ramshay on the

West by the Allotment – No. 74 – hereinbefore set out to John

Gardhouse on the North by the enclosed lands of the Earl of Carlisle

and the said William Richardson and on the South by the Allotment

hereinbefore set out to William Barnfather Unto [illegible] of [illegible]

in the said County of Cumberland his Heirs and Assigns for ever in

lieu and full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid


as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements in the said Manor of Netherdenton All that part or parcel

of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton

aforesaid as the same is set out and distinguished in the said plan

hereunto annexed with the number or figure – 76 – containing 3 acres

1 rood and 17 perches and bounded on the West and South by the

Allotment – No. 11 – hereinbefore set out to the Reverend Thomas

Ramshay and on the north by the enclosed lands of Thomas Whitfield

and the said John Bell –unto the said Mary Whitfield her heirs and

assigns for ever in lieu and full satisfaction of all her right of common

in and upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Netherdenton aforesaid as appendant appurtenant or belonging to

her Messuages Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of

Netherdenton all that part or parcel of the said Moors Commons and

Waste Grounds as is set out and distinguish in the said plan hereunto

annexed with the numbers or figures – 77 – containing by

mensuration 9 acres and 9 perches and bounded on the east by the

enclosed lands of the said Mary Whitfield and on the west by the

allotment – No. 11 – hereinbefore set out to the Reverend Thomas

Ramshay on the north by the enclosed lands of the Earl of Carlisle and

Thomas Whitfield and on the south by the Allotment – No. 17 –


hereinbefore set out to Humble Lamb -------Unto the said Robert

Warwick Esquire his Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and full

satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Netherdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Upperdenton All that part or

parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Upperdenton aforesaid as the same is set out and distinguished in the

said plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or figures 78 containing

by mensuration 3 acres and 19 perches and bounded on the east by the

road leading to Upperdenton on the west by the allotment – No. 1 –

hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle on the north by the

allotment – No. 87 – hereinafter set out to William Leach and on the

south by the allotment – No. 83 – hereinbefore set out to John Elliott ----

--Unto the said John Richardson his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu

and full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Upperdenton All those two parts

or parcels of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as are set

out and distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the


numbers or figures – 79, 80 – containing together by mensuration

including his encroachments 4 acres 1 rood and 12 perches one of

which said parcels – No. 79 – containing 34 perches is bounded on the

east by the Allotment – No 89 – hereinbefore set out to Joseph Leach

on the west by the Allotment – No. 81 – hereinafter set out to John

Jameson on the north by the enclosed lands of the said John

Richardson and on the south by the Allotment – No. 1 – hereinbefore

set out to the Earl of Carlisle and the other of which said parcels – No.

80 – containing by 2 acres 3 roods and 22 perches is bounded on the

east by the Allotment – No. 91 – hereinafter set out to Mary Thompson

On the West by the enclosed lands of the Earl of Carlisle on the North

by enclosed lands of the said John Richardson And on the South by the

Allotment – No 1 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle --------

Unto the said Philip Bell his Heirs and Assigns for ever in Lieu and

full satisfaction of all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton aforesaid as appendant

appurtenant and belonging to his Messuages Lands and Tenements

within the said Manor of Upperdenton All that part or parcel of the

said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds as is set out and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or

figures – 89 – and containing by mensuration [illegible] bounded on


the East by the road leading to Upperdenton, on the west thereof by

the Allotment – No. 1 – hereinbefore awarded to the Earl of Carlisle

and on the north by the Allotment – No. 83 – hereinafter set out to

John Elliott unto the said John Elliott his Heirs and Assigns for ever

in Lieu and full satisfaction for all his right of Common in and upon

the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton

aforesaid as appendant appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages

Lands and Tenements within the said Manor of Upperdenton All that

part or parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Upperdenton aforesaid as the same is hereinafter set out and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed by the numbers or

figures – 83 – containing by mensuration 2 acres 2 roods and 20

perches and bounded on the east by the said road leading to

Upperdenton on the west by the Allotment – No. 1 – hereinbefore set

out to the Earl of Carlisle on the north by the Allotment – No. 70 –

hereinbefore set out to Robert Warwick and on the south by the

Allotment – No. 82 – hereinbefore set out to Philip Bell -----Unto the

said Philip Leach his Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and full

satisfaction for all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton aforesaid as appendant

appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and Tenements


within the said Manor of Upperdenton, All those four parts or parcels

of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds or Upperdenton

aforesaid as the same are set out thereon and distinguished in the said

plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or figures – 84, 85, 86, 87 –

containing together by mensuration two acres, one of which said

parcels – No. 84 – containing 14 perches is bounded on the North and

East by the enclosed Lands of the said William Leach and by Temmon

Beck otherwise Poltross and on the South West by the said Road

leading to Upperdenton Another of which said parcels – No. 85 –

containing four perches is bounded on the north east by the enclosed

Lands of the enclosed lands of the said William Leach and on the south

and west by the said Road leading to Upperdenton Another of which

said parcels – No. 86 – containing two roods and twenty perches is

bounded on the east by the enclosed lands of the said William Leach on

the west by the said road leading to Upperdenton on the north by the

Allotment – No. 90 – hereinafter set out to Joseph Leach and the other

of which said parcels – No. 87 – containing one acre one rood and two

perches is bounded on the east by the aforesaid road leading to

Upperdenton on the west by the Allotment – No. 1 – hereinbefore set

out to the Earl of Carlisle on the north by the Allotment – No. 89 –

hereinafter set out to Joseph Leach and on the south by the allotment –


No. 78 – hereinbefore set out to Robert Warwick --- Unto the said

Joseph Leach his Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and full

satisfaction for all his right of Common in and upon the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton aforesaid as appendant

appurtenant or belonging to his Messuages Lands and Tenements

within the said Manor of Upperdenton All those three parts or parcels

of the said Moors Commons and Waste of Upperdenton aforesaid as

the same are set out thereon and distinguished in the said plan

hereunto annexed with the numbers or figures – 88, 89, 90 –

containing together by mensuration two acres two roods and twenty

one perches One of which said parcels – No. 88 – containing eighteen

perches is bounded on the east and south by the allotment – No. 81 –

hereinbefore set out to John Jameson and on the North by the enclosed

lands of the said Joseph Leach, another of which said parcels – No. 89 –

containing two acres and twenty eight perches is bounded on the east

by the aforesaid road leading to upperdenton on the west by the

Allotment – No. 1 – hereinbefore set out to the Earl of Carlisle On the

north by the enclosed lands of the said Joseph Leach and the said road

leading to Upperdenton and on the south by the Allotment – No. 87 –

hereinbefore set out to William Leach and the other of which said

parcels – No. 90 – containing one rood and fifteen perches is bounded


on the east by the enclosed lands of the said Joseph Leach on the West

by the said road leading to Upperdenton and on the south by the

Allotment – No. 86 – hereinbefore set out to William Leach And unto

the said Mary Thompson her Heirs and Assigns for ever in lieu and

full satisfaction for all her right of Common in and upon the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of Upperdenton aforesaid as

appendant appurtenant or belonging to her Messuages Lands and

Tenements within the said Manor of Upperdenton All that part or

parcel of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds of

Upperdenton aforesaid as the same is set out thereon and

distinguished in the said plan hereunto annexed with the numbers or

figures – 91 – containing by mensuration twenty two perches and

bounded on the east and south by the Allotment – No. 1 – hereinbefore

set out to the Earl of Carlisle and in the west by the Allotment – No.

80 – hereinbefore set out to John Richardson And whereas under and

by virtue of the powers contained in the above recited Act the said

Frederick Earl of Carlisle hath by and with our consent and

approbation made an exchange with Joseph Bell of ?Fairlain in the

said County of Cumberland that is too say the said Earl has given to

the said Joseph Bell a certain ancient close or parcel of his inclosed

ground called Crows Dykes situation at High Broom Hill in the parish


of Netherdenton aforesaid containing by mensuration seven acres two

roods and seven perches in Exchange for a quantity of the said Moors

Commons and Waste Grounds equivalent in value to the said ancient

close or inclosure and to be taken from the Share or Right of Common

of the said Joseph Belln and to be by us allotted to the said Frederick

Earl of Carlisle in Exchange for the said ancient inclosure and

whereas the said Earl has also with our consent and approbation

made one other exchange with Andrew Irwin of Low Row in the

County that is to say the said Earl hath given to the said Andrew

Irwin and his heirs a small ancient inclosure or parcel of ground

adjoining to the Military Road at Low Row aforesaid containing by

mensuration one rood and twenty nine perches in exchange for a

quantity of the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds equivalent

in value to the said ancient enclosed parcel of ground and to be taken

from the share or right of common of said Andrew Irwin and to be

allotted by us to the said Earl of Carlisle in exchange for the said

ancient enclosed parcel of ground And whereas we have in pursuance

of such exchanges taken such parts or portions from off the shares or

allotments of common of the said Joseph Bell and Andrew Irwin

respectively as were and are equivalent in value to the said ancient

lands so by them received in exchange respectively as aforesaid and


have allotted such parts or portions of common so given in exchange

respectively unto the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle the same parts or

portions being included in the general allotment hereinbefore made to

the said Earl We do therefore hereby confirm the said exchanges

respectively AND we do also order and award that all the allotments

and appropriations hereinbefore made shall be construed and taken to

be freehold to all intents and purposes whatsoever according to the

directions of the said Act AND also that all Incroachments heretofore

made upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds be and

remain the properties of the several persons their Heirs and Assigns

who have inclosed the same unless otherwise above set forth the said

Incroachments being included in the quantities hereinbefore set out

unto them respectively AND we do also order award direct and

appoint that the several persons (the aforesaid purchasers of land sold

for the payment of expenses as well as others) who have shares

or allotments hereinbefore set out unto them their Heirs and Assigns

(the Rector of Netherdenton only excepted) do and shall make erect

and set up good and sufficient new hedges or fences upon the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and plant the same with good

and sufficient thorn and other quick plants (if they make the said

fences of earth) in all places where they adjoin upon any roads public


or private Quarry Grounds Watering places for cattle or grounds

hereinbefore set out for getting sand gravel or other materials for

repairing the Roads either public or private within the said respective

Manors, and that the said several persons their heirs and assigns

respectively do and shall for ever hereafter maintain and repair such

hedges and fences respectively, AND also that they and their several

Heirs and Assigns (the said Rector only excepted) do and shall also

make erect good and sufficient new hedges or fences upon the said

Moors Commons and Waste Grounds and plant the same with good

and sufficient thorn or other quick plants as aforesaid (if they make

the same of earth) in all other places hereinafter mentioned and

assigned to them respectively between their respective shares and the

shares of other proprietors and that they their Heirs and Assigns

respectively do and shall for ever hereafter maintain and repair the

same (that is to say) the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle between his

allotment No. 1 and the allotments of Philip Bell No. 82 John Elliot No.

83 Robert Warwick esquire No. 78 William Leach No. 87 Joseph Leach

No. 89 John Richardson No. 79 John Jameson No. 81 and Mary

Richardson No. 80 beginning at the west end of the said John

Richardson’s last mentioned allotment and extending to the distance

of six chains and eighty links also between the said Earl’s Allotment –


No. 2 – and the allotment of the Reverend Thomas Ramshay from the

corner of the said John Hodgson’s Allotment to the North East corner

of the said Reverend Thomas Ramshay’s Allotment – No. 10 – Also

between his the said Earl’s Allotment – No. 3 – and the Allotment of

Thomas Ramshay Esquire – No. 15 – and between the said Earl’s

Allotment – No. 7 – and the allotment of John Boustead – No. 46 and

Ann Hodgson – No. 47 – and between the said Earl’s allotment – No. 8

– and the allotment of Ann Hodgson – No. 18 – and between his the

said Earl’s allotment – No. 8 – and the Allotment of Ann Hodgson –

No. 18 – and between his the said Earl’s Allotment – No. 9 – and the

Allotment of James Elliot – No. 44 – The said Thomas Ramshay

Esquire between his Allotment – No. 13 – and the Allotments of

Thomas Lawson and Hannah his Wife – No. 12 – and of Thomas

Ramshay Clerk – No. 10 – Also between his Allotment – No. 14 – and

the Allotment of Thomas Waugh – No. 24 – The said Humble Lamb

between his Allotment – No. 18 – and the Allotment of Joseph Addison

– No. 61 – Andrew Irwin - No. 53 – and Lord Carlisle – No. 2 – The said

Joseph Lamb Esquire between his Allotment – No. 21 – and the

Allotment of himself and Alice Ashworth – No. 22 - Also between his

Allotment – No. 19 – and the Allotment of John Gardhouse – No. 73 –

Also between his Allotment – No. 20 – and the Allotment of Humble


Lamb – No. 17 – The said Thomas Waugh between his Allotment – No.

23 – and the Allotment of John Hodgson- No. 27 – and between his the

said Thomas Waugh’s Allotment – No. 26 – and the Allotments of the

Reverend Thomas Ramshay – No. 10 – Joseph Richardson – No. 36 –

and Thomas Lawson and Wife – No. 43 – The said John Hodgson

between his Allotment – No. 27 – and the Allotment of Edward Bell –

No. 31 – Also between his the said John Hodgson’s Allotment – No. 28 –

and the Allotment of the said Edward Bell – No. 32 – Also between the

said John Hodgson’s Allotment – No. 29 – and the Allotment of

Thomas Waugh – No. 25 – Also between the public Freestone Quarry

marked - 12B – and the Allotment of Edward Bell – No. 33 – And Also

between his the said John Hodgson’s Allotment – No. 30 and the

Allotments of the Rector of Netherdenton aforesaid – No. 10 – and of

Thomas Waugh – No. 26 –- The said Edward Bell between his

Allotment – No. 33 – and the West side of the Allotment of Joseph

Richardson – No. 35 – and between his the said Edward Bell’s

Allotment – 34 – and the private occupation road part of the

Allotment of Andrew Irwin – No. 53 –-- The said Joseph Richardson

between the south end of his Allotment – No. 35 – and the Allotment of

Edward Bell – No. 33 – Also between his said Allotment – No. 35 – and

the Allotment of Ann Waugh – No. 39 – and between his the said


Joseph Richardson’s Allotment – No. 36 – and the Allotment of the

Rector of Netherdenton – No. 10 --- The said John Bell of Low Lonning

between his Allotment – No. 37 – and the Allotment of Thomas Lawson

and Wife – No. 41 – The said Ann Waugh between her Allotment – No.

38 – and the Allotment of Edward Bell – No. 32 – Also between her

Allotment – No. 40 – and the Allotment of John Irwin – No. 57 – The

said Thomas Lawson (in right of his Wife) between his Allotment – No.

43 – and the Allotment of Joseph Richardon – No. 36 - --The said James

Elliot between his Allotment – No. 44 – and the Allotment of Thomas

Ramshay Esquire – No. 12 – Also between his the said James Elliot’s

Allotment – No. 45 – and the Allotment of William Payton and others

– No. 67 - - The said John Boustead between his Allotment – No. 46 –

and the Allotment of Lord Carlisle – No. 4 - -The said Ann Hodgson

between her Allotment – No. 49 – and the Allotment of Edward Bell –

No. 34 - --The said Andrew Irwin between his Allotment- No. 50 – and

the Allotment of Ann Hodgson – No. 47 – Also between his Allotment

– No. 52 – and the Allotment of John Hull – No. 63 – and between his

the said Andrew Irwin’s Allotment – No. 53 – and the Allotment of

Edward Bell – No. 34 - - The said John Irwin between his Allotment –

No. 55 – and the Allotment of George Calvert – No. 59 – and between

his the said John Irwin’s Allotment – No. 57 – and the Allotment of


Andrew Irwin – No. 53 ---The said George Calvert between his

Allotment – No. 60 – and the Allotment of Adam Thornburn – No. 69

– The said Joseph Addison the whole of the hedges or Fences on the

West and south sides of his Allotment – No. 61 – The said John Hull

between his Allotment – No. 63 – and the Allotment of George Calvert

– No. 60 – and Adam Thornburn – No. 69- --The said Joseph Bell

between his Allotment – No. 65 – and the Allotments of John Hull –

No. 62 – and Robert Gardhouse – No. 68 - --The said William Payton

and others between their Allotment – No. 66 – and the Allotment of

Joseph Lamb Esquire – No. 19 – Also between the public Freestone

Quarry marked – 12A – and the said Allotment of the said Allotment

of Joseph Lamb – No. 19 – And between their Allotment – No. 67 – and

the Allotment of Ann Waugh – No. 40 - --The said Robert Gardhouse

between his Allotment – No. 68 – and the Allotment of John Hull – No.

62 – The said Adam Thornburn between his Allotment – No. 69 – and

the Allotment of William Payton and others – No. 66 - -The said

George Barnfather between his Allotment – No. 70 – and the

Allotments of William Hutton – No. 72 - and Humble Lamb – No. 17 - --

The said John Bell of Sandhill between his Allotment – No. 71 – and the

Allotments of Joseph Lamb – No. 20 – and Humble Lamb – No. 17 - --

The said William Hutton between his Allotment – No. 72 – and the


Allotments of John Bell – No. 71 – and Humble Lamb – No. 17 – The

said John Gardhouse between his Allotment – No. 71 and the

Allotment of George Barnfather [4] – No. 70 – and also eighty yards in

length [illegible.................] Allotment of the said John Gardhouse No. 74 –

and George Barnfather – No. 70- except as to the eighty yards last

before mentioned and John Bell of Banks between his Allotment – No.

76 - and the Allotment of the Rector of Netherdenton – No. 11 – the

said Mary Whitfield between her Allotment – No. 77 – and the

Allotments of the Rector of Netherdenton – No. 11 - and Humble Lamb

– No. 17- The said Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth between their

Allotment – between their Allotment – No. 22 – and the Allotment of

Lord Carlisle – No. 1 – The said Robert Warwick Esquire between his

Allotment No. 78- and the Allotment of William Leach – No. 87 – the

said John Richardson between his Allotment – No. 79 – and the

Allotments of John Jameson – No. 81 – and Joseph Leach – No. 89 –

Also between the said John Richardson’s Allotment – No. 80 – and the

Allotment of Lord Carlisle – No. 1 – beginning at the distance of six

chains and eighty links from the west end of his Allotment – No. 83 –

and also between his Allotment – No. 80 – and the Allotment of Mary

Thompson – No. 91 - --The said John Jameson between his Allotment –

No. 81 – and the Allotment of Joseph Leach – No. 88- The said Philip


Bell between his Allotment – No 82 and the Allotment of John Elliot –

No. 83 – The said John Elliot between his Allotment – No. 83 – and the

Allotment of Robert Warwick – No. 78 – The said William Leach

between his Allotment No. 86 – and the Allotment of Joseph Leach -

No. 90 – The said Joseph Leach between his Allotment – No. 89 – and

the Allotment of William Leach – No. 87 – The said Mary Thompson

between her Allotment – No. 91 – and the occupation road leading to

and being part of the Allotment of John Jameson – No. 81 – and also

across the south end of her said Allotment adjoining to the Allotment

of the Earl of Carlisle – No. 1 – The said John Moses entirely around

the whole of the plot or parcel of Ground marked AA sold and

hereinbefore allotted to him (Except on the South side thereof where

the same adjoins to ancient Inclosures) –The said Thomas Ramshay

Esquire between his purchased Allotment marked BB and the

Allotment of Edward Bell – No. 31 --- The said John Armstrong

between his purchased Allotment – DD – and the Allotment of the

Earl of Carlisle – No. 1 – of Joseph Lamb – No. 21 – and of the said

Joseph Lamb and Alice Ashworth – No. 22 – And whereas we have in

pursuance of the direction contained in the said Act caused the

Allotments hereinbefore set out to the said Thomas Ramshay Clerk as

Rector of Netherdenton in right of the church to be enclosed and


fenced in the manner directed by the said Act Wherefore we do

hereby award and order that the said Thomas Ramshay Clerk and his

successors Rectors of Netherdenton aforesaid for the time being shall

for ever hereafter maintain and keep in repair the hedges and fences

following, that is to say, the whole of the hedge or fence between his

Allotment – No. 11 – and the Allotments of William Richardson – No.

75 – George Barnfather – No. 70 – and Humble Lamb – No. 17 – Also

we do award and order that the several persons and their Heirs to

whom the herbage of any public quarry or gravel ground hath

hereinbefore been allotted shall either fence off the said public ground

from their adjoining allotments or effectual ascertain and mark out

the same by good and sufficient lasting stones or other Landmarks

AND we do also award order direct and appoint that all the said

hedges and fences be made and completed on or before the twenty

ninth day of September now next ensuing the date of these presents

and that the said hedges and fences and the ditches thereto belonging

be made and cut upon the Allotments of the several persons who are

herein ordered to make and raise the same without any allowance

from his her or their neighbours or the said roads for or in respect of

the said fences hedges or ditches and that all right of common in and

upon the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds from and after the


time limited and preserved by the said Act shall cease and be for ever

afterwards barred and extinguished, And also that convenient Gaps

or openings be left in the said fences and inclosures till the said twenty

ninth day of September now next ensuing the date hereof for the

passage of cattle carts and carriages for the carriage of materials for

erecting or raising hedges or buildings upon the said Moors Commons

and Waste Grounds And for all other necessary purposes, And Also

that no Lambs or Sheep depastured or kept in any of the said new

Inclosures on the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds during the

space of seven years from the execution of this Award except upon

such terms and conditions as are set forth in the said Act And that

any person or persons offending herein be liable to such punishments

and subject to make such satisfaction to the person or persons injured

thereby and in such manner as in the said Act is particularly set

forth, And Also that none of the persons who have any share or

allotment of common hereinbefore set out unto ..........shall at any time

or times hereafter ....sheep or other goods.......or private........stray into

any of the said......or into any watering places Quarry grounds or

gravel pits set apart for public use so to [extinguish?] ......such cattle or

other the said watering places to water there .........without any

unnecessary delay and not suffer to remain or ...there ---And also that


any Coal Lead Tin Copper Stone ...Mineral or Metals within or under

the said Moors Commons and Waste Grounds [to be?] inclosed under

the said Act (save and except the stones in the public Stone Quarries

set out as aforesaid) As Also all [Seignories?] Royalties Franchises and

Liberties and all Seignorial rights of what nature or kind soever

incident or belonging to the said Manors respectively be reserved unto

the said Frederick Earl of Carlisle Lord of the said Manors his Heirs

or Assigns or to the Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the said Manors

for the time being in as full ample and beneficial a manner as he the

said Earl or any of his Ancestors heretofore could or might have

enjoyed the same as is more particularly set forth in the said Act

together with all such necessary and convenient Ways Wayleaves and

Liberties as is therein also mentioned and set forth, He the said Earl of

Carlisle his Heirs or Assigns or the Lord or Lords Lady or Ladies of the

said Manors for the time being making such satisfaction for such

damage as may from time to time be sustained in winning working

and leading away any such Coals Lead Tin Copper Stones Slate

Minerals or Metals as is and are directed in and by the said Act in

that behalf –Also we do hereby Award Order and direct that in all

cases and at all times when there shall be any standing water in or

upon any of the said Allotments the owners or occupiers thereof shall


cast and cleanse their ditches so as to carry off such water and

prevent it watering the adjoining land of any other person And the

owner or occupier of any such Allotment so damaged by any such

standing water shall and may and is hereby authorized to cut a drain

or gutter in the most suitable place in his own land to carry the same

water unto the next adjoining Allotment and the Owner or Occupier

of such adjoining Allotment shall and is hereby required in such case

to cut a watercourse into and through the said land and the next and

every succeeding Owner or Occupier of each adjoining Allotment shall

do the same until such water be entirely carried off ---And we do

hereby Award and Order that the Owners of the said Allotments –

Nos. 43, 26, 30 hereinbefore set out to the said Thomas Lawson and

Hannah his Wife Thomas Waugh and John Hodgson respectively shall

and may at any time or times hereafter either erect hedges or fences

on the North sides of their said Allotments as hereinbefore ordered or

in Lieu thereof only erect...good and sufficient gates at the entrance of

such respective Inclosures across the said Road leading from

the said Earl of Carlisle’s...marked -2- as they shall think fit (anything

hereinbefore contained to the contrary notwithstanding) –And Also

we do hereby award and order that that said Edward Bell and his

Heirs do andn shall on or before the twenty first day of September


next cut and for ever thenceforth cleanse and keep open a straight

and sufficient drain or watercourse from ....across his allotment of

common – No. 31 – to the entrance of the bridge lately erected across

the rivulet called Mill ...In Witness whereof we the said Thomas

Lawson, James Boustead and John Norman the Commissioners

aforesaid have to this our Award contained in twenty four skins of

parchment set our hands and seals this twenty first day of April in

the year of Our Lord One thousand eight hundred.

[Attestation on final skin illegible]

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