Page 1: To be in subjection to authority by elder don ellis


By: Elder Don FJ/iB

Page 2: To be in subjection to authority by elder don ellis

It is our aim in this article to teach God's children the right of being in subjection to authority, who has this authority and who does not have this authority.

In these modem times, we hear so much ofpeople who are demanding their rights and refusing to obey those over them. Men in authority have to beg, compromise, bribe, and ask only in a nice way to get people under them to do their will. School authorities and teachers have lost control of the pupils. Parents have lost control of their children who claim they have a right to do their own thing. Our armed forces cannot exercise discipline over the service men and women. Churches have rules of decorum which are never exercised over the members for fear of hurting some ones feelings.

It is the nature ofman to be free. It seems to be a crushing burden to be a slave to someone; people that are under dictators or tyrants long to be free. This writer can remember when a prisoner of war, the intense desire to escape and be free from his captors. Yet, in turn, as we long to be independent and free in our nature, we also, according to our nature, want to have other people under us in servitude. We want to be superior to other people and force them to do our will. We see dictatorship overcome only to have another set up that is even worse or more severe.

So it remains in our lives, there must be some in subjection and some in authority and the Holy Bible has to be the true guide. There can be no other true guide but the inspired word of God. We have Satan as an adversary that is continually upsetting the rule of God or at least confusing our minds as to who is in authority and who is in subjection. To be in subjection to the proper authority brings happiness providing both the subjection and the authority is according to the word of God. If we are in subjection but only in a resentful, rebellious way, then our burden of bondage will be a great trial and unhappiness. When one is placed in authority and they exercise it according to the word ofGod, then the subjects, if they submit, will be happy and content. They will even love and revere the one in authority.



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Let us examine the word authority:

Matthew 7:29, "For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes." This word for authority in the Greek is EXOUSIA, which means to have the ability, to be potent, having the mastery. Our God is qualified to rule and ifwe subject ourselves to Him, it will be of great benefit to us.

Hebrew 12:9 reads, "Furthermore we have had fathers of our flesh which corrected us and we gave them reverence; shall we not much rather be in subjection unto the Father of Spirits and live?"

God in his wisdom and authority over His subjects has also designated authority to others under Him. The Greek word EPITAGE means to have an authority by decree, placed or designated authority. Titus 2:15 reads, "These things speak and exhort and rebuke with all authority, let no man despise thy youth."

God, having all qualified authority over His subjects (children) also has the authority to designate authority and we as His subjects are to willingly submit to them. Paul told Titus to rebuke with all authority and being a young man, the older brethren would probably resent him in his rebuking them.

To walk with God and enjoy this fellowship with Him we must be , subject to them that have the Biblical rule over us. God will never

allow us to by-pass His designated authority and be prosperous in blessings. Sometimes even God's rulers in this matter are not qualified to rule, yet we need to be very careful in this matter if we are to please God. 1st Peter 2: 18 reads, "Servants, be subject to your master with all fear not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward." Froward means to be warped, perverse or crooked.

A child ofGod need not feel he is under a crushing bondage because this designated authority is for his good and for his


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edification. We can never live a life close to God without obeying, and submitting to it.

Parents and Children

Aside from the fact that the children of God are under authority to God to do His will, the number one authority in our lives is our parents. In Ephesians 6: 1 Paul says, "Children obey your parents in the Lord; for this is right."

Parents have been set over us by God for our good and their duty is to train us to take our rightful place in our society. Ifwe would submit to God's word, we would understand that there are times when we have to be spanked, or corrected in a forceful way. Proverbs 22: 15 says, "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child; but the rod ofcorrection shall drive it far from him." Our parents corrected us because they wanted us to grow up and have the pleasure of being respected citizens. We can only have this ifwe have been disciplined to it. My father had to teach me to be honest and how to make my word good by not lying. We have to learn that it is wrong to lie.

Parents must learn that teaching has to come from leading a good example. If a child though, refuses to follow his parent's example, and the parents are obedient to God, they will whip that child to bring him into subjection. Parents also know that a child needs an education, and it is the parent's duty to see to it that the education is God honoring and administered according to God's rule. This parent will be interested in who is teaching his child and will co­operate with them in the child's discipline. If it is necessary to spank the child or correct him in a severe way, the parent will back the teacher up. The lack of discipline in our schools will disrupt our whole society. It will ultimately ruin our whole country. What a great responsibility has been placed upon us as parents and children. Ephesians 6:4 reads, "And ye fathers provoke not your children to wrath; but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."


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Husband and Wife

This relationship perhaps should have been mentioned first. Without a proper, truth oriented husband and wife relationship, we could never bring up our children in the way they should go. The wife must be in subjection to her own husband as unto the Lord. Paul writes with authority from God, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord" (Colossians 3:18). In turn, the husband, who is the designated authority, is to qualify himself to rule. Paul continues in verse 19, "Husbands love your wives and be not bitter against them." This is to be a loving benevolent rule. It is God's will that husbands work hard and eat bread by the sweat of his face. 1st Timothy 5:8 reads, "But if any provide not for his own and especially for those ofhis own house he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. If a man seeks to escape this responsibility and does not treat his mate with a true benevolent rule as unto a weaker vessel, he will fmd that God is his enemy and his prayers will be hindered.

In the beginning of creation, God saw it was not good for man to dwell alone, so He created a help-meet, a wife for him. God then gave this man and woman laws and when in subjection to these laws, or rules, they would find a measure of happiness in their fallen state. The husband was to labor to make the living. The woman was to bear children in pain and sorrow, to love her husband and guide the house. Paul states that they, the women, were to be keepers at home. Whenever this law is changed and broken, this union then ceases to be the grace of life.

Much of the trouble in our society can be directly traced to women working and leaving the children in the care ofothers. We have become so ambitious and our standard of living so high that the making of money has become the supreme driving force in our society. We feel we can hold our children in the obligation that we have given them everything. Fathers feel that they must not only give their families what they need, but in many instances, whatever they want. Husbands must work willingly for their families, and


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not feel he is being deprived ofpleasure in that he can't spend his money on his own pleasure. His indulgences only rob his family of their right. In like manner, the wife is to encourage the husband in his tiring labor and be more content with what he brings in. She should show him that she is proud ofhim and thankful for the living that he provides.

Very few wives today are able to believe or receive the scripture 1 st Peter 3:5-6, "For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in subjection unto their own husband." Let us pause to explain that this adorning is not the putting on of apparel or dressing up, but the adorning ofa meek and quiet spirit. Verse 6, "Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord; whose daughters ye are, as long as you do well and are not afraid with any amazement." Most wives today are afraid to depend upon their husbands and are amazed that God expects them to. The cause of so many divorces and broken homes today is the fact that God's marriage laws are broken. Husbands do not take their responsibilities seriously and do not qualify themselves to be the head ofa family. Wives do not submit themselves to the husbands authority set over them. They each want their own way and the marriage is broken. A bad example is set for the children who in turn set bad examples, which brings us to our very serious marital problems today.

Labor and Management

We realize that this insignificant article can't change the labor unrest in the world, but there are believing children ofGod who wonder what is the right way. They are surrounded with labor resentment and management injustice which causes them to be confused in how to please God in this part of their life. Today it is very difficult to be a Christian while working at public work. Capitalist's exploit the laborers for their own selfish interests and greed and are not in proper subjection to the will of God. The worker then, who is not in proper subjection to God, retaliates with slow downs in production, sabotage, stealing and faulty work. When these conditions exist around a Christian, he is tempted to


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just go along with it. Ifhe is neglectful to know the will of God, it will become his attitude also and he will sin against God.

The apostle Paul in Ephesians 6:5-8 says, "Servants, be obedient to them that are your masters according to the flesh, with fear and trembling in singleness of your heart, as unto Christ; not with eyeservice, as menpleasers; but as the servants ofChrist, doing the will of God from the heart; with good will doing service, as to the Lord, and not to men: knowing that whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the same shall he receive of the Lord, whether he be bond or free."

This is a very difficult walk, one filled with many tribulations, when we are surrounded by people who are filled with resentment toward management. Labor unions are formed to protect the rights of labor, and they become powerful forces that extort capital and force them to share the wealth. They go on lengthy strikes to force their way and in many cases cause employers to close their doors. This is done for the so-called reason to give the worker his rights. We hear the slogan; "Indiana coal belongs to the coal union." Is this a Christian attitude to feel that something they do not own belongs to them? This is a very serious problem in our churches. These attitudes are brought right into our churches if it is our attitude at work.

We notice in the Bible that there are laws that govern both management and labor. But the majority of the rules are to the worker. Evidently there will be few in management who are in the church, because it is so hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom ofGod. He cannot be humble and submissive and be rich at the same time. There are commandments from God to the employer that if he will be in subjection to God, he will be blessed. Paul writes in Ephesians 6:9, "And, ye masters, do the same things unto them, forbearing threatening: knowing that your Master also is in heaven; neither is there respect ofpersons with him."

A Christian is to be submissive to the will of God in this labor relationship, although it is very difficult. Our good examples will


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draw much resentment and persecution, yet God can tum that which was meant for evil to good. It would be better to leave a good paying job for lesser paying labor than not be in subjection to a froward employer. Many of God's children go along with the union attitudes, lose their humility and love only to have a high standard of living. What they are doing is trading their fellowship with God for power and money.

Government and Citizen

Jesus prayed for His people who were not of the world but were in the world. While in the world, God's people are citizens ofmany different types of governments. Some are friendly toward churches and some are hostile. Some governments believe the ruler is divine and to be worshipped. Others allow freedom of worship. In the Bible, this caused confusion among Christians as it does today. God has set forth rules, to His children that please Him, regarding this and we should be in subjection to them in the proper way. The Pharisees tempted Christ with this question, "Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar or not?" Christ, after he had asked for a penny and inquired whose image was on the coin, made this answer, "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's and to God the things that are God's."

According to the will of God, a Christian should be in subjection to his government although it may be a government which has conquered his homeland. Ifyou use the coinage ofa nation to buy your food and raiment, then it is God's will that you be in subjection to them up to a certain point. Caesar only gets tribute that belongs to him yet the government is to be obeyed for us to please God.

Paul writes in Romans 13:1-3, "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever therefore resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation. For rulers are not a terror to good works,


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but to the evil. Wilt thou then not be afraid of the power? do that which is good, and thou shalt have praise of the same."

This power under consideration means authority. It is ordained of God. This would be a government that has laws ofjustice and equity. It would be one that sets up a way so that we are able to make a living, one whose money is good enough to buy our food. We are to be law abiding and honest to this kind of government. We are to pay oUr taxes in an honest way and to obey traffic laws, etc. If the laws are not contrary to the laws of God, we are to obey them. To be under oppression and bondage does not give the Christian a right to be lawless, as he is under the law of God.

When Israel and Judah were under the Babylonian rule, God commanded them to be obedient to the king as God himself had set him up. Nevertheless, when Nebuchadnezzar gave the commandment that they were to worship his golden image, the children of Israel were to disobey. This would be to render unto God the things that belong to God. Daniel and the three that were cast into the fiery furnace served this king honestly and respectfully, yet did not give him any service that belonged to God.

The apostle Paul, when a prisoner of the Roman government, was brought before Felix, Festus and Agrippa, he always spoke respectfully and in a reasonable way.

The early Christians who were persecuted and slain by the Roman government were never found guilty of breaking laws, but in refusing to recognize Caesar as being divine.

Paul exhorts in 1 st Timothy 2: 1-3, "I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; for kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. For this is good and acceptable in the sight ofGod our Saviour."


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Authority and Subjection in Church

In the church ofChrist, which is the body of Christ, there are many gifts which are given for the purpose of glorifying Christ. These gifts are the children of God who have come to the precious experience of believing in Christ and have been brought into the body ofChrist by faith and the work ofthe Holy Spirit. As Paul says in 1 st Corinthians 12: 11-12, "But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit, dividing to every man severally as he will. For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body: so also is Christ." This body is not to be confused with the elect family of God who was chosen before the foundation of the world; a people chosen in Christ from every kindred, nation, tongue and people from every age of time. This people, when born ofGod's Holy Spirit, are children of God, fitted for Heaven's immortal glory by the imputed righteousness of Christ's blood. All these people, wherever they may reside or whenever they may have lived in the histoty of the earth. have faith in their Almighty God, and worship God in some fashion. However. they do not all worship in truth. for to worship God in Spirit and in truth we must have the glorious gospel of Christ preached to us. That is the people to which I refer here.

When the apostle Paul was in Athens, Greece on a journey, he toured this great city, and viewed the statuary of the Greek temples. Seeing that the Greek city was given wholly to idolatry, Paul says in Acts 17:22-23, "Then Paul stood in the midst ofMars' hill, and said, Ye men of Athens, I perceive that in all things ye are too superstitious. For as I passed by, and beheld your devotions, I found an altar with this inscription, TO THE UNKNOWN GOD. Whom therefore ye ignorantly worship, him declare I unto you." This was a devoted, worshipping people, yet in ignorance they were worshipping a god that that they felt for but knew very little about. This was a people of God, with faith in God, but having no knowledge ofhow or why they should worship Him. So Paul, through the gospel, declared this unknown God to them. This was the age (world) that was to come, as Paul again speaks of in


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Ephesians 2:6-7, "And hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus: that in the ages to come he might shew the exceeding riches of his grace in his kindness toward us through Christ Jesus."

When this wonderful knowledge of Christ comes, then our faith in God is increased to also have faith in Christ. This is a gifted people to be able to show forth the praises ofHim who hath called them out of darkness into His marvelous light. As each one is gifted by the Holy Ghost, it is for the purpose of glorifying Christ while we live here on earth, and God has set the members, everyone of them, in the body as it has pleased Him (1 st

Corinthians 12:18). They are brothers and sisters in Christ, no one of them more honorable than the other. As we are the recipients of the grace of God, we can easily see that others are better than self. Paul, the greatest writer of the New Testament, never lost sight of the fact that as Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; Paul felt to be the chief, or greatest of sinners.

Now in this wonderful body, there are many gifts, a diversity of gifts, which God has placed there and when these gifts function in their proper place and order, Christ is praised. It is a body of Christ that acts like Christ. In this body, which has so many gifts, it seems necessary in God's sight that these gifts be subject, in some ways, one to another. Some are to be in authority and some in subjection to this God-designated authority, that there be no confusion in the function of this body. The command was that all things were to be done decently and in order.

The apostles seem to be the highest authority of all the gifts given among men. They had miraculous gifts such as raising the dead, casting out devils and healing the halt, lame and blind. These gifts were to prove that the Lord and the Kingdom ofHeaven had come and the law service was to be done away with. Some of the apostles were to be authority of the highest order as Peter said that even after his decease we were to have these things always in remembrance. Luke, who wrote two books of inspired scriptures said in Luke I: 1-3, "Forasmuch as many have taken in hand to set


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forth in order a declaration of those things which are most surely believed among us, even as they delivered them unto us, which from the beginning were eyewitnesses, and ministers of the word; it seemed good to me also, having had perfect understanding ofall things from the very first..." We are to be in subjection to this apostolic authority and the power of their being inspired to write the scriptures. The word of God is to be our infallible guide in the way of truth. We are not to distort the truth, neither are we to manufacture truth to fit any ofour desires or worldly lusts. It is honoring to God to subject our lives to the words of the apostles and writers of truth. Also, we should build on the foundation and not try to illY foundations.

Today, the apostolic days are over and as Paul said ofhis departure, "Now I commend you to God, and the word ofHis grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."

Paul, in his further address, gave instructions to the Elders ofthe church in Acts 20:28, "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers..."

The chain of authority is now passed on to the Elders, who are called Bishops, the meaning ofwhich is overseer. These men would be the pastor-teacher gifts that are given by Jesus to His church. These men are designated to this post by the Holy Ghost and are under His influence and guidance. Paul writes in Hebrews 13:7, "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have • spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation." The authority of the apostle is now given to the pastor-teachers and they are to be followed. The word "remember" means to exercise or punish your mind in memory. We are to punish our mind in memory lest we forget the words of God which they have spoken.


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Hebrews 13: 17 reads, "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account... "

These ministers have been put in authority over the church by the Holy Ghost and they must give an account to God for the spiritual welfare ofHis people. God's people should submit themselves to their words and obey them. As the brethren now all have gifts to exercise they are to exercise them under the oversight ofthe pastor. They are to exercise in order and without confusion and they are to do it under the direction of the pastor. One of the qualifications of an Elder is that he bring-up his children under subjection, without riot (unruly); one that ruleth well his own house having his children in subjection with all gravity.

A healthy Spiritual church will be in subjection to the rule of the pastors teaching. His attitude toward them will be as a loving, caring father. This church will praise God and Christ with the proper exercise ofthe different gifts. As the brethren exercise their gifts, they are not to usurp authority one over the other except in a Bible way.

1st Timothy 2: 11-12 reads, "Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence." This teaches us that teaching in the church is to be the duty of men. This is sometimes understood as meaning that a woman cannot talk or make a noise in the church house. In our experience, we know a church that had this rule, yet they had a woman clerk. This isn't teaching silence in the meeting house, but a silence in the body of Christ; a silence that is to be entered into when we are baptized into the body of Christ. This silence means to hold one's peace, or to be a listener and learner and not a teacher. This word for authority is "authenteo" in the Greek which means to dominate or to act of one's own self or to have one's own way.

A woman is to have a meek and quiet spirit, dependant upon her husband and leave the rule of the church up to the men. Also, they


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are not to rule behind the scenes, as Jezebel, who ruled through her husband. It is not teaching that a woman cannot take part in the worship of God with her voice. She has the privilege of singing, telling her friends what great things the Lord has done for her, to ask forgiveness, and to encourage others. It would be only right in our feet-washing services for women to openly express their love for each other. 1st Corinthians 11:5 states, "But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven." Paul is teaching that a woman, being in subjection to her husband, ought to wear a covering veil. This veil was to show publicly that she was married and in subjection to her husband. Now, the wrong was not in the praying and prophesying in the meeting, but doing it while at the same time throwing off the subjection to her husband. Paul was not on the side of women's liberation from the rule of the husband, neither is our God, who has the authority to begin with.

The word for prophesy does not mean preaching or teaching. It means to be an inspired speaker. In the Acts of the Apostles, it is noted that Phillip, the evangelist had four daughters that did prophesy (Acts 21 :9).

In the teaching of gifts given to the church is the subject of prophesy. What is it? What is its place in the church? Again, the word means inspired speaker. This does not mean a foretelling of the future, but only speaking according to the will ofGod. Ifwe are under the influence of the Spirit of God, many times we will speak of things to come, but only according as the Bible teaches. It could even be something that is past in a way of remembrance. A gift ofprophesy could well be a visiting preacher. Although the pastor has the oversight and responsibility of teaching his flock, this doesn't take away the right of a visiting minister to preach the truth as he sees it. Rather, it would be his obligation and duty to preach as he is led of the Spirit, and in this way, things of error that may have crept in will be exposed. Also, his words might verify and ratify that which the pastor has spoken. The brethren would then be established in the mouth of witnesses. Also, brethren that refuse to be pastured and taught, who will not obey them that have


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the rule over them, are apt to get a prophet sent to them from God. He will not be a father but a judge. His preaching will be condemnation and a call for repentance.

Pastor and Deacons

In the early days of the church, the apostles were the only authority. It seems they became so busy with the affairs of the church that they were neglecting their prayers and their preaching, so they called for help. The church selected men, filled with the Spirit and wisdom, and they were appointed (ordained) deacons, which in the Greek language means servants. Elders, it is taught, are servants or slaves of God to the church. Deacons are appointed as servants in an office. They are not appointed to rule the church but to do the things that the church wants done under the direction of the pastor. In the beginning, they were to assist the ministers in the care of the widows and to administer to each man as they had need. This teaches that the finances of the church were put into their hands to distribute to the needs of the brethren. The needs of the pastor would be included in this. These ordained men are to be helpful to one another but never to usurp authority over one another. The pastor is the overseer whom the Holy Ghost has appointed. As the minister preaches the word of God and the church obeys the word, they will be generous with the poor, support the pastor, etc. In this they will direct the deacons in this work. They must be in the Spirit to have compassion and love for the people. They must have wisdom to do this work with equity and justice.

We have the practice in churches today of sending deacons as ordained authority to form presbyteries to ordain Elders and deacons. This is a tradition ofman that has sprung up yet it is a direct violation of scripture and is a usurping of authority by the deacons. Let us take the word "presbytery;" it is found only once in the Bible. The meaning of this word in English is "Elders." The Greek word "presbuterion" is the plural for Elder, or an order of Elders. The Greek word "presbuteros" is the singular meaning of Elder. In this, the meaning of the word presbytery is a group of


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Elders. This word does not mean a group of ordained help or authority. The authority to ordain deacons and Elders is given to Elders as is the authority to baptize and conduct communion. This is a part of their office. The deacons have their office and if they use it well. they purchase to themselves a good degree and great boldness in the faith.

Oh that God would open our blind eyes! We, as a people. ignore the office of the deacon in its proper use which is to care for the church, the sick and those in need. We do not supply them with proper funds to carry on this work but we will go contrary to the scripture by sending them out to ordain. This is not being in SUbjection to God's designated authority.

The excuse is made that some times deacons are wiser and they know more about the candidate that is to be ordained, therefore they are more qualified than Elders. Could not this same excuse be given when there is someone to be baptized? Would the deacons, according to the scriptures, be allowed to baptize? Let us, as the body of Christ, submit ourselves to Christ, who is head of the church, by submitting ourselves to His designated authority. In the early church, the murmuring among the brethren was stilled when deacons were appointed. The ministers returned to their prayers and the ministry of the word and God blessed His church. Acts 6:7 reads, "'And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples mUltiplied in Jerusalem greatly; and a great company of the priests were obedient to the faith."

Preachers in Subjection •

In 1st Peter chapter 5, Peter is exhorting the Elders (Presbuterion) to feed the flock of God which is among them. These Elders are the ministers of God's church. The word "Elder" is the only legal title for a preacher found in the Bible. That an Elder is a preacher is proved by the command to "feed the flock" of God. In Acts 20:28, Paul is speaking to the Elders at Ephesus as overseers to feed the church ofGod. They are not ordained "Reverends." They are not "Bishops" or overseers of each other, except as Pastors of



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churches. Elders, when ordained, are not over each other in authority except they be pastor of the church where one would have his membership. These men are undershepherds of the Lord as He is the chief Shepherd. Peter's exhortation is, "Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with hwnility ... " If they are truly hwnble before God, they will never be jealous of each other and will cooperate with each other. They will be able to enjoy one another's preaching and above all, love each other and have a great respect for one another's talents.

In 1 st Peter 5:5 we have this statement to consider, "Likewise, ye younger, submit yourselves unto the elder." This word "younger" in the original Greek means "new" or "fresh". In 1 st Timothy; 3 :6, there is a word "novice" which in the Greek means "new instructed" or "taught". These words are very close together in meaning. This is a man that is called of God to preach the Gospel who is just beginning in the ministry. His growth in the ministry is to be watched over by the Elders though he may not be a young man in years. He is only younger, or a new preacher, in spiritual growth. A man is ordained an Elder when he has matured in both knowledge and experience. If he is ordained too soon, while still a novice, Paul says he will be lifted up with pride and fall into the condemnation of the devil. In that condition, he will have lost his hwnility and cause a great loss of fellowship among the Elders. A young preacher should never be ordained an Elder until he has grown older or matured in knowledge and experience. Sometimes there seems to be a shortage of local preachers and churches will ordain men that exercise their gift too quickly because he has grown to the point that he is able to preach at length. It is the Elders' responsibility to judge this young minister in his growth and ordain him at the right time. Paul says in 1 st Timothy 5:22, "Lay hands suddenly on no man ..." A young preacher must submit to this designated authority.

At an ordination for an Elder, there must be a judgment to determine if: he is called to preach, he has and is established in preaching the truth, he is walking in truth and last and perhaps the most important, he has matured enough. To the young minister we



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write, "Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity ...give attendance to reading, to exhortation, to doctrine...meditate upon these things; give thyself wholly to them; that thy profiting may appear to all." "And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully."

In conclusion, let us love one another, not envying one another, submitting ourselves to one another, and to the will of God. Let us submit willingly to the designated authority of God, and let those that have the rule submit themselves to God to be a qualified authority. This will be an obedient, loving church in the sight of God, and to the children ofGod around it.


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By: Elder Don Ellis


Page 20: To be in subjection to authority by elder don ellis

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Page 21: To be in subjection to authority by elder don ellis

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