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The girl’s guide to

Inner Peace

Page 2: to Inner Peace - Alison Martin · 2017. 12. 14. · All Rights Reserved | Alison Martin | The girl’s guide to Inner Peace 4 Now, in the animal kingdom, this pathway is reversed

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The Girls Guide to Inner PeaceIf you are anything like me, you are the master of putting everyone and everything above yourself. There never seems to be enough time left for the things you want to do. And even if there is time left, you are far too tired to do anything about it. And then there is the part of you that tells yourself that it is selfish to put yourself before others.

We, the women of the world, have convinced ourselves that our children, partner, parents, friends, boss, and even the dog needs to be taken care of before we can relax and do something nourishing for the self. We approach life’s commitments and demands like delicately spinning plates. If we take our eye off of one of those plates for even a moment, then they all come crashing down! We end up tired, emotionally exhausted and resentful.

Wouldn’t it be nice to create more time for yourself? To care for yourself first, not last and without guilt? Self-care is not selfish. In fact, we must take care for ourselves before we can take care of anyone else. There is a very good reason why on a plane before take-off, in your safety instructions you are asked to fit your own oxygen mask before helping others!

Page 3: to Inner Peace - Alison Martin · 2017. 12. 14. · All Rights Reserved | Alison Martin | The girl’s guide to Inner Peace 4 Now, in the animal kingdom, this pathway is reversed

The girl’s guide to Inner Peace | Alison Martin | All Rights Reserved3

Nobody likes to be stressed, yet few people truly know how to reduce their stress levels healthily and effectively. What are your coping methods? Perhaps you keep it all in until you are ready to verbally explode? You might get drawn into negative distractions such as staying up late, under or over exercising or hanging around with negative ‘friends’ that encourage self-sabotage. Or is it your favourite drink, drug or food of choice that saves you from your misery? Lifting your mood whilst you’re in the moment, only to sink deeper into your unhappiness once the fix is over.

These destructive coping mechanisms act as a vicious cycle loading your body with additional stress. But why is stress so bad? Aren’t we designed to cope with all of life’s demands?

Stress is the master of disguise; she wears many different costumes throughout the day. From the quality of your thoughts, foods and drinks, to the chemicals in your water, air and food. The type of exercise you do or don’t do! Physical aches, pains and injuries, not to mention the vibrational ‘toxins’ emitted from the devices that rule your life. Your beautiful body is batting off unwanted stressors every moment of every day.

Each and every time your mindbody brushes up against one of these stressors, your incredibly talented and super-efficient body activates the flight or fight response; your body’s natural and skilled way of protecting itself. The adrenal glands (two little glands that sit on top of the kidneys like a funky hat ;)), release stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol, which prepare the body to either attack, or run from the perceived danger. Blood and oxygen are pulled away from your organs of digestion, detoxification and reproduction, to ensure energy goes to the heart and lungs, head, legs and arms for a quick getaway.This mechanism is essential, but what if the mindbody becomes overloaded with multiple stressors day in, day out? Que IBS, weight gain, adult acne, eczema, PMS and infertility. I know, enlightening isn’t it?

Self-care is not Selfish

Page 4: to Inner Peace - Alison Martin · 2017. 12. 14. · All Rights Reserved | Alison Martin | The girl’s guide to Inner Peace 4 Now, in the animal kingdom, this pathway is reversed

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Now, in the animal kingdom, this pathway is reversed super quickly and equilibrium is restored. Imagine a gazelle grazing on the plains of the Savannah is suddenly chased by a lion. The gazelle is literally running for her life; every bit of her energy is focused on staying alive, for she knows in this situation she either lives or dies. Now, once she has escaped danger and she knows she is safe, she will happily go back to grazing, forgetting the danger of that lion. Her nervous system calms which triggers the rest, repair, reproduce and digest mechanisms.

We aren’t so different to that gazelle. The only difference is that unlike the gazelle, we carry on running. We get stressed by our lives, traffic, bills, relationships, work and family. An event that happened weeks, months or even years ago has the ability to emotionally trigger us over and over and over again.

This guide is a go to support tool, to help you bring calmness and peace of mind into your life. The tips I’m sharing with you are my own tried and tested lifestyle recipes that have helped me go from OMG to OMMMMMMM.

Take these tips and begin implementing them into your life. You will begin to calm your body’s stress response and your body will begin to repair. You will not only be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel, but you will radiate your own bright light from deep within, lighting up the world for those you love and for those that love you.

So grab your favourite notebook and a special pen, because this guide is super interactive. There will be “aha” moments that you will want to jot down along the way. As well as prompting questions from me to help you get unstuck.

Shine bright, beautiful soul sister x

Page 5: to Inner Peace - Alison Martin · 2017. 12. 14. · All Rights Reserved | Alison Martin | The girl’s guide to Inner Peace 4 Now, in the animal kingdom, this pathway is reversed

The girl’s guide to Inner Peace | Alison Martin | All Rights Reserved5

Mother Nature has taught me so much about myself; my life, my pains and my imbalances. I now rely on the gentle hum of nature to keep my life on track.

You see, everything in the universe is connected. From the sun burning brightly at the centre of our solar system, to the moon controlling the oceans and tides. Every living creature, plant and organism has something in common with its fellow being. From the smallest ant in the Amazon Rainforest, to the largest whale swimming in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean; we are all one. Pulsating with love and life on this beautiful planet we call home.

Not that long ago (and still in some parts of the world today), people lived their lives very differently. They worked and slept by the rising and setting sun, planted their crops in accordance with the waxing and waning moon, they farmed and fed in alignment with the soil. They relied on the healing power of plants to heal. They aligned themselves with the wisdom of nature to stay healthy and to avoid ambush from predators. But in the western world, we have long forgotten this natural, cyclical wisdom in favour of technology, financial growth and power.

Nature heals

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However, there are still in built cyclical responses to nature that take place on a daily basis. Did you know that your body has a really cool way of linking up with nature via your circadian rhythm? Your body produces the hormone cortisol in response to the rising sun which wakes you up signaling that it is time to get up and get doing. As you move into the afternoon, your body then releases melatonin and serotonin in harmony with the setting sun and the rising moon. Preparing your body for rest and repair and ultimately, sleep. Amazing, right?

As a woman, you are supercharged to Mother Nature’s wisdom through your menstrual cycle. It’s not by chance that the optimal menstrual cycle is 28 days long, the same length of time it takes for the moon to move through her complete cycle. When your body is streamlined to the lunar (moon) energy you will begin your bleed on the full moon and ovulate on the new moon. Yup, we are incredible creatures!

As a woman, you are supercharged to Mother Nature’s wisdom

Now, like all good things there is a catch! Humans in their infinite wisdom, in their race to create, achieve and succeed have, and keep on, attempting to outsmart Mother Nature. FYI; It’s not possible.

We choose to work long hours, indoors for most of the day, under artificial light, in air conditioned buildings. We eat at our desks or on the run. We live in boxes, drive boxes, eat food that comes from boxes, and watch boxes. We sit more, move less, and get out in nature rarely. We chose to live in a synthetic world of artificial distractions, overtly stimulated with the make believe world of TV and social media. We are hyper stimulated, continually plugged in and connected, yet never have we felt more lonely and disconnected.

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The girl’s guide to Inner Peace | Alison Martin | All Rights Reserved7

Sisters; we need to find ourselves by getting lost in nature. We need to hear the gentle whispers of the wind as she blows through the trees, reconnect with the power of the ocean as she crashes upon the shore and find our strength and beauty from the tallest of mountains. As we lose ourselves in the gentle hum of nature, we really do begin to find ourselves and reconnect with what is missing from our lives. You see, Mother Nature heals. She will heal your heart, your body and your spirit. It’s no coincidence that for every western disease there is a plant in nature that can help the body to heal.

My Amazon awakening

In 2016 I fulfilled a lifelong dream and travelled to the Peruvian Amazon Rainforest. From the moment I first saw the Amazon Rainforest on TV as a child, I knew I had to witness firsthand the Amazon River cutting and winding through the jungle like a giant coiled serpent.

My trip could not have come at a more powerful time. I was stressed out; burnt out. In need of solace and redirection. Just moments after fully immersing myself in my jungle paradise, I felt my stress and my fatigue vanish, Mother Nature was literally healing me with her presence. It was almost as if time stood still and nothing existed outside of where I was.

Tapping into Mother Nature

You too can tap into the wonderful healing power of Mother Nature. There is wisdom in every plant, tree and rock upon this Earth. So where do you start? The most important thing is to utilise what you have, tapping into whatever nature you have around you. If you aren’t sure, take a look on Google Maps and look for any dense green areas that sit on the outskirts of your town. These are usually wooded areas. If you don’t have any wooded areas close by, a park or a garden will do just fine.

Sisters; we need to find ourselves by getting lost in nature

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Plan in a time when you can truly submerge yourself in nature, free from the disturbance of other task, commitments, and people. As little as ten minutes with bare feet on the Earth has the ability to recharge your internal batteries, much like putting your phone on to charge when the battery is low. In ancient Chinese traditions this is called Qi (energy) cultivation.

Now, your aim is to relax. Easier said than done with those ‘To Do’ lists running around in your head! So switch your phone to flight mode and firmly park all other tasks to one side. Begin walking, no agenda, and no set direction. Just go where you want to go. Notice the colours and textures of the landscape as you walk, the sensations and sounds around you. See if you can become an observer, heightening your senses and slowing the thoughts.

When my mind is particularly busy, tangled up in exhausting thoughts, I sit under a tree and take a few deep belly breaths. Breathing in through my nose and out with a soft sigh through my mouth. It really helps. I even try to see my worries from the perspective of a wise old tree, rooted and grounded, moving in harmony with its surroundings.

Page 9: to Inner Peace - Alison Martin · 2017. 12. 14. · All Rights Reserved | Alison Martin | The girl’s guide to Inner Peace 4 Now, in the animal kingdom, this pathway is reversed

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Sometimes it’s the only therapy I need. On days when I am pent up ready to implode or explode, I find great release in bellowing my anger from the pit of my belly (checking for any signs of local dog walkers first!) for the deep forest to absorb. You may feel a little crazy, but oh wow, it feels so good!

Observing the seasonal changes in nature is also a wonderful guidance system for improving your health and wellbeing. Spring is the season of inspiration, for dreaming and visioning. Whilst summer is the season to take these ideas and turn them into reality, embarking on new passions, hobbies and projects. Autumn is the season to release things, people, ideas and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you. Whilst winter is the season to rest, replenish and repair.

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Exercise 1 - Earthing

For the ultimate fast track to nature connection and relaxation, kick off your shoes and plant your feet on the dewy grass, damp earth and warm sand, or even on cool stones. Your feet contain millions of nerve endings (it is why Reflexology is such a powerful healing modality) and when placed into direct contact with the Earth’s crust, they have the ability to recharge your internal battery and calm your nervous system, quietening those anxious, overwhelming thoughts. Think of two magnets. When you hold them together correctly, they stick to each other like glue. They are harmonious. The Earth’s crust contains negative ions which when connected to your body via bare skin, neutralises the positive harmful ions collected from devices such as Wi-Fi, electrical appliances and mobile phones which can leave us feeling drained and irritable. The earth literally brings your energy back in alignment with its own. Hello increased energy, calm and happy thoughts!

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Exercise 2 - Lunar loving

In those moments when you are having a truly dark day, when you see no way of getting out of your dark web of despair. Take yourself out in to the garden at night. Wait until it is completely dark, grab your cozy blanket and snuggle up under the night sky. Look up and gaze out across the vast and beautiful starry sky. As you pause and breathe, observe and be, you will notice star, after star, after star appearing before your eyes. Let the expansive lunar vista embrace you.

Did you know that each tiny shining star is in fact a giant burning ball of fire? Many bigger than our sun. Allow yourself to be absorbed by just how small in relation to the greatness of the universe, you and your worries truly are. Know that you are both infinitesimal yet all encompassing. Know that the universe will help always support and guide you.

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