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and understanding of Quran easy












dqura IV

IMPORTANT GUIDELINES Some guidelines for using this course effectively: • It is strongly recommended that you complete Course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah) before this

course. • This is a thoroughly interactive course, therefore, practice what you hear/study. • There is no problem even if you commit mistakes. Nobody learns without first committing mistakes. • The one who practices more will learn more even if he/she commits mistakes. • Remember the golden rule:

I listen, I forget. I see, I remember. I practice, I learn. I teach, I master. • Each lesson is followed by Grammar. Grammar contents are not directly related to the main lesson

because the course will become complicated and may require separate Grammar teaching before we start studying Surahs. Grammar sections build up your Arabic Grammar in parallel to the vocabulary that you learn in the main lesson. After a few lessons, you will be able to see the benefit of learning Grammar while studying the Surahs or Adhkaar.


B At least 5 minutes recitation of the Qur'an from the Mushaf. C At least 5 minutes recitation of the Qur'an from memory during walking, cooking, etc.

Two for Study:

B At least 10 minutes study this book, for the beginners. C At least half minute study of the vocabulary booklet or sheet, preferably before or after every

Salah or at any other suitable interval.

Two for Listening and talking to others: B Listening to a mp3 file which contains these recitations with word-for-word meanings. You can

listen to it in your car while driving and at your home while performing household chores. You can also record the contents of this course yourself and listen to it again and again.

C Talking to your family members, friends, or colleagues for at least one minute every day about the lesson that you have learnt.

The last one for using it:

B Recitation of different Surahs in the Sunan and Nawafil of daily Salah. This is to stop the habit of reciting the same Surahs again and again in your daily Salah.

Make sure to ask Allah repeatedly at different times: (i) For yourself علما ي �ب �د�ن ; and (ii) For your friends, “May Allah help us and them in learning the Qur’an.”

The best way to learn is to teach, and the best way to teach someone is to turn him into a teacher. You too can be a teacher. Visit our website, download PPTs, watch videos and follow the teaching method along with the given explanation (Sharah). Refer to the scholars before adding any other explanation in it, otherwise use only the given explanation as it is reviewed by the scholars.



dqura V



(1) To bring the Muslims back to the Qur’an and to help in bringing up a Qur’anic generation who recites the Qur’an, understands it, practices it, and conveys it to others. (2) To present Qur’an as most interesting, easy, simple, effective, and relevant book in our daily life as well as the most important book for success in this world and the Hereafter. (3) To provide the basic knowledge of Hadith with the purpose of creating love and respect towards the Prophet Muhammad (4) .ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص To teach them how to read the Qur’an with Tajweed and to understand it (5) To produce the required course materials (books, videos, posters, vocabulary cards, booklets, etc.) under the supervision of Islamic scholars and design a syllabus that caters to the need of schools and Madrasah. (6) To conduct short courses for busy people or businessmen. (7) To make learning of Qur’an easy by using easy, modern and scientific methods and techniques of teaching. Our objective is not to produce scholars of Qur’an. Alhamdulillah, many institutions are already doing this work. The mission of the academy is to make ordinary Muslims and school students (especially our young generation) understand the basic message of the Qur’an. WHY THIS WORK?

Majority of the non-Arab Muslims do not understand the Qur’an. In the present scenario, the teaching of the Qur’an is extremely necessary because on the one hand there is a storm of obscenity and materialism on TV, press, and social media and on the other hand there are continuous attacks on Islam, the Qur’an, and the Prophet:to weaken our faith in the Quran and Islam. It is, therefore, a must for our coming generation to understand the Qur’an and the Islamic teachings to counter the challenges and to convey the true message of Allah to the world and in turn make their lives successful in this world and in the Hereafter.

BRIEF HISTORY: By the Grace of Allah was launched in 1998. Since then we are constantly striving to make learning the Qur’an simple, easy and effective by developing courses and related materials. Our level 1 course on understanding the Quran (50% of Qur’anic words) is being taught in almost 25 countries and is translated in 20 international languages. It is relayed on five national and international TV channels too. The syllabus of Read Al-Qur’an and Understand Al-Qur’an is now implemented in more than 2000 schools, Alhamdulillah.

OUR MESSAGE The Messenger of Allah said: بلغ�ا ع ن�ى �لو �ية “Convey from me, even if it is only one verse”. Therefore

come and join us to spread this noble work, wherever you are; try to learn this course and introduce it in your nearby mosques, schools, Madaaris and community centers etc. Connect the children and elders to this course and build a strong team to carry out this noble task. Lastly, we pray to Allah to accept our endeavors to serve this Magnificent Book, keep us away from show off, save us from sins, and protect us from mistakes.

ميع العليم، �تب� علينا ان�ك ان�ت الت���اب ال��حيم، �ا ۔م ا� خي�ا �ج�ا� ۔غفر لنا، ان�ك ان�ت الغفو� ال��حيم �ب�نا تقب�ل من�ا ان�ك ان�ت الس�



dqura VI

Preface All praise and thanks are to Allah, and we send peace and blessings on the Messenger of Allah,

Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص.

Allah revealed the Qur’an as a guidance for humanity. In order to seek guidance from it, we need to read it with understanding. Unfortunately, most of us do not understand the Qur'an because we were not taught it in that way. Even today, most schools do not teach the Qur’an with understanding. One of the main reasons behind this could be the lack of suitable books in this area.

With this in mind, a team of scholars and academicians at Understand Al-Qur’an Academy has developed a Qur’anic syllabus that can be used by kids and adults alike. The first book of this Series Understand Al-Qur’an - the Easy Way covers 50% of Qur’anic words. If you start learning Surah Al-Baqarah, after having completed Course-I, you will be pleasantly surprised to find that approximately 6 words in each line (out of 9) are from Course-1. This means you already understand almost 66% of the words of Qur’an, and not only 50%! This is because Surah Al-Baqarah does not have too much new vocabulary.

This book, “Understand Al-Qur’an - the Easy Way (Course-2)” is the second in the series. Once you complete this book, if you resume your study at the 6th page of Qur’an, for example, you will find, on an average, only 2 new words (out of 9) per line, which means that you will know 80% of the words! SubhanAllah! The Qur’an is indeed very easy to understand.

Salient features of this book:

• Qur’anic text on each page is divided using four pointers to make it easy to understand and remember the message.

• Phrases used help you memorize the meanings of new words. This is a new and very effective concept to facilitate learning a new language.

• The text under each pointer is taught in one lesson. In addition, a Hadith is also added to every lesson to develop love and respect for the Prophet . ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص

• Translation of Qur’anic verses is presented in a way that fulfills the need for word-for-word meanings as well as providing the translations of the meaning of the verses. Authentic translations have been used for this purpose.

• New nouns and verbs are listed at the end of every lesson to facilitate practice of Arabic grammar. It is the teacher’s responsibility to ensure that students practice these nouns and verbs with Total Physical Interaction (TPI) to enable them to learn the conjugation of the verbs.

• Arabic verbs are of different types. In the previous book, 3-letter verbs with sound letters were taught. In this book, 3-letter verbs with weak letters (معتل) are taught in the grammar portion. Mazeed Feeh (مزيد فيه) verbs will be taught in our next book, In sha Allah.

• A workbook is included here to enhance the learning and to increase students’ engagement in classroom activities.

May Allah forgive our mistakes. Please inform us about any errors at the email address below, so that we can correct them in future editions. Abdulazeez Abdulraheem [email protected] June 2019






dqura 8

Objectives of course: B Study the first 5 pages of the Qur’an (Verses 1-37). C Know 7 words/line of the Qur’an by the end of the course, i.e., know 80% of the words when you

start the 6th page of the Qur’an. D Learn pointers and phrases for easy learning of vocabulary. E Learn how to apply the Qur’an to our lives. F Learn weak verbs that occur almost once in every line of the Qur’an. G Learn 200+ Qur’an-related spoken Arabic sentences for effective learning.

Two Challenges for Understanding the Qur’an: B Vocabulary (words and meanings): Learn it through pointers and phrases. C Grammar: Learn it through TPI and spoken Arabic.

Benefits of Pointers: The Qur’an consists of 30 Paras/Ajza. Each Para/Juz in the most commonly printed Mushaf has 20 pages. A Para/Juz is divided into 4 quarters. Each quarter has 5 pages. In this course, each page is divided into 4 parts, each represented by a pointer. A pointer may have more than one topic. Pointers have many benefits, for example:

o They give you the context in which the new words are being used. o They work as anchors for you to memorize the meanings and recall them. o They help you visualize the topics of the page. o They are very useful in memorizing the Qur’an.

Benefits of Phrases: A phrase o Provides an anchor for the brain to remember the meanings of new words. o Helps you remember the message.

o Makes more sense than just words. (Example: صمد: self-sufficient; مد -Allah is self :اهللا الص�sufficient).

o Memorizing phrases and their meanings is much more effective, powerful, appealing, and useful than memorizing just words and their meanings.

The formula to use the phrases (R-5s-10-Loud): Use this formula whenever you use a phrase:

• R: Relax • 5s: Use five senses. Hear, see, smell, touch, and feel. Visualize the action for verbs and shapes for

nouns. • 10: Do the above exercise for 10 seconds at least • Loud: Say the phrase and its meanings aloud.

1a INTRODUCTION & Ta’awwuz



dqura 9

Spoken Arabic: In every grammar lesson, we will practice spoken Arabic.

• The sentences are built around Qur’anic themes. • It gives a chance to practice different forms of verbs. • The practice creates an active interaction between the teacher and the students. • It helps in making the Grammar lessons interesting.

Let us study Ta'awwuz.

يطن ال��جيم اع�ذ باهللا من الش�I seek refuge In Allah, from Shaitan, the outcast.

We can take many lessons from Ta’awwuz and Surah Al-Fatihah (next lesson). Based on these lessons, we will present a few habits which can help us succeed in this world and in the Hereafter.

اع�ذ باهللا... : Habit 1: Seek protection! Recite it whenever Shaitan whispers to you. Realize that you are under constant attacks from Shaitan and you need to seek protection. Safety first!

Recite Ta’awwuz before you start reciting the Qur’an so that you ponder its verses without any distraction and get guidance without any misunderstanding.



dqura 10

�1� ال��حمن ال��حيم سم اهللا ب In the name of Allah, The Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

� 3� ال��حيم ال��حمن � 2� �ب العلمين الحمد هللا All the praises

and thanks be to Allah the Lord of the worlds. the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

ين � 5� �اي�اك نستعين اي�اك نعبد � 4� ملك يوم الد(The) Master (of the) day

of the judgment. You alone we worship and You alone we ask for help.

�اط اهدنا �اط ال�ذين ص � 6� المستقيم الص

Guide us (to) the straight path. The path of those

� غير المغض�ب عليهم انعمت عليهم� �ال الض� � 7� ين لupon whom You have

bestowed favor, not of those

who earned (Your) wrath and nor of those who go astray.

Based on the lessons in Surah Al-Fatihah, we can learn a few habits which can lead us to success in

this world and the Hereafter. Habit 2: Say Bismillah before you start anything. Be confident and hopeful that Ar-Rahmaan is

always with you. He will definitely help you. Habit 3: Always have positive thinking about Allah because He is ال��حمن and ال��حيم. He takes care of

us and fulfills all our needs with love and kindness. Habit 4: Have an attitude of gratitude by thanking Allah in every moment and any situation. Habit 5: Seek knowledge and ponder upon the universe. This way, you will praise Him from the depth

of your heart. Habit 6: Be merciful to others, i.e., take care of them with love and kindness. The Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص said:

“He who does not show mercy to others will not be shown mercy (by Allah).” [Bukhari]. Habit 7: Plan each day keeping the Aakhirah (hereafter) in mind. Habit 8: Have the Niyyah (intention) of Ibadah for every good task. Real peace of mind and true

success can be achieved only through Ibadah. Habit 9: Seek Allah’s help in everything. The best way to ask is to use the supplications in the Qur’an

and those taught by the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص. Habit 10: Ask for Allah’s guidance to know and follow the right path. Habit 11: Have good role models. Read about them, check your actions keeping their example in mind, and try

to behave like them. Habit 12: Keep away from bad role models. May Allah save us from following them.

1b Du’a for guidance



dqura 11

An Important Suggestion The Prophet said that Allah said: I have divided the Salah between Me and My slave. Half is for Me ملسو هيلع هللا ىلصand half for him, and I give him what he asks for. When the slave says: �2� الحمد هللا �ب العلمي ن then Allah says: حمدني عب�دي (My slave has praised me), and when he says: �3� ال��حمن ال��حيم then Allah says: �أثن� عليين �and when he says: �4 ;(My slave has lauded Me) عب�دي دني عب�دى :then Allah says ,ملك يوم الد My slave) مج�has glorified Me); and when he says: �5� اك نستعين� �اك نعبد �اي then Allah says: This is between Me and My ايslave and whatever he asks for, I will provide him. And when he says: اط المستقيم �6� ص�اط ال�ذين� اهدنا الص�لين �7� then Allah says: This is for my slave and whatever he asks انعمت عليهم� غير المغض�ب عليهم �ال الض�for, he will be provided with it. [Muslim]

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Du’a: O Allah! Help me develop all good habits. Plan: In sha Allah! I will try to remember these habits, like saying Bismillah everytime.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل مفع�لاسم Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to praise 46 ح م د حمد يحمد احمد� حامد محم�د حمد name سـ اسم أسماء

to own 48 م ل ك ملك يملك املك مالك ممل�ك ملك world ضـ عالم عالمين ،عالم�ن to

worship ع ب د عبد يعبد اعبد� عابد معب�د عبادة 143 day نـ يوم أي�ام

to be angry غ ض ب غضب يغضب اغضب� غاضب بمغض� غضب

سـ 7



dqura 12

�ال�يب ذلك الكتب � 1ا�م� � �فيهAlif, Lam, Meem. This is the book, no doubt in it,

� 2� للمت�قين هد�ىa guidance for those conscious of Allah.

Surah Al-Baqarah tells us how to be a true Khalifah (vicegerent) on earth and how to be a sincere Muslim. Below are some of the important topics of this Surah. The Qur’an is a book of guidance for the God-conscious. This guidance was given to the first person on earth, Adam . Before us, it was given to Bani’Israel who did not value it. Ibrahim A, the Imam of humanity, perfected living according to the guidance. Guidance is now given to you, O Muslims. Therefore, be true Muslims. After that, different aspects of living the guidance are mentioned, such as Qiblah, patience, Salah,

Qisas, fasting, Hajj, marriage, divorce, spending, lending, etc. The Surah ends with an important Du’a. Virtues of Surah Al-Baqarah "Recite the two bright ones, Al-Baqarah and Surah Aal-'Imran, for on the Day of Resurrection they

will come as two clouds or two shades.” Muslim (804 and 805) Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص as saying: Do not make your houses as graveyards.

Shaitan runs away from the house in which Surah Al-Baqarah is recited.

�ا�م: These letters are called Huroof Muqatta’aat, i.e., in the above word, the letters are not joined to

form a word, but are read individually. Only Allah knows the meaning of these words. يب ال� ...�فيه : No doubt in it! This is a unique statement. Most books say: This is our first edition.

Please let us know if there are errors so that we can correct them in 2nd edition. The Qur’an is the only book that starts with: No doubt in it!

للمت�قين هد�ى : guidance for those who have Taqwa, who are God-conscious, and who fear to displease Allah. If a person has tremendous knowledge, even Islamic knowledge, but lacks Taqwa, then he won’t benefit from the guidance.

Guidance: What to do, when and how to do an action. It is the most important thing in this life and we need it everyday, every moment, and in every action. With guidance, we can spend our life with clear goals and without any distraction.

Allah's Messenger ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص used to say: �ي لل� ا �العفاف � ى �الت�ق الهد أسألك هم� إن ��الغن

O, Allah! I ask you for guidance, piety, chastity and self-sufficiency.

1c Guidance for Muttaqeen (Al-Baqarah: 1-2)



dqura 13

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. No doubt in the Qur’an. Qur’an is a book of guidance. Guidance is granted to Muttaqeen.

Du’a: O Allah! Increase my Emaan on your book. Make me among قين� and grant me tawfeeq (success) to متstudy this book regularly for guidance. Plan: In sha Allah! I will spend time to seek guidance from the Qur’an. I will try to develop Taqwa.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Nouns Meaning Plural Singular

There are no 3-letter sound verbs in these two verses. book كتب تبك

God-conscious �ق�ن ، مت�قين مت




dqura 14

بالغيب ي�من�ن ال�ذين Those who believe in the unseen,

�يقيم�ن ��ة �نهم �مم�ا الص� �فق�ن � ��ق � 3ينand establish the prayer and out of what We have provided

for them they spend.

��ل اليك بمآ ي�من�ن �ال�ذين �مآ انand those who Believe in what is sent down to you and what

��ل � 4هم ي�قن�ن � وبا�خ�ة من� قب�لك� انis sent down before you, and in the

hereafter they firmly believe.

��ك ��ك هم م�ن ��بهم� عىل هد�ى ا�ل �5المفلح�ن � �ا�لThose are upon

guidance from their Lord and it is those who

are the successful.

Attributes of Muttaqeen:

B They believe in the unseen. There are many things we do not know. Our five senses are too limited to encompass knowledge about everything. Belief in the unseen is a fundamental attribute of the believers. It means belief in Allah, His angels, His books, His messengers, the hereafter including paradise and hellfire, and fate.

C They establish prayer. Praying properly and regularly (and in congregation, for men) helps them develop Taqwa and strengthen the belief in the unseen. It is therefore essential for receiving guidance from the Qur’an.

D They spend in good work. The path to guidance goes through the pocket! They consider wealth as Allah’s gift and therefore they spend it! They give Zakah and spend in other ways too. They spend on themselves, their parents, their children, their wives, etc. expecting reward for fulfilling their responsibilities. They give charity to the poor and donate to various Islamic causes including humanitarian causes.

E They believe in the Qur’an and Sunnah and in the previous books such as Tawrah, Injeel, etc. This verse closes the door to all false prophets and their followers, such as Qadianis, Ahmadis, etc. because while the verse mentions what was revealed to Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص and before him, it does not mention any revelation after him.

F They have strong faith in the Aakhirah. This conviction is a must to establish Salah, spend, believe in the books, etc.

Such people are on guidance from their Rabb. Guidance is indeed the most valuable gift from Allah ( �� ن م م ه ب ). Therefore, we need to always beg Him for it: اط اهدنا� المستقيم الص

1d Attributes of Muttaqeen (Al-Baqarah: 3-5)



dqura 15

They will be successful in this world and in the hereafter. The stronger one is in these attributes, the more guidance he will receive and the higher will be his

level of success.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. The attributes of Muttaqeen are given here. They: Believe in the unseen. Establish prayer. Spend in the path of Allah. Believe in the books. Believe in the hereafter.

The above 5 things lead to guidance and success. Du’a: O Allah! Help us develop these habits.

�تى� ��ة �من� ذري علنى مقيم الص� � �ب�نا �تقب�ل دع� �ب اج�Plan: In sha Allah! I will make a plan to spend in the path of Allah regularly.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to provide 122 ر ز ق ��ق ي��ق ا��ق� �ا�ق م�ز�ق ر�ق prayer �نـ ص�وة اتصل


مفلح�ن، مفلحين




dqura 16

�ذ�تهم عليهم س��� ان� ال�ذين �ف��ا �ذ�هم ءان ام لم تنIndeed, those who

Disbelieve[d] It is all the

same for them whether

you warn them or do not warn them

��عىل سمعهم عىل قلوبهم ختم ا� �6ال ي�من�ن �they will

not believe. Allah has set

a seal on

their hearts and on

their hearing,

 � �عىل� اب�صا�هم � 7عذاب عظيم � ��لهم غشا�ةand over

their vision is a veil. and for them (is) a great punishment.

�ال�ذين �ف��ا ان... : The truth was presented to them and they rejected it. Why? Due to their arrogance or

doubt, and turning away from it. ذ� ء� �ذ�تهم ام لم تن ...هم ان : This ayah is addressed to the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص who did his best to invite the people of

Makkah. There cannot be any better Da’ee than the Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص! Despite that, they did not believe! Muslims have Taqwa in their hearts, Kuffar have seal on their hearts, and Munafiqs have disease in

their hearts. �ختم ا... : As a result of their disbelief, Allah punished them in this world with the sealing of their hearts

and hearing and a veil over their eyes. The heart is the core of one’s life. If that is sealed, no sign or no advice can benefit.

Tip to remember the meaning of غشاوة: What is on their eyes? غشاوة. لهم عذاب عظيم�: When Allah talks of Punishment, it must be highly severe. So, imagine when Allah says:

Great punishment.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Kafireen won’t get guidance. Result in Dunya: Allah has set a seal upon their hearts and hearing and a veil over their vision. Result in Aakhirah: Severe punishment.

Du’a: O Allah! The Messenger of Allah ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص used to say the following prayer: �ي لل� ا �ر ذ بك من الكفر أع� هم� إن �الفق�ر �عذاب القب

“O Allah, I seek refuge with You from Kufr, poverty, and the torment of the grave.”

Plan: In sha Allah! I will listen to the truth even if it hurts me or even if it is from my assistant or a beggar.

2a No Guidance for Kafireen (Al-Baqarah: 6-7)



dqura 17

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع رفعل ام اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to deny 461 ك ف ر كف� يكف� اكف� اكفر مكفور كفر heart نـ قلب قل�ب

to set a seal 6 خ ت م ختم يختم اختم خاتم ممختو ختم vision ضـ صرب أب�صار



dqura 18

�ق�ل الن�اس �من �ما هم وباليوم ا�خر �من�ا باهللا من يand of the people

(are some) who say: “we believe in Allah

and in the Last Day but they are not

يخدع�ن �ما �ذين �من�ال� �ا يخدع�ن ا� � 8بم�منين �believers. They [seek to]

deceive Allah and those

who believe, but they

do not deceive

�فسهم � فى قلوبهم � 9�ما يشع��ن � اآل� ان ف�ادهم ا� م��ض�except

themselves and they do not

perceive [it]. In their hearts (is) a disease so Allah has increased them

�10� اكن�ا يكذب�ن بما عذاب اليم� � �لهم م�ضا�(in) disease; and for them (is) a painful

punishment because they [habitually] used to lie.

The third category is very dangerous, therefore more details are given. دع�ن ا� يخ... : When some people saw that Muslims were getting powerful in Madinah, they claimed to

be Muslims but had other intentions. They sought to deceive Allah and the believers. �ا�ال�ذين �من� يخدع�ن ا... : Allah mentions Himself before the believers. It shows His care and love for them.

They are playing with fire but very soon they will know that they were destroying themselves. بهم قلو في... : Diseases of heart are of two types: (i) Disease of doubts in the Quran, Prophet, Aakhirah,

etc., because they did not care to ponder; they were too ‘busy.’ (ii) Disease of evil desires for power, money, position; they do anything even if it is Haraam. Doubts and/or desires lead to hypocrisy.

�م�ضا ف�ادهم ا... : Punishment of hypocrites in this world: Allah increased their disease. لهم عذاب� يم ل ا : Punishment in the hereafter: Painful punishment.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Hypocrites behave like believers but in reality, they deceive others. Why? Because they have disease in their hearts. Result in Dunya: Allah increases their disease; Result in Aakhirah: Painful punishment. Du’a: O Allah! Increase me in faith. Protect me from hypocrisy. Protect me from doubts and evil desires. Plan: In sha Allah! I will purify my heart by: Studying the Qur’an and Hadith. Keeping good company.

2b No Guidance for Munafiqeen (Al-Baqarah: 8-10)



dqura 19

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular to

deceive خد�ع خ د ع خ�ع يخ�ع اخ�ع خا�ع عمخد�3 day فـ ميو أي�ام

to perceive ش ع ر شع� يشع� اشع� شاعر رمشعو رشعو

30 soul نـ نفس أن�فس

to lie 76 ك ذ ب كذب يكذب ا�ذب� اكذب مكذ�ب كذب disease ضـ م�ض أم�اض



dqura 20

ان�ما نحن قال�ا اال�ض�فى ال تفسد�ا لهم �اذا قيل

and when it is said to them "Do not spread

corruption on

the earth,” they say, only “we are

�هم اآل �11مصلح�ن � المفسد�ن هم انreformers." Beware, indeed they them-selves (are) the ones who

spread corruption,

�اذا �12ال� يشع��ن � و�كن �من�ا لهم قيل[and] but they

do not realize (it). And

when it is said to them, "Believe

ن �م كمآ ان�من قال�ا �من الن�اس كمآas the people

have believed," they say, "Should we believe as believed

فه�� �هم اآل �الس� فه�� هم ان �13يعلم�ن �ال� و�كن الس�the fools? Beware! Indeed,

they them-selves the fools, [and]

but they do

not know.

د�ا فى اال�ض فس ال ت... : The hypocrites in and around Madinah were spreading corruption and mischief by

hiding their disbelief and by being loyal to the enemies of Islam outside Madinah. They were not sincere to Islam and Muslims.

لح�ن ان�ما نحن مص... : When they were told to stop spreading corruption, they claimed that they were only reformers.

A person who does not believe in Islam will act according to his desires and therefore his speech and actions will only lead to corruption.

If the source of guidance is not correct, only Fasad (corruption) will spread. As evidence, you can see Muslim societies where Qur’an and Sunnah are not practiced. Even though they speak about civilization, the entire system is corrupt.

الن�اس...  : Here refers to the Sahabah, who were the true believers. When the hypocrites were called to believe as the Sahabah did, they said that they didn’t want to believe like fools!

Wealth and status were everything for hypocrites. They thought that Muslims would not survive in Madinah which was surrounded by enemies. That’s why they wanted to maintain loyalty with the Mushriks and Jews and considered Sahabah as fools.

Hypocrites must have realized their folly after they died. Some of them saw even before their death that nobody could destroy Muslims.

2c Corrupt & fools (Al-Baqarah: 11-13)



dqura 21

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Munafiqs spread corruption and yet claim to be reformers. They are fools because they preferred Dunya over Akhirah.

Du’a: O Allah! Protect me from corruption. Help me to correct myself. Make me follow Sahaba . قاق �الن�فاق �س�ء األخال �ي أع�ذ بك من الش ق الل�هم� إن

“O Allah, I seek refuge with You from opposing the truth, hypocrisy and bad manners”. Plan: In sha Allah! I will plan to improve myself in the light of Qur’an and Sunnah.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to perceive ش ع ر شع� يشع� اشع� شاعر رمشعو رشعو

30 reformer نـ مصلح مصلحين، مصلح�ن

to know 518 ع ل م علم يعلم اعلم عالم معلوم علم corrupt سـ مفسد مفسدين، مفسد�ن

to say 1715 ق و ل قا� يق�ل قل قائل مق�ل ق�ل fool قا سفيه سفهاء



dqura 22

اىل �اذا خل�ا �من�ا� قال�ا �من�ا ال�ذين �اذا لق�اand when they meet those who believe, they say, “We

believe”; but when they

are alone with

�ا معكم� قال�ا شيطينهم� �14مسته�ء�ن � ان�ما نحن انtheir evil ones, they say, "Indeed, we are

with you; we are

only mockers”.

هم بهم ا� يسته�� �15يعمه�ن � فى طغيانهم �يمد�Allah mocks at them and prolongs

them in their

transgression, [while] they

wander blindly.

��ك اشت��ا ال�ذين ا�ل �لة بالهدى� الض�Those (are) the ones who have purchased error [in exchange]

for guidance,

فما �16مهتدين � �ما اكن�ا تجا�تهم حت �بso did not profit their commerce and they were not guided.

اذا لق�ا ال�ذين �من�ا�... : When the hypocrites meet the believers, they proclaim their faith and pretend to be

believers, loyalists and friends. They do this to deceive the believers because they want to have a share of the benefits and gains that the believers may acquire.

نشيطي : here refers to the leaders of hypocrites and the Jews of Madinah in those times who were working against Islam. When they meet their Shayateen, they used to say: We are with you.

ا� يسته�� بهم... : Allah mocks at them, i.e., in this world, they won’t know How angry Allah is at them. They will continue thinking that they are smart. In the end, Allah will seize them and throw them into the lowest depths of the hell.

Don’t ever call someone a Munafiq. Only Allah knows what is in the heart. Let’s worry about ourselves; check our own deficiencies. Advise others without considering ourselves superior!

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Munafiqs are Double-faced and mockers. Allah is prolonging them in transgression. They are losers and not guided.

Du’a: O Allah! Make me a true believer. Help me deal with people sincerely. Plan: In sha Allah! I will never mock anyone.

2d Double-faced (Al-Baqarah: 14-16)



dqura 23

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to wander blindly ع م ه عمه يعمه اعمه عامه - عمه

7 evil one, Satan سـ شيطن شيطين

to earn profit بح �بح ي ا�بح �ابح ح� ب � م �ب�ح�

ح ر ب1 mocker

، مسته�ء�ن سـ مسته�ئ ئينمستهز

to be alone خال يخلو اخل خا� - خلو

خ ل و دعـ 26



dqura 24

�ت فلم�آ اض� �است�قد نا�ا ال�ذىكمثل مثلهم Their

example is that of one

who kindled a fire,

then, when it illuminated

فى �ت��هم بنو�هم ذهب ا� ما ح�لهwhat was

around him, Allah

took away their light

and left them in

� 18ال ي�جع�ن � فهم ى� عم م ك ب صم� �17ال� يب�ص��ن � ظلمت darkness (so) they

could not see. Deaf, dumb, blind, so they

will not return.

مثلهم �مثل ال�ذى... : This example can be understood like this. When Prophet Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص brought

the light of guidance, good people accepted it. Munafiqeen chose not to accept it because of their wrong desires. Allah, therefore, took away their light (sight) and left them in the darkness of misguidance. ... �صم� بكم عم ى: They don’t hear the truth (no Sound: �ص م), say the truth or see the truth. They are hard-

core Munafiqeen! No hope of them coming back to the truth. A deliberately deaf, dumb, and blind person won’t be able to return to the truth.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Example: Fire and the resulting light Munafiqeen saw the light of Islam but did not accept it. Allah took away their light (sight). A deaf, dumb, and blind person won’t return to the truth.

Du’a: �حق� حق�ا �� هم� أ�نا ال الل �نا اتباعه ا��ق “O, Allah! Show us the Truth as Truth and give us the ability to follow it”.

�نا�� �أ�نا الباطل باطال ا��ق تنابه اج�“And show us the falsehood as falsehood and give us the ability to avoid it”. Plan: In sha Allah! I will always use my ears, tongue, and eyes to hear, say, and see the truth.

3a Ist example of Munafiqeen: Fire (Al-Baqarah: 17-18)



dqura 25

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to go 37 ذ ه ب ذهب يذهب اذهب� ذاهب - ذهاب example �فـ مثل أمثا

to leave 41 ت ر ك ت�ك يت�ك ات�ك تا�ك كمت�� ت�ك light �نـ نور أن�ا

to return 86 ر ج ع �جع ي�جع ا�جع �اجع م�ج�ع �ج�ع darkness ضـ ظلمة ظلمات



dqura 26

م� كصيب او �عد فيه ظلمت � م�ن الس� ب�ق� و� عل�ن و� يج�Or like a

rainstorm from the sky within which is darkness

and thunder and lightning, they put

�اعق فى� �ذانهم اصابعهم �19بالكف�ين � �ا� محي� حذ� الم�ت� م�ن الص�their

fingers in

their ears against the

thunderclaps (in) fear of death.

and Allah is encompassing

of the disbelievers.

�مآ اب�صا�هم� يخطف ياكد الب�ق لهم اض�� لكthe lightning

almost snatches

away their sight. every time it flashes for them

اهللا ش�� �لو قام�ا� ليهم ع �اذآ اظلم م�ش�ا فيه�they walk therein, and when

darkness comes over them

they stand (still).

and if

Allah had willed,

� 20� قدي� عىل لك شىء ان� اهللا �اب�صا�هم� بسمعهم لذهب He could have

taken away their

hearing, and their

sight. Indeed,

Allah is over all things competent.

۔۔۔او �صيب : This example can be understood the following way. The rainstorm is Islam. Darkness,

thunder, lightening are like threats and challenges from the enemies of Islam. The hypocrites try to avoid the threats but the threats won’t go away! They are too scared to follow

the truth because it involves facing challenges. �۔۔۔� لهم لك�مآ اض : They follow Islam only when it suits their desires and give it up when tests or challenges

come, or if they are required to make a sacrifice. �۔۔۔اهللا � �لو ش : Had Allah willed, He would have taken away their hearing and sight because of their

abandoning the truth after knowing it. Allah wants to give them a chance to rectify their doubts and desires. He does not snatch away their hearing and eyesight.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Second Example: Rainstorm with darkness, thunder, lightening. Munafiqeen try to avoid anything hard on themselves. They follow only easy parts. Allah gives them time to reform.

Du’a: O Allah! Help me follow Islam in spite of challenges and difficulties. Plan: In sha Allah! I will try to be patient through the tests of life.

3b 2nd Example: Rain (Al-Baqarah: 19-20)



dqura 27

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to fear 10 ح ذ ر حذ� يحذ� احذ� حاذر رمحذو حذر sky سـ ماءس ما�اتس

to leave 43 ت ر ك ت�ك يت�ك ات�ك تا�ك كمت�� ت�ك darkness نـ ظلمة ظلمات

to snatch ف أصابع finger 3 خ ط ف خطف يخطف اخطف خاطف فمخط� خط� سـ عصب أ

to go 37 ذ ه ب ذهب يذهب اذهب� ذاهب - ذهاب ear فـ اذن آذان

to die 89 م و ت مات يم�ت مت ميت - م�ت thunderclap قا صاعقة ص�اعق

to walk 22 م ش ي �مش يمشي امش ماش - مشي sight �هد بصر صارأب

to stand 55 ق و م قام يقوم قم قائم - قيام thing قا شيء أشياء



dqura 28

ذين ال� � خلقكم ال�ذى اعبد�ا �ب�كم الن�اس �اي�هاO mankind! Worship your Lord, Who created you and those

�كم من� قب�لكم �ق�ن � لعل م� ف�اشا اال�ض جعل لكم ال�ذى � 21تت � ��الس�before you, that you

may become

righteous. The One

who made

for you the

earth a resting

place, and the


��ل �ء بن� م� ��ان ء م� � من الس� من الث�م�ت فاخ�ج بهa canopy, and sent

down from the sky rain then brought forth thereby [of] the fruits

عل�ا �ر�قا ل�كم �داد هللا فال تج� �تم تعلم�ن � اان �22��ان(as) provision

for you. So do not

set up to Allah rivals while you know.

اي�ها الن�اس�... : Qur’an is for the whole humanity! Allah did not say: O Arabs or O people of Asia! اعبد�ا �ب�كم... : The purpose of our creation is to worship Allah, i.e., obey Him with love like a true slave.

Why? He created us in the best way! Our existence is His proof! Man can modify, change, transform, design, connect, separate things using the mind given by Allah and the materials given by Allah; but he cannot create anything from nothing!

لعل�كم تت�ق�ن... : So that you save yourself from being lost in this world and from the fire in the hereafter. The more you worship sincerely, the more Taqwa you will attain.

ال�ذى جعل لكم... : Look below at the earth, look above at the sky, look at the fruits specially designed for us. If apples and oranges were tiny, how would we eat them? Allah designed them in such a way that they fit in our hands, placed fragrance in them so that we don’t have any unease while eating them, put taste in them so that we enjoy, and made them soft so that we can chew easily. Everything is made especially for us.

When Allah did so much for us with love and care, we should never worship, love, or obey anyone other than Allah!

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. A call for all because the Qur’an is for all. Worship Allah so that we achieve Taqwa and so that we are saved from getting lost and from the

hellfire. Ponder the universe to increase faith. Don’t do shirk because Rizq is from Allah.

Du’a: O Allah! Help me worship You in the way You like. Save me from all types of Shirk. Plan: In sha Allah! I will spend sometime to ponder the universe and study the books of science to increase my faith.

3c Qur’an’s call (Al-Baqarah: 21-22)



dqura 29

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to worship 143 ع ب د عبد يعبد اعبد� عابد معب�د عبادة sky نـ سماء سما�ات

to create 248 خ ل ق خلق يخلق اخلق� خالق مخل�ق خلق fruit نـ ثم�ة ثم�ات

to make ع�ل جعل عل جاعل مج� �داد rival 346 ج ع ل جعل عل يج� اج� فـ ند أن

to provide نـ 122 ر ز ق ��ق ي��ق ا��ق� �ا�ق م�ز�ق ر�ق

to know سـ 518 ع ل م علم يعلم اعلم عالم معلوم علم



dqura 30

فات�ا عىل عب�دنا ن��لنا م�م�ا فى �يب م �ان� �ن�ت بسو�ةand if

you are in doubt about what

We have sent down

upon Our servant,

then produce a Surah

�23ن �قي صد ان� �ن�تم م�ن� د�ن اهللا �م � شهد� �اد�ع�ا م�ثله�م�ن the like thereof, and call your

witnesses other than

Allah if you are truthful.

About the Qur’an, Allah said in the beginning itself: ف ال �يب يه . Allah mentions it here again and

challenges the disbelievers. نان��لنا عىل عب�د... : Risalah is mentioned here! Previous verses talked about Tawheed. "Call your witnesses besides Allah": i.e., supporters and helpers. Bring them and produce a Surah if

you are sincere in your doubt. Qur’an – A Living Miracle: The Qur’an contains many historical facts and scientific truths that were discovered only recently. It

has amazing numerical miracles. Its predictions came true. The Qur’an is free from any grammatical error! Arabic grammar is extremely sensitive to A’raab!

Even some educated Arabs make mistakes in their lectures! The Prophet ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص could not read or write. It was a one-time delivery from him with no chance editing or corrections!

Can you say something very powerful and to the point even for a minute without making grammatical mistakes or aaa or eee. Even when we write, we edit it so many times! Long Surahs consisting of many pages were revealed in just one delivery. How could a person who did not know how to read or write deliver a perfect lecture, and that too a lengthy one?

The Qur’an provides a complete system of life which includes creed, worship, ethics, and laws. Yet when it is recited properly, it moves you deeply!

It addresses every aspect of human existence, the mind and the heart, the soul, the intellect, and the rational and emotional sides.

The Qur’an was revealed over a period of 23 years, but it has no contradiction anywhere. The only religious book which has been protected for the more than 1400 years. It is recited by almost a billion today! Memorized by millions!

When you recite Qur’an with understanding… The man ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص who received it became the most successful of all religious and secular personalities.

This is expressed not by Muslims but by scholars and institutions of non-Muslims. For example, Encyclopedia, 11th edition under Koran.

The people who followed it became world leaders within 50 years and remained so for the last 1000 years!

The Qur’an inspires you, motivates you, energizes you, and gives you hope and takes you to higher levels of moral, intellectual, and spiritual existence.

It makes you a thinker, helps you understand your position in this world, gives you clarity of purpose of this life and a clear plan to work on, and gives you true peace and happiness.

3d Qur’an’s challenge (Al-Baqarah: 23)



dqura 31

The Qur’an is the best of all books! The most amazing aspect is that the book was revealed to a prophet who did not know how to read and write! He did not travel out of his country! He was brought up in a location that was economically, politically isolated, and educationally a backward region without any university, college, or school.

That is why there is no doubt that the Qur’an is from Allah.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Qur’an’s Challenge: Bring a Surah like it! Get all your supporters, researchers, philosophers, if you

want! This ayah is a proof that Muhammad ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص is a true prophet ( �دنان��لنا عىل عب ) and that the Qur’an is sent

down by Allah. The word دنا� .ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص shows the love of Allah for the Prophet عب

Du’a: O Allah! Increase my Imaan on the Qur’an. Help me to live my life according to Qur’an. Plan: In sha Allah! I will spread this message of Allah to others.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل سم مفع�لا Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to speak truth ص د ق صدق يصدق اصدق� صادق مصد�ق صد�ق

89 slave نـ عب�د عباد

to be 1358 ك و ن اكن يك�ن كن اكئن - ك�ن Surah/chapter قا سو�ة سور

to come ت � مأتي إتيان هد شهيد شهداء witness 264 أ ت ي أيت يأتي ت ي ا

to call عو دعاء �ع د�ع مد� عو ا� ـعد صادق صادق�ن، صادقين truthful 199 د ع و دعا يد�



dqura 32

الن�اس ال�تى �ق�دها فات�ق�ا الن�ا� �لن� تفعل�ا ل�م تفعل�ا فان But if you do not

do (it) and you will never be able to do (it)

then fear the fire whose fuel is men

�  ت �الحجا�ة ر �24� �ين للكف اعد� �عمل�ا ال�ذين �من�ا �بشand stones, prepared for the

disbelievers. and give

good tidings to those

who believe and do

لحت �ى جن�ت ان� لهم الص� االنه�� من� تحتها تج�righteous deeds, that for them gardens flow under which rivers,

�ما هذا ال�ذى قال�ا ر�قا� من� ثم�ة ��ق�ا منها لكwhenever they are provided

therefrom of fruit (as) a provision,

they will say,

"This is what

�نا من� قب�ل ��ق فيهآ �لهم بها�متشا �ات�ا بهwe were

provided with before.” & they will be given that

in resemblance;

and for them therein

� 25خلد�ن � فيها ��هم م�طه��ة از�ا� purified spouses and they therein will abide forever.

For more than 1400 years, nobody has been able to respond to this challenge. فان ل�م تفعل�ا �لن� تفعل�ا... : Arabs were the champions of the language in the Prophet’s time. They fought

wars and did everything they could to stop the message, but were unable to produce a Surah! If they could, they would surely have done it and avoided so many troubles during wars.

ق�دها الن�اس�... : A person himself will become the fuel for the hellfire, so every part will be burning causing him extreme pain.

� ال ...حجا�ة : The stones mentioned here may refer to the idols. Seeing them will increase his mental torture because it was the idol worship which sent them to the hellfire.

ر ال�ذين ...�بش : Good news for those who believe and do good deeds. Faith and good deeds, both are important. Allah will honor them, and grant them Jannah. They will have rivers, fruits, purified spouses and eternity in Jannah.

ما ��ق�ا� Allah will surprise them every time they are given fruits which will be similar to the earlier : ...لكones but different in taste.

از�ا� م�طه��ة... : They will be given purified spouses, physically and morally purified. They will live there happily forever.

How foolish it would be to use this short lifetime rejecting and disobeying Allah and lose eternal happiness as a result.

4a Warning and good news (Al-Baqarah: 24-25)



dqura 33

In these and previous verses, three most important topics of the Qur’an are mentioned B Tawheed: اعبد�ا �ب�كم C Risalah: دنا� ن��لنا عىل عبD Aakhirah! الن�ار، جن�ات

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Warning: The fire for those who reject. Good news for those who believe and do good deeds. Blessings in Jannah: Rivers, fruits, purified spouses and eternity.

Du’a: ا من الن�ار الل�هم� أج�ن “O Allah! Save us from the fire”. Help me to do righteous deeds. Bless me with Jannah. Plan: In sha Allah! I will strengthen my Iman by studying the Qur’an and Sunnah and do righteous deed to please Allah alone.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to do لفاع لمفع� فعل فـ إن�سان ناس human 105 ف ع ل فعل يفعل افعل

to deny 461 ك ف ر كف� يكف� اكف� اكفر مكفور كفر stone نـ حجر حجا�ة

to work 318 ع م ل عمل يعمل اعمل عامل معم�ل عمل garden سـ جن�ة ن�اتج

to provide ق ي��ق ا��ق� �ا�ق م�ز�ق ر�ق��

ر ز ق122 river نـ نهر أنهار

to abide forever خلد يخلد اخلد� خالد - خل�د

خ ل د83 fruit نـ ثم�ة ثم�ات

to flow ر جار - ج�يان ري اج� هد ز�ج أز�ا� spouse 60 ج ر ي ج�ى يج�

to say 1715 ق و ل قا� يق�ل قل قائل مق�ل ق�ل قا

to come 264 أ ت ي أيت يأتي ائت آت مأتي إتيان هد



dqura 34

�ض�ب يستحى ال ان� اهللا ف�قها� فما بع�ضة مثال م�ا ان يIndeed,

Allah is not

ashamed to present any example

a mosquito

or anything above it,

�ه الحق� فيعلم�ن ال�ذين �من�ا فام�ا �ام�ا م�من ��به انthen as for those who

believed, [thus]

they know that it (is) the truth from their Lord. But

as for

يضل� مثال� بهذا ماذآ ا�اد ا� فيق�ل�ن ال�ذين �ف��اthose who disbelieve,

[thus] they say,

“what did Allah intend by this as an

example?” He misleads

كثي�ا به �ما يضل� كثي�ا� ��يهدى به � 26الفسقين � اال� بهthereby many and guides

thereby, many and He does not mislead by it except the defiantly


The context justifies the example. ض�ب مثال� ...ان ي : Allah gave examples of bee, spider, etc., in the Qur’an. By the way, the mosquito is a

tiny living being, it has a complete flight system. Nano technology is copying it. �افام�ا ال�ذين �من... : Believers know that it is the truth from their Rabb because Allah does not give an

example without any purpose. � ف��اام�ا ال�ذين�... : The disbelievers raise objections without listening properly and thinking over the

example properly. If they had pondered the example, they would surely receive guidance from it. When two groups are mentioned, the structure of the sentence is given as:

B First group: ۔۔۔�من�ا فـفام�ا ال�ذين C Second group: ۔۔۔�ف��ا فـ �ام�ا ال�ذين

...ضل� �ما ي : Fasiq is the one who disobeys Allah defiantly. More details are given in the next ayah. Such people remain lost in life and do not get guidance. That is why you see so many non-Muslim scientists and doctors or even among Muslims who look at the signs of Allah but are not guided towards Him. Why? Fisq. Lack of hidayah can be attached to the degree of Fisq.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Allah gives examples to help us understand. Believers know it is Haqq from Allah. Only disobedient people get lost.

Du’a: علنا من ال��اشدي قلو إلينا اإليمان وزينه في ب� حب الل�هم� ۔ن بنا، وكره إلينا الكف� �الفس�ق �العصيان، �اج� “O Allah! Endear to us the faith and make it pleasing in our hearts and make hateful to us disbelief, defiance and disobedience. And make us among the [rightly] guided”. Plan: In sha Allah! I will always try to ponder the examples given by Allah.

4b Example of a Mosquito (Al-Baqarah: 26)



dqura 35

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of

work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to hit, to present ض ر ب ض�ب يض�ب اض�ب� ضا�ب بمض�� ض�ب

58 example �ضـ مثل أمثا

to know 518 ع ل م لم ع يعلم اعلم عالم ممعلو علم Rabb سـ �ب أ�باب

to deny 461 ك ف ر كف� يكف� اكف� اكفر رمكفو كفر disobedient نـ فاسق فاسقين ،فاسق�ن to

disobey فسق يفسق افسق� فاسق - فسق ف س ق

نـ 54

to say قا 1715 ق و ل قا� ل يق� قل قائل لمق� ق�ل

to guide هد 161 ه د ي هدى يهدي اهد هاد مهدي هد�ى



dqura 36

�قض�ن ال�ذين م� عهد ا� ين ام� ا� مآ �يق�طع�ن �بعد ميثاقهThose who break the covenant

of Allah after contracting

it, and cut asunder what Allah has


��صل به ��ك فى اال�ض� �يفسد�ن ان ي � 27الخس��ن � هم ا�لit to be joined and cause

corruption on earth, Those are the ones who (are) the losers

�عهد ا... : Allah's ahd is His standing command to mankind to submit to Him, to obey Him and to worship Him alone. Here, it can also refer to the pledge by mankind at the time of creation of Adam that they will worship Allah. Allah gathered all our souls before Him and took this covenant. Whenever a person feels that the Qur’an and Hadith are true, it is the effect of that covenant. On the Day of Judgment, Allah will show that person when and how many times he rejected the truth even after realizing it.

ين�قض�ن... : Rejecting the truth after realizing it is breaking the covenant of Allah يق�طع�ن... : In addition to breaking the covenant of Allah, they don’t even bother to maintain family

relations which helped them grow up in a healthy environment. We should maintain our relationships so that we get guided and are successful and do not become

losers. يفسد�ن�... : When a person doesn’t care about Allah or human beings, even those closest to him, then his

speech and action will lead only to corruption in the earth through sins. هم الخس��ن: Fasiq people are losers because they lose:

• The true peace of mind and heart • The true love of relatives and other human begins • And most importantly they lose eternal happiness in Jannah.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Fasiqeen will not get guidance from the Qur’an because they: Break the covenant of Allah. Break the relationships. Spread corruption on the earth.

Du’a: Help us obeying You in all areas of life. Help us maintain the relations. Make us reformers. Help us to be successful in Duniya and Akhirah. Plan: In sha Allah! I will try my best to worship and obey Allah. I will try to love, respect and help my relatives. I will try to be an active social worker.

4c Who goes astray? (Al-Baqarah: 27)



dqura 37

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to break ق� نق�ض� ن ق ض نقض ين�قض ان�قض ناقض ضمن8 covenant نـ عهد عه�د

to cut ع �طع قاطع عمق�ط� قط� فـ ميثاق م�اثيق contract 15 ق ط ع قطع يق�طع اق

to order أمر نـ أ�ض أ�اضي earth 244 أ م ر أم� يأم� م� مر� ورم مأ

to lose 51 خ س ر خس� يخس� اخس� خاسر - خسر loser سـ رخاس �ينخاس ،��نخاس

to join �وعـ 10 و ص ل �صل يصل صل �اصل لم�ص� ل�ص



dqura 38

ثم� يميتكم فاحيا�م� ام�اتا وكن�تم باهللا كيف تكف��ن How can

you disbelieve in Allah when you were lifeless then He brought

you to life; then He will cause

you to die,

ثم� يحييكم م�ا فى اال�ض خلق لكم هو ال�ذى �28ت�جع�ن � ثم� اليهthen He will bring you [back] to life,

then to Him

you will be returned.

It is He Who

created for you

that which is on earth,

فس��ىهن� م�� الس� الى ثم� است��ى جميعا�all of it. Then He

directed himself to the heaven and made them

� 29عليم � بلك شىء �هو سب�ع سم�ت�Seven heavens, and He is of all things All-Knowing.

كيف تكف��ن باهللا... : We were dust and Allah brought us to life. Only Allah knows when and how we will die. We can not deny Allah because our life and our death is in His hands.

ث�م� اليه ت�جع�ن... : We have to go back to Him therefore we can not afford to be careless. We have to answer Him for our deeds.

هو ال�ذى خلق لكم... : It is Allah’s mercy and loving care that He created the earth and gave us all provisions we need to have a comfortable life on it. Therefore, we should love Him and thank Him as much as possible.

��ىهن� سب�ع سم�ت فس... : Allah created the huge sky with billions and billions of stars in it plus six more skies above it.

هو بلك شىء عليم�: He knows the status, the details, and the thoughts of every creature. This should create a feeling of wonder, fear, and amazement about Allah in our hearts.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. We can not deny Allah because our life, our death, and our resurrection is in His hands. We have to return to Him. All provisions for a comfortable life are given by Allah. He knows every thing including all our thoughts and actions.

Du’a: O Allah! Help us ponder Your creation to increase our faith. Fill our hearts with Your greatness and Help us stay away from sins. Plan: In sha Allah! I will ponder upon creations of the heavens and the earth.

4d How can you disbelieve? (Al-Baqarah: 28-29)



dqura 39

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to deny 461 ك ف ر كف� يكف� اكف� اكفر رمكفو كفر lifeless, dead نـ ميت أم�ات

to return �جع ي�جع ا�جع �اجع - ع�ج�

ر ج ع86 earth ضـ أ�ض أ�اضي

to create خلق يخلق اخلق� خالق قمخل� خلق

خ ل ق248 heaven نـ سماء سما�ات

to be 135 ك و ن اكن يك�ن كن اكئن - ك�ن8 thing قا شيئ أشياء



dqura 40

��كة �ب�ك اذ قا� � �ى جاعل للمل خليفة� فى اال�ض انAnd

when said your Lord to the angels, "Indeed,

I will make upon

the earth a successive authority,"

عل قال�ا �فسد فيها اتج� �يسفك فيها من يthey said, “Will

You place upon it one who causes corruption therein and sheds

م� س لك� بحمدك نسبح �نحن �� الد �نقدblood, while we glorify with Your praises and we sanctify You?”

�ى� اعلم قا� �30ال تعلم�ن � ما انHe said, "Indeed, I know that which you do not know.”

Allah said that He will make Adam a Khalifa on the earth. We are here on the earth as per the plan of Allah and not because Adam ate the fruit.

Khalifa has two meanings: • The one who implements the orders. • The one who comes after others.

Allah let the angels ask a question! Subhanallah! He did not get angry. We should answer questions if someone needs to know and if we know the answer.

The angels were shocked to know that the human beings will cause blood shed and that such a thing will happen in Allah’s world. Therefore they asked this question, not as an objection but to know the wisdom behind the creation of human beings.

Abu Dharr reported that Allah's Messenger ملسو هيلع هللا ىلص was asked as to which words were the best. He said: Those for which Allah made a choice for His Angels and His servants (and the words are): “ حان ا� سب� .Tasbeeh and Hamd are therefore the best forms of Dhikr .”وبحمده

Tasbeeh is to declare that Allah is free from defects. Everything He says and does is perfect. Hamd is to declare that Allah has all positive attributes.

Some people say: What is God doing when there is so much bloodshed? They reject religion based on this argument. The question about bloodshed was already asked by angels. Allah did not say that there will be no bloodshed. He said: I know what you don’t know.

We can’t know the wisdom behind everything that happens in this world. Allah knows best and He is well aware of it. He knows everything including the good work that will be done by human beings on the earth.

5a Question on Khalifah (Al-Baqarah: 30)



dqura 41

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Allah said that He will make Adam Khalifah on the earth. Allah did not get angry at the angels’ questions. Allah already knew that there will be bloodshed on earth Allah knows everything including good work that will be done on the earth.

Du’a: O Allah! Protect us from corruption. Help us to spread peace on earth. Help us do Your Tasbeeh and Hamd. Plan: In sha Allah! I will do more Tasbeeh and Hamd. I will try to be an active social worker to spread peace and goodness.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson.

Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns Meaning Name of

work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular to place, to make ع� جعل عل جاعل لمج� عل اج� ج ع ل جعل يج�

346 angel فـ ملك مالئكة

to shed (blood) س ف ك سفك يسفك اسفك سافك كمسف� سفك

2 successive authority ضـ خليفة خالئف

to know 518 ع ل م علم يعلم اعلم عالم ممعلو علم blood سـ دم دماء

to say قا 1715 ق و ل قا� يق�ل قل قائل مق�ل ق�ل



dqura 42

�م �ها � اال�م� �دم �عل ثم� ع�ضهم لك ��كة عل ى الملand He taught Adam the names, all of them. then He

showed them to the angels,

�31�صدقين ان� �ن�تم ء ه��� � باسم� ى ئ�ن ب ا� فقا� and said, "Inform

Me of

the names of these If you are truthful."

�متنا� اال� لنآ ال علم سب�حنك قال�ا ان�ك ان�ت ما علThey said,

“Exalted are You;

no knowledge for us except what You

have taught us. Indeed You,

You (are)

فلم�آ باسم�ئهم� ئهم ب ا� ��دم قا� �32الحكيم � العليم the

Knowing, the Wise. He said,

“O Adam,

Inform them

of their names.” and when

�ى� الم اقل ل�كم قا� ئهم��باسم باهم ا� اعلم انhe had informed

them of their names, He said, “Did I not tell you that I know

م�ت �اال�ض�غيب �تم تكتم�ن � �ما ما تب�د�ن �اعلم الس� �33كنthe unseen of the heavens

and the earth? and

I know what

you reveal and what you have been concealing.”

All names here may refer to those of big and small things such as sun, moon, stars, tree, fruits, and

different tools. Allah gave Adam , our father, special status then He taught him. It is an honour for all of us. We should, therefore, thank Allah and worship Him alone.

If we don’t know something, we should follow the example of angels and say: ا� ان ح ب� س . We can’t know the wisdom behind everything that happens in this world such as disasters, deaths, diseases, etc. Allah knows not only everything but also the secret behind them and those of the seven huge heavens and the earth.

Allah introduced Adam to the angels with the best of his attribute: Knowledge. We have the capacity to learn and therefore remember to ask: ا�ب �د�ني علم and learn to the best of your capacity.

Allah proved that Adam knew something more than them and also made them do sajdah to Adam . We should thank Allah for honoring us and use our capacity of learning to gain knowledge of the

Qur’an and Sunnah and everything that is useful. Some scholars say that here Allah was referring to Iblees who was concealing jealousy and arrogance.

It was a kind of advanced warning for him but he still failed as mentioned in the very next verse. One more interpretation is that the angels mentioned only the bloodshed aspect and did not say

anything about the possibility of humans doing good things.

5b Teaching of names (Al-Baqarah: 31-33)



dqura 43

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Allah taught Adam names. We can say ا� ان ح ب� س if we don’t know the answer. Angels realized that human beings will have knowledge and therefore do other things too. Allah knows the .of everything غيب

Du’a: O Allah! Increase me in knowledge. Help me worship you sincerely. Help me remember that You have wisdom behind everything and every event. Plan: In sha Allah! I will always be humble and ready to learn anything if I don’t know.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to show 13 ع ر ض ع�ض يع�ض اع�ض عا�ض ضمع�� ع�ض name ضـ اسم أسماء

to be truthful صدق يصدق اصدق� صادق قمصد� صد�ق

د ق ص89 angel نـ ملك مالئكة

to conceal 21 ك ت م كتم يكتم اكتم اكتم مكتوم كتمان unseen نـ غيب غي�ب

to become unseen غاب يغيب غب� غائب - غيب

غ ي ب53 heaven زا سماء سما�ات

earth أ�ض أ�اضي



dqura 44

��كة �اذ قلنا اىب اآل� اب�ليس� فسجد��ا اسجد�ا �دم للملAnd when We said

to the angels,

"Prostrate before Adam,"

so they prostrated,

except for Iblees. He refused

اسكن ان�ت ��دم �قلنا �34من الكف�ين � واكن ب� �استك and was arrogant

and became of the disbelievers. and We

said, "O Adam, Dwell, you

حيث شئتما� �غدا منهاو� الجن�ة وز�جك and your wife in paradise and eat therefrom in (ease and)

abundance from wherever

you will.

�ال تق��با ج�ة لمين � فتك�نا هذه الش� � 35من الظ�But do not approach this tree, lest you be among the


Sajdah is to Allah only. The prostration mentioned here is to honor Adam A and not as an act of worship to him. Angels obeyed Allah so when they prostrated, they were worshipping Allah (through obedience) and not Adam .

What a great honor to our father, Adam ! Just imagine the beautiful scene with all angels prostrating Adam . Should we not thank Allah for this honor?

اىب = he refused. Why? He became jealous of Adam; and when asked about this refusal, he did not say: “I am not an angel so the command was not for me.” But he said: I am better than him. He showed arrogance and became one of the disbelievers.

Allah gave our father and mother the honor of dwelling in Jannah and provided everything for their enjoyment. Even though Adam was created to become Khalifah in the earth, he was placed in Jannah initially for training and testing. It was also to show Adam and all humans that their real place is Jannah so don’t lose it by listening to Shaitan.

Don’t go near the tree so that you don’t even go closer to eating it. In Jannah, there was only one forbidden tree. Now we have many forbidden ‘trees’ in the form of evil

media, internet, TV, magazines, the environment, and on and on. May Allah help us stay far away from evil.

5c Sajdah and Iblees (Al-Baqarah: 34-35)



dqura 45

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Honor to Adam : Sajdah of angels. Arrogance and jealousy are Satanic attributes. Disobedience to Allah may lead to Kufr and Zulm upon oneself. Don’t get even close to the places of evil.

Du’a: O Allah! Make Jannah my final destination. Give me Tawfeeq to stay away from all the evils. Plan: In sha Allah! I will try to avoid evil things and places as much as possible.

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

to prostrate س ج د سجد يسجد اسجد� ساجد مسج�د سج�د 64

spouse �نـ ز�ج أز�ا

to dwell 17 س ك ن سكن يسكن اسكن سا�ن - سكن Paradise نـ جن�ة جن�ات

to approach ب� ق�يب مق���ب ق�ب�� سـ شج�ة أشجار tree 37 ق ر ب ق�ب يق��ب اق

to do wrong ضـ 266 ظ ل م ظلم يظلم اظلم ظالم مظلوم ظلم

to refuse سعـ 13 أ ب ي أىب يأىب ايب آب - إباء

to eat نـ 101 أ ك ل ألك يألك لك �لك مأك�ل ألك

to will شاء مشيء مشيئة خا 236 ش ي ء شاء يشاء شأ



dqura 46

اكنا فيه� مم�ا فاخ�جهما عنها طن ي الش� فا�ل�هماThen Shaitan

made them slip there from and got them out from that in which they

had been.

� لبعض بعضكم اهبط�ا �قلنا فى اال�ض �لكم عدو�and We said, "Go down,

[all of you], some of

you to one

another, as

enemies and for you upon the earth

�دم فتل�ى �36اىل حين � ��مت�ع مستق�� من ��بهa place of

settlement and

provision for a time.” then received Adam from his Lord

لكمت ت ف �ه �اب عليه � 37�ال��حيم الت���اب هو ان[some] words,

and He accepted his repentance.

Indeed, it is He who is

the Oft-returning, the Merciful.

When it comes to making people slip, no one can be more devious than Shaitan! Proof? He made Adam slip in Jannah. Can anyone be smarter than Adam ?

Always seek Allah’s protection from Shaitan and be aware of his traps. He tries to take us to evil, step by step. Perhaps it took him a long time, may be several years, to mislead Adam .

Shaitan is our biggest, worst, and most dangerous and experienced enemy. Therefore, we should never rely on our intelligence, planning, or worship alone. The most important and the ultimate solution is to seek refuge in Allah. Only Allah can protect us from Shaitan’s traps.

See the kindness of Allah! He himself taught Adam how to repent. Allah has taught Adam here! Indeed, Allah taught Adam everything. Are we لكمات earlier and اءأسم

ready to learn while Allah is ready to teach us? Whenever we hear Allah’ attributes in whatever context, interact immediately! Here Allah is telling

us that He accepted the repentance of Adam . Ask for Allah’s forgiveness right now.

Many lessons, Du’aas, and plans can be derived from these ayaat. Below are some examples. Always seek Allah’s protection from Shaitan and be aware of his traps. Shaitan is our biggest, worst, and most dangerous and experienced enemy. Life is very short so don’t waste it in heeding Shaitan. Whenever we commit mistakes, we should ask for Allah’s forgiveness.

Du’a: O Allah! Protect me from the traps of Shaitan. Plan: In sha Allah! I will always seek Allah’s protection so that shaitan doesn’t make me slip.

5d Slip and Tawbah (Al-Baqarah: 36-37)



dqura 47

Below are some of the nouns and the verbs from the Ayaat of this lesson. Verbs: Practice the six keys of verbs mentioned below with TPI Nouns

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular to go down �هبط يهبط اهبط� هابط طمهب� طهب

ه ب ط8 Satan ضـ شيطان نشياطي

to repent تاب ب يت� تب� تائب - ت�بة

ت و ب72 enemy قـا عدو أعداء

provision مت�ع أمتعة

word لكمة لكمات






dqura 49

Words are of three types: ف� ل، ح ع م، ف س ا . Every line of the Qur’an has 9 words approximately. Out of them, 4 are nouns ( اءم س أ ), 3 are verbs ( أ ا�ع ف ), and 2 are particles ( ف� � ح ), on the average.

• Particles (ح��ف): These are very easy to learn. They don’t change their forms in a sentence. After Course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an – using Salah), if you learn just 20 new particles, then you will have learned 95% of the particles used in the Qur’an. A number of these 20 will be covered in this course too.

• Nouns (أسماء): Every line has 4 nouns, on the average. Nouns occur in singular and plural forms. You have learnt one method of making plurals in Course-1, for example, plural of مل س م is ن،� م ل س م

ني م مسل . We will learn some other methods in this course. • Verbs (�أفعا): On average, these occur 3 times in every line. Please note that we have included the

active participle ( س ا لاع م ف ), passive particle ( ل� ع ف م م س ا ), and Name of action (verbal noun- رد ص م ) in this count because we teach them in these courses as a part of verb conjugation. To understand the Qur’an, you have to learn different forms of a verb that occur in �ض ، م ماض ا� رم ع، أ etc.

In course-1, we have learnt 3-letter verbs, such as These three letters are called the . ، نص�، ض�ب، سمع فتح root of a verb. If the root of a verb has a weak letter (و، ي، ا), for example: هب، قا�، اكن، دعا� then the verb is called weak verb. If someone’s leg is weak, the person also becomes weak. Similarly, if one (or more) of the three letters is weak, then the verb is a weak verb.

Accordingly, we have two types of 3-letter verbs:

B Sound verbs ( حي ح ص ): These verbs are made of 3 sound letters. For example: as ،فتح، نص�، ض�ب .Such verbs occur almost 9000 times in the Qur’an. i.e., almost once in every line .سمع

C Weak verbs (معتل): When the verb has a weak letter (و، ي، ا) in them. For example: ،هب، قا�، اكن� .Such verbs occur 9000 times in the Qur’an, approximately, i.e., almost once in every line .دعا

Some verbs have repeated letters in them such as: �ضل�، �د. These verbs occur almost two times on every page.

There is another major category of verbs, called هي د ف ي � م (Derived verbs). These verbs have extra letters in them, for example from علم to عل�م (extra laam) or تعل�م (extra taa and laam). We will learn such verbs in the next course.

Introduction of weak verb 1a



dqura 50

The letters و، ي، ا are called weak letters. An easy way to remember this is that a weak or a sick person makes similar sounds when in pain! (aa, ee, oo).

If someone’s leg is weak, the person also becomes weak. Similarly, if a verb has a weak letter, it is called a weak verb.

Weak verbs are of 3 types:

:Weak letter in the beginning �هب، �جد، �لد،...

:Weak letter in the middle قا�، اكن، تاب، ...

:Weak letter in the end دعا،هدى، �ضي، ...

Such verbs occurs 9000 times in the Qur'an approximately, i.e., once in every line, so learn them with passion and love.

Weak letters get tired, they disappear or exchange with one another!!! All of these changes are there to make it easy for you to say it.

In this lesson, we will learn a weak verb هب� whose first letter is a weak letter.

Note the following while making its forms:

۔۔۔فتح، فتح�ا، forms will be made similar to ماض� The .�هب :key ماض� • . There is nothing new in it.

ض م • we have فتح يفتح key: Just like عا� �هب �هب ي . To make it easy to say, Arabs made it يهب . In

other words, the weak letterو  is now relaxing! Therefore, you also relax and say it the easy way:

.forms easily مضا�ع Once you have this key, you can make the rest of .يهب

• and make the last one (ي ) Drop the first letter .يهب ,form مضا�ع key: You can make this from رم أ

Sakin. You get �هب. By using this key you can make the other remaining forms!

• Just like لاع ف and ل� ع ف م we make اهب� and م�ه�ب. Nothing different here, Alhamdulillah.

1b Weak Verb: هب�



dqura 51

He granted (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :�هب 93

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He grants يهب He granted �هب will grant

!Grant هب�

/They grant يهب�ن They granted �هب�اwill grant

!Grant هب�ا (you all)

/You grant تهب You granted �هب�ت will grant

!Don’t grant ال تهب�

/I grant أهب I granted �هب�ت will grant

!Don’t grant ال تهب�ا (you all)

�تم /You all grant ن ب� ته You all granted �هبwill grant

One who �اهب grants

�نا /We grant نهب We granted �هبwill grant

One who م�ه�ب granted

/She grants تهب She granted �هبت will grant

To grant �هب

Spoken Arabic

.نعم، �هب هل �هب؟

.نعم، �هب�ا �هب�ا؟ ل ه

.نعم، �هب�ت هل �هب�ت؟

.نعم، �هب�نا هل �هب�تم؟After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

نعم، يهب�ن �يدا. هل يهب�ن �يدا؟ فعل مضا�ع: • س�ف أهب �يدا. ا! هب� �يد فعل أمر: • نعم، ا� �اهب. هل اهللا �اهب؟ مفع�ل:اسم /اسم فاعل •

Just like هب�, you can make the complete table for ضع�  (he put). You can find other verbs too on this style.



dqura 52

Note the following while making its forms (conjugating):

۔۔۔ض�ب، ض�ب�ا forms will be made similar to ماض� The .�عد :key ماض� • . There is nothing new in it.

.يعد To make it easy to say, Arabs made it .�عد ي�عد we have , ض�ب يض�ب Just as in .يعد :key مضا�ع •In other words, the weak letter ي is now relaxing! Therefore, you also relax and say it easy way:

.forms easily مضا�ع Once you have this key, you can make the rest of .يعد

and make the last one (ي ) Drop the first letter .يعد ,form مضا�ع key: You can make this from أمر •

Sakin. You get �عد. By using this key you can make the other remaining forms!

• Just like فاعل and ل� ع ف م we make اعد� and م�ع�د. Nothing different here, Alhamdulillah. He promised (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :�عد 93

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He promises يعد He promised �عد will promise

!Promise عد�

/They promise يعد�ن They promised �عد�اwill promise

!Promise عد�ا (you all)

ت� /You promise تعد You promised �عد�will promise

!Don’t promise ال تعد�

ت� /I promise أعد I promised �عد�will promise

!Don’t Promise تعد�اال (you all)

ت�م /You all promise تعد�ن You all promised �عد�will promise

One who �اعد promises

نا /We promise نعد We promised �عد�will promise

The thing which م�ع�د is promised

/She promises تعد She promised �عدت will promise

,Promise �عد To promise

1c Weak Verb: عد�



dqura 53

Spoken Arabic

.يعد �يدام، نع هل يعد �يدا؟

.نعم، يعد�ن �يدا هل يعد�ن �يدا؟

.�يداأعد نعم، هل تعد �يدا؟

.نعم، نعد �يدا تعد�ن �يدا؟هل After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

نا سعدا. ا؟ت�م سعد هل �عد� :ماض� فعل • نعم، �عد� س�ف أعد سعدا. عد� سعدا! فعل أمر: • نعم، أنا �اعد. هل أن�ت �اعد؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل •

Just like عد�, you can make the complete table for جد�  (he found). You can find other verbs too on this style.



dqura 54

Let us learn a verb where the weak letter comes in the middle: �قا. Such verbs occur in the Qur’an almost 4000 times.

�ماض key: �قا. The plural is قال�ا. After that, we have قلت instead of قالت. The weak letter is relaxing so you also relax and say it an easy way: قلت. The rest of the forms follows this pattern.

مضا�ع key: يق�ل. This is following the �ص� !forms easily مضا�ع style. You can make the rest of نص� ين أمر key: قل. You can make this from مضا�ع form, يق�ل. Drop the first letter ( ي) and make the last one

Sakin to get ق�ل. Weak letters are too weak to take orders! It, therefore, becomes قل. He said (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :قا� 1636

مر، فعل فعل مضارع ل ماض عف ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He says يق�ل He said قا� Will say

!Say قل

/They say يق�ل�ن They said قال�اWill say

!Say ق�ل�ا (you all)

/You say تق�ل You said قلت Will say

!Don’t say ال تقل

/I say أق�ل I said قلت Will say

!Don’t say ال تق�ل�ا (you all)

تق�ل�ن You all said قلتم You all say/ Will say


One who says/ Speaker

/We say نق�ل We said قلناWill say

That which is مق�ل said

/She says تق�ل She said قالت Will say

,To say ق�ل saying

Spoken Arabic

.نعم، قا� خي�ا قا� خي�ا؟ هل .نعم، قال�ا خي�ا قال�ا خي�ا؟ هل

.قلت خي�انعم، هل قلت خي�ا؟ .قلنا خي�انعم، هل قلتم خي�ا؟

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using: نعم، نق�ل خي�ا. هل تق�ل�ن خي�ا؟ فعل مضا�ع: • خي�ا.س�ف أق�ل قل خي�ا! فعل أمر: •�تم قائل�ن؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل • نعم، نحن قائل�ن. هل أن

Just like �قا, you can make the complete table for تاب (he repented). You can find other verbs too on this style.

1d Weak Verb: �قا



dqura 55

 اكن is similar to �قا, as the weak letter comes in the middle. Its forms follows the �قا pattern.

He was (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :اكن 944

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

!Be كن He is يك�ن He was اكن

!Be ك�ن�ا They are يك�ن�ن They were اكن�ا(you all)

!Don’t be ال تكن You are تك�ن You were كن�ت

!Don’t be ال تك�ن�ا I am أك�ن I was كن�ت (you all)

�تم The one who اكئن You all are تك�ن�ن You all were كنbecomes

�ا ــ ــ We are نك�ن We were كن

To be ك�ن She is ك�ن ت She was اكنت

Important Note: اكن is also used to show the work which was being done in the past along with another verb in Madhi form. Here is the examples given for that.

Examples فعل مضارع فعل ماض

He was اكن

He is يعمل working


He was يعمل اكن working

They اكن�اwere يعمل�ن They are

working اكن�ا يعمل�ن They were working

You are تعمل You were كن�ت working You were كن�ت تعمل


I was كن�ت I am working أعمل I was working كن�ت أعمل

�تم You all كنwere تعمل�ن You all are

working تم تعمل�ن� You all were كنworking

�ا We are نعمل We were كنworking �ا نعمل We were كن


She is تعمل She was اكنت working She was اكنت تعمل



2a Weak Verb: اكن



dqura 56

Spoken Arabic

.اكن يعمل نعم، ؟اكن يعمل هل

.يعمل�ن اكن�ا نعم، ؟يعمل�ن اكن�ا هل

أعمل.�ن�ت نعم، ؟�ن�ت تعمل هل

نعم، �ن�ا نعمل. ؟تعمل�ن�ن�تم هل After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

نعم، اكن�ا يعمل�ن خي�ا. اكن�ا يعمل�ن خي�ا؟ هل :ماض� فعل • س�ف أك�ن صادقا. كن� صادقا! فعل أمر: •

Just like اكن, you can make the complete table for ذاق (he tested). You can find other verbs too on this style.



dqura 57

Now we will learn another style of verb which has weak letter in the middle: اد�

�ماض key: اد�. The plural is ا� �اد . After that, we have �د�ت� instead of اد�ت�. The weak letter is relaxing so you also relax and say it an easy way: �د�ت�. The rest of the forms follows this pattern.

مضا�ع key: ي�يد. Alif is now replaced by yaa, means you may say ي�يد instead of ي�اد. You can make the rest of عمضا� forms easily!

أمر key: �د�. You can make this from مضا�ع form, ي�يد. Drop the first letter ( ي) and make the last one Sakin to get �يد�. Weak letters are too weak to take orders! It therefore becomes �د�.

He increased (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :�اد 51

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He increases ي�يد He increased �اد Will increase

!Increase �د�

/They increase ي�يد�ن They increased �اد�اWill increase

!Increase �يد�ا (you all)

/You increase ت�يد You increased �د�ت� Will increase

!Don’t increase ال ت�د�

/I increase أ�يد I increased �د�ت� Will increase

Don’t Increase ال ت�يد�ا (you all)

/You(all) increase ت�يد�ن You (all) increased �د�ت�م Will increase

Increaser �ائد

/We increase ن�يد We increased �د�ناWill increase

What is increased م�يد

/She increases ت�يد She increased �ادت Will increase

To increase �يادة

Spoken Arabic د.نعم، ي�ي هل ي�يد؟

نعم، ي�يد�ن. هل ي�يد�ن؟ نعم، أ�يد. هل ت�يد؟

نعم، ن�يد. هل ت�يد�ن؟After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

ما �د�نا شيئا. هل �د�ت�م شيئا؟ :ض� فعل ما • س�ف أ�يد علما. ما! �د� عل فعل أمر: •

Just like اد�, you can make the complete table for اكد (he plotted). You can find other verbs too on this style.

2b Weak Verb: اد�



dqura 58

Let us take the weak verb دعا which has a weak letter in the end. �ماض key: دعا. The plural will be دع�ا instead of دعاو. Weak letter(Alif)  is gone to relax so you too take it

easy by saying دع�ا, instead of دعاو Rest of the forms can be made in a similar way, i.e., ــاو → ـو . مضا�ع key: عو عو .Alif is replaced by Waw for ease! i.e .يد� عا instead of يد� You can make the rest of ,يد�

!forms easily مضا�ع أمر key: ع� عو ,form مضا�ع You can make this from .ا� and make the last one (ي ) Drop the first letter .يد�

Sakin. Waw disappeared; too weak to take an order. You get ع� �. Arabic words don’t start with a Sakin, so we add Hamzah in the beginning: ع� !You can now make the other forms .ا�

هي دعت –هو دعا : i.e., Instead of دعات, we say دعت to make it easy. ـت → ــات . He called upon (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :دعا189

،ىهن فعلأمر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

عو He called upon دعا /He calls upon يد�will call upon

�ع !Call upon ا�

ع�ن They called upon دع�ا /They call upon يد�will call upon

!Call upon اد�ع�ا (you all)

عو You called upon دع�ت /You call upon تد�will call upon

Don’t call ت��ع ال upon!

/I call upon أد�عو I called upon دع�ت will call upon,

ع�ا ال Don’t call تد�upon!

ع�ن You all called upon دع�تم /You all call upon تد�will call upon

The caller د�ع

عو We called upon دع�نا /We call upon ند�will call upon,

عو The one مد�called upon,

عو She called upon دعت /She calls upon تد�will call upon

To call upon دعاء

Spoken Arabic

.اهللا نعم، دعا اهللا؟ دعا هل .نعم، دع�ا اهللا دع�ا اهللا؟ هل

.نعم، دع�ت ا� هل دع�ت ا�؟ .نعم، دع�نا اهللا هل دع�تم ا�؟

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using: ع�ن ا�؟ فعل مضا�ع: • عو اهللا. هل تد� نعم، ند��ع �ب�ك! فعل أمر: • س�ف أد�عو �بي. ا��تم داع�ن؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل • نعم، نحن داع�ن. هل أن

Just like دعا, you can make the complete table for تال (he recited). You can find other verbs too on this style.

2c Weak Verb: دعا



dqura 59

Let us taken another verb which has a weak letter in the end: هدى. �ماض key: هدى. The plural will be هداو, Just like دع�ا , the plural of دعا. The rest of the forms are on the

pattern of هديت. مضا�ع key: It will be هدى يهدي like ض�ب يض�ب. Alif is replaced by Yaa, i.e., يهدي instead of يهدى.

Special note: The plural of يهدي is يهد�ن. أمر key: You can make this from يهدي ,مضا�ع. Drop the first letter ( ي) and make the last one Sakin. Yaa

disappeared; too weak to take an order. You get هد. Arabic words don’t start with a Sakin, so we add Hamzah in the beginning: اهد. By using this key you can make the other forms!

هو هدى → هي هدت , i.e., Instead of هدات , we say هدت to make it easy. ــات→ ـت . He guided (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :هدى243

،ىهن فعلأمر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/ He guides يهدي He guided هدىwill guide

!Guide اهد

/ They guide يهد�ن They guided هد�ا will guide

!Guide اهد�ا (you all)

/ You guide تهدي You guided هديت will guide

Don’t guide تهد ال

/ I guide أهدي ,I guided هديت will guide,

!Don’t guide تهد�ا ال (you all)

/ You all guide تهد�ن You all guided هديتم will guide

the one who هاد guides

/ We guide نهدي ,We guided هديناwill guide

The one who مهدي is guided

/ She guides ي تهد She guided هدت will guide

,Guidance هداية/هد�ى to guide

Spoken Arabic (Only Allah guides)

.ال يهدي أحدا يهدي أحدا؟ هل .ال يهد�ن أحدا يهد�ن أحدا؟ هل

.ال أهدي أحدا هل تهدي أحدا؟ .ال نهدي أحدا تهد�ن أحدا؟ هل

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

ما هد�ا أحدا. هل هد�ا أحدا؟ :ماض� فعل •

نعم، ا� هاد. هل اهللا هاد؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل •Just like هدى, you can make the complete table for ج�ى (he rewarded). You can find other verbs too on this style.

2d Weak Verb: هدى



dqura 60

Let us take a verb which has a Hamzah in it: �أم. Its table will be like: �ص� Note the following while .نص� ينmaking its forms:

Sometimes Hamzah works like a weak letter. For example, Hamzah will disappear in order form: �م.

When two Hamzahs come together, the second one becomes a Madd. �م� → أأم�. He ordered (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :أم� 199

،ىهن فعلأمر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/ He orders يأم� He ordered أم� will order

!Order م�

/ They order يأم��ن They ordered أم��اwill order

!Order م��ا (you all)

/ You order تأم� You ordered أم�ت will order

!Don’t order تأم� ال

/ I order �م� I ordered أم�ت will order

!Don’t order تأم��ا ال (you all)

/ You all order تأم��ن You all ordered أم�تم will order

the one who �مر orders

/ We order نأم� We ordered أم�ناwill order

The one who مأمور is ordered

/ She orders تأم� She ordered أم�ت will order

;to order أمر order

Spoken Arabic

الة؟ هل الة نعم، يأم� يأم� بالص� .بالص�الة؟ هل الة نعم، يأم يأم��ن بالص� .��ن بالص�

الة؟ الة هل تأم� بالص� .نعم، �م� بالص�الة؟ الة هل تأم��ن بالص� .نعم، نأم� بالص�

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

أم�ت بالمع��ف. نعم، هل أم�ت بالمع��ف؟ :فعل ماض� • س�ف �م� بالمع��ف. م� بالمع��ف! فعل أمر: • بالمع��ف.نعم، أنا �م� هل أن�ت �م� بالمع��ف؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل •

Just like �أم, you can make the complete table for أخذ (he took). You can find other verbs too on this style.

3a Verb with Hamzah: �أم



dqura 61

Let us learn the verbs in which two root letters are the same, for example, �ظن. It is very easy to make its different forms. When you experience difficulty pronouncing, separate the letters. For example ظنن�ت instead of

�ص� Remember its style is that of .(here fathah on Tashdeed is removed) ظن�ت .نص� ين أمر key: Drop the Yaa from �يظن and remove Harakah (to make from the last letter, we get: �ظن.

Tashdeed along is not read in Arabic so we add Fathah on the last letter and say: �ظن. He thought (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :ظن� 69

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He thinks يظن� He thought ظن� Will think

!Think ظن�

/They think يظن��ن They thought ظن��اWill think

Think ظن��ا (You all)!

/You think تظن� You thought ظنن�ت Will think

!Don’t think ال تظن�

/I think أظن� I thought ظنن�ت Will think

!Don’t think ال تظن��ا (You all)

�تم /You all think تظن��ن You all thought ظننWill think

One who ظان� thinks/ believes

�ا /I think نظن� We thought ظنن will think

What is مظن�ن though/believed

/She thinks تظن� She thought ظن�ت will think

To think ظن�

Spoken Arabic

.نعم، ظن� خي�ا هل ظن� خي�ا؟ .نعم، ظن��ا خي�ا هل ظن��ا خي�ا؟

�ت خي�ا؟ �ت خي�ا هل ظنن .نعم، ظنن�تم خي�ا؟ �ا خي�ا هل ظنن .نعم، ظنن

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

نعم، نظن� خي�ا. هل تظن��ن خي�ا؟ :فعل ماض� • س�ف نظن� خي�ا. ظن��ا خي�ا! فعل أمر: •�تم ظان��ن خي�ا؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل • نعم، نحن ظان��ن خي�ا. هل أن

Just like �ظن, you can make the complete table for �د� (he returned). You can find other verbs too on this style.

3b Verbs with repeated

root letters: �ظن



dqura 62

Let us learn another verb which has repeated root letters: �ضل.

When you experience difficulty pronouncing, separate the letters. For example ضلت instead of .ض�ب يض�ب Remember its style is that of .(here fathah on Tashdeed is removed) ضللت

All forms of this verb will be like: ضل� يضل� : ض�ب يض�ب أمر key: Drop the Yaa from �يضل and remove Harakah from the last letter, we get: ضل. As Tashdeed

alone is not read in Arabic so we add Fathah on the last letter and say: �ضل.

He went astray (The boxes show the 3 verb keys and the 3 noun keys) :ضل� 112

،ىهن فعلأمر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/ He goes astray يضل� He went astray ضل� will go astray

!Go astray ضل�

/ They go astray يضل��ن They went astray ضل��اwill go astray

!Go astray ضل��ا (you all)

/ You go astray تضل� you went astray ضللت will go astray

!Don’t go astray تضل� ال

/ I go astray أضل� I went astray ضللت will go astray

!Don’t go astray تضل��ا ال (you all)

/You all go astray تضل��ن you went astray ضللتم will go astray

the one who ضا�� goes astray

/ We go astray نضل� We went astray ضللناwill go astray

ــ ــ

/ She goes astray تضل� She went astray ضل�ت will go astray

to go astray ضاللة

Spoken Arabic

ل اهللا.سبي ال يضل� عن� سبيل اهللا؟ عن� هل يضل�

ل اهللا.سبي ال يضل��ن عن� سبيل اهللا؟ عن� ن يضل�� هل ل اهللا.سبي ال أضل� عن� سبيل اهللا؟ عن� هل تضل�

ل اهللا.سبي ال نضل� عن� سبيل اهللا؟ عن� هل تضل��ن

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

�يق؟ فعل مضا�ع: • �يق. هل يضل� عن الط� ال يضل� عن الط�

Just like �ضل, you can make the complete table for ��خ (he fell). You can find other verbs too on this style.

3c Verbs with repeated root letters: �ضل



dqura 63

In this lesson, we will learn a verb which has a Hamzah and a weak letter in it: شاء. Note the following while making its forms: �ماض key: شاء. After that, we have شئت instead of شاءت . Weak letter Alif relaxes so you too relax

by saying شئت. The rest of the forms are made in a similar way. Only �ماض and مضا�ع forms occur in the Qur’an. Therefore, we are learning them only.

willed He (The boxes show the 2 verb keys):شاء 235 مضارعفعل فعل ماض

He wills (wishes) / will wish يشاء He willed شاء

They all will / will wish يشاء�ن They willed شاء�ا

You will / will wish تشاء You willed شئت

I will / will wish أشاء I willed شئت

You all will / will wish تشاء�ن You all willed شئتم

We will / will wish نشاء We willed شئنا

She wills / will wish تشاء She willed شاءت

Just like شاء, we have the verb جاء (he came) or جاء ب (he came with, he brought). In the Qur’an, this

verb occurs in the �ماض form only.

جاء، جاء�ا، جئت، جئت، جئتم، جئنا، جاءت Spoken Arabic

.نعم، شاء خي�ا ي�ا؟شاء خ هل

.شاء�ا خي�انعم، شاء�ا خي�ا؟ هل .نعم، شئت خي�ا هل شئت خي�ا؟ .نعم، شئنا خي�ا هل شئتم خي�ا؟

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

ا.نعم، نشاء خير شاء�ن خي�ا؟هل ت فعل مضا�ع: •

Just like شاء, you can make the complete table for خاف (he feared). You can find other verbs too on this style.

3d Weak Verb: شاء



dqura 64

In this lesson, we will practice فتح style verbs from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

For each verb, the table below gives the code ( فـ: فتح), the root letters, the count of this verb in the Qur’an, 6 keys, and an example.

Example Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 فـ فعل 29 فتح يفتح افتح فاتح مفت�ح فتح فتح ا� عليكم

عل فيها ع�ل جعل اتج� عل جاعل مج� عل اج� 2 فـ جعل 346 جعل يج�

فاعل مفع�ل فعل تفعل�افان ل�م تفعل�ا �لن� 3 فـ فعل 105 ل فع يفعل افعل

4 فـ خ�ع 3 خ�ع يخ�ع اخ�ع خا�ع مخد�ع خد�ع �ما يخدع�ن اآل� ان�فسهم

5 فـ ذهب 37 ذهب يذهب اذهب� ذاهب - ذهاب ذهب ا� بنو�هم

�يق�طع�ن مآ ام� ا� به ان ي��صل

ع �طع قاطع مق�ط�ع قط� 6 فـ قطع 15 قطع يق�طع اق

4a Revision of فتح style verbs



dqura 65

In this lesson, we will practice �نص style verbs from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

For each verb, the table below gives the code ( نص� : نـ ), the root letters, the count of this verb in the Qur’an, 6 keys, and an example.

Example Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر فاعلاسم اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

�صور نصر اذا ج�� نص� ا� �الفتح 1 نـ ن ص ر 94 نص� ين�ص� ان�ص� ناصر من

2 نـ خ ل ق 248 خلق يخلق اخلق� خالق مخل�ق خلق ن� شر ما خلق م

3 نـ ع ب د 143 عبد يعبد اعبد� عابد معب�د عبادة اي�اك نعبد �اي�اك نستعين

4 نـ ذ ك ر 187 ذ�� � يذ� اذ�� ذا�ر مذ�ور ذ�ر أعن�ي عىل ذ��ك

5 نـ ش ك ر 65 شك� يشك� اشك� شا�ر مشكور شكر أعن�ي عىل ذ��ك �شك�ك

خل�ن فى و�ايت الن�اس يد�خ�ل دخ�ل دين اهللا اف�اجا خل اد�خل داخل مد� 6 نـ د خ ل 78 دخل يد�

ن� شر حاسد اذا حسد �م 7 نـ ح س د 5 حسد يحسد احسد� حاسد محس�د حسد

��ا �اش�ب�ا �ال تس�ف�ا 8 نـ أ ك ل 101 ألك يألك لك �لك مأك�ل ألك و�

�يق�طع�ن مآ ام� ا� به ان ي��صل

9 نـ أ م ر 244 أم� يأم� م� مر� أمورم أمر

10 نـ أ خ ذ 135 أخذ يأخذ خذ خذ� مأخ�ذ أخذ ال تاخذه سنة ��ال نوم

�ت��هم فى ظلمت ال� �ص��ن يب

11 نـ ت ر ك 41 ت�ك يت�ك ات�ك تا�ك مت��ك ت�ك

12 نـ خ ل د 83 خلد يخلد اخلد� خالد خلد، خل�د هم فيها خلد�ن

13 نـ ر ز ق 122 ��ق ي��ق ا��ق� �ا�ق م�ز�ق ر�ق �ا� خي� ال���قين

14 نـ س ج د 64 سجد يسجد اسجد� ساجد مسج�د سج�د فسجد��ا اآل� اب�ليس

��دم اسكن ان�ت وز�جك الجن�ة

15 نـ س ك ن 17 سكن يسكن اسكن سا�ن سكن

4b Revision of �نص style verbs



dqura 66

In this lesson, we will practice نص�، ض�ب style verbs from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

For each verb, the table below gives the code ( �ضـ: ض�ب، نـ: نص) the root letters, the count of this verb in the Qur’an, 6 keys, and an example.

Example Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل مفع�لاسم Count Root Code S.No.

�صور نصر ص� ا� �الفتح اذا ج�� ن 1 نـ ن ص ر 94 نص� ين�ص� ان�ص� ناصر من

�ها الكف��ن 2 نـ ك ف ر 461 كف� يكف� اكف� اكفر مكفور كفر قل �اي

3 نـ ش ع ر 30 شع� يشع� اشع� شاعر مشعور شعور ��هم ال يشع��ن

�تم صدقين ق ان� �ن 4 نـ ص د ق 89 صدق يصدق اصدق� صادق مصد�ق صد�

5 نـ ف س ق 54 فسق يفسق افسق� فاسق - فسق �ما يضل� به اال� الفسقين

�تم تكتم�ن اكتم مكتوم كتمان �ما �ن 6 نـ ك ت م 21 كتم يكتم كتم ا

ان� اهللا ال يستحى �ض�ب مثال ان ي

7 ضـ ض ر ب 58 ض�ب يض�ب اض�ب� ضا�ب مض��ب ض�ب

بكم عمى� فهم صم� ال ي�جع�ن

8 ضـ ر ج ع 86 �جع ي�جع ا�جع �اجع - �ج�ع

ج�ة �ال تق��با هذه الش�لمين فتك�نا من الظ�

9 ضـ ظ ل م 266 ظلم يظلم اظلم ظالم مظلوم ظلم

ين ملك يوم 10 ضـ م ل ك 48 ملك يملك املك مالك ممل�ك ملك الد

�لهم عذاب اليم� � بما ن�ا يكذب�ن اك

11 ضـ ك ذ ب 77 كذب يكذب ا�ذب� اكذب مكذ�ب كذب

4c Revision of نص�، ض�ب style verbs



dqura 67

In this lesson, we will practice سمع، �هب، �عد style verbs from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

For each verb, the table below gives the code ( سـ: سمع، �هـ: �هب، �عـ: �عد) the root letters, the count of this verb in the Qur’an, 6 keys, and an example.

Example Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 سـ س م ع 147 سمع يسمع اسمع سامع مسم�ع عة، سمعسما سمع ا� لمن حمده

�ى� 2 سـ ع ل م 518 علم يعلم اعلم عالم معلوم علم اعلم ما ال تعلم�ن ان

اال� ال�ذين �من�الحت �عمل�ا الص�

3 سـ ع م ل 318 عمل عمل ي اعمل عامل معم�ل عمل

4 سـ ح م د 46 حمد يحمد احمد� حامد محم�د حمد العلمين الحمد هللا �ب

5 سـ خ س ر 51 خس� يخس� اخس� خاسر مخسور خسر،خس�ان ان� االن�سان لفى خسر

6 سـ ش ه د 90 شهد يشهد اشهد� شاهد مشه�د شهادة، شه�د �ه إال� اهللا أشهد أن ال� إ

�قض�ن عهد ا� 7 سـ ع ه د 35 عهد يعهد اعهد� عاهد معه�د عهد ين

8 ـھو و ه ب 22 هب � يهب هب� �اهب م�ه�ب �هب �هب� لنا من ل�دن�ك �حمة

اذا 9 ـھو و ق ع 20 �قع يقع قع �اقع م�ق�ع �ق�ع �قعت ال�اقعة

10 �عـ و ع د 139 �عد يعد عد� �اعد م�ع�د �عد اآل ان� �عد ا� حق�

11 �عـ و ج د 107 �جد يجد د� ج �اجد م�ج�د �ج�د و�جدك ض�ال� فهدى

�يق�طع�ن مآ ام� ا� به ��صل ان ي

12 �عـ و ص ل 10 �صل يصل صل �اصل م�ص�ل �ص�ل

� �لم ي�لد� 13 �عـ و ل د 29 �لد يلد لد� �الد م�ل�د �ال�ة لم يلد�

14 �عـ و ق ى 19 وىق يقي ق �اق م�قي �قاية ذاب الن�ار ��قنا ع

4d Revision of سمع، �هب، �عد style verbs



dqura 68

In this lesson, we will practice قا�، �اد، شاء style verbs from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

For each verb, the table below gives the code ( ا: قا�، �ا: �اد، شا: شاء ق ) the root letters, the count of this verb in the Qur’an, 6 keys, and an example.

Example Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 قا ق و ل 1715 قا� �ل يق قل قائل مق�ل ق�ل قل هو ا� احد

2 قا ذ و ق 41 ذاق يذ�ق ذق� ذائق مذ�ق ذ�ق لك� نفس� ذ�ئقة الم�ت

3 قـا ت و ب 72 تاب يت�ب تب� تائب ت�بة فتاب عليه�

فان�ما يق�ل له كن� فيك�ن

4 قا ك و ن 1358 اكن �ن يك كن اكئن - ك�ن

الة 5 قا ق و م 55 قام يقوم قم قائم - قيام، ق�مة قد� قامت الص�

6 �ا ز ي د 53 �اد ي�يد �د� �ائد م�يد �يادة �ب �د�نى علما

7 �ا ك ي د 35 اكد د يكي كد� اكئد مكيد كيد ان�هم يكيد�ن �يدا

شاء مشيء مشيئة إن� شاء ا� 8 شا ش ي ئ 236 شاء يشاء شأ

خ�ف عليهم فال �ال هم يح�ن�ن

9 شا خ و ف 118 خاف يخاف خف خائف مخ�ف خ�ف، خيفة

5a Revision of قا�، �اد، شاء style verbs



dqura 69

In this lesson, we will practice عا، هدى، ظن�، ضل� د style verbs from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

For each verb, the table below gives the code ( �دعـ: دعا، هد: هدى، ظنـ: ظن�، ضلـ: ضل) the root letters, the count of this verb in the Qur’an, 6 keys, and an example.

Example Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

عو دعاء،دعوة �اد�ع�ا شهد���م م�ن� د�ن اهللا �ع د�ع مد� عو ا� 1 دعـ د ع و 199 دعا يد�

تا� متلو تالوة ب ا� ان� ال�ذين يتل�ن �ت 2 دعـ ت ل ا 63 تال يتلو اتل

3 دعـ خ ل و 26 خال يخلو اخل خا� - خلو �اذا خل�ا اىل شيطينهم

�اط المستقيم 4 هد د يه 161 هدى يهدي اهد هاد مهدي هد�ى/هداية اهدنا الص

زي ج�اء ج�اك ا� ز جاز مج� زي اج� 5 هد ج ز ى 116 ج�ى يج�

6 هد أ ت ي 264 أيت يأتي ائت آت مأتي إتيان فات�ا بسو�ة م�ن م�ثله

�ى من� تحتها االنه� ر جار - ج�يان تج� ري اج� 7 هد يج ر 60 ج�ى يج�

8 هد م ش ي 22 مش� يمشي امش ماش ممشي مشي لك�مآ اض�� لهم م�ش�ا فيه

ن� اثم 9 ظنـ ظ ن ن 68 ظن� يظن� ظن� ظان� مظن�ن ظن� ان� بعض الظ�

�ا ��د��ه اليك 10 ظنـ ر دد 44 �د� �د� ي �د� �اد م�د�د �د ان

هم فى طغيانهم يعمه�ن 11 ظنـ م د د 17 مد� يمد� مد� ماد ممد�د مد �يمد�

�لين �ال الض�ضاللة، ضال�

12 ضلـ ض ل ل 113 ضل� يضل� ضل� ضا� مضل�ل

دا�خ���ا له 13 ضلـ خ ر ر 12 خ�� يخ�� خ�� خار - خر سج�

14 ضلـ ح ق ق 270 حق� يحق� حق� حقيق - حق �ت�اص�ا بالحق

5b Revision of �ظل ، دعا، هدى، ظن�style verbs



dqura 70

In principle, we should have studied this verb after هدى. However, because of special changes in it, we have saved it for last. Please note:

• The plural of ضي� is ض�ا� ي�ض�ن and its plural is ي�ض� :is مضا�ع •

He pleased (The boxes show the 2 verb keys) :�ضي 64

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He pleases �ض�ي He pleased �ضي will please

!Please ا�ض

/They please ي�ض�ن They pleased �ض�اwill please

!Please ا�ض�ا (you all)

/You please ت�ض� You pleased �ضيت will please

!Don’t Please ال ت�ض

/I please أ�ض� I pleased �ضيت will please

!Don’t Please ال ت�ض�ا (you all)

/You all please ت�ض�ن You all pleased �ضيتم will please

The one who �اض� pleases

/We please ن�ض� We pleased �ضيناwill please

The one who is م�ضي pleased

/She pleases ض�ت� She pleased �ضيت will please

To please �ضاء

Spoken Arabic

.نعم، �ضي ؟�ضي هل .نعم، �ض�ا ؟�ض�اهل .نعم، �ضيت ؟�ضيت هل .نعم، �ضينا ؟�ضيتم هل

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

نعم، ن�ض�. هل ت�ض�ن؟ فعل مضا�ع: • أ�ض�.س�ف ا�ض! فعل أمر: •�تم �اض�ن؟ اسم مفع�ل:/اسم فاعل • نعم، نحن �اض�ن. هل أن

Just like ضي�, we have another verb here نسي.

5c Weak Verb: ضي، نسي�



dqura 71

He forgot (The boxes show the 2 verb keys) :نسي 36

،ىهن فعلأمر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

/He forgets ين�س� He forgot نسي will forget ان�س Forget!

�س�ن They forgot نس�ا /They forget ينwill forget س�ا� !Forget ان

(you all)

/You forget تن�س� You forgot نسيت will forget س ال� !Don’t Forget تن

/I forget أن�س� I forgot نسيت will forget س�ا� !Don’t Forget ال تن

(you all)

�س�ن You all forgot نسيتم /You all forget تنwill forget ناس The one who


/We forget نن�س� We forgot نسيناwill forget من�سي The one who

is forgotten

/She forgets تن�س� She forgot نسيت will forget نسيان To forget

Spoken Arabic

.اهللا ال ين�سى ين�سى اهللا؟هل �س�ن هل �س�ن ال ؟ا� ين ا�. ين اهللا. أن�سىال ؟اهللا تن�سىهل اهللا. ال نن�سى ؟ا� تن�س�ن هل

After the class try to have dialogues among yourselves using:

اهللا. ما نسينا هل نسيتم ا�؟ :ماض� فعل •

Just like ،نسي �ضي , you can make the complete table for خشي (he feared). You can find other verbs too on this style.



dqura 72

You have learnt that there are three types of words in Arabic language i.e. Noun, Verb and Particles.

• A particle does not have any plural or it does not change. • We are already studying about the verbs. • Now, we will take: Noun. A noun sometimes comes in singular form and sometimes in plural

form. in Arabic language you will find two types of plural forms: o مال ع س م ج (Solid Plural) like: نمسلم�ن، مسلمي from مسلم, or م�من�ن، م�منين from مسلمات ;م�من from

.etc ,م�منة from م�منات and ;مسلمة

o ركس� ع م م ج (Broken Plural). The plural which does not follow the above style is called a broken plural. This type of plural has many styles. We will learn some of them below.

The nouns below are from this course and course-1 (Understand Al-Qur’an & Salah).

Pattern No. Singular Translation Plural Example

�ما األعما� أعما� action عمل أفعا�۔ 1 � إن اتبالن�ي

اب�صا� �عىل� أب�صار eye بصر هم غشا�ة

ال�ذى است�قد نا�ا مثلهم �مثل أمثا� example مثل

ذهب ا� بنو�هم أن�ا� light نور

عل�ن اصابعهم فى� �ذانهم �ذان ear أذن يج�

�داد partners ند �دادا أن عل�ا هللا ان فال تج�

�ى من� تحتها االنه�� أنهار rivers نهر تج�

فيهآ از�ا� �لهم أز�ا� pair ز�ج م�طه��ة

ب����ا �يته �ليتذ��� ا�ل�ا االلباب ألباب wisdom لب ليد�

العلمين الحمد هللا �ب أ�باب lord �ب

�الم pen قلم القلم ب ال�ذي عل�م أق

خل�ن فى دين اهللا اف�اجا أف�ا� troops ف�ج و�ايت الن�اس يد�

ين ملك يوم أي�ام day يوم الد

5d Revision: Broken Plural



dqura 73

فاحيا�م ن�تم ام�ات�اوك أم�ات dead ميت

قدي� ان� اهللا عىل لك شىء� أشياء thing شيء

اهللا ال��حمن ال��حيم بسم أسماء name اسم

بعضكم لبعض عدو� أعداء enemy عدو

عباد Slave عب�د فعا�۔2 الم علين الحين ا �عىل عباد الس� اهللا الص�

م�� دماء Blood دم �يسفك الد

ختم ا� عىل قلوبهم �عىل سمعهم قل�ب heart قلب فع�ل۔3

ر الن�اس ال�ذى ي�س�س فى صدور صدور chest صد�

لن�اس ا ملك مل�ك King ملك

�تم صدقين �اد�ع�ا شهد���م م�ن� د�ن اهللا ان� شهداء witness شهيد فعالء۔4 �ن

بسم اهللا ال��حمن ال��حيم �حماء Merciful �حيم

�حده ال ش�يك ش��ء partner ش�يك له

ءسفها Fool سفيه فه�� قال�ا ان�من �مآ �من الس�

يخدع�ن اآل� ان�فسهم �ما أن�فس Soul نفس أفعل۔5

Thunder صاعقة ف�اعل۔6claps اعق ص�اعق� عل�ن اصابعهم فى� �ذانهم م�ن الص� يج�

اذ جعل فيكم ا�بي�� أنبياء Prophet نبي أفعالء۔7

شر الن�ف�ثت فى العقد �من� عقد Knot عق�دة فعل۔8

Chapter سو�ة (Surah) سور فات�ا بسو�ة م�ن م�ثله

�ى جاعل� فى اال�ض خالئف Vicegerent خليفة فعائل۔9 ان خليفة

لفى خسر االن�سان ان� أناس، أناسي Human إن�سان فعا�۔10

حجا�ة stone حجر فعالة۔11 �ق�دها الن�اس �الحجا�ة



dqura 74

Passive Voice

Consider this sentence: �خالدا �يد نص (Zaid helped Khalid). Zaid is helper and Khalid is being helped. The

verb �نص is called Affirmative verb ( ف� � ع م   لع ف ).

Now consider this: نص� �يد (Zaid is helped). From this sentence, we understand that Zaid is helped but we

don’t know who helped Zaid. Such a verb is called Passive Voice ( ل� ه ج� ل م ع ف ). Passive voice occurs almost twice on every page of Qur’an.

Making Passive voice from a 3 letter verb is very easy. ماض� ل ع ف • : Notice the difference between �نص  (he helped) and �نص (he was helped)

ض م ل ع ف • عا� : Notice the difference between �ين�ص  (he helps) and �ص� .(he is being helped) ينFurther details will be taught in our next upcoming courses. TPI signs for Passive voice: TPI for Passive voice will be same as far as directions are concerned. However, we rotate the hand to a receiving position, just as we do for مفعول.

Given below is a table for �نص which we have learnt already.

Active voice فعل مضارع فعل ماض

�ص� He helped نص� He helps ين

�ص��ن They helped نص��ا They help ين

�ص� You helped نص�ت You help تن

�ص� I helped نص�ت I help أن

�ص��ن You (all) helped نص�تم You (all) help تن

�ص� We helped نص�نا We help نن

�ص� She helped نص�ت She helps تن



dqura 75

The passive voice forms for the same verb are given below. Look at the differences between both tables as it will help you to understand Passive voice clearly.

فعل مضارع فعل ماض

�ص� He was helped نص� He is being helped ين

�ص��ن They were helped نص��ا They are being helped ين

�ص� You were helped نص�ت You are being helped تن

�ص� I was helped نص�ت I am being helped أن

�ص��ن You (all) were helped نص�تم You (all) are being helped تن

�ص� We were helped نص�نا We are being helped نن

�ص� She was helped نص�ت She is being helped تن Some more examples of Passive Voice are given here. Look them carefully and note the difference.

Active voice Passive Voice س�ل سأل ��ق�ا ��ق�ا

ض�بت ض�بت �نا �نا ��ق ��ق قيل قا�

ي�خذ يأخذ يذ�� يذ�� تسأل تسأل

تسأل�ن تسأل�ن ت�جع�ن ت�جع�ن ت�م��ن تأم��ن

Alhamdulillah, this was the last lesson of our Second Course. After studying this course II thoroughly, if you complete our next course (Course: 3) then you will have only one new word left out on each page of the Qur’an Majeed. Therefore, continue the journey of learning Qur’an, especially when learning Qur’an is made so easy and a suitable course is also available for it.






dqura 77

Q1: What are the objectives of this course? Ans:

Q-2: What are the two main challenges for understanding the Qur’an and how can you solve them? Ans:

Q-3: Write at least three benefits of the pointers and three benefits of using phrases to memorize the meanings. Ans:

Q-4: Write the formula to memorize the meanings of the phrases and explain it in brief. Ans:

1a INTRODUCTION & Ta’awwuz



dqura 78

Q-1: Write in brief the name of the two pointers in Surah Al-Fatihah and at least three lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What should we do to praise Allah from the depth of our hearts? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: �اك نستعين �اي .....................................................................................

�اط المستقيم اهدنا الص ......................................................................... .................................................................................... انعمت عليهم

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

اسم 46 حمد

عالمين ،عالم�ن 48 ملك

يوم 143 عبد

7 غضب

1b Du’a for guidance



dqura 79

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What is meant by �قين هد�   ى للمت ? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ال �يب فيه ........................................................................................

ى للمت�قين هد� ...................................................................................... Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below:

Nouns Meaning Plural Singular

There are no 3-letter sound verbs in these two verses. كتب

�ق�ن ، مت�قين مت

1c Guidance for Muttaqeen (Al-Baqarah: 1-2)



dqura 80

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: How many attributes of قين� ?have been mentioned in this pointer and what are they متAns:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ي�من�ن بالغيب ....................................................................................

��ة ................................................................................... �يقيم�ن الص��فق�ن �نهم ين ............................................................................... �مم�ا ��ق

� �ك هم المفلح�ن �ا�ل ............................................................................. Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below:

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

ص�وة 122 ��ق

مفلح�ن، ينمفلح

1d Attributes of Muttaqeen (Al-Baqara: 3-5)



dqura 81

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What punishment will disbelievers be given here and hereafter? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ��عليهم س � ........................................................................................

�ذ�تهم ........................................................................................... ءان ................................................................................ ختم ا� عىل قلوبهم   ............................................................................... �عىل اب�صا�هم غشا�ة

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of

work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

بقل� 461 كف�

أب�صار 6 ختم

2a No Guidance for Kafireen (Al-Baqarah: 6-7)



dqura 82

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: How many types of the disease of heart? Explain it! Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ا� يخدع�ن ........................................................................................

........................................................................................ �ما يشع��ن ....................................................................................ف�ادهم ا� م�ضا

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر فاعلاسم اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

يوم 3 خ�ع

أن�فس 30 شع�

م�ض 76 كذب

2b No Guidance for Munafiqeen (Al-Baqarah: 8-10)



dqura 83

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: When will corruption spread and who are the real corrupters? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: تفسد�ا فى اال�ض ال ...............................................................................

�ما مصلح�ن نحن ان ............................................................................... ................................................................................. و�كن ال� يشع��ن فه� � الس� ..........................................................................................

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

مصلحين، مصلح�ن 30 شع�

مفسدين، مفسد�ن 518 علم

سفهاء 1715 قا�

2c Corrupt & fools (Al-Baqarah: 11-13)



dqura 84

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What will be the result of two-faced people? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: اذا لق�ا� ...........................................................................................

......................................................................................... مسته�ء�ن هم فى طغيانهم ............................................................................... �يمد� ............................................................................... فما �بحت تجا�تهم

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

شيطين 7 عمه


1 ، مسته�ء�ن


26 خال

2d Double-faced (Al-Baqarah: 14-16)



dqura 85

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: How can we understand the example of fire for hypocrites? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: است�قد نا�ا ........................................................................................

�ت ما ح� فلم�آ اض� له .............................................................................. .................................................................................. �ت��هم فى ظلمت

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

مثل 37 ذهب

نور 41 ت�ك

ظلمات 86 �جع

3a Ist example of Munafiqeen: Fire (Al-Baqarah: 17-18)



dqura 86

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: The example of Hypocrites refers to which type of rain, How do you understand it? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ب�ق �عد و� و� ........................................................................................

................................................................................. ياكد الب�ق يخطف اهللا � �لو ش� .........................................................................................

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

سـ ماءس 10 ح ذ ر حذ�

ظلمات 43 ت ر ك ت�ك نـ

سـ أصابع 3 خ ط ف خطف

فـ ذان� 37 ذ ه ب ذهب

قا ص�اعق 89 م و ت مات

هد صارأب� 22 م ش ي �مش

شيء 55 ق و م قام

3b 2nd Example: Rain (Al-Baqarah: 19-20)



dqura 87

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: Why worship Allah alone? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ك� �ق�ن لعل م تت .......................................................................................

م� � بن�ء ��الس� ....................................................................................... �م�ت .............................................................................. فاخ�ج به من الث

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

سماء 143 عبد

ثم�ات 248 خلق

�داد 346 جعل أن

122 ��ق

518 علم

3c Qur’an’s call (Al-Baqarah: 21-22)



dqura 88

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: Qur’an is a living miracle - How? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ا بسو�ة فات� ........................................................................................

ا شهد���م .................................................................................... �اد�ع� ................................................................................... ان� �ن�تم صدقين

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work �فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل لاسم مفع Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

عب�د 89 صدق

سو�ة 1358 اكن

شهداء 264 أيت

صادق�ن، صادقين 199 دعا

3d Qur’an’s challenge (Al-Baqarah: 23)



dqura 89

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What will be the fuel of Jahannam? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: �فات�ق�ا الن�ا ........................................................................................

ت للكف�ين .................................................................................... اعد� �ى من� تحتها اال نه� تج� ............................................................................

................................................................................... �ات�ا به متشابهاQ-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below:

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

ناس 105 فعل

حجا�ة 461 كف�

جن�ات 318 عمل

أنهار 122 ��ق

ثم�ة 83 خلد

أز�ا� 60 ج�ى

1715 قا�

264 أيت

4a Warning and good news (Al-Baqarah: 24-25)



dqura 90

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: Who are the misguided people? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ال يستحى ..........................................................................................

�ض�ب مثال م�ا ................................................................................... ان ي � فما ف�ق ها بع�ضة ...................................................................................

....................................................................................... �ثي�ايضل� بهQ-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below:

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

مثل 58 ض�ب

ب � 518 علم

كف� 461

، فاسق�ن فاسقين

54 فسق

1715 قا�

161 هدى

4b Example of a Mosquito (Al-Baqarah: 26)



dqura 91

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What is meant by the covenant of Allah ( �عهد ا)? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: �قض�ن عهد ا� ........................................................................... ال�ذين ين

...................................................................................... م� بعد ميثاقه ........................................................................................... �يق�طع�ن ��صل ........................................................................................... ان ي

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر فاعلاسم اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

نقض عهد 8

ميثاق 15 قطع

أ�ض 244 أم�

�ينخاس ،��نخاس 51 خس�

10 �صل

4c Who goes astray? (Al-Baqarah: 27)



dqura 92

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: What happens when one ponders upon the creation of Allah? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ثم� يميتكم ........................................................................................

م� � ثم� است��ى الى الس� ............................................................................... ................................................................................ فس��ىهن� سب�ع سم�ت

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

أم�ات 461 كف�

أ�ض 86 �جع

سماء 248 خلق

135 اكن شيئ 8

4d How can you disbelieve? (Al-Baqarah: 28-29)



dqura 93

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: How many meanings of Khalifa and what are they? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ��م .................................................................................... �يسفك الد

................................................................................ �نحن نسبح بحمدك س لك .......................................................................................... �نقد

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of

work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل مفع�لاسم Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

مالئكة 346 جعل

خليفة 2 سفك

دماء 518 علم

1715 قا�

5a Question on Khalifah (Al-Baqarah: 30)



dqura 94

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: Where should we use our learning talents? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: ثم� ع�ضهم .........................................................................................

..................................................................................... ا�بئ�نى باسم�� �د �ن �اعلم ما تب .....................................................................................

................................................................................... �ما �ن�تم تكتم�ن Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below:

Meaning Name of work فعل ماض� فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

أسماء 13 ع�ض

مالئكة 89 صدق

غيب 21 كتم

سما�ات 53 غاب


5b Teaching of names (Al-Baqarah: 31-33)



dqura 95

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: Why did Iblees refuse to prostrate to Adam ? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: اسجد�ا �دم .......................................................................................

........................................................................................ اىب �استكب� ...................................................................................... و� منها �غدا

Q-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below: Meaning Name of work ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

سجد 64


جن�ة 17 سكن

شج�ة 37 ق�ب

266 ظلم

13 أىب

101 ألك

236 شاء

5c Sajdah and Iblees (Al-Baqarah: 34-35)



dqura 96

Q-1: Write in brief the name of pointer and the associated lessons, Du’a and plan. Ans:

Q-2: How can you escape from the trap of satan? Ans:

Q-3: Write the meanings of phrases: Ans: �هما الش� يطن فا�ل ....................................................................................

......................................................................... اهبط�ا بعضكم لبعض عدو� ....................................................................................... مستق�� ��مت�ع

........................................................................... �مت فتل�ى �دم من ��بهQ-4: Complete the nouns and verbs table given below:

Meaning Name of work ماض� فعل فعل مضا�ع فعل امر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Root & Code Rep. Meaning Plural Singular

شيطان 8 هبط

عدو 72 تاب



5d Slip and Tawbah (Al-Baqarah: 36-37)



dqura 97

Grammar Workbook: 1a - Introduction of weak verb

Q-1: How many nouns, verbs, and particles are there in every line of the Qur’an? Ans:

Q-2: What is the best way to learn the meanings of nouns and verbs? Ans:

Q-3: Give two examples of 3-letter verbs? Ans:

Q-4: How many weak letters are there and what are they? Ans:

Q-5: Define weak verbs. Give two examples. Ans:

Q-6: How many 3-letter sound verbs and 3-letter weak verbs are there in every line of the Qu’ran? Ans:



dqura 98

Grammar Workbook: 1b - Weak Verb: هب� Q-1: Memorize the table for هب� thoroughly and answer the following:

• Translate into Arabic: Allah granted us • Translate into English:  �هب� لنا من ل�دن�ك �حمة• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic:    تم خالدا؟هل� �هب

Q-2: Write full table for the verb ضع�  (he put), which is similar to هب�  and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم �ضع �ضع

Grammar Workbook: 1c - Weak Verb: عد�

Q-1: Memorize the table for :thoroughly and answer the following �عد • Translate into Arabic: You all promise Khalid. • Translate into English:  �حق� اآل ان� �عد ا • Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: هل �عد�ت� خالدا؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb جد� (he found), which is similar to � عد  and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم �جد �ج�د



dqura 99

Grammar Workbook: 1d - Weak Verb: �قا

Q-1: Memorize the table for �قا thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: Say (you all) to people good words • Translate into English:  قل هو ا� احد • Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: هل قلتم خي�ا؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb تاب (he repented), which is similar to �قا  and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم تاب ت�بة

Grammar Workbook: 2a - Weak Verb: اكن

Q-1: Memorize the table for اكن thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: You all were knowing

• Translate into English:  تم تعلم�ن� ان� �ن• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: هل �ن�ت تعمل صالحا؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb ذاق (he tasted), which is similar to اكن and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم ذاق ذ�ق



dqura 100

Grammar Workbook: 2b - Weak Verb: اد�

Q-1: Memorize the table for اد� thoroughly and answer the following:

• Translate into Arabic: So Allah increased them (in) disease • Translate into English:  ب �د�نى علما� • Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: �يد فى العلم؟هل ت

Q-2: Write full table for the verb اكد (he plotted), which is similar to اد� and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم اكد كيد

Grammar Workbook: 2c - Weak Verb: دعا

Q-1: Memorize the table for دعا thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: So He called upon his Lord. • Translate into English:  اهللا �اد�ع�ا شهد���م م�ن� د�ن

• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: عو �ب�ك ؟ هل تد�Q-2: Write full table for the verb تال (he recited), which is similar to دعا and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مف Name of actionعول، اسم فاعل، اسم تال تالوة



dqura 101

Grammar Workbook: 2d - Weak Verb: هدى

Q-1: Memorize the table for هدى thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: and for every nation is a guide. • Translate into English:  اط� المستقيم اهدنا الص • Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: هل هديتم احدا؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb ج�ى (he rewarded), which is similar to هدى and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل مضارعفعل فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم ج�ى ج�اء

Grammar Workbook: 3a - Verb with Hamzah: �أم Q-1: Memorize the table for �أم thoroughly and answer the following:

• Translate into Arabic: We ordered to pray

• Translate into English:  صل�� �يق�طع�ن مآ ام� ا� به ان ي• Answer with ‘Yes’ in Arabic: هل تأم��ن بالمع��ف؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb أخذ (he took), which is similar to �أم and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم أخذ أخذ



dqura 102

Grammar Workbook: 3b - Verbs with repeated root letters: �ظن

Q-1: Memorize the table for �ظن thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: They thought as you all thought • Translate into English:  ن� اثم ان� بعض الظ�• Answer with ‘Yes’ in Arabic: هل تظن��ن باهللا خي�ا؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb �د� (he returned), which is similar to �ظن and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

،ىهن فعلأمر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

�د� �د

Grammar Workbook: 3c - Verbs with repeated root letters: �ضل

Q-1: Memorize the table for �ضل thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: Do not go astray (you all)

• Translate into English:  لين� �ال الض�• Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: يق؟� هل هو ضا�� عن الط�

Q-2: Write full table for the verb ��خ (he fall down), which is similar to �ضل and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم خ�� خر



dqura 103

Grammar Workbook: 3d - Weak Verb with Hamzah: شاء

Q-1: Memorize the table for شاء thoroughly and answer the following: • Translate into Arabic: You (all) wish good

• Translate into English:  �إن� شاء ا • Answer with ‘Yes’ in Arabic: هل يشاء�ن خي�ا؟

Q-2: Write full table for the verb خاف (he was afraid), which is similar to شاء and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم خاف


Grammar Workbook: 4a - Revision of فتح style verbs

Q-1: You learnt: فتح  style verbs in this lesson. In the table below, fill the keys for the name of action and write its meaning in the last column.

Meaning Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 فـ ف ت ح 29 فتح

2 فـ ج ع ل 346 جعل

3 فـ ف ع ل 105 فعل

4 فـ خ د ع 3 خد�ع

5 فـ ذ ه ب 37 ذهاب

ع 6 فـ ق ط ع 15 قط�



dqura 104

Grammar Workbook: 4b - Revision of �نص style verbs Q-1: You learnt: نصر style verbs in this lesson. In the table below, fill the keys for the name of action and write its meaning in the last column.

Meaning Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع أمر فعل اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 نـ ن ص ر 94 نصر 2 نـ خ ل ق 248 خلق 3 نـ ع ب د 143 عبادة 4 نـ ذ ك ر 187 ذ�ر 5 نـ ش ك ر 65 شكر 6 نـ د خ ل 78 دخ�ل

7 نـ ح س د 5 حسد

8 نـ أ ك ل 101 ألك 9 نـ أ م ر 244 أمر

10 نـ أ خ ذ 135 أخذ

11 نـ ت ر ك 41 ت�ك 12 نـ خ ل د 83 خلد، خل�د 13 نـ ر ز ق 122 ر�ق 14 نـ س ج د 64 سج�د 15 نـ س ك ن 17 سكن

Grammar Workbook: 4c - Revision of نص�، ض�ب style verbs

Q-1: You learnt: نص�، ض�ب style verbs in this lesson. In the table below, fill the keys for the name of action and write its meaning in the last column.

Meaning Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 نـ ن ص ر 94 نصر 2 نـ ك ف ر 461 كفر 3 نـ ش ع ر 30 شعور 4 نـ ص د ق 89 صد�ق 5 نـ ف س ق 54 فسق 6 نـ ك ت م 21 كتمان

7 ضـ ض ر ب 58 ض�ب

8 ضـ ر ج ع 86 �ج�ع

9 ضـ ظ ل م 266 ظلم 10 ضـ م ل ك 48 ملك

11 ضـ ك ذ ب 77 كذب



dqura 105

Grammar Workbook: 4d - Revision of سمع، �هب، �عد style verbs

Q-1: You learnt: سمع، �هب، �عد style verbs in this lesson. In the table below, fill the keys for the name of action and write its meaning in the last column.

Meaning Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 سـ س م ع 147 سماعة، سمع 2 سـ ع ل م 518 علم 3 سـ ع م ل 318 عمل 4 سـ ح م د 46 حمد 5 سـ خ س ر 51 خسر،خس�ان 6 سـ ش ه د 90 شهادة، شه�د

7 سـ ع ه د 35 عهد 8 ـھو و ه ب 22 �هب 9 ـھو و ق ع 20 �ق�ع

10 �عـ و ع د 139 �عد 11 �عـ و ج د 107 �ج�د 12 �عـ ل و ص 10 �ص�ل

13 �عـ و ل د 29 �ال�ة 14 �عـ و ق ى 19 �قاية

Grammar Workbook: 5a - Revision of قا�، �اد، شاء style verbs Q-1: You learnt: قا�، �اد، شاء style verbs in this lesson. In the table below, fill the keys for the name of action and write its meaning in the last column.

Meaning Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 قا ق و ل 1715 ق�ل

2 قا ذ و ق 41 ذ�ق

3 قـا ت و ب 72 ت�بة

4 قا ن ك و 1358 ك�ن

5 قا ق و م 55 قيام، ق�مة

6 �ا ز ي د 53 �يادة

7 �ا ك ي د 35 كيد

8 شا ش ي ئ 236 مشيئة

9 شا خ و ف 118 خ�ف، خيفة



dqura 106

Grammar Workbook: 5b - Revision of �ظل ، دعا، هدى، ظن�Q-1: You learnt: دى، ظن�، ضل� دعا، ه style verbs in this lesson. In the table below, fill the keys for the name of action and write its meaning in the last column.

Meaning Name of action ض� فعل ما فعل مضا�ع فعل أمر اسم فاعل اسم مفع�ل Count Root Code S.No.

1 دعـ ع ود 199 دعاء

2 دعـ ت ل ا 63 تالوة

3 دعـ خ ل و 26 خلو

4 هد ه د ي 161 هداية

5 هد ج ز ى 116 ج�اء

6 هد أ ت ي 264 إتيان

7 هد ج ر ي 60 ج�يان

8 هد م ش ي 22 مشي

9 ظنـ ظ ن ن 68 ظن�

10 ظنـ ر دد 44 �د

11 ظنـ م د د 17 مد

12 ضلـ ض ل ل 113 ضاللة

13 ضلـ خ ر ر 12 خر

14 ضلـ ح ق ق 270 حق



dqura 107

Grammar Workbook: 5c - Weak Verb: ضي، نسي� Q-1: Memorize the table for  نسي، �ضي and answer the following:

• Translate into Arabic: We pleased/ they forgot. • Translate into English:  س�ن أن�فسهم/ ا�ض عن اب�نك� ين• Answer with ‘yes’ in Arabic: ضيتم؟هل�

• Answer with ‘No’ in Arabic: هل تن�سى اهللا؟ Q-2: Write full table for the verb خشي  (He feared), which is similar to   ضي� and circle the 6 keys. No need to translate the words.

مر، فعل فعل مضارع فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

خشي خشية

مر، فعل ارعفعل مض فعل ماض ،ىهن فعلأ

مفعول، Name of actionاسم فاعل، اسم

نسي نسيان



dqura 108

Grammar Workbook: 5d - Revision: Broken Plural Q-1: In this lesson you have learnt different patterns of Broken Plural. Fill in the empty boxes and write the translation.

S. No Singular Plural Translation

ملك 1

ش��ء 2

مثل 3

أن�ا� 4

سفهاء 5

نفس 6

ص�اعق 7

سور 8

نبي 9

عق�دة 10

أي�ام 11

خليفة 12

أم�ات 13

حجا�ة 14

لب 15

أف�ا� 16

قل�ب 17

عباد 18

دم 19

ر 20 صد�



dqura 109

Passive Voice Q-1: What is a Passive Voice and what is the method of making passive voice for forms مضا�ع and ماض� of a trilateral verb? Q-2: Write full table of passive voice for the verb خلق (He created) which is similar to �نص. First word

of �ماض and مضا�ع is written there for your convenience. No need to translate the words.

مجهول فعل مضارع مجهول فعل ماض

يخلق خلق













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