Download - Today’s Warm Up

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Today’s Warm UpAnswer in your notes & be ready to share!!

Yesterday, we discussed several causes of the Great Depression. List and briefly describe at least two of those causes.

Turn in Frayer Models

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Social Effects of the Great Depression

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Social Effects of Poverty & Unemployment

The Great Depression touched every AmericanIn the Cities…Workers wages & hours cut; many lost jobsSavings were gone

Unable to feed families & pay billsoBread lines, Soup KitchensoMalnutritionoHoovervilles & Shantytowns

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Social Effects of Poverty & UnemploymentIn Rural America…

Farmers suffered even before the Depression hit

Crop prices fell & debts added up

Unable to pay mortgagesAuctions & Tenant Farming

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Check for UnderstandingPartner A – Describe conditions faced by those whom lived in the cities.

Partner B – Describe the conditions faced by those whom lived in rural America.

How do you think people responded to the conditions/hardships they faced?

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Migration during the Great DepressionHoboes wandered the country in search of work (men, teens)

Many rode the railsMany farm families had no option but to leave“Okies”- migrants who went west to find work (some available in CA)

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Comparing Historical Perspectives1.What type of document is

this? 2.What does this document

tell you about the causes of the Dust Bowl?

3.Conditions faced?

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Hard Times for AllPsychological Effects depression, abandonment, suicide“Breadwinners” felt they had betrayed their families

People reacted differentlySome searched endlessly for new jobs

Some simply left their familiesSome committed suicide

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Hard Times for AllWomen & Children

Family distress (abandonment)Women lost jobs to men with familiesStarvation, Malnutrition

MinoritiesSuffered the worstLost jobs firstDenied jobsDenied aid

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Check for UnderstandingPartner A – Describe how women and children were affected by the Depression.

Partner B – Describe how minorities were affected by the Depression.

If you had lived through the Depression, what would you have found to be the most difficult hardship? Why?

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