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  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    TRincSmall ClassesPersonal Attention

    Guaranteed Results

    TOEFL iBTTest of English as a Foreign Language Internet-Based Test

    Anyone whos ever taken

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    the obvious usefulness of

    The Princeton Review

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    The Princeton Review and The Princeton Review logo are trademarks of

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  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    What is the TOEFL iBT?

    The TOEFL test is changing and will becalled the TOEFL iBT. In Thailand, theTOEFL iBT will be offered starting inApril 2006.

    iBT stands for Internet-Based Test.Candidates will take the test onlineon fixed days of each month.

    The TOEFL iBT consists of four sections thattake about FOURhours to complete:

    Reading Section: 60 - 100 minutesListening Section: 60 - 90 minutesSpeaking Section: 20 minutesWriting Section: 50 minutes

    TOEFL iBT scores will be reported online15 days after the test date. Colleges and

    universities will be able to view studentsscores online.

    The new TOEFL iBT has a maximum scoreof 120 points.

    Enroll now and see how ourPrinceton Review

    methodologies and expert teachers can helpyou tomaximize yourTOEFL iBTscore!

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6-6 770 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewTha ila nd .co m

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures



    Classroom Courses

    The Princeton Review provides the mosteffective preparation for the TOEFL iBT.

    Our expert teachers will help you

    achieve your target TOEFL scores.

    Small Classes for MaximumPersonal Attention

    Students learn better in small classes. Thats whywe limit our class size to fifteen students. In oursmall classes our instructors will quickly learnyour name and work closely with you to identifyyour strengths and weaknesses.

    Free Extra Help

    Our goal is to get you the best result you arecapable of on the TOEFL. If you need extra helpwith a question or subject, your Princeton Reviewteacher will be available for an extra session at noextra charge. We go the extra mile to ensure thatour students are totally comfortable with thematerial.

    Outstanding Materials

    The Princeton Review TOEFL iBT coursematerials are the best there are. Our expertTOEFL material writers have produced allthe materials you will need to do your beston this test. You will get a separate manualfor Listening, Reading, Speaking, Writingand an audio CD.

    Free Make-up Lesson

    Did you miss a class? Dont worry. We willarrange one free make-up for you to coverall the material you missed.

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  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    Our GuaranteeWe guarantee that you will improve your score byat least 20 points. If you do not, we will work withyou again at no additional cost for up to one full year(a small administrative charge will apply).

    Our guarantee applies to both classroom coursesand private tutoring.

    What You Get With The Princeton Review

    Expert Instructors

    We use the best instructors in the industry.All our TOEFL instructors have completed andpassed an intensive Princeton Review TOEFL

    training program. The quality of our instructorsis one of the top reasons why our studentsrecommend our TOEFL courses to their friends.

    Our Test Research Team

    The Princeton Review research and developmentteam constantly updates our teachers information

    by monitoring and evaluating EVERY REAL TOEFLtest offered. Our teachers are always ahead ofthe game when it comes to having the best andlatest test information.

    Practice Tests

    We give you four practice tests using the samequestion types that you will find in the Internet-Based TOEFL test.

    Structured Learning

    Preparing for the TOEFL can seem overwhelmingwhen added to your already busy schedule. ThePrinceton Review makes the most of the time youhave to prepare and is committed to helping youmaximize your potential. We give you full diagnostic

    reports for every test you take with us so youconstantly have feedback on your performance.

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  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    1-2-1 Private TutoringSometimes individual attention isall that stands between you and

    your best score.

    If you learn better on a one-to-one basis,take advantage ofThe Princeton Reviews

    most personalized test prep program,1-2-1 Private Tutoring.

    Personalized Attention to SuitYour Schedule

    Our tutoring programs are individually tailored to help you

    maximize your score by focusing exclusively on the areasthat are crucial to your success.

    Focused on You

    With 1-2-1 Private Tutoring, your instructor personally tailorsthe course to you, focusing more on the subjects that causeyou trouble. You design a package that suits your needs and

    time constraints, and well choose a tutor whos an expert inthe areas where you need the most help. Youll get all thecourse instruction in less time than it would take in a class.

    1-2-1 Admissions Consulting

    With 1-2-1 Private Tutoring our tutors can help you edit youradmissions essays to ensure your applications reflect yourstrengths.

    Course Components

    20 hours of complete TOEFLtraining, or just a few hours

    if you wish to focus on a singleproblem.

    The most up-to-date coursemanuals and workbooks - allyours to keep.

    Practice tests that give youthe experience of the realTOEFL iBT, and personalscore reports so you andyour teacher can monitoryour progress.

    Specially trained, highlyqualified tutors who reallyunderstand the TOEFL iBT.

    Guaranteed results.

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6- 677 0 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    Understanding the TestThe best way to prepare for the TOEFLis to know as much as possible about the exam.Below is some information that will help youprepare.

    How is the TOEFL iBT differentfrom the old test?

    The TOEFL iBT is an integrated skills test. This

    means that it tests your ability to use the Englishlanguage by testing your reading, listening,writing and speaking skills. There is no grammartest. The new TOEFL iBT is only about testingcommunication skills.

    How does the TOEFL iBT testintegrated skills?

    There are three ways:

    You read, listen, then speak inresponse to a question

    Or, listen, then speak in responseto a question

    Or, read, listen, then write aresponse to a question

    Can I take notes?

    Yes. In the new TOEFL iBT you can take notes inall sections of the test and you can use yournotes when you answer the questions.

    What is the new speaking test like?

    The speaking test is about 20 minutes long.There are six tasks to complete and you record

    your answers onto a computer using amicrophone. You might be asked to give youropinion on a subject, or summarize someinformation from a short lecture you have listenedto. It is testing your ability to understanduniversity level lectures and respond to questionsabout them.

    How is the TOEFL iBT scored?

    Your TOEFL score is based on a reading test, alistening test, a speaking test, and a writing test.Each section is worth 30 points, giving a

    total score of 120 points.

    When can I take the TOEFL iBT?

    There are fixed dates each month when you cantake the test. You can check the date on ETSwebsite at:

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6-6 770 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    Sample TOEFL iBT QuestionsAre You Ready for the TOEFL?

    Try the sample reading questions below.Check on our website for the correct

    answers and explanations.

    ReadingThe Arch in Architecture.

    For centuries early architects struggled with basicquestions: how can the space between wide doorframes and walls be bridged? How can the singlewooden lintel at the top of a door frame support

    the weight of the wall above it? It was not untilthe perfection and routine use of the arch that theanswers to these questions were found. Archesallowed higher ceilings, wider floors and moreopen space in cathedrals, palaces and governmentalstructures. They also solved such mechanicalproblems as cracking lintels and collapsing walls.

    Q.1 The discussion of arches in the passage isorganized in terms of(a) the doorway design developed by different culture(b) successive improvements in arch design(c) different types of stone used to build arches(d) the kinds of buildings in which arches were used

    Q.2 The word routine in the passage is closest inmeaning to(a) boring(b) regular(c) basic(d) scheduled

    WritingQ.1 Some people believe that students should begiven one long vacation each year. Others believe

    that students should have several long vacationsthroughout they year. Which viewpoint do youagree with? Use specific reasons and examples

    to support your choice.

    Q.2 Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? People behave differently when theywear different clothes. Do you agree that differentclothes influence the way people behave? Usespecific examples to support your answer.

    The other type of writing task is the integratedwriting task.

    Example:Summarize the points made in the lecture you justheard, explaining how they cast doubt on thecontents of the reading.

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6-6 770 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    Not ready

    for the TOEFL iBT yet?Many students will want to boost their confidenceby improving their English communication skillsbefore starting their TOEFL iBT course.

    The Princeton Review Pre-TOEFL course takes youthrough the four major skill areas and gives youtraining in communication strategies to help youget the best result in your TOEFL iBT.

    Pre-TOEFL Course?

    A Sample Overview of What You Will Learn

    Lesson One:Reading:

    Discussion to preview vocabulary Use of headings to predict theme Scanning for gist - elicit the main idea Re-read - summarize the main idea Read again - skim for information to

    complete notes and organize information Write summary of information - using

    own words, focus on synonyms Distinguishing true/false statements

    analyzing what is not said

    Reading for detailed information

    Vocabulary: Using context clues for meaning Word-building exercises Using dictionaries effectively


    Summarizing sentences/short paragraphs Organizing notes


    Critical thinking Expressing agreement/disagreement Brainstorm ideas for and against Practice agreeing and disagreeing

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6-6 770 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    TOEFL Total Score ComparisonsWhat score will I need?

    Contact the schools of your choice and findout what scores they want in the TOEFL iBT.

    Many schools will ask for a TOEFL iBTscore of 100 points.

    Internet-Based TOEFL Computer-Based TOEFL Paper-Based TOEFL

    120 300 677

    110 270 637

    100 250 600 - 603

    90 233 577

    80 213 550

    70 193 523

    61 173 500

    60 170 497

    50 143 463

    40 120 433

    30 93 397

    20 63 35010 35 310

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6- 677 0 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    Additional InformationThe websites and contact information below willaid you in registering for tests, finding the rightschools and completing the application process.

    Start now and get an edge on the competition.Good Luck!

    Testing Center Contacts

    TOEFL iBTInstitute of International Education (IIE)

    6th Floor, Maneeya Center North518/3 Ploenchit RoadPathumwanBangkok 10330Telephone: 02-652-0653Email: [email protected]

    Graduate Management Admission

    Educational Testing Service (ETS)

    Apply to take the

    Apply to take the

    Online Resources

    U.S. School

    European School

    Study in the


    International Education Financial Aid

    International Student Loan

    International Student Insurance

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6-6 770 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures


    Need More Preparation?The Princeton Review Thailand

    offers courses for many standardized teststhat you may need for applying to theuniversity or college of your dreams.

    OUR COURSESWe provide test preparation courses and private tutoring for the following :

    Test Prep Courses

    SSAT SAT Math/Reading/Writing Math/Reading

    SAT Advanced Practice

    SAT Subject Tests Math Physics Chemistry Biology


    GMAT Classic Executive Verbal Extra Practice

    GMAT Advanced Practice



    Target LearningDeveloping skills for SAT, SSAT,TOEFL, CU-TEP, TU-GET(for grades 7-11)

    Reading & Vocabulary Writing & Grammar

    Pre-TOEFL Reading & Writing Listening & Speaking

    Applications Courses

    MBA Applications

    College Applications


    (Please call us for more details)

    Private Tutoring

    SSAT, SAT, SAT Subject Tests,GMAT, GRE, TOEFL,College Application Essay,Admissions Consultation... and more

    (Please call us for more details)

    Check our website for our course schedules !

    Sathorn Tel: 0-263 6-6 770 Sukhumvit Tel: 0-2661-6988 w w w.PrincetonReviewThail an d.c om

  • 8/4/2019 TOEFL Brochures





    Prepare with Confidence

    We guarantee a minimum 20 point improvement on the

    TOEFL iBT test. If you do not achieve this result we will work

    with you again free for up to one year.*

    TOP INSTRUCTORS Expert Teachers are Important

    Princeton Review instructors are great motivators and

    masters of the material.

    CLASS SIZE Small is Better

    To provide more personal attention, we guarantee that

    there will be no more than 15 students in your class.

    FREE EXTRA HELP Always Available

    Princeton Review instructors are willing to go the extra

    mile and give you free extra help.

    * A small administrative charge will apply

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    28th Floor, Sathorn Nakorn Tower, North Sathorn Road

    BTS: Chong Nonsi Station

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    SUKHUMVITcampusTel: 0-2661-6988



















    21st Floor, Jasmine City Bldg., Sukhumvit Soi 23

    BTS: Asok Station MRT: Sukhumvit Station

    Tel: 0-2661-6988 to 9 Fax: 0-2661-6990

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