Download - TOEFL Exercise 4

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    (Draw Conclusion about WHO, WHAT,and WHERE)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 1 Woman : I didnt bring my laboratory manual today. Man : You can share mine. Today were

    conducting the experiment onphotosynthesis and we can work together.

    Question : Where does this conversation probably

    take place? Answer : the biology laboratory . (B)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 2Man : This is flight 707 requesting permission to


    Woman : Flight 707 you are cleared for landing.

    Question : Who is the man? Answer : Flight and land tell us that

    the man/he is a pilot. (A)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 3 Woman : Do you want to do the dishes now or


    Man : Id rather put them off as long aspossible.

    Question : What will the man probably do?

    Answer : put them as long as possible means that heis going to wait until later to clean up. (D)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 4Man : How much of a tip should I leave? Woman : Oh a dollar is plenty. The service wasnt

    very good.

    Question : Where does this conversation probablytake place?

    Answer : Usually people give tip for service in arestaurant. (B)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 5 Woman : Can I pick up my shoes on Tuesday? I need

    them for a party that night.

    Man : It should be fixed by then.

    Question : Who is that man? Answer : It should be fixed.. is expression that

    commonly used by a person who repairsomething, in this conversation is shoerepairperson. (B)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 6 Woman : Did you get pictures of the lions?Man : Yes. And now lets go to the other side of

    the park. I want to see the exotic birds.

    Question : Where does this conversation probablytake place?

    Answer : lions and exotic birds can be found at azoo. (C)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 7Man : Could you put the letters in the pending

    file now? Woman : Yes, then I can answer them tomorrow.

    Question : What will the woman probably dotomorrow?

    Answer : answer them means giving respond tothe mail. (A)answer = respondletters = mails.

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 9 Woman : Have you responded to Bobs dinner

    invitation yet?

    Man : Ill take care of it right away.

    Question : What will the man probably do next? Answer : The man will let Bob know that the

    accept his invitation. (C)

  • 8/10/2019 TOEFL Exercise 4


    Number 10 Woman : Can you fill this prescription for me?Man : If you leave the prescription I can have it

    filled in about 10 minutes.

    Question : Who is the woman? Answer : prescription is handled by

    a pharmacist. (A)

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