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N a m e : K a r l a G o n z á l e z 6 P C O K e y : 1 0



Colegio El Sagrado Corazón de Jesús Mrs. Karin Rossbach

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TOEIC/Literature/HRE/HPD Mrs. Karin Rossbach

Portfolio Rubric Digital Physical

Name: ________________________________________ Unit : _____ Key No. ________

Item Excellent (5)

Acceptable (4)

Regular (3)

Needs to Improve


No evidence


1. Punctuality in submission

2. Completeness of Documents

a. Learning Process (unit cover) b. Listening comprehensions (3: 2 at the TICs and 2 physical in ¼ of pages) c. Reading comprehensions (3: 2 at the TICs and 2 physical in ¼ of a page) d. Partial Test (I have it, no need to scan) e. Essay 1: Values of an Accountant f. Essay 2: Benefits of Being an Accountant g. Vocabulary quizzes (3 handwritten) h. Glogster project i. evidence of Grammar practice (booklet and links sent) j. Reflection on self-learning process (KWH chart or essay)

3. Appearance & organization

4. Chronological order

5. Corrections of documents

6. Creativity & Innovative resources

7. Graphs & visuals

8. Document condition/scanned group documents

9. Additional resources for personal learning

10. Personal commitment to improve/keep attitude towards learning process.

Self-assessment: In this portfolio I believe I did it organized and well because I consider that I gather

most of the homework, works and documents we use this unit and all the documents that the teacher


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Teacher Comments:



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What does identify an accountant? By: Karla González

An accountant is a person who performs accounting duties and provides the necessary information about the financial situation of a company that provides the tools to the managers to make good decisions. Something that characterizes accountants in the performance of their tasks is the values and interests they should have. In addition, professional accountants are identified with values that will help them to act responsibly and honestly at the moment they develop their work and when they have to review important information for a company. First, accountants have to be responsible, honest, objective and independent because the work they perform is very important and is essential for a business going as it shows the financial situation of the company. Also, these values are considered fundamental on their workplace it demonstrates their morals and ethics. Moreover, something that is considered very important is that an accountant does not have to take advantage or gain using confidential information and all the time an accountant has to be honest because if they try to manipulate some data or amounts in the financial statements, it could be sanctioned by the boss or even by other major authorities. Other things that identify accountants are their interests. For example, an accountant probably likes mathematics, accounting, economy, finance, business, and government rules. Moreover, and accountant should be organized and maintain the registry of the company’s account neat and in order because all the details are important; and one of them can make a big difference on the real information. As a conclusion, accountants are people that are essential for big corporations because they help them to make premises and prepare a plan to make important decisions that will influence in the future. Also, accountants are characterized by a lot of values, skills and interests that help them always to be good in the tasks they performance and to be excellent professionals.

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Benefits of being an accountant

An accountant is a person who performs accounting tasks for small and large

companies around the world. They are very important for business because they

provide important information as financial statements that help to the company to

make important decisions. Being an accountant involves a lot of benefits and

advantages, for example, they can work in all industry sector and public services

around the world; also they have a lot of job opportunities with a great salary.

Some of the benefits of being an accountant are that they can work in their

countries or countries around the world; in addition, accountants are people that

are always required for a lot of industries, companies and countries. Other

advantages of being an accountant are that they can work in any industry they find

interesting, because all businesses and all the governments deal with financial

information and monetary transactions in order to obtain earnings or a benefit.

Moreover, accountants develop a lot of values and abilities such as honesty,

responsibility, organization, hard-working, critical thinking skills, analytical abilities

and problem-solving capabilities that help them to be more efficient in their


An accountant is also one of the most highly respected and prestigious professions,

because they are viewed as having obtained a high level of success, prestige,

progression and accomplishment. Furthermore, not all accountants work for other

companies. Many work for themselves and prepare taxes for other people or

companies that represent an important advantage for these professionals.

As a conclusion, accountants are essential for businesses because most of them

depend on their accountants and the financial information they manage. Also

accountants are people that have the opportunity to decide if they want to work for

a company or have their own business. So, being an accountant has a lot of benefits

and advantages vs. other professionals.

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Papershredder Destructora de papel

Bus fare Tarifa

Drawer Gavetero

Tee (golf) Pin para golf

Riot Manifestación violenta

Tidal wave Tsunami

Foggy night Noche con niebla

Consulation Consulta

Consultant Consultor

Recruit (er) Reclutar, reclutador

Layoff Despidos

Quartely Trimestral

Prices quotes Cotización de precios

Relieve Aliviar (económico, físico,


Shift Turnos

Zip files Archivos adjuntos

Dispute Pelea

Gate (airport) Puerta de espera

Carry-on-bag Bolsa de mano

Refurbish Reconstruir

Bargain Oferta

Accomodation Locaciones, hospedajes

Worshop Taller de conferencias o taller normal

Register Registrarse o inscribirse

Inscribe Inscribir o grabar

Launch Lanzar

Crowding Llenándose de gente

Population Población

Seek Buscar algo

Sought Pasado de seek, buscar

Source Fuente, origen

Aging Envejecimiento

Halt Detener

Shut down Apagón

Leap Saltar, brinco

Agreement Acuerdo, contrato

Undertake Emprender algo

Real state Bienes raíces

Overwhelming Abrumador

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Reflection on self-learning process

(KWH chart)

What I Know? What I learned? How I learned it?

How to make an outline

How to write essays

Verb tenses



Listening and reading comprehensions

Verb tenses Simple future Future

progressive Simple present Present


Grammar (exercises in the TICs):

Modals Nouns and

articles Participles Pronouns and

possessive adjectives

Subject-verb agreement

Word order.

New words and their meanings

How to write and structure an essay



Vocabulary quizzes






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