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  • Tonights Homework Read/Outline 116-125 I will be looking for evidence of outlining/annotations of text for credit
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  • Homework Review p. 106 Why was agriculture important? Sustain life, increase population, trade Significance of religion in Mesoamerica? Polytheistic, priests important, sacrifices What were forms of government? Centralized governments What were achievements? Terrace farming, floating gardens (chinampas), Quipius (record keeping), writing, calendar, roads, bridges, cities (maccu piccu)
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  • Homework Review p. 112 How did Chinese government change with Ming? Restore traditional Chinese values, rid itself of Mongol influence Why did China re-isolate itself? Belief that European goods (and people) were inferior What impact did China have on other Asian civs? Art, religion, architecture, achievements spread to Korea, Japan, India, Vietnam
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  • Modern Problems in Middle East
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  • Agenda Bellringer Review sheet Homework review questions Textbook outline pages 1017-1023 Video Clip: Modern Middle Eastern Problems Notes: Modern Middle East Exit Ticket
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  • Tonights Homework Read pages 126-130 MC Questions 131-133 DBQ Docs 136-137
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  • Crossword Complete the Cold War crossword while I come check homework We will go over
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  • Homework Review Qs What city was the capital of the Ottoman empire? Istanbul (formerly Constantinople) What achievements did Suleiman have during the Ottoman golden age? Architecture, art, ruled with council, sharia What revolutions in Europe contributed to Ottoman decline? Commercial (and industrial!) What new technologies were used for exploration? Printing press, astrolabe, compass, caravel, gunpowder What was triangular trade? Materials to Europe, finished product sold, slaves to new world What was mercantilism? Mother country profits from colonies materials and labor What was the Columbian exchange? First world wide exchange of people, technology, foods, animals, etc.
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  • Text Work Read and outline pages 1017-1023 in the textbook I will be checking your outlines! This is important info!
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  • Video: Middle East Problems m1oY m1oY
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  • Agenda Senteo MC HW Review Qs/check docs Review DBQ Docs 136-137 Notes: Modern Middle East Exit Ticket
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  • Review Qs What is an armistice? Cease fire agreement What was Pol Pots goal in Cambodia? Create a perfect communist peasant utopia. Self reliant from rest of world. What was the cultural revolution in China? Propaganda war pro peasant, pro mao, pro communist Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks? Lenin (Peace, land, bread) What was one cause of the French Revolution? Estates system, estates general, American Rev, enlightenment, deficit spending
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  • DBQ Docs 136 1.Some effects of the interaction between China and Korea are the diffusion of art styles and porcelain making. 2.Bartolome de Las Casas believed that greed motivated the Spaniards to have a disregard for Native life. 3.A negative effect of the atlantic trade had on Africans was the slave trade from Africa to the colonies. A benefit to the Europeans was the importation of raw materials from the colonies.
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  • OI 1. Cultural Diffusion, Cultural land bridge, went to Japan, social structure (merchants on bottom) 2. Encomienda system, guns, germs 3. Triangle Trade, mercantilism
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  • Modern Middle East Essential Learning: The Middle East
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  • Objective Students will identify leaders and main conflicts arising in the Middle East in an exit ticket
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  • Where is the Middle East?
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  • Geographical Importance Oil is major natural resource Some countries have more than others, which leads to conflict Interdependence: Countries are all dependent on other countries for certain things (IE: US is dependent on Middle Eastern oil, but trying not to be) OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, controls supply and prices of oil, many Middle Eastern countries are members
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  • Gas and Oil in Middle East
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  • Oil in Middle East
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  • OPEC Mission The mission of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) is to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its Member Countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry
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  • Members of OPEC Started in Baghdad 1960 Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia Later joined by Qatar Indonesia Libya UAE Algeria Nigeria Gabon Angola
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  • Oil Money = Problems
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  • Agenda Bellringer Review Questions/Check HW Assign tonights homework Notes: Modern Middle East Exit Ticket
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  • Homework 158-169 read and outline I will be looking for evidence of reading/annotating/outlining on all pages or in notebook to award credit.
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  • Review Who was the dictator of Argentina? Juan Peron What was the dirty war? Kill/arrest/torture anyone against Juan Peron What can you compare dirty war to? Reign of Terror (Robespierre), Great Purge (Stalin) What is NAFTA? North American Free Trade Agreement What is the purpose behind NAFTA? Keep major north American neighbors capitalist What is the Panama Canal? Man made canal allow ships to easily cross through continent Who was the dictator of Panama that the U.S. deposed? Manual Noriega
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  • Israel
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  • Where is Israel?
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  • Israel Many Jews migrated to Palestine to escape anti-Semitism (religious holyland!) Balfour Declaration- 1917 (wwI!) promise to Jews they would get a national homeland. Zionism: Jewish Nationalism Muslims, Christians, and Jews all see Palestine as their holy land!
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  • Review Monotheistic Religions Judaism first one. Covenant with Abraham; 10 commandments to Moses; rescued slaves from Egypt Christianity second one. All of the above plus Jesus is son of God Islam All of the above. Minus Jesus is son of God; add Muhammad as last great prophet
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  • Mandate of Palestine Passed by League of Nations 1922 Established an independent country called Palestine (took the land from Ottoman Empire) Catch was had to include national home for Jewish people called Israel
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  • Mandate of Palestine Ottoman were too weak to fight this (non- industrialized, too big) Palestinians did not want to share with Jewish people believed it should be all their territory Jewish people were OK with sharing, just happy to have land for themselves
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  • Problem. The Jewish population was so happy to have land that the Zionist movement escalated leading to MASS IMMIGRATION of Jews into Israel Israel quickly became too small and had to be expanded..and expanded.and expanded Palestinians declared Jihad (holy war) on Israelites
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  • Arab-Israeli Conflict 1967 Arab-Israeli Six Day War Result: Israel gained Golan Heights, West Bank, and Gaza Strip from Palestine (more people!) Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) GOAL establish an independent state for Palestinian Arabs (no Jewish people!) Used terrorist tactics against Israel (Jihad) Started by Yasser Arafat Taken over by Mahmoud Abbas and changed name to Hamas
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  • Arab-Israeli Conflict Egypt allied with the PLO and often engaged Israel in conflict 1979 Egypt and Israel signed Camp David Accords peace between two countries US President Jimmy Carter Arabs mad at Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, he was killed in 1981
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  • Agenda Bellringer/HW Review Questions Assign tonights HW Finish notes: Modern Middle East Exit Ticket **Review Sesh tonight**
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  • Homework Read 170-178 MC Qs 179-180
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  • Review Questions What natural resource does the Middle East have an abundance of? Oil Why was the Mandate of Palestine controversial? Created separate land from Ottoman called Palestine for Arabs, must include land for Jews called Israel What is Jihad? Holy War: may or may not mean violence What is the importance of the Suez Canal? Connects Red Sea to Mediterranean What were the Camp David Peace Accords? Peace negotiated between Israel and Egypt. U.S. was mediator
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  • Target: Egypt
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  • Where is Egypt?
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  • Suez Canal Man-made canal connecting Red sea with the Mediterranean sea GB had control Imperialism
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  • Suez Canal Leader Gamal Nasser Goal: End British control of Suez Canal Britain, France, and Israel attacked Egypt in 1956 because the canal was an important link between European nations and their Asian trading partners
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  • Target: Turkey
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  • Turkey Mustafa Kemal Ataturk Separated the laws of religion from the laws of the nation Abolished religious courts and created a new legal system based on European law. Granted women the right to vote and hold public office Modernized Turkey
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  • Analysis Compare to: Peter the Great Meiji Restoration
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  • Target: Iran
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  • Shah (Leader) Reza Pahlavi modernized Iran United States put him in power, but he treated his people badly.
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  • Iranian Revolution 1978 Ayatollah Khomeini wanted an Islamic state (Reverse Shah Reza Pahlavis policies) Shah Reza Pahlavi fled Iran, Khomeini established an Islamic state Iran follows Islamic fundamentalism total devotion to Islam, no Western books, music, movies, women have little or no rights Iran is a theocracy religion controls government
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  • Target: Iraq
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  • Persian Gulf War (1991) Iraq headed by Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait seized oil fields Also access to Persian Gulf United States saw Iraq as a threat to Saudi Arabia and the flow of oil United States pushed Iraq back and won the war
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  • Persian Gulf War Example of collective security: doing something because it is in the best interest of everyone
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  • Target: Afghanistan
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  • Soviet Invasion USSR invades in 1979 US sees this as a threat to the region activates containment We supply advanced weaponry to the Mujahedeen (religious fighters) to wage a guerilla war against the Russians Russians withdraw in 1989 US leaves as well and creates a power vacuum Afghanistan very unstable due to being at war for 15 years
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  • Taliban Taliban fundamental Islamic extremists take power in Afghanistan Institute brutal Islamic laws (Sharia) Supported by al-Qaeda Islamic terrorist network Blames US for all of Muslim problems Attacks US on September 11, 2001 Begins War on Terror GOAL: destroy al-Qaeda, group responsible for September 11 attack on United States
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  • Review Questions Turn in Why is the Middle East geographically important? What is the PLO? Who is Gamal Nasser? What were the Camp David Peace Accords? Who is Kemal Ataturk? Who is Shah Reza Pahlavi? Who is the Ayatollah Khomeini? What kind of government does Iran have? What happened during the Persian Gulf War? Why did the US invade Afghanistan in 1979? What is the Taliban?

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