Page 1: Top 10 rookie marketing funnel mistakes

Top 10 Rookie Marketing Funnel


Anita Hales

Page 2: Top 10 rookie marketing funnel mistakes

What’s a Funnel?• Whether you are a brick and mortar business or a solopreneur working an

online business, your marketing funnel is your lifeblood.• In this day of increased competition created by the internet, it’s vital that

you have a well-thought out and implemented marketing funnel.• What is a marketing funnel? It’s the way you get the attention of potential

customers and turn them into buyers and faithful return customers.• A business person launches an attention-getting campaign through

advertising. The potential customer is then wooed into becoming a lead and finally making a purchase. It starts out broad and narrows which is why it’s called a funnel.

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Rookie Mistake #1

• Not giving site visitors a clear idea of your business. Advertising is easy. Advertising effectively is not. Making a landing page is where you begin putting your potential customer into the top of your funnel. If you don’t let your customer know clearly what they are getting into, they won’t get far into your funnel. Having more than one landing page with different approaches will attract different types of customers. It also gives you a way to split test and see what approaches work best.

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Rookie Mistake #2

• No clear call to action. You have to tell people what to do, click the button, fill in the information form, check their emails for more information. Have a way they can contact you through your web page and social media.

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Rookie Mistake #3

• Failing to follow up with leads. Collecting leads isn’t enough. If you stop with a list, you won’t make any sales. It’s imperative to communicate with your leads regularly through emails and phone calls. Remember the old adage, “The fortune is in the follow-up”.

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Rookie Mistake #4

• Confusing Funnel Progression. Is your funnel easy to follow? Don’t make too many steps. Don’t have distractions. Have you ever been on one of those pages where there are so many ads you can’t tell the ads from the actual information? I hate those and just click away. Lots of people do. Have you created a sense of urgency to keep people in the funnel so they don’t get lost?

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Rookie Mistake #5

• Funnel is so wide at the top that people drop off in the middle and bottom of the funnel. Providing support throughout the funnel keeps people engaged. Narrow your focus at the top so your funnel remains relevant to the people you have attracted. Tell them what they will be getting as the progress through the funnel so they anticipate what comes next.

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Rookie Mistake #6

• Targeting the wrong audience. It’s not the number of visitors that increases conversions, it’s the number of visitors willing to make a purchase. You can make a lot of sales with a very small list if you have the right people on that list. Take the time to define your niche and target audience.

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Rookie Mistake #7

• Ignoring or misunderstanding analytics data. Analytics were an anathema to me in the beginning. They were confusing and mind boggling. But you need to understand it and learn to use the tools to your benefit. Analytics tell the story you need to hear. Learn how to use them. There are a lot of online resources for learning to use analytics.

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Rookie Mistake #8

• Overlooking Marketing Opportunities. Just putting your stuff on the web and hoping people will see it means they never will. Even worse, not putting things on the web at all. You have to put the plate in front of them or they will eat dinner somewhere else. Use social media tools, information sharing resources and engage with related communities online.

• The day has long passed when you could just hang out a shingle and have customers come.

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Rookie Mistake #9

• Stopping your funnel at the sale. Your converted lead is golden. It can mean more sales down the road and more leads as that person shares with others. Provide continued support showing them how to get the most from their purchase. Provide speedy customer service. Use social media and emails to stay in contact and keep the converted lead engaged.

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Rookie Mistake #10• Expecting immediate results. Although things can happen rather

quickly in a well-defined funnel, it takes time to refine the funnel to get the results you want. Many potential entrepreneurs get discouraged and give up too soon. They don’t give their promotions time to work and they don’t work their promotions until they produce results. Testing and trial always precedes success. No funnel is perfect and you shouldn’t worry too much about perfection. Just keep improving until you get the results you want.

• Jim Rohn said, “You cannot change your destination overnight, but you can change your direction overnight.”

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• Have you made funnel mistakes? What have you found to be successful? Let’s talk about it.

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