Page 1: Top 6 dog breeds for your kids

Best Dog Breed to Own for Your Kids

Do you want to own a new pet especially for your kid or to have one that can keep your child happy and engaged? There are many dog breeds that are lovable, caring and love the company of kids.

A study also shows that these breeds of dog provide more attention to kids, protect them and form the best company. Families with pets have special bound and adore company of each other. Finding this research much helpful, we as pet partners have brought you the best dog breeds for kids from our editor’s desk.

Labrador retriever

Labrador is America’s most popular breed. There is a reason why this breed so famous among kids. Labrador retriever is protective, patience and sweet pups that throw lots of love on kids. They also like to be in the company of kids. With plenty of intelligence, high accountability and even personality, they are quick to learn and possess high trainability. Thus, they become a perfect member of active families.

Page 2: Top 6 dog breeds for your kids

Irish setter

If you are n active family with lots of sports around and a full length yard, Irish setter is your perfect choice. This energetic dog requires a plenty of exercise, so a good yard is necessary to run around in. Full of silly, clown-like personality, they like to be around people seeking their attention. Irish setter is a good match for energetic kids.


Bulldog is one of the most popular breeds among children due to their adorable nature and cute-looking appearance. This short-faced head dog is known to be equable, resolute and dignified. If you are a family full of love sharing then bulldog’s lovable, gentle dispositions and adorable wrinkles, make him your best companion.

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For your playful kids, Pug is "multum in parvo" which means "a lot of dog in a small space." One of the oldest Chinese breed Pug is a popular companion dog for children. With even-tempers, playful personalities, this square and cobby breed are outgoing and are loving dispositions. They love to be near their people and please them with their sturdiness. Thus, they are favorites of kids.


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Most playful, energetic, active, smart and playful breed of dogs is Beagle that never gets too tired for a good frolic with the kids. This little sturdy dog shed a lot, so you need to brush and bathe him regularly. They are happy-go-lucky and friendly creatures, making a wonderful companion for your kids.


If your family is a lot into swimming, then getting a companion who is a master in swimming will be a great choice. Newfoundland is a large and strong dog with heavy coat that kids love to play with and pamper. The heavy plush coat of this breed needs regular brushing and as it is an active dog, he requires regular exercise. Its sweet disposition and life saving instincts in water, makes him good match for families.

These the most popular breeds among children and when owned, you are no doubt giving your kids the best friend.

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