
Aluma Systems Concrete Construction, LLC – International Department 55 Costa Road Toronto, Ontario Canada L4K 1M8 Tel.905.669.5282 Fax.416.736.2924

Top scores for productivity enable Aluma customers to save money on

site and qualify for productivity improvement funding

March 30, 2012, Singapore - Aluma System EasySet™ has earned the top score (for all vertical and

horizontal formwork systems) in The Singapore Building and Construction Authority’s Constructability

Appraisal System, with a result of 14 out of 15 possible points. Additionally, Aluma Systems Alumalite

Table Forms scored 13 out of 15, the second-highest score for all horizontal formwork systems.

These results confirm the productivity advantages of Aluma Systems’ products. Further, the high scores

in the Constructability Appraisal System (CAS) will enable contractors who choose these Aluma products

to qualify for funding from Singapore’s Construction and Capability Fund (CPCF), a $250 MM fund

intended to support contractors who re-engineer site processes and adopt construction technologies

that improve productivity. Contractors who choose formwork that can improve construction cycle times

by 20% (as with the Aluma products), may receive up to 50% funding for the purchase of the formwork

through the CPCF.

Already Chang Hua Construction Pte Ltd (CHC) has been able to take advantage of

this incentive, adopting Aluma Systems EasySet™ on Domus, a 29-storey


“Using the aluminum formwork system, CHC aims to re-engineer its construction

processes and achieve leaps in site productivity. By doing away with the planning and

individual customization needed in timber formwork, CHC estimates a whopping 30%

productivity increase using the new aluminum formwork.” Singapore Building and

Construction Authority, Build Smart Magazine, Issue 05, 2011. Domus at Irrawaddy Road

Using Aluma EasySet™ System

Build Smart Magazine, Issue 05, 2011.

Mr. Li Fei Chang, CHC’s Managing Director adds: “Coupled with the progressive reduction of Man-Year-

Entitlement, the talent situation has driven CHC to move away from traditional construction methods

and look into new ways to enhance on-site construction productivity. We are planning to raise CHC’s

productivity by adopting new construction technologies and developing our workforce.”

“CHC is also implementing the aluminum system formwork to reduce material and time wastage and

using more machinery and equipment to reduce manpower. We are currently able to pilot the use of

aluminum formwork (Aluma EasySet™) at Domus, which is located at Irrawaddy Road. This enhances

CHC’s competitiveness and enhances its productivity for on-site structural works.” Says Mr. Li Fei.

Aluma Systems Concrete Construction, LLC – International Department 55 Costa Road Toronto, Ontario Canada L4K 1M8 Tel.905.669.5282 Fax.416.736.2924

About Chang Hua Construction (CHC):

Since 1995, CHC has been actively involved in architectural and structural engineering with project’s

contracts worth more than $100 MM. “With the contract for the construction of Domus condominium

under its belt, CHC applied for the PIP [Productivity Improvement Project] grant to adopt the use of an

advance aluminum formwork system (Aluma EasySet™) that will be used in the construction of the 29-

storey condominium” Singapore Building and Construction Authority, Build Smart Magazine, Issue 05,


About Aluma Systems:

Aluma Systems designs, manufactures and markets Concrete Forming and Shoring Systems primarily

from extruded aluminum components. Since 1972, Aluma Systems has earned acceptance worldwide

with contractors and developers engaged in the construction of poured-in placed concrete structures.

Aluma Systems International, based in Toronto, Canada, has marketed Aluma products overseas to

over 50 countries and 2,000 clients and in 2005 launched Aluma’s latest star Performer, Aluma


PR & Media Contact

Melissa Lara

Marketing and Business Developer

Aluma Systems CC, LLC – International Department

[email protected]

Word count: 716

Aluma Systems Concrete Construction, LLC – International Department 55 Costa Road Toronto, Ontario Canada L4K 1M8 Tel.905.669.5282 Fax.416.736.2924

Aluma Systems Concrete Construction, LLC – International Department 55 Costa Road Toronto, Ontario Canada L4K 1M8 Tel.905.669.5282 Fax.416.736.2924

Aluma Systems Concrete Construction, LLC – International Department 55 Costa Road Toronto, Ontario Canada L4K 1M8 Tel.905.669.5282 Fax.416.736.2924

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