Page 1: Top SEO Mistakes that Every Small Business Should Avoid

Top SEO Mistakes that Every Small Business Should


Page 2: Top SEO Mistakes that Every Small Business Should Avoid

This article is written especially for Small Businesses. On the basis of my personal experience, providing SEO Services to SMBs is much convenient as opposed to large firms. Search Engine Optimization is very important for every type of organization. Optimizing their websites has become imperative due to ever increasing popularity and usage of internet in very corner of this world.

Following are some common mistakes which most of the small scale companies make:

1- Duplicity of Content

One of the most serious mistakes that SMBs make is the duplicity of content. They often fail to create fresh, informative and unique content. Usually they copy content from the competitor website or other blogs of same niche. We all know that Google frequently launch their Panda Update for penalizing low quality content websites. As a result, the website gets negatively affected.

2- Selection of Wrong Keywords

The other problem which SMBs face is the selection of keywords. They fail to understand the relationship between searches on a keywords and its competition level. In most of the cases, they choose keywords which have high volume of searches and ignore the competition level. As a result of it, they commit a mistake of choosing wrong keywords.

Page 3: Top SEO Mistakes that Every Small Business Should Avoid

3- Duplicate Title Tags

Title tags are very important part of your onsite optimization. They play important role in website’s search engine rankings. Small businesses often ignore to optimize these tags. Providing duplicate or non descriptive title tags is not good SEO practice. So, SMBs are required to focus on optimizing these tags.

4. Poor Quality Backlinks

Since the small businesses don’t have huge funds, they fail to build quality backlinks for their websites. Their tendency is always to get maximum backlinks in short time. Due to this, they prefer to buy links rather than building genuine/manual backlinks. As a result of this, Google puts such websites into “Sandbox”. According to Google’s guidelines, buying links is not useful and can also be cause of penalty.

Page 4: Top SEO Mistakes that Every Small Business Should Avoid

5- Google Locals Listing

This is a fact that many companies still don’t know how effective Google Places can be for their businesses. When it comes to small businesses, Google Local Listing is very important and it is suggested for them to add their businesses. This will help in targeting the local clients.

About Author:

This article is exclusively provided by SoftProdigy Inc. which is leading Software Development Company based in United States. They also have regional offices in Canada, Australia and India as well.

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