
Top Tips to becoming a Personal Stylist

Number 1

 You must first of all have an interest in wanting to help others create a style and image they love. It’s not about picking looks that you love. It is about

listening to your client, being able to quickly assess their needs and being able to confidently put together looks that work for them.


You must understand the link between feeling good and looking good. Personal Styling is centered just as much around building your clients confidence as it is

around clothes and styling. Building confidence comes from building trust,

having patience, listening and deciphering your client’s worries and

then having the skills to encourage and empower them.

Number 2

Your biggest learning in styling will come from ‘doing’. Once you are trained, confident and supported in the first stages, the best learning comes from working

with clients, learning from your mistakes and doing it better the next time! No matter what body shape your client is, it is only when they try on the first couple of outfits

you really understand everything about their body shape, their style preferences and it is also when they start to fully open up to you.

Number 3

Knowing the importance of being in the know. Most high street retailers have PR companies or departments that run fashion events for fashion influencers. Attending

these shows is not just a perk of the job but really essential.

Number 4

Understanding all the most important 

elements that affect the styling process. 

Height for example is such an important part of styling. The shorter the height and shorter the lengths of jackets, skirts and tops should be. Height is all about

proportion and you want your client to wear the clothes you choose,

not the other way around!

Number 5

Going the extra mile for your client is so important. Personal Styling for me is about giving your client ‘complete’ looks and inspiring them to go outside their comfort zone. Bringing a range of different options & accessories into the fitting room and having fun with your client is a big part

of the process. A great personal stylist should inspire their client to think outside the box, the see the power of accessories, colour, fabric and texture.

Number 6




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