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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

    TA2013027 GE NIF TATOR Page 1 of 15


    Reference code: TA2013027 GE NIF

    Provision for a Long Term Expert to support

    the Management of the United Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG)


    1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 2

    1.1. Beneficiary country and Promoter ................................................................................. 21.2. Contracting Authority and mandate ............................................................................... 21.3. Relevant country background ....................................................................................... 3

    1.4. Current state of affairs in the relevant sector ................................................................ 41.5. Related programmes and other donor activities: .......................................................... 5

    2. OBJECTIVE, PURPOSE & EXPECTED RESULTS ....................................................................... 5

    2.1. Overall objective ............................................................................................................ 52.2. Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 52.3. Results to be achieved by the Consultant ..................................................................... 5

    3. ASSUMPTIONS & RISKS ............................................................................................................... 6

    3.1. Assumptions underlying the TA operation intervention ................................................. 63.2. Risks ............................................................................................................................. 6

    4. SCOPE OF THE WORK .................................................................................................................. 6

    4.1. General ......................................................................................................................... 64.2. Specific activities ........................................................................................................... 74.3. Project management ..................................................................................................... 9

    5. LOGISTICS AND TIMING ............................................................................................................. 10

    5.1. Location ....................................................................................................................... 105.2. Commencement date & Period of implementation ..................................................... 10

    6. REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................... 10

    6.1. Personnel .................................................................................................................... 106.2. Office accommodation ................................................................................................ 116.3. Facilities to be provided by the Consultant .................................................................. 126.4. Equipment ................................................................................................................... 126.5. Expenditure verification ............................................................................................... 12

    7. REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................... 12

    7.1. Reporting requirements ............................................................................................... 127.2. Submission & approval of progress reports ................................................................ 147.3. Visibility requirements ................................................................................................. 14

    8. MONITORING AND EVALUATION .............................................................................................. 15

    8.1. Definition of indicators ................................................................................................. 158.2. Special requirements .................................................................................................. 15

    9. ANNEXES ...................................................................................................................................... 15

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    1.1. Beneficiary country and Promoter

    The country targeted by the TA is Georgia. Georgia lies between latitudes 41 and 44 N, andlongitudes 40 and 47 E, with an area of 67,900km

    2. It is a very mountainous country. The Likhi

    Range divides the country into eastern and western halves. Because of a complex geographic setting,mountains also isolate the northern region of Svaneti from the rest of Georgia.

    Figure 1Location of Georgia (shown in red)

    Georgia has a western border on the black sea, a northern border with the Russian Federation and aSouthern border with Turkey and Azerbaijan.

    The Promoter and final Beneficiary is:

    The United Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG)Ana Politkovskaia Str., 50186 TBILISIGeorgia

    The company was established in January 2010, and is state owned company administered under theMinistry of Regional Development and Infrastructure of Georgia. The company has fifty five servicecentres throughout the country which are managed through six regional branches of the company.

    Since the UWSCG was established, it has experienced sustainable development through national andinternational investments as means to fulfil the long-term programme of the company which aims atimplementing the rehabilitation of Water-Supply and Sanitation System, as well as the capacity buildingin the company.

    Nowadays 2,380 employees are working for the company, 2170 persons are working in service centresand regional offices and 210 persons at the head office in Tbilisi.

    The capacity of UWSCG is viewed as far below its increasing responsibilities and structural capabilityin a range of fields. In particular the staffs of the project design and operational departments aremainly Junior Specialists with bachelor degrees and a working experience of only 5 to 8 years in water-supply system. It is strongly recommended that their field-knowledge in the field is increased.

    1.2. Contracting Authority and mandate

    European Investment Bank98-100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer

    L-2950, LuxembourgGrand Duchy of Luxembourg

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    EU and EC policy and cooperation objectives for the relations with the neighbourhood countries overalland individually are set by the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP), a key external relations priorityof the European Union.

    Within the framework of this Policy, the overall policy objectives of European Investment Bank lendingunder its 2007-2013 External Mandate for the Neighbourhood countries will focus on key priorities suchas (a) the expansion of Neighbourhood infrastructure networks in transport, energy andtelecommunications, including their connection with EU networks, (b) financing of environmentalprojects and (c) private sector development in the Neighbouring countries, including support forstructural projects in the banking sector and in long-term credit and equity markets for privateinvestors, and support for privatisation and restructuring of public enterprises.

    In this context, the Union has established a new financial instrument the Neighbourhood

    Investment Facility (NIF)aimed at supporting the partner countries in their efforts towards bettergovernance and economic and social development, through matching loans from the European publicFinance Institutions (including the EIB) with Community grants.

    In particular, technical assistance grants will be used to improve the implementation of EIB financedprojects, thereby enhancing policy coherence between EIB project decisions, country and sectoral

    economic reforms and ENP overall policy objectives. NIFsupports heavy infrastructure projects mainlyin the energy, transport and environment sectors.

    This Technical Assistance operation is funded through a grant from the Neighbourhood Investment

    Facility (NIF).

    1.3. Relevant country background

    The overall region of Georgia can be characterized as being made up of various, interconnectedmountain ranges (largely of volcanic origin) and plateaus up to 3,400 meters in elevation. Prominentfeatures of the area include the Javakheti Volcanic Plateau, lakes, including Tabatskuri and Paravani,as well as mineral water and hot springs. The two major rivers in Georgia are the Rioni and theMtkvari. The Southern Georgia Volcanic Highland is a young and unstable geologic region with highseismic activity and has experienced some of the most significant earthquakes that have beenrecorded in Georgia.

    Figure 2Georgia

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    Georgia's climate is affected by subtropical influences from the west and Mediterranean influencesfrom the east. The Greater Caucasus range moderates local climate by serving as a barrier againstcold air from the north. The relatively small territory covers different climatic zones, which are

    determined by distance from the Black Sea and by altitude. The climatic zones are ranging from humidsubtropical to the eternal snow and glaciers. Georgia is divided into two different climatic regions: westpart - humid, warm and east moderately warm, continental climate. Winter temperatures very muchwith altitude and some settlements at high altitude may experience winter temperature down to -20C.

    1.4. Current state of affairs in the relevant sector

    Following decades of underinvestment, conflict and political turmoil, much of Georgias infrastructure isin urgent need of upgrading and rehabilitation. Most urban water supply systems are more than 40years old, and some date back to the 1930s-1940s. Most of the pumps and equipment are at the endof their usable life. None of the biological wastewater treatment systems are in operation. Many citiesdischarge raw sewage into nearby and surrounding water bodies, while residents in several secondarycities and towns use pit latrines and septic tanks, raising a serious public health issue. The quality and

    coverage of water supply are thus of serious concern in all cities in Georgia. Water supply is unreliableand severe water shortages are common, with most customers receiving water only two to six hoursper day. The quality of the drinking water is very poor in some locations, often owing to secondarycontamination of distributed water. Rehabilitation and improvement of water supply and wastewatercollection and treatment are hence urgently required, to ensure at least a minimal level of service. Thetotal needs to ensure acceptable levels of service in urban areas alone have been estimated to costabout 1-2 bln EUR. In the short term, urgent investments are needed to prevent further decay andemergency situations in urban areas and to improve revenue generation.

    Several towns have received donors and IFIs assistance since the mid-nineties. However, one of thebarriers to achieve significant improvements and extension of service has been the fragmented natureof the water sector and lack of provision of a regulatory and financial environment to ensure thenecessary investments at local level.

    In the last 3 years, Georgia has commenced a radical reform process aimed at a consolidation of theoperational responsibilities in the Georgian water sector and reforming the regulatory framework,starting with full divestiture of the water company of the capital Tbilisi. In general, the political climatehas been inclined towards promote commercialisation of public services and regulatory environmentsin order to attract greater external sources of funding.

    The remainder of the Country has been consolidated into 2 state owned regional water supplycompanies, with full transfer of operations and asset from over 60 separate municipal utilities. TheBeneficiary and Promoter of the Programme is the largest of the two public companies, the UnitedWater Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG) that covers most of the territory of Georgia, with theexception of the Adjara Autonomous Republic, which is served by the other publicly owned water utilitycompany, and Tbilisi with its satellite towns Rustavi and Mtskheta, which are covered by the privateoperators.

    An important element of the reform process in the Georgian water sector in recent years has been thestrengthening of regulatory framework. These efforts are young and the key issues remain still to beaddressed: actual water charges remain at very low levels insufficient to cover operation andmaintenance costs, metering is limited, the billing collection rate is low and consumption is high,compared to European countries. The consolidation of water services in Georgia and forthcominginvestments into appropriate equipment (e.g. water meters to be procured under the Programme) areexpected to change consumption patterns and payment discipline with a positive impact on thefinancial viability of the sector, provided that suitable tariff and social policies can be implemented. Thefirst priority objectives of the UWSCG are to install more energy efficient equipment, to reduce waterlosses, to increase continuity of supply in urban areas and to introduce comprehensive metering.

    Georgia suffers from a lack of investment in its water infrastructure. The project of which theseservices are a part is concerned with the implementation of much needed mainly small scale

    investment schemes (e.g. leakage detection, metering, rehabilitation of the water distribution network,energy efficiency, sewerage system rehabilitation) throughout Georgia that will support the ongoingconsolidation of water service provision.

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

    TA2013027 GE NIF TATOR Page 5 of 15

    In anticipation of this and other projects, EIB signed in September 2010 a Finance Contract withGeorgia for a Sovereign loan of up to EUR 40 million, which the State of Georgia is on-lending to theUnited Water Supply Company of Georgia (UWSCG). Complementary to the Finance Contract, EIB

    has, in September 2010, also signed a Project Agreement with the Ministry of Regional Developmentand Infrastructure (MoRDI), the UWSCG and the Municipal Development Fund (MDF) regarding theimplementation of the Project. The Project is co-financed on a portfolio basis by other IFIs, includingthe Asian Development Bank (ADB). Furthermore, the Project benefits from a EUR 4 million grant fortechnical assistance from the Neighbourhood Investment Facility (NIF), which is administered by EIBas the lead financier. The signature of the second investment project with approximately the sameextent is expected in 2013.

    1.5. Related programmes and other donor activities:

    The prime support required from the LTE shall be in the preparation and implementation of the above-mentioned WIMPs and NIF programmes, however support may be required for other activities withinthe core business of UWSCG.

    WIMPs involve implementation of mainly small works contracts throughout Georgia. The supervision(FIDIC Engineer) is limited to 1 or 2 contracts per one WIMP and is tendered internationally. Themajority of the works contracts are being implemented using FIDIC 1999 Red Book for Construct-Only.

    A minority (plants) may be implemented under FIDIC 1999 Yellow Book for Design-Build.

    WIMPs may also include the procurement, through supply contracts, of a range of plant for watersupply and sewerage operation and for instrument, flow and pressure measurement equipment.

    Further management support shall be offered to the management of UWSCG in the implementation oftwo feasibility studies under the NIF.


    2.1. Overall objective

    The overall objective of the Technical assistance operation of which this contract will be a part is to

    support the United Water Supply Company of Georgia to implement the water sector investmentschemes and improve the performance of the water supply and wastewater infrastructure assets withinGeorgia.

    2.2. Purpose

    The specific objective of the assignment is to assist and build the management capacity of the UnitedWater Supply Company Georgia (UWSCG) for the quality preparation and implementation of theWater Infrastructure Modernisation Projects.

    Component A: Support to preparation of the project Water Infrastructure Modernisation II

    Component B: Support to implementation of the projects Water Infrastructure

    Modernisation I and Water Infrastructure Modernisation II

    Component C: Support to management capacity building of the UWSCG

    2.3. Results to be achieved by the Consultant

    The results to be achieved by the consultant are:

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    Component A: Reports and recommendations on the preparation of the project WaterInfrastructure Modernisation IIbased on international best practices adapted toGeorgian conditions

    Component B: Reports and recommendations on the implementation of the project WaterInfrastructure modernisation Iand Water Infrastructure modernisation II basedon international best practices adapted to Georgian conditions

    Component C: Reports and recommendations to the to the management capacity buildingsupport of the UWSCG


    3.1. Assumptions underlying the TA operation intervention

    The following assumptions are considered for the provision of the support services

    The management of UWSCG involve the LTE in key decisions

    The office space is available in close proximity to the management of UWSCG

    The progress reports under the investment project and NIF reach the hands of the LTE in a timelymanner

    3.2. Risks

    The following risks can affect the project:

    The on-going work load under investment project, NIF and the core business of UWSCG exceedsthe ability of the LTE to offer the full range of assistance required.

    Political stability prevails in the country.


    4.1. General

    The scope of work is solely to provide a Long Term Expert to support the decisions of the managementof UWSCG in technical and contractual areas.

    4.1.1. Description of the TA operation

    The LTE shall sit in close proximity to the office of the director of UWSCG and be available on a dailybasis to him and his technical and procurement staff. S/he shall report to the director and shall advisethe director and his staff on technical and contractual issues which may arise over the project period.In addition to mandatory reports specified in section 7 herein, s/he shall produce such ad-hoc reportsas the director requires. S/he shall also give verbal assistance and when absent from Georgia shallgive assistance by email.

    4.1.2. Geographical area to be covered

    The project shall cover the whole of Georgia, although the LTE is expected to be based in UWSCGsTbilisi offices and make necessary excursions to other regions.

    4.1.3. Target groups

    The Consultant will provide services to the UWSCG and by improving management performance shallimprove service to its customers.

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    4.2. Specific activities

    The main activities required, and the scope of work to be offered is to advise the general managementof UWSCG in the following:

    Component A: Support to preparation of the project Water Infrastructure Modernisation II

    The primary assignment is to ensure good quality of feasibility studies, designsand tender documents prepared for co-financing by NIF and the EIB (project WaterInfrastructure modernisation II). This shall include but not be limited to:

    Review and revision of feasibility studies, designs and tender documents

    prepared for the above project; completion of check lists, reports and


    Risk assessment concerning preparation phase and impacts on implementation

    phase of the project cycle. This activity will incorporate learnings from the on-

    going project Water Infrastructure Modernization I.

    Development of guides and check lists for the above activities

    The activities will include the following disciplines:

    Use of hydraulic network models and Geographic Information Systems for

    sewerage and water networks

    Leakage control and NRW estimation

    Remote Meter Reading and billing systems

    Water treatment processes including disinfection options

    Wastewater treatment processes

    Wastewater sludge treatment and disposal options

    Selection of consultants for construction supervision, feasibility studies, master-

    planning and other services

    Procurement of works and services

    The technical specification and procurement of goods

    The technical specification and specification of performance requirements for

    works contracts including contractors performance guarantees

    The client role in FIDIC contracts

    Quality Assurance procedures in works contracts

    Component B: Support to implementation of the on-going project Water InfrastructureModernisation I and the new project Water Infrastructure Modernisation II

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    The primary assignment is to ensure implementation of the investment project in

    scope, time, budget and quality. The LTE is expected to introduce and supportbest international practices. The projects are/will be procured according to the EIBGuide to Procurement and will be contracted according to the FIDIC Red Book(networks) and Yellow Book (plants). This activity shall include but not be limited to:

    Support of the Works contracting authority in evaluation of tenders

    Review designs submitted for approval to the Employer and FIDIC

    Engineer/Supervisor; completion of check lists, reports and recommendations.

    The selection of documentation for review will be based on the risk assessment.

    Risk assessment concerning implementation phase of the project cycle. This

    activity will incorporate learnings from the on-going project Water Infrastructure

    Modernization I.

    Development of guides and check lists for the above activities

    Support to the WIMP Project Implementation Unit.

    Component C: Support to management capacity building of the UWSCG

    Support to management capacity building of the UWSCG Department ofProject Management and International Relations

    Support to financial and operational performance improvement of the UWSCG

    All activities will be performed throughout the whole TA period as requested by the

    Promoter/Beneficiary and the TA Contracting Authority (EIB). The LTE is expected to be proactive in

    identification of project needs to prevent preparation and implementation problems, and to

    assure good quality of all processes, services, works, supplies and equipment within WIMPs.

    The following table presents an estimated timetable for the accomplishment of the tasks foreseen inthese Terms of reference. Based on this recommendation and his experience, the consultant shoulddevelop its own proposal:

    Component / Task Months Milestones Experts*

    Project mobilisation

    Mobilisation of LTE

    1Kick-off meeting held

    Inception ReportLTE

    Establishment of communication lines

    Procurement of office accommodation

    Kick-off meeting

    Component A B and CAdvisory Services by LTE

    Support to preparation of projects

    22See Reporting Requirementsin Section 7


    Support to implementation of projects

    Support to management capacity building

    Review of other projects within UWSCGs corebusiness (as required)

    * Involvement of the experts:

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    LTE = Long term experts (international / local)

    At the request of the management of UWSCG the LTE shall attend meetings of the management orshall accompany the management to other meetings.

    4.3. Project management

    4.3.1. Responsible body

    The European Investment Bank, through the Technical Assistance Unit within the Advisory ServicesDepartment (ASD) , will act as Contracting Authority and will be responsible for managing this TAoperation.

    4.3.2. Management structure

    Contracting Authority

    At the European Investment Bank, the Projects Directorate (PJ) and the Directorate for LendingOperations outside the European Union (OpsB) are responsible for the management and technicalfollow up of the contract. The Technical Assistance Unit is responsible for contractual andadministrative matters.


    The Beneficiary is the United Water Supply Company Georgia, which was established in January 2010,and which is state owned company administered under the Ministry of Regional Development andInfrastructure of Georgia. The company has fifty five service centres throughout the country which aremanaged through six regional branches of the company.


    The Consultant should nominate a TA operation Coordinator/Director from its head office with sufficientauthority to sign the contract, commit the necessary resources, and to take overall responsibility for theperformance of the consultancy team. The Programme Coordinator should have a minimum of 5 yearsexperience at a level of senior responsibility and be fully fluent in English (CV to be submitted).

    Delegation of the European Union

    The Consultant shall also liaise, as required, with the Delegation of the European Union in thebeneficiary country. Arrangements and procedures relating to such contacts shall be discussed withthe Contracting Authority at the beginning of the assignment.

    4.3.3. Facilities to be provided by the Contracting Authority and/or other parties

    Contracting AuthorityThe Contracting Authority will provide the consultant, upon request, with all information relevant to theTA operation which is available to it and not covered by any confidentiality agreements and will fullycooperate with the Consultant in order to achieve the best results.


    The Promoter undertakes to ensure that its employees co-operate at all times with the Bank and theConsultant in relation to the provision of the Technical Assistance. The Promoter shall promptly providethe Consultant with such information and documents at its disposal which may be relevant andnecessary to the provision of the Technical Assistance. Such documents shall be returned to thePromoter on completion of the Technical Assistance.

    The Consultant may request the assistance of the Promoter in obtaining copies of local laws,

    regulations and information which may affect the Consultant in the performance of its obligations underthe Service Contract in the country where the services are to be provided.

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    Subject to the laws and regulations on foreign labour in relevant country, the Promoter shall use itsbest endeavours to ensure that the Consultants employees and their dependants obtain the requiredvisas and permits, including work and residence permits.

    The Final Beneficiary/Promoter (UWSCG) shall provide:

    office space of a minimum of 16m2within the offices of UWSCG in Tbilisi

    an internet connection

    office furniture to include two desks, four chairs, shelves and filing space

    all necessary heating and air conditioning services

    transport services within Georgia for necessary visits to sites and other bodies.


    5.1. Location

    The project shall be conducted in Tbilisi, Georgia, with occasional mission to municipalitiesparticipating in the investment project.

    5.2. Commencement date & Period of implementation

    The intended commencement date is 05 May 2014 and the period of implementation of the contractwill be of 22 months from this date. Please refer to Articles 4 and 5 of the Special Conditions for theactual commencement date and period of implementation.


    6.1. Personnel

    The Consultant shall provide a Long Term Expert of proven competence and experience to undertakethe tasks defined by these Terms of Reference and to finally achieve the overall and the specificobjectives of the project, in terms of time, costs and quality. S/he shall have the prerequisiteexperience specified in relation to the assignments, and shall have an overall background in urbaninfrastructure projects in Georgia, CIS or Baltic States.

    Employment on the project is open to the citizens of any country unless restricted under regulationsapplied by the Government of Georgia.

    The Consultant providing the LTE shall be an international company with broad experience of urbaninfrastructure and/or water sector projects procured under financing arrangements with governmentagencies or international financial institutions.

    As the ruling language of the project is English, the LTE must possess high proficiency in English. S/heshall be accompanied during all work activities involving non-English speaking persons by a secretarywho is competent in the Georgian language.

    6.1.1. Key experts

    All experts who have a crucial role in implementing the contract are referred to as key experts. Theprofiles of the key experts for this contract are as follows:

    Key expert 1: Long Term Expert (400man/days)Qualifications and skills:

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    Masters degree with specialisation in Sanitary Engineering or equivalent

    Fluent in written and spoken English

    Experience in infrastructure projects in Georgia, CIS or Baltic States will be an asset

    General professional experience:

    Preferably 25 years professional working experience in the design or construction supervision

    of water/wastewater networks and water/wastewater treatment plants, but a minimum of 15

    years required

    Specific professional experience:

    Preferably 15 years working experience in the management of water or wastewater related

    infrastructure projects in a client role, contracting role or consultancy role, but a minimum of

    10 years required

    A minimum of 5 years experience with water or wastewater related projects contractedaccording to FIDIC Red and/or Yellow Book

    6.1.2. Other experts

    For specific assignment and/or in case of the urgent assignment exceeding the LTEs capacity ShortTerm Experts (STE) may be invited to carry out the activities within the TA in parallel with the LTE.

    For the STE the same profile applies as for the key expert. The contribution is envisaged up to 60man/days.

    CVs for experts other than the key experts are not examined prior to the signature of the contract. Theyshould not have been included in tenders.

    The selection of STEs shall be subject to approval by the Contracting Authority, after agreement hasbeen obtained from the Promoter.

    All experts must be independent and free from conflicts of interest in the responsibilities

    accorded to them.

    Note that civil servants and other staff of the public administration of the beneficiary country cannot berecruited as experts, unless prior written approval has been obtained from the Contracting Authority, ona case by case basis.

    6.1.3. Support staff & backstopping

    The Consultant shall provide for the duration of the services a bilingual secretary. The costs of thesecretary shall be provided in his/her fee rate.

    Backstopping costs for logistical and management support (including the activity of the TA operationDirector / Coordinator designated by the consultant) of the team must be included in the fee rates ofthe experts.

    The consultant should identify and describe in his offer the arrangements for the provision of thesupport staff and backstopping facilities.

    Note that the support/backstopping staff cannot be assigned as short or long-term experts

    while still maintaining their original assignment. The two responsibilities must be kept separate

    and double budgeting under the project should be avoided.

    6.2. Office accommodation

    Office accommodation of a reasonable standard and of approximately 10 square metres for the expert

    working on the contract is to be provided by Promoter (as described in chap. 4.3.3.). The office mustbe reasonably accessible by phone, fax and e-mail over the duration of the assignment.

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    of Georgia (UWSCG)

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    The operational costs (Tel, electricity, stationary etc.) of the office accommodation are to be covered bythe fee rates of the experts.

    6.3. Facilities to be provided by the Consultant

    The Consultant shall ensure that experts are adequately supported and equipped. In particular it shallensure that there is sufficient administrative, secretarial and interpreting provision to enable experts toconcentrate on their primary responsibilities. It must also transfer funds as necessary to support itsactivities under the contract and to ensure that its employees are paid regularly and in a timely fashion.

    6.4. Equipment

    Noequipment is to be purchased on behalf of the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country as part ofthis service contract or transferred to the Contracting Authority / beneficiary country at the end of thiscontract. Any equipment related to this contract which is to be acquired by the beneficiary country mustbe purchased by means of a separate supply tender procedure.

    6.5. Expenditure verification

    The Provision for expenditure verification relates to the fees of the auditor who has been charged withthe expenditure verification of this contract in order to proceed with the payment of further pre-financinginstalments if any and/or interim payments if any.

    The Provision for expenditure verification for this contract is EUR 12,000. This amount must beincluded without modification in the Budget breakdown.

    This provision cannot be decreased but can be increased during the execution of the contract.

    7. REPORTS

    7.1. Reporting requirements

    Please refer to Article 26 of the General Conditions. The Consultant is required to provide the following

    activity progress reports, which are additional to any required in Section 0 of these Terms ofReference:

    Report Draft submission

    Draft Inception Report Within 2 weeks from the starting date of assignment

    Inception Report Within 4 weeks from the starting date of assignment

    Bi-monthlyProgress Reports

    Every 2 months, during the entire duration of the project

    Interim Progress Reports Every 6 months, during the entire duration of the project

    Final Progress Report Within 2 weeks from the end date of the assignment

    The Inception Report shall confirm the aims of this technical assistance contract. If there are anyproposed modifications to the original Terms of Reference due to changed circumstances after arrivalon site, these are to be discussed and agreed in principle with the Contracting Authority and thePromoter before the submission of the Report.

    This Report will describe the Consultants proposed establishment, personnel, and where they will bebased, as well as the Consultants proposed approach to the project, taking into consideration the

    situation at the starting date of the assignment. It will also set out a detailed work plan for completion ofthe activities in the remaining TA operation period of execution, together with a detailed work plan forinterrelated, sequential and complex activities with an agreed project log-frame matrix.

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    The expected achievement of the outputs listed in the Terms of Reference should be clearly identified,with any milestones, and the confirmation of the counterpart staff and other commitments to be madeby the recipient counterparts. The inputs to support key activities in each beneficiary should be based

    on a thorough needs assessment taking account of individual circumstances.

    Bi-monthly shall be narrative and shall briefly describe the current status of the project, in relation totechnical progress; forecast the expected technical progress of the activities for the next period;itemise any outstanding issues that may result in extension of time or unforeseen costs; describe theConsultants staff levels and their deployment during the report period.

    These shall contain specific sections giving progress on:

    WIMP Schemes

    NIF studies

    procurement of works, services and goods

    other on-going parallel projects affecting the core business of UWSCG as requested by themanagement

    Interim Progress Reports shall consist of a narrative section and a financial section. It shall brieflydescribe the current status of the project, in relation to technical progress; forecast the expectedtechnical progress of the activities for the next period; itemise any outstanding issues that may result inextension of time or unforeseen costs, describe the Consultants staff levels and their deploymentduring the report period; itemise all incidental expenditure for the period and indicate level ofexpenditure for the provision for expenditure verification.

    Interim reports should provide information on the state of progress of the project over the period, forease of monitoring activities and outputs and should clearly distinguish between activities/outputsachieved and considered finished, and activities still in progress, so that the evaluation of the project isclear. The report will also include progress on the activities of all short-term consultancy assignments(with technical attachments as applicable).

    The Consultant should note that, according to the provisions of the General Conditions to the contract,the Interim Progress Reports represent the basis for the interim payment, and that payment is to be

    made within a period of 45 days after the receipt of the invoice, subject to approvalof the respectiveReport.

    Furthermore, all invoices (except the request for the pre-financing payment) must be accompanied bya financial progress report, attached to the Interim Progress Report covering the six-monthly interimperiod and containing details of the time inputs of the experts and of the incidental expenditure, and byan expenditure verification report defined in Article 28 of the General Conditions.

    Final Progress Reportshall consist of a narrative section and a financial section. It shall, inter alia:

    Summarize the perceived benefits of the LTEs intervention

    Recommend training needs for the management of UWSCG

    Report on key issues within WIMP and NIF projects

    Recommend improvements to any similarly structured projects in the future

    Assessment of benefits to the senior management of UWSCG in the form of a signedquestionnaires from relevant senior staff

    The report shall contain a sufficiently detailed description of the different options to permit an informeddecision on any recommendations made.

    The final progress report must be accompanied by the final invoice, the final financial report on

    expenditure actually incurred by budget headings, and an expenditure verification report (as defined inArticle 28 of the General Conditions and in accordance with the template in Annex VII of the contract).

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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

    TA2013027 GE NIF TATOR Page 14 of 15

    All reports will bewritten in concise, clear and well-edited Standard English, and will be translated intoGeorgian. All reports shall be produced in A4 size and printed on both sides of the paper.Spreadsheets and schedules shall be produced in a maximum of A3 size for reporting purposes and

    may be printed single-sided. File origins shall be clearly identifiable in a header or footer. A list ofessential contact persons is to be included. The reports should have a title page, which should includeproject name, project code or reference, report title, date issued and period covered, and the name

    and address of the Consultant.The Contracting Authority shall provide the Consultant, after the

    starting date of the assignment, with a recommended structure of the Reports. The Consultantmay propose changes to this structure, which must be agreed with the Contracting Authority inadvance.

    7.2. Submission & approval of progress reports

    The number of copies of the activity progress reports referred to above must be submitted to the

    Contracting Authority and to the other participants as detailed in the table below. The Contracting

    Authority is responsible for formally approving the progress reports, after consultations with

    the Promoter, and shall be kept informed by the Consultant of the dates of submission of the reportsto the other recipients indicated below. Please also refer to Article 27.2 of the General conditions forthe procedures and deadlines for the approval of reports.

    Reports Distribution List

    EIB UWSCG EC Delegation

    Progress Reports

    Draft Inception Report3 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    2 hard and 1 e-copiesin English andGeorgian language.

    1 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    Inception Report

    3 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    2 hard and 1 e-copiesin English andGeorgian language.

    1 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    Bi/monthly progress


    3 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    2 hard and 1 e-copiesin English andGeorgian language.

    1 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    Interim Progress Reports

    3 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    2 hard and 1 e-copiesin English andGeorgian language.

    1 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    Final Report

    3 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    2 hard and 1 e-copyin English andGeorgian language.

    1 hard and 1 e-copyin English language

    The draft of the activity reportsspecified above must be sent in e-copy to Mr Ondrej DUSEK, SeniorWater Sector Eengineer, ([email protected]) within the Projects Directorate (PJ), Mr. TomasTAMOSAUSKAS, Loan Officer ([email protected]), within the Directorate for Lending Operationsoutside the European Union (OpsB) and Mr Minos MASTROGEORGOPOULOS, Technical Assistantofficer ([email protected]), Technical Assistance Unit,. Following the commentsreceived, the consultant will send a revised version, with the operated changes highlighted, via thesame contacts, before formally submitting the final version.

    Once this report is agreed to by the EIB, a final version shall be submitted as per theabove table. For the EIB the final versions needs to be addressed to the attention of MrStefan KERPEN, Head of Technical Assistance Unit,

    7.3. Visibility requirements

    The Consultant shall endeavour to publicise any work undertaken and to highlight the participation of

    the European Union in the programme. The Consultant shall follow the Visual Identity Guidelines,which apply to all information and publicity products to be employed in the course of the contract. The

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]
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    Terms of reference for Provision for a Long Term Expertto support the Management of the United Water Supply Company

    of Georgia (UWSCG)

    TA2013027 GE NIF TATOR Page 15 of 15

    Guidelines are available in electronic format at the following website address: The identity standards contained in thisbrochure/CD-ROM may only be used in connection with the implementation of this contract.

    The technical assistance operation is financed under the Support Fund of the NeighbourhoodInvestment Facility (NIF). To ensure the visibility of the NIF Support Fund, the EIB logo, EU flag andEuromed logo should appear on the cover page of reports produced under the TA contract. THE EIBLOGO MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE.

    The following text should also be included in the reports: The technical assistance operation isfinanced under the NIF Support Fund. This Fund utilises non-repayable aid granted by the EuropeanCommission in support of EIB investment activities in the EU Neighbouring countries, assistingpromoters during different stages of the project cycle.

    The following disclaimer should also be included: The authors take full responsibility for the contentsof this report. The opinions expressed do not necessarily reflect the view of the European Union or theEuropean Investment Bank.


    8.1. Definition of indicators

    Target outcom e The various reports and recommendations concerning WIMP I and IIpreparation and implementation.

    Performance indic ator Improved management understanding of technical and procurement issueswithin the UWSCG

    Measure Quality and comprehensiveness of reports

    Feasibility of proposed measures and plans

    Target level The reports shall specify technical and managerial target levels to prepareand successfully implement the WIMP I and II

    Target date The respective reports shall indicate the schedules and target dates of theachievements.

    8.2. Special requirements


    9. ANNEXES


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